Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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TuePday Morning , Sept. 14.
Patcraoii etlla coal.
Fine perfumes at Saxe's.
tatc Fair nest week.
Use Lewis' dry bop yeast.
For the teeth , Kuhu'a DentriGcc.
r IJuttcrick's patterns at Cruickshanl- .
Porter 5s running the Omaha ferry.
Imported and Key West cigars ,
Bt Kuhn's.
Seidenbcrg & Co.'a Key West Ci-
ga-s at Saxe'e.
A Mormon camp mreling is in
progress near Council Bluffs.
The Fort Omaha nine dtf jatid
the Union Pacifies Saturday 17 to 15.
Sunday was n quiet day for
Sunday. Almost like a week day , in
Seventy three cars of htock came
in yesterday and sixty cars Sunday
from the west.
The excavation for the scwcr ,
between Ninth and Tenth streets is
nearly completed.
A. H. Gladstone , the catli grocer ,
will close Tuesday at G p. m. on ac
count of Holiday.
The air these mornings ia cold
a-id bracing , and stoves are being
called into requisition.
The democratic primaries will be
hold on Saturday next aud the couuty
c invention on the 25th.
The Popplcton block wai enclosed
above the lirst story Saturday. The
storerooms are being plastered this
The Turners will meet at the
Tivoli at 2 o'clock sharp to-day to
attend the funeral of their late brother
.lacob Fuhrman.
There will be a grand matinee by
the Lssdville Minstrels at the Acade
my to-day at 2 p. m. , also a night
The work on Iho new Trinity
cathedral will begin in a few days ,
and Iho basement will be ready for
occupancy this winter.
Farmers over an the Nebraska
BtJo are taking a lively interest in
the coming state lair at Omaha.
[ 5oux : City Journal.
The editorial excursion party
from Northern Indiana will arrive in
Omaha Wednesday evening in charge
of H. F. Underwood , of Peru , Ind.
The pailcj arrested for violating
iha fire ordinance Vy repairing Fritz
Wirlh's building , will not be tried un
til Gen. Mandcrson returns from Camp
The G A. IL escort to Gen. Wag-
jer , granl commander of the order ,
will meet at 9 o'clock sharpt this
mrniig ) , at Wyinau's store , in
Ureighton blodi.
fr Invitations ! we > out for-4he grand
Fireman's parade lld bs lr , Ttietday ,
.September 21st , tinder the auspices of
the Omaha fire department. The ball
takes at Creiglitou hall.V"
. .
* - * * H *
Wo * are iir Tccoipt of omrof ' lie ;
latest issue of greevbaksbeftTin Jth J
iinatare of Maj * BarL fev'i | eeleryif
Plattsmouth. .lt iff a feeas n tifck t to
the state fa < r , and'is as "handsome as
t ia'valuable.
The opening social of the series
inaugurated by Francis X. Lcmeaux
look place at Brash's hall Saturday.
The attendance w s good and of a eo
lect charACtcr , and wo predict great
popularity for the parties during tte
coming season.
C. J. Karbach has purchased Iho
Grebe blacksmith shop , where ho will
liereafter make his headquarters. His
present shop will bo rebuilt and
another story added , and will bo used
as a store by one of Omaha's young
A now and magnificent switch
baud vas recoiSunved day from the
i iit for the Atlantic & Pacific tile-
R-aph office. It is of the latest and
icoat elaborate style , and is a beauty.
It cost an immense sum for its size ,
and Manager Armstrong justly feds
proud of it.
The excursion to Plattsniouth
Sunday , was owing to unavoidable
c'rcumatances , not so great a success
a- > could have been desired. About
two hundred persons wont down on
tie ! special train and were favored
with Iho finest weSthcr in the world
for their trip.
The ladies of the First Baptist
c'jurch are preparing for a grand Ba-
z r aud Fair during tbc week of the
Slate Fair. They nbo intend furnishing -
ishing suppers during tbo fair week.
The main audience room will be do-
volod lo the Bazar and Fair and the
supper table will bo sot in the large
b.ttement room.
The little band of mit-
sioaarics , bound for Utah and Arizona ,
loft at noon Monday fortho.wcst after
resting in Omaha over Sunday. They
fourteen in number and como from
nesaeo. Ono of the number , Miss
NollioBarclay expects to bo ordered to
Alaska during the winter. Twelve of
them stay in Utah.
The parade of the Leadvillo mic-
ctrels at noon yesterday was a very fine indeed and attracted considerable
attention. The music was excellent
aud the appearance of the boys in
xheirnovel uniform was quite unique.
The two Hocky mountain jacks wore
the objects of general admiration and
the minstrels cHjscthcr mido a de
cided hit. The Acadeti \ will doubt
less bo crowded t > ' .ip 0 witness
their performs- .
\ n the press
everywhere 13 1 i in i
Jjst Opening.
200 Ibs Bergman's zephyrs , all col
ors , to be sold at 10 canta per or.
300 Ibs. Gcrmantown wool.
100 Ibs.
yarns , Fairy yarns ,
Pompadour , Canvass , Patterns , Nee-
else , &c. , &c.
Kurtz's Store , Creighton Block.
