Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Thursday Morning , Sept. 9. §
Served to subscribers by carrier to any jartio
the dty.cTcrr day.Suulayscsccpteaat aitecn
cent * per week
Any complaints about Irregular i
proper delnery ol the paper , U ad ertcd
this office will receive prompt attention.
TB OHIHA DAILY IJn will be nailed to sub
tjriborsitthe following rates , payable invar
blv in advance : ? 8.00 per num ; $4.00 six
months. Tn OJlAHl WKKW.T EM S2.00 per
voar.Tni OXAUJL DAILY Bra has by r the Iirgcrt
Urnlation both In Omaha and abroad , and IB
* hcreiore the best , and cheapest advertising
tZFPo InttrestingXisccllany.LatettJJ
Railroad CH
/VdWe Time-Tablet , * * thirdvaa
i Patereon sells coal.
Fine perfumes at Saxe's. .
Use Lewis' dry hop yeast.
For the tceth.KuhnG DcntriBce.
* " Butterick's patterns at Cruickshank.
Porter is running the Omaha ferry.
j ruits and vegetables at Little &
Williams , Douglas street. septS 3t
Imported and Key West cigars ,
at Kuhn's.
One drunk paid § 3 and costs to
Judge Hawca yeotorday.
S. Michigan peaches received every
morning , at Little & Williams , Doug
las etrcet. eep'.S 3t
Seidenberg & Co.'s Key WestCi-
V gars at Saxe's.
The line has been run and a gang
of men will be put to work on the
sewer this morning.
The funeral of Gsrtrude , infant
i daughter of John G. and Cecilia Wil
lis , took place at 3 p. m. yesterday.
Among the emigrants out last
evening were 38 for Portland , Oregon ,
48 for San Francisco and five for
Michigan peaches received every
morning at Little & Williams , Doug
las street. eeptS-St
It is said that Hon. M. C. Keith ,
of North Platlo , has purchased an in
terest in the Union stock yards of
Spoon Lake.
Wo regret to learn of the critical
illness of the infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. T. Large , Jr. , which Iscauecd
by diptheria ,
Fiebach , a noted German comedy
actress , passed through the city yes
terday , to take a position with some
Now York manager.
There will bo a meeticg of the
Irish Republican club at 8 o'clock p.
m. to-day , at the Board of Trade
room , in Union block.
The funeral of the two year old
child of Mr. and Mra. Daniel McCoy
took place at 3 p. in. yesterday. This is
their second bereavement within a
few dayi.
Michigan peaches received every
morning at LUtla & Williams , Doug
las street. sepl8-3t
SupL Saltar , of the fire alarm
telegraph , was engaged all day Tues
day with a force of men changing box
G , repairing box 8 aud putting in a
new box , No. .
In addition to the rumored resSc-
iiatioua in the city council , a given
yesterday , we are informed that Coun
cilman Dodge will either resign or
take a three-months' leave of absence.
The Minneapolis department of
the Pioneer-Press of Monday says :
"An excursion party of 250 will come
from Sioux C.ty to the fair over the
St. Paul and Omaha road to-morrow. "
Look out for them.
A few errors were made in our no
tice of the state greenback convention
and nominations in Monday's issuo.
The convention was held at Wahoo , at
the court house , and was attended by
109 delegates aud about seventy prox
ies. The ticket as published was cor
Persons intending to attend the
soldiers' reunion at Central City can
have half faro rates over all railroads
in the state. Call npon the railroad
agent in your town and he will tell
you just how much it will cost to take
you there and bring you home.
Among the passengers west yester
day was a young lady from England ,
Miss E.Vatkins , en route to San
Francisco to meet her aflianced , whom
the has not seen for years , but who
has gouo west , made his fortune and
now proposes to make the faithful
% voman his wife.
It was declared in council Tuesday
evening by ono of the members that
the streets wcro in EO desperate a con
dition that it .was not safe for any ono
1 * drive away from their door after
dark. There is moio truth than
poetry about this and its not greatly
to anybody's credit cither. Omaha
streets would disgrace any country
Two boys , Mike Quinlan and
John .Malbin , were arrested by Officer
O'Doaoboe Tuesday evenlngnear Fif
teenth and Howard , for being in pos
session of two buffalo robes , which , it
io claimed , they had stolen from some
one near the Withnell House. One
cf the robes was good , the other me
dium. The police are looking for the
owner and the boys are in jail await
ing a hearing.
-t Two men , John Forman and
eDaviswereyesterdajjentt6 | | jail
fault of 10 fine and costs for ob-
t3nr&Cwo Sfatchoj from MFE. . B.
C3v- , Earnham street jeweler ,
feetenses. The trick waa
ateo Tueefcy , and after its
Jiscovery Mr. 0051 * followed the
t& rive them sur-
- ' called an
il. They
, r outwit-
Q ,
Bit at the 6T5ro of ttje Stri
c'mnany on Saturday , SeptSi
1330 , to make additions cr alterations
to the registration list of the Sixth
turd for the snechl city elcc'ion ' ,
i , 1350.
F. CB.
Omaha , Sept , 7,188 <
A Young Man's Villainy , a
Girl's Folly and a Fath
er's Wrath ,
Which Terminate in a Flog
ging Scene.
