F * 4 , THE DAILY BEE. E. HOSEWATBS : EDITOR NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. roK rREStnnsT : TAMES A , GAKF1ELD , o ! Ohio , FOB VlCE-FRrSlDEXT , CHESTER A. AUTHUK , of Ivew York. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. GEORGE W. COLLINS , of Tavnese County. JAMES LAIRD , of Adams County. JOHN M. THURSTOX , of Douglas Count } ' . REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. Tor Member of Congress , EDWARD K. VALENTINE. For member of Congress ( Contingent ) , THOMAS J. MAJORS. For Governor , ALBIMJ5 STAXCE. For Lieutenant-Governor , E .C. CA3OsS.J Tot Secretary of State , S. J. ALEXANDER. For Auditor , JOHN WALLICHS. For Treasurer , G. 31. EARTLKTT. For Attorney-General , a J. DILLWORTH. Tor Commissioner of Public Lands anC BmldingB , A. G. KENDA1X. Per Superintendent of Public Instruct on , W. W. JONES. DISTRICT TICKET. For Attorney Third Judicial District. X -T. BUIINHAM. TUB European fuss ovei Turkey tloe not necessarily begin with Tiianktgivin : * . OTTING to a continuous pressure on Us advertising and local columns during fair week , the telegraph and editorials hare been tomcwhat cut down. The democratic county convention vras Held yesterday at the court house , Jt is understood that Charley Bedick didn't eccurc his delegation for the district attornysbip. SENATOR CONKUSOwill speak on Tuesday naxt in Warren , Ohio , and General Grant trill preside at the same meeting. On the 29th instant Mr. Conkling will epor.k at Cleveland , and n * . Cincinnati on the 1st of October. YOUK business men are circu lating a suggestive campaign document in the hands of western merchants when buying goods. It is four blank j > posof print paper labeled on the cover , "Hancock's Civil Record. ' ' GIUNT was married last even- 1113 to n daughter of W , S. Chnpnmn , DDO of the wealthiest of Californian millionaires. "Buck" Grantattended IUB brotner's wedding , and ts said to Jiave admitted the breaking off of his engagement with Misa Flood. There's many a slip between the flood and ihc trip. * THE renpminalion > f Miles Ross by the democrats of'the Third district ol INeTr Jersey is a ehame and a disgrace. Tl 'si is known as one of the most cor rupt politicians of New Brunswick. It ia not surprising to learn that 01 i ho snnouuccment of the result to the convention delegates from two coun ties lift the hall. TUB greenback convention in Maine yesterday decided , after considerable opposition , to fuse with the democrats .n an electoral ticket for the Novem ber tlection. The democrats are giv- vu thre of the seven electors. Solon Cliaso and a large following decline io tbida by the decision of the con vention and will put in nomination Mraight greenback set of electors. In fither event tiio republican party will have to exert their best endeavor * . Tur. immense proportions attained 1 > y English worklngmen'a socicltos is u'.meting much attention among me nhanics and laborers in this.country. < > ua reason why their condition is so flourishing in England is said to bo I'ecauso in addition to their trades union features they tiUo the place oi 1 ho mutual aid and benefit associations no common in this country. Four ol the English organizations the en- jtJneers , iron fonnden , boiler makers M > d steam engine makers have neatl } iO,000 member * , with annual incomes I'Cgrega'.ing over 81,003,000. In 1S70 th y expended nearly twice that amount for the benefit of sick and idle Jiic ibers. It is eaid that the admin is'ration of the affairs of these socie- 'i 3 is remarkable for economy auc Jnnoaty , and their benefits to mom- lura and their families can scarcely be overestimated. MANY complaints are coming from i epublicaus of tiio mxnner in which t ho Now York campaign is being man- ngJ. All the cheap morning pape > t ro either honestly democratic or arc "charing the independent livery to lorve the democracy in. Of ifar- jier's Weekly , the Ponnsylrania Jfonf/c j/ / . remarks : One republican paper , HarporV " " "y. we believe to be doing more ] arm than tjood. The coarseness of t s political illustrations is especially i ihappy at the present time , they be- i 4 aimed , as usual , at the 1 ish Catholic voters , whet t -ra to ba the btte noir of t loio Methodist publishers. Now , h 1 ppens , a weak point In the present c -tnocratic campaign is the absence of t \J marked enthusiasm' among onr C .thplio citizens for the democratic c 'Jdidate. They liave all Heard of 1 r . Surratt , and if they voti for her executioner , r will re through the for : ? of pirly uffi'iinon ' : , and not fi > in any love for him. They have n si heard of the British Fred trade , i what It did f jr Ireland ; and they " * no mora m love -with it than other featuie of British rule. J1 ; the TPeeWy , with its nasty pi- tares posted at every newspaper Btand , doing U best to rouse the Celtic temper aeaitut the republicans. It w -I be ahsppy day for the repablicsn p r-y when this "Journal of Civiliza- n a" confine * its thare in politics to 2L - . Cnrtis1 editorial * , tnd no longer tC' mahej It * readers with this strange oc , apound of. Curtis and Na t It is a df 'arlfcfct libel on iho party io attempt * < aanfou&a its nrinciplcs with such pr rjadicej of race and cre d as Xasl f in hia carieitiim. t i THE "KIsB JOKER. " Th3 BEE has received through the courtesy of one of its southern su tscrib- ers a number of the famous tissue bal- lots or "kiss jokers" used in the famous campaign of187C when Wade Hamp ton led the red shiits , South Oaro- lina to a glorious victory. The bal lots in our possession are print ad on thick tissno paper and are about three by ono and a half inches dimensions. They wera gotten up In Orangeburz county and are headed by the names of Wada Hamptcn for governor atd W. D. Simpson for lieutenant governor , besides containing the full democratic state and county nomina tions. By their means in 1878 the county which in 1876 cast nearly twice as many republican votes as it did democratic was counted in for Hamp- tonandthewholeconfederateticketwas elected by an overwhelming majority. A comparison of the two yeara * vote ehowE the powerful effect of tbe "kiss joker" when properly used. In 187G the tissue ballot had not come into ; eneral use. The red shirt brigade placed more reliance on