Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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iday Morning. Sept. 20.
[ Paterson Bells coal.
r Fine perfumes at Saxo'a.
Uao Lewis * dry hop yeast
-See Polack's advertisement.
Head Book Catalogue , 3rd page.
For the teeth , Kuhn'a DentriGce
" I Jutlerick's patterns at Cruickshank ,
Porter is running the Omaha ferry ,
Eighty-five cars of stock arrivec
Imported and Key West cigars
al Kuhn's.
Soidenberg & Co."a Key West Ci
| gin-sat Saxe'a.
Willis M. Yatcs buried his infan
Juon Saturday.
"Hop-Scotch" this evening
| Fuii for the million.
The cJicopcst trimmed hats in thi
city at Mrs. Wood's ParlorBazar,15tl
street , sat-tu-th-est.
October 4th ia the last day or
which naturalization papers can bi
taken out.
For Lands , Lota , Houses anc
Farms , look ovcrBemis' new colurr ;
on 1st page. Bargains.
The democratic primaries too ]
place Saturday evening , and the con
vontioii will bo hold to-day.
Lots , Farnia , Houses and Lands
Look over Bomis" now column of bar
gains on first p < go.
Deviina Fall styles nro now road ;
for inspection at the Boston Ciothitij
Huusc , 1212 Fanmam St. a20oodlc
The boya of englno company No
IFriday cvcning.gavo the Union Paci
fie band ajsurpriac party at their bam
room. *
The jury in the case of Frc <
" \Virth returned a verdict of "not guil
ty , " on the charge of violating the On
A mueical soirco and ball waj
given at Mctz's hall , under the aus
pices of iho Omaha Mrcnuerchor las
Dra. Dinsmooro and Giffon ]
Hjincuopalliic Phyaiclatw and Surgeons
goons , Williams Block , cor. 13th aui
Djdgo streets. eod-tf
The fair and festival for the benefit
fit of tha Gcrmanachool of Omaha wil
bo urld at Croii-hton hall Septcnibei
22,23 , 24,25 aud 27.
A Hancock and English flag hai
baon suspended over Thirtoenti
at-oet , between Bellman's block end
C. C. Houscl'a.
A grand promenade concert and
bill will bo given at the Tivoli thia
week , every night. Too inufic will
b 3 furnished by the U. P. band.
The funeral of Clarkson Davis ,
only aon of Frederick H. and Nellie
Davis , took place- Sunday morn
ing at 9 o'clock , from the residence of
Bishop Clarksou.
A handsome act of table napkins
vrvs presented our reporter Saturday
b/ the representative of the Wabasl
reid at thia point , Capt. Moorcs.
They boar the company's card.
"Hop-Scotch , " which will be
brought out at the Academy this
evening , is n very laughable CDinody.
onilU well played by the Gulick-
Blaiaioll attractions No. 3. Don't
fail to BOO it and ha/o n evening of
rare fun.
THE BEE , with its usual enter
prise , will have tented quarters on the
Bute fair grounds during the fair to
which our friends all over the state
and visiting newspaper men ore cor
dially invited.
A circular order Issued by Supt.
J. T. Clark nnd posted up in the de
pot , announces the fact that C. L.
Wheeler , agent of the St. Joe and
Western road at Walthena , Kan. , has
been missing ainca Thursday , and or
dering his arrest if found.
Talk about Nebraska peaches , wo
were Saturday presented with a
aamplo of the "Clem Seedling , " grown
from the pit on the grounds of Mayor
Chase that were remarkably largo
( f-oo stone ) andlucious. Such peaches
weald bo a credit to the best orchards
of Now Jersey.
Dancing Lamioux select sociable
BMSU'B hall , Twelfth nnd Farnham ,
every Saturday evening ; dancing
from 8 till 12 m. Music by
Prof. Hoffman's celebrated orchestra.
Admission , gents , 35 cents. Ladies
respectfully invited ; none but the
genteel and refined admitted.
PUANK H. LtMiEOX , Mauagcr.
A remarkably beautiful aight was
the electric display in and about the
olcphono exchange Friday. Balls
of fire danced toand fro over the wirea
aud plunging downward to the switch
board , burst with a torriflic noise.
The great gong , aud every boll in
town was rung and the operator waa
hurled upon the floor several times.
Under iho direction of acting
Chief Engineer Molio , Iho boya are
puttingjtho department apparatus in
good shape for the parade ou Tuesday
t oa.i. The hose carts of Nos. 2 aud 3
are resplendent with new paint aud
engine No. 1 ia being retouched aud
will look like now. Aa there has been
BOino miaundcrstanding about the time
of the grand parade of Tuesday , we
will repeat the notice that the fire dc-
pirtmont will assemble at 9 o'clock
a. m. of that day , ou Douglas street ,
right resting on Fartccni' , and the
procession will at 10 o'clock-
A very hanisomo lithograph of
iho scenery in and about Monterey ,
C lifornia , waa left at our office Fri
day by Bon. Truman , of the South
ern and Central Pacific roada. Mon
terey ia the most charming winter ro-
fort in the world , and is surrounded
by scenes of historic intereit and
Krcat natural loveliness. The Hotel
del Monleiaau cju aut structure over-
L o'-cing the lovpliist bay in the world ,
not excepting tint of Naples. To set
fortfi alt the attractions of Monttrey
would be to write of an enchanted land
with the pen of a common mortal ,
The Great Annual Show of Ne
braska Preliminary Fair
Work Near its Close.
