Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Thursday Morning , Sept. 30.
Faterson - -
v Fine perfumes at Sire's.
Use Lewis' dry hop yeaBt.
"llathbuo IMB night school"
Tor the teeth , Kuhn's Dentrifice.
Butterick's patterns at Cruiclahank's.
Po.ter is running U6 } Omaha fcny.
Head catalogue Of Books on first page.
Col. Sellers , at the Academy of Mcs'c ,
Saturday uight , the biggest thing of the
reason.After to-day all state fair premiums
eft unpaid muit be called -Ior atPlatte-
Tlie general committee on parade , of
the Omaha fire department , will meet at
S p. in. to-day for business.
" " will here-
The depot at "Casejville ,
nftcr be used by Sir. Casay as his head
quarters during business hours.
U. P. locomotives l oa. 2iG and 217
have been brought out of the shop aud put
to work in the yards. They are daisies.
The L'ncoln Journal says : Tom Price ,
the railroad contractor , has gore to Oma-
La to bi Jon the B & M. extension west.
It is understood among railroad men ,
that the B. & M. will run sleepsrebetween
l iu-oln and Chicago on the first of the
A very pleasant birthday party Avaa
given by Miss Mary Median , who resides
> n the comer of Fifteenth and Howard
fclreets , last evening.
The state treasurer had on hand
Tuesday moruing S15GJ42.S , of which
amount 55.1,00) was in .government bonds ,
and the balance in gold , greenbacks and
A poor , whtgVy-aoaked wretch was ar
rested la-.t night for sleeping continually
on tVe llth street bridge , below Krrg's
brewery , llo WHS a total wreck and was
pent to the county jail to Eober up. llis
name was Faniin.
Three very heavy pas'enger trains
were brought in over the Chicago lines
Thursday. There were seven cars on the
JCorthwestern tram , the same number on
the Kock Tslacd , and s x on the Burling
ton. All were full.
The Chicago & JCorthwe'tern , C. , B.
& Q. and " \V. , St. L. & P. railroads w'll
z'tve .ill delegates to the Woman's Chris
tian Temperance Union , which meets'in
Pouncil Bluffs October 15 , one-third fare on
return trip.
The Zvll'u Condensed Cyclopedia that
is at present being introduced inta our
oily l.y Mr. D. C. Spencer is wrnjerfullj
complete , and yet a single volume. ! { ,
will l > e found to be exceedingly useful ,
and the low price at which it is now sold
bringK it within the reach of all.
The Imperial club was reorganized
Tuesday , electing JS. . JJalhert president ,
l-'rctl ICye secretary and George S. Doane
treasurer. This club was , during its prev
ious existence , one of the most popular eo. .
vial organizations in the city , and its ic.
organization will [ doubUcsa be very grati
tying to all.
Bishop Warren , of the Methodist
Episcopal church , delivered his celebrated
Chautanqua lecture to a large and appreciative
ciative audience , atjMssonic-Hall , Tuesdai
evening. His subject was "The Powero
the Sunbeam , " r.ndhc illusfrated'its cpeed ,
iU colors , its adaptation. itsTioit and its
liower , by bcientjic ; prccessfiBandthe Jnos
interfiling illustrations" . * - >
At roll call of the pojicc Tuesday >
Maynr Ch.-ise took occasiin to thank thg
force , both regular and special , who were
m duty du'ing the week ot the Btato fair ,
f r their diligent mid valuable services.
He a'fco congratulated them tii > on t'le
fact that with a doubled temporary popu-
I.itiuti , thirty thousand visitors being in
the city , and an umignal"number of the
roughest class of criminals , no me *
crimes were committed tfian usual , whil
the arrests were successful and prompt.
Wo think , the Slayer , himself , de&crves
honorable mentioa iu this connection , an <
we arc glad to award him. due meed o
piaise. *
K. C. , St. Jo & C. U. K. R. tlcke
oilico will occupy on nnd after Septem
ber 25th , room 1020 , Farnain atreot ,
Mar Motor's ucw building. *
Ticket Ajcnt. ;
"Millions Jn I. "
John T. Ilaymond appears in Oma
ha Saturday evening in the character
of "Col. Sollerx. " Reserved seats
rniy ba secured at Max Meyer's on
and after Thursday morning. Mr.
Kiymoni has lately played in St.
Louis and elsewhere , appearing in a
variety of characters and drawing immense -
monso nndioucea. Uo is supported
by Broolca & Eicksou's comedy com-
Dissolution Notice.
! Nolico ia hereby given that the co.
jiirtQorship heretofore existing te-
twoKti John G. Nngent and Jas. Con
nelly , under the firm name of Nugent
& Connelly , of Omaha , is this day dis
solved by mutuil consent. Our suc
cessor iu the business , Mr. John
Nugent , assumes all liabilities and
asfiola of the firm , and is empowered
to collect all outstanding accounts of
the firm. With jnany thanks for
p st patronage , aud soliciting the came
lor the new. Respectfully ,
STEEN Theodore'Stecn , brother of
John and Otto Steen , d'ed at his resi-
d'-nce on 0 timings street , this city , at
8 o'clock Tuesday evcning.of consump
tion , from which disease he bad long
Buffered. He had been in the railway
postal service for several years , and 1
hud many friends , who will regret to '
leant ' of his death. He leaves a family.
