THE DAILY BEE. E. ROSEWATES ; EDITOR TO CORRESPONDENTS. OCE CorxiRT FRIESDS we will always bo pleased Vicar from , on all matters connected with wow , country politics , and on atiy subject whatever , ol central interests to the people ol cur B1 te. Any Information connected with Ucelecllon * , wdrelatlBglofloods , accidents , will be gladly received. All such commnnlci- tlors however , must te as brief as possible ; and they tnuit in all cues be written on one side of tbe * hrct only. T IB SASH WRITER , In full , must in each and of CAM communication fttrf accompiliy any rat ratnre soever. This It not intended for jiiMicattoi.bntforourown satisfaction and E > proo' of good faith. rOMnCAL. aies for Office heth- ry wit or friends , and -whether as no- /ices or cotrtnuncxtlon ! to the Editor , are TinttI nominations are made simply personal , md will be charged for as n Jvcrt'uorcnte. no > or desire contributions of a Httwui/or lioetical character ; and we will cot undertake lop < teneor reserve the nine in any cite vrmteter. Our staff Is ecffdcntly Urjo to more tban supply onr limited space. Ail ooirjnuniCTtionsthouldbe addressed to E. KOSKWATER , Edltcr. "Th ( Ifjhlatwe shall pass lavs to correct abuses and prevent unjust discrimination onfl extortion in all charges of express , tele graph and railroad companies in this ilale _ _ nnd enforce tuck lavsl/y adequate penalties to the extent , if necessary , for that purpose , fif forfeiture of their property and /ran- eftwe. " [ Sec. 7 , Art. 12 , Nebragka Con. ttitulion , enjvted "Inne. " ] NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. TDK PBESTDEXT : 1AMES A. GAimELD , of Ohio. FOB VICE-VEESIDEfT , CHKSl'Pll A. AftTHUR , of New York. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. GEORGE W. COLLINS , 1 of Pawnee County. JAMES LAIHD , of Adams County. J01IX M. THUKSTOX , of Unnsl R Ounty. REhUBLlChN STTE TtUKET , For Member of Congress , EDWAED K. VALENTIN : . Tor member of Congresa ( Contingent ) , THOMAS J. MAJORS. Tor Governor , ALBIKUS NANCE. "For Lientennnt-Governor , E .0. CARNS. For Secretary of State , S. J. ALEXAOTKR , For Auditor , JOHN WALLICHS. For Treasurer , * G. M. BAHTLETT , For Attorney-General , a J. DILLWORTH. For CommuMocer of Public Lands and Buildings , A. G. KENDALL. * Vr Superintendent of Public Instruct. Or > , Wi AV. JONES , DISTRICT TICKET. For Attorney Third Judicial District , N. J. BURNHAM. THE democracy which hopes to gain control of the government by captnr- .Ing the electoral votes of three north ern satcs , insists that the "sectional teauo" el mil bo taltcn out of Iho cam paign. It would be interesting to know upon just what issue the democracy do vrhh Vo go before the country ! They tmvo repudiated the fraud issue , they are ashamea ana v..tx- . * vo cilice * . Tim term "bloated bondholder" is likely lo be less used now thai the census has ascertained that a very large portion ot our bonds are held as a sav ing fund by the people generally. This distribution of the refunding bonds among th ? people has been largely ana to Secretary Sherman's ef forts. Of 20,141 persons who own 4 per cent. registered bonds , 7,683 hold amounts of § 500 or loss. Of the 7,083 who have the mall denomina tions 6,687 arn women , * Xn reference toiheroinatk of 6n ex change that two mines were found re cently under a railroad on which the czir was traveling , the Cleveland leader remarks : "If they had been found under an American railroad the passengers would hare formed a com pany , issued capital stock and made an assessment of 25 per cent , and the book-keeper would have absconded with the money before the next sta tion w jj reached. THE Edgar Thompson Steel Workr , of rittsburg , Pa. , have made an op tional purchase of $100,000 worth of iron ore lands. The president re- nmrkcd that if lie wasn't sure of G ar il 'Id's election the contract would Efvcr have been made , and that if Hancock should be elected the sale would not be consummated. As the ew works will employ 1,000 laborers , this little incident shows how much the business men and laborers of J'ennsylvania want a change. THE recovery of the country from the tidal wave of 1874 is aeon in the even distribution of state gorernors a nong the democrats and republicans. Of the thirty-eight governors , nine- tcen are republicans and nineteen tl njocrata. Tne only democratic gov ernors of noriii3rr > _ states are in Indi ana , Now Jersey anfl Qregon , and in ilio two former , elections to fill these r Trices will be held this fall , when wo confidently expect to see republicans put in office. This would give the re publicans a majority of four. * " ' THE Ke w York Herald "which" pre ? leads to be an indepeiylgaki jo'urrialj. hut whose sympathies a : ' editorials a o all with the dema txrty , pro- r.ounces the prcs-1 * _ roi n .ty of Iho" truth a sumcien o to the charges of p "litical outra ' whicri JarB5txtt < le"b'y t'io republican party. , tfc ai ; hti " "the south produced last. yearttjg , qre&tsst cotton crop lln atstory , ' aid this year's will be crop even great er. Bat , over and abe 4 tHhe1'K&Won * ' it ia producing ' a multitudbsidfuotlrgr' " thing * which were totallyjMljaQ pjat t.e southern Elates before the wsr. " A-nons , . these things which it it pro- . . . . . f . ciiTir . 