DAILY BEE E. UOSBvVATEB : EDITOR TO COERS6POKDENTS. Ocs COUMEV FE-E.WS wo v-ill tltt'sys l a alcascd hc-r trcai , on al ) ircUcra conccotjl irith iota' , ccuctiT ri"'luc ! . SIM OB atiy gubiect 'cateTr. f irnisra ] interests lo tbe peop'e ' ol cur slat * . AEJ mfaimallon connected f-ith U eclRtiac , crd rel thlg to floods , K : d ut * , rffl ie gad ! r rra.lt f J. All each wmmunltu- tic. B bcwtver , msit I * s ° r-rM l-otslb't ; it > d ttty U6t In all ease ! r * wn n on oa Cde oft1ti : ) t enl . fall.aust iucsch acd of ' commonicaticn accompany cuj' r turcsocv.rTbta 1 cat intended lot p proof cf peed faith. rounciL jecRcrBBf of cacdida.es for Officehetb - and whether as no- r rnado t y f flf or friends , ! cc or communications to the Editor , are nntll nomlnatlocB ere Jcade elttply personal , nd viU l charged for astdvcrtiftrrcnlB. It ) > or J tre contributions cfa Mt if or 11 } we n 111 Del vudcrialt 10 tbt s mc iu 91) caf < Cur tU \t \ ft-CfieM y lorjo to more than unply our limited spice. AH wmrnunlcitloiiBfbcruWbu adilresseil lo HATIGHAL REPlBUCAN TICKET- runA. A. A.ol ol Ohio. VOR VICE-PKESIDENT , rHJSTKU A. AKTHUH , nf y W Yorlc. PRESIUENTIAl EUCTORS. GEORGE W. COLT.CCS , of Pawnee County. , TAMiS LAIRD , of Adams County. JOHN M. T yESTON , aB Omnty. REPUBLICAN SThTE TICKET. Tor Member of Congress , EDWARD 1C VALENTINE. Tor rueml'T of Congress ( Contingent ) , THOMAS J. MAJORS. 1'or Governor , ALBINUS ANCE. For Lieutenant-Govenior , E .C. CARNS. Foi Secrplnry of State , S. J. AMXAND iR. Per Auditor , JOHN AVALLICHS. For Treasurer , < J. M. BARTLETT. For Attorney-General , r. J. DILLWORTH. For Ownmirtioner of Public T nnil nnd A G. KENDALL , For Buperiutendent of Public Instruct t v \ V.V. . JONES. DISTRICT TICKET. For Attorney Tliird Judicial DUtrict. N. J. BDRNIIAM. Tun democratic press ure unanimous in nayirg that they never expected to arry Vermont. Of course they didn't. There are too many farmers in Yer ncnt who no their own thinking. TUB rre-cnt houee of commons om stains 211 men who had no coats in the Inst. The merchants and"uianufac - Inretn Imvo increased from 91 to 199 , mid the c 'ttntty ' gentlemen and nris tocrnts ha\ diminished from 20 to THE plan of Bending brigadier gen rala to Vermont didn't pan out attci 'l. Almost all of Vermont's soldiery were uudsr Gen. Hancock's command in "the Kta unplepaantnesB. " The ; iicru acd rcpublicoii majority JIOHininy want to Mltttr 't'lOfr o lea let at the head of tjieir old foes. A NOTABLE emission in the Hit rf republican state speakers for the 29 < h iuet , is the name of Colonel Chase. % Ve regret to notice thi ? , but are in formed by one of the executive com mittee that the colonel declined to speak on account of a constant pres sure of official business upon him as mnyor. A BKOTUEU of Charles A. Dana , ed itor of the Kcw York Sun , Is making republican speeches in Ohio. Both were&honsr.republicanB orgaally , but Oha ? . A. Dana was refused tV-e collect- orslup of the port of New York and and has felt conviced ever since that republicanism is a delusion and a enare. THE latest reports fro tn the railroads announce unprecedented earnings and waormous profits. The New York Central road hss increased its earnings over last year in the sum of $4,701- 030. The Chicago & Northwestern reports receipts for August , ? 433OOC renter than for August 1870. The Chicago & Alton has increased iti j-.roGtg of last year § 1,531,000 , and the Wabash 52,432,000. Now trhj Co not the railroads follow the business 11id ness system of ordinary trade ant manufacture and let their tariffi be regulated by their profits. If the people sgltate the subject ol legislation against railroad extoriiorj < Jisy Ere met with an answer that railroading reading is like any other businesjSnc the people here no more right to in terfere with its operation than they have lo say how much sugar , salt 01 to * shall ba sold for. The prices ol tlieso articles , wo are told , depend upon the condition of the market , and tie profits of the manufacturers and railroading is subject to the same laws. Such argument is specious and false. "I ho railroad corporations admit of no * lcmont escepl competition and the pleasure of the management to modi- ty rates and tariffs. The fact that a r < > ad is prosperous and earning heavy profits on fictitious stock is to them no ground for a reduction in extortion- * ta freight and passenger charges. Should the profits appear too large th e'ock of the road is immediately in- Brewed and the dividends lowered , * hila the enormous sums extorted f r ra the peaple contiun * T roll into * -"ia coffers of the r > - treasury. T.ere is only on * r d th cry- 5 crUs conjn a bj 3 railway t bbtra , and f .medy lie , in rigid Vgiilativesupv _ jnof the operatic as " public cM-riere and the trerclso by legislature of their riKht to fix a m limit of freight and psiMn- . psople must be pro- the daily command to Corporita nio- ciod v 2ht to tbeir and - 0rtion. by the tr inrt oat = n.cur le Utorste 5 * K H It k interesting to read this damo- CKtia dtuuna-ationa of Gea. Qarfield1 ! couneciion with tiis salary grab , in the light cf eonie statistics recently compiled by the Cleveland leader. Tba author of the talsrj steal was Ben Butler , now bbzias for the democracy in Maine. Through his ingenuity the bill toconaniarctle thcstsal vas task ed on to the legislative Rppropria'lon bill , wLich extended in ite prorisiotiE to every pr.rtof the mtehinory of the government in all the states and ter ritories. The records cf the houss all prove that General GarCcld antago nized Butler's grabbing hema at every step. He opposed it in com mittee , opposed it in the house , and fought against it in