VOL. X. OMAHA NEBRASKA THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 9 . " , , , 1880. K"0. CO. Established 1871 , MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents BARGAINS REAL ESTATE Ii r : I AGENCY , 15h ( and Douglas Street. Orer S.OOO residence lota for Rile by thlstjren y at prlcesr anting from * 24 to f2,500 ech , and vcatcd tn every pirt of the dto , and In ever ? Ircction from the Pwrtoffice , north , ezat , south p west , and varyinff in distance from one lock to one or two miles from same. Call and lamlne our lists Several choice lot * in Griffin & Inacs' addl U on , m ol com ent , betw een Bt. Mary's aven ue and Hartley BtreeV J 00 to SSOO SO acres Just caet Of barracks on Saunders St. this U choice land and will be sold very cbeap- tor cash in 6,10 or 20 acre low ; now Is your time- 0 secure a bargain. Choice lot at end ot street car tracks on Saun- ocre street for SS75. C.iVic8ffot'F"nhMnand ! 21th afreets , 90x132 et for 81,500 will divide It. Cheap lots ln Credit Fonciar addition , eonth of O. P. derot-SlOO to ? 800. s TERRACE ADDITION/ iff "Forty lots on Park Avcnuo and Georgia street , < f on road to park , and near head of St. Mtry' * avenue , at from f25 to S300 each. Seven years time at eight per cent interest to those who will put up good substantial bulldiu i. F r further particulars apply to. O. P. BEUIS , Accnt , Fifteenth and Douglas Streets. A nice lot on Harney'andlwentj-first street * lor ? BS. Two choice lots on 10th. near Bt. Mary'a arcn. UB , 50x165 feet each , for 850 and 8900 T o choice lota near 23d and Clark streets. In E. V. Smith's addition ? 300 and $350 Fifty lots In Sb'.nn'a flr econ and third ad ditions lorl | 0 to SOOO c I t neajr 15th and Pierce , N50. 2 low on Harnrv near 24th St. , $800 eaeh. 1 lot or. 24th ntar Houard street , * 7oO. 41 lots in Grand View addition , south of U. P DIidgB and depot , from # 15 to $ 00 each- One acre , 117x570 feet , on ISth street , south of Popplcton's new residence , for 2.000 , or will divide Into city aizod lots at from SJ50 to 8&0& each. RIVERVTEW ADDITION. Large number of beautiful residence lots , lo cated In this new addition on Capitol Hill , be twccn 24th street on the cast. 26th on the wert Dodire street on the north and Famham street on the louth , formerly onned byC. 11 Downs and mnre recently known 3s the Perkins 15 acres. Only 22 lots lia\c thus far been platted It on 1-arnham and 8 on Douglas street. These lots are 50 to 5G feet in width and 150 In depth. $1,000 for the choice. 6 years time , at 8 per cent In terest to there M ho w ill build good substantial honHCB therein. Call and examine plat and get full information at BEMIS'REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 15th und Douclas Streets. OierZOOhounog and lots a-o offered for sale by this offlca They are scattered all over the city. Any location you JoJre. Prices varying from $500 to S15.000 each. Z rood lots and 2 cheap bouses near Jackson * nd 12th streets nt a creat sacrifice. Here Is a crcat barcaln for Borne one. The property must bo sold immediately. Co vcrs just a quarter of a block. Call and examine thisIthont any dcU- GEO P. BEM1S , Affcnt , , 16th and DougUs Stc A desirable lot near Coming and Blunders Blrects , $ ltOO. PARK ELACE. The cheapest acre lota in the city ot Omaha , re those offered for sala by this agency In Pat k PUce and Love's second addition , on Cnming , Burl and California street * ; you can make no mistake la pit kinc up tin-so bargains while jou have the chance. These lots are more than equal In size to 4 full-sized oity lota or a hiU block and It will ho hat a.ery short time before one- fifth pirt of one cf these acre lots will sell for as much as we offer a full acre to-day. They are located a very ebort dis'anoe nest of Cr fchton College. Prices ranpine from S150 to 4300 per acre lot. Call immediately , and don't lose Tour chance , and get plat and full particulars of GKO P BEM1S. Acent , 15th and Douglas Streets. Nice lot on Sherman Avenue iionhot Nicholas gtreet , 81,400. Uilf lot on Cass.tctween 13th and 14th streets 81.000 2 nice lot ] In Hartman's addition , $400 to TCOO. Larpo number of aero lots In Glee's addition in North Omina , $ lz5 to $300 each. Choice earner lot near 22ud and California trects , 81,600. Several good lots in Kclsou'B addition , 150 to $ S50eacb. Choice lot in Thornell's uddilion , $750. Several large Iota in Birtlctl's addition , 11 rods and Si acres each. Prices $700 to $2,000 each. each.Several Several choice lots in Heed's first addition. (275 to & 50 each. Acre lot on Sherman avenue , ( IQth street ) , eonth of Popplcton'g new residencetor , $1,100. 2 lanrelots neirlSth an J Clark streets , 601 330 feet Comer , 81.200 ; inside , $1,000. 3 Iare lots on She m n avenue , ( IGth street ) , near Clark StiueU 930 < uuh McCANDLISH PLACE. 22 nice and cheap lots , very rear to the has ness part of the city , locited a very few steps outh of the Convent and St Maiy's avenae.and ust "outh < f and adjo.nine the pnmnd of Jamct M WiKilworth and WJ. . Council these are i heap and \ cry dc'irable , being si handy to bus- ness pare of city , to new pdyerntno 't depot , nail worts , uhllo lead works , U. P. depot , stock jaids , packinghouses , etc Call ? d ect plat and lull par.irulare. Pi-ice $175 to S 50 and easy terms to the * * ) who IwIId OEO. P. BEMIS. Atcnt. ISth and loulasSta. S choice residence Iota on 24th st'cct , between Douslis and Dodn5 streets.$1,100 to ti.tl.0 cicn and Ion ; time to thofe uho " 111 bailJ Schoi e corner lire near 2thaiM Fatnhim ctrajti , C5xl2 feet , Sl.lM and Sl.W. and very oisy term. to purchaser * who ui I Improve. Also t lots on 24th , between Farnham and Douglu s reeU , $950' to $1,000 each and long time. time.4JT250 4JT250 ol the best bu ines lots in r of Omaha for sale , located on every bun n r street , 8500 to $0,000 each. 2TAlso very valuable gtoro > "crties In al most every business block i5 000 to 15,000 eachLAKE'S LAKE'S ADDITION. 