'fn * " " dudng ; ara political tferromt qe cution for opinions' sake , fraudulent j c.octione and the entire eubversion of a liberty of speech. If the > 23fczUik& > ? mires tbess productions of the eonth * era sail let it say BO. NEVER TOO LATE TO Tut OMAHA BEE protest * i b t the nomination f M" . \ Dentine and Cams , and demands their withdrawal from th republican ticket. „ Thi. protest comes o. ' * have Vc\n m-aV If at all. before we con vention. THE BEE was not ta.ken banur nri-e It knew that these men v./re as feMSSSSSSSi it should h ve Raid so before , and not lw C waited until this late day. _ ! Besides. THE BEE can hardly have Kli- . . Buranee enough to hope Its demands will be accede * to. In this matter now that the nominations are made , without open dissent at the tlme-THE BEE is In very bmall minority. We doubt if it Vrfll find a Eicg'e paper or prominent politician that will second Its demand. The protest and demand sre now useless * unless it be to prolu.-e mitchief and discord. The charges it makes against these gentlemen - tlemen , upon which it care * its deimna , nre not f f that obvious character that car- ri s cnnvictnn. Thev be r'ir face , the evid-nceof THE BEE s prejudice and warped conr'ctlnns , and are , thus m danger , in their reaction , of hurting IHE BnE quite as much as the parties against whom they are Directed. . , We fearMr HosewaterV prejudices have jot the better of his ju pment-thut he baa taken a position for which there is no Fufficient jnstification , and that , upon ma- tarer reflection , he will retrace his fteps , and do as othB do.surpnrt m < D. nonv.- nees as are not his individual choice , as are these that ate. [ HastinRS Xebrabtan. It is never too late to mend. Party conventions are not infallible. They are liable to commit grave mistakes , bat these blunders can and should be rctified. Oaly last week the republican state cent - t al committee of Michigan made a psremptory demand for the withdraw of Congressman Herr from the ticket. Herr had been renominated in his district last month , but damaging charges affecting his integrity , made publ'c ' since his renomination made it the imperative duty of the committee to insist on his withdrawal , and , although Mr. Herr was at the time stumping Maine for the national aad state ticket , he gracefully yielded by telegraphing his resigna tion as a candidate. Suppose Nebraska was a debatable shite , would any intelligent republican contend that Valentine and Cams would not be compelled to withdraw in the fae of their disreputable record , But we are admonished that THE BEE protests too late , that itkaew these men were aspirants , quite likely to be nominated and therefore it should have announced its determin- a ion not to support them before tee convention met. This is by means no true. It was generally conceded a-nong well-informed politicians that Mr. Cams would not ba renomina- tod. Lieut-Governor Abbott , his pre decessor , a man of greater ability , whose integrity and personal charac- tjr nobody has ever assailed , had bjen cut off with one term ard this was generally regarded ns a pre cedent Jor his successors. Mr. Carrs' career ss lieutenant governor was very generally condemned. He had used his power as president of the senate to pack the committees with cappers of monopolies and jobbers. A man of dissolute habiiSj hri had disgraced himself and the state in a street brawl ia Seward , that brought down the entire otate proas on him. With perhaps a single exception there wasn't a paper in the state tha1. advo cated his renomination while more than fifty republican papers virtually opposed him by advocatirg the nomination of Hon. G.V. . Cllinp. . It . is . a notV n > " * " * & # „ itj.i. vjuinif-'r-1- ' "jugnt " Taliuitina was more vulnerable even than Cams. Very damaging aad well established charges affecting hi * integrity as a public offi cer were preferred against htm soon after his nomination two years agi. Owing to the fact that we were within a few days before the election ) aid the possibility that the congrcis- man elected in 1878 might have tie casting vote ia ih& election of presi dent , by the house in 1881 , THE BEE did not withdraw its support. Val entine's advent In congress was signal- Izad by the appointment of the notor ious Sonnenshine to apost tradership , Which scandalized the party not only in the Elkhorn Valley , but in the en tire state. Asa member of tie national legislature he waa mainly an attorney of the Union Pacific and it is simply preposterou for him to stand on a platform tha pledges him to favor legislation i ; congress to rectify the abuses an stop extortions of monopolies. In March 1880 , the decision ren deroi , in the case Bush vs. Valentine in the district court of this county the court sustained the plaintiff1 ! charge that Valentine , while acting a land officer , deliberately sought U swindle him out of his homestead bj fraudulent entries. This decision was published by THE BEE and other papers when it was rendered. It ia a court record acces sible to the publis that cannot well be ignored by reputable men , even for the sake of whitewashing a republican candidate. The republican party prides iteelf upon its high moral standardits advo cacy of great principles and its fidelity to its trust as an honest administrator of the affairs of government. THE BEE is a republican paper , sincerely attached to the fundamental princi ples of the republicsn party , and it is bscause of its unflinching fidelity to these principles that it refuses to give its support to Valen tine and Cams. We maintain that thesa men are not , and never have been the choice of the republican party. They are mere spoilsmen foisted upon the republicon party by the corrupt manipulation of monopoly attorneys , and a monopoly lobby nado ; up of democrats and republi sans. One of the active lobbyists in heitljthalfi'at the late convention , ras Louis-Lay democratic member 5flthe last elate lEenate whom Oarni > ' & ihic the [ railroad committee , and vho secured prompt reward.or * rv- > DfflthBBl > ? HAH3f1'iirL : ? grading * cenT - > T , . it is teverthele E true th&t th latoljejknJ > aa stat etenatirfc ot the .1f .the rtybtft a''erefaiSoad