THE DAILY BEE. Saturday Morning , Sept. 18. | BREVITIES , ! i i The jury ia the case of Fred of "not guilty "Wirth returned a verdict the fire of violating ty , " on the charge ordinance. Patcraon sells coal. Fine perfumes at Saxe's. Use Lewis' dry hop yeast. R ad Book Catalogue , 3rd page. ' DentriBcc. For the teeth , Kuhn's SUuttcrick's patterns atCruickshanl- . Porter is running the Omaha ferry. f Imported and Key West cigarr , at Kuhn'e. Seidenbcrg & CO.'E Key West Ci gars at Saio's. Fifty-four cars ol stock and thir ty cara of tea went east yesterday. Services will T > o resumed at the Umtcrian church to-morrow morn ing at ll.o'clock. I There were twelve loads of hay on the market yesterday at noon which met with a ready sale before 1:30 p. m. at gG , S8 and $10 per ton accord ing to quality. Persons having rooms to let and persons wishing to engage rooms dur- ing the Elate fair , will plcaso call on . jr. , board of or address J. U. Gridley , trade rooms. The river continues to fall steadi ly at the rate of something less than \ half an inch daily. The stage of wat- i J cr , however , Is fair , and above Bis- ' nmck moro water is reported than is usual at this season. A train of ten emigrant wagons , occupied by foreignorBpasscd through the city yesterday , going eastward. They came from Ouster county , where they report the farming outlook this seaton not very bright. The St. Paul passenger train ran into Lake Station yesterday as an independent train , for the first time. It was behind time at Missouri Val ley , where the Northwestern train us- nally takes up its passengers , and the Utter not waiting for it , the extra run of forty miles was made to make the through connections. Several hundred feet of platform and a-Email ticket office have been built at the Tenth street crossing of tneUi1 ! ' . shop track. This is to be the starting point for the state fair trains. . 'Thursday some wag inscribed over the door of the ticket oflica the words "Caseyville , Kerry Co. , " nam ing tlio station after Mr. Tom Casey , the watchman at that crossing. Saturday evening last a pleasant affair took place at the St. Elmo. Mr. Tom Dalton , who for some time past has been stage manager In addition to aclingfas character delineator , was about 4,0 leave for St Joe to fill an . engagement , and a number of his friends clubbed together and pur- chaictt an elegant gold-headed cane ' wiilcn waa appropriately engraved nu.1 tu , . , „ _ , ' ' „ oYening's. performance it was presented to him on Ihe atago , giving him a complete surprise. Thecity marahalyesterday received r. notice to bo on the look out for and , arrest if found , John G. Kay , a salesman csvo man and bookkeeper of the Cash Stove company , Cleveland , Ohio , on charge of embezzlement. Ho is a Scotch man , about 34 years of ago , 5 feet S or 9 inches high , dark complexion , dark hair , , dark brown moustache , grey uycs , and of medium build hone wears A ring with rod etcno and Scotch thistle engraved thereon. He loft that city on Monday , Aug. 30 1880 , and has not been hoard of since. A liberal reword is offered for his Wild rest. Thursday afternoon the Uarfield and Arthur glee club wont up in the O. & N. N. train to Tekamah , where ) Gen. Cowin was to speak in the jur ing. There was a grand rally , the general made an excellent address tha Tekamah brass band tnrnod out and did their part and the glee club fairly carried things by storm. The ' utmost enthusiasm was evinced by the ; largo audience and the boys got & splendid send off. The speaker and gleot. club came home by the early rain yesterday morning. What's the use of travelling if you don't keep your eyes open. Mar shal Westerdahl , during his recent trip east , picked up & good many new ideas , some very useful , others purely > ornamental. Among the latter ac quirements was the knowledge that the chief of police of JNew York city carried an ivory "billy" tipped with gold knobs and adorned with gold tas- pels. .Not to be outdone by Now York otlisiala , or any ono else , the marshal has had made a beautiful imitation of this instrument of warfare peculiar to t'io order , and on the annual parade titirt Tuesday ho will carry a gold mounted , gold tassellcd club of ivory > whiteness. Look out for it Real Kstate iTansrera. "Jonathan 0. Shepird to Matthew A , McNaraora , w. d. , E. 100 feet owof lot1 11 , block G , Kountzo and lluth'a addition , city of Omaha SG07.S4 Evert V. Smith and wife to John B. Krenzer , w. d. , lot 4 , block 18 , E.V. Smith's addition , city of Omaha S300. _ TAKE NOTICE ! 