s. j * * - , { , * . ise t y fe J.'AT3R YOL.X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 16 , 1880. FO. 75. Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents CHEAPEST BOOK STORE IN THE WORLD. CATALOGUE OF VALUABLE ANDJNTERESTIKD BOOKS .Ml New and Jn t arrived at the ANTIQUARIAN BOOK STORE 111C r'arulmiu Street. ( Opposite Dcwuy A Stone' * , ) Omaha , - -i Nebr. In consequence of Ibe unprecedented success which tlic j ropnotbr ol thcVttrtlqtoritn "Boot Store his met with , since he inaugurattd the" Literary Revolutlin , and In return for the re mirkably liberal patronize he has rectivcd.be takea treat iilecgurc in annonncine thai he has etlll made greater teductioni where poislble and olerslHs inr.tDenso ttocV if Ktwand valuable Ucoki at prices that dtfj all competition. These BooVs re all procured from the beet publitbine houses in thecountry , ar w ell bound pri-ittd 03 ihisk paper and In nlc' , cleir tjpe tuitab/ie for the host library in the Und. A2rrureha BrB f.om this cU.logue amounting to $5 00 or over , n'.ll bo ai'onrd on Additional discount of fiio per cent ; $15.00 or oicr , tea per cent ; $50 00 or oxer , fifteen per ce t. NOTE Parties ordeilne br mail enclose lOc lor 12ino , * nd 20c for fc 6. hooka to co\er pogtege. pogtege.History anil Biography , Hume's History oj Eu.laml. From the InwBicnofJu las Ca ; r to tbe AWlcj- cation of James II , 103 ? . C * ol , Urge 12mo $ * 00 Gibbui/B Ho'ory cf tbe Dccl ne ftUd JU1 < r. the Itnmtii Empire. C % ola. large 12mo 400 Macauliy's Ilistorj of England. From tbe Aecmsion -James , 11. 6 Mtls. _ laree 12mo. . 300 I \ol.Hio elicep. . . " . . . . ' . 2 M ) KtitjjijtsP.ijmar HUtory of England. 8 xolt coin .llUBtr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 BO M irtiocftu'g History of England. < volg. . I DO Culzo''g Hls'orr of England From the UlrliestTimittto the Rei n Of Queen . Victoria. 4 voK I ma. cloth ; illU'ttatoJ 4 EO Rchmltz Ancient "Hiat ry. Complete in nnc volume. ISmo. cloth 100 Taine'n llietory of Enjieh Literatnro. Complete hi 1 Aolame. IZmo. c tth 1 2S Baucruft's History of the United tittle * . rcntenarj Euition. Go'j. . 12mo. clo'h extra 10 00 Jlol iu' Ancient -History' , New largo Type trillions , 4 vol * . IZmoclolh. , , . . . 450 2vols 4to cloth . . . . . . . . 100 riutarch's I Ivcs of Illueln Ml Men. With life of Piuurcli. 3 volg.12mo.doth gilt and ( . .ill . tops . . 300 1 vol. Svo. sl'Cjji fm 2 tO 810. cloth. . . 25 . . gheep. . . 2 DO ikhv r , 12mo cloth 7. 1 CO Napo'con ' and His Cuniptifng , 12mo cloth 1 00 ' H.orv cf the Cruiado I , With ISO lllus ra- tloin ; 12mo. cloth 1 00 Hen who Have Uiccn , ICmo. cloth 1 CO Life History f LUinsstone , IncluJIncthe lleraldounlty Expcdi inn. Iloyal 12mo. clotb 1 00 Life of Horace G reeky. Boyl 12mo. cloth 1 00 Gcjrgo W.-nhincIo" . 12mo. cloth. . . Altxaidcr Hamllt n. 12mp. clotb Thimsi Jefferson , ISmo cloth. . . . . . . . . . Benjimln Franklin , 12mo. clotb Daniel Wnbilcr ; 12mo cloth Honrj-Clay , 12norcloth Sb-phunA. Douglas , 12mo. cloth. . . . . . . AhrahunL'iicoln , 12mo cloth. . . Panicl Booms , IZn'O-cInlh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oivld Crocket , 12no. iloth. . , . Kit C rton , itmo. cloth KichulABlor liU'Bjii , I2mo cloth Capl. John h'mUh , ISmo ciotli Francis Marlon , 12mo. cl th Andrew Ja'.kpon , ISmo cloth Him. Houston. 12mo. cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . Thirc Mrs. Jodnons , ISmo. cloth. . . . . . . . hhfha Kent Kine , T2mo d'ltn ' Jliai Major 1'iuline Cnnhnrin , 12mn. doth Derolc Women of lli > tor12mo. . cloth. Corf ica and Early Life of Napoleon , 12mo. cloth . _ . . . . * 1 00 Louis Napoleon , I2mo. cloth . v. . . 1 00 History ntthe'War In India ISmo. doth 100 . Itcd Line Poets. Roulledrc'i n w and beautiful rdltinn of "Red Line. K ch volume contain t a Memoir and i illustratrd lth a portrait > t the author en ravrd on ttccl nil nomorom ful'-pafe illustrations ny , eminent artisiS. Cn > r Bvo Uoth , gilt sides and edccs. The beet edition In the mtrket. Each S .00. Tennyson. Cow per. Byron. m Milton. Scott. Elizi Cook. llumg. Shakespeare. Moore. Wotdattorth. Crablic Osiian. Chaucer. Younc. Campbell andSouthcy. | olerldgc. LocLhard. Ileeor. lira. Ilcmius. Heibcrt. Hood. . c . ' Manmlay's Lays of An- bbolley. e cut home. Pope. A > loon's Lays of tbtt Maikay. " * Scottish Cavalier. Goldsmith. DiKWs Beauties of Montgomery , James. fcliaketpeare. Johnson's Llrcsof Poeti. The Chaiulos Classics. A Series of Standard t > orl > i in Poetry , His tory and Central LiUrnturo Crown Sro. vloih ; In new nl ) le of binding Per ol .76 Jindenoun FairyTsIes. MactY'a Poems. AT bian lifchts. Milton. Aytoun'n Laye. JIontpomerys Poems. Hook of Authors. Moore. Iunyan' licr < m8 ProOckley & 'Ubbon's 11 is- Cre . ' torvofthe tararcna. rums . ' Oxe for.l'g KrenchSou g Ituiler's llujibras. Pepj'u'Dla.y. Byron Fopxg I a i. Campbell. ' " Cltre'e Coleridge. RejiiegctiUUvU Actors. Co > k , Klizi. Ko' it\30ll Crusoe. Co i > cr. " Kohii ec f UUtorics. Dante , by dry. Dcloltuo s En. Conjtltu France. tion. Spain. IKdd'8 Ccautics of ShakeIndit. . spore. lulj. Don Quixote. Scott's Ptenjg Dr. S\iiUx'gTiroeToarsS.itt llxsajg on Kuurn Fairy TakB CI\I\ilr.- \ lively n" Diary Scotl's Llic of the 1 uiu\o Pn try. llrnnuli-K Ccrni > n LlUraturo. Oil U'.M * Shell. y Ooldemlth'e. . Pi > ens , Sjxn rls Oueci. Dramu , * 'd VIcu h Robinson. of Wakeficld 'entury of Onmm'n Fsjrj-Tales. M.bcr. < - llomince of llcmans. Lend in ( Utstorinl , Herbert , ct ) llood. tB" ' Timtr.1 Rnmanco of Ilumarons , . Prcms. Lou Jon ( supenutnral Johnson's Lives of Poet * , vie ) Kniglit'g ifcfif Ilourt , Tltom'rwon. < \oU. TomwiJ's Manual of Koran ' ( Complete ) . Litctalurr , S vuli. lamb's e y andPoein8Vinir : I'oi'eu. ' I Seiular ) Ual'ads. W.lton and Cotton's liockliaifa Spanish Ancltr. [ ! allad < . M'ordaworth. Jlnc.ulaj'n Lays. Fiction. TIlEWAVEltLY NOVELS. Pirate. Ouy Mauncruu ; . Fortui.cs of NlccL Antiquiry. Pctciilofthe Peak. Bob Roy. Qucntin Uuncard. lI ck l > wart. and Old bk Komani Well. MorUlitr Itodganatlet. lie utcf Midlothian. Betrothed , and Talis- UnJe of Laromcrmoor , man. and > Legend of lion. Wood lock. trace. Fair Maid of Perth. Iranhoc. Anne of Gcicrein. ! Monastery. Count Rokcrt of Paris , AbbMt. and Castle Daneetous. Chronicles cf the Etnll worth. Cnivcrse Edition , ! 