Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    VOL. X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , EEIDAY. p OCTOBER 1 , 1880. NO. 88.
Established 1871 , MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
A Clergyman Disgusts
Irishmen at the Dead
Lord's Funeral.
"Which Wakes Comment in the
Irish Press on the Eecent
Outrage in Ireland.
A Great Sensation Caused
by the Purchase of Amer
ican Grain by Russian
The'Porte all Along Has Had
\HislBack \ Bone Stiffened
" ( ( m , . ' . * ! . " < * . , ( _ , ' .Hf > ' 'j - h" c '
by Eu ropes Cow
ardice ,
But Wcdkons "When England
Declares it "Will Settle it
Hanlan , the Canadian Oars
man Wins Praise in
Parnell H-jceives Great Honors
in Ireland.
Special Dispatch to The Ecc.
LONDON , September 30 4 p. m.
A profound sensation ha beea again
created in Russia by the second an-
nounucmtnt of the Odessa newspaper ,
The YestTiik , that one of the local im
porting firm * oE merchants has pur
chased in addition to previous purchases -
chases , 100,000 bushels of American
wheat , through a western American
Bnn. The rate of purchase is one
rouble for 45 copecks , or 3s 3d ( say
78 cents ) per peed , ( a peed is
thirl j'-aix pounds ) , di'luery in thia
coming October at Odessa. Thia is
like ' carrying conls to Kowcas > tle , "
since Odessa is the grain port of
.Russia , but poverty is -reat ; levcler ,
nveu of the "Imperial Great White
Father of all the KuBaias. "
LojmoN , Soptombcr 30 , 4 p. m.
The cabinet is now in seesion overtho
Dulcigno difficulty. Lord Lyons re
turned this morning mioxppclrly ,
from Paris , to confer with Lord Granville -
ville previous to the cabinet meeting.
lie IB believed to have ? u important
proposition to make.
The cabinet is scill in ao80n ; dellb-
crating regarding the easternquestion.
Newly all the ambassadors who reside -
side in thif ctv ; have called during
the afternoon at the foreign office.
Special Dbmtdi to The Iton.
LONDON , September 30 i p. m.
A Jispatch from Chalkis ruports that
Greek recruits art pouring in by
thousands. The army will soon
number 40,000 men.
Special Ulnp&tch to The Lca.
LONDON , Soptombcr 30 10 p. m.-
Knulnti took walking exercise this
mornini ; during which ho met and
greeted Trickett. At 11 o'clock , ho
launched lho boar , built at Newcastle
and pulled from Putm-y lo ITamincr-
cinith mid back alone , and then re
peated the journey with his Harry
Thomas. llo was afloat one hour
and twenty minutes. He ii well sat-
i 6ed with the Newcastle boat , but will
probably row ilia race m that built at
Toronto. There was a ho ivy mist on
the river , but , pulling a
leisurely 8tr < iIvesocmodablH o got any
amount o vny en tie bt The
opinion is loudly > iirc w. trat his
Etyle Is the prettiest fr acuu.
SpcUl DlFrntili t. ) tin Hut
DUBLIN , October 1 1 . . . m Lord
atod lafcl Siturduy ni hl ; tt l mheon ,
county Galnay , au hur-ol j.-Kterdaj'
near Dublin. A sis fmblv.'o of
people was present R v Mr. May-
liappy ofliciati'd , m , m thi course
of his remark * , Hnut ih t t' moral
ccnso of the Irish jn-i pie Ind bo
conio BO pcrvcrti'J by < o tc.ioh'ms i-f
ihe land league tirnt-ra - 1 m'ional-
ist newspapers tli t ! li. , C.HI in-tted
inurdur with IndillVn-nci' , ii'id nskci
Avhy our English iuS''r > Eo-Miii'duucon
acinus of such tunUure. A murmur
ufdisient from t' > e pru-3t r c through
the audience. The Dublin jupera of
last eveniji * def.rec-iUil in a rong
terms the nrterancos of tht reverend
gentleman , and called -Urn lion to
the fact that murders are le'.B frequent
in Ireland , in proportion < i h-r popu
lation , than in any other country ;
that the people are "naturally keenly
sensitive to the crime of taking life ,
nnd , while minder is always to be
condemned and adjured , as the means
of any cud whatever , still , it should
not be forgotten that the slaying of
both Lord Leitrim and Lord Mount-
mones was caused by alleged offences
on their part , of a heinous character
against their tenants , and was , there
fore , not national nor agrarian , but
personal matters.
Special Dispatch to TIio Bee.
LONDON , October 1 1 a. 'm.
The cabinet meeting yesterday lasted
over four hours. Although , as usual ,
the result of its deliberations his not
been made public , the impression ia
current that no definite conclusion
was arrived at us to the policy the
government will pursue in reference
to complications in the cast.
Ejwdil ill ? patches to The Bee.
CONSTANTINOPLE , October 1 , 1 a. m.
The naval demonstration , which waa
vauntingly described when first pro
posed , as certain to inspire the porte
with awe , and to cut negotiations
short by a show of the teeth of united
Europe , is now conceded to be a fail
ure. Tha grand opnortunity has
been lost by hesitation , even if there
ever was much probability that the
eultan would accept , as a sufficient
reason for hurrying up the cession of
Dnlclgno. No court in Europe knew
better than tha porte that the powers
thoroughly distrusted each other , and
that each was waiting to throw the re-
sponsibiHly of the movement on the
other and come In at last for a share of
the plunder , without being answera
ble for thb beginning of the hostilities
This knowledge , taken together with
the hesitation of the Prince of Mon
tenegro to occupy DnloJgno , in ac
cordance with his agreement , stiffened
the resolution of the porto to make A
positive stand and he quietly instruct
ed Riza Pasha to make a feint against
the Albanians , but not to render act
ual assistance to MontenOjjro. The
demonstration thus failed for want of
unity among the powers. The hands
of the commanders of the vessels -were
practically tied by their preliminary
instructions , and the French and Ger
man commanders forbidden to fljht
under any circumstances. Current
comment hero takes on a satirical tone
and nearly- all intcllient roreign res
idents here and at Pera pay that as
the eastern question has fallen back
into the regions of protocols aud tel > -
grams , the withdrawal of the flaot
may be expected within a few days.