Rumors of a little sensation which
occurred in a North Omaha family of
respectability aud high standing less
than a week ago , are in circulation ,
and if correct cattaiuly point out ono
instance of just interference in love
affairs , and may , if published , prove a
warning to some who are treading &
like dangerous path.
As the story goes , a young man
employed down in the central r ortion
of tae city has been paying his at-
cations to a young and lovely daugh
ter in the above mentioned respecta
ble family , which attentions were not
only dis'astefnl to the stern parent of
the young lady , but were Euch as to
arouse his st-spicious of the honor of
the wooer's attentions. The
jirl became moody and list
less , and from having been
the light of the house became its
shadow. She would remain in her
room by ihe hour , lost her appetite
and in brief grcitly alarmed her
parents who were in & quandary as to
how to treat the disease.
At last the old gentlaman imagined
that the gtil was plotting an elopa
inent with -her lover and ha became
watchful as a hawk. On Sunday
morning his daughter did not get up
when the noise of the explosion shook
the entire city , and her father climbed
the stairs to awaken her.
In response to knocks and calls ofl
repeated , only deep and dreadful st
lence answered. Was she sjoncJ Hat
she fled with tha object of her affec
tions an his condemnation ? The
door was forced open , and there sai
the young lady , who hastily concealec
something beneath her pillow as the
door opened. It was soon taken from
its hiding place and proved to be
well , perhaps not Nana , but a good
deal wors3 , and such aa wai calculatec
to drag any young girl down
to infamy. The book bare on its fl
leaf the name of the young gentlemai
whom the father had censured , anc
thia was proof strong aa holy writ o
the justice of his position with rela
tlon to the fellow. Helefthisdaugh
ter to her own meditations and he
mother's warning and prayerful counsels
sols , and coming down town , he hunted
od up the wretchand having produce *
the evidence of his guilty intent , pro
caeded to fl"g him , and loit him -wit !
the admonition never again to cros
his path or darken his doorstep.
A. K. Baugher , who lately
came from' Pecnylrania , offers he
Eorvices to the public as an experience *
and successful teacher of vocal and in
strumental music. Residence on Gas
street , above 20th.
First grand opening of Lemieux
salect sociable , northwest corner 12tl
and Farnham streets , Saturday Sep
tember llth.
Meals at all hours , at TinardV
Pure Cider P'liicgar serai years' old.
A splendid article for pickling. At
s4lC J. B. FEEXCH & Co.'ss.
Our attention has been called to
the reckless and lawless driving con
slaiitly done on Sixteenth street. No
attention whatever is paid to the law
directing drivers to "keep to the
right , " and hair-breadth escapes from
collisions are of nightly occurrence.
Drivers , many of them , oven when on
the wrong side of the road , refuse to
turn out , and some of the drivers
from Fort Omaha are particularly im
pudent in this respect. The driver
of the ambulance containing Presiden
Hayes , on his return from the for
last Friday , neatly ran into one of ou
city officials , who had not time to go
out of his way. Let the police get the
drop on a few cf those smart Aleck
at once and sive smash-ups.
Railroad News.
Sioux City Journal : "The grader
from the St. Paul work in Nebraska
are arriving in this city slmo&t daily
The earth-work on that side draws tea
a conclusion. The last of the grading
on the Norfolk line is to be fimshec
next week. The ferryboat crossec
over to the Nebraska side eight fla
cirs on Sunday. These flits wil
form a welcome addition to the con
alruction train on the Omaha lino. "
Army Orders.
The following arc the latest Specia
Orders issued from Headquarters Do
p&rtment of the Platte , Fort Omahc
( Neb. ) September 7th , 1880 :
Leave of absence for twenty d&y
has been granted William H. Powell
Fourth infantry ; ( Fort Fetterman , W.
T. )
Leave of absence for fifteen days
has been granted Second Lieutenant
Cfaas. B. Noyes , Ninth infantry
( camp at Cheyenne depot , W. T. )
A portion of the false work , us = d
in the construction of the new bridg
atPl&ttsniouth , was blown up TUCB
day , the services required by it havinn
been completed. When the explosion
occurred tha water was thrown into
the air 75 or 100 feet , and with it a
large number of fish of all sizes am
species. Several boats , engaged a
that point , made quite a haul in the
tish business immediately after the
work of blowing up the wooden bridge
was finished.
_ or. A cascol constipation by
using Hamburg Figs.
Newly famished , everything the
best , AstorHouiCt New York.
and American Mineral Water , Hun-
Janes , Hathorn , Friedrichshal
Water , Vichy , Conaress and
. For sale by Ish & McMahon
2f Farnham street. a30 1m
o - -
Oysters , a 4'E ' e ' 8 Drench Coffee
Hcu < w. fl 0 DYSfchui street. 7-2t
Sheriff Guy came up from Lincoln
Hon. B. I. Himnan , of NorthPlatte ,
was in the city yesterday.
L. D. ! , of the St. Joa &
Vestern road , is in the city.