40cnoice residence lota In above addition , 1m. moJiitcly north of and adjoining Popp'eton's beautiful residence and grounris , and located on ISth IDlh and 20th streets. 2300 to $550 each and very easy terms to those who will build. f-ii and examine pl t and ct full particular * . GEO. P. BEMIS , Agent , Beautiful building site on Sherman avenue , 16th street5bct ocn Poppleton and the Dudiey- 1 jams propertv ; 203 feet cart frontage on the a\cnue. by 33D fret in depth. Will divide itrmk- InplSSfeetbySSa. Call and get full particulars. An acre en ISth street , lOSJcct east frontage ny 378 feet deep. This is Just south of the Kliia- bcth { Poppleton place. This Is pllt-edre , call and cct price and terms of BEMIS , Agent. 18 good lots , Just north of and adjoining E. V. Smith's addition , and located beivfan 20th and Saunders elree * , at reasonable prices and ion time to buyers bo improve. BEMIS. Agent. HORBACH'S ADDITION. 55 lots In Ilorbaclrt first and second add on , 16th , 18th , 19th and 2Jth streets , between Xicholts , Pul , Shennan and ClarK Etieets , very handy to U. P. Shops , smelting works , etc. . ranging in prices rom from $200 to (1:100 each , requiring only tmvll payment down and long tims at 7 prr cent interest to these who will im prove. GEO. P. BEMIS. ISth and Douglas Streit. 33 nice Ion In Parker's addition , between Sannders and Pjeree. Kin ? and Campbell's Sts. . nlllonio Etrert ; 19 lots with south fronts and Ottith north frontage , only 6 blocks north ol the turn-table ( end Etreet-car track ) on Saunden street. Very lew prices ; 8175 cash , or SJOO on 1 ogtimend8percent interest to tnosewho will build. 3150 coed farms for sala in Donglat , Sarpy , VTuhington , Bart , Dodge , Sannders and t'utern tlcrot counties. ' 3Ta.0.000 acroc tie& selected landi in the state for silo by thit accncy. Call and get map ) , drculan and full paiticnUra. < 2TBeimV new mtp ot Omabi , 60o and $1.50. t2TBcmi ' new pamphlet ( and map of the State ) entitlsd "the outlook of Nebraska" lei tree distribution Geo. P. Bemis' , REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 15th & Douglas St , OMAHA , , - - - . FOREIGN EVEN1S. Two Hundred and Fifty Men Buried Alive in a Coal Pit in England. One , of the Most DJsasterous Calamities on Eecord , Destruction of .a Historical ' Citybyfire , Irishmen Dig a Grave as a Sig nificant Warning Not to Oc cupy an Evicted Farm. The Guillotine in France. THE PIT OF DEATH. Special dispatch to The Bee. LONDON , September 8 , 4 p. m. A teriible colliery explosion occurred at two o'clock this morning at the Seaham pit in Durham county , on the north tea , about five miles Eouth of Sunderland. At the time of the ex plosion 250 men were in the pit , and from that time up to eleven o'clock all efforts to reach them wore unsuc cessful. Communication has , however , Bince been opened with a group of eighteen men , who were found to bo aafe. The greatest excitement prevails in the neighborhood , and the wires and families of thd imprisoned and slaughtered miners surround the mouth of the pit with loud cries and lamentations. The eighteen men with whom communication has been opened do not know how many hare been killed , but fear theyare the only survivors of the dreadful catastrophe. Tha superintendent of the col- Jiery and all of his assistants are putting forth every effort to ventilate the pit sufficiently to allow a thorough exploration to be made of the more remote parts of the workings , where it is supposed the majority of the men were when the explosion took place. The Immediate cause of the ignition of the fire damp cannot be more than surmised , as the rules of the mine in respect to the use of lamps were as strict as possible and it was sup posed to be as safe as any in the kingdom. This forenoon large numbers " bers of- people have arrived"at the .scene of the disaster from Sunder land ; drawn by curiosity , but nothing can be seen epcept the smoke which cornea from below. There is every reason to believe this to be one of the most disastrous mining calamities on record. SpecUl dispatch to The Bee. LONDON , Sept. 9 1. a. m. The latest intelligence from the .Seaham colliery is that exploring parties are now down in the pit , endeavoring to reach the snrvivorFocrgh ! unnUio R > b(5. lougato Lord Londonderry 'ana "the co&l produced is known in London as the Wallrand and is the beat quality of hou G coal used in England. The co'liery in which the appalling ac cident occurred consists of several pits and the Seaham pit is one of the largest and most important of the group. The entire locality may be said to constitute one vati coal pit. Fourteen men have been rescued from the main seam and } it ia believed all the others perished. A dispatch state * that the number of men cer tainly ascertained to be lost is now 209. Among those in the pit was Corporal Hudson the winner of the [ juten'a prize in the recent artillery competition. The shafts are blocked \nd a second explosion of gas is feared. The excitement at the colliery is very great. Thousands of anxious people hrong the neighborhood. U1STOBICAI , CITY IN FLAMES. The city of Sofia in Bulgaria is on fir ? , and dispatches say there is dan ger of tbo entire pUce being burned o the ground , flames first broke out in the poor Jewish quarter , which already completely destroyed. Sofia , by thenow arrangement respect- ins Bulgaria , is the capital of the province of the same name. It ii sit uated on an affluent of the river Isker , about 800 miles west , north west of Constantinople on the road to Belgrade. Its situation is pictur- eique , being surrounded by mountains on all sides. There is an old castle near by , which the Turks fortified in 1854. Its population is estimated at about 25,900 , comprising Bulgarians , Turks , Greeks and Jews. There are several fine mosques , the principal being the formerly magnificent church of St. Sophia , ones that of the Greek arch-bishop and Cathoiic bishop. To the south of the city are extensive ruins of ancient