Good Shoemakers wanted , at Full ,
riedes ,
i srt
Arrival of Some of the Ex
hibits from Iowa.
Grand Prospects for the Com
ing Sxposition.
5 One week froniMondaythcNobrasla
state fair , to Lo holdeu in Omaha Sep
tember 20ih to 25th , both inclusive ,
will be in. For weeks past prepara
tions have been in progress , the board
of managers and the citkcns' commit
tee both actively pushing the work as
signed to them. That work is now
nearly completed ) and is certainly
such as to give satisfaction to all In
terested in the great expedition , both
in this city and abroad.
As already stated the entries lhu&
far have been largely in excess of
those of previous years , and there ia
every indication that this will be the
largest and most successful exposition
of Nebraska's wealth and resources
ever held within her borders. The
whole week will be filled up with
inteaeating events , and every day
of the fa < r well worth attending.
The interest manifested in the fair
is very gratifying and from all parts
of the state from the border counties
in the south to those on the extreme
north , reports como that everybody
is looking forward to the lime of the
exposition and that the attendance
will bo immense. It is estimated that
from 1OCO to 20,000 persona will
visit thetity during state fair week.
A visit to the grounds yesterday
revealed their excellent location , con
venience and adaptability for the pur
pose for which they are now to be
utilize ! . The drive out cither by
Sixteenth or Eighteenth street is one
of the pleasantest in tbo vicinity.
There is but ono improvement in this
respect to be suggested. Six
teenth street , while well grad
ed and in general a good
drive iz full of chuck holes , which a
few days' work on the part of the city
force would remove. It is to bo
hoped that the city council will order
this work done , as there will be a great
deal of fast driving done on this route
particularly , and it cannot but result
in aicidcnts if the road is left in ita
present condition.
The grounds of the Driving park
have been enlarged to forty acres , and
arc surrounded by a new , tight board
fence , nine or ten feet high , the main
entrance being through a broad gate
way on the east side , over which is an
arch bearing the sign ,
The race track within hae been en
tirely reconstructed , it has been
widened to sixty-five feet , aud lias
been laid out and graded on scientific
princioles. It is in excellent condi
tion , having been improved by fre
quent picking with a heavy iron rol
ler. A substantial picket fence runs
round the outside of the track- , while
a guard rail follows Iho inside clear
The buildings " are all large , BU ,
staniial , "and of fine apjjoarancS. They
include Fine ArC hauYttie amphithea
tre , the officers' quarters , Agricultural
hall , Pom r hall , two speed stable- ,
dining hallr .pens for. all- kindsof
stock , with numerous " ? ea8 imp'ortA
-tfaWfi V lb i ? * PPrt > * & 4 * * * rcompany'fi.S.S..Mv
xrurmg fair , weekt tand'
ous buililrigBTwitlun , iho iriclnsU'fo. I
In addition to the facilities for
reaching Ihejjrounds from the city by
niCdUs cf vcJiiclas , private at d for
litre , the Union Pacific railway will
run trains atehort interval" , carrying
passengers at .the cost of twenty fms
cents for the "round trip. They have
made arrangements to run over the
track of the 0. & 3 $ . N. and have run
a side track from the main line to
within twenty rods of the main en
trance. Notwithstanding every facility
at hand for transportation , it is esti
mated tint at least two thousand
of the daily attendance are yet un
provided for , unless they choose to
walk. To obviate
trouble in this re
spect it is proposed to pass an ordin
ance allowing teams from the country
or from adjoining cities to 'come in
and run during tbo week , either free
of charge or at a nominal price.
Telephones and telegraph lines will
furnish ample facilities for sending
messages to and fro between the park
and city.
During state fair week there will fc
be ample means of amusement fur
nished the visitors. The Gulick-
Blatsdell guaranteed attractions will
give an entertainment every night du
ring the week at the Academy of Mu-
tic. Their paper is being posted to
On Tuesday the annual parade of
ti o Omaha fire department will take
place , with a grand ball at Croighton
hall in the evening. Numerous other
attractions are offered which will bo
duly noticed.
This week will be an active one in
preparations as stock and other ex
hibits are already coming in. The
first to arrive to-day was two carloads
of sheep and hops , from Taylor Bros. ,
Iowa. President Dunham , who re
turned from Des Moines Saturday ,
says that most of the race horses
which attended the Iowa state fair will
arrive here the last of this week.
The Sutton militia company will
como in Saturday in full uniform.
The band of the Ninth infantry has
been cnjragcd to furnish the music ,
and it will bo par excellence.
Sheriff Martin , of Adams county-
who is assistant general superintend ,
ont of the fair ground" , is in the city ,
aud has entered upon the discharge
of his duties.
Special trains , with reduced rates of
fare , will be put on by all roads en
tering the city.
The prospects are that the fafr will
eclipse ilio meet sanguine expecta
tions not only of the managers them
selves , but of everyone throughout
the atato.
Everything lias 'been arranged to
make the coming slate fair which is
to bo held in Omaha a success. No
doubt the exhibitions made this tea-
son will eclipse everything of the past
and if all the arrangements so far
made ara carried out visitors will de
cide that Omaha is the proper place for
Nebraska to make her annual exhi
bition. Visitors to the state fair will
alao find in pur city other places of
interest which should bo visited in
order to fully appreciate our city.