Mi's Bella Kimbell and Miss L. A.
legers came up from Lincoln yester *
Assistant General Manager Lowell ,
f the B. & M. , has gone to Atchi-
Mi.'s Kate Harlnett , of Chicago ,
s visiting her sister , Mra. JohnLit -
le , in this city.
Mr. S. H. H. Clark , general mana
ger of the Union Pacific , and Mr. J.
3. Markel , have returned from Soda
Spring' , Idaho.
J. T. Clark and party went out on a
special train yesterday to Grand
island , and took the overland train at
that point for the wet last evening. |
\Vons in aiea'a Picnic.
The workiiijjmsu of Omaha are pro-
wring for a grand basket picnic ex
cursion to Pliittsmouth next Sunday ,
September 12th , under the auspices of
ihe Labor Union. An attractive pro
gramme , including dancing , music
and games of various kinds , is being
arronged for the occasicn , and a good
time may be expected by all who go.
The B. & M. train will leave the
Omaha depot at 8 a. m. , and return
ing will leave Plattsmouth at G p. m.
The train will be backed down to the
new bridge , thus giving all an oppor
tunity of seeing that magnificent
Always best fruits at Tizird's
Orange Flowers.
John J. McGoveru , of the Uniei
Pscifichesdquarters , and Miss The
resa Grace were married Tuesify
at St. Philomeim'3 cathedral , Fathtr
English officiating. The ceremony
was witnessed by quite a Urge nums
bar of relatives and frialids , a d a re
ception was held at the residence o
ihe bricio'a brother-ill ! * , Charles
Smock , iXo. 8C8 Pacific street.
The uiarriageof Misa Josie Goodale
Daughter of Rev. Mr. Goodale , o
Columbus , to Mr. Price , of tha
place , is announced to take place on
the loth ins- * . Miss Goodalo is wei
known in Omaha , and hsa many
friends le-e.
A Cdrd.
TV ) the Editor ol TUB BEE :
It having been expected and pub
liahcd that the underpinned would ob
cupy the house of J. H. Kelloui
northeast corner of Chicago am
Twentieth streets , after delay disap
pointed in thh expectation , h now
desires to state to hts congregation
and the public that , at length , afte
inexpressible dircomfort and woiri
raent , he hcs found a "home" in th
westenncst house of Gen. Hawkins
brick row on G.vsi street , abeve Twen
tieh ! , where ho may be found b ;
those needing his piofessioual minis
trations , and where he and his famil ;
will bs glad to see their friends.
Pastor of Etaivnuel's tivargelical Lu
therau church , Douglas street.
Couair OF DOUGLAS. }
Notice is hereby given that I wil
sit at No. 3 eugine house on the 7th
8th , Oth , 10th and llth days of Sept
for the purpose of making out a ceu
list of the legal voters of Secom
ward. A. R. ORCUAEIJ ,
Omaha , September 8th,1880. t8 4
Notice is hereby given that I wil
ait at the etore of S. P. Briggs , south
west corner of Thirteenth and Chicag
Btrcots , on Saturday , September lltb
for the correction of the voting lis
of thia ward , for the Spccia ? City Eke
tlon to be held September 14,1880.
CHAS. WILKISS , Regi trar.
Oaiaha , Douglaa county , Nebraska
September 8'h 1880.
Always Oyst-ra till midnight , a
Tizard'a Oyster Palace septS-Gt
Murphy & Lovettjiiib. .agency ; ol
, < st established agency in thia etate.
splS-1 ,
The Iowa Musical Wonder.
It is now announced that Iowa ha
produced the greatest musical prodig ;
ever known , Little Ella , a child o
four summers , and weighing bu
thirly five rouuds. She is creditet
with tha gifted abili-y to play hun
dreds of pieces of mime correctly , on
call by title , and to plav as well blind
folded , and with the key b iar <
covered The Aldeu Times of Augus
27th has thia to s.y :
"The little midget sat pert and orim
at the otgau , while a gentleman a
the left worked the pedals. The pro
gramme consisted of some forty o
fifty ss'eslirna from popular music
among which often occurred pieces o
difficult composition , and all wereren
dcred nicely acd to the satisfaction o
the audience. Her best efforts were wit
a imntla overing the key-boaH am
herself blindfolded , in which condi
tion she can play her music as
well as with free eyesight and naket
key-hosrd. Littla Ella .is withou
doubt the greatest musical prodig ;
ever placed on the state , and it is"
pleasure to know 'hat she is an
lowan. She is the only child of fou
summers that ever attempted to giv
a public entertainment , and we wis
to state that though at such tender ag
and wei hing hut thirty-five pounds
ahe gave auch a sarpnsingly wonder
ful exhibition as to call forth encom
iums of the highest character from a ]
who heard her.
This is certainly the rarest rnusica
wonder of the age , and we hope t
hear more of her. It is likely tha
she will soonappear in Omaha.
Why dose . -ourselves with nauseat
in medicines , when a purely frui
cathartic will euro yea atonce Ham
burg Fige. Try them.
District Attorney Ferguson to-da
presented his wife with a charmin
girl baby , and will now go into the po
litical contest with renewed interest
Over stock of 800 fruit cans that
ill be sold at 5 cents a piece , at
Wii. F. STOEIZEI , ,
Tenth and Jackson Streets ,
A Couple of Scamps on the
Road to the State
They Swindle This Community
and Escape.
