1'EE DAILY BEE. Thursday Morning , Sept. 23. JOHN DILLON "Will appear in his new , elegant and laugh able comedy of "ELECTJUC LIGHT , " "Which is a trarslation ami an adaptation Jrom the German by J. E.Runuions.Esq. , and is replete with comedy and laughable bitnations. The play will be ELEGAMLY MOUNTED With new scenery , pn > i > erties and magnifi cent furniture. Rcscrt ed seats now on sale without extra charge at ilax Meyer & Bro'e. Family matinee Saturday afternoon. 22-4t BREVITIES , There were three trains of stock in yesterday. K -Join DUloa in "Electric Lieut" to night. See Uemis' bargains in real estate on second page. Why not put the street gang at work to els an the crossings. Pools were told for the rac a last night at Clark's Billiard HalL Seats for John Dillon's play were pu on eale yesterday morning at 9 o'clock. TheLincoln train upafroon yesterday liruught five coach b loaded down tvith pas. RCiigers. Five or six plain drunks were fined § 2 and costs each , yesterday morning by Judje Hawes. "Visitors to the state lair buy a good hat of Freder ck , Leading Hatter , 1400 Farn- l > am street. The attendance at the State Fair Tuesday was placed , by the tieket seller , at 5000 pertocE. The foot-ball club now numbers thirty members and a match is coatemp ated on Saturday of next week. Wait for the big show , ATKINSON'S Grand Semi-Annual Millinery Dixtfay , September 23rd , 24th and 25th. A goodly batch of suspicious charac. lera are kept in jail until after theSUte Pair to keep them out of mischief. There will bo quite a military display at the Fair grounds to-day. Both our military companies will go out ia full uni form. The rain which began Tuesday and continued through yesterday uaa un pleasant , but did not prevent the crowd from thronging the streets and \isiting every part of the city. Two colored men who came over the rher Tuesday were arrested on suspicion ot being after plunder. They had three new hats and seeral other articles \ \ ith them , httpposed to have been stolen. They arc locked up for sirfe keeping. The board of dinctoraof the Omaha lioard of Trade tcqucht that all stores and otherplaccs of Imsincts be closed to-day ( Thursday } between the hours of Ip. in. and C p. nu , to enable their employees to attend the State Fair. \ The members of Engine Company No. 3 dei-ire Id offer their acknowledgments to The ladies > Uiu kindly contributed flcnvers fjr decorating the apparatus Tuesday , and to Mra. Clark Woodman , particularly , for rare and beautiful boqucts. It is generally understood among rail road men that the B , & M. wall push their road west from Indianola this fall and winter , should the weather prove favora ble. The large piles of- iron and lies that Ime beeu accumulating at Lincoln for in > ntli3 will I-OOQ begin to mot e. Notwithstanding the threatening weather yesterday the attendance at ihcFairgiouuds wajquitelarge. E\ery train in from the iuteiiur baa biouglit crowds of people who were neither sugar nor salt to be beared out by a little raiu or mud. The hole's are ull crowded to over flowing. The firemen's ball at Creighton hall Tuesday was a grand affair. t The atten- tUuce was good , the music excellent and dancing continued until late in the night. A sreat many of the Council B'uffs fire men remained until yesterday. Th ; hall was IwAUtifulIy decorated with flags and para phernalia peculiar to the department. A couple of tlick thieves went through the safe at th harness tto.e of G. H. and tl. 8. Collins , during the firemen's parade ITuesday morning , getting about § 30 and n lot of drifts. Tues about 10 o'clock to young men were "arrested on tuspicion > f lieing the guilty parties but on appear ing in police court yesterday they \ierc ilibcharged for want of identification. A hack-driver was arrested yesterday < > u complaint of Clinton 1' . Kico , < barged luth stealing a silver watch and W. The two slept in the same room at the Hud-on ( River hou e Tuesday , and the o.-ivergot up before his companion and loft , and the litter afterwards missed his I operty. The accused was searched , but n thing answering the dcscripcion of the B jJun goods was found. Officer Black was detailed to investigate the matter. Herman Cromwell was sent to jail yesterday by Judge Ha es forfneda3-s for disturbing the peace. He threw a biickbat thronph a neighbor's window , dressed himrelf up in female attire and was a , ; eneral nuisance. It appears that Croni- wi it utul his wife have had a good deal of truble , a div. rce suit brought by th Vfi ni a now pending. The wife has a so : 19 years of age and her husband a brothc : of about the same ripeness in years. Th co ? pis both drink and the boys are said t kefpnpthe unpleasantness between th tw- > . The woman was at the neighbjr'i ho.ucwhcn the brick was thrown. < io to M. W. Kennedy's and try hii celts Crated brands of McBryer hand xnr lo Sour Mash Whisky , 0. F. C So.jr Mash Whisky , Thoma Morris1 fine old Rye Whisky and fine old Bo.