Every Assurance of Success
Numerous Entries
Notwithstanding the threatening
wca'her Saturday with its continu
al cloudiness and occasional rain thosi
interested in the state fair found tb <
busiest day of the tray. Exhibitor !
crowded in from all parts of the stall
and from foreign places to make pro
Hminary preparations. In the mana
gers' office , No. 1412 Farnham street
business was at its height and on tin
fair grounds the bostle and work o
erecting the temporary city o
agricultural , horticultural , live stock
machinery , fine arts , fancy goods anc
the other multifarious exhibits at
traded many a surprised lookcr-oi
and encouraged every friend of ou ;
grand young stato. The following
entries in the "principal classes wen
recorded :
George Canficld , Omaha , will ex
hibit a blooded stallion.
D. T. Mount , Omaha , bloodec
F. J. Sherf , Omaha , blooded marc
Thomas Swift , Omaha , Hoodci
Charles Liebcr , Omaha , bloodci
IL Daniels , Sarpy county , bloodc (
stallion ; 37 entries of cattle ; 12 en
tries of sheep.
W. IJ. lloyal , Omaha , blooded geld
ing ; two cttriea cattle.
G. H. Jackson , Council Bluffs , one
entry of cattle ; three entriea of shec [
and twenty-two entriea of poultry.
Will Brown , Jr. , Omaha , eight en
tries of poultry , and display of farn
products ,
Thomas II. McCagus , Omaha , dis
play of Farm products.
IS. T. Crennell , Ft. Calhoun , ontrioi
in the "champion" claes , and displa ]
of hnyand clover for th'e B &M.specia
prize , and display of seedling poaches
California plums , summer , autumr
and u inter apples , Siberian crab ap
pics , and seven entries of apple ;
HroH-n in Nebraska.
Jasper Wheaton , display of five
acreo of flax and alao ten acres of flas
to compete for the Taft and Word
bourg ppecial premium.
Jas. iSheely , smoked meats cau >
vassed and uncanvassod.
Mrs. Ilachel Davis , cofieo roaster.
William B. Smith , cylinder foi
R. B. McDou all , ventilator.
Chicago and Erie atovo works , Chi'
cage , five entries of stoves.
Milton Rogers & Son , Omaha , nine
entries of stoves.
W. 0. Phelps , manager , Lincoln ,
corn shelter and two harvesters.
N. C. Thompson , Rockford , Ills. ,
stalk cutter and 14 entries of agricul
tural implement ? .
Peavcy Bros. , Sioux City , "La-
bolle" wagons , Avery's stalk cutter
md 37 entries of agricultural imple-
" Daniel Burr , Omaha , 20 entries of
igrlcultural implements , and feed cuter -
: er and farm wagon.
C. H. Guiles , Rock leland , Ills ,
lorse collar.
Henry Lehman , Omaha , window
ihadesj w. ll paper , mathematical in
struments , etc.
The McCormick Harvester compa-
iy , Chicago , Ills. , 2 harvesters , reap-
nr and mower" ,
Haines Bros. , Omaha , agents for
the Eureka manufacturing company ,
1 seeder ; for John Dodd , a hay rake ;
for the Ann Arbor agricultural works ,
Joshua Bairlck & C. , Bluomount ,
HI. , a check rower.
Josie Kuonoy , Ft. Calhoun , Neb ;
two entries in fine arts class and a
iollcciinn of jrllies.
Abbiu Taft , Omaha , oil paintings.
Robert Landeryon , Omaha , oil
A. L. Large , Omaha , water colors.
Frank Currier , , Omaha , photo-
; raphs.
Phillip Gotthoimcr , Omaha , shirte.
Mra. Charles A. Ringer , Omaha ,
nillmery goods.
Elizabeth Reeves , Omaha , quilts.
Lilllo Mackio , Sidney , Neb. , tidy.
W. H. Harrison , Omaha , shirts.
Harry S. Budd , Omaha , display of
pocimens in entymology.
The Washington County Asricul-
uwl society , agricultural products ,
ruits , etc.
Henry Frrhin , Omiha , enters hay
nd clover for the B. & M. special
The Omaha nail works , nail nfeking
Enioat Krebs , Omaha , vinegar.
A. E. Gorman , Omaha , trunks.
Arrmndua Getschmann , Omaha , ap-
lianco for stopping runaway horaes.
Sirs. E. Shugart , Beatrice , jellies.
Henry Dohlo , Omaha , largo display
f boots and shoos.
After an article is once placed on
shibition it cannot be removed until
bo fair is over.
No intoxicating liquors will bo
Hotted on the grounds nor within the
linit prescribed by the laws relating
3 agricultural societies and their ex-
The olh'cers of the fair will have
heir headquarters on the grounds
bis morning.
