Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    ! * T3fl 6WA3JA
ffO. 71.
j Suffering of The Eel-
* * l-ives of .Emtombed Min-
erss. The Queen Proffers
* _ _
' Political Sensation in 'France
caused by Secession of Fifty
Deputies From Their
Reappearance of The Ghost In I
"Montenegho Question , Finally
Special Dispatch to tbo lite.
' XiLASdow , Sept ember 10 10 p. m.
_ _ -The ; Grand Duke Constantine of
f f Huesia and Admiral Paptoff are here
and to day viait the exchange where
they were the observed of all observ .
ers , and the recipients of many cour
tesies. The principal object of their
_ visit is to take away the Czar's new-
" yacht , the levity which "u about com-
SpecUl jlgpatch to The C .
LONDON , Sept. 10 10. p. m. has
Dispatches from Sunderland states
' that theSeAham colliery , the scene cf
'tho gr t mining disaster of Wednea- of >
. dap. The work of bringing up the
fot-iios has commenced. Aa they are
( carried through the village to their
" /former homes , the most heart-rending
incidents occur , .Relatives lament '
.and weep over the poor burned and
mangled forms of sons , brothers and
l husbands , and their grief is intense
rand demonstrative enough to wilt and
appeal to the fetoutest among the
speculator * . It is now believed that
U45 ntlcast of the unfortunate
rehrft have a.
certainly perished. The
"ifsarch for other victims is continued cauiz
-along the par/ad
deeper working ! of the
mine ? ; linghi
_ A Comlantinople despatch aays it tillcrj
is believed that the Albanians will iu sepan
.ajhw df.ya cede the district of of Dul- Felloi
cgno : without bloodshed. This simple strucl
aolution of the boundary question is the
not fully accepted in well informed thobi
cireletftere. with
SpecUl di p tch to The D6e.
I.ONDON , Sept. 10. J. a. m. The them protcc
portsman ; , , correspondent at New When
casUe-or1.Tyne sayi , even , after mak- ber
. " -a airowances for strange boat and a pile >
° c-tls , the diiplay by Trickett and began
the Australian oarsman , on and
the Tync , has .b'eea disappointing to This :
4he general body of spectators. Wo men ,
may mention that we heard an offer Nowar
of 100 to 60 that Nod Jianlan will linghu
take the lead of Trickett in the first tne i
100 y rds in the coming race. Elliott Frelirv
has gone into training for the inter rioua'lj
feW national regatta * on the Thames and > d
has t > rdero4 anew boat. back
Special Dtepatch to THE BIK. j
NEW YOKE , September 11 1 a. m.
A. special cablegram from Paris The
oars there is a rumor to the effect ferent
. . * . . . _ .
„ 1 I- 1 Li-
that fifty republican deputies , belong , deciar
ing to union republicans have re attack ;
solved to vote for the abolition rf the of
concordates , causing a sensation. blacks
Gambotta Is believed to bo o'ppogod to lent
the which he considers In
measure op the
portune.ADHESION was.
Cardinal Archbishop , of Paris , has
transmitted to tha minister of public , .
\rorship , a declaration similar to tna' < j ul.liiii pgoi
published in Bordeaux and signed ' oy J c
most of the members of the male
female religious orders in Fr
among them the Capuchins , 1 > .u
and a part of the Dominipjing- * The f SpecUMl [
complete adhosionjof the I onrii
expected on the return jf ji.d la.
of the order , who iaA . . - b. tinui
Bent. About thirty norVorden of
here. jubil
OBDCB4W twen
_ _ A Oonstantw , It lishn
ple diBpach Bayg : Cath !
is reported t V.t
. the Turks at Scutaria
encounter. a bodyo ! Albsnians on
i rtf * - ho 8ulUn iimich upset
&t the f .ibanian obstinacy. pedal
K * > girding the Greek ( | ucsiion , Turk - la.t
k < s / declares that it ia impossible to atyc
' xy pt the propositions of the powers. octal
'England has assented to Servia pros
being represented on the Danubian econ
.commiBsion. subji
A Bombay dispatch says that severe wu
. stsrnis have occurred in Dnrmlzober- The
land. friet
Spedil Dlspalch to The Bet. also
BBBUN , September 11 1 am. be
After the review of tha third army .s
corps the emperor entertained the >
foreign officers at a banquet in the
rwhite hall of the Chalons palace. The 5-P
empress , crown princow. and Duchoes
of Oonnaught and all the royal family
were present. At the conclusion of
the banquet the Dnke of Cambridge Special
drank the health of the empress. SpedC
Afterwards the guests attended the bliss
opera , when tha ballet gave a repre SL
sentation of "Morgano. " jea
Cpcciil DUpitch to The Bee.
VIENNA , September 11 1 a. m. trace
The Austrian army maneouvera on Stol
Thursday were very Buccessfuul. nov
in "Vienna consider
The diplomats some
the Montenegro question aa settled. reo
The inhabitant * of Dulcigno continue
very excited.
Epedal Dispatch to The B o.
NAPLES , September 11 1 R m.
Mount Vesuvius is ta an active state day
of eruption. has
Epftdil Dispatch to The Bae.
DUBLIN , September 11 1 a. m. of
Fresh apparitions have appeired at
Knockmore chapel.
Special Dlcpxtch to Tat Bis.
