Wrj APEST BOOK STORE IX THE CATALOGUE OP BLE AND INTERESTING BOOKS ' and FRKII , Ju't arrived at the 1AB1AN BOOKSTORE Farnliam Street , . Apposite Dewey & Etone'a , ) - Nelir. isequcnce ol the unprecedented succtsi be > Toprietor ol the Antiquarian Book s met with , since he inaugurated the v Revolution , and In rjtnm for the re , 'lya en.liatromuehe h'S recelred he > .Te t pie -sure in announcing that he has vie creator loductioniherepo lblc and ais itrmensa ocV f SEW and valuable .at prices tint defy all competition. t Books re all procured from the best I iung houses in thecountry , ar w ell bound 'jijl ' on thick paper and In nic , clesr tjpe > e fo- the btst library in the l nd 'urchMsre f om thi * c t logue amounting j ) or oi-cr , II be si owtd an * dditiotial nt of fheper cent ; $15.00 or oier , ten per 1 " 0.00 or mer , fifteen pcrce t. E Parties tmleriui : bv mail will enclose ISmo. , and lOc for vv. books to caver istory and Biography. * J' Hintory ot En land. From the JpiJrn of 3u iB i Canar to the Abdici- of James II , 1C3S. 6 vols , largo 4 00 "s History cf the Decline n.ad ie Komn Empire. C rols. Oft y's History of England. From j mlon vf Jamts , II. 5 xols. 12mo . . . . . 3 00 2.W . ar History o ! England. 8 c'otb ' Ilastr 8 50 I can's iiiutuy of Encland. 4 vols. . S 60 | UlS'ory of England From the Vest Times to the Rcism of Queen biria. t voK 1 mo. c oth ; ilumiatel 4 60 I'z ' Ancient n > etry. Coxplcte in _ inm . I2mo. cloth l oo f Il tory of Enirlieb literature. TipVtefn 1 vulamc. 12mc < th 1 25 fit" * BM * ry of the United States. Denary Eaition. 0 O'A. ISmo. clo'Ji 10 00 i' An dent History. New Large | > Editions , 4 voli. 12mo cloth. 460 fiS 4to cloth { 00 | ch'e Lives of UltiKtriitnMcn. With TPIutarth. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth gilt i5 p ? 3 00 2 to toraplcte Worke , Evo. cloth. . . 1 25 " " shetp. . , Z CO xki-h W r , 12mo cloth ICQ 'eonand Hi * Camp.iens , I2mo cloth 1 00 rvI the Crtuadcj , With 150 lilns .ra- ' < ; " 2rno cloth 1 00 vho Have Risen , lOmo. cloth 1 00 'istory of Livingstone. induJlnc tlm ild-StsnUy Erpcdi inn. Itoyal 12mo. b 1 00 Horace Crcelcy. Royal I2mo. n 1 00 isrto" , 12aiO. cloth > ndcrllamilt n , 12m" . cloth. . . . . . . . ai Jeffe-Bon , 12mo cloth m n rranklln , 12mo. cloth IWetmcr , lirao cloth. . . . . . . . . . . ryClay , izmo cloth unA. Dinglas , 12mo. cloth ham Lincoln. I2mo. cloth IBoone. 12mo. cinth Crocktt , 12ra < j , cloth ° 1Bm' ' T'O * dolh , I is lor nt as > iomo cjolh AIM Mii 12mo. cloth. . . 7.HSla0n ( I2aio. d th wJek in , 12mocloth v.oustnn. . 12ino cloth C Mrs.Jndwjii ! , 12mo. cloth JiiKciitK ne , T2mo clotn. . . . . . . . . . ; MftJ1" I'iUlinc Cunhman , 12mo. cloth 41e\Vomen of IIiUor > - , 12mo. cloth..J Wea and Eatly Life of Napoleon , 12ino. " S 1 00 i NRpoloon , 12mn. cloth 100 r/sry of the AVar In India 12mo. doth 1 00 Kc < l Line Poets. Foullcdre niwand beautiful edition of T.t > l " Kach v-lume contain ! a Memoir and il . alcd wltli a portrait of the author emmvcd i'teel nn l Dumornu < fulUpaire illustratione ny Inent artists. Cro r 8vo cloth , gilt sides and wt.Thc best edition in the nwrkct. EachSl.00. inrcon. Cow'er. | on. Hilton. "It. Eliz * Cook. Siukcspeare. 'r ' lre- Vr'oldiWOrth. licer. Younc. nbcJ'-andSouthoy. { Colcridjco. LIiarJ. Ileber. I. Hemuis. llerl . . .f Isniith. gh.liey. ' ' * lason'sL'ivcsof The < 3iiUmios Classics. E * ' ! ° * ot Standard works In Poetry , Hli- ' J * and Ocntril Littrature. Crown 8vo. I' ji ncwBtjleof lilndmc.pir vol 76c f ai Fairy Talcs. Slaci y'a rVicms. J \ \ NI ht Milton. "ofAutl.orB. Monteomcrj's Poems. lru'g I licnms ProMonrc. . -oes. Ocklsy t Olbbon's His fiis tory of the b'ara'-cnd. It r's IluJibras. Oxe furJ'aFrcncliSougs . - . ' ' . -on. 1'cpy'a Disry. Inpbell. Pours Illiad. IIIC'B UomaUis. I'ope'n Chlysscr. Popu * Pocm . k , Llizi. IteptoscnUtlve AcVorsI per. llO' > inHon Ciusoe. e , by dry. Romance uf Histories I'CiUIics o ! ShakeLVelanil. . France , ire. Spain. India. Italy. uTOuixoic. Scott's Pocas . * Three Toura.Snitfij Ee&ats on rn Fairy Talcs. Chivalry. Ivclyn'e Diarv Scott's Livss of luzitive Po try. Dramtthts. Icnn n Literature. > U as fj'osmlth's Pistes , Outen. fnmm's Fairy Tales. Bwlssamlly Rooiuson. fe' ' : r. Teany on. tcmani. ttrbcrt. To'lisend's Uanual of Literature , 2 voU. ] . Virrfl I'ryden. lolinton'E Uvts of roots.Lockliart'a Spanish e ts. llalladl. llour , Macmlaj's Lsys. loraii ' ( Complete ) . LegcaUarj' Eal'ad * . Fiction. THE WAVEIILY NOVELS. I'nlrcrse Edition , Zb vols. 12mo. cloth per " " ' 75 reoplc.'lfdit'on , 12vcls. . 8vo. dotiT'pVr 75oo Tvol „ | oo Edition. 0 vols. 8vo cloth , per 150 DICE ENS'CO UPLETK WORKS. dEdition , 14 volj. lOino , tluth , per " " ' " ' , " 1iUaii"iV ioll "i2rno'"cTo'th , l"-o ' cloth p > r TO ! SJ.OO . p COOK BOCKS. * * po / ( foinui-on { or .Cml clu. - . , . . i oc t Fnmlli Ph JVrieV,8 .jperBiid Sxx-r , , , _ Jpt ] BooU i. 'mo. cloth ) . | 175 "aon Suiss In ( bcKltcJicnVaVr ctfc d - Bonder. ' ' ' " " " J e Ajetfcaa Ho'mVc'ooi ! 'iiooV"cv"the ' .diagiif I'ctroUandvtl.cccities , ISmo. Bound in oilcloth. . . i r 1 00 f 00 lleceipts , worth their Weight In Go'd , 12mo 103 lie American Practical Coolt.y Boot : ' 12W' 4 100 I * . Faml'y ' Doctor , By H. S Taylor , M. W. ISmo . . . . . . . . .I . . . . . .t. 100 Tomcn and lier Disoigoa , By K. H. Dixon , ISmo 100 Japhiy's Phys cal Life ol WouuJV 12mo. 1 BO hiJN phey'aTranimsicn ! ! cf Ufa , l'"mo. . . . 1 60 ipfanheye Hnnd Book of Popular Medi cines , 12mo 160 Agricultural. Diseases ol the American Ilors ? . Cattle nnd Sheep. By llobt. McClure , M. D. V. S. Itmo cloth 1 CO ; bo Horse and hU Dircnee * , By llobt. Jennings , V. S3. 12rao. cloth 1 00 little and their Di9CiUC3 , By Kobt. JcnO I tin ? , V. S. llmo 1 00 fjoise Training made lacy. By Robt. Jen- I nlnjs , V. S. icmo. cloth 100 liTicep. Swine and Poultry , By Robt. Jcv ' s , V. S. 12mo. cloth 1 00 Miscellaneous. Choice Works of Thomas Hood , Crows o . 1 60 IVZhoiee Worts of Cean Swift , Crown [ lwaaa * * * * * * * * * Be Complete Works of Chas. Lamb , Crown 1 50 Natural "History , 2 vola. in I , 12no 1 00 : bim cr'a Lncvcopadi. Latest Revtaed i Edition In 10 iols. sheep I. 20 CO : vorbod's lamer and Cook of formi , Thoroughly revised to date , l2mo , Law Stle , ! . I . . . . . . . . . . . 100 lia science and Art of Elocution , By Frank H. Fctmo , 12mo. cloth 1 00 " TS Fables , ICmo Uuctrated 100 _ 'y ' Andy 1 25 Ti.Thou ! , d Year 1 25 uiree Guardsmen 125 Jouatof MouteChrUto 1 25 I I001 Brown at Oxford 125 K S.mBrown' : School D y 125 2 ? ' Uecameron of Boccaccio , 12mo cloth 1 23 lh Hef > amron of Mtrgiret , Cacen ot HK" T > . 