committee of the whole. Eighteen times be voted against it on us many different oc casioiiB , and only yielded at last to aave the bill ns it came from a confer cne commiltea of the two houses in the expiring hours of the session. The Senate of tue Forty second cnn- g-fsa was c imposed of 52 republican * , 17 democrats and five 1 birsl rf publi cans. The house was compoead of 134 rooublicans , 1C4 democrats and fiV- 1 btrel republicans. Upon the ques tion of agreeing to the conference re port in the legislative , executive and j-idicmllill , the sena'u voted eiCrma lively as follows : 42.3 per cent , c f the icpiiblicm senators ; 58 8 p'r cent , of the dprnocratic , and 80 per cant , of Iho liberal senators. The vote in the house comprised 39 4 per cent , of the republican members , 45 2 of the democrats , and CO per c nt. of the liberal republican * . The b 11 passed and baok pny amounting to over § 4000 to each member was granted by its provisions. Now comes in the question "who kept the money ? " The record howa that on the republi can tide of the senate 40 4 per cent re1 turned the money , and SO 4 p ° r cent on the democratic side. Of the house republicans,38.7 per cent made restitu tion to the i reasuryaud only 14 4 per cent of the democrats. lit pull tea n senators and representatives covered into the treasury $223,30121 and democratic senators and representa tives only 83,576. If we add the liberal republicans to the republican list , the sum total pggwgates § 25G- 257 CG returned by the republican members of the Forty-second con gress. General Gaifield never took his p y out of the tresoury department , and was the second to cover it back , Tice- President "Wheeler heing the first. General GarGetd , with MB fellow rep- rest ntatives of both parties , was stern ly opposed to the steal , "but WAR e m p-lled to give assent solely for the purpoto bl saving the legislative executive and judicial bill in the closing hours of the session end wi'h the determination to repeal it at the e-rliett opportunity. General Gar- fi-ld with other reputable congress- mcu and senators washed hla Lands clean of the dirtv trnn actum by im mediately returning his share of ta * plucdar into the national treasury. If the democricy will stile the truth about the ailary grab the party won't have much t cro'Sabout. . Jine gone republican. The returns are not yet in , but there is little doubt of the result. For four years p sk JMatne has been-distract * d by the financial heresies of the grccn- baclcers. In 1S76 the republicsh ma jority was 15,000. Tro years later , owing to till ) state of trade and the discontent of the people , a salon cf the democratic and greenback par I its resulted in a republican minority of 13,000. Last year the republican ? , who had been caught napping the year betra , warmed to their work , and cast a vote of G8,7C6 , or withiti one per c i L of a majority. The Rt tempted G roiloa attal which follow , d is froth ia the minds of all. Ttie cam paign this year haa been thenrsten- fmsUsiio and thorcuh of any which haa taVtm place m Maine. The fu'inc Sun pai gn of the democrats and green- bickers opened with brilliant mos pac.a.nnd until a few weeks ago the fu' Bionuti claimed ( hit they could Carrj the elate. Since that time there ht (8 - baen a genuine stampede from theii ranks. The hard money democrat ts have ben flocking to the republi can rauks , and thouBBndi of republicans who had been lee by their discontent durirj the hnri times to join the graenbacl - party hnve had their eyea opened ant ! returned to the republican folds The disgraceful attempt of Garceloi . to steal the legislature haa reactet heavily on the fusiouiats and attength one d their opponents. Mr. Weaver' arrival did much to scatter the seed of discontent in the fusion ranks. Hi had juet arrived from Alabama id there he had gained some insight int aimon pure democrac } ' and he refuaec lo atsist the fusioniata nnd their can dtdate. The greatest of all argu meuts against fusion success has beei the prosperity of the country. Fron latest advices ' : Maine's rrjpublcan ma jority will not fall below 6,000 id may reach 15,000. The democrat will now have to pay their attention to Indiana , Ohio and New York. Cer tainly Miino nnd Vermont feelm need of a K BstiiHOOTERhas verj foolishly denied having written the let ter attributed to Hrn In which he tolc one of his constituents that it rould bi JmpoBsible to get his p n ion bil ! through congress , baoauso th rebej general who is et the head of the pen- won comtaittea in the senate , wai aver : eiohavinRBuch bills _ pass. The New York Tri&ajw sow accuses Mr. Biltzhcorer of deliberate falsehood , says it has the original latter in its ; possession and bts compared it with many othtra of Mr. BeltzhoovBr's , th handwriting agreeing perfectly. Mr , B.will aow go io meet \Va < 3e Hamp ton. ton.A A discovery WRS recently m&de fn laaho Sprinsrs of a large , well defined orevioe carrying i 6treak of qntrtz frora one to three feet in width , -ac- cotnrnnied by a etni of mineral of a calonde character , about three inches idta , that will csxtalnlvTM up Jn the hundreds. " STATE JOTTXSQS. ITinboldt : ! talks of a Era coa- pany. pany.Linuoln Linuoln pay a out 1300 fo * feuik daily. daily.The The fall round-up begin on tb fkh Inst. Tha B'a'.B Normal ichosl hia lit pucils enrol ed. The arrc. of Salfaa county's earn crop ia 46,07 acres. Tre Oi c > ur.ty fair has baen ptstp nsdtill October fl. Arara > o fr n a half mile race truck nFRvly oriaplsted. Exc'.v&tion for fha newPlatta - mou h hotel i ? completed. Thi Gerrsn Thcnlncical semi- narytrcs oj. n d on the 17th. The brick * -tk rn Ttcumseh'a new opera huse la