, D. C. ) Wkshlrurton > i * ot . . , 1TOKKET-AT-LAW , . 1324 F&rnh m 8t , Omaha. Patents , Pensions and Govcrn- mcnt Claims. Refen , by ptrmJsJoo , to Oenl O. F. Mandcr. > n , Hon. A. J. Poppleton , and T. L. Eimban , Etq. t aul7-lm A. T. CROSSLEY. A TTORKny A D COUNSELOR AT LAW jtV. Ko. 314 Eonth 15th St , bet. Farnh&m and Barney. auJO-lm CHARLES POWELL , TTUSnCEOFTBEPEACE-Corcer JBth and tf Farnham BU. , QpahaKeb. WH. SIMERAL , A TTOP.NEV AT LAW Eoome.Crtljhton JBlock. . TElh St. . OMAHA. KEB. D. L THOMAS , TTORNKT AT LAW Loans money , buys A _ and Bells real estate. Boom 8 , Cteighton Block. A. C. TROUP , AT LAW Office in Hatacom's AnOBNEY George E. Pritchrtt , 1506 FarnhamSt. _ OMAHA. KEB. DEXFER L THOMAS , AT LAW-Croictaoank Solid ATTORNEY A. CHADWIGX , TTOBKEY AT LAW Office IBM Famham J - Btr et. _ _ _ _ _ A. 3WARTZLAHDE A TTOBNEY AT LAW Cor. IMhand ramhsm -CX itrett. mayZStt WILLIAM A. FONDA , X TTOBNEY AND COUliSELOB AT LAW. JtV. Room No. 6 , Frenzer Block , oppoglte Poit Omce. _ _ OMAHA , MKB. WM.L.PEABQDY , Office In Crolzhlon Block , cezt la LAWYEB . OUAHA , N BBRASKA. Procwrei'Wft SfOTAfiY COLLECTIONS HAPK E. D. MCLAUGHLIN. A TTORKEY AT LAW AND JUSTICK OF J\ . THE PEACE Southeart comer Fifteenth Douglas St. < 9ColIectintie Promptly Attended O'BRIEN & BARTLETT , Attorneys- - Law. OFFICE-Unlon EloekFL't enth tag Fatnhamt A. L. RQBISQH. A TTOIlif Y AT LAW. Room Creifihton. JBlopt. . OUAHA Keb. Innt-tf ATTORNEY AT LAW. KARBA&H BLOCK. COR. DOUG. & IETH STS. _ OMAHA. KKK. W. d. Oonnell , Attorney-at-Law- , Office : Front rooms , np stalrgln Hanscom's nev brick building , H. W. comer Fifteenth trad Farnham fitronta. CHAS B. EKBJCK. & REDICK , Attorneys-at-La.w , SnedJ attention trill be given to all tulte mKainitt corporations of every description ; Trill practice w al Ithc Conrto of the Btate and the United States. Office. Famham St , oppotlte Court Honne. _ _ _ _ EDWARD W. SIMERAL , TTOBUnY AT LAW Boom B Crelfihton J\ . Block , 1 Eth md Douglas rtraetg. noSdii C. F. A TTOIINSY AT LAW 242 Farnham Street AjL Omtha Mcbraafa > . _ ' FARKE GODWIN , A TTORNnV AT LAW Itlh and Domjiai JRtrsntfl , with O. W. Doann _ W , T. Bicninua. O. J. IlDNT B1CHARDS & HUNT , Attorneys -Law. Ornrn 215 South Fourteenth Rtreft. EAST INDIA iTTERS ! HER & GO. , BOLB MANUPAOTUEHR3 0-KAIIA , Neb. A new and hitherto unknown Tcmodr for ai diseases of tbo Kidneys , Bladder , ana TJrinir Organs. It mil positively earn Uiabeits Uravrl , BT , Kricht's DisciM , inalnlity to retain or exj > el the Urine , Catarrh ol < ho ItUdicr , high colore and runty urine , Patntul Cr.natlnc , LAM BACK , Uener&l Weakbots , und nil 1'cmale Con ; plaints. It uvoiJa internal uiedici- , io cerUdn In i cfTecIa and cum nhen noUiiiu else ran. For s le by all UruggUU or lout by null Ire upon receipt of the price , 32. VO DAY KIDNEY PAD CO , , PROP'RS , Toledo , O. CJTEcnd your address for our little booi * , How UIc Saved. " JA KS K. ISH , Acent for Meoruka. IRON TURBINE WIHD ENGINE MANUFACTURED BY Mast , Fo js & Co. , Springfield , 0 The Strocgtvt mdMost Durable WIND ENfllNl In the Wcrld Hundreds 'n use In Iowa So by Dealers In nearly evrry county. This cnt xepreionte-ow . L/ I / Buckeye Force Pump vhlch is particularly adapted to Wind Mill u e , as It works easily" wid throws a constant stream , and does not freeze np in the coldest - - * est weather : Send .for fprcallst W. H. HtetmtAct , QtotuBS flta Latest Hbme : and Tel News of the Day. i TOE DAILY BEE , OMAHA PUBLISHING CO. . PROPRIETORS- Blffamham , tit. Oth and lOth Strtttt TEHJI3 OP SUBSCRIPTION , " LCopy 1 year'in advance ( postpaid ) (8.00 3 months r " " . S.OO THE ; THE MAILS. C , 4K. W.K.RBSO . DL , WOp. mj 0. B. t O 5 SO a. m. , 2:10 p. m. C.R.I&P.R. BaOam-S48p.m , C'St Joe E O a. m. S. City & P. 530a.m. U. P. K.E. , 11:40 .m , O. R. V. to Lincoln , 10 a. m. B. ftJLR.KS:40am. O.feK. W.,7ao , .rn. ornnsa C. &K.W. E.B. , 11 a. m. , 11 p. m. C. B. i Q 11 , m , 930 p. m. C.H I. iP. , U a. mU p. m. C. B. & St , Joe. , 11 a. m , , 11 p. m. U. P. B. B. , 4 p m. O. & B. T. from Lincoln , 11:10 : p. xn. S City & P. , 11 a. m. B. &M. inheb.,4 p. m. Local uiU for States Iow leave but onC4 a day , vis : 4 JO a. m. Office open from 12 to 1 p. m. Sundiy * . TBOMAS F. HALL. Poitmaiter. Arrival Aud Departure of Trains UNION PACIFIC. Daily Expresi. . . . 12:15p.m. 3:25 p.m. do Mixed 6.10 p m. 4:25 p. w- do Freight 5:30 a. m. l:40p : , n-v do do 8:15a.m. 12:20a.m. TIMS OAED OF THS BURLINGTON. HAVE OMAHA. B prnus SUOp m. Exprtos 100 a. m , .Mail 6CO : a. m. Mail 10:00 p. m. Sundays Excelled. Btmiays KxcepUd. CniCAGO.IROCK IgLAND i PAClFia Mall CA a. m. I Mail 10:00 p. m. Erjirees 3:10 p.m. | Express..lOtfO a. m. CHICAGO NOHinWESTEKN. Mall 0 ; Oa.rn.lMaH 7:20 p. m. Etprees S:40pi : m. | Exprs s 100 a. m. Bundajsexcepted. KAKSAS CITY , ST. JOE & COUNCIL BLUFFS. LXAYK AKXTTE. Mall § :00 : a. m. I Express 7:40 a. m. ExpresB 6uO p.m. | Matt 7:251 - m. The on'v line rnnninc Pullman SleepinRCara out of Omaha to Union Depot. OMAHA & NOBTnWE&TEBN AND 1SIOUX CITY & PAClFiCr AILBOADS. Express 8:00 : a. m | Fxpre8.4SOp m. Dail ; ExccptBandayf. B. t M. B. K. in NEBRASKA. Omaha ( ly ) _ 9:00 Kearney J'nc av)6:60 ) m atlgm'lhar 70:25 a m Bloomuigtonlri:10 mm carnj J'ncar)7:55 ( ) p m Ked Cloud ( Iv ) 6B a m * d Cloud ( rr)7:5 ) pm Plattsm'th ( ar ) 4:20 p m loom'gU > nM)0:25 ) : p m Om iha ( arr ) . . . 4:55 p m HEPCBLICAS VALLEY RAILWAY. ° JntreU ) 8:05 a m | Bloom' tonarl0pm liomtniton l:3b p in I Hsstinga ( ar ) 6:56 : p m rleans ( Iv ) 7:30 a m 1 Indiantla ( jr ) It 0 p a rleana ( ar ) 7:00 p m ] IndlanolaIv ) &SO pm SIOUX CITY & ST. PAUL R. R. .il-.6:10am : | Eiprtas 10:00 a n tipress 80pm Mall 730 p a WABASU , bT. LOUIat PACIFIC. UUVSB. _ J ] 8a.m. I Mall 11:55 a m xpres8..SWp. : m-JExpioia * :25 P-m- BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. R. R. eive Omaha , dally. 