We have one manufacturing estab
lishment , the smelting works , lead
work * , etc. , and some of our leading
stores would impress them favoably as
The jewelry ttore of Edholm &
Enckson opposite the postoffico is
une of the leading attractions of our
= ity. By calling here yon will be
shown a temple of practical Adorn
ments. Gold and silver , watches ,
precious stones and jewelry arranged
to please the eye and will be sure to
arouse all the covetous feeling in
your nature. We are informed that
during fair week they will make an
nu ually large display at their store
and do everything in their power to
give visitors ; ! favorable impression of
Omaha. They manufacture jewelry
from Black Hills gold , and people wLo
have never seen this pTecioua metal
in its natural state will bo delighted.
Another of the leading establish
ments of our city is the great dry
goods house of A. Cruickshank & do. , -
corner of 15th and Douglas s'raets. '
Hero are displayed the finest eilks ,
laces , and fancy coeds in the west.
They cwry a maiumolh stotk of gen-
* ral dry ' < ! s , but wo understand
tint diui gfi'rscok they will "put
on their ptett . " 1 > y making ft dis1
play of thofiticSt goods manufactured.
As they have the goods and undcr-
Btrnd how to show thpni , the visitors
will bo well rGpaid lor a half hour
spent in tlrs grand emporium.
Omaha pridea herself on having the
finest dry goods house in the west ,
aild no one should fail to visit it.
Next to this wo mention the clOth-
Sngjhoiise bf M. Bellman & Co. , corner
lash * andFaraliam. ( When visi ing
here , von will wonder what they in
tend doing with all the goods they
have stacked oh the counters of their
great store. Enough j-ou would think
to clothe every maii and boy in the
Uni'ed States , but when you leain
that goods arc sold at wholesale
and i'etail , and that not
only Nebraska receives her supply
here , but that Iowa , Kansas , and all
the territories west , are supplied
from tuu great depot , then will you
realize that Omaha is a great com
mercial city , and tha ; Messrs Hell-
man A : Co. , must be a good place to
buy goods.
Strangers visit Kuriz's Store.
J. N. H. Patrick has gene east.
Gen. J. M. Thayer went wostMon-
D. Y. Barkalow wont west Sun
Lieut. Governor Cams and wife are
at the Withncll.
S. n. Kennedy , the medicine man
has gone west on business.
Mrs. E M. Bartlctt returned from
Lincoln yesterday.
J. M. Thurston returned from the
SDUth yesterday morning.
Hon. Weorge W. Daano left for the
west rt noon yoate'diy.
Mr' . Gon. J. C. McBride and two
children came up from Lincoln at noon
John Powers and wife , of Fort
Larann'e , are registered at the Can-
field house.
A. G. Uiggiuson lift yesterday for
Camp Buford to repjrt the reunion for
The Ilerald.
Judge Donohm , of the Erie rail
way , went \\est Sunday in his spe
cial car.
Mrs. Win. Phillips , wife of the U ,
P. conductor was a weal bhuitd pas
senger yesterday.
Co' , McAllister , of Gen. McDow
ell's staff , dppftrtment of the Pacific
coast j went \uat yesterday.
W. T. Crocker , of San Francisco ,
went- ' east Sunday in a special car
of n'he Central Pacific.
' JMr.ySimuef * Sa lt1 , * ' editor of The
"Reguliklor , ConW/J. "Y ? called at
W J-rS „ - - SST ? TT5 "TR '
lns bf
Helton , lit tunday
for i3eorg3toA-n College. -
John C. Strah ( < rn , brother of Robt.
E Slrahnrn , was'in { lie city yesterday
on his wayweoj ,
Gin. Manderaun left for C.impBti-
ford this noon to toke command. Ho
was accompanied by his chief of staff ,
Gen. C. H. Frederick.
Mrs. Burke , the wife of Conductor
Burke of this city , won the ten milo
race at the Iowa state fair at DCS
Moines , on Friday afternoon.
Miss Minnie Maul left yesterday
for Chicago , where she will attend
school during the coming winter.
Mrs. W. H. Sjxo arrived in this 1
city Saturday evening fiom Boston to
join her husband , Mr. W. H. Saxe ,
ol the B. & M. headquarters.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Strahorn
have returned from the Rockies and
the latter has gene to Chicago on a
Miss Teresa Kennedy returned
Saturday afternoon from a three-
WCCK sojourn in Denver and the sum
mer resorts of Colorado , greatly in
vigoratcd by the mountain zephyrs.
Mr. Fred McMinn , of Oneonta ,
New York , cousin of Mr. S. F. Don
nelly , has arrived in the city to make
it his home , and has entered the store
of Mr. S. P. Morse.
Messrs. T. J. Webster , of The Laad
City Enterprise , Robert Francis , of
Terrevillc , and Joseph F. Watson and
James lloseburg , of Dcadwood , with
Sheriff Morrison , wore in the oily last
evening and left for Sioux Falls , to
attend the Dakota democratic conven
Count and Countess Talaferi , of
Italy , arrived Saturday evening from
San Francisco over the Union Pacific ,
occupying a epecial Central Pacific car.
