CHEAPEST BOOK STORE EC THE WORLD. CATALOGUE OF VALUABLE AND INTERESTING BOOKS -All * r - and mc H , ju t arrived at the ANTIQUARIAN BOOK STORE 111G Farnham Street. ( Of posSto Dewcy 4 Stout's , ) Omaha , - - Nebr. In ooniEqocnc * of the Unprecedented Taco < * hlch the proprietor oi the Antiquarian Book Elors h B met < itn. l"ou he inwicurattd the literart He\cutl n , mnd In return for the re nmlably JIJ eniratrona ehe h- received he U keg J.T - , t pc. ] rare In annocnclnz that he hai rtill mrjj p-cat- reduction ! nhere ponlblond 5ffe5r. h'n ' i mcns < PocV f srv nd valuable 150 k * at prices tht < My all competition fliese Hooks rr all pr cured f rum the beft "pnbil-hlne douses in tbecour.try , an well bound - thick pape-and in nic cl prf-Hfd on , r type tuitmlik fo the ixst librarr in tbejmd 2T urehissra f om thi c t logue a-iioun'lns to 85 00 or over , w 11 bo il ow dan 1ditiolnl ducoant of flve per cen815.03 or over , tea per cent , t'0.00 or over , fifteen per ce t N TE Parties urdcrlne bv mall will enclose lOa for lima. , tnd Kte for 6vo. books to eov r History and Biography , Hume's 3l tt > ry ot En land. From the Jnv yrttot Ju i"u Ca > r to the Abdici- lion el Jirace II , 1G3S. 6 rol , large l uo * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4 00 Oibbot.'e Hls'ory cf the Decl'ne ana" Fall otthe Komm Empire. 6 vols. Itrgo 12mn . iOO 2a < anl > yK * History of England. From the f totut ion < f Jamte , II. C vols. arire l ° mo . . . . . . . 3 00 lToU8vo hfep . . . 250 Enurit E P'ipu IT History oi England. 8 vols con llaetr . . 869 Mm ! cau'g HVtoryof Eneland 4 vols. . 360 Onitot'n Jlis ry of England From the Eirlie tlimuato the Rflim o * Qnmn Victoria. 4 voK 1 mo. c'.oih : tllurtratM 4 SO Schmiiz Ancient History. Coxplete In one volume , 12mo. cloth . . 100 T ineV IIiet rr of En llsh Literature. CompVle Tn 1 Tvlume. 12m < . c cth . 1 25 Kancroft'E Hi-t ry of the United Sutec. fcntenarr Ealtloa , G TO ! * . IZmo. clo'Jt extra. . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 Rolin'i Ancient History. New Large Type Editions , 4vol * . 12mo cloth. . . . . . 4 50 2v.ili 4to cloth . 4 00 Phitarch'n lives of Illuitri ui Men. With life of HjuUrch. 8 volg. 12mo. cloth ctU and IUtop . . - . . . . . . s 00 1 vol Svo. R ! e p - - . - . . . . . , , g fo Jowphug'CcmpleteWorkp , Sro 'cioih. . . 1 25 Kue'-o-TurM-h " " ' - - - Wir , 12m- - 100 NPO"on and HI , Can.Tzmo doVh 1 00 H ' onr < ; 'J 1C Cr ? ioO\'ith 160 Ulni .ra. t'on < : JSmo. jotj , " " . i oo t. Uenl8m.coth , 100 tr M ° ry ol tivinrstone. Incluilnc the ' lf y Expedl inn. Royall2mo. 1 00 Life ot Horace G reeky. Royal 12mo. rr.ioth 1 00 > 65rge Wartlnrtoi' , 12mo. cloth " * AVxandir Ilamilt n. IZ-ao. cloth Thimai JetlerBoi , 12mo cloth , Beajim n Franklin , 12mo. doth Daniel IVfloUer. lmo cloth . „ Donry Cliy , 12mo. cloth. . . , . . . . . St pb nA. Dnuslm , 12mo. clot . . , Abraham L'ncoln. 12mn oJh Daniel Boone. 12a o. cl'Yh Oi 1d Crocket 12m. . . dothl ! ' . " " . " ! ! ! ! s KUCarfon , 1SP-.0. cloth Jilcliol * * I of " Qiiz. 12mo cloib ' ' ' Capt. John "omith , I2mo. cloth. . . . . Marlon , 12mo. d th. . . . . . . . . . . . atew J * < ; k in , 12mo cloth n. Houston. 12tno cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . Hiife Mrs. J'ldrons , 12mo. cloth. . . . . . . . Kll ha Kent K ne , TZroo dotn 1Ii83 Mafor Pauline Cutbman , 12mn. cloth Heroic Women of Hi'tory , 12mo. cloth. . .J Corfl'tand ' Early Life of Napoleon , 12mo. cloth 11 00 LouisTiapoleon , lSmn > cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Historr t the War In India 12mo. cloth 1 00 Red Line Poets. Roulledrc's ntw and teautlful rdltion of Hed Line. Kach V"lame con'ain a Memoir and U Illustrated with portrait the author enqravi-d on ttcel ml numerous full-pare illustrations oy eminent artists. Cro r8vo cloth , gilt sides and odec .Tho bestcdiUoniu U t nmket. Each J-.OO. Taniyion. Oowrer. 1'yron. Hilton , ho > tt- nii Cook. Hums. Snakospcare. Mnora. Wordnwortli. Crabbe psjlin , Cluuoor. Vouup. Campbell and Bouthoy. [ Coleridge. LockharJ. H foer. Mrs. Hcmius. Heibert. Mtckay. Hood. GoldsmltU. Shelley. Momicoir.crjJames. . Pope. Johnso'a's Lives of Poets. The Clmiidos Classics. JV Series of Sti"0 rd works in Poetry , His- to'y and General Littratnre. Crown 8vo. doth ; In new et } le ot binding per .vol. . . . U7 c /ndenonit FaityTalcj. Mac y' Potms. Anblan KIch'i Milton. Hook of Authors. Monlrumery'a f os'mi Banyan's 11 tnms Pro- Moore , cress. _ , _ His- Eunis rtryofthe Sara-ens. Ba lur's lludlbrag. Ox ford's FrcnchSonga Byron. Pepi's DUry. Campbell. Pop * i llnart. Cl ire's Kemaini. Pope's Odyssey. Poi > * P tm . O .lc , Rep'oaenUtlre Acton ! Co * per. . Ilcminaon C'Usoe. i { * " C" . f inaorles itr jj'n I ozutlcs of Shakefct cltnd. France. Itpeiro. Spain. India. Italy. Don Quixote. Scoli'g Peen s I > r.Synt x'Three TouM,65"tt Eesan on E trn F iry Tal g. Chlvtlry. EvelynMDarv Scott's Lives of the ludtivo Po try. lmm ) ll ts. fierm n Llteuture. CllliM Bh H-y Goldsmith's POCKS , BiKnser'a Fa-ris Queen. Onmm's Fairy Idles. Bwiam'Iy ' EoMnson. II ber. Tennyson. Ilemana. Tiiotupfion. Hirbert. To-nsend's Manual ot Hod. . Literature , Srcls.J Humorous Poems. Viruli 1'iydeo. Joomon's Ui-ts of Poets.Lockhan'g Spanish Keats. Ballad * . Knight's Half Hours , Jtao ulay's Lmyg. Koran ( Complete ) . Legenflary tUJids , Lamb's essays andPrems Fiction. Cnlrcrse Ed.tloa. roh. People "Edit-on. 1 ! rolsj 7S ' " 1 60 DICK WOKUS. .tfciltlon , K roll. IBmo , doth , per ' lTr B Editfaii , JV vols/'ifmiV/'cioth , m ® * * T5 * * * * Globe Edition , 15 vols. 12mo cloth p r vol $1 tw Mr'DlOlL , RrCtPC. AND COOK BOCK3. Dr. Chains Decipe or Informitoa for Evey.ody.iero. cloth 8 1 25 Dr.Chasj'e f.mily Phys.dan , Karrier , yee-Empnr and Sepind lUo-lpt Bjok , Lure el.'ma. cloth 175 Common Sins3 m tieKitc'-en , R ! ractietl System of Cookery. ByW A Hcnder- sun , 12m i I i oo The American Home Co..k liook , nv the Ladlunf lietroltaudotberoifcs. IZraD. Bound In oilcloth l m eOO Reoelpti , their Weigh. In Go d , ' " " ' " " " ' The AmerKan'praVaiaY"- - - 12m U * liino 100 1 2mc 1 50 Life. 1 10 ol Mtdl. Aericultnral. * * of ths American Home , Cattle ad Sheep , By uobt. McClure , M. D. V. fS. llmo cloth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 The Horw and his Dlnsues , > By Robt. Jenntnn , V. 8. Umo. cloth . 