( Special Dlsnatch lo The Bee.
DOBLIN , October e , 1 a. ra. The
Cork corporation have decided to par
ticipate officially in Iho Paniell dem
onstration oh Sunday next' Parnell
will receive the freedom of the city of
Limerick on the llth ,
flow > suil'oxS.
Special Dtspitch to The Bcc.
LONDON , October 1 , 1 a. m. It is
believed that the cabinet at yester
day's meeting agreed to a compromise
that ia mutually satisfactory to all
patties , but decided thatEuglund will
carry out the execution of the Berlin
treaty alone if necessary.
A Constantinople dispatch saya the
porte is more conciliatory , and ia en
deavoring quietly to persuade the Al
banians to surrender Dtilcigno. The
porte link informed the English cabi
net to this effect.
Special dispatches to The Km.
LONDON , October 1. A dispatch
from "Vienna says : A reaction
against the naval demonstration is
noticeable in Austria. Herr
Madarass will interpolate the govern
ment in the Hungarian Diet.
A dispatch from Gravasa s ys : The
fleets are concentrating at
Eylino and will shortly pro
ceed to Catava. The weather
ia bad and threatening. A dispatch
from Constantinople says the porte
has ask d the
powers to suspend ac
tion pgainst Dulcujno until Sunday.
At the cabinet meeting yesterday
it was decided against the Corcoran
acts in Ireland. It was also agreed
that Parnell hitherto 1m * been given
no chance for a successful prosecution
of his ideas ,
Dispatch toTIie lice
LONDON , October 1 1 a. in , Brit
ish troops will remain in Candahar
through the winter. A dispatch from
Simla says : The principal members
of Yakoob Kahd's faction have as
sembled at Herat , and trouble ia
Special Diapatch lu the lira
BEIUN : , October 1. ThoUHramon-
lanes are quarreling about participa
ting in the celebration of the opening
of Cologne cathedral.
PAKIS , Oct. 1. Agitation through
out France for an early meeting of the
Chambers is increasing. The papal
nnncio will leave Paris if the decrees
are enforced.
The Northern Pacific Railroad
Si < ccUl Dispatch to The Die
NEW YORK , September 20,10 p. m.
At the annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Noilhern Pacific rail-
mad , the follouiug resolutions were
adopted : In view of the importance
of the early completion of the com
pany's 1'iics , the directors of the com
pany are requested and advised to
provide at an early day as in their
judgment shall be prudent , for the
company's railroad from its easterns
terminus on the Montreal r.ver to
Pucet Sound , aud for that purpose to
use and employ nil the rcsjurces of
the company as far as required , and
to execute such mortgage or mort
gages on the whole or any jj rt ? r
parts of * the line constructed or to bo
constructed with appurtenances and
lands granted by congress appertain
ing thereto , as shall sve n to the
hoard of director * calculated to ac
complish the early completion of the
enterprise. Frederick Killings was
re-elected president.
A Little Sormon.
Special DiqwU-h to The Bea.
PHILADELVUIA , October 1 , la. m.
Joseuh Topson , the embezzling cash
ier of tha Metropolitan S.ivlngs Bank ,
of London , will leave for home to-day
in charge of Eiiclish detectives. He
had been for fifteen years the confi
dential book-keeper and cashier for the
Metropolitan Savings Bank , of Lon
don , which was at first incorporated
for thb use of men iu the service , and
was afterwards opened to all classes of
deposits. Ho was a regular attend
ant of the Baptist church , and was
regarded as a model of sobriety and
business integrity. During the first
ten yoirs of his employment , ha was
entirely honest , had no bad habits ,
spent little money and claimed to abhor
her all stock speculations. The de
falcation ; , with wnich ho is chnrged ,
began about five years sgo , and were
not even suspected till he had stolen
§ 50,000. He lived in the suburbs , in
a house elegantly furnished , and sud
denly beg u giving balls and parties ,
and launching out iu many ways. His
extravagance naturally reached the
cars of the bank directors , and inquir
ies were instituted. Ho was arrested
In this city on September 5 , two daya
before his wife's arrival.
Base Ball
The following games of base ball
were played September 30 :
CINCINNATI devclands 2 , Cincin-
natis 0.
BOSTON Providences 14 , Worces-
ters 14 ; game was called on acount af
darkness ,
NEW YORK Metropolitans 8 , Na
tionals 6 ; game was called on account
of darkness.
MERRILL September 29th , Mrs.
N. W. Merrill , aged 42 years. Fun
eral services Sunday , Ocrober 1st , at
10 a. m. , at the residence , 90 ? North
Sixteenth street , three equates north
of Sixteenth street bridge.
Haste Being Made to Pay Cen
sus Enumerators
Statement 01 ou * 4ncy circu
lation and National Ban * .
Special Dispatch to The B e.
WASHIMJTON , October 1 , 1 a. in.
P. M. Gen. Majnard has rcturnod
from the meeting of the Presbyter
ian council tn Philadelphia. The lot
tery men , hora have been anxiously
awaiting hia return wilh a view o
having him rescind , or modify , his re
cent order directing the non-deHvery
o ! their mails.
Superintendent of the Census
Walket ia making an effort to have
the accounts of the 30,000 enumerators
tors adjusted. A force of clerks have
been engaged day and night for a
month past , and it is thn'ught that
within four weeks a flnal settlomenl
be effected.