'TEASPLE Mrs. Kosiah Teasdlc ,
mother of Mrs. John Quinn , died Sep
tember 27th.
The funeral took , plsco yesterday
at 10 o'clock , fro.injLhe residence on
Eighteenth mid Grace streets , Rev.
Mr. Shcrrill oftciatn ] : < : .
At his father's residence in Douglas
precinct , on Wodijesd&y , Septtmbcr
23ih , at G o'clock 'a. m. , Robert E.
Davis , aged 27 years. Funeral from
the residence vu Friday. Friends in-
Tiled , j'
Kcw Ensraviucs at Hospc's.
lleadquaitera ior Joe tachlitr/t
Milwaukee beer at. MEUCHANTS' Kx-
K. E. Ooh ICth and Dodge.
Sevr Engravings at HospcV
Why dcee
ourselves with
„ nauseat
ing medicine * , when a purely fruit
cathartic will cure you at once Ham-
] > Qig Figs. Try them.
nrtuch fi
TheWabash and Burlington
Roads Looking Towards
Departure of the OakesAmes
Monument Expedition. '
The parly of railway magnates , -who
came in from the cast yesterday , were
oincd at this point to-dny by Director
< red L. Ames , accompanied by Hon.
Ibarles Francis Adams and others ,
and the entire company , with eome of
the local officials , left at noon to-day
'or Sherman.
They traveled in a special
.rain , consisting of the Union
Pacific directors' car , the Kansas Paai
cific directors' car and epecial office
car No. 12 , which was new painted
aud upholstered for the occasion.
Conductor Pratt and Engineer Liv-
ngston ran the special train , which
pulled out soon after the departure of
the regular overland train.
A prominent gentleman on intimate
terms with leading officials of both
roads , said to our reporter to-day that
in hia opinion , it would be but a few
days until the C. , B. & Q. and Wabash
roads would both fee running their
passenger trains into Omaha. "I
think , " said he , "ihat the
Burlington trains willTuniu _ first , but
there will not bo many days differ
ence. " He declined to say anything
further , but from the fact that the
contest between the rival lines con
tinues eo strong , 'and that the presi
dent , vice president , general manager
and other officials of Wabath
arrived here last evening , it
looks as though there might bo
something in the rumor. The results
of such a move would bo of immense
moment in many retpects.
Forty-eight cars oftock came in
from the west yesterday.
Business on ihe various roads is
picking up fast , and promises to bo
very heavy this fall.
Plans have been received at the
cilices In this city , for the foundation
of the new St. Paul and Omaha depot.
It will be situated on the northwest
corner of Fourteenth and Webster
s'reets , with the principal frontage on
Fourteenth. The plans contemplate
a brick building in the form of a rec
tangle 32 by 120 feet. The gentle
man's waiting room , 18 by 32 feet ,
occupies the south end. Adjoining
ths : is the office 13 by 30 feet. In
front of the office is the ladies' waiting
room , 17 by CO feet. The baggage
room adjoins the ladies' room. The
north part of the building ? s designed
for the freight housa , 32 by GO feet.
A passenger track runs along the
Fourteenth street front , and the
freight track lieu along the west or
rear side.
The Garland Parlor Steve stands at
the front ; leads any in the market.
Messrs. Lang & Foitick will be pleated
to show you all the latest improve
ments , and convince you at once that
there is no better stcvo in the market.
1221 Parnham street , next to Fi'st
National Bank. s33-eod-tf
New Engravings at llopcs.
FiESll FKOM TilKhritixcs. Foreign
and American Mineral Water , Ilun-
padi , Janes , Halhorn , Friodrichshall
Bitter Water , Vichy , Congress and
Empire. For sale by Ish & MeMahon ,
1321 Faniham street. a30 1m
FRANK HUGUBS Communicate at
once by telegraph to Woodruff ; ev
erything is arranged satisfactorily.
Mother wants you at homo. P. G. H.
Mrs. M. Cox , Fashionable Dress
Maker , 317 Fifteenth street , between
Davenport and Chicago.
The Grand Central
Mr. M. J. McKelligon has lately
made some very fine improvements in
his billiard hall end saloon , and now
opens up the winter trade in fine
shape. An oleg-mt lunch is served
daily , including lobster , salmon and
tomato salad , with all the meats and
etceteras. Lunch hours are 10:30 : a.
m. to 2 p. m. , aud 8:30 p. m. to 11 p.
m. The choicest , wines , liquors aud
cigara in the market are kept in stock.
His placi is the boss.
Persons who have borrowed jackscrews -
screws of us will please return them
immediately and save trouble.
Come Again.
The following was passed at a ses
sion of the official board of the First
Methodist Episcopal church , in this
city , Monday evening , September 27 ,
1880 :
Whereas , The conference year just
closed has been a twelve months of
uninterrupted harmony and fraternal
good will totrard our pastor. Rev. J.
B. Maxfield , on the part of the board
of loaders and stewards of this church ;
therefore ,
ficsolixd , That we shall be gratified
if the authorities of ihe Nebraska an
nual conference may deem it best io
rcappoint him to the pastorate of this
charge. JAMES HAYSES , Soc'y.