intimidation and negro killing as a means of sup pressing the republican vote than on fraud at the polling place ? . The re sult was that in 1876 , the republicans carried the state for Hayes and Wheel er by a majority of nearly one thou sand votes. In some counties , nota bly in Edpefield arid Greenfield , the tksue ballot was used , and its effects were so startling to the republicans and EO satisfactory to the democrats that in the succeeding elec tions means were taken to put this si lent perverter of the people's will in to operation throughout the state. Half a million of the tissue ballots were distributed in the various coun ties fo ihe chairman of the democrat- is committees. Ten or fifteen were folded together and voted cs one. When the votes in the ballot bosea were found to exceed the number on the poll lilt , republican billets , which could be easily detected from the democratic tissue votes , were drawn from the boies , leaving only the "Kits jokers. " The result was that out of a total vote cf 119,363 , the democrats polled 119,650 votes through the aid of the tissue billot. This , in the words of a cele brated confed brigadier , "beat the in timidation business by a good deal. " The bloody ehirt was laid away quietly to rest and republicans permitted to vole just as much as they pleased. Voting , and having their votes counted they found , were very different mat' ' ters. The tissue ballot was King and the southern lenders had found the most effective mode of making a solid south. Once and awhile a British journal hits the truth in speakir.g . of America and Americans. A recent number of Lloyd's Weekly contains a biography of Gen. Garfield , closing as follower "Such a inin is likely to do well in any-poaition in life. He is , indeed , fit for any service , and the republicans have baen well inspired , we venture tc think , in the choice they have made , Wo figure to ourselves in James Abram Grfield a second President Lincoln , aad the United States of America have no brighter nor i.obler name , even on the brilliant roll of their prea idents , than Honest Abe , the rail splitter , who piloted them through the hours of their greatest trial. " WAIS FP.OM WE3T POINT. Corrceposdeucc of TLc Beo. WKST rorsr , Ntb.Seplember20. ; West Point and Uuming county are looking up this fall. The prospects for fall trade are encouraging , the busi ness men of West Point and Wiener understand the situation , and have laid in a full onpply of goods for the fall trade. Hogs ara bringing § 4.CO per hundred pounds , and the farmer * who have fat hogs to sell are smilinz and happy. West Point is getting to bo ono of Iho best hog markets in the Elkhorn Valley ; every day witnesses wagon after wagon cominc ; into town loaded with hoga. The summer has been a good ono for the farmers ii this section of country. Wheat Is an aver.i'0 crop end corn is well out o the way of early frosts and promise to ba n big crop , while moat of the farmers have steers and hogs to sell this , with fair prices ; must make gooc timea hero this fall. The new town In the northeast corner of the county ia .having a boom , several new houses are going up and the prospects are that many mcra will be built this fall. rThe railroad is finished to the town and times are brisk. The town is call ed Portland. The WeEt Point Creamery will soon enlarge their paper mill BO as to man facture white paper. The brick is al. on the ground , the repairs oa the flume are nearly completed , aud the machinery will soon bo in motion. Mr. Vostonpal , thoproprietorof the West Point brewery , is also mak in ? soma vcrr cxteniire improve ments to his brewery , and will sooi. manufacture as good beer es can be bought in the state and at no distant day will command the trade of the Elkhorn valley. The Method ists have nearly completed their church building on Lincoln street. There has been considerable excite ment of late in rpgrd to bnildlng a new school house. The district voted S7000 bonds for that purpose , but have not as yet decided on the loza tion. tion.The The republicans here have opened the campaign by organizing a Garfiald and Arthur club. Lat Friday niaht they made their first parade with caps , cloaks and torches. Some thirty men were in the procession , headed by the West Point band. ( By the way , this band is making rapid strides to pr- fection. ) There would have been many more in the procession , but the r.ink and file are waiting for the coun ty ticket to be nominated bifore they enthuse much. The last convention held here for Sir. Valentine put a damper on a great many republicans , but it is gradually wearing off. Mr. Valentine will not have us large a majority - jority in this county as he had the la t time ho run , but the balance of the ticket will ba elected by a good ma jority. The various precincts in the count ? have organized GarSald and Arthiar clubs , and are working with a will. Several meetings have b en held in Logan precinct , Messrs. Bruner , Dworack and Fodrea being the spaa * era. era.The coming county teachers insti tute will bo held at the court louse , this week. Morton's cill to democrats in the var'ous counties to famish the amount o ! taxes paid to the state is a bad move for the democracy. If other counties , which have been under democratic . rule in the past , kept no bettor re cord than Cuming county , as the treasurer informs me , it would puzzle a Paihdelphia lawyer to find out whether Cuming counly ever paid any tax to the state or not previous to the time the republicanscam6 into the office. KKFCBLICAS. FACTS FROM FAIRBDEY. Oerregpoi eice of tb BEE. FiiRBOET , Neb. , September 20. Since the first of January six brick and stone business houses hava been completed in Faiibury , and there ore six more in process of erection , mak ing twelve brick and stone business houses erected during the ceason. There will also be completed this fall a fine brick school house , which , from its fine location , will be an ornament to the town , and we think the finest school building in southern Nebraska. Thoa. Harbide is erecting a brick building , the front being of cut stone , which h doubtless the finest front west of the Missouri riverT and reflects great credit on the builders , Messrs. ? fieffer & Son , of St. Joe , whose