Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Thursday Morning , Sept. 16. i
Patereon sells coaL
Fine perfumes atSaxe's.
Use Lewis' dry hop yeast.
* Dentrifice.
For the tcetbpluhns
, JJutterick's patterns at CrnickBhHik.
Porter ia running the Omaha ferry.
Importedfandi Key West cigarf ,
at Kuhn's.
Seidenbcrg & Co.'t Key West Ci
gars at Saxe'e.
There were 25 land Bottlers
out yesterday.
Twenty cara of fctock came in
yesterday and 84 Tuesday.
The Burlington and Rock Island
trains were late yesterday.
Company G dined at the Slaven
hotue before leaving for the front.
The date of the next meeting ol
the Irish American Republican club
is September 24th instead of 14th , as
erroneously stated in Saturday's pa
Judge Savage has issued an in
junction restraining the Mayor and
city authorities from abating tha dis-
ordally house whica the police court
ndjudged Harry Lucas keeps , until
further order of the District Court.
This house is much complained against
as a house of prostitution.
Two men , one small the other
medium sized , with a scar on his face
and a swarthy complexion tried to get
away with some goods from J. H.
D.vvie , on 10th street Monday even
ing. They weio evidently old hands
at the business , and a policeman was
put on their track but they eluded
The lecture of Hon. James W.
Savage , entitled "Tho Discovery of
Nebraska , " which delightfully sur
prised so many at the time of its de
livery , has beea tastefully arranged
and published in pamphlet form. It
is a valuable document and worthy D {
the scholar ! } ' acquirement ! of its au
Lost Sunday , September 12lh ,
tha new time table of the B. & M.
railroad in Nebraska , was promulgat
ed , and the now steel bridge at Plaits-
mouth together with its approaches
and about four miles of railroad , for
mally incorporated into the eastern
division of the road , so that the dtvi-
\ \ eion now begins at Lincoln and ends
nt Pacific Junction on the Iowa side.
The bridge is now open for regular
freight and passenger traffic.
Dr. J. K. Ish , while examining
some old documents Tuesday , came
ncross a paper published in Lccsburp ,
Ya. , dated September 19,1820 , called
The Genius of Liberty. The name
was good , especially when nearly all
the advertisements in the paper were
f jr runaway slaves. Another thing
was also noticeable , that the rewards
for the capture of the "niggers" were
high up in the dollars , while for white
jipprcntico boys 12i cents was the
highest figure.
Cards are out for the wedding of
Mr. Joy Morten and Mis3 Carrie
Like , which is to take place at Trinity
Cathedral , Omaha , September 23d.
The groom is a son of Hon. J. Sterling
Morton , of Nebraska City , and the
bride the daughter of Supreme
Judge Gco. B. Lake of Omaha. The
cards are the most elegant we have
HUGH. The reception at thD residence
of Judge Lake , on Dodge street , will
undoubtedly be 110 social event of
O.-naha society. [ Lincoln Journal.
Real Estate Transfers.
Samuel E. Rogers and wife to Mary
3S Smijh , w. d. , n. i lot 7 , block 4 ,
Creclt' Fonder addition , Omaha
Samuel E. Rogers and wife to
Annie Umphcrspn , w. d. , s. i iot 7 ,
Vljck 4 , Credit Foncior addition ,
< > .naha $300.
Catherine and Jacob Schreiner to
William Gruthman , w. d. , lots 2 and
3 , block 9. E. V. Smith's addition ,
Omaha 5425.
Catherine and Jacob Schreiner to
Xrfvra Jphnson Husdahl , w. d. , lot 1
block 9 , E. V. Smith's addition ,
Omaha $250.
Julia L James tn Nelson P. John
son , \r. d. , lot 5 , block 8 , E. V.
Smith's addition , Omaha $250.
JuliaL. . James to Catherine
Schroiner , w. d. , lots 1 , 2,3 4,13 ,
14 and 1C , block 9 , E. V. Smith's at -
d'liou , Omaha $800.
Louis Bratschneider to John N.
So'.ine/w. d. , w. 32ft. of lot 3 , block
7 , SweosyV addition , Omaha § 700.
William Ballingcr and wife to Jo-
ciph Stevenson : q. c. d. lots 2 , 3 , 5 ,
fi , 7 , 8 , block GO , city of Florence
S3 03.
Lucrotia R. Seymour to Hannora
M irpb"y : w. d. , 5 acres in se. so. J ,
s 'c. 33 , t. 1C , r. 13 e. S500.
Parties exhibiting stock at the fair
find feed of all kinds on sale at
iho northeast corner , inside the
grounds , Wchham & Bro. 15-20
Silver Moustache Cups at Edholm
A. Krickeou's.
CoucorOla Election.
At the meeting of the Concordia so-
cl-ty Tuesday the following offi
cers were elected for the ensuing year :
Herman Schwabs , president ; Julius
llcyer , vice-president ; Gus Heimrod ,
secretary ; Louis Raapke , treasurer ;
J. Gi "Wtcmors , standard bearer ;
AVermer Yon Boehl , assistant stand
ard bearer , Theo. Slnhold , assistant
a'audard ' bearer.
