Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
1.51 Ii anil Dotelas Street.
f"i tfe t > y th ! aeen.
3- * -J < emn.cJMmS2 - t trflO , och , and
0 iled n e erj pirt ! he ciV , ncl in svwrv
lri i p tiomllie Po tofficr , o-n1h e"t , south
r < t. a > d varjinc in iliatince from (
In kui iitie < T t-vo milcjiMm sime Cill ua
xamtiie Mr' 'g
* v l cl.oV * . loUln Grllf.n A. Isaacs' Mil
ton. * * t fftnv. . ni. liottifm St. Uarj'navtri
u n I Hitmcj " < ret - ? On t * QO.
63 c-e in i o * l o' > rack" on S ' > ndor St
thU 11 e' M n I it ! ! > a * ° 1' vcrv cVica- > -
fore < b In & . in rioac'eloe , now Is jour time
our. ires lurra'rt
Ci ) ITS o- e id of irtrect car track ! on Sinn-
d * * rep * T $ 7.S.
Csn t Kirnli mand 2Ub streets , 90rU2
c ' " rU,1 ! U-wil .liv < le 't. i
C i > 'Ii in Cro it Pnm.braddition. EOttth o
t ? P Japol JUKI toSOO. .
Fo 'vlou < Mi Pork M-erAicunJOeonnaftreet ,
0 r l o ark , and Var head of St. M-ry't
ni ; me. t r in $ ! " , to SJOO eicH Seven Te -
time tci lit percent lutrrest totlio-eho will
IHI' > v od .iili-Unti * ] b lMluiC . F r furthci
pnioul.rj apply in.
or BEMIS. Acent ,
Flfifcnth xnd Douglia Streets.
A nice lot on Hartley I Twcnt\-flrst streeti ,
Tor * 5"5
T o Im ce lo' " on nth i irS Mary's aren
tie , ' Ox'f. ' . feiicl > f-r * sv > ind ? ar > o
T o h' ( > * lot-nriir 2 1 ami Cli-rk slrett * , In
C V Sm I Vn'dt-n 9)00and JSMI.
K ' I > 'i Sh n ' - fir con > nd third ad
diUcms/orS' ' OtosOOJen
l > it nor 16th nd ( M rft , J150
21 ! tin fiKrn v n ir " 4th St. fSW each ,
tat "n 4th nrll ward trrrt , ftoO.
c3 Into in O'aud Vi arlrtkhin. nfintli otU Ilk
bn lie Mid Immt ft m 15 to 9 00 earlr
u a IT. ii7r7Hi t , on i ih treet , south
rf 'o-plct m B n. n > xlliiicQ | , for ? 2noO , or wl'l
eio'a 'hid I if clij shot lotBU. ( romj&O to J600
1-arjs mniliT of biutiful rra donoo IOBI , IT
ta' I < * t now i * lunn < MI CipUul111 , ba
t -e'i ili tetn h --t , Siith im thn wet
1'oJ n'rctontho n > rtliaid F mllam street
01 'h- i > tj'li tii'iiio 13 o" > i > < vl In C H Diwna
a 1 11 rerrrent' it . . > n "t'ie Perkins 15 Cf
On 2 o lime ui lit bo ' jilattod li on
Farn'iam u 18 < wi Dimclju"rret. . TT lotn
nr 50 to * > < fro. in dl o < d 150 nidrpth. ? 1,009
f ir l' ci ID. " yr r tlai" , at 8 per cent in
lc'c t ho-o rt TV ! ! ! litilln coed eub lan'Ir.l
! i j. > * hpr'a. . 0 U t d t-\arine plat end pet
( u.l inform > t ni t
ni'itis'iJKAj , WA-T ; AGENCT ,
I2th i nd i ) > UM ! Sire tg.
Oi'rr2 ! lhnu " nrt to ae n3crod Tor sale
by tli'g ' oifiei T i y i\re Ma.t'0 ed u < l oror th *
< .4ty ni owtiiiii y o dc Ire. Pri ; g v ryl nc
f. n i on fI'i.n.'Oh
2 > Hi it n > 2 -iplionsj-i utsir Jackson
fd > li'r .ttiata r - . vvifice. . Here In a
rr t. S r a n 'or K > iatnj. . Tn Dropcrtv roupt
tWh OI m dUtrlv. Co .
ver Ju > .t a quarter of a
uli K. Cjll nn J cl.inir.B tlila rl bout any dcl > -
GqO P. EhXIIS. Aacnt.
inh and I itslan B'
A ileslrahi' lot cear Camii g and Ssnndera
Btreots , fJ oo
, acre lot * In th city of Orrubs.
ro thnso oftnrvd f T le Ii } this accncy In r ik
PI ce and Lo rn's KGrytrtd aJ1i Ion. on Cumin ? ,
Burl a d "allf > mw ptnctt you can ninkn no
mUukol i' kinjruptb fmbarciins vltlr jou
h--v th6 chattel These lot" ri-ino'etnn ! eqnal
In lte to 4 lull * lred tv lot * < r a h lf block
andlt ill ho'rtV ' a very tti irt. time before oat.
n f'h ) > rt .it .1 a f th-c arre lots will sell for as
muJi tj no otter ( nl aero to day. They arc
loc ted A V > T ho't tit * VIKO wosl of Cr leliton
C Hcsc. Prx-M nneiftc fwm ? 150 to 8,500 ) * r
ac-clot. Call imtn IiaVfth- , and don't lose your
chance. M1 sroV jdat and full pirtlculars of
G:0 : P BKM1& . Asent ,
l&th anil Douf lai Streets.
Tflco lot nn Sherman Avenue nnrtb of Nicholas
otrft , & 1 130.
! ! ' f lot on Csstct5rccn 13lh and Itth streets
2 nlco lots In Itutmau' * aildltion , StOO to $800.
l'ir-c number ol ncre lots In GUoV addition In
Kunli Onu ia , ? 1to S00 c.h.
0 OI < K < earner lot near and California
trwtSl.fOO. .
Sc\craltooJl tnin I-c'i ou'd addillcn , 150 to
taSO eich.
Clmlro mt la ThorncU'e fdd'llon , fT50.
Several lanre lota In Birtli-ll'n * < UUon ! , 1 ?
mils and 2J seres each. Prices 5700 to f 2,000
several ch lea lo's in Reol's first addition ,
$278 to 8 (50 ( each.