5 vols. ISmo. cloth per V.I 75 Teople * Edition , 12ols. . 8xo. cloth per vol $1 00 Peoples' Edition , 6 vols. Sro doth , per tel 1 CO DickcrT Complete Works. Pickvlek Papers. Ollrer Twist. Pictures Christmas Books , TJn * from Italy , and Ame- commercIalTiavelfr , rlcanXoU * . Mid/LddltlwialCnrUt- Curiosity Shop , and mas Stories. Keprlntel PIBCL * rieaV House. Birnady Kudje , and Tale f Two Cities and D rd Times. Grrat Expecttttoas. MirlinChutzlewit. Our Uutaal Friend Doml > ev < Hl Son. Edwin Urood , Sketches David CoppcrBed. Mister Hamphroj's NicholasBicUeby. Clock , etc. Diamond Edition , Ii ! . ISmo , cloth , r rol 76 TJoivcr e Edition , H vols. lmo. cloth , SL./ rervol 75 . Globe Edition , 15 vols 12mo cloth pir Vol fl 00 LIBERAL PRICES , , . . rim ran SECOND-HAND-BOOKS- * cither In cash or in excharee. Adddrcss : H. SCHOUFELD > -I 8175- 1U6 Tamham Stree OMAHAi i * / ' NBB. ; ; * va f - * * * * w 3 5 , 1 POLITICAL POINTS. Maine * FusionistrModer-1 ately GJaim Only 300 .Majority , Continued- Bowing Over the Credit of the Victory The Greecljackers Justly - fCJa'rn ' Their .Qwn. Elaine's Failure toSecure'the Presidency Causes. Fatal Apathy Among His ' Friends. , i " > Kalloch Caught Conniving at Adding 5,000 Fraudulent Names to the Regis tration. Bright Outlook in the South Tidal Waves in North Carolina and Florida. Conventions in Massachusetts , Missouri and New Hamp- Bpocltl Diipateh to The Bee I POP.TLAND , Me. , September 15 4 j p , m. Returns from 324 towns Rive Davis 03,440 , Planted 01,087 , scattering - tering 310. Davis majority 204 ? . One hundred and eighty towns have yet to report. These are remote vil lages and plantations throwing small votes. Some of the fusion towns heard from shovr eomu amall republican gains , The returns eo far received are not suffi cient to give the. exact standing of both branches of the legislature. Enough have been reported to insure a republican majority in both houses , probably six in the senate and twenty- nine iu the house , unless the towns to bo heard from make decided gains or either vide cannot be decided winner at the official count. The returns re ceived are necessarily subject to some correction. The legislative committee and state officials' tabulations may differ sufficiently to change the result , so close arc the returns. It Is therefore - i fore premature to predict the result even at this hour. . LATEST FROM MAINE. Special Dispatch to The Bee POKTLAMD , Me. ) September 16 , 3 a. m. The most reliable information in dicates very small republican gaini in four of the thirty-two towns In Knox and Oxford counties , but little is Tot known from Aroostook oJUlity , upon which hangs the result , and the gains predicted by the fusionists , A few towns from Aroostook show no sJjn | from last year's count. There still re mains ninety towns , mostly from Aroostook , to hear from , and should they follow in line with those report ed , it will leave a fusion majority of 309. Thcso are tbe facts as near as can bo learned from the most reliable sources , and no further returns are looked for until late to-day. Outside of this anything advanced as news ii pure speculation. Heed , republican congressman , Firat district , has a ma jority of 147 ; Fryo , republican , Second , has 1,500 majority ; Lindsy , republican , Third , 500 to 700 major ity ; Lidd , greenback , Fourth , 1,500 majority ; and .Jlurcb , greenback , tf'ifth , 800 majority. The houno is republi can by nineteen majority and the senate stands twenty republicans to eleven fusionists and perhaps one bet ter , for the chances are that S. S. Brown , of Garcelon's council , who ran for senator in Somerset , is defeat ed. The republicans claim that if vic tory there bo for the antis , it is a greenback victory , and if the democrats > crats can stand it they ought to. Be fore joining the greeubackorsPlaisted , the fusion candidate for governor , was the most radical of republicans ; no one man was so bitter against demo crats in the state of Maine as he. f IAT SARCASM TO DEMOCRATS. gpecUl Dispatch to The liee WASHINGTON , September 1C , 1 a. m. The following teas sent from the headquarters of the national commit tee of the national greenback labor party to Senator Wallace , chairman of j the democratic congressional commit tee : "In behalf of the n tional grecn- back-labor party , permit me to express ! my gratification at tha unsolicited and | _ magnanimous act of the democrats oi " this city in celebrating the victory which our party gained over the hard money oligarchy of the state of Maine , and to nuy that it should ever remain engraved on our memories as one of the most gracious acts of the gallant but unfortunately retiring democratic party. " TLA I8TED TALKS. Gen. Plaisted , in an interview last evening , said : "I am confident of having at least 2,000 majority over all. Aroostook count > alone will give me from 1,000 to 1,5CO majority. I re gard the result a glorious triumph for the plain people. While I was always confident of victory by a small major ity , at least , I did not expect such & magnificent victory as wo have ob tained. We have received congratu lations from all parts of the country. I consider the contest the hardest over fought in this state. " In regard to the future of the two parties , Gen. Plaisted declined to be interviewed , but said he had always considered that union and victory In September meant union and victory in November. TTEW HAMPSHIRE DEMOCRATS. CONCORD , N. H. , September 16 1 . m. The democratic state conven tion met at 11 o'clock yesterday. There was a large attendance of dele gates