The twelfth , anniversary ball will
take place on the 23d of this month at
llclz' all , for which occasion Stein-
liaufor'a full orchestra of eighteen
jikcca'has been engaged.
Fife'su FROM TOE SPBINOS. l"orelgn
nnd American Mineral Water , Hun-
Judi , 'Janes , Hathorn , Fried richshall
l.ittop Water , Vi'cbr , Congress and
Umpire. For sale by lab. & 3rcMahon ,
1321 Farnham street. 30 1m
The .most fragrant coffee at Joe &
Newly furnished , everything the
est , Astor House , New York.
The finest oysters at Joe & Sam's.
11 6t
Why doea
In ; medicines , when a purely fruit
e .hrUe will cure you at once-r-Han : . ,
] } ur < { Fig . Try therr ,
Picked Up at Police Court
and Elsewhere.
The City Council to be En
The city marshal yesterday morning
jlosed up Henry lucas1 place 011
leventh street in pursuance to the
rders of the city council at its ses-
ion last evening. It will be remem-
jered that Lucas was convicted of
, nd paid a fine for keeping a disorder-
[ y house and afterwards took an ap-
) eal and bad his money refunded ,
t is claimed and probably
orrectly that the appeal wiped out
, he forfeiture of his license worked by
, he conviction and that the whole case
tands exactly as it did at the start.
Lucas , after being closed up this
morning , filed a petition for an in
junction in the office of the clerk of
the district court , to restrain the city
council and its officers from further
nterference with his business. The
place will probably be run right along
as usual , and the public which con
gratulated itself on the suppression of
a place claimed by the officers to be
one of the worst in the community
will "pleaso not holler till they get
out of the woods , "
During the performance at the
Academy Tuesday , Sam. Dearin , the
originator of comic musical instru
ments , discovered that he had been
robbed of his fiddle and a diminitivo
banjo , upon which much of the value
of his performance depended. Ho
apologized to the audience , through
Sam. Gardnerbut they rather thought
he was playing off. Such was not
the case however and their
instruments wore found later
inj the evening by the police , concealed
coaled In an old stove In some back
alley. The boys who had committed
the theft and confessed as to the
whereabouts of the goods were releas
ed on the recovery of the valued in
struments. They had been employed
to carry water behind the
scenes and thus gained the op
portunity to get in their work.
Mrs. Slaty Kilgore , a respectable
lady of fifty yeara of ago , was Tucs *
day swindled out of § 290 at the Union
Pacific depot by a young sharper , who
had met her in Iowa and acted so
courteous as to deceive her entirely
an to his character. She was on her
way from Buffalo to San Fran
cisco and concluded to stop over a
day. She is registered at the Canfield
and is by no means "broke up" as she
has her through ticket , S1400 in
drafts and a quantity of valuable diamonds
mends and jewelry. She will leave
for her destination this evening.
A young lad who gave his name as
John Lyndenmyer , from Iowa ,
and claims to be en route to Kansas
City , was lodged in the county jail
about4noonyeslerdayin the strength Of
a telegram received from Fairmont ,
Icwa. tLindormyer was seen Tuesday
night trying to sell a pony , and it
was believed from his appearance
that he was a horse thief , of whom a
discription was in the hands of one of
the officers. He was arrested and
lodged in jail , but was let go yes
terday and subsequently rc-srrcstcd
as stated.
Max Liebler was fined yesterday for
driving off in Consul Vindqucst's bug
gy , while on a drunken spree.
One plain drunk paid § 1 and costs
and one ornamental ditto and distur
ber of the peace $3 and costs.
Auction of thoLindcryou collection
of Oil Paintings at 7 this evening.
We have just received a largo num
and other FUKNITOKE which the pub
lic are invited to inspect.
1208 and 1210 Farnham St.
Silver Moustache Cups at Edholm
& Erickson's.
P. J. Nichols wont west yesterday.
J.M. Thurston went west yesterday ,
Hon. J. E. Boyd has gone to Chi
Kov. E. IL E. Jameson is at homo
0. H. Ballou has returned from
( V. W. Vis went west on the noon
train yesterday.
Hon. E. E. Gaylord and wife left
yesterday for Utah.
C. P. MatncwBon , cf Norfolk , \vaa
in the city yesterday.
T. W. Blackburn and wife have
gens to the Kansas state fair.
Chas. Atkins , formerly of the 0. &
N. W. left for Denver yesterday.
Hon. Thos. L. KImball left last
night for Bismarck Grove , Kan.
Al Patrick , Goo. Mills , Marsh Ken-
nard and several other left yesterday
for Columbia on a shooting expedition ]
Mr. Garey Hall , of "Binghampton ,
N. Y. , a friend of S. F. Woadbridge ,
wont west to Don ver yesterday to
locate there.
MM. Geo. Higgins , wife of the well-
known proprietor of the Merchants
Exchange on Dodge street , returned
yesterday by the Rock Island route
from a month's visit to Chicago.
lnrphy & LovettlnB. Agency ; old
established agency in this state
Hamburg Figs 25c a box.
All members of the General Com
mittee on Partde , are requested to
meet at Firemena Hall to-night at 8
> 'cloct sharp. Jerome 0. Pentzel ,
For an elegant breakfast , dinner or
upper , go to Joe& Sam's. ll-6t
, lll e - . A case ol
wing Hambnrc Figs. J
What Each Day Promises for
the Coming Fair.