ACIB Int on ohcrraan a puue , ( "fi"i street ) ,
south of I'.ipiilctnn'B t > < w roslrton .1 , or $1,100
2 laraol. tii no r IKin AIM ! C.a-k siroats , 601
S3 > f ct C.rr r 51.EOO , in i In , 31,000
3 l I rti on She in n i\\-nuc , ( I6tli street ) ,
near Clark Slic-t. f JO * * h
22 nice anil ciei | < om , irrj ncartotbo bn
In spart of the dy icc.t Jaerv foxvstcp *
Btjthof l < o Coiu cut ani at > lan''f axo'ue.and
] ii t < * onth fund a J > niii2t o trr.mnd of Jamc
M W'H > lorth a l W J Council < bv e are
Cheap * n 1 vc y de irali'o licitis B hindy lo bus-
iiesi ) rtv > l7 > l > , t'i e * K. V rt-'nj tdcj/otrail
w IKS , vhltr Imd o"k v I' 1 * . Jiwt , stock
3a d , j-ackhi ; h me ? . < tc Cill J crt plxt
anJ * ul inrlraara. 1' Ic 575 tos-TiO ndo sj
tornu t j lliobe vi ho iiilil
OU P. r.SMIS.Accnt.
irthn l 'ulaaSt .
choice r ? lilpn"o lots ou 4'.li a cct , betflrecn
DnulAsaud Dodi' 100 to Jl.2i.0eicb
RH ! 1 > n ; time tn t oto nlm mil Iji.ill
> c'i i e comer h > g nc-ir 2 tli an I Fa'nham
( it-eon , - > xli fiKit , $ 150 and SI , Tend ) rtrj
CV y U > ni'-tonnr lia > icr < who K ! 1 iMipr.He.
A.U > 4 lo'x on SUli , lieiuv r nitiam and
Pou Iif . retcK'30 to $1U)0 racli and long
42TJ50 of the be t hn > i e l t In V of
O'lia'iiv tor f > 'e ' it > ot doncT ry t > 4 < i nr street ,
$503'o 31.00Jv ch.
3 \ \ oerv va'iuahle SID'Scrtles In al-
m st oerj ba ltiu Uotk 5000 to $15WO
0chnco rrs rtcncc lots in aho\e niMitton , Im-
mo lUitely nn th of anil wljuinin/ pletoli'c
beiuufui rtwd ncr and ernuuns , and located un
IS It OUi and iOt h t reetn , $300 to S50 each and
\ory ciitr terms to thtne whonill liuild. Cell and
examine t-Ut and ct full parttciiliri * .
u.O. 1 . BM1IS , Acent.
Beau Uul linlldinc file un Micrrnan avenue ,
18th str'-ctj.r t'wn Pipplctnnand the Dndley-
Ijuns pro c iv : 5J feet cut fronuu.-e 011 the
avenue by 8 'f1 in depth W ! 1 dirlHe ltm k
In 1 ! feet b 8 H. Call an' crt full particular.
An acre-n ISt'i t cct ICifcct cast froiitmp ?
b v 378 r t ilocp. Th s I- Jim > uth of t'.o K Ira.
bath ( l'i ppton p'ce. Ill s U ci t-o-t f , call and
Cet ri. imd 0-ineot BE''IS , Aycnt.
1 sro H iot < . j'i i.orth of and a J > inln ; K V.
S'liith1 dl Jnn. n-l lowt l bc'.fteeu Kllh ML !
aundrri ne < . . si rr - n be prices vod lonj
Jme to buvir ho tiniipiv * ' BEM Sent
SltoMii Unrbich's first n4 second d Ition
on. tub , IBth , IBth and 2Jth street" , bctwctn
KichokB , I' ul.Sbo man and Ciarn et eete , ret }
bvidy to O P Shops , smcltinc WOTMI. etc ,
ran ; ng in price * ro u from $ * n to il:100 caUi ,
requirins 'm U p rment do m and
tie > at 7 p r ceutintcrwt tn those who will im-
nrore. GS X F. BEU1S.
15th and Poala > Slrc-t ,
3J nlro lot" In ParkerV addition , bttren
a nderasu Tierce. Kinc and Campbell' * Sis. ,
n nl.m OKtrcnt191ot with routh fn > nt m.d
g with no th f nmuro , only 6 blocKs north of
hs turu-tahe ! ( nd treft-car track ) on Suuders
tract Virvl w pricesS175ca h , or 8200 on
o i c time * nd 8 psr ccct Interest to t jose who
will Imlid
jr2"tsn .ooJ firms fur sale tn Dooglaj , S rrT ,
W ahln ton Bnrt , Didge , Siunders and t tern
tier > t couiittw
rS"S 0 o. tctet test * clccttd lands In the
atat lor s 1e hy th'.t xrmcv. Cull and cet inapa ,
circularand fu 1 jwuticnl M
XB uiU'u : .n. | .f Omtlis , COc and $1.50.
i2-Bea. | . ' ntw psmfhUt ( aid m p of thr
Sl t > Ull-d tiio uutook : vf Kehribka" for
Geo. P. Bern is' ,
loth & Douglas St. ,
OMAHA , - - - - -
England Bound to Eush
Turkey or the ? orte ' _
Will Grow Too
Gladstone Ends HiiLBelf Compelled -
pelled to Finish * What
Beacoii fieldBgan. ,
Gambetta Courts the Abuse
of Berlin Journa's in Or
der to Start a Sym
pathy Boom.
He Schemes to-be Considered
" "
"a Ju/irtyrto France.
Terrible Land Slip in Bengal.
liHpatch to Ti c Bee
, S'Dtemt/or 2i 1 a. m.s
litttrd : of n s.-ruct ns issued by
tic s ; v-if nun nt ro the Ir sa Co. stibn-
lary , an hi ri2 s them t > fci-nd in taf
n'liuEuf ail porsui s fourd obfitruct-
iiitr 1 gil pr c-ssj pre entn the sales
of farm prouuciir T.-ntini ; the eale
and trausfer of land ari-1 otherwiee dc-
terri g the owntr 111 the cnj lyruont
oft tirle4al rights The letter aiai'
requires the Cons abuia'ory to Btato
wl.iither such jxrjoiia are or are not
timbers cf the 1-iii'l league
Soiil | Ji jwttn u lilt B t-
BEKLIV. Septoaib r , 22. 1 a. m.
