CHEAPEST BOOK STORE IN THE WORLD , CATALCGUE or VALUABLE AND INTERESTING BOOKS > U snr and FEESII , ju't arrived at the ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSTORE 1IIC Farnliam Street. ( Opposite Dewcy 4 Stone's , ) Omaha , - - Nebr. Iu consequence of the unprecedented tucces' which the rroprietor of the Antiqaatiin Book Store h s met 1 th , Einco he inaugurated the Literarv Revolution , and ln retum for the re aiarkabiy li'-ernl vatroiitsehe Ins tskesre > tple < &ure in announcing that be has ttill made greater reductions nherepoplble and o crnluB Itrmcnis etl-cV f cirand valuable Jtooki at prices thit dify a'l ( ooipetition. Ttieftt llix > hs re all procured from the best p ibii-hiiijr rtontcs in thccountry , art irell bound jirintfd oo tliicV ) oner and In nic % cleir type uiliihlp. f0 the br ft librarr In the Und. S& t urcbwers f om thU cit-logue ataoun'lng "to 5f5 CO or over , w U be al oviA an Addltiouil d'Seount of Bveper ctn ; S15.00 or oier , ten per cent 8rO.OOorcr , Cft cn perce t. NOTE Varties > rdetia ! ; bv moil will enclose 3 PC for 12mo , tnd iOc for Svo. books to cover postage. postage.History and Biography , Hume's Hi-tory ot En land. From the In vis -not Ju ira Cnjjar to the Abdlc.- tinn ol James II , 1C33. C volj , large 12mo . 3400 O.blKni'sHm'oryrf tbc Decline and Fall oTthe Itomin Lniptre. Q vols. larce 12mo . 4 00 Uicaul.j'8 IHrtorj of England. From tb AK ciiFton . f James , II. 6 tols. lure lmo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 oo I Mtl. hvo Sllfcp 2 r,0 Knlc'iVe I'opu a * History of England. B ios. coih UtiBtr .Mini eau's Illntory of England. 4vola. . 3M Cuiio.VIIis'orj-of Enelaed From the Ea licit 1 imua to the Rdjni o' Queen A Ictoru. 4 voK 1 mo. c.'oth ; illustrated 4 SO Schmnz Ancient History. Complete In onerolninc. 12mo. cloth 100 Taint's History of Knzlith Literature. Compi. to in 1 volume. 12mx c oth. . . . . 1 2 $ Bancroft's Hi fry of the United btate * . Centenary Eaition , C vo'.e. 12mo. clo'.h extra 10 rjo Ro' i i's Ancient HIslorv. New Large Type Editions , 4 vols. ISmocIot * . . . " . . . 450 5 ! v.Js 41o cloth 400 rintarch'a Lives of Illustri ij Men With I We tf Plutarch. 3 vo'i i2mo. cloth gilt and nil tops. . . . . . . . 3 oo " " " " " " " not 8vo. t , , , ; ; 2 to Joscphus " Cophje \VorU , 8vo. cloth. . 1 25 _ " " sheep. . . 2 50 KUSPO .Turk ! h War , 12mo cloth 1 00 J'T-oleun and His Csmp isns , 12mo cloth 1 W iUsloiTcf the Crujadcs , With l&OIllus ra- tloni ; 1mo. cl th 1 00 Mennho Have UUen , 16mo. cloth. . . . . . . . 1 10 l.lfr History , if Livinystoce. Including the Herald.stint y Expcdi inn. Rojal 12mo. cloth 100 til of Horace Groeley. Royal 12mo. cloth 1 00 CejrgeWaiUnirton , 12mo. cloth. . I Atx n < lcr Hamilt n , 12-no. cloth. , ThomasJfffcrAO" , ISmo cloth. . . . Cnjim & Tranklln , 12mo. cloth. luni < l Wohjter , I2mo cloth. . . . . nenrj'Cliy , 12mo. clo'h. . . . . . . . . St. phrn A. Dnugias , 12310. cloth Abraham L'ncoln. ISrao. cloth. . . Daniel Boorm. line , cloth _ IHvid Crocket. I2no. cloth l § 3Iit Carson. 12mo. cloth fZ : N'ichoi8lr > rRn > Cia , 12mo cloth 2. < 2api. John Smith , 12mo. cloth I r Francis Itanon , 12nio cl th I .Andrew Jaekfnn , 12mo cloth S m. Houston , 12mo cloth. . . . . . . . . . . I Thite Mrs. Jodsons , 12mo. cloth I KIMi * Kent K-nc , 12mo. clotn 31)81 ) Maj r 1'iulino Cmhman , 12mo. cloth I Heroic Women of History , 12mo. cloth. . . y Conlcaand Eatly Life of Napoleon , 12mo. cloth 8100 T. .u's ? > apolean. 12mo. cloth l 00 Hatorv of the War In India 12ma. cloth 1 00 Kc l Line Poets. Roulledic c n w and beautiful edition of Red Line. Fach v.-lume ron'ain * a Memoir and h illustrated nllh n portrait i f theanthorcncravrd on teel anil numerout ful'-paje ' illustration ! ! ny eminent artists. Cro r Svo cloth , gili sldei and d2ot.The best cditian in the mwket. EachSLOO. Tennyion. Cowper. 1 jron. Jlilton. Sent. nizi Cook Hunu. ShJiespoare. 3'oofe. AVordswortb , Crabie. Ciuuecr , Campbtlt aadSouttey. LockhsrJ. Mrs. Hcmius. iimten. Goldfciuitli. Moateoincrr , Jo Tll'j Clinsulos Classics. < > f &l\n < ] ard worl-s m I'oetry , His- , and Gcnml Litirature. Crown Svo. ; ! n ntw stj'ie of l/.iul.Lgpr vol 75c derjonnFairj-Talej. Mac y'd Poems. Ar blan NIchls. Milton. A-o .k of Authors. Montgomery's Poems. Eunynn'eli trims Pro- Moore cre s. Ockley & Plbbon's His- Hums tory of tbo Car * cns. Ilu.lcr'e Uuilibras. Oxe ford's FrcnchSongs Byron. Pcpy's Diarj- . Campbell. Pones jlliaJ. Clue's lUxnlns. I'npe's Odymer. Culctldc * . Pop" * " Toenn. Co , k , Elizx Ilcp'cjcntatito Acton : llonimon Cmsoe. -1/aulc , liy Ciry. llomiuce of Histories J > IHJ'K L'cautics ot EhaVoK > fluid. France. * peirc. Spain. India. Italy. Don Quixo'e. Scott's Poeirs Dr. Eynv x'ThreeToursS , > > tt Etsajn on E-'tturn Fairy TitUs. Chivalry. Evcljn'aDmrv. Scott's Lives of the rujitlvo I'o'trj" . Ummvtiits. jcrraui Literature. Shcllry. Co'.flgmilh's foes , Spcncr's Fa-rie Que n. O.nmm'8 TairjTales. . Sniss r"amlljRobinson. . Teunjson. Hcnians. Tnompeon. Herbert. To iifend's Manual of Hood. . UUrature , 2 rals.J Uumorou * Pfcnu. 'Xlrpll l > ryd n. Johnson's Lives of PoeU.Locth9.n'8 ! Spanish Keats. ialla : < K Knight's Half Hcuri , M o-ul > y's Lays. Koran ( Complete ) . lAgendary Btl'ads. Lamb's s3aj-eandPccm3 Fiction. THEWAVEULY KOA1L3. Ciiiverae Ed'tioti , 2o's. . 12mo. cloth per Teople,1 Edition , 12 vols/Svo"Vl th'pVr 75 vol * $1 00 ' " feojAaf lililtcn , G voU. Svo clo'ih "iwr " ' 1BO DlCKtKS'COill'LETK WOJl CS. Diamond Edition , 14 vols. IBmn a. per vol ; 75 VfireEdltl > u.lf vol , . cloth. . . . . . . . 75 ' ' ' Globe Edition. 15vul Ijno' . . tp r'v'oi 1 00 MEDICAL , * iCirE. Av 1 > COOKBOOKS. Dr. Cha'u Recli of IriUiinton for Eve J-'jody , lexo. cMb S 1 M Dr.' Family I'lj.dan. JVritr , I'ee-Kteperai.d btc-.nd K-c ipv Bjak , Largj , limo. cloth 175 'Common Sinsa Sn tnoK'tc en. al racticU Syglora ol Cookery. Uj VT 1 Mender- son. 12mi . . r. i 00 Th e American Ilame Co l 1 o i , Bv the Ladi-sdfnctroUaid He < s , IZmo. Bound In oilcloth. . 1 00 COO UoodpK. worth tlieif W iuOod , 12mo 1 00 The American Pn\c3c.l G < * * 3'f Book „ .fmo . . . . 1 00 .he Family Doctor , Ry II . - Tt-ior , M. D. 12mo . . 1 00 TVnmcn and her l > i f.ff- i : B. H. Dixon , 12mo . 1 00 Kaphiy'sPhjical Life of Vf i ii 12mo. ISO N phc } ' Tranfrusiic'ii ! ct I ir lino. . . . 1 tO Manheyg Hand Book of I'o u > t Medi cines , 12mo . . . 1 60 Acriciiltu : ; il DistiSM of the American Horw. Cattle and Klieop , Ity Uobt. WcCIu-i , 11. O. V. 5. llmo. cloth . , . JOO Th Jlorjo and his Dicitca , Uy Pvobt. Jenninsf , V. 5. 