Col. Hungerford , father of the coun
tess , accompanied the party. Talaferl
is an Italian count , and his wife is a
sister-in-law of J. W. Mackoy , the
bonanza king.
Newly fiunished , everything the
best , Astor House , New York.
' -Notional Reform "
The friends of "national reform"
have succeeded in securing the ser
vices of Rav. R. B. Cannon , D. D. ,
of Cameron , Mo. , for a lecture on
this subject , which ia now becoming
mere popular all over the country.
The lecture will be delivered on Tues
day evening , at the United Presby
terian church , and as the doctor is an
interesting aud forcible reasoner he
will have a good audience. A cordial
invitation is extended to every one.
The finest oysters at Joe fc Sam's.
11 6t
Hamburg Figs 25c a box.
Missus. A casoot constipation by
Qaing Hamburc Figs.
Why dose .ourselves with nauseat
ing medicines , when a purely fruit
SBthartic will cure you. at once Ham
burg Figs. Try them.
Clark Woodman's HoUsa At
tacked by the Flames.
About 1:20 o'clock yesterday an
alarm of fire was sounded from box
17. T O hooks and engines Ncs. 1
and 3 responded promptlyunder com
mand of Acting Chief Meslio. The
fire was found to be at the residence
of Mr. dlark Woodman , dn Cuminps ,
between 18th and 19bh streets. It
originated from the kitchen chimney ,
the roof being in fl lines and ] U3t getting
under good hoidway when the depart *
ment arrived. The neighbors were all
On hands and at work then , and a hole
having been cut in the roof the flames
were Soon extinguished. The bucket
brigade did good service. The engines
got water on quickly , and but little
dnmago WAS done , perhaps § 200
in all. Tile hotuo was fully insuredi
It was fortunate that the fire was dis
covered iti time ds otherwise Mr ;
Woodman's magnificent collection of
flowers and plants must have suffered
tt pays to trade ! U Iturte'ri. '
Police Coxirt.
James Ferguson , tile lighlh'ng
calculator , was unfortunate enough
Saturday night to break ono of the
windows of Hank Hornberger'a saloon.
He was arrested b'utoi payment of
damages the complaint was with
drawn ,
Three drunks were on hand from
Sunday's round up , some also being
guilty of disturbing the peace of the
city , One paid § 2 and costs' ' , the
other two § 3 and costs.
A representative of the Loadville
Minstrels was fined § 7 80 for scattering
dodgers on the streets.
The three men involved in Iho rott
at Curry's barber shop Friday night ,
paid $3 and costs each this morning.
Headquarters lor Joe Schlitz's
Milwaukee beer at MEKCUAXTS * Ex-
N. E. Cor. iGth and Dodge.
During the fall and winter season
the hdics wis'-inp fashionable dress
making done can fiutl in > at 317 Fif
teenth ftroc-t , between Davenport and
Chicago T K V as heretofore employ
only skill.d help , ami will maintain
my reputation for lir t class work.
ll-jJt MUP M. C. Cox.
Farnham Street ,
Four Thousand Five Hundred Dalian , '
Worth of
Purchased Of the wbll-kriowh cloth
house of
John B. Allison & Co. ,
And now offered at prices far below
the first cost of
S , P. MOBSE & Cp. call the atten
tion of gentlemen to the fact that by
buying their goods nt thin sale , and
having their tailors make them Up in
any desired style , a positive saving of
from 15 to S3 per cent caitbinade.
S. P. MOUSE & < ' Co ,
i < * " Farnham street.
ia ii i . - p a 'J.,1. . < * -
I&ne -Jaomlkcrclnofaj Coat-
Buttons-InaCfKrlage at
A. deairablu d'vi iFjfi
Hckory strjo'e. Inqtiiro '
Attention Co. G.
Thia command will assemble at the
Armory Tuesday morning at 7:30 :
o'clock , sharp , to leave for the Gen
tral City encampment.
GEO. H. CKAGEU , Captain.
The Genuine "Vv'ashburne Superk
tivo" brand of Minnesota Flour and
"Plants" Extra two of the best of
their kind sold.
Death Record.
Mary 0. Hazard , wife of John Haz
ard , died September lltb , aged 42
years. Funeral took place Sunday
from residence near Florence lake.
Jacob Fuhrman died September 11 ,
11 p. m. , aied ; 18 years. The funeral
will take place at 3 p. m. Tuesday , un
der the auspices of the Turner society ,
of which the deceased was a member.
Friends are Invited.
[ Cheyenne and Lancaster , Pa. , pa
pers , please copy. ]
Sarah Ann Humphrey diedSeptem-
ber llth , 4 p. m. , aged 57 years , 10
months , 25 days.
[ Pittaburg , Pa. , papers , please
copy. ]
Always Oysters till midnight , at
Tizard's Oyster Palace , eeptS-Gt
and American Mineral Watar , Hun-
padi , Janos , Hathorn , Friodrlchshall
Bitter Water , Vichy , Congress and
Empire. For sale by Ish & McMahon ,
1321 Farnham street. a30 lin
A good milch cow , cheap. Also a
full line of household goods.