3OFFICE OF CITY MARSHAL. OmshaNebraska , Sept. ICth , 1880. To citizens generally : Everybody i hereby cautioned against pickpocket pocket * , burglars and hotel thieves w h which the town is M. present in fested. Every train brings in new additions to the crowd. The police force is insufTHcat t > jrtiarJ the city It"fperly " , and a warning ia hereby given to all to be on the lookout- - C. J. Westerdahl , City Marshal HATS in every shape at "VVood's Parlor Bas , Crelghlon block , 15lh * trccL wt-ru-th-sat .t * \ .t3bcKEY CAPS at Mr * . Wood's tk. lot Bazar , 16th St. , Crelghton block. Tsat-tn-lh'sat - _ _ The fineU oysters it" Joe & -Sam's. 11 6t A SENSATION. The Son of a New York Chief of Police in Trouble. _ He is Charged With Robbing His Uncle , And is Now in the Douglas County Jail. 1 The arrest in St. Joseph , Missouri , and confinement in the county jail of George Cornish , makes a pretext for a record of his brief career in Omaha. Ho is a young man , whoso father is a c ief of police in New York , in nigh standing. He is a nephew of cur fellow-townsman Cornish , and has other relatives in the city , with whom he has been visiting for the past few months. A cultured mind and the pleasant address which ho possesses haa won a good many friends for him in taught a class of youths in the Saun- dcr's Btreot miesion sunday schooh Mr. Joseph Hensmanwith his aged mother , lives with Mr. Cornish , being related to him. They had saved about 8300 and kept it at the house , expect ing to invest it soon. About six weeks ago ho discovered that the money had been taken , and supposed of course , that the house had been burglarized. But others who thought they knew a thing or two , pointed the finger of SUB. p'.cion toward young Cornish. Mr. Hcnsman became more than usually friendly to him , notwithstanding , with a view of ascertaining all he cculd towards satisfying himself that Cornish did the "work. " List Monday the latter started for St. Joe , Mo. , where ho has an uncle. The day following Mr. Kensman and Mr. Joe Dohcrly start ed after him. They found him in a hotel , on the third floor. They locked the door and made a thorough search of Cornish and the room. All they found was § 35 in his wallet. They told him that they wanted him back in Omaha , and that he must consider himself under arrest. As they were leaving the hotel , Cornish went out to the water closet accompanied by Mr. Hensman. "While there the former put his hand down in an old paint keg , which eat on the floor , and pulled out a S25 gold vest .chain and a diamond ring , which be claimed to have bought of Edholm & Erickeon of this city. He eaid that ho had bought them with the money which his pal in New York had sent him , and said the posloffico books in Omaha would show that ho received money through it Edholm & Erick- aon say that when ho piid for the jewelry ho displayed a largo roll of bills which must have cilled for fully S300. Cornish declares his innocence of ifo tbo chsrgo of burglary , and agrees to : pay the whole amount to free himself , - we presume , from the mortifying or , deal of a suit bv relatives. , . \ Cornish is rather boyish in appear- . irall. all. I of stature. His relatives are awe- Btrickon at the developments in his ( case , nud hesitate between pushing I the ciso and having nothing moro to do with the matter. Mr. n particularly , is all "broken up" the outcome of the a flair. o WIN OR LOSE. I have decided to fill a long felt want in this city , and atn resolved to make suits to order , equal in equality and style to any merchant tailor , at prices that will allow any man to be dressed equal to the richest in fash , ionable first-class fitting suits , and no more Beady Made clothes need dis figure shape any longer , if you only call on Mr. BypSmski , Merchant Tailor , 219 , 12th street , northeast corner of Farnham. I DISSOLUTION NOTICE. r Tbo firm of Honzi & Kavan is dis , solved by mutual consent. Mr. Kavan assumes the liabilities of tlio firm and will continue the business under his own name. JOHN HOKZA , JOSEPH KAVAN. i Michigan readies , Freestone , ( to-day rcccipif ) IScls to 'Mctsa IxsJxt , FLEMING & Co. Just what yon want , No. 1 Ci-mcBsmackcrcl iu tin and wood No. 1 Peerless Codfish , New Salmon , scpl7-3t at LITTLE & WILLIAMS' . Universally acknowledged the best , Astor House , Now York. s7-lm Hamburg Figs 25c a box. The most fragrant coffee at Joe & Sam's. 11-Gb 3b Ono of the reasons why they keep the best Oysters at "Alstcd'e , " 1420 Douglas street , is that they stopped the restaurant business , and , there fore they can pay much more attention to the oyster business. sepl 7-3t ueatn Record. The funeral of the late James Smith will take phco at 3 P. M. , Sunday , from his late residence , 1,316 South Fifth street. Friends of the family are invited. Emily Lindgren , who for the "past two yeara has lived with the family of . W.J.Connoll , Esq. , died of perolonitis