Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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Established 1871. MORNING EDITION , Price Five Cents
The NiM ists Transfer the
Scene of Their Yen-
_ _ _ * *
Devilish Dynamite Plot to
Blow Up a British Rail
way Train.
Grand Duke Constantine and
Other Russians Barely
f Escape Death.
" Jeems" Redpath Tvlakes
Himself Conspicuous
As An
jO _ , , . _ .
most i5 Xt September 14 , 1 a. m. A
ter Diabolical attempt w s made yes-
aay to wreck the do\vn expresj
.rain on the Northwettera railway.
This train , which comes from Edin
burgh and Glasgow , it appears , was
supposed to carry among its passen
gera the Russian GrandDuko Constan
tine and Admiral Poppoff , of the Rus
sian nary , and some other Russian offi
cials , who had been visiting Greenocl
for the purpose of examining certain
vessels now in cource of construction
there. Nihilist refugees in England ,
it is believed , had concocted a plar
for blowing up the train and dcstr0j
ing the officials , as well as other p&3
ssngera , for the purpose of douion
Btrating that , oven in Enrla'jd , UK
lives of the Russian Prince and \ii
aldo were not safe from the vonj eanc
of their terrible and merr
tlon By a most proldentlal intci
ruption tbu well laid m failed of a <
complement , a h the ttcap
was a narr
very h
JW tf B
tlonofBusb- m Motfar { rol
London , so
layers workinK 0
tne ra ) scovcred Bt a spot overt
° u"drj * yards from the village som
* clets which had been tampere
' .th. The foreman of the plato l j
rs made au examination , which n
aulted in the discovery that foi
pounds of dynamite had been pliite
underneath the plates which joine
two rails. The dynamite v ; as conned
cd with an India- rubber tube oontaii
ing gunpowder. The locomotive , 1
its passage , cut this tube in half , "bui
by an almost miraculous accident , th
percussion caps , which were intande
tofiro the dynamite , had been ml
placed and they tailed to eplode-an
the train passed. Safely tiver whibwl
designed to lovr it up and send'tt
passengers ; , ut,0 , cternity. The trai
had pasar bn | a few nHynentp
t5e.d"rjovcry Wfemiae1 ; nfelHgBfii
° f th.o fcff ir was at once aerifrto Eoi
Jrxx * end the uimi skilled mmti vfTi
xjootland Yard were TnfprmedlSh'd rit
their auxilleries tnre now seeking t
discover the miscreants wlio devise
mud w-a - ' * i- . - - . . . . . . 1 .
The chance of tfieir detection is goo
B a careful record is kept oE all refi
goes from Russia and something lit
an espionage has. been kept over the
movements. Suspicion' ' "already 'a ,
taches to a lady and.jjeutlema'n ' , wh
some compauionB of theirs who csu
sionally met them at housft. h ar tl
tjlace. * _
wv. tr izraia aAJ L * r > * ai
It was twahp aT' before ilhe-ftrai
li dpiared Busb'/ before the dyn
salt-o was discovered concealed in tl
ish plato of the rail. Some malic
and * burglar's "jimmy" were al
found alongside of the rail. The ra
way officials are much alarmed and
number of porters and polioa ha'
been stationed along the line of tl
road near the scsne of the discover
A dispatch from Dublin says : Js
Rodpath , correspondent of the N <
York Tribune , is making viole
epeechcs in Glare Morris.
An Anthony Comstocic tchool Boat
Special Dispatch to The lite.
CHICAGO , September 14 1 a. m.-
Schoolmaster Ryan , a ? bummit ,
suburb of Chicago , h f > been di
charged beciuie he fU.iel obscei
literature. One of th ) < iuik < to whit
objection was spec iillv tuade w
Gray's anatomy.
Another unloaded Revclvo. rraged
KIVER HEAD , L I , S-ptembor .
Two sons of J. 11. \V-11' , a pron
nent citizen of this place aged n'f tei
and seventeen , were play : , g with i
old revolver , generally supposed n
to be loaded , in the houa-j last eve
Ing , while the farni'y were al churc
The youngest ton snapped the rcvi
ver fourteen or fiflton times , aimii
playfully at hit brother , but tbere w
no explosion. Finally the boy moun
od a horse- block in front of the houi
and as the older boy approached , 1
said , "Halt , or I'll ehoot you. " I
pulled the trigger as he had done
often before. This time there was
explosion , and the seventeen year obey
boy fell dead in his tracks , sh
through the heart. The boy on tl
horse block fell in a faint T
etrangest part of the tragedy is th
the cartridge did not explode eoonc
after the many times it had be-
struck , both on this evening and pi
Ute Treaty.
Special Dispatch to The 15ce
WASHINOTOJT , September 14 , la i
The following dispatch was receiv
t the interior department from t !
a ent at the Southern Ute scene
Ouwy's dea'h does not affect t
pending negotiations of the comm
aion. One hundred and fifty-i
adult male4Southern Utes have ign
since his death and more will sign.
The postoffice department yestered
issued circular to post masters , no
fylng them that owing to the limit
appropriation for clerical services
post offices , it is necessary to ma
an Immediate and general reductii
of 10 per centum of the prese
allowance for clerical assistance a :
separating offices. The order v
take effect from and after October
Dick Adams Sentenced.
Bpcctal Dispatch to The Ike.
DEADWCOD.D. T. September 14 ]
. Richard O.'Adams.the default
ex-postmaster , who escaped from 1
nwshal after his trial and convicti
and wa captured t Fort Suljy , '
yesterday sentenced to three ye&rj
imprisonment and § 5,000 fines.
The case of the Bobtail vs. Gale
( Ionian mining company , was decided
inthe district court yesterday , in Favoi
of the Caledonia on all poinls at issue.
The cano involved the largest and
rnost valuable portion of the Cal
edonian claim.