Inquire JOHN STEEL ,
s3-2t Fifth and Hickory Sts.
Pure Cider Vinegar jiroved , by ( he
cxixrienccs of Imhe years , to keep
pickles perfectly.
Information Wanted.
Will the gentleman who published
an article in The Herald of Septem
ber Sth , denouncing , condemning and
censuring the republican press , for not
publishing the proceedings of
the state convention , give his
name. This convention
posed of men who cao speak for them.-
selves and your remarks
were not
called for.
If the secretaries can't speak for
themselves , then will
we call on you ,
Wo hope you , -will be willing to give
the republican press due credit for her
generous effects for our success , and
remember that this convention was
condutced ftio well
to admitjof any
criticism , We are waiting for your
name. BBJ J , FUITOJT. ,
Commissioners' Proceedings.
SATURDAY , September 11.
Board mot pursuant to ifBjourn-
Present Commissioners Knight
and Dresel.
The following accounts were allowed
from tha
E. A. Rischel , work on road S 3 0 < J
Michael Duffy , balance on East
aVenuegrade 71 72
Geo. H. Quy , feheHff boarding flnd
J. . osmi , ooous orpo
Tootle , Maul &to. . goods for jtoor 12
Henry PunJt , " " 2 ? 0
T. W. Allendorf , witness fee 2 OJ
Omaha Publishing Co. , advertising 19 75
J , M. Wolf , directory 2 50
GeoA. . Hoagland , lumber 186 82
B. H. Pickard , work on road 1ft 70
Grdemvood&Schroeder , hammocks
forjail. . ! n 4 00
Mrs. E. Thompson , care of pauper 5 00
Aup : Randow. brooms 315
Dan. Burr , foUrfopre 32 80
J. C. Orlon.haulinff : 2 CQ
Paul Nelson , ice and water 6 76
J. E. Manchester , cash expended. 3 30
J. U. Qridley , appraiser 6 00
Ja ? . Archibald , " 300
Peter Itilef , ' 300
The clerk was directed to atltcrtiSe
for proposals for furnishing coal for
the c"hsuing year , Until Saturday- Sep
tember 18,1880 , 3 p. m.
The request of J. Flood for a recon
sideration of the netition asking that
he be granted a liquor license , was
Considered by the board , and on tro-
tion it was ordered that mid reconsid
eration i
The board cidorefl that an election
proclamation on court house oondis bo
issued , aud that the same be published
for four weeks in the Omaha BEE ,
Omaha republican , Omaha Herald
and Oiiiahn Post ,
The proclamaiion will be found else
where in to-day's paper.
Adjourned to inst.
County Clerk.
Do your shopping at liurti's.
Result of Ferry Fighting.
Hereafter , until further orders
there will bo made n special run of the
tF. P. ferry cars between Council
B'uiVa and Omaha at 7)3"0 ) d. m. and
4:20 : p. m. , in addition to the regular
runs , which are hourly between the
hours mentioned. These runs w 11
I > G made daily , except Sunday. The
lime" given ia the hours at which the
cars will leivo this side and is city
time. [ C 15. Nonpareil.
itr -
For an olegaat breakfast , dinner Or
supper , go to Joe & Sam's. 11-Gt
Fur reliability and confidence in
whac\ repairing you have done to
your watohea , etc. , oil ! on Messrs.
\VliLpleMcMiilan A Co. , 1422Doog-
las stroct , the old reliable and respon
sible Jewelers. ll-2t
S'.ovcs , Stoics , Stoves.
Don't forgot tke Base Burner Heat
ing SttiveS , the Invincible and the
Argand , which are conceded the best
in market. For sale only by
R. Trossin ,
llll Douglas , bet. llth and 12th.
seplO 3t
Board of Trade Meeting.
The regular monthly meeting of the
board takes place this evening ; Sept. '
13th , at 8 o'clock. Important business
relating to the final arrangements for
.the state fair ; thesappointment of
deleg'ateSj-to the 'Missouri- river im
provement cinvenfion , . aE1 ] Kaiisa ?
Hiiy , aiiil lo the , iiaVinfyil 'cbnvoiiliou
-relatingto thoOcgan'Oomnierce of the
'JJujJed Slates at ' BoatSn togefcharVilh"
pthormajiers 6'flocM mterest will como
beforb thebotirdJt.ktiop-ed'ihaU fulj
attendance of members wilt bo Find at
this meeting.
JAMES K. I'oVD , P.eeidtmt.
W. C. B. ALLEN , Sec'y.
The meaMijg > f fho board of direc
tors will be held brfora thp general
b ird convtn s , at 7 , o'clock , fqr the
transaction of business.
Stoves , Stoves , Stoves.
Ranges , Cooking Stoves of all sizes ,
from $11.00 and upwards , with a set
of furniture. Stoves are guaranteed
to give satisfaction. For sale by
R. Trossin ,
1111 Douglas , bet. llth and 12th.
Buy your flour , feed , baled hay ,
&c. , from Wolshans & Broa. , City
Mills , Eighth and Farnham streets.