George Thrall has been appoint-
1 superintendent of the poultry class
i place of Mr. House ] , who will bo
navoidably absent in Canada.
The street car company will charge
[ teen cents each way to and from the
ilr grounds ; ten centa on the cars and
fo cents on the transfer carriages
otn the northern terminus of the
ack in Lake's addition.
Cars that will run on the fair
into will be marked with appropri-
0 signs whether they are red or
: ecn.
Hon. J. W. Savage will deliver
10 address on Wednesday at ono
clock , a full account of which will
pear in Tun BEE.
No return checks will bo given
the gate , so persons who leave the
ounds will have to repay on entering
; ain.
Vehicles of all kinds will be run-
ni to and from the fair during the
ttk for the accommodation of the
neral public.
The general superintendent
rived hero Saturday. Col. E. F.
nytho , of Omaha , and Sheriff Mar-
) , of Adams county , assistant stiper-
tendents , have been doing herculean
The Lancaster county display of
ricultural products will arrived
lurday 01 enin . The collection will
1 two cars.
Entries in the special classes
> sed Saturday.
Some of the exhibitors claim that
a space allowed thorn is not suffi-
iiit. This difficulty will bo easily
eroomo by the managers , however.
It is slid that N. B. Falconer , of
a Grm of A. Cruickshauk & Co. , the
ll-known Omaha merchants , offers
> rize of $75 in premiums for farm
ers' teams , owned and driven by till
era of Nebraska toil. .
The displays of agricultural in *
plements and blooded stock will b (
the finest ever seen in the west.
The New York Clothing Houss
would respectfully announce to th <
public of Omaha and vicinity tha' '
they have just received an Immensi
stock of men's , boys' and children'i
clothing , hats , capsand gents' furnish
ing goods. Being connected with om
of the largest cloth and clothinj
houses in New York City we can as
sura those that may favor us with ;
call to sell them goods at retail a
wholesale prices.
Call and be convinced.
New York Clothing House , 121 !
Farnham street , Omaha. slStG
The following ia a letter from Bisho ]
Hunter , Salt Lake City , Utah :
SALT LAKE CITY , Utah , Juno 14
1880. The Blacksmith's Dream ha
been exhibited here for two or thrci
weeks past , and thousands have wit
nessed it , both old and young and rid
and poor. The price of admission i
low and everybody is satisfied anc
pleased who see it. It is innocent
instructing and amusing. Througl
the generosity of the proprietor , Mr
W. H. Robertson , and politeness o
Mr. Dodge , the manager , hundreds o
our poor children and missionaries
families were admitted free. It at
fords mo pleasure in recommendim ; i
as ono of the cheapest and most .nmus
ioR exhibitions ever presented in Utah
Largest assortment of gold watche
at Edholm & Erickson's.
A football club was organized a
Collins & Potty's gun store Fridaj
The beekeepers have secured thi
Use of the court room for the lectur
to bo delivered before the associatioi
next Friday evening.
A pleasant party was given Fridaj
evening m honor of Miss Hattii
Jones , at the residence of Mrs. Burg
dorff , in South Omaha. Dancing wai
added to the usual social enjoyments
and lasted until a late hour.
The 12th annual festival of tin
Concordia society will take place a
Metz's hall , September 23rd. G
Heiinroth , M. Siovers and Juliui
Myer , compoae the committee.
John Mclvinon , who came t <
Omaha some time ago from Princi
Edwards , was taken in custody bi
Sheriff Guy Saturday morning on th <
charge of iusinity. He lives some
where on Capitol H11 and says tha
last night four hundred Indians at
tacked his house and bulldozed hin
The printed docket of the distric
court for the October term , boginninj
two weeks from Monday next , has
been issued to the attorneys. Then
ire 452 cases for trill and the lega :
list shc\va forty-four local and foreigr
attorneys representing the litigants.
May Leonard , the heroine of the
Bennett-Leonard mock marriage , tint
morning filed a complaint against one
Dlark , charging him wich larceny at
bailee. She tays ho borrowed her
jold watch aud then pawned it and
is unable to redeem and return it
to her.
This 'cveuing the great "Hop
Scotch" oddity in three acts will be
produced at the Academy by the Gu-
ick-Blaisdell Guaranteed Attractions
No. 3. This company and play are
f ery highly spoken of by the press and
lublic , and there is certainly as much
: im in the comedy as can well be
ivoven into ono piccIt is fun from
JOglnning to end , the play being a
nusical farce , which gives each char-
ictor an opportunity to display theii
Silver moustache cups at Edholm &
J. H. Fliegcl it Co. , tno successors
> f J. H. Thiole , merchant tailors ,
mvo a very Gno line of now cloths in
iluiico patterns , which they invite the
gentlemen of Omaha to see , feeling
lonGdcnt that for style , service and
> ric8 we can suit you.
J. H. FLIEOEL & Co. ,
sl82 ! Visscher's Block.
Wanted Board for gentleman and
? < dy ; will pay § 5.00 per week for good
iccoannodations. Apply to B. F. B. ,
2auGeld house , sit once. It
Nirvv HATS in every shape at Mrs ]
Vood's Parlor BazarCroghton ! block ,
.5th street. sat-ru-th-sat
Ladies , C. A. Ringer makes new
all itjlcs out of old straws or felts.