8pcc l dlspalcLes to the D * *
Snamxo , III. , Ser ember H
\rr , ,
the Whiteaide agricultural rodety , OE
lhursa > y , in attendance on thcii
fair , which opened to-day. Amonj
tae other gueatu will bo Senatoi
David Davi- , both candidates foi
governo : > Gen. Logan ttnd olhcVa.
TT.ocK IstA5D. , September 14 Gen
Grant will visit Lera to-morrow and
it ia expected that he will be prevailed
UfJott to preside at a republican meet
Ing and make a speech.
CHICAGO , September 14. WBL
Aldrich wa yesterday renominatec
for congress in the firat district. 0.
B. Fanvell was nominated over Hlrair
Barber , the present incumbent oh. th (
first ballot , in the 3rd diatricK E. B
Washburn , who haul bran asked by i
macs meeting to atand for the nomin
ation received one vote in the con
CHICAGO , September 14. Six team
stera have been arrested on the chaigt
of killing the negro hostler Bulleri
who was killed in a row early Sundaj
morning. All of the men admit be
jng 'with him when ho wai killed , bu
} t 13 not knovrn who struck the fats
CHICAGO , September 13. Anothe
match was held at Haverly Pavilioj
last evening , 30 miles heel and too
Twelve men started , and all droppei
out before the finish except one
named Olmatead , A\ho made /SO / mile
in 5 hours , 4 ? minutes and 48 seconds
winning the fifty dollars.
Nfcw YORK , September 13 , 4 p. m
About 2 o'ciock this morning , Job. ]
Higgins , aged 38 years , appearei
at the Sixteenth station house
Buffering fiJtta a severe gash ii
the neck and other flesh wounds
He report d that his mother was lyini
at home dying , with her throat cut
It Appears that the attempted doubl
murder was committed by Jeremial
D'ugan , Mrs. Higgins' second bus
band , from whom she bad bec > > aepai
WATKirtoAS , N. Y. , September 1
In the trial of Wesley R. Willie , fo
the murder of Lillian Manchester , th
sumnuiig'up took place this morning
and it is expected that the case will to
given to the jury this ev eninR.
CHICAGO , September 13. The Swi
bians of this city held their annul
Jifcrvfrsi home picnic yesterday at Os
rdenjs grove. TherejTtas.the usUi
tgrotesqueprocession , followed by
copiousrn w c
r ' -
closedratherKiiflEt ; No * " 2/BJring , J
lcbfeRrIaelHnKhl5gd | 066for cai
or September-92J < 303JcMor Octqbe
closlngraU)4Jo-for ) cash or Septembe :
9393jcJi > r October ; 93g@93o fj
November ; 02o for seller fet ti
. , . . .
corn No. 2 advanced Ic and BO
for cash or September ; 41J@41gc f
October ; 4242jc for November. "
44 Jc for May.
Oats | @ | c higher No. 2 sellibg
2828c for cash ; 28s29o ( for Oct
ber ; 2829jc for November , cloaii
at 28c for ceh ; 2828c for Oct
ber ; 29s for November.
Rye l@l c dearer , No. 2 selling
83J@85c for cash or September ; S
@ 84c for October.
Bailey Quiet and held at high
Whisky-Si 13.
Pork lOc per brl higher ; § 17 5 (
17 75 for cash ; § 17 85@17 87 $ f
September ; § 17 76@17 80 for Ocl
ber ; § 13 10 for November ; § 12 i
for seller for the year ; § 13 10 I
Lard 5@10o higher , closing
§ S 00 for cash or September ; ? 8 '
for October ; § 7 97J for Novembi
§ 7 09 for seller for the year ; § 7 4
@ 7 95 forJanuary.
Chicago Live Stock.
CHICAGO , September 13.
Hogs Active and for light ahippl
grades prices were a shade highs
Sales were at § 5 00@5 15 f
light packing and shipping ; § 4 60
5 15 for'heavy packing , and § 5 0 (
5 70 for good to extra choice smoo
heavy shipping lots. Receipt
Cattle Although the receipts I
Monday wore liberal , still with a goi
Inquiry by shippers and exporters tl
market ruled active , and in one i
stance § 5 75 was obtained for 1C he
of very prime steen averaging 1,6 !
Ibs , sold by Jackson , Hulbert & C
to J. H. Trumin , for London. Tex
steers were active at the opening , b
owing to the late arrivals being larg
prices became weak and 5@1
lower ; sales ranged from § 2 9i
3 30 for Texan' cows and steei
S3 15 for stockers ; § 422J@4 50 1
fair to good shipping ; § 4 755 03 i
choice , and from § 5 30@5 70 for e
tra to extra prime shipping beeves I
exportation. The market was act !
at 11 o'clock ; the fresh receipts we
5,320 bead.
St. liouia Live Stock.
ST. Louis , September 13.
Hogs Fairly active ; Yorkers ai
Baltimores , § 4 85@5 CO ; mixed pac
Ing , § 4 75@5 10 ; butchers to fane
§ 5 205 40. Receipts , 3,700 head.
st. ujut3.froauce
ST. Louis , September 13.
Flour Firmer and unchanged.
Wheat Higher ; No. 2 red , 90j
90ic for cash ; Olio " for Septembi
92i@93@92Jc for"October ; 93 ! < s9
@ 94g for November ; 94jj@95c for I
ember ; 9Uc for the year ; No. 3. c
85J@87c ; No. 4 do , 83@84c.
Corn Higher at 39f @ 40a for cat
38g@S9a for S rtouiber ; ; 3838c I
No. 3 ; 37 @ 38c for December ; 37
for the year.
Oats Lower at 2Sc ' for cash ; 2
for October ; 28 ] c for'November ; 27
27 0 for the year.
Rye Dull at Sic bid.
Barley Unchanged ; prime to fan
i. 7590c.
Lead Unchanged at § 4 50.
Butter Unchanged.
Eegs Uhchanged.
Whisky-Steady at $1 13.
fcoirk Quiet at S1583.S
Dry Salt Meats Steady ; car lots ,
85 12i@8 tt3 ? § 0.
feaecm Quiet at § G 12i6 20@9 374
9 50.