Last Saturday afternoon two youil ?
men who had been living down in the
icinity of La Plattecame into town
with a load of hay which they wanted
o sell , a neighbor , Mr. Martin , hav-
UR loaned them the double team and
wagon for the occasion. They un *
litched the horses over on Fourteenth
treet near Howard , and at once took
he horses and harness over to Cum-
ngs * auction room on Douglas street
ndhad him offer them for sale.
One team , with harness , was sold to
Tohn D. Creighton for $95 , and the
ithera to Anton Gsantner , who lives
int on Thirteenth ttreetfor874. Aftsr
ecuring their money ths young men
mmedialely departed as soon as they
could , and have not been seen nor
leard from since. In addition to the
two teams they took some money ba-
onging to Martin , which he had given
them to make some purchases with
'or him.
Subsequently it seems Mr. Croigh-
ton sold his team for $115 , and Mr.
Gsatner his for § 90 , and every
body was happy until the owner ,
Mr. Martin , appeared upon the scene
and claimed the property. The team ,
secured by Mr. Creighton , was easily
recovered , but the other had been
sjld to a party some distance from
town , who at noon yesterday had not
been found. The owner is expected in
this morair > g to identify the ani-
ina's , and it is probable that somebody
will bo out a little money on the trans
$4.500 Blaze on Tenth
Street This Morning.
At ten minutes before 1 o'clock this
morning the sharp cries of 0. wonnn
whro heard in the neighborhood o
Poppleton'a new block on Tenth
street. The cries soon grow to pierc
ing shriek' , and men's voices soon
joined in what seemed ) to those who
were in the neighborhood , to ba a
broil. A reporter of THE Bsfe , whd
heard the cries from the office , rtlshec
out and was Attracted to the north
west corner of Tenth and Harney
streets , where several wdmen and
three or four men were hastily dress
ing and crying all the while for dear
life. It was then found that the criea ,
Which had before been unclia'iugiiieli-
able , wcra intended as an alarm of
fire , the people uttering them being
Unable to speak English. One of the
men who came up at that moment was
echt to the nearest fire alarm box ,
while the cry of "Fire , fire ! " rang
through Farnain street , was caught
up by the policemen , and in this way
reached the Sixteenth street engine
house. All this while , the fire , which
at first was a little blaze in the bak
ery in the basement , kept growing
hotter and hotter and burst through
the door en Harney street. The fire
was so hot that the few who were on
the spot , had water and buckets been
bandy , could have accomplished very
little , and all that remained to do waste
to await the arrival of the fire depart
ment. Soon the bell of the Git ho
oral began tolling , and people came
rushing to the place. The fire was
aeen to creep through the basement ,
and a bit of breeze just then spring
ing up fanned the flames , which EOOU
enveloped the porch on Harney atreot ,
and the fiery tongues licked through
the first floor , so that when the fire
men arrived the whole building was
ail ablaza. Though it seemed an in *
terminable long while before water
was thrown on the fire , the work of
the faremen was remarkably rushed ,
the flro spreading Incredibly fait
Those who were In the building at the
time , the family of Schlank , who kept a
second-hand clothing store , had little
time to spare in getting out , and then ,
half dressed , succeedtd in dragging
out perhaps $100 of their stock.
There was danger of the fire communicating -
municating to the row of small build
ings on the west , and willing hands
quickly cleared them of all things
movable , but the firemen did effect
ive work and the fire waa kept within -
in the limit of corner building.
The alarm waa given that a
largo qumtity of cartridges
waa stored in * the shop
and a scramble of spectators followed
and none too soon , for shortly a little
cannonading was started which caused
those , who did not know the cause
of the explosion , to rush pell-mell up
or down Tenth street. These vol
leys were kept up for some few min
utes , fortunately no one being injur
The building was owned by F. Wirth ,
who purchased it only on Tuesday
last fcr 51,200. He had just finished
moving about § 400. worth of furai.
ture into the second-story , which waste
to have been used as a boarding
house. Mr. Wirth told a BEE re
porter that he supposed that the
building was insured as he had msde
airangementa with Judge Weiss yes
terday afternoon to have it insured ,
and though he had not received his
papers , ho had been told that it
would take effect last evening
Sclank's loss on stock and household
goods waa probably about § 2,600.
The family escaping with barely
enough clothing to cover themselves ,
and several piles of clothing from
the stock were saved for them.
The loss on Gary's bakery in the
basement was in the neighborhood of
$600 , he just having put in a lot of
flour. The whole loss will amount
to something like § 4,600 , on which
there is little insurance.
There was talk of incendiarism but
as no one knows exactly how the fire
ciught it is merely a conjecture , but
these who were in the building can
give no other explanation of the
origin , other than they think it must
have been set ,
The City Attorney and Com
mittee on Police Ordered
to Investigate Judge
A Bushel of Business , of Vary
ing Importanca Transacted.
At the adjourned regular meeting
of the city council last u ! hi there
wore present all the meinbefs
The city clerk waa authorized to
draw a warrant for $57. CO to pay the
net tax charged against certain oily
properly for grading and building a
The 0. & N. N , % . , was directed
to lay and maintain a crossing t its
.rack on Grace street.