1 00 CitUe and th b Diievot , By Robt. Jen- nInjsV. S. lm , . Hotss Training m de tasy.By Robt Jen- ningf.V. K. icmo. cloth . . . . . . l 00 Cheep , Swine and Poultry , By Robt. Jen- ninjt , V. B. 12mo. cloth . „ l 00 Miscellaneous. The Caolce Works of thomunood , Crown 8vo 1 50 The Choice Works of Ecan Swift , Crown BvO 1(0 The Complete Works of Chas.Lamb , Crown 8vo 1 CO Xatura : History , S vols. In I , 1 00 Chamber's Encyc bp II. Latest Bevised Edition In 10 vo'j. sheep 23 CO Everybod's tawj'er and Book of forms , Thoroughly revised to dale , ISmo , Law Stjlt. . 1 OD Thi Selenoa and Art ot Elocution , By Frank Q. Fenno , 12m . "cloih . . . . . . . . . 1 00 opsFabltf , IGmo ilnstrated 100 HwJy Andy 115 Ten Thousand a. Tear 1 25 Tore * OnarJemea 125 Comtot Monte Chrl-to _ 1 23 Tom Bron at Oxford 12s TmBrownV ) School Diy 125 Jn Decameron of BocncIo , 12mo cloth 115 , s H ; .tam-ron ot Mar ret , Quwn ol RMv rre. limo. doth 125 Dr. H .llw-'s iLurlize Guide , cloth , 1 00 .A Fool's Errand d > th 1 OJ LA ommolr. Uj ZiU. cloth. . . . . . 100 J 7a. By 2-la , doth ICO $ & * Unauridged Dictionary. Latest * * * * * * * * * > * Iv VU . by Dore , doth 2 0 . _ - - - , o'oth 1 00 AFni > uaYl = torydoth 1 2i American Ponnlar Dictionary , coitUnln : : kisj avast amount ot Information open T , ? -.M | olvy. History , Indians , Lind Tite-CansUtu'lo-\s ! \ , Laws. CitlM. uolieyes Army aui Xivy. DebU , IUU of Mirtatitv.Urowthof Clt e , Rates of wTfi ? anl AMlcnni9nt T. l J v ' If" * * ? K wer 0 P SM. . ? 5 Dr. i a- hey ' * PhysleU Ui ot Womn. . . . 1 60 Dr. apaeJ'llTrlnsmlMIon of Life 1 50 And thousands ot other volumes , too numer ous to mention , both new and "eond-hind. LIBERAL PRICES SECOND-HAND BOOKS , tier In cwh or In eschir-.ce. Adddrtw : H. SOHONPELD , UIS faralaa street , OMAHA , NEP. rf ATTORRET5AT-U A. T. CROSSLEY , A TTORNET J&V COUNSELOR AT LAW JA. Ko. SH South 15th St , bet. Farnbam and Harney. au20-lm CHARLES POWELL , TUSTICE OF THE PEACE ' oni r JSth nd fj Farohim St . , Omaha Keb. WM. SIMERAL , A TTOEKET AT LAW Eoom6.CreIjhtoB ; A Block. ' 6th St , OMAHA , NEB. D. L THOMAS , \ TTORNKY AT LAW Loans money , buys XX and sells real estate. Boom 8. Criljhton Blnrk. A. C. TROUP , A TTORKKT AT LAW Office In Hanscom'S A. Block , rith Oeoree E. Pritchett , 160S Fambam St. OMAHA. v DEXFERLTHOHAS , * TTORNKf AT LAW Crnlcksnank S Bnl'd ' A. 'ng. ' _ ar < 8tt A. CHADWICK , A TTORNET AT LAW OSes 1504 Farnham , & Str et. _ A. A TTORNEY AT LAW-Cor. 131 .Mid Farnbam Jtrtrest. . maygtf WILLIAM A. A TTORNET AND COrNPELOB AT LAW. J\ . Room No. 6 , Trenzer Block , opposite Post Office. QMAHA. KEB. WM. L. PEABODV , T AT7TEK OBce In Crelirhton Block , next U Ll Post Office , OUAHA. NEBRASKA. p& Pairnit Procured. " * * VOTABT rUBLIO. OOLLSCnOlfB KADI E. D. MCLAUGHLIN. A TTOEKET AT LAW AND JUSTICE OP A. TnE PEACE "Southeast corner Fifteenth DjnzlaaSt. JoTCoIIectlnna ProaiptlT Attended to."V& O'BRIEH & 6ARTLETT , Attoraeys-at-Law , omcE-UnloaBloek mgentham ? FarnhainT A. L. RQBSSOH. A TTORKET AT LAW. Room CrelRhton A. Block. OMAHA y b. X > . ATTORNEY AT LAW. KARBACH BLOCK. COR. DOUGI5TH STS. 0 AHA. NEB. W. J. Connell , A-ttorusy-at-Law , Offlci- Front stairs , In Hiascem's " " < hrlck trallJlnsr , N. W. corner Fifteenth sad Strccta. ' 1. IR. * ITOKNET-AT-LAW , ± \ _ 1S21 Famham St , Omaha. Patents , Pensions and Claims. Befera , by pcrmis ° ioa , W Genl 0 F. Wander- BOH > , , Hon. A. J. Poppleton , and T. L. Kimtull , auIT-lm . KKUIOE. K. ilKDlOK HEDICK & UEDICK , . Attorneys t-Law. Special attention will bo given to all suits agalnat corporation ) ) o ! every description ; will practice in al Xhv Courta o ! the State anil the United Sutea. Office. Famham St. , opposite Cnnrt Hou j. _ _ EDWARD W. SiHERAL , TTORNKYAT LAVT Room fl Crelghton A. Block , 15th md Dnuglaij utreeta. noMh C. F. MA DERSGN , A TTORN2V AT LAW tiJ Farnham Street XX Omaha N PARKE GODWIN , TTOENEY AT LAVT-14th sad Doujlu JA. Straete. with Q. W. Doane _ W. T. O. J. QDHT RICHARDS & HUNT , atLaw Attorneys - , Omen 21B South Fourtefth Street. EAST INDIA ILF.R MANUPAOTUBBRB A new an1 hitherto unknown remedy for ll dlpca'cs of the Kidneys , Bladder , ana Urinary Organs. pontiroly cure ltat > : tee , Drop * ay , Urieht'o Discas' , inalrjity to retain or expell the Urine , C * ! Th of he fhdc ! er , lilffh colored and ncanty urin : , Painful Urmstlii ? , LAME B\OK , Ueneral U't kiica3 , and all Female Com- plalnts. UavJSJs IiKcrual medicines , Is certain In it effects and cures w hen nothing else can. For eale uy all Druggists or sent by mall free upon receipt of the -price , SiCO. DAY KIDNEY PAD CO. , PROP'RS , Toledo , O. * 3TScnd your address for our little book , ' Bow a Life was Saved. " JAMES K. ISH , Arent for Nebraska. . J'ERMANEHTi.Y CURES JCUSSSY D.SSASES , Constipation ar.d Pies0 ! j "la owes orKIDXKY TKOPCIXS Uhrjs j acted lILe n charm. ItliajcprcJraocy TCJT failed to I net c2dcntlx.M It Is of prlcclcw Tclue. After atxtzui 4 years of crcat auCsrtiz from File * n < l Co - lTcscm It complotcly eurcd ma. " C. fi. IIOGABOK , ofEerttilre , aj < s "one Bcltacehstdcno vonuer * fcr ttc la oca- j plcttljcarlne severe Uvcr J CoapUlnt. " IT HAS BECAUSE IT ACTS ON THE jrjTrRTni : EOTTCTS AND EID- I KEYS JIT TI1ESA2IT XdEC. I Because H clcanec ttto system of I the poisonous humorc that dcvolopo I In Kidney and Urinary diGcaseo , EII- alooinetc , Jaundice , Constipation , t I Piles , or In Rheumatism , Neuralgia r I and Female disorders. s = i/y tanll prt fcli f adticlnt. U t Trier , CJ.CO. TOLLS , tnzisr.i CHARLES RIEWE , UNDERTAKER ! Metillc Cases , Coffins , Caskets , Shrouds , etc. Famham Street , Bet 10th tad lit h , Omiha , Neb. Telegraphic Ord r Promptlr Attended To. VINEGAR WORKS \ Jor.M , SO. 9lk and 10th Sts. , OXA.HA. . Hut qusUty distilled Wine and Cider "Vinegar of any strength balow eastern prices , and war ranted lost a * trefoil Eat wholesale and reUU. . EBK3TKBEBS , THE\ DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUBLISHING COPROPRIETORS. . HB Parnham , Irf. 9th a nd } 0th Strut * 1 Copy 1'yeai , in advance ( postpaid ) . $3.00 Oiaontts " " . * .CO Smooths " " . 2.00 TIME TBtES- THEMALS. ! _ C , * N. VT.E. R.B30a. m. , 2:10 : p. B. " C.B.&Q& 30a.m. , 2:40 p.m. C. B. 1 4 P B. R. . 