Lard Strong at § ? 97 .
Receipts Flour 5,000 brls , wheat
8f,000 > > u , corn 30,000 bn , oats 58,000
bu , rye 6,000 , barley 8,000.
Shlpments-Flcar 21,000 brls.wheat
$7,008 fed. corn 8,000 bu , oats.
1.005 bn.
New York Prod dee Market
NEW YORK , September 13.
Flour Steady and modera'e ex
port and jobbing trade in < | uuy ;
rourid hoop Ohio , $4 00 Qu 'GO ;
choice do , § 4 (6 5 T5j eUperfinewest
ern , ? 3 iO@ * 00 ; common to good
itoxtht 3o , S3 7o@4 25 ; choice white
wheat do , $4 15@4 CO.
Wheat J@Jc better &ni rather
quiet ; sale ? cf 1,800 bii N6.1 whitoi
September , $1 04 ; 49,000 ! ni No. 2
reeLDetobet ) § 107 < § > 1 07J ; 4,000 bu
tioi J"oeniber , $1 081 08 § .
Corn Stada better but very quiet ;
mixed western , spot , 50j5lGl-do ( fu
ture , 50 < s53jci
Oata Shade atronger ; western , 39
Pork-413 50@13 75 ! or the year.
Lard Sal j at $3 20 for cash ; § 8 3C
for Peplember ; 8 32J@8 35 for Octo
berS825@832J for November ; 88 20
@ 8 25 for December ; 88 208 22Jt foS
seller for year ; 58 35@8 40 for b'uyel
for the year.
Speculations on the Election ir
Maine A Close Contest ,
Special Dispatch to ifcj lieo.
AWJCETA , Mb. , September 13 , 4 p.
m. At Deering , Maine , Plaisted was
68 ahead of Davis at noon. At Port'
land the vote at noon V/sb even between
tweon Davis and Plaisted. Lial
year the republicans had COO majority
in August a. The returns indicate a re
publican majority of 25XXa ) larg galr
over last yedr. 'fhefo 15 some excite
merit in Lewiston over the alleged
bribery by Mayor LittleEeld of a mi
nor to vota the republican ticket. The
minor has fled and Littlefleld ack
nowledgca the payment of money , bu
says it was for another purpose. Re
turns fromBangor show a deer aaec
republican majority on a largo vote.
Bupinpsa is aimost entirely suspend
eii and the interest in the election i :
geneFal. Great crowds surround th <
polls everywhere and hundreds o
teams are engaged Hinging voters t (
the polls.
I Special Dispatch to The Bee.
| PORTLAND , Me. , Sopt. 13 , 4 j. ro.-
The weather hera fco.dny is Very pleai
ant and the election is goingon qui
etly. A very large vofe * Has bcei
polled urj , to noon and at'that tim
the otfe'in thiaricjty waa a tie , an oc
currence which > ha 'nereVliappeitt !
. The ,
bf this cjty , , rep orAS. the demo
Crats siity aha Ujp to.uoorf " *
epiember-lS 4 p. m -
'Reports received at The Globe offic
show that the election in Maine i
prOcfediugamid great excitement , bu
with order and quiotnesa. The indi
catloilB are that a very full vote will b
pbllednCho numb'erof ballots cast i
the earlyrpart of the day being ur
precedentedly large.
United Democratic and Grees
back Victory in Maine.
Special Dlipatch to Tm liBE.
PoETLiND , Me. , September 14 ,
a. m. Returns from 150 towns giv
Davis , republican , for governor , 41 ,
696 ; Plaisted , fusion , 38,710 ; Joj
prohibitionist , 52 ; Nye , enforced pr <
hibitionist , 110. The same towns lai
year gave Davis , 39,750 ; Smith , den
ocrat , 25,300 ; Garcelon , greenback
11,046 ; Bradbury , 221. The towr
that have not been heard from gav
last yearDavis , 30,150 ; Smith.23,07J
Garcelon , 9,720 ; scattering , 200. Til
republicans concede the state to ih
faaionists , but claim the majority t
be small. It ia thought , howevei
that the fusion majority will rcac
1,500 , aa most of the towns yet t
best from are considered as demc
cratic strongholds. Boutello , repul
lican for congress in the Fourth dli
trict , ran behind his ticket , and Lade
democrat , is elected. Murch , th
greenback stone-cutter , in the Fift
district , is also elected. Philbrick i
the Third and perhaps Anderson i
the First are the other claims of fuaio
victory. Frye , republican"is electe
in the Second district. The fusionis
cain in the senate and house. Mesar
Keed , Frye , Lindsy , Ladd and Mure
are the present members.
St. Louis' Census Troubles.
SpeciU Dispatch to The Ceo
ST. Louis , September 14 , 1 a. m.-
Af ter the close of 'change yesterday
meeting of merchants and properl
owners of the city waa hold to discu
the census question as applisd to S
Louis. Several gentlemen spoke , a
of whom claimed the census of S
Louis had been inaccurately take :
aud showed by facts and figures th
the city had been generally under-r
ted in population and strongly urg <
that vigorous measures ba taken
procure a recount. Resolutions we :
adopted providing , for the appointmei
of a committee of three gentlemen
take the matter in hand and obtain ,
possible , another enumeration by 11
Real Estate Transfers.
Ann and Patrick Carroll to Olaren
N. and Annie E. Blend , w. d. , i
lot 17 , Thornell'a addition , Omaha-
John S. Meloon and wife to Patrii
Cavanagh , w. d. , lot 1 , block
Horbach's second addition , Omaha'
Win. F. Heins , county treasurer ,
Michael Dougherty , t. d. , lots 1 , 2 ,
4,5 6,7,8,9,10,11 and 12 , bloi
7 , Dwight & Lyman's additionOm
ha 5675.