12mo. cictli . l 00 Cattle andtbflr Distajcs , liy Kubt. Jen- nln .V. B. l"ini > . lee HoiE3 Tralulu ; n de 1 aey , By P.obt Jen- nlnzt. V. y. ICnio. cloth . , . . . ICO Sheep. Swine aid Poultry. By Robt. Jei- nin . V. 8. 12mo. c'.oth . . . 1 00 Miscellaneous. The Choice Works of Thomas Qood. Crows I Svo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . i The Choree Works of Ecan Swift , Crown Svo . 1 60 The Complete Works of Chas Lamb , Crown Buffan'g Xatura ! History , 2 vols. in 1 , ! Snio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Cham ct's Kncyc opudl. Latest Rexiscd Edition In 0o's. . * h * p . 20 CO Ercrjbod'd Iaw\cr and Eook of formt , Thorocchly tcviscd to date , i2mo , Law Sttle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Tha Science and Art of Elocution , By Frank U , Fenno , 12mo. cloth . 1 00 JEiop s Fable , IGmo illustrated . . 100 llindj- Andy . . . . . . 1 25 Ten Thouutd * . Tear. . . . . . * . 1 25 Tore * Quardcmea . . 125 Count of Jlonte Chri-to . _ . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 Fr v. TomErOMi at Oxford . 1 25 T a Brown'rt School Days . . . 1 5 The Decameron cf Bocc eio. lrro doth 1 25 The He tam-ron of Msrgvet , Queen of Ifi Navarre , 12mo. cloth . 125 Dr. H'lllic 'a M tiiio Guide , cloth . 1 00 A Fool's Errand. cMh . 1 ° 3 LAuommoir. Bj ZD ! , cloth . . . 100 > no , , cloth . 1 Webster * * Unabridged Blctlonary , Laws' hdiUcn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 Kabelui. Illa'tr. by Don , cloth. . . . . . . . . S 03 Juntas' Leffr e'ctii . . . . . 1 M .A Famous VUtory , cloth . . . 1 2i American Posalar Dictionary , coitiinliur. .sSerr Je a vtettmonntuf infortr&tioa upon fKdill' Bcienc , Mytholvy , Ills wry , Indl&ns , L nd 111l6iC nstltu'l9-ns , Laws , CiU s. Colleger , Army and A'avy. Debts , Rate of MjrtaUtv , Growth cf Cites. Rates ol Interest , Irfolv.nt aal Assicoinent Lis , tie , etc. , cloth , CTt > r EOO pa . . 75 Dr. JaAey t Physici ! LUeof Womin. . . . 1 50 Dr. Aapber * * Transmission of Life . 1 60 Anil thousands o ! other volumes , too ntimtr- ons to mention , beta ntw and second-hand. LIBERAL PRICES , ons to met SSGOKD-HAHD BOOKS aI ! * , - -itb r in c h or in txchi < ! H. SOHONFELD , 1118 Ftmisa itrwt , NEB. RTTORStYS-AT-UW A. T. CROSSLEY , A TTORXEY AKD COUNSELOR AT LAW JA. Ko. 311 South 15th St , bet. Fsrnbim and Uarney. auSO-lm CHARLES POWELL , TUSTICE OP THE PEACE Comer JSth and tl Farsham Ste. , Omaha Sep. WM. SIMERAL , A TTORXEr AT LAW Room 6Creighton fBlock. . 3Eth Ft , OMAHA. KEB. D. L THOMAS , A TTORSF.Y AT LAW Loons money , bnyi jCl _ and cells real estate. Boom 8Crei hton Clock. A. C. TROUP , * TTORJfEr AT LAW Office in Hanscom'a jti. Block , with George E. Prltchett. 1608 FarnhamSt. OMAHA. KEB. TKOHA3 , * TTORNET AT LAW Cralctenank e Build A. tag. A. M. CHADWICK , TTORNET AT LAW Office IBM Farnnam \ . Sir et. et.A. A. SvVAnTZLAHDE A TTORNET AT LAW Cor. ISthsnd Famham may2SU WILLIAM A. FOfiDA , A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Jt\ . Boom Va. 6 , Frcnzcr Block , opposite Post Office. OMAHA , NEB. W.M. L. PEABODY , V ATTYER Offlra Ia Crcthton Block , next U LJ Port Office , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. ST-Pafcntj Procured.ft $ TOEAHT TUBTJO. COLLECTIONS MAD * E. D. MCLAUGHLIN. A TTORNEY AT LAW AND JUSTICE OF A. TnE PEACE Eouthewt corner Fifteenth icglasSt. Attended to.TFi O'BRIEH & BARTLETT , Attorneys-at-Law , OrnCE-Unlon Bock.Firteenth ! an ? Famhaml A. L. RGSJSOH. A TTORrfEY AT LAW. Eodm CixlRhton A Block. OITAIIA Keb. 1nnt-U 23. S. ATTORNEY AT LAW. KABBACH BLOCK. CCR- DOUCI5TH STS. OMAHA , NEB. W. d. Oonneil , A.ttorney-at-Law. Office * Front rooms , op stairs , In nanscom'i new brick Lulldlnf , S. W. corner Ftftoonth and Farnham Streets. . RKDICX. Urns R. BEBICE. HEDICK & REDICK , Attorneys-at-Law , attrition will be glrcn to all tults oirjinratlonn of every description ; will practice in al Jllio Courts ot the Bute and the United States. OlEcc , Farnham St , oppoilta Court Ho ' ! e. EDWARD W. SiMERAL , * TTORNEY AT LAW Room fl CrolghUm A. nioclt , lEthaaa Ponging streets. noBdh C. F. SANDERSON , A TTORKSV AT LAW 2 Famlum Street A. Ocnibs. NobrMia. PARKE CODttlH , A TTORNEY AT LAW-llth and Xi. Strats. with Q. W. DoaPQ W. T. KlOURDB. Q. J. HONT RIGRARBS & HURT , Attorneys -Law. OlTiCi' S15 South Fourteenth Street. EAST INDIA 3OLB MAKUPAOTUBBR3 A new and hitherto unknown remedy for all diseases of the Kidneys , Bladder , aua Urinary Organs. It will positively euro Diabetes , urarel , Drop- ey , lirichl's Disease , inability to retain or eipcll the Urine. Cdtarrhct'lio I'.Uck'cr , high colored and reality urine , Painful UrmiUnf ; , LAME BACK , Ucncral Weakness , and all Kcmalo Com- plahitsT It aviiUd In crnal medicines , is certain in U effects and cures when nothin ; else can. For Kilo oy all Urupjists or sent by mail free upon receipt of the price , Si.CO. DAY KIDNEY PAD CO. , PROP'RS , Toledo , O. CJTScnd your address for our little book , How a Llfo was Saved. " JA.UKS K. 1SU. Acent for KebrMb. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Crrr CLERK'S OFTICE. \ OiitHA , s'ept. IBtb , 1SSO. f Scaled prepotaJs will be received by the under- sljncU until Tuwdty cvcnmir , ept. 21st , at 8 o'clock p. iu. , for fu-nishins to the city of Omaha , to bo vc ivcred to the sewer contractors. U tl.o wrought iron anil iron catlings necessary to bo u ed ia the construction ofecocr ltte er distriit No. 1 now in course ol construction. Bids phall also include the price of vitrcficd pipe and other pipe required. 'pcclllrations may ba seen at the olSci cf the city eninrcr. Said blJs eh ll specify In detail the price of each article and qualityof the eameprcposv-d to be furnishsJ , and shall be ad jrcsacd to the underpinned. J. T. ilcCAUTNEY , 16-Ct City Cl.-rk. * week In your own toivn. Icnns'aad outfit free. A-ldrrxs H. Uallett & Co Fcrtland , U 11V THE C.SK OP PR. BOSANKO'S PILE REMEDY. .INTERNAL , EXTERNAL , AND ITCHING PILES at onf < ? on lUe application of Dr. itoannfco'B I'He Itcmctlj. which acoTHT Irvctiy utM > ti Wio | Mitt % HJIVclyd. ntMort > lnD the Tumorm. nUnylng the tntenae Itcb- sttl other rcmf < He hnic laUc-d. Try tt , t fce no otbpr. anU tell yonr netctibor * ol Itm merit * . " DO NOT DELAY suatn tbe lraln on the ram prodace pcnruuieTit disability , bat bay It , TRY ITABNED CURED. PRICE , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , and iThca you can not obtain ltomimwt rrlil MmclM. prepaid , on receipt ofprice. Dr. Pnn > % T * ' Treatise on Plica sent fnx siTliili Addrcu ; PSANKO MEDICINE CO , , THE BAILS' BEE. OMAHA PUBLISHING CO. , PROPRIETORS- 316 Farnhcm , bet. 9th and 10th Strettt TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION , 1 Copy 1 jcar , in advance ( postpaid ) $100 J emontls " " < -M 3 months " " 2.00 TIME TABLES- THE MAILS. C , N. W.B. E fiSOa. m. , 2:10 : p. m. C.B.