-bon. All the leading brands o Kentucky on hand ; Bass's Ale and Dulin Fortor ; fine wines of ull the lea -ng brands and a choice assort- in -tiof domestic and Key West ci- jfftr , , 312 south Thirtoanth street , Om lu , Neb. _ 622 5t LADIES ! Pfno kid shoos in button , tide lace an3 jront lace , at H. DoHtEifc.Co.'s , Leading Shoe Store , * Central Block . ) V HATS in every ehape at Mrs Wood's Parlor EasarCrcghton block , 15th street. sat tu-th-st BL-ang visit Kurtz's etora. tuwed Fl i U FttOU THK SPuIKGS.Foreign and American Mineral 'Water , Hun- padl , Janes , Hathorn , Friedrichshall Bitter Water , Vichy , Congress and Emptiv. For sale by lah & McMahon , 1821 Farnham str-seL 30 1m Do you want Bed Comfortables at : 1,00 , 5150 , SL75 , § 2.00 and up ? SOB them at BUSHMAN'S. It will pay you- . Eoctcoal oil 15 cent ? , at Solomon's- I. ! r A FATAL FALL , John Waddell , of the Gover nor's Guard , Dies at His Work. Remains Lying in State at Coroner Jacobs' Booms , A serious accident occurred at the Fair grounds early Tuesday morning which resulted yesterday in the death of the victim. John Waddell was a private in Company E , of Sat- ton , which is , as all know , assigned to do special polica duty on the grounds during the Fair. He is a young man 23 years of age , the son of a well-to- do farmer living seven miles north cf Sutton. Tuesday morning Waddell was put on guird , his duty being to watch the fence along the east side of the driving park , to see that no intruders got into the grounds by climbing over. Be tween 9 and 10 o'clock he was sitting on the front gate , in order to com mand the view all along the line of fence , and while BO doing was encaged in talking to a companion. Several Tvere talking and joking around , and he was also laughing heartily with the rest At length one of the number who was behind Wad dell started to move away , when the htler turned his head to watch him and being rather careless bo turned his head too far , lost his balance and fell off the fence backward , striking with heavy force on the back of his neck jnat at the head of the spinal column. Ho was picked up and it was found that his entire body from the neck down was paralyzed , although he retained his conscious ness and could convene as well. With the reaction from the shock this morning , convulsions set in and at 9 o'clock Jie expired. His body was taken to undertaker Jacobs where it will remain probably until Monday. His parents and brothers have been telegraphed the sad news and are ex pected here by the first train. BUSHMAN'S FALL AND WINTER ANNOUNCEMENT. THE MOST ELEGANT , BEST and most desirable stock we hare ev er bought , is now arriving and we ara pleased to inform our patrons and friends that we know they willbe agree ably surprised to see the many novel ties we shall present at prices that cannot help but be satisfactory to all. Velvets , Plain , Brocaded Striped , Black and all the new desirable Ehadeo. Silks , Plain , Brocaded , Striped. Sat ins in all colors. Drees Goods ! Dress Goods , you must see them to get a fair idea in short , we extend a cor dial invitation to the public io visit and Inspect our stock whether you want to buy or not. BUSHMAN'S. S. E. ccr. loth and Doujlts strode. Momoiial Eeaolutions , I. O. O. F. WHEREAS , It has pleased an All- wise Providence in His dispensation " to summon "Trom our midst by the agency of death our late brother Jam ee Smith , be it liesolvcd , That we , as Odd Fellowp , profoundly regret the severance of the tics that bound us to our late brother. Uesohtdf That in the death of Jas. Smith our late brother the Inue' pendent Older Odd Fellows loses er esteemed and worthy member , his family a loving husbind and fithei and the community a just and upright citizen. licsylved , That we sincerely sj-mpa' lliize with tha family of the deceased in their bereavement and tender their a copy of these resolutions expressive of our sorrows for their less , C. L STRAIGHT , HjJJfKY ROEXFELIJT , J. NEVILLE , Committee. ' .1 lie Plearant Hours. At a meeting of the Pleasant Hours club , the following oflicen were electing for the ensuing year : President C. D. Squires. Treasurer J. M. I loss. Secretary P. S. Eimis. Executive Committee Mr. J. V. Furey , Gao. Patterson , L * . Foote , Lewi : S. Reed. .Oled. CHOKIN Sentember 21st , near Fort Oaiaha , John F. Cronin. Funeral took place this morning from Jacob's undertaking rooms. The remains were interred in the Holy Sepulchre cemetery. Calico Suits and Wrappers at § 1.00 and § 1.50 at the Parlor Bazar Crclgh- ton Block. tt&sat PCOMEXAUE ALL AT HIOKMAN'S He arc HEADQUARTERS for everything in the MILUJ.EUY AND FANCY GOODS LINE , and will promise you that wo are WiapprozdiaMc cither in quantity of goods , quality of goods , style in trimming or reasonablena&s in prices. Our Jlnc goods are nearly as low as goodi of au inferior grade , as sold by aome other houses. Call and see us , and then go around to the other stores and judge Tor yourself.H. H. & C. F. HICKMAN. Millinery at Wholesale and Retail. John Dillon. Of the pcrformenco of this famous commedian and his new plsy , supported ted by the Gulick-Blaisdell Guaran teed Attraction "No. 1 , " the Burling ton Hawkeye says : "Union Hall was packed last night to welcome Mr. John Dillon ia 'his new piece , the "Electric Light. " The comedy is all they claim for it. John