onven'tiop , n Ti-KJnk H.i L. * LliuUUIl T11U.r f U | even went so far as to for , imall minority in entering protest against the nominations of Valentine. Cirns , Thurston , et al. Few , if any , paliticians may have tha bsck-bone to Eeoond its demands , and its courte may deprive it of some pat ronage , but being in the minority and subjecting itself to disfavor will not deter it from expressing its honest Con victions. THE BEE may be all e lone with 11 the papers , politicians and corpo rations arraigned against it , but it will unflinchingly discharge its duty o the republican party and the pee * pie of this state by refusing to give countenance and support to dishonest public men and men whoso affiliations with monopolies prevent them from doing justice tq.iho producers of this state. OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS. California. Tramps are numerous in the north ern part of the state , but there is a big demand for harvest laborers. The Pacific Improvement company have begun turveys for a railroad around the beach at Monterey and will put up some largo bath houses there. The crMn crop of Butte county this season is fu % one-third greater than was anticipated. In Hamilton and Gridley townships there is not room enough m the warehouses to store iho surplus. A firm in Leeds , Ensland , has en gaged to furnish the state prison at San Quenlin 100 lonms for the manu facture of jute burlaps for grain bags , the loomsand machinery to cost S1PO- 000. It ia expected that they will be in working order by next spring. A 20 inch vein of qnar'z was struck in the north drift of the B inner mine In Bnttu county. One piece taken out weighed about fourteen pounds and contained so many litt'e crains of free pold that mining experts estimat ed Mly one-fourth of its weight to beef of the precious metal , The combined length of the four grain warehouses of Livermore is 1000 feet ; the combined width , 220 ; the average width , 3 feetj the com bined area , 63,000 square feet , equal 12 acres ; tha combined storage ca pacity beinc 19,000 tons of grain. At the Urion Iron works of Sicra- monte there is now bsing constructed the machinery for a fifty-stamp qoartz mill for the Grand Victory mining company of El Dorado county , which is owned exclusively by Soramentars At the same works a ten-stamp mill for the Excelsior Mining company of Placer county is being built. Idaho. Placer mining is being successfully carried on at Florence and Warrens. Rich decomposed qnmz has been struck in the Belle .Peck mine , near Silver Creek. Deer and sheep are plentiful in the parks at the head of the Email tributa ries of "West Fork , The apple and plum crops about Boise City ore far over-average In ex- ce4jpico 53 well as quantity. A smelter is being taken to South Mountain , and that once deserted camp now presents signs of activity. The remnants of llin Salmon wire bridge in Northern Idaho have been purchased by a nnn who will raise it -ibove the highest high water mark known on the river. An enrgrant recently unearthed a fifteen-foot vein of rich carbonates and g-.lena ore twelve miles above Bellvue ind sold a One-half inter-cat in it the same dny for S4000. He has r.inro been ofLred § 10,000 for the other half. Yankee p ? < tt&uTJ"n6'equ'al ] 'in'the United States. It is about sixty or . sixty.five milea from Bonanza , and at an altitude of nearly twelve thou sand foot. The lake lies in a basin among lha sharp crags bf the snowy Saw Tooth , and 13 a sheet of perpetual tee. Jt was discovered in August of last year by a party of prospector * , and named Ice lake. The sun eeetoea to have no effect upon it , except in places adjoining the shore. It Is -i P jr n great bowl in the hard moun tain rock , brimful of ice , upon which the rays of the aun descend with no power to penetrate. Montana. Brick making in the vicinity of Butte is a lively industry. Surveys are being made for laying cff an addition to Glenvale. A recent hail storm destroyed and injured vegetation in different crops parts of the territory. An immense herd of buffalo , ex tending for twenty miles , is ranging near Ferry Point , Ouster county. There is an abundance rf game , deer and antelope fat , and fattening , on the hunting grounds in the terri tory. tory.A A California man who tried the ex periment of sheep raising in the terri- torr. i now driving in flock a of 10- 000 sheep. There are fiiid to ba more Indiana I in the vicini'y of the new poit in Moagher county , than there has boci ) in that region for the past six year. The Neecla company of Glenvale will , in a few months , complete their tramway from the Lion mines to the Glnnvale smsltsrs , a distance of nine miles. An agent of Jay Cooke and other eaetctn capitalists is prospecting for silver leads on Clark's Fork , with a view to their purchase by the com pany. An eastern capitalist is making ex tensive improvements oil the Mussel- shell. He has already purchased 2000 sheep in Oregon as a starter in the stock business. New silver discoveries are said to h'ivo "been made on the head of Wise river , the largest tributary to the Big Hole. Years ago rich silver float rock was found in the section referred to. The Helena and Benton road ia being ereatly improved. By putting a uam ia the Little Prickly Peer creek and changing the channel of the stream , two costly bridges hare bean done away with , and also a high grade that has been inconvenient and cost ly , to say the least. Several colored men have been very successful in locating rich depos its , but probably the moat fortunate is a Mr. Grove , who has a p-omising ; old and silver mine on Deep creek , ] Meagher county. He has also located 1 twenty acres ot placer land on that itream and applied for a patent. Two Uorthern Pacific contractors , jave established a tie camp on the tittle Missouri , about sixteen miles ibove Miles City crossing. They em- ! oy a force of nearly 200 choppers , rhe ties and timber are all cut ready or ute , then placed in the river and afted to where thsy art , wanted , bout 125mile , * further down. Arizona The Arippa Central railroad is be- Z preparf d'or grading. The Mari- ipa grading cornbencea onOctober tha track-JsyiiH&Navcaber . . . 