&Q630 .m. , 2:40 p.m. C.R.1&P.E. R. . B 0am.,2:40p.m C'St Joe 630 a. m. B. City 4 P. 6:80 a. m. U. P. R.R. , ll:40a.m. O. & R. V. to Lincoln , 10 a. m. B. A U. R. R , 8 : 0 a m. O.tN. W. , 7:30 a m. C. & N. W. R.R. , 11 a. m. , 11 p. n. C.B.&Q.lIa.m , 9.SO p. m. C. R 1. 1 P. , 11 a. m. , 11 p. m. C. B. t St , Joe. , 11 a. m. , 11 p. ra. U. P. B , R , , * P m. O. & R. V. from Lincoln , 12:10 p. m , S City & P. , 11 a. m. B. &M. inJ < eb.,4p. m. Local mills tit States Iowa leave but once a dar. vis : 4:30 a. m. Office open from 12 to 1 p. m. Sundays. THOMAS F. HALL. Postmaster. Arrival Aiid Departure of Trains UNION PACIFIC. LEAVB. AMJVB. Daily Express..I2:15.p.m. do Mixed G.lflp. m. 4:25 : p. iru do Freight 5:50 a. m. ItiO p. rr > . do do 8.15a.m. 12.-20a. m. TIME OASD OF THE BURLINGTON. LKATS OXAHA. ARWTB OMAHA. Express 8:40 p. m. F.rprew..lOrCOa. tn , Mail e0 a. m. Mall 10:00 p. m. Sundays Exempted , Sundays Exceptcd. CIUCAGO.IROCK ISLAND i PACIFIC. - Uall 6:00 a. m. I Mall 10:00 p. m. express 8:10p.m. : | Express..10:00a. : m. CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN. Mall 8'Oa.m.MaU | 7:20 p. m. Expren > BOp : < in. | Express. . . . 10:00a.m. Sundays exccpted. KANSAS CITY , ST. JOE & COUNCIL BLUFFS. LBA.VS AKRIVR. Mall 8M a. m. I Express 7:40 : a. m. Expreaa 6:00p.m. | Mafl 7:25 : \ . in. The oh'y line runnlnc Pullman Sleeping Cars out ot Omaha to Union Depot. OMAHA & NORTHWESTERN AND ISIOUX CITY & PACIFIC EAILROAPS. Exproes MX ) a. m. | Fxpresi 40 p m. Dally Except Sundjyg. B. & M. R. R. in NEBRASKA. [ WIST ] IKASI ] Omaha ( ly ) 9:00 : Kearney J'nc ( h ) SEO : a m Plattsm'tbar 10:25 a m Bloomingtonlr)5:10 ( ) am KearnyJncar)7:6j ) p m KedCloudIr)6:5 ) am [ ted Cloud ( arr)7:5tpm ) PJittsm'th ( ar ) 4:20 p m Bloom'gtonar9 ( } 5 p m Omihaarr.4:55 p m REPUBLICAN VALLEY RAILWAY. Hastings QT ) 85 a m | KIoom'stonarl:30pm ) BlTOmlncton 1:35 p m I Hastings ( ar ) 6:55 p m Orleans ( If ) 7:30 a m | Indiantla ( > rl0pui ) Orleans ( ar ) 7:00 p m | Indianola ( lv ) 2:30 : p m SIOUX CITY & ST. PAUL R. R. M.J1..6:10am : I Express 10:00 : am Erpresa 8.10pm | Mail 720 p m WABASH , ST. LOUIS &PACIKJC. WAVES. ArAlVES. Mall 8a.ra.JMall . 11:55 a m Express..3:40 p. m , | Expiesa 4:25 p. m. BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. R , R. Leave Omaha , dally. 8 a. m. , 9 a. m. , 10 a m. , 11 a. m. , 1 p. m. , 2 p. m. , 3p. m , 5 p. ra , , 6 . m. , Leave Council Bluffs ; S : 5 ft. hi. , fl:25 a. m , , 10:55 : a. m..nS5.m.lK5p ra,2:26 p. m. , 85 p. Si , i > :25 : p. m. , C:25 p. m. , Pour trips on Sunday , leaving Omaha at 0 and 11 a. m. , 2 and 5 p. m ; Council BIuHs at 9:25 , 11:25 a m. , and 2:25 and 5:25 : p. m. PAS3K.N9ER TRAINS. Leave Omaha : 6 a. m , , 7 a. m. , 8:30 a. m. , 1 p. m. , 4:50 p. m. , 7:25 p. m. , Leave Council Bluffs : 6:15 : a. ra , , Si'Oa. m. , 11:40 a.m.5:25p. : m. , 7.00 p. K. , 7:50 p. m. Daily except Sunday. OMAAA & REPUBLICAN VALLEY R.B 18AVZ , ARRIVE. Mall. . . . . . 10)45 ) a. In. , 4:35 p.m. DUly except Sundays. FEVER AND AGUE. Ti CELEBRATED THOUGH SHAKING LIKE AN ASPEN LEAF With tha chills .and fever , the victim of malaria rmy still re em er by usinc this ci'ebrated &i > eci flc , which not onlj breaks up the most aggravat ed attutc , bat prevent * their recurrreucf. It Id icHn'.t'lv prcfcnible to qiiiiiino. not only be cause it doe > tba bUsiuoes far moro thoroughly , but Also on account of its perfect wholcsomcr.caj and invigorating action upon the entire system , IRON TURBIN WIND EHGIHE MANUFACTURED BY Mast , FUJS & Co. , Springfield , 0. The Strongest and Host Durable WIND In the World. Hundreds tire In Iowa and Nebraska Sold by Dealers in nearly evf ry county. Thia cnt rcpresonta oar Buckeye Force Pump rhlch ia . particularly adapted to Wind illll nao , aa It works easily and throws a constant stream , and does not freeze up in the cold est weather. Send for price list W. H.HAYNER , _ Western Agt , Omaha , Neb SANTA GLAUS FODND. Greatest Discovery of the Age. Wonutrfui ditcove ric in tit world have been made Among other thinps where Santa Claus stayed Children oft ask if he makes roods or not , If really he lives in a mountain of snow. Last year an excursion sailed clear to the Pole And suddenly dropped into rhat seem edlikebbole Where wonder of wonders theyfound a now land , rfhlle falrj'-llki beings appeared on each hand. There were mountains like ours , with mon beautiful creen , And far brichter skies than ever were seen. Birds with the hues of a rainbow were found , While flowers of exqnldte fragrance were grow Injr around. Not long were they left to wend r In donb ( A being soon came th / had heard much about , Twas Santa Glaus * self and thUthey all say , 3e looked like the picture csee every day. He drove up a team that looked very queer , Twag a team f erasshoppers Instead of reindeer , Re rode In a shell instead of a slcirb , But he took them on toud aiid drove them away. He showed them all over his wonderful realm , And factories making goods for women and men Furriers were working on hats irreat and small , To Bonce's ther said they were sending them all. Mis Kincle , the Glove Maker , told them at once , All our Gloves we are sending to Bunce , Santa showed them suspenders and many tblnju more. Sayinj I alse took thaw to friend Bance'i stow. Santa Clius then whispered a secret tafd tea , As In OTaha every one knew Bunoo well , He therefore should send his poods to his MTB , Knowing his frierds will get theltlull share. Now remember ye dwellers ia Omaha town , All who want pre nti te Pence's go round , For 8hirtjkcolJar ? , or gloves great and Raal ] , Send TOUT Elster or aunt one aiid all. Bsace , Cbampica Hatter c ! the West net , Omaha. HOW I CAPTURED THE BURGLARS. I had slid that I did not believe in any danger from burglars , but after the worry of .the day and the fatigue of my unwonted vigil , I myself began to feel a little dull and out of sorts , and found myself dwelling on the possibilities of our house being ct- tsmpted. We were a family of women exclusively ; our gardner came daily from the village , and did not sleep on the premises , although , in any case , an old man would have been a poor help in any danger. The gamekeeper and his