Dillon was in his happiest rein. The company supporting him was fully armed , aud the fun produced by the star and his troupe was of a kind to make to make old men and women scream , while the younger people laughed until they forgot their ap pointments next Sunday evening. " Mr. Dillon appears hero on Thurs day , Friday and Saturday , with Sat urday matinee. WILL CLOSE. On Thursday and Friday afternoons between the hours of one and six 3'dock our store will ba closed'to en- ible ourselves and employes to attend ho stale fair. nap22t2 J. B. FRENCH & Co. Go to the European Restaurant for neils served in first class etjlc. VALUABLE WAEES. A Tour of Mechanics' Hall , and the Wares Therein. The Large and Small Alike Taken In. The weather this morning was ao cold and wet that people were reluct ant to leave the comfortable retreats of the city for the Fair grounds except clad iu. overcoats and wraps. Toward noon the clouds that had darkened the iky cleared away and people began to flock in by thousands. Especial at- ention was given to that part of the ixhibition within the various halls. The wisdom and foresight of the gentlemen who planned the fair buildings Is nowhere more- conspicu ously displayed than in dividing the various exhibits and placing some at tractions in all corners , thus prevent- ng a crush at any point , and scatter- ng the vast crowd over the entire grounds. While the main building is filled with multifarious articles , both useful and ornamental , it does not comprise mora than one-fourth of the expssition. Oil the north end of the grounds monster bulh and cows of royal descent peacefully browse. Here , also , pens of graded ewes and vicious-looking rams ; hogs by the hundreds , and thorough bred horses in well kept stalls. If the vhitora tire of animal sights , the poultry house is close at hand , and a careful examination will prove both instructive and amusing. Next comes the machinery department with its thousands of agricultural implements of every shape and purpose. The next building is called "MECHANICS' HALL , " hut any other name would fiound as sweet and be equally appropriate , for the title only burlesques the contents. Hera the large business houses of Omaha are located , " with extensive exhibits of their goodi. Conspicuous Hmont ; these Is the exhibjt of Dewey & Stone , consisting of magniGcent rosewood chamber set , ailk cushioned parlor set , center tables , card tables and book case ? , each art'clo in design and finish , are elegant specimens of the wood carver's art. Brown & 131ias display a largo variety of articles in the crockery line. line.Mr. Mr. Wm. Fleming is content with a display of Plants' flour , believing that he whogcatera directly to the stomach tends to mit-gate the Buffer ings and increase the happiness of mankind. Flanking .tho flour comes its mate in household joys , heating and cook stores , exhibited by the Chicago & Erie manufacturing Co. , makers of the well-known' Invincible" base Dur- ner. ner.The foundry of Andreen & Valien , safe maker ? , exhibit a large fire and burglar proof safe made for the Kan sas division of the Union Pacific and also vault doora for Steele & John son's new building. Mr. A. B. Hubermann has a large and elegant display in the jewelry line. line.Next Next comes the extensive EXHIBIT or D. A. riERCY , in atoves and tinware , consisting of cooking and heating stoves and ranges. Mr. Piercy enters warmly in the fall and winter trade race , prepared to make it hot for any dealer aud house-keeper in the town. First aud foremost in his line of heating stoves stinds the New liecla , manufactured by the Hansom Stove Works , of Albany , N. Y. , and Chicago , III. The most im portant feature of those stoves is the combination duplex grate for removing ashes and clinkers from the fire pot withoutdlsturbingthe fire , and in euch a manner as to prevent ashes falling on the carpet. The fire pot is sectional , of the most approved construction , any section or the whole of which can bo removed and replaced without dismounting any prt of the stove. The ornaments are of a most elaborate character , embracing an urn , entirely nicklo-plated ; a mckln plated drum section ; elegant plaltd name plttca and foot rail , and a fancy baee , which , while adding greatly to" th.o beauty of the stove , still retains .ill the strength of the dove-tailed leg. The pantls of the drum section are protected by currents of air pass ing underneath them , from discolor ation by heat , and , being fastened without 1 oils or scraws , can be re moved and replaced with tha great- eat ease. There arc four sizes of these stoves , with or without ovens , suitable for large or small pirlors. Mr. Piercy also displayed the West minster and Astral heaters , guaranteed to give twenty- tivo per cent more heat in. proportion to the fuel burned , than any other stoves of corresponding sl/c ill the market. There arc four eizes of each , with or without ovens. An other great feature of the display is the "Baltimore Mantle Heater" for fire places ; also the "Windsor" wood- burning heater , with automatic dam per , and the tile-lined parlor stove , beautiful in design , strong in con struction , and economical in fuel. In the way of cook stoves and ranges Mr. Piercy carries a full assortment - ment , varied in size , style and quality. Buck's Brilliant stoves , tor wood and jsoal , or both , combined , take the lead , and the large number already sold in Omaha proves their popularity. Thtre are eleven sizp ? , with numerous attach ments to lighten the labors of kitchen queens. Next , but not least , comes the "Acorn" cooks , manufactured by Rathburno , Lord & | Co. These stoves possess superior qualities as bakers , are economical in fuel , either coal or wood ; treble lined oven backs and flue ? , portable reservoirs and large double closers. The "Prize Acorn" is a beauty , in finish , strength and durability equal to any in the market. The sizes and styles are numerous and suitable for all classes. The Acorn and Bismarck ranges were also exhibited , together with a largo variety of granite ware and Tiunera' stock. Tne display was effectively arranged and won a full share of attention. The Queally soap works displayed a largo quantity and quality o its goods. Mr. D. T. Mount exhibited a large variety of harness and saddlers goods , arranged attractively. The crockery house of Samuel Burns was represented by a large and eg' nt assortment of goods. Whitney. Clark & Co. , has a largo variety of teas and spices of their own manufacture. Sprout & Power , of Omaha , ex hibit patent firkins of their own make. Harris & Fisher and J. F. Sheeley it Ctt. ! display a large variety of can ned and canvassed meats. The extreme northern end of the hall is occupied by the house of Mil ton llojers & Son , with an immense display of Etoves , ranges and tinware. Ajitther Omaha institution , the Whi'e Lead Works , has erected a large monument of b ireled lead to show their energy and enterprise. Philip Gottheimer exhibits -Bpjci- - men of his handiwork in the shape of a patent shirt ironer and drying fraraa. The Omaha Barb Fence Wire Work displays a Urge quantity of their wire work , proving a great attraction to farmers. The 99 cent man is not behind his neighbors in the display of his ware ! . Chas. H. Averill , of Wisner , Eeb. , exhibits several sizes of Ferguson's Bureau Creiuerv and Caucassian churn. The Novelty Works of Godfrey & Davis exhibit a large number of dye stamps and stencil goods. The boot and shoe house of A. F. Fullreide ia well represented ; like wise the drug house of 0. F. Good man , principally surgical instruments. Several sets of beautiful harnesses and saddles are displayed by G. H. & J. S. Colling. Metz Bros , display an elegint walnut pyramid casa filled with bottled beer and buck. One of the finest displays in Me chanics hall is that of solid silverware - ware by Whippla & McMillan , of | ( Omaha. The goods , numbering some two hundred pieces of useful and or namental table toilet and drawing room furnishings , are mostly of their own manufacture. They have the Hampdon Chron ometer movement watches , in gold and silver and of every style. Tiis is a new kind of watch and is fast becoming popular. They exhibit a very handsome line of opera glas'es , inlaid pearl and black enamel , and neck chains of which one in pariicular worthy of especial notice , is a neck chain and locket of gold with cameo getting. An elegant silver cigar sland called Pinafore , is attracting much at- tentiun , resembling a bottle neck down with the bottom knocked out and mounted on a square block in a leaning position. They have new styles cf ladies jewelry in sets and ear-rings and breast-pins , both novel and handsome. Among the specialties wo noticed illuminated clocks for druggists and physicians. They are adapted for placing immediately over the sas iet. A larga line oE bracelets , eolid gold pearl rimmed and enamel inlaid , in all the various styles ; breast pins of elegant models ; tobacco boxes orna mented ; and sets of tableware , also grace their cases. The various goods in Mechanics Hall are attractively arranged , and are far more valuable and interesting than any collection on the ground. Visitors should spend an hour or two in close inspection. THE BACES. A great crowd gathered at the race track In the afternoon yesterday to seethe races. The track being wet and heavy was declared five seconds slow. In the 2:30 : race three entries were made.Nettie : Ward , entered by W. A. Marlow ; Gray Granger , entered by J. 11. Creighton ; Chailie Douglaa , entered by J W Jacobs. The first heat wr.s made in 2:31 : , with the hprsoa in the Tnllowin-r or der : Charlie Douglas , Nettie Ward , and Gray Grangrr. In tlis heat Nettie Ward lamed herself eo tba the was unable to take the traCk. .In the second heat Charlie Douglas took the lead to the time of 2:36 : | ; and also lead in the third heat ; time , 2:30. : The colt race for two-year-olds was postponed till to-day. The other races of to-day will be the colt race for thres year old col's , and the 81,000 free-for-all race. Thia ia expected to be the beat race of the season. The fast pacing race will also fur nish amusement for Friday. KEAKNEV COUN3Y. The pioneer farmers of Kearney county have brought and placed on exhibition in the west wing of the main building , a vast collection of the products of that county , consisting of twenty varieties of wheat , thirty of corn , husked and on the stalk , two of barlay , one of rye , live of oats , two of millet , all of which are of fair quality , full and round , showing the remarkable productiveness of the soil. Kearney county vns in the vortex of the slimmer drought , wh'ch tended to retard thegrowth and reduce the size and grade of grain , but the goil retunod mois'ure to a wonderful degree , and saved the fft'lnera from what , al onU time threatened ruin to many a pioneer. In the vegetable line there are fine potatoes , huge squishes , pumpkin * , water inclone and cidi r melons , turnip ? , tomuto p , citron" , peanut stalks , and sever. 