1 , _ _ and h - I - r . . . .V n-- * ID Mrs TTII J " = " saryl , Rodger's ] respecting ence 18 months and has afcotit 20 loca tions. The deepest working is a shaft down 170 feet , from the bottom of which drifts have been run , proving the existence of large bodies of ore. The ledge is from twenty inches to seven feet in width and contains ore running from 8100 to $1300 per ton , but the average by many assays is § 300 , On August S4lh the Southern Pa- clG6 railroad eommeheea ft lively race tor El Paso , over 200 miles from the end of the track , which it is intended to reach in 100 workiog days , or pos sibly a few days over. On the 24'h nit. there Were 12.200 feet of steel , rails laid ; on the 26 h , 11,000 ; on the 26th , 12,800 over two miles , and the greatest distance ever laid in one day by the Southern Pacific ; and on the 27th , 12,000 feet. .At this rate the company will reach El Paso with its road by Christmas. The road is now completed and in running order lllj miles from Tucson , or 65 * miles from Benson. It is now 24 J "miles from the boundary line of Nefl Mexico , which will be reached in 12 days , days. Since January 26 , 1880 , the company has built and put in com plete and first-class running order 75 miles of steel rails. * " Orooron. A site for a new fort will soon be selected. A committee of the Portland com mon council has been revising the city chatter. The late rains have not Injured the grain ; the harvest fields are now clear and the rain proved beneficial , extin guishing the forest fire thatfj was spreading in every direction , to the g at danger of property. A ship recently arrived at Portland from Hong -Kong with 327 Chinamen aboard. Thuy were financially , the poorest lot that ever came to Port land , though they are a healthy-look ing s-'t. Included among them are many biya aged between 6 and 10 yeats. Very favorable progress is reported on the construction of the narrow gauge rr.hray ; in the Willamette valley. Grading of over tweii'.J' ' three miles , had been completed , and the hands are now grading on the Stiver- ton and Brownsville line. Over 1200 men , including Chinamenare at work , and grading is beine crowded in order " that "the line may bo finished in season to carry away the present harveet of wheat. Track is being put down at the rate of half a mile per day. Colorado. Locusts are entering Platte Valley. Golden Methpdists will improve thdir church to the extent of $3000. Fifteen thousand names were reg istered at Denver's hotels in August. Eighteen Inches of snow fell on the summit f Pike's Peak during the past week. The now Opera house at Colorado Springs will bo completed about Christmas. Maysville , on the South Arkansas , has two smelters ready for work in the spring. Vigorous work Is going on in Buck skin gulch , where some' wonderful things have come to light. Work on the new union depot in Denver is retarded by the difficulty in getting stone from the quarrita. News from Caribou , Boulder coun ty , says that business of all kinds in that great Silver camp Is better than for several years past. Prospectoia in the country just wait of the Ute reservation have come up on viuns of coal that crop out for long distance , showing thick teams , Of the IT ore reducing works of the San Juan region' , the Crooke smelter at Lake City arid the Naw York and Sau T"nfiom''l > ia"1 t , A smelter x j - i- > is being erected in Rock Creek district at Schofiald. M ny lodes are being opened near by that contain l.irco quantities of moderate and low grade ofefl. Gunnison City lias just had the first Session of the district court of the Gannuon country , and the firat cnnd jury pass'ed on the criminal cuaes. Four murder oiscs came up and two men were indicted for mur der. der.The The Boston and Colorado Smelting company , of Argo , just outside ot Denver , is doing an immense busi ness. The shipments of gold , silver and copper from these works for the past three months amounted to 8773,000. Pitkin is the moat populous town of the Gimnison country. It is located in a nearly level valley , along Quartz creek , surrounded by hills and moun tains covered with a thick growth of timber. A wagon road will soon bo completed from Alpine , when stages will connect with the Denver & South Park railway. The corner stone of Denver's new I lathedral will ba laid on the 2lst , and will be a grand affair. Six or seven prominent bishops are expected to be present , while the municipal , coun'y and state officers will also bo invited. It is a'so expected that large delega tions from Wyoming and perhaps New Mexico will bo present. The Denver and Bio Grande rail road company has taken most of the force of laborers in its employ off the branch running toward San Juan , and ianowrushing the work on the branch that is to extend into the Sin Juan country. The work on the tunnel through the mountain near Conejra is neuring completion , daylight on the further side having been struck. Gov. Tabor has a now enterprise in Leadville. in the shape of a mammoth ore mill. All the machinery is pi- reidvon the ground , and the mill will The be ready engineisoverahundredhoreepow to run in about sixty days. er , having a sixteen inch cylinder and a three foot stroke. It will be sup plied with ateam from two large cylinders The work