Thursday afternoon at the residence , - of Mr. Connoll. She had but recently - returned from Marshalltown , Iowa , where she had been visiting friends for several weeks past , and had been sick but a few days. She was well known among her nationality , the Swedes , and WES a great favorite with all her acquaintances. Tlio funeral : took place this afternoon at 2 o'clock. DAVIS September 16 , at 11:20 p. m. , Clarkson Davis , aged 21 months , only child of Frederick H. and Nellie Davis. Eastern papers will please copy. At Ackly , Iowa , Sept. 16th , Augusta May , infant daughter of John M. Byers , of this city , ngcd 15 months. -.Inrphy tiovettlna. .agency ; old it established agency in thin state. BADLY BATTERED. A Colored Man Nurses aW | Grudge Against An other , And Gets His Jaw Broken Therefor. The only party to appear before his honor the police judge , yesterday wa a badly battered up individual , whoso head and face were so com pletely wrapped in bandages aa to niako his features unrecognizable. The legal documents , however , showed that the enshrouded person was Wm. M. Thomas , a colored man , and that ho was the prosecuting witness in the case of the State va. John Simpson , the latter being charged with assault with intent to kill. Our reporter interviewed Mr. Simpson on the subject of the charge , the victim of the affair being unable to speak owing to tbo fact that his jaw is broken , and he readily stated his side of the case , in a plain and straightforward manner. He stated that last evening ho was coming up from the shops with Gas Hall and Sam Robinson , two colored porters in tha employ of the1 Pullman Pacific company , in whose city office Simpson has served for some time past. Being heated and dry from the walk , they stopped in at Grucnig's place , corner Tenth and Capitol evenue , to get a glass of beer. Thomas was standing in thedoor at the time and followed them into the saloon where Simpson says ho proceeded to pick up a quarrel with him by walking by him several times and bushing agaiusthim roughly. Simpson warned him to desist , sajing that if he had any grudge against him ho should say so like a man. After some words Thomas , he says , went for him savagely , at the same time putting his hand back as if to draw a weapon from his hip pocket. With a judicious re gard for his own safety , Simpson let him have it straight from the elbow and the result was .that Mr. Thomas retired from the brief but decisive con test with a broken jaw. A physician dressed the injured bone and the case came into the police court to bo adju dicated , the accused voluntarily re- partlngThuraday niuht at police head quarters. It appears that the trouble ori ginated from an incident which transpired during the re cent state convention of colored men. Of that convention Simpson was marshal , and he Bays Thomas came in one evening in an intoxicated condition and interrupted the pro ceedings , whereupon the marshal , at the request of the president , summarily , rily ejected the offender from the hall. The injured man would scorn to have nursed his wrath for a future occas ion , and the result was rather disas trous to him. Tubiu's genuine psrfumes in bulk - are eomowhat now and very fine , quite . equal to his atnall botttaa , yet costing - TJUTOnrttjirai-mr much At Kutm's & Go's. , Fifteenth and Doudag. jon.can aeo an original package as exported from T. Vance. el7 fmtw , Mrs M. Cor , Fashionable Dress Maker , 317 loth street bctwpcn Dav enport and Chicago. T. B. Ringar has opened merchant tailoring at 560 , loth street , Jacobs Block. Ho has a fine selection of cloth Cithnierea. Call and see.him. Ecpll7-3t For an elegant breakfast , dinner or supper , go to Joe & Sam's. 11-Ct Married. The railway mail servica haa been agreeably surprised by the marriage of John H. Klinker , ono of the most efficient and popular postal clerks on the Omaha and Ogden route. John's last trip to Ogden was strictly on pri- isvato business. When ho returned _ Thursday ho was accompanied by a lady who bears the title of Mrs. Klinker , and will officiate over his household with the grace for which the Buckeye girls are so noted. Mra. Klinker , formerly Miss Cora B , Ste- I phcnx , is a native of Cincinnati where she was raised and educated. Her [ father having received the appointment of postmaster at Ogden , from President Hayes , three years ago , she , removed with him to that place and there incidentally formed the attachment ch80 ment which terminated last week so auspiciously. The newly married couple wore among the Pullman pas sengers from the west lest evening and at once proceeded to the residence owned by Mr. Klinker , on Capitol Hill , which is to be their future homo. Mr. Klinkor is a young