Her majesty has sent a letter of 421
vmpathy to tha sufferers by the Sea- son
\tn colliery explosion.
* fr. Gladstone has sent a letter to
Jowan and the executive com-
V > of Midlothian for their sym- the
L3uring his recent illness. ran
I IIEE -WAIS. . en
i to The Bee.
r , , September 31,1 a. m. A
[ dispatch from Constantinople
1 [ .that a commiltce of the Albinian
leagne at Daleiph has informed a
newspaper correspondent that if bo
perais.ed in remaining they will not
guarantee the influx
of fanatics called out by the prevail
ing political excitement
Spedal Dispatch to The Bee
LO > DOX , September 11 1 a. m.
A Constantinople dispatch says the
spectacle of the combined fleets of the
powers riding in the ports of Dulcigno
isam magnificent. The English ships
and her men are universally admired.
The Russian admiral , who has just re
turned from Cettinje , says Prince Na-
kat , of Montenegro , is not prepared
to force the cession of Dulcigno al
though he h'S the means to do , so.
The prince alleges as
a reason that he
fears to provo o a general Albanian
invasion. Largo bodies of the Albawlf'
nians are encamped tn the moun'aina
inaccessible from the sea , and claim to
care little of nothing for the naval
SperHI Dlspatchca to TUB Bsx.
PARIS , Sept. 11. The Republlque
Francaiso ridicules the speech of Herr
Varnbuster , in which ho said that
ther was an attempt made to form a
Franco-Russian alliance against Ger-
BERLIN , September 11. The man-
iuveres of the third
army corps yester-
day were a grand success.
PAJUB , September 11. It ia an-1
lounced hero that Sarah Bombard tj
las sent i a protest to the New York
ustoms uflicers against detaining her
tuck in trade as an actress ; it consists
47 : dresses.
'olored Republicans Attacked
By a Mob While Parading- , 207 !
And a Eiot Follows. .
Dispatch to tli e Be : . ie
NEWARK , N. J , September 11 1
m. Last night four republican
or- Spec
.uizationa went from Newark to
irade in Harrison ; namely , the Fre-
ighuyseu engineer corps , the second
rd Boys in Blue , the second ward
BuckUih" and the East Orange ar- alleg
.lery. The ag
Frelinghuyseus paraded Cuba '
paratelv and when they reached Odd of
illowa' hall , one of the sergeants was
isglv i
ruck in the
eye by some person in The '
crowd. They marched towards filibc
bridge , which
connects Harrison
Newark J , where they were over- derec
ten by a colored club , who were
lowed by a mob , and asked to be them
otcctcd. The
Freltoghuysens placed
in the center to guard them , belie'
lien . .they cot to the bridge , a num-
ref men who ' *
, were standing'upon
ilo of lumber close act _ : _
, to the bridge , His !
an to fire 5nto them .with pistols fact
, about . seventy shots were fired. forty
e j'i - - - - *
wark forcing one-half of the Fre- comix
jhuysons before them and leaving try ,
rear guard to follow. Four of the ariir'j
ilinghuyseDs were injured , one se- ' 'joke
iia'ly. Churles Park was shot in th < >
Nell Burgesa was stabbed in "tjje term 10
; one other m n was sb 'c jn the
another in the shouVuer. There I
intense excitemoii'c. | man
pee ; 'ieof Harrison give a dif- tiona
ent Version of the affair. They It
ciaro that the colored republicans ever
ackod and beat boys along the line had
the route , and that the whites and
alike were insolent and turbu-
tipa poked their torches eyon into recei
rracos of women , and that the riot head
"paivsed by the Frelinghuysens ficor
ri iug pistols and shooting when Roa
reached the bridge. The police ,
Loritlcs were notified and sent
officers and in ambulance to
scene of the riot.
Jesuit Jubilee. draf
iccUl Dlspitcb to The lice , oer
MILWAUKEE , "Wis. , September 11
m. Commencing to-day and con- on Petl
timing through four days , the Jesuits 1st
this city will conduct elaborate
ubileo services in celebration of the non
wrenty-fifth a'nniversary of the estab- oft
shment-of their branch of the Roman
&tholic church in Milwaukee.
Concerning Charities ,
Dtarotch to Tha Bee. mac
SARATOGA , N. Y. , September 11 to There was a large attendance
yesterday's session of the American
science association. The topics Spec
iresented all belong to the social
conomy department. The general
nbject of Association in Charities not
discussed by four able essayists. and
first favored the sending of one He
riendly risltor to each family in cities "ar
mdor half a million population ; can
, the prohibition of giving alms to gaii
a i stringent rule , unless the reliet need
authorized by the conference. Anther - the
ther detailed a plan for visiting fami- said
by having the city districted with Ma
proper person , private alms to bo was
liscontinued. the
A Trunk Friend. I "J
Dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , September 11 1 a. m. jus
Cora Libby , a wealthy lad v from the
Louis , recently visited a friend dei
: near Union Park in ( his city , and
leaving , her trunk , containing
clothing and jewelry valued at $1,000 ,
taken to the depot and there lost
of. It is supposed to have been 111
Stolen by one James Wesson , who is w
under arrest for stealing half-a-
dozen other trunksand ] in whose room 48
$2,000 worth of valuables was
Man-Horse Eaco
Special Dispatch to The Bee. i
CHICAGO , September 11 , 1 a. nu
Yesterday was the most interesting ,
yet in the O'Leary contest Byrne a di
kept up his score asainst the
horses. |
Cole and Connolly have drawn out
the O'Leary tournament. Also the PJ
horse "Speculator , " leaving four IKH
horses and fire men.