1 specimens of Egyptian corn rico , recently introduced iu this stale There are also several varieties of sugar cane , some of the stalks mess uring twelve feet in height , and five varieties of sorghum cane. These articles have been out of the ground two weeks , havins ; been exhibited at rhe district fair at Hastings , and are remarkably fresh and attractive. LAXUAbfKR COUNTY came promptly on hand with a large aud varied collection of its products , conspicuously displayed in the center of the northwest win ? , fl-mked by the Union Pacific and Kt-arney county exhibits. It consists of specimens of every conceivable variety of grain and vegetables raised in the county. It stands unrivalled in extent and quality , and will undjubtedly take the ribbon and some cash. Mr. J. D. Smith , the Sixteenth ntreet gardener , exhibits eeveral var ieties of vegetable beauties and mammoth cabbage heads. Mr. Tousley also displays his garden fruit and flue specimens of tobacco. The Oimha Trunk Factory has several huge Saratogas on the ground. Dewey & Stone exhibit in the main hall a chamber set of carved rose wood , grand in design and finish. THE MILLINERY DISPLAYS. The variety , extent and number of articles that fill the main building , combining the aits of man and na ture , have been pretty thoroughly re viewed in recent numbers of THE BEE , so that few remain worthy of ex tended notice. Conspicuous among these is the display of millinery goods of A. Atkinson , unrivaled in exten' , quality and cosilincaa. There ve bonnets and hats of plush , brocadt d velvets , satin silk and otter , efejjantly trimmed , fit to adorn the head of a queen. Here also ara a large num ber and variety of nntrimiued hats , doll bonnets , feathers , ribbons , trim mings and ornaments. Three 1-uge cases are filled , surmounted with a trea of ostrich plumes , the most beau tiful in color , length and breadth ever seen in the west The entire display overshadows in every respect all coin l5ctitora , sustaining Mr. Atkinson's claim to the "Acknowledged loading illinery establishment of Omaha and Nebraska. " The house not only leads in the millinery trade , but is likewise the oldes * , having been es tablished in 1867 , and has a repnta- ticn for fine goods and low prices sx- tending beyond the limits of the state. Every lady should examine this display to get an insight to the tine goods to be unveiled at the oppn- ing to-night at the southeast corner of Douglas and Thirteenth streets. LADIES' SUITS. | Next Mr. Atkinson's exhibit , and equally conspicuous in Its line , ia the display of ladies' suits , dolmans , laces , ruchings , gloves , etc. The ra- cent trip of Mr. Chas. McDonald to the faehion capitals of Europe , was not altogether of a recreative nature , and already large quantities of beau tiful suits and dolmans have arrived from Paris and London , a few speci mens of which are exhibited. The first of these is a dark brown brocaded Turkey satin dress , with dark plush trimmings , ball fringe , made up iu ihft latest style. A dolman of cam el's hair cloth , with trimmings to match , covers the figure , jresenting a most fascinating appearance. Next to this is a dolman of black m&tteluse cloth with imperial cord and bead trimmings , very handsome and styl ish. A suit of London blue silk , with plush ir.nra.ings and cheneille ball fringe to match , enchanathe eye aud vies with its fascinating neighbors. Anew now and attractive feature In im ported goods is a new style jacket made of French diagonal , with fur and plush trimmicgs and brilliant buttons. It is exceedingly nobby and novel. Surpassing all is an elegant black Sicilian silk cloak with silver fox fur trimmings. THE BEE man did not obtain the price , but it must urn np Into the hundreds. TROTTING SANDWICHES. The adjourned race , for two year olds , half mile dash will be run to day. Also , the trolting race for three year olds , half mile heats , _ best three in five will be sandwiched in. GOOD RECORDS' The management gives notice that during the remainder of the fa < r the trotting rules will be strictly observed and all horses will bo put on their metal and obliged to do their beat. There will be no jockeying and the consequence will be expected. . This will be especially g uifying in view of the entries for the great free-for-all race , as some of the horses entered have a record of 2:10 and with a good track at least 