Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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ITS1 '
. . &MI1 * \ I
k Established 1871. MQRNINQ EDITION. Price Five Cents
Parliament Closed its Ses
sion Yesterday.
Allowing Memb-is to Enjoy the
Hunting and a Speech
of the Queen.
Ayoob Khan's Friends Stunned
by tha Blow Dealt by
Crea. Roberts.
Jkyoob the ( rood Flies From the
"Victorious Hosts of the
His Fickle Followers Desert
Him at the Moment of
Ti3Inte afi0naI ; commercial
Congress Open in
' EpecUl illxpatch to The Bee.
LONDON , September 7 , 4 p. m.
The government has instructed Gen.
Roberts to make every effort and to
offer a reward for tire capture of
Ayoob Khan , and to hold him for
trial as an rcceasory to tbo murder
of Lieut. McLaine , whose body was
found in Ayrob's camp , having evi
dently bacr murdered during the bat
-tie. Ayoob is endeavoring to reach
"Herat. He is said to have been en-
direly deserted by his troops.
rSpecM Dispatch in the B a ,
BEUSSELS , September 7 4 p. m.
The "international congress ; { jntn-
laerce and industry opened in this
tcity to-day. There was a Jargn attendance -
tendance of delegates from England ,
> France , Germany , Italy , Spain and
.Austria and some representatives of
rthe United States. The congress will
irematn in session for several daye.
Special Dtepatche * to Tbe Bee.
HAVANA , September 7 4 p. m.
A royal order has been published ,
dated July 21 , declaring that notwith
standing the extstinz law , respecting
fomgners , negroB of African race , be
they free or foreign subjects remain
forbidden to disembuk on tha island
and thoae being foreign subjects , who
wish to land temporarily , must give
security as heretofore.
CoSBTASTlKorLE , September 8 1
. m. The porte has informed the
powers that tbe Albanians hive &Q-
- t ppted the cession of Dulclgtio to
* VlSIontenogro.
V .
\ Sp cUI Dii < rntch to THE BSE.
LONDON , Soptembur 8.--.J m ' _
Col. Maplesou is horo. e hM Bgnef
iritliChristinainiBipr. . for Amerloft.but
"she will not EO , BS A Rosseand , her
husband , is ill fi piegon ; s about to
start for lUly tsngaga Mariene , the
great drama fcprima donna , and tobuy
the opera of Giaconda. Ho has en
gaged 2avar , one of the best Euro-
pean. bassL Be will produce three
novelties , Meflsrolle , Gioconda ,
A dispatch from Dublin says :
Mr. Dillon , at a meeting of the
Hcnd league yesterday repudiated the
r flacourag montof maiming cattle.
Circulars have been "isBtied to the
ireavera in Blackburn and athor towns
jin north and northeast Lincashire
, Jukin ; them to form 'demta | ions to
1 1 * aik the employers en Thuradr.y to ad-
A , dispatch from Quo r tab aiys , the
loss of the Afghans in the recant bat
tle was much larger than tirat expect
ed and the villages * rc n'ro ii with
< load It is estimated tlut he dead
number over 1,000 , and womt < led over
2,000. The n t > ves are * tunned at
Ayoob Khitt's defeat Oereral Rob
ots is intrenching I ho Oriental val
ley ,
Spedtl Dicpttcb to The Oyt.
LOSDON , September 8 1 a m.
The Dawgate dock wasburncdyester-
day. The dock was one of the twenty-
eight docks of London and
among the least important ,
being frequented chiefly by
o\liers and coasting vessels. Loss
dB20,000. The warehonsa on thedock
contained Urge quantities of American
farming machinery.
. The long session of parliament was
jestcrday ended with the usual form-
C 'Talitioi There were a few members
ot the uppsr house present when the
royal oommisioners , in the name of
the'Qnoen ; gave her assent to the bills
which still required her approval , pro
nouncing a quaint formula in Norman
Trench. When the commons were
gammoned , in due form , to the bar of
the housa of lords to hear the Queen's
epeech road. Only 'a scanty number
followed the speaker through the corridor
rider , which separates the two houses.
'Among these were heard expressions
of discontent at the traditional , but
now obnoxious , custom of compelling
member * of the popular house to thus
atand like school boys , receiving a
reprimand. The lord chancellor ,
standing at the woolsack read Her Ma-
, jeety'a speech.