At midnight all retired for rest ex- W
Colston. The score at that hour in ?
stoodMen ByrnejiOO miles , Khrone
, Colston 437 , Schock 306. Jack
180. Horses Betsy Baker 490 ,
Rose of Texas 4G3 , Buthman's entry
, Dunn's entry 446.
In the evening O'Leary on his hone
undertook to ride seven miles while
fleet footed Indian White Eagle
five miles. The Indian was beat-
, his time being 82 minutes , 4 sec
onds. O'Leary's time 26 rainutes , 14
Spain Anxious to be on Good
Terms "With The United
Lake Shipping Engages The
Attention of Treasury De-
A Former IT. S. Minister Set
Down as Shady.
Special Dispatch to Tbo Bcc
WASUiNaroNSeplember 11 1 a.m.
A committee of two , representing
tjle American ship builders and vessel
owners' ' association , had an audience
with assistant secretary of the trea
sury , French on
, a question of great
importance to the American shipping
interest on the great lakes. The ques
tioi relates to the enrolling of barges ,
and it is asked that an old treasury I
decision be reversed. The committee
claims that the provision applies only
to barges , etc. , built and owned in the
United States. The
ruling of the department -
partment , however , prevents Ameri
can citizens to in
buy , Canada ,
schooners ' and such other vessels as
are adapted for thepurpose of bring
ing them to the United States , take
out their masts and use them as
bargers. ; An such vessels can be
bought in Canada much cheaper than
they can be built in this country , U > o
committee contend that it ia doing
much damage to American shipping
interests on the lake , and will , no
loubt , finally break it up unless de
partment rulings are not reversed
Che committee presented to the acting
lecretary a petition signed by several
lundred owners of vessels on the
lake , representing an aggregate of
07,534 tonsand valuedat $20,000,000.
The committee will continue their
.rguments and a decision will proba-
blyl be reached early next week. The
ndications are that the decision will .
favorable to the committee.
peclal ! Dicpttch to The Bee. I ,
WASHINGTON , September 11 , 1 a. m. p
The ] announcement made in these
ispatches that it is believed that thie
lleged outrage upon the Amereicaii D.
, m firing upon U S. schooners in
'uban waters , as claimed by captains > f
Philadelphia and Boston vessels. The
given credence in many quarter * . for
tact that sensational reports of
libnstering expeditions being fitted but >
for Cuba , is thought to have refi- loss
Spanish anthoiities to be un- .
ecessarily aiarmed and to have led hitcl
icm to imprudent .
measures of * -
lution. Secretary Evarts , however , Eigt
jlieves t that Spain will at of
make the proper apolojry for the in
, as demanded by our fekA LUUIlb . jHG
yiew.recBivfes support--from the j
that a memorandum Imon
" " * ' AUKlLJg IV * COiMuiAUAJAHi lyjuji
immercial relations with the coundemi
"P iicable to the most important trict
< \6s ' ofimport from Cuba. This is place
toked upon as an excellant device of
Spaniard to continue on amicable
arms with the U. S.
it is impossible to tell exactly how I day ,
lany Sioux Indians , who went into '
lanada , have surrendered uncondi-
ionally to the military authorities , larg
is estimated at the war otlica , how- held
, that 500 or COO of hostile Sioux end
d so i far surrendered. | pros
The following dispatch has been I g
eceived from General Sheridan's
icadquarters : The commanding of- Jud
of Fort Keogh reports that Big
load , and 200 Sioux Indians aurren- or i
j8re at that post on the 8th. 3rdIS
Ir Oct. 1879 , S. Newton Pettia U. "Ci
minister to Bolivia , discounted two yeal
Irafts of $1,250 each with one Richter
, a banker of that city. The drafts alrc
were drawn on the secretary of state ,
account of the salary of minister mc
Pettis and fell due April 1st and July the
last. They were protested for so
non-payment , Pettis being then out ran
the ) service and having drawn or sold
bis pay before leaving jthe United Fat
States for Bolivia. Kichter now brings Me
in the courts of Pennsylvania inp
the recovery of this inoucy ,
82,500. Rlchtor says that Pettis
made uao of his position as minister , of"
swindle him out of that sum.
Ola Dominion Confidence. aci
Special Dispatch to The Bee. fur
WASHINGTON , September 11 la. ni. Ha
Gen. Fitzhugh Lee says there will
be any compromise of the regular
readjuater factions in Virginia.
said "we , " ( meaning the regulars ) I
thoroughly organized andvill1
carry the state for Hancock. We are
gaining strength every day and there ;
not be any fears of the loss of
state , to Hancock. " Gen. Lee
he had been informed that Gen.
Mabone , leader of the other faction ,
willing to compromise , but that
regulars do not need to make any
concessions in order to carry the state. 1
general intirmatcd that the pro
position of the chairman of the
regular committee , to meet the read-
jnsters in conference , did not represent
sentiment of the majority of
democrats of Virginia.
Equestrian Queen.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , September
1 .x m. Miss Cook of California
on the 20 mile race against Miss
Pinnea , of Glorado , by two miles in
minutes and 60 seconds. Thirty
thousand people were present. St.