2:18 : time ought to be made. The entries for the free-for- all race are Will Cody , Charlie Doug las , Nettie Ward and Loafer. The race is for a purse of § 1,000 , best three In live. JUDOISAVAGE'S ADDRESS. Early yesterday afternoon Judge James W. Savage was introduced in Agricultural Hall by Col. E F. Smythe and delivered an excellent ad- draS , which he styled ' 'A plea for the Boys and Girls. " His address showed HU intimate knowledge with all the vicisitudes and enjoyments of farm life and a high appreciation of thopro- duetion of the productive lab r , whote results we assemble to exhibit , view and compare. At the close of the ad dress , 0. A. Baldwin offered a resolu tion of thanks in the nntr.e of the Ag ricultural society , who aho requested a copy of the address for publication. PERSONA ! * PABAORAPHS Goernor Nance is hi the city. J. C. Blackmail , of Fremont , is in the citjjProf. Prof. Samuel Atlghcyj was in the city to day. day.B. B. Ei Strahorn left for the mountains yesterday. Jiiu Norton left for Grceley , Colorado , yesteiday. JD.V. . Hitchcock , of the C. , B. & Q. , ia iii the thy. Church lion e , of Kemah.i county , M aa iu the city yesterday. Lieut.-Gov. Cams and wife are here at tending the state fair. lion. Gtorgd H. Jewett and wife , ol Sidney , are in the city. CV-t. Lovejoy , of Oakdale , is attending the Nebraska exposition. C. J.i'helps , the well-known attorney ol Schurler , is in the city. iilmer D. Frank , of Lincoln , came up Tuesday to tha fair. Char.es Suinuer Clark , of The Council Bluffs JSouparcil , MAS over with the fire- Mrs. J. Sterling Moiton and family , ci Nebraska City , are at the WitbnclL W. It. Bacon , of Graud Island , was in tae city tj-dayandleftf or horns yesterday ; Owen Sloven aud a patty of friends left to-day for a trip tu New Mexico via Den- er ami Pueblo. lion. 11. C. Dav.'bon , the general super intendent of the fair , arrived Tuesday h.ivuibeen detained until tins late hout by sickness. Arthur C. WnkUy left Wednesday tc losuiue hi3 studies in Coluinuia Law school , of jNew York city , where he will be joined Liter by W. C. Atoms , Charles yiumdtns and ItoLert i'.Uiiek. Jlon. John Wullichs , of Grand Island , republican candidate lur auditor of state , is HI ihe city yesterday , and called at THE ULE oilice in comp.iay with Hon. Wm. Auy.ii ! , iecei\er of the land office at that city. Wo have juat received a largo num- barof PAULOK und CHAMBER SUITS atid other FURNITURE which the pub lic are invited to itspect. CHAKLES SIUVERICK , 1203 and 1210 Farnhdm St. LADIES , if you want good aud stylish goods for a little money , go to the Parlor Bazar , Croighton Block. tt&3at It pays to trade at Kurtz's , tuwed Fresh Oysters in every style. Meals at all hours at the European Res taurant and Hotel. * 21-2t Postofflce Cnanges in Nebraska during the week ending September 18,18SO , furnished by Wm. Yau Vleck , of the Postoffico Depart ment : Established Algernon , CuaterOo. , Cha ? . S. Eliaon , postmaster ; Erlna , Wheeler Co. , Andrew Phillips , post master. Headquarters for Joe Schlitz'e Milwaukee beer at MenciiANTs' Ex- N. E. Oor. Kith and Dodge. For Lands , Lota , Houses and Farms , look overBemis' new column on 1st p.ige. Bargains. Lots , Farms , Houses and Lands , r ook over Bcmis' new column of bar gains on first pi ge. Dcvlins Fall styles are now ready for inspection at the Boston Clothing House , 1-J12 Farnham St. a20eodlm A Card of Thanks. We dcaire through the columns of the BEE to return our heartfelt and sincere thanks to Gen. John HKinjr , Lieutenant Regan , Lieutenant Thorn- as , and the post generally , for the many kindnesses andsinceresympathy shown us in our late bereavement. MICUAEI , SCOTT , NETTIE Scorr. FORT OMAHA , Neb. , Sept. 22 , 1880. 600 men wanted to take a look at Solomon's 24x30 chromes , framed , only 05 cents. sep22t2 GENTS' Hand-sewed shoes , Button , Balmoral , Alexis , Congress and Dom Pedro. HENRY DOHLE < fc Co. , Leading Shoe Store , Central Block. ELEPHANT I Peschen's Beer . Vault , corner of 13th and Farnham. "Warm Lunch end concert by military band every night sept 21-6t THE EVENT OF THE SEASON1 ATKINSON'S GRAND SEMI-ANNUAL MILLINERY DISPLAY will take place September 23d , 24th and 25th. All are most cordially invited. New lot of eolid gold bracelets don't fail to call and see them at * WlIIPPLE , McMlLLEN & Co.'s. SPECIAL ? 3GTOE8. NOTICE Advertisements To Lot For Sale * Lost , Found , Wants , Boirdlnz &c. , will be In serted In thcuo coltunna once for TKN CENTS per lln ; each sut-requeatlnstertlon.FIVE CENTS per line. The flist Insertion never less than TWENTT-FTVE CEMTS. TO IOABOHEY. . * 0 LOAN At 8 per cent Inter eat , In < < uma ol 82000and up wards for t to 6 years' time on first clasalmpror edcitvand farm property. Apnljat BE1IJS Real Eetite and Loan Agency , 15th and Douztas St3. 278-codtf OHIT XO LOAN C ll at IAW Office D. L. 7HOIIAS. RoumS.Crefehton Block OVEY TO LOAN 1109 Farnhim strwt. M Dr. Edwards Lo n Agency. nov-22-tf HELP WANTED OY WANTED A aiurt and acth e bov , at B The BradstMct Co. " 527-21 WANTED-2or3 unfurnHied rooms within 8 block § of tlio Bee office , for lulU botue keepirg. Addrejs U , Bee Ollkc. 