of laying the pipes for heating purposes in Denver is being rushed. The building of the company fast approaches completion. There are now intide the building thiee boilers and room ia provided for twenty more , which will be put in as occasion demands them. The pipes which have been laid are encased in wooden logg. About a hundred houses have already applied for con nection and for radiators , Wyoming : . An Inch or more of snow fell at Evanaton a few nights ago. Wyoming claims greater wealth per bead than other any territory or state in the Union , The new stamp mill at Cummins 3ity was to have etartod up on the LOth or llth. There are only 943 of th 20,814 nhabitants of the territory who can lot read and write. The secret bonanza carbonate hat Laramie has been brapging camp of laving at ita very door seems likely to ie a reality. It ia now said that the ire assays $87 in silver per ton at the awest. Six thousand head of cattle are be- ag taken in one drove from northern lolorado to the vicinity of flat creek , hare it is expected that they will nd something to eat. Msny important drivea of cattle 'OB.-Colorado to Wyoming raagea recently.been , made owing to scarcity of grass in the fotmef llate , One drove of 4000 cattle recently went into Albany county from near D'ort Collins. Another strike has been made in the vicinity of Cummins City. It con- siata of a mammoth vein of gold bear ing ore , which projects well. It is about three miles from Cammins Oity , in a northwesterly direction. tlie SltuatlorTjn Mains. BUrllngtOa HaWkiys. Tiic unit atat9 to hold an election this fall wiif bo Maine , lTlich ] wil1 vote for state officers and representa tives to the next Congress of the1 United Sta'es , next Monday , Sap em- her 13. The republicans have nomi nated for re-election , QoV. Daniel Fi Davjj , The greenbackera pnd demo crats have united and nominated H , M. Phisted for governor. The voie or governor last year fls officially - clared waa Davisj repnblican,68,70 ; Garcelon , democrat , 21,844 ; Smith , greenbacker , 47,649 ; scattering , 362. Tnis would indicate that a close elec tion might be expected this year if all the oppdsition voters unite against the republicans. All parties have been doing their utmost this year to awaken enthusiasm in the masses and obtain converts. Prominent speakers have been addressing the people in all puts of the state , and everybody hog had an op portunity td become thoroughly poat- ed on political topics. Q-eneral Weav er , the greenback candidate for presi dent , haa been stumping the state , but although his party there haa made a fusion with the democrats on the state - nd Congressional tickets/ the general jaTus'es to unite wih.-the ! democrats in the public meetings at which he speaks , and dechres there ahull b < * no more fusion with his con- aant. The republicans speak hopefully of tha resu't. Tha bold attempt to steal the state last year by the demo cratic alato officers who were then in office , has been the means of uniting all republicans and making them de termined to do their utmost this year. It will also cause the party to lose many votes in its own ranks as the honest portion of the party would * net couHU'lince ! ! such fraud. The candidates forcoiigrets thi * yf ar are : Dist. RtpitlKcdit. FviionfiU. I. Thos. B Reed. SamuJl J. Anderson. ILVm. . P. Fryo. Frank M Foirf. III. S. D. Lindev. . William Philbrick. IV. C. A. Boutelle. Gen e W. Ladd. V. S. T. Milliken. Thomas H. Murch. The vote of these dibtricts in 1878 was : Xtp. Dem. OIL i. . . . 13.483 0,343 6 , ' < 84 II . 11,343 3,332 8,472 ITI . 11.473 G.8W5 8,357 IV . 10 , < 65 . 12,021 V . 9,911 2,177 11,353 Although the democrats and green- backers htivo effected a fusion on the state and congressional tickets they will not do so on tha presidential tickets at the November5 elestion. M ine has cast her vote for every re publican candidate for president since the party was organized and will surely do so this year. Nebraska Repuoltcsn Platform. 1. The republ'cans ' of Nebraska moat heartily endorse the professioii ot nrfncj- pies formulated by the national repuckcira convention at Chicago : and pledge then unswervbig support to the candidates there ominated. , 2. We affirm the doctrines ) of national sovereignty in the formulated principlee upnn which tha perpetuity i f the nation rests , and that the p inciple of Ji > me' rflU as enunciated by the democratic party ia but the cautious expression of the Calhoun doctrine of state rights , is revolutionary in its character and destructive of the unity of the nation. ( 3.Ve regard the recent seizure of the polls and the wholesale robbery cf. the franchises of the republican citizen. of Al abama , nirpriitng in the msunsitude and effrontery of the crime of all former efforts of the par'V under thaTw ed plan in New York , and the M-'sskaippI plan in tno south , as a ' fair spe H.eji. jlir5uffi''iiC { iwMjVery h'onest man and taxpayer in tha country to most e.itnest endeavor to de feat the partv of brigandage and fraud at the polls in November. 4. We have considered "what Lee and Jackson \vouM < lo if they were alive , " and hare de errair.ed to em-Ioy our best ener gies in preventing the seizure of the nation al government by their livintt c > mrades throtifjh the frauds of the solid south. 5. We congratulate the people of the state upon the rapid increase of popula tion and wealth , and upon the good meas ure of prosperity that has rewarded their labor , upon the rapid upbuilding of our material interests since the Biiceess of re sumption and the revival of trade. G. We pledge our support to such legis lation In congress and snob measures by etate legislatures as may bo necessary to effect a correction of abuses and prevent extortioUato di crimination in charges by railroad corporations. 