Additional Entries , New At
tractions and Items ot
News About Ne
braska's Next
"Week's Work.
The officers of the state "board of
agriculture and managers of the com-
iagstate fair were kept at work la'e
Tuesday in their officffat D.T.Mount's
; ore , No. 1512 Farnham stree ,
.rranging for the coming state fair ,
esterday President Dunham , Sei >
etary Wheeler and othar officers of
ho fair were early at their desks and
p to the hour of going to press they
were busily and continually engaged
n attending to exhibitors and
, ho many others having work
aid out for next week's exhibition ,
t is safe to say , from the number of
.pplications . already made for accom
modations during the fair week , that
Omaha will witness a crowd , surpass-
ng in numbers , the attendance
of any previous public event. It
is understood on good authority
tint an excursion party numbering
300 is coming from St. Paul on Mon
day next to spend the entire week in
the city ; the Burlington and Miasour ; '
railroad will bring thousands hither ,
and all the eastern roads have the as
eurancc of crowded trains from Iowa ,
The Union Pacific road has made ar
rangements to transport passengers
from the Tenth pcroet depot to the
fair grounds for fifteen cents one way
and twenty-five cents for those who
purchase return ttckpts. We are
credibly informed that the company
have made special arrangements with
the board of managers of tha fair to
carry pas engers from theOgdenhoUse ,
Council Blufib , to the grounds , ad
mit them to the fair and return
them to the Ogden house for the sum
of § 1 per head. As already stated in
TiiEBKB , the board of trade at its last
meeting resolved to pay particular at
tention to the accommodation of vis
itors , and to-day a book will be
in readiness in the board of trade
rooms containing a list of all private
residences and other places in the
city where persons who desire attend *
ing the fair can find temporary homes.
The secretary of the board , W. C. B.
Allen , desires all persons who
will have accommodations fet sttan'
gers 'during the fair week to
notify him at once , ao that
applicants can be given the informa
tion they may desire in this respect.
The Board of Trade roomo , in Union
Block , corner Fifteenth and Farnham
streets , will bo specially thrown open
to vJEitors and the public generally
during fair week from 8 o'clock in the
morning until 10 o'clock at night.
Hero all the agricultural , horticultural
and other papers of the state arc on
file , and a pleasant meeting place af
forded all who may desire it. Presi
dent Dunham desires to inform all
homo exhibitors prticularlythat they
must make their entries in duo form
before space on the grounds
can ba assigned. Already several
have asked for space before making
their entries but their applications
cannot bo considered until they com
ply with the requests to make their
Up to the hour of going to press the
following entries were filed in addition
to those already published ia the BEE :
John Curry , Colfax Co. , Nob. stal-
lioh "Vr'agner Clay. "
RayNyn , Dodge Co. . Neb. , three
entries of registered cattle.
Theron Nys , DodgaCo. , 33 entries
registered cattle.
The West Point butler and cheese
association of Cumlng Co. , Neb. 33
entries of registered cattle.
John W. Jones , DcKalb county ,
Missouri , 21 entries , sheep.
Samuel Barke.Mcrrick county ,
Nebraska , 22 entries , sheep.
J. D. Slater , Saline county , Nebrxs-
ka , four entries poultry and five en
tries of seed.
Charles F. Driscoll , Oman * , brick
D. T. Mount , Omaha , display of
carriage , buggy , wagon and farm har
ness.Esterly & Sou , Whitewater , Wis
consin , two harvesters.
Mrs. Samuel Durnall , Omaha , dis
play of pictures.
Zulima Evans , Omaha , display of
quilts and rues.
T. S. Hnbbard , Fredonia , New
York , i-eedling grapes.
Brisco , Doane , Co. , Omaha , dis
play of pafes , Hall lime locks , Victor
locks , Premier led , coin cashier ,
tray and bank fixtures.
Hard , v Brackett , Atlantic , Iowa ,
ornamental grass s.
W. R. Craig , Saline county , Neb. ,
Poland-China boars.
Troxell & Co. .Omaha , "Champion"
mowers and reapers.
TO T1IE iMltt QRObXbS.
Jameh H. McShano will run teams
from D. T. Mount's store , No. 1512
Farnham street , commencing to-day
at nine o'clock , to accommodate
exhibitors and others who desire to
visit the grounds before the opening
day. The trips will continue during
the day at hours to suit those inter
t-Aiit FACTS.
The city authorities
arc busily en-
gazed in putting Sixteenth street , the
leading route to the fair grounds , in
good condition.
-Thomas Swift hns been awarded
the Contract for sprinkling the grounds
during fair week , and woo to the dust
that shows np in his way.
Special races haVe boon arranged
for one , two , three and four year old
colta during the fair. There are to bo
four trials accordinsrto aj-es , the purse
m each race to bs § 25 , § 10 to the first ,
§ 8 to the second and § 7 to the third.
The colts must have been owned in
Nebraska priorio July 1st , 18SO. For
the one and two year old the distance
will be one-half mile dash and for the
three and four year old one-half mile
and repeat.