Sordica , in which a council was held in 447. Sofia was foundered by the emperor Justinian and conquered by Bulgar ians in 1809 , and the Greeks in 1383. It was for several centuries the capi tal of Bulgaria. A SHADY EUSSIAN CAMPAIGN. A St. Petersburg dispatch says there are rnmors that Gen. Skobeloff has been defeated , and the Russian press are demanding that the govern ment shall give the public a full and accurate account of the Turcoman war. Leading journals are somewhat caustio towards the ministry that has so enveloped Gen. SkobelofFa cam paigns , and speak approvingly of the Czar's summons to the general to come to Livida and give a personal account of what has rosily transpired. It is reported that the engines of the Inman steamer "Citv of Richmond" have broken in mid-Atlantic. Probably two-thirds of the Oldham cotton spinners , who have been on a strike , are favorable to the short time movement , and it is thought the re mainder will soon come to the same way of thinking. ST1UKE ENDED. EpecUI Dltp&tch to the lice. GLASGOW , September 9 , 1 a. m. The miners strike in Scotland ia end ed. A good understanding between the masters and miners exists , the men Mpressing themselves willing to work on the assurance of the masters that better w ges _ will be offered as soon as trade justifies it. JL rEENCH EXECUTION. Sped * Dispatch to The Bee. PARIS , September 9 1 a. m. Yesterday morning , just at daybreak the murderer Menescelon wrs execu ted. According to the custom here ha was kept in ignorance of the tim fixed for his death , until within a few moments of hu execution. He h passed the evening in company wit two jailors , who had for tome days been bia constant companions , in playing cards , An Unusually bounti ful supper , which wassupplied to him , might have aroused his suspicion * , but it did nor , and at midnight ho went to deep. Shortly before day- ireak the governor of the jmson , with a priest and the executioner and iiB assistants , entered the corridor eading to the call of the condemned nan. The jailors , at the ci ht of hem opened the doer nf the cell , ami irat awaking Mencscelon , informed lim that hs bet hour had come and admitted the priest , who remain d with the condemned roan for ten min utes. The governor , the executioner nd his assistants then entered. Men- tcelon was now in the agony of fer , nd it was with difficulty that the ox- cutioner made what ia called the toil- t , cutting the hair short and cutting F the. collar of his shirt and binding n's arms behind him. This being orer , the convict was hurried through' ho corridors to the door , which open ed upon the square where the guillo- ine was ready to receive its victim. Iho scene at this moment was terribly ombre , the sun was just rising , but ; s light was obscured by dense loads , and at the moment the prison oor opened a violent storm of tinni er and lightning broke forth. The ondemned man at this instint was vercome with terror and saiik al most to the ground. The assistants f the executioner had to drag him ,0 the guillotine , which had been rected only a few paces from the > ortal of the prison , and in a moment fterward the knife had fallen and all was over. SIONIFICAKT TVAKINKO. IpecUl Dlipatch to Tha Bee. DUBLIN , Sept. 9. 1 n. m. Some ittle time ago a tenant was evicted rom a farm at Croutwcli , a poet own about fourteen miles from Galway - way , and it was reported that the andlord intended to put another enant into pojsession. Yesterday morning a grave was found to lavebeen dug on the farm by unknown lands , near which a notice wca found pasted , to the effect that the man , who became the tenant of the farm , vonld be placed therein. This sig- lificant jashion of putting the case las caused considerable speculation and amusement : n the neighborhood BI-METALLTSM IN aEUJfANY. pccUl Dispatch to TEe 'Bee. BERLIN , September 9 1 a. m. tfathansel Rothachild ? , head of the iothschilds firm and family in Franc > , las visitedPrir.co'Biemsrk. This has caused much comment in political and inancial circles and it is undurstood he visit of the great banker to the chau- cllor is directly connected with the money affairs of the empire and the tatement is unhesitatingly made , in ertain well-informed circles , that Mr lothcchilds was invited to a contul- ation to give his advise as to the beat measures to be taken for adopting the ) i metallic standard. BESCTJEING THE FRISONEK. pedal dispatch to The Bee. LONDON , Septembers. Fifty-seven icraons have been saved from the ieaham colliery , manyof them in an xhautted condition. Exploring in lie colliery is very difficult , as many f the bodies are a mile away from 10 mouth of the shaft Looting at tne Goulden Belt. pcclil Diepitch to The Bee NEW YORK , September 8 , 10 p.m. i"orty person ? start todayfrom Jersey Jity and Philadelphia for Bismarck irove , Kansas , under the guidance 1 Gen. John Rice , manager and gent of the Western national fair , or the purpose of visiting tbo fair , which opens September 13th and of viewing the country , noting its ro- ources and crops. The party will be he guest * of the city of Liwrence luring the fair , and after which they will visit Denver and Galena lead mines , the valley of Arkansas and other places of interest. Mr. Pull man has placed a car at their disposal and the Pennsylvania road has offered ree transportation. Among the par- .y are George HyltonM. P. , London , England ; Gen. James A. Williamson , and commissioner , Washington ; Eli hayer and Mr. Merriman , Boston ; lebort Lincoln and Mr. Allorton , Chicago ; Col. H. S. McOomb , Rev. \ T. Everett , pay director ; J. C. Cunningham , U. S. N. ; Chas. H. Jramp , W. A. Spalding , Chas. S , Pine , Elijah Cattell and Bishop Weil. Western Union Earnings. NEW YOBK Sept. 9. 1 a. m. Jhe regular quarterly meeting of tie lircctors of the Wcstorn Union teie- egraph company , was held to day. 