After the usual worda of thanks for
the loyal and dutiful manner in which
her faithful commons had voted the
necessary tupplies for carrying on the
government the Queen WSB made to
Biy , that her foreign relations wera all
friendly. The failure of Turkey to
execute ber engigementa toward Mon
tenegro , which were' agreed upon in
April last , had delayed the settlement
of those portions of the treaty of Ber-
. Jin whlch were notyet executed.
-Witn rejpect t5" btfiBF"lmporlaiil
'points of this treaty , which still re-
"inaioed open at tha commencement of
, this , Buion of .parliament , efforts
- have been made to adjust differences ,
" which , prevented rufc iautial. paaoe.
The grait power * bifUddraaeed % coj-
Batlsfactory settlement o ! the Greek
and Montenegrin frontiers ; in admin-
stratiun organization of Europe in
the prtvincas of Turkey and necestaty
reforms in the Armenian and AkUtlb
provinces. To obtain these desirable
objects , the Queen nays , she continues
to rely upcn the continued mainten
ance of European concert on the EiBt-
era question and she adds , the pow-
\i \ which signed the treaty
of Berlin , are pressing on
Turkeywith united action ,
measures which they believe are
calculated to insure tranquility in the
east. Referring to tbe war in
Afghanistan the queen siys the
evacuation , pacification and settle
ment of difficulties in Afghanistan are
progressicg favorably. The splendid
.victory won by Gen , Roberta -will
probably terminate the war. In
South Africa , everything ia satis
factory , nave in Bosutoland Her
Majesty anticipates a further revival
of trade and additional revenue to the
overnmeci. She dwells with special
pleasure upon the probably improved
conditions of Irish people , who
suffered BO sevelyfrotn the previous
failures of their crops , and she then
dismisses parliament with , the "hope
that its mombsra may return in health
and happiness to their respective
The speech ia derided by conservative
tive- journals as weak and incense
quential. Inch members are especially
dissatisded with it , it contains no
promise of measure * which individual
members of Ibe government had given
assurances that should bo enacted at
next session.
In the housa of commons before
prorrgatiou , Sir Ohas. Dilko roplyiug
to a question from Mr. Cartwight
promised to ascertain when a copy of
the report on the agricultural produc-
iveness of Americacould be procured.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
PJLEIS , September 8 1 a. m. Mr.
Constantine , of Buduco , has juet
made public the following details con
cerning the immense Oaubal oil dis
trict , lately conceded tn tha gentle
man and Herbert W. 0. Twodle , of
Pittsbure , by the Russian govern
ment. The thrae petroleum wells
rack , are wirtiin twenty versta
tL-city of Novovoswock , on the
Black sea. A y H of over 260 bwrrsls
of light crude oil ii-dsiv ! produced at
a depth of 200 feat , 'fha ikr e re
finery nt PKotaagoria bas been pot
into working order by Sir. Twedle.
The central region is very rich and
the surface shows better than in any
other petroleum locality. The con
cession was mada because the Russian
cnrernmeut hoped , with the aid of
Twedle's experience to avoid trouble
nd expense that result from in
judicious boring as in Pennsylvania.
Special Dlatntch to The Bel ,
MADRID , Sept&mbarS la. m. A
majority of tae Jnuiutorial candidates
have been returned to the councils ,
general at the elections.
SiwJia r/ispatchea to Tin. Bu
ATHENS , September 8 Recruiting
for the Greekiarmy progresses at the
rate of COO per day.
PARIS , September 8 The Princeta
Orloff died in this city yesterday.
LONDON , Septembers. Tha Prince
of yale his abandoned his m-euhoti
of visiting the Melbourne exhibition.
TOWN , September 8 The interna
tional law congrers opened hero yes
terday. A congress of Jesuits will
be opened here Monday.
LONDON , September 7. Thirty
thousand Block county nailers will be
out on a striku in a few days.
VIENNA , September G. The man-
cuv rs of the Austrian army in Galicia
commenced on Sunday and were suc
RAODSA , September 7. All the ves
sels to take part in the naval demon
stration have arrived , except 'tho
LDNDON , September 7. A dispatch
from the viceroy of India says Canda-
har haa been reopened and the inhab
itants' are returning.
LONDON , September 7. Persia Is
endeavoring to secure control of
Herat. To this plan England will in
terpose decided objections.