work can be seen in all ihe finest mildings in Missouri , Iowa , Kansas and Nebraska. Mr. Harbine will use he building for a bank. The new Dooley house presents a Ino appearance , and we wish its en- ; erprising proprietor all the custom can attend to. We think Fairbury can justly boast of the finest buildings and more of them erected the presant reason , of any town on the line of the St. Joseph & Western B. E. Our people were greatly disappoint' ed in not getting the B. & M. road , which we were justly entiiled to , having complied with every request of the company , and being assured that they were acting in good faith and would surely build the road through our town , but notwitlutand ing the road missed us , a4few miles ( as th.3y did every town in the intareet of the L. L. & town Co. ) our citizens go en with their improve inents , and our town has improved niora than any season during her ex istence. Although the road misses n ? , it runs near enough to give us the competition of two roads. Business of all kinds are tolerably well represented here , yet there is an opening for sever.il more. There is a 5no opening for a woolen mill here , also for a paper mill , both of which could not help paying a good percent' ' se on money invested. Wo have an abundance of water power , who will be the first to utilize it ? Parties dpsirlng to invest in manu factories will roieivo encouragement as our citizens are wide-awake and wil lend a helping hand to any enterprise that will advance the interest of our town. . . 0. EXOELSIOK , The Matchless Exhibit o Domestic Fowl at the State Fair. The poultry house at the state fai grounds presents a collection of do mestic fowls , rabbita and birds which has never baeii rivaled in any exhibi tioa west of the Mississippi. The fol lowing are the entries in this depart ment : Carr Asford , Omahv Pen of 5 P kl. . ducks , psn of 8 light Bramah fowls , I pair Buff Ctxhin fowjg , 4 pairs Buff Cochin chicks , 3 pairs white Leghorn fowls , black Cochin chicks. Mrs. Chloa Aletteer , Plattsmonth : Two mire Rouen dink * . William Uhe , Papillion : One p.vr buff Cocuns. 1 pair Plymouth Kock chicks , 1 pair dark Bramah cliio',8. ' 1 pa < r brown Leghorn- I pair black Spanish , 1 pal UuUen P.ilisli , 1 pair Silre Sjwn.'e. U. .K. S nbarn , Pap llion : Foiu-pai irs broxvn Leghorns. Hugh .Mclntyre , Omaha : One Pheasant B-mtams , 3 Pheasant Bu heus , lieu ; inl 5 Pheu'wnt Bautam chicks G. 11. J ickson. Council Bluffj : Om pair each dark Bramah fowls and chicha , 1 pair each Partridge Cochins f .wls am chicks , I pair each black breafcted rec GamefowJa and chicks , 2 pairs each Ply mouth Rock fowls and chicks , 4 pairs Ply mouth Hock chicks , i pair buff Cochins 1 pair Houdana , 1 pair each black Spanis fowls and chickp , 1 pair each dark Eramah fowls and chicks. James H. Murphy , Omaha : One pah- blue Pouter piReona , 1 pair white Fantai' pigeons , 1 pair white Fautail squabs , J pair white Angora rabbits , 1 pair Hima laj-an rabbits , 1 pair lop-eared rabbits 1 caife white inice with youn ? , 2 cagei white rats withyoumr , trio white mice 1 pair _ colored Abyssinian-Guinea pigs I pairs colored African-Guinea pigs , 1 hap py family. Kalpli Bittinger , Omaha : One pair black bre stedgame Bantams. Harry McUornrck , Omaha : One pa Silver Seabright Bantams. \UU Brown , Jr. , Umaha : Two pairs each booted white fowls aud chicks , 1 pair each black breasted Game fowls and chicks 3 pairs each Golden Spangle Bantim : fowls and chicles , 1 brood common chick ; Geo. AV. Walker , Omaha : One hate of rabbits. Graham P. Brown , Omaha : 3 coope of iiht Bramah fowls , 3 coops light Bramah chicks , 21 oops dark Bramz.h fowls , 2 coop * buff Cochin , 2 coops white Cochin , 2 coops black Cochin ; 3 coops of Hack chicks , I coop partridge Cochin fowls , 2 coops white Leghorn ; - < COOI 8 white Leghorn chicks , 1 coop partr dge Coch n towls , 2 coops whi e Le h r , 3 coops vrhitj Leghorn chicks , 1 coop black Spanish fowls , 1 coop yolden Polish chicks , 1 coop tilverPoash fo ls , 1 coop silver 1'o'ish cjick ? . I coop Uoadan , 2 co ps Plymouth Upck , 1 coop white Leghorn , 2 coops rurtridge Cochin ; 4 light Bramah hens , i buff Cochin , 4 hens. 1 pair Jacobin pigeons , 1 pair black Fautai , I pair blue Pan tail and 1 pa r Tumbler Fantail. H. C. Stoll , Omaha : 3 Cayuga ducks , tr jo buff Cochin chick- , trio light Bnmah ; trio dark Bramah fowls , pair Toulouse geese , trio bronzp turkeys , tiio whi e Ban tams , pair teabright , pair b'ack ; trio Ply mouth Uo-kchicks , parpe * fows. : A. C , Haite , Sarpy Mills : 2 pair buff C chin chicks , 1 pair each whi e Co-hin fowls aud chicks , 2 pair dark Bramah fowls I pair HouJan fowl1 pair dark Bramah chicks , 1 fair white Fantail pig eons , 3 pair H B T tumbler , 1 pair black Fantail. 1 pair R B H Tumbler , 2 puir j ellow Jacobin , 1 ruir black Fantail and 1 pair black Tumbler. The New Transcontinental. Chicago Tribune : Several of the general officers of the Atchi onTopoka and Santa Fe railroad were in the city yesterday. In a conversation with a Tribune representative during the af ternoon they stated that they ara de voting all their energy to push their various extension schemes as rapidly as possible. Good headway is being made on the Atlantic and Pacific ex tension aud on the Guaymas divis ions. Both these lines are eipected to be completed in about two years. The Guvvmas road is being construct ed from both ends , and from Guay mas to Hermoaillo the road is ready foe business. The heaviest work , howerer , is beinp done on the main line along the Bio Grande , where about two miles of road per day are being com- p'.eted. The Southern Pacific is puih- Ing ahead with the same energy through Arizona. Unless eome un foreseen obstacles should arise , the junction between the two roads will bi made about January or Fcbarary , bat in no event will the junction of the roads be delayed beyond March 1. The completion of this li.e will mark anepoch in the railroad histr.ty of the tcouatryas thereby another through line to the Pasifie will hava been reached , and Jay Qould will no longer bo able to control all the Paoiffj business. While this line will ba longer th-m the Union Pacific route to the Pacific coast , yet it will bo in some respects the more doairible. The Union Pa cific has to suffer greatly during the winter from heavy falls of snow , and from this cause is often blockaded for days and weeks. The new route will experience no such obstacles , as very little snow falls anywhere along the "ins during the winter months. The : ompletion of this new Pacific rome will no doubt have tbe effect of greatly educing the rates of freicht and ras- engers on Pacific business , which lone will prove of incalculable benefit o the people living in this pa-1 of the lountry doing Business with Pacific : east points. WHAT A "CHANGE" WOULD DO FOB BCS1SES3 INTERESTS AT THE NA TIONAL CAPITAL. Washington Letter to Cl.djLatl ComaiercUl A prominant business man hero , oni ? identified with the off lira of the District , said to our correspondent , the other day , that "a change" woulo affect the city of Washington more han all the other cities combined. 