For Rent. Suit of rooms for
housekeeping to gentleman and wife.
Apply , S. W. corner 20th and Cass ,
or to W. J. Welshans , City Milb.
29 w-B-ra.
A New Knterprise.
H. Dciss & Son , formerly frcm
Kentucky , but more recently of Kan
sas , have just purchased , through
Bernis' real estate agency , for the sum
of S4,500 , seven acres of land in Millard -
lard A Caldtvcll's addition , extending
from Sherman avenue eastward across
the track of the St. Paul & Omaha
railway. The bargain was closed
Tueadsy , and men have alreacy
been put to work on the
grounds to lay them out for making
brick on a large scale , which will l ) I 1
give steady employment to at least
ijfty men. The site was choEcu near
the railroad in order to eecuro cheap |
transportation , the earth having been
previously tested and found to bo of
ihe right quality. The firm are old
hands at ihe business , one of tbeir
latest contract * being tofurnish _ brick
for the new female seminary at York ,
ALittleTownWitu One of the
Largest and Most Com
plete .Mills and Eleva
tors in the State.
Correspondence ol the BEE.
RULO , September 2C. I had the
rare foresight and judgment to nr-
range matters so as to ride on the
freight from .Falls City to Rulo.
Freight ; trains are sometimes behind
time. This one was ; so that I and the
lat drummer who wis my fellow-pas
senger , were permitted to while away |
about an hour and a half lounging
about the luxuriant slat seats in the
depot < , or strolling around the plat
form , among the treacherous trucks
and corpses that were piled op three
deep. < These latter , the fat drummer ,
who was travelling for a liquor firm ,
insisted were only bser-kegs ; and so
impervious was he to all logical de
duction , that he refused to call them
corpses even after I pointed out to
him that they were but the corporeal
tenements of departed spirits ; but the
train came at last and boarding it , we
were whirled away at the dizzy rate of
eight miles an hour , reaching Rule
Y about 3 o'clock p. m. Kulo is about
two miles from the Y , on the tank of
the Missouri. The hack from the i
town does not come to the freight , but
I was fortunate enough to catch a ride
to the town. Several orchards pasted
on our road to town showed that fruit
raising is an important business here ,
My friend with whom I rode ' 'raised"
several fine apples , after carefully
looking up and down the road and re
marking that the owner wouldn't care ,
a.t he bought lots of applea from him.
A great miny grapes are raised on the
sandy soil of thesa hills , and considf
crable wino manufactured. With 500
inhabitants , Rule haa four saloons ,
and drinking spirituous liquors seems
to be as much of a custom here as at
f "The Corners. "
I was much surprised on entering
town as my eye fell on a large elevator
and largo brick flouring mill. Accordv
ingly after depositing my satehel at
the hotel I proceeded to pay those
buildings a visit. Mr. Malone , the
manager , showed me over the estab
lishment , answering my many ques
tions with politeness and care. The
mill is two stories high above"tho base
ment , brick , with four run of etone ,
and everything new and neat. They
are making a good article of flour aud
ship to Omaha , Lincoln and Plaits-
mouth , i
The olevaror is larga and very com
plate in its appointments , it-hda three
"dumt s" where the grain ia unloaded.
Corn on the cob is dumped hero and
goes at once to a shelter that has a ca
pacity of 450 bushels an hour. Corn
aud cobs together are carried to the
third btory whew they are separated }
the corn drops through the perfora
tions in a latge sheet iron cylinder and
the cobs go out cf it and af3 carried
to the furnsCa room and used for fuel.
A email mountain of them has accu
mulated. A track runs from theY
up to this clivator. The elevator haa
been completed for only about
two months , and in that time 130 car
loads of shelled com had been shipped.
Sc < il < js in the elevator weigh a car load
at a time. There is stored at present
about 8,000 or 1Q.OCO bushels of wheat
here , which ivrl bo ground and
shipp&i as flour. Meagre. Hoaford &
G.-iguon , tha OKIKTS , have also a large
stock of jcs r.l merchandise , and
abtont 0 000 acres of irurrovad lands
In this vicinity.
Mr. H. .Miles , is proprietor of one
of _ the olhSr general merchandise
stores in the place , and Jones & Son ,
are juu opening up the other , both
secured the BEE ai an indiepensiblu
part of their establishment.
Bulo has hopes that the B. and M
will cross the Missouri there and run
toils tarminus on tha other side ,
Bigclow , which it only abut ton
miles from thB "r'Vjr. This hopa is
based on the fact that the assistant
superintendent c.iino down the other
day with another men , and went out
and examined the approach to the
river , with some care.
Aline hose , Distfc'i , of the City
Hotel , gave us good accommodations
and interested > uniself in our work ,
for which our thanks are due.
Supreme Cotirc Decisions.
Among the recent cases ruled on by
the supreme court of Nebraska , were
the following , of local interest :
Kingbaum vs. Yindquest. Error
from Douglas county. Affirmed.
Opinion by Maxwell , C. J.