8 a m , 0 a. ro. , 10 a so. , 1 a. m , 1p.m. , 2 p. m.,3p. m , 6 p. m,0p. L ave Council Bluffs ; 855 a. m. , 926 a. m , , S6p. mf5:25p.m.t'e:25p. ro , oar trips on Sunday , leavinpr Omaha at B and 13 . m. , 2 and 5 p. m ; Council Bluffs at 825 , 1:85 ft m. , and SUSS and E:25 p m. FjLESEKOXK TRJ.IKS. /eavo Omaha : a. m. , 7 a. m. , 8:30 a. m. , J m. , 4:50 p. rru , 7 5 p. m. , xave Council BluHg : 0:16 : a. ra , , B : . m. , 1W a , m.5 5p m , 7.00 p. m. , 7:50 p. m. Dally except Sunduy. OIIAAA & REPUBLICAN VALLEY R. R. LEAVK , ARKin. Hall 10:15 a. m. , : S5p. m. laily except Sundays. OOHMEKCIAL. Omaha Wholesale Markets , OMAHA , September J6 , 1880. BUTTER AND EQUS. : hocetablo ! . -'ackeralots . Fresh eggs , par dor . 12) ) oney. . . . . . . . . . . . " " - ' " POULTKT. tilckecR , par doz. . . . . . . . 2 2J Ducks . GROUERIE8. 8UOABH. . . , 10 | Granulated ID ) Standard "A" 10j OSA 10 , C" , 9j BYBUPS. Extra choice and very bright. . . 50 Bright Table Dripg 45 New Orleans Mopasses 60 Market advancing. lie , prime to choice 17j Uo good to prime I6i lie fair to good . . , , If Jocha . 2- ) . G.Jnra. , t R1C5 , oo. . . . . . . . Goodtoprtm xcw Prunes.- 8. ) ldPrunes 6 3nrrantscholce new 7 lispl > errieB 33 Pitted cherries 2 Mulligan grtd Apples ; ! f. Y. SUced A .I Evaporated " State Peaches. . . . . . Salt Luke Peaches 1 California Peaches. . . " . 1 CANNED GOODS. 'S"OyBt rs , 2 Ib cans , . casa. . 87 do do llbcanlpercase. . 24 UffhtWeSght Oysters 2 Ib ? ? case 2 9 Jfthnon , 1 Jl > , t < dozep ? ; ; : 17 do 21b.'ij doieri'A ' 26 Standard TomaWes tff , casa 2 S Slb.Vcwe 30 Standard Peaches ; SfcCij. case. 4 4 T 77-- " * - - case. S4 Ragnberrieg , 2 ft-tf V e. . 30 BlacTiberriea , 2 , 'rse . 28 Corn , 21M ? cay-i.- . , . . SE Apples , Gal , dj . ! . 3 7 Narrow Fat Peas,2 Ib , case. . 4 C S trim ? Beans. 2'njip r.tase. . . . 24 Nutmegs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Pep Cloves ossia . . . 2 - andles , IGoz. . . il reenwichLyeperJcas . 8'S Beanfli > cr bushel. . , . . . . . . 1 Cheese full cream. . . . . . . . ' > . . . . 11 Window Glasg , CO per cent dia count off list. HARDWARE. IRON : rlommon bar. . . . . . . . . r Horse-shoo bar . H Norway nail rod. . . S Cast plow 1 Am. cast , tool. . . . ; 18 " . 'B.Enff. do 21 A AILS. Tensupwards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S ! B'rd'd's ehde 6 5 . . . . . g , mole . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' o s * t Dmahanails tens , upwards. . . 3 ! Nw'ati'i h n . 23@S ( Putnam nails ' 233 < DKY GOODS. BROWN COTTONS. Atlantic "H'V. do "F' .I Pepperell "O" Jo "R" do "E" j Indian Head Lavrrmce XXX Nebnuka , Standard "AA" DENUIB. Amosteag i Beaver Creek , "AA" 1 do "BB" , a Haymaken. . . . . . Pauner OUs "AXA" ,1 do "BB" _ i do"CO" ' . ' 1 Warren "AXA" i doBB' ; i ° BLEACiffiD'cOTTdNK Cambric. . . . . ] " Cbot . . Truit o ! the Loom „ fc J 'Hills'Muslin. . . . I..I' . ] 1 Wasarotta - - Pepporell . . . . . . . . . - . _ . 16 © XICKXNQB. M ] O 4 .4. . < ' A _ "AA" J " " " " " " * " " * i ft * * * jW fc j UO i /T T " ' FEISTS. Albany , 7J Albion 7 | Harmony 52 Amsrican . , 7 Allen'i. . . . . . . , , . . . . . * 6 1 2 AUsn'aPinka 8 Anoona fancy 71-2 Manchester . - 8 Merrimao. 71-2 Mcrrimao Bhirtinst - 6 1-2 Richmonds . . . . . . 61-2 EickmondeE , 7 1-2 Sprague's 01-2 Sunpion'smourning 7 1-2 Bmipsaa * , bl * 5c 71-2 BTBIKS. AmaHoan 10@11 Amoekeag. 12 Awning stripes 13J L rfttonA. 17 1-2 Hamilton 111-2 Omsga Hal2 Plttsfieldj 1'J ' LUMBER , Pramine , 18 ft. and under. . . . ? 20 00 Each add. ft over 18 , per 21. . 50 Fencing , No. 1,12 to 20 ft. . . . 22 00 " No. 2,12 to20 ft. . . . 2000 Sheeting , dressed , No. 1. . r. . . 20 00 " No.2 1900 Common boards , dressed 22 00 STOCK BOABDS. * Aitock. . . . . . 4000 B " 35 00 C " SO 00 Common stock 2500 FLOOBQiQ. No. Ifloorlng 4000 No.2 " 85 00 No. 3 " 2500 Yellow pine flooring : , No. 1. . . . 4500 BIDIKO , No. 1 Biding 25 00 No.2 " 2250 Kp.,8 " 2000 PICKETS. No. 1 picket * , per M 32 50 No.2 " " 2500 No. 1 finish , 1 J , 1 J , and 2 in , . . 5500 No.l " lin. . 5000 No. 2 " 1 * , 1J , and 2 in. . 45 00 No , 2 " lin 4000 No. 3 " in 3500 SHIP LAP. Plainnblplap 2300 OG 'r No.l 3000 " No.2 2500 11 No. 3 CEILINO. I beaded , 6 in. , No. 1 2500 " " No.2 2300 i " 4and 6in. , No.1. . . 4000 " " " No.2. . . 3500 CorrugaUd ceiling , No. 1 50 00 SHINGLES. ABtarbe t ) sh'ngles 3 75 No , 2 " 800 No. 3 " 250 Lath 400 Lime , bbl 135 " bulk , per bu 40 Cementbbl 250 Iowa plaster , bbl 250 Michigan plaster , bbl 2 75 Hair , per bu 25 Tarred felt , 100 Ibs 300 Straw board , " 400 O G battens , per 100 ft llu. . . 1 25 Wellcurbing 8000 Rough 1 , and 2 in. , In batts , perlOOftlln 50 POSTS Cedar halves , 7 In IS " Gin 16 " Quarter 8 In 16 Oak , 4x4 80 " 4x6 40 O Ceasing , 5J and 6 in , , per lOOftliu 300 Oak plank and timber , perM. 40 00 CJearpoplar 5000 Black Walnut 100 00 HIDES , Green hides , per Ib . ' 6 * Green cured hides * $ ThybJdes , , . . 15al7 Dry salted hide * 10al2 Sheep Pelts , , , . . . . . . 25al 60 MOTORS''wlNEsi 'ETc. High whws , per gal 108 Alcohol , ISO per cent per gal. 2 10 Frcn : h spirits , proof 1 18 Marshall's bourbon whisky. . . . 1 23 Miller's bourbon whisky 1 25 Brandy , very fine , psr gal. . . . 2 OOaS 00 " common to fine. ! . i. 150 Gin , 100 percent 150 " Holland 90 per cent 125 Hums , mixd Jamaica , per gal. 1 50a3 00 " New England 200 Kennedy Bitters per gal 1 50 " " per case , . . . . 7 50 " " par 100 oases 7 00 Champagnes , pints in baskets. 25 00 Domestic champaigne 22 00 Port wine , par case. 1 50a3 00 Sherries , , . . . 1 eOftS 00 Alas , Edinburgh- . . 275 Gnin&eai DnwHtut. . . . ! ! 225 B st slaughter Bole 82 Bestoak 41 French kips , 110140 French calf , leading brands. . . 1 50a2 10 DomeBticldps Teal 10 Domestic calfs. . . , . - . 1 lOal 30 Hemlock 1per ; per foot 2Sa2G Dak upper , per foot 25a'26 Grain , uperperfoot. . . . . . . . . . 