linhhed. A Prrsbvtprian church has been organized at Tame o , Seward county. Fn larlon's flouring mill a n-arlv compleled. It Trll have two run of Etocee. A flouMngraill will be erected on tli R-ir Netnaha four miles above HumboM * . Ltiinb-r f' r B'verfon'a new c nrch 5s on the giDund , and work w-11 b * ru'.hed. A Perti man is manufacturing s > rah > m m a" , and cane ia coming in rrom nil di > ettimj. The Fr mont Creamery company ara n"w tixini ; to establish and the anch et Waterljo. Thera is rn much building in k'nc ! ' ! tint i lumbers ar < 3 ihirty days behind fit-ir oo tracts One man has sMpoed § 80,000 "r h of h > w f'o-n F 1 nore county during the last ten mouths. ha * been nnd will be put up in H li county tlii * year than ever btfi ra in onesecson. F la ! Oily can ppcure n foundry if aho will donate four lot * , on which lo erect the necessary buildings. Linre herds of ca tla nre bein < f mored fr' m 'hs h dwa'prs of the Republ'c'n over to tha Loup. A Lincoln m n agrees to build a acr > b im Republican river at olt , provided the nrecinct votes § 1500. 1500.The The Vernilllinn , D. T. , ferry hnat is nowmskint ; rccultrsuccfssful Irips from she N bfaika lo Ihd Dakota shore. The Rcalriee telephone line is kin ? , 25 instruments having > een already puf , and more will bo as soon as demanded. AVork on the row wins ? of the Cnpitol iprocreating rapidly , jet the B v.rk is delayed by the scarcity of stone cutters. W ik on the l > tbraaka City djr * tlry i-pr presiins finely , fttifi the t r iprietnrd hope to ba able to n'art ' np by October 15 h. Tbo track of ( ho R V. H. R. ii nowlijd Jieirly * r > Gubbell Trsck 'ajing ' is 0 1114 pushed forward st iho rate cf a mile a d y. A Freaiout man has invented nn ingenious mnchine for bt'rning b fire 2URrd , and th'e prairie can ba burned by its wse lu all wrether. Two m n on Oa1 creek , Howard county , came ne losing their lives , few dsya sirca , from tlie gis in a well which Ihf-y % vere digging. The contract for buildinp the Isorth Ufnf1 bridce over the Platte WPS signed l-'st week by both the cam miosioneienl the contractors. The Mai rick county agricultural board have trie ed their floral hal' , and r.ho bui't a jace twck of a half mile in length , at Central City. The prupPEitibn "f aid cf Stanlnn to a Doi.ctninn to build a fl 'Uring mill xt that * point lias bi en accepted , end by the 20 h work is expected to begin A 3ari ; acrcnijo of oitne vras plant ed in Tnuyer c > unty , and th - c-no is a good one. A Hchioti man will man- uUcturea Iare ; qanitilyof eyrup ami sugar , G. W. Sm4' ' , 18ycr.rsoM. on of a protnintht Brock tanner on Yaukre Hill , iie.r Lit.c 1 , was dangcnn-ly ij-n-ed by a l ull while H iing out u tnilk. Itisfa'd ih&t if the frost holJa off Urae weeks loimer thete will be fields of wl eat in Franklin c mnty to harvest that will go from 15 to 20 butbili per acre. A new fontura of discipline at the i eniteninrf ia tn causn ench new Arrival to b phot ( g-nj.h-d both DA Euro end after dnm.n g p iton garb Tue phut graol s will all ba prvierved \ I rfiposiliou is n > w bifo.o the North Platte ci'y ' cnut c.l for he on- " . , . , , nrm / j > m. f r ' irrje p' iitihc by p r - inl'.iii g i it owne' * t' fence iu tuoli tree * as thiy tny set out. Junta's is very pn spjrous this - Rpaiini. Tl-na far this y ar twenty ne v dwelling houses hav beea ereot- ed. t.r < as nnt-y moro will DO com ' pleted betore January. The Bookwalter nnohe , in M5 i ston precinct , P wnee o u ity , prom ises soon to be'li-s lagt cheep rancrie An aoditiou of ) 3000 sheep are now on the way from . the east. ] J. M. Sohelly , who wag f. rmfrly in the Intel business atVe > t Point" , li&s removed to Oakland , whtre h ? now keeps the S. C. & P. R R eat k ing house , nnd hna an immense busi- ntes , The grass crop thts foil in the Republican valley will be fully as big s ever before The reisnt r < * ins hav git en it nrjO'her ' sturf. , and it is com- tnu lnng nietly. The lte corn it also doiog well. 1 he woik of onlar ing and otherwise - wise im roving the Liedt rkrai.z nail in Grand IsUnd will begin this week. Add'tional hull room will be provided < for. tha full lengtn when completed to be 73 feet. - ' After two locations a third has - been hit upon for the large flourin mill that is to bo erected in St. Paul n Fortunately the last lito selected is nearer to town thsn either of the others. others.U. U. S. engineers havp been pt Brownvillo for s.ima time investigit ! in ? the hauls and bars of the Micsuuri river so as to bet apply the 310,000 appropriated for the improvement of the river sit that pkc ? . Twenty new bui'dtnca ' are ia process - cess of erection st the lit le town of Lyons , and the place is having a gen * umo boom. The old Ksitlera gathered around the railway engine with as much curiosity as though it were a whola circus. Arapahoa's new flouring mill has } j st started up. It is the moet aom- rleteone in &e southwestern pirt of the stata. The bu'idtn ' ; ; is a hand- some three-story brick , ntted up with the mcst improved machinery and five run of stones. A practical millwright from "r7a- too will b"i d a flouring rail ! jnet south of O'Jfeill , if lie can get pr. ptr eacouragimect. Totre are two or three other elicib's ' sites , and the O'Neill people thiufc they should be t ) utilisekfsr eoma industry. The bridge over the Eikhorn full the other day with fourteen head of cattle. Strargo to rav none cf the cattle were injured. The citizens mand ar iron truss brirlpe , ES m.w j they ere obliged to psy 00 or § 400 t every sii months for reptira on tha i prssent ctyle of bridge , _ rA jjoraon ot the fake vark used ] in the coas'trnotion of th& new bridge ths explosion occurr * ' i' the water vaa thrown into tha ajr 75 ox ICO feat , and with it a large number of fifh oi all tiaeKRod BpeaasBeverAl boatst sn aged at that point , made quite a , haul in the flsh. , Har , inttead cf coal , will U usad at tha Fremont mills in running -ha machinery. Thii will ukliw the Isrse qnantitios damaged by the r ir.B In the visinity , which would ether * . wiseb ? a feotBl'loas , 31 80 per ton bo j ing paid for its dalivf ry. _ Two tons per day is tha amount estimated that will ba u : ( d. The 0. & N. N. railroad hiS the track down 'o the b rder of the Oma ha Indian Reserve , five mile * north of Lycns , Burl cnnty. . This ifi to form a part of the 8. 