'res't Green's report shows the net irofits of the company for the quarter inding Sept. 30th instant , partly es- imated , will be about $1,104,041 add he surplus of July 1st of § 1.403,255 makes a total of 81,507,296. Deduci ng from the appropriation for ne cessary expenses of 4,570,00 , leaves a balance of $1,054,296. A dividend of per cent requires § 717,520. A surplus of 5332,726 will be left after laying the dividend. The executive committee recommend that a divi dend as above of one and three quarters per cent from net earnings of the quarter be'doclared cayable on October 15th. Green-eyed Shots. BpecUl Dispatch to Th Boo. MELBOURNE , Australia , August 10. A terrible tragedy occurred in the opera houee during ths performance of "The Huguenots. " A new arrival , McGregor Greer , maddened by jeal ousy , ahot his own wife and Soudry , a member of the French exhibition commission , and hitneelf. The two former received severe head and face wounds , but are now recovering. Greer died. Soudry has resigned hia appointment. Chicago Conventions. Special Dispatch to Tin Bn. CHICAGO , September 8 1 a. m. The fire underwriters the North- weit and International Headmas ters' association are holding conven tions here at present. Porzopolis Art Culture. EpecUl Dkpatch to Tsi BIB. CINCINNATI , September 9 1 a , m. The eighth industrial exposition opened yesterday morning for visit ors , and the opening exercises took place last evening. The president , M. E. Ingilk , delivered the opening address and announced at the closa that 0. W. West , a prom' ' inentmerchant'of this city , hud offer ed to contribute the sum of $150,001 towards establishing a permanent an museum in the city , providing citi zens would contribute an equa amount. The. exposition cgmmis fiionera have resolved to contribute one-half the proceeds of the exposi tion to this object , and leading citi zens have signified their intention to see that the sum required was raised. ELECTRIC BRIEFS. Special irsratchoj to the Bee. CINCINNATI , September 8 James Boyd , 24 years old , a mulatto , was found dead in the county jail this morning. He was charged with at tempting to rape Anna Morgan in Wyoming last month. NBW YOKK , September 8. The health officers reports the board of health , that two person * sick with yellow fever contracted at .Sagna La Grande , have arrived at the quaran tine hospital. NEW YORK , September 8. The Trunk Lnu executive committee has ordered the restoration , of full rates oir freight. All the roadsTiaVe "bleiT making special contracts and it ia pro posed to make their repentance re troactive. NEW YORK , Septembea 8 A seat in the stock exchange has just beeu sold for § 20,000 , the highest price yet ptid for membership. The names of the parties to the transaction are with held. ' NEW YORK , September 8. The following steamers brought specie from Europe yesterday steamship "Labrador , " ? 1,037,000 ; "Leasing , " § 22,300 ; "Bothina , " § 500,000 ; "Wy oming , " § 110,000. Total § 1,870,600 , of which 8500,600 was American gold coin and the remainder foreign. VINCENNES , Ind. , Sept. 8. Samuel Perkins , a youug man from Evansville , was found at the depot yesterday with his skull crushed. He died at sis o'clock. DECATOR , Ala. , Sept. 8. Near Enfaula , llobert Mngraucler and Mr. McOliver wore rid.ng in a bupgy when Mngrauder suddenly killed McOliver aid then , throwing himself on McOliver's body , shot and killed himself. NEW YOBK , Sept. 8. No news yet recehovl ot the in'ssing steamers "Hadil" and "San Salvador. " There isbntlW-f'oubttheyfounderedinthe cv-lono which stnk the atejmer Vera C uz uzNLW NLW YORK , Sept. 8. Jeremiah Murphy , who stabbed an'd killed Michael Auction last night , was cap tured in Brooklyn early this morning and ii now in the Tombs. NEW YOKK , Sept. 8. The caisson at thu Hudson river tunnel in Jersey City ia cc mpleted , and everything int.de ready for laborers to begin the ivoi ! v of dipging for bodioa of the men who vroro buried by the caving of the on July 21st. AITLETON , Wis. , September 9. Thu democrats of iho Sixth congress ional dietiicfc rcuominated Gabo Bouck. Jlo expects to bo elected , but the republicans will nominate cither llowo or Guentlier and work hard to dufeat Biiuck. CHICAOO , Septembers. The Chicago cage annual Inttr-stato exposition opened last evening tilth a nnu dis piay in ever } ' department and a good attendance , considering the cold , rainy weather. It continues until October 23. SAN FRANCISCO , September 9. Charles F. Crocker , vice president of he Southern. Pacific railroad and Miss ennie M. Eastern , niece of Mr. D. lillp , were married Tuesday night at Ir. Mills' country seat. FINANCIAL. pcclal Dispitch to The BCD. WASHINGTON , September 8. 10 p. The secretary of the treasury di- octcd the assistant trea urer at New York to purchase to-day 2,500,000 " . ve and six per cent bonds on account f the sinking fund. Customs receipts to-day , § 72,318- 03 ; revenue receipts , § 33,894,491. THERE 18 GREAT REJOICING HERE i republican headquarters over the eported increased republican raajor- ty in Vermont. Leading democrats ay , however , they are not disturbed. Big Day of Immigration. ipoclal dispatchjto The Bee. NEW YOBK , September 9. 1 a. m. Nearly 2,000 passengers landed esterday by steamships from Europe. CASTLE GARDEN MUDDLE. The recent difficulty between the emigration commissioner and railroad companies resulted in eleven attaches of the Erie , Pennsylvania and Now York Central ra'l-oad companies ba 'ng excluded from Castle Garden. This is on the decision of Mr. Ulrich , who claims to have control of the matter , alchough Commissioner Starr naisted upon their restoration. Terrible Conflagration in New Yor& . jpecUl Dispatch to The Bee. SEW YORK , September 9 3 a. m. At an early hour this morning a fire brvko out in Manhattan marketwhich occupies the block extending from Eleventh avenue to the North river and between Thirty-fourth and Thir ty-fifth streets. The fire started in the basement of Roberta Bros. , pro vision dealers' stall , and spread very rapidly , and the whole building wa soon wrapped in flames , a strong wind blowing from the south , There are about 200 stands in the building , which will be a loss to the owners of § 5,000 each , makincan ag egate loss of about § 1,000,000. The loss on the building will bo very heavy. A number of other buildings , including Haymarket hotel , is also on fire , and will be destroyed. At this hour (3 a. m. ) the fire is still raging with unabated vigor. Frisco'a Charter Defeated. Special dispatch to The Boe. SAN FRANCISCO , Sept.9. 