son were our nearest protect ors , and I must own that I rather wished their cottage was nearer. "I am Retting as silly as Maggie , " I said to myself , as I resolutely drew the bedclothes over my ears to atop myself listening for imaginary voices. "I do think fancies are infectious. " And 10 moralizing I fell asleep. I suppose 1 had slept some ho > ; ra , when 1 was awakened by a terrified whisper at my ear , "Miss Jane , Miss Jane , they're trying oar back doorl" I started up and baheld the nurse and nursery maid in a strange and wondrous deshabille , standing by my bed. bed."It's "It's gospel truth what Maria says , mis ? , " gasped the nurse , a portly wo man , who looked white with tarrdrj "Yon can Bee them with your own eyes out of the nursery window two horrid-looting ruffians as ever came to murder poor , innocent women. Ugh ! ugh ! " "Don't watte yoUi ? mstrtjswoman ! ! " t cried. "In r > cr delicate state it might nearly kill her. " "That's what I said , mtas ll struck in Maria. " ' I says , come to Miss Jane she ain't afraid of anything. " This estimate of my courage was very flattering , but at the present moment hardly true , for I did feel terribly afraid. My only hope was that the woman was mistaken. "Come and see for yourself , miss , " iobbsd nutso. "I had got up to give baby his bottle , and wont into the day nursery to fetch the rnalfihos , which Maria had forgot , and there under the window I heard voices. " ' Men's voices , miaa , " pub in Maria } who seemed to act the part of a cho rus. "An'd nurse she comes back and wakes me , and both of us look out of the front window , and there we seb two men trying the kitchen door. " By this tliria I had made a hasty loilet and was ready to investigate myself. It was with a very quaking heart that I crept in the nursery windows dews and peeped behind the blind. Alas ! the terrible news waa too true ; two men' , whoso faces I could not dis tinguish in the dim light , but who certainly looked disreputable enough to my alarmed eyes , were cautiously trying the kitchen door. At their feat lay along , dark object , apparent ly a tack , doubtless designed to carry off any plunder they could obtain. It is all very well to talk of not be * ing afraid of burglars , but such an ap- plrition at 5 b61uck in the irlornihg wai enough to startle the strongest- minded peraon. All the horrible stories I had ever read of robberies and murders rushed across my excited brain. There , was not iiiuch wb'rth taking in Ihb house ; would the bur glars kill us in their disappointment ? Was it wisQ to let them in peaceably , and give them everything we had on condition they would not molest us , or could we give an alarm ! , At this moment I remembered the game keeper's cottage. If wo could only summon him to our aid. But how escape to do BO ? All the dopra wore in front of the house and it was impossible to get out that way without being seen by the burglars. I peeped qut again ; evidently the k tchen door was too strongly fastened to give way rapidly , for the men seemed baffled in thuir efforts to open it. And as I lis tened I heard one eay in a gruff voice exactly the tones of - ° n orthodox ruffian " "Tain't nopoi'a Jim ; bat ter wait half an hour. " "Till the rest of your gang come up mid you have more tools td work with , " 1 thought to myself. "Now , if wo could only let the game keeper knovt " I returned to my room with a pro ject in my head. There was a stair case window at the back of the house , not very high from the ground , and I thought if I could only get out there I might manage to give the alarm. Luckily the road to ttio gamekeeper's house lay behind the house. Nurse was too stupefied with terror to be of any use , but Maria entered into the scheme at once. Maggie still slept , and I trusted to return with help before she awoke. I don't know how I got out of that window and alighted on a bed of wet garden mold. I have often heard that one never knows what one can do un til one tries. I certainly had no idea that I or any one could run so fast as I did as soon aa I got on my feet. In a very short time I was drumming at the game-keeper's door. I found both the men up and dress ed ; they were just starting on one of those nocturnal expeditions for the detection of possible poachers in which conscientious gamekeepers delight. They were rather startled at my ap pearance in ? > toilet that was certainly peculiar , and not improved by a quan tity of mud it had gathered during my run. But they soon comprehend' ' ed my breathless talo. "A-trying your back door , Missl" E.iid the father , a fine stalwart man , who looked fit to engage a couple of burglars in a single conflict ; "bless you , we'll soon settle them gentry. Hand along the guns , Bill , and look alive. I'm mistaken if them men don't sleep in Settlebone jail to-night."i The sight of two resolute armed champions was an encouraging specta cle , and aa I hurried back I began to feel myself indeed a heroine. The gamekeeper was outspoken in admi ration of my courage in coming for him , and I thought , with some satis faction , that when Maggie awoke and learned how I had preserved the household , she would understand what a valuable thing it was to have nerves and courage in lace of danger. . "If I liad sat down to cry , as poor dear Maggie would have done , we should certainly have been robbed , and perhaps murdered , " I reflected , as we sped along the road. The gamekeeper checked our pace as wo neared the house. "You'd best keep this side , miss , out o' harm's way , and Bill and TH slip round by the hedge and tackle our men afore they sees us. Don't you be afeered ; burglars is the biggest cow ards when they've a man to do with , " and leaving me under the very win dow by which I had escaped , our two protectors stole noiselessly round to the front of the house. In another moment there was a cry , and I saw Bill dash across the garden and over the hedge in hot pursuit of one of the burglarswhile a scuffle andloud voices told that his father was engaged in "tackling" the other. Curiosity pre vailed over fear ; I ran around the house and beheld the game-keeper in the act of bearing his antagonist to the ground. _ IC 'Taint no use struggling , and you mhy ust as well come along quietly , " said the " ' conqueror ; "we've firearms here , and there's two of us. " "I've nought in my pocket but five- pence in coppers. " quivered the other , ia a Toice nearly inaudible with ter- ror"you ; may take 'em without mur dering of me. Oh , dear j oh , dearl