25 Linings , per doz 8 00a9 50 Toppings , per doz 11 00 -Morrocc * ( bootleg ) per foot. . . SSa-S " qlldreSred 35 " Simon per skin 8 OOaS 25 " glove Hd 30 Boot webbing , per foot 45 HARNEbS LEATHER. No. I Pltteburg oak 4-1 No. IPitteburg oak 41 No. 1 Cincinnati oak 41 No. 2 Cincinnati oak 3f No. Ihemlock 3 ? No.2Hemlock 35 COAL-RETAIL. Anthracite 10 5 ( Blossburg 120 ; Wyoming 8 5 ( Oskaloosa 5 < " > < Iowa nut 5 0 ( White Breast. . 5 5 ( GBEATEST REMEDY KNOWN. Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con1 sumption ; s certainly the greatesi medical remedy ever placed within thi reach of Buffeting humanity. Thou sands of once hopeless sufferers , nov loudly proclaim their praise for thii wonderful Discovery to which the ] owe their lives. Not only does it posi tivtly cure Consumption , but Coughs Colds , Asthma , Brorchita , Hay Fever , Hoannoss and all affections o the Throat , Chest and Lungs yield ; at once'to its wonderful curative pow er as if by magic. Wo do not ask yoi to buy a large bottle unless you knov what you are getting. We therefon earnestly request > you to call on you druggist , J. K. IBH , and get a tria bottle free of cost which will convinci the most skeptical of its wonderfu merits , ani show you what a regnla one dollar size bottle will do. Fo kaleby iJ , K. IBH. (4) ( BucKien's Arnica salve The BEST SALVE in the world fo Cnts , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Sal Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Ohapp ed Hands ' , Chilblains , Corns , and al kind * of 'Skin Eruptions. This Salv is guaranteed to give perfect satiafac tlod In every case or money re Jandfd Price 25 cents per box. For aalt by 8dly < J. K. TSH , Omnhv OHIO AGO SHOT TOWER CO STANDARD SH01 W > BLATCHFOKD & C ( ' 3 of Lnd Ft Ehe > 0 an4 3t 3f EARLY POLITICS IN OHIO DE. DO'CAN'S GBSATEAIiNEIl SPEECH A CURIOSITY OF CAMPAIGNING. Lttter to Ct cincati Commensal. In the memorable hard cider and leg cabin , Tippecanoe and Tylt-r too cam paign of 1840 , Dr. Duncan , a demo cratic stalwart , had , contrary to the expectation * ol both whtgs and dem ocrats , been defeated for congresa by the whig candidate , Nat G. Pendle- ton , by a small majority , and he had determined , in his own democratic mind that this thing should not ba again. So he sought the demo cratic nomination for congress again , got it , and this time beat Pendleton. Besides , the doctor had determined in Lia own mind to go back to con gress , end while there , to make the great speech of his life. He set him self to work to gather np all over the United States as many of the banners and mottoes aa ho could , -which had beun used by the Whigs in ths presi dential campaign. From all parts oi the country , not knowing why he wanted them , and what he waa goinj to do with them , thousands ol Whig banners and mottoes wer sent to him at his homo ncai Mauisonville , in this county. Ths doctor carefully selected about ont hundred of those which he desired , and took them with him to Washing' ton city , A few waeks after congress was assembled in the winter of 1843 , Congressman Duncan arose in his place and made his great banner and motto speech , to the infinite gratifica tion and edification of ail concerned. During the coufSB of his F- -.h he displayed al1 his whig b 3 and mottoes which he had il rnuud and about his desk , t ( members of fie housa of repie ouiativea , to the great chagrin of the whiles and delight of the democrat ? , and occu pied many houra in the delivery of hie great speech , butby no means t dious- ly , for it was n continuous and con tinued display of banner nnd motto , illustrating the points and proprieties of his speech. Of course there was a demand for this great speech all orei the country , and , as it was nothing without its illustrations , by order ol congresa it was duly printed and pub lished , find circulated all over the country in pamphlet form. Selecting nnd fcearintr Brood Sowa Berkshire Eulletin A brood EOW should bo a good milker. However good in ther re spect , if deficient in this , she should hardly be retained as a breeder. Ac abundance of milk for the first ei ; ht or teh Weeks of their existence is the beat preparation young pigs can have to fit them f r prufitable growth hi afttr life. It is hot nlwaja pnaslt.le to decide with certainty whether 01 not a young sow will prove to bw t good milker , but -8 ' with cows , BO witb pis.s , we may learn from obawvaiion aud trial to know in tome degree , judginsj from their general appear- anc - , what to expecr. Much will de < pend upon the dam and grand dam ir this regaid. Milking qnalitiei in awino are ts surely trans missable to procSny aa itt .cattle , Thus it is as true of swine as of cduh that this trait may be fcreatly improv * ed by retaihing only good milkuis foi breeders , as well as by feeding tbi n when young with a viww to their de vtlnpmnnt 80 milk producers rathei than. . ES fat prcducers. For this reas on spring and early summar litters an usually the best from which to eeled young breed nows. They flan be kc-JT through the summer almost entirely on gr ss. which , if abundant and in va riety , will make them grow nicelyam at the same time the exercise requir ed in grazing will keep men in good health and thrift. By thf time cold weather Comes on and corr is to be fed , they will have become nearly .old andlargo enough for ser vice. But eVen after this , continued cate must bo taken that too mud corn or other fat-producing fooc should not be given them. Wo must however , bear in miiid that at thii period all animals naturally lay up fa which aftarwardi goes to enrich thl milk.I Hence , while they should no ba allowed to become over-fat , the ; should yet bo so fat as to supply thi demand of nature , and to retain th general health and vigor of the aye tern. tern.When When they have dropped their firs litter the most they will need for th first five or eight days will be coolin drink * and very little rich food. Whea bran Ecalded and then thinned wit ! cold water , to which may bo added handful of shipstuffs or middlings may be given. In ten days or tw weeks the richness of the