Saverol of tno laridiug j here
y s o d y c nuined tuticLa attiokiiiK
. j iiib t a f , r risu ptu g a miiihtonal
cris-s in rrauio nj accuse him of cn-
d-a.vonn in ; cue tie Frcuuti pee
pletode-iiand some kiad of revenge
tugi Geraiwny on t..e tcoro of tb *
ncD-Pras.Uu war. Tno Comments
mde upon tins nun-hleuts cud
ineut.'jinidifin inside c roles is lh t
fify > ! " " ' § ffnii Gtmbctta himself ,
ftlio dt r a uoihttig more thun to be
altuckbd Ja Geraiaiik , iu oroer
addit.0nal pipuldi.ty at h < mHe
Tsl < u tn tigua- , for uiu time bdini , ' , as
a : uaitjr to Ut-rii ) n miBr probuutH-
tioa Bud malice. Girubstth's policy
i well u.idrjrs end 'o brf a war poLcy
and u > thiiij ; wo i d so tend to com
mend it o the F.e ith p3 ipla than a
t.criOmj by uhich the l a.dt g French |
politic ) tn is pin in 'he Mmude tf re i
in B ilm. !
Jfpeclal nispatch tu l'u tli , .
LOND ix , Sjpteuib r 22. 1 a. m.
A Gonevrt'tltssratch hya the Catholic '
uieinbsth of thu ftderai assembly nill
> pi nae vigorously it
o proposed re
vision of Uie coustiltition and th t the
measure is unpopular in . Protestant
cantons. Ti ere curi be little doubt
th t it will be nijtc.ed by a largs nia-
Special D vp&tch 10 Ihu t > te.
LONDON , Sep'erabtr 22 i a. m.
It is now asserted that
tlie united power * atv lull } determined
tD oiiforco tau sull of European Tur
key and thit the uor-e will not bo per
mitted to reap a pracucal victory from
pulicy of iuactun ahd stubbcmois ,
combined with ih = s success cf the
Albanians 111 oco-ipunu Dulc'gno and
m order tu avoid bloodsnid if ( jussible ,
iu the Ecttlemc' t f trio q jcstion at
ssue. Ttis aili d fLot will net bom-
lard Dulci 'uo , bui resort tn & method
of compulsion whici ! , it
's believed , will prove quite as
liff-ctml m bru g 114 the tultan to
terms. It ii uniieratVl-d that thesame
o icy will b-i adr p'odtvs Jii E ypt and
the Ikeu will IT .seed to b ckady the
rdanelks Hiid to d pose the suluin.
Iu th s , if the worst cuties to worst ,
nopowuis iniy , pyih.ij B , receive aid
of diflatTe.tcd MahamL-dans , whoha e
for loajo titno felt a yromi ; dmiiko
to th < 9 su t nuud uoiild be Ud to eoo
him ovc-rthrotrn. Ti is new and do
ormmed attnuJe cf the leading pow-
era liaa created n bretza of ex
: itoiueiit , turn in ecus rvauvo circled
t ia ceus ict'ly * ai < l th > t this aggres
sive p . ' ! icy on the part of Glads oue is
absurd , in vie ot niapol.t'oi pp'ech-
i during ihe littit cjuip itn and the
f r. qtient dt-m natr/iUoiis of the policy
of incicasiug war debis and
niiitary and u v. 1 fxpenses to bs.
paid by a tax-r ddeu peoplo. Bnt the
1 beralt , wlooehi Know the feeling o !
the guV.'Miineut on thu caatern situa
tion , affirm that thu ministry has
no BO far iu the Turkish business
that it baa no choice but to SOJ it to a
ojical concl'jfiou , or ( lace the Porto
on mcli ndraiit g cr uni that the
reopening ot the Borl n , negotiation
wuiild bi pra'jiij-lly "imp anole It
now remains to oo ssen how thin well
authenticated report . the intentions
if the Powers is t > hi r c moiled with
the announced purp saof foti ! France *
and Genuauv t < > m < hd aw fem the
so-called nil ai.cs in case hosiilicici
were actually bc un.
Spedal Dispi'ch to The Bee
PARIS , S p'e i-bir 22 , la. m. M.
Forty's at' < nipt to form a cabinet has
led him into a nrd aud thorny road.
Difficulties s em to ii crjasa rather
than ot'if rr SB. The -public8n
journals adV ( c te a generbl eUction
and the eonveuin. ff the chambers
The opinion gains ground that the
country dot & not waut un rggreaaive
policy and that the new cabiuel may
pres.ntly fiad itielf on the very
ground , on account of which M.
Freyciuet a coiutellt-d to resign.
LOSDOS , September 22,1 a. m.
A dispatch fr m Calcutta says : A
land clip occuTtd in Bnn al and
thtrtj-seven civil and military officers ,
fifteen soldiers , ard nine civilians
were killed and ruanv injured.
Plalsted's Plurality.
SerUl Dispatches to TUB Bsx
PORTLA > D , SeptembtT 22. 1 a. m.
Rsjturne frmn ihe entire st.ito are
now in , the fuaioaisla , Plaisted's plur
ality is 234
Base Ball ;
The following g es of base ball
were played S ptemb-r 21st : '
CHICAGO Chica-o r , dncinnatis 4.
GLtvnLAJfD Buff l&s 4 , Cleve-
lands 11.
PROVIDESCE Bostons 1 , Provi
dence 3.
Special Dispatches to Tno Bee.
NEW YORK , Septtmber 22 A "dis-
pa'ch has been received by Spiniah
omials here from Hav&r.a , s atng
that the 1 * et insurgent leader has tur
rendered acd there is no an armed I
insurgint iu Cula.
CHICAQO , Siptemb 22. The sa
loon kt opera of Illino3 ; are holdins a
convention here for the purpose of
forming plans for [ nutuil prone ion
and for Cghtmg all tempsriiice laws.
Th"ir convention Closes with a ball to
WisaiKoras , September 22 The
TJ. S consul at Hong Ko-g ropnrU
tnat diirin ; " the nu-irtei ceding Juiie
30tb , 5,002 emiur nis l ftHo gK. njj
for the United Swtoj , of wh ch savea
wore female and fort > -four boy1.
SAN F tAcjsco , Septembfr 22.
M j ir Blorr s'm li'aiv txporition tn
northern Alcakdll prrts hss returntdi
It is expected thit oixty canoe * ,
ni nned by Sftint Gj rgIndiiJis wil !
invfde American territory lo hunt tea
otter and ihe Alaskan Indians art ;
determined to them battle.
SOOTH Bssb , Ind. , Septen-bsr 22
Schujler Oolfii has pos'pr > cid s v lecture engagement * iu the out , |
in order Ih'tt he may hrlv * the lepui-
iicans in the catapgn. ) He civs ! > -
d ftna is doubifal but believes the ro-
pubhoans will carry it if they work
BOSTON , 5Tas. , Sep'ombfr 22.
The democrats or the thitd dia not
nominateH Msj. Aloi. Deabjrn for
MOSTREAI , . September 22 The
great CXbibi'ion was form-illy opened
hero ycsprdav by the Marqnisi / f
Lone. : It is estimated that ful \ 75-
000 people were bn the grounds.