V. entered into a contract with K.
to put up ar < d sell ice , K. to perform
the labor. The contract contained a
provision that if IL became dissipated 1
and neglected the business , that it
might terminate the contract. K. put
up a largo quantity of Ice , and was
disposing of the same as agreed upon ,
when V. excluded him from the busi
ness upon the ground that ho had
become dissipated. Held : 1st That
under the terms of the contract unless
K. had become dissipated and ne
glected the business , Y. had no rifjht
to terminate it. 2d That V. was lia
ble to K. for his share of the proceeds
of the ice.
School district No. 15 ve. Brown.
, Appeal from Douglas county ; dis
missed. Opinion by Lake , J.
Action by a school board to enjoin
continuance of certain alleged acts of
trespass by the unauthorized occu
pants of the district school housa for
religious worship. The record showed
that on motion of defendants an order
was made vacating the temporary in
junction granted at the commence
ment of the action , but , failed to show
any final disposition of the case
Heid , This was not a final order , and
that au appeal would not lie thero-
Postofflce Cnanges
in .Nebraska during the week ending
Soptcmber25,1880 , furnished by Wm.
Van Vleck , of the Postoffice Depart
ment :
Established Cumminsville , Wheel
er county , Samuel E. Chambers ,
Names changed Butlea Centre ,
Butler county , to Garrison ; Letup ,
Ouster county , to Garrison.
Postmasters appointed Alma ,
riarlan county , Napoleon Wilson ;
Austin , Shrrman county , J. B. Na-
ulevoort ; Burnett , Antelope county ,
C. Burnhnm ; Elton , Ouster county ,
James Bogg ; Garrieon , Butler county ,
John J. Walker ; Grand Rapids , Holt
county , John B. Drew ; Hansen ,
Adams county , James L. Evans ;
ludlimola , Red Willow county , John
J. Mallon ; Lowell , Kearney county ,
Puter Phillippar ; Nora , Nickolls
county , J. D. Kemerer ; St. Joe ,
Hamilton county , Oliver P. Duncan ;
Union Ridge , Gosper county ,
Thomas W. Ruaseli ; Vaughan , Gosper
couuty , W. Fiske.
f. A case ot co.netlpatlon by
using Iiiuubiirj : Figs.
Youns ; George Cornish , who was sr-
retted at St. Jeo and brought back to
Omaha , on the charge of robbery , was
discharged by Judge Hawes to-day for
want -sufficient evidence to hold.
How the City Officials of a
Rural Town Get in Their
Look Out for Arrivals.
Aa stated a few days ago , the may *
or and his police force in Lincoln have
been after the loose womeu of that
town , with the determination to drive
thorn out. This is done wo under *
stand by order of the -city council ,
and there eecma to bo no doubt but it
will result In a general exodus from
, ,
tha state capital in the direction of
adjoining cities including Omaha ,
where cyprians are neb prosecuted -
cuted but rather petted.
Of course the women are making a
square fight , and yesterday five of
them wcte released from the county
jail on a writ of habeas corpus , heard
before the county judge . The point
on which their liberty was regained
was that the warrant of commitment
was directed to the keeper of the city
jail , and that therefore it could not
be held that the placing of the pris
oners in the custody of Ensign ,
keeper of the county jail , was legal ,
as within the scope of the mittimus
issued by the police judge.
Although the session laws of 1879
permit the county jail to be used by
the city authorities , the judge decided
that the county jailor could not be
held to be a city jailor within the
meaning ot the mittimus until so con
stituted | by specific act of thojcity
council , and discharged the prisoners
from ] custody.
The Journal says of thb caas :
"The Tgctory of the women over the
police court can only bo temporary.
The mandate of the executive is that
the houses of prostitution mttst close ,
and if the inmates are again prose
cuted the keeper of the county jail
will doubtless have previously been
endowed with ample authority to re *
bolve alid hold any and all committed
offenders against the city ordinance.
Certain of the houses have closed their
doors already and the inmates have
retired into virtuoiid seclusion ,
with the idea that the storm will soon
blow over ; but we mistake the temper
of the present administration if the
social evil is again permitted to rear
its brazen head as in the immediate
past. All departments are now work
ing harmbnioiisfy ahd if the vice is
not wholly exterminated , its devotees
will be made to feel that a strong re
pressing power is conctanlly Impend
ing over them and a wholesome re
siraint exercised that will effectually
prevent the unsavory presence from
regaining its former prominece and
flaunting assurance in Our midst.
Hamburg Figs 25c a box
Mr. J. B. Piper , of THE BEE , went
County Treasurer Patterson , of Cass ,
Was in the city Tuesday.
Joe Qibbs anil J. . Maul , officia's of
the Wabash , were in the cityaTue8day.3
F. Wies , formerly of Weis & Taylor ,
will remove in a few days with his family
to Chicago.
S. A. Mintonwentwestyesterdiyto'take
ft ran * n Pullman Bondiicldr on the Utah
& Northern road.
Hon. J. F. Keeney , president of the
Western National fair association was in
the city Tuesday.
Bishop llyan , of Buffalo , and "ReV.