foodmayb _ gradually increased , great care bein taken , however , both as to the qual ty and quantity , that these change may not injure the health of the SOT or so effect her milk as to cause acoui in the piga. It is a Tory common mil take in f ceding sowa having young pif to give them too much strong foe when thepiga are quite young. It is not until the pigs are som three or four weeks old that the really beitfn to tax the sow heavil ; Then it is thai * e BOW should ba 111 erally and regularly fed on good , ni trkious milk producing food , end i the same time the young p"s ; sx oul be taught to feed by then. * ro * at trough out of the reach o1 , = os If thus managed , both s \ p'j are benefited. The free'Ji i.f tl former is kept up , and her ciispi'gitic to produce an abundance of good , ri < milk is so encouraged as to fix this ono of the bsst traits of her nutnr while the pigs , by the extra feed giv them , make a corresponding rap ; growth , and that at a comparative small cost. Young sown brought up in tl maunor suggested , and thus cared f with their first litters , may be depeu ed upon to do as well or bolter wi their next , provided they have an thing like fair treatment. In caa however , a sow fails to { .rove herst a good milker , after a fair trial , si should bo replaced by one of bett promise , unless for some special pu pose it is thought best to retain he A Farmer's Offset. Detroit Free Presi. A "hired man" who has been ei ployed on a farm In this county f gaviTiil months entered suit again his ttnployerthe other dayforbalan of wagti * , amounting , as he claimed , S32. The su-t was on trial in Justi alley yesterday , and it looked at fii as if the plaintiff had a clear cae. I gave dates and figures in a straigl forward way , -and saerawd a ve honest youni ; man. When the fan er took the stand he said : "I claim an offset for that S32. 1 man need sue me for what I honest owe. " * "What is your offset ! " aiked t lawyer. ' fcU'g an unbeliever. " "In what ! " "Why , in the Bible. " "What has that to do with yo owing him 8321" "It has a heap to do TTUh'lt I h six hands in my employ , and we we rushing things when I hired this mi He hadn't been with UB two days wh they stopped the reaper in tha mld < of the forenoon to dispute abont Di iel in the lion's den , and in threads we had a regular knock-down abc tha whala swallowing Jonah. T man who run the mow r got to arj ing about Samson and drove over stump and damaged the machi to the tune of S10 , and the-veryne day my b'oy tfroka his leg white iflijs ing a fefcce to \ eyc the j-ow'-w'hlch ' tha.ohlldres cMe wl i " * - ' * . * . " * jng through 'he ' Red soa. _ It wasn't a week before mv wife said she didn't believe Elijah was fed by tlo : ravens , and hhiiir mo if I didu't find myself growing weak on Nosh -nd his flood. That's my offset air ; end if ho was worth anything I'd sued -him fora thousand dollars besides. " The court reserved its decision for 24 hours. By stem in Farming. We have frequently nrgaJ the ne cessity of ordrr on the f.i'm , and one of the drawbroks to large farms is the difficu'ty of so rasklug plans as Jo secure the desired system , if one has not ih- ) capacity to manage in an orderly manner , a Jargo business , he will make more profit to confine him- selt to a emr.ll one. Wo take from the Dea lloines Register a good word for method : Many farmers fail in making their farms profitable for want of order. Whether on a small tarm , where the work is all done by the owner , or on a large farm where several hands are employed , the mnstba an early and regular hour for rising in the morning. Each hand or man should know the evening previous just what ho is to do in the morning and if posgible for the " entire day. "if chores are his fir.'t employment thpu ho cm qo af thrrn without waiMng for or < V"s I h is to use a tp.im hc.v ' vj it f cttr - ried and hi-i civil o < ly. Tiie \ \ - g. on or iniplo-net-t ho : s 'o M * * c n in oiled ami ptu in jil-c- r mly 'o h't.-h to. Thopr-iprietormua' m.ik-s t.-'cq short with C' ' mmon Ciller' anT , ci l-o enu'teiius He can also by a jmVcituis system and etudy of the situation , encourage any superior or ambi tious help to excel in their li bers. Be always at homo or direct , aid and counsel in all depittmnnts. Discourage all careless and loose prac tices. Strive to cultivate and contin ue a good feeling between laborer and employer. Have stated times , and rigidly enforce them , for meal ? , for milking , for commencing the regular work and for retiring from the field. Make tbefftrni produce auperipr crops and raise the beat stock of all kinds. All kinds of produce rf the garden , orchard , vineyard , dairy , or farm should be put r.p honestly , bnfc in the tnd t attractive siylo for murket. If buain-ss or pleasure take you from the farm , l t the family know the precise hour you will return. And let them by your punctuality know hat yotlr engagements at 3 reliable Make all wdrlhy hands , or hoyaon the farm , or female help in the hnuse , feel that tbep .arcyour equals in rights and respectability. Order , harmony , and Tjunotaalityarc important for suc cess in any enterprise A Drummer's Revenge. Oiivei on ( Tex. ) ifusN Youn < { Bummelhans has fust been ducDurged by his employer , old Two- pe'cent The facts are as follows : Bummelhana had just returnd from a trip over the a'at-- ' . His trip had been very satisfactory to himself , perhaps - haps , but not BO to his einj. ! yer. Ho had Spent a grCat deal of iiinuejr in bugzy-tides nnd one thin- ; and anoth er , and had taken very fe * orders. When Buminelbdns called in to .see the old mun the latter was as mad aa the mischief. Ho Siid : "I don't be- live you makes any eff.irt to s ll goofs. Yen I vaah a drummer I always sold gjotsto do merchants no matter ven dey don't want any. 1 mndo de ac- tuaintance | von everypody " . < i Bummelhat)3 ctme ; very near reply ing that it wag the reputation ot his