Michigan Poaches , choice , received
laily , at LITTLE & WILLIAMS' .
Headquarters tor , ) oo Schlilz'a
ililwaukeo beer at MKuuuANTh' Ex-
n , N. E. Cor. IGth and Dodge.
. A case ot constipation by
lain ; ; Hamburg
Parties exhibiting stock at the fair
rill find feed of all kinds ou sale at
bo northeast corner , inside the
rounds , Welsbans & Bro. 15-26
A. F. & A. M.
There will be a special communica-
on of St. John's Lodge , No. 25 , thU
Saturday ) evening , for work the in
. 0. .
degree. Visiting brothers ore
> rdially invited.
JOCKEY CAFS at Mrs. Wood's Parr -
r Bazar , 15th St. , Creighton block.
- - -
C. A. Ringer is giving bargains in
Sllinery. Now styles received every
iy- _ _ _ sep7-2t.
There will be a regular meeting of
ie Cassidy Cemetery association at
ilf-past 2 "o'clock to-morrow after-
'ou , in the school house on Eighth
reek It is hoped that all members
ill be present , asbnsinassof import-
ice w ill be transacted
H. P. Deuel has gone east.
A , D..Clark left for OgdenEaturdaj
Horace Newman has gone to Ohcj
Mrs. R. J. McConnell left fo
Evanslon Saturday.
J. H. Milhrd returned from tl
cast Saturday.
Capt. Meara , U. S. A. , went wes
Saturday to Sidney.
M. C. Keith , of North Platte , wa
In the city Saturday. *
CoL C. E. Freeman , of Hastings
Minn. , is in the city. .
_ Mrs. R. R. Ringwalt left Frida
for a visit to Detroit.
Col. McCouihe , U. S. A. , is in tL
city , accompanied by his mother.
Mrs. J. L. Mountain was an east
bound passenger Friday evening.
D. R. Fant and Capt. Mayberrj
well known Texas , cattle men , are i
the city.
Mr. L. H. Van Antwerp , of Al
bany , is visiting in the city , the gues
of L. B. Williams.
M. Sigutter returned from the cas
this morning and will soon occupy hi
new store , corner of Tenth and Fan !
J. 0. Slattcrtho Sixteenth stree
grocer , has returned from a trip t
the mountains , where he has bee
spending a fow'woeka for the beuefi
of his health.
Mr. John Hcnza , the popular Be
h.smian clerk of Jchn H. F. Learnt :
& Co. , has resumed his former posi
tion in the Now York dry goods store
This will doubtless please the numct
OUB patrons of that nationality , wl
have missed Mr. Honza for sum
Rev. Narya Shesh&di , a converter
high caste Brahmin , passed throng !
the city Friday evening en route fror
Bombay to the Pan-Presbyterian cour
cil at Philadelphia. Ho was accoui
panied by Rev. Mr. Green a mission
ary to Japan.
If you want your watch fixed'goo
take it to.Edholm & ErickBon's. Al
work warranted or money refunded.
Our friends will do well to re
member that Mr. Naraara , on Foui
teonth street , maNes no display of hi
goods at the fair , but every ono wh
has an appreciation of the good thing
of life eays ho is equal , if not sv
perior , to the world's angels.
We , and many with us , are con
vinccd , that the largest , freshest an
beat cooked Oysters , arc to be had a
Alsted's "French Coffee House , " 142
Douglas street. Open till 2 a. in.
seplT 2t
Hamburg Fij-s 25c a box.
FRESH FP.OM THE sriUNos. Foreig
and American Mineral Water , Hun
padi , Janes , Hathorn , Friedrichshal
Bitter Water , Vichy , Congress am
Empire. For sale by Ish &McMahon
1U21 Farnham straet. a30 1m
I have decided to fill a long fel
want in this city , and am resolved ti
make suits to order , equal in equalit ;
and style to any merchant tailor , a
prices that will allow any man to hi
dressed equal to the richest in fash
ionable first-class fitting suits , and in
more Ready Mada clothes need dh
fixuro your shape any longer , if yoi
snly call on M. Rypineki , Mcrchan
Failor , 219 , 12th street , northuas
; orner of Farnham.
To-day wo have received by expres
i large invoice of Whitby jet and am
t > Jr jewelry. Come in and see tin
now styles ; also new and beautifu
styles of pearl card cases just received
L/omo and see our goods and compan
jiir prices before you buy elsewhere
Wo will be pleased to show goods aiu
jvorything warranted as represented
Eho jewelers opposite the poatofiice
Fifteenth and Dodge.
Wo have received a choice line o ;
icw jewelry , selected trom the latesl
patterns which wo are exhibiting anc
iffering for sale. All who see these
; oods are well pleased.
WlIiri'LE & McMlLLAN ,
Douglas street , near Fifteenth.
ire aliltle late , but will bo in thcfirsi
f < the iccck , and it will bo ADVIS
ABLE for the ladies to wait and set
his elegant liuo of DUESS PATTEUNE
nth TIUMMINGS to MATCH , as it em-
> races ali the latest and choicest
Wo can recommend this as being tlu
iiicst line of goods ever brought tt
his cily.
