THE DAILY BEE. Snturday Morning , Sept. ll.g BREVITIES , t Paterson sells coal. " ! Fine perfumea at Sare'fl. Dso Lewis' dry hop yeast. For the teeth , Kohn'e Denlrificc. IJuttcrick's'pattorns at Crnickshank. r Porter is running the Omaha ferry. Fruits and vegetables at Little & Williams , Douglas street. Imported and Key West cigars , atKuhu'e. Michigan peaches'received every moniinjj , at Little & Williams , Doug hs street. Eept8St > Seidenbcrg & Co.'a Key West di- BITS at Saze'e. Michigan peaches received every miming at Little & Williams , Doug las street. BeptS 3t Micb'tytn peacbe ; rccehed every morning at Lutle & Williams , Douglas - las street. Bspt8-3t A brilliant hop took place at Ft. Ouahalast night. A series of social parties will bj Riven by company G , this winter. The buildings are being removed yesterday from the site of Boyd'a new opera house. Fifteen cars of Block were re ceived from the west yesterday. The Rock Island and 0. , B. & Q. trains were each an hour late yester day mornirg. Think of it. Fifteen hundred Chiefs of Police in Omaha at one time , next year. ' ' The city council of Council Bluffs hts passed a waterworks ordinance al ter the style of the Omaha ordinance. The date of the Missouri river Improvement convention at Kansas City , is changed to Tuesday , Septem ber 2L 2LA A jolly old German was jugged fcr contempt yesterday by Judge Hawes , who thought ho was drunk. Ho was released by being recognized by some of his friends. A row at Curry's Fourteenth street barber shop Thursday resulf- ftiTmiho arrest of one of the partici2 pints , both of whom were colored , but be escaped before he could be locked up. District Attorney Ferguson says t'io criminal docket for the next term of the district court in Douglas , Sarpy and \Vaahingron counties , will be larger than at anyf previous term for the past three years. The noon train from Lincoln yesterday brought up the famousLead- ville "minstrel troupe , arrayed in their well-known uniform of corduroy suits and bearing ' .tho trade .mark of the Ilcky Mountain , Jack. They play in Council Bluffs to-night and In this city on Tuesday noil. There being no quorum present only an informal meeting of the Ne braska Academy of Sciences was held 11 Thursday. Tlw society .has secured aajjiermancnt rooms , the portion of W.illiams block.occupied by the Oma ha Public Library.mnd it Is .expected" that they will be in'orSer for-pccupaiK cy by the next regular meeting. -1 The old Veteran ininstrelj Sam Gardner , is with the Leadville Min strels and was mat at the train to-day , by a uumbor o ! his old friends. Sam looks omewh.-it thinner than when ho .left Omahabnt is bronzed and healthy as though ho hadjivedintho mountains all his life. He is interlocutor of the trouno and sings base in thoCarbonate -'Quartette. James E. Boyd.Chas. F. Mander- uon , Frank Mnrnhy , W. V. Morse , Ezra Millcrd , George L. Miller , and A. E. Touzelin , have filed the articles cT incorporation of Boyd's Opera House association. The capital stock Is 5100,000 , in shares of $1000 each , 23 per cent , to be paid upon the or- 'ghnization ot the company , and the balance whenever called for. The extent of liability is fixed at § 65,000. r A married woman from the state capital came up Thursday and , with a female companion , got on a big drunk. Last night she stumbled into Mike Lahcy's house , awakeniag and tlarming the family , who thought they were about to bo robbod. The woman chimed that she had struck the wrong hous * . She was without any bonnet or hat , and said aha hud been robbed of her pocket-book. She was given < ] urtors for the night in the county iiil , and Friday morning the judge discharged her. - i nT It * will never be so muddy but that lidholm & Erickson can throw dust in the eyes of all competitors , both for the szo ! of their stock and unexam pled low prices. i Ilcudquarters lor Joe Schlitz'e Milwaukee beer at M UCHA > TS' Ex- CIIAXQC , N. E. Cor. IGth and Dodge. Stop andjook at the Boots and Shoes , with i- ) marked on them in plain figures , .Johlu's window. Best Stock in the city. Every P&ir warranted. Money refunded if shoes don't wear n' represented. Heurj-DohloifcCo. , Leading Shoo Store , 10-2t ' Central Block. Dancing. First grand opening of lect socia bles this and every 'iitt ' : / evening during the fall .1 witer , at the beautifulhallrcf .westcorner Twelfth , and Farnham Lynxes. Dancing from 8 till 12 m. Music by Prof. Boff in tnn , Admission Gents , So cents ; wardrobe , 10 cents. Positively rough and bad characters not admitted. FnAA'E X. LEMIECX , Manager * 10-2t Just Received , Latest Importations of Geats1 Fall Kesk-wear , at L. B. WttLUUBifc Sox's , j Cor. Fifteenth nod Dodge ats. I VALIANT VETERANS.I I The Bugle Call Will Soon Bring Them Together by Thousands At Camp Buford. Thursday a meeting of ex-sol- diers and sailora was held at the court house to perfect'arrangements for the hegira to the. Reunion at Central City , which takes place next week. Gen. Manderson presided. , A