piincipal thut pi evented him from selling anything , but he restrained himself. "How did you use tn manage to eell goods when you were n drummer1 ? ' "I will shoiV you alt about dat. SchOost you eh down in chairs. You pees a ojuntry merchant , I play now do drummer , " "All right , " says Bummelhans. "I'll be a country m.irohjmt , and Til show you how they do. " Bummelhans pretended to be writ ing at his desk , and old Twopercen ) came up from one eide , bowing anc ecraping. "Goot mornrg. Can't I sell yov some gooti ? " "Who the h 11 Era you ? " eayi Bummcllifm" , looking up. ' 'I travels for de Galveston firm ol Twopeicent. " "You do , do yon ? So you trave for that infernal old thief , do you Take that ! " and , to impress npon hi : employer the difficulties of drumming up trade , Bummelhaus kicked the olc man four or five times , pushed him u ] in a corner and choked him for i while , and then told the old gentle man , v , ho was speechless with boni fide rage , ' 'If you ever come in her again I'll not leave a whole bone ii your carcass. " The liver more irequeutly the seat o disease than is generally supposed , for up on its regular action depends , in a prea measure , the powers of the storaarh , bn\\ els , brain and th' whole nervou * < y teir Regulate that important rtr.nn by tuk-n Simmons' Li\v Regu'1 tnr. ni ion prt vent most of the ili = e < sas thit lk h iliti to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l' ' w The most ee'i-iblc remedy , a ill tai n'y s I sure and p'rmment cute In sli d s Twsift ! liver.b'oodands oniacli.inclnli jrh il Ui ' ' ' ' fever and a U" , dumb acue , { auudioe , d > ii'pai &o , Is Piof. C.mlnictlo'a trench Live'1'aJ which cures by ab o ptton. Ase your . ru i f.ir . this no.ed cu-e , anil take no o'her , at if bo las not Hot't nr * iu not get it for you , sar $1.60 to French Pad Co , Toledo , O. , n d th < will send you one po.t-pail : by return n all AN INFALLIBLE RE3IEDY. Nolonper Hko Job need the sfflit-d milUoi cri out : "Oh , that my I'riff wtra walzhfd ai my calamltv Hid in too balance ! Ye are forjp of Iks ; ye ire a 1 phjsioiA-sol no value" f < an absolute' } s fe , reliable and ccrtiln cure f Pl'e ' ? , the most exasperating , ininfulof all d ! ca 03 , has been fourui b } Dr. bilsbee. Half ml lion of Bjflcrera with pil s testify toll virtues ol "Anak.-s'S. " Ph\siclansolal schoc endorse It and p-escribo t ; 50P(00 temons ha uaej it inall si grsand vnrieiies of pilee , ai none without tenant. It has been uronounci the "Impolest medical dis ovr } ot the A e and I r. Sil-.bee , an exieriencc | > l HIM scienti 11. D. of 40 year * ' prac'ice , "a benefactor to I race. " > or.mc1dy sos-mpleand yet so infal bio as "AnaUc-is' for Piles Has been discovere It is R happv com iuatlon ol the too hii poultice of the EnglUli , the ii-strnment of tl Ficnch and the cn-allvc medication cf t' Au crican f urjto MIS. I. nffo-ns immediate roll from thi mist txcni iatins pai" , holds up t p lnful tuiuTS and vil ituately cu PS the oi cases rf Piles. Sam pin ot 'AS RESI&ire e free to a'l tnffercrs on applica'ijii to the-PC nnnufactureis. Messrs P. .Neastatd er i C ( I3ox3 4H NcwYnrk. Alaa eoln by ' ! everywhere Price 31 00 pe' I irit it ito o THE UNIVERSAL STEAM COOKER TOE COOKHfG Meats , Vegetaultte , Kruits , PLH dings , Bean , Rice , Ktc. , By Steam. It bM stood the lest , of severe trails and i celved the highest recominemlatl ng irom ho and restaurant pr-prio.o B , boarding h t keeper ? , aud i l ro t > im * r of privet- te Anvni.mDtrof tlHlramav be uatdoookiu - e eichturmo'tjtnd'offucd at the came time wit cat mlilru fi-iv rs- lttCOMMENDATIO S. DixB SlRr lie tjuive fal Steam Conker what I hive reen wantlnc ( era long time WGTJI Bfluidldly.r J. 13. Wiiour , ir biohinpo Hotel , Stnrccun Bay W , th underlined , endorje the abe TO In tc Bi.hirU WilJUmg Fremont , Neb. Leopold Willing , Southern llotil , Omaha. Bam. Miller , WUwctin House , Fremont , Ni Dr. Burgbum , Fremont , Neb. Bold by D. A. Piercy , 1211 Farnham St. , Omaha , Ki And B. FEANBDEN.ifaln St. , Fremont , N Qa ViMGAR WORKS iaEfc Jones , Be t. 9th and 10th SU , Efc lirst quality distilled Wine aad _ Cider Vine ; ctt any itrongth below cafftorn prices , sad < n anta Jest aa good f t ' 'boteal9 4 lnreSl , r" Sand for ta. EBHST KEEBS. Art the recov- . ared Uvspcptlcj.- ! ! ooaguflercrs , vic tims of fever and asne , the mercurial dlsweU patient. hovtheyrccorered health , cheerful spirits and peed 'PPCtlte ; they will EMULATOR. &ndBcst , CO.NgTIPATION , Jaundlca . ' .sICK HEADACHE. Colic , De . ; ? f Spirits , SODR STOMAOH. Hear " " * tc.t ttc. < ? UnSoathcraRcmcdy la warranted sutsLince , but U Purely Ve-etable. contolnlrg those Southern Hoots and Herbs , which an all-wise Prortdenco his placed In countries where Liver Disease most prevail. It Tun SYMPTOMS of Liver Complaint t.tt a rQ ° ta the mouthPaln ; In too BackSldes or Jolntoften mistaken forRheuma- tlsm ; Sour Stomach ; Los of Appetite ; Bowels alternately costive and lax ; Headache ; Loss of Memory , with a paiulnl sensation of having fall cd to do something which ought to ha > u been done Dability , Low Spirits , a thick yellow ap. pearance of the sfeln and Eyes , a dry Couch often - ten mistaken Iw Consumption. SomUlmca many of these symptoms attend the disease , at others rery fewbct the Liver , the urccst organ In the body , I eencrally the seat of the diawsc , and if not regulated in thno.great sufftnnif , wretchednesa and death will ensue. I can re-ommend as aa cfBcaclous remedy for claeaso of the Liver , Heartburn nnd Dyspepsia , Simmons' Llvr Regulator. Lewis O. Wander , 1625 Mister Street , Assistant Post Master , I'blladelpdia. "Ve " "rg tested Its vlrtneser5.naUy , and KPOW Mul for Dyspepsia , Billioujic-o , and hrLlnj ne.dache. it Is the best incUiclne the wr.r'cl ever saw We h < we tried forty othoi rcm < .d'i > s befor ? PImmnr.s' Liver Retralator , but nnnof them iave tn more than temporary re- tf : bi-t the Regulator not only relieved , bu , i"irtd Ui. " Editor Telanph and llesscnrer , KJL on , Oa. UAKCrACtDRXD 02ILT BT J. H. ZEILIN St CO. , PHILADELPHIA , PA. Prl > e. ll.CO Sold by all Druggists. fentleodawly OP A PARHIOHFn CUSS tlian any otlor rjprietary med cine of the dar sttbdj Tarrant's Efferveacen- Seltzer Aperient And f ir thii r as"n : It la an ciac * co n'i-rpa' t if ona of * h no t valuab'e a'anl m-dn-inea ntbeword Wir-ler to the eriat Scltz-r pring of Ormany , to whi h ihi u an Is i f tha j-po tithe b Ii u , the rheumat c , and t1 o ictims of venal disease } rrsott an ually , and eturn to their homes ionvjl 3ent Of cured , he AI erient is one of the Er t and by far the 11 st snocc 9.ul of all the elTo > It nude lo rspro- uce , in a pittible fim , the most popular nin- . -al wrtctsiif u lp9. 