Father Nugent , of Irelaiid , werb in the
city Tuesday , the guests of Bishop
Mr. P. Hughes , of County Kilkcny ,
Ireland , brotler of Mrs. Doran , of the
Doran rlonee , arrived in the city this
Mr. M. H. Wilbur and wife , of Co'orado
Springs , arrived from the east yesterday
and will remain in town a f w days , the
guests ifColv , It H.Wilhttn
John Henfingsr , of the firm of Hep-
fioger & Wood , who has been in poor
health for some time past.left yesterday for
Denver , to remain a coup'e of months and
we tnist be restored to health.
Jas. E. Boyd , Geo. E. Pritchett , M.
Donovan , Chas. A. Brown , ; Eli Johman , .
J. J. O'Connor , Wm. Anderson , E. L.
Emery , Gustav Benecke , Jns. Creighton ,
Pres. Reeves , Jas. McArdle , Chas. Kauf-
mann , Pat O'Toole , Warren Switzer ,
Mart Conner , Tom McBhane , Thos. Ken
nedy and Richard Sieinon , have gone to
Basting's yesterday to attend the demo
cratic state convention.
Miss Hattia Slaughter , who is well
known not only in this city , but elsewhere
throughout the state , has been elected
teacher ot music for the Wesleyan Univ
ersity , locattd at Osceola , Polk county ,
and left on Monday to begin work in her
new field. While she will be greatly
inis'ed in the musical circles of Omaha ,
we cannot bnt congratulate the citizens of
Osceola upon the acquisition of so excellent -
lent an artist in vocal and instrumental
'Real Estate Transfers.
Ezra Millard and wife to Edward
M. Wittig : w. d. , parcel in ne sw sw
sec. 22 , T. 15 , R , 13 east gCOO.
' ' "John H. Kellom and wife to Wil
liam T. King : w. d. , lot 3 , Capital ad
dition to Omaha 8300.
Elof Nilson to Carrie Johnson : w.
d. , lot 19 , block 234J , Omaha § 400.
Wm. Pitt Kellogg et al. to John B.
Folsom , w. d. , s 24 feet lot 8 , block
86 , Omaha § 2,750.
Fred. B. Lowe to Chris. F. Hax-
thsnsen , w. d. , lot 13 , block 1 , Park
Place , Omaha S275.
Augustus Kountze and wife to Sam
uel J. Borgstrom. w. d. , s lot 28 ,
Kountztj's second addition , Grosha ,
except 10 feet off cast end for alley
way S200.
New Engravings at-Ho < '
- p&'s.
Good Enough.
Hon. 0. G. Dodge , of the city
council , for many years foreman of
the tin shop in the 17. P. shops of
this city , and acknowledged to bo one
of the finest workmen in this coun
try , has entered into partnership with
Mr. M. W. Hartigan , proprietor cf
the boiler works of this city ,
to go into the business of boiler
making under the firm name of
Hartigan and Dodge. Mr. Hartigan
haa already established a reputation
fer turning out first-class work' and
with the new member of the firm ho
makes an acquisition that ensures a
successful and prosperous future for
the institution.
AF. . & A. M
There will be a specialcommunica-
tion of St. John's Lodge , No. 25 ,
Thursday evening , for work in
the E. A. degree. Visiting brethren
are sordially invited. " I
. B. BKUNEB , Master. '
NOTICE Advertisements To Let For Bale'
Lost , Pound , Vf nta , Boirdlne ic. , will bo Insert -
sert d In these columns once for TEN CENTS
per line ; each subsequent InsertionFIVE CENTS
per line. The flirt Insertion never less.than
GK { * Ann TO LOAN At8 per cent'inter
9 > ObUJU ( rat , In sums ot J2000 and up
wards for 1 to 6 years' time on first clMS Improv
ed city and-firm property. Apply at BEUIS
Real Estate and Loan Agency , 15th and Doutlaa
Sta. " 278-eodtf
' 01IST IO 7X > AH-CU t Law Offleo
M D. L. 7HOHAfl. Boom 8. Creighton Block
"ONKY TO IiOAH 11C9 Farnbun street.
Dr. EdwKdn Loan Agency. noT-ii-U
GOT ! macMre lunde , at Ihe
WANIED Shiit Factory , 1207 Famham St.
Girl ( or ecneral housework. Ap
j ply cor.ISthand Crica Slu , Smith' * au
dition 556 2
-Furnished room and board for
WANTED , wrcro the concerts of a
home miy be bad { or a reasonable price , not over
20 minutes irom U. P. depot ; bet of reference
given if requ-rd. Addrcca B. B. , Eco OfficeSC33)
SC3-3) )
TJTTANTED Six cool carpenters , 5SJ 15th SI.
YV A. McKIKSTBY. 61-23
A cost mater. App'y at 1S20
WANTED , rcir IS'.b at. C57-4
STED Beard and rooms , No. 305 C pi-
tel avenue , between ICth and 17th sis.
'ANTED A good ( arm team for c-sS.
E4C-2 B0003 & HILL.
WANTED Oil 1 , at the French Coffee Howe.
10th St. 519-29
WBNTED A first cUf a baiter , at the Omahtt
Bitcry , lr ( h St. , nearMelz1 Hall : NODC
but first-daes need apply.