general talk on the subject of the reunion took place , from which it appears that an attendance of ten to fifteen thousand : OIB is ( expected. Gen. Mander- Bon stated that there would be a very large-Mtendance irom all parts of the state ; that Gen. Logan would visit the catnp on Friday , the 17th ; that Gen. Wagner would arrive on Tuesday eve ning , the 14th ; and that Gen. Swain waa also expected. Sergeant Cody and twelve men from Fort Omaha Intend ti obtain a leave of absence for a week , and they with company G , Ne < braska state militia , and delegates from srveral G. A. R. posts will act as escort to Gen. Swain. Special cars will be attached to the westward bound train on.Toesday next for the accommodation of those who wish to visit the grand encamp ment of the boys in blue on Wednes day the 15th inst. la addition to the regular order of exercises , on tha day a trial of skill by brass and come .bands will occur. Aprize bf § 100 hai been offered lo be awarded to the best brass or cornet band ap- .pcaring. Fourteen bands have ontcre < for the prize , among which the U. P , band bf this city. SHEMEU roil ALL. The tents at Camp Buford will b hospital teiifa supplied by the govern Blent , and the same which were usec by Templars at Chicago. These tenta have been forwarded in charge of W , Wolfe , quartermaster agent Thei make four car loads , and consist o 300 tents and tent poles , and forty seven boxes of tent pins.r The Union Pacific took charge of' tbis"baggage : i < Council Bluffs- and forwarded "it fre of cost to Central City ; so they havi informed the adjutant general. Quarters tors are thus provided for 0000 soldiers and their friends. THE MILITIA. In.the military reunion , seven mi fitia companies , thoroughly armed r.nd equipped , have reported at Carr.p Buford , Central City , from the 13ib to the iSthinaLjto take partlnlhe competitive drill with tin. veterans , and in the other work of the camp. These corapsnles are : The Beatrice Guards , CO strong , Capt. Colby ; Alex finder Guards , of Nelson , 60 , Capt. Ritterbush ; Juniata Independents , 75 , CapL Colt , ; Wahoo Foratjers , 75 , Capt. Copp ; Company E , York , 75 , Capt. Scott ; Company G , Omaha , 75 , < 0upt. Crager ; Company H , Oma ha , 75 , Capt. Valentine ; and company I , Columbus , 75 , CapL Henry. The result , it is hoped , will bo to help in placing on a solid footing the militia force of the state. - Adjutant General Alexander is doing good Service in this direction. He is fostering and encouraging the militia , and if the next legislature passes the needed irn-'l provement in the law the fact will be f largely auo to his efforts. IN CAiir- . . Thurad'ay , .ilia.lGt'lfday ofTSe"- .' * Wi ° ? a firana al w wam. j There will Ii3 r. comj HliVe drill " for prz2 ; colqrs > by the militia , and the j colors will lief presented by Governor Nance. General \Vajner ; and aUff and Governor Naneo and staff wil also review the grand army of the re I public and the state militia. On tha j following day there will bo a sham battle bet ween the South Platte army , commanded by General Alexander for this time only , on the side of the j rebs , as representing the forces of reb- j uldom , and the northern ( North Platte ) army , commanded by Genera Wood , of Omaha. EEGLSTER AT OKCE. There seems to bo a misunderstand ing on the part of some who thinks this grand reunion is only a reunion of the G. A. R. Such is not the case. It is held under G. A. R. auspices but it is a rcuuion of all ex- soldiers , eailors and marines and all their wives , mothers , sisters , cousins , aunts and friends generally. All are invited. The committee desires to call especial attention to the fact that a book has been opened at Wymans's store , in Creighton Block , for the reg istration of all persons who expect to go to Central City during the week , and it is requested'that such persons register as soon as possible , so that ample preparations-may bo'mado for the comfortable transportation and care of everyone. Recister as soon as you can , to-day or Monday.--- "Time is | money. " Well then , get right down to business and buy I' one of those perfect and beautiful watches at Edholm and Erickson'a , and you will always have the best of money because the boat of time. "Lifo.hathits charms. " True , but * * * * * they 'are greatly intensified as seen through a pair of those magnificent epectaclessold by Edholm ctErickaon. j Always Oysters till midnight , at Tizard's Oyster Talacc. septS-Ct PERSONAL , ' .ow/nWRAPHS. j " -"n'TBoyden and wife went west yesterday. Major Stanton , ( J. S. A. , went west " Thursday. Levi Carter , Esq.went westyoaler- diy to Laramie. Hon. Charles Brown has returned from the eaL S. D. Barkalow has returned from \ Clifton Springs. E. L Bierbower returned from Lincoln yesterday. ' - Mr * . C. E. Willinaierreturned from the east yesterday. SL A. D. Balcqmbohas gone to Kearney 'on business. Hon. M. C. Keith , of North Platte , was in the city yesterday. Victor Rylander , the U. P. land agout , went west yesterday. Al. and Matt. Patrick went west Thursday to Rock Creek. H , C. Lee , of Fremon < , waa reg istered at the Withnell last night. Miss Libby Gray , left on Friday train for Lincoln , on a short visit CoL Wm. H. Johnson , U. S. A. , was among the west-bound passengers | _ . - ' yesterday. * - A John iD. Taylor , of the Pcansyl- f. vania road , went west Thursday in his special car. Miss FlorajBlackbum , sister of T. | W. Blackburn , Eeq. , has returned home to York. Emory A. Storrs. ofTChicago , and hja son George , wont west Thursday on route to the coast. D. C. Howard and family of Fre mont , passed through the city yester day , returning homo from a visit east. 