WASHINGTON , September 22. Rep
resentative Dpson , of Tex-rt , di-nio-
crat , will go to Indina _ to fv > llovr cs-
Gov. Darisv nf TeinS , vJho id to de
liver republican speeches in Indians-
and Ohio. Uj-son will auswir Davs '
speeches rs fas * ns they are delivered
He say4 that Jones , sreenbackor , is
likely to be elected in the fifth
concrcsional dietrict.
NEW YORK , September 2
ing republic-iu m&3 oic&ttn W6S held
at Ghtckering Hall lat ui ht unaei-
the ampices of the campaign club.
Gen. Kilpatrick , cf Now Jeif ey , xvj *
the principal tpoaber and dt-nnuncprf
the south , which was using Hancock
ai a tn&sk , and whom ha si..ko [ of P.K
knowng nothing ? av whit he learned
at West point. Mies Nettie B.ilbrook ,
of Cal fornia , was onu of the epeakeis
WASHiNfiioN.Septeraber 21 Com
missioner rUum bits juPt received the.
fnllawiurr from ReVrnue Asfiit Li-
hftm at Huntsvilie , Al . : Depu'y
Marshal Hewlitt reports , under due
of thelS'hlnst. , from Crors Phui" ,
Calhf un Cuunty , that Deputy J I r-
shals Elliott and Lowe attempted to
arrest Joe Little for i'licit ' distiUm ?
near the Georgia state line , when
Lowe was shot in three places by Lit
tle. He is badly woutidel. AHer
Lowe was disabled Elliott pursued
LU' ! . . t „ . -.r--u--U _ ! . „ „ . . -I.
be worship WES b-ing held , when Li'-
tlc \VB reinforced bv armed men from
the church , and Elliott was compelK'n
to abandon further pursuit for warn
of sufficient force.
COLTJMBDS , September 21. Oolonrl
L weit is in the city. Tlio miners
have all gone home , and the troops
will be Withdrawn , except onn com
pany. The rumors are not sub
sandated of a miner being found
Chicago , September 21 Perry H
Smith , Jr. , was" this morning nomin
ated for concresi by the democrats in
the Sscoiid District. 0. B. F-irwel !
is his opponent en the republican
CHICAGO , September 21. Haud S ,
2:10. | , Lai bijea pretenta.l bj
a member of the Chicago Jockey
Club , with a suit of horie clothing ,
made to order in Xew York. It i
the most elegant ever bo.-n in the
country. Tie mure has bain taken to
liar old home a' uiiionuali , hjia win
not trot agdin this season.
CINCINNATI , September 21 B
the fire at Fa'ls ' City , 850,000 of
lumber , besides the firiti ouilMin' of
the Cabinet Makeis Union , valued at
$20,000 , was destroyed by fire.
TORONTO , Ontario , September 21.
The SuVire jjn Grand Lodge of the
I. 0 0. F , will be held iuCinciniiai ,
in 1881.
NEW YORK , September 22 Ei = h
hundred and seventy ono aliens were
landed at Castle Girden ye teiday.
Most of the immigrant wera Germans.
There was quite a number of Irisn
and Scotch farmers , who will bo in
farming in the far west. Most of
them left for their new homes last
MANITOWX , Wis. , September 21.
Nnncy Hey wood , a maiden lidy ,
nearly sixty yean of age , was mur-
dertd Sunday night in the town of
Rockland , this county , by two servant
girls. The body was found in a wocd
spedil Dispatcher tu IIIK Div
LONDON , September 22. Tin
crank if the stjamship City of Chea
ter broke one thousand miles west of
Testnet light housa on the 16h. * Tin-
passengers are all well. The home *
ward passage of the vessel from thi
place of the accident was necess nlj
slow as she was simply under sail with
winds light.
PARIS , September 22 Two thous
and cabinet makers of this city have
Opening the Tomb.
SpecUl dlspitch to Tb Bee.
JERSEV Crrr , N. J. September 22.
It is reported on very rlal le au
thority that workmen in the Hudson
river tunnel last nicht discovered the
body of ono of the th rty who perished
by the disaster on July 21st. lhem > it
ter was not reported tothe police nor to
coroner and at the tunnel abaft , wotk-
men refused to talk about it , in the
absence of the superintendent or other
Michigan Blaze.
EpccUl Dispatch to TOE Ere.
GREEN BAT , Wis. , September 22.
1 a. m. This city was visited by a
disastrous conflagration , which broke
out at 3 p. m. , Monday , and burned
until 8 in the evening. The fire de
partment was unable ta cope with the
swift spreading flames and engines
came from neighboring places. Some
of the best residences in the town
were burned , about sisty in all. The
Presbyterian church and parsonage
Solon Chase Makes a Strong
Kick Because He Doesn't
Want to Fuse.
But the Other Maine Green"
backers Form an Un
holy Alliance With
ihe Democracy.
PORTXAXD , Me. . S ptember 22.
1 a in. Tl o greenback state con
v -n-ion to nominate an elcctnriul
t'c'.tl mrt yp erda\ \ afternoon iu th.e
ci'y. I was lircMy- attended ml nor
p > -r nn was admitted withotr a ticket ,
Hut unouth wirepin tied top-ck the
hull. Charles White , nf Aog-isia ,
wia appointed t'irp rary chairman ,
fiiu r-j-pondsi , , by n lirwf " epsichl.
'Aftfftlii'gfni ; m-iti af republican
party .lid General G-rStld , ho w iU
iaio rcst-ici s of j y o\tr what lie
er-ned cljrious i Mn'na
a tictory > i ,
ar-d aa'd thar ! > rw the Varty * ho"ld
1ni t ! ieffortu f > r the ivpuclic. K -
u V . ) u 3 op-nion thnt th
cr-tn were in part duo the credit of
tlw lite viwt > r } '
Aftnr the fip.wiiilniont of two
sfcret-rie ? the Mn" ruyorganization
Wt * mane prmicent.
The crmmi tje on ore "eniiala ra-
pirt'd ninety t-wnn r ? res ij'ecl by
tour hitr.drdd ivvd fii y-6ve dele a'es.
A re ol t on WPS pilered congratu-
.itinrj the fusn n'sts ' on their election
< f Plaistel , and En oriuiK the ar
ranpt-re nta made by ooth committees
at the Aii 'istmaoting. '
Solon Chase moved to amend the EO lh t the convention
n'-mn ! tfl a srlid creenbick ticket ,
ajd niid Ibe ccilventon | tnust either
idKt the fusion resolution or go it
alone. He bitt rlc opposed a f mien ,
Ho was e n fi dent that no rther slate
in the Union vfiiold work with the
urp ! b ckcrnj aa thft damocrats could
n t stii > d on their pltforin.