The comptroller of the currency re
ports the additional circulation dur >
ing the months of August and Sep
tember to bo § 702,630 ; the amount
surrendered and destroyed ) § $35,5G9 ,
leaving a decreaeo of circulation dur
ing thn tfrn months of § 236,939. Net
jnereasa of national bank notes dur
ing the year ending October ) 1880 ,
was § 9,75-1,513. The increase of le
gal tendernot&a on deposit for the pur
pose of retiring national bank circu
lation during the months of August
and September was § 500,077. The
increase during the year ending to
day was § 7.179,002 , and the amount
of legal tenders now on deposit is
$20,303,283. The total amount of
national bank notes Outstanding on
October , 1880 , is § 342,579,833 , not
Including national gold bink notes ,
amounting to § 132,596.
Thejpllowiug is a statement of the
disposition made by the treasury of
the United States of the national bank
notes redeemed during the month and
quarter year ending yesterday as com
pared with the corresponding period
last year. Notes for circulation , as-
aortod and returned to the bank of
IMIIP , month , § 438,000 , quarter , § 2-
587,300 ; notes unfit for circulation ,
assorted and delivered to the comp
troller of the currency for destruction
and replacement by new uotesmonth ,
§ 2,471,500 , quarter , § ? ,754,100 ; notes
of failed , liquidating and reducing
banks deposited in the treasury ,
month , § 451,200 , quarter , § 1,580,800
Totals for 1880 , month , § 3,301,500
quarter , § 11,928,200 ; totals for 1879 ,
month , § 4,339,500 , quarter , § 20,540-
200. Decrease of month , § 978,100 ,
quarter , § 8.012,000.
Checks for the payment of the
quarterly interest on 4 per cent U. S.
bonds were mailed front the treasury
yesterday to the number of about six
ty thousand.
SpccUl Dispatches to Tha Bee.
CINCINNATI , September 30. Jose
phine Lynch , of 417 Ninth Avenue ,
Now York has been extensively ad
vertising for her sister , Mary Lynrh ,
bupposed to bo in Cincinnati The
two have lately inherited a large for
tune left by their fatherCrano Lynch ,
in county Down , Ireland. Mary , the
Cincinnati sister , has been discovered
in a workhouse , where she was sent for
four months , on a charge of diaurdcr-
PUILADELPHIA , September 30.
Shortly after 10 o'clock this morning ,
an old lady , aged , apparently , about
70 years , was run over and almost in
stantly killed , by a large double ex
press wagon , at Third and Market
MIDULKTOWN , O. , September 30.
Oglesby , Moore & Go's , largo paper
mill iu the north part of town , took
tire and almost entirely burned , oirly
this morning. The loss was very
heavy and the fire Is especially a cal
amity on account of the recent death
of W. M. Moore , the headof-lhe firm.
SARATOGA , September 30. This
morning about 2 o'clock a very de
structive fire broke out at Schuylera-
ville , destroying a large part uf the
business section of the place. Eleven
stores , and other business establish
ments wore burned. Loss , over § 00-
000 ; partly insured.
'NEW YORK , September 30. Chas.
Olson , a sailor on board the ship
"Benefactor , " laying at Harbeok's
store , Brooklyn , stopped into a coil of
rope , one end of which was tied to the
ship and the other to a tug boat. The
boat started and the rope wan drawn
around his leg and cut KolT.
MANSFIKLD , 0. , September 30. At
a poio raising , at Lexington , this
county , last night , Dave Scott was
thrown from a horse and instantly
NEW YORK , October 1 * The epi
zootic epidemic will probably turn
to bo more of a scare than a reality.
The best veterinary purgeons in the
country have given it their attention
and decided that the disease is a mild
form of influenza , which will rapidly
yield to treatment.
MILFORD , Del , September 30.
The funeral of the Iste Gen. Torberl ,
U. S. A. , a victim of the "City-
Yera Cruz" disaster , took place hera
to day. He was buried with mili
tary honors , after which a memorial
service was held.
CHICAGO , October 1. Gen. John
F. Farnsworth was nominated for
congress by the democrats of the Second
end district.
MADISON , \Vis. , October 1 , 1 a. m.
Charles Collins , conductor on the La
Crosse division of the St. Paul road ,
fell from his train at Watcttown
Wednesday night , and was run over
and instantly killed.
SPRINGFIELD , 111. , October 1. The
attendance yesterday was the largest
ever known at a state fair in Illinois.
The exhibition is a great success in
every respect.
CHICAGO , October 1. The Chicago
press club gave a very interesting
musical and literary entertainment in
Central Hall last night , which will
net them over § 2,000 , all the perform
ers offering their services gratuitously.
Emma Abbott , Thomas W.
Keene , Joseph Hatton , the
English journalist , ani Bobaon and
Crane , were the chief attractions ,
aside from local talent.
Presbyterians in Council.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
PHILADELPHIA , September 30,10 p.
in. The Presbyterian council was presided -
sided over this morning by Prof. Rob
ert Watts , D. D. , of Belfast , the
moderator of the session , who led the
religious eervico-'before the
that they had received a
tion to this effect : At a meeting bf
the Reformed Presbytery of Phila
delphia , it was resolved that the pres
bytery do make application to become
a member of the alliance no\r \ ? is ses
sion in Philadelphia , and that we do
declare tha ; wo arc a church whose
creeds are in harmony with the con
census of the reformed churches , , and
aend as delegates to the council , iter.
Theodore Wylie } D. G. , and George
it. Stuart , Kiq. The committo mov
ed th it the church be received into
the al'.iance. ' Agreed to. A resolu
tion was adopted that , in the judg
ment of this council , it should no ar
range Iho topics as to allow for discus
sion , and give the members and others
more time for social intercourse -with
each other aud the citizens by whom
they may bo entertained. Rev.