12ra . doth 125 c-'aM rrl ro Guide , cloth , 100 -.rrand. clith. . . . . 1 03 fjA 8ommoir. BiZol , cloth 100 hana. By 2 da , cioth l 00 airy , Latest I .T- : " , - 10 CO Ht b'Ju.IUutr. hyoore. cloth 203 llmiet. Let - tn , c'oth „ l 00 iws-Vletory , cloth 1 2S IFjrlcan Pooular CkUsn rr , coiulnlne . .Isoast amount ot lotarxatloa upon I I en S' . r11101 ? . Hiitory , ladling. t.indT1tleiConstitu'4o-i , LaWs Cities ! Oollegea , Army nd Navy. DebU , Riu oTMwUllty. Growth of Clt-cs. lUtei of Intcreat , Insolvent an ! Assicamant Laws , etc. , etc. , cloth , over 600 parw. . 76 Cr Sa.heyt Phj-slcil UtlectWoitn ! ! . . 1 60 ur. Kaphcy'a TrasmIbSion of Life j 50 And thousands ot other volume * , toon-oner- * ns to mention , both new and Kcond-hand. LI8EIUL PRICES MID res XSEGQHD-HAND BOOKS , itlierin rai h or in cschsr o. Aildiroes : H. SOHONFELD , NEB. ATTORKEYS-AT-WW A.T.CROSSLEY , TTORXEYAM ) COUNSELOR AT LAW XL No. 214 South 15th St , bet. Farnham and Uarncy. au20-lm CHARLES POWELL , TUSTICE OF THE PEACE Comer 16th and tj Famhara Sta. , Omaha Nub. WM. SI8E8AI , A TTORNEY AT LAW Room G.Crelzhton A Block.IBth Ft , OMAHA. NKB. D. L THOMAS , A TTOSNET AT LAW Loans money , trays XX. and sells real estate. Boom S.Crelrhton Block. A. G. TRQUP , t TTORXET AT LAW Office In Hanscom'l . & _ Block , with 0 crfre E. Pritchett , 1608 famhara St. OMAHA. NEB. DEXTER L. TKOHAS , A TTORNET AT LAW Crnlcteaank s Build XL Ing. ar < Stl A. H. CHADVV1CK , TTORNEY AT LAW O2co 1501 Farnbam . Str et. et.A. A. SY/AR7ZLAHDE A TTOENKT AT LAW-Cor. ISthaad Fumbttn A. WILUAM A. FCNDA , A TTOBNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. J\ . Room No. 0 , Frcnrcr Block , opposite Port Office. OMAHA , KEB. _ < _ Wa. L PEABQDY , Office In Crolrbton Block , next U LAW7Z5 . OMAHA , NEBRASKA. ttOTAUT rUBTJO. COLLECTIONS MADS E. D. MCLAUCHLIH. A TTuRNEY AT LAW AND JUSTICE OP XI. TnE PEACE Southeast comer Fifteenth DonclasSt. 9Collectlnas Promptly Attended to."E4 O'BRIEK & SARTLETT , -at- Law Attorneys - , OFFICE-Unlon Elocb.Flftecnth and Farnhanfl A. L. ROBISOK. A TTORSEY AT LAW. Boom CrclRhton A. Block. OMAHA Ken. luni-tf ATTORNEY AT LAW. KARBACH BLOCK. COS. DOUGI5TH STS. OUATTA. W. d. Gonnell , Attorney-at-Law , OEce : Front rooms , tip stairs , In Hangcom's new brick building , N. W. corner Fifteenth and Farnhun Streets. . RIDICK. CHIS. R. Rmicx. REDICK & REDICK , Att-orneys-at-Law , Spodil attention -will to given to all tulU against corporations of every description ; will practice tn al ! the Courts o ! the State and the United States. OQco. Farnham St , opposite Court Hou ° e. EDWARD W. SIMERAL , * TTORMET AT LAW Room B OreigUon A. Blolc , IKth gad Douglas streets. nofldh C. F. rSAKDERSOK , 4 TTORKSY AT LAW S42 Famhtm Street A. Omaha ya PAHKE GODWIH , A TTORNEY AT LAW ISth and Donflai A Straits , with G. W. * V. T. lUCUAKPH. Q. J. RICHARDS & HUNT , Attornoys-at-Law. OFFICK 215 South Fourteenth Street. EAST INDIA SOLE : ifAITA. Neb. A new ami hitherto unknown remedy for all diseases of tlio Kidupyx. Bladder , aim Urinary O reins. It win positively cure Ihatietcs , Oravel , Drop- ey , Krisht'g Dlscira , inability to retain or expell the Urine , C tarrh of the Illadccr , hlsh colored and Manly urine. Painful Urinating , LAMS SACK , Uencral Weakness , and all Female Com plaints. U avnliln Internal medicines. Is certain In It effects and cures when nothin ; else can. For ale ny all Dni ii&t8 or sent by mall free Upon receipt of the price , SiCO. DAY KIDNEY PAD CO. , PHQP'RS , Toledo , O. rS"Scnfl yocr tMresa for onr attle book , ' .How a Life was Saved. " JAMES K. ISH , Aeent for Kobruka. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Cur CMBK s Omcx , > OMAHA , cpt , 15th , 1SSO. ) Sealed propovils will be I'ecclvod by the under- djnpa until Tuadky c enlnir , tcpt. 21st , at S o'clock p. m. . fur furnishm ; to the city of Omaha , to be ue'icered to the sswcr cantrictors. 11 the wrought iron and iron castings necessary It bo used la the construction ot seer It ewer dhtri.t No. 1 now in course of construction. Bids ball also include the price of vitrefled pipe tuj other pipe required , pecllications may be seen at the olBcj of the city cucinocr. Said bUs ehall 8 ] > ecify In ctail the price of each article and quality ot the umepropo8 l to be { urnlsheJ , and shall be adr ! 3cd to the undersigned. J. F. McCAUTNEY , lC-6t City Clerk. CCC ! awretln youroira town , lerms'a&d " JJ > UU vutfltfrce. Address U. Hallelt & ] Co cnlaail , M PERMANEtifLY CURES KEDHEY DISSASSS , LIVER CGfriPLAIKTS Constipation and Piles. acted Ilt ! > s < 2cciuaflITJB5 ( coil hosnc\ felled tc ] sr S * ' * t * ofprleclcM TD'.UC. After ixfcv.n JTUTS of crc l nuBtrlafrora Ilia and Cm- tlicneult comju-lcly cured tao. " ' C. 8. IlOOABorC , crrcrfail , Mjs , ? peoloceuie2ortG * rtcre r rw la cc = > I > Ictct7 curlnr a icrcrc LJvt r BECAUSE IT ACTS OS THH I.IVEII.'rinJ ' EOWIj/S AND KID- iionrs AT Tass. rr TISIE. I Because It cleanse. ths system or 3 thepolsonoua hvworatftat dsvclcpc , Sin Kidney and Urinary dl'Vcases , pi- : houcnecs , Jaundice , Canct'pation , i fpllsc , or In Rheumatism , NearaiGUi , , and Tcmale dlaordorc. 5 J KTOXE'SVK'OIIT ; * atLT r = cuA'o o = - OMAHA PUBLISHIHC CO. . PROPRiETCnS- SIB PamJiam , bet 9tk and 10th Street * TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Copy 1 year , In advance ( post paid ) $3.00 6 mint * . " 4.00 S months " " 2-00 TIME TABLES THE MAILS. C , 4N , W. B-R BSOa. m , 2:10p. : m. C. B. & Q.5 SO . m. , 2:40 p. m. C.B,1&P.B R. . 530a , m.,2 : p.n CSt Joe 6SO : a. m. S. City & P. 530a.m. U. P. R.R. , ll:40a.m. . O. & R. V. to Lincoln , 10 a. m. \B. A M. R. B , 8W a m. 0. &N. W. , 730a.m. onrsisxi C. &N. W. R.R. , 11 a. m. , 11 p. m. C. B. ft O. , 11 x m , 9.SO p. m. C. R. I. & P. , 11 a. m. , 11 P. m. C. B. & St , Joe.,11 a.m. , 11 p. m. U. P. R. R4 p m. 0. i R. V. from Lincoln , 12:10 p. n S City &P. , lla.m. B. & M. in J. eb. , 4 p. m. Local msils for States Iowa leave but once a day , vis : 4:30 : a. m. Office open from 12 to 1 p. m. Sundays. THOMAS F.-HALL. Postmaster. Arrival And Departure of i Trains UNION PACIFIC. TjKlTZE. ARRIVB. Duly Express..I2:15.p.m. : S.-25p.m- ao Mixed..6.10p. m. 4r25p. m. do Frdht 5:30a.m. l:40p. Of. do do S:15a.m. 12:20a.m. TIME CARD OF THE BURLINGTON. LEAVB OHAIIA- Express 3:10 : p.m. Krpress 10:00 : a. m , Mail 6:00 : a. m. Mail 10:00 : p.m. Sundays Exceptcd. Sundays Sxceplcd. CHICAGO.fROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. Mall fcOO a , m. 1 Mail 10.