Quite a number of shdrt sfaocche&
wto made r-y shrso favoring an
allunca with the deracqr.itB.
It > vca moved th t * ho r ? ohitions
f.\vo-in fusion be sd p'td by a rieing
vote , and neatly eveiy min in the
conveiition nsp , amidl-md heera.
Tno.jllowtig \ were ciloceu aB catl-
ddttest Kluctoia af lirge. Solon
O.-so Bnrl Sirnnel Wi < ti n ; district
1 c or , John P. Turner. Ben
Bru.l * ! r C ar'.s ' R. Million , W. A.
Cromwell , and Jjhn P Dinsworth.
0. ii-iics-nkn Murcii was called to
spa..k and said ho faverrd fusion.
s- Ion Chase desired thoao of hia
mind to retire for copsnltatinn.
One del' "ate urged Mr. Clwso and
Ili handful of followers to consider
before tlmy bol'ed.
The f 1 owing resolution waq offered ,
u * wa fin l y laid on the table :
Hesolted , That it is not the pro
vince of t/.is car y to declaru in ad-
vonce the policy of the party , and , in
the future it is our wish that no such
r .
Ladd ppoko , in effect
that it was necees-.ry lo aet aside
with the
"very other constderaticn
sin-.l-am of helping to deftat the
republican party.
Previous to the adjournment , Solon
Ciase explnintd that ho had cjllel
up m hia friends to rrtiru for cunsul-
tat'on without iiitending any harm.
T''e naruoj cf * hose opposed to
union , whoeo iuflutnca wus much
i-ared , are Sn'.ou ' Chase , E liter
T < irn r of the New Er. , and Elder
Tae democrats era highly elated
over tha combination.
At the cloo of the greenback con
vention , the b iHers headed by tneir
lea-lecs adjourned to the City Hall ,
wheru they finally concluded 10 sup
port the electoral ticket of Chaao and
Turner , who are on tha fusion ticket.
The following ciicular ia printed in
to day's paper. "In explanation of
t u position by the preenhack parly ,
nd for the instruct on and encour-
g mcjiit of our brethren iu ether
i4'oi the straiijht grebnbaskers
wt. ul 1 say that there ia a greenback
pursy in this state of Maine , devoted
'o thn mteiea's of the whole puople ,
and that the l ft fnun , and confu
sion tint hs prevailed in this stite ,
was of local P\iieiicies ; and issues ,
and lu'.d nothing to do with nat on l
matters ; that wo shall vo-oniti our
br tr.r = elsewhere for Weaver and
Ohatnbers. "
Horeo Distemper.
Special Dwpatch to The lite.
BOSTON , September 22 , 1 a. m.
The return of cool and clear autumn
wtather was hailed by no one with
ealer joy than by the owners or
aiugois of larjG ; stable , in all of
which horse distumper is ptevailin , ' to
groattr or less extent. A vibit 10
the stabUa of the horse railtoid and
muibus companies yesterdiy revealed
the fact that a very small nor ctnt. of
the horses , wh'ch a afiVctod with
coughing and sneezing symptoms ,
were nuaVle to perform their duty.
Amonij tno express comnamea and in
nwry and private stables , the preva
lunce or the disease is about the same.
It nuy bo sifely said that no stable of
any size in the city is free from the
diaewe. The veterinary surgeons of
the city generally regard the malady
us A species of epizootic of low type
and accompanied by inflamaiion of
ttie throat and sir passages. They all
unite iu pronouncing the cause duo to
the sudden weather changes lately ,
.itid suggest , in most cases , catciul
nursing and simple diet. Some have
thciugit the disease was a form of
pmk eye , but such is not the case.
It is feared that the disease will con-
ue to srrtad , but every precaution for
its prevention is being taken.
Army of tha Cumberland.
Special dispatch toTns BSE.
TOLEDD , O , September 22,1 a. m.
The city is putting on its holiday
attire in preparation for the reunion
of the Army of the Cumberland ,
which commences here to-day. Arch
es have besn erected and many pub
lic and private buildings are Veing
handsomely decorated for the occas
ion. Already members are begin
ning to atrivc. The indications are
thit it will be the largest they ever
had1. The programme for io day in
clude ? a business meeting at 10:30 :
A. m. ; entertainment of the members
in tha afternoon and a public meet-
ini ; m the evening. Thursday morn
ing the society will again meet for
business and m the afternoon will
take a ride down the bay. The re-
uni > n closes in the evening with a
IVJiseoadfi concoct sad reception.
Settlement of Indian Territory.
Special Dispatch to The Ife4. f
Sr. Loui3 , September 22 , Inm. .
A meeting of titizons was held last
ni ht to hear tl.e report oftho com.
miUea Rppoinied a short timij ago to
examine the law and gvvo an opinion
as to the statutes rehti g tofthe gov
ernment lands in fie InJisn Territmy * ,
more > iou' ry ! those embrac d ia
what "is called Okl 1'orna. Jndg-5
John Mi Kruni and JnmcsO. Bcoul-
ati''t ' promih nt lnvyora , aiidulohn F.
P -I'lps ' , meaber f conarfss tiom
the Seventh District , constituted the
committee , T-e eist of tno r report
it that the "fcrlb i only hold the land
of tliel-f tn Tot Uoi-y and "on the
v.ilous recii. . u B by coi riasy f tt o
Qni ed Sta i s But hcyhavfl no
t'e bectnso the United.SUtes
r j'rrd it by pur lnse fnm Frmce
, ; : ul held it by settlement.
aUm only cccopied it ' !
ground 4 , r.nd t e g"V f AJj
'tie ithdland b = causev on ons hand
treaties can nly be made between civ-
ihir d n iin ; and on she okher ill
requ TJ an net of centre's to oidi
Isn * to fJ-e i'idia Th tJ S
gTVc-nnitnt n prastlcftllv a relf con-
t-ti'utjd goa'dim ove. the Indiana
Afir the war oth"r treaties end
gi'Ompnt * w > r < > mad' with the In- ,
dinn , who W Vacated tfceir ri.-his bj ? '
n sfs'in in the rebellion. Under th'
existing acts c f cong s , persons
w r * author zd to ent. r premption
mid hamcH'fid claiini upon ary
kniJs not r ? ? rntl or wppropriited by
the g ivernmr-nt for other uurposes.