Julien trots to-day against his beat
time. _ _
Weaver on tfce Solid South.
SpecUl dispatch to Tm Bis.
NEWARK , N. J. , September 11 1
m" Gen. Weaver , greenback can
didate for president , spoke here last
night. He told his experience in Ala
bama , where he claimed the greenback
party polled 4,000 votes which were
not counted for them. He said Gen.
Hancock was a good man , but if he
were elected he would not be the only
man " who would go in , but the people
the south wouldjbe given power.
Spcciil dispatch toTns Bss.
CHICAGO , September 10 4 p. m.
The Chicago Turners will have a big
time at North Turner Hall to-night ,
tendering a reception to the Milwau
kee Turners , who are on their way
home from capturing prizes in th
great turnerfeat at Frankfort.
CHICAGO , September 11 1 a. m.
The victorious Milwaukee turners ar
rived here last evening and were given
a fine reception by the Chicago
turners. m Escorted by a torchlight
procession they were taken to the
north side Turner hall , where speeches
and supper were indulged in. The
victora leave this morning for their
homes in Milwaukee.
Special dlspatclcs to the Bee.
ST. PAUL , September 10. The
commanding officer at Fort Keogh ,
reports that Big Bead and two hun
dred Sioux Indians surrended at that
post yesterday.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Sept 10. Finser
& Bros. ' tobacco manufactory burned
down at about '
three o'clock this morn-1
ing. Total loss , including tobacco ,
§ 100,000. Insurance , . 805,000.
NASHVILLE , Tenn , , September 10.
Hon. Gustavus A. Henry , known
atl over the union as the eagle oracle
of Tennessee , died this morning at his
home at Clarksville , aged 75.
NEW YORK , September 10. A
match has been arranged between Lor-
Hlurd'a Uncas and Dtvyer Bros. ' Luke
Blackburn , the race to come off at
Coney Island and the jockey club
grounds ou Tuesday next ; distance ,
li miles ; stakes , § 3000.
CHICAGO , September 10. The
agents in this city of the Anchor line
of steamships , hnvo intelligence of
the wrecking of the steamer "Auglia"
ofHo. that 1 ine , four days out from
Boston. - She was engaged in tbo
East ! India trade. No livea were lost.
CINCINNATI"- Ohio , September 10.
Hon. W. M. Corry , a prominent
democratic politician , lawyer and
editor , died at six o'clock this morn
ing ,
NEW YOUK , September 10. Ed
ward J. O'lluilly , for fifty years an
atti " of the Evening Express , died
res . He was stricken with par
alysis on Sunday.
NEW YORK , Sept 11. A firm iu
tina city has just contracted to com
plete a rcilroad from Ferandino to
Tacktomille , Florida , by December i.
16tl J
CINCI.VNATI , Ohio , September 11.
Kline , Bros. , safe was blown , onen
Thursday night at Martinaburg , near
lit. Verno.i ; § 13,000 was taken.
COLUMBUS , O. Sept. 11. David
. Tre cnider republican succeeded
lenry Huinm ollor , democrat , as chief or
oftl fire department , at four p. m.
position was : .held by Heinmaller
eleven i years and a half.Fire
ilarms were sent in at 6 and 7 p. m. ,
ut both were small fires , ncverthe-
it occaasioned much democratic for
.mnpcmcnt at the chl'efs horse being
inched wrong. for
-COLUMBUS , Q.f Sep teraber 11.
Sighty represent itives , of forty lodges
colored.Odd'Fallows , in Ohio , are
session to form a district lodge for
state. S7
KANSAS CITY , September 11. The Jan
emocrats of the secon.'l datrict of
Cansas hare nominated I. F. Green ,
jruitQUrewCjirgfin hno alsfLoepn.
cmocratic committee of the fi rst dis-
has substituted C. C. Bu.rna , in
lace of Tomlinson , declined. shi
MONTREAL , Sept. 11. 1 a. _ tn. A
olbston occurred on the Occidental 5
ailroad near St. Chalsstique Thurs-- 5
? night ; a fireman WES insiantl'/ shi
NEW YORK , September 3.1. A
arge mass meeting of Germa ns was tiv
in Cooper Institute lastni-ght , to
indorse ( Hancock. August Bt slmont S3
jresided , and several speeches wore COD
mad , after which resolution js en- fro
iorsing the democratic presidential "ate
jandidates , were adopted.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. September 11 .
Judge M. T. Clipper was nominate d
congress by the republicans of Uao
districts. '
NEW YORK , September 11 S'jc ' of
survivors of the wreck c.f the
"City of Vera Cruz" arrived hero
yesterday. Their stories of tb'o disas
are substantially the samfj aa haa
already been given.
BOSTON. September 11. 'Tho ' fust
meeting , of the executive cornmittro Of
democratic Hancock vo'jran
soldiers ] , was held last nign1. . Ar
rangements were mada to have a
grand mass meeting pt veterans in
Faneail Hall , w'fllch Genl's. ,
McOlellan , Franklin , McQuade , Ew- '
and SIccum , wi'j ' attend. ;
NEW YORK , September 11 , 1 a. m. )
Major Williair , E. Hall , publisher '
the Evem.jg Telegram , died yes
terday of corjsumptjon < t18 ] reujt of
cold contr Acte < i Wj-ji0 attending the
funeral of a feiow ] journalist. Mr.