BERLIN , September G. The Im-
pcrinl bank of Germany have ordered
its branches at Bremen and Hamburg
to temporarily stop paying gold.
LONDON , September 7. A dispatch
from Valparaiso Bays Chili aud Peru
are likely to end the war by the par
tition of Bolivia between them.
HAVANA , September 7. There
were thirty-two deaths from yellow
fever and from small-pox in this city
for the week ending Saturday last.
LONDON , September 7. The Portuguese -
tugueso steamer "Andrao" ascended
the Congo river as far as Moki , Mar-
loibi , where Stanley founded his head
LONDON , September ? . A Constan
tinople dispatch says it is expected
that the Porte will.receivo the ultima
tum of the powers before the naval
LONDON , September G. The
governor of Jamaica telegraphs the
extent of damage Jby the recent
hurricane in that island has been
greatly exaggerated.
LONDON , September 7. The reform
club is considering a proposition for
for the expulsion of Phillip Callan for
his disgraceful conduct while intoxi
cated In the house of commons last
LONDON , September 7 , 4 p. tn. A
dispatch from Rome says the Vatican
has asked amnesty for four Polish.
; iricati , banished to Siberia , and Gen.
Mflkcff : has promised to consider tha
Sr. PETEP.SBCRG , September 7.
The rumors that the Czir intended to
resign the control of public affairs
during his absence , which was to be
prolonged to an inde-inite length , are
Bravery's Champion.
Sp eUI Dispatch to Tbe Bee
YOKE , September 8 , 1 a. m.
Alexander & Sons agents
of the line owning the
wrecked steamship "City of V era
" card fin refn-
Cruz" have published a -
tationof _ the charges made against
CipL Van Sice of the "Vera Crnz.'z
They s y that a more courageous or
intelligent commander of a steamer
thn Captain Van Sice never existed
and this is borne out by the testimony
of thoga who have traveled with him
during the Pas * twenty year * . The
of O en , one of tha
that the captain never came near the
pasjongers during the storm , H6r sent
10 inquire into their condition , any
siU4ibla. person who knows the dan-
Kera of the sea , ought to know that
, he captain WES attendiog to hia duty
of saving the lives of those on bosrd ,
frhich waa much more important than
ooking afterin , such trying timoa , the
mere comfort of the passengers ,
HOTHING jfioM TUB utisslso.
Noconftrinatirn or denhl of the IOES
> f the steamship "San Salvador" has
jeen received by the agents of the-
line in this city , The vessel is twenty
days overdue. They hava not given
up all hopes of the vessel's safety. She
may be disabled and lying in some
obscure port.
A St. Louis Blaze Destroys
Nearly $200,000 Two
Firemen Killed ,
Three Injured.
'Spedil aiifutch to Tcs BBS.
Sr Lenis , September 8 1 B. m.
About 5 o'clock last evening a tire
waa discovered in the clevalor of
Huse , Loomis & Co.'s ice house or
iginacing , it iasuppos-.d , from sparks
of a passing locomotive and in a fen
minutes had communicated with the
ice house propar. At that particular
point were six different storage houo3
of ice , all adjoining each otncr , and
three of them belonging to Huse ,
Loomis & Co. , while the remainder
are owned by the Mississippi ice Co.
The fire started at the north end of
these buildings , and spread rapidly.
Nearly the whole fire department was
soon on tto ground. The rcgahr
water supply in the vicinity IB , at
present , comparatively limited but
feveral engines were placed upon
tramways over the river , which is
near at hand , while the { boat engines
moored at the wharf increased tbe
water supply. Tne location of the
buildings nas unfavorable for Gghting
the names and the consequence was
that , notwithstanding the facilities
Filley's stove foundry , ona of tbe
largest ia the country and situated
across a narrow street took fire at the
southern end , At this time the
fLuneg covered the larger portion of
two BQuares. The stove foundry was
a large ! ur story brick structure ,
covering newly a square and
was partly used us a s'oro
homo for stoves. 'A party
of five man got upon the root of \ i
small building adjoining the founar ?
to better play InU tha bm , wheu
the stone wall Civ ln > carryi wilh
itthejroofnd the entire p rty. Fire-
matiynch was taksn out df ad , being
terribly mangled ; Sanders died econ
after he had been removed to hia
house ; Collins was hurt about the
herd and spine ; Tilton was seriously
injured and Toohey suffered com
paratively slight injuries.