'HE ' FLORENCE DOT-OFF. Gen. Bishop of the Omaha and St. Paul Line to be Here-Next Week. Track Laying Proceeds a Mile a Day. There is a report , which apparently comes from a reliable source , that ! on. Bishop will arrive in Omaha next week , to look over the ground and de cide as to building the Florence cut off. This cut-off , if" it is made , will begin about five mile * out of this city , and be six miles long. The work on the proposed new line is very heavy in places , but will save some heavy grades now used , and will shorten the SL Paul track between Sioux City and Omaha some five miles. The surveys for this line were made last spring. If built it will net bo ready for use be fore next spring. There is now but about fifty-two mils of track yet to complete the St. Panl and Omaha line. The iron for the north end has all arrived at Sioux City excepting about fifteen car loads. Most of it has been crossed over to the Nebraska aide. At this end the iron is arriving faster than it can bo used. At the present rate the track will alllDO d9wn .within the n'cxf two weeks. The tsioux City Journal says : The track hying on the northern end of the Omaha line , was fifteen miles out from the Ponca road Thursday , and is going down at the rate of nearly a milo a day. The track laying from the south end ha" passed Lyons. Nearly all track remaining to bo laid on the line is in the valleys of Middle creek and the Logan , and will present no difficulties. The transfer boat from PlattsmouUi is expected at this city about the 25th hist. Grand Ball at the Barracfcs. Spcbl CerrMpondrnce of the Bee. A grand ball was given ThurecUy evening in Theatre Hall by the mem * ' bers of Co. K , H.h Iiifantiy , which was attended b'y CtTcouples of our best people. The spacioas hall , decorated with flags and grand army regalia un der the supervision "of Sergeant Joli and Shipp , was worthy of admiration and attracted the eye of the fair sex. The motto "Wo'come " : guests" fillea the elevated part of the stage and was highly appreciated by the officers who honored" the entertainment with their presence. Captain Burt. First Lieutenant j , and Adjutant Foot , and Quarter-Master Lieutenant Regen , Tere among the officnrs present , with many ' gibers whose names we . } un. I abio ' ID enuraerale. The grand march was executed by the 9th Infantry band , under the leadership of prin cipal musician Sims. The dancing was accompanied by the Vritchsng s'raims frdni the orchestra , under the direction of Prof. Eug. P. Mesalr , our very capable and successful post teach tir. The orchestra was made up from the members of the regimental band and it was superb. At a seasonable hour supper waa announced and the party led by the orchestra marched to the adjoining room where rxn excel Isnt banquet awaited them under the management of Mrs. Hayes , an agree able and good hearted lady of the Fort. KIT KIT. FOET OMAHA , Jfeb. , Sept. 10 , 1880. "Wltliouta Peer. What a piano is to eevry well-regu lated household , the billiard table haa become to the sample and club rooms a necessity. The same strides have been made in the improvement of the one s have characterised the other , within the past few years , until the names of certain manufacturers are household words all over the land. While however the honors of ono branch of trade are divided batwceu two other great houses , in the other 11 thing belong exclusively to one. The J. M. Brunswick and Balke Co. , 11 atind without a peer In the manufac ture ' of billiard and pool tablcsand their accessions. Many of us remeaiber the unslgthly , unweildly tables of forty yeaia ago. Who of us would recog nize in the beautiful tables of to-day the sarao article of club room furni- tnrc. It is ertainly as wonderful ES the evoulution theory. Wo have had ocassion within the the past two' yesw to Isarn pretty thoroughly the standiugaud popularity of the various makers and their work in the west , , and ] speaking frovn actual observation we csn nay that there is but one table recognized ns a pcrfdct table in this' S city and country and itris made by the J. J M. Brunswick and Balke Co. "What these tables are is known to every ona in this region of country , when they are acknowledged to , be the most beautiful and elaborately fin ished table in the markets , marvels