man who be gan his career in cultivating a farm 1 in this vicinity , and since his advent in the postal service hai achieved n good reputation in the service in which ho is now engaged. Our best wishes are tendered the young couplo. A Tribute. She haa gone. She baa taken the wings of angels and flown to tint far belter land than this , where all her pain and sickness has ended. Yea she has taken her abode with those that have slept the same sweet sleep and awoke in the arms of Oao who is immortal. In the movements of life her friends , who are many , were shock ed at the sad announcement of the death of Mrs. Sarah Ann Humphreys , though she was sick some few weeks. The regard she had for these who met her in her daily do mestic duties won for her the undying love of all who were favored with her acquaintance. Siio was B true and loving wife , an affectionate and de voted mother and grandmother , and her loss to kindred and friends will long leave a shade of Borrow in rillm pry's halla. The writer , in these try ing moments , tenders his sympathy to the bereaved family. Wo all know that iu life the deceased was peaceful and truthful , and the scripture says "Blessed are the peace makers for they ahall see God. " When that day cotnua for us to follow her to the t mb may wo have prepared ourselves for death by a good life aa she has done , and have similar earthly as- Buraucea of eternal bliss. HABBY. THECOMHTGFAIE. Work of the Officials To-Day General Items of Interest to Visitors ana Ex hibitors. The superintendents of the differ ent departments of the coming state fair and several members of the board ofjmanagera were busily engaged yestei ; day in allotting space to the different exhibitors. As a result quite a crowd visited the grounds , where the general preparations going on make the scene lively indeed. Buildings for stock j and machinery are receiving their fin ishing touches , and stands for the sale of all variety of articles are springing up everywhere around. Tne three , different telegraph companies have extended their wires to the grounds , and the telephone company is arrang ing uccessarr accommodations in the grand stand. The Union PaciGc railway company has erected a tem porary platform und ticket office on the branch to the shops just where it mako3 the Tenth street crossing. Trains will be run from this point to the fair 'grounds each day of the fair every hour , commencing at nine o'clock bound north and ending at six o'clock bound south. The last train will cross the bridge to Council Bluffs arriving there at seven. Tickets for the round trip h.ivo boon placed at twenty- five cents and for a single trip fifteen cents. If tickets are not purchased before entering the cars twenty cents each way will be charged. Capt. Marsh , of the street railroad company , will run transfer carriages in connection with the etrcet cars on their arrival at the northern terminus. The board of trade has made a care ful estimate of the capabilities of the city in the eating line , and the officers feel confident that 20,000 persons can bo feed each day during the fair. The accommodations in the majtter of lodging are also ample so no one need fear that ho will be loft out in thn cold during fair week. The Button military company , Captain Keller and forty men , will arrive to morrow and immediately repair to the fair grounds for guard duty. It should bo remembered by our homo exhibitors that the last day mid ahalf 3f f to wit : Monday and Tuesday , until noon , of next wcuk , will bo especially reserved forforeign exhibitors who will be preferred iu their applications for entry. It is now settled that President Burke , of the Lancaster county agri cultural association , will exhibit the large and complete collection of agri cultural products from that county , which is said to be the finest over sien in Nebraska. The following entries were filed thia morning : Exhibition of marcs and geldhjgsto harness , William Hagadorn , E. L. Elton , Willie Erwin Her , Otto H. Myor , William Marham Samuel Her man , Frank Allison and S. F. Winch , j all of Omaha. Joachim Bolfa , Otto Frisoni and John 0. Franco will make displays of stallions. In tlie display of blooded cattle en tries have been laadc by Swan &Bro. , Indianola , Iowa ; Henry E. Palmer , Cass county , Neb. ; Fred Christian- Ben , Omaha ; Taylor Bros. , DoWitt county , III. , cheep and swino. A. C. Hart , Omaha , enters a largo Collection of Brahma , Cochin-China ' and other fowl. , - GrahanxP. JBrown , oLWest Onuy- ha , makes 32 entiles o poultry. Mra. Will Brown enters ft largo col lection of farm products. R. M. Floyd , Chicago precinct t farm products. J. F. Lirhner , of Omaha , exhibits spring bcdp , etc. Myron GolcUimlh , Omaha , patent