The s t'lement of tbe land dots not
intt-rfere with nry policy or reau'a-
tionsof tnn eO6rnm < > nt recording the
control cf the Icdiang , and if there is
euth n rpgulatiou , which the commit
tee has bf en unable to ascertain it is
T ( id for want of authority to mike it
and w/ullhea virtual renrnl of the
Bjts of conzfesa , which aut'iorites the
establishment , prepiTAtinns fftnd
home steJtd cl lims. The reports cites
the objection ulready offered to the
BPttlenipnt of these lunda and those
likely to be made and answers them
t.11. It theti re.-.6hes the final conclu
sion that the Oklahoma territory is
public lirids and combs wirhin the
pjeinplinn nnd homcstpnd hwa. It
nisi advises the e 'abli hracn cf a
United Stann Di'trict Court and
public schools in the territory ,
BIK Excursion to 1
Spedal to 7lio Bee
NEW YORK , September 22 , 1 a. m ,
The natii n-il a < aocintion o * general
Dnwngpr and ticket agents of the
U-iitad Sia'eeand Cinr.dacommancod
their anmnl session here yt-strduy.
The attendancs wag larco , a majority
of the railroa'ls of the United St-irr > s
and Canada being represented. The
only important busmes < was' the
appf-in'ing of a committee of repro
sjnrafives of forty three roads on the
revision of through rates. The as
sociation w 11 meet evury day during
the week. At the afternoon esi n
the land grant roada of Kansas and
Nebraska expressed thBminlfffxijnprc
A.UVI. jiurtrinxDeir rjuslties. , in con
sequence of false reports , which have
been mide in newspapers about
slrouijhta , failures of ropa , etc , in
the country through which these roads
run , and asked the association na a
body to put on sale in the month of
November , for one day only , round
trip tickets from eastern points to the
roads to show people that these re
ports are much exaggerated. The request -
quest was granted.
Big immigration Scheme.
SpecUl DUrmtch to The lie- .
HOUSTON , September 22. 1 a. m.
The pr ject of securing the mam-
mUh oreamahip "Groat Eastern" to
run between London , New Orleans
and G lcston to take out cotton and
other produce and bring back immig
rants is ih a fair way of bein
established. Gov. Robot's of this
state his receiv d a letter date.l Lon
don September 2 , atatinu that thn ship
W"U d peen bo in the hand * of the
en i-ieew , preparatory to making her
first trip. The object of the scheme is
t" bnnj'over emigrants , provided the
people of the ntalo shu * n dispot-itinn
t > aid the undertnkn g and prepare to
receive the emigrants and render them
t 'tt necessary wesis ance in aecurmg
himesand giving them employment.
T 9 governor has written the com-
ny fully in regard to the matter and
ere is no reason to duubz tae sue-
cost i f securing it.
Captain Kidd's Gold.
> - DDiiutch ' ! m The B * .
gNE\V YoKK , September 21 , 2 B. m
Uturtt h-.i bn
uritffity - n t-xoitnu tn * >
psiplo tf I'eek k'U. Wea cnester
county , cno rn-ug tre , mi.-sion of a
strauue , that made her up
pe r-mcn in the Hudson river , 08
tl at vill-igtt TiursJay , and is now
anchort-d off Kound I < Und. It is
now stated that this vessel is almost
direcliy over theannken wreck of th
famous Captain Kidd's ship , wLich
had , so the echocner'a people Bay ,
untold millions in money buried with
her. The party is employed by the
International Submarine company , of
Cony i cticut , in seeking for the pirates
abandoned treasure. It is stated that
a portion of thu sunken vessel , twelve
by ei < ht feet , hash ean cleared ont of
toe sand seventeen feet deep , and it
is psitive that Eidd's ship had , at
last , been struck.
A Negro's White Wife.
Sperlal Dispatch lo The BCD.
PUORIA , Ills , September 22. 1 a.
m. Miss Nellie Chaae , who married
the negro , Sam Monroe , at Galesburg ,
was brought hero last Monday even
ing by her brothers and taken at once
to the quiet little village of Robin's
Roost , where Bishop Chase is located
at Jubilee College and where the
Chase family reside. Although she
expresses sorrow fir her conduct , iu
giving her relations so much soirow
and trouble , she 19 fitUl carefully
watched to prevent any further escape.
Her s range infatua'ion with the ne
gro is only explained on the theory
of temporary aberration of the mind.
Her brother Horace , who is a talented
young lawyer with a lucrative prac
tice , is so mortified that he talks of
moving away where they are un
WASHINGTON , September 22. 1 a.
m. For upper Mississippi and lower
Missouri valley , .partly cloudy weath
er , light locil rains , wind shifting east
aud south , stationary or slowly falling
barometer , slight rise in temperature.
Wanted Tabh boarders by the
week , at the 5 and 10 cent Eating
; tf o , JU ? Doughy Bt ,
New YorJs Money ana Stoclc.
Nsw YORK , September 21 1:50 : p. m.
MOXE7 At 2J per cent ; eichuiso steady
at vl S2i4Sl | .
Steicl .
U S. 6'8'Sl 1043 Us. * ' * C'i
U. 5'9 1 < 2 } Coireacyfi' * . . . . .1 I *
U.S. 4'j 1 l ° i
Moiler tely a tire nn < l ar'Tan ( J@ ' per
cert , re-ictinsr c o j@ ] per C3it.Un 1 e ex
' jptfd > t . ' .r -.i
\Wi Sh S7 } T , & V ' 4 *
Wuth pM -Vj ' . 4,0 01 }
s.P a.MlOm-rn. . 93J 1C luj
IBS. PAOnuha . . .1-3 B&Q 131 *
< i.D * , . a n
OUlcco Produce Martet.
OHIOAOO. Scpt iubrr 21.
Wheat Opened farm and cl a 4
q ! * > 2Tr'c ' "old at 92J@93c
fi.rcvh ; 929. ( ? 93ja for N"VI -
Hpr ; closi g it 92V- " for css'i ; 92J ©
93c fir S-ptfmier92go ; 'or Octr b r ;
j 93l-a93cfor § Novon.boi- ; for the
ye ir.
Com Steady and without miter-
i < l chnngi ; No. 2 cl .sing at 40c for
ra.or Septembfir ; 40c for 0 toberj
41g for November ; 40g for May.
Oa s Opened fi m and cL-std qui
et ; No 2s"lin ; at 3030ic fi > rSp-
tQmb"rj29@29 e for Oi.toh.-f ; 29@29gc
for Novemborcloaing ; it 30c for Sep
tember ; 29c for October.
Itye Shade eisier at 84 c for
csh 84cforOctober ; S3c tor Novem
Barley Sbado hrrner , with sales of
No. 2 at 76u for October ; No. 3 sold
at pOc.
Pork Mess closed at 817 87 $ ®
18 00 for ca h : $1800 for September ;
817 8017 00 f'.r ' . October ) S12 50 ®
13 00 for November.