Hall was 38 years of age.
Base Ball.
Sp'xial Dispatch to The Beo.
The following games of base ball
were played September 11 :
CLEVELAND Ulevelands 5 , Chlca-
ButTALO Cincinnati 11 , Buffaloa
Courtney Wants to Redeem Himself , 5
pecial dispatch to TEK BEJS.
ROCHESTER , N. Y. , September 11 @
a. m. The following letter was re-
eived yesterday by a manufacturing
firm in this city :
Culvers Point , Cayauga Co
September 8,1880.
lentlemon :
If James H. Riley will consent to
row our match hero and your com
pany offer me a prize of 81,000,1 will
beat the beat time ever made in a
three mile race and prove that your
faith in mo has not been misplaced.
And if I accomplish this , I will row
in the race for the prize offered by you §
iu England.
Yours ,
Mr. Soulo , manager of the com
pany , will consider the matter and
will , he thinks , manage to have these
two oarsmen meet. He also thinks
that the race , if arranged , will take
place in the immediate vicinity of
Comlnc ? over for Diamonds.
Bpedal Dispatch to The Ee .
NEW YORK , September 11 10 p. m.
It was stated to-day that one of the
largest purchasers of diamonds ever
madebyaprivato buyer forperaona ! use $
had beenmade bya member of the Eng
lish nobility from a New York house.
Jt will be a necklace and fac simile of
the one worn by the empress of Russia
at tha time of her daughter's marriage
ta the duke of Edinburgh. The
czarina's necklace cost eight hundred
and twenty thousand dollars. (
The English noble , and earl pays &
only one hundred andtweutyfiye
thousand dollars for its ac simile. II
It ia said that it would have been much
more in London , Pari ? , or Amater
dam. It has just been completed
and consists of 15 magnificent bril
Hants graduated from about the aizi
of a filbtrt to the central stone o.
nearly vhrae times that size , and the
weight of the 15 stones is 649 carats.
The earl haa also purchased from the
same firm a pair of earings and a
brooch. The carings are solitaires
weighing 20 carats each. The brooch
is made ofhearaldic emblems of his
coat ef arms. It contains 7 largo
stones , weighing 144 carats nnd 1C
smailer diamonds weighing CO carat * .
The cost of the earings and brooch is
$35,000. The whole set , valued
at 100,000 dollars , iasoon to be taken
to England and the
name of the pur
chaser then will bo ra.ido known.
Now York Money ana Stock.
.72 , 81. Con pirs. 43,53 , ? 5. 45. ICg , I
4s , 10 | . Currency , MXIS 26.
to 2 sines of coins.
" " - radflc Jlail
i-ij 413
NYC MI J u. P. . . . .041
34 CC&IC lOif
pte PW'd OSi JIG 9JJ
Lake Shore 10U Lack.-iwanni . . 01
Northwestern. . . . .HMJ Hudson Catul K
tttstern pfd.mj NJC 78
9Is Nv. . Ji &E- 112
1131 K "l" > ff " " .SO
4HJ I.M 66
fvu ° ° , pfj M KA-r SI ,
Wabtsl SSJ Nl > SO
' '
Wahash pfd f 8i N P fifd' V.V.V.V..V 53
bt. P. anil Omaha. . J3J D&UO
S.P.ana O.pfd. . . 3J L&.V _ . . . . .14 *
O'0-- ! : : 35 B & G 13SJ
Oluo.pfil C7 UI 118
Chic IKO Produce Market.
CUICAOO , September 10.
The markets for cereals and hog
products were lefli active and easier :
No. 2 spring wheat declined lA@lc
and sales were at93@94c _ for Septem
ber ; 92S93jc for October , closing at
03ic for cash or September ; 92 { ©
92jjc October ; l)2 ) c November ; U2c
seller the year.
Com was jj@Jc lower : No. 2 felling
at 40S40 0- c for cash ; 41 2 @ ii4w [ for
October , and 41@41gc for November ,
closing at 4041ic for cash or for Sep
tember ; 4040c for October ; 41 | @
41c November ; seller for the year ,
sold at 39gc , and May at 44c.
Oats were easier with sales at 29c
for cash , and 39j@29jje for September
or October i , closing at 29jc for Sep
tember , October or November.
Rye was Ac lower : 83Jc for cash
October. < , ;
Barley Quiet , and No. 2 closed at
75c@75lc fcr cish ; 7Cc for October ,
and 76c for November.
"Whisky 61 13.
Pork Mesa closed at § 17 G0@17 75 to
cash ; ? 17 S5fgl7 87 * for Septem ;
bcr ; § 17 G5@17 70 for" October ; § 13
November ; § 12 50@12 52 for ; ;
seller for the , year , and § 12 95 for
January. ;
Lard Closed at § 7 90 for cash or !
September- 92J@7 93 for October ;
S7t for November ; 87.72 * for seller o
the year , and § 7 777 80 for
Chicago ilvo Stock.
ilOgS Upeircu uurif irua onxjt- . . . , „
became active : bulk on local anil
shipping ] account ; prices were steady
and sales ranged from 5 Oj@5 25 for
light packing and shipping ; § 4 70 ®
15 for heavy packing , and § 5 00 ©
70 for good to extra heavy smooth
shipping ] lots. Recaipts , 10,970. .