BrowiHOo , D. D.of , Washington , Pa. ,
oB'ered a resolution which was referred
the business cdmniitlce , providing
tor the preparation of an address on
t.he "Observance of the Sabbath , "
t > express th general voice of the
council. The business committee ,
through Dr. Prime , stated they had
received a communication from minis
ters of the South African missions of
the Presbyterian church , stiting their
missions are in a prosperous condition ,
and that they are baing assisted by
the Dutch Reformed mission , the
mission of the Free Church of Scot-
laud aud the Rheiniah missionary so
ciety. The committee offered s reso
lution , which waa adopted , that the
council convey to the ministers of the
Sontn African mission its affectionate
lustre that the brotherly relations of
the missions may continue and the
good work flourish still more.
R v. James Dodds , of Glasgow ,
proidid at the afternoon session ; and
conducted the preliminary exercis
es , llev. Hemck Johnson read a
paper on "The Proper Care , Support
and Training of Candidates for the
Ministry. " Rev. Marshall Long read
a spirited uapej on "Church Order
and Church Life. " A communica
tion from the United Presbyterian
Church of Scot'and on the world's de
mand for ministers was then read.
[ lev. Hiram * C. Hayden , D. D. , cf
Cleveland , Rev. S. H. Barr , of this
ity , aud B. L. Agnew , of this city ,
each read papers on "Systematic
Beneficence. " The evening session
was given up to hearing reports from
Foreign countries on the state of re
ligion. Rev. A. Mabelle , a negro , re
ported fromBasutoland , South Africa ;
Rev. Mr. Hord. from Siberia ; Rev.
Mr. Stout , from Japan ; Rev. Mr. Me-
Kenzie , from China ; Rev. Thos. Nel
son , from New Hebrides ; Rev. Dr.
Beattte , from Syria ; Rev. Mr. Constantine
stantino , a Greek , from Athens , and
Rov. Mr. Edug from Egypt.
Prison Pen Survivors.
Special dispatch to The Boo
INDIANAPOLIS , October 1,1 a. m.
The national reunion of the surviv
ing prisoners of the late war called to
gether three hundred prisoners and a
large number of veteran soldiers.
Yesterday morning they met at the
wigwam at 9 o'clock and at 10 parad
ed the streets and back to the wigwam
aain ; , whore they were addressed by
W. H. Powell , of Belleville Illinois.
At 5:30 : p. m. a grand banquet was
held at the Board of Trade hall , at
which toasts were responded to by
Generals Straight , Northcott , Kelley
and others. A grand farewell meet
ing was hold last nicht.
Victoria's Outguard.
Spoclal Dispatch to The Bee.
SAN FRANCISCO , October 1,1 a , m.
A dUpatch from Tucson , Arizona ,
says two miners report that Gen. Carr
had a fight with a Email part of Vic
toria's band , numbering eighteen , in
the Hatchet mountains , killing them
A dispatch from Roseburg , Oregon ,
says that the president and party ar
rived the'o Wednesday. They were
mut by the reception committee from
Portland and Salem. A reception
was held at Rosebnrg. A very large
crowd was present and much enthusi
asm prevailed. The entire presiden
tial party proceeded directly to Port
A dispatch from Yakima City ,
Washington Territory , announces the
killing of Dick Splawn , and John
Splawn shot through both legs , and
David Carroll through the lungs , No
Bee Keepers' Society.
Sp I l Dispatch to Tne Bee.
CINCINNATI , October 1 , 1 a. m.
The North American bee keepers' so
ciety yesterday elected Dr. M. P.
Allen , of Smith's Grove , Ky. , presi
dent. The next annual meeting wili
bo held at Lexington , Ky. Several"
interesting papers were road.
A Corpse for a Companion.
ST. Louis , Sept. 30. When Mrs.
Jacob Thomas , awoke yesterday
morning she found her husband lying
stiff ana cold by her side , with a small
bullet hole in his left temple , from
which the blood waa oozing Thomas
had returned home the previous even
ing in an intoxicated condition , and
his wife , knowing his terrible temper
whin in that conditiou , kept out of
hia way. Ho was in the habit of get
tin ? drunk and when drunk bating his
wife unmercifully. She heard him
ascend the stairs to his room and for a
time afterwards was engaged in house
hold work in the back yard. About
an hour after her husband's arrival
Mrs. Thomas heard a pistol shot in
the room * bove stairs , but , as she
aivs , ho often handled a revolver , and
accidentally discharged it in his
drunken fits , she paid no attention to
the occurrence , and later , all being
silent above stairs , she crept up softly
and disrobing got int bed.
She noticed her husband lyin" upon
the couch , but there seemed ° to be
nothing in his appearance to attracl
attention. Waking up at her usual
hour in the morning , she waa horrified
to notice that her husband was dead
his eyes were wide open and staring
and he still held a 32 calibre revolvei
in his hand. The woman shouted for
help and several neighbors rushed in
to her assistance. The suicide therjry
is generally accepted. '
Wakening Great Enthusiasm
Among Buckeye Be'pub-
licans , J |
Great Preparations rag Conk *
ling's Speech in Cincinnati.
Uupkeye Enthusiasm.
Special Dispatch
Tfcn reiiubllBati meeting > exceeded
the democratic rally by far ; special ef
forts were made to accomplish thia
superiority and they were ouccesaful.
The leading feature was a-large pro
cession that took forty mirutes to
tiasa ft given1 Joint. 0 > et 8ft ) mBiint-
ed men and 2,500 on * fo8t bore torch *
ea ; carriages conveyed- older men.
Transparencies ; fireworks ard'all sucll
accompaniments of. politiovt y-ejtincp
were present. * The'RtreUf wefe"
BroWded with closely packed humdili :
ty. Special trains brought large del
egations from surrounding towns. .