TT7 ANTED Lining looajjirl and a good boj'
YV at the Emractt House. 5 > 3-:0 Cur
ry. corner IStli and Faniham. BOS-lf
A ( food girl to do general hou e
WANTED Apply comer 12th and Pacific.Wtf
\\f & .KTKU A good tiouse-secfer , HOB
V ? Famham Street , nn Stairs 148-tf
T7\OR \ RENT Nicely furnish * d front room.
I' Ir quire 1816 Call torn a stret , bet * cen 16tb
. . .
. „ <
and 17th. 6(0-30 (
RENT House northwi st r.irner lOthand
EOR Directs Inqulru two does : noitli.
Uo : g of 2 roums , on 22d and
FORBENI Call at 203 Howard. 6tf
RENT finely furnished loonw at 1310
FOR Btfcet , bet. 13th and Hth St.
360 tf
RCNT 2 furnished rooms over Mer
chant ? Kxcliaiigc , N. E. Cor. 18th and
Dodce ; strco'.s. 283-tf
r ° 't House. iylCtf
rjLK Twenty to twcnty-tour quarts or one
L dollar by John T. ran ! ra.
Fm SALE test location in the
aoTEL . Inquire at tli'.a ' alike. 539-3
TJ10R 3AI.E Oil UF.NT lions ? , B'.X rooms and
JP lot , Pierce M.ShU'l'srwlditioa ' 539-8
R SALE Oottonn-ood lumber of all
BKDMOIvJVS. Sixleenth-st. Elfi-t
T GST Bunch of kcjB. Finder 'ill be reward-
JJ cd by Isivmg same at Ceo Office. 565-30
S DP Two cows and one heifer ; one
. white cow , red on neck and hewi ; one red
co\y , some while spo Bone \ r d heifer , ted an i
' .vhitcspbt. ; oil , two mu > s s > wh.
658-30 C. A LVAl < B and TVINTHEBS.
A bunch of k-ys ; owner cm have
the satrtc by cilKng at this office and paying
forthuadretsemcut. 55Stf
, Onowhite cow , little red on ears
STKAYED lielftr , , iltk. brown ; both liave
lop-S on theif hottis ; s.raycd from J-.TVelsh's
herd , South Omaha , on Friday morlline hat.
54-29 ricrce stutl. U hu I'a addition. .
UP-3 horses , 2 bays a > out , 5 or 6
JL j cars old , and one sort J about Tjeiraold
3 miles wcat vl Oiralia. HURJ1AN LA.MATTtv
. . , . ,
Pianos and Organs First Class
on Easy Monthly Payments ,
Sheet Music and Musi
cal Instruments ,
Oil Paintings , Engravings and Frames at great
ly rcd.ieed prices.
8x10 Frames , 1 inch , Walnut lEc
10x12 I " 20
lOxH ' 1 " " 20
12x16 ' It " " ; 60
12x18 ' l } " " 65
16x20 ' 1 } " " 75
Rustic 8x1 Of rune. . 15
Chromes ( rained , email , 25c ,
Cliromos framed , lar c , 1 25 , ,
Engravings from 60c upwards ,
Photograph frames from 15e upwards ,
Wlnilojv Cor.ices 75c a window and upwards
Lanibreguir j 8 00 per window and upwards ,
Cornice Poles2 60 per window and upwards ,
Velvet framcB 26ccch tt > 5 DO
Vloliu Strings 16c ,
Vioiiis 1 75 , 2 5J , 3 and upwards ,
Guitars 5 00 , C 00 , 7 00 and upwards.
Banjos 1 00. 2 00,5 00 , and upwardx ,
Acconleons from 1 00 up , cheapest in city
Send for samples and catalogue of mouldings
and sheet music. A. HOSPE.JR. ,
1676 Doc'crn St. . Omaha Neb.
Coras and never disap
points. The world's great Paiii-
RtJiorcr for Man and Boast *
Cheap , quick and ralia ble.
is not JTarcotic. Children
grow fat upoii , Mothers like ,
and Physicians recommend
CASTOBIA. It regulates the
Bowels , cures Wind Colic ,
allays Feverisuness , and de
stroys Worms.
TARRH Cure , a Constitutional
Antidote for this terriTjlo mala
dy , oj Aosorpticn. The most
Important Discovery since Vac
cination. Other remedies may
relieve Catarrh , this cures at
any stage before Consumption
sets in. .
$2 TO $5 PER ACRE.
20,000 Acres
6 to 12 Miles from Omaha ,
$6 to $10 per Acre , on
Long Time and
Low Interest ,
Large tracts suitable fcr
Colonies in all the hest
Counties in the State ,
80,000 acres scattered
through , Iowa.
A large number * of Improved
Farms in Nebraska , many 01
them near Omaha , $12 to $40
per acre.
An Immense List of
Consisting of Elegant Resi
dences from $3,000 to $20-
000. Many vacant lots in
the additions to Omaha.
Hundreds of lots scattered
through the City. Houses and
Lots , Business Houses and
Lots , and all kinds of Ci y
Real Estate.
We also have
on Improved Farms in Doug
las County , on 5 years time , at
10 percent , interest to all who
can show good titles.