5ec that ou purthaie only fie eerulna article. SOLD Bi AC.L DRU001SK FEVER ANEAGUE. . THOUGH SHAKING LIKB AN ASPEN LEAP With th * chills and fever , the victim uf mibrh may Btill recover ty lisins tliia Cij'obraUd tpeci lie , which not onl. biratotip tbemOataggravat- : dattv > s , bjt prevents their reuurrrcuc ? . It is infinit Iv preferable to q'liiiinc not only bo- cati'c it doc th ? Imamcst far moro than Ughly , bltt also on account uf its perfect whnlesomencaa ai.d lnv.or.itiucr ( ; action upon the entire Ejstem CHICAGO MEDICAL COLUCE- The Pioueer in the Graded SjBtim , and ALSO in Sycars'c ur cot Instruction adopted by Ameri' an Ued' l Co lego Associi'ioi , Levins its nexl Seesiou ycpt. 23th Ph > lolojieJ laboiaton C8ta .i8'utd. ANATO1HCALM vTKKIAL INU.N' LliilTKD AIJUNIJANCrJ. Keats numbered , ani soccured In order ol aipl.ratiou. Prcfessora Fcea. $76. Practitioners Courtc through Aoiil Jfe SoO. For Aiinounccmont Or information addleto Dr. J. H , HOLLIaTfiUj 70 Jlonroc at. Chicago. Bep4-d3-&wi < ncc a wcet ln y ° ur ° wnt ° 'vu 'lorma.aa ; ! JbOD outfit free. Address U. Haliett & 03. Portland. II 8ANTA CLAUS FOUND. Greatest Discovery of the Age. Wonutirf at dlsco\ cries in the world have been madi Amonf ; other thin g where Santa Clans stayed Children oft ask if ho makes goods or not , If really ho lives in a mountain of snow. Last year an excursion sailed clear to the Pole And suddenly droppedinUnvhat scemedlikeuhol Where wonder of wonders theyfound anowland iVIilIo fairy-Ilk. : beinira appeared on each hand. Tbcro were mountains like ours , with mor beautiful irrcen , And far briirfi'-er skies than ever nero seen , Birds with the hues of a rainbow were found , While flowers of exquisite fragrance wore grow ln around. Not long were they left to wondsr in doubt A beliii ; soon came they had heard much abou Twas Santa Claua' soif and thisthey all say , 3el ikwl like the picture i tsoo every diy. Hoinvt ; np a team that looked very queer , 1 TV aa team * f irrawshoppcra instead of reindce lie r < Ie ii a shell instead of a eleigh , Rill he took them on toiid aud drove the : jih-ny. Ho showed them all over hla wonderful realm , And factories making Roods for women and me : Farriers were working on hats great and Email To Bunco's thev said they were sending them a ] , i vns Kinele , the Glove Maker , told them at one Ail our Gloves we are sending to Dunce , Sjnta showed them suspenders and many thinj mere. I Saying I also took these to friend Bance's stoe Sinta Claua then whispered a secro * he'd tc'l , 1 As in O raha every one knew Bunce well , Ho therefore should ecnd his eoods to his care , Knowing his friends will get their full share. How rcmamber ye dwellers In Omaha town , AU who want presents to Iluiico'i go round , For shirts , collars , or gloves great and small , Send your sister or aunt one and all. Bunce , Champion Hatter ot the West , Doufzl rcet. Omaha DR. A. S. PENDEKY , CONSULTING PHYSICS liAS PERMANENTLY LOCATEP UI3 HE ] ICAL OFFICE , 493 Tenth Street , . O1TAHA , NEBRA8IC Offeting his services in all departments medicine and surgery , both in genual ai special practice , acute and chronic diseases. C ; be consulted night and day , and will vitlt ; part of the city and ronntv nn rrcrtol nf lett < Of t BY TIIE USE OF DR. BOSANKC' ' PILE REMEDY. INTERNAL. EXTERNAL , AN ITCHING PILES yield nt once on the application of BomnUo'a file Remedy , trtilcti nct rcctly upon the part * nfTecled , nbaorfa the Tumorrn. niiaylng the Intense Ii nil ottafr rgmcdlca baTe tolled. Trj tnlie no other. mt tell yonr neighbor It * merit * . DO NOT DELAY nntll the drain on the mjateui prodi permanent disability , bat bay It , TRYiTABNEDCUREI PRICE , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , and Trben you can not obtain Hornlza will Mod It , prepaid , on receipt ofpi Dr. Bountco's Treatlac on FUea wnt ; onappUealloo. Addren HE DR. BQSANKQ MEDICINE C PZQUA.O. -VIA THE Chicago Xortliwesterii 2,380 MILES OF ROAD I It U the SHORT , SURE and Safe Route Between COUNCIL BLUFFS A.V9 CHICAGO.MILWATTEBE and al ! polnta EAST and NORTH. ft OFFERS THE TRAVELING PUBLIC GREATER FACILITIES AND MORB ADVANTAGES THAN ANY OTHER ROAD IN THE WEST. It Is the ONLY ROAD between COUNCIL BLU5TS and CHICAGO Upon which Ii run PULLMAN HOTEL OAKS I In addition to these and to please all classes of travelers , It sires FIRST-CLASS MEALS at Us EATING STATIONS at BO centa each. ITS TRACK IS STEEL RAILS I ITS COACHES ARE TH < FIHESTI ITS EQUIPMENT FIRST CUSS If you wljh the Best Traveling Accommoda tions jou wi'l buy vour ticket bv thU Koute /2TAND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All Ticket Agents can s H vou Through Tickets via this road and Check naiwl Bag- gaga Free of Chanro OMAHA TICKET OFFICES 12J4 Farnham St , Cor. 14th , and at Union Pacific Depot. DENSER OFFICE In Colorrdo Central and Union Paclllc Ticket Office. SAN FKANCISCO OFFICE 2 Now Montgom- cry Street. For Information , folders , tc rm , etc. , not ob tainable at Homo Ticket Office , address any agent ot the Company , or KARVIH HUCHI1 r , W- STENNITT , Qen'I Manasrer , Genl Pass. Annt , CniCAQO , ILL. JAMES T. CLARK , flenl