James G. Blaine arrived on a special
train from Zanesville. The speakers
were Marshall , Pitkin , of Louisiana ,
Gen. Jamea A , Beaver , of Pennsyl-
yania , Hbn. B. M. Seide'iJj 9 ! Now
York , ( in German ) and Gen. Gibson.
The cool weather interfered with the
comfort of the audience at the state
house , but , at least , 10,000 were pres
ent. The greatest entHiisiaam pre-
Sowing tne Seed.
Special dispatch to TBR Bis
WOODSTOCK , Conn. , October 1 , la.
m. A monster republican mass
mealing waa held at Roseland park
yesterday , about 10,000 people being
present. Hon. John F. Walt was
chosen chairman. Hon. Geo. B. Lor-
imy member of coiigresa frtjm MaSsa *
cliusetts , spoke at some length , nnd
was followed by Gen. James B. Hawley -
ley , of Hartford , Senators Platt , of
Connecticutand Dawcsof Massachu
Schurz's Stumping.
Special Dispatch to The Bee
WASHINGTON , October 1 , 1 a. m.
Secretary Schurz left hero last night
for Cleveland , where ho will speak
this evening. He has promised to de
liver four speeches in Ohio , and will
be absent Until the 7th or 8thj and
may speak in Indiana.
Notice has been given by the heads
of various departments that leaves of
absence for seven days will be granted
3uch clerks as desire to go to Indiana
and Ohio to vote on and after the 9th
inat ,
Contllng in Cincinnati.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
CINCINNATI , October 1,1 a. m.
Senator Conkling arrived here from
3'eveUnd ' shortly after midnight The
, rain made several short stops on the
way , and at Dayton he waa met by a
; ommittee from thia city. This even *
ng he will apeak at the Highland
House , where 10,000 seats have been
arranged , a large numbar-oO hioh
will be reserved fur ladles' . Ex-At-
; oniey Gen. Taft will preside , if Gen.
Grant cannot be persuaded to viait the
city , and a long Hat of vice preaidenta
laa been drawn up , embracing all
; he prominent guesta in the city. Thia
meeting will be the great republican
gathering ( if the campaign.
K w YORK , SepUmber 30 1 p. m.
MONET At 2J per cent ; exchanRe steady
U S. 6's , ' 31 . 1 04J U.S.4'8 . 1 OSJ
U.S. 6's . 1 02 § CmrcncyC's . 1 2fi
.S-Vs . 109
Moderately act v ; advanced jc to IJc ; reacting
ie to 2c ; Granger shares lending in tbe upward
movement and L. & N. and B. & Q. in tno
WU . 931 Omahapfd . 82 }
NYC . ISO ? AUTel. . . 88
Erie. . , . 30J OC& 1C . 1SI
Eriejprcrd . 70 MO . 95J
PM Lackiwanni. . . . _ 00 ;
HI lljj llndson Canal S4
Lake Shore 108 : NP 2SJ
Northwestern 105 N P pJd 63 !
Northwestern pfd,12li M&E Ill
Ohio 34 N J C 78
Ohiopfd T2 K. & r 361
St. P u 92J I. II 61
fit. Paulpfd 11SJ Heading. 31 }
St Joe S9J L&N 166
St-Joepfd 83J CB&O 131 }
Wabush 378 DfcKG 0
Wabash pfd 8D N&O CO
NY&NH 70 U.P. 90
Hlimls in } ; [ Chattanooga. 57 }
Omilm 42 | Cen Pac 73J
AftP 40 San Fran pld . . . . . . 41
Chlcaaro Produce Market.
CHICAGO , September 30.
Wheat Irregular , closing & @
lower than twenty-four hours ago ;
No. 2 spring , 9393c for cash or
September ; 93g@04jc for October ;
94jjs95 ( c for November , closing at
93iS93c for cash or September ; 93 |
@ 93gc for September ; 9393gc | for
October ; 94940 for November.
Corn Irregular and lower , No. 2
closing t39g@39go for cash or Sep
tember ; 39c for October ; 40c for
November ; 44j5cforMay.
Oata 2Jo higher for cash , with
sales at 3435c , closing at 35k ; op
tions same as yesterday.
Rye Steady aL82c for cash.
Barley Quiet ; No. 2 , 74c for Octo
ber ; 7oo for November.
Pork Cloaed at 618 00@18 25 for
cash ; 818 2518 30 for September ;
818 30 for October ; § 1267J@1270
for November ; $12 16@12 20 for the
year.Lird Closed at 8777i@780 for
cash , September or October ; $7 80 ®
7 S2i for November.
Chicago Live Stocfc.
CHICAGO , September 30.
Hogs Quiet , and largo offerings
caused a decline of 1015c ; sales at
§ 4 905 10 for light shipping and
packing ; S4GO@4 90 for heavy packing ;
S4805 40 for good , to extra smooth
heavy shipping.
Cattle The excessive receipts of
cattle , consisting principally of Texan
Bteera and other grades of western
stock , including Nebraska , Wyoming ,
Colorado and common to fair native
steers , with but few choice to extra
ateera among the arrivals , created a
dull feeling for all grades , buyers
holding off for lower figures ; the only
aale up to 11 o'clock waa 175 head of
Texan steers , averaging 932 Ibs. , at
§ 2 90 ; ' eastern calves continue in
large supply , but in the absence of
sales the market was nominal ; fresh
receipts , 6,306.
at. oxjula.froauce.
ST. Louis , September 30.
Flour Firmer.
Wheat Higher and unsettled and
closed weak ; No. 2 red , 94 | < § 94Ac for
cash ; 94 @ 94i@94jc for October ;
for November ; 97 $
r b * *
© 97 | for Decomljnr ; 94Jo for the
year ; No. 3 , 89 o ; No. 4 , 85ir.
Corn -Slow ; 30o for cash ; 38c
'or October ; 39J39c for Novem-
r ; 38Jc for December.
Oats Higher at 30J@30jc for cash ;
29jte for November.