1 a. m. The charter will be defeated by a heavy vote , from the present indi cations. About twenty-one thousand votes we.e cast. Another Overland Route. Spc ! l Dispatch to the Bte. TORONTO , September 9. A tpeclsl cable , dated London , states that the negotiations for the formation of a Canadian Pacific railway syndicate are _ cloed , and it is reported a pro visional agreement has been conclud ed. An early special session of the dominion parliament io consider the scheme is probable. Kierco f ire'a Destruction. Special tii'piUh to The B . UPTON , Quebec , September 9 1 a. m. L\st week , 3 boat firga. wen : started heho , canaed bylj burning stubble and trees. On { Monday , a strong wind sprang 'up and fanned the flames beyorro- control Scarcely a farm house or Latn remains- in the burned district , i hjch now covers 70 miles by 15 Hundreds of persons have been rendered omeless. Several lives have been lost The in habitants of the town are [ guarding the outskirts night and day.AThe loss is estimated at § 200,000."J MARKETS 151 TULESRAPH. . - m New York-Money ana-.Stock , WALL ST. , New YORK , Sept. S SO p. . " ? Money 2 } percent ; ejichangehUierat$4' ! 2@ . ' * " 4.SIJ. Steidr. US 5's 102J U.S Currency ( Ts. . , . , . . STOCKS.- Act Ire nt ) jlclninl J toii r , J-to 1 IFCT ceatrfonnerTJirTeme lu i & iC " " \VU 141 Uu.ls.-m Caml 85 | NYC 132 NJC 77 ; Erie 40 , M & E Ill , Erie prcrd. . . . . . . . COJ Kewliuir 28 RI 110 I.M 37 Lake Shore 10J ! ) LiN.ir. lit Northwestern 1013 N. & C 70 Northwrtstcm pfJ.l25J IIICentral 115 Pacitlc ilail U.I' . 9U Ohio 31 C C &IC 20 Ohiotpfd 76 M C 9"J Si Paul 02 1 &RO 7JJ St. Putll > fil llUi K&T 301 H&StJoe 4U KI1 30 } St Joe pfJ t2J Nl'pf.l . GIJ Wahaslu 3S5 CCC & 1 40 Wabash pM t j 0. ! ' . . _ 75S St. 1' . and Omaha. . 41 A& F. 13 St P.and O. pfd. . . E4J Lackawinna k W. . 91 There vaa 200 proposals to fell binds to govern ment to-day , Si"toIW at thafol'owing prices : 5'S of Ml , M02 05 to 102.01 ; o's of 'SO ? I02 60 to311)2 tfi ; Us of ' 81 , $104.(0 to $10i.O-2 ; O's of ' 81 , S1.WO.UOO v.cro oncredatnOJ.70andSl- OCO.oOO 6's of ' 81 , at 8102.72. Tiio secretary of the treasury accepted $ J,500CO\ ) . Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO , September 8. The grain markets were active and higher , but unsettled and uncertain. Wheat No. 2 advanced 1J and closed l c better than twenty-tour hours ago , the latest sales being at 92@92c for cash or September ; 02jc for Octo ber ; 92Jc for November ; 91 c for seller the year. Corn g@ic higher , clo.'ing at 401 @ 40jjc for cash or September ; 41 © @ 41 c for October ; 41JcforNovomber ; seller for May sold at44@44jc. Oats c batter ; No. 2 closing at 29c for cash ; 20jjc for Seytember or Octo ber ; 29 o for November. liye l@lci higher , No. 2 sell- inp at 80c for cash ; 8lic fur October. BirLy Advanced 2c ; No. 2 sold at77@78cfor cash ; 79o for October. Whisky § 1 13. Pork aiesa closon at § 17 50317 75 for cash ; § 17 7517 SO for Septem ber ; 817 G0317 G5 for October ; § 13 15 © 13 17 for November ; $12 GO for sailor for the year ; § 12 9012 92i for January. Lard Closed at & 7 90G7 05 for cash or September ; § 7 95 ( 7 97a for October ; . § 7 90@7 95 for November ; § 7 70 for seller tor the year. Chicago Live ScocH. CHICAGO , September 8. Hogs Fairly active and pack ing grades 5c higher withsaka at § 5 05 @ 5 25 for light packYng andlilrtjfping ; § 4 755 25 for heavy packing ; § 5 00 © 5 75 for .sood to extra "iiaaortcd heavy shipping lots. Receipts , 19,780. Cattle Tde increased receipts , par ticularly of common and medium grades of rative steers and Texan and Colorado stock , with only a moderate number of good to extra steers caus ed a firm feeling for the latter grades and a weaker feeling for other grades ; sales were made to shippers at § 4 25 © 4 50 for fair to good and from § 4 75 © 5 25 for choice to extra prime steers for exportation ; there were no com mon qualities sold up to 11 o'clock. Receipts , 5,005. at. Jxmis produce. ST. Loois , Septembers. Flour Firmer and unchanged. Wheat Higher and unsettled ; No. 2 red , 90 @ 90k@l 00 for cash ; 91i < s91M902c for September ; 92i © 93 @ 92 c for October ; 93 @ 94@95J c November ; 94gc for December ; 90f @ 9l390lcfor the year ; No. 3 , do , > 4@8Cc ; No. 4 do , S2@83ic. Corn Higher at 39c for cash ; iSJcfor Saj-tember ; 3939c for Octo ber , 39@393@39c for November ; 38i@39@38Jc for December ; 38g@ c for the year. Oats Higher ; SOicforcash ; 29cfor Seotcnibor ; 29.JcGj29.Vc for October ; @ 285c for November ; 29c for the year. year.Rye Higher at 82c. Butter Unchanged. Eggs Unchanged. Barley Unchanged. Lead Dull at § 4 50. Whisky Steady at § 113. Pork Firmer at 815 85@1C 00. Dry Salt Meats Unchanged. Bacon Un chan ced. Lird Firm at § 7 90 bid. Raceipts Flour 4,000 brls , wheat 39,000 nu , corn 9,000 ba , oats 17,000 bu , rye 2,000 , barley 7,000. Shipments-Flour 11,000 brls.wheat 44,000 bu , corn 8,000 bu , oats 3,000 bn. St. Louis 14ve Stock. SA. Louis , September 8. Hoga Steady ; Yorkers and Balti- mores , 4 955 15 ; mixed pack- "ng , § 4 90S5 15 ; butchers to fancy , $5 205 40 ; grazers , 83 25415. Receipts , 5 , GOO head ; shipments , 650 head. New Yorli Produce Martet. NEW YORK , September 8. Flour Quiet and without decided change ; receipts , 12,237 ; round hoop Ohio , § 4 00 © 4 50 ; choice do , 84 G05 75 ; superh'no western , S3 25S3 90 ; common to good extra do , ? 37oSi'115cholc9 ; do , do , ? 