and spectators. CoL John H. George was chosen temporary chair man , and mode a brief speech. Hon. Frank Jones , of Portsmouth i.is , was unanimously nominated for governor , receiving the 601 votes cast. Jones Is a man of amall abilities , whohas le att immense fortune in making beer. He bought his election to congress for two termrln a republican district , and now hopes to gratify his ambition fprJ | ecuringithe governorship in the same ] "way. HeJsaWendqf Tilden's , 30.as | Ms availability-is his readiness-to im ! .as1 t te fata friena by tapping a "buT lib- - -S' * , * erally. The ticket was completed by the < nomination of Gordwin , Cochran and Dodge for railroad commissioners and G. B. Chandler and John 0. Jlut J electors at large. The reso lutions adopted were very short and mostly a confirmation of the Cincin nati platform. MISSOURI REPUBIIOAK8. ST. Louis , September 16 1 a. m. The republican state convention met hero ; yesterday and placed a full tickut IDwb the field. The state is so over whelmingly democratic that it is ca expected that any person no ; will bo elected. The gub ernatorial nominee is Col. D. P. Dyer , al lawyer of this city , of high stand lllhe and popularity. He has already held ! several Important offices in the state , and VM prosecuting attorney during the progress of the whisky ring trials , it. T. Yan Horn , of the Kansas City Journal , was Col. DyerVi opponent. The others on the ticket are Llilo D. Blair , of Sedalia , lieuten ant governor ; James 0. Broad well , St. Louis , secretary of slate ; L. A. Thompson , Montgomery county , au ditor ; H. H. Harding , Jaappr county , attorney general ; Howard Barnes , a colored man of Cole , railroad commis sioner ; J V. 0. Games , Kansas City , judge of the supreme court , and Goo. B.tei Herenden , Audrian county , regis- - - r t i " I tei of lands. 1 REPUBLICAN OUTLOOK IN TUB SOUTU , | Special ( liajKOch to Tim BUR , NEW YORK , September 10 , i a. m. Thomas B. Keogh , of North Carolina lina ek getrotary t f the national re publican Committee , hi an interview , said the republican campai h in North Carolina was advancing very prosper- oliily , and he believed that with a fair count the result in that state will be as much of a surprise to both parties uwn the election in Maine on Monday VIM , but the shoo will be on the oth er foot. Mr. Keogh has just returned from Florida , the vote of which nlate , he thinks ) will bo RiVen for Garfield and Arthur. Ho doea not think the remit : in Maine will have any effect upon the republicans in the south , for Iti cannot bo regarded as a democratic victory when two-thirds of the votrs ware cast by g'resnbackers. CONKUNO TO SPEAK. At a meeting of republicans at the Academy of Music on Friday ex-Sec retary of State Hamilton Fih will fntroduco Senator Conkling , who will deliver his great speech. NO ELECTION frOR * FRISCO. Special Dispatch to The ficc. SAN FRANCISCO , September 16,1 a. m. The nomination of Kallocli by the Ward presidents of the working- men's party is aiarcely considered a newa item. No election has been or dered and none likely to bo. A proc lamation will not be issued by Kallach unless rtrdered by the supreme court , and ii ft itnderatood that the court will hold that the present officials continue in office till next year. Dem ocratic manipulators have cQuctoJ a eoit of fusion with the Kalloch branch of the workingrnon to divide up the offices and put a joint ticket in the field , in case of an election , or perhaps whether there i a proclamation or ntit , anil take the slim chance of a de cision iii their ftVorby the supreme court after the election. The republicans will not call a con vention to nominate citv officers , but if obliged to put a ticket in the field [ ' to prevent the election going by de fault , will renominate the republicans tit present holding office and have the county committee select candidates for the other offices. The Kearney branch of the work- inumen will be governed by the action of the supreme court in the case now Kalloch says that the nomination before was equivalent to election and the nomination now is paramount to election. Tint it was siid that ho was shot into office before , but somebody else has been shot since. , KALLOCU'S HUGE FRAUDS. Election Commiesioner Tillson , in the meeting yesterday , charged that there was a plan on foot , by Kalloch aud his colleagues , to pu ( live thou- scnd fraudulent names on the poll lists. Kalloch and Dunn denounced the charge as an infamous calumny. Massachusetts Bepublicans. Special Dixpttch to The Bee. WORCESTER , September 1C , 1 a. m. The republican state convention as sembled at Mechanics' hall &tvll o'clock yesterday. About one thou sand delegates were present. The convention was called to order by Hon. E. F. Stone , who was chosen temporary chairman. Ho alluded to the unwelcome nowa from Maine , 'but , " said he , "it did not discourage but only served to move anew the party for a vigorous fight. " Hon. Paul A. Chedbourne , president - dent of Williams college , was chosen permanent chairman the conven tion aud proceeded to deliver hia ad dress. President Chadbournc said the mission of the republican party was to secure for the people -of the whole country the blessings which Massachusetts enjoys. The voice of his state must strive with all earnestness - ness to sustain the national suprema cy of the republican parly the party whose glorious past , present and fu ture was represented by Abraham Lincoln , II. B. Hayes and Jas. A. Garfield. [ Loud applause. ] The history - ' tory and'present composition of the two parties were next contrasted. The democratic party ehould be judged by the acts of the democratic congress. The republican party is the first polit ical which has tr party successfully car ried out the principles of the declara tion of independence the personal freedom and absolute equality of all man before the law. It has settled forever that this government is a Na tion , never to be dissolved. It de sires to dissipate forever all traces of Boetlonal feeling. It has sustained tbe credit of the country , reduced the interest bearing debt nearly § 500,000- fc 000.