of crace , taste and excellence. Their popularity is of course largely due to the use of theMonarch cushion im- rocasurcably superior to any cushion over invented or now in use and en abling this company , the inventors r.nd solo proprietor , to do what no otber house in the world would dare to do , guarnateo it to retain its un rivalled playing qualities for ten years. -So- great hes been the demand for these magnificent tables has for some time maintained a branch house in this city , to supply Nebraska and western Iowa alone. The man ager of this establishment is Mr. Uochetasser and ho hae represented the company with signal success seconding ending the romarka"be popularity of the company's word with energy , ability and tact , that Las introduced thuir name and fame into every lo cality within his territory. Tha latest sale was ono of three tables to Mr. Danebaum , of Council Bluffs , whose establishment on Main staeet , next to the Creston House , has thus greatly added to its attractions. We regard it has a fact that the position now occupied by this company in the field throughout the west is impreg nable. Pure Cidtr Vinegar seven years' old. splendid ' article for pickling. At J. B. IBEXCH & Co.'s. 1 2S" r.r " ' . THE FERRY FIGHT , Captain Porter Marshals His Facts Against the U. P. Statements , And Saya He is Good for Five Years to Come. 'otho Editor of THE BBS. In your issue of Monday evening you give an interview with Superin- ; endant Havens of the TJ. P. rall- joad , in which ho is very modest but ' 'ho ' would about going into print , say that the steps taken by the U. P. had been occasioned by unfair treat- m3nt from the ferrymen. He stated that some time ago the company had some circulars and handbills printed and put up which were torn down. They hlso had sign-boards put up at louncil Blnfis which he says were torn down and placed in a position to direct travel to the boat instead of the transfer. " This is a plain accusation that the ferrymen tore down his posters and juide boards. The ferryman , the writer of this , has lived in Nebraska twenty-four years , , has never been cc- used of , tried for , or convicted of , any prison crimes. This quasi charge of Superintendent Havens' is base and cowardly. The ferryman will say that he never saw one of his posters till the forenoon of the day the article appeared , and that day his runner , Hank Man , refused to let him see one , but an emigrant gave him one. , . As to Mr. Havens' sign boards , ho _ nerer.directly or indirectly , by him- "self or by proxy , touched or disturbed ono of his guide boards ; neither does he know of anyoiio who did , although ho had hcarH that a guide board down Broadway ( C. B. ) moro than a mile from the basinets part of town had been torn down. Superintendent Havens' ' guide boarda were a fraud , being painted "ferry , " with a & r pointing to the transfer , and I haii supposed that some stranger , wishing to cross at the ferry , had been misled by this fraudulent guide board , and when retracing his steps had torn it dowiij as ho or any other citizen should do. No supec- visorshould permit BUch guide board to stand on a public mad. Mr. Ha vens has a guide board on Seventh street , pointing to the ferry , within a few hundred feet of where I live , urn' it has never been disturbed , but ] Bhall ask the city to abate it. Sliper intondent Havens accuses mo of send ing runners and taking travel ht any price , The U ; P ; was lirst to send out runncrj nd to cut rates. I never have hid but ono runner and him only a week. I found him too much of a gentleman to compete with U. P. run ners. Footmen I crossed for ten cents , as required by thb coiinty commission ers and by the statelaw , and for the information of Supt. Havens and \h traveling public , see General Statutes of Nebraska , page 389 , section 14 : "It shall bo unlawful for any per Son 6r persona ) ferry or transfer com pany engaged in ferrying or transfer ring persons across any river in this state , or any river forming the boun dary line thereof , to "charge , demander or receive from any tootman or fee ! passenger moro than ten cents for any such ferriage or transfer across any of Said riversi" Section 15. "If any person or per sous or company engaged in the busi ness aforesaid shall denjand , charge 01 teceivo" t greater eum tuau ten cenis for such transfer , auch person or per sons or company shall incur a penalty of ten dollars for such offienao , which penalty may bo collected by civil oo tion beft-ru a justice of the peace whenever service of process can be made ; oiie-half of the said penalty shall bo for the use of the plaintiff 7a 7f aiiy such action , and the other half [ f shall bo paid to the county treasurer and constitute a pare of the school ' 1 fund of said county. " Supt. Havens intimates that Porter is reinforced by the Undine , I think Supt. Havens can tell who IB working with the Ondtne. If he knows any thing about it , ho knowsPorter is not in with that steamer. Ho also