'It would , " he said , "make Washing- on a city of piupera. The number of clerks and employes of the covern- ment and their families living in this city make a population of at least 60,000. A chance would set thi ? pop- ulat'on adrifr. What in the name of : ieavon could they do ? Of nil the clerks , etc. , in the government em ploy , about 3000 own houses in the District. All this proper'y would at once go upon the market. This would depress renl estate with forty howe power. " ' 'Buttho now sot com ing in would want to buy houses , would they not ? " "No , the new set would be mainly from the south and too poor to buy honsea at the capital at once. I don't cire much about it one way o- the other , but I am well enough acquainted with the popula tion here to bsiieve that 'a change , ' Bo-called , will make Washington a city of paupers. The amount of selling out and buying in , moving around and shifting about , will be without prece dent. It will be 'achange'for ' us who live in the city in all that the term im plies. " "The election of Hancock , " "said the proprietor of a lirge hotel here , "would be thirty thousond dollars in my pocket. Aa a business proprietor I could afford to go around and give liberally to the democratic campaign fund. A change would pack the hotels in this city from cellar to garret. Wo had a rush of custom at the time the house and tenato changed handswhen there wera only a couple of hundred offices involved. But think of it , with a hundred thousand oflices at the dis posal of the new administration. Tlnura- is no ostim.itin ? what a commotion and rush there will be in this city , and which will continue for at least a yoir before matters will settle down in the old way. " In speaking of a change to another getleman in business here , he broke out suddenly with the exclamation , I'Call it a relapse ! " To place tbe cap ital of the country in the hands of the democratic pirty means a reNpse ; it means reaction and retrogression. As a citizen of Washington 1 am opposed to it. Twenty yeara sgo , whan thorp weie eldve pens whtro the school houaes now are , I was in ftvor of a change , but I dent want to change bckffardsl Why cannot well enough be let alone ? But it i * useless for ute to talk ; we can't voto. " A Commeudab'e Hove. Lincoln Jonrn.l September 21. The Burlington & Missouri Rirar railroad company will , in Afeur- days , let the rontract for an extension "of their Republican Valley branch westward sirao ihirty ni l ° s from Indianol.i through Rjd Willow mtn Hi-chcock county. This move ia made this fall for the relief of tiio farmers of the upper Republican Valley who have suffered a pirtiii loss Irom the drouth , and are in want of something to do to raise ' .hem money to carry thrm conifoitahlj through the winter. The extension of the line will give employment to all in the vicinity with their teams , and will enable them to remain on their homesteads instead of going east to net something to do. The Journal commends this meas ure of the company as the very best mode of assisting the new ssttlers in the valley in their time of need. A Serious Matter. StieleClt } Advance. The Gazette of last week makes rather light of TDK OMAHA BEE'S pro test in reference to the stite nominees and insinuates tint THE BEE ia alone in its opposition. The nominee for congress stands convicted of crime be fore the courts of justice , and the nominee for lieutenant governor dis graced the state by engaging in a street brawl while occupying the po sition of presiding officer of tha shite senate. It ? eems that the republicans ought to have found men with un blemished reputation for officers. | A. noted physician of New York. wrlt s ttP friend : " 1 li-wo in my mind a tuffsrer from sra\ol mi a omplication of kidney iHsnnten that wan permanently cured liv the use of Prof. Gu'Imelte'a Freuch Wdnev . " Tads. Th dru"clst3 " aeiltnem. The ely pid guvantced to cure diato'e * . KNTel , drop' } , Britht'a disease , nerve n d-uillci and all di-ea s of the kidneys a d bladder , it Prof. Gailmette'g Drench wldn tr > . < ! cr. c. * V.A.E : > OR : WiEROHAMT TASLOfi Capitol Ave , , Opp. Masonio Hall , OMAHA. - - - - . NF.B. HARTKOPFF'S HUSEU3I , Brandt's Turner Hall , [ Corner Tenth aad Howard Streets. This celebr led Muaium wl 1 be opnnsry cay frrm 10 o'clock a. nu until 10 o'cloot p m Ihe sirce contains a Urce colloctlon of 2000 artiSdil and nitural curiosit-e3 of Geology , Ethnology , Anatomic and l-atholojry. Iba admission fee his been reduced to 0 cent ? THE ONLY PUCE WHERE YOU can find a good assortment ot BOOTS AND SHOES At & L01TXR FIGURE than at my other she house In the dtr. P. LANG'S , 236 FARHHAH ST. ' & GENTS TO ORDER d a pertret fit cnvrbt d. Pricevrvieasor BARGAINS AGENCY , ! 5h ( and Douglas Street. Over 3.009 residence lots for w' ' by this agen y at pricesr ansins : from 526 to JJ.600 each , and ery part of thocito , and In every irectiou from the Postofflce , north , eat , south r west , and varying in distance from one lock to one or two rmloa from same. Call and xamlne our 1'ats Several choice lots in Griffin & Isaacs' ad'll tion , cst of convent , between St. Mary's aven uc and Harney street S800 to $500. 