-00p.rn. Express S:40p.m. : | Express. . . . 10:00 : a. m. CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN. Mall 60 : a. m. I Mall 7:20 p. ra. Express S:40pim. : | Express..10:00 : a. In. Sundays exceptcd. KANSAS CITY , ST. JOE & COUNCIL BLUFFS. X.UVK ARtUV * . Mall 8:00 a.m. 1 Express 7:10 : a. m. Express 6:00p.m. : | Mafl 7:25 : j. m. The only line rnnnins Pulhnan Sleeping Cars out of Omaha to Union Depot. OMAHA & NORTHWESTERN AND CITY & PACIFIC E AILBOADS. Express 8.-COa. rn. | Fxprew 430 p m. Daily ExceptSund\B. B. & M. R. B , in NEBP.ASKA. [ KASTl Omaha ( ly ) 9:00 Kearney J"ncUo:50 ) : am latUm'thar 10:25 : a m Bloomlngtonlv)5:10 ( ) am earnyJ'ncar)7B5 ( ) p m Bed Cloud rtv ) 6:55 am * ed Cloud ( arr)7:5Spm ) Plattsm'th ( ar ) 4:20 p m 3oom'gtonirp.-25 ! ( p m Om haarr.4:55pm ) HKPUBLICAN VALLEY RAILWAY. Jv ) 8.-05 ft m | Bloom'gton ( arlopm ) Bloomlngton 1:35 p m I Hastings ( ar ) 6:55 : p m Orleans ( Iv ) 7:30 a m | Indiancla ( irlfOpm ) Orleans ( ar ) 7.-00 p m | Indiinola ( Iv ) 2:30 p m SIOUX CITY & ST. PAUL R. B MJ1. . . . . 6:10 : a m I Express 10:00 : am Express 8,40pm | Mail 720 p In WABASH , ST. LOUIS i PACIFIC. LUTBS. ARRIVES. Mall 8a.m. I Mail , .ll:55a m Express..3:40 : p. m. | Express 4:25 p. m. BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. R. R. Leave Omaha , dally. S a. m. , 0 a. m. , 10 a m. , U a. m. , 1 p. m. , 2 p. to. , 3 p. m , 5 p. m , , 6 p. to. . Leave Council Bluffs ; 8:25 a. m. , 9:25 a. m , , 10:25 : a. m. , 1125 a. m , 1S5 p ra. , 2:25 p. m. , 3:25 : p. m , , 5:25 p. m. , 6:25 p. to. , Four trips on Sunday , leavinc Omaha at 9 and 11 a. m. , 2 and G p. m ; Council BIuSs at 9:25 , 11:25 a. m. , and 2:25 : and 6:25 p. m. FASSEKOXR TRAUtS. Leave Omaha : fl a. m. , 7 a. m. , 8:30 : R. jn. , 1 p.m. , 4:50 : p.m.,7:26p.m. , . Leave Council Bluffs : C:15 a. m , , 9:40 : a. m. , 11:40 : a , m.6ji5F. ui. , idK > p. m. , 7:50 p. m. Daily ercept Sunday. OMAAA & REPUBLICAN VALLEY R , B , LKAVB , ARRIVB. Mall 10:43 a. m. . 4:35 p. m. Daily except Sundays. FEVER AND AGUE. THOUGH SHAKING LIKE AX ASPEN LE.VF With th chills and fever , the \lctim of malaria msy gtill recxn er by using this C9'chrat d tpeci- Ic , which not only breaks up the most aggravat d sttucSn , hut prevents thtlr rccurrreucc. It o Ir.flnHsU prcfLrahlc to quh.ino. not only be- causoll dc-Oj the business far more thoroughly , jut also on account of its perfect wholesomene-o and invigorating sction upon the entire fcjttem j TURBfHE WIND MANUFACTURED BT Mast , Fees & Co , , Springfield , 0 , The Strongest andUoet Durable WIND ENGINE In the World. Hundreds * n nge In Iowa and Nebraska Sold by Dealers In nearly evrry county. This cat represents oar Buckeye Force Pump irhloh is particularly adapted to Wind Mill oie , as it works easily - and throws a constant itream , and does not freeze ap in the cold est weather. Send for price list /W. H. RAYNER , Western Ae't , Omaha , Neb. SANTA GLAUS FOUND. Greatest Discovery of the Age. Wonu rful discoveries to the world havebcen made Among other things where Santa Glaus stayed Children oft ask U he makes cooda or not , If really he lives in a mountain of anow. Lut year an excursion sailed clear to the Pole And suddenly dropped into irhatBecmedlikefchole Where wonder of wonders they found anewland , Wlille fairy-Ilk * beinct appeared on each hand. There were mountains like ours , with more beautiful ereea. And far brich'xr klcs than ever were seen , Birds with the hues of a rainbow were found , While flowers of cxquirite fragrance were grow Ing around. Not long were they left to wonder In doubi A being soon came the/ had heard much about , Twas Santa Claus * self and this they all Bay , 3e leoked like the picture r esee ever } ' day. He drove up a team that looked vcrvquecr , Twas a team f grasshoppers Instead of reindeer , He rode in a shell Instead of a sleigh , But he took them on toud and drove them away. He showed them aQ over his wonderful realm , And factories making goods for women and men Furriers were working on huts great and small , To Bunco's thev said they were sending them all. > vrts Kincle , the Glove Uaker , told them at once , All our Gloves we are sending to Bunee , Santa showed them snapendcra and many things more. Saying I alu took these to frlesd Bonce's stale. Junta Clans then whispered a secret he'd te3. As in Oroaha every cne knew Bunca well , He therefor * should send his poods to his CAW , Knowing his friends wfll get their fnll share. Now remsmber ye dwellers In Omaha town , AU who want prcseati to Bunco's go round , For shirts , collars , or gloves great and small , Eend TOUT titter or aunt one and all. Boac , Chaaptoa Httter ol tie West. Doaglai THE LAST DEALi. AJH5AF FROM THE EXPERIENCE OF A PA CIFIC COAST GAMBLER , Lerdvflle ( Col. ) Chronicle. "I never dealt again ! " The words fell from the llpa of a gentleman well known in Leadville. Yet few recognize in the elegant , eSsy- joinj man who now commands the deep respect of hia fellow-citizens the once cool-headed , imperturbable gam bler who it hia day figured prominent ly along the Pacific coast and who was almost universally recognized na the shrewdest faro dealer in the west "As for the game's mortality , that's neither here nor there. When dealt upon the square it is much like any other game. It is not to be thought that the law will hinder men a bit if ihey want to play , and often they are forever cared of playing when they Ind it doesn't pay. I've dealt the game for twenty yearsj but I've quit : iow. I made nothing nor lost any- : hfng , and but for a alght I once saw I should probably bo a gambler still. Hereby hangs a tale. Lot me tell it : "Some three yesra ago I ran a high- : oncd game at a certain place you probably know , for it strikes me I saw ron there. It was a square game , as [ will leave any one to say a thriv- ng game for I dealt for half the riood in town , and often had as many as five layouts at a time , with too much business on hand to even get time to rest. One evening a young chap strolled in , with a sort of curi ous stare on his face , and I concluded right there that he was green. He was fair-headed , and had a pair of ) luo eyea and clear-cat features an nnocent-looking young fellow ; if ever I saw one. It only required a glance to convince you that no was a trunger in the gambling roorm Hb eon was at hohie , though , for