here I've lived in Settlebonrne , man and bny , nigh fifty years , and to come to this at last ! " ' "Sskes alive ! " exclaimed the game keeper , relaxing his hold , "you're never Tom Bates , the sweep ? " "And wh'o else should I bel" said the injured Bates , slowly rising from the ground. "And I'd like to know who you are that comes a rushing down like this on an honest man as is waiting to sweep the kitchen chimney ? " "I took yon for a housebreaker , " aaid the gamekeeper , and proceeded to explain matters. Bates shook his head doggedly. "No housebreakers have been here this last hour or more , as I knows well , having been a-waiting under this blessed window all the time. " A horrible suspicion began to dawn upon me had I , the wise , the strong- minded , actually given n false alarm ? The gamekeeper was a civil man , but he had a sly twinklein _ his eye as he turned on me and said : "I think there is a little mistake here , migs. " "J should rather think there was , " crumbled Bates , who by no means for gave the aatault upon him. "If you came to sweep the chim ney , " said I , endeavoring , to asstima an. air of dignity , "why did y6u nul ring the bell or try to wake the aerv- aiits , instead of endeavoring to open tne ioor for yourself 1" "Cooks mostly leave the door on the" lalch when the sweep is ordered early , " replied Bntes i fact , by the way , that perhaps explained the facil ity with which sonje of our neighbors' houses had been entered by thieves. "tiut , when you found the door jolted , why did you not ring the bell nstead of lingering dbbut in a most suspicious manner ] " "Why , " eaid Bates , goratching bis iead , "cooks is .often short very ihort ; Mrs. Sinclair's cook ia partick : ergo , Shb brders come at T o clock this morning 'Not before ? , ncr yet after,1 wore her words. " "And you came about 5 ? " "Well , ma'am , you see I had anoth er job at 'Squire Hardy's along the oad. So , knowing as cook here mcst- y leaves the door on the latch , I thought t might slip in and do the chimbly on the way. But when I found the door locked I daren't rJHg the bell at fl in the morning I iriight lia' tried it another hour later so I was obliged to'wait. " I understood it all now. Our ex hortations to fasten up carefully that nifjht hdd beeii duly obeyed by the cook , who doubtless intended to rise in time to admit the sweep on this occasion. Qraylands was a rambling old house , and she slept in quite a different quarter from that occupied by , ourselves flnd the nur- iory establishment , consequently they liad escaped hearing our nocternal alarm. But what a terrible "lame and impotent conclusion" to my deed of heroism. "You have given us all a great deal of alurm , " I said severely to the un lucky Bates , acting on the proverbial legs ! maxim * ' 'Ko case , then abuse the plaintiff's attorney , " ' 'I ' don't see as hbw I gave alarm by wditing hei'o on my holiest bushlesa1 replied the injare'd sweep ; sulkily. ' And I'd like to know who's a going lo pay mo for my cdp as is spoiled by rolling in the mud ; alid my bones as is all shook into a jelly , and my 'prentice as has been chased out of sight and frightened most into fits. " At this juncture the door opened and disclosed a group ot servants , with Maggie , serene an'd smiling , at their head. ' 'My ' darling Jane , " she exclaimed , clasping me in her arms. ' 'I have only just heard what an alarm you'vo had. But then , my .dear girl , why did yoii not awake met I could have told yonihat we expected the sweeps this morning. I suppose , however , you were too frightened to think it might bo only Bates. " This was too much for Maggie , tim ed Maggie , to be preaching coolness and presence of mind to me. And yet what an egregious goose I had been. been.Kind Kind little Maggie saw my look of mortification , and kissing me again , whispered : "Dear , brave , unselfish Jane , you only thought of saving us all from danger. I am sure few girls would have done what you did. " Peace was made with Bates by an excellent breakfast , which cook im provised on the spot for the sweepi and gamekeopera , and I emptied my purse in "tips" for very shame. But of course the absurd story traveled abroad , and all of the neighborhood heard that I had rode two miles in the airiest of costumes because the sweeps had come rather earlier than was ex pected. I am afraid my repuation for good sense hardly stood high in the vicinity of Graylanda. Tiio act ual thieves were taken a few days af terwards , and thia fact , added to the absurdity of our or rather my false alarm , effectually cured Maggie of her terrors. Wo were better frienda from that night. I began to see that the most sensible folks are liable to lose their heads under the influence of a panic , and that I was , after all , not so much wiser than my neighbors impretsiona which doubtless made mo a more agreeable companion than I had been heretofore. Maggie , on her aide , was all gratitude for my well meant , if mistaken zeal , and I date the begin ning of a friendship that has bright ened many years of my life from the adventures of that December night. INFLAMED GUMS are instantly relieved , and will be permanently cured by the use of SOZODONT. The wider it is known , the better it is liked. It history one long , continuous record of success as a beneficial and most fragrant wash. Other preparations for the teoih have appeared and passed away , but SOZO DONT remains. Toys are easily mended , and strong ly , by SFALDINO'S GLUK. It is always ready to be used , and may justly be termed "Semper paratus. " The liver is more frequently the seat ol disease than is generally supposed , for up on its regular action depends , in a greal measure , the powers of the stomach , bow els , brain and tha whole nervous system. Eegulato that important organ by taking Simmons' Liver Regulator , and yon pre vent most of the diseases that flesh is heir to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ diw A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. For the speedy cure of Consump tion and all diseases that lead to it , such aa stubborn coughs , neglected Colds , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Asth ma , pain in the side and chest , dry hacking cough , tickling in the throat , Hoarseness , Sore Throat , and al chronic or lingering diseases of the throat and lungs , Dr. King's New Dis covery has noequaland has established for itself a world-wide reputation. Many leading physicians rocommem and in their practice. The form ula from which