0 & Omaha 1'ne ' , and f e track is also being laid on the pud of the line , south from Jacksnn > Dakota county , The track is expected to bo all down this months. A horrible threshing accident happened in Sherman county near the Howard line A young nun about tvrnty two ye ra of age was attfmpt- ing to pour some dirty wheat into n threshing ma hine , when his asm wag cauaht by one of the rnds and torn ccn p'etf ly off at the shouHer. He cann-t recover , so weak is he from loss of blood. A forions difficulty ooaurreil be tween t\VD brother * , Hanryanrl Theo dore Soever , near KeUn , Ht-ward county. Bad feeling had b-en es'st- ing bitween tlum f r a > me tl'tse , und wi ilo Theodore was plowing in the flaldliis brother cmo to h'ni ' and bn- g > n to ubusc h'ra , and finilly attuo'f liimtwo or three times in thnfnio , snd then tooki-m ah aryl'adidsfr p fnd attempted to ttrka him , when Therdot touk out hla knife at.d tt h- bsd htm In the breast. Hanty w 11 probal > 'y ' recover , though hia wound is IOWA LOILED DOWN. Minoy is seeking investment in Iowa at ? per cent. The old settlers of Scolt bounty will met-t on the 22d ir.st. The corn crop in Iowa is estimated at 2GOf > JOJ00 > bushels. Tlie tolil receipts of the s'a'e ' fair were over 822,000. Cverpilli's-ire destroying the trecn in nurrcrouslocili'ies in the state. Iiss Jewelt r.f MUmeBofrth expect- ol ! o ntipcar iu t'l' ' 11 i'laiae ' ] race ? . Soj c ore es imatea ih-t there are now 3JOOOshepinPlymoii hcoun'y. It is though * 'h" Rfck Island track layers Will reach cu n in ebout two days. days.Tho The C'irii il ni'jflS city council is movirg t r. c. . ' , . -.rater works for Cuiinc-J Lii ta , A Spencer firm 1 as a c intract fur 250OJ , brick for a Oathu.ic church at Emmntsburg. ThoSiou ± Dify IWephona oampiny hss been incorporated with a otjiit.il stock of $10 000. A new Presbyterian churoh build ing fU Manchester will soon be fin ished. The soldiers1 reunion rf Jefferson conn'y will bo ht > ld at Fairtfeld en VVerfnesdriv ar.d Thursday September 29th and SfHh. The Co3ar Ripids piftVin ? hour * is Witting in ana w patent hog semper with capacity * > f 0f 00 hog a day. The entire cost of the construe inn f 'he Oakaloosa water works wes S103.000. There are eig it and a half m l.s of water main now in. L. W. Olfinmons of Plea'antYill y , Scoot county } hsfc a pp&ch orch-trd i f 3,206 trees , and of late ho has bten kept busy tnarke'lng his crop. Tne terond annual metting of fhe old settlers of Monona county * at held at Arcola on the 2d inst. Tne H't.ndnnco numbered betirecn tire and three hundred. The Vinton Canning factory , lesa than a your old , ia no ; , emplyihjj 160 hinr's , nnd U tvjrr.intr oat IBjf'OO ' to 20,000 OIIB R dny. It is the mstim- t'on in Viiton. Bonds t > tin amount of § 2SCOO , have be n is-u-d for the putpo o of supplyii gRad Oik with Wrt'er-KO-ks. The ony council 1ms adapted the Per kins pys'etn. In MiQregor conuty hog cholera Ins bocume epidemic. Rapi r s fr 'm ' two farmers show a lo--a of 250 head , and within the week over iUO have died. died.The The Congregational society at Red Oak are contemplating exte-isive im provement * in their building , A spire will be .bu U on tha northeast corner ninety leet in he"got. From a seedling peach tree , pla't- ed four years go , Mr. John H. B-rk- ihii , rf sjnth Muica ine , now pr < > < luc a f > ur peaches whoau nguf na'e weight Is ofle pound , nine ounce * . Some cattle feeders will bring 2fX)0 ) hed of cattle from the west , to a p iut between Walnut nud AVOOH , to feed this fail ; they intend to buy standing corn , for the purpose , of which tt i 1 tike about 20 acres n day and 6iO acres a month. Sirne of the largest land holders in Malcolm township , Powsihiuk coua- ty , have secured nn injuno ion against the levy of a certain railroad t X voted in aid of the ro d from T < tma City to the Mahaeka county c < al Gelde. Marahilltown rerJ estate agents say trioro h s not been such a 1.6ivy de mand for houses to rent for a number of yars. There are no vacant liooeoa in the town , Tfto land department of the B' . Paul and Sioux City railway corapuny Jcoded 2500 acres of land in Dickinson - son county to a London bunt ng firm , which made the purchase for London farmers , who will emigrate next winter. Mr. A. T. Ayersj a Mills eonnly farmer , had some seed corn sent from Chester county , Pa. , in 1878. Last year six acres of this corn crib bed htm 600 bushels , and now ho plac-s on tbo tible of The Council Blnff * Noupireil an ear whi h Is eleven inches long and nine and r.na- half inches in circumference , with the remark. "This is only a fair aV8raze of mv forty acres , " The state bctrd of health hai istD&d a circulat appealing to local b'oardj of health to beware of gltndered horeee. The secretary siya : "I em informed that the disease exists to an aiarmtcg extent in the northern portion of J-jwa and if to local boards o ! healih should take prompt , active measures to pro- teot their communities from its terri ble ravages. The disease