t saw n hia blue eyes the love of play , and ifter that evening he was a constant visitor. Ho played his , pile right up md never grdwled if his hick was mrd , and on every sfecond card he'd ' stack the limits up in blue. Take it altogether his luck was hard some- imcs the hardest I ever saw. I've mown him to lose on a single deal seven double shots. "Business for me of course , but omohow it almost seemed too bad. . ' couldn't Bay a word , though , alld ret I liked the boy. He had lots of he filthy. I think from the way he > egan he roust have dropped a cool § 100,000 on the game , and he never ; rowlod. "We both quit gambling the same night ho , poor lad , for sufficient rea sons , and I because I loathed the game. It wAs in thia wiaei "His coin gava out in a deal or two , and ho put up a diamond ring , just to see his ill luck out , you know. The chips soon went. He had a pin , a laming stone in massive metal. Ho )3S3ed that in without a wore , and irow § r > 0 in gold. So help me God ! L wished him luck as heartily as any player there ; but no , his. last stake went my way Iti a losing ico. Ho drew $300 more , I thmk , on his watch and chain , and tried his line beta again , but his luck was gone. My God ? I'll never forget : he pale , haggard look that crossed his 'ace , but he was game. He never ut tered a word , and kept hlB chair like a pillar of ttono. Far a moment he iccmcd dazed at hia reverses , but sud denly his cyo caught the thin , worn circlet of dull gdld on his little finger. Io looked at it a liltlo while and a dark-wave of hot crimson blood passed over his face , for the flrclet seemed o cling even faster than the flashing ; em he had passed in before. He at ; iat stripped it off his finger and h nd- od it to me. It came reluctantly , hia worn old ring. * What can I have oa this ? ' he asked. * I don't know what its value , is , but I'll redeem it first of all. ' It might have cost § 5 now , hut it wjva worthless then. "Still 1 passed out a fifty stack in return , juat to let him try again. Ho ilanked it down in the pot , and then ow upon the table he laid his face in lis folded arms. Well , for a wonder , da luck changed and ho won three lines. He took no notice of mo ns I told him the limit barred , and ao we ) l yed two fifty on each card. Would rou believe it ? In the deal the pot von out and never lost ! And atilL he ay with hia face hid in hia arma. The deal was out , nnd I shook him up , > ut not a muscle moved , and , raising iis face , I started back in horror at he glassy expression of his eyes , for he boy was dead. "I've often wondered to myself since that night what thoughts went lilting through his brain as ho bowed iis hp.id and hid his face from our sight ; what pledges of a bitter life , ro- rets for a fortune ho had thrown iway with lavish hand , and loathing 'or Lie irrevocable conrae. Who cm tell ? We can but guess at them , but may never feel. His face showed years of hall endured in that brief game , but it was not until the coroner's jury sat that I learned all. Before them was developed the fact that the ring' ' which had changed his luck as it did iis existence was given him by his dear , dead mother years before. Poor I never dealt agrin. " A Lean Breed of Hoga Demanded. St. Louis Poet-Dispatch. Some of our eastern exchanges are bilking about a now departure in swine liusbandry. They want a breed that will give less fat and more loan meat. Well , now , our eastern brethren need not be at the trouble and ex- ponse.and delay of originating a new breed of swine to meet this demand. It will take years to change any of our well-established breeds back to the old woods hogs. The short cut for these lean man Is to send an order to the mountain regions of Kentucky or Tennessee , where the swine make their _ own living. The per cent of lean is vastly in excess of the fat in these maet and grass-fed pigs. They are travelers , too. It is not Improbable that they could travel from Kentucky to Albany in thirty days , and lose no fat. On their arrival they wouldbelean enough to suit the most inveterate fat hater , and the musc'.o would be well devel oped. We saw a few droves of these quick-stepping , up-headed piga com- into Cincinnati last seasonhnd atranga to eay , they biought a higher price tl-an some of the smoothest , fattest pigs from Ohio and Indiana. The lat ter had broad backs , deep hams , small heads and abort legs in fact there was a low per cent of offaL The Ken tucky pigs had longheads , long necks , long legs , light hams and thin shallow aides , and the per cent of offal was immerse. Yet they made fancy little hams and thin bacon. The demand for lard haa declined wlth the increased production of coal oiL The latter has in a measure superseded lard oil. In other words , petroleum products have superseded iard and its products. The thing for farmers in Ohio and Indiana , Illinois and Iowa to do , in view of the new conditions of the pork market , is to put their hoga on the market before they are as fat as they can be made. The greateat firofit in swine feeding is in the first 250 or 300 pojinda. The first 200 pounds can be made for three cents a pounds with more clear profit to the farmers than the second 200 pounds. It is mora profitable to tell seven month * piga weighing 200 pounds than fifteen months jrigs that will weigh 400. It requires mora corn to make a pound of pork after hogg have been fed five weeks than when fed one or two weaks. Grais fed hogi can be made profitably fat In four weeks of liberal corn feeding. We must adjust our feeding to auit the markets that consume "our porli. Boston wants smaller , leaner pork than the south , and that Yankee city buught of the west last year 2,281,552 hogs. Here is a growing market for light hogs , and if at the new departure men would bpgin to make up a new breed of hogs , we have only to change our method of feeding less corn and more grass , and shipping at an earlier ago , to meet the demand. There is but one man in the world whoclaimahehaa establish ed a breed of animals in so short a time as three years , and he did not know he bad accomplished so wonder ful 8"featuntil hs ? enterprising son- in-law put him in print. Scientific men have not yet placed his claim on record as an example showing how soon a new breed of domestic animals may bo produced by a skillful breeder. That there is a demand for a larger ptJr cent of lean meat in hoga fed ex clusively on corn is evident. The habit of laying on fat