Cattle .Tho market waa active and
firm on shipping and moderately ac
tive < OD local account. Sales ranged
from § 3 153 80 for Texan steers ;
? 0 for fcederi ; § 3 C0@4 70 for
corranion to extra butcher steers , and
om § 4 G0@5 15 for extra shipping
"steers the latter for exportation. At
the present writing 'ouyors are pur
chasing liberally. JTho fresh receipts
ere 3 004 head. Sales 3CO. "
St.lxjul3 u vo Stock.
ST. Louis , September 10. I Fl
Hogs Fairly active but lower ;
orkers and Baltimores , § 4 90@5 CO ;
mixed packing , 84 SOS5 10 ; butchers
fancy , § 3 15@5 35.
Eeceipta 4,4CO head ; shipments ,
1,800 h'Jad. . ,
St. Louis Proauco. I
ST. Louis , September 10.
Flour Steady and unchanged.
Wheat Lower and slow : No.
ed , 9090gc for cash ; 90g@90ic
'or September ; 92f < § 93@91 tor Oc-
ober ; 9393gC for November ;
)4t@94c for December ; 9090Jc
'or the year ; No. 3 , do , 85 ] @ 8Gc
o. 4 do , 84 < s83Jc.
Corn Lower ; 3838io for cash
38Jc for Serteniber ; 38c for October
38S@38gc for November ; 37Jc for
December ; 37 § for the year.
Oats Lower ; 29&cforcash ; 28icfor
October ; 29o for November ; 28c for
he year.
Rye Dull at 82ic bid.
Barley Unchanged.
Butter Unchanged.
Egga Unchanged.
Whisky Steady at § 1 13.
Pork Quiet at 815 85.
Dry Salt Meats Lower at § 5 50 ©
50(38 ( 80.
Bacon Easier at § 5 15@5 20@9 40
9 509 85@10 00.
Lard Steady at $7 85@7 87i.
Receipts Fk/ar 10,000 brls , wheai
40,000 bu , corn 15,000 bu , oats 18,000
bu , rye 10,000 , barley 17,000. all
Shipments-Flour 13,000 brlswhea
39,000 bu , corn 4,000 bu , oat
1,000 bo.
New York Produce Market.
NEW YOKK , September 10.
Flour Steady ; very moderate ex
port and jobbing trade inquiry ; re &
ceipts , 18,486 ; round hoop Ohio
4 00 @ 4 50 ; choice do , 84 G05 75 of
superfine western , § 3 4034 00 : com' '
mon to good excra do , § 4 30@6 25
choice white wheat do , ? 4 15@4 GO.
Wheat Heavy ; at @i lower ; very
moderate trade ; No. 2 red , Septem
ber , § 1 06 ; do October , § 1 07g'@l 08 ;
do November , § 1 08jj@l 08 | ; do cash ,
SI 05bid ; $1 06 asked. -
Corn J@5 lower ; mixed western
spot , 5051c ; do future , 51@5Hc. "
Oats Shade lower ; western , 41 ®
Beef Ball ; prices unchanged ; new
plain mess , $9 50 ; new extra do , . .
S10 00. \
Pork Dull and weak : new mess , lj
$16 00. si
Lard and lower steam "
Heavy ; rendered -
dered , § 8 32i. a'
Butter Q'uiet ; good demand and 5
very firm ; Ohio , 15i@30c. is
The wnuble , . ' B
most remedy and the only sife.
sure and permanent cure ( or all diasaaes of the
liver.blcxxl and s onucti , inclulinjfbllllous fevere ,
ertrand ue , dumb ague , Jaundice , dyapcpsii
&c , Is Prof. fiuOmettc'd Frecch Lire-1'ads ,
which cures by abioiption. Ask jour druggist
tor Uu > noted cure , . , and take no other , and
he tas not got it or will cot get itforyon , send
fLlO to French Pad Co . Toledo , 0. . . aid they
will lend yon Cno post-paid br return mail.
Gen. Grant Starts on Another
Trip Through the Eastern
The Democratic Plan of Ac
tion Explained by Han
cock to a Friend.
The Notorious Bogus Diploma
Buchanan Trapped , and
President at San Francisco.
Special Dispatch to TUB iisn.
SAN FBANCISCO , September 10.
ITh president , after formal reception
by military and citizens at Ferry , re-
celved a serenade in the evening , and
responded in a little speech of thanks
for the magnificent welcome to the
metropolis of California. Ho introduced -
duced General Sherman , "ho made an
offhand characteristic speech , and also -
so introduced Mrs. Hayes , who bowed
acknowledgements. The parly will
viait the Petal urna fair today and
makn an excursion around the bay to
Grntia Intent ions.
Sp > elal Dispatch to The Kw >
GALENA ( , 111. , September 10,4 p. ni.
Gen. ( Grant arrived homo from his
Wisconsin trip yesterday. Ho goea
to Chicago < on the 27th hist , and will
depart ; from that city for the east on
the ; 30th , by special train. Bb
spend the winter in New York ana
Washington. During his sojourn at
ito capital ho will bo the guest of
Gei . Beal.
The Democratic Campaign.