A resolution to remove the gas
. -imp from the a. o. corner 16th and
Oumminga street , ton. e. co. , .same
streets , and lamp from a. e. cor. ,
10th street bridge to s. e. cor. , 16th
and Nicholas stfeets , was after con
siderable discussion adopted.
A resolution to have the gutter
corner Douglas and 13th streets raia-
ed to gr.xde was adopted.
Mr. Kaufman introduced a reao -
lu'ion authorizing the committee on
water works and Saw'crage to employ
Hugh Murphy aa suporvkol' of the
building of sewarage- and so1 employ
A. Rosewater to make the ? necessary
surveys establishing the grade on dif
ferent ntreets , both officers to bta un
der the control of the city engineer.
Referred to committee on water works
and sewerage.
A resolution instructing a'l df > le
gates from the various wards 'o report
us to the number of additional tjas
lamps needed in their i&pcctifo
wards , was adopted.
Tlia city marshal was instructed to
detail a pul cetnan to examine side
walks , and order those imparfect ro-
A resolut'on to repair washout on
10th and Hickory streets , was re
. A resolution directing the U. P.
Ry. Co . to put a watchman on iheir
crossings of 13th and lth streets.
A resolution wa * adoptad to have
the street foreman keep certain
accounts of weak _ done.
A resolution instructing the city at-
torrtey to assist the committee on po
lice tri the investigation of P. 0.
Hawe3 , polica judge , was adopted.
A resolution for the immediate
completion of all sidewalks ordered
or constructed and repaired , was
A resolution 10 grant iB cross
walks to the 3rd ward , was laid on
the table.
The committee on streets aha
grades was instructed to make neces
sary repairs on 18th street south of
LeftveilwCrthi .
To take the claim of P. Welsh , fof
damages from roaent rain , from the
table , was lost.
A resolution to fix the approach to
alley on iJrhstreeij between Chicago
and Cass , at a cost not to exceed § D
was adopted.
The city treasurer was dirpctad to
receipt for warrant of 9.50 issued to
B. f , Goodrich & Co. , and mail same
to raid Ob.
TUB committee on finance returned
the city treasurers reuorX rdconimend-
ing that it be placed on iilo , and took
ocasion to compliment the treasurer
on the manner in which he kept the
account of the city.
The report shows thitof § 154,154.
81 delinquent * regular , tax Ju'ly 1st
1878 , ho has collected $39,084 , which
from the manner , -delinquent * have ,
of not paying taxes , is de
cidedly encouraging and of
the 5170,517.43 delinquent July 1 ,
-1879 , he has up to July 1,1880 , col
lected § liO,241 SO , leaving of the
former a dehnqutncy cf $115,070 71 ,
and of the h't r , 860,275.53 , making
n total of 8175,346.24 regular tax de
linquent on the 1st day ot July , of the
prtsent year , and of the special taxes
there wa , at the end offthe fiscal year
§ 52,90061 , of which § 37,369.73 is
sewer district No. 1 tax , making a to
tal delinquent tax of § 228,246.85.
The committee on finance recom
mended that the petition of H. P.
Dcuol and others in regard to the
grading of Ninoieentk streetbetween
GIBS and Harney bo placed on hie ;
The "same committee reported by
resolution requesting the city regis
trars to sit on Saturday the llth ihat.
for registration. Adopted.
The game committee reported ad
versely to the grading of any street
during the present year , owing to the
condition jf the general fund.
The special committedajppjinted 'o
report on the petition of the W. 0. T.
U. and of D. A MoffiiU and others ,
asking tint the law forbidding saloons
to be open on Sunday bo enforced , re
ported the same back and recommend
ed that the said petitions , with a copy
of this report , be transmitted to the
nny ref the city of Omaha.
The committee on streets and grades
reported 111 favor of allowing Richard
McDonald 8250 in full for d ma. *
on account of change of grade ifr t
of his lot.
The report in favor of Ihyuug on
the s b'e ' bid of John Reoi fi.r the
purchase of lot west of lot 1 , block
363 was adopted.
The committee on printing recom
mended that the resolution to adver
tise for bids for the erection of an en
gine huuse for No. 2 do not pass.
The same committee reported in fa
vor of paying bill of the Omaha Post
Printing company under wrlain con-
The appropriation ordinance for the
month of August was introduced and
passed by a vote of 11 to 1 , tha preii-
"ent voting mt-e negative , and the
ordinance was declared passed and ti
tle ngroed to.
Thereupon Mr. Kennard asked that
his vote be al o changed from aye to
no. Granted
Messrs. Dodge , Blackmore , Dailey
and Stephenson followed suit , and
the ordinance was declared lost.
On motion of Mr. Dodge the vote
was reconsidered and passed by a vote
of 10 to 2 , air. Dodge and President
Boyd voting in the necative.
The total amou-1 of money appro
priated by this ordinance is § 7,070.08.
An ordinance regulating the running
of hacks and other conveyances dur
ing statn fair week was referred to the
committee on judiciary.