Act Omaha & Council Blnffa. THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars I TBIIE CHICAGO BURLINGTON & QUINOY With Sinccth ac < I Periest Trick , Elezict Ta SinicrCc&chcB , aud PULLMAN SLESP1HG & DINIK8 CAH- travel vv r it , to be tha Fesz Aopet r Est JlaUi ed oul in the CounUj. PASSBNGBRSQOING EAST Should bsar m min ' + this is * ve BESTrOUTETO GHICA0C , Ami Points ast orthii.d Korhuvst Passeicers liy this Route Ime choice ot POUR DIFFFEE-\TT ROUTSS , And the Adiaiitae of Six Daily Lilies of htlpcr M epiiic CJM from ' 'hiciuo to New York ity Without Change All Etpress Trains on this lineare eqa'pped with theuc9tili hoiiac P-Uent Air Brakes and Miller's trnt Site y Pla form and Couplers , tne mnst Perfect ro- tcctton AgsiiH' % .ccl- dett's in the wurld. PULLMAH PAlACi : SLEEPING AND D'HINC CAR Are run on t < Buninuton Route. Information conuciniai Routes , Kates , 11njo Conncct'.on-i , etc. , will b chettfiilly given by app yinr at the offics of the -ur.i gton KouU , 51 , < tourteentn Street , Omaha. Xebrnska. C.E PERK NS. U W. HIl'OHCOCK. Ocn'l Vana er. Gen. Weat'u Pa's. Ag't. J. O. PHILLI-PI , St. Joe. , Mo. General Agent , Omaha. 11. P DUEL , fepE-dl TicketAcent Omaha. SIOUX CITYtfc PACIFIC AND St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Sioiix City Route I 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE 1 FromCbimCILBLTJTTSto ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And all points In Northern Iowa. Minnesota and Dakota. This llna la equipped with the Im proved Wcstinjhon30 Automatic Air Brakes and Miller Platform Coupler and Buffer. And for SPE5D , SAFETY AMD COMFORT U unsurpassed. Eegant Drawing Seem nd Sleeping Cars.owned and controlled by the com pany , rua Through Without Cbango between Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , and St. Pafll. Trains leave ihe Union Padflo Trarj'ferDppotat Council LlSls , at 6:16 p m. , reaching Sioux City at 10:20 : p. m. , and St. Paul at 11:05 a. m , malting JS2-TEN HOURS IN ADVANCE OB ANT OTHER ROUTE. Returning , leave St. Paul at 3:30 : p-m. , ar rlvlig at Smux City at 4:45 a. m. . and Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , at9:5 : ( a. m. Be sure that your tickets read via "S. C , & P. R. R. " F. C. HILLS , Superintendent , Missouri Valley , Iowa. P. E. KOBINSON , Ass't Gen'I Pass. Agent. J. II. O'BRYAN , Southwestern Freight and Passenger Agent , my20-tf Council Blnffa THE 1SSO. K.C.,8T.JGE&G.B.R.R. la the only Direct Line to ST. L&UIS AND THE EASr From OMAHA and the WEST. No change of can between Omaha and St. Lou and but one between Omaha and New Tork. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAIN SHACHISO AM , Eastern & Western Citie With less charges and In advance of other line This entire line la equipped with Pullman's Palace S'eepinj ? Cars , Palace Day Coach- ci.MIHer's Safety Platform and Conpler and the celebrated Weailnghonse Alr-Brako. 13-SEE THAT YOUR TICKET READS ! 3"Via Kansag City , St. Joseph andS ) J2rCouncllBluIl3l.R..vIa 3fSa jO"Jo3 and SS.Loala.TEJ Tickets for sale at all coupon stations In t West. J. F. BARNARD , A. C. DAWES , Oen'l Supt. , Gcn'l P &fl. ft ticket Ae't St. Joseph , Mo St. Joseph , M ( Vf. C. SEACHRIST , Ticket Asren. , 211 Fifteenth Street , between Farnham a Donzlas , Union Block , Omaha. JOS. TEUON , A. B. BARNARD , Pass. Agent , Omaha. Oen'rl Agent. Omal AYER'S AGUE CUR For the speedy relief of | ver and Ague , Intermittent Fev : ! Chill Fever.Remittent Fever.Pni Ague , Periodical or Billions Fev , &c. , and Indeed all the AfFec'i < i which Arise front MaUino' or Miasmatic Poist.i Has beo" wide'y used darinjf Ia t twenty.five yean , i i trtm nt of the-e distr s > < 1 so . ( . , and with such nnvt iniiiii < xe 9 that ithn mnet rep'iUtion f t > emi ; mfa'ill Tlie shakes , orcMlls once brol lytt , .o n t ruturi , until the disease 11 c .r < cted acain. Tlis has made it n accep cem-dy , and trusted specific , for the Fever i Anne o' the west , and tha chills and feven the south. Ayer's Ague Cure eradicates the noxious pen on from the sjBt m , and leaves the patient well tu > befo e the attack. It tnonnuhlv ei ] the disease , BO that no Liver complaints , Rli raatisra , Neuralgia , Dy enter'or Debility fol the cure. Indeed , wh re Disorders of the Li and Bowels have occurre-l from MIi matic Pen on , it removes the cause of them and they ills icar. Not only is it aj effectual ure , bnl On taken occasionally by patici.ts exposed to n at- iria , lift ill expel the poison and protect tl ataa from attacK. Travelers and temporary re-id < aa in Fever and Ague loc * hies are thus enabla Cttf defy the disease. The General Debility whic ! so apt to ensue from cont.nucd exposure Malaria and Miasma.hau no speedier remedy , of for LIVER COMPLAINT ItUan excellent remedy. PREPARED BY DR. J. O. AYBR & CO Lowell , IJaaa. Practical and Analytical Ohemh SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS AMD BEAU Et JEDICINE. recOn THE WEEKLY BEE , The Best In the West. APPETIZ For COUGHS , COLDS , BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA , CONSUMP TION , and all Diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. The most acceptable preparation in the known wcrld. By addine tn TOLU ROCK anil RYE it Htl.i Lemon juice , you have an exellentAppfttizer and Tonic , ( "rjs en > ral and family uto. Tlw immcme and Irereasinir fales and the numerous tedilmonial ? rcc.ivel ilsily ar. the best inidsnct-j of its i irtns and popularity. Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. ! m oC rpen ron each bettl . Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : TBEASUBY DEPARTMENT , OFFICK OF ISTEHNAL KE.VENUS , I. WAsnwoio.