haa become so well established among swine bred and fed in the corn growing states , that it will require skillful feeding to correct or modify the habit or tenden cy. This can be done by a change of fead and by a judicious selec tion lot the beat breeders from the herd. In districts where peas and oats arc produced as cheaply as corn the breeders have favorable conditions for the experiment. In stead of feeding corn alone , at an early age , let oats and peaa be fed. As sooli as pigs can do well on prass let only grass and oats be fed. It will be seen the first season that the pigs have a larger per cent of muscle or lean meat than of fat. A few weeks feed ing of corn to pigs thus raised will produce an article of pork that will suit the EaatUrn and English buyers better than hogs fed wholly on corn. Shall it be the Eastern or Western farmers who will first adjUat tjleir methods b'f fee'ditig to the demands of trade. A Fashionable Woman's Prayer. Strengthen my husband , and may his faith and his money hell out to the laat. Diaw the lamb's wool of unsuspic ious cwilight over his eyes , that flirta tion may look to him like victories , and that my bills may strengthen hia pride in me. Bless , oh fortunrj , my crimps , rats and fri&lesj and let thy glory.ahine oh my paint and powder. Enable the poor to ahift for them selves , and save me fidm all mission ary beggars. Shed the light of thy countenance camel's-hair shawl lavender on my - , my der silk , my point lace and my neck lace of diamonds , and , keep the moth out of my sables , I beseech thee , oh fortune ! When I walk out before the gaze of vulgar men , regulite my wriggle and add new grace to my gait. , When I bow myself to worShip , grant that I may do it with ravishing alegance , and preserve unto the last the lily white of my flesh and the ta per of my fingers. Destroy mine enemies with the gall of jealousy , and eat up with the teeth of envy all those who gaze at my style. Save mo from wrinkles , and foater my plumpers. tfill both niy eyes , oh fortune 1 with ; ho plaintive poison ot infatuation , ; ha * I may lay out my victims the men as dumb as images graven. Let the lily and the rose strive to gether on my check , aiid may my aeck swim like a goos3 on the boat hi of crystal water. Enable me , oh , fortune ! to wear shoes still a little smaller , and save me from corns and bunions. Bless Fanny , my lap dog , and rain down hailstones of destruction oii those who shall hurt a hair of Hector , my kitten. Smile , oh , fortune ! most sweetly upon Dick , my capary , and Witch with the fondness of a spirit over my two lily white mice with red eyes. Ought to Have a Balcony. Detroit Free 1'rcsJ. A citizen who haa lately built him self a residence on the Cass farm , was the other day showing a friend through it , and when everything had been no ticed and discussed he asked : "Well , do you see any place whore you cou d improve it ? " "Yea , I notice a bnd error right at the start , " was the reply. Being asked to explain he contin ued : "You have no balcony fn front. " "But I don't want ono. " "Well , perhaps not , but when you are running for office and the band comes up to serenade you , and the populace calla for a speech , yon will either have to go on the roof or como on the ground to respond. A balcony is a sort of middle ground just high enough to escape making any pledges , and not too high to promice 'all sorts of reform. Ought to have had a bal cony , air regret it If you don't. " A CASE OF PILES OF .30 YEARS' STANDING. Eos-rot , Slasi. , Aujust 6,1S77. MESSRS. P. NEUSTiEDIER & CO. , New York. Gentlemen : Enc'osed please find 81.00 for a boxcf Tr. Silsbeo's 'Anakcsis" 1 1me been troubled with the piles tinco' 849 , and have tried almost everything that 1 could find , hut without success. I line ju t been usingjours , and tave derived more benefit from It than any that I have ' e\cr tried. Plca'oe forward me a box at once. Yours tru'y , A. LEDYARD , 77 Traverse street , Boston. Simples cf "AnakcEia" are sent free to all sufferers on application to P. Noustaedter & Co. , Box 3946 , NewYo-h. Are yon low-spirited , "down in-the-mouth , ' and weak in the back ? Does walking , lilting or standing cause pain In the email ot the back 7 If so you have kidney diseiso , and F/of. Quil- metle'3 Frenck Kidney Pad is the only remedy which will cu'O you rapidly and permanently and without filling lour stomach with mmcating medicine. INFLAMED GUMS are instantly relieved , and will be permanently cured by the use of SOZODONT. The wider it is known , the better it is liked. It history is one long , continuous record of success aa a beneficial and moat fragrant wash. Other preparations for the teoih have appeared and passed iff ay , but SOZO DONT remains. Toys are easily mended , and strong ly , by SPALDING'S GLUE. It is always ready to be used , and may justly be termed "Semper paratus. " The liver is more irequently the seat of disease than is generally supposed , for np on its regular action depends , in a great measure , the powers of the stomach , Dow els , brain and tin whole nervous system. Emulate that important organ by taking Simmons' Liver Regulator , and yon pre vent most of the diseases that flesh is heir to di.w A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. For the speedy cure of Consump tion and all diseases that lead to it , euch aa stubborn coughs , neglected Gelds , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Asth ma , pain in the aide and chest , dry hacking cough , tickling in the throat , Hoarseness , Sore Throat , and all chronic or lingering diseases of the throat and lunjp , Dr.JrUng's New Difl co very has no equal and has established for itself a world-wide reputation. Many leading physicians recommend and use it in their practice. The form ula from which it K prepared ia high ly recommended by all medical jour nals. The clergy and the press have complimented it in the most glowing terms. Go to your druggist and get a trial bottle free of coat , or a regular size for 51.00. For sale by d(5) ( J. K. ISH. Omaha. Arnica Salve Tb BssiSiiTZ In the world foi Cats , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp- edHands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. Thia Salve is guaranteed to give perfect aatiafac- tlod In every case or money re fended. Price 25 cants per box. For sale by 8dly J. K. TRR. THE COLORADO BUSINESS COLLEGE This Institution , looatcU at Denver , Colorado , the Eduationil and Commercial