Dodge street , corner of Fifteenth.
Fresh teccipts Michigan Peaches , 7E
'o ' 90 cenfa a basket.
Fleming Co. , Grocers.
Ueatn. Record.
DYERS At Ackly , Iowa , Sept. IGth ,
Augusta May , infant dauqhter ol
Tohu M. Byers , of this city , aged IS
BYERS At Ackley , Iowa , Septem-
ier 16th , Augusta May , infant daugh-
ar of John M. Byers , of this city ,
god 15 months.
T. B. Ringer has opened merchant
ailoring at 5G9 , 15lh street , Jacobs
tlock. Ho has a fine selection of
loth Cachmeres. Call and Bee.him.
We have just received a largo num-
ad other FURNITURE which the pub-
c are invited to inspect.
1208 and 1210 Farnham St.
I. O O. F.
The members of State Lodge , No
) , are requested to meet at the Odd
allows * Hall , at 1 o'clock.p. m. Sun-
iy , September 19 , to attend the
ineral 'of our late brother , James
nith. Member * of the order gen-
ally invited.
C. L. SiBAiaar , Sec'yi
Yesterday being Sunday of courai
it was not expected that the prelimin
ary work connected with the comim
fair would attract the attention o
many persons. Nevertheless , then
were many here seeking inforniatioi
as exhibitors and visitors , and thi
consequence was that the several offi
dais , connected with the fair , had ti
hasten dinner , after church time , anc
transfer the many ( Tails at their privati
residences to the proper office , No
1,412 Farnham street.
On Saturday evening the military
comnany from Sutton arrived aud , a
stated in THE BEE , went immediate ! ]
to tha grounds for guard duty. The ]
are a fine body of young men and ii
every way show that the fair official
did a sensible thing in selecting them
as the proper guards of the fair prop
erty. The different subordinate otii
cers on the grounds will be appointee
this morning when every one , who re
ceives the official compliment , will bi
expected to commence the exercises c
his authority at once. Hon. Rober
Furnas , president of the state horti
cultural society , will bo present ttiii
morning. The arrangement of flora
and fruit hall has been well attended
to , during his absence , by J. T. Allen
and that veteran florist , Charles J ,
The scene on the grounds cannot b (
properly described this morning. Ir
fact , everything is proof positive o ]
the bustle of business.
The entries for the races are as fol
Tuesday 2:40 class , ptirso $600 ,
"Colorado , " entered by J. F. Kinuoy
"Wild Irishman , by Dennis Cunning
ham ; "Black Dan , " by W. B. Newton
ton ; "Lone Jack , by B. J. Johnnon ,
Wrdncsday 2:30 : class , purse $500 ,
"Nettie W rd , entered by W. A ,
Marlow ; "Gray Granger , by J. H ,
Creijhton ; "Charlie Douglas , " by
Frank Pchrson.
Thursday class 3 ; free for all ,
failed to fill.
Friday Entries will close on Mon >
day night. Fine pacers from the oasl
are to be hoard from.
Colt races four-year-olda , to liar
ness , purse 825 ; "Sullivan" eiitersd
by Wm. Daily ; "Mambrino Ba >
shaw , " by W. A. Marlow ; "Satin '
byll. W. E. Dorscy.
Three-year-olds same purae anel
terms ; "G.iil Hamilton , " entered bj
Win. Daiiy ; "Mambrino Bashaw , " bv
W. A. filarlow ; "Coo , " by A. S ,
Patrick ; "Saratoga Princeby EC
Ou .y ear-old same purae anc
terms ; "Empress , " by Wm. Daily
"Shawn oed , " by G. W. E. Dorsey
"Senator P , " by Clarence Wilson
"Prince Alarm , by John I. Redick.
Every indication has a red lottoi
point for the coming week's cxhibi
Mr. Hunter has been appointed su
perintendent of tbespeeddopartment ,
He is an old horseman , who under
stands everything that is needed wher
equine meets equine.
The office of the managers wai
moved to the fair grouuds last night.
Rain or shine the fait will go or
and there will be plenty of accommo'
dations on the grounds for those whc
have come to the fair , and arc intenl
on a fair visit.
U. P. Band.
The U. P. Band was Saturday eve
ning made the recipjont of a verj
handsome compliment by the mem1
bors of No. 1 engine company. Aboul
8 o'clock a score or more firemen mel
at the hull , provided abundantly will
edibles and refreshments , and took uj
their march to the band house , at the
foot of Webster stro'.t. The band
boys were at practice , and were taker
completely by surprise. Presided
Nichols srose and said that the objeCI
of this gathering was to faintly show
the appreciation No. 1 ha I of thepasl
favors of the band , and the companj
had unanimously voted to imprest
this eeiiEo of appro nation upon the
bind by visiting them and enjoying
themselves together. The baud gave
three chocrs for No. 1. After every
body had found seats , the refresh
ments were served , consisting of ham
sandwiches , grapes , poaches , apples ,
cake , ice cream , cigars and not too
much of the Toulon's favorite bever
age. The evening was "devoted to
songa , declamations and a few special
ties. One of these specialties was a
jig by Messrs. Hornberger and Hill ,
Called the "Aldermanic Reel. " Mr.