6SO a , m. , 2:10 p. m Gk Et Joe G30 a. m B.CltyP.B:30a.ra. U. P. BR. . , 11 : to a. m. O. i R. T. to Lincoln , 10 a. m. B. A M. BR , 8:40 : a m. O. SN. W7 0 a m. orrsca C. ftS. W. R.R. , 11 a. m. , 11 p. a. C.B.4Q.lla.m , 950p.m. C.R I. 4P. , 11 a. m. . Up m. C. B. ft St , loe.,11 a.m. , 11 p. m. U. P. R. R4 p m. O. ft R. V. from Lincoln , 12UO p. m , B City 4 P. , 11 a. m. . B. &M. ln > eb.,4 p. m. Local mills for States Iowa leave but onoa a day , vis : 4:50 : a. m. Oiacsopcnfrom 12 to 1 p. m. Sundays. THOMAS F. HALL. Postmaster. Arrival And Departure of Trains UHIOtf PACIFIC. IJUVB. axm. Daily Exprefls..IJ:16 p. m , 8:2Sp.m. : do Hixed..6.1flp. m. 4:25P.O. do Freight SiOa.m. IsiO p , jr. do do 8:15 a. m , 12:20 a.m. HUE CABD OF THE BUBLINOTON. LUTE OM1IU. ARRIVB ov Ra. EzpreBS 3:10 : p. m. ExpreM. . . . .103)0 ) a. m , lUll 6:00 a. m. H il 10:00 p. m. Sundays Excepttd. Bunia-B } Exctpted. CHICMJO.-EOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. Hall 6:00 : a , m. I Mail 10:00 p. n. Express SUOp.m. | Express 10:60 a. m. CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN. Mall fro a. m. I Sinn 7:29 p. m. Express 8:40p : ; m. | Express . . . .10:00 : a. m. Sundays excepted. KANSAS CUT , ST. JOE & COUNCIL BLUETS. tliVH Ih&ITE. Vail . I Express 7:40 a. m. Express 6uOp.m. | Mafl 7:25 ] .m. The only line running TuUman Sleeping Cara out of Omaha to Union Depot. OMAHA , tt NORTHWESTERS AND isiouz CITY k PACITIOEAILROADS. .4..8:60 : a. m. | Fxpresj 1:30 : p m. Dally Except Sundays. B. & M. B. R. In NEBRASKA. fWUT ] Omaha ( ly ) 9:00 : Kearney Jfnc rtv)6:50 ) a m Pl ttsm'th rlO:25 : m Bloomlngtonlvl:10 ( ) am Koarny J"nciir)7:55 ) p m Ked Cloud ( Iv ) 65 a m Red Cloud ( art)7:55pm ) Platttm'th ( ar ) 4:20 p m Bloom'gtonar)3:25 ( ) p & HEPtJPLlCAN VALLEY RAILWAY. Bloomln ton 1S5 p m I Hastings ( ar ) 6:55 p m Orleans ( Iv ) 720 ami Indiantla ( ir ) lr0 p m Orleans ( ar ) 7KK ) p m | Indianola ( Iv ) 2:30 : p m SIOUI CITY 4 ST. PAUL R. K. 6:10 : am I Erprwj 10:00 : am Express 8.10pm Mail 720 p m TVABASH , ST. LOUIS & PACIKIC. U1TES. iRRlVM. Uall 8a.m.lUaiIlt:55a m Express..8:40 p. M. ( Expre&3..4:25 p. m. ERIDQE DIVISION U. P. R. R. L ive Omah > , daily. S a. m , 9 a. m. , 10 a m. , 11 a. m. , Ipm , , ! p. m.Sp. m , 6p. ro,0ti. Leave Connell Bluffa ; St5 : a. m. , 9:25 : a. m , , 10:25 a. m. , 1155 a. in. , 1J5 p m , 2:26 : p. m. , 8:55 : p. m. , 5:25 p. m. , 6:25 p. m. , Fear trips on Sunday , leaving- Omaha at 9 and 11 a.m. , 2 and 5 p. m. ; Council Bluffs at 8:26 : , 11:25 u. m. , and 2.-Z5 and 625 p. m. P1S8K.VOIR TEJUSS. Lnra Omaha > -e a. m. , 7 a. m. , 8:30 a. m. , 1 p. m. , 4 0 p. m. , 7:25 p. m. , Leave Council Bluffc 6:15 : a. m , , 8:40 a. m. , 11:40 * , tn,5S5p. : m. , 70 p. m. , 750 p. m. Daily except Sunday. OMAAA & KEPUBLICAN VALLEY B. . L11VB , AUUTK. UaU. . 10:15 : a. m. , 4 5 p.m. Dally except Sundays. FEVER AND AGUE. THOUGH BHAKINO LIKE AK A8PEJTLEAF With th * chills and fever , the rlctlm of malarl * may still recover r > y utinc this ce ehrattd tpeci- Qc , which not onlj breaksup the most acgravat- ed atty > i , but prevent * their reonnrcncM. It IB Infinit-Iv preferable to qnliilne not only he- cause it doe- the bu ine B far more thor-ujhly , but also on account of Us perfect wholesomenejs and inv.Roratinz set Ion upon the entire ejgtem IRON TURBINE WIND EHCF MANTJFACTURED BY Mast , Fees & Co. , Springfield , 0. The Strongest and Host Durable WIND ENGINE In the World. Hundreds tn nse In Iowa and Nebraska Sold by Dealer * in nearly every county. Thlt cat representa oar Buckeye Force Pump i hlch is particularly adapted to Wind Mill nie , aa It works easily and throws a constant stream , and does not freeze np in the cold est weather. Send for price list "W. H. RAYDfER , Western Agt , Omaha , Neb. SANTA CLAUS FOUND. Greatest Discovery or the Age. Wonu rful discoveries In the world have been made Among other things whore Santa Claus stayed Children oft ask If he makea poods or not , If really he lives In a mountain of snow. Last year an excursion sailed clear to the Pole And suddenly dropped in to what gcomedllkeuhole Where wonder of wonders theyfonnd anowland , rfhlle fairy-ilka being * appeared on each band. Then were mountains like ours , with more beautiful preen , And far brighter skies than ever were seen , Birds with the hue * of a rainbow were found , While flowers of exquisite fragrance were grow ing aronnd. Not long were they left to wonder In doubt A being soon came they had heard much about , Twas Santa Clans' self and this they all say , 3 I eked like the picture r esee every day. He drove up a team that looked very-queer , . Twu a teaua * f { rraashoppen instead of reindeer , He rode in a shell instead of a sleigh , But he took them on fcovd and drove them away. He showed them all over his wonderful realm , And factories nuking goods for women and men Furriers were working on hats great and email , To Bunco's thev said they were tending them aU. 'Crii Klnzle , the Glove Makertold them at once , All our Gloves we are a ending to Bunce , Santa showed them cuapendera and many things more. Saying I alu took these to friend Bunco's eiore. Junta Claus then whispered a secret he'd te'J. As in Omaha every one knew Bunce well , He therefore should send his goods to his care , Knowing his friends wfll get their full share. Now remsmber ye dwellsra in Omaha town , AU who want present ! to Brace's go round , Fcr elurts , collars , or gloves great and small , Send TOW tist or ° at ope an4 all ; Bunoe , Chwpica Batta oi UA West , Eooglu rect , Ojmbft. CAPTURING A GHOST , Paul Cheney sat at his desk in the school room of & rural district , where ha had been teaching ( to use a veil * trfown adage ) the young ideal bow to shoot. His present task was that of writing a letter to a chum in his city home. "Ho doubt ( ho wrote ) you imagine I am dwelling in a sort of rural Area- din , and just as far as physical nature goes , I am , for there can be nothing more .green than the hills , nothing more dear/ cool or limpid , or musical thn the bro < -k that everywhere rib- ban the valleys. Paradise itself could not produce mare life giving breezes , and yet my life is a burden , because the girls ( nnd they are greatly the ma jority of my pupils ) are such wide awake , mischief-loving , tormenting beauties were never before given to onenersonto manage. They will hava their own way , and completely dsmor- aliea the school ; they tease , coax , and wheedle me