Many exhibitors and others have
already enquired for means of reach
ing the grounds during the present
week , and we see that James McSbane
has anticipated their wauts and will
furnish necessary transportation from
tae city , commencins to-day.
It is understood that several of our
most prominent merchants have re
solved to throw onen their stores for
the inspection and entertainment of
visitors during certain evenings of the
fair week. Extra attractions will be
offered and no more agreeable an
nouncement could be made. to those
who deeire to pass the evening hours
pleasantly and do not care for the
many pleasing public entertainments
In the city.
It should be borne in mind that
the sooner intended exhibitors file
their entries the better forthemselvet
raid all concerned.
One lady yesterday made applies-
ion for blanks for 42 different articles
For entry
Siver Moustache Cupa at Edholm
i Erickson's.
Headquarters lor Joe Schlitz's
.MUvraukee beer at MiRCHAioa' Ex-
ICAA-QE , IT. E , Cor. I6ti and Dodge.
A Young Lady in the Sixth
Ward Accused of Murder.
Startling Figures For the Nest
At the regular meeting of the City
ouncil Sept. Ctb , among other re-
wrts made by the city officers was
.hat by the city physician , Dr. J. S.
LelEeuring. The possession of this
document is always a bono of conton-
ion among the various committees ,
and has been referred alternately to
, he committee on public property and
mprovements , the committee on po-
ice , on gas etc. After referring
i to these committees it has general-
y been lost sight of , at least no re
port has ever been made in regard to
, ho subject beyond returning the
paper to be filed. The last report
was , however , referred to the committee
mitteo on streets and grades , who last
night made the following report :
Mn. PRESIDENT : Your committee
on streets and grades herewith report
back the city physician's report of
birtbs and deaths. Wo have given
the report grade attent'on , and find
that the births of females exceed those
of males sixteen during the month. At
this rate , taking into consideration
our growing population , wo will have
in one hundred years two women to
onb mall in Omaha. In the Third
ward the report shows that several
olored women have given birth
to white children. The delegation
from that ward should see
to this matter and report
by ordinance if necessary. There
is a seven year old boy in the Fourth
ward who doesn't know his own
father , and one in the Fifth ward who
only has one father and one mother.
There wete three still-born in the
First w < ud , besideb a good many still
to be born , all of which is probably
owing to the number of 'stills" in
that ward. A small boy died in the
Second wtird because thera were no
cross-walks built : A young lady
pushed a sixteen-year old boy elf
into the new sewer , breaking
his nock. The boy's mother
will aawcr for .damages. Two
deaths ate reported from the Sixth
ward , caused from stomatitis , and one
fron cmpyemia. Hepatitis killed a
man in the Second ward , and another
succumbed to cyauuais. A Fourth
ward mirt fell dead from a complaint
technically known BB ' 'Gnll-acicufl
Liveratimus,1' or gall on the liver , and
several others still lie in a precarious
condition from the same cause. Your
committee find that pleurltls , enteti
Us , gaoritis And peritonitis are
making rapid inroads in
our best society , and it is
hoped that duo attention will bu given
to these alarming evils. The only
apology that your committee on otreets
and grades Bah offer for this extended
report on births and deaths is that it
is of the greatest importance that this
thing should Bo stopped. A great
many people are daily coming into
this world , and a great many are daily
taking their departure from it with
out the knowledge or consent of this
council. Wo recommend the adop
tion of this report.
T. H. DAilY ,
The report failing to suggest any
means for obviating the evils so fully
set forth , it was recommitted und the
chairman of the Committee on printing
added to the committee.
While this report is very creditable
as a literary effort there are a fun
points which the committee
1m overlooked and perhaps be
foi'e the noit meeting thej
may ascertain how many of the fifty
nine deaths were caused 1-y malaria
arising from the two filthy creeks ,
which they have ao long delayed giv
ing attention to , from nuisances it
the shape of ponds all over tlio city ,
which were not drained becausa il
would cost a few dollars , from bad
water that the people were obliged
to drink because the council was
so made up that every attempt to se
cure water works was fotlsht by some
one who feared another councilman
was getting a bigger bonus than him-
salf. WhuV'one small boy in the Second
end ward died bacau'ao no cross walks
were built there , " we are curious to
know how many of the remaining 25
deaths report from that ward were
caused by the oxistenca of that dis
ease and death breeding pond of watei
on 13th and Jones streets. The friends
of the fifty-nine unfortunate persons
Who last month wore recorded among
the dead , would like a more elaborate
report on these points , and also the
reasons why the recommendations of
of the city physician , calculated tn
stop the ravages complained of are
wholly and persistently ignored.
New York Money and Stock.
Ksv YORK , September 15 130 p. m.
SIDNEY At 2J per cent ; exchange steady
Stead' .
V S.G'g'Sl 101 } U.S.4'S 1 10
U.S. 6's 1 0 < i CuireacyO's. . . .1 25
U.S. 4'd 1 10J
Athc ; declined 1 to Ic , recoveringJctoc.