Gooods delivered free. sept 11-21
A New Stage Line.
A s'age ' line will begin running be
tween Omaha and Council Bluffs
within a few days in connection with
the steam ferry. The terminal points ,
wo understand , will be at the Metro
politan in Omaha and Pacific hotel )
Council Bluffs. Further particulars
will appear just as soon as the line is
opened for travel.
New goods at Kurtz's.
A meeting of the Refreshment com
mittee will be held at the church on
to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock , and
a meeting of all of the committee will
be held at Dr. Wood's residence , on
Thursday evening of this week.
By order of the committee.
_ _ Secretary.
jlurphy & Lovett.lns , Agency ; old
established agency in this state.
The largest billiard hall west of the
Missouri is the Grand Central , in this
city , M. J. McKelligon proprietor ,
which is fitted out with five of the
finest Monarch tables made by thia
company. Hero Slossen , the great
carom player , who baa recently re
turned from Paris , will give exhibi
tions of his skill about the 1st of
Fine RicRaok and Feather edge
Braid , at Kurtz's Store ,
_ Creighton Block.
Army Orders.
The following are the latest Special
Orders issued from Headquarters De
partment of the Platte , Fort Omaha ,
( Neb. ) September llth , 1880 :
Upon the recommendation of the
medical director of the department ,
Hospital Steward H. H. Von Falken-
slein , U. S. A , now at thisplace , will
proceed , without delay , to Fort Fred.
Steele , W. T. , and report to the com
manding officer of that port for euty.
The quartermaster's department
will furnish the necessary transporta
tion and the subsistence department
commutation of rations for the jour-
- -
ney , it being impracticable to carry
subsistence in kind.
By authority from the adjutant
general's office , dated September G ,
1880 , a furlough for three months ,
wi'h permission to go to Canadt , 'o
take effect after re-enlistment , is
granted Saddler Charles H. Linden-
berger , company M , 3d cavalry.
To Let For Sain1
Lost , Found , Wants , BosMlus & : . , will bo Inserted -
sorted In these columns once for TEN OKNTS
pet ltn ; each gtibe qusntinicrtlonFIVE ( CEST8
per lino. T rt Cirt ! r < ? rtlon noror loss than
OUST ' TO LOAN Csil ci tar Office
M' D. L. THOMAS. RoomS.Crclghton Block
'OKKY TO LOAN 1109 FarnhMn street.
M1 Dr. EdTardfl Loan Agency , noT-22-U
'ftfj * 1rJ3 at the Fucitfc IIouS ? .
_ _ _
WANTED For ecrc-nl hotfcirtofk ,
alUL o H3taufant , 13th and J.ickSon
Sta. 473-15
' 1 hrcc ttni crs and one boy about
WAM'ED 17 jeara old to le ru the trade. In-
qui : Cornice florks , Utb , ne..r Davenport it.
- cake bahcr at the Vienna
Biker * or Europcm Kesla irant. 166-16
- i1 Kfrlfn a small family ; C r.
man or T'ane jnicrjd. at Ciis bt , be
tween Ibth aid 19tlr. 475-14
"ITTANTED DinfoL' rCPin alttlB. Applf at
VY this ollicc. 105-16
- . for HttJicn woik. S. E. cor-
Her ISthanilDoihc.or 1317 F.mibsm.
LKTE"-G5rl to At general hoU-enork.
Apply at Hi" . A , Si Ftndeij-'s , laji St.
- ard wife. T.
AtfTED Coed girl f-r ecjcralhmigcaork
W MRS JOHN J. KED1CK. 402-14
\\r ANTEr , A OliJ ( o do ic-re work , 1109
W Farnham Street , no Slulfr _ . . . W-tf
"Vt ? AKTED Situation at e neril housework ,
> V b compMs'-it girl can furnijh rffer-
cnccs AtldrcEB U. E. B. , F 5 0 cs. 452-lS
ccntlcmen for il
location rHaajn ! and cuiuenient. Apply -
ply C03 South Qtli St. _ _ 459-1S
TOH RENT A furniahed. south font roonr
suitable fjr two sentlemen. Apply 1012
- 3 drors west of City Hall , m-13
"T710R KENT Nicely famished front room ,
E fort o8inslo ; gentlemen , 285 Daicurort
St. , ncir Ifitli. 401-17
FOR HENT Large mid elegantly furnished
room , ulth ornltlmut board , In pmatc
family , t j trcnt nn 1 w Is or tnogcitlcineneuht ;
trlntltcs' unln from I'OBtolfiec , moat desirable
location In tlie city. Address Lotk Drawer 15.
FUHSI IIEn Ioo'ii3 ! with or without board ,
at Furopcan Kcstauratit. Sfll-tt
F viiielyfnnishcd rooms nt 1319
ftncnpoft stfect. tci 13h amt ! lth St.
T70R RENT Strro room In brick bloslcorner
I1 10th and Delinks Stg. , with or WHlrrrt eel-
lar. Apply to American House. 2SHf !
EOURrNT A flncljfurnished front room.