- restored the country to a specie basis and brought the country to i a time of and peace unexcelled prosper ity. It believes in reform within the ptrty and has no policy to announce. : To give the government to the demo cratic party a to give it to those men who , fifteen yean ago , were fighting to destroy this Union. We forgive them the treasonwe vem , we welcome them io the blessings they vainly tried to destroy , we will kill the fatted calf for them , but we are not ready to give [ them the old homestead. [ Applause. ] We will forget the war but jiot the principlesfor _ _ which the war was orjfpughfc The solid north must contin ue the central union , to benefit all parU of it , until the solid south and solid north are entirely lo t in a solid I union , * ' - J -i y. . -.a 3 On motion of ex-Governor Claflin Hon. John D. Long was nominated by acclamation for governor ; Senator Dwes nominated Byron Weston , of D.ilton , for lieutenant-governor. .Car ried. The other nominations wuro as follows. For secretary of state , Henry 1) ) . Pierce ; treasurer , Danwl A. Glea- eon ; auditor , Chas. H. Ladd ; attor oral Geo. R. Marston ney-fjen , ; presi dential electors , Paul A. Chadbourne , J. M Forbes. GeneralDevens was introduced and waa received with loud cheers. The resolutions , of which the fol lowing is an abstract , declare contin ued allegiance to the republican party by which the nation has been saved and the state ; we hold that the party must be judged by acts. We have earned out the principles which brought the war to a successful close. close.Wo Wo heartily desire cordial friend ship between the states and citizens of the Union. Wo rejoice that the nation has made progress , in mntorial wealth and hope that ! the poll'"l ; ii ! > htof all classes will Le there ir-'intained , but wo declare - clare , so long as colored or other citi zens are deprived of their rights by intimidation < or falsa count , our voice shall be heard in indignant protest. \\ro call on the national government tO takyall the tntney anil means to secure - cure peaceful elections ror national representatives a free ballot and an ho-jcst count. The resumption of specie payment is due to the republican party in spile of ilornocratic opposition. The continued - tinued co'nasjo of e'lver dollars we dc- nounco as likely to drive f.old from the country and ou ht to bo suspend- cd until the relations of the two are established by a uniform agreement of all the mercantile nations of the world. 3.i < iafaction is expressed with the na of the national convention anil civil service reform , which should bb put on a sound bash. The resolutions were adopted. General Joseph 1 { . Hawley , of Con necticut , nude a speech of about half an hour , at the conclusion of which the convention adjourned. VVllY MAINE FLOWED. Special Dispatch to Tfls tire , NK\V YORK , Sopt. 1C , 3 a. m. The Herald priiita an interview with an in timate friend of Elaine's in Phnd , who says ihat the success of lie fu- siontats waj hi part ) dub t < . U Apa thy of leading republicans , wlio were disappointed that Blaiht dm not re ceive the presidential nomination. , , Another reason was thb free use of money in the state by democrats. Ttlden alone contributed § 20,000 to defeat Heed for congress in the First district and the vote for Plaisted gained in consequence. WILL THEY LONOER FUSE ? The question to be settled now is whether the greenbackers and demo- crits will fuse on the electoral ticket. The Solon Chase wine of the green back party will undoubtedly advocate the nomination of a straight out elec toral ticket. KAILWAY KIOT , Chicago Citizens Turn in and Destroy a Railway Ex tension. p'cial Plaiialch to The Bee. CHICAGO , September 1C 1 a. m. By a recent court decision the Wes tern Indiana railroad is granted the right of way into this city to Van Bur- en strcot. Tuesday night the Illinois Central company placed a string of lo comotives on their track at Sixteenth and Clark streets whcra it was cxpect- ed the Western Indiana would under- take to eroes with their track laying doting the night. Trouble was antici pated aud a gu : > ; of police was on hand. The track layers managed to unhitch and icmovo the locomotivej. One of thu engineers , Peter Whalen , beins enraged , t * > rew the throttle open and attempted to run down the eaug of workmen , which he would have dune had not the police aticcoedod in stopping the engine and saving their lives. Whalon was arrested and fined § 100. A JIIPNIOUT ROW. Open hostilities between the Wes tern Indiana railway and the city au - thorities were begun Init evening. 1I 1i The railway people , apprehending in terference on the part of the city in laying its tracks aoroas the streets from Twelfth to Van Buren , it ap > plied to thu court for an injunction re straining such interference by the people , but a counter application for ) writ to restrain the railway lo from proceeding with track laying is mads. The railway obtained a United Staiea wtit but the city did not. Thu railway men then mEguanimously invited the city authorities to attend the track laying and see that it was done right. Superintendent of-stroet t ? Fogarty was on hand last night , but Biid ho did not know whether the work was being properly done or not. He asked that it ba stopped till a more seasonable time , when the city engineer could bo present. The company T pany declined to wiit and went ahead with the work. Thereupon Fogarty | called upon the police and citizens in the vicinity to prevent further work. A scoiio of riot immediately followed. It is not said J.a whether anyone was injured - jured , but the citizens completely overpowered the workmen , piled up the railroad ties and burned them , placed raila iu the fire