fasteners. Brown , B.'iss ' & Co. , Omaha , glasi- cs , pottery , ete. . C. it B. Hubermnnn , Omalu > clocks , watches , jewelry and precious stones. Henry S. Budd , Omaha , cabinet of fossils and petrified wood. U. P. railroad Company , cabinet minerology and r.Iso different speci mens of Nebraska wood and mountain | evergreens Mrs. Jessie E. Allen , cabinet illus trating botany. Tlio McCormick harvesting machine company , improved reapers , mowers lie. lie.M. - M. J. JFeenan , Omaha , display of marble mantles , grates , marble letter- in ? , etc. . Mrs. 0. H. Kyner , Omaha , jellies. Whitney , Clark & Co. , Omaha , flavoring extracts , baking powder , ground coffee , etc , The entries are increasing hourly - i I and articles for exhibition are arriving by every train , particularly these in the stock and machinery classes. Most of the different officers of ho fair previously appointed have ar rived in the city , prepared for work , and all preliminary arrangements are moving along most encouragingly. Ladies , C. A. Ringer makes now fall styles out of old straws or felts. sep7-2t Victorious Omaha. Omaha talent has been pretty suc cessful in tbo various contests at the : Soldiers' Reunion at Central City. . The Union Pacific band carried off the § 100 prize on Wednesday and a special telegram received to-day brings the intelligence ) that company G , cornmandedby Capt.Geo. | H. Cra- gor , has taken the magnificent pr'ae banner in the competitive prize drill between militia companies. The U. TJ.nd P. band returned Thursday and , marched up the street to the Union Pacific headquarters , where they ser enaded the officers and employes. They bore the broom , manufactured from broom-corn raUed in Merrick I county.and ornamented with numerous small flags. Company G will return to-morrow , and it is proposed to give them a grand reception on their ar rival. Let their friends turn out ftr.jn full force and take the U. P. baud , down to escort them to their armory. They deierre , Hith tbo boss band ty.of the Northwest , the honors of the city. Wo have just received a largo num ber of PAKLOK and CUAMBEII SUITS and other FuiiNrrcnu which the pub lic are invited to inspect. GUAIILES SuiVKKICK , 1208 and 1210 Farnham St. Michigan Peaches , cJtoiee , received I daily , at LITTLE & WILLIAMS' . sep7-3t Headquarters tor Joe Schlitz'a Milwaukee beer ot MJUCIU : TS' Ex- CHAXUI : , N. E. Cor. 10th and Dodge. : rr. A case ot constipation by using Hamburg Figs , TOOTH-PICKS. State Convention of Nebraska Dentists Dating State Fair Week. The fourth annual meeting of the Nebraska state dental society will convene at Omaha , Tuesday , Septem4i ber 21st , at 7.30 P.M. All those who were present will recollect the pleasant and profitable meeting had last year , and it will bo the earnest endeavor io make this ono still more so. The members of the society are requested | to _ have essays , or bo prepared for oral discussion of the different subjects which will come up. The meeting occurring during the state fair , and the invitation being extended to the profession generally to attend , whether members or not , a largo attendance ia anticipated. The order of business is : 1. Meeting of members ac the office ot Dr. A. W. Nason , for payment of dues and general greeting. 2. Organ ization and roll call. 3. Reading min utes. 4. Treasurer's report. 5. Ap plications for membership. G. Report of executive. 7. Election of new members. 8. Reports of special com mittees. 9. Unfinished businesi. 10. Selection of phce for next meeting. 11. Election of officers. 12. Retiring president's address , and introduction of now members.13. . Essays and discussions. 14. Miscellaneous buci- nesa. 15. Adjourn. . The following subjects will come up for discussion : 1 , relation of dent ists to their patients ; 2 , devitalized teeth and their management. 3 , prep aration of proximal cavities in bicus pids and molars , and filling the same with different kinds of foil4treatment ; of sensitive dentine and pulp expos ures ; 5 , treatment of diseased gums ; . G , 'celluloid aa a base for artificial I tcoth , 7 , merits of plastic filling8 ; , i clinics ; 0 , discussion of clinics. Thosa wishing to become members of the society will report themselves to tlio executive committee as early as possible. PERSONAL ! PARAGRAPHS. J. 0. Slatter/tho Sixteenth street grocer , has returned from a trip to the mountains , where ho haa been spending a few weeks for the benefit of his hosllh. Mr. John Honza , the popular Bo hemian clerk of Jchn H. F. Lehman | & Co. , haa resumed his former posl- | This will doubtless please the numer i ous , patrons of that nationality , who liivo missed Mr. Honza for aomo month ? . Judge Hay ward , of Nebraska City , 1 