center of Ihe West , ispre-cminently the best and most practi cal of Its kind for the MERCANTILE TRAINING OF Young Men and Ladies , G. W. FOSTER , President , D. W. CADY , Secretary. The most extensive , thorough and complete institution of the kind in the world. Thousands of accountants and Business men , in the prin cipal cities and towns of the United States , owe their success to our course cf training. The Bieftt Kind of Education for Young Men and Ladies. BTno , new brick block , at junction cf three gtreet car HDCI Elegantly fitted and furnished apartments for the application of and carrying oat of our novel and systematic methods of BUSINESS Voting men Who contemplate a business life , and parents having sons to educate , fire pattlca- larly requested to eend for our now Circular , which will gho full information as to terms , condition of entrance , etc. Address G. W , FOSTER , President , scp3-3m Denver , Colorado. AVER'S ' SARSAPAR1LLA , FO& PUBlffiM THE BLOOD This compound o the vegetable alter /athes , Sarsafftrillc /Dock , Stillinfriaa nd /Mandrake with tha 'Iodides cf Potashand i , makes a mos 'effectual cure ot a jpseries of coirplolnu -which are very pre valent and alRictmtr , It purifies the blood- _ . purges out the lurk Ing humors In the system , tliatundermine health and settle iqto troublesome disorders. Erup tlonspf tie.skin are the appearance on the sur face of humors , that should bo exjiellod from the blood. Internal derangements are the determin ation of those game humors to soma internal organ , or organs , whose action they derange , and whose substance they diaca = e and destroy. ATBR'S SARSAPAKILLA expels these humors from the blood. When they are pone , the disorders they produce disappear , such as Ulcerations of the Liver , Stomach , Kidneys , Luivjg , Eruptions and Eruptive Diatcics of the Skin.St. .intnontfs Fire , Rote or Erysipelas , Pimplei , J'mtules , Blotches , Boils , TumorsTetttr and Salt Jlheuii , Scald Uead , Rinj-tctnn , Ulcers and Sores , Rheumatinin , Neuralgia , Pain in the Eonet , Side and lleaa. Female WtakneM , Sterility , LtUCorrhrca arisiny from internal ulceration and uterine diseates. Dropetj , Dyspepsia , Ema ciation and general Debility. With their de rnrturo health returns. PREPARED BY DR. J. . AYER & CO. , LOWELL , MASS. Practical and Analytical .Chemls a SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS INMEDICINE. OF A FAR HIGHER CLASS than auy other proprietary medicine ol the day stands Tarrant'sEffervescentSeltzer Aperient And for I his reason : It is an exact conn' rpatt of one ot the moat valuable i atural medicines in the world. We refer to the great Seltzer Spring of Germany , to which thou'and cf the dyspeptic , the bilbus , the rheumatic , and the victims of venal diseases resort annually , and return to their homes convahsicnt or cured. The Aperient is one of the first ind by far the most successful ot all the efforts made to repro duce , in a portable firm , the moat popular min eral waters of Europe. See that vou purchase only the genuine article. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS THE UNIVERSAL STEAM COOKER , FOll COOKIXO Meats , Vegetables , Fruits , Pud dings , Bean ? , Rice , Etc. , By Steam. It has stood the test of severe trails and re ceived the highest recommendations trom hotel and restaurant proprieto'8 , boarding house keepers , and x Urpe number of private famlHei. Any number of kittles ma v be uaed.cookiug six , eight or mo.e kind i of food'at the same time with out mixing flavors- RECOMMENDATIONS. DEAR SIR : The Univcical Steam Cooker io what 11m e been vi anting lor a long time. It works splendidly. J. B. WKranr , Exchange Hotel , Sturgeon Bay. We , the undersigned , endorse the above In full. Richard Williams Fremont , Neb. Leopold Willing , Southern Hotel , Omaha. Sam. Miller , Wisconsin House , Fremont , Nob. Dr. Burghum , Fremont , Neb. Sold by D. A. Piercy , 1211 Fatnham St. , Omaha , Neb. And B. FRANSDEN.Main St. , Fremont , Neb. aoplSeodSt Ask the ared dvapeptlcabil- ous sufferers , vic tims of fever and ague , the mercurial diseased patient. ho they recovered health , cheerful spirits and good i-ppotlte ; they will tell yon by takIng - Ing SIMIJONB' LIVKR BS9TOATOR. The Cheapest , Purest and Best Family U dl- the In the World. ForDYSPEPSIA , CONSTIPATION , Jaundice BIllIous Attacks , SICK HEADACHE , Colic , De ptesslon of Splrita , SOUR STOMACH , Hear Burn , Etc. , Etc. Thla unrivalled Southern Remedy Is warranted not to contain a elngle particle of MIRCDRT , or any Injurious mineral subsUnce , bnt Is Purely Vegetable. containing thosa Southern Roots and Herbs , which an all-wbe Provldenco haa placed In countries where Liver Disease most prevail. It will cue all Diseases caused by Derangement of the Liver and Bowels. TUB ST1IPTOMS of Liver Complaint arf a bitter or bad taste In the month ; Pain in the Back.Sidea or Jointsoften mistaken forRhenc.v tism ; Sour Stomach ; Lcxaof Appetite ; Boirrls alternately costive and lax ; Ileulache ; Loss of Memory , with a p&infn ! sensation ot having fall cd to do something which ought to have been done Debility , Low Spirits , a thick yellow appearance - pearance of the skin and Eyes , a dry Cough often - ten mistaken for Consumption. Sometimes many of these symptoms attend the disease , at others very f ewbut the Liver , the largest organ In the body , In generally the seat of the diasase , and If not regulated in tlaie.great Buffering , wretchedness and death will ensue. I can recommend as an efficacious remedy for disease of the Liver , Heartburn and Dyepepcla7 Simmons' LIvr Regulator. i wis Q. Wnndcr , 1625 Master Street , Assfetant Post Master , fhlladelpn'a. "We have tested Ita virtues , personally , and know that for Dyspepsia , Billlousne3 , and Throbbing Headache , it b the best medicine the world ever saw. We have tried forty other remedies before Simmons' Liver Regulator , but none of them gave us more than temporary re ef ; bnt the Regulator not only reJevcd , bn : cured ut. " Editor TeUgnph and Messenger , Macon , Ga. MlXUrACTUXKB OX1T BT J. H. ZEU.IN St CO. . PHILADELPHIA. PA. Price. $1.00' & , ! d by all Dragglata. leptlcodawly CHARLES RIEWE , UNDERTAKER ! Metalic Caaea , Cofficj , Caskets , Shrouds , etc. Farnham Street , Bet. 10th and llth , Omaha , Neb. Ttlsjnphlc Order * Promptly Attended To. * -VIA THE Chicago & Northwestern 2,380 MILES OF ROAD ! It Is the SHOUT , SURE nd Safe Route Betwean COUNCIL BLUFFS JSTO CHICAGO , . and all points EAST and NORTH. IT OFFERS THE TRAVELING PUBLIC GREATER FACILITIES AND MORE ADVANTAGES THAN ANY - OTHER ROAD IN . THE WEST. It Is the ONLY ROAD between COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Ujxra which Is run „ PULLMAN HOTEL OAKS ! In addition to thcneand to pieaso all classes of travelers. It rivca FIRST-CLASS MEALS at Its EATING STATIONS at 50 centa CCh. ITS TRACK IS STEEL BAILS I ITS COACHES ARE THE FINEST ) ITS EQUIPMENT FIRST GLASS If von wish the Best Travellne Accommoda tions you will buy vour ticket bv this Koule X3TAND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All Ticket Acenta cin tell von Through Tickets via this ro.id and Check usual Eni- gage Free of Charge OMAHA TICKET OFFICES I2H Fambam St , Cor 14th , and at Union Pacific Depot. DENVER OFFICE In Colorrdo Central and Union Pacific Ticket Offlco. SAN FRANCISCO OFPICE-2 Now Monieom- ery StrCOt. For Information , folders , reaps , etc. , not ob tainable at Homo Ticket Office , address any agent of the Company , or MARVIN HUCHITT , W- STEKHITT , Gen'l Muniwfer , Gen'l PSH. Asont , CHICAGO , ILL. JAMES T. CLARK , Gen'l Art Omiha & Conncll Bluffs. THROUGH TO GHiCAGO Without Change of Cars I TIHIEI CHICAGO gURLINGTON & QU1NCY With Hmostb sr.d Perfect Track , Elegant Paa- scnser Coaches , and PULLMAH SLEEPIHG fiiDIHIHC CARS It is acknowlolgel by ti F sa , and aU wrs travel uTir it , io be tha Eet Apccialeit isd Eset Managed Pond in the Country. PASSENGERS aOING EAST Should bear in mind that this la the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points D bt Xoilii and Northwest. Passengers by this Route hive choice of POUR DIFFERENT ROUTES , And the Adtantage of Six Daily Lines of Palace Sleeping Cars from Chicago to New York City Without Change. All Express Trains on this line are equipped rtith the Wcstiiuhouso patent Air Brakes and Miller's Patent Sifety Platform and Couplers , the most Perfect l ro tation Against Acci dents in the world. PULLMAN PAIACE SLEEPING AND DKIIrlC CAR ? Ararunont'i Burlington Route. Information conuercin/ Routes , Rates , lime Conncct.ons etc. , will bs cheerfully given by applying it the oitcn of the Kuril' gton Route , 513 Fourtecntn Street , Omiha , Nebraska. C.E PERIiiNS , D W. HirCHiOCK. Cen'l Itana er. Gen. Wcst'n Past Ag"t. J. O. PHILLIiTI , St. Joe. ' , Mo. General Agent , Omalia. H. P. DUEL , fcp5-dl 'licict Agent Omaha SIOUX & PACIFI CITY& i A flJl1 Jl\ AJTD St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Sioux City Route I 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE I From COMOIL BLTJPPS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And all points In No-thorn Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. Thia linn Li equipped with the Im proved Wcdtinshouso Antomalia Air Kraltesand lliilcr Fiatform Coupler and IJaCer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AiiD COMFORT la unaurpaeaoJ. Elejant Drawing Room and Sleeping Carsi.owned anil controlled by the com pany , run Through Wlthsnt Change between Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , and St. Paul. Trains leave the Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Council Bluffs , at 6:15 p m. , reaching Sioux City at 10:20 : p. m. , and St. Paul at 11:05 a. m , making zs-TEN HOURS IN ADVANCE or ANY OTHER ROUTE. Returning , leave St. Paul at 3:80 : p. m. , ar- rlviig at Sioux City at 4:15 : a. m. , and Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Conncll Bluffs , at 9:50 : a.m. Be sure that your tickets read via "S. C. & P. R. 11. " F. C. HILLS , Superintendent , Mtoourl Valley , Iowa. P. E. KOCINSON , Ass't Oon-1 P-us. Agent. J. H. O'CRYAN , Southwestern Freight and Pas-wneer Ajjent. mv 0-tf Council Bluffs un 13SO. K.G.,8T.J9E&G.B.n.B. , la the only Direct tine to * * ST. LOriS AND THB BAST From OMAHA and the WEST. No change of cars between Omaha and St. Txrab and but ono between Omaha and New York. SEX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Eastern & Western Cities With less charges and In advance of other lines. Thla entire line Is equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars , Palace Day C ach- M.Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated Westlngbonee Alr-Brake. SEZ THAT YOUR- TICKET READST JtarVh Kansas City , St. Joseph " CouncilBluIl3 K.R.vIa S TJoe andSt.Lonl3.1Ei Tickets for sale at all coupon stations In tha West. J. F. BARNARD , A. C. DAWES , Gen'l Snpt. , Gcnl Pass. & Tirket A't St. Joeeph.Mo St. Joseph , Mo , W. C. SEACHRIST , Ticket Aeon. , 211 Fifteenth Street , between Farnham and Doncloa , Union Block , Omaha. JOS. TEHON , A. B. BARNARD , Foea. Agent , Omaha. Gen'rl Arent , Omaha , CHICAGO SHOT TOWER 00. Manufacturer ! ! ol STAHDA . & -P : " ii-il-- = " - - - BBSURETOEDY1T. THE BEST IN MARKET. E. W , BLATCHFORD & CO. Manufacturers ot Lead Pipe. heetand Ear Lead , Block Tin , Pipe and Solder , Unseed Oil and Oil Cake. ORDERS SOLICITED. 70 NORTH CLIHTOH ST. , CHICAGO DR. A. S. PSNDEKY , CONSULTING PHYSICIAN IiAS PERMAJTKSTLY LOCATED HI3 MEDICAL - ICAL OFFICE , 493 Tenth Street , . OUAHA , NEBRASKA Offering his services In all departments o medicine and surgery , both in general ut tpedal practice , acute and chronic dUcage * Ca be consulted night and day , and will visita part ot tha city and county on receipt of lettfl APPETIZER For COUGHS , COLDS , BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA , CONSUMP TION , and all Diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. The most acceptable preparation in the known world. By xldinc to TOLU ROCK anil KYE a i'tla LemOnJUlCO , you have an exellcnt Appetizer and Tonic , for pcncral amt famijy we. Ibs immetifc anil Inwajins rain sad the numerous tcmimcnial * rectbcd daily arjthebol viidcrcea of HailrtiKSaud popnl-uitr. * Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. PAMTIOM . . .DOST BE DECEIVED bj nnprir.clplc.1 dealers who try to rnlra off npon voa U/l. I I lUlli common Rock and Rye in pUtci of our TOLU KOCK. ami RYE , which k tlj only ilElJlCATED article made , tU GENUINE navinir a GOVERNMENT STAMP on eaih bottlf. Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenua : TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF ISTKKNAL REVENUE. > WAsuciaio.f , D. C. , January Z6 , 13SO. / Ue5rs. LAWHKNOE & 1IARTIK , 1111 Madison St. . Chicago. IL'S. . sA : Thb compound , in the opinion of this office , vonld have 3 sufficient f\uantlv ! < the BALSAM OF TOLU to sie it all the advnntoeca ascribed to thij article in pectoral complan- . while the whisky and the sytap constitntc an emulsion rcndcrlm ; It an agreeable remedy to iba patient. Compounded according to the formula , it mar properly bo classed as 31EDICIN.