Hornborgcr , cs a member of the coun
cil committee on fire , was invited
and brought to this sccuo of festivi
ties. Thia exhibition brought down
the house. Prof. Toozer told of the
band's trip to Camp Buford , and
what odds wore against them in
competing for the prize , which made
their victory the much more trium
phant. Ho closed by thanking No. 1
company for the substantial evidence
of their good will , and stated that
whenever and wherever the band
: ould do them honor it would most
gladly do so. The festivities closed
it eleven o'clock and everybody en'
joyed himself highly.
A Welcome Visitor.
Major Bon. C. Truman , a journal
ist of twenty-six years experience , and
brilliant and afliblo gentleman , was
in the city yesterday and favored THE
BKE office with a call. Major Tru-
inan , who began hia newspaper career
an , the Now York Times , has foe the
past five years owned and edited the
Los Angalos Dally Star. He has also
For three yeara past boon at the head
of the literary bureau of the Central
and Southern Pacific railroads , in
whoso interest the present trip to the
east is madei Ho is accompanied by
his wife and daughter and came In
From California last night in the di
rectors' car of the Union Pacific ,
which conveyed President Hayes and
party from Omaha to the coast. Ma
jor Truman is well known to General
King and otherjofficers at Fort Omaha
is well as to a host of military men
"id journalists throughout the entire
lounlry. Ho temporarily abandoned
editorial work in 1802 to go to Nashville
illo ai private secretary to Andy
Tohnson , who was then appointed
Military Governor of Tennessee. He
vas afterwards first provost marshal
if Nashville. Since the close of the
far ho has served the government in
'arious capacities , and in the perform-
nee of liia duties has visited nearly
very part of the world. Ho will al
ways meet with a hearty welcome at
.HE BEE headquarters.
Why dose . 'ourselves with nauseat-
3R medicines , when a purely fruit
athartic will euro you at once Hare-
Try lhm.
Universally acknowledged the best ,
-stor House , New York. slMm
Omaha.Nebraska , Sept. ICth , 1880.
.To citizens generally : Everybodj
is hereby cautioned against pick
pockets , burglars and hotel thieves ,
with which the town ia at present in
fested. Every train brings in nevi
additions to the crowd. The police
force is insufficient to guard the citj
properly , and a warning is horobj
given to all to bo on the lookout-
C. J. Wosterdahl ,
City Marshal.
NOTICE AiUcrtLterncnta To Let For Sale
Lost , Found , Wants , Bo rdinn ic. , will io In
eerted In these column * once for TEN CF.NTS
per Una ; each subsequent inscrtlon.FIVE CENT *
per lino. The diet Insertion never Icaa thar
< 2Kft fiAATO LOAN AtS per cent intci
4 > tMl.'UU cst , in sums of SJMOand up
wards for 1 to 6 years' time on first class Improv
Jtfcitvnnd farm property. Apply at BEMIi
Keal EsUto and LuanAKCncy. 15tli and Douglas
SW- ere cod U
MOlISr 10 rXAN-OaU at IAW Offlco
D. L.7HOHAS. lioom 8. Creighton Block
MONF.Y TO I.OAH 1109 Famham street ,
Dr. Edwurdn Loan Acency. nov-22-tf
WANTED Tw' good bl .cksmltbs to cro wet ,
607-21 . D.O. CLARK.
( " lUL WANTED Tor ccncral rocsework at
VT S. W. corner of llth and Capitol A\emie.
W PAKTED-A good pastry cook ; St. Charles
Hdtol. 492-tl
WANTED Anexpcriciiuei'dr } sooji , cloth-
i"g , tmots and slms salesman ; no olhcl
need applj ; rcforcti'-cs required. Atldrc3 O
Adlcr , &c aitl , Neb 4D1-2D
W ANTKD A Rood Rirl to do general hon-c-
work. Apply tinier 12th and Faciflc.
490(1 (
\\f ANTKl' , A Girl to do houfe work , 110 !
Vt Farnham Street , niStaira lt"-tl
WANTED Situation he a youn ? man a ar
office clerk or rs-i'tint bookkeeper. Cir
jive reference. Addro T. F. B. Bco otbcj.
: OV WANTED A nnart , active boj : The
B Cradstrcct Co. 4S3-1E
Two firstc'asoat and one tcsl
WANTED for Chejenno , Wv. Inquire atM
ndlman&Co , cieryotherdoyforSdaya. 47C-'i '
RENT Throe unfurnished roomi , witli
hall and cIo = cU : terms modcntc , at 151E
CassSt J. n BBUNER. 600-1E
RENT A well-furnished hoiise , K
FOR , -with ncll und c'stcrn in the cental
of Iho rity ; suitable f < r private boirlin ; house ,
or furnished rooms alone-furniture nearly new ,
at cheap figure ! . Kent 550 per month. Inquire
( itthlioflkc. 601-2.1
TTlOIt RENT 2 furnished rooms ; one suitable
J ; for professional gentleman , S. W cor. IStii
and Capitol Avenile. 484-21
llENT \ lartje two-stiiy nnirdms
house with six bed-rooms , on cor. Doiuli *
and Eighth streets , l o two-ntor- , scvfn-roonv
cd house , adjo'ninc ; above Enqui o of Cartel
Proi. , Gas office , or IORCS & llllis , and J.