A motion to adjourn was lost.
A special ordinance appropriating
money for the pay of grading on Dav
enport street was adopted.
Another motion to adjourn was lost.
An ordinance amending an ordi
nance to provide for the establishing
of stands for hacks and other vehi
cles waa read onca and referred to the
committee on police.
An ordinance to establish the grade
of Twentieth street , from St. Mary's
aveaue to Harney street , was referred
to a special committee of five , consist
ing of Messrs. Dailey , Roddis , Jones ,
Blackmore and Stephenson.
On motion the council adjourned.
The Leadville Minstrels are
. - * >
30 Days Closing Out SO Days.
L. C. Enewold , at his old
Thirteenth and Jackson street 1
close out absufc $7000 worth of Dry
Goods , Notions , Ladies' and Gents'
Furnishing Goods , Hats and Caps , at
and below wholesale prices , for cash.
Having lately bought the stock from
A. Peller less than its value , ho can
and will discount the lowest prices
goods aold for in Omaha. Call and
examine the goods and prices offered ,
and remember the place , Thirteenth
and Jackson streets , opposite * .
Lange'a grocery. a-m-w
- r - -j
- - - -
Hamburg Fins 25c a box.
NOT.'CE Advertisement ! To Lot For Sole'
Lost , found. Wants , Boarding &c. , will be In
serted In tbesC columns oni for TEN CENTS
pei' lln ; eadil BobseqC'MitinBerUoisFrvp CKuTS
per line. The flirt hatrCJon never Jes ? than
* AHA10 LOAN AtSperceUt Irrtci
OO.UUU * . lit strms of $2110 and op-
wards for I to 5 years' time ofl first class iraprd *
ed citv and farm property. ArMy"at BEMIS
Heal Estate and Loan Agency , 15th aftJ Douelia
Hts.MOM2T TO LOAN-i l at Law Offlco
D. Ii. THOMAS. Room 8 , Creighton Bloelt
M ONK ? TO LOAW lira FamL.1"0 street.
Dr. Edwards Loan Attrtcy. " ' -
WANTED Two ilr'a for dining ro-m and
one lalaundry. . Apply et Flanter'r
Hou'O. corner Dtwlge and 16lh strec'S. 441-3
WANTED A nnrsc nlr . A ply at Mra.
Guil i'a , southeast , comer cf i2d and Call-
fbfnlft tt.-cct. 443-0
WANTED Hn and wife. T. ilUP.KAY .
410-1 f
TT7 ANTED A torxi cirf for biffficn work
VV E. cor. 18th and Dodge.- 4399
W > NTEt > Analemanof exprricni-e fn the
grocery l u 'no g. j. i. NICHOL & CO. .
comer 16lh and Dodge. J3l s
TTTANTED A girl , at the French Ccffee
VV tton-e 10th St. 433 w.f
WANTIJD A cbiMent H to coot ,
and iron , in a nrnll fam ly ; good vraeea
Rlvei Anp'y at southwest corner cf Douglas
afiJ 18th slreelg
WANTED \ ruhl'Ue-aged wonnntndn pen-
e-al houBesrofh in a sma'l fa-nilr : must
be a good conk and washer. Call at 1318 Cali
fornia street. 420-tl
fiood cirl at Ho'el Befi'mark. nn
WANTED . , betntcn Jones and Lcarenwortli.
WANTFD A pint -maVer. Ca'l at A H
Ch'stouc , 137DnnelasSt 431-f
WANTED Dining room girl at theEmmctt
llonse. 421-0
ttfANtFb-2 dinin ? roota ttl-Ig at tM Pt ,
VV Clml ° p Hotel 4 = 2lf
WANTED Cfllre bor , at IhaEmmstt Hens # .
WAN'TFD Rood girl fi
WANTED Good eirl coot preferred , at F.
L&nze , cor. I3th and Jackfon St 35S-tf
WAVTED Flrnt and second cook at ths S.
Charlfit flot l. 37f ) nSotft
TJTAKTEO Chamber fiial.l and eoob Vfijjcs
W 5anddollirs Apply 2308 Bnrtct.327tf
TTTATJTEO A competent slrl. Ennu're '
VY S , . E. cof. 1ftll and Capitol A ve 307tf
" \\r ANTEr. X Girt to do hou-e work , 1109
VV .Farnbam Strcgi. rm Jjtalrs
WANTEb A rj : c a bar.tender or hoJol
runner , /dilfeea tf. OUT1EB , Noackg
Hotel. 1207 anil 100 Harney street. 135-8
WANTED As bar-kceper. M.
Pecker ; fen Office.
Bovderg , at Ktf 1004 cono0th !
WANTED Sts. 417-m-w-f
Situation 93 c erk orwaiter ; best
WANTED - Riven ; speaks German or
English. Addr si P. B. , Eee Office. 4I7-10
> TED Fva ni'itiir man , situation of any
WA iinU. Addrew 111 R. K. , Fee Office
TilOR RENT A hfusa ot 6 mams , pleisint'y"
P 10 a'cJ in hirn's si'Tdlt'ongoat ce'la ' ,
ciatorn we'iandbafl. App y t0 , T. Crandall ,
Auditor's olfics. U P. R'jr. jg g
"J70R TIFNT Tire stores ii. now brick block ,
I cornerfarnlii andiothstreets ; pOfse. 8lm
Oct.l. A.J POPPLETOJf. 39I-S
T ORNI HED Room' with or witbotft board.