says "they have c'omo into our territory to cmy off our trade , and we propose now to carry the war into Africa. The longest pole knocks the per " simmons. Supt. Hivons makes a great flourish about a poor man who is trying to earn a living for his family by rUn- ningaferry ; that the trade of the great corporation is about to bo carried away , and now he f rc osCa to carry the War into his native country. Mr. dg Havens threatens me with his long pole in the persimmons hunLHo may have heard of a great man that once went round shedding tears that there wefo no more worlds to con- quere. He may be going round with a very long polo and hnd a very light crop of persimmons. Mr. Havens is a largo fish in very shallow water , making a great commotion. This is the first railroad that I over knew to claim the ferry business. The B. & M. R. R. at Plattamouth had a sign painted and posted on their transfer boats "No Ferry. " I hope our merchants may reap the advantage of the U. P. incendiarism while they are trying to render ray ferry property worthless , and get their goods over'tho rivec at $2 per car. Tuesday morning's Herald hadncard his master bark the night.beforo and know he vras wanted te throw dirt , so ho raises bp canine howl , andby ( plain couclusion " jitters the base and willful falsehood : That Porter , in the night , converted a = TJ. P. fraud to his own use. If the U. P. transfer hai BO much the advantage and love of the people why does it lead with runners and in cutting rates , and keep all the time trying to steal the name "ferry. " Why not assume to bo what they are a transfer. Last April U. P. runners followed I emigrants clear over to the east bank of the river to boat " ' my , by-false "rep 'f rescntations frightened the women and chilcfre'n , and by promise of loir , rates took. th.em back to the transfer and then'disregarded the rates prom " ised. O"he/rman , whoso" statement I obtained on this side , "next morning , whom Lgffered to cross for § 1 60/they took backt5the transfer and charced him § 1.80. , - - _ When -I * 8tafced off my ground at the foot of Farnham street the U. P. , at once torp up my .stakes' - andthrew in a switch. When I come to put up my Nebraskamast _ the U. P. warned mo oft TE wentlo the division super intendent n number of times to have him plank their Farnham street cress- ing , but he never would do so , and when I would" throw in Binders and. dirt to cross''ho , would throw .it out. I petitioned the city council to require L | the company ( oplank their crosslng" , | but the petition was referred and nsver reported. Last May I peti tioned again. The petition was TO- f erred to the committee on streets and grade ? . Councilman Stephensgn-got City Attorney Manderson to write a scorching report-against- ferry , a matter not under consideration. , The U. P. has not planked the crossing yet. _ , . ; , - - . , - - - , A few nights after the 'Key West'l went down my ferry boat waa tied to . . - -r I .w - * tb.B bank with two bow Hnea , one stern line and a traveller line. In the night some one threw off all four lines and sent the boat adrift. I do make insinuation * date not wish to any to who did It , but it was certainly ono who wished to destroy the ferry. The U. P. has harrassed and an noyed me at every , turn with the Incm of incendiary meanest and lowest manner diary competition I ever met in my life. With no regard for the truth themselves they hire meu of that class tu uC , the work , In running this ferry I have scrupu- louslw refrained from any false state ment"or act against the U. P. com- panvj knowing that sooner or later they would attempt to crueh me out , and now to excflse themselves tot try ing to tender vaWeles's and destroy my ferry property , they get Up' these falie statements , not one of which as regards myself is true. If the people will give me a small ihare of the business at one-quarter : he old rates of the transfer I will assure them that for the next five fears ferriage will be held at present - ates , if this great African warrior so wills it. JAS. R. POKTER. 'OURTH ' WARD REGISTRATION ADDITIONAL. , Addler F Hortou C B Rhoades H F Reed Byrott Irvine Jas H Jenkins Thos Taylor J L KierstedWm Williams H H . Webb J E McKono A K .JOHN S. WOOD , Registrar. The war of the roses was nothing to the war of the prices which Edholm & Erickson typ. ' carrying on in the jewelry line , _ _ _ Fall Stock of Boots and Shoes is now complete , and we invite the public to examine our goods before buying elsewhere. We sell for cash only , and can give you lower priccn than any house in the city. Largest , best , cheapest stock in the city. Henry Dohle A ; Co.- , ' Leading Shoe Store , 10-21 Central Block. 