7. We most cordially invite the aid an'l oO'.operation in the latest defense of the national integrity atid National purse of all republicans and war democrats' ttho have differed with us on .temporary issues , or have citing lo ths party name. Jksolvcd , That we heartily join in the rec mimendation made by General Garfield in his letter of acceptance in urging upon congress the cpeedy improvement of the Missouri river for barge navigation. FORGETFULNESS OF PEOPLE. Wo would not , by enticing heading and other devices lead you into read ing of the virtues possessed byPierce's Celebrated Medicines were it not that we are award of the forgetfulness of people , and that must bo our excuse , dear reader , for again telling you that Dr. Picrce's Golden Medical Dis covery is without an equal as a blood- purifier. It cures all humors from the common blotch , pimple , or eruption , to the worst scrofula , fever sore or ulcer. Dr. Pierco's Pellets ara a plowant but efficient catharlic. Sold by druggists. ST. CLOUD HODSE , Chicago , 111. . Jan. 26 , 1879. Hon. R. V. Pierce , M. D. : Dear Doc'orI have been using ynur Golden Mtdical Discovery and Pellets for liver complaint and central debility. It is impossible to express the gratitude I feel. It is sirnply wonderful the effect your med icines have had upon mo. I am in every way a thousand per cent better. I am , yours cratefully , J. C DAVIDSON , A WELL-GARNISHED TOILET. No toilet is complete without SO- ZODONT. It combines all that ia needful to keep the month and teeth healthful , and imparts a delicious fra- granca to the breath. Its use should never b a intermitted the , as mouth needs to be kept pur and clean , and by nothing better than SOZGDONT can this be affected. SpaldmgaGlae is indispensiblo in the house , because there always breaks occurring wjiioh it will repair. ffARTKOPFF'S3nJSEU3I. Brandt's Turnfir HaU , Mtfl-tf SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WEEKLY BEE , TiieBestinthalWesfc. INVALIDS AHD OTHEKS SEESHTS HEALTH , STRENGTH and ENERGY , WITHOUT Ttf USE OF DBCG9 , ARE RE QUESTED TO SEND FOKf HE SUECTRIC REVIEW , AN ILLUSTRATED JOL'R- ' NAL , WHICH IS PUBLISHED FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION. TT IREA'fSupOti flKALTII.HTQI SE , ndPhji ! . J. cal Culture , and Is accraplete mcjclopttMiia cf Info.'mitloQ for Invalids ouj those rtho ener from Diseases. Kitj -vom. Exhausting and Painful iSV * i. . ' _ ursupoti . . Lealth , and humtn happinens . , Ubjeet tlw. . roe , : and tj,8 many qn . KLoh.iTedf3p.mrd of a ctlfe , Alt aoswtteiJ , and mlmm. is tolumeeretl to alt who te in fitd of m rice. The subject of ElecTlc Belts rt'iu Jtt , nd lb baadreJ ami tot questions of 'at i lance (3 ( cttCVUa buuumiy , ate dalj vons and eiplaiced. eiplaiced.YOUNG MEN Acd ethers tfio suCst from Serious and Physical Debility. Lws of MicJy Vigor , Freirature Exhaus tion ana ths many gloomy ccn Tamets cf early Indi'cretlon , etc. , are especially wCeSUd by con- sltlnir in contend. The LtECTBIC REVIEW exposes the unmitigated frauds tracticea Kj qn cUs and medical impostors who profess to "practice rne-ireine , " unit points out the only site , simple , and eUeCtltc io 4 t Ileiltli , Vigor , and Bodily energy. Seud your address on postal card for a copy , to J information north thousands vrill ba sent ) ou. Address the idliibTi , PULVERMACHER GALVANIC CO , , COR. EIQlffH and VIKE STS. . CINCINNATI. 0 do Yearslefore thePitblie. THE QEMUgME DR. C.MeL AWE'S LITER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy " for all the ills that flesh is heir to. " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Bilious Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head ache , or diseases of that character , they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used pre paratory to , or after taking vjuinine. As u simple purgative they are urtDtiualed. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS , The genuine are never sugar-coated. Each box has a red-wax seal on the lid , with the impression.McLANE'S LIVER PILL. Each wrapper bears the signa tures of C. McLANE and FLEJIISO BROS. ? * Insist upon having the genuine DK. C. McLANE'S LIVEH PILLS , pre pared b - FLEMING BROS. , rittshnrgli , Pa. , the market being full of imitations of the 2.ame JfoJCfuie , spelled differently , but sanlfi pronunciation. BOWEL A Speedy and Effectual Cttrc. PEEBY DAVIS' Baa EtuoJ the teat of FORTT TE Rs' trial. Directions uith taeh bottle. OLD BY ALL DRUOQIBT B. U/AUTCn Local Aleuts everywhere to eel / WAN I tU lea , Coffe , BaUrtjf Ponder , Flavoring Extracts , etc , by sample , to familljs , Prcfit good Outfit free. People's Tsa Co. , EOJ 6020 , St. LOU\S. \ Mo. a\p-ays Cures ririil never diiaj . points. The world's great Pala- Rbliovor for Man and Clioap , quick and rolin bio. r * Sff/TVRl' A grow fat upon , Mothers like , and IIi siCiim9 recommend CASTORIA. Itrcgnlatesthe Bovrels , cures Wind Colic , allays FcvcrisluiehS , ami de stroys Worms. WEI DE MEYERr'S CA TARRH Cure , a Constitutional Antidote for this terrible mala dy , by Abttorpticn. The most Important Discovery since Vac cination. Other remedies may relieve Catarrh , thi < cures at any stage before Consumption set * in. 31. It. JUS 1 > ON , CJcucral Insurance Agent , BEPKE3EMTS : PHONIX ASSURANCE co. , oi LOU. ilon , dash A > St | 35.107,12 ; WESlCI .STEltir. Y.f pnpltil 1,000,00 ? THE MEttClUTi re , of NcWATs , N. J. , l.OOO.OOt OIKARD FIiEPbUctepiliCapiftI. ; ! ! ) ( . 