The last will and testament of Be
ben Gaylord , daceasel , with certi
cate of probate Had letters teslame
tary was filed.
ElijabethE. Foglesong to Geor
Canfield : q. c. d. e. 50 ft. lot 1
Buller's addition , Omaha § 1.
A. J. Poppletonfand wife to M. D
laney : w. d. lot 7 , "ElizabethPlace
Omaha $350.
Annie D. Coburn to Charles P. Mi
calr : n. f lot 1. block 241 , Omaha
All Aged Couple Burned to
Death in thfeir House in
The Search for the Missing
Crew of the "Matilda"
Proves Fruitless.
The temple of Talmage
Tossed on the Troubled
Sea of Dissention.
The Faction bf Moral Eotten-
ness Prepared for the
Annual Fight.
go's Troubles. *
Special Dispatch to the Bee.
NEW YORK , September 13 4 p. in.
The twb factions of the Brooklyn
Presbytery who divided on the ques
tion of Rev. Dr. Talmage'a guilt 01
innocence of the charges ol
falsehood and SeVell up'oh which
hu Was tried and acquitted ,
arc actively preparing to carrj
their case before the synod
again at its session next month. The
case goes upon appeal from the decis
ion , the presbytery refusing to give
Dr. VanDyke and about twenty otlv
ersjhe investigation they demanded
in Dr. Talraage's charge of moral rot-
tcnncsa , which ho afterward with
drew in his pulpit.
omcmnatl's Show.
SpccUl DIspaUli to TUB BM.
CINCINNATI , 0. , September 13
4 p. m , The second webk of the ex
position opened this morning very fa >
vorablviih the weather fine and
the crowds lar o. Gan. Grant has ac
ceptcd an invitation and will bo hen
in a few days , and Governor Williams ,
f Indiana , will be present the saint
A Vain Search.
pechl Dispatch to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , September 13 , 4 p
m. A dispfttclu to the 8e5rotary o :
'ho navy from Vallejo , Cal , announ
: ea the arrival of the "Frida" at thai
port on Saturday , 24 days from Ma
zatlan ; all well. The "Frida , " 51
be remembered is a vessel
sent out by -Jpvernhlenfc t <
search for the roJBsing officers ant
crew of the missing sailing vessel
"Matilda , " which was-wrccked tw <
nontbs since , tome two hundred mile
off .thor oaat ofrMwlcoIt.was re
oriud.uit'lthe tim'erthai'igomarof tfil
fficers an d men , had .iakenref ngi
od an island. - Lieut gate's * am
n' ' "ibade * & " ' fiiofoagh
uen.Iii consideration" * nf tholf jnir
torioua service , d jtral'Jlog'era , cpnj
manning .the PaciBc" station'has'or
dered thai Lieutr YatesJ5nd"hisr'mB' ;
30 given leive and other cuatomar
ndulgences. all of which is approve
by the .secretary of the navy :
Burned Tj
Soixlal Dispatch to TIB'BBB.X
AUSTIN , Minn. , _ SepEember 13 , 4 j
m. Early Sunday momir-g the hous
occupied by old Mr. and .Mrs. Purd
w a discovered on fire. The neigb
bora broke in the door , but could nc
rescue the old couple. They wer
asphyxiated while asleep in bed. Th
bodies were found side by side in th
cel'ar. ' They are highly respecte
and have ten children living withi
hfteen miles.
Suicide for Cancer.
Dlepitch to TOE BEK.
ATLANTA , Go. , Saptember 13 4 i
m. A few days ago Hon. G. B. Wi
Hams , of Way Cross , for several tern
a member of the legislature and
prominent candidate for judge c
the superior court at the nos
election , left his home early in th
morning as if to hold court in the ac
joining county. Yesterday his bed
was fonnd in his law office , he bavin
committed suicide by poison. A cat
cor on his nose ia supposed to ha\
been the cause.
remaining in the Omaha postoffit
for the week ending Saturday , Se ]
tember 11 :
Ashley H Blumenball Mr
Bainford R L Beckwith W
Beckett S J Brooks G
Blineve F Ballou E G
Braton F Bell D F
Bowers B F Borkert C A
Bassett A N Christensen J
Clarke TT DennerJ
Driden J Dee E
Fisher A FishFO
Fazell J C Felix J
Gould A GormanlD
Gross S Garvey D
Godfrey G A Geup G
Hemmmgsen H H Howard D
HicginsUH Hoyt B F
HailWG HemelT
Jardner C J Jackson F
Kruger J Kunkel C
Keppel J Kuek W K
Leaman A E Linney M S
Lawless E LaneE 2
Layton C LatimerC
Momas L McBride E
McHose A Marardy E
Miller J Moorley J 2
Miner I A McLeod S
Iilarsli J Nauman E
Nixon F Nelson F
Olsen C M Ogden A A
OlesA Oberg A
Peterson F M Parmell E
Polins A Pigott W
Richards L G Russell J
Robertson J Schieben A 2
St. Glair C H Stone C H
Stevens D SchaferE
Schlagintweit R Stevens J F
Snider J H SulliTan J E S
Thompson W S Tenny W O
Taylor T Terry O
Terry G W Thorns J
Vestal H W Vian J B
Vaux F T Woods W
Webb W - Waldron J
Watson G W Watkins D O
Anderson Miss K Anderson Miss V
Brann Madam R Buchtel Miss V
Castell Mrs L J Oole Mrs S
Dorwaldt Miss M Delonne Miss J
Easmns Mrs P Feast Mrs A
Forcht Emma Graham Mrs D
HaleMis < H Johnson Miss M !