1 Uluret , Stoces , Stoves. Ranges , Cooking Stoves of all sizes , from $11.00 and upward with a eet of furniture. Stoves are guaranteed to give satisfaction. For sale by R. Trossin , 1111 Douglas , bet. llth and 12th. seplO-3t -PEACHES- Just received ! A large lot of pre aerving poaches , which I will sell very low , Now is your limo. It will sotin bstoo lato. .E. Honour , 10-2t 309 south Twelfth street. "la that a fight ? " asked our report- erj as ho saw an immense crowd at the southeast corner of Fifteenth and Dodge thia morning. "No , " said A policeman , "it is ojily the customers coming and going from Edholm & Erlckson's Jewelry Store. " Why dose . ourselves with nauseat ing medicines , when a purely fruit cathartic will euro yon at once Ham burg Fl a. Try thnm. THAT SETTLES IT. "NOVELTY MILLS AND HAVENS & Co , LEAVE -VTOKTH. Septenv . * * f ' 'Messrs. J. B. French Co. , of Omaha , have the exclusive sale of our j 'Havens' Best' and 'Snow Flake' ' fop OmaliB. Purchasers should i see that they get the genuine article. "HAVENS & Co. " The reputation of Havens' Flour in Omaha is Such that it requires no ad vertising. The trade will tie supplied on liberal terms. . Bcp9-3t J. B. FKENCH & Co. ' | REGISTRATION NOTICE-SIXTH WAttD. Notice is hereby giren that I will sit at the odico of the Street Railway company on Saturday , Ssntombor 11 ; 1830 , to make additions or alterations to the registration list of the Sixth ward for the special city election , September 14,1880. W , C. B. ALLEN , Registrar. ' Omaha , Sept 7,1880. sep7-6t FROM THE sPulNbs. Foreign and American Mineral Water , Hun- padi , Janes , Hnthorn , Friedrichshall Bitter Water , Vichy , Congress and Empire , For nale by Ish & McMahonj 1321 Farnham street. a30 1m Go From Home to Get the News. It haa often been proven that one must occasionally go away from home to get the latest news , and In this connection we cannot help noticing the following , which we chancbd to spy as we glanced over a recent nnm * bar of The Chicago Times : "Omaha Homo Journal" offered for sale. The Omaha Home Journal can ba bought , but it-is nofby any means "on the market. " The reason for making this offer Is that the publish er's duties have lately been increased by the accumulation of other business. This is a fine opportunity for any youn man to establish himself in a good paying business. The Omaha Homo Journal has been established seven years. Call at Sherman house for three days , after which addreia J. F. McCartney , Omaha , Nebraska. " REGISTRATION NOTICE. STATE OF NEBRASKA. ) COUSTY OF DOUGLAS. J Notice is hereby given that I will sit at No. 3 engine house on the 7fh , 8tb , 9th , 10th and llth days of Sept. for the purpose of making out a new list of the legal voters of Second ward. A. R. ORCHARD , Registrar. Omaha , September 8th,188tf. 8-4t FIFTH WARD REGISTRATION. - Notice is hereby given that I will sit at the store of S. P. Briggs , south west corner of Thirteenth and Chicago streets , on Saturday , September llth , for the correction of the voting list of this ward , for the Special City Elec tion to be held September 14,1880. , , . . , . CHAS. WILKINS , Reghtrar. Omaha , Douglas county , Nebraska , , September 8th 1880. We have been handed a copy of a littia pimphlet entitled "The Bible Inves igation" by Mr. A. Jacobaon , of this city , its author. It is said to contain " 148 propositions with refer ence to the most plain and striking self-contradiction of theeo-called in spired sdriptures" also " 152 references to most marvellous occurrences. " The first thousand is nearly exhausted of and the 'second edition will soon be issued. For Bale st FraehofFi. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Advertisements To Let Tor Bale1 Ixmt , Found , Wants , Boarding 4c. , will be In- l rted \ In these columns once ( or TEN CENTS per Up ; C ch rab eqnsntln ertlonnVE CEST8 pw'llne. lie" flrt * fcfcrUoB corer less than TWENTY-FIVE CKVtS. TO LDAtt-HONEY. _ _ " t Uw Offlca "OUST TO rXJAB-Call M D. L. THOMAS. RObg .Crelghton Block "ONKY TO LOAM 1109 Frnhim rtreat. M Dr. Edwardd Lo n Agtncy. poT-28-u HELP _ E. Cor. ; tin WAI' * - , G by Mrs Kennard. TTT ANTED-A Kood butthcr to tcnu VY SHEELY MHOS. f'K'G CO. 'ATTTEb Girl to d' general housework. nt > Iy at Dr. A. S. Pcndety'S , 10.h St. " * 454-13 Bool b Vi " ' R'chWs ' Fur store ; WANTED b well reeomigonaM. 458-lu ANTED 3irl for general bousevf ? ' . { Penile y's. ' U-n T. MURRAY . W 440-tf A girl , at tha French Coffee WASTED _ noil-e. 10th St. _ 433 w-I WANTED A mlcMte-agcil wonnn to do gen- eal Imcjcoork in a sma'I family ; must be a good cook acd washer. Call at 161S Cali fornia street. 429-tf AN7 ED Good sirl at Hotel Denmark , on W llth tt. , betwicn Jones and Lcarenworth 430-10 TTTANTED Office boy , at the Emmitt House. Good girl fir general housework WANTED JOHN 1. RED1UK. 402-14 A competent girl. Enquire at WANTED cor. 10th and Capitol Avc. 307-tf if ANTED , A Girl to do honso work , 1109 V Farnham Jit reel , up Stairs WAHTED-MISCELUNErJUS. ANTED To buy a cheap , gentle horse , W suitable for phaeton. Unnulre Etc Of- fle/ r ' . . . . . . 451-11 TtT ASTED--8Unatioi : at gneral housework , YV by a competent girl ran furnnh refer- X3. Address M. E. B. , 1'tc Offlcc. 