ia in town. Senator Saunders has returned from the west. Col. J. J. Dickey returned from the east Thursday. Geo. P. Hall , of the Tekamah Burlonian , is in the city. J. R. Manchester and wife returned from Central City Thursday night. . H. M. agent of the B. & M. R. R. , at Atchison , ia in the city. Capt. G. M. Gray , general ticket Cty agent of the Pullman palace company , ia in the city , Jxldge Wm. L. Peabody has re- turned from a Uirco months' absence * -11 f * - * f F. R. McConnell , general western , agent of the Union Pacific , with headquarters quarters at Salt Lake , ia in town on visit. Mauler Mechanic Gongdou , Master I Car-Builder Stavens and Stock Inspector - specter Nouman , have returned from Utah. , ' * ' > auPorintendent of the Bradntreet company in this city left yesterday to be avsoat about thre : weoksduring which time his assistant Mr. F. B. Woodrow , will have charge of the office. Calvin C. Woolworth , of .Now York City , accompanied by Mr.McPheraon a nephew of Mrs. Bishop Clarkson nre iu the city , visiting Hon. J. M. , Woolworth , a brother of the former gentleman , off - THE TRITLE TIE. Add Tkroo to Three and Have Three Remain. j The marriage of Abraham Biack to Miss Georgia Saunders , was colebrat ed Thursday , and thua another couple of Omaha's favorite young people commenced the voyage of life togeth er. The groom is oho of our most faithful and best knownpolice officers over prompt and affable in the per formance of duty and highly esteemed by his superiors and all to whom he is acquainted. Aleck has certainly made the best capture * of his life in securing Miss SiWHidera for a helpmeet , for A more excellent young l dy does not reside in this community. The police were present in a body to congratu late their brother officer on his good fortune. IfEWMAN-COWDEN. Mr. JCESO Newman ana Bliss Hattie ( tie Cowden were united in marriage Thursday by Rev. Mr. Millspaugh. They were attended by Frank Bella my as groomsman and Misa Maggie ! Cowden as bridesmaid. A large and select company were present to wish the fair bride joy and tender their congratulations to the groom. The contracting parties are well known in the city and esteemed and respected by a host of friends. A large number of elegant presents were received by the bride. TAYMm-51'cONNEI.L. Thursday Rev. A. F. Sherrell performed formed OHO of the moat pleasing du ties of his clerical calling by uniting in the holy bonds of matrimony Wil - liam J. Taylor , the well known gen eral western superintendent of Brad- street's agency , and Misa Fannie McConnell , daughter of Master Me chanic McConnell , of the U. P. shops. The knot was tied at the residence of thebride'a parents onCass street , and the ceremony was witnessed by a few chosen friends. No young couple ever set out on the journey of matrimonial life from this city with brighter pros pects for future welfare and happi ness. May the happiness of theit wedding [ day be but the forecast ; ol many years.of unalloyed pleasure. SPEGJAL HOTIGES. NOTICE Advertisements To Let For Sale * Lost , Found , Wants , Bo rdlnj Ac. , will bo In serted in these columns once ( or TEN CENTS per Una ; each subSBquont Inficrtlon.FlVE CENTS per line. The first Insertion never lead than TWENTY-FIVE CKMTS. TO IOAK-MQHEY. , DUST TO LOAN-Cill at law Office 4i D. L. T1IOUAH.JUxunS.Crclghton Hlcck 'ONKY TO I.OAW 11C9 Funhun street. M Dr. Edwards Loan Agency , nov.2-U KELP WAWTED A peed tinner. No. 1111 DOUR ! S WANTED 433-17 EN WANTED-SUOper day. Y ] \ | A good pastry cook ; St. Clinics WANTED 492-tf r WANEED An cxpcrlonccil dry coed , cloth. ing , boots and eho'S gMtsnun ; na other nce < l apply ; references required. Address O. Adler , Sewatd , Neb 431-20 - filnlnsr Hall. cor. WANTfD-UltcKcniio 16th and Dodge , a pastry co k and ccn- eral helper in kitchen. ale ono waiter ; wnnien prefercd. Good watc ? . " ' 49 M7 ANTED A peed girl to do general hou c- W work. Apply comer 12th and Pacific. 496 U "ITITANTED First-claw machine hand , at YV Omaha Shirt Fjctory. 478-16 \\fANTRP , A Olrl to do house work , 1109 VV Farnhim Street , UP SUir 14 .tt WAKTED-HISCEOAHEOUS. WANTED Situation , aa house keeper , by'a rcspcc'ahlc m'iMlc-ajrcil I.'dr , in Council Hinffj cr Gmtha. Addrcs ] Bex 310 Columbm , N < b. 433-17 ) Y WANTED A nnart , active boy ; Tlia B Bradatroot Co. 4S9-18 Two flrst-clasi coat and one vest WANTED ( or Cheyenne , Wy. Inquire tM. IKllnun&Co. , everyotlicnJayforSdaya. 47G8 Fan RENT-HOUSES AMD LAUD. TTIOUHEYT Three unfurnished room" , with I1 liall and rlnroti : terms moderate , lit IMS CassSt J.B BRONEtl. 500-18 HENT A well-furnished house , 10 FOR rooms , with well und c'stctn in the centnr rf the 'Hy ; suitable for private botrJin ? house , or furnished rooms alone , furn'turo ' nearly new , at cheap lUuros. Rent 850 per month. Inquire at Ihh office. 