80 acres just cast of barracks on Saunders St. , this is choice land and will be sold very cheap- for cash in 5 , 10 or 20 acre los ; now is your timo- 0 secure a bargain. Choice lot at end of street car tracks on Saun- Jcr * street for 8575. Choice lot , Farnuam and 24th streets , 90x132 eot for St,500 will divide It. Cheap lots in Credit Fonclsr addition , south o U. P. depot $100 W SsOO. TERRACE ADDITION. Forty lots on Park Avenue'ffld Georgia r > treet , on road to park , and near head of St. M ry's avenue , at frrm S125 to $300 each. Seven rears time at eiirht rnr cent interest to those who will put up coed substantial bnlldinjii. F-r further particulars apply to. 0. P. BEMIS , Aeont , Fifteenth and Douglas Streets. A nice lot on Ilarncy and Ttventy-flrst streets , forS25. Two choice lota on COth. near St. Mar } 'a ftven- uo , 60x165 feet each , for S350 and 8900. Two choice lots near 23d and Clark streets , In E V. Smith's addition-SSOO and SS50. Fifty lotn In Shinu's flrecon and third ad ditions forSUO to $600 ea Lot near 15th and rirrce , $450. 2 lots on Earner near 24th St. , $600 each. lot oa 24th nar Howard street , $7cO. 13 tote in Grand View addition , south of U. P bridze and depot , from SIB to 8 00 each * One acre , U7x 70 feet , on ISth street , south of Poppleton'a new residence , for $2,000 , or will .livid * into city alecJ lota it ! from $350 to $500 each. each.KIVERVIBW KIVERVIBW ADDITION. LMVC number of bsautlful residence lota , lo cated in this icT7 addition on Capitol Hill , be tuoen 21th at.-eet on the cast , 25th on the west Doil.re street oh thd noftli and Famhato street onthokouth. formerly onned by C. H Downs and more reccntl } known as tbe Perkins 15 acres. Only 22 lots lia\etbusfar bseu platted 14 on Kirnliamimdgon Douglas street. Tbeea lots are 00 to 56 ff et In wiiltn and 160 Indcpth. $1,000 for the choico. Sywrstime , at 8 per cent iu- erestt > t ! : < x o vi ho w ill build peed substantial 1 OUST * thereon. Call and examine plat nnd get full information at BEMIS1 IlEAIi ESTATE AGENCY , 16th and Douslas Streets. Over 200 hcm-s and lotsi-s offered for sale by thisoffica They aroscatte'ed all over the city. Any location you da.ire. Prices varying frjtu JJOO to 15,000 each. 2 iood lots and 2 cheap houses near Jackson and 12th streets at a great eacrluce. Here Is a creat b.rcain for eorno pno. The property must be sold in.nudbtcly. Co vc'rs Jusl a quarter of a block. Call and examine this without any del V" GEO P. BKMIS , Agent , 16th and Douglas Sts A desirable lot cear Cuming and Saunders Str 6ts , ? 1COO. 1COO.PARK PARK PLAOB. The cheapest acre Jots In ihe dlty ol Omaha , re those o3crud for sale by this agency in Faik PI. co and Lowo'n second addl ion. on Cumlflg , Burtaid California street- ; you can make no iiilst.iUu lupi'l.io ; uptliiEO bargains while yoi luvcthfe chance These lots are mere thin equa in sle to 4 full sized city lots cr a h > lf block mil i : will be but a very chart time before one- flfthntt of ore rf thcte acre lots will sell for as mui-Ii \\oollor afu'l acre to day. They are Incited a tcry riiott dia nce west of Cr lehton t : illejje. Prlcm ranjrlns from 81 SO t6S"00 ! per acrolot. Call immediately , and don't lose your Uiancc , end get plat and full particulars of GKO. V BFJI1S , Aeent , 15th and Douzlas Streets. Nice lot on Sbirman Avenue uotlhof Nicholas > tr f t , J1.400. Half lot on Chss.telwcen 13th arid 14lh streets fl.oco - f „ , J nice lot J in Hartnwn'a ai'diUon , SWO In ? 600. Ltujo numbe' of acre lots in Ge's ! addition in North Omaan , Slz5 to $300 ta-.h. Uhoioe earner lot near 22ud and California trceta , SI.JOO. Horernl iroad lots In helpou'a addition , 150 to J3.V ) cacli. Chniee lot Ia Thornell'a ddition , S7BO. Scvanl Hrce lots in B-irtlfU'a addition , lj ro M and ? J scrox each , 1'ncej $700 to $2,001 eacli. > \cai Ji icj lo'a in Reed's first addition , J275 16 8350 each. Acre lot on Jherraan n enuo , (16th ( street ) , south of Poppltton'i new residenre , ' or $1,100 2 lanji , Ir.ia no ir 18th and Clark atrool * , 80 i SS feet Corner , J1.200 ; inside , 81,000. S Uruo luts on She m n avenue , (16th ( street ) uet. SWO sx-h McCANDLISH PLACE. 22 nice and cno p otj , very neortotbo hu la < j < inart of the ci'y , located a very fewstepi sauth of the Convent and SL Mary's avenjeaut Jmt > outn f and R'ljo nlnir the ground of James it AV. oluorth a"dV - J. Council iheso are cheap anJ very dc'irable , bein ? g > handy to bus nti-s part of city , to new ( toycrnme. t depot , nai rtitts , hlto lead works , U. P , depot , etock yaiil * , packing bi > u6Ci > , etc Call snd tret pU and lull par iru.ars. 1 * Ice $275 to J3JO and easy terms to lliose who t uild GEO. P. BEMIS , Agent. 15tb and Douilaa Sts. 3 choice residence lota on 24lh street , between DausUs an.l Dod/e streelsS1.100 ; to $ l,2iO oich and Innif time to thofe who will build 2 ch.M e corner loin near 2Hh and FHinham st'-eJUIai < ! l21 feet , 51,150 and $1,200 , and verj eiay terra ? to purchasers who wl 1 improve. Aljo 1 lota on 21th , between Farnham am Dou'I.a3 s reitE.5 9. > 0 to gl.COO each and long tiaio. J3"250 of the best business lots ia TO Omaba for si'e , located oneverybuji nc street SSODto 3,000 each. jfHTAlao tcryalu ble store icrties In al most every business block tG 000 to § 15,001 Ouch LAKE'S ADDITION. 40oMoice rcs'desce lota in above addition , im moJiatcly north of and ad Joining PoppJeton' bawtiful residence and grounds , and located on ISih 19th and 20th streets , $300 to J50 each am very ca y terms to thoss whowill build. GUI an examine pjt ] aud cet full particular * . GEO. P. HEM IS , Ajcnt. ; Deiu iful buildinz site on Bhcrman avenue 16th strcetbotncen Popplcton and the Dudley t jams pro c ty ; 2C3 feet cost frontage on th avenue , by 8:9 feet in depth. Will divide It.mak insJS2fcotby239. Call and ? et full particulars An aero n ISth ttrcct , lOifcct cast frontas ; hy 378 feet deep. This Is Jnst south of the Kllza both (1'oppleton ( place. This Is gilt-e Jze , call an iet price and terms of BEMJS , Accnt. 13 good lotc , just north of and adjoining E V Smith's addition , and located bc'ween20th an Haundcn street } , at rcosonab'e prices and Ion ima to huver nho iinprov l EEJIlS , Agent. HORBACH'S ADDITION. 