452-11 TT7"ANTED Two ccntlcrren for day-board ; W location plcasint and convenient. Ap ply SOS South 9th St. 469-13 \TTANTED Boarders , at No. 1004 comer 10th VV and iJodge Stg. 417-m-w-f TTTAITTKO Situation as c erk or waiter ; beat W ofrefo-euco gitenj eptaVs German or English. Addr 3 P. B. , Eco Office.J2710 ) Ey a j onnp m n , situation of any W linj. AuJrcss II R. K. , EceOIHco 410-1 FOR RENT-HOUSES ARD LAND. THOR KENT Large and cleenntlir furnhned J1 room , with or without board. In private fam'Jy , to gent an I w'fe or tnogentlemen ; eizht minutes' alk from Fristntlice , most desirable location in the city. Address Lock Drawer 1 ? . 455-1 T7URNI HED Rooms with or without board U at Etlro'pcan Rcstanrant. S61-t OR REJiT-"TineIy furnished rooms at 131 F Davenport street , bet. 13th and 14th St.350t 350-t pOR RENT Stcre room In brick block tiOrner P 10th ard Dotulas Sis. , with or wltb'Ut eel lar. Apply to American House. 230-tt T7OR RENT A flnely.furnishcd front room. JD Emt'ulrcp.tlfile Dodge st. 283tf TJIOR HEN ? 2 furnished rooms o er Her. r ctants Exchange , N. E. Cor. 10th am' Dodge strestg. "OORNISHED BOOMS FOR RENT At Daren h rortllcnse. JvlOt : RASS-J03 acres for sale , to cut on C arC9 ° > pav f.-.r puttinpr tip , on Miss url bottom i > ' poMIc Florence. Inquire or addretS J , FOLSOM. Council BluUg , Itfwaj 4 W-19 T70R SALE A well-estabSishf.T llff'on bus ! " C ness , in geol bcalitv ; satisfactory ff for selling giren. AdJresa T. J. , Bee Office.447tf 447-tf ( SALE-i-Rtsuurint , good location. Ad- FJR f.Loe _ Office. . 441-11 SALE I have for sale , chtap , ecvera FOR residen cs. also a few desirable vacant lots ; ANDREW BEVINS , Att'y. S. Ecor. . 16th and Douglas Eta. J32-U BALE Thebestrpaylnir butcher business P and bestl ocation In tnecitydonablgtrade. ! For particulars enquire or address the Bee office. 374-aSott BCTCHER. lrtr of all 8iresat RKDMOND'S. MISCELLANEOUS. LOST A gfex straw hat with faatior tiim- tnlngs. Finutrbfll plfiito Icavo at Mrs. EsUbrook's , Chicago Street , < TO-10 E8TR WED 6 months eld , brown split-nosed eotcr. Finder will bo rewarded by Otto Krisonl , 114D Shirmsn Avo. 157-13 rmUYiiD bilSTOLEff-A hoise , 3 jreits Old , O crav-ycllow , with a Sore fph't on the back , was lost or stolen on Sunday night , Sefft. Ctjr , 1830. Anvone.givirg.any Information will be liberally ' rewarded. FBED : HU1H , S 13th St , T OST The last of July cf 1st of August , 75 _ LJ fair grade Ucrmo and sheep ono 2-j ear-old sfer < ir heifer , uncertain which , from herd being driven Horn Oraihato Bbif. Kor fnrtlicr in formation inquire of ctcrk at CanOcId Honsc. Finderj wi 1 be liberally rewarded for return of same. 420-11 SIGN OP THE5 GOLDEN PIANO & FRAME , A. HOSPE JR. . , . , Pianos and Organs First Class on Easy Monthly Payments , Sheet Mnsio and Musi cal Instruments. f INK sructt OF O TT L 3D Z 1ST GS . Oil Paintings , Engravings and Frames at great ly reduced prices. 8x10 Frames , 1 Inch , Walnut . He 10x12 1 . 20 WxM 1 . 20 12x10 1 } . CO 12x18 14 . 05 10x20 1 } . 75 Rustic 8x10 f rune . 15 Chromes framed , small , 25c , Cliromo ttiamed , large , 1 ! & , Engravlngj from 60c Upwards , Photograph frames from 15c upwards , -ccs75c ! a window and upwards Lambrequlr.8 8 00 per window and upwards , Cotnlco Holes 2 EOper window and upwards , Velvet frames 2Ec each to5 00 Violin Strings 16c , Vioilaj 1 75 , Z 50 , 3 and upwards. Guitars B CO , 6 00 , 7 00 and upwards. Banjo * 1 00 , 3 00 , 5 00 , and Upwards , Accordeons from 1 00 up , cheapest in city Send for tamplea and catalogue of mouldings and sheet music. A. HOSPE , JR. , 1676 Voiva St. . Omaha , Neb. ACADEMY OF MUSIC ! Simmers , Arnold and Ames , LEADVILLE MINSTRELS ONE NIGHT ONLY. Tuesday , September 14th. 20 AfifTsTS 20 The Superior Troupe of America , Sea Programmes for list of Company. Reserved Stats on ac at lf x Meyer & Bro.'s Jeaclrr Store. WILEY HAMJLTON , sep0-d4t Advance Aeent. NOflOE. i ESTLEUEH Wishing to have Suits. Pant * , VJT ic. , mads to measure , would do well by calllnc at K AL1SH , the Merchant Tailor , where prices , fit and workmanship is guaranteed. alOly VINEGAR WORKS ! , Bit. 9th and 10th Sit. , OMAHA. Tint quality distilled Wine and Cider Vinegar any strength below eastern prices , and war. ranted Juit ai good 'at wholesale § nd retail. Send for price to. EBHSI KBEBS , I Hunger. THE COLOSSAL SALE _ _ 8. P. MORSE & CO. STEPSpS & WILCOX STOCK OF Dry ? GOODS Is Now Fully Inaugurated. HO SUCH SALE HAS EVER BEEN KNOWN IN THE WEST. By order of the District Judge the Assignee has sold to us this'Gigantic stock containing of the world's Factories. Our duty ing the choicest and most staple products is a simple one to sell the goods. . The fame of this sale has extended far and wide , but it will be gratifying to the'public to know the following facts : FIRST : The stock cost in New York over $43,000 , SECOND : We bought it for cash and obtained a discount of over $20,000 ? THIRD : We have marked everything , regardless of original .cost , in plain figures. FOURTH : The stock is very choice in selection , Mr. Stephens being . well known as an excellent buyer. FIFTH : The stock is absolutelyfree from old goods and bad styles Messrs. Stephens & Wilcox having made it a semi-annual custom to send to Iowa any accumulation of undesirable goods to be sold for what they would bring , SIXTH : The goods have been marked at prices that will sell them , it. being our desire to close everything : quickly ; . While we know this sale will ATTRACT THE TffiLH , ever on the alert . to save a dollar , we wish it to be distinctly understood that this is a sale for the people , and the FAEMER , MERCHANT AM ) MECHANIC are alike welcome at our counters. We intend making our storfl"A SfOBE FOR THE PEOPLE. " LATEST TELEGRAMS . Are Not Half as Interest ing to the General Reap er as the Following Price 0IDS of Asugar for > . . . . .n CO 10 Ibs extra C sugar for . - . . . J M lot Ibs Canary 0. Bupur for 1 00 SilWOfcttiulatcdSugarfcr. i CO 8 Ibe CUt l < xf Suearfor 1 00 6 Iba good Rio CrtW tv * 1 Oo 6 Iba beat Bio Coffee lut. . ; . < . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 1 Iba choice Java Coffco for ,11111. , * . \ 00 3 | Iba belt Mocha Coffee for , < 1 60 Younir Hyson Tea par lb , 30 to JOi /lrtffT / * perlb , 30 to 10 I i Japan f c * tf lt > , 30 to , C Finest Gunpowder Tea r rlb. 76 BojtO K Flour per sack. . . . , „ . . _ 275 Sflinr Flak * winter wheat flour 3 0 HavensfjcStflanr , , . . . _ _ . . . . „ . . i Oo 22 bars 'Climax Sea JcY 1 0 21 bars Laundry Soap for u..t 1 00 18 bars Linen Soap for ± 4 , , , , . , , 1 CO Pure Maple Syrup in gal. cans 1 00 I Qolden Syrup per gallon. . . . _ _ 19 I New Orleans Syrup per gallon. . . . . New Orleans Moiasscapfif giJion. . . Surar House Molasses per gallofl. . . . . . . . . . 15 38 Ibs St. LouU Soda Crackers for 1-iO 18 Iba St. Louts Oyster Crackers f or. , . _ . 1 00 121bs Boston Butter Crackers for _ 1 00 121h30lnfcr ShapsfOT 1 00 IS Ibs New Currants for. , . , . , . . 1 00 ultCjfewBlackberries for. . . . . . . . - 1 00 I Ibs Pitted Cherries for 1 oo 12 Iba Dried Peaches ( halves ) for 1 00 11 Ibs Choice Dried Apples for 1 00 12 Ibs belt new Prunes for 1 00 10 Ibs. best Valencia Raisins „ 1 00 31ba. new layer Raisins 1 00 Feachea , 21B cans SO Peaches.3 lb cans ( standard ) . . . . „ 16 Fie Peaches. 6 Ibcans ! 0 Peaches ( Cal)3 ) lbcai.3 25 Blackberries , 2 lb can 12 } Apples , ( York EtatcKal can SO Blueberries 3 Ibcan ChcrricaZlb can Damson Plums 2 lb cans. Raspberries Jib can Strawberries,2 Ibcan _ . 16 String Beans,2 Ibcans 121 Baked Beans , 3 lb can 20 Lima "M.J2Ibcans 12J Sucarcorn , < * : lj | Yarmouth corn , per f3" ' * Tomatoes , 3Ibcan 12J Succotash , 2 Ibcan 12 * . Pumpkins , 3Ibcan - . Jo 20 Ibs beans. _ J " 0 | 10 Ibedried Lima beans , . 1 Oo 25 Ibs hominy 1 00 II Ibs Carolirulrico 1 Co 25 Ibs oat meal _ 1 00 Fat family mackerel , per kit 85 Fat family while aaUfcr kit 90 Codfish , whole , per lb 7 Codfish , bonelessperlb. . 10 Hallibut , per lb 12 } Holland herring ( new ) per kec. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 Tobucco ( BlackweH'a Durham ) r r lb , . ED TobKco ( ilverP < alpIusperlb ) CO Tobacco ( Old Style ) perlb 2S TobaceoMeerschaum ) perlb. Hams , sugar-cured , perlb. . . . . But tor , fresh roll , perlb 2U j Complete price lists furnished on application. Country orders will receive prompt and cartful attention. Poeitlvelr no roods sold on credit. i. . J. B. FRENCH & CO. , The Original Reliable Grocers , No. 1119 Farnham Street , I S OMAEA. NEB. POWDEK Absolutely Pure. Hide from Grape Cream Tartar. No othe preparation aaiea such Iiht , fliky hot bread * , or luxurious p try. Can bo eaten by dypeptia without fear of the ills resulting from heavy indigestible - digestible food. gold only In cans , by all Qroctn. CUT < tl * GITI m OLD Havng Taken the Determin "Our Entire SummeT Stock CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GuODS Regardless of Cost. In Order to Make Room for Our Fall and Winter Goods. We Will Not Be Undersold. OULOTIHIIIETG- FARNIIAM STREET. OHAELES SOHLAEK. SOL , PEINOE. Qyol Brand The sales of this "brand" of Outers have now oaUtrippe. ' ' " , * elfc Tea ' f V" LANCE & FOITIOZ Dealers in House Furnishing tioods , Slielf Hardware , Nails and Etc. 1U21 Farnham Street , 1st Door East First National Bank , MAX MEYER & CO. , tt HOLES A1E TOBBAGGONISTS i Cigars from $15.00 per 1000 upwards. ' " , Tobacco , 25'cents per pound upwards. Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards * Send for Price List , mWI MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Nel > . MAX MEYER & GO. GUNS , AMMUNITION , SPORTING GOODS , Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and afulllineof nsroTionsrs .A.CTD : IE OHSTTT G-OOIDS m-i TO THE TRADE , Eaving just opened an entirely new line of MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS , e jnldaskthe Merchants of Nebraska to inspect onr Stock. feeling'coi7 ent we can meet the wants of all in good Goods and Low Fnces SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. , Cor , 14th and Dodge St * ,