Johnson Mir M A LKing Carrie
Mood Mrs Maggie Moore Mrs S A
Morris Jiiss E Olsen Mrs C M
Roslur.d Miss A Eawtelle Mrs S J
Snow MissN Sheffield MissIM
ScVildknecht Miss LThovis Mrs A
Vincent Miss K Webster Mrs E N
William ? Mrs ME
THOS. F , HALL , Postmaster
Ahner Chas Armstrbhg & D
Armstrong G P Armstrong Tnos
Arneman Alfrul Adamsky Murris
Ahhtrom Peier Anderson John P
Anderson A J Atkinson Henry C
Audornon N P Anderson Peter 1
Adair Wm S Alihous Gerhard
Anderson C Anderson I > ara
AinaworthFS Anderson Peter 2
Attdeiftuu Jj M Asenstein Gotleib
Ahroineit D nitl Anderson A 2
Armstrong Wm E Andcraou Ole
Anderson R W Allen Franklin
Adams Thoa Anderson OP
Anwit Richard Abeincthy Chaa
Alexander John Andres Philip
Sem .ctf IJIiaa Boyer Peter
Brandt John Brown J N
Brandt Carsten Buehlor Michael
BurgdorfChas Black DO
Bauer Chan Boll Adam A
Briggs Clinton Ballks JFhoa
B illiver Jack E'dckindil Jo3
Burke Gtlstave Bergstrom Ai.-guat
BellJT - Brown NfIsoii J
Dsrtelaon G Bdlllat Joseph
Bangston Lars Black D D
Bollard Thos Bergman Cha 0
Bordcn Andrew Bell Otto
B.irsel John Bergman August
Boyle John BmdAlA
Berglilan Max tHicchle Adolph
Bcnzen August Benson Nils
Burgdoff Henry Bre'z B F
Burke Oliver E Brown John W
BetzM Brandea Chas
Bohlman Gu-itav Bell JohuW *
Ble id Clarence N Bavtach Jacob
BirkeltO P Boiesen Philip B
Benson Carl Bpieson Peter 0
Brady John Burns John
Bjorkland Alfred Barbeau Joseph
BrowW H Banks JW
Buchanan A G Bar tush Joseph
Blomgren Chaa Burr Daniel
Barrett Edmund Bell Robert
Beatty Joe T Burk John
Botkins C D Bruening Wm
Bial < i" John Black Alex
Buckley Edward Bachline John
BrewingtonJ H Boyer Josbph
Brunberg Peter Browley Michael
Burk Jas Bird Chas
BoeklioffJohn Barrett Thos
BirdH Bird Gee W
Bone Jas Benn John
Blumber August Barry Michael
Beuaon John Bui row H A
Conoyer Chas M Caaey Simeon
Christopheraon J Cooner Henry
/i- * i..i-i rnn- ,
Callah * * 2 H Canfield George
allahan J B Culver Eiwin
ChrisienEen it
aey 'i'homas Clark James T
arlson A F Collins Daniel
ookMD C.UUhan H P
hriati isen J Collins C W
look I W ChikA B
hriatianaen J 1 C.uoy LA
Jhristianeen 3 2 Oltday Jerry
ook H H Christiansen Lar
'ollms Daniel Cory S 0
lleburne William ChciatLansen Am
3ummlng3 W - CuerJB *
Iqgaa-Domlnick Corrfj n Tlmoth
Orely Edward CrigW James1 '
3ouydqn : Tim - 'CnriaKansen 3"
rfrcniH HenryC&nnin.gtianitAjit
0"Sn } < Iefi Wra . OWnihgham" 'Da
Bvjrorf " F Carey :
! a > ey Ohriatopher Crist J P
Ussier Abraham CoeRG
OiarlrGeoH , Cooper Edward (
Daeman Alex Dohle Henry
Doll Wm Davis James
Dorn Frank Desmond Pat
Devitt Patrick Durham G H
Davis JohnW Decker Oliver G
DarrowRH Dunkan George
DolandorZac Depiesso Peter
Daily PH Dillon P
Do line van Henry Daneen Mich
Davis John A Deen John
Dillon Redman Dennia J H
Droate Ed Dinneen John
Dolan J R Dolan John
Dolor S A Donavan OWen
Delor S T Dovino John
Dovino Jas Doyle James g < :
DeBuddoville C Duhaime Joseph
Dell John Davis 011
Dreher Victor Deber ? H VV
Doerffol Emil Doerffel Herman
Doyle \Vra Danks M 0
Dans Michael Davidson Chas
Desmond Thos Dursten Wm
Davis C G Drach John P
ErflingEdO Elgutter Motrls
Edwards Isaac Epperson S 0
Ellis Perry Evison Gee
Eklund Chas Ericaon Christ
Ewlngs Jag P Enewald Jas G
Estcll L S EdgirWmM
ser JOB EdwardsNN
Ellis John Erb Eugene W
Eslinger Martin Elsasser G F
Eshle W Edwards M G
English J E Eden A 0
Ergood S G
Franz Daniel Frank Jacob
Foster John French J B
Festner John Fredrlokssn Je
Fisher A E Frost John
Flanery Peter Foley Timothy
Farrer L P Featner Julius
Fortunatua John Ford John
Fogarty John Frick Andrew
Fair James P Fisher Charles
Frieling Henry Fleming Mich
Fielder Anton Fitzgerald John
Fosler Wm Fooly Mich
Fisher Berhard Fitt Frank
Frey Leon Foley Michael
Fjnney S H Fuller FG
Foran Wm Flach George B
Foran Philip Foster Matthew
Goodman C F Gamble W R
Green John H Guinan John
Graff Gee B George AGP
Gilbert James Grainer Frank
Gilbert Chas Gilmore Elias
Gills Fred Gaycon Charles
Galligan John Gorman Pat
Grapp William Gorman John
Glenn Robert Goodwin W
Gilday Frank Gillespie John A
Guheen Michael Graff J H
Goodman G E Grace Martin
Gentleman Thos Grubaugh Will !