5'Slotsin llorhach's first and second ad itio on It.tli , 16th , 19th and 23th streets , betwec Nicholas , l'ul , She-man and Clark stieetg , rer hnndy to U. P. Shops , smelting works , etc. raiding in prices rom from § SOO to $1:100 each requiring or.ly em ll payment down ane ! Ion tinn at 7 pa r cent interest to these who will Im prove. GSO. P. BEU1S , 15th and Douglas Street , S3 nice lot * In Parker's addition , between a nders and Pierce. Kinjr and Campbell's Sts. n Blon-o street ; 19 lots with south fronts anc 9 with north frontaze , only 6 blocks north o h-i turntablend street-car track ) on Sannders troet. Veryltw prices ; S175 cash , or $200 on me titno nd 8 par cent interest to uioso will hnKd S9150 coo.t firmi for sale in Dougln , Sirpy \ViBhIniton Burt , Dodje , Saunders and Kwteri tier of counties 3 3 O.OUO acrcc best selected lands In th state for s lo by this ajc ncy. Call and iret maps cireulnrsand full paiticnlars. STBcaais' usw ni'p of Omaha , 60c nud $1.50 2TBemiV new pamphlet ( and m p of th State entill-d "tbo onOook of Nebraska" force rco Ibl r.bution Geo. P. Bern is1 , HEAL ESTATE AGENCY , m\\ \ \ & Douglas St. , OMAHA. NEB ATTEHTiGH , BUILDERS AND CON TRACTORS. The owner of the celebrated Kaolin Banks , near LOTJISVIU E , NEB. , has cow ready at tbe depot at Louisville , on the B. & M. railroad , to fill any order at reasonable prices. Parties - ties desiring a white front or ornamental brick roll do well to give na a call or send tor cainplo. J. T. A. HOOTER , Prop. , T.orJ rille. SHOW GASES JUidTACTTRED BT O. -WTIL3DE , 1317 CASS tT. , OMAHA. NEB. < STA good anortmtnt always on hand.'ZJ INVALIDS 1ED OTHEB3 8EEKIK& HEALTH , STRENGTH and ENERGY , SVITHOBT THE USE OF DRUGS , ARE RE QUESTED TO SEND FOtt THE ELECTRIC REVIEW , AN ILLUSTRATED JOUR NAL , WHICH IS PUBLISHED FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION . TTTREATSnrxm HEALTH , IITGI.iJ.VE , and Pbjsi- J. cal Cultur * , and is a comp ! ttf ejcjclofmedia of infoxmation for invalids and those who snffer from Nervons. Eihaoiting and Tnmfu ] Diseajij. Erery subject that baars npon health and human hapr'ne" ' * receites attention in its pages : and the many ques tions asked by suffering invalid * , wto have despaired of & curs , ate answered , and valuable information is volunteered to all who are In need of medic&l ad- rice. The subject of Elec ic Belts Krjtw Medicine , and the hundred and ont questions of " al impoi- tancd to suffering bumin'.tj , are dulj Considered and eiplalned. eiplalned.YOUNG MEN Ard ethers who suBtsr from Narrons and rbrslcal Debility. Lc s of ilanly Vigor , Fremalnre Eibaus- tion and tba tcany gloomy consequeccw of early Indi-cretion , etc. , are especially Iwnefited by con- tailing iu contents. The ELECTRIC BE VIEW eipofes the unmitigated frauds practiced by quacks and medical impostors who profess to "practice medicine , " and points out the only safe , timple , < md effective ro d to Uealtb , Vigor , uJ Bodily energy. . Bond your address on fiostal cart ! for a copy , anJ uiformatiou north tbouiands will b e nt you , Addreii the publiiheri , rULVERMACHER GALVANIC CO , , "OR. EIGHTH and VINE STS. . CINCINNATI , n tf 5 Yearsbefor THE DR.C.MeLAHE'S are not recommended as a remedy "for all the ilia that flesh is heir to. " but in iflfections of the Liver , aim in all Bilious Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head- iche. or diseases of that character , they tand without a rival. AGUE AND'FEVER. . No better cathartic can be used _ pre paratory to , or after taking quinine. As L simple purgative they are unequalcd. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS , The genuine are never sugar-coated. Each bos has si red-wax seal on the lid , with the impre&sion.McLANE'S LIVEH PILL. Each wrapper bears the signa- ures of C. McLvxE and FLEMING BKOS. 3& Insist upon having the genuine DrTc. McLAXE'S LIVER PILLS , prepared - pared b1- FLEMIXG BROS. , Pittsburgh , Tn. , : he market being full of imitations of ; he name JfcJtane , spelled cliirercntly , jut same pronunciation. KOWEL COMPLAINTS , A Speedy and Effectual Cure. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN-KILLER Has stood the test of rourr TK RS' trial. Dirtctiont with each dottle. OL'D BY ALIi DllUOQISTS. llf R MTI"n Local Aeents everywhere toael WAN t UU Tea , Coffee , EikinR Powder , fluvorin ; ' . Extracts , etc , by sample , to fimiliis , [ refit good. Outfit free. PiopIo'eTca CO. , Box 5020. St. Louis. Mo. ELECTION PROCLAMATION. On Court House Bonds. At a gergion of the Ecird of Couiitv Comm' * lioncrsd t'ie CoUity of Douglm. in tho&tito of Nrbraski , ho den on the llth day of Septtm- ber. A. D , 1CSO. it was l > y faid o rd P.63. Ira i , That tin following quest'on b nd the lime i he c > y ubmittedMa proposition to the qualified electors of the County of Doug las. .Nebr kn.to'lt : Td the ecctoraij tbe Countj-of Joug'aa ' in th State of Nebraska : The Boar I if Cou ty Ccmnr.i's oneN ol ta'd coun'y ' hereby submit tha ( oliowinsr proposniori : Shall ihe C u .ty of Dorjta ( ? , Sta o of Nebraska , by ta County CommitEloners is uc its coupon bonds In he amoint of o1 e hunurtd anJ twe-i- ty.Q e thousand dol'ars fo the jurposu of ad- iur la the construction , erection ahd cjmp'ction nad the con-truo'ion , erettion fnd coinpleti'n of a court. ) ouse huiluinc in the o.ty of Omaha , Cdunty of Dou.-las , In the State of " "eb a ka , for i oun J pur p ? "S nrd all the purpo ea for uhlch eucn cou thctue rosy ho legally u-ed and appropriate tne monjy rjised th reby 'Or aid in sueh construction , or for such c n struct I n andc mrlttionof sad builduij ; , All ths cost4 and expenir of slid building nut t txcefd 'he Elimof-riBliUiidrcfloiId 'fly thi/tumid doll r , s id iirnila to te one ttipu'knd do'lars ' ench an i dstc I Ja uary Hi , 1331 , livable M t c offica of h COUT j tr < aur r c ( said conntjsn1 ! tn run twenty jcaa with b'trest at a rate not exrfcdJ in ii ( C ) per cent , pe-annarn , payatle stml- annuallv. The Bnid todj shall not he soM lew 'hiin lor. In nduit i n t < > ho evj- for orilnsi'y axei thfra sluil be levied and mlcctcd a tax annually 8 pro\id d by law , f r the paymrnt of the interest 0 s-id bo d as it be.omsidue and > n addi tional a-nount cliall be levied an J counted ae pravMcd by law , tU 1 c cut ti pav tha principsl of Mich bonds nt maturity , and pro ijid that not more th n fifteen percent , of the princip.il cf said bbr ds fhall be levied in n-ir one yearj and pro\id > d alnayg that itl no erent flull bonds te 1 sue I to .1 