out of my moat important rules , and when endurance cease * tb be a virtue , cast tipoh me lilch re proachful glances and put up such pouting , pretty' lies , that a fellow U tempted to aeffce his hat anil Vamose the ranch , as they By west. But in spite of my complaints , don't imagine" me subjugated. I have at last issued poEsitive command for the students not to range off during study hours , a $ has been the practice. "A sort of gypsy ejicsmpment fa located near an isolated n'dok amotj ? the hills. Among the tribe is an old fortune-teller , and of c'dursethe pretty leads of my female scholars are com pletely turned , and I hare not only aid down the law against visiting the camp , but fixed a penalty thereto. "ifow I know you will raise you'r lands in holy horror when I tell you that after exhausting every other form of punishment , from the dunce cap : c writing lengthy compositions ( the bitter abhorrence ofevery feminine -.eart ! ) and all to no purpose" ( , I have n this instance resorted to the old Wnioned one , the ferrule. And ao ielp me , fate , I will carry it out to ; ho bitter end , and make every little land smart whose owner disobeys , or my name Is not Paul Oheney. " The school house where our hero presided was BOme distance from the village where he boarded , and thB walk , Chough pleasant , Wafe lonely and passed a graTayafd. And of lat * weird iales had been told of ghosts who walk ; here Ly moonlight , and in one or two instances , when the schoolmaster had been belated , he had observed an ob- | ect elothed in white flit at a distance Before him , and in his path. Though a trifle startled , he had no doubt that it was a riddle that time would unravel. Therefore , upon the night , when he had remained writing to tha city friend , as he hurried homnward ; o be in time for supper , h garo the matter no thought and had reached : he boundary of the RMveyanl when le was confronted by the white robed \pnirition approaching him with ex tended arms. v The suggestions natural tb its ap- } eafance were the reverse qf pleasant , et he never dreamed the gliding visi tant was other than baf thy , dnd quick ened his pace to meet it , but to his astonishment it disappeared as quickly and entirely as if swallowed by the etrth. Not a little startled and puz zled , he hastened home , but kept his own counsel. Tha next morning he proceeded to school more early than usual and spent some time in reconnoitering the walk of the ghost , and evidently to hi tat- ( faction , for the broad smile that illu mined his face as ho entered the schonl-room , appeared to-assure the jupils that their teacher was in the jest humor , and they would accord- ngly receive many indulgences. At recess a number of pretty heads were in close consultation , _ and Sae Salmon , a black-eyed beauty , aftid with a pout : "Wasn't it mean for Mr. Oheney to threaten to whip any one who went up to the Gypsy eDcimpmentT Just as if lie dared to do itl" "I would like to see him ferrule my hand , " chimed in May Ellis. "Or mine either ! " exclaimed Kitty Dalton. "What's the use of being such cowardly ninnies , girls ? Let's 50 in spite of him. " "I will pay for any girl who will go with me to-day and have her fortune told , " laughed Sue Salmon , merrily. "Will you } Then vre will io even if we have to submit to the punish ment , " answered May. It was decided to run the risk , and accordingly when school closed at noon they marched off boldly to learn the mystery of the future. "It must be half past one at least , " exclaimed one of the number , RS they were hastening back from their visit to the Gypsy camp , half repjntint and auxious to know what would ba the result or their breaking the law. "I wish I hadn't gone , " sighed Kit ty ruefully. "It was all your fault , Sue. ' "I know it , " returned the young lady with a merry laugh ; "and I am ready now not only to take my share of punishment , but yours as well. " "It is all very well to talk , ! ' said May , "but you are sure you will get off with the lightest penalty , and that you can do anything yon please with Paul Chaney. " "Can I ? Well then , I'll shield you for your disobedience. So cheer up and be brave. Hare we are , arc school has commenced. " They marched in and took their seats , and lifted their guilty eyes to encounter the indignantly flsshlng ones of their much abused teachar. Of all the scholars , Sue was the pret ties , most lovable , and most trying. She laughed his most serious and jnsl reproofs to scorn , and when she fount he was really wounded , her greal ' black eyes would flash up' to him through tears and appeal to bo for given. And somehow his voice al ways tuned itself lower when ha ad dressed her , and in spite of hlmsel she managed to throw upon him the solving of all her most'difficult prob lems. She would come up to him with such a pretty pleading pout , with "My head aches so , " and protest she could not do her algebra unassisted or "Might I not be axoused fron writing that dreadful composition for just this once , please ? " And prom ised to do anything else he wished and she looked so winsome , pretty ant bright when he yielded , that she usually carried the day. So , when the master , in a hard , cold ; voice commanded the young ladies who were late to school to leave thalr seats and take places before his desk , to his surprise , SUB said somathing in a whisper to her companions , and came gracefully and quickly forward , alone , and leaning her white arms upon his desk as for support to her trembling limbs , said : "Mr. Oheney , we have been to see the Gypsies , but I alone am to blame , and am ready to take the punishment you think the rest have merited to gether with what is my just due. " " "Oh ! you wish to make yourself a eort of scapegoat for your compan ions ] " he questioned , with a flushed face. face."Yes "Yes , sir , if you please , " murmured Sue. Sue."Well "Well , if I don't pleasat I think yon have sins enough of yonr own to answer for , without Bhonldefci of o'thera. " "Bat really and truly , " pW with tears' ! ! tfone to WameT gone bat. for me , an mo perfectly wretched them , when tha fault was and she sobbed audibly. "Ishould be sorry to dothatch , * answered. "It it anoush that you make every day of my life wretched without my retaliating , and if you will answer for the