Ijin' Closed at S7 93 for cash or
Sep'ombei ; § 7 97for October ; § 7 98
for November.
Whiskey-l 13
Chicago Llvo Stock.
CHICAGO , September 21.
H'gs rtood do.nand for packing
and shipping ; price's W ra firmer , 40
h' } one huml-ed pounds for
good grades ; owina to liuht receiptn
aales wore at $5 OOS5 25 for li ht
packing and shipping S-i 00@S.r 20
for heavy packing and shipping ; § 5 70
for choice to oxtfri aruSoth heavyshtp-
ping lots.
C ittle To day the mirket ruled
dull , the only inquuiry wa fo-eitr
steera and three lota wore eold at
25 3035 32\ ; two extra heavy steers
w -e B ild at SO 00 ; they averaged 1-
851 pounds and were bought for an
experiment to see whether cattle o'
h's kind can bo safely carried over to
Europe. They were bought by fin ox-
up to 11 o'clock ; for common grass
fed slock there wa * no buyers. The
fresh receipts were 5 049.
St. ixjuiu Produce.
ST. Louis , September 21.
Fiour Shadp botfev ; XX , $3 60 ®
3 C5 ; XXX , 8t 154 ; ! 5 ; f-nily , 8450
@ 4 Go. th.nce to fancy , $ t 7525 00 Stronger ; No. 2 red , 92o
for cash ; 92c for St-p'omber : 93 | ®
93gs for October : 93i < .9495c tor
November ; 9G@9GJs9GJj ( for the
year ; No. 3 do , 875885' , according
to location ; No. 4 < io 84i85s.
Corn Low r at 38. 38 0 for cash ;
383c for September 3"8 | j tor October ;
38c for November ; 3737ic for the
year.Oats Hiaherat29jo forcaeh ; 8i " ®
28a for October ; < s28 | or the year.
llye Firm at 85j-c.
Barley Steady ; modi nn to prime ,
89@90c ; choice to fancy , 92if@31 CO.
Liad Higher ; aalea ai § 4 62J.
Bu'ler Utchinutd.
Wnisky > tasidy at § 1 13.
P.irk Ileld higher at § 10 50 asked.
Dry S.dt Me ta Firui ht § 5 40 ©
lijcon Steady at § G 15SG 25 ®
9 ( io@9 70.
L.ird Firmer and large stlei on
p iVHte ttrmg , su p asd to bo ab m
R.-ce'pt3 Flour 60OCO brls , wheat
36 000 bu , corn E0,00 ( ) b , oats 5,000
bn , rye none , brl y 10l'00.
Shipmenrs Flour 16 , < )00f brls ,
wheat 26 000 bu , cor , 12.0GO hu , i
o\ia 10,000 b-a , rye 40,000 , barlty
New York Produce Market.
NEW YORK , Seo1 erabi r 21.
Flour Rtceip-s 15.922 ; sales 11- ,
000. The market was without impor
tant change ; round Ohin , $4 15@4 60 ;
chie do , $4 053 5 75 ; superfine ,
S3 25@S4 00 ; common to good extra ,
S3 854 25clmiceS4 ; 30@ G 25choice ;
while wheit § 4 45g4 GO.
Wheat Irreguhr at107 ; mixed ,
31 07@1 08 : No. 2 red winter , § 1 OG |
@ 1 07 ; "p-it , 81 00 ; October , § 1 07 | ;
saks , 250.000 bushels.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , 50c ; sales ,
150,000 bushel ? .
Oats Irregular ; western , 4349c. i
Whisky Quiet.
Pork 814 80@15 20 for Sectem-
ber ; § 15 00315 20 for October ; S13 80
for the year.
St. Louts Live Stock.
ST. Louis , September 21.
Hrgs Active and higher ; Yorkers
and Baltimnrrs , $5 00@5 50 ; mixed
Dackinir , S4 905 ( 15bu'chnra' ; to fan
cy , 85 20S5 40 ; grassers , S3 20@4 30.
Receipts , 4,300 ; shipments , 2,400.
Undoubtedly the best shirt In the
United States is manufactured at the
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
of Material and workmanship , com
bined with their great improvements ,
that ia Reinforced fronts , Reinforced
hacks and Reinforced sleeves , makes
their shirt the most durable and best
fitting garment of the kind , ever
manufactured at tha moderate pnceof
$1.50. Every shirt of our make is
guaranteed first-class and wil : refund
the money if found otherwise.
We make a specialty of all wool ,
Shaker , and C , nton flannel , also
chemola underwear , rmde up with a
view to comfort , warmth and durabil-
ityl To invalids and weak-lunged
persons we offer special inducements
in the manner these goods are made
for their protection.
1207 Farnam street.
Headquarters tor Joe Schhtz's
Milwaukee beer at M RCIIAST ' Ex-
OHAKQB , N. E. Cor. Itith and Dodge.
All Entries Made and the Ex
hibits Ready for In
A Glance nt the Displays in the
Main Bu Iding.
Nob-nek \ s'flt fa'r i * row nren
ard in iVl b't The ru-h nf rbv-
rnth hnnex Unto-i wa fXcnvv <
aid rranv 'inrure' n'"ie1' wpre mnffe
nnri qnj n PS rr ny appl'mt'on * fi'ed.
Tve s P-O' ' ' ' wec n < * 'nnv on tV > r
JIJ-'D and f'i'p pd of nn imrre'Si ;
.iTrun * of wnrk No npt'lica'i ns
H" " nof > n to-day , and
_ irds in a-'vinrner-o'H VfBltiGr.R
v > 9 the c'nrra fi a'tr = < "iori cni ? EC-
r'r'ty Tb > f oi : d rf < h himrni
iih pli of r-'irp1" , rnt'li'-g of box" ?
a * H Mnin < j of itr-trri'-'pr'N. rrod C"d
n TJib ° l of rr > i p qnirn deifaning.
F'0 n the ° rn rn'rancs a gnorl
w.T'p'rg ' vir of tr > e in'Ttor can bp
obtained. To th ° laft of ln pntnn-p
Wn'ilr ' > lr > n crttnff hf nHnrpd jfpplf
wi'h n display of frtt't and a deto
initiation to s-oon In a1
prizes. 'Mr. Grinnpll and a
corns -slants hss chars" .
A nnf 125 fret nf S"aCP IB cnverorl
with 150 vrirtiei "f applpi , from thp
mammn h G l en Pippin to trie mall
but hardy Ru sett , interspersed with
10 variettpt of DP'sr1 ? , sis of Inscious
peaches , five of crab apples , six of
plums and 24 of rrf po < . The man-
ncora are conndent that W 'iing'nn
count * ? r n romppte Pliccc.isfnlly wirh
any nr all connMm in the ax'e , and si1
who I'avn cirefully riamined the ei-
hib ! * hearti'y coincide.