62Mf WANTUD-Sit'iation as Inker.Apply Cali fornia Ilouec , corner Douglas and llth > tg. 525-22 WANTED A tinner. Uxdyjnb , liieh wazcs. Ap'ly at or.co lo J. W.'Ho mes , Wlttinel inc , or write toMcl'ahoa & Holmes Brothers. Corning , Ion- 524 22 WANTED A fitu'tlon a ] so'mstre-s or nurse in a prhnte fan ily. A < Wre f M. I ) . , 1411 Doujlas St..between 14th and 15th. 52G-22 WA TED In a private fsmMy two unfumish. rooms nd board for a family of three Ap ply at Bee Office. 529U WANTEH Til'orc ; two co-it and one naiita rnilcer Call at C F. Himinn , 421 South Tenth St. , Crmha. 521-27 WANTED Oond tfrl for kitchen work ; food wacs xi'lbcraid ' , SCGlCth St. , Mison'c Bloclt 619 22 WANTKr > Oirl for cerefvl h'ns'worlr in smVl family. * pp'y No. 332 Donglid * * . , between ' 7th .mill 8th 513-23 "TTTANTED CfBco boy. App'y at the Emmctt VV Uoue 517-2J ANTFD A yonnf msn to write In nn W cfllce. AddrcsiBox 1C. 513-22 A fi s'-chs nicit cook.also til 12 WANTED , ? . App'yatlhiaoffica. 514 22 A cllnine room gM at the Doran WANTfifl Hocsn , opposltths Bee Olllco. 515-22 WAN1F.D Oirl for general ho"SPirotk in a email family Apply 312 s Utli 18th STcct 615.2J TED-2flnt clwbarb r . t J. U Cur WA ry , torrer 15th and Furuham. 603 if TTl A > fED-Tvro cftrpert'ere. MI'Iard Stafoii : \V eojdVKeS ill be paid. WM. VAN DOEREN' . Inquire Eiglc Iltl s : < CTO-22 Tw good bl cksmitris tn tfo west. WANTED D O rr " " - 50per day. T. MURRAY. MENWANTED-81 602-tf A eood pastry cook ; St. Ch 'Ica WAMED 402-tJ An CKpeHenc-H drveood" , cloth- WANEED aid CHOPS tal-nmau ; no o'her need applj : references required. Address G Adlcf , b * 'tl. Neb 491-29 A peed sirl to < fo aenefal hou c- WANTED Apply corner 12th and Pacific. 490 tl \\f ANTEF--A Girl to do hotT \ \ farnbam Strc-et. np Stairs FORREHT-HQU3ES AHD UND. T OTS. FARMS.HOUSEt ADLANES Look LJ 01 er BKMIa' new column of bargains on 1st Pa-re. FOR RENT A furnlfhed room App'y at No. 1811 , bet. 3Sth and 19th , Caes ttrcet. E09-22 FjlOR BENT A well-funmhcd house , 10 P rooms , with well m-d c stern in the ccnt-r rf Iho 'ity ; suitable f r private bosr'ins ' house , or furnished rooms alnn" , fum'ture ' nearly new , at cheap figures. Kent $53 per rronlh. Inquire atlhljoflloe. f 01-25 T71URNI-HED Uoomi with or without board , 1 } at > uropcan Restaurant. CGl-tf ! OU RENT -Incly furnishd rooms at 1310 Datenport street , fcct. 33tli and 14th St. 350 tf FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms otcr Mer chants Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and Dodge streets. 2b3-tf .lURNISFED ROOMS FORREST AtDairn F 1 ro t House. fjlttf SAU. FUR A FINz. MtunuEinun ( font , Doors , counter , Mantle , Store fittini ; , veneered work co to 1310 Dodco street , A. F. KAFERT * CO. , Buililcrc HD2l > evfl.i-lfir BRICK FOR SALE Inquire at sewer , Otti and Junes bireets. ft 11-2" HOFEL FOll SALE Beit Ijcatlcn In the /'i y. Iniju'rcat IhUoffice 503-24" it ILK Twenty to twcnty-nnir quirtg or one iVj dollar by John T. Paulson. flh/g i'.mnti-wodt L OTS , FARMS , HOUSES AS ! V LANDS. Look 01 tr liEMIS * new column of barpilns on lat _ BEM1S OFFhRS A bl'LKNUlD LIST O Terrains in Houses , Lota , Farms and Lands , in his new column on 1st page. T71 " R SALE Coltonwood lumber of all sizeaat REDMOND'S. .Slxtcenth-Ht. filfi-t MISCELLANEOUS- WANTED To rent House , located in t more than four blocks from postofll''e ; four to six rooms Address C , Bco Office. 523-lf OTRAYED On Sept. llth , ono dark brown ij mule about 10 j cars , 10 bands high Any one returning the Bamo to the Fanners' Ho'i-c iv H lie lihrrally paid for his trouble HENRY IIExMNGS. 622-20 SSTHAYE 0 OR STOLEN From Fair Grounds eptc l er 2Ut , dm pony , 3 white feet , s ar on furchfad and branded 01 rl lit hip. Leave nformation wKh J. T. Swift , 1420 , Chica go nd 15th streets 63'-'f CHICAGO MEDICAL COLLEGE The Pioneer In the Gralcd sj stem , and Also in 3 j ears' course of Instruct on artarted by Ameri can vcdical College Association , begins ita next Session Sept * 8tli. Pliisiological Lahontoiy cs ab ished. ANAIOMICAL MATERIAL INUN- LIMITED ABU.VDANCK. Sea a number ' , and secured in order of appHcat'on. Profef sors' Frc = , 375 ; Practit'oncrs'Course through April , Fee , S3 } For Announcement or inforrna'hn , address Dr. J. II HOI.LIbTER , 70 Monroe St. . Chieaeo. SIGN OP THE GOLDEN PIANO & FRAME , A. HOSPE JR. . , . , Pianos and Organs First Class on Easy Monthly Payments , Sheet Music and Musi cal Instruments. FINE SIOCK OF : M : o TT L ID z isr C3s . Oil Paintings , Eograviiigs an" Frames at great ly reduced prices. ixlO Frames , 1 inch , Walnut. . ISe 0x12 ' 1 ' . 20 lOxli ' 1 ' . 20 .2x16 . ' U ' ' . 0 12x18 ' 1J ' ' . 65 1&E20 1 } ' . 75 Bustio SxlO f rime . 15 ChromoB fran ed , small , 2cc , Chron.of framed , large , 1S , Ecgmlngs from 50c upwards , Photograph frames from 15c upwards , WiadoA.