Trcitchkc , 15th and Farnham. 495-1E
TnOR RENT Tin small CQttascst on corner
P ofllirncy and S2d strce's. ' Inquire 203
Howard St JSl-tl
s Rooms with or without board ,
J ; at Kuropcan Restaurant. _ 361tl
F I OH KENT finely furnished rooms at 1310
Davenport street , bet. 13th and 14th St.350tl
TJIOR RENT 2 furnished room ? oxet Mer
P chants Exchange , N. E. Cor. IGth ani !
DodfCi strc ta. _ 2S9-tf
> OTEL FOR SALE Bc t Iccaticn in the
H Ci'y. ' inqu'rcat Iliisoffice. 03-24
over BE1IIS' now column of bargains onlsi
Pago. _
MILK Twenty to t-venty-tour quarts or on
dollar by John t. F anlwn.v
_ _ nhfaal-mon-woilt
FOU SALE A flue centl- hews , s ifn for anj
lidv to drive. Al oaflre new rotlch cow
byL F.Mar'nn C'rcight n block , City. 4S3-18
B Ranritna in Ilonsw ) , Lots , Farms and
Lan'li. In his new col umn on 1st pace.
J71 It SALE Cottonwrxid lumber of all
r UKDWOND'S. Slxt.-enth-Ht. situ
TIAKEN UP Ono black colt , two y ars old ;
JL "ry gentle. C.V. . FINN ,
f05 20 * 20th nnd Farnham street.
FOK A F1NB Kfcsti > t.nuri front , Dcxirg ,
counter. Mantle , Store fitting- , veneered
vork tro to 1310 BM\KO street , A. F. KAFERT &
; 0. . Rulldora. ap2nonut-tfv
LJ over IJEMIS' new column of birjrains on let
> .i.e. _
Aeorrel nnrr , while face and little
LOST ou Bide , had harness on. J. S. HILU
Absolutely Pure ,
Made from Orapo Crcim TarUr. No otho
reparation makes such liyht , flaky hot breads ,
r luxurious pastry. Can be eaten by dypcptici
ritliont fear of the ills resulting from heavy i
bold only In cans , by all Grocers.
ItorAh B KiNd POWDHH Co. . N n York
(18 ( First-Class Musicians. )
Commencing at 2 o'clock P. M.
londay , Tuesday & Wednesday ,
fcmeMBER 20th , 21st and 22d ,
ulick-Bhisdell Guaranteed Attraction So. 3.
The New Musical and Specialty Oddity.
A Roinnp Fitcicxl Comedy Opeiatta in three
U. Rendbred by the Gnlick Blaisdell Opeiatie
dSrecial'y Company , asmiei by full Oper-
icOrcnrttra aid Brasj Band.
Reserved seata row on g re , without extra
? 2 e' tM Meyer & Bro.'g Jewelry Store.
ice as tuual .
$2 TO $5 PER ACRE ,
20,000 Acres
6 to 12 Miles from Omaha
$6 to $10 per Acre , on *
Long Time and
Low Interest ,
Large tracts suitable fc :
Colonies in all the besl
Counties in the State ,
80,000 acres scatterec
through Iowa.
A large number of Improvec
Farms in Nebraska , many o :
them near Omaha , $12 to $4 (
per acre ,
An Immense List of
Consisting of Elegant Resi
iencea from $3,000 to $20 ,
DOO. Many vacant lots ii
the additions to Omaha
Hundreds of lots scattered
l.hrough the City. Houses anc
Lots , Business Houses anc
Lots , and all kinds of Ci 3
Real Estate.
We also have
an Improved Farms in Doug
laa County , on 5 years time , a1
10 percent , interest to all whc
3Pn show good titles.
Blapsfor Douglas and Sarp ]
Counties for sale ,
Boggs & Hill ,
1408 Farn. St. , Omaha ,
FOR KENT Large residence with ahont :
. acre of croonO , newly papered and painted
i minutes' walk from court home.
J7O11 SALEAt a bargain , lartcc house of 1
iJ rooms with 3 lotnarn , well , cistern , frutl
nil shade trees , & : ; 5 blocks from court house
B0003 & HILL.
FOR SALE One of the finest residence pro
perties in the city. IloUne of 10 rooms with
our lots , ncll , atabI-9 , Ac. Just remodeled , K\-
client location.
FOHSALE 1 choice lots , next south of resi
dence of R. K. is KcnneJy. St Mary's Avc-
iueS-50andSMO. ;
nUBM FOR SALE 8 miles west of city. Fin-
U cst farm in the county ; S26 per acre.
acre.HILL. .
[ TTANTED We want to contract with n rci- !
T V able man to clear and Rrub 20 acres of
rush land. BOOH * & HILL.
1X7 ANTED 15,000 jards of dirt
VV * HOOCH & iiiLL.