Gllmore Harry P Golden Edward
Getzachmann A Getzachmann P
Greeley MarkH Goddard S M
Graney John Greer John T
Guelker Henry W Goodman Rober
Gannon D Glake Herman
GillJM Gunn Austin P
Gariland Frances Glowazky Joat
Gross A F
Hanson Mark Henry James
Hickstein Fritz Hogan Patrick
Hanssn Julius Hayes William
Hansen George Hickey Wm P
Hansen HanJ Horsman D J
Hansen Jens Hendrix J B
Hansen Hans 0 Hansen Christ
Harmon Paul Hollenbeck Wn
Harmon A J Hausen Rasmus
Harmon L A Hinkley W W
Hewer Peter Hobun A J
Hughes WHS Hayes Wra
Helm Obarles Hanoen Bertrai
Husted 0 C Healey John
Hansen U HalerO
H arinAnn GH Heller John
Hirt Michael Heller Jacob
Olcf Hoien Henry
irt John ilajstrom John
H o'anElward Hor.i John
Hacks trass er J Howe H H
Haokett Anthony Hggins : T D
Hausen Peier UaiiyB Anton J
Hainanu Win F Heiiay J A
Hi n3 George llarriii"toii Pat
QadetonJohn Holland Thomas
Haulay Charles Harriagn Maurice
Henuingson H Harmon Eugene L
Hogeusim John Hobbio Henry
Hiss N K Hi hea P W
Hobbie Chas W Heller John
HetzellGeoW Hamann H F
Hollenbtck Frank Harman Wm
Halheil Jena Haarman 0 F
Herbertz Ohas Hnfman Andrew
Herman Wm Helm John
Heines E S Harman A S
Helm Christian Hot file Chaa G
Heinchey Pat Haaeo August
Hansen 0 T Homelius Chas
Haas John A Hajjgerty Edward
HJckson E M HamttntlC F
Hofauu Simon tlorigan Patrick
Hogan Joliri , Hoagen Henry
Hansen Christ
Isackson August Isle Gottlieb
Inglehsirt B E IlerE H
Jenkineonlll G Johnsoll Douglai
Johnson J A No 1 Johnaoh A S
Jorgensoh 0 Joluiarm Frank
Johnaon T A Johnson A
Jensen Jens Juatus W 0
Jensen ISilos JOES Claus
Johnson Nickolaus Jcnney L M
Johnson Ilichard iTonea Wm 8
Johnson John No 2 Jensen G R
Jeaperaon , Ld Johnson J A No !
Jacobson Jacob Johfison Charle
Jenaen P H Johnson S P
Johnaon W John Jenaen J K
Johnaon B Johnson Peter
Johnson Christ Johnson Robert
Jensen Anton Johnson Andrei
Johnson Ncla Johnaon P J
Johnson Bengt Jones A L
Johnson Andrew Justes N H
Joyce A L Jones D P
Krelaman Ed liadfmrtn Hour
Kaufman Charles Kelly Wm A
Koeeter Bernhard Kahl Glaus
Koester Henry A Kinney Thomas
Kuehl Edward Knapp Fred C
Knapp Michael Koater Chaa M
Kountze Herman Koeh Henry
Kent Joaliua Krebs Thomas
Kimball Thomas L Kent WmP
Koppes Michael Kraiz Wra
Kin Peter Koster Ed
Kuemmel Fred Kenelly John
Kastuer Thomaa Richatd
Kelly Pat Kelleher B
Klindt Chris Kammorling F j
Krebs Ernst Kaat Simon
Koester Jos B King Philip
Kirkland W J Kirkland John
Kearney Frank Klee Frederick
Keck John Ken'ioly Jonn
Ketchum ti P Elink Philip
Kroulik Joaeph Krumel George
Karney James Krug.Wm
Kaach August Koehor Edward
Knox E B Kearney Martin
Krebs Frederic Kampf August ;
Kaasch T J.
n . . . c. P- -c. j. '
Leidge Conrad Eowe Fi kif
Larsen'Peter No
Tjajrson G P Lindsay John
Lewis E D Livingstone TO
Livingstone T S Leisge Henry
Laibert Leonhart Livin Michael
Lynch James Ligo Rasmus
Laing Robert Lugo Henry
Lnwrey T J LTirsen H.tns
Linahan J A Lucas H R
Luehr Henry P Laraen Neils
Lenhart Herman Larsen Ole
Lang John Lindbery Frank
Longprey Lewis T Larson S J
Larson E LindholmL
Leo Edward T1 Lind John
Lindhardt Chriat Long Eben K
Laraen Nels Larsen Christ ! :
Larson John Liraen Anton
La Master MI1 Lewis W L
Lambertaon Jas W Laraen Dars
Lee Edward Larson A G
Lawry Jim Larsen Peter No
Logan B F Larsen Abraha
Lampson Wm F Laraen L 0
Lovelace George Lipe W A
Larkins Wm H Lorenzen W F
Langdon E 0 LomieeuxXFrai
Lemieeux Lewis Lawrence John
Landenburgor Jos Lueken John
Limbertaon Peter
McOlure E A Meehan Micht
McClure Harry Murphy T
McVIttie Jas Murray J H
Markel J E Miller John
Metz Fred MeAIanb G W
Morton J F McNiel Pat
Merricle Gee 0 McGinn J 0
Moeble Fred Murphy Pat
Madien John Martin Peter
Madsen Peter Marsh Ohaa
Mulcahy Wm H Mathhsen Neils
Matheason Peter Mullen Pat
Madsen B F HaxGeld E H
McMahon M J Mahoney M J
Mellus D 0 Mclntosh Malco
McGavock Patrick McCarty Jos E
Morton John McManes Gee
McKillup DaVis McGourhck Pet
Mattson Peter D Mulady Wm
Mockbee Ghaa E Malone Thos
Mclntyre David Morgan Chas
McClelland Alex Mack 0 H
McArdle John Meyera R M
Minjguo John Murphy John
Murphy Jas Matton Hugh
Malone Ohas Moon W R
Murry Wm Manning Wm P
Motiro W B Mulcahy R 0
McDonald John Metzgar John
Miller Alfred Mickehon Petei
Mathhson Wm C Morehou-eSami
McCoimick F P McGavock A
Metcalf J M Molzgcr Emil
Mai tin Roniald McKenna H J
Minnick John McMillan W H
McGinn J C McHuyh J mea
Merrit John McCaffrey Pat
McGucken Dan Morford Wm N
Murphy Wra Meyers Lewis I !