-Cor.ice375c a window and upwards Lambrequir.8 d 00 per window and upwards , Cornice CUes2 50 per window and upwari'7 , Velvet frames 25c each U > 5 00 Tlolm Strings lie , Violin 1 75 , 2 50 , 3 and upward ] , Guitars 5 CO , 6 00 , 7 00 and upwards. Banjos 1 CO. 3 00 , 5 00 , and upwards , Accordeois f rorn 1 00 up. cheape.it in city Send for iimples and citalorne of mouldings and ghost muiic. A. HOSPE , JR. , 1578 Seize St. . Omaha , Neb. S.P. . . ST. , IJcg Leave to Announce flint flic Saleof ] flic STEPHEN TINUES. For flic benefit of visitors und strangers now in the City , we once more give some facts concerning this Gorgeous Stock. It is ono of the Largest in the West , Its condition as regards newness is all that CAX be desired. As wcPnrchased the entire Stock , about § 43,000 in vaf ne , at a Discount of $30,000. we are sciliiur Goods at Prices nliicli CAY KOT BE COMPETED WITH , and it is not necessary to mcSi in dc- tail the Bargains being offered , Our Magnificent Stock of V Is worthy of inspection , not only as articles of usefulness but as works of Art I At Prices Below the Cost of Importation. DOMESTICS , TABLE LINENS AND FLANNELS At Prices very gratifying to the Purchasers. Underwear for Ladies , Gentlemen , and Children at Prices simply rnannroacliablc. S. IP. IMZOZRSIE &D CO. FARIYIUJI STKEET. LATEST TELEGRAMS Are Not Half as Interest ing to the General Read er as the Following Price List : 9lbsof ABUgar for | j on lo Ihs extra Csucur for 1 03 1 * Ibs Canary C. Sugar for 1 113 8lbs Granulated SuRar for 1 oj 8 Ibs Cut Loaf Suearfor i QO 6 Iba good Hio Coffee for 1 CO 5 Iba best Bio Coffee for , 1 ( Q 4 Ibs choice Java Codco for 1 0 SJ Iba best Mocha Coffee for j"CO YourjR ilyeon Tea per Ib , 30 to 40 OolongTea per Ib , 30 to 40 Japan Tea per Ib , 30 to . . . . . . . .Ill 0 Finest Clunpowdcr Tea per Ib ; B BcstO KFlour pereick . _ 2 tn , Snow Flake winter wheat flour 3 75 JIo.vcn3.bc3tflour _ _ _ „ „ 4 00 22 baa Climax Soap for i fjg 21 bars Laundry Soap for 1 OJ 13 bars Linen Soap ( or 1 CO Pure Maple Syrup in gal. cans 1 CO OolJcnBjrap pcrgallon. . . . _ . . . _ 411 New ' Orleans Syrup per gtllon . , , . eo N'cw Orleans Mulassca per gallon ' 0 SumrHouseMola&iesper gallon. . . . , , . . . . 15 18 Ibs St. Louis Soda Crackers for 1 00 ISlbsSt. Louis Oyster Crackers for 1 eo 1211)3 Boston Butter Crackers for. . _ 1 0' 121bsOnter ! Snaps for ? 00 Hlbs New Currants for , j Oi 9 Iba New Blackberries for i 06 4 Ibs Pitted Cherries for Of 12 Ibs Dried Peaches ( halves ) for. Ofeo U Ilia Choice Dried Apples for. . . , 0" 12 His best new Prunes for. . , CO 10 Ibg. best Valencia Raising. , _ , 00 8 Ibs. now layer Raisins 1 QO Teaches. 2 lo cans * siO Peaches. 3 Ib cans ( standard ) . . . . . 16 Pie Peaches , 6 Ib cans „ SO Peaches ( Cal)3 ) Ib cai.3 2 > Blackberries , 2 Ib can j2j Apples , ( York State ) j.al can 3D Blueberries 3 Ib can ? J Cherries 2 Ib can _ 2lj Djnison Plums 2Ib cans i2J Raspberries L Ib can 15 Strawberries,2 Ibcan . . . . . _ . 16 String Beans,2 Ib cans 2j Baked Beans , Ib tan Lima Beans , 2 Ib cans 121 Suipircorn , 21b can 121 Yarmouth corn , per can 174 Tomatoes , 3 Ib can 12J Succotash , 2 Ibcan 12 } Pumpkins , 3Ibcan Ib 251b3 beans 1 00 10 Ib dried Lima beans 1 CO S5 Iba hominy 1 00 11 Ibs Carollnatlco 1 CO 23 Iba oat meal _ 1 00 Fat family mackerel , per kit S5 Fat family while fishier kit. SO Codfish , whole , perlb. . . 7 Codfish , bonelesd , pcrlb 10 Hallibut. perlb 12J Holland herring ( new ) per keg . . 1 So Tobacco ( BlackweD't Durham ) r Jt Ib. . . . . . . 60 ToIiCCO ( ilverF < fal plumper Ib CO Tobacco ( Old Style ) per Ib 85 Tobacco ( Meerschaum ) perlb. . . . . 10 Hams , sugar-cured , per Ib 12J Butter , fresh roll , pcrlb 0 Complete price lists fnrnlabcd on application. Country order * will receive prompt and cartful atter.tion. Poaith elr no coeds gold on credit. J. B. FRENCH & GO , , The Original Reliable Urocurs , No. 1119 Farnham Street , OMAEA. NEB. AOADEMTOF MUSIC ! _ GREAT ATTRACTION FAIR WEEK. Monday , Tuesday & 'Wednesday , SKHEMBER 20tb , 21st and 22d , Oulick-BIaisdcll Guaranteed Attraction No. 3. The New Musical and SpecUIty Oddity. HOP SCOTCH , OR THE DUKE , THE DOWAGER , THE FENIAN. TOE GERMAN AMBASSADOR , THE TWO MAIDa OF HONOH , ANDTHF. RAJAH OF SINGAPORE. A Roiling FarcicM Comedy ' pciatta In three actt. Rendered by the Gullck-BlalsdclI Operatic and Srecjl'y Company , utMed by full Oper atic Orch etra and Brass Band. Reserved seat * now on ga'e , without tra charge , at Max Mejer & Bro.'s Jewelry Store. Price aa eual. 18-4i MEAT MARKET U. P. Block. l tli St. Freah anj Salt ileata o all kinds constant oa hand , prices reasonable. Vegetables la teat on. i'c < cl delivered to ny part of the dty. A. F. RAFERT & . CO. , Contractors and Builders , tine Woodwork a Specialty. Agents for the Encaustic Tiling ST. , OilAHA ORCHARD &BEAfi. DEWEY & STONE , J.B.FRENCH&C JE2-3E"El - GBOCEKS , OMAHA. . OMAHA OMAHA. Dealers in Oco : TORIES House Furnishing tioods , Shclfllardivare , Niiiis and Etc. i'A(2Farnham \ Street. Isr. Door East First National Bnnk. SOOOO CHEAP ! CHEAPER S CHEAPEST I MAX MEYER & BRO. Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then entire stock of Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Clocks , SilverWare , Pianos & Organ GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per cent , helow any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their weN Store , Cor. llth & Farnham We Mean Business , Come and foe Convinced , - * *