It required about an honr and a half
to et the fire under control. The six
ice houses , which were well stocked ,
were comple'ely destroyed ; the 1'sa to
Huse , Loomis & Co. wi 1 be about
$30,000 , insurance § 18,000. The
Miuitsippi Ice company lose § 10,000 ,
partly insured. The It S3 to Mr.
Filley , including tha tlamai'o to the
build.nR and tt-ck is § 150,000 , which
is covered by § 169,000 insurance.
Important Railway Decision
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , September 8 1 a. m.
The suproma court has rendered a de
cision that the ordinance giving the
Western Indiana Railway company
the right of way into Chicago , is vaild
and that the road has a rL-ht to con-
dem property for its use , and the
council has authority to grant right
of way where it chosen. This declaim
removes the last b iriar to the above
named road. The Wabaah and Grand
Trunk getting admission to the very
heart of the city.
Presidential Party on the Coast.
SpecUl Dispatch to The Bee.
SAN Fr.AhCisco , September 8 , 1 a.
m. The presidential party arrived at
Virginia City last evening aud was
cordially received Ly an immenaa con
course of people. Firing of cannon
blowing of steam whistles and parade
of military was a part of the welcome
The president wasVelcomed by Mayor
Stephens. The response of tne presi
dent was very happy and pleased the
people greatly. Secretary Hamsey
and General Sherman also spoke. The
party leive for Carson this moinins ; ,
reaching Truck eo at night , down Ilia
Sierras by early daylight and ac Oak
land by noon , running at the rate of
thirty miles an hour down the moun
tains A great demonstration is pre
pared in Oakland and S.m Fmuciaco.
Pioneer Telegrapher's Society.
SpecUl Dispatch to The Bee
CINCINNATI , September 8 , 1 a. m.
The pioneer telegraphers of the
United States organized a society last
night to be known as the Old Tuna
Telegraphers association. O. H.
Booth of Mansfield , was elected presi
dent , Geo. W. Began of Jackson ,
Tenn. , vice-presdtnt ; J. C. Maltoon
of Cincinnati , secretary ; and F. A.
Armstrong of Cincinnati , treasurer.
It was decided to hold the next meet
ing at Niagara Falls the third Wednes
day in September 1881 , and to admit ,
as members , those had entered the
profession prior to 1862. A banquut
was given at the Burnet houec last
Horrible Coil Oil Explosion.
SpccUl Dbpatch to Tbe Bee.
TITUSVILLE , Pa. , September 8 1
a. m. Jessie , aged 8 , daughter of
John Hill , Carrie , age 6 , daughter
of J. J. Beero , while left- alone last
night , lighted a fire with kerosene ,
pouring It from a half gallon can. It
exploded , setting the girl's clothing
on firo. Both were burned terribly
from their waista down ; their limbs
were charred to a crisp , and both will
Railway Accident.
QUIKCT , 111 , September 8 , 1 a. m.
The passenger train going west
Monday evening on the Hannibal &
St. Joe B. B. , near Lathrop , struck
some cattle , throwing the engine from
the track and wrecking the train En
gineer Jenningi was severely Ecalded.
The fireman jumped fnm the locomo
tive anctwas slightly injured , but no
passengers wera hurt.
Calvin Warren , and a man named
Green , had an altercation at Lake
Nan , Missouri , Monday night. Green
drew a dirk knife and killed Watren.
Both resided at Shelblna and came to
Lka JTan together. The cause of. the
quwrrel a
Arrival Of the Burns Mem
orial Statue for Cen
tral Park , „
Two Female Desperadoes
Fatally Banged in Owen
County , Ky.
Secretary Sohurz Talks Fatherly
to Big Sioux Chiefs on the
Border ,
GenVNelsbn A , Miles Believ
ed to be the Coming
Chief Signal Officer.
Cincinnati in Hostaciea Over
Another Magr Ifloent Gift
of a Citizen.
In Memory of Burns
B xxl&l Dispatch to Tns Br8.
NEW YoiiK , September iT , 4 p. m.
The Burns statue for Central piik ,
which weighs nearly seven tons , has
just arrived on the steamer "An-
choria. " The pedestal of solid gran
ite , weighing fourteen tons , arrived
last week. Both sfatuo and pedestal
were transported here without charge.
A committee of the Burns society
have granted permission to have a du
plicate of the statue made for Dundee ,
A Murderous Fair.