MINNEATOMS , Minn. , September 10
4 p. m. A leading democrat hero ,
whose name is suppressed for obvi
ins reasons , haa received a letter from
Goi . Hancock , explaining the demo
cratic plan of action for the campaign
to some extent , and giving evidence
ft intimate knowledge of the de
tails of the political situation , which
has not generally been accorded to the
military candidate. Gen. Hancock
states that his 'friends have resolved
o throw I such an array of men and
money into Garfield's own state aa ' ( p I
put the republicans to hard v i , .
it in"October. m . ' -K 10
save . Two
thus expected to be' * ' ' ends "Z" ? are
first , to distract rcrrtM .COmpl c held
Indiana and
OUt. th °
repic ? .nmaioritrin Ohio. Accord-
r t.hla letter a11 the available
jcrat'c ' forces are to be concen-
, these two sl.ites to astonish
diana , and by almost defeating the
republicans in Olilc ,
The Waves' Wors.
NEW J YOHK , September 10 , 4 p. m.
Information ] was received by the
clerk of the board of underwriters of
this city , thfa mnrnins , from Titus-
ville ] , Florida , that a lifo raft contain
ing twelve persons had been washed
aahoro , floating on pieces of wreckage.
There have also como ashore a negro
and white man The latter was too ex
hausted to give any information aa to
the vessel ho was from. It ia sup
posed that the persons washed ashore
arc survivors from some of the recent
wrecks of the Florida coast. The
board of underwriters received this
morning detailed advices by mail re-
carding the recent disaster , ? ou the
Florida < coast.
Dr. Buchanan Trapped.
CINCINNATI , September 10 4 p. m.
A special from St. Glair , Mich. ,
says : At precisely midnight , Dr.
John Buchanan , accompanied by his
brother-in-law. M. V. Cliapman ,
stepped from a skiff in which they had
croaacd the river from Canada , to the
wharf there , having fallen Into atrapect
for them. On landing , they wore re
vived by John Norria , of The Phila
delphia Rscord , Detective Chaa. F.
Miller of the district attorney office in
Philadelphia , and Depu y Sheriff
Lanson of this county. Both were
arrested and to-day the doctor starts
for Philadelphia.
Making It Warm for Victoria.
Special Dispatch to Tlio Boo.
SANTA FK , September 10 4 p. m.
Col. Buol and command returned at
seven o'clock yrsterday afternoon to
Fort Cummingj. Hostile Indians
have crossed into Mexico about fifteen
miles ahead of the troops.
The frontier detachment has been
increased in order to prevent the
hostile again eluding the vigilance of
the scouts and getting inaido of the
lines unnoticed. The commander of
the federal Mexican troops informed
Gen. Hatch that the revolution has
been put to an end by him and
that most of the men engaged have
been taken prisoners. Few were shot
and Durangeand Chihuahuaare again
quiet , and Col. Adolph Walle ia with
his force again on march toward
north to take up the campaign against
Accident on the C. B. & Q.
Special Dispatch to The Beo.
OTTCMWA , Iowa , September 10f"4
p.m. Two freight twins on the C. B.
Q. r.tilroad collided on a bridge over
the Des Moinei river , four miles west
here , yesterday. The hridgf , loco
motives and cars were precipi
tated sixteen feet to the river bed
and are an undhtinguiahable
mass of debris. Robert Brown , en
gineer , wns buried in the wreck and
instantly killed. A man rwmud Don'
aldson was buried in the rums and fa
tally injured. Two others were bidly
hurt. The properly damaand in esti
mated by the company at 88,000.
Illinois Wneat Crop
SpecUl Wuwtch to The lice.
SPRINGFIELD , HI. , September 11.
a , m. The forthcoming report of
the state board of agriculture , will
show the winter wheat crop of Illinois
for 1880 Iobe53,865o05bushet3. Tf-e
average price paid to the farmer is 82
cents ( and the whole value of iho crop
§ 14,457,428. Thia crop his never
been equaled in the hiat < ry of the
Chicago Congressmen.
SpecUl Dbpatch to TUB Bn.
CmCAfio , September 11 1 a. m.
The republican congressional primar
ies thus far held in Chicago indicate :
that Davis will be renominated In the
second district and Barber in the third.
In the first diatrict , thera is a very
complex contest but thu present mem
J ber , AUrich appoira to sUnd as gocd
a chance of the nomination as any.
Miss Jennie Flood Bounces
Young Ulysses Grant ,
Because Ho Flirted Foolishly
With a Loud Female.
TJlysaos ( Jr. ) Sent Adrift.
Spcchl Dispatch MTlio Dec
CHICAGO , September 104 p. m.
The Times' San Francisco special savs :
"Society , in this city is sgog over a
tolerably well
. authenticated rumor
that the engagement between
, Ulysses
Grant. , Jr. , and Miss Jennie E. Flood ,
daughter of the bonanza king , ia at
an end. The
story goes that some
weeks since Ulys'es came out to Cali
. fornia , ostor&ibly to visit bia sweet
heart. On his arrival here , instead of
. repairing at once to the Sierras where
| Mias Jennie waa stopping with a num
ber of frieuda , Uly ea settled him
self down for a nice httlo time in San
Francisco. It is said that his "nice
time" consisted principally in a rather
marked ilirtation with some fair bat
noc over-nice voung damsel. The
hi h strung Jennie heard about
Ulyseea gninga ou , and in very brief
order told him that he could go about
his business Thia will , no doubt ,
prove a serious blow to the young
scion of the house of Grant , for Miss
Flood is the fortunate possessor of a
nice little plum of 52,500,000
of government 4 per cent bonds.