WU 10SJ OC&IO 10
NYC 131 * MC D4 {
Erlo 3SJ Lackawannaft W. . S3
Erie prct < ! . . . . . . . > CO HudsonCanil ss
< 1 115 } N JC 70 ]
Lake Shore 108 H& U u
No thwcsUrn 103 Reading. . . . . . . . . . . 3 3
yorthwtEtcrn pfd.121 I. M . „ 54J
PM 3P | > p _ goi
Ohio 6 N P pfd 54J
a. , i' . andumaha. . 9 | k&T 831
S P.and O. pfd. . Ill L&N 141
HfcSt Joe 38 } N &C 64 ]
St Joe pfd T9j D&RO 7ij
\V b 6h 35 B&Q 131
Wabaah pd m A&PT . .44
U. P 9OC 112
Cnicasto Produce Market.
CHICAGO , September 15.
The grain markets were higher
and feverish.
Wheat No. 2 , spring advanced 1 < §
Uc and sold at and between 94S04ic
for cash ; 9494c for Septem
ber ; 03 | < 394ic for October , closing at
94Jc for cash93Jcfor ; September ; 91c
for October ; 94gc for November ; 93c
for seller for the year.
Com No 2 advanced f @l copening
at 40cfor cash ; 40f@40fc for Sep-
tembar4l ; , closing at 40jo for cash ;
40c for September ; 41e tor October ;
42j for November ; 45gc for May.
Oats | @ | c higher ; No. 2 dosed at
29J < § 29 c for cash or September ; 29c
for October29c for November. .
JRye Steady at 85ic ; cash sold at
85c in settlement for September.
Barley Steady at 7S@78Jc "fop
cash ; 78a for September.
Whisky SI 13.
Hoc ; products without material
Mess Port Closed' . § 17 50 ®
1755 for 'cash ; S17 80@17 85 for
September 17 90@17 80 for Oc-
toberj $13 25@13 ' 27 $ for November ;
S1G 60 for sailer for the year ; 13 07 * ®
13 lOfor January.
Lard Closed at 57 97i@8 00 for
issh or September ; SS 00@8 02 for
ctober ; § 7 95@7 97i for November ;
C5S6 70 for January.
Chicago Live Stock.
CHICAGO , September 15.
Hogs In large supply and under an
ictive competition j an advance of 5c
was obtained on light and heavy pack
ng and 1520c on heavy shipping
; rades ; sales were at § 5COs530for
ight packing and shipping ; $4 70 ®
30 for hght packing ; § 5 10 ®
00 for good to extra assorted heavy
ihipping lots. Ilecaipts , 13,490 head.
Cattle The receipts were liberal
, nd the market loss active , buyers
lolding off for lower figures ; a few
alca were made to buyers of stockera
and feeders , but shippers only pur-
ihased to a limited extent at about
, 'esterday's figures and sales ranged
§ 3 253 CO for stockers and feeder * ,
; ud from § 4 C04 90 for medium to
: hulce smooth shipping steers. At
ihe present writing the neiu'sre filled
with all descriptions of * stock. Re
: eipts , G,1SO luad.
St. Lioula Produce.
ST. Louis , September 15.
Flour Quiet and unchanged.
Wheat Higher and unsettled ;
No. 2 red , 9191ic for cash ; 92@91&
92Jc for September , 93g@93@93Ac
"or October , cloaing at 95@94c for Sep
ember ; 95jjc for November ; 9G(395J (
fi9Gc for December ; 92@91jcfor ; the
ear ; No. 3 , do , S7sSGc ; No ? 4 do ,
Corn Slow ; 39g < 339jc for cash ;
for October ; 38gfi38c | for No
vember ; 3837c for December
37-ic for the year.
Oats Ilighcr at 29c for cash ; 28
® 28c for September ; 28gc for No
vember ; 29j@20c for December ; 28c
for the year.
Bye Slow at 81ic bid.
Barley Unchanged ; prime to fancy ,
Butter Unchanged ; dairy , 2226c.
jijjgs Unchanged atl5@lGJc.
Whisky Steady at SI 13.
Pork Unchanged ; SIC 00asked.
Dry Salt Moats Unchanged ; § 0 BO
(58 ( 508 80.
Bacon Quiet at § 0 00(29 ( 25 ®
9 G2JS9 75.
Lard Firm at § 8 00 asked.
Rttce-pta Flour 5,000 brls , wheat
uT',000 hu , corn 12,000 bu , oats 42,000
bu , rye 2,000 , barley 20,000.
Shipments Flour 9,000 brls
wheat 125.000 bu , corn 83,000 bu
oats 4,000 btu
St. tiouls Live Stock.
ST. Loois , September 15.
Hoge Active ; Torliora and Balti
mores , § 5 00g5 ( 10 ; mixed packing
§ o OOS5 20 ; butchers to fancy , § 5 20
@ 5 45. Receipts , 1,000 head.
New Yorfc Produce Marke * .
NEW YOKK , September 15.
Flour Market firmaud in moderate
demand , receipts , 15,318 bbls.j sales ,
15,000 bbls ; round hoop Ohio , § 4 15
© 4 GO ; choice do1 , 65(34 ( 75 ; super-
line western , § 3 50S4 05 ; common
to good extra ; 3 85@4 25 ; choice
white wheat 4 45S4 tiO.
Wheat Irregular ; Chicago , § 104 ®
] 05 : Milwaukee , $ i 051 00 ;
No. 2 red winter , § 107@1 07 ; saloi ,
50,000 bu.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , 51c ; sales ,
75,000 bu.