EnqalrentlfilC Dodge et. 83tf
FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms over Mer-
charts Exchange , N. BCor. . 16th and
Dodge" etrcetg. 28a-tt
rortllonse. . . fv9tf
/"X R ASS SOJacres for silc , to cut on shares
VJT pay f > r putting up , on Misnuri bottom .op
posite Florence Inquire or address JFOLSOif. .
CouncilJSluflc , loiva. 410-13
FOR SALE I IniTs'nr gile , cheap , eevert
residcn a , aU3 a few ricgirablc vacant lots.
ANDREW li&YINS , Atfy , S. E. cor. 15th and
Douglai ts. 432-tf
T71 H SALE Cotton wood lumber of all § Iic3at
' . 516-t
. Slxteenth-st. -
QTRAYED A lay horse , had on saddle an-f
O part of brldlo A liberal reward will be
paid forhi' ' reltirn to 392 Wsbster St. , bet. 16th
and 17th- _ . 453-tf
TOST A prey Btrstf hat nita fsificr tilm-
IJ minsrs. Fiu.Icrnni Tildisa leave at Mr .
EetabrooK's , Chicago S reet , 460-13
TpSTRA.YKD 5 months old.broun split-nosed
, seller. Finder will bo-rcitarded by Otto
SObf , 11M Sl. m n Ava / , „ ; , , * " 4MT-10
Lo t JJne.ncit ml Wliite milch oqw ; 4 jears
bid ; hl Dsen away since Sept 8.- Kinder
will pleaw > lea\einforuntItmit"hMah'on 3 Bros. ,
corner le.i\cilwort and 13th StR. ' 4CO-1B
I r * $ i/ *
i , Cbrtain , Sure and Speedy.
The only artlcleknownthatWill
esacffcafelhis disease
flermcrne/it/yfrom\hQ \ system *
General Agents ,
Absolutely Pure ,
Mads from Grape Cream TarUr. No othe
preparation makes auch light , Ozky hot breids ,
or lurcrious pastry. Can bs esten by dypeptlcs
witLont fear of the ilia resulting from heavy in-
8od ) only In cans , by all Groccn.
_ BOIAL BAJSDSO jPovriR CO. , K w Toik
S. P. MORSE & 00.
OX" I1
Is Now Fully Inaugurated.
By order of the District Judge the Assignee has sold to us this'Gigantic stock contain
ing the choicest and most staple products of the -world's Factories. Cur duty
is a simple one to sell ths goods.
The fame of this sale has extended far and wide , but it will be gratifying to * frpublicc
to know the following facts ;
FIRST : The stock cost in New York over $43,000.
SECOND : We bought it for cash and obtained a discount of over
THIRD : We have marked everything , regardless of original cost , in
plain figures.
FOURTH : The stock is very choice in selection , Mr. Stephens being
well known as an excellent buyer.
FIFTH : The stock is absolutely free from old goods and bad styles
Messrs. Stephens & Wilcox having made it a semi-annual' '
custom to send to Iowa any accumulation of undesirable ;
goods to be sold for what they would bring.
SIXTH : The goods have been marked at prices that will sell them , it
being our desire to close everything quickly. While we
know this sale will ATTRACT THE EIOH , ever on the alert
to save a dollar , we wish it to be distinctly understood that
this is a sale for the people , and the
are alike welcome at our counters. We intend making our
On Court House Bonds.
At a set lion of the BCard of CoHMif Comm's-
sloncrs ot the Cuttaty of Doughs , in IhestUe
et-tfebrasfc * . ho'den on the llth day of Scptexa-
IAJI , A.l > , 1 ° 6O , It w t-r r ; < l.lo-ij. . .
Hesohed , I' follonlng quests J > p tta
the same ihe cby ttfbrnitted a a proposition '
To the"qu llfled electors of thfl County o/'Dbug-
far Jf sbraska , toit :
JtXotb e'cctors if the County 01 Donglaa in
th- State ol Nehra ka :
Ttto Boar Jot Coui-ty Commi = soneri' ! _ of eaid
ctfuntf hereby submit the following propbsilfon :
ShaUthS C uaty of Douglas , Sti'eof Nehrasis ,
by ta County tJonlmlssloncjs issue rtg coupon
bondsjn the amOant tff ot-e hundred and twea-
ty.n e thousand dollars for Iho purpoew Of ad-
lap In the construction , ereotiwi and completion
end the construction , erection hd cozopretion
of a cutirc house building in iha city cf OiusaAt
County of l/oii Uf , in the. State of Kebiajki ,
for counly purpcses aia all the ptrrpoics for
which eucb couit house toy bo legally ncd and
appropriate the money raised th.reby for aid
in such construction , or for such Coi trneti n
and completion of eaid building1 , All IhJ sc t >
and expense of said buildlni ; not t t.\cecil IK ?
sum of ne hundred and ffty thoiHtnddoilirc' ,
Slid bonds to be one thousand dollar ? cnih an >
dated January let , 18S1 , payable at W . .nice of
the coua'y reconl-r of sild county , and to run
twenty \earg , with lolcrest at a rate not ex'cut
, per annum , payable s < .m.-
The eaid hoods shall not be sold less than par
In addition lo the levjl for ordlnaiy tares there
shall be levied and collected a tax annually 13
proYlded by law , for the payment of the interest
0:1 said bonds as it betomea due , and an addi
tional amount shall be levied and collected is
provided br law , sufficient ts pay the principal
of such bonds at maturity , and provided that
nt of the principal
not more than fifteen porc ,
of said bonds shall be levisd In * o/ ° ne J ear , and
provided always that in no eteiit sh J Donds ho
amount tbsn tea -
hiued to a greater JW
the assessed > Ttluatioo of all the taxablfl prv.M.r :
ty hi said county. Interest shall be paid on sai .
bonds onlv from and after the due of the sale
of gall bonds or acy part thereof and the receipt
of the money therefor.