it i ? prepared is high ly recommended by all medical jour nals. The clergy and the press have complimented it in the most glowing terms. Go to your druggist and get a trial bottle free of cess , or a regular aizo for $1.00. For sale by d(5) ( ) J. K. ISH. Om&ha. BucKien'a Arnica Salve The BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Sail Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and al kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve ia guaranteed to giro perfect satiafac- tlod In every csae or money re iundad , Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 8dly J. K ISH , Omaha. . , TEE COLORADO BUSINESS COLLEGE Thhinstltutlon , loeaud at Denver , Co'orado , the Educational and Commercial center of the Wist , is preeminently the best and most pnctl. oal of Its kind for tbo MERCANTILE TRAINING * OF Young Men and Ladies. G. W. FOSTER , President , D. W. CADY , Secretary. The most extensive , thorough and complete nstitution of the kind in the world. Thousands ot accountants andJCu&incss men , in the prin- ipal cities and towns of the United States , owe heir success to cur courie cf training. The Kie&t Kind of Education for Youog Men and Ladies , Fine , new brick block , at junction ot thrcd trect car lines. Elegantly Otted and furnished partments for the application of and carrying ut ot our novel and systematic methods of BUSINESS TEAITOTGK Young men nho contemplate a business life , nd parents having eons to educate , are pattic-- atly requested to tend for * odr new Circular. which will give full information as to terms , ondition of entrance , etc. AclJresa ( J : W. FOSTER President , fiep'S-'Sm Deliver ; Colorado. Cures ami never disap- loiuts. The world's grottt JPain- Eibliovor for Mail and Boasto 3hcap , quick and rolia bio. PITCHER'S CASTORLA is not Narcotic. Children fat upon , Mothers like , Physicians recommend CASTORIA. It regulates the Bo\vels ; cures -Wind Colic , alhtys Fevcrishiiessjj hud de stroys Wornis. WEI DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Cnre , n. Constitutional Antidote for this terrible mala dy , by AfosOx-pticil. The most Important Discovery since Vnc- cination. Other remedies may relieve Catarrh , thi > euros at any stage before Consumption sets in. AVER'S SARSAPARILLA , FOB PUR1PYIN& THE BLOOD This compound o the vegetable alter ativcs , Sarsaparilla 'Dock , Stimuziai nd jIandrako with the Iodides ct Potash and lron , makes a raos 5 > cffectual cure of a of corrplaints arc very pre valent and afflictintr , It purifies the blood- purgea out the lurk Ing humorg in the system , thatundermlne health and settle into troublesome disorders. Erup tions of tlie skin are the appearance on the sur Face of humorg , that should bo expelled fromthe blood. Internal derangements are the determin ation of these same humora to some internal orjan , or organs , whose action they derange , and whose substance they disea'e and destroy. ATER'S SAESAABUiiiA expels these humors from the blood. When they are gone , the disorders they produce disappear , such as Ulceratiom o/ the Liner , Stomach , Eidncyt , Lungs , Eruptions and Eruptive Ditaueg of the SkinSt.inthonifs Fire , Rote or Eryiipelat , Pimplet , Pustules , Blotches , Boils , TumorsTeUtr and Salt Rheu'n , Scald Uead , Ring-worm , Ulcers and Saret , Rheumatism , Jfeuralyia , fain in the Sonet , Side and Head , Female \Yeaknea \ , Sterility , Leucorrhica arisiny from internal ulceration and uterine diseases. Dropsy , Dyspepsia , Ema ciation and general Debthty. With their do nurture health returns. ' PREPARED BY DR. J. . AY R & 0. , LOWELL , MAS3. Practical and Analytical , Oheml3 s SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. ORDINANCE NO. 437. ' An ordinance in regard to ths eirrying of p 5- tengersby vehicles for hire dunn ? expositions given at umaha. Nebraska , by State and County Agricultural Societies. Bo it ordained by the City Council of tha City Of Omaha. SECTIOX 1. Any owner of any hick , coach , cab , omnibus , wagon , or other vehicle , may , by blm- felf , or bv an employed driver , run s li hack , coach , cab , omnibus , wagon , or other vehicle , for hire , and for the carriige of passengers , during - ing such Jajs taat there m < y ba an exposition given by either the State orCountyAgricultural Societies , upon Rounds adjacent ta the Citr of Omaha , to or from auy place in the C Ity fl Oma ha , and uid exposition or fair irronnds , without liking out the license provided f jrinChaptorXL , of the revised ordininctg nf the City ot O-nana , passed February 27th , A. D. 3872 ; but every such owner or driver shall pay to the city tie-surer the sum of two dollar ? , and taVe from that of. ficer a receipt for the same , upon deliv iing , which receipt to thecity clerk taid person ordiiver shall be entitled to a spcciil permit or certificate permitting and eoipowe'lnir him to carry pas sengers in accordano with the terms of this ordinance for tne number i.f da\s during which any Mich etpo-Ition or fairislield. bEC. y. 1 ha rates for tho'ci'iveyiiiir of perrons by such vehle'ei from any point in the rjty ol Oxniba , to sa'd ' exposition or fair croumlr , and from said exposition or J ir grounds to any point In tiio City of Omaha , thall no'.exceed fifty ceils each * ay for eacli person so carried. fcEO 3. Anyp rwn nho siu I violate a'y nl the provisions of th.s ordinance , t-r who thill fall or neglect to comply n ith any ft the require- in-nts thereof , shall be deemed ( fuii y of a mi9- demeinor , and on conviction thereof , shall piv a tine ot not less than $ i,00 nor more than 825.CO for every such cffene. SEC. 4. T ) < is ordinance stall take effect and bo m force from and after its pissao. JAMES srEHIENSON. Acting Pres't Omaha C.ty Council Tossed Sept. * 4 h , I8SO. Attest : J. F. McCAni-rr , City Clerk. Approved Sept. litn , 1830. C. 8. CHASE , Mayor. OF A FAR HIGHER CDASS tban any othjr proprietary medicine of the day stindi Tarrant'sEtlerveHccntSeltzer Aperient And f ir this r.asan : It Is an exact connVrpaTt of one of thernost riluab'e i a'.ural mdicincs In the world. Wa rtfer to the great Scltzjr Spring-of Germany , to whi.h thtu-an-ls rf th dyspeptic , the b him , the rli umat c , and the victims of venal dise.ise3 resort ansuolly , and return 10 their home ) convjlisxnt or cured. abe Aperient is one of the first ind by far tha roiBUnecessnil of all the efforts made lo repro duce , in a portable firm , the mojt popular tiiin- . - ! witera of Europe. See that you purchase only the gecuino article. SOLD