_ 1J at Furopean Restaurant. CGl-tf
"inelyfurnished rooms at 1310
Davenport street , bet. l3th and 14th St.85Q.K
RENT SUre rrom In brick bfoct corner
10th ard Douglas Sts. , with or with ut cfli-
lar. Apply to American House. 290-tf
RFNT A finely-furnished front rnora.
FOR at 1K1C Dodge ( t. E83U
RENT 2 furnished rooms over Mer-
FOR Eichange , N. E. Cor. 16th and
Dodge streets. 2S3-tf
FDRNISFED . ivintf
Karpaina in Houses , Lots , Farms and
Lan'lgin hia new column on 1st page.
SALE Kci'JUruit , coed 1 cition. Ad-
FOR J 1. , I oa Office. 141-11
Twenty to twenty-tour quarts or one
MILK by John T. Paulson.
SALE I hive 'or sile , cheap several
FOR c . also a few desirable taoart lot * .
ANDREW BbV S.Atfy , S. E. cor. 16ti ! and
Douglas Sts. 43J-tf
"OOR&\LE Tne best paying butcher buoiness
P and hestl ocation ia tnecitydo'nabitrade. ' {
for particulars enquire of aci Jrestho Bee office
374-23otf BLTOllER.
TT1 R SALE Cottonwood lumber of all
" 5in-t
or sorrel pony with wHte face A liberal
reward iil be pud for return to C. W. Hamil
ton. 437-tt
FOUND West c flown , between militarv road
and Catholic Cerostery , a gold bracelet
The owner can have the SMIIP by tiroiin pro-
per-y and call us at BUhop C aikson's , at. Marys
Ave. 424-J
LOST Tie last of July rf 1st of Ausrst , 75
fair frrado Merino sheen and one 2-year-pld
steer or heifer , unecrtnn which , from herd being
driven from cmibato Bl it. for further in
formation inquire of clerk at CanOeld House.
Kinder ) il bu liberally rewarded for return of
s me. 420-11
. , . ,
Pianos and Organs First Class
on Easy Monthly Payments ,
Sheet Music and Musi
cal Instruments ,
: M : o TT HL ID i nsr Gs. .
Oil Paintings , Engravings an't Frames at great
ly reduced prices. j >
8x10 Frames , 1 inch , Walnut. i/
J0xl2 " 1 " 2ff
lOxli " 1 " " 20
12x10 " Ii " " JO
12x18 ' 1J " " j 65
16x20 I' Ij " " 75
Bustic 8x10 f rime 15
Chromes framed , ( mall , 25c ,
Chromoa framed , large , 1 ! G ,
Engravings from 60c upwardi ,
Photograph frames from 15c upwirdg ,
Wtado f Cor Jccs 7Sc a window and upwards
Lunbrequir.8 S 00 per window and upwards ,
Cornice fcie32 50 per window and upward } ,
Velvet frames SCe eich to5 00
Violin Strings lie ,
Vlo iis 1 75.2 50 , 3 and npwirds ,
Guitars 5 00,6 00 , 7 00 and npwirdj.
EIDJOS 1 00. 3 DO , S 00 , and upward ; ,
Accordeoisfrcm 1 CO up , cheapest in city
Bend for samples and catalogue of mouldings
and sneet mnslc. A. HOSPE , JE. ,
1S78 Dodire St. , OjEaiw , Ifeb ,
ox *
Is Now Fully Inaugurated.
By order of the DisHct Judge the Assignee has aolu to us this Gigantic stock contain
ing the choicest and most staple products of the ria s Factories Our duty
is a simple one to sell tha g ods.
The fame of this sale has extended far and wide,1 , but it will be gratifying to the public
to know the following facts :
FIRST : The stock cost in New York over $43,000.
SECOND : We bought'it for cash and obtained a discount of over .
THIRD : We have marked everything , regardless of original cost , in
plain figures.
FOURTH : The stock is very choice in selection , Mr. Stephens heisg
well known as an excellent buyer.
FIFTH : The stock is absolutelyfree from old goods and bad styles
Messrs. Stephens & Wilcox having made it a semi-annual
custom to send to Iowa any accumulation of undesirable ,
goods to be sold for what they would bring.