1,000,000 NOKTUWESTEhN JfAriOKAjCap- IU1 900,000 FIREMEN'S FOND , California 800,000 IIKITISK AME1UCA ASSUIUNCECo 1,200,000 NEW A IK FIP.E INS. CO. , Assets. . . . SflO.OCO AJ1EIUCAF CENTRAL , Assets 800,000 Southeast Cor. of Fifteenth & Douglas St. , mehB-dlr OM ff A. Tf'B ATTENTION. BUILDERS AND CON TRACTORS. The owner of the celebrated Kaolin Banka , near LOUISVILJ 12 , NEB. , Las now ready at the depot at Louisville , on the B. & 5\L railroad , . to fill any order at reasonable prices. Par ties desiring a white front or ornament * ! brick will do well to give ns a call or sender or sample. J. T. A. HOOTER , Prop. , Locbville. Neb CHARLES RIEWE , UNDERTAKER ! Metallo Cages , Coffins , Caskets , Shrouds , etc. Fwnham Struct , Bet. ICth and IK b , Om ha , Neb. Telegraphic Orders Promptly Attended To. SHOW CASES BT 0 _ J. 'VT' 1317 CASS T. , OMAHA. NEB. ffA. good g > ortment ulnrajn on h nd Ta JNO. G. JACOBS , ( Tormerlj of Glsh 4 Jacobs ) UNDE Ho. HIT Farnham Et. , Old Stand of Jacob Oil BT TBLBGRAPB SOLICITS PASSENGER ACOOMMODAflOH LINE bETvv tfc.ji OMAHA AND FORTOMAHA Connects With Street Cars Corner of SAUNDER3 aad HAMILTON STREETS. ( End of Red Mna u folluwi : 1EWE OVAHA : 630 , 3:17and : 11:19 * m LEAVE FORT OMAHA : 7:15 a nx. 9:15 a. m . and 12:45 p. m. 4CO : , 6:15 nd 8:15 p. m * Tb 8:17 : a. m run , leavin o * * nd tb * 1:00 : p. m run , learlnf Fort Omaha , are usually loaded to full capacity with rejulir piswngerB , The 6:17 a. m. mi will be raids from th pwi- > f9ee , corner of Dodge and 15th enrehU. Tickets can procured from Street eirdrlr- SM , or from dfhera of hacks. ? ARE , K CENTS , 1NOUJDINO STBE CAB MEAT MARKET V. P. Block. I6th St. Fresh anj Salt ilcata o all kinds constant in hand , prices reasonable. Vegetables In seal a. food delivered to t ny put of tna city. WJI atJST * * , - " 'rthlRthftf A. F. RAFERT & CO. , 3ontractors and Builders , Rae WoodworS a gptdilty. Leents for the Encaustic Tiling 1A Timnv g fi QJIA24 BANKING HOUSES. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED. BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. CALD WELL , H AMI LTONICO Builnm transacted same u that o an Ineor. periled Bank. Accounts kept In Currency or gold subject to tight check without notice. Certificates of drpoilt Isiued paraMe In three , ill and twelve months , bearing interest , or on demand without Interest. Advances made to f nstomers on approved sat - > t market rates of Interest. " * * " . , , , " ' bllsof ! exchange Oovern- Bny and sell so.w. Bonds. Jocnt , State , Connty an-1 d. , . M Scct. Draw Sight Dntta on Fa.-land , Ireiau- , land , and all port * of Europe. Sell E iropean Fasgaze Tickets. ROLIECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. augldtt U , S DEPOSITORY , F IRST OF03IASA. Cor. ISth ana Fambam Streets , OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IN OMAHA. ( SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROS. , ) KSTABLISIIZD IS 1850. Organized u a National Bank , Aujruat 20 , 1863. Capital and Profits Over$300,000 Bpeclally nuthorlzed by ths Sacretary or TreMary to receive Snbtoriptlon to the U. S. 4 PER CEHT. FUNDED LOAN' . OFFICERS AND .TJBZCrOR3 HlAUi KOCSTZB , PresMent. Ai'QCSTUa Konnns , . . . . A. J. POFK.IIOS , Attorney. Jens A. Ca IOOTOS. F. B. DAVIS , Aes't Oaxbler. Tnll bank receives deposit without rojtrd to amounts. Issues tune certificates bearing interest , Dr&vBdnfUon San F anclsco and principal cities of the United irUtca , aljj London , Dublin , Edinburgh and the principal citita of the conti nent of Europe. Sells pagiige tickets for Emigrants In the In- man no. maylutf REAL ESTATE DROKER Geo. P , Bemis' REAL ESTATE AQEISOY , 16th ds Dougta * Sis. , Omaha , Ntlt. Thla agency doe * 8TRICH.T a brokerage bust' neea. Does notspeculate. and therefore any bar gains on Its booVsaio Insured to Its patrocz , In of belnr trohW- up bv th e atent BOGGS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS JVo 1J08 fbrnham Street OMAHA - NEBRASKA , Office Korth Bide opp. Grand Central Hotel. Nebraska Land Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , 1605 Farnham St. Omaha , Nibr. 100.000 ACRES carefully selected land In Easten Nebraska for sale. Great BargalnaIn improved farms , andOmah dty property. O. F. DAVIS. WEBSTER SNYDER , Late land Com'rU. P. B. R i > leb7U inns RXKD. tswia RSSO. 1 Byron Reed & Co , , OLDEST ESTABLISH ) BBAliL5 05 K8tat9 in Omaha and Uoc HOTELS. THE ORIGINAL. BRIGOS HOUSE ! Cor. Randolph St. & 6th Ave. , CHICAGO ILL. PRICES REDUCED TO $2.00 AND $2.50 PER DAY Located In the business eent'i , convenient to plaC"8 c' arflUKMent. Eleaan'ly furnished. dcCtalnlnC ? " mudern improvements , passoneer elevator , to. ) CUilMINoS , Iroprietor. ocietf OGDEN HOUSE , Cor. MARKET ST. & BROADWAY Council KliiiTs. Iowa * On line ot Street Railwiy , Omnibui ondfrom all trains. RATES Parlor flo..r. J3.00 per day ; second flo r 8250 perd y ; third floor. S-.OO. The belt furnished and mo t com CKlInai house In the city. GEO. T. PIIELPS. Prop. METROPOLITAN OMAHA , NEB. IRA WILSON - PROPRIETOR. The Metropolitan h centrally located , and first o'at in evey : res > j > 2cth vinirewntlybeen enllre < y renova'ed The public wM find it a comfortable and homelike honse. marftf. UPTON HOUSE , Schuyler , Neb , Kli it-class House , Good Veals. Oed Beds Airy Booms , and kind and accommodating ; treatment. Twigood sample rooms. Specia attention paid to commercial tnmlera. S , MttLEE , Prop , , Schnyler , mb. FRONTIER HOTEL , Laramie , Wyoming , Tbs miner's resort , good accommodation * , rgt earn pie room , chorees reasonable. Special attention siren to travellngr men. 11-tf II 0. HI LOT \RD. Prnprfffir. INTER-OCEAN HOTEL , Cheyenne , Wyoming1. Flrst-cl-u. FIne large Sample Rooms , one block from depot. Trains step from 20 minutes to 2 boon for dinner. Free Bus to and from Depot. Kat4 S2.00. J260 and 93.00 , according to room : t nglo meal 75 centa. A. u. BALCOJf , Proprietor. AHDttEW BORPEV. Onief Clsrlt. ralO-t E , A. FOWLZR. JAMM