Oats Cuiet ; western , 40@44c.
Pork § 15 15@15 50 seller for Sep
tember ; $15 15@15 40 for October }
$14 10 asked for November ; 14 00
asked for seller for the yeah
Lard-$8 2:1S8 : ( 30 for cash ; § 8 80
< § S 32i for September ; 58 32i for Oc-
ober ; 68 35 for November ; ; $8 10 ®
8 27 * tfor December ; 88 20@8 25 for
Boiler , for the year ; 8 35S8 40 for
buyer for the jcar.
Undoubtedly the best shirt hi the
United States is manufactured at the
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
of Material and workmanship , com
bined with their greitt improvements ,
that is iteniforced fro'uts , tlomforced
backs and lluinforued alcoves , makes
their shirt the most durublu nd best
lilting garment j'f thu kjnd , over
niauuuscluicd itt tllu muJerats p'riceof
$1.50. Every shirt of our make in
guirauteed firjt-claaa and u ill refund
th money if found othcrui&c.
We make a specially of all wool ,
Sliikor , and C.iuton flannel , also
chemois underwear , made up with a
view to coraforr , warmth and durabil
ity. To invalids and weak-lunged
persons wo offer special inducements
in the manner these goods are made
for their protection.
1207 Farnam street.
Saffe , Csrtain , Sure and Speedy.
he only article knownthatWill
es-acfi'octfelhis disease
perm an en t/yfr om th c system *
Genera I A entSj
T. 8. HITCHCOCK , M. D. S. ,
From Kcw York has located In Om ba , and
KUirinteesto do fltst < lissiwork
Dentil Room' , over A Crnickshank & Co. ' ? , Cor.
15th and Douglas. sep9-2m
Any one who lores good , choice readies can har
a copy of the
? ini ? ? 2 lMse Pf- n"3 * ° then.
sending their name and fun address to
NEW YORK WEEKLY , 31 Rose St , IfewJork
NOTICE Advertisements To Let For Bale *
tort , Found , Wants , Boirdln ? &C. , will be In
serted in these columns enc for TEN CENTS
per lint ; each snbs < ; tientlnsertIonFlVE CENTS
per line. The flist Insertion cover leaa than
if.rrVE CKMT3.
_ _
IIST : TO TjOAN Cmll at IAW Offleo
Mo D. L. TnOUAflRoom8.Crdhton Block
ONKY-TO LOAN 1109 Farnham direct.
Dr. Edward * Loon Agency. noT-22-tl
BOX VANrBO-To Icirn the printing
A liuslnesj ; steady job. F. H. Mortimer ,
18th St. < 30-5 _
Good girl In ft tnull family ; Ger
man or Dana prtfercd , 373 C)83 St. , be
tween IQlh and 20th. 476-14
Flrst-cl s machine hand , at
WANTED Shirt Factory. 473-16
plIRL WANTED For Rene'al hotl'ework ,
UT Reiacko'g Restaurant , ISth and Jackson
Its. 47.M5
- cake baker at the Vienna
BikerrorEuroptanBealnnrant. 466-10
ASaED Man ad wile. T. UUMRAT.440tf
\\r ANTE ! ? , A Girl to do house work , 1109
VFarnbam Street , nn Stairs
A good delivery clerk J. C.
WANTED , cornet tiihteantb and Chicago
cage Strest. 487-10
To biv a jttir of good second-
WANTED working harness. 0. O. HEL-
(5 ( > N Cit\ . 4S1-15
' McKcnilo Ulnlnjr Hnll. cor.
WAHl'D Dolce , a pastry co-k and ten-
e al helper in kitchen , nlu one waiter , men pre
ferred. 471M6
Two firatclascoat and one vest
WANTED for Cheyenne , Wv. lnrulro | at31 ,
. , every other day for 3 dayj. 470-i
REN'T T - > small cottage ? ) on catBtr
FOR Harney and Zid etree's. Inquire 203
HowardSt Si-lt
KENT A. UnB two-stuy boarding
FOR with aix bed-rooms , on cor. Douslia
and Eluhth streets , 8t$30 per monih ; also two-
story , BBven-roomed liotuc , adjo'ninjr above , al
$ 8 per month. Knqui o of ta/Scr Bros. , Gas
office , or Bogga & Illlla. 4 2-16
RENT Nicely furnished front room ,
FOR tvro ainjle gentlemen , 235 D-kVCiinorl
St. , near 16th. 01'T
Rooms with or without board ,
at FUropcan Restaurant. 361-tl
RENT Finely filrntahfd rooms at 1310
FOR street , bet. 13th and 14th St.
RENT Stcre room In brick block cornC
FOR ard Douzba Sts. , with or without eel
lar. Apply to American House. 230-tt
lOR RENT A finely-furnished front room
Enquire fit 1616 Dodtra et. 283U
RENT 2 furnished rooms over Her
FOB Exchange , N. E. Oor. IGth am
Dodpe streets.
T710R SALE A fJno. tchtl hoMe , e fo for any
tj ladv to drive. Al aflno ntw milch co
'L FiMsjinn , Creighton Block , City. 4881
ILK Twenty to twentf-iCM quarts or on
M dollar by John T. T aulaon.
eb/Bat-mon-wou !