and bent or broke tliam , All the track that had been hid was torn up and the materi : al , as far as possible , destroyed. Work was completely stopped for the night and the laborers dispersed. What the next rnovo will bo remains to be seen. The railway company will probably sue the city for damages. Pranamgr Campaign Thunder. Special Dispatch to The Bee CHICAGO , September 16 1 a. m Baports are being publifhed that large quantities of camptmn docu ments are sent out from Waab.i < > i > ton under the franks of Congressmen Gee R. Davis , Jay A. Hubbell , Godlove * S. Orth and others affixed by rubber stamp instead of being as required by the franking law. Mr. Davi was in terviewed hero and said that he didn't consider it unlawful to affix his frank with the stamp or to direct anyone to write it for him. Base Ball ; Special Dispatch to The Bee The following games of base ball wore played September 15th : BUFFALO Cleveland * 3 , Buffalos 14. CINCDTN-AXI Oinciawtis3i' < goa 5. FOREIGN EVENTS. Another Gunpowder Plot frustrated in Season , Liverpool Police Arrest Three Suspicious Men With a Large Amount of- Powder. The Dynamite Plot to Blow Up the Edinburgh Express Not a Political Affair , * , England to Have HeV Hands Full in South Africa Again. THE DYNAM1TK Al'FAIK. Special dispatch to The Ike. LC.N'tOtf , September 15 1 p. m. Iu connection with the dynamite at' fair . suspicion points to thrpo or four discharged railway servants , Nobody has yet been arrested. Coercing1 the Tune. ROME , September 15 The Dirilto says that latest note drawn up by thij British ] Cabinet aud now communica ted to the six lowers demands the cession ( of Dulcigno without further delay. Admiral Loymc.n has been invested with full power to take up whatever position ho consider mcsi advantageous for the purposes of the demonstration. , A NIHILISTS CONFESSIONS. ST. PETKU3BUKO , September 15,4 p. m. The revelations of the political prisoner , who committed suicide , ascribe the winter palace explosion tea a man already in custody. ANOTHER NIHILIST PLOT NIPPED. Special Dispatch to Ilio Bee. , September 10,1 a. m. 1'he ' police who were on duty Tues day night at Brkonhead , near the Woodside ferry , w Iiich connects Birkenhead - kenhoad with Liverpool , had their at tention attracted to the auspicious movements of three men , who wore carrying sacks towards the magnificent docka aUrrUundinjf tlie Wootlside ba- nin. The men Ecumecl anxious to ca cape observation , and proceeded fur tively from point to point , keeping as milch aa pcbsibld within tile shadows of the building or vessels. Apprc * hendingsome crooked proceeding , tbe police made a descent iipon and arrest ed the men. They at first attempted I to escape , but seeing themselves aur rounded , surrendered to the officers , An examination of ono of the men. . | who appeared to be the spokesman for the party , gave the name of Fernan dez , and said he was a Spaniard and ofierrd the police a sovereign to be released - leased 1 , saying that the c/icks contained 1t revolvers to be shipped to Spam , and that he and his companions wore en tirely innocent of any intention to commit any crime whatever. Not sat isfied with tbe explanation , the police dotainud thu men ami opened the Backs , which were found to contain six hun- flred weight of gunpowder packed in canisters. The most searching ques- ' tufna failed to elicit from the men any further account of themselves , and they wove held for judicial cxaniina- ation. It is believed by sotnu that tbe mon were the same who undertook to blow up the Ediuburg & London ex press at Buiby on Monday , and that when detected and arrested , they were about carrying out some infernal scheme ! , either to blow up a pirt of the docks at Liverpool or Birkenhcad , | or to arrange an explosive apparatus on i board some outgoing ship , for a reason i which hag not yet tr.itiapired. The affair has created much excite ment , and the authorities will spare no efforts to ferret out the facts. The prisoners were arraigned in the police court and Fernandez continued to stick to his story that the powder was for sale on the Spanish coast. The others said nothing , Furnandtz stating that they were iu his employ and know nothing of the nature of what they carried. Fernandez waa fined 10 and the others discharged. Fur ther developments are expected , Fer nandez's story not being generally credited. FALSK ] POLITICAL ALABSI. Scotland Yard detect ivea now be lieve that the recent attempt to de stroy the train .which wassupposod to have on board the Grand Duke Constantine stantino and Admiral Popoll' , was not instigated by political motives , hut by a uesiro on the pirt of certain desper adoes to plunder the train. MOKE FENIAN AU3IS SEIZED. A number of riiies consigned to a dealer in Loughera , Ireland , have been seized by the polico. PROSPERITY UUIOUTENINO. Scotch iron masters Inve decided io relight one-half of their furnaces nhich were extinguished during the recent strike. SENSIBLE SENTENCE. Henry Perry was yesterday sentenced - tenced to twenty years' imprisonment and thirty 1sties of the cat-'o-nino- tails for an assault and robber7 of od bank messenger in the undrground railway. The judge ordered him to receive the laahes before his imprison ment began , "in order , " as he said , "that coward as you are , you may feel the pain and know what yit means. " SERIOUS SOUTH AFRICAN 1ROUBLES. A dispatch from Capo Town states that the troubles in Basutoland have broken out afresh , and it is not easy to foresee to what tney may extend. The leader of one of the strongest ! tribes , opposed to the policy of yield ing to the government in the matter of disarming the native a , with a strong force attacked a detachment of the mounted rifles at Moefitin ? , recently , but-were repulsed after a sharp skir 1 mish. It is apprehended that a com bination amouglhe "disaffected chiefs will bo formed sufficient to more than hold their own. against all the military now at the command of thn govern ment in that region. Spedal Dfcpatch to The BM. - BERLIN , September 16,1 a. m. Prince Bismarck has taken upon himself the duties of minister ionoi commerce and industry , hitherto held by Herr KarL Hoffmann , who took thu post in July , 1879. This step on .the part Of the chancellor has caused much surprise. LONDON , September 15. Atameet- log of tha representatives of five mil- lion spindles at Oldham yesterday , it waa reeolved lo work on short time bv running four diya weekly for one month. CABLEGRAMS- Special Dispatcrcsto the uc * . ST. PETKusBUHoSopt. 