H. SCOTT. FOWLER & SCOTT , ARCHITECTS. Designs for buildings of any description on erlhibttlon at our office. We have bad orer 20 yean experience in deaignlsf and snperintand. Ing pubuo building aad residence * . Plans and estimates tarnished on short notice. uymv BLOCK mMm HAMBURG AMERICAN PACKET CO.'S Weekly Line of Steamships g Vew Terk Every Thursday at 2 p. m. For E3cgl .iud , France and Germany ' C. B. RICHARD & CO. , General Pmerjej Agcita , 61 Broadway , New ? orJc WHOLESALE AND .RETAIL A COMPLETE STOCK FOS * m * m- SPRINGfSUNK STYLISH AND GOOD , NOBBY AND OKBAF. We have all the Latest Styles of Spring Suitings , an Elegant Stock of Beady-Made ClotLine in Latest Styles. Gent's Purmsn- ing Goods Stook Complete HATS , GAPS , TRUNKS AND VALISES , In fact the Stock ia complete in all Departments. Don't Fail td gee our Custom Department in charge ol Dlr. Thomas Tallon. M. HELLIV'AN & CO. , oj. . xu. j01 ; ? * 1303 frnliam Street. TO THE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : FRENCH KIDNEY PAD I Positive . and Permanent Oura Guaranteed. In all cases of Grave' , DUbetes , Drojwy. , , , fltlo . Ketent'on of U ue Kidney. Incontinent and . Plin the Khlnejs. Catarrh of the I'laddcr , Hi-h Co. * . . * , , act , n . . in tl.e liik. s-deorLIor.9 , J WnCT. . . . . . , . uscil with gtivCms lor n rir veu jo n- > . . , n euraty absorption : effects wondeifulcurative . * o . humlro.1 We bft e interui' menlcinwi bcin ? ronnlreti. . monlals of cure - * by this Pad - ! _ oben . all f clsv iTo bad W f u'otl aknpa * . "x . . . . _ . . rroi. uumuunu > * „ dra irst lor . - take lewivatLel'ad no ether. by If he return l s not mail. not AJJrns It. send U.S. 32.PO Bi ! you - - , Toledo , Ohio. PROFCUiLMETTE'S F H LIVER PAD will oolitively core Fever and /gue. r/imb Ague , AFe Cak * . Blllious Ferer. Jauodictr. Dyspepsia , „ Jl diicases of the Uvcr , tormcb i nd Blood ' ' h Pd > ' by absorption , ami ia parmanei.t. JS.I mtr dru "nst for th a pad and ' .aka no other If > doesnot keiplt.rendjl JO t < tn r PKBNCU i ? rj io W- * Branch-fokdo ) , hio. and rscehe IV b return mall. . KCIIN * CO , ifw" v Aaentg. Omaha , ; ISH McMAHON , Successors to Jas. K. lab , DRUlWTS AND PERFUMER Dealers in Fine Imported Extracts. TeA "Waters , Colognes , Soaps , Toilet Powders &o. ft stitimouU. Pocket Cues , TrrjM" and Sup < oiten. Absolutely Furo A full line of Sum . DTU S and ChemicaU ' . iTeseilftlonj Cllad at any hour ot tbo night. Jas. B.lsli. Lawrence HcDXnhondf df WHOLESALE GBOCERS 1213 FarnKam stOmaha. . V. BLATZ MILWAUKEt In Kegs and Bottles. Special Figures to the Trade. Families Supplied atRas PriceH. Offloe. 239 Douelaa Street. Omaha. Y BROS. PACKING OCX , P ! Wholesale and Retail in 0"810315 * A11E POULTRY. FISH , ETC. COUNTY ORDERS SOLICITED. OFFICE MABKET-1 6 Douglas St. Packing House , Opposite Omaha , T7. P. E. E. DOUBLE AND S' p S'b Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , Mininj , „ , BELTING H08E , BRASS AND IROK nTTIHG8PIPEf , TAH PACKING , AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HALLADAYVIHD - ! LLS , CHOHGH AHD SCHOb.l BELLS A. L. STEALS , 205 Fara'aam Street Omak Neb PAXTON & GALLAGHER , WHOLESALE GROCERS ! * 421 and 1423 Farnham , and 221 tP 22916t Sts. KEEP THE LARGEST STOGK MAKE THE LOWEST The Attcatiow of Cash anjl Prompt Time Buyers Solicited. AGENTS TOE THE EAZAED POWDEE anrf the Om ha Iron Co. THE COLORADO BUSINESS COLLEGE Thit Institution , located < * ' . Dcnrer , Colorado , the Education. ! and Commercial center of the West , Is preeminentthe : IXB'- and mist practi cal of its kind for tha MERCANTILE TRAINING _ OF Young Men and Ladies. G. W. JOSTER , President , D. W. CADY , Secretary. Tbt nest extansl , thorough and eomplet * lasti'.u.ion of tb * kind ia the world. Tuoawidi oaocoan-inta and L'Eilnesa men , la ths prin cipal title * and towns of th United Stalls , ova their 6UCCM3 to cur coarje tf training. Tie Eieht Kind of Education for Young Men and Ladies. Tint , n w brlct block t Junction cf thre etreet e r HUM. S'egtMr fitted and furnfihed porta : nt3 for the application of and cutjlrg oat of oar nartt and t ) stenutlo methods of BUSINESS builnoss llfo , isd parenfj bavin ; goni to edooate , are pajtka- larly wqnejted to lead for our now Circular , which tr.ll gira fu'I ir.fornntion aa to tarns , condition of entrance , etc. Address & . W. FOSTER , President , wp5-3n Denver , Colorado. E. IF. coos ; UNDERTAKER , Did Fellaire' Elect Prospt tttssUoa t oriera by Machine Works , J , F. Hammoid , Prop.cS ; Manager w7 ? m ? thoronzh apX > fnt d an.i eontplate Machina Shops andTonn ry lt > the te. . Cutlnjs of ever ? deocrlptlon Diannr c. nrcd. ° 1P9 * ndeT " Special attention iriTen to ' rons , Geer nttlnfr , etc. n rTeaca lag , Models , tc. . neatlr oxecntad. Hamay Ht. R f. tAi. nrt THE OKLT flAK WBEHE TOW. can find a good ueortmert of BOOTS AND SHOES At a LOWSR PIQURK Oura at toy other ahoo honao In th dtr , P. LANG'S , 236 FARNHAM ST. LADIES1 & GENTS , SHOES MADE TO ORDER d a perfect fit gnanntttd. Fricei vrvreaion Bin rfiylMy LEGAL NOTICE. Stale fl KelmJm , Diitrlct Court , In and for Uoujrtai Cennty. Antca Z. koT ky. p'alitlff , T . Katy Ziikorsky. nnn rs-ldent , debjdant. To Katy Z akoTjky : TCTJ ai her by notified , that tha plaintiff In thftaboie entitle Caur , lll taloths deposition 3f Joseph TomdV , witness in sild o ie nov pen'lin In ! d court , bt/ore competent author * t ) , a % the office of A. B. thlul-k. XoUry Pub- II ; , 100 W. Ta > Jor rtreet. In the city of Chiazo. Bounty of Cook , and tuie of UUnoiu , com-nenc' ! nt < m the 29th day ot Sfeptember , A. U. 1830 , at : be hour it 10 o'clock a.n. wtb. aufhorify to - * ' -J - - - - idjmra fro ihillhivari rwui aid' ( ' "plgapter-btr.A.O.JJM. ' A.C.lBOTi' . A.C.lBOTi'1 > - -1