4 20 © 6 75 ; choice white wheat , do , S4.15@460. Wheat i@lc " better ; No. 1 white , November81 OS ; No. 1 red , Septem ber , 81 OS1 08J ; do October,81 07f © 108 ; do , November , § 1 09@1 09 | . Corn | @Jc better ; moderately active ; mixed we3tornspot , 51 @ 51fj ; do , future , 51 ® 54c. Oats Firm ; westorn,38S42c. Beef Steady and quiet J "eTr pta'n mees , 89 50 ; new extra , do , 810 00. Pork Dull and unchanged ; new mess , SIC 00. . Lard Rather easier ; steam ren dered , § 7 40. Butter Good demand and very firm ; Ohio , 15@30. A discovery was recently made in Idaho Springs cf a large , well defined crevice carrying a * streak of quart : from one to three feet in width , ac > 0 impanied by a eeim of mineral of t chloride character , about three inches in width , that will certainly run up ir the hundreds. DARING DAMSELS. The California Cook Crown ed Belle of the Turf by an Admiring Mul titude , A Terribly Exciting Twenty- Mile Eace on the Minne apolis Track , And Its Almost Tragic Ending , Ere the Half Was , Run. * , rAJfeg.v.r , - - - * - - ? - . " * f- The Minnesota Maid Unhorsed in the Seventh Mile and Severely Injured. A Maddening and Dangerous Sport. Special Dispatch to Iho lice. MiNNiuroLis , September 8 4 p. m. Thirty thousand people are here , and Minneapolis is a miniature Chicago cage as seen in triennial conclave week. The crowd is expected to in crease every day until the culmina tion on Satnrday , when St. Jnlien trots. The twenty mile running race , batwecn Miss Emma Jewett , of Min nesota , and Miss .Belle Ccok , of Cali fornia , was the feature of yesterday , and aroused the interest and enthusi asm of the 30,000 people who saw it. At fifteen minutes past five , after the impatient multitude had enjoyed the proverbial wait on a woman's toilet , the young ladies were driven in a carriage to the judges' stand , in front of which were a dozen swift run ning horses. THE PLAN OF THE RAPE was for each lady to change her horse at pleasure , which was done generally after running each mile. Both ladies were petite in form , Miss Jewott weighing twenty pounds more than her opponent. She was distinguished by the elaborate decorations nf her habit in gold , and Miss Cook by a blue veil , which streamed from her head. It was almost impossible for two men at their bits to hold the wild racers. Attho word "go" T1IE HORSES PLUNGED OFF with their fearless Indy ridera , and then occurred one of the mof t intense ly exciting races that was ever wit nessed. The crowd was tumultuous at Grat , and afterward grew crazy with excitement. Miss Jewctt , of Minnesota seta , was , of course , the favorite of a , great majority , but Miss Cook's easy aelf-poasesiion and pluck , rapidly won her friends. Dashing forward at frightful bounds at the word "go , " Miss Cook's veil was soon seen float ing tn the lead , but half way round the glittering gold of Miss Jowett's habit came abreast , and she passed under the wire ahead , while Miss Cook reined her powerful horao close to the one waiting , and with hardly any help , sprang from the back of one horse to the back of another and dash ed in pursuit , encouraging her steed , already wild with excitement , with shouts that rose abovt the noise of the crowd. The girls seemed LOST TO ALL DANGER in the maddening excitement of the race. At the end of each mile they changed to a fresh horao , and to do it without loss of time the speed of the running horse seemed hardly checked , but the men threw them selves recklessly in front of the ani mals , and seizing their bits , throw them on their haunches. Once Miss Cook's horae was thrown violently to the ground and fell upon her. A cry of alarm went up from the crowd , but the girl sprang to her feet and took another horse In waiting , losing only thirty seconds. Miss Jewett was very unfortunate in changing horses , losing much time trying to mount unman ageable beasts. Once she was kicked in the side , but if hurt no one knew it , and she was soon on his back. On the seventh mile round MISS JEWETT WAS UNHORSED. When the intelligence was shouted from the reporter's stand , that she had fallen , for a moment fear held the crowd silent , but the craze of the race returned and they shouted madly , "Send her another horse , " and one of her backers dashed down the track with a fresh animal. This she did not mount and the crowd noted with horror , the riderless horae , from which she fell , tearing around with saddle turned. Miss Cook rode once more round the track and was then awarded th purse of § 2800 , hav ing made eight miles in leas than 20 minutes. The interest in the race gave WJiy to a dcairo to know the ex tent of Miss Jewell's injuries. She was brought to the judges' stand and surgeons surrounded her. SUB WAS TALE AS DEATH , begrimmed with dust , and only kept from fainting by brandy being admin istered. Her leg was severely sprained but not broken. It was announced from the stand that on Fridiy Miss Primeo , of Colorado , would ride a twelvo-m Li rjce with Miss Cook , for $5000. The interest in tbh event eeems to occupy the public mind , bul many look with dread upon a repetition - tion of the maddening and dangerous epotr , as was seen in the race last evening. Heal Estate Transfers. James G. ttnd Virginia C. Megeath to Julius Corner , w. d. parcel in nw , se , sec. 28 , tp. 15 , r. 13 e JG12 50. Severin Prusha and wife to Joseph Prusha , w. d ni lot 9 , block 1) ) , Kountze's third addition , city of Omaha $100. Eliza K. Mitchell to Lenis PlanU , w. d. out lot 2G1 , city of Florence S75 . Fruits and Flowers. Sp'ciil Dlsjnich to The Ecu. ST. Loois , September 9 1 a. in. The fruit growers now in this ciiy , in attendance upon the exhibition 01 the horticutural society , decided to form a permanent organization. At a meeting held yesterday , a cot'Siituiiin i and by-laws wens adopted providing for biennial sessions tube held gn thu irst Tuesday of September. Each sta'o ' will be entitled to a vice-presi dent , among the officers to be seltc'ed. The atteulanc3 upon the exhibition yeatcrday was very br e , many per- ions from abroad being in the oily. The exhibition is certainly the largest ) f the kind ever helJ in America , and osta for two djs : longer. DOMESTIC DOINGS. The Great Industrial Fxpos'tion at Cincinnati Quiety ! Opened. A Brace of "Flushed" Burglars - -lars Bagged Wjth ' $10,000 , ! -9 K-v.