601-25 TTlORflENT 2 furnished rooms ; ono suitable J ? for urofesslonal gentleman , S. W cor. 18th and Capltnl Av enue. 181-21 KENT V larco two-stiry hoarding FOR with six bed-rooms , on cor. Doughs and Eighth streets , also tuo-story. aevcn-room- ed homo. aJjo'nin above Enqui e of Parker Frog. , Gag office , or Itnggg & Iltlls , and J. Trcitchhe , 15th and Farnham. 403-18 TfTlOU 11EST Tn small cottages , on corner I1 ofllarney and 22d strcc's. Inquire 203 Howard St 431-tt TJ10R RENT Nicely "rntehcd front room , P for two single gcn'Uniin , 235 Du'curnrt St. . nc-ir 16th. 4CM7 "TJIURNI IIED Rooms with or without hoarJi Jj at Furopcan Restaurant. 301-tf TjlOR REST Tinely furnished roomi at 1310 C Davenport street , bet. 13th and 14th St. I \ 36Q. RENT 2 furlliahcd rooms over Mer chants Exchange , N. U. Cot. ICtli and Doilce streets. 09-tt R0011S FORREST AtDaven- FURNISHED . tviotf fOR SALE. TTIOR SALE A fine Kciitl * horse , B\tc for rtny C ladv to drive. Aiwa line now milch cow by L F. Maslim , Creight-n lilock , City. 483-18 Tjl H SALE Coltonwcod lumber of all RKllMOND'S. Sixtcentli-gt ; MlSCELU dilS. | IvrOTtCETO COAL DEALERS Sca'cd ' pio- ilosVs ( will he tccelvcd by tha undersigned until batonlay , - cptcmlio : IS , iSS9 > at 3 o'cloct p. in , for iuruishini ; such n-ncunt ot h.iid n < ( seat c al aa may bo reiioi-cd { or ii3cin tlio roun- ty conna , offirca , jail ami roor house , and for supplying cotinty poor for the ensuing jcif. I ThBnuhtisrcscrTdu to reject any or all bKte. I By order of the Board of t om-nissioncrS. 483-17 JOHN K. MASClIEbTEU , Co. Clerk. Asorrel marc , while fact ) and little LOST on cido had harness on. J. S. III [ > L. 474-tf , ESTBA.Y NOTICE. rn..KEN UP ry James t'oi o and turlied ovsr L tome tj bolieMfor the owi er , cnO dark bay Kcidinff , black points , saddle m rk d , creased neck , about 16J hands li'sh and 11 years old. PATRICK O. 1IAWES. r'olflco Judge. SIGN OPTHE f - GOLDEN PIANO & FRAME , a , , , A. HOSPE JR. , . , . , . Pianos and Organs Pirst Class on Easy Monthly Payments , Sheet Mnsic and Musi cal Instruments , FINE STUCK OF O TT L 3D 13ST G-S - Oil Paintings , Engravings and Frames at great ly reduced prices. 8x10 Frames , 1 inch , Walnut 1E 10x12 1 < " 20 10U 1 ' " 20 12X10 n " BO * 12x18 1J ' " .n. 65 10x20 1 } ' " 76 Hustle 8x10 fnmc 15 Chromes framed , f mall , 25c , Cliromo strained , large , 1 6 , Kngrat Ing ? from SOc upwards , ; Photograph frames from 16c upward ? , Wlndo * ' Cor-iccs 76c a window and upwards Lambrcquir.8 8 00 per window and upwards. , Cornice Coles 2 60 per window and upwards , Velvet frames 25c c ch to5 00 IMIITSIO- Vlolin Strings 15c , Violiis 1 76,2 50 , 3 and upwards , Guitars 5 00 , 0 00 , 7 00 and upwards , Banjds 1 00. 3 00,6 00 , altd upwards , Acconleons from 1 00 up , cheapest in city Send for samples and catalogue of mouldings and sheet music. A. HOSPE , jit. , 1D76 DcK-Vo St. . Omaha , Neb. ( FALL 1880. Men's C&1I Beott ? 2 60 to SO 00 Ladies'Kid Button Stoea 1 50 " 5 00 Boy's CalfBoota 1 75 " 3 00 Mivca' Coat Button 1 26 " 2 0 - Child's Oiiat Button 75 " 1 25 Mpn's Calf Shoes 160 " SjOO Ladlei' Side taeo Kids 1 50 " 400 . Boya Alexis 1 25 " 2 00 Misses'Side Lace Kid 1 15 " 2 03 Mens BaUcs 1 EO " 2 50 Children' * Polish 75 " 1 50 Lades'Kid Sllpptrs 76 " 175 Children s Lace fchoes 25 " 75 Men'sSewed Boots 3 50 " 7 00 Ladles'Kid Ties 150 ' 200 Men's Brogans 1 00 ' 1 W MiascY SlippcrJ 0 ' 100 Ladles'Serge Shoes 0 ' 2 0" > Boj's Button Shoes 1 50 ' 2 60 Youth's Button Shoes 1 25 ' 1 75 New Goods re ceived daily. Vfo sell for cash only. Money refunded if tliegoods don't wear aa represented. We - keep in stock all sizes and widths and guarantee a good fit in every respect. Boots and Shoes Made to Order A f-PECIALlY. The Only Complete scoot in the City II , DOIILE & CO. , Leading Shoe Store. sepSdlm " kiniiEBFORD ( iite'TnlnJ AUOlto ALLEN - ) , Attorney and Counsel at Law , 26 Grant Place , Washinzton , D. Having been Third Auditor of the United Stat Treuury for six years , I am thoroughly faml ith the course of business before the Cover ment Departments. Special attention given the settlement of accounts of allOovernmen - OScers , Poetcuaters , lUrsbilj , Mill Contracto and others. Will practice before the Euprcm Court of the U. 8.Court of Claims , Patent O35 General Land Offica , tc. , &c. Refers to Hon Saml F. Phillips , Solicitor Central U. S.Hon I Ja * . OHflllan , 'treasurer of tht U. 3. ; Hon.iJ. I UcOrew. Sixth Auditor U. 8. Treasury - S. P. MORSE & CO. , ST. , . gee AWCTt - - - " - - tJ."gfT ? i STEPHENS & WILCOX'S STOCK. FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS' WORTH OF OLOTieiS , Purchased of the well-known cloth house of John B. Allison & Co. ; and now offered at prices far below the first cost of importations. S. IP. HVCOIRSIE ! & Call the attention of gentlemen to the fact that by bnying their goods at this sale , and having their tailors make them up in any desired style , a positive sav ing of from TO $25 PER SUITS CAN BE MADE. X Farnliam Street. JLATEST TELEGRAMS Are Not Half as Interest ing to the General Eead- er as the Following Price Idsti 9 } ibsof Aeugar for > n > t..fl 00 10 Iba extraCeurarfor 1 00 KJ IbaCanary 0. Sucar for. . . . . 