good behavior of yonr companions in future it shall baas you desire. " "I will , " promised Sna , but she grew deadly pale to the 1'P' , as he ex tended his hand to reciv hers. Tlte next- moment her little rosy pnlm lay in'his great broad one , above which he ruler wa poised for the hlowf end though their hands were hiddpa behind the desk , the blows could ba distinctly heard. "Ono , two , thw , four one for each truant , " said the teacher , looking down into the eyes of Sue with an ex- prasion none bat she could interpret , The next instant the face of Sue was burled in her handkerchief , and her cheeks crimsoned as with shame. Then she spoke in a suppressed void to the teacher , and ho bad to bend low to hear her . "Who is the scapegoat now ? " she queried , and the dimples betrayed that her emotion was laughter , and If her eyes were filled with tears they were not sorrriwful oriel. "Never mind" was answered by the teacher , a * he bit hii mustache to hide a smile , "you m y take your seat now. " "What a generous aoull" murmured Sue , as she laid her head upon tfie desk. "I knew he wouldn't strike rde. His broad hand entirely covered mine and re'oelved every Blow. How the girls would laugh if they knew it i But I won't tell. That shall be our little secret. " The , .remainderof . thp afternoon ate studied Very diligently and feciied cleverly ; though there was a very eauby light bnruirig in her brown eyed that argued ill for some one. , When school closed for the day , ' the girls flocked around her witK many exprets'.ons ' ot sympathy. ' 'It was1 so good .and rioble in , yOii ; SUe , iB take all the blame and the punishment , " exclaimed May. "And how ridiculons ha looked pounding the little hand of a ladyl" said Kitty. "I am sure he must think very little of himself , and , as for me , I hate him. . " "So do I , " Bald Annie Miller , "and wonld sit up all night to find time to despise him. " lflWtbe fools ! " interrupted Sufi , with a flash of anger. "I think he is very kind and generous to let us off as easy as hedid. , for we wore wrong arid he right. " "I thought it belonged to a gentle man's code of honor never to strike a woman 1" answered May , with a sneer. "The truth is , " replied Sue , "he fixed the penalty so unrelenting and severe that he thought no one would disobey , and when he was forced to fulfill the law he punished one girl in place of four , and as it was neither of yell , t think you dnght to Ha aa'iified. Suppose we let the subject drop. " "So be it. But if he remains at the school-house late again to-night ; shan't * o haunt him t" " * d Sue "and it is "Yei,1 , 8 , my turn to be the goat. There is Jolly fun in that. " Meanwhile Paul Ohaney was again writing to his city chum , and in con clusion he .said : "I have had a hard day. The girls were unusually provoking , and the knuckles of my left hand is very much swollen , from an in jury received while punishing one of them. You need not be aurpriied to hear that I have given up teaching. Tb * . Plainville Academy is proving to much for me , and any day I may drop in upon you. " The letter finished'he started for hii boarding place , but as he approached preached the graveyard there flitted before him a white-robed ghost , which disappeared as ho neared it with a mysterious facility. But nothing daunted , he pressed rapidly onward to an immense hollow tree and forced his way into its depths. There was smothered cry of alarm , the removing of a sheet , and Sue S inon stoou panting in the arms of Paul Cheney. "So , I have at hat captured the ghos , " he said , laughingly. "Oh ! plaise let ihe gel See , yon have frightened the girls , and they have all ran away. So , pleaae let me go. " "I don't please just now , Miss Suite. I have a long account to settle with this particular ghost. " "Then settle it quickly and let me go , " she said , impatiently stamping her little foot. "Well , let ma see. How many nights have I been haunted on my way home ? " "This is my firat night , " asserted Sue. "All the girls took'it by turns. " "Ah ! did they ? And you are gener ous enough to again be their scape goat and take their punishment along with your ownl" "Yes , yes ; only pleaie let me go. " "And there were four of you , " she exclaimed , struggling from him , and , standing a little apart , began twisting her long , loosened hair , and coiling it at the took of her pretty head , "I shall be sorry for that , very sorry ry , Susie dear. As I told you to-day , you make my life miserable , yet I love you with all my soul. " "And I hate you , " she replied pas sionately. 'Are you going , Snaiel" questioned he , "and without a single kind word ? " "Yes ! " she snapped out , "and give me that sheet. I am sure I don't know what mother will say , because it is so torn. " "One little word , " he continued , "before you go. We may not have another opportunity to see each other alone , as I shall leave this week. " "Going awayl" she asked with a , little quiver in her voice , and staying her steps. "The term will soon ba out , and I shall not teach longer least of all those who hate and refuse to be guid ed by ma. " She drew nearer to his side , with downcast eyes , and giving him her hand said softly : "Forgive me , Mr. Oheney , I have been vary unkind and rebellions. To day you bruised yonr hand to save mine. I saw how red and swol len it was , and that was the most se vere punishment you could have in flicted on me. " "A bruised hand is nothing to a bruised heart , " he replied. "I did not know that I was injuring so imnortant an organ. " "When you say you hate me , darl ing " ' ,1 I did not mean I hated you. I am very grateful , and and so sorry yon are gcing away. " "Then if you love mehe whis pered , twining an arm about her * "bid me stay. " "Then stay stay , only " "Only what , Sussie ! " "I am done being a scapegoat for any mortal or ghost either. " ' 'That is right , and henceforth re ceive only rewards- " 1 What she .might have said in re sponse he never knew , as her lips for the moment was effectually sealed. A few months later Paul Chaney'a city friend was not surprised at his re turn , though ha was at his bringing back a bride , the chief of his tor mentors. alert to fled to wort , bat they nrow Imitate a - MBicUnod hiVft iougvt to imitate It by nmy worth ] * * . effilrs ; but a dU