R SALE Cottonwocd lumber of all
RKDMONJP'S. Sixteerith-st. alfl-t
OTtlAYED A small red cow , short legs and a
O little white on back , about 6 years old. E
JERCKSON , Dodg6 street between Ninth and
Tenth , 435-15
- grOwn italteso kitten , white
STRflTED-HaH . Finder will be uritably
rewarded by i e'umlng the same to Catfornla
and Twenty-fourtn. 484-15
T OST A ladies heivj gold neck chain
JJViXicetIOnglostbc' een Mrs. Rlnpr'sEtore
a-.d coniorI4th end Cal fornia St. A liberal re-
* iid will be paid tot its return to Clark's Billiard
Hall , on 10th street or his residence. B CLARK.
One Red and White milch cow , 4 years
LOST ; lias belm away since Sept 9. finder
will pleaselea > einformation with MfthonHS Bros. ,
corner Lcatcnworl and 13th SIS. 4KI-16
JN pxjsa'g will be recelved.uv the undersigned
until feiturday , eptembef 13,183) , at 3 o'clock
p. m , for tunnelling such amount of bard anu
seat c al as may be req'iiied for usejm the coun
ty courts , office : ) jail and roor ncuse , and lor
supply tig county poor for the ensuing jear.
The right is risen ed to reject any or all bids ,
r.y order of the Bo rd of i. ommijsioncrs.
488-17 .tOHN R. MAXCIIEbTEK , Co. Clc'k.
QTRAYED. OR STOLEN One bbck horse.
O branded U S. on left shoulder. 2 hind
wliltb Ie-s , liatl halter on , lost on Sept 9th.
JOSEPH SMITH , ccrntr lOlh and 1'if rco St *
- - marc , white face and little
LOST-r-AborrcI had harness on. J. S. HILL.
. , , ,
Pianos and Organs First Class
on Easy Monthly Payments ,
Sheet Music and Musi
cal Instruments ,
3 C O TJ L 3D I IsT G-S .
Oil Paintings , Engravings anrt Frames t great-
Jy red.lew prises.
8x10 Frames , 1 inch , Walnut. Ho
10x11 20
l2\16 0
12x18 H " 65
16x20 1 } " 76
Kuslic 8x10 frame 1
< hromos trirecil , small , 25c ,
Cluon.o iframcd , llr e , 1 ifi.
Engravings from SOc-UJiwards ,
Photograph frames from 15c upwards ,
Wimlos-'Cor.lcea 75c a window and upwards
lAmbrequir.8 S 00 Jtr window and upwards.
Cornice t'clcsaSOperwimlow and upwards ,
Velvet framep SEc < r th Io5 00
Vlolin Strings lie ,
Vioil'isl 76 , 2 BO , 3 and upwards ,
Guitars 6 00 , 6 00 , 7 00 and upwards.
Banjos 1 00. 3 00 , 6 00 , and upwards ,
\cconlcons from 1 00 up , cheapeat in city
Send for Kimplcs and catalogue of mouldings
and sheet niUiic. A. HOSPE , JR. ,
167S DOL'O-B St. . Omaba , Neb.
Men's Calf Boots 93 50 to $8 00
Wdies" Kid Button Shoes IV ) " B 00
' -oy's CHBoote 1 75 " 3 n.
Mi5 e ' GoatBultou 1 S6 " 2 60
Oblld's Ooat Button 75 " 1 26
Men's Calf Shots. . . . . . . 1 60 " 3 M
( adIe' Kids 1 80 4 00
Boy's Aleiia 1 25 " 2 00
lLs-Bide LaceKid 1 S5 " 2 00
" 2 60
wens Balles 1 M
Children's Polish 75 " 1 60
Ladts Kid Slippers 76 175
Children stacefahoes 25 " 75
JfensSewcd Boots 3 50 7 00
Ladies'Kid Tics 1 50 2 00
Men's Brogans 1 00 1 SI
Misses'Slippers. 0 100
Ladle1 Serge Shoes W 200
BOJ'I Button Shoes 1 60 " 2 60
Ruth's Uutton Shoes 1 25 " 1 75
ceived daily1. "
sell for cash only.
Money refunded if
thegoods don't wear
as represented. AVe
keep in stock all
sizes and widths and
guarantee a good fit
in very"respect , ,
Boots and Shoes Made to Order
Tha Onlv Complete StocS la the City
Hepairlng donVFreo cf Charjft-
II , DOIILE it CO. ,
Leading'Shoe Store.
'ST. ,
Purchased of the well-known cloth house of John
B. Allison & Co. , and now offered at prices 4
far below the first cost of importations.
. IP. IMIOIRSIE ] &c 00. ,
Call the attention of gentlemen to the fact that
by bnying their goods at this sale , and
having their tailors make them up in
any desired style , a positive sav
ing of from
Farnham Street.