Miller E W Moore E 0
McDonald Rinold MiCormick Jas
Mitchell Benj McCaffrey J 0
Montag Joseph McCarty Pat
Meyers James A Mosher Gee H
Murphy John McArthur A
Mathias E R Mobtrger Jams
Mailander Chas Morford AT
McOartyPF Meyera J mes
Mclntosh James Morford CW
Morford J H McCarty Marti
Morris B Mclntyre Cha
McAllister Archie McDonall Gee
Mithiaaen August Murphy Thorns
Mitchell C A
Norlander Wm Nnchtincala L1
Nelson John Nelson N C
Nelson Swan Nilhon L F
Nelson Paul Noonan Thonn
Nelson Ole Nelson Peter
Nelaon Rasmus Nelson 0 R
Neve Wm Neale R H
Noonan Pat Nelson Willian
Nichols Wm Nylen Peter
I Nielsen Btephan Nichols W
I Nelson Peter Newell Cbas L
Nelson NO Fi
O'Sullivan Ed O'Byino Patriik
Olsen Peter OUpn John
Ostrum H J O'Neil John
Olsen Jjrnoj Olsen Niels
Ohon &vrai ! Olsen Hans
Otman G OlsonO
Ohen M Oh-n Peter
Olaen John O'Byrno Patrick
Olsen Olof Oiterly Jacob
O'Donncll James O'Tooio James
Olsen Ole Olson Carl
O'lirien James O'Connor Timothy
O'Brien John O Neil Pat
O'Connors Thoa O'Brien John
O'Donnoll Pa'rick Oman Ja ob
O'Ndl Jack O'Kcefe Michael
Oneli Chas
Peterson Nels Pomey Guatavo
Jarine H E Bendery A S
Parr Michael Parker A A
Pelle F C Pot orson John
Pjerrou M F Padock H G
Porter James 1 Peteraon Edward
Paraen Andrew Potoraon Jens
Power John Prizing Will
Peterson Gee H Peterson James V )
Poteraon C N. . , Porter W W
Proaton Wm T Peterson Roberl
Peterson RiamuS Preston Will
PolanzFred Preiss Robert
Peterson Christ. , Polar-z Fred No'
Peterson Peter ii PJoop Lafayette
Pear.on A F Peterson Jamei
Perkins CE Potter Samuel
Poeach Lorenco Pu ner Martin
Proctor Wm Pilaeging Wm F
Pironka Frank Parker J G
Pilasy Joe Petenron , 010
Purcell Michael Prochaslia Joaepl
Pierce George Pape Herman
Putnam John F PrizkoMax
Paschen Lewis Petz John
Quick Martin Quinn Frank
Rotholz Julius Richard Henry
Rooicky John Sr Redman Henry
Ryan Dennia Robinson tf
Rvan John Ried Ed
Redin < zton Mike Ruah D 5
Reed P-obert A Ryan J E
Reynold Taylor Ryan John M
Ileian ; John Roe Henry .
Robert HB Reynolds G W
Roche E B Roche John
Rogers Gee Richardson G W
Rune Alex Ra3uiuacn Chris
Richardaon Will Ryan Jotifi
Ryan James RobO'.eh Siertten
Raamuaaen Chas Roe J P
R chter Henry Roddis Edward
Roblins Michael Rosenfold Jaco
RasmuasenRaamusRoe JohnP
Roaen ren OleT Reichard Jacob
Rogers S - Ravert H H
Robins John B Reyan John
Rosicky John Jr Richard John
Roch John E Reed John N
Robbins E S Ryan Timothy
Read T W Raudszns Chrlata
ReyWD Ring Thomaa
Ruben Isaac Ryan Peter
Hyan Thos
S'enberp ' E M Sctiwebold Rob
I Segelke Wilhelm Schweikcrt F
Slaven Felix Smith J P
St FelixHenry Smork Charles
Staboll Joseph Soderholm T P
Schroth Charles Sorenson.Niels
Sfhullz Jacob Spencer L A
Sraythe E F Sutphen E W
Seaton John S Swanson Nlela
Stutt Ernest Smith Wm F'
Snowdett Wm P Sherlock J J
Sprool Blichael Side ? Jacob R
' -"K
JSiemon-Rjchard Simpson'A
'SlavorTOwan Qmith * J E
Sanders. Albert H Smith OII "
Siemon Edward Smith Cyrus
Schweer Lewis Sorenaon J
Sundblad Charles Sparrow C A
S'itt ' Henry L Stambangh LB
Schon H Stretzel Will
Salholm Charles Swobe J A
SchmitsbergerC Schnider L
SchultzAugnst Sicrncrs Simon
Shaw Joseph Smuh W I *
Smith James Sherlock John
Stubondotf F Soalaurler A R
Stephens WJ Smith JualinO
Schroedar Fred Schronder H
Schmidt Julius Schalapp A
Strasburg Henry Seaton John H
Spotman F A Sulzer Christ
Shaw Gee W Swaaiha Peter
Spaeth Frank Sloth Joseph
Sherley G V Schenker John
StoutE J Shields W H
Stebblna 0 A Scott Jcaao
Schnieder Adam Schultz W J
Scott W W Spottle Martin
Swacina Jacob Snediker Luke S
Slaven Michael Schleter Joseph
Schmidt Joseph Smith Ira W
Shannon W J SpauldingWH
Swiggert J L Slsne Jameij
Stein Fred Smith H ft
I Schied Andrew Summer Paul
Sieverling Julius Smyloy J B
Schroeder John Smerch J J
Shore Jos
Thum Fred Throne 0 0
Tuttle PMC Turkelson Peter
Tog Thomas Traher Wm
Traynor Andrew Toft M
Templeton Wm A Thomaa Michael
Thomas Aug E Trinerup C
Travia Abner Tombrink Herm
Tenfel August Thompson F
Thompson J H Trot Joseph
Traynor John Taylor Joseph
Taylor John G Theile Julius
Trilaty Roland Thomas E J
Thompson W F Tobin David
Tenney Fred Thomas S E
Toohey John
Umpherson Wm
Verperten Henry VodickerVL
Van Tasaol J Van Duaen Wn
Vanoy W H Van Dusen Her
Vanous Joseph Vandervoort P
"Vanous J No 2
Wittlg Ed WilrodtH F
Wilcox W P Wolwarth J M
Windheim Peter Wiberg August
Willo Christ Webster LH
Weig Peter Wrenn Thad J
Welsh Pat Willing Leopoh
Warner E S Wadson Henry
Wedell C W Woodward Oa
Woodward R S Welder Asa
Wikens Gee Winding C J
Warwick Robert Ward John
Ware Wm D Weeks N
Whlteside Benj Widgery Jas
WithkoptJohn Waflle Wm
Wesson Gilbert Wilder John
Wiles Gee Woods 0 E
Welcta James Weaterman Joe
Wolworth 0 P Willis John N
WjleferdJH Wealiko J W
Worthington 0 Wineland Jaco
Wilson Charles Whalen Owen
Wolfe Victor Weisbrood G
Wilaon John Walker Samuel
Willis Charles Wilson C H
Wallace John Willis L A
ge Yancey J C Young "Sans
York George
Zimmerman G ZoilerMathias
Zessin Albert Zap Hugus
I hereby certify that the above I
correct copy of the Hat of legal vo
of this ward as they appear on
registration books of this date , !