- = ! Sfe . _ A Terrific Hurricane Devas tates the Island of Burmuda. A Terrible Hurricane. Special Dispatch to Tha Bco. NEW YORK , September S 4 p. in. Captain Wilson , of the steamship "Bermuda , " reports that a terrible hurricane parsed over Itorniuda island August 29th and oflth , which Is said by all to have exceeded in de structive violence the historical hurri cane of 1839. Pour churches , many houses and groves of cedar were blown down , and many boats and small craft destroyed. The whal ing bark Perry , lying at anchor at Hamilton harbor , was blown high and dry on White's Islard , and Equara- rigged vessels that had been to anchor before the arrival of the furious gale , were not seen afterwards. No loss of life is reported , but many families are rendered homeless. The entire fruit crop of the island is destroyed. Bagged Burglars. Special Eltpatch * o the FrK. NEW York Sept. 8. 4 p. m. Capt- Brogan and other detectives arrested three burglars , Thomas Ferry , Frank Walling and John Urown and a hack- man named Thos. Maypither at mid night last'night after the burglars had stolen 10,000 dollars inscalskinsacquoa fromthostoreof JasMcCreery & Co. , on Broadway. Ferry and Walling re sisted the officers and were badly wounded by pistol shots The bur- elara opened fire first. The wounded men were taken to the hcmpital. McCreery's store was entered by a scuttle on the roof and one of the btir lrs' party got away by the fire escape. "Vicrory in Vermont. MONTTELIHK , Vt. , September S 4 p. m. La er returns from the etato show increased g ins for the republi cans of over 1000. who claim that Gar- field's majority in Novesnbar-will not be less than 30,000. Cincinnati's Exposition. Special dispatch to Tux BZK. CINCINNATI , 0. , September 8 , 4 p. m. The eighth Cincinnati exposition threw open Its iloora this morning. The exposition ia pronounced vastly superior in nearly all respects to its predecessor. The floral depart ment is especially Sno. The doora wera quietly thrown open without cer emony , and the opening exercises take place to-night. Great interest ia still manifested in the great dona tion to Cincinnati which ia to bo an nounced to-night. Undoubtedly the best shirt In the United States ia manufactured at the Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority of Material and workmanship , com bined with their great improvements , that is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced backs and Reinforced sleeves , makes their shirt the most durable and best fitting garment of the kind , ever manufactured. Rmd the following low prices : , frctent. l-'onn'T. Our Fine Whit3 Shirt $1 : tft 1SO Our Extra Fine " 17r , 203 Our ImpottcilChciiottliirtg 2 50 275 Our " recall } , ' " 2r5 275 Our " ' Cheviot 1 7o 200 ( These arc mule onIiHo DcOico ) Pttttnt , Forintr. Our Imported Penan , ; and Cheviot viet wiih col ar < attached , also on While IWica 160 2 00 Also a fine working vliirt for 1 25. None but Wamsutta Muslin and beat Linens used. The above prices include Laundry- ing , a discount allowed when otherwise ordered. An additional 25 cents is charged when made to order. Omaha Shirt Factory , 1207 Farnham . nnar 12th ntroot. FALL 1880. Men's Calf Deots ? 2 MJtofl 00 Laities' Kid Catton Sines 1 .10 " 500 Boy's CilfBontR 1 75 " 3 00 His'cs * CcatBut'nu 1 ! 5 " 2 50 Chilli's Goat liiuton. 1 5 linn's Calf Shoes 1 50 3 00 laclic. ' Side Laic KM * ] 50 t i K j't Alexis 1 25 200 lliascs'Side LaceKul 1 25 00 Mtn Ea'lts 1 CO 260 Children's I'olhli 73 1 W L.nl'fs' Kid Slippers 75 1 75 Children s Laccahocs i > 75 Men's Seucil Biiota 3 10 7 CO Ladies'Kid Tics 1 50 2 O'J liens lirosins 1 CO I M MisaeV Slif pen ' ( ) 1 00 f. die 'Sergi > SliOC 10 2 Or > Iov' Button Shoes 1 CO a 50 Youth's Button Shoes 1 23 175 New Goods re ceived daily. We fe'l for cash only. Money refunded if thegooils don't wear : w represented. We keep in stock all i7e9 ami widtli't and guarantee a good lit in every respect. Boots and Shoes Made to Order A M'ECIAIYIY. The Onlv Complete StocU in the City Hepairint : done Free of Charge. II. DOIILE & CO. , Leading Shoe Store. eepSdlm LEGAL NOTICE. Etalo rl Nebraska. District Court , in and for Uonzlaa Ccnnty Anton ZUkov ky , plaintiff , \i. Katy /.Hkovsliy , non reiident , ileieddant. To Katy Z skovsky : You are hereby r-o'ldtil , that the plaintiff in thn above entitled came , will Like Iho il'jxiaitioa of Josoj h Tomck , a witness m siiil ciuc now rcndinin laid court , bifora cs.mi > etcit author ity , a- the ottice of A. I ! . Chlul-k , Notvy Pub- Us , 103 tt" . Tavlor f treet , in the city of Cliicazo , Bounty uf Cook , arid Mate o ! Illinois , commenc ing on the 2Stu day o ! Sept em W , A. 1) . 13:0 , at the hour'f 10 o'clock a.m. , wth authority to a'ij'mm ( ro-n day to day , until ruth daposition shall have 1 ecn taken , said deposition to bcuicd ia the trbl ot said ou e. Dated this 3d diy of September , A. V. 18SO. A. V. TKOOP. dsep-3-lO-lT Attcruey for Plaintiff. IVholcsalc ami Kctail Mannfarturing - " " * " " ' . * " J-igjai , \W "ftLja 1 * JLa JS-a "ST ? * 2 S - , Largest Stock of Gold and Silver Watches and .Jewclr the City. Come in and Sec Our Stock as We Will Be Pleased to Show Goods. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , 15th and Dodge , Opposite I'ostollicc. IT IS A GRATIFYING , FACT THAT THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead ily and rapidly increasing in public Livor. The White Machine justly claims to ho the best made , the easiest running , the simplest in construction and the most perfect Machine in the market. The "White Co. employ as agents men of in tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied , because they find everything just as repres ented. Everybody should use this Machine. The sales so far this year are more than double the corresponding time last year. All orders addressed to the Omaha Office , will be promptly filled. JOHN ZEHRUNO , C'or. l > nvcnportand 15th Sts. Omaha. AVER'S HAIR ViGOR , FOK RESTORING GRAY HAIR To Its Natural Vitality and Color. Advancing jears sickness , cure , ilu- appiiintnicnt , ami hereditary prolls- pnaition all turn the hair gray , and cither of them in cline it toshcilpre- maturely. Anta's HAIR Vi GOR , by Ion ; ; and extensito ii < - , ha pro\en tlutitstops the HIii ! < of hair inuiictli.itcl } . often . rcnc AS the grow Hi and always surely restores its color , when f. ! cd or gray. U stimulates the nutritive organs to healthy actively , and preserver both the hair and its beauty. Thusbnwhy , weak or sickly hair be comes Bloesy , pliabla anil strengthened ; lost hair reprows with lively expression. f.illinir hair is checked and stablished ; thin hair thicken * ; and faded or gray hair resume their original col or. Its operation U sure anil harmless. It cures lUuK'rutr , beala all humor * , and keeps tha scalp cool , clean and soft under which conditions diseases of the scalp arcimpousible. As a dressing for ladies' hair , the VIGOR Is praised for its grateful anil agrcrablv perfume , ami valued for the soft lustrcanil ricImcKlof tone it imparts. PUEPARED BY Dr. J. C. AVER & . CO. , Lowell , Moat ) , Practical and Analytical Chemists. LD BT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALER IN MEDICIM ! The Bonanza for Book-Agents U ecllme our two splendidly illiwtrattd booh ? , LIFE OF GEN. HANCOCK . & . " J. W. PORNKYfautlii ( > ref luii naIfainc.liiKli ) lyendore- by CJF.N. HANTorK. tliu party leader ? , and PKK S : i UFE OK PCM PARC1CI nbr Ma r"ln 'le-in- UCN. UHnrltLU arms ar.l per . .nil Irieml. iJEN. J. a. UKISU'X ( in antti ruf wirU cilebrity ) , aljo stroncly cnilurseil. BOTH OF FICIAL imrnarscly popular , selling OVER 10 , 000 A WEEK ! ' Aients mikinsrSlO uliy1 Out fits We. each. For nest BOOKS ami ti > rm , ail- iire iQUIi.K T1IO3. I'KOTIIKKO , Ein | ri , Kansas. S7t NOTICE. Mrs. Miner , first mme unkiowit , will take notice , that on the llth dcy ' Au.'i st loiO. K. D. McLiUKhlin. a Jiuti'e of the Peace < rf Hh Omaha Precinct. Ifmislna County. Xcbraslca , iisaucd an order of attachment fur the cutn nf 310 00 and cotta in an action pending before him. wherein the Nebraska Oai Urht Compiny la plaintiff , anil the snidMn .Miner ia defendant , that property cur.Fi tin pf t o how cow , h > 8 been attached under paid order. Slid cnn vj vtitt continued to the 23th day cf Scptemter * t 0 o'cloclc a m. SIMSHU.&SIMEKU. , Attya. for I'ltl E. 1 > . McL\UGHLIN , au25w3t Juatitoof thePcac- . THE CELZUKATED Oval Steel Tooth Harrow Manufactured by li OR001 J ; UEDVISGS , Fen dtt IMC , Wit. F. D COOPER , Wriw'for pilcr * . Ajfent , Omaha , Seb. i LLEN RUTIIEItFORD ( late Tliiru AuUlto JU. . S. Treasury ) . Attorney ana Counsel at Law. 20 Grant Place , Washington , D. Havinz been Third Auditor of the United Stat Treaiary for six years , I ani thnroushly fami with the course of busincos before the Oovcr mcnt Department * . Special attention given the settlement of accounts ol nil Covcrmnen Offlccrsi , Postmaster * , Mjrsliali , JIall Contralto anil others. Will practice before the Huorcra Court o ( tbo U. 3.Court of ClaimPatent Otn General Land Office , &C.&C. Uefera to Hon Sam ! F. Phillips , Solicitor General 17. a. ; Hon Jaa. GUfllbn. Treasurer of th U. S. ; U03.Jf M HcGrcw , bixtb Auditor 0. 4 Treasury eepllwly ft REMARKABLE LETTER FROM A CELEBRATED PHYSICIAN. Brynn , Terns , Jnne 11 , IS79 , J.C. Richardson. St. touIi-DenrSir - My boy , 3 jours old , Im l fe ere rry other < lny , or evrry third d y , ri > rnl > ut Zmor.tlix. Junpaiit much lutls KrMtit at Quinine during Miu lny , liutwitli u . effect : trlfd Ciiirliunia ( nlkiiloidr .Sulili. Clnchonldia , dalaolnf , etc. , etc. , lint ili boy cot wor e nil the time. I reluctantly > iit ilown to my druc storw for yotir jreljriruKo.nniH wrlto Jo tli > ay tlnitlu. never Intel nymptom or I nver iiftHr c < uu- menoins iVhrirmce , to dot * , lieintcnmv Over month MC" . I f < * * I flint louicht lu say thl much In foclmlf "t jour tnctl irl n - . Am r * regiUHr M. ! > . , but rvtlr d fr tn prnotlce 3 y nr neo null devutlug ti.y time todrnicbusInexK. Vcrjf reipBCtfully , J. W. BOWEL ! . . IT 18 THE BEST. Stockton , Mo. , Any. 33 tli , 1879. , T. O. Richardson , St. touIi-Denr SIi Clifford' * FehriruRe U the belt thing rr Chills and Fever thnt wo hnve Bier mntllrd. Th re never tin * baen n euio hnt wn MOT oared by It that tra * tnkrn according to direction * in thU part ol the country. Yours truly. * - aiACB & 3IITCJIELL , DrDff ljU. FROM A PROMINENT DRUG FIRtf. Chllllcothc , Mo. . July 30,11870. J. O. KIchnrtNon. St. lonlMy Bear Slr-ilcrel nomethlnjr r llnble ; if you can mnkn nny use ot It Plea * * oo fa. 1J. . < have Bold hundred * nt bottle * with lllse result * . Yourrrlend * . Buyco & Oftrandor. ThI * 1 * to rnrtlfy thnt I hnd the Fever and AKU thU Hummer find Oi iZ one-thr.l of a bottle o Cllfforil'a Tfrtir . fiiBo promptly cnrrd It. It la the needi est cure 1 have kno wu of.GEO. GEO. SAILOR. HE STILL L1VE8 ! Offlceoftr.S.KoTplty3 sr.Co. , New Vorlt City. Au ru t S , 1873. MTDenrSIn-ForoverfrivoyeaMlliaiw J > ad Forrr nnd A fue , unit nfter tryiuij every thine I took one-hnll hottlu t > CIItronl' FehrlfuR" . nnd It ciireil m f permnnnntly. Ih U ve my case wouitl linTnbeenfiitnlhntll not found thin us I did. Yours truly , H. TV. POOI. . Manager " U.S. Jt alfgCo. " GEXEEAL AGENTS : RICHARDSOH & CO. , - St.Loul . TOR s-axz EVXKTWHEKZ. Lov l7 Rwehud airomo Curds , or2O Fiord Motto , with name , lOc. Co. , N u. X. Y. FOUR HUNDRED CATTLE for saleat rry Rancbe , one mlle f oui FULL8BTO.V. KANCE COUXtY , NKBBA8K.A , 60 y.arlin ; stecw , 45 yfarlln ! { heif' n. 275 2 an I 4-year oM 9' < ! * w , 25 cows ami ciheJ , * ? * ouMired short horn Burltani catMe , 2 S heijera , 2 Norman stallioim.