greater amount th n ten pr cent , c f the a < ecd valuatio i of nil the Usable proper ty in sal i county Interest shrill bopaid on siid bon ( snilv from anJ otter tbo d tu of t"0 sale of sal i bomb or a y part thereof and tbo receipt of the nio.iey there/or. The salil bondi shall be redjtmible at the op tion of the Brard of Couity Commizai no's of n\ \ 1 co nity at ti o rxpiration of tsn years from tbe date ol itid bond' . Wo'k on ealj court houca fball be commenced 1mm dutrly after tiio rut p ion of said pr. ] > s - tion , it adoptu , nnd s id buildinz to Le com pleted on or before January 1 , 1SS2. No levy bhall be m Uo to p y any putt of the principal of B id bonds until efter the > xpitation cf ten 5 ears from the date of eaid twndj. Tne form in which tbe abo-e proposition shall bo submitted shall b by bal'ot , npon which ballot shall be printed or written or part , ly printed or writted the words : "For Court House BondV or "Agaln t Court liousa I'onds , " undnil ballot * CJSt nailnp therein the words "Fcr Court House Eonds" shall ba ceni- eu ai d taken to "e ir > fa\or of raid proposition , and all billets can having tr croon the words "Against Court Iloueo Bonds' sbtll bo deemed and talun to be M.aiost SilJ proposi tion , and if two th ! da of tha vo'ca vai > t at the elertion hfreinafterprovided in Ihla behalf bo ia favor cf the above proposition , it shall ba deemed and taVcii to be carried. Tbo said proposition shall bo voted upon at tte general election to be held In the County ot Dou.'Iaa , SU'c of Nebraska , on the 2d day of "Vovernter , A. D. ItfcO , at the following named plici : Omaha Precinct ! > o. one (1) ( ) Turner Hall. Omaha Precinct No. two (2) ( ) No. S engine house , Sixteenth St 0 i aha I'recinct No. threol ) ° arpontershop , 10th t , 2di. ri fouth ofenjr uehou-elotNo. 2. Omaha Precinct No. four (4) ( ) sheriffs office , court In use. umah * P.ecinct fo. flic (5) ( ) Ed. Leeder1 ! house , soutbrrist corr er lUh and Chicago Sts. Ornat n. l > reiinct > o.sii(6) ( No. Icn inoUCUie , 20tb and Izard ttrpetf. Kftratogt J rccinct School house , near Gran nigs.Florence Florence Precinct Florence fotel Union Prsoiiict IrvinRton sslool house Jeffcrsoa Precinct School houo iu District No. 41. EH horn Precinct Elkhorn school house , P.at'o Valley Pracinct School housa at Waterloo. Cbiiojo Preciat School houao at Elkhorn Station. Mlllanl Precinct Millar , ! Echool housa. MoCardle Precinct McCanlle cchool house. Douglaj Preoinct House rf J 0 Wilcoz. West Omaha Precinct School house in Dis trict No. 40. And which election will ba opened at S o'c'ocfc In the morning and will continuo opei until 8 o'clock in tha attirnoon of the same day. F W CORLISS , ( Seal ) H. P KKIOHT , I RID Di-ZXEb , County Commiadioiiers , JOHN R. MANCHESTER , County Clerk. sU 30i .11. K. JRISUOX , Insurance Agent , BEPKESENTS : PHtTNIX ASSDBANCE CO. , of Lon. don , Cash Assets tS.10T.lS7 WE3TCHKSTEK. N. Y. , Capital l.OOO.OOJ THE MERCUA > IS , of Newark. N. J. , 1,000,00 ( GlRAT.li FIUEPhlladelpbliCaptal. ! . 1,000,000 NOKTHWE8TEKN NATlONAL.Cap. IU1 900,000 FIKEIIEN-S FOND , California SOO.OOO BKITISU AMERICA ASSlTRANOECo 1,200,000 NEW A .IK FIRE INS. CO. , Assets. . . . SoO.OCO AMERICAF CENTRAL , AB6 ta 500,000 Southeast Cor. ot Fifteenth & Douglas St. , OMAHA. UNO. G. JACOBS , ( Formerly ot Olah ft Jacobs ) No. 1417 Farnham St. , Old Stand ot Jacob Oil nr TKLKGRAPIT SOLICITS PASSENGER AGCOMMODATIGN LIKE OMAHAANDFoWoMAHA Connects With Street Cars Corner cf SAUNDER3 and HAMILTON STREETS. ( End of Red L1n M lollvWi : LE VE OUAHA : 630 , * :17and : ] 1:13a m .3:03.5:37and723p.ni. : LEAVE FORT UMAHA : 7:15 a m. , 9:15 a. m , and 12:45 p. ro. * 4oO , 6:15 and E:15 p. m The 8:17 a. m run , learin.- omaha , and the 4:00 p. m. run , leaving Fort Omaha , are nsnally losdtdtofu'l ' capacity with regular juseengera. The 6:17 a. m , ma willbcmade frcn tha post- office , corner of Dodze and ISth unrehti Tickets cin te procured from ttrcet cardrir- en , or trcm diiven f hocks. FAKE , 25 CEST3 , ISOLUDIHC STEE CAB SS-M BANKING HOUSES. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED. BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. GALDWELLHAfVILTONiGO ! IB-AJKl K KZRS- Buslneis 'nnsacted same as that o an Incor porated Bank. Accounts kept in Currency or cold snWeet to light check without notice. CertiBcatea of deposit Isrued parable In three , BU and twelve months , hearing Inttreat , or "on demand without interest. Advuuces made to ruatomcrs on approved BO- curitie ? at market rates of iotcrest Buy and sell gold , bills of exchanse Oovgrn. meut , State , County and City Bonds ; Draw Sight Drafts on Fn'i.id , Ireland , Soot , land , and all parta of Europo. Sell Ejropean Passage Tickets. nOLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. augldtf U , S. DEPOSITORY , FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA. Cor. 13th and Farnnom Streets , OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMEHT IS OMAHA. ( SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROS. , ) ESTABLISHED IS 18i6. Organized as a National Bant , August 20,1883. Capital and Profits Over$300,000 Specially authorized by the Secretary or Treasury to receive Subscription to tha U.S.4 PER CENT. FUNDED LOAN. OFFICEKS AND DIRECTORS HBRMAN Kousrzs. President. AKOCSTCS KOCSTZE , Vice President. H. W. YJUKS. < ashier. A. J. PnppusTojr , Attorney. Jous A. CR IGHTOS. V. O. DAVIS , Ass't Cashier. This bank receives deposit without regard W amounts. Itiues tune certificatei bearing Interest. Draws drafts on San Fianciseo and principal cities of the United fctatcs , aK > London , Dublin , Edinburgh and the principal citiea of the conti nent o ! Europe. Sells pi33ige ticket a for Emigrants In the la man ne. maylutf REAL ESTATE BMKES Geo. P. Bern is' REAL ESTATE AGEMGY. ISth & Douglas Sk. , Omaha , Neb. This aeency doca aiRiCTLT a brokerage bust- n s. Does notspcculato , end therefore any bar * gains on Its books ie insured to Ita p i. Irons , In stead of bain ; eobblt d up by th e asrcnt BOGGS & HILL. REAL ESTATE BROKERS No 1408 Farnham Street OMAHA - NEBRASKA. Office North Sld opp. Grand Central Hotel. Nebraska Land Agency. DAVIS & SNYDER , 1605 Farnham St. Omaha , ffcbr. 400,000 ACRES carefully selected land in Ewtera Nebraska for eale. Great Bargains in improed farm : , anJOmalia city promrty. 