Maps for Douglas tind Sarpy
Counties for sae ,
House and lot , 22d nnd Dodge $ 3000
Houio and lot near Hrownell Hall 2,100
Two new liouies and ( ail tot , feuti ( or
Slioperycar 4000
N w brick hoooo , 21x25,1 } story , with 3
Iota 2000
House and lot Webettrst If CO
Large hou-cand comer lot 0,000
Large bouse fu'l ' lot , California at 4,000
Residence and4 fill lots.Ss. Mary's aie. . 5,600
Home and email lot , touth of depot. . . . . 050
House and small lot , , ouln of depot. . . . . 035
Residence propeity , Kountze ana lluth'8
add , . . ; . ; . . . , ; . , 6,500
Fine residence property . 10,000
House a nil 'ot ' , 22d ar.d Uarney 1 00
House ana lot , Ncleon's Addition 2,700
Iruse and lot Shinn's add.tion ] , 00
Residcnceand comer lot 3,005
Residence ( cash ) , 7,500
Residcdce 6,000
Residence B.tOO
House and one-half lot l.CSC
Three houses and corner lot 7,600
Residence nnd co'nor lot 7,500
House nnd 0 ( cet front , 10th street , 3,700
Lnrrehouse ndcorner lot , . . . 0,500
Residence and three lots 6,500
Two house and corner two-thirds of cor
ner lot i i. . , 1,100
HOUSJ and suu'l lot , Casistrcjt 2,100
Hatue and lot , 37th near Famham 1,000
Brick home and corner lot 1,3:0
Small haute arid full lot , Cumlngast 2,300
HGUSG and lot , 23d street 3,20
House and full lot , worth tJ,000 for 8,500
Pmebrck residence 1,500
Brict residence 6,600
IXousoand correr lot. . . I,5 0
New two-story house and coiner lot 400
Residence nnd full lot , Farnhsm st 5 600
Ih mo and one acre , 18th street. 3,000
House and half lot , 18th street 2,200
Houio and lot. Shlnn'4 addit'oi l.COO
House and half lot , Caea strict 1,100
House and half lot , Casj Street 1,460
Residence and two Iota , Capitol 1M1 7.000
Elegant brick residence 2 full lots l5f.OO
Finest residence In the city 16,01)0 )
Residence property 17,000
Redden e property 17.500
Residence 5 , .00
Housa and lot , SMnn's addition 1,200
House and lot , Shlim'dtdditloa 1,500
House nd lot , 2th * nd Farnham 1,400
ilouse and lot. S7ih and Douglas $375
.House aud full lot , Izirdtt ] ,7-0
Newhousoand 1 } lot 2,200
Residence property 7(00 (
ReiUenco nrorerfy. verv fine 13,600
House and lot , Horbach's addition 1,500
Residence , Famham et. . . . . 6,000
Honse and } lut 1 hoc ) : from Court
House and i lot 1 blcck from Court
Home 2,250
Hotuo and comer lot 2blocks from Court
House 2,403
House and Ut , Nicholas glreet 1,090
House and 1 acre , Olsea * addition (40
House and lot , llih streal 000
LargeJiuildin and s'x lots. 1 niiloout. , , . 4,000
Houai and lot on Davenport 3,600
House and J lot , near depot. . 1,500
House and A lot , near depot. . . . 1X0
House and lot , South Avenue. . . ; , . 1,000
Hcu o and lot , Sbinn'a addition 1,900
Residence , Kountze and Ruth's add 2COO
Residence property , Kounue and Ruth'g
addition 5,000
Residence property , south part if town. . 2.5CO
House and i lot , Webster it 2,700
House and G acres at oarrscks 700
House and lot , Armstrong's oddifn 1,000
Hoiuoand lot. South 11 st 650
House and lot , Kountze and Ruth's ad
dition - . . - . 3,600
Residence and J lot 2,700
Hou30 and lot , 16th tt' : ' . 3,600
Boggs & Hill ,
1408 Farn , St , , Omaha , rfeb ,
S. P. MORSE & CO. . .
, v. * *
ST. ,
Ify 'f
Beg Leave ( o Annonnce that the Sale of the
For the benefit of visitors and strangers now in ihe City , ive once more
give some facts concerning this Gorgeous Stock. It is one of the
largest in the West. Its condition as regards newness is all that CAN
he desired. As we Purchased the entire Stock , about $43,000 in value ,
at a Discount of $20,000 , we are selling Goods at Prices which CAN
NOT BE COMPETED WITH , and it is not necessary to mention in de
tail the Bargains being offered , Our Magnificent Stock of
Is worthy of inspection , not only as articles of usefulness but as works of Art.
At Prices Below the Cost of Importation.
At Prices very gratifying to the Purchasers. Underwear for Ladies ,
Gentlemen , and Children at Prices simply Unapproachable.
s : MOIRSE : : ! & co. ,
Are Not Half as Interest
ing to the General Eead-
er as the Following Price
List :
i Iba of ABUiraf iofiiu7/ . . i . . . . . . . .ll J-JJ
10 i'w extraCirazarfor , , . . . . . . . . 1 w
10J Ibs Canary 0. Sugar for 1 CO
8i Ibs Granulated Sugar for J J
8 11 * Cut I-oaf Bugarfor , . , J
8 Iba good Bio Coffee for 1 V
6 Iba beat Bio Coffee fur 1 00
i Ibs choice Java Coffee for 1 CO
311bsbC3tMooh Co3ca for. . 1 00.