-J , u. C. , J nuary 2C , 1SSU. > ifcssrs. LAWRENCE i MARTIN , 1111 Madison St. , Chicago. I s. . OESTLIXU : This compound. In the opinion of this oSPcc. * - < ni'd t vo a sufBclent quanlttr the BALSAM OF TOLU to lie it all the alrantagea aacri1 ' to tbi < , r Ic'j In pectoral cumphiut , ' . while the whisky and the ijrup constitute an emulsion rtndtr ! > 1' ca arreeable nn-.c-iy to f l.i , patient. Compounded acccrJin ? to thfomrala , it m v pmp'r'y to'lm-ednsa MlllCI > AL PREPARATION under the proti'iors of U. S. R-Tised StMi-tea. ard when t o ttamptit , ny lo sold by Druggists , Apothecanca and Other Persons wltnout rec-'niri ; them liable to p > y tpcvbl tax as liquor dollars Yours Respectfully , ( Signed ) GREEN. B. RAUM , Commissioner LAWRENCE & MARTIN. Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DRUGGISTS , GEOOERS and DE-.LEBS everywhere WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CiPOCRAFHV ' . . fH.'S COUKTJV' . W SEE BY EXAMINING ll > _ Mf.i' , fnKJ JHS - * * J > Ti iirT T i TI r r"/ * CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. IS THE GREAT CONNECTING LTNK BET1TEEN TIIE EAST & THE Wntf t Its main Hno runs from Cblooiw Conncll BlntfJ , pnJMn ? through Jollet , Ottca. La Stile. Qenesoa. Mo.Tne. line * Island. Davenport. \ > st Des Moincs ( the capital oJ/own ) . Stuart. Atlan tic , and Avoca ; with branchcn from Bnr" u Junction to Pnorla : Wilton Junction toMusca- tlte. Washington , Fatrflcld , KMon , lieIJtrnp , Centrevlllc , irrinceton. Trenton , Gallatln. Cams- r n. Leaveawortb. Atchison. and Kansas CUT : Washington to Slcourner. Oekalooea , and Knox- Tillo ; KeokoK to Faralneton. Bonaparte , Itcn- tonsoort , Independent. Kldon. Ottnmwn , EddT- 7illP.Oslc&Inosa. 1'ella.Monroo. nnd Des Moincs : N'owtoa to Monroe : Den Moincs to Indlanolaand Wlnt9r30t ! Atlantis ) to I.ewU and Audubpn ; and A ocn to H rlz.n. This Is positively tha only Kallroad. whlcn oiras. and operates a through Una fromChicaito Into tha State of Kansas. Through Express rassenzer Trains , with Pull man "alace Cars attached , nre run each w r dallr between CHICAGO nnd PEDIHA , KAKBAS Crrv. VOCNCII. IJLDrrs. I AVSSWOHTII and Aicnt- iOM. ThronghcarnaraBisornnli > tweBnMi ! : au- Kee nd Kanjas CUT. via the "Milwaukee and Kock Island HnsLine. . " Tha "are-it V-oclt l la = d" Is msimlflcontlr oqulpped. Its road bed It aimplr * ro.Xt. and its tract Is laid wltluteel rails. What will please you mo twlll BO tha pleasure of ealoylnn your meals , while pntalnz ovcrtha beautlfulptniriei of llllnolaand Iownlnoncof ourmacnftleent Dining Cnra that accompany nil Throosli Esprets Tmln . tou net an entirn meal , as Kooa as Is served In nny flrst-clsas hotel , forsoventT'Ovo centa. Appreciating the fact that a majority or tn oeoplo prefer separate apanmenw tor different purposes ( and the immense pasaenser bmineaa of this line warranting It ) , we are plea ed to announce - nounco that this Company run Pullman t'jlaet Sleeping Can for sleepier purposes , and 7' aliill honrsor the daT. JlHKiiincent Iron liridgci span th J ! . and Missouri rivets nt all point * crosswi 3T . line , nnd transfers are avoided nt Counct. * tet t Kansas City. Leavcnwortb. and Atchlaon * A * THIS OKBAT TlIKOCUIl USB AKtf FOLLOWS. At CHICAGO , with nil dlvergiM lines < w East and Scutn. , . , . . . At USOLEWOOD. wltutfiol a. A J1.5. JJH It. W AC. It. Kds. . At WASHINGTON nsianrs , witn K , i o , At LA SALLE. wn.i 111. Cent. . It. AtfEOBM.wlth 1 * . I' . AJ. ; IV I > . & E.r i W. : 111. Mid. : wid T. If. * W. Ili ! - At HOCK I LAXT > Wtlh "JUlTnnkCO & l > r Island 3'aort Line. " and llock Inl'd & I'eC. i > AtDAVSNPOUT. with the Uaronport l Mry At'w KST LiBKirfr. with the R. . C. K. AS At GKINMILUrlth Central Iowa U. U. JUNES MolNXd.wlthW M.AF. II ILK. AtCooxcir. lILCrrs.wttb Lnlon 1'acmcH , AtC > IAIIA.wlthn.&Mo.R.lt. IS. In r5t. . Att'OLUMIlDUJUNCTlON'.wfthH..C' . IL JC J. . t At OTTCMWA , wltn Central lonali. l Et. Ui. fac. on 11 * 1J.&Q It. Kdn. At KEOKUK. with Tot. . Pco. A War. ; Wu XL Lonra A Pac. . and St. J , Kco. A N.-W. If * V At CAMEROS , with llLSt. J 1C.K. At ATCUISOX. with Atch. , Topenn * baot ? Atch. A Neb. nnd Cen. Dr. U. I * . K Uds. At I.BAVICNWORTII. with Kan. 1'ac.MVf. Cent. It. Kas. At KANSAS Crrr.with. alt lines for tec * * and Southwest. .ACE UAJS i' > roil tnrnucn to * . . is iva. ur.n .iioii 3 KAXHAS cwrr. . TCHJSON. ami I.EA VEXWOHTH , TlcUeti "ia this ilnc. known n the "Great KocU . Iilautl Jluute , " are Oi IS all Tlcfeet Agent * In the Uulted Htate * nnd Vnnnda. . j-or information uot obtnlaable at your home ticket office , address. ST. - " FURNITURE , And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and "Upholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF HEW GOODS AT THE X.O W ± JSO ? JFSXOIES- 1208 aud ? ' 'nrnliai5J Street p Ii mon th lU Improved Buckeye Combined Riding Corn Cultivator ± 88O. > MANUFACTURE BY P7P. MAST & CO. , SPBINOFIEID 9. nz They also make Buckeye Improved Iron fawn "W Diking - ry.htf . Cultivator , with or without Sj rings. : lo.en enn The New Force Feed Buckeye Drill , one or two Horse Stj ! e. n- - ncd Enquire for them at the beat dealers. nd ndof F , H. PUSH , Gen. Agent , Umaha , Neb eu- low ver oil. ap- lem nU I to i late to CUBE3 RHEUMATISM. CORES COUGHS and COLDS. s , CUBES KHEUMATJSir , CURE3 COUOH3 and COLDS. THROAT.CURES PTFTHERIA. 'f CURES SORE . its. CURES LAH. BACK and hJIFF JOINTS. CURES LAMB BACK , and STIFF JOINTS. CURES Bt IN3 , CUTS and BRUISES. CURES B EN COTS nnd BRUISES. BOLD Uf OMAHA BT ALL DRUGGISTS. Go to Tour flrozrfjt for Ml * r * eman'l K w National I > ye . rorbrfchtseM and dnta- blllty of color they an fSSXlOlIM ColOTJtO ' NERVOUS DEBILITY , . . J Vltai W jkne 3 nil I ' 38- tratl.n romcverwor * remedy known- Price t per DO'd"tor * . T. a receipt of price. frae on .MED CO'C9FaItonSt..N > vrV k. . Catazo * of Receipt ! Samples wt ee. Addresa Stlawn H 3. PortlaniU M lna. _ _ _ . MECHANICAL. ASU MINISO . OINKEnlNOattheRenscIaerPclyieoi Jo nttitnte. Troy , N. T. The oldest enxmeei b eel In America. Next teim beglrs Septr a > rl6th. The Eegiiter for IteO contain * a 1t the gjidnatesfortbeititBlyears.witht ! te Itlons I o , onr o of itndv , reqnireme. O penSM tc. \ Addrefg DAVID it OKK& ' 5 r > rtor