Are Not Half as Interest
ing to the General Eead-
er as the Following Price
List :
9lbaol Asngar for $100
10 Iba extraCsugarfor l 00
11 } Iba Canary C. Sugar for 1 00
SJIbsOrantilatctlSuKnrfor 1 Q )
8 Ibs Cut Itnt Satarlot lee
8 Ibs coed Rio Coflcc for 1 CQ
GltobestUio Coffee f6r 1 00
4 ll > s choice Java CofTcu for 1 00
3i Ib8 be t Mocha Coffco for 100
Young lljson Tea per Ib , 30 to 40
OoIoiiKTeapsrlb , ? o to 40
Japan Tea per Ib , SO td 6
Finest Gunpowder Tea porlb 75
Beat O K Flour per sock _ . 2 75
Snow Flake winter wheat flour s to
Ilaveni best flour . . _ _ 1 Oa
1.2 bars Climax Soap for. . . . . . 1 0
21 bars laundry Soap for . .w 1 ° °
ISbareXliirtSoapfor : . I C2
Pure J&ple Syrup in eal ; cana 100
Golden Byrup p rgallon. . . . . ; . _ 40
New Orleans Syrup per gallon 60
Ken Orleans Molasses per gallon , , , , , 70
Sugar House Molasses per gallon IS
18 Iba St. Louis od Crackers for 1 40
IBlbaSt. Louis Oyster Crackers for 1 00
IZlbs Boston Batter Crackers for _ . . . . . 1 00
12IbsGlnirer Snaps for 1 0 (
13 Iba New Currants for 1 00
9 Iba Now Blackberries for 1 00
4 Ibs Pitted Cherries for. l oo
12 Ibs Dried Peaches ( hahes ) for 1 00
14 Ibs Choice Dried Apples for 1 00
12 Ibs best ntw Francs for i 00
lOlbs. bctt Valencia Robins „ l 00
8 Ibs. new lay'4f Katlna , 1 00
reaches , 2 Ib cans , SO
Peaches.3 Ibcana ( standard ) . 16
Pie Feachea. fl Ibcana 0
Peaches ( Cal)3 ) IbcaLS 25
Blackberries , 2 Ib can 12 }
Applet , ( York State ) ( ; al can 3d
Blueberries 3 Ib can ! 4
CucrrtoZib ran _ 2lJ
Damson Plums 2 Ib rani _ . . 12 }
Raspberries t Ib can , , . . . . Id
Straw berries , 2 Ibcan _ . 15
Siring Bcan ,2 Ib cans 12J
Hiked Beam , 8 Ib can , 20
LifimBaana,2 Ib cana 12 }
Sugarcorn , 2Ib CHIT. . , , . 12 }
Yarmouth corn , per cafl. . . . . . I7
Tomatoes , 3 Ibcan , . , . . 12J
Succotash , 2 Ib can 124
Pumpkins , 3 Ib can 36
SSlba beans 1 CO
10 Ibidrlctl Llaa bcaru 1 CO
35 Ibs hominy 1 00
11 ItaCaroJIn rkc ICO
25 Ibs oat meal 1 00
Fat family mackerel , per hit. . . . 85
Fat family white flsh f > cr kit. 90
Codfish , v ho ) , pcrlb 7
Codfish , bone/CSS / , per Ib 10
Hftlllbut.perrb. . . . 12 }
HoIUnd herring ( new ) per ke . . . . . . . 1 % t
Tobxcco ( BIackwell'4 Durham ) F-r Ib 60
TobiccofUkerPofpIuglperlb 60
Tobacco ( Old Style ) pCTlb . 85
Tob.uxoMccrschautB ( ) p rlb - 4t
Hams , augnr-curcd , per Ib. 12 }
Butter , fresh roll , per Ib 2i >
Complete price list * furnished on application.
Country orders will rccelvs prompt and cartful
attention. Positively no gooda cold on credit.
* J. B. FRENCH & CO. ,
The Original Sellable Grocers ,
No. 1119 Farnham Street ,
Absolutely ir
Ifada from Gnp Cream
preparation makes such light , flak ; hot breao * . .
or luxurious pittry. Can ba eaten tj dyptpuc : f
without fear of the ffis resaltisz from heivv in1
diztitiblofood. - -a 1
Sold only In einj/by tfl OtoaaK "T U Tp I
' Tork. ' c"
KoUi BAXtna gtmn OO'Keir
Having Taken the Above for Our Motto , Weare
Determined to Offer
Our Entire Summer Stock of
Regardless of Cost.
In Order to Make Boom for Our Fall and Winter Goods.
We Will Not Be Undersold.
Oval Brand
The galeaof this "brand" of Oysters have now oatatrbreJ all otrms. You get more Oyrten IN
WEIGHT AND MEASURE In cans of this brand than n any other. 1 > . B. BEEMIR , .
sepldlm General Wertcrn Agent , Omaba.
Dealers in
House Furnishing Goods , Shelf Hardware ,
Nails and Etc.
l'2'2L Farnham Street , let Door Bast First National Bank.
Cigars from $15.00 per 1000 upwards.
Tobacco , 5 cents per pound upwards.
Pipes from 5 cents per dozen upwards.
Send for Price List. -A "I
* ' MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Neh.
Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and a full line of
-A.srD : : G-OODS
Having lust opened an entirely new line of
We would ask the Merchants of Nebraska to inspect our Stock , ,
feefoe. confident we can meet the wants of all in good Goods and ,
- * - * - * - a | f j | |