Yonng Hyson Tea pef lb 30 to. . 0
Oolong-Tea per Ib , 30 to * $
Japan Tea per Ib , 30 to BO
Finest Gunpowder Tea per Ib 76
Bert O K Flour perKtck.i.m . .J 2 80
Snow Flake winter wheat flom ? . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 76
Havens beat Bour _ . . _ _ . 4 00
K2 bare Climax Soap for 1 CO
21 bars Laundry Soap for 1 M
18 bars Linen Soap for 1 00
Pure Mnpls Sjrnp In eal. cans 1 O1) )
Golden Syrup f > el-g Bo3. . . _ - * "
New Orleans Syrnp per gallon. . , , . . . . > . . 63
New Orleans Molasses per gallon .15. 70
Sugar House Molasses per gallon. . . . . , . . 45
18 Iba St. Louis Soda Crackers for 1 00
18 Ibs St. Louis Oyster Crackers for. . . . . . . 1 00
12 tbs Boston Butter Crackers for . 1 00
12 Iba Ginger Snaps for 1 00
13 Ibs New Currants f or 1 00
9 Iba New Blackberries for , . , - 1 00
i Iba Fitted Cherries for , 1 00
12 Ibs Dfled Peaches ( halves ) for 1,00
14 loaCHo ! * * Dried-Applta far 1 03
12 Ibs best new MiiM fr , < j , 1 CO
lOlbs. best Valencia Raising . < . < . . I 00
8Ibs. new layer Baiiina . . < 1 0 < >
Peaches. 2 Ib cans 20
Peaches. 3 Ib cans ( standard ) . . . 16
Pie Peaches. C Ib cans 10
PeachesCal)3 ( ) Ibcaus SB
Blackberries , 2 ID can. . . . . 12 }
Apples , ( York Statejal ) can SO
lucbrrrleaSIbun 24
Cherries Sib can _ H
Damson 1'Iuma a Ib cahj 2 }
Ra pberrlea i Ib cad Ifi
Strawberries,2 Ibcan _ . 1C
String Beang,2 Ib cans 122J
Baked Beafl6,9 Ib call
Lima Beans , 2 Ib caHS 121
Sugar corn , 21b can 121
Yarmouth corn , p r can 17 }
Tomatoes , 3Ibcan 12 +
Succotash , Z Ibcan 1'4
Pumpkins , 31bwri , , \ . 16
25 Iba beans 00
lOlbjdrled Llmabeana 00
S5 Iba hominy 0 }
11 Ita Carolin rlce CO
25 Iba oat meal - 00
Fat fatnllv mackerel , per kit 85
Fat family white flstfier kit. 80
Codfish , whole , per Ib . . , . . . - 7
CodBah , boneless , per Ib 1 °
HAliibut.petlb , 12) )
Holland herring ( new ) per keg. . . . _ 1 21
Tobiicco ( Elackwcli's Durham ) rjrlb. . . . . CO
TohtccomlverPttlplnglpcrlb CO
Tobacco ( Old S'.jle ) per Ib 85
Tobacco ( Meerschaum ) p rlbi 10
llama , sugar-cured , per Ib 12 |
Batter , fresh roll , perlb. 0
Complete price lists furnished onappUutlon.
Countryjorders will rccciie prompt and cartful
attention. Podtlvelv no coeds Bold on crolit.
J. B. FRENCH & CO. ,
The Original Itclinble Orocers ,
No. 1119 Farnham Street ,
* Sheet Iron Workers
Cor 12h and Cits streets.
Please Give Fs a Call.
A. F. RAFERT & CO. ,
Contractors and Builders.
Flue Woodwork a Specialty.
Agents for the Encaustic Tiling
131 D A
O. O"W
1317 CABS bT. , OMAHA. NEB.
13"A good assortment always on hand-ia
Sut ! .
\T ic. , mads to measure , would do Tell by
whenip | ricei , fit and workmanship Ia gouvnteed.
Oval Brand
The sales of this "brand" cf Oyttcra . Iiare now o-'tatrlpr8 * ' a" others. . Ton Ret more . Ovttors Uf
WEIGHT AND MEASURE In cur.9 of thia brand than i > any other. V. B. BEEMER ,
sepldlm General Western Azeot. Omaha.
Dealers in
House Furnishing Goods , Shelf Hardware ,
\iis : ! and Etc.
Farnham Street , l&r. Door Eas < - First National Bank.
j "
Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days-to sell then
entire stock of
Diamonds , Watches ,
Jewelry , Clocks ,
Silver-Ware ,
Pianos & Organ
At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per
cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House ,
praratory to moving into their
weN Store , Cor. llth & Farnham
We 3Iean Rusincss. Come and be Convinced.
Having just opened an entirely new line of
We would ask the Merchants of Nebraska to inspect . Stock.
IF O IIULUU. do a. LU.O XLLOIUUUUUIJ u * * W/I * * M * A&AUUUV/V our ji >
feeling confident we can meet the wants of all in good Goods -
Low Pricei
Cor. Hth and Dodge St * ,