BY ALL DBUGGISTS -VIA THE- Cliicago & Northwestern 2,380 MILES OF ROAD ! It la the SHORT , SURE and Safe Route twean COUNCIL BLUFFS CBIOAGO.MrLWAUEEE and all point * EAST and NORTH. IT OFFERS THE TRAVELING PUBLIC GRKATEB FACILITIES AND MORE ADVANTAGES THAN ANT OTHER ROAD IN THE WEST. Itfo the OJfLY ROAD botweta CODNOIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Upon which Ia ran PULLMM HOTEL OAKS ! In addition to thoaaand to please all classes of tra\eera ! , It clveFIRSTCLASS MEALS at Us EATINO STATIONS t 60 cents each. ITS TRACK IS STSEIR4IL3 ! ITS COACHES ARE THE HHERTI ITS EQUIPMENT FIRST CLASS It yea vriih the Beat Traveline Accommoda- .lonsjnn 11 ! buy ronr ticket br this Route C3-AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All Ticket Aecnts can Kll vou Throuih T5ctets via this road .and Chock usiul Bag gage Free of Chaige OMAHA TICKET OFFICES T21 Farnliam St , Cor. Hth , and at Union PciHc D pot- DENVER OFFICE In Colorrdo Central and Union Pacific Ticket Office. SAIT FKASCISCO OFFICE 2 Haw Montgom ery StrCOJ. For Information , folders , mru , etc. , not ob tainable at Homo Ticket Office , addrcsa an ; igont of the Company , or K1RVIH HUCHITT , W- STEHNITT , Gen'l HaSseer. GsnT Pass. Aeent , CHICAGO , ILL. JAMES T. CLARK , Gen'l Agt Omaha ft Corracll Bluffs. THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars ! CHICAGO BURLiNGTGfi & ( | UiNCY WlthSmaothactl Perfect Trark , Elegant Pas- seiner Ccachcg , and PULLMAN SLEEPING SiHNHD ! CARS [ t la acknowledged by tie ? f3 , aad an VTA ; travel uvcr it , to be tha Celt AppainM and Best Manned EuiJ in the Counlry. PASSBNGBRS GOING EAST Should bear in mind that this ia the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points East , North and Northwest. Passengers bv thia Itouto have choice ot FOUR DIFFERENT ROUTES , And the Adxantagc of Six Dally Lines If PaLice Sleeping Can from Chicago to New York City Without Change. All Eipre 8 Trains on this line are equipped with thu Wcstmjhouso Patent Air Brakes and Miller's Patent Sifeiy Platform and Couplers , the most Perfect fro- tcction Against Acci dents in the world. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPiNQ AMD DINING CARS Are run on th CWiiiuton Route. Information concerning liotitcs. Bates , lime Connection etc. . will be cheerfully nivcn by app ! J in ; ; at the oftca of the t gtou Route , 613 tourt < ? entn Street , Omaha , Nebraska. aK.PKRK.HiS. U W. HITCHCOCK. JJcn'l Manager. Gen. West'ii Pam. Ag1 ! . J. O. FIIILLIf PI , S : . Joe. , Mo. General Agent , Omaha. II. P. DUEL , fopE-ill ' .ticketAgent Onuha SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AND St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Eelialile Sioux City Route I 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE I From COUNCIL BLUFPS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And aUpotnUIn Ko-them Iowa , Minnesota and DaUota. TliN line b equipped with tha Im- pro\cd Westlnjhonso Automatic Air Brakes and Miller Platform Coup'er an-1 B jtfer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT la unsurpassed. Elegant Dravrins Eoom ird Slwpln. * Cira.ownod and controIKd by the com pany , run Through Without Change between Union PaclSe Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , and St. P ul. Trains leaye the Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Council Rlu5s , at 6il5 p ra. , reachin ? Sioux City at 10:20 p. m. , acd St. Paul at HAS a. m , making S-TEN HOURS IK ADVANCE OH ANY OTHER ROUTE. Returmntr , leave St. Paul at 3:30 : p. ra. , ar- ilvLii ; at Sinux City at 4:45 x m. , and Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , at 8:50 : a. m. Be euro that your tickets rord via " 3. C. & P. K. K. " F. C. HILLS , Superintendent , Mliwnrl Valley , Iowa. P. E. ROBINSON , Ass't Oen'I Piss. Agent. J. H. O'BRYAN , Southwestern Freight and PasMnjrer Apcnt. my20-tf Council Bluffs 188O. K. G.ST.J3E&G.B.B.R. , la the only Direct Una to ST. LOUIS AND THE BAST From OilAIIA and the WEST. No change of can ) between Omaha and St. Lonla and but una between Omaha and New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Rucmsa ALL Eastern & Western Cities With lesa charges and In advance of other lines. This entire line Is equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars , Palace Day Coach- C3UllIerg Safety Platform and Coupler and tha celebrated Wistlnghouso Air-Brake. /OTSEE / THAT YOUR TICKET 1 CSTVU Kansas City , St. Joseph < arCouncilBluffsIt.R.vla St tSTJoo and.St.Louls.'EJ Tickets for sale at all coupon stations In the West. J. F. BARNARD , A. ( DAWE3 , Ocn'l Supt. , Oenl Pass. & Ticket As't St. Joseph , Mo St. Joseph , Mo , W. C. SEACIIRIST , Ticket Alton. , 21 * Fifteenth Street , between Famham and Donclaa , Union Block , Omaha. J03. TKHON , A. E. BARNARD , POM. Agent , Omiha. Gen'rl Ajent , Omaha. CHICAGO SHOT TOWER CO. Manufacturers ot STANDARD SHOT EB SURE TO E07 IT. TUEBESTIN MARKET. E. W , BLATCHFOKO & CO. Manufacturers of Lead Pircheetand Bar Lead , Clock Tin , Pipe and Solder , LIriced Oil and Oil Cake. OBDEHS SOLICITED. 70 NORTH CLINTON ST. , CHICAGO DR. A. S. PENDEI1Y , CONSULTING PHYSICIAN IiAS PERMANENTLY LOCATED HI3 MEDICAL - ICAL OFFICE , 193 Tenth Street , OifAHA , NEBRASKA Offerlnir his scrricea in all departments o medicine and surcery , both In zenciai'au special practice , acute and chronic d stages Ca be consulted night and day , ami will visit i part ot the city tad couniy aa receipt of lotto KJDNEGBN is highly recommended and unsurpassed for "Weak or Foul Kidneys , Dropsy , Bright's Disease , Loss of Energy , Nervous Debility , or any Obstructions arisiner from Kidney or Bladder Diseases. Also for Yellow Paver , Blood and Kidney Poisoning , in infected malarial sections. S"By the distillation of a FORESTLK\F ltb JUNIPER BERRIFS and BAULEY MALT wo h T < t " 'diTcral K'DJf EOFN.whtcn acts specifically on the Kidneys and Urinvy Oiptns , removing injurltnu pn-lts formwl In the bladder and pr ventln < any ctrilnU-it omarUm ; wnsation hint orirritalioii the mi mbrjnoui li In ; vt tha duct-t or water pv > jj. . It exiiUs a bcaltliy action in the Khlii"\ * ; iTinr 'h'mstrcnjth , Tisror and restorinsr thu e or a-n ton healthy condition , sbo\viii iUcflccVi in both thu color and CLVfiour of nrno. It can be t-iken at til times , in ail clunites and nnler alt iircum tanceiwi'.houtiiijuryt' > tho' < jr < leni. tTnlil > 6 any other prc | ration for KUney difficuUUrf thunavery p'eananc aul azreetbie txsteand H. vor. It h s been ditficult tornike a ptepnistlin