Special Dispatch to The Bee
CINCINNATI , Septsmber 7 4 p..m ,
Tbe following is giving in a special
from Madia on , lud. , as having oc
curred in Owen county , Ky. : "Two
women named Goodrich , wives of the
murderers that were hung two
years ago , dressed themselves in
male attire , end wont by nigh I
to the house of a lady
in the neighborhood , whose name we
fail to learn , and whose husband wni
absent jit jhe timo. The l&dy was
ihought-to hnv& { SHsasL jJlT Ftraa'e
desperadoes wanted it. A peddle7"'n'a3
stopped in the house in the- evening
imd secured permiaalon to sleep in
the barn. The" Goodrich women
entered the house and attacked
the woman with knives. Her screams
brnuuht I he peddler from the barn
[ with a pistol. He at once 'opeftd
1 fire upin the asissins killing one in-
st ntly and wounded the other. The
lady of the house , died from her in
juries before the arrival of her hus
band. "
Von Bulow Paralyzed
Special Dkpatch to The Bee.
NEW YORK , September 7 4 p. m.
A Parii special saya it ii reporter
from Bvrlin t hit Hans Von Bulow hss
had a stroke of paralysis and that he
has lost the luo of his right hand.
Miles for Signal Officer.
Special Dispatch to THK Bn.
WASHINGTON , September 7 4 p. m.
The Post this morning says : "II
was stated last night on authority
that the successor to Gen. Meyer hac
been found in the person of Genera !
NelsmA. Miles. The appointment
wai determined upon at the instance
of Gen. Sharraan , who is a
wall known relative by marriage
of Gen. Mi ea , and who has been
already advancing the latter's inter-
es's. It i' also stated that Mr. Hayes
and Gen Sherman had a conference
before they went west , at which time
it was BctlM that Gen. Miles should
have the place. The officer whom ru-
nuir thus assigns to the head of the
sign ? ! service , has been twenty years
in the army , and hns bean brought in
to special prominence through his
campaign with the Indiana. The se
lection would bo creditable in every
way. "
A Muniflcient Gift :
Special Dispatch to Tun En.
CINCINNATI , September 7 4 p. m.
The announcement is made that
anotbsr citizen ot Cincinnati has made
a mrgnificont donation to the city.
The name of the donor aud the terms
of the gilt to bo made known at the
opening of the exposition to mcrrow
night. The gift is said to be two hun
dred thousand dollar ? , for the pur
pose of founding an art gallery , and
Mr. llcuben Springer , is believed to
bo the man.
Skipped ana Safe.
Special Dispitch to Tim BKK.
DETKOIT , Mich. , September 7. 4
p. m. It is reported from Toledo
that E. B. Hall , late treasurer of Lu
cas county , in which Toledo is situ
ated ! ia short § 40,000. He is now
safu in Canada.
Cut Bis Throat.
SpccUl dlflpatch to Tils BIB.
CINCINNATI , 0. , September 7 , 4 p.
m. George Johnson , single and
harnessmakcr , 43 years old , cut his
throat last njrht from eir to ear , in
Gandoph's ! Hall , on Broadway and
Fifth. He died at the hospital this
Tired of War.
SpecUl dispatch to TUB BKK.
FORT KEOOH , Mont. , September 7
1 p in. The Sioux chief , Big Road ,
arrived here Saturday with ftur fol
lowers , and surrendered to the mili
tary. They say nearly 200 of their
people are coming in. Big Bead and
Horse Bead had a conference with
Secretary Schurz. They want to come
here and learn to faroi , and then be
placed on the Tongue river reserva
tion The secretary premised fo re
fer their request to the great father at
Washington. Mr. Schurz and his
party started down the river to-day.
O'Learys Show ;
SpecUl dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , September 7 4 p. m.
This is a cold drizzling day and affairs
at the O'Leary tournament are glow
ing enough , with rain trickling through
the canvass and water oozing out ol
sogoy soil , only few of the contestants
have been the track
on at any one
time during the morning. At 1C
o'clock the scora was : Horses Rose
oi Texas , 170 miles : Dunn's entry ,
192 ; Betsy Baker , 194 ; Bathman's
entry , 182 ; Speculator , 216. Men
JXiblar , 192 milet ; Krolme , 15D
Colston , 101 ; Vint. 139 ; Col , 138
CwwfordjJLQQ ; Jackson ( colored ) , 05