15. llerold the Russian political prisoner haa confessed the names of the leadera in the Nihilist conspiracy , and lias also named ( he perpetrators of the attempt to blow up tha Winter Palace. He afterwards committed suicide. VIENNA , September 15.Sis thou sand Montenegrins are marching on Dulcigno , where they are expected on Saturday. THE HAGUE , September 15. The statue of Spinoza was unveiled hero I yesterday. PAKIS , September 15. It is report ed that \Vaddmgton'lias challeng ed Herr Varnbutlcr to a duel. GEKEVA , September 15. Two dis tinct " shocks of earthquake occurred at in the canton of Vales , in Switzerland , on Friday. MADRID , September 15. The bap tism of tho.princcsa took place yester day in the chapel in the palace. Shu was named Maria Mercedes Isabella. ST. PETERSBURG , September 15. The Marquis Tzng haa failed to pro cure a resumption of the negotiations betwenn Russia and China. COPENHAGEN , September 15. It is reported here that the Car ia serious ly ill. LONDON , September 15. Athens advices state that the minister of war 1 ha-i opened a new credit of 1,800,000 francs fcr war material and the minis ter of marine has ordered ten Krnpp cannons-fir gun-boots. , September 15. The court of appeals has rejected Court Von Ar- nim's request for a suspension of his sentence for alleged treason. THE BRAVES AT BUFORD. Camp Fires Burning Brightly on the Plains at Central City. I The Rank and File of , Grand Army on Dress Parade. | The Militia Gathered in Great | Numbers The Banner and Brass Band Contest. Special Dispatch to The Beet CENTRAL CITY , Neb. , September 15 12 m. Camp Btiford , half a mile from this point , is the centre of great bustle. Two thousand veterans of the Union army and about five hundred f j Nebraska militia , are encamped here | j | as participants in the reunion of Ne braska soldiers and Bailers The cimp presents a picturesque appearance three hundred tetjts covering ground about a half-mile square placed in six lines racking three streets , with the centre forming a rqtiaro tor military evolutions. General \Vagner , com- , . mander-in-chief , of the Grand Array of j * he Republic arrived with . i J , on escort ( I ' from Omaha last niabt Secretary I Alexander , with the Lincoln militia ; company , and Capital Citv band a'so ' arrived last night. Governor Nance will be here to-ni ht. Colonel [ j Wilbur , of Omaha , in the abienco of f j Col. Savage , department commander ( of the grand army in Nebraska , form ally turned the camp over to General Manderson last night. Col Wilbur read an address written by Col Savage , which was responded to in I1 extempore speech by General Min- deraon , who gave some humorous Ini i cidenta of hia army life. The camp fire was opened by Paul Vandervoorf. Songs of the late war and short anec dotes were the chief features of this entertainment. At 9 o'clock this morning the company and regimental drill for the prize bariner drew a very large concourse of spectators from the surrounding country. This afternoon the brass band ? will contest for the § 100 prize. It is almost certain that the Omaha Union Pacific band will carry off the laurels. E. R. Chicago Opium Den Raided. SpccUl Dispatch to The Eee. | CHICAGO , September 10 1 a. ra. The police made a raid yesterday upon a Chinese opium den in the basement of No. 280 Clark street and arrested two women and four men. The place was run us a laundry , and a China man , who hangs out the sign of a Chi nese doctor , runs the opium smoking part of the institution. An unclean crowd of men and women was found , more or less , under the influence of the drug , scattered around in the dark and filthy den on chairs , sofas or on the floor. The police lighted candles and carefully ecirchcd the nooks and corners of the den , arresting several who would otherwise have escaped. Chicago's Show , Special Dispatch to Tha Bee. CHICAGO , September 1C 1 a. m. . The great exposition of the northwest i entered on its second week lost night | J and is now in full bl.ist. In many respects it is better than in former years and the attendance and interest were never bettor. One feature , : he extensive aquirium , wan much marred by some vill.iin putting poison in the fish tanks , causing largo quantities of the finny tribe to die. Their places are bsing supplied by others Bad Tea. SpecUi Difpatch to The Bee. CniCAO.g. September 10,1 a. m. dDr. . R. SliBbl , chumist of the Chi- , cage hean MVpartinent , hasjuit com pleted an analysts of eighteen camples ol tea most ucd in Chicago. He found all more or k-ai adulterated and ida all but two were decidedly objectiona ble. Moro Pedostnauiatn. Special Dispatch to The Bee. flCmuAGn , September 1C , 1 a. m. The second contest for the O'Lsary seventy-five hour heel and tee cham pion belt of the world , br an st nIT'S o'clock last evening , in Havurly's pavilion. The contestants were .John Dobler , Gus 01 mat cad , John Sherry , and John Banks. Tney walked stead ily around the track in the order named , and at midnight had made 20 miles each. ClNCINKATl , O. , September 16 Rev. Richard Gray , who has served the Episcopal church aa city missio nary fqr thjrty year * , died this morn ing , THE LATEST NEWS. A Flood ol Wrath Poured Upon An Editor by the Pugna cious Brother of Jennie. m Gathering of Republican Club Koprcsentatives at Indianapolis dianapolis- Tennessee