Rye Firmer at 84c.
Barley Unchanged ; medium to
prime , 65@75c ; choice to fancy , 80
@ 00c.
Pork Nominal ; September and
October'aettlemeuta at § 18 00.
Dry Salt JUcnls Lower ; uncured
meatg , § 5 105 2008 108 20v8 40 ©
Lowfer nt So S7i8 8i ©
Lard -
Receipt Flour Vwl ) Dria , - : ,
82,000 bu , corn 20,000 bn , oats 15- ,
000 , bn , rye none , barley 24,000.
Shipments Flonr 12,000 brls ,
wheat .fll.00.0 bu , corn 7,000 bu ,
oafs 4,0'00 b-L
St. Lioula Llvo StocK.
ST. Looi.s , September SO.
Hogs Soir-and ! lower ; JTorkera and
Baltimorfs , § 4 75@4 85 ; mixed pack-
inff , § 4 70S4 : 90j butchers to fancy ,
§ 5 C05 30. Receipts , 8,400 ; ship
ments , 4,100.
N6w Yort Produce MarJioL
Nuw YORK , Saptombcr 30.
Flour Receipts , llG03 , ; sales , 1G-
000 ; market firm ; round hoop Ohio ,
§ 4 50@4 85 ; choice , $4 90@G 00 ; su
perfine western , $3 50@4 Go ; common
to good extra. § 4 00@4 30.
Wheat Snide stronger and fairly
actire ; dales , 144,000 bu ; No 2 , Octo
ber , § 1 09@1 09 | ; Chicagol 07@1 10 ;
Milwaukee , 81 08 ; No. 2 red winter ,
SI 09 ; sales,400COO bu.
Corn Qjiet ; No. 2 , 51A@51c ;
Bales , 100,000 bu.
Oils Quiet.
Whisky Quiet.
Pork 810 60@17 50 for October.
Lard § 8 20 © 8 25 for cash ; 88 2fi
8 3p fet September ; § 8 2o8 27i
for the year.
Armour Believed to be Bull
ing the Pork Market.
Special Dispatch to The B6e.
NEW YORK , October I , 1 a. m.
There waa considerable cscitcmonc in
; he pork market hero yesterday and
prices ngain advanced materially. One
operator said Chicago September
shorts intend to lay down on their
contract ; , and rather than settle at
anything like the present price ? , they
will appeal to the courts. The New-
York market ia usually $1 higher
; han the Chicago , and shorts there do
not understand why there should be
such a marked difference , aa there has
aeen , between $2 and § 4 dollars a bbl. ;
nor even that which exists now , and
, liey are going to make trouble about
ihia business. It seems to be the
general opinion that September con
tacts in Chicago would not be settled
without trouble , and hera the market
rose to $17.50 for October , anadrauce
of. SI. audjjuch was the confidence of
even a greater'rise , among some oper
ators , that buyers' options for Octo
ber sold as high as $18. One
broker said : "There is one man who
can put thia market np to $20 , nnd
that ia Armour , and I believe it will
be dono. They have already begun
to squeeze October aborts , and there
ia no telling whore they will end. " It
waa regarded as a veryaignificant fact ,
that whereas at the second call yes
terday sellers' .options for all the year
were offered at S13.90 , at the last call
there waa a sudden change of front
and § 17.75 waa actually bid for buy
ers' options for the same time , with
no sellers under § 18.35.
The River's Secret.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
PHILADELPHIA , October 1,1 a. m.
The drowning of Horace P. "Wil
bur , a member of the bar , and Mra.
Mary Tyndall , whose bodies were
found floating in the Delaware river ,
waa investigated by the coroner yes
torday. The only important testi
mony taken waa that of a wharf
watchman , who atatcd that he saw a
man and woman on Tuesday evening
sitting on a lumber pile. Soon after
wards he hoard cries of murder , but
failed to learn their origin. Mrs.
Tyndall , for whom Wilbur procured a
divorce , was employed in his house as
a dress maker , until two weeks ago.
Relatives of the deceased discredit
the suicide theory. The jury gave a
verdict of "found drowned. "
Organizing for Effective "Work
in November.
A mealing of tha Iriah republican
club of Douglas county was held at
the board of trade rooms last evening ,
at which meeting the minutes of all
previous meetings were read for the
information of the new members , of
whom there were several present.
The report of the committee on con
stitution and ruins was postponed un
til the next regular meeting of the
club , as it was desirable to wait for
informit ion from the national organ
ization , so as to have the constitution
of the club conform to the same , dur
ing whicli time the constitution and
rules of the club of 18G8 were adopt
ed fo r government of the present club
The chairman of the executive com
mittee , GeorgeM. O'Brien , announced
the names of J. B. J. Kyan , P. J ,
Quoaly and Pierce llyau , as his associ
ate members of the county committee
in pursuance of the rules of the club
and M. 0. Jleauey , member of the
executive committee from the Second
ward , announced the names of Thomas
Coffee , John Griffin , George M
O'Brien , Jr. , and P. J. Hg orty , a
his associate members , who constitute
the ward committed for the Second
The appointment of said committee ,
members wore on motion confirmed.
Further time was given the other
members of the executive committee
to raport their respective ward com-
mitteo men.
The resignation of Lawrence Dug-
gan ai treasurer was accepted , and
John S. Wood was duly elected to fill
the vacancy as treasurer.
The regular meetings of the club
was fixed to be weekly on each Friday
evening , commencing on Fridiy even
ing October 8th , at 7:30 : o'clock.
Meeting adjourned to meet October
8th , at 7:30 : o'clock in the Board of
Trade room.
room.CHABLZS HANLEY , Sec'y ,
P. B , SULLTVAN , Preaident.
The Nebraska Democrats Toil
all Night , and Bring
Forth a Ticket.