The said bonds shiUI be redetnublo at the op
tion of the Board of Cour.ty Commigsfoncis of
< Id county at the expiration of ten jci > rs from
the date ot said bond * .
Work on saiJ court house shall be commenced
imra dUtely after the adcp'ion of said pn ps
tion , if adoptel , and sId bulldhi ? to bo com.
pie ted on or before January 1 , 1882.
No leVy ihall be made to pay any part of the
principal of B Id bond a un'il ' after the expiration
of ten years from the date of said bonds.
Too form la which the above proposition
shall be submitted shall be by ballot , upon
which ballot Ihall bo printed or written or part
ly printed or wrltted the words : "For Court
House Bond ? , " or "Against Court House
Ponds , " and all ballots cast having thereon the
words "For Court House Bond8"eh.ill bo Heem-
eu aud taken to be in faor of tald proposition ,
and all billets cast having tbercon the
words " .Agahrt Court House Bonds' shall be
accrued and tal.en let bo acainit said proposi
tion , and If two-thhda of the roiei vast At the
election hereinafter provided In this behalf fce
in favcr cf the above proposition , it shall be
deemed and taken to be carried.
The s&id proposition shall be voted upon at
the general election to bo held In the County
cl Douglas , St io of Nebraska , on the 2d day of
November , A. D. ItSO , at the following named
places :
Omaha Precinct No. one ( ! } Turner Ha'l.
Omaha Precinct No. two (2) ( ) No. 3 engine
house , Sixteenth St.
On aba Precinct No. three (3) ( ) Carpentershop ,
10th St. , 2 doc H south of englnehomelotNo. 2.
Omaha Precinct Mo. four (4J ( Sheriffs office ,
court house.
Omaha Precinct No. five (5) ( ) Ed. Leeder * !
house , southeast correr 12th and Chicago Su.
Omaha Precinct No. gii (6) ( ) No. 1 enginehouio ,
20tn and Izird etrpotc.
Saratog * Trecinct School house , near Crun-
Florence Precinct Florence UotoL
Union Preriiict Inlngton school house.
Jefferson Precinct School house in District
No. 41.
Elkhom Precinct Elkborn school house.
Piatte Valley Precinct School house at
Chicago Freciot School homo at Elkhorn
Millard Precinct Millard school house.
McCardle Precinct McCardle school house ,
Dougla Precinct House cf J. C. Wilcox.
West Omaha Precinct School hocso in Dis
trict No.J40.
And which election will be opened at 8 o'clock
In the morning and will continue open until 6
o'clock in the afternoon of the earn ) day.
( Seal ) B. p. KSIOHT.
County Commissioners ,
Connty Clerk.
JL > posaig will be received by the undersigned
uatll Saturday. September 18 , 1880 , at 3 o'clock
p.m , for turmshiug such amount of bard and
8 < at c'al aa may be requited for usejn the coun
ty courts , offices , Jill and roor house , and for
supplying county poor for the ensuing year.
Th right Is reserved to reject any or all bd ! .
By order of theBoird ef tommirsiontrs.
OR STOLEN One blick horte ,
STRAYED U B. on left ehoulder , 2 hind
whtslezs , hid h&lteron , lost on Sept. 9th.
JOiCPH BMITH , ccrner 10th and Pierce Sit67lg
T pST A sorrel mare , white face and little
JJ.whJte on Bids , had harness on. J. 5. HILL.
v 74-t |
Having Taken the Above for Our Motto , Weare
' Determined to Offer
, Qur Entire Summer Stock
K ' Regardless of Cost.
In Order to Make Roora for Our Fall and Winter Goods.
Wfe WfflttdJfc Be Undersold.
Thesilcaof thu'-hramt' pf Oy8l < r h- io " t-irl"ea'l others. Yea get more Oytteri IK
. .
WEIdHT AND ilEAbUKK in cans ol IhiJ D"- " " ' tli n n an3 lh-r D. B. BKEMER.
sepldlm Oc&eral western Agent , Omaha.
Furnishing tioods , Shelf Uarduare ,
Nails and Etc.
1221 Farnham breet , 1st Door East First National Bank.
Cigars from § 15.00 per 1000 upwards
Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards.
Send for Price List.
" * ' MAX MEIER & CO. , Omaha , Neb.
Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and a full line of
m-f \
Having just opened an entirely new line of
We would ask the Merchants of Nebraska to inspect onr Stock ,
feeling confident we can meet the wants of all in good Goods and
Low Prices
14th and Dodge St *