rmlnatlnz nblls wi'l ' hold "fa t fo that w loh U iroodad the uuilmctle PJ < ! more thin hold * itown. . It ram ellki ney d'l-sgjsands cctds where medicine often Jiilj. Ask your dratckt it thl. Iinot so. I L . . INFLAMED GUMS are instantly relieved , and will be permanently cured by the use of SO ODONT. The wider it is known the iwtter it is liked. It history i one long continuous record of succes as a beneficial and most fragrant wash Other preparations for the teeih Havt app eared and passed away , but SOZO , DONT remains. Toys ra easily mended , and strong ly , by SFALDIHO'S GLUE. It is always rendv to be used , and may justly be , termed "Semrer parau . " The liver is more iraqnantty the teat of disease than i generally supposed , for up on its regular action depends , in a era At measure , the powers of the stomach , bow els , brain and tb whole nervous system. Eetjul.ita that important organ by taking Simmons' Liver Eegnlator , and you pre vent most of the diseases that flesh is heir to diw A WONDfiStftiL DISCOVERY. For the speedy cure of Consump tion and all diseases that lead to it , such as stubborn coughs , neglected Colds , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Asth- rhaj bam in tha aide and chest , dry hacking cough , tickling In the throat , Hoarseness , Sore Throat , and all ohronio or lingering diseases of the throat and lungs , Dr. King's New Dis covery has no equal and has established fet itself a worW-wide reputation. Many leading physicians recommend and use it in their practitfe. Tha form ula from which it ii prepared is high ly . reconlmended by all medical jour nals. The clergy and the press have complimented it in the most glowing terms. Go .to your druggist and get a trial bottle free of cost , or a regular siee for $1.0t ) : For sale by . . XK. JSH. Omaha. Bucsien's Arnica salve The BEST SALVE In the world for Oats , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve Is guaranteed to glvo perfect satiafac- tied In every case or money re Fandod. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 8dly J. K. TSH. Ornnh * . To the Voters of the Sixth Ward. Not'col Ii herebj glvan that I will Bit a my offloe , 9lQ north 16th itrect , ( oeftr Redman i itore ) tiatweau this date and NoTomber 3,1680 , ( or tua puf pee of rcgliterlnfr the qualifl J vo ters of the eth wirJ , and miking nj- correct ions ir alterations to raid list. JAMBS N. MURfrHY , 22 6t Heglstrar. THE OOLOEADO BUSINESS COLLEGE Thlslnitltntton , located at Denver , Colorado , the Educational and Commercial center of the West , is pre-eminently the best and mast practi cal of It ! kind for the MERCANTILE TRAINING -OF- YoungMen and Ladies. G. W. FOSTER , President , D. W. CADY , Secretary. Th * most extensive , thorough and complete institution of the kind In tha world. Thousands of accountants and Business men , In the prin cipal cities and towns ot the United States , owe their success to our course ct training/ The Eieht Kind of Education for Young Men and Ladies , Fins , new brick block at Junction of three gtre t oar IIc i E'egantlj fitted and furnUhed apartmentg for tbe application o' and carrying oat of our novel and aTtUnutio methods of BUSINESS TRAIOTG- . Young men who contemplate a bunlnsu life , and parents bavin ; tons to educate , are parti' u- : arly requested to fend for our new Circular , which will give full Infornntion as to terms , rendition of entrance , etc. Address G , W. FOSTEE , President , gepU-Sm Denver , Colorado. AVER'S CATHARTIC PILLS , For all the purpoaes of a CURING Coitlt ntutJaundUt > iia , Indigct tion , Dytenttry , Foul Stomach and Snath , IltadachcEryiiptlai , rila. Rheumatism' , Eruption * and Skin JtirattiBillioutne 3 Livtr Complaint BropiyTeUerToinori 'and Salt Ithcum , ! Worm * , Goutffetiral gia.ata Dinner Pill , and Purifying the Blood , are the most congenial purgative yet perfected , their effects abundantly shoff how much they excel all other Pills. They are safe and pleasant to take , but powerful to cure. The purge out the foul humors from the blood ; th ulato the sluggish or disordered organs into tion ; and they Impart health and tone to the whole being. They ucre not only the every day com- plalnU of everybody , but formidable and danger ous diseases. Moatsldlfcl physicians , most em inent clergymen , and our best citizens , send cer- tlflcatea of cures p rfonned , and ot the great benefits derived from thew Pills. They are the gafost and heft physic for children , because mild as well aa effectual. Being sugar coated , they are easy to take ; and bcinff purely vegetable , They or * entirely harmless. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO. , LOWEEL.MA88. Practical and Analytical Gnemlsts Sold by all Druggists and Dealers frx Medicine. OF A FAR HIGHER GLASS than any other proprietary medicine ot the day stands Tarrant'sEffervescentSeltzer Aperient And for this itason : It is an exact conn'-erpart of one of the most valuable > atural medicine * in the world. We refer to the great Seltzar Spring of Germany , to which thf.ufands cf the dvipeotic , thebillcuj , the rheumat c , and tbe vicumi of venal diseases resort annually , and return to their homes convalescent or cured. The Aperient in one of the first and by far the most tuecesslul of all ths efforts made to repro duce , in a poitable firm , tbe most popular min eral waters of Europe. See that vou purchaio only the genuine article. SOLD B ? ALL DRUGGISTS XI2COXIX.SXOZC. Machine Works , J. Hammond , Prop. & Manager. Themott thorough apjMlntel and compute Ituhine Shops and Foundry In tb * state. Castings of every d.-scrtptlon mannfacUd Engine * , Pomps and eve y class of machiniry mde to order. Special attentlen given to Well Angars , Pulleys , Hangers , 8haftingBridKe Irons , Geer Catting , etc , Flam for new Uaehlnsry.'Keachanloal Dranjht. Inr. Models , etc. , neatly ewrated. St. , Bet. 14th andllBfh. WANTED fo tell Pr. CHASES AGENTS 2000 RECIPE BOOKStOt at j &AX Trfaftd yoiir money. ' .Addrcs * D - - WiOWHoa ) AMAitorI- -TIA THE Gliicago & Northuestcrii aEa-a.xx.-virja.-aKr. 2,380 MILES OF ROAD ! tt la the SHORT , SURE and Safe , Konta B4CW..I COUNCIL BLUFFS AJD 05IOAGO.MILWA17KEZ and all polnu EAST and .SOKTH < T OFFKRS THE TRATEUNO PDBI.1 ORKATER FACILITIES AND MORE ADVANTAGES THAV ANY THER RUAD IN THE WEST , . It Is th. ONLY ROAI > between BLUFFS nd CHIOAG * Upon which Is rcn PULLMAN HOTEL CABS ! In addition to theaeand to please all classe * ot travelers. It I.