tember 13th 1880.
Registrar 1st wan
Board of Trade.
The Omaha board of trade me
ok regular session last evening , Preai
Is. Sale' By
Wholesale nn l Ketail Manufacturing
arscat Stock of ilold and Silver ITntchcs and Jewelry in
the ity.
Come in and See Our Stock as We Will Be Pleased to
Show Goods.
15li ( and Boiljif , Opposite Postollicc.
Good Until the 1st of October.
Having secured the most elegant
and -commodiousr ; buijding" jrxt.h.e
city-of O maha- - - ! ' , "
' ' i.1/ ' " - ' c ' sirr T' . , .
* "
Cor. 10th and Farnham , - * . , yi > 7
And wishing to lay in atv.entirel
new and immense stock of goods ;
' *
for wholesale and retail trade , .
MOVING our entire mammoth
Stock of
&G. , &G. ,
We mean just what we say , and invite everybody to
call at our present place of business ,
No. 1214 Farulmni , between 12th and 13th Sfs. ,
And satisfy themselves. The Goods must be sold for Cash.
They will be marked in plain figures. The prices will be
absolutely at Cost. No deviations will be made.
This unparalelled offer is open only until October 1st , when
we shall occupy the finest quarters in the city.
. , iloz. 30c and upwards.
, . Socksper
Jeans Pints 65c 75c. to J2 CO. .
25c ami upwards *
. ami Drawers
. Un'lenhirU
Cottonide Pants 85c. 31 DO. . , , .
. Dress Shirts 5c.50c 60c 81 25.
All-Wool Pants * 3 00 , to 35 00. Fancy " , .
. " Me 31 00.
75 , ta 17 CO. White
California FanU $3 .
Heavy Blue Flannel " SSc. 1 00 to $2 SO.
Children SuiU $2 00 ami upwards , All-Wool " 75c to 82 00.
Youths' " t * 76 and upwards . " ZOsand upwards.
liens' " S3 60 , to r 00. Working ' , . , and upwarilsl
Overalls J5c , We , 55c , 7Bc. . Mcn'8 Sa3pcn l r23c iSc.SSs
1 Heavy California 31 00 , $1 15.
D Eovd in the chair. A large number
: ar of communications were presented by
the seoretary , relatieg to the establish
ment of various industrial enterprises
from different parts of the country , in
cluding a stove foundry , an agricultu
ral implement works , etc. ; from the
Kansas City board of trade and the
board of trade and transportation of
New York , both inviting delegates
from Omaha to conventions , one on
the improvement of tha Missouri
river , to bo held in Kansas City ,
G September Slat , and the other for the
encouragement of the ocean commerce
of the United States to be held In
Boston , October 6th , next. H. G.
Clark and Thos. Gibion were ap
pointed delegates to the latter , and
a a the president will appoint a delega
tera the tion of three to attend the Kansas
! ep City convention.
after being
The following resolution ,
ing thoroughly diacuaaed and endorsed
cattle traffic of the
atoek ranges
western .
b ia Wyoming , Montana concentrated , Oregon and at this
lent braaka ! s now
point and naturally belongs to
ha , amounting to 150 000 head an
nually , the board of trade calls th'
attention of capitalists , stjclc
buyers , commission men an I
packers to the advantages ot
this market , provided with large an I
commodious stock yards , for slaugh
tering , packing and cauning beef fo.
frulghtand domestic use ; also calls at
tention to the growing facilities foe
making Omaha a home market , includ
ing purchases and sales of all beef cat
tle by packers , butchers and shippers ,
and feed cattle for farmera , distiller !
and others therefore , ba it _
Xuolttd , That the question of thj
live stock Interest , including
vard , packing houses , canning es- .
Lbllshm n.s . , and butchers partic"
larly , of Omaha , warrant the orRam-
ntion of a " < > < * ° , cl 'a .
mutual inter.
where the
or e ,
co-operation may
eats of all by -
consulted , and business
of the entire community
the , adwntaRo
rell aa
munity ,
in this mar
Son of buye and aollen
Baaa Ball.
Special Dispatch to Tb Bee.
BOSIOK , September 14 , 1 a. m.
Bostons 7 , Worcesters 1.