is commtirji- cated from man to man ; hence the extrsma caution which should be used fay those having the oare of thogB suf fering with it No planrJsred horse should be allowed to lire , to endan ger thel.vesof men , and the right of local boards of health to order moh an animal destroyed is c'early given t them under the st tute , from the fi t that it is daagarons to 109 lives health of men. " Two Dansorona Oappers. With Church Howe for speaker of the housa and Oatna for lieutenant- governor , the railroads of Nebraska will have their htads on the throats of oar people and no mistake. Lin coln Globe. We doabt not but what these two railroad tools vdll e jpEe their work in the Tegialatar ' comisg % if th'e pea- pie elect them for the peal- tiona to which thpy are aa Hiring , Add _ tjo thla the mco tha | Uarna nug is trying to forca on th ; republican party of this county sfl candidates for the le Ulature , it makes a heavy dosa for farmers to swa'lowj ' as thefie will be under the aam infla- enoe and control. [ Seward Reporter Monopoly Domination. The statd c6nV6ntioB , held last week , waa notoriouj for what we pre dicted lorg before it wag hfU , thas riilri ad interests should be paramount to any Interest the common people mieht have. So prominent is the fl grf this eurso ih our Nebraska p nitici that in this Iut convention , oonactnus of their strength to over ride everything , they put on a bold front and di.m > mced ! that their men Should not stand on any platform when nominated , bnt that they sh > ud ! be nominated first and any phiform adoped afterwards would not affect them. Tna havoal- B > endannprdd the party in the loa' of a onreEsraan. > . The warning that Val 't'tine in hi hst run only received a nifli orer 6000 votes out of a run ning majority of fmm 10,000 to 12- 001) ) ; the fact that this man's record in cmirreai for his drat terir&conta'nB no achiovemonta that cm bepjit tid out B commendations for n sacond term , theyhavo nominated him aga'n. ' Wo mua * support 'he iicket is what we are t ld. We cinnot pfford to tks Riy ch ncej this pivotal year. Why don't statesman nf our pnlHcal nr-tia think of this before nomina- t'ona are mde , to avoid th breabers th ? ' ; are SUTH to come from bid n m- imtioiig. The bdlsnca of the state ticket i < very f : r , but we think every one of the oinrlilHtes unfair to 'hem selves when they failed to step i i r.it'i demand t f their supporters a 5 1 < form firat Htid one pquare'y ' In thoiutorL i-ts of the a'jricul'urnl demands .f . Ne- brvka ; they should not be afraid to m ° pt s'loS ' a platform before they are nomi atrd. The nomination achiev- cdj it ia easy to coma up smiling and Bay of any k'lii of n pl-ttform adopted afterward , " \ve accept it and will oatrv it ont to t" > r > let'or. " How the t fe Wus ManlpulatsoV f * rd fsp rcr. " A complete tlato hdboen made up Vy 'h * < H ftnte offieiils , who wanted jo lomiiftion , dceming it necessary to slick together in order to pull each ( t ' .r throrgh , cxct ptinR of course , Audit rLedtke and Lnnrt Comtnis- sinner D > vis. Cams wn ? forced oil thes'at- bectt-i' < f hi cfli-i"tit servi ces 101 dtr d u t e tail'oad oimpan- ics in p.c'iii g o mmittaiB of the state s-u " ) for thes * monopolies at the last session of the legis'aturc ' , an-l whcn w ? tay the tJ. P , nnd B. A M. were alpower - j ful in the c invention our readers will know what this nvat'B. ' G. W Col- l.rB hiri to be driven from the field as a oii'didato , for lieutenant , governor , as it was plain tn the railroad com- piniathit their favorite stood no kind cf show for winning as long ass sme f ne was pitted ugaiust him. Poor Collins W-IB rnly too willing to bosathBrtl by being atsured the homi- n > -t on of elector , and some prom se , p rliHjB of _ Boimth'iig more tubstantul in the futur- ; denning disoretlca the t tter p rt of val' r , th-tn biHting pgttintt two mnnc p lies Thf-rewas a mnnt ffst di2i n ent and d gpleaeuro omong the grait tiiKJ r'ty nf the deUg t--B Because of hia withdrawal cs an on didatti bofi re they had a chance tf to * * tie opposition agairat the presen iccumb nt. A mo'ion wnsmndebyMr C 8kins of Buffa'o , to ar1 ] um until 9 a. m Thursday , inoid > r to give a chans for 'or. aii z'n' ' o brrak t o "slate" A vote wan taken by ca'-l of counties nd r tulted 177 tn 184 This settled the o iLjVcntioii down to a mere ratiG cstion meeting , aa p ' 3 < : Jatod h A LtrcnhW.ulii. The U. P. and the B & M. rail r'flitia ' were nuirriod at the hte repub 1'c u co..vehtion , Judge Weaver , o Ruhjrdjon c > unty , poiformini ; thi CfremotJcs. By thefe ceremon'e JutLe Thnrat < n , U. P. , nnd JJVMCI Lurd B. & II , wore made one flesl and b'c-oilj nadthotrto greet cor Jiora- tiona of the ststd are united in the po litical 1-ght for supremacy , which augurs no coed to the people. RepUDllOan Platform. 1. The republ cans of Nebraska moit heartily endorse the profession ot princi ples orinulnted bv the national repnblscan conventinn at Chicago , and pledge their unsw.rviie support to the candidates there Ouiinntedi 2.7o affirm the < t etrinM of national sivereicnty in the formulated principle ! upon which the perpetuity - > f the nation reatB , nnd that the p inciple of h me rule as enunciated by the democratic pwty is but tne cautious expreujlon of tha Calhonn dostrina of state ritthtc ; is revolutionary in its character and destructive if tie unity of the nation. 