-IVM FIRST-CLASS MEALS at Its SATINO STATIONa at 60 cents each. ITS TRACK IS STEEL R4ILSI ITS COACHES ARE THE FINE3TI ITS EQUIPMENT FIRST CLASS If Ton wish the Best trsvdmsr Accommoda tions vou will buy your ticket by this Route ( & -AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. AH Ticket Ajrents can sell vou Through Tickets . via this road and Chock usual Bag. Z O * 'ree of Charge OMAHA TICKET OFFICES-ISM Farnbam St. , Cor. 14th. and at Union Padflff Dapot. DENVER OFFICE In Color'do Central and Union Pacllc Ticket Office. SAN FRANCISCO OFHCE 2 Naw Montcom- ery Street. For Information , folders , reaps , etc. , not ob talnable at Home Ticket Office , address any agsnl ot the Company. OT MftHYIH HOCHITT , W- STEMNITr , deal M narr. . Genl Paso. As nt , CtHCAQO , ILL. JAMES T- CLARK , Oen'l Ac't Onuha ft COtmcll Bluff ] , THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Garsl CHICAGO gURUNGTON & QUIHCY With Smooth and Perfect Trick , Eiegani Fas > esnger Coaches , and PULLMAN SLEEP1HGDNNQ ! ! ! CARS _ It ii acknowledged by thti Hrsso , and U vrks travel uvtr It , 10 he tha Bet Appointed and Beat Managed Reid in the Country. PASSENGEBS GOING HAST Should bear In Mind that this { s the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Point ] East , North and Northwest. Passengers by this Bouto have choice of FOUE DIFFEEENT KOUTES , And the Advantage of Six Dally Lines of Palace Sleeping Cars from Chicago to New York City Without Change. All Express Trains on this line are equipped with the Wcatiruhouae Patent Air Brake * and Millcr'a Patent Safety Platform and Couplers , the irioat Perfect Pro tection Against Acci- dcntg In the world. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING AND D'NIHC ' CARS Art run on th Burlington Route. Information ; Routes , TUtea , lima Connections , etc. , will b cheerfully ( riven by applying at the offica of the Burllugton Rout , ilS KoUrteentn Street , Om&ha , Kebraaka. 0. E. PERKINS. D. W. IIITCUCOCK. Qen'l Kanaier. Gen. Weit'n Pass. Aet. J. O. PHILLIPPI , St. Joe. , Mo. General Agent , Omaha. H. P. DUEL , fepS-dl Ticket Acent Omaha. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AND St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Sioux City Roitte 1 100 MILES SHORTEST ROTJTE I From COUttOH BLUFFS to ST. PAUL , MINNTDAPOriS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And U points In Voiiheni IOW-A. Minpreota and Dakota. Thl In L equipped with th-- Im proved Wpstlnihouso Automatic Air Brake- and Miller P'atform "nup'er and B iffcr na fr 8PE D , SAFETY AND C IMPORT l > r winc ' .oon < Slcet'Inu Cir > , " > wne ani con1 roll d by the com pany , > un Through With ut Cian50 bet -pcn Unl-n Pacific TranjVr nnpo , Coui-oil Blufla , ar.d St Paul. Trains leave the Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Council Bluffs , at 5 : 6 p m. . reaching ? ioux City at 10:20 : p. in. , and St. Paul at 11:05 a.m , making 59- PEN HOURS IN ADVANCE or ANY OTHER ROUTE. Returning , leave St. Paul at 3:30 p m. , ar- rivlig at Sfnni City at 4:45 a m. , and Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluff' , at 9:50 a. m. Be sure that your tickets read via " 8. C. k P. B. R. " . F. C. HILLS , Superintendent , Missouri Valley , Iowa. P. E. BOBINSOK , Ai 't Oen'l Puss. Agent. J. H. O'BRYAN , Southwestern Freight and Pa3-mer Agent. my20-tf Council Blnffa TUNE 1SSO. K. C.ST.JQE&C.B.R.R. . . , . . . . . , Tj the only Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OMAHA and the WEST. No change of can between Omaha and St. Louis and hot one between Omaha and Now York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS KUCDISa ALL Eastern & Western Cities With leea charges and in advance of other lines. This entire line Is equipped with Pnllman'i Palace Sleeping Cars , Palace Day Coach- a.HUler'a Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated WiatlngboUEe Alr-Brakc. JWSEE THAT YOUR TICKET READS' City , St. Joseph CirJooan4St.Lotiia.Tti TIckeU for sal * at all coupon stations In th West. J. F. BARNARD , A. C. DAWES , Gcn'l Supt. , Qenl Faaa. & Ticket Asr't St. Joseph , Mo Bt. Joseph , ilo , W. 0. SEACHRIST , Ticket Agon. , Zli Fifteenth Street , betnxen Famham and Donzlan , Union Block , Omaha. JOB. TEHON , A. B. BARNARD , Pass. Agent , Omaha. Qen'rl Arent , Omaha. CHICAGO SHOT TOWER 00. Manufacturers of STANDARD SHOT /iuiffi1nMfUt fiiTrtfniifrnHiv EESOSETOBUY1T. THE BEST IN MARKET. E. W , BLATCHFOED & CO. Uanutacturen of Lead Pipe , heet and Bar Lead , Block Tin , Pipe and Solder , LiraceU Oil and Oil Cake. OBDEKS SOLICITED. 70 NORTH CLIHTdH ST. . CHICAGO DR. A. S. PEXDERY , CONSULTING PHYSICIAN HAS FERMAKENTLY LOCATED HIS MED. ICAL OFFICE , 183 Tenth Street , - OMAHA , NEBRASKA Offering his strvlcea In all departments o medicine and surgery , both In eeneial au ipadal practice , acute and chronic diseases Ca be consulted nigh ? anil day , and will vbttij pwspt U" d / asd oooffly on reodpt ot Wtt KIDNEGEN is highly recomm nded and unsurpassed for "Weak , or Foul Kidneys , Dropsy , Brighfs Disease , Loss of Energy , Nervous Debility , or any Obstructions arisine from Kidney or Bladder Diaaases Also for Yellow Faver , Blood and Kidney Poisoning , in infected malarial sections. * 3"By the dlrtiKatlon of a FOREST LE F with JUNIPER. BERRIES and BARLEY MALT we hav dboovered KlDXEOKJT.which actsspeclflcallvon the Kldnevs and Urinary Organs , rtmotlnz hijuiloUM ( if po ltj formed in tha Kaddor and pr ventlnsr any strilnuig , smartlru ; sensation h ut or Irritation In the membranouE Ii lay ot th ducU or wit r p-vsiasja. It excite a healthy action In the Ki.lncrs Slriac thrin strength , vKor and restoring th > e organs to a healthy condition , showing Iu eCtcti on both the color and ea y flow of urine. It can bo liken at alt times , in all clinnteg ami undi rail circumstances Trithoui in jury to the rfitem. Unlike any other prcpiratlon for Kidney oliDcultlea it has a verplusant an I arrmihle t ta and flavor , ft h s beea difScult tomato a contaulng positive alurail ? properties which will not nauseate , but k acceptable to tlm Before taking any Liver medUnu. try a bottle of KID.VKQEN to CLEA3K th * KIDNRYS ( rora foul matter Try It and you will