rontiiiuins p < j UiTe rtiurcilc properties which will not naurcitc , but te acccplaM * ' > tbo SMHUJ. leR > rotalinanyLiverm liino.trrab < ittIo of KIDNKOMS to CLKA.NSK tba KIDNEY ; > frem oulmatter Try it and yiu will always u o it asafamily medicine. LaJics espetully will like tt , md Gentlemen villflrd KI DM KG EN the best Kidney Tmc e er i e l' K01ICK Kach bott.'e bean th sitm ture of LAWUKNCK At 5IARTIN , also a Proprietary Govern ment Stamp. hich permits KIDNEGEN to bo sold ( without license ) "or DrUK ! t , Crocers and thcr Persons everywhere. Put up in Quart size Bottles for General and Family Use. If not found at your DrngxlsU or Grocers , we will send a bottle prepaid to the nwrcjt oiftt S fflce to you. LAWRENCE & . MARTIN , Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DKUGGISTS , GEOCEES and DEALEES everywhere. ffholeaaie agents in Omaha , STKELE , JOIINSON t CO. , nIll supply the trade at manufacture WHO .S UNACQUAmT WITMJHE C OCRAPHyO Hj COUHTHY. WU4 CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACJFJC R. R. IS THE GREAT GOSNECmQ LINK y * % gg * * ffi" Its main line run from Chlcnco Coanell Dintny Elluru , pawtne through Juliet. Ottawa. preat feature of cur 1'alaco Care Is a SMI _ , SALOON * Vii t > n vfkt mn enjoy your il Cienesco. Mullne. HIM : * Island , DaTenport , J.lberty , Iowa Cltr.ilarenco , llrooklyn. Grl. at all hours of the day. . . ) the of Iowa ) . Stuart. Atlau- .MaKnldcent Inm Brtdsei spaa the .Ms Ies Jlolnos \biiu capital f BJ ! ! * * " * from nmtJlisiourl rivers at all P int crossert lie , and Avoca : with branches Junction to 1'foria : Wilton Junction ti line , and transfers are nrolded at tounct. tltc. Washington. Falrneld. Eldrm. Belknap. Kansas City. i.cavcnwnrth. and AtcabOE > V C'cntrorlllc. I'nncelon. Trenton. GallatIC , C'nme- ncctlnn * e nc ) Bd8 In Union U'jx'l- . , . rnn. Lcaren orth. Atcbbon. and Kansas _ Uj : run pitiNcii'Ai. K. . coftmrri < AW oa Washinrton to Sijtriurney , Oskaloosa. anet Knot- T1I13 (5IIEAT TlIKODGIl 1JNK Afcff Av. Tlllo KeoiiiK to Kurnlnnton. Uonaparto. llcn- * : AVtricAOo.wlth ) tonsuort , Inaopcndent. EldOP. Ottutuwjv , Eildy- . all dlversta.- ? lines Ju : * * Ttllc.O'kalimsa , I'ello.JIonroe , a2-J DC * Molnest East and Snuth. - . Newton to Monroe : DesMolnos tolufltrrolannd At BNOLEWoon , with thaL.3. AM.8. an rAt < \VIoterJCt ; AtluntU to Lewis nnd Audubon ; pnd A"oca to Ilarlan. Thia Is positively the onlr At WAsnt > GTi > f HBiatrra. witn l . , i > . llnllrcad. which own , and operate * a through line f ChlniKO Into the State of Kansas. At LA SALLK. wr.j I1U Cent.R. R. fora Throuah Express I'misemser Trains , with PuJI- At l-KORM. with 1' . H. * J.-8 PU. . 4 E. ? 1 , * * man "ulaco Cars.tttncheil.areruu each way ilally W.Ill.MI.L : ndT.P.W.IW . between CmcAr.o and fEann. KASSAS Cmr. At IIOCK I-"LA ? vrltn "Mllwaukeo a. iv.rtvfjj , ItLUFFI. i.KAVSSlTORTIt and ATCni- Island S.iort LlnB. " und llock Icl'd It P&O- „ . , . . . TlirouBhcar Hreai oninbetvCeTiMi' " n- AtHAVEXroitr.wlth tUo Uarenport tee nnd Knntas City , vm tba "illlwaukoa nnd " . . Koci Island Hh - * . Lln . " . . Ihe "Urc t Uoct Island" Is magnificently . -Tlth 'entrnl Iowa equipped. Its road bPd I * simply "V 2ctanail * Jtnti Moi > rt.d.wlthl M. * K.D . ULCVFS. with Union riiclrJcrwlE. trsvStln lo'd with jtcel rails. AtCOtTSCtl. What will pitPf o you most -will ba the pleasure At CM MIA , with B. .t Mo. It. 11. . H. In . MeU of enloytnc your uienlhile paMlne overtue . . . . beautiful prairies of Illinois and Iowa. In one of At OTTWIWA. wltn Central Iowa U.K. onrmocnitlcent Dining Cars that accompany nil St. 1 & Ilia , suil C. IS. HQ It. IW * . Through Express Train * . You act an Pntlrp At KrnKl'K.wltr.1'Ji. . . I'eou * ' . : ; fflu , & moal. as coed ns Is nerreU In nny Urst-cla s hotel , Louis * I'ac anit Si I. . Keo. & N.-W. K MJW . AtCAMEllOS. Wltllll.fct-J It. IE. fori Tonty-nTe cents. the fact that n majority ot tno AtATCllIsON" , wild Atch..Topeka ibilBi * /ppreciatinir prefer separate apartment * for different Atch. i .Neb. and Cen. Br. U. P. 1L Kda. Tmnxwen ia ( and tbo Immense p.usenser businps * At I.EATEXivun7if. with han. Pao.yj of this line warrar.tlm ; it ) , wenropleasca to an CAnii nounce that this Company runs Pullman Palace AiSA i ClTT.wltH all lines for tot Stteting t'ar for sleeping purposes , anu 1'ilace ana Southwest. J AK.ACE CARS " " rail throiluh to IEOn I , 1 > KM' ' IFFS. 1 V > AM CII'T. ATC'HIMUN. nnil . A.VKAWOItTll. tbli Line , known n < the Urrnt ICock Islund Koulc , " ore W Ik OV Tlcknt Aecnt * In the United State find tnnuiiu. 'for Infaraotlon not obtnlnublo at your home tlcfcet offlcc. addrex. A JiIlM 3A.l4lj XU * SJ1 * .TOIHN" . " Ueo'I Sapcrlntendent. Uen'I Tkt FURNITURE , BEDDING , FEATHER ; WEETDO : : : W And Everything pertaining to the Purnituie anc TJpholstery Trade , A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF HEW GOODS AT THE p 11 mon th lit 1208 and 1210 Fariibam Street Improved Buckeye Combined Riding Corn Cultivator IE1 O 1880. BY P. P. WIAST&CO.SPRINGFIELD,0 MANUFACTURED . . . , , , They also nake Buckeye Improved Iron fowa. Walking Cultivator , with or vrithout Springs. The New Force Feed Buckeye Drill , one or two Horse Style , Enquire lor them at the beat dealers. F. H. PUG-H , Gen. Agent , Omaha , If eh fffr.-j r' f " CURES RHEUMATISM. CURES COUGHS and COLDS. CURES KHEUMATISJf , CURES COUGHS and COLDS CURES SORE THROAT. CURES DTPTHERIA. CURES LAM. BACK ami BTIFP JOISTS. CURES LAMt BACK , and STIFF JOISTS. CURES Bl INI , CUTS and BKUI3ES. CURES E KNS , CUTS nnd BRUISES. SOLD IX OMAHA BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Go to Your Druirsrlt for Mbs Freeman's New National Dyea. For bri htneM and dura bllitrof 'oJo tb 7 * r Ian < ni ne4 Color 2 to NERVOUS DEB1LITV ' Vital W , jkneraan-I ft s- Humphreys' root , OTcrworu Been InuseWyesrsOy.QniftP 1NU' -is the most uc-lbpGbmb tesxful remedy known. Price Slftr UI o- vials and UKO vial of Dowderfor . ntpo t free on receipt of price. HLJIPIIRK IIOMKO. MED. CO , 'CO Kulton St. . New JM. Illmt. Catazun of Kccclpts apl3d 3i > per day at home. Sample * w 't $5 to $20 Address Stlnson It & > . Portlai'l. , MECHANICAL. AND M IN IXC S. CIVIL at the RenwelaerPclytcch. m Inititnte , Troy , J Y The oldest ensmecria- school in America. Next term bejlns S < j > ti > i - her 16th. The Reglater for 1880 containa 111 of t'icjrmdaites for the tast 51 jeara , withth pesitlms ; also , ourM of rtudT , r qulrfmeci' > TperKCS.etc. Address PAVID M. QREENK Director. . gl2iTday at h < rna tully mode'.cojt I