Vigilantes Make A'way With Six Dark De mons at Midnight. .Revealed Rcquory iu the Manu facture of Butter in the West. A Variety of Items. Gotnam Notes. Special ilUpatch to The Bco YOUK , September 15 , 4 p. m. General JfcClellan haa approved Engineer Merr's plans for the under ground railroad of this city , of which General McClulLm 13 president , and they have been adopted. Superintendent of Police Walling has declined to send for Joe Goss , who has been arrested for prize fight ing in West Virginia. A meeting in the interest of cooperation eration has just been held here , to promote the organization and devel opment of co-opcrativo societies in New York and elsewhere. Several co-operativo societies have boon al ready established in New York and Brooklyn. A public reception will bo given to Thomas Hughes upon his return from Tennessee to this city by many indus trial and benevolent societies of New trY York and vicinity. Bogus Butter. Special dispatch to The Bee. NEW YoRKSeptember 15,12 m. A morning paper says dealers in this city who handle a largo amount of western butter have noticed of late that the fifty pound tubs which gener ally weigh fifty-two pounds each whcu full , now frequently weigh from fitty- six to sixty pounds. This increase of six or eight pounds in the same bulk has : occurred , it was noticed , on west ern packages , but even experienced butter buyer * detected no foreign substance in this heavy weight article. Recently a prominent butter and cheo33 u52ler in this city in a western clit Hp discovered InO fraud firm in Cin cinnati , knowhca the CincinnatlFncing company , engaged in rn'anufrtcturing powdered soap-sone , which finds ready market in supply'n legitimate demands , but now the farmers and butter pickers use it to adultarato butter. A reporter ascertained the names of certain butter packinjffirnw in Cincinnati which use soap-atone in this way. N. R. CConvention. . Special ' D'upatch to The Bee INDIANAPOLIS , September 15 4 pj m. ; The n itional republican club con- vention , at the wigwam , met this morning at 10 o'clock , and was called to order by John 0. Hardesty , presi- dent of the Indiana club" , with Chas. F. Itobin ons secretary , pending the organization. There were present representatives from about twenty states. Nothing in addition to an or ganization will bo accomplished at ] the wigwam to day , but at two o'clock a. mass meeting fill bo held in Circle park , to be addrrssed by Hon Wm. P. Fiero , Hmi. F. Douglass and Gen. Stephen Hurlbut. An Angry Flood. Special Dispatch to The lor. ; SAN FRANCISCO , Stptember 15. J. C. Flood Jr. , son of the bonanza King met the editor of a pictorial sen sational : weekly paper on the street yesterday and gave him a good thrash- iia ? for publishing a highly sensation al account of the alleged breaking off of the match between his sister : Jennie and Ulysses Grant Jr. The paper in question stated that the facts on which the arliclo was based wore furnished by an army oflicer. Young Flood demanded to know the name of this oflicar and the editor re fused to furnish it. Hence the pugi listic punishment. There is no deni al , authoritative or otherwise , of the statement that the match has been terminated , and it is generally accept ed as a fact. Consolidation of the Elevated Roadg Spedal dtenatch to TIIK Bss. NEW YOIIK , September 15 4 p m. The arbitrators appointed by the di rectors of the rival elevated road com panies , to decide upon prices to be al- Iwed each company for its stock , rendered its decision this forenoon , that the amalgamation bo made on the basia of 110 for the New York Elevat ed and 90 for the Metropolitan. White Frost. CIIICAOO 15. White frost is re ported both last , and the night be fore , generally throughout the sec tion of the west , but damage is slight. Corn and most other vegetation be ing out of danger. Six Negroes Lynched. Special Dispatch to The Bee. NASHVILLE , Teun. , September 15. At midnight last night "a mob of one hundred masked men rode swiftly tote to the jail in Springfield , Tcnn. , and battered down the outside door. Jack BellandArch Jamison , the two ne groes who murdered old man Seprad were taken out by the mob , and Joe Kamsey , who shot Bliss Holt , left dead on the floor , riddled with bullets. The mob with the two negroes about two o'clock this morning were joined by another section of the gang that had gone to Sadillersville and captured four others implicated in the same murder , who were under guard await ing preliminary examination with the six negroes. The mob left in the di rection of the scene of the murder , and all were probably hanged by day light. TENNESSEE VIOItANTZS. Spccii Dispatch to The Bee. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , September 16 The mob that rode into Springfield , Tenn. , last night and took from the jail Jack Bell and Arch Jamison , the negro murderers , placed the black brutes on horses and dashed out of iiotown. . They seemed , to have started rnout with the intention of reaching Sadlenville , there to hang Bell and § e- I THE ROCKFORD WATCH Is : ) By EDHOLM & EEICKSON Wholesale and Retail Itlnmifncturiii ! ; Largest Stock of ( 'old autl Silver Watuhci and Jewelry in the City. Come in and See Our Stock as We Will Be Pleased to Show Goods. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , 15th and Dodyc , Opposite Postoflicc. IT IS A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE WHITESEW1NG MACHINE Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor. The White Machine jnstly claims to be the best made , the easiest running , the simplest in construction and tha most perfect Machine in the market. The White Co. employ as agents men of in tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied , because they find everything just as repres ented. Everybody should use this Machine. The sales so far this year are more than double the corresponding time last year. All orders addressed to the Omaha Office , will be promptly filled. JOHN ZEHRUNG , CJoi * . Davenport and 15th Sts. Om.