SIXTH : The goods have been marked at prices that will sell them , it
being our desire to close everything quickly. While we
know this sale will ATTRACT THE BIOS , ever on the alert
to save a dollar , we wish it to be distinctly understood that
this is a sale-for the people , and the
are alike welcome at our counters. We intend making our
S. P. 3IORSE & CO.
Are Not Half as Interest
ing to the General Read-
e&as the Folio wing-Price
List :
9Jlb30l A.fttjt&ttot n M
lu Iba extraCaupparlor. , , 1 00
U'i Ibs Canary C. Supxr fof 1 00
8 } Ibs Granulated Snitar for 1 00
3 Iba Cat lof Sngarfor , 1 CO
6 Iba good Rio CcSfM f or 1 Oo
6 Iba best Rio Coffee ( or. . . . . . . 100
4 Ibs choice Java Coflce for 1 00
3i Iba best Mocha Coffee for 100
Young fljrBon Tea per Ib , 30 to 4C
nJgngTeaperlb , 80 to 40
J piiW Ferlb < 8 ° * ° B
Finest Gunpowder Tea rlb 75
Best OK Flour pereacx 2 75
Snow Flake winter wheat flour 3 10
Havens best floor. . . . . t GO
rf bars Climax Soap for 1 00
Si bars Laundry Soap for 1 00
18 bars Linen So p for 1 00
Pure Maple Syrup in cal. csiw. ( i
Golden Syrup per gallon m. . * 60
Kew Orlcantf Syrup psr gallon. 70
Hew Orleans Mulasacap rgaIIon , . . . , 45
SuzarHoSiMolssaesper gallon. . . . , 40
18 Ibs St. JxU&od ) Craikeri for 1 00
ISlbaSt. Louis Oyster Crackers for 1 GO
121bs Boston Butter Crackers for _ . 1 OC
12Ibgdinger Snaps for 1 00
13 Ibs New Currants for. . . . . . 1 00
9 Iba New Blackberries for _ 1 00
4 Ibs PitWd Cherries for i 00
11 Ibs Dried Paches ( halves ) for 1 00
14 Iba Choice Dried Appln lot 1 00
12 Iba best new Prune ? for ) . . 100
lOlbs. best Valencia Raisins > . . < . 1 00 la er Raisins 1 00
Peaches 21D cans. . , 16
Peaches. 3 Ib cons ( standard ) ! 0
Fie Peaches. 0 Ib cans 26
Peaches ( Cal)3 ) lbcai.s f. SU
Blackberries , 2 Ib can Ii }
Apples , ( York State ) eitl can 0
Blueberries 3 Ib .an l ? }
Cherries 2 Ib Can , 21 j
Damson Plums S Ib cans l i
Raspberries t Ib can 16
Strawberries,2 Ibcan _ . 16
String Bums.2 Ib cans 12i
Baked Beans , 3 Ib can 20
Lima Bcana , 2 Ib cans 12j
Scurarcorn , 21b can 121
Yarmouth corn , per can 17 *
Tomatoe * , Slbcan joi
Succotash , 2 Ibcan 12J
Pumpkins , Slbcan. . . . ; ) ( ,
25 Ibs beans 1 00
10 Ibsdried Lisa bcang 1 CO
85 Ib3 hominy 1 00
11 Ibl Carolina rice 1 CO
25 Ibs oat raeal „ 1 00
Fat family mackerel , perklt 85
Fat family white fishJpcr kit. 90
Codfish , whole , pcrlb 7
Codfish , boneless , per Ib. , 10
H.ilhbut , par Ib 12 }
Holland herring ( ncwj ! per kefi 1 25
Tobacco f Blackwel' ' ' * Durham ) r-jr Ib „ 60
Tobicco ( iherP < alplngperIb ) 60
Tobacco ( Old S'.jle ) per Ib 35
Tobacco ( Meerschaum ) pcrlb 40
Hams , sugar-cured , perlb 12 }
Butter , fresh roll , per Ib 20
Complete price lists furnished on application.
Country orders will receire prompt and cartful
attention. Positively no roods sold on credit.
J. B. FRENCH & CO , ,
The Original Reliable Grocers ,
No. 1119 Farnham Street ,
Absolutely Pure.
from Grape Cream Tartar. Ifo otha
preparation makes each light , flaky hot breads ,
or luxnrioTis putry. Can ba eaten by dypeptia
without fear of the ffls reultlc ; ; from heavy indigestible -
digestible food ,
bcld only in cans , by all Grocers ,
i Biiua fowl JB Co. , Kev Yoik
Having Taken the Above for Our Motto , "W eare
Determined to Offer
Our Entire Summer Stock of
of Cost.
In Order to Make Roon for Our Fali and Winter Goods.
We Will Not4 # c Undersold.
Cigars from $15.00 per 1000 upwards.
Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards.
Send for Price List.
3IAX 31EYER & CO. , Omalia , Neb.
' Fishing1 Tackle , Base Balls aud a full line of
Oval Brand
The salea of this "brand" " of Oy Urs have now oitatriop8 * aU others. . Yon get more OjrtenS
WEIGHT AND MEASUKE In cans of thU brand th n n any other. U. B. BEEMEK ,
sepldlm General Western Agent , Omaha.
Dealers in
House Furnishing Goods , Shelf Hardware ,
Jfails and Etc.
Farnham Street , 1st Door East First National Bank.
Successors to Jas. K. Isb ,
Dealers in Fine Imported
Extracts , Toilet Waters , Colognes , Soaps , Toilet Powders , &c.
A lull line cf Surzfcal Instiuraenta , Pocket Cases. Trasj-a and Snprortera. Absolutely Ptoo
Drugi and Chemical * rued In UispenjJnj. Prescrlptionf filled it my hour of tha night.
JUS. K. Isb. Lawrence McHahon.
3.324 3EV