0. F. DAVIS. WEBSTER SNYDER , Late land Com'rTJ. P. R. B 4p-leb7tf BYRON REED. LEWIS KBSD. Byron Rccd & Co. , 01DC8TJ.STAEI.I3ED EEAL ESTATE A&ENOY 'A" Keep f crmilcte aVotnct e ! tltlo lo all Real Katatc in Omaha and Uontjlas C. > tn.tv. niajllf HOTELS. THE ORIGINAL. Cor. Eaudolpb St. & Oth Avo. , oniOAGO ILL. lilM&jil | s KflBi'lgw sKI a y SBiaaS fsEWSg ! ! \ l\ \ g ± W&$3I5 : J > & Air T -S&rj-n . ? . agg vs yitg S lBi -1 PRICES REDUCED TO $2.00 AND 82.50 PER DAY Located ill tlin business cent e , convenient to plac-s of amusement. Ele--an ly furnished , coutuininji all mudern improvements , passcnx > r elevator , &c J. II. CUMMINoS , troprietor. oclBtf Cor. MARKET ST. & BROADWAY Conncil KlulTs. Iowa. On line ol Street Uallwiy , Omnlbm o ndfrom all trams. RATES Parl IT flJ-T $3.00 per d. v ; second floor 3260 perdiy ; third fl < or. Si.OO. The bc t furnished and mo-t com tndinUK lionsa Iu the city. OKO.T. PIJELrS , Prop OMAIIA , NEB. IRA WILSON - PROPRIETOR. The Metropolitan ii centrally located , and first c'atg in every respect , hiving recently been entirely renovmcd. llie public wit find it a comfortable and homelike house. rairotf. UPTON Scliuylcr , ( liBt-clasa lIouM , Good Veals. Good Reda Airy Rooms , and kind and accommodating treatment. Tw-igood sample rooms. Specia attention paid to commercial travelers. S. MILLEE , Prop. , _ Scbnyler , Neb. FRONTIER HOTEL , Laramie , Wyoming , The miner's resort , good accommodations , arge sample room , chart'M reasonable. 6p clal attention given to traveling men. ll'tf _ n. C. H1LCJ RD. Proprietor. INTEIl - OCEAN HOTEL , Cheyenne , Wyoming. Flrst-cltss , Fine large Simple Booms , one block from depot. Trains step from 20 minutes to 2 hours for dinner. Free Bus to and from Depot. Kates $2.00 , 82.60 and 53.00 , according to room ; s'ngle meal 75 cents. A. 1) . DALCOJJ , Proprietor. ANDREW BORDEX , Cnief Clerk. mlO-t B. A. FOVPLIR. JAMU H. ECWTT. FOWLER & SCOTT , Designs for bntldinga of any d scriptlon on ezlhibitionatauroiSee. We have had over 20 years experience in decljBlasr and superintend ing public bulldinsr and rMidenccs. PJans nd estimates furnished on short notice. BOOM 9 IIN'roN TILOfiK rngn-Bm HAMBURG AMERICAN PACKET CO.'S Weekly Line of Steamships Leavlnz Xew 7ork Every Thursday at 2 p. B. For England , France and Germany. For Passage app'y to C. B. RICHARD & GO. , Gcaenl Passengei Agent * , jnnel-iy § 1 Broaaway , New ? orfc * * s We-oaU the attention of Bnyera to Our Eitenaive Stock of CENTS' FURNISHING WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. We carry the largest and BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS IN OSV1AHA , Which We are Selling at OUR MERCHANT TAILORING Isinohirge of Mr. THOMAS TALLOW , whose well-established reputation has been fairly earned. "We also Keep aa Immense Stock of HATS , GAPS , TRUNKS AND VALISES , REMEMBER WE ARE THE ONE PRICE STORE ! M. HELLMAN & CO. , mSlecxlavr 1301 & ISO , ' ? Farnlinm Sfrcef. MORE POPULAR THAN EVER. The Genuine ! NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. The popular demand for the GKNT7INE SINGER in 1G79 exceeded that of any previous durinir the Quarter of a Cent ry in w > icli thid "Old - Ileluble" JlachiM has been before the public. In 1878 we sold 356,422 , Machines , In 1879 we sold 431,167 Machines. Excess over any previous year , 74,735 Machines , Our sales last year were at the rate of over 1400 Sewing Machines a Day I For cvt ry busintss day in the yeir. The " Old Eelhble " Singer is tLe Strongest , the Simplest , the Most Durable Sewing Machine ever yet Constructed- That Every REAL Singer Sewin ? Machine has lhair Trade Mark cast into the Iron Stand and embedded in the Arm of the Machine. Principal Office : 3 1 Union Square , New York. 1,500 Subordinate Offices iu thetmited States ami Canada , aad 3,000 Officas ir. the Old World and South America. seplC d&wtf in Th'F iA I U 1 ii . Ln FRENCH KIDNEY PAD i A Positive and Permanent Cure Guaranteed , In I1 case.i of Grave' , Diabetes. Dropsy. Brtght'a Disease of th Kidnevn , Ir.contir.onie and Ketontfon of Urine , Inflamitton o the Kidneys , CnUrrh of tie PlodderIlkh Colored Dnnf , I\iin in tt-o Uauir. s io nr Lior.fl , Nervous Weakn s. and in tact all ili of i ! of the Bladder an I Urinary Orgac" , whether contract' cil by private diseases or othcawiso Ths ; great remedy hai heen usid with ni'ciBSfor iiorly ten jcir ln * wnc . witli the most wondc fill curative efTects. Jtc-trc3t > 't absorption n' i. inteTi \ > metlicines be-n ; re < inirod.'e bars hund'edj of ttstl- luonials cf cures by this Pad # hen ail else hid fit ed- L\ DIES , if yr.u are snlarinfnrn Female Weaknos" . Ltticir- rlits" , 01 dbecsfs rrecnii.ir to ffma'cs or in f.ict any dis' * w , * * TO r dm Kt for Prof. Cailmotte's Fr&ich Kidney I'ad , ami 'ta'tt no othrr. If hnh s noLsot it. send ifi O and ) ou wl receive tt Tad by return nuiL Addreu U.S. Sunch , FREXCII PAD C4 ? . , Toledo , Ohio. _ BITE'S FRENCH LiVER PAD I 11U 1 M WB& IiaB < nI t tarn 1f i - wio - - - - . Willpo-.tliclycreFcver naj puc 1'umb J ? uc. AaueCakc , Ittllious Fo cr. Jwjndi- Pyspcpsia. ano all discajas of the Liver , -urancli nd Dloml ' he p. d c r bv absorption nd 1 * pei manei.t- other If he doc3rtot kcepit.send JlS 0 ti tne > tII and Uf Ask i our druinst for this pad e no JK PAD CO. , ( U. § . Branch ) , lolcdo , li' and receive it ty return mail. . KLH.N & CO. , Dealer in The Ghepa0'u Place in the City for R I Mar ufactura my own Pieced That will last you a lifetime , at tht > Lowest Pnce in the citr , and deal in no factory-made truek that ia almost universally dealt in now-a-davn. I also manufacture all kinds of Cans. Will. F. STOETZEL , Tenth & Jackson Sts. SX-a dJ-n IF. O. AI 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha. NBEi UTZ'S MILWAUKE In Kegs and Bottles. Special Figures to the Trade. Families Supplied at Reasonable Prices. Office , 239 Douglas Street , Omaha. Successors to Jas. K. lab , AHD PERFUMERS. Dealers in Fine Imported Extracts , Toilet Waters , Colognes , Soapa , Toilet Powders. &o. AfanifaecfSarrUairnstrnmenw , PccketCaes , Tros , and Support. . " * * & " DrafsandChasicaliiuSdisUapenilsiTcacnptlcrai EC d it any hoar of tfc night. Jas.K.Jsh. Lawrence aicilahon.