\I PREPARATION uider the provljions of U. S.ReTbetl StatvtOK. and when nomnipeil , ir y lo sold by Dru pists , Apothecaries and Other Persona vlihout renUeiing them liable to pay ; r > \ & ! tax as liquor dealers Yours Respectfully , ( Signed ) GRHBH. B. RAUM , Commissioner LAWRENCE & MARTIN. Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DRUGGISTS , GEOOEES and DEALSES everywhere WHO IS UNACQIMI/JTED WITH THE CFOCRAFHY f ) < THIS COUNTRY , _ _ SEE BY SXAMINING THIS MAP , TrtAT THE CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFJC R. B , IS THE GREAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE iia mam line runs irnm i > aicanO o vunnfu Bluffi. piuMinit thrrniKh .lollet , Ottr. < va. I-a hullc. Oenesco. Mollne , ltnc > c Island , Davenport."pst Liberty , lownClty.Mareneo , Ilrooklrn.Orlnncn , Jes Momcs ( the capital ot lena ) , Stuart. Atla.i- tlc , and ATticn ; trlth branches fnim Rurcnu Junction to Peorla ; Wilton Junction to.Mujcn- tir-e. Wnshlnpton. FolrflcW. Kldon , Uellinap , C'entrevlllc , rnnceton. Trenton , G ilntin. Jamu- rnn. I.eavcnworth , Atchiaon , and Kan'ns Cilr ; V.'Rjhlnitton to Sigoumey , Ujkalonsa. on-1 Knoi- villo : KeoSufc to Knralncton , Jlonapartc , ( ! PH- tonsDort. Indepenilent. Kldou , Ottumwu. EclUy- cillp.Oskalimja. 1'elln , Monroe , and DCS Moincs : Nnwlon to Monroe : OciMolnes to Indianolaana WIntersot : Atlantic tn Lewis nnd Audutwin : nnd A oca to llnrlan. This i positively the only Kallroad. which owns , and operates a throagh line from Chicago Into the State of Kansas. Through Exprcaa I'nssenKer Trains , with Pnll- man i'alaco t'Ursnttachcd , are run each way rtally tetween CIIICAOO natl 1'rouiA. KANSAS KTY , I'ODKCII. BLCFFS. JjEAVCSWOKTH and ATCHI- SOW. ThrouBhcars arenlso run Between Mi ! rau- tee nnd Knn-as City , via the "illlsauSce and KfKk Islnnrt Bhotlne. . " The "OrcntUock Island" ! s maRnlflcently Mu'pped. ' Its road bed l Blmply TCK jet. and its trace Vs IrH with steel ralla. Whatwill piea TOU most will be the pleasure of enjoying your meals , uhllo passlnc over the beatitUul prairies of Illinois nnd Iowa. In one of onrmacnlricent Dining Cars timt cccompany nil ? rnroucli ETpres < Trains. Vou set an pntlro meal , as gooif as Is nerved In liny nrat-class Uotsl , that . majority or th. separate apartments for different ope pre purto-oi ( nnd the Immense passcnuer business of this line warranting lt > , wo nn ; pleased to an nounce that this Company runs Pullman l' < 'lacc SlecDini Can for sleeping purposes , and Filace Lir3 xor canon partn'c. preat ifeiitcro of cur 1'nlacs Cars is a SltOr * Jrt SALOON jrhere you can eujtr/ jour -r- at nil himrs of the day. MaKnltlcentlronlJruteei spaa the and Mio'ourl rivers nt all points CTOSJCT ! vr line , nnd transfera arc avoided nt funnel. Blftt Kantna Cltr. Lcuvenworth. and AtclliXiJ ? 3W nectl.mbelnumndo In Union lp l t' . TIIK I'UINCIPAI. 1 IL. CONNCCrlOi1 * * . Oi THIS IIKKAV T1IIIOUUI1 L1XB AK * ftfl . At CnicAGo , with all dlvcrglct lines tr W0 East and South. , ft. W.AC. Il.Kd > . AtWAgnixaxn-vUEicnTS. with L. It. IL At LA SAME , wr.i 111. Cent. It. K. .MPEoBiA.wiin i . I- , ftj.iM > .iE.t ; , % 4 SV. : ULitld. : and T. 1 . & \V. R ! s. At UotK IflLASn with "MilwnnXee & HfiCS bland 3Uort Line. " and Hock If I'd A Feo. "VSr. AtDAVr.vpoitr. with the Davenport Orrrioc C.M. . tSt-P.il.il. At WEST I.IBERTT. wnn the u. . C. u. A S. ; V . AtUKiNxr.Li.rtth ( 'en trail own K-SC. A t DCS .Moi.-vtd. with I ) Jt. .t K. D It. a. Atrooifcil. Ul.nPFS.wlth Union PaciBt f-Jfn Atr.UAnA. with II.Jt51o.lt. R. It. In Asu AtCOLtJMBC3jlJNCTIO.V.wftllB..l lt.A : : < r.-/l At OTTITMTTA , wltn Ventral luwalt.ii Y'.i St. L. & I'ao. and a 15. < t 0- " - d.x. At KEOKBK.wlthToi. , Peo.AVnr.t 9niHf Louts It Vac. , and Ht. 1 . Kco. S K.V. . K UOt , At UAUERO.V. wltn II. St. J It It. At ATCIHSO.V , wltn Atcli. . Toppga & faontS V itch. & Men. and Cen. Br. U. I' . It. HdiJ. At I.CA viN ToitTa. with Kan. 1'aa , ; > co j5rt * Cent. U. Kd3. At KANSAS Cirr.wlth all lines for tbc * / / > and Southwest. prjr.T. PA1.ACE CAKS nrr run Ihrough to PEOUIj * . TIES . n\C'A . . rit tjVFsC KASMAM CITV. A T IIISU.V. anil I.EA VE.WO11TIJ. . ricketi vlu thU Line , Known o the "Orent jr.ocltI.lj.nU . Jloute , " sreM > C nil 'flcket Acents In the United Stale * find Cunodn. For Information not obtnlnt ble ut your homo ticket office , nitdre . . , 3ffi. ST. . A. TfJOiVBA.T L , JOHTT. FURNITURE , BEDDING , FEATHERS And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and upholstery Trade , A COMPLETE ASSORTMEHT OF HEW GOODS AT THE W JiiST j 4-J f f , ft 9-9 a l f i ap St men th lit and 1210 Firnliam : Street. Improved Buckeye Combined Riding Corn Cultivator 1 88O , 5r - - f MANUFACTURED BY P. P. WiAST&CO.jSPHINGFIELD.O. They also make Buckeye Improved Iron tiwm Walking Cultivator , with or without Siring. The New Force Feed Buckeye Drill , one or two fiorso Style * Enquire lor them at the best dealers. F. H. PUGH , Gen. Agent , Omaha , Neb CUBES RHEUMATISM. CURES COUGHS and COLD3. CURES EEEUIIATISM , CURES COUOHS and COLDS CURES SORE THP.OAT.CURES DYPTOERIA. CURES LAU. BACK and STIFF JOINTS. CURES LAME BACK , and STIFF JOISTS. CURES Bl IN3. CUTS and BRUISES. CURES B RSS , CUTS nnd BRUISES. SOLD IN OUAHA BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Go to Your Druarsrixt for Misa Freeman's New National Dyes , for brightness and dun- blllty of color they jcaeqajOled Cole ? 3 to Jibs , , price II can W , NERVOUS DEBILITY vltal w 'knew and . 'T tnllon romoyerwrlt SFA'SS'ESpecific No28. . cisafnl remedy known. Price il per vUl or vials and Ur.'e vial of oowdcrfor JS.jentpr.tMo free on receipt of price. BCMPUKWi IIOUEO.UED. CO , 'CO Fulton St. , New -\ork. Illust. Caucus of Kecclpta apI3U.t .3p < n c f n ( P ofip ' dayat nomoEamPIc" " ? .rt 05D 10 lbZU5 freel Address StJasoa & Co. Portland. Ulu * . . MECHANICAL. AND MININO EX. OINEEKINa at the BensfcUerPolyl 'hrdo Inititute. Troy , N. Y The oldest etuiM-Tin ? school in America. Next term beirfns &j-'em- | ber 16th. The Rejrfster foriaSO contain ! illt of the graduated for the part 51 yean , with -heft positions : aUo. wnrse of itndr , requirerc mta penWetc. Adilrtta DAVID IL GRBKNE Director. , enlhvtw m'TOa me' * . glSa'day atVcm3eaaiIrma < ! ecxU ; * lc atntL rc .Addrcw True i Co , Portland , } *