Empty Honors Showered Up
on a Large Number of
Embryo Statesmen.
Senator Jones-Emphatically De
nies the Story Published
on Yesterday ,
The Benders Again Resur
rected in Some Un
known Region.
3ale oF the Famoils Stevens
Battery Huge Quantities
of Apples Going Over
the Briney Deep.
The Demccrutic llciot.
occial Dispatch to Tux Krjt.
HASTINGS , Neb. , September 30.
L'ho temporary or airzitionTras made
lermanent. Boyil , Hinnnn and Yif-
juin were nominated presidential
leotors ; Montgomery , Demptor aud
Conner alternates. The platfcim
ommittca reported a straight anti
monopoly resolution The ticket
hosen was as follows : For congress-
ian , Gou. Livingston , of Casa county ;
or governor , Thoa. Tiploi , of Nema-
a ; lieutenant-governor , Calhoun , of
"Itoo ; secretary of"s.tate . , Johnson , cf
'ilmore ' ; auditor , Patterson , of
Payne ; treamrer , Folda , of Colf.ix ;
ttornoy-general , Pritchett , of Doug-
as ; land commissioner , Andreea , of
3uff. lo ; superintendent of public in-
true ion , Boar , of M'.dison.
The convention adjourned and
lembera left for home this morning.
Senator Jonoa' Denial. Ditpatih to The D c.
CHICAGO , Septemtor 30 t p. m ,
. morning paper has a from
an Francisco , giving an interview be-
wncna Bulletin reporter and Senator
olin J. J' nes , concerning Iho dis-
atch to The Washington Post , al-
egingtho Senator had left therepub-
can p"arty Senator Jones tl nied
avin , ' written any such letter , ns ia
scribed to him , while confessing a
reference for Grant as the n < minee
f the party , yet when the Chicago
onvcntion selected Garh'eld , the latter
ucame hia choice , and he regaids him i
s eminently fitted for the position ,
leholda that noelection since thedem-
cratic parly resolved itself into r.reVel
cmy in 18(51 ( has republican succe-s
e'en of euch importance to the wel-
irrt of the country. Thu Chicago
) aily News , a Hancock papar , to day
alegraphed to the San Francisco
" est , a democratic paper , asking for a
rua statement of the matter , whether
Senator Jones had left tiio republican
> arty. The Post replied that there
was no tfiith whatever in the state
ment , and that the letter alleged to
lave been written by Senator Jones in
a tissue of lies.
Tiio Benders Again ,
ipccial Dispatch to ll.a Icc. !
TOPKKA , Kaa. , Septembt r yfl 4 p.
m. Gov. St. John yesterday issued
a requisition to the sheriff of Libetto
county for the notorious Bander fam-
ly , who murdered by the wholesale
near Cherryvalu. The governor te-
cliuca to say what state the requisi
tion is issued upon , as it might defeat
; ho object of the writ , but ho enya
ihero ia no mibtako this timf , aa there
waa with the Nebraska parties.
Sale of Scovens'Battery.
ipoclal Dispatch to The Uce.
NEW YOKK September oO. 1 p. m.
The fdinona Stevcna l.iUery was
sold at auction jvstcrday by order of
: nc master in chancery. The bittery
wai eold in eight lots. Lot No. 1 ,
which consisted of the hull of tha ves
sel , all boilers and engines en board ,
joilcr nncl Worthington pump in the
yard ; also wood trestle work and tiack
and all articles OH the Inttury was
"aiocked down to Win. Limber , build-
r , of thia city , for-)5,000 The oth-
jr seven lots , which were made up olc
iron and other article. ] in the
machine shop , bhckemith shop , shed
atorcroom nnd yard , sld at low fig
urea. Two year * ago $182,000 was
offered for the battery.
Tiio Apple Trade.
Special Dijpatch to The E * .
NEW Youtc , September 30 4 p
in. Over 21,000 birrels of apples
wore shipped from this ci'y to Euro
pean ports last week , and froui al
parts of thia country , outside of New
York , 20,000 barrels were sent thh
week. Tt o shipment from Now York
will amount to about 30,000 barrels.
Stumping Sam Randall.
Special Dispatch to TUB
PHILADELPHIA , Sept. 30. Spcaka
Sim J. llandall left this city tin
morning for Ohio , to tike part in the
campaign , making several speeches on
his return from the west. He will
stop at Pittsburjj aud other places ,
speaking en route.
Grant's Movements.
Special Dispatch to The Ecc.
CHICAGO , September 30 , 4 p. m.
Gen. Grant has returned to the city
from his flying trip to Ohio , and is
stopping with his sou Col. Fred Grant ,
lie will probably remain until the
union of 1m old regiment at Ducatur.
Illinois , which he attends on the Cth
Jeered , to Death.
Spoclal Dispatch to Tn * Ess.
BOSTOX , October 1. Win. Ludwig ,
a German of East Dedhain , waa de
tected last Tuesday In some revolting
practices , by some of his fellow work
men in the Merchants woolen mills
and subjected to a coat of ptint and
other indignities. Wednesday morn
ing he went to work , but was forced
to leave the mills on account of the
jibea of the workmen. He purchased
poison and went home and gotn to
bed took it. He wai found juat in
time to eave his life. Yesterday noon
ho went into a field ai.d blew cut his
brains. Ludwig waa nmried and had
two children.
Shootinpr at Schuyler.
Spscial Dispatch to The Bee
SCHBYLEE , Neb. , October 1 , 1 a.
3E3 OC. I
Cor. Douglas and 13th Sts.
Gives Great Bargains in Ladies' and Gents
All Kinds Of
We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money.
The Genuine
The pojuiLir < 1oirand forlhe GKNTTTNE SINGER in 11579 exceeded lhatof
any [ > . * evimH ( Iiirioii tinijnarler of a Century In which thiii "OI < 1
Jicli.ible" Miuhins has been before the public.