alwiys u o It an a f mllr medlclna. Ladlei especially wilt Ilk i U and Ontlemen wlllflcd KIDNEGEN the best Kidney Tjnlc ever used ! KOTICE Each bottle " > ear3 the Denature of LAWRENCE & MARTIN" , also a Proprietary Go * ru ' ment Stamp , which permlu KIDNEQEX to be sold ( mthouc llcenia ) hr Drubt , Crocuri and Othtr Persons everywhere. , Put up in Quart size Bottles for General and Family Use. It not found at your Druggist * or Grocers , we will send a bottio prepaid to the nearest ejtjreaa Cfflca to you. LAWRENCE & MARTIN IIFs. , Proprietors , Chicago , . Sold by GROCERS and DEALERS everywhere. fftoltsalc ajcnts In Omaba , STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , will tupply the trade at manuf ac nn > price ? . WHO 13 UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OKOQRAPHY O < ? THIS COUNTRY , SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP , THAT THE CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R , IS THE GREAT CONNECTING tlSK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE WJ" It * main line rani from Chicago .o Council I IMn Jno Cars for eating purposes only. OW BIuSi , passing throuah Jollot , Ottea. La 8-Mle. mat fe-itcrft ol cnr palac CMS Is a BMa Oeneseo. Mollne , Hoc * Island , Davenport. Vest SALOON vrijarajon can enjoy jour in Liberty. Iowa City.Marento. Brooklyn. Urinneil. at all hours of the day , Ue Moines ( the capital oi Iowa ) , Stuart. AtlauMairomcent Iron UridM K ( pan tic , and Avoca : with branches from Hurenu . and Missouri rivers at all points croBsetf I Junction to PaOTla ; vrilton Junction toMusca- line , and trannf era are avoided at CoupcU tlr-e. Washington , Fdlrfloja. Eldon , Balknap , Kansas City. Leavenworth. nrnl Atchlioc CentreTlllo. Princeton. Troatofl ; Uallfttln , Camo- nertlnns belncmade In Union "eOTi- , ran. Leavonworth , Atcnlson , and KiSsis City ; TUB PHl.NCIPAU K. l . COftfECTI' ' . * 05 Washington to Slgourney. Oskaloosa. and Hnoi- THIS OIlEiAT TU AWf H Tlllo : Kooznlc to Fanalnzton , Bonaparte , Don- TOLLOW3. tonsoort. Independent , Kldon. Ottumwa. Eddy- At CniCAOO , With lines tia Tlllp , Ojkslooja , l'ellallnaroc. and De Moines : Eat nnd South. . . . . . Newton to Monroe : Dei Moines to Indlanolaand At ESOLIWOOD. with Ura L. 8. A M.E , Wlntcrset : Atlantkj to Lewis and Audutxin ; and A-oca to llarlsn. ThU Is positively the only At WAariiNOTrnr nzianrs , wtta W. u < t & KAllroad. which owns , and operates a through lin < 9 from Chtcueo Into the State of Kansas. , Through Express PaMenger Train * , with Pull- _ p. P. * J.J P.D.AK.- * fcan "alaco Cars attached , are run pach way dally W. ; HLMii : 8ndT.pW."rida. ; tetween CniCAQO and PzoniA. KAVBAS CTTT , At HOCK ISLAyD with "Milwaukee a. il CooNciii BLcrrs. IISATEXTVOBTII and ATcni- Island Sjort Line. " and Rock Isl'd A Pec. ' 8O.V. Through can areaiao run between ML' TIU- At DAVIMPORT , with the Unvanport 406 nnd Kantas City , via the "MUwankeo and Rocl Island She Llnp. " At W 1ST LIBIRTT ; wltli the n. . C. II. 4 The " Great W : k Island" Ii matrnUIcentiy . equipped. Ita road 6ed Is simply " jckandlts AtOESMoUiVj.wlthl ) J1.F.D IL track is Inld with steal rails. At Council. BLCrfB.wlth Union Pad ) What will please you most will be the plcainn At CUAHA. with B. A Mo. K. U. H. In 1. . , of enloylne your monls. whilepawinu over the AtCOLCMBCa JOXCTIOtf.wfth R.a K. * 'X-t beautiful pralrlas of Illmolaand Iowa. In onu of At OTTtJJnvA , wltn Central lowaK-f onr macnlflcent Dlnlne Cam that acoorapany nil St. L. * Fat. and C. B. ft ( J. K. lid * . ThrouaL Express Tnlns. Yon get an entlra At KEnKUK.wttb 'l-oi. , Peo. * W r. : A < U mml. aa coed as Is nerved la nny Brst Uu hotel , Louis 4 Pac. . onrt Ht. J > , Keo. 4 ff.-W. l fct forseventy-uve cauu. At CAMERON- , with ten. /ppredatlnir tha fact that a majority of the _ neople prefer scparat * apartment * for different Atch. & Nob. and Cen. Ur. U. P. U. Ho * . purposes ( and the Immense | m. ener [ business At l.EAViNWtmm with Kan. Pac. nn-1 Of this line warrnntlne It ) , we are pleased to an * Cent. K. lids. nocnce that this Compan ; runs Pullman J > Ua AtftA.vsAf Crrr.wlth all Imes tot th , Slaving Cart forslcplnr ( purposes , ana Pitac * and Southwest. PtTt-I liAN PAT.ACE CAES a * rafi throunh to PEORIA. BE9 COSJNC.1I. HI.CFFS , JxANSAN Cl'lT. A TCUISOST. nnd JLKA VE.WOKTil. . Ticket * vlu thU Line , Unovrn ax tha "Orrut Boctt Iilund Itout , " r H > | - tt\ all Ticket Atcenl * In the United Btntei find Cunuda. For information not obtainable nt your home Uclcet office , nddrew. A. . KIMBAJL.IL , , E. ST. JOHN , Gen'le pcrlntindtnt. U n'l Tkt. aaa Pais'irr. 4. VERIGK. FURNITURE , BEDDING , FEATHERS WETDO : W * And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and Upholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS AT THE ap Ii mon th lit 1208 and 1210 Farnham Street. Improved Buckeye Combined Riding Corn Cultivator 1880- MANUFACTURED BY P. P.MAST&CO.SPRINGF1ELDQ They also make Buckeye Improved Iron Jtenm Walking Cultivator , with or without Springs. The New Force Feed Buckeye Drill , one or two Horse Style * Enquire ior them at the best dealers. F. H. PUSH , Gen , Agent , Omaha , Neb , CUBES RHEUMATISM. CURES COUGHS and COLDS. CUBES EHEUJIATJS3J , CUBES COUGHS and COLDS. CURE3 SORE THROAT. CURES DYPTHERIA. CURES LAM BACK and STIFF JOISTS CURES LAMS BACK , and STIFF JOINTS. CURES Bl Uf' , CUTS nd BRUISES. CURES B RNS , CUTS nnd BRUISES. SOLD m OMAHA BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Go-to Tear Druggist for MM ( Treenun'i New Kttfcaa Dyt * . ror BrbhfaesM and dur > hllity of Wlh y NERVOUS DEBILITY ' " - > " Inmphreys' and Been In use 20 je rc < ; No. 28. b the most sac-1 Specific . . c'eefttl remedy knawnT Price 41 ftr vts * > or rials and \n \ vial ot DowderforSS.ent pottair * free on receipt of price. HU3IPI1REV t HOMED. MED. CO , ' 09 Fulton St. . New York. Illtut. Catnirn * of Receipts Address "SUaaon A Co. Portland. Main * . * w * k. J12z day at * cms eaclly ma < l r.costl outfit fren * dilrcaTrua&Co.Portbn > Ltf. niTIL , MECHANICAL. A5D MI5JO EX- I ; OIHKEKIKO at the RtnsJClaerPoItUdnilO inttltate. Tm . K T The pUest enx ! iwrlnc MhooInAK ! rw. Ifcattorm begins Saptem- ber I th. Tbe ResIstatS18SOcontaIi. i of the graduates for tbe past &i years. wi ntl U perianns lso , * un of § * jdr , r ralrBme ta , rffcT UAJtHjpfnD X. ORBSNS