The affair waa openly discussed
at the wedding of 0. F. Crocker to
Mba Milla , daughter of D. O. Mills ,
president of a California bank , at
which several hundred guesta , all of
highest bullion andrailroad societies ,
were present and no doubts aa to the
correctness of the rumor were enter
Real Estate Transfers.
u m. N. Tompaett to Elizabeth A.
lompsoU , w. tl. part n o , n w j sec.
15 , t. 15 , r. 13 e-SCoO. „
Justin Davia to Thomas Davi3T c.
d-Jota 1 and 2 , block 199 , Omaha-
a T. Welh to A. A. 3Ither ,
w. d. part no s w , sec. 33 , t. 16 , r.
13 e S175.
Thos. and Sarah Gibson to Daniel
B. Ball , w. d. lot 0 , Capitol addition ,
city of Omaha § ( ! 00.
Phineaa W. Hitchcock to Daniel B.
Ball , q. c. d. , lot U , Capitol additon ,
city of Omaha S75.
John A Meredith and wife to Dan.
B. Ball , q. c. d. , lot G. Capitol addi-
'ion , city of Omaha S'-O.
"i-v J5sreiv > * ° T ° Bco *
" Ifio storm was very severe on Long
Island and did much damage Thurs
day night. There was unusually high
, ido at Rockaway beach and hotel men
ixpcrionced great diflicultyfin prevent-
ng all the bathing houses from being
carried out to sea ; many , however ,
were taken. Surf broke over the great
iron pier and its roar could bo heard
'or miles. Vesssls that took shelter
on the north side of the Island , drag
ged their anchors , and were more or
eas damaged by collisions. Sound
iteamcra had rough passage during the
night , An ocean steamship came
very near going ashore in front of the
Long Beach hotel. Men at the lifesaving
saving station , at the beach at 2
o'clock a. m. , saar a largo steamer
coming ( ashore in front of the station ,
and rockets were sent up to warn the
steamship. The men say they heard
the . ship grate on the bottom and
judged ? ' from the sounds , that she was
backing her engines. The steamer
finally backed off the beach and went
to sea. Tha identity of the imperilled
ship ] ia yet to be established.
Foundered at Sea ;
Special Dispatch to The lice
BOSTON , September 11. 10 p. m.
Henderson Bros. , agents of the An
chor line of steamers , have received
a dispatch announcing the British
steamer "Angolo"of the Anchor line ,
had foundered at sea. The vessel and
cargo being a total loaa. The crow
were saved in the boats of the barque
"Fare-rate , " with whom she collided.
The "Angela" sailed from Boston the
second of September. , in command of
Captain R. T. Garvic , bound to Lon
Safe/ Certain , Sure and Speedy.
the only articleknownihatWill
fs-arcfioafelhis disease
General Agents ,
rnce Mve u
Is For Sale By
Wholesale ami Retail Ulaiuifacturins :
largest Stock of Gold and Silver Wntclic ? and Jewelry in
the City.
Come in and See Our Stock as We Will Bo" Pleased to
Show Goods.
15th nnd Dodge , Opposite 1'ostoflice.
Good Until the 1st of October.
emu ommoaiou-LuiG mpsteregani *
city of Omaha , '
Cor. 10th and Farnham ,
And wishing to lay in an entirely
new and immense stock of goods
for wholesale and retail trade ,
MOVING our entire mammoth
Stock of 7t
&G. , &G. ,
We mean just what we say , and invite everybody to
call at our present place of business ,
No. 1214 Fiirnliain , between 12th and 18th Sts. ,
And satisfy themselves. The Goods must be sold for Cash.
They will be marked in plain figures. The prices will be
absolutely at Cost. No deviations will be made.
This unparalelled offer is open only until October 1st , when
we shall occupy the finest quarters in the city.
Jeans rants 63c , 7Sc , to 92 00. Socks , per iloz. 30c and upward * .
Cottonaclo Pants 85c.8t 50. Un'lenhlrU and Orawarg 25c anil np < * ardg.
All-Wool Pants , . Dress Shirts , , COc , 25.
- $3 OOto5 00. Fincy 5c,60c 91
Heavy California Kan'-'j J3 75 , ta 97 00. White " " -Mc , tOO.
Cbil'.rcn Suits 32 00 ami upwards. Blue Flannel " 85c , ft 00 to 82 0.
Youths' " tl 75 and upwards. All-Wool " 75ct 920Q.
Hens' " S3 0 , to r > 00. Working " ZOo&nd upwardi.
Overalls 45c , MX55c , 7Sc. Men's Suspenders-20c , ! 5c,35e , and upwards ]
Heavy California 9t 00. 31 15.
Gives universal Satiafaotion and that it is stead
ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor.
The White Machine justly claims to he the
best made , the easiest running , the simplest in
construction and the most perfect Machine in
the market.
The White Co. employ as agents men of in
tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied ,
because they find everything just as repres
Everybody should use this Machine. The
sales so far this year are more than double
the corresponding time last year.
All orders addressed to the Omaha Office ,
wiJl be promptly filled.
Cor. Davenport and 15th Sts. ' Omaha.