1 00 6 } Iba Granulated Sugar for 1 00 B Ibs Cut Loaf Sugarfor 1 00 6 Iba Rood Rio Coflco for 1 00 Slhabcstllio Coffee fur 1 00 4 Itnclicicc.JavaCoffee for. * „ 1 00 3j Ibs best JtodmCcflea for. . . . . . . . . 1 CO Young Hyson Tea per Ib , SO to 40 OoIongTcapcrlb , 30 to 40 Japan Tea per Ib , 30 to 50 Finest QunpowderTca porlb 76 Best O K Flour per Back 2 75 Snow Flake winter wheat flour 3 SO Havcns.bcatfiour t 00 2 bare Climax Soap for. . 1 CO 21 bars Laundry Soap for. . . . . 1 0) 18 bars Linen Soap for 1 CO Pure Unpie Sjrup in call cans 1 00 Golden Byrop per gallon. . . . . - 49 New Orleans Syrup per gallon 60 Now Orleans Molasses per gallon . , , * 70 Sugar House Molassca per gallon 45 IS Its St. Louis Sod * Crackers for. . . . 1 00 ISlbsSt. Louis Oyster Crackers for 1 oO 12Ibs Boston Butter Crackers for _ 1 00 12 HisGinRcr Snaps for 1 00 13 Ibs New Currants for. . . . . 1 0) 9 Ib8 Hew filackberries for „ 1 00 4 Ibs Pitted Clicrrks for 1 00 12 Ibs Dried Peaches ( halves ) for 1 00 14 Ibs Choice Dried Apples for 1 03 12 Iba best new Prunes for 100 ! 01b3. best Valencia Raisins 1 00 Slb&nsw later Raisins 1 00 Peaches. 2Ib cdna.i 0 Peaches. 3 Ib cans ( Standard ) . . . . . . 15 Pie Peaches , fl Ib cans „ 10 PcachesCal)3 ( ) lbcai.3 2 > Blackberries. 2 Ib can 1 i Apples , ( York State ) fal can , . 30 Blueberries 3 Ib can ! } Cherries 2 Ib can _ 21 } Damson Plums 2Ib cans. . . . 12 } Raspberries2Ib can 15 Strawberries,2 Ibcan 15 Striflg Beang,2 Ib cans 12J Baked Beans , 3 Ib can 20 LimaEcana , 2 Ib cans 13 Sucarcorn , 2 Ib can 12 Yarmouth corn , per can 17. Tomatoes , 31bcan 12. Succotash , 2 Ibcan 12 Pumpkins , 31b n , 16 eslhs beans 1 00 10 lbdried Lima beans 1 00 35 Iba hominy 1 00 11 ttw CarollruSrico 1 to 25 Ibs oat meal - 1 00 Fat family mackerel , pctkit 85 Fat family white fisbf > cr kit 90 CodQsh , whole , per Ib 7 Codfish , boneless , per Ib 10 nalllbut.perlb 12 } Holland herring ( n w ) per kc . . . . . . . . - . 1 25 Tobucco ( BIackwel > ' Durham ) fit Ib _ 60 Tobicco&flverP < alplncperlb ) 0 Tobacco ( Old Style ) perlb 85 ToUiccoMeerschaum ) perlb 40 Ham0 , sagar-curcd , pcrlb. . . 12 } Butter , freeh roll , per Ib 2u Complete price lists furnished on application. Country orders will receive prompt and cartful attention. Positively no eooda Bold on credit. J. B. FRENCH & CO. , The Original Reliable Grocers , No. 1119 Farnham Street , OMAE.A. NBB. POWDER Absolutely Pure , Mad from Grape Cream Tartir. No othe preparation cukes such light , fliky hot bread * , or luxurious putry. Can be eaten by dypcEtid without fear of the ills resulting from hp Ty 1 ciigeetiblefood. bold only in cans , by an Orocen. i l KOIAI. BiWSO ProiM CO , Hew.Toik * - ' - CJ1T UP AND GIT I NO OLD STOCK I Having Taken the Above for Our Motto , Weare Determined to Offer Our Entire Summer Stock of CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS Regardless of Cost. In Order to Make Boom for Our Fall and Winter Goods. We Will Not Be Undersold. IBOSTOILSr CLOTjBIIIBrG- FA11NIIAM STREET. CHAELES SOHLAM : . SOL , PEUJTOE , Oval Brand The salcsof this "braml" of Ojetera . have row ontstrippcd all others. You Ret moro OjElcra IN WEIGHT AND MEASURE In cai.3 of thia brand than uanyolher. 1 > . R. BEEMEK. Bepldlra General Western Accnt , Omaha. & FOITIGK , Dealers m CHouse ! House Furiifehing Moods , Shelf Hardware , .Vans and Etc. Fambam Strpt ' . Isr. Door East First National Bank. _ MAX MEYER & CO. , WHOLESALE TOBBAGOONISTS ! Cigars from § 15.00 per 1000 upwards. Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards. Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards. Send for Price List , mwf MAX MEYEU & CO. , Omaha , Neb. MAX MEYER & GO. , . 3 GUNS , AMMUNITION , SPORTING GOODS , 1 ' * tA Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and a full line of ITOTZO3STS .A-IN-ID IF-A-OHSTST G-OO3DS \ m-f TO THE TRADE. Eaving just opened . an . entirely new line of . f i - M m m m m m * % h M. | MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS , C We would ask the Merchants of Nebraska to inspect our Stock , feeling confident we can meet the wants of all in good Goods and Low Prices SHREVE , JARYIS & CO , , Cor. I4th and Dodge Sts. aog9-eod3