T. T5. Evans , the s pds man , oc"u-
pira a pfonanpnt p"sitinn in the north
east " 'n ? , with a be ti'iful ilinnlfty of
dried fl iwer nnd cras'es , fltnko'l by
rr Dorr , of DPB Aloines , with an ex
. . . . of Iho p mo clapa.
Tlw cppt. > f of tha miii njsln is
nc'ariffl hymen of a musical i.'rn-
w-h their P1H" > J , Of . " 3 , and otier
i'l-trnmer.fcs. r rre'nntina Mm M-y r
% Oo , A. Hi spo , Jr. , tmrl others.
At the Wt-et rtnor of rim huildit'c
nrp the d's ' -ily < of the Uni6n Pacific-
anr1 B. &M. r ilroadi > , by whim the
asricu'tiiral wealth of the state hai
'en'i ' made known to the world. The
x'l'bit of the loTner bo
J1P3 wihh a c l'pction r.f
sixty Tf.ti"tif3 rf ro'islind Rrcky
Mnun'a-n wet > ds , rmm'Tou3i Decimers
cf minerals and pef nfio'l woods ; eght\
pltte ? of fruir , nprlos , pp rs , plums ,
oeachpj and g'ap'-s , rolircted on the
1 no of t'i Utah i-nd Northern rail
read. A l v e prr'ion of the U. P
exhibit' will p-obtMy remain unpacked
for w-mt of space.
13 * by no me-uis complete ,
extended report will be mcde when
the eshib'fots h.ive completed their
work , which will occupy the entire
The displry rf graded hogs at thl
fair eic-rda hat if a y fonnpr ei
hibiti.n in Nr-brapkv Wh la Miaaouri
and Iiwa hto fi'nving to rpap &
harvest of prizes , JTebr eka ccrt mU
doatrvea and prob bly recelro the
hog's share of the premiums. Among
NebrdaWs famous breeders of fine
ho s , Mr. W. E. Sexson , cf Sarpy
cmnty , takes a prominent , if not
a loading position. S devotes his
atten iori almost entirely to th"
Berla'iiro grade , becauna of their
conspicu 'Us hrcudiiii ; and fattening
trait.i. Tney ate Bbid to give mure
we-ght frcm a srntll r quantity of
food than any other breed. Mr
Sexson fxhib.ts sixn en hogs , ranainc
in ge from six nn nhs to two ye rs.
The twn-y ais-ol c , two iu niiinb'r ,
will wei.h frjni five to h'X bunorea
p unds ach. They are hu e in e Z' ,
poif et in shape , ai.d deserve po
mum forgrtturul uppearoncj. Mr.
tifaxson'u tahib t ci bj found at the
eastern etid of the ihi.d row of pens.
A hu' e stack < f dead boih
guards one of the e trancts to the
imtii building. They measure two
to ttiiea fti in length.
A Council B'nila man exhibits a
wcuhing 5i6pounds. .
Sp'cim-ns of ROJ ! . Si rmis , Car-
b n > .nd E anato.i coil , in lumps
hiiii ; over a ton , nro exhibited by
e U. P.
H nry Lehman , the painter , has
a coi.spicU' us display of hia wares.
The managers cf the speed de
partment prouiiau great attractions
outing the week. The "dark h rse"
in Thursday's race f > r the § 1,000
purse ia said to have a record of 21G ; ,
and is txpGctt d to nuke 2:18 here.
The finest and fastest pacing race ever
wituees ° cl west of the Missouri will
come off Friday.
This aftnrnoon , bes'des the regu
lar race for , $500 , there will be a run
ning race for four-year-olds , for pri
vate horses. On thuraday and Fri
day , between h ats , there will be a
running racj for three-year-olds and
trto-year-old3 respectively.
The judges of clasa XI ( textile
fabricr ) are requested to report to
the superintend * nt , W. R Bowen ,
at noon to-day , for preliminary work.
Joe & S < m , the purveyors of the
fair , fed 1,100 hungry visitors ac din
ner jesterdny. bixty waiters were
required , anc one hundred will be
employed for the remainder of the
we.k. They can entertain 582 per- at one Bitting
Ohms. JL P'g , our old Omaha
boy , who served THE BEE in various
capacities , some dve years age ,
gre-ted the representative of Tns
BEE nn the ernuuds raout cordially
Cbarloyfrepre-ents the seed house of
Dorr , of Dea Moines , Iowa.
The EC irci y of water , which has
been severely Itlt on the grounds
during tha piet twenty-four h mrs , ia
of stock ruen.
no 1 n tr the complaint
Through the energy of Mr. H. M.
Bro < vn , two vails for public aud one
for private use t ave been bored , and
now water flows freely.
J. R. Rice , of Council Bluffa ,
exhibits spectmem cf fruit trees from
his nurze-y , nt the eastern entrance
of the main building.
NEW HATS in every shape at Mrs
Wood's Parlor BazarCreighton block ,
15th atreot. tnt-tu-th-sat
O ? 3BC 23 S. S .A. 23 X. S3
Cor. Douglas and 13th Sts.
Gives Great Bargains in Ladies' and Gentsi
All Kinds Of
We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money ,
fEIS& ° M 1 iff
J. O. R10HARD3OH , Prop. ,
Always in the lead with
Every day yvill add to present large and thorough as
sortments of
All the New Fall Palmes in
Silks , Satins , Velvets & Plushes.
Novelty and Plaid Dress Goods , Momies ,
Cashmeres , and the Popular
in the Newly Introduced Shades of
And the Various Shades of Bronze that are to be BO Popular this
& BALLAc. .
In this Department we are Offering Some Special Bargains.
Ladies'full regular Balbriggan , with Silk Clocked Ankle.
Strangers Visiting the City are Respectfull Invited to Examine
the Finest Display of Rich Goods Ever ShOTra
in the West.
The Leading Eetailers ,
15th and Douglas Sts.
Successors to Jas. K. Isb ,
Dealers in Fine Imported
Extracts. Toilet Waters , Colognes , Soaps , Toilet Powders . , &c.
A full line of Snrzical Instrument * . Pocket Cast * , Trends and Supporter * Abfolntclf . Puio
. of the night.
used la Prescriptloni filled at an j hour
Drns and Chemical * Uapenslng. .
. . . Lawrence McMahon.
Jas. K. Isli.
1x3213E * .zc3xra3LJk.zta ; soTzuazirz1.