-iliu. Jamison with the other five pri'onera accused ot complicity ID the Seprad murder , but were deterred from their purpose by the resistance given at the jail by Ramsay , who , two months ago , shot Miss Holt because ahedccline-1 to marry him. AVhen the mob entered the jail he waa behind the door nnd it waa almost impossible to obtain ac- cesi to him. Bern ? armed with the leg of a choir he struck at every per son who tried to reach him. Finding that they could not easily break into the cell and thereby get the prisoner a member of the mob threw pieces of burning paper into the cell and aided by the light obtained therefrom fired at the trembling and desperate mmi. Two bullets struck him in the leg severing an artery and rendering him so weak that he soon fell to the floor and was dragged through to the outside - side , where ono or two more shots finished him. Ramsey fought the mob for an hour and a half , but it appears that the approaching daylight warned them that they OJuld not reach Sadlersvillo in time , so they determined to lynch the supposed murderers without fur ther delay , which WAS done. Con trary to the usual custom no shots were fired while the victims were be ing elevates , and after concluding their work , the crowd went quietly homo. Bell and James have widows and families , the families sharing with them an unsavory reputation. There la strong belief that they were guilty of the crime for which they suffered death. Saloon Koepora'Vlctory. Special dlapatch to The Bee. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , September 1C. 1 a. m. The Sunday law cases , which have been before the courts here for six months , and which involved the right of COO or 700 saloons and fonr beer gardens to keep open on Sunday , were decided in favor of the saloon keepers , the point being that the city and not the state governs the matter. ELECTRIC'BRIEFS , Special dispatcher to the Bco NEW YORK , September 1C. The committee of the army and navy club appointed to draft resolutions in mem ory of the gallant services of the late General Torbcrt , have reported to the board of managers. The resolutions i have been adopted and a copy of them transmitted to the family of the de ceased. Members of the club unite in expressing sorrow at Torbert'a death and their recognition of his gal lant and distinguished service in the field aa well as of his ability as a civi 1 officer. 1e CHICAGO , September 16. A largi e excursion will leave Chicago thi a morning via the Grand Trunk for the conclave of the Soveieign Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows at Toronto. ) Tno train will carry over two hundred persons. LOUISVILLE , September 16. Rob ert Dudley was shot and instantly killed last night by Jim Coffee , 3fr. New Albany , Ind. , a cigar maker. They were quarreling over a prosti i3. r.i tute who waa with Coffee at the time. 3.re ST. LODIS , September 16. A fire yesterday afternoon destroyed tha the cooper shop of Henry Spring- zaeyer & Co. , corner of Six teenth and Cnambers streets ; also a small lumberyard , 'hreo frame hous- ea and stable ; three brick honsei ad' joining were bidly damnged. Loss , § 20,000 ; nearly covered by insurance. BuooKLTJf , N. Y. , September 1C. Another Idiotic fellow la now endur ing thusufferFng.- fasting for glory. Hia face is sallow and his eyes glazud , and he hna borne this sort of thing for eight of the taik of forty-two daya that he has set for himself. CONCOKU , N. H. , Sopt. 10. John E. Sanborn , A. W. Sulloway , and George A. Gingham will be nominated for congress by the democrats to-day. It is understood that Stilaon Hutch ing , of the Washington ( D. C. ) Post and Manchester Union could have secured - cured the nomination had ho chosen to run in the First cistrlct , but ho de clined. The republicans of the Second end district have re-nominated Jamea F. Briggs for congress. BEUTIIIBB KSIIAITP. Q. , Sopt. 1C. Tuesday night seven persons at tempted to cross the river in a boar , but when in the middle they began to sink and before help could reach them a woman namt'd Joly , from Montreal , her babe and two little girls , 5 and 8 years old , wore drowned. Two men and Mas. ' sister-ln-lavr Joly'a - - wcro saved. CIIICAOO. September 1C. Thoracts were podtponcd yesterday on account of rain. This will corry them over ono day into next week. COLUMBUS , 0. , September 1C. The state fair netted 810,300 profits , which are added to the fund of the state board of agriculture. Seymour Woaringf Out. Special Dispatch to The Ceo. UTIUA , N. Y. , September 1C 1 B. m. The democrats opened the cam paign last night by a rousing meeting , which waa addressed by Governor Sey mour , Senator Kernan and others. The enthusiasm over Maine was in tense. Horatio Seymour received the customary ovation. It waa no ticeable that ho haa lost much of his old fire , and that ago is telling on him fast. His speech of little leia than an hour completely exhausted him. German Socialist's Visit. Special dispatch to Tbe Beo. NEW YOEK , September 16 1 a. m. E. Haselman , formerly a member of the German parliament , arrived here yesterday. He Is known as one of the moat prominent German social ists and his speeches in parliament have been widely published. The ob ject of hia visit is unknown. It is un derstood he Is here to encourage the socialist movement In tha country. President on the Coast. Special dltpatcb to Ilia Bee. SAN FRANCISCO , September 16 1 a. m. Iho president and party arrived - . rived at Monterey yesterday , passing thronsh San Yose , Gilray and other places on the route where an en thusiastic welcomes were given. They will retaru to tha city Saturday andi will review the school children In tha afternoon and hold a public levee In the evening- They leave for Sacramento , Tuesday , stopping - - ping a day and go thence to Chico , ea route to Oregon , i01J