In 1878 we sold 356,422 Machines , In 1879 we sold
431,167 Machines. Excess over any previous
year , 74,735 Machines.
Oar sales last year were at the rate of over
! 400 Sewing Machines a Day I
For atcry busintss day In thejeir.
Tlis * ' O'd Reliable " Singer is tlie Strongest , the Simplest ,
the Moat Durable Sewing Machine ever
yet Constructed.
That Every REAL Singer Sewinsr Machine has their Trade
Mark cast into the Iron Stand and embedded in the
Arm ot the Machine.
Principal Office : 34 Union Square , New York.
1.530 Subordinate Offices in the United States and Canada , and 3.0CO Officoi in the OM
World and South America. soplC il&wt
111 G
1213 Farnham St. , Omaha.
S _ O x "WoJt.u./loy Tlinmna TTaWPB
shot Augua Herdo in the mouth , in-
lictinc ; Ecrioiw , if not fatal , injuries.
[ Jotfa are farmers whose farms adjoin ,
ind rerlde two miles south of the city.
The shooting grew out of a quarrel
over two calves , and is the result of an
old feud. Hawes is in jiil in default
of § 1,000 biil. .
Absolutely Pure ,
JliJe from drape Crcinn Tartar. No othe
preparation make ? such lulit , flihy hot breart" ,
or liixunmu paalrj. Can be eaten by ilypeptici
without ( car of the ilU resulting from heavy i
Sol < l only in cans , by all Grocers.
nlwnys Cures and never disap
points. The -worli's great Pain-
Reliever for Mau nnd Beast *
Cheap , quick and rolla ble.
is not Xarcotic. Children
jro\v 1'at upon , Mothers like ,
ami Physicians recommend
CASTOIIIA. It regulates the
Bowels , cures "Wind Colic ,
allays FeverihhuchS , and de
stroys Worms.
TARRH Cure , a Constitutional
Antidote for this terrible mala
dy , Tjy Absorption. The mo t
Important Discovery since Vac
cination. Other remedies may
relieve Catarrh , this cares * at
any stngo oofore Consumption
sots in.
Bryan , Toxiu , Jane Hi 18717 ,
J.C. Blcliardaon , St. I.oul DearSln
BIT boy , 3 jenrs ol l , h l Ie er e err
other day. or every third day , forwbout
SmontliH. I u e l JIM much iw 13 eraln *
of Quinine durlne fhe lny , bnt wHh 110
effect : tried Clnchoula ( alkaloid ) .S ill ph.
Cliichonlilla , Sulacliie , etc. , etc. , but lli
boy K t worse all th > tlme. Ircluctnntiy
ent ; down to my drug ntore for year
Kebrifufce.nnd I wrtte Juittosarthatrie
never hiul nymptom of frver after com-
menclns Febrifuge , to date.balaffBoir
over month a o. Iel that 1 ought to
gaTthUmuohlnbehnlfof jourmedlclne.
Am a rezuMr 31. . . but retlrj-rt from
practice 3 y nr a Co anil devoting my
umo to druic biulnc * * .
Very reipoctfully ,
J. TV.
. O. RlchnrcUon , St. X.oulDe r B Jri
Clifford's Febrifuge Is th beit thin * tor
Chill * and Fever that yto nm e rer
handled. There nrver hm * been n ca
that WM MOT cured by It ttoat. wa taken
nccordlnK to direction * In UlU part ol
the country. Yours truly ,
MACE A M17CHEIX , DrnffgUt *
Chllllcothe. Ho. , July 301879.
J. O. Illchnrdson. St. toulMy Beat
Slrj Hero 1 something reliable ; It you
can make any naval It Plea do o. "JJ o
have sold hundreds at bottle * with like
reuu. . rWen
coiotrandBr >
This I to certify th vt I had the Few
nnd Affue thU ummnr and the uo or
onr-thTrU of a bottle of Clifford' * T * * '
IUKB promptly cwrfdlt. It 1 the ip dl-
estourel have known or.
or.OEO. . SAHOB.
Mr w 81n-Fpr o er two yy r
ha l F er end Airu , nnd nfter tnrtnK
every thing I took one-lu I5 Tx > ttlo of
Clifford' * FebrlftKf" . and It cured mo
permanently. IhellnTe my CBHO wonld
hnYffbeonfntalhaill not found thia M
I did. Tour * truly ,
n.\v.poot. ,
Manager " U.S. W.MfgCo. "
R1CHARDSOH & . CO. , - 8t.LouIf.
LOMMI gAKT or fVtHlfttKCX. '
OSUIIA. Ufa. . Sept. J I b , 1880. )
Fe ' d proposals in < lu [ > bate , oubjt , t to fin
usual conditions , will be reteived a iftg" nn ir.
unt'l 12 ft'cl"Clc noon OT Ottob'i H ltiSC. t
which time and p'ace ' they will t-o if > r5 r' in
prereoce of bidders lor furniminx jnd JCMIV ry
mt Omiba , Xeb.r of
6,400 p unclt Factorr Cli Be ,
to be in drum ? , averndneabont 40 puui ds wh
Thn cheese must be del Tereil at Iho U. * . f ub-
matence atoro h03 < free of cost of dutrage , uhJ
wi 1 bo inspect * ! fter d-Hv r n t VJI only.x >
accepted when suco Ins , ettioii how < It'lVi ! frf
( ui table quality. > H to b de'lre'ed by ' ct bo *
2-jth. Tnexovernire t reserves -he rUht to re-
Jec . any or ll pr icovi1' K-ui'x. i top4 , ' a wl'l
be lurn'shetl on a plica' ion. Kuvefocei c'm-
Ulolni jropofalaaho'j d be muked "Prorxra
for Chee8e.audadlre3Md to th unde-nunel.
Mp23-3t Capt. and C. tf ,