BRICKIIOUSB-Conumeiit to business , with
fu'I ' lot , I rooma , 2,1 [ > 0.BOOaS
POR EXOIIANGE-For city property , small
L1 tracts of land , covered with youne tlmtcr
tg20peracre. UOGUS & HILL.
[ TlORfJALE Draiinew house , 5 room ? , with
L' every convenience , nith half lot , 33xlS *
: . , No 1 location , tiiuo to suit , will sell at a bar
am fur B dayj only ,
EOG03 & HILL ,
[ 710KSALK IJrick powder housoand 7 acres
Lj near block Yards , { 2,500.BOQOS&IULL.
[ J10R SALE Comer half of lot S. W. Cor 15
U and Jackson at a sacrifice.
710 R SALE-Full corner lot , N. E. Cor li ( and
2 Jones Sta.
ITONKVTOLOAN-Any one wiabinp to use
.1 J. 10 per cont. money In gums to suit from
500 to S-W.OOO , can procure it through u' .
710R SALE 3 business lets , next west of
J Masonic Temple , 81,050 catli.
70n SALE 2 lota west of Odd Fellows Block.
7 OR A CHEAP LOT Uo to Boggs nnd Hill's ad-
J dilion.
l/TORTGAGES / Wo still have some small
VJL mortgages for rale , ranging from ? 100 to
)00. ) Persons having tmall sums of money can
ivest with' safety , and without any expense
hitexcr , and get 10 per cent , interest.
\ HOME 3100 to 5:00 is allyon need pay
: \ . down if } ou buy a hoT.c for yourself
irough us. Time to ault on balan e.
71011 RENT Improved farm near barracfes.
J 1300OS & HILL
} OR SALE Ucnsa and full hit estcr
. street , one of the but locations "u the city ,
1,500 ; easy terms.
TEW HOUSES Wo are now prepared to
.1 build houses ttotlh from $100 to 3390 on
ar new addition , 2Sth and 23th and Farnham ,
ouslaa and Dodge , and sell on small monthly
ijmenls. ' BOGUS & HILL.
_ \i Kontze k'a addition , nea.- business ,
jed gurroundinzs. Iota covered with younu
ccs , and arc the choicest , cheapest and nearest
) business of any lotj in the market. By all
cam look at lota in Kountzo & Ruth's &lditi m
: forc purchiuhing elsewhere Will cell on
onthiy pajmcnts ; Price $100 to $650.
1HEAPLOIS-3 and 5 , block C , Shinn itf-
} dltion. Want be-toflcr at once for one or
> th. BOGGS & HILL.
HEAP LOTS Lots 17 and IS.Tho'mell'aad-
J dition. BOOCS&UILL.
AND IIALF tOT Near Thirteenth
IOUSE Capitol avenue , ? 1COO.
BESTLOTS-In Shinn's addition , iSOO.
\ N EXCHANGE Owner of 2M crca near
L Blair will exchapge for first clM business
residence proparty In Omaha and pay liom
,000 to 4 , X > in CUeil to boot.BOOG5&HILL. .
lAROAINE Two cottajcs with ? ull lot * .
> Tenth street , south of depot twi blocks.
, 00 for both. BOG GS & IIIuL-
CHOICE LOTS On P rk Wild Avenue ,
5 only 3 to * blocks tzom depot. SSOO to JSQO.
jnthy payments. * BOOuS&HILU
TrT" * M r n * T 5 tV v
Immense Stock for
Fiiie Custom-Made
Men's Suits ,
Boys' Suits
Children's Suits.
For Men ,
Boys , and
Umler-Wcar , Huts and Ci
Trunks and Valisus , ; it
Prices to Suit All.
Farnham Street Near Fourteenth
Having Taken tbe Abo7a for Our Motto , Wearo
Determined to Ofi'er
Our Entire Summer Stock of
Regardless of Cost.
In Order to Make Room for Our Fall and Winter Goods.
WeWilIi\otIJe Undersold.
Oval Brand
nn _
The sales of this "brand" of O\stcrs hive now outstripped all others. You jjet more Ojcters IN
WEIGHT AND MEASUIiE In cars of thu brand than n any other. 1 > . n. I1EEMI > K.
scpldlm General Wtsteru Agent , Omaha-
House Furnishing ( foods , Shelf Hardware ,
Kails and Ete.
Farnbam Street. 1st Door Easr First National Bank.
Dealer in
The Cheapest Place in the City for
I Manufacture my own Pieced
That will last you a lifetime , at the Lowest Price in the city ,
and deal in. no factory-mada truck that id almost universally
dealt in now-a-davi ? .
I also manufacture all kinds of Cans.
ITJl. F. STOETZEL , - . -r Tenth & Jackson Sis ,
S3-C"il3'l >
-rt.-V-Fl I GrKOOESS ,
sJIIILral Liil UiBUna & .QB
} repose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then
intire stock of
Diamonds , Watches ,
Jewelry , Clocks ,
Silver-Ware ,
Pianos & Organ
it Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per
cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House ,
preparatory to moving into their
veN Store , Cor. llth & Farnham ,
We Mean Business , Come and be Convinced. r
it t.
* re nc