3. We regird the recent seiinre of the polls and the wholesale robbery of th f anchises of the republican citizen * of Al- aliama , > urprisi g in the magnitude and eff-nntery nf the crime of all former efforts of the par y under the Tweed pluu in New Y wk , and t-e ! M ssissippi plan in the couth , aa n fair specimen of democratic method and a frecast < > f democratic do- Miinion in national all irg that should incite - cite every honest man and taxpayer m the country to most et nest endeavor to clu- fe t the pnrtv of brigandage and fraud rtt the polls m Noverabtr. 4. We have o > n > > idered "what Lse nnd I Juckson wou d do if they were alive , " and linte de ermi'.ed to em loy our best energies - gies in preventing the secure of thenation- nl government by their Hvinir mfades through the fraud * of the solid south. ' 5. We COlUtfalulate the people of tne * Ute npon the rapid incr Me of population - | tion and we lth. and uf on the grji > a iasas- nre of pie perity that has rewarded their labor upon the rapid npbuil-iing of our material intereste since the success of re- sumjition and the revival of trade. K We pledge our suppoit to such legis lation in _ congrees n-t such measnrt-s by state legislatures as may be necessary to Citect a coneatlon of abuses and prevent extortionate diacrimination In charges by railroad corporati ms. 7. We jgo Jievraiftliy lnvjt ih ad ! and co-opci-fltlon in ihb latest defense of the national integrity and national purse of all J'can8 , antj war democrats who have or , lhat we heartily join in th pomendfttlon made by General Garfield in his letter of acceptance in urging upon congre _ tha fpe dy tmpruvement of th iluiouri river for barge navigation. ST. CATHERINE'S Academy for Young Ladies. 18th and Cass 8te.Omaha , Neb. . b * . f nE"gU o eduallon , " . Q rrcia. MrM . Dnwtmr , fan ' > ' : a nT * to * * rJod.'r # * * * * - for fartbsr i > artitnl n app'y o " St. Catherine's Academy. ( rZfc ? ' I5'WIOwt1' ' . iJn > .T . ; , &I ° ? rw'l ? ' > > . * ? T. s. HITCHCOCK : , M. D. s. , ' STRENGTH and ENERGY , WITHOUT 126 ftSB OF DRUGS , ARE BE- QUESTED TO 8EN2 FOK THE tLEOTRIC REVIEW , AN ILLXTETRATED JOUR NAL , WHICH IS PUBLiJffED FME DISTRIBUTION. J eel Cnltaio , satt s a ecrae Utt Information for Invalids and these irbo f a Ji'urrras , Eibaujtlog mnd Painltil Diseases. Every ynbjeet I hat bears upon heilth and human happiness , receives attention ra Its pae < i : and the many ques tions asked by suffering invalids , wLo hare d pilrni at a core , are answered , and valuable information is rolcnUetcd 13 all The nre In need cf rat'lical rd- vtce. Tha sutjecl ef ElfC'tH : Bella rerwi Mdciae : , and the hundred and ont qnestlras 6f " ! impoi- lanee to suffering humanity , are dul } lanaMered and explained. explained.YOUNG MEN Ar < J ethers who suffer from Nzrrotti and Physical Debility. Lc B cf Mitsly Vigor , Prerr ature Eshai. * lion ana the many gloomy consequence s of sarly imliKKtlan , etc. , are especially Benefited by coa- lultlng its contents. ThoELECTBIC REVIEW eipos9 the nnmilifisled frauds practiced by quacks and medical imi * lou who profess to "practice medicine , " und points oui the ouly f iife , simple , and effritive rovd to Health Vigor , anil Boilily tnergy. Send your addrt on potlal card for ft copyi a J 'Uforinntlon worth thousands villl be sent you. Addre fl the publUhors , rULVPRMACKER GALVANIC CO. , "OR. EIGHTH and VINE STS. H" " * fi * 4 a Years before tli eJulti < * . THE CEMUBR § DR. C. MoLAKTE'S LITER PILLS are not recommended ns a remedy "for nil the lllo thnt flesh Is heir to. " bnt in nllcctions of the Liver , und in all Bilious Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head ache , or diseases of that character , they btaml without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic " can be used pre paratory to , or after taking quinine. A ? a iimplc purgative they are unequnled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS , The genuine are never sugar-coated ; Each box has a red-wax seal on the lid , with the impreesion.McL ANE'S LIVER PILL. Each wrapper bears the signa tures of.C. . . . McLAXE and FLEMING BROS. J& Insist upon havLip the genuine DiCc. McLANE'S LIVErt PILLS , pre pared b" FLEMING BROS. , Pittsbnrgli , Pa. , the market being full of imitations of the name JfcLane , silled difiereutly , but same pronunciation. BOWEL COMPLAINTS , A Speedy and UlectuM furs. PERRY DAYIS'PAIN-KILLEE ila M'lQil tinttsst ot FOM7 YE Rfc' trial. Direction * with afh < "itth , OLD BY ALLDRUQUIO ? Ml fl HTCn kxal Airents everywhere to set WAN i U ' , * ° flV. B KiiiK rodder. 11.orlnj : hitrac c , ct , br uamo e , to ( imilij' , Tioflt good Outfit nxe. P.oplo'sTto CO. , CO.T 6020. St. oniB. Vo. nJwoys Cures and never disap" points. Tlio nrorltl' * great Poiit- Rbllovor for Man and Boast. Cheap , etnick and irtlia bio , PITCHER'S CASTOKL4 Is uot Narcotic. Children grow fnt upon , Mothers like , ixc. l X > liyslcini r-ooommJTl l CASTORLV. Itresulatesthe Bowels , cures "Wind Colic , nllays Feverishness , and de stroys TVonns , WEI DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Care , a Constitutional Antittota for this terrible mala dy , ly Aijsorpticn. Xno niosi Important Discovery since Vaccination cination- Other remedies may relieve Catarrh , thla onrtts at aiiy staso teforo Consumption .11. R. I.'ISO ON , General Insurance Agent , PHCESIX ASSORAJfCK CO. , of fab- . „ . Jon , CaahAwtB $6.107.127 AESlCHfcSTKK , N. Y. , Capltil 1.0SO.COJ THE MKHCIIAN fS , if Vewarlc. N. J. , l,0t > r > ,00f UIKAn' FinnPl.iUdelpliia > CpltRl. . 1,000,000 S'ORTHWEaTB.N NATloNAL.Cap- IM . . . .t . .M.IU 900,000 t'lKEMCK'S FUXD , CalilSJnia. . . . * . 80\M minis i AMP.HICA Asarn KCECO iiW"jo N'EHA IKFJREIN8 CO. , A eets. . . . SoO.OtO \MKKICAF CCNTRAI. , Aseet 800,000 < outhea t Cor. of Fifteenth & DOUtrlas St. , nrhH..llr OU H V n aTTENTIDN , BUILDERS AND CON TRACTORS. The owner of the celebrated Kaolin Brinks , near LOUISVIL.I E , NKB. , haa now ready at the depot at Lonisville , on the B. & M. railroad , ; o fill any order at reasonable prices. Par ties desiring a white front or ornaments brick will do well to give us & call or senc for r-ampla. J. T. A. nOOYEK. Prop. , Vg * CHARLES RIEWE , UNDERTAKER ! Uetalla Cases , Coffins , Casket * , Shrouds , etc' . Famham street , Eet Itth acd H b , Onuha , Keb. siSwcir " fiiilCMCTCRIB BT O. CAS8T. . . OMAHA. KEB. f ni nlwAyS en hand TO JNO. G. ( Fonnerlj cf Oiei ft Jaooba ) K0..1417 Furphira St. , Old Stand of JacotrOli ORtiRKtt DT T ' PASSENGER ACCOMMODAflGN LIHE HET EEK OMAHAAND FORTOMAHA Conuccts IVitn Street < ; nr Corner of SAUVDt'RS and HAH1LTQS BIBZETS fEnd or Red I.'n asfoll.TO : 6SO , 3:17andli:19a : ra , S : LEAVE FORT MAHA ! 7:1 : ? a a. . 9 : 5 > . ra , and 12:45 : p tn. 4:00 : 6:18 : and 8:15 : p. m "The 8)17 ) a. m run , Io-.vln o&aba , and ibt 4100 p. m ran , leaving Fort Omaha , ere uinally loaded to fall capacity nUb. regul ir paaMngen , Th * 6:1 7 a. m. ra i irlll bt mule fa-i > a th toit- cfflfto , corner of ( > ednd 15th anrehtij. TIeketatan t prdcar6d from ttreet ardrlr > era. or frcm dihera of haoVa. FARE , 85 CENTS , IKOLUDLVG BTRI OAR < JH.lt MEAT MARKET V. P. Block. IGlli St , FrtsaauJSaJt Meate o all kinds constant onhaad , prices reasonole. Vesretablea in seal oa. food delivered to t ny pan of the city. WM JUST , ' 91rth luth R * J f BAHKIHO HCUSSS. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED. IN NEBRASKA. CALDWELLHAiyiLTOHICO ! 'nnsacted fame us that o an Istct * port ted Bank. Acf opnta ks pt In Currency or ( fold rcbjeri to flht cteflk njthont noiico Certificate * ol ic po2't isrtod rararle In three , lx and twelve months , bcuiaj interest , or on demand without interest Advances made to rutomers on approTsd e- cnriilf ) at market rates of Interest BUT and sell zold. bills of exchange GoT rn- ment , Stata , Conn'y Rud City Bonds. Draw Sight Drafts n a-Iaad , Ireland. Sect- land , and all parts of Europe. Sell Eiropcan Passase Tickets. nOLlECTIOHS PROMPTLY MADE. augldtt U , S DEPOS1TOEY , FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFOMAIIA. . Cor. 13th ana Farnnam Streets , OLDEST BANKIHC ESTABLISHMENT IK OJIAHA. ( SL'ccESSona to KOUNTZE EROS. , ) iSTAsyriisa ts IKS. Organized as a atonal : Bank , AtJgaat SO , 1883. Capital and Profits Over$300,000 , S ( eclally > uthorir d h.v the Secretary or Treasury to receive Subscription to iha U.S. 4 PER CENT. FUNDED LOAN. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS HisMAR KonrriK , Prcsl 'ent. AuausTca KorsrzB , Vice Predde&t. H. W. TAIS . a > hler. A. J. HOPPT.RIOS. A toroc7. Jouy A c's IOIITOS. F. H. DATIS , This bank rweivcg deposit withcnt r wd to amounts l -ue3 time certlflcfttcs bearing IntffSJt. | ! ra"g drafts on H n F ancisoo and plnclpo : cllie * cf the United i-ta'cs. aLtj Lond"n , Dublin , Rdli l uri'h and the principal cit'to of the oonti nent of Eurorw. Sol a rrosiK * tickets f or Kmlir ; tg In the In man no. mayl tf REAL ESTATE BROXZ3 Geo. P. Bern is' REAI ESTATE AGENCY. 16th , & Dottglcu Hts. , Otndtla , Neb. This agency docs STRICTLY * broV ra e btul- less Does notvnecnUto , and therefore an } bar- aim on IU booh" an Insured to IU pitroas. In ttiw ! r.f > V ! MtrihM d 'IP * ) V th e aceul BOG H & WILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS J\'o H08 Farnham Strut OMAHA - KBBBASE . . Office Kortb "Ida opp Or rld Cental Hot l. Nebraska Land Agency. DAVIS & SNYQIB , 1505 Farnham St. Omaha , JTsir. H,000 ACRES cartfully sclct d land In KnsMrn ttbra-Sa for sain. . O. F. DAVja WEH3IET. SNTPBR , Iftt 1 and Oora'r U. P. R. B 4p-t Wtt BTROK EEED. LIWI3 RZIO. Byron Reed & Co , , OLDEST ESTABLUED EEAL ESTATE AGENCY JIN NKBRASKA. Ke p a com" > 1et atscratt d tnl to all Real Estate In Croatia and I'ouvlis 0-untv. iriTltf THE ORIGINAL. BHIGOS HOUSE ! Cor ; Bondolph St < & 5th ATO. , CHICAGO ILL. PRICES RfiDtiCID $2.00 AND $2.50 PER DAY Loe.ttd in thu V > uslti * i c nt-e , convenient o plac s of amujirnent KU.on ly lurn sbed , eonunn f rti mudeni improTements , ' sleva'or , ic ? Hi tUMUI.Si.B , rroprietor. OGDEN HQUSE , cor. MARKET ST. & BROADWAY Council Itluffs. Iowa. OnIIn i'tStrcb' n llir J , OtnniMn o rvifrom all trains RATES ( * rl' r fl r-.r , ZJ.OO per dajj eec nd flor 32 60 per d y ; th rd fl or S''Xh The best fumlabcd and mo-t corn < fll < ia home lntho < itT. OEO.T. HHELPS. Prop METROPOLITAN IRA WILSON PROPRIETOR. Th Jfetropol t n 1 ceninlly lofnt d , ind flratuw8 , In eie y re pect , hiviuiftfoent'ybecn ' intlre 7 r no ? ed 1 ho public wl i find It a eomt > rtahie nd hnmellki hunts. ro r6lf. UPTON HOUSED Scliuylcr , Neb. Fiii-cnsa ! Ilotl , Cecd tJ a'e. Good B d A'ry ' Roofan , arid kind and accommodating tfestd.nt. Tvignod tamp e moms. _ Specui attention paid to cnrcrnerdal tniT-1 r . S , MTT.T.EB . . , Prop , , a'-u Neb. „ . . . Schnyler , . FRONTIER HOTELj Laramie , Wyoming. The minor's retor , ( rood accommoditler.g , fie etrople room , chanren reuonablt. cceclil ton tion civea .i > lraolin ? ll-t > H n ti k ENTER.OCEAN HOT1& , Cheyenne , Wyoming. Kirtlg3 Fln l * fr B'impio Rooms , one hlrck irfcn depot Train8ttp from 20 minutes to 2 hour * for dinner. Frtt Bui to and from Dep'.t. KM i S200 SIM ndW.CO , eeordln - to lOoni ; s ngle meal 73 cente. A. I ) . BALCOM , rroprietor. nORHKN . Cnlnf n.rk. mlO-t B. A. FOWLSR. JAMI b. econ. FOWLER & . SCOTT , ARCHSTECTS. Dealjni for buildinja of any description on ezihihltion at anr o Eco. We have had over V ) yean experience lode-ugBi 3 ; and BnptrinUDd- Ing pnbllo bulldlne and rtjidencet. Fiona and estimates farniohe-j on shcrt cotlco. HAMBURG AMERICAN PACKET CQ.'S WeeMy Line of Steamships IiMTtnz New Torlf Erery Thnrsdaj at Ip. B. TCI England , France and Germany. Ftir Passage app'y to 0 , B. RICHARD & CO. , _ _ - ei Broadway , New 7orS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL A COUPLETS STOCK FOB / STILISH AND GOOD , NOBBY AND CHEAF. We hava all tlie Latest Styles of Sprirg Suitings , an Elegant Stock of Heady-Made Olotlins : ia Latest Styles. Gent's Famish ing Goods Stook Complete HATS , GAPS , TRUNKS AND VALISES , In fact the Stook ia complatein all Departments. Don't Fail to see our Custom Department In charge ol Sir. Thomas Tallon. M. HELLMAN & CO. , 1801 < fe 1303 Favnham Street. TO THE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : : i FRENCH KIDNEY PAD f A Positive and Permanent Cure Guaranteed , In all cases of Grave' , DUba'es , Propsr.itthfa Dt j s of th Kldno . iDContlnenoa nd Keteafon ciOtlrc , Ir.lUrrvUton h. Kl.lney . Catarrh of the Vladder. Hkr. . C..lore.l Ur ne P.la fri lit Illik ideorUocs. Nen-m-s Wc-knes * . siid m fact ll Oil ir OR- : , whether contract - iv ; n 3U c ft ( at fe.'fiy ' n woride- I curative etfcrt * . Ii > tetu > tncolcfnea beta * tf < 'take no other. If ho his not ot it. g nd ? 2. ' . receive tte Pd by return mail. Address 0. 5. v FREXCII PAD C * > Toledo , PROF. CUILMETTE'S FRENCH LIVER PAD Will positively c ra FeTtr na j-ue. Dumb * ue , Ajtue C ke , Uilllous Fever. Jaundi e Pysi > ep l , an ail dlseaws ol the Uver , lomacb &nd Blood > h pad cures bv absorption , and b peiiraim.t. Ask jour dru.'siit for th 3 p J Jiid take no other If hedoe3nottic j > tt,8 ad HM ft tuo fttKNOII PAD CO. , ( U. S. BranchToledo , t hio. and rejei\e it i-j return mail. . KUHN & CO. , Agenta. Oraiha , Xeb. ! SH McMAH Sucoessors to Jas. K. Isb , DRUGGISTS PERFUiERS Dealers in Fine Imported Ex-raots. ToiK Waters , Colognes , Soaps , Toilet Powders &o. A fnll line of Sfcrdwl iMtmmsr.tt , Pothe' C sw , Trnt3a J Sup oilerA'ftlutely P r Drd i and Chcmn JU'ed in UupeniiD ; . rrctcri tioni Lllid at any hour o ( tLo right Ja i > . 1Kb , Lawreiico. llc.llahon. . O. ! 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha. Y HORN MILWAUKEE In Kegs and Bottles. Special Figures to the Trade. Families Supplied at Reasonable Prices. Offlco. 239 Donerlae St.rnet. Omaha. SHEELY BROS. PACKING CO. , POIM-AND-BEEFflffiKERS Wholesale and Retail Fn FBESlf IHFATS& PROVISIONS , OAtlE , POrLTRY , FISH , ETC- CITY AHD COUNTY ORDERS SOLICITED. OFFICE CITY MAKKET 1415 Douglas St. Packing House , Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , U. P. H. B. DOUBLE AND SINGLE ACTING Pnirpr F. g ? , Mining Machinery , ' ! Q8E , H.i . sr.Cii FIH : NDS , PIPE , STEAM PACKING , i v. v a.2CI > IlETAIL. , iv.v. ur JsnM AHD SCHOOL BELLS r < > iV . . 0 * t , ? . -a Street Omaha , Neb > THB COLOSADO BUSINESS GOLLSGE ThlJlnstltut'on , looated M titr.-rer , C--o ' > , Ul8 Eduction' ) onJ Commercial centjf i > { M Wtt , it pmincntij Ibo best ir. J most prscti- il of lit kind { or tha MERCANTILE TrAINiNG OF Young Men and Ladies- G. W. FOSTER , President , D.7. . CADY , Secretary , Tte niost eitensire , thorough and compIeU Insti n'lon of the kind In ti' wnrW. Ttiou uidi o acconn iocs and tmlncta man. li _ tha prln > cifal lilies and towm of the United SUttg , owe their kticeeM to icr o < .ur. tf training. The Eiaht : End of Education for TouDg Mea and Ladies. FIn , new brlrt bj-ck at Janctlon rf thr _ Ket car lion E' g ntl fl'.ted and forntshti apirtmtntifortbe appH'attSnof and oarrylpg OJt ot our noctl knd ijttem-tlo n.ttdi of BUSINESS TEAHOT& , TOT" j rn n who conteaipht * bn-lnca 11 ! * , ad parantii ha-rlng IOBJ to eduaaie parti. 0- J rly reqaested to nsd for our new Circular , irt.ich 'W'.n grte tVl Inforontlon aa to tcijns , fosdltlon cf entranw , tto. Aidrr fa G. W , POSTEE , President , ttpS.loi Denrer , Colorado UNDERTAKER , O'd Fcllovi' RIoilc. Preapt atuntlon gJT n to orltra by J. O. MERCHANT TAILOR Capitol Ave ' , , Opp. Masonic Hall , OMAHA. NEB. VIHEGAR WORKS Jcr.a , Sit. Slh flrtd 10th Sti. , Flr t quality diatlllod Wine and C12er Vinegar of any nrecjth below tfwtern priced , aad.w. ranted Just u good 'at wholesale red ret BesdforprlesHCT. EBX3I KEEB8 , ! I / . F RAFERT & CO. , ' ! C-ulnctors and Builders , 1 r iV.oJtvorlrn SpecU'ty. I , iy.n\t f r thr 1 r'l > l UK. Machine Warks , J. F. Hammond , Prop. Manager Tbo moet thorough appointed and couplet * Uachin Shops and Fonndry In the state. Cswtlnirt ol r ? i7 description iranQfa < .tare En Inw , PumpA ad trvrjr clan o machlaery made to order. Spedal attention srUen to Well AiiKursPulIeys.'HanRcrsT Shaftiiiz , Uriilee Irons , Ceer Cutting , etc * Flarufornew Hachlnery.Metthairical DranhV inif , Modob , etc. , ncatlv ezecntod. lfr * n T > TotT f BA' l _ t . tvnft THE ONLT PUCE WHERE YOB can find a good arjortmort ot BOOTS AHD SHOES At \ LOWER FIGTjnS than U any other stjo honsa In tbo city , P. LANG'S , 236 FARHHAM 8T. LADIES' & SHOES MADE TO ORDER d a perfMt Bt an f ct d. Pirf ( > rtreaaoa LEGAL NOTICE , State rf N Vrj ka. Ditrtc ! Court , tn ind for I'oninaa L canty , Aatca Zi'koT-Ity. p'al t'.an. Katy a n r fd ) " YcnarebTfbynoMSU , thit th p' jitlff t * . the abe e ent.tl i Caota , m UliatSt d po.itloa of JowthTorae * , a witncis ia i H 't rw Ftodla/ taid court , brfore e > ap tenl author- itTltbo o/Bw / of A. B. l tlvl-h , Kotvy Pub- Be , 109 W. Ja or rtrtet. In the city of rM-aaro , cmiaty of Cook and ctare of Illinois , cora nenc- taj ou ia Mt day o ! pt nVr. A. , t > . I8-0. at thahonr flOtfct' i.a.m. tb ? ° 'ho'1'7 , , ' * onal .utb 4 * P-t n adjnm fro'n dr to eay. mill bar , een * . , aid dspof nlon t beused HARTKOPFF JS MUSEUM. Brandt's Turner Hall , [ Corner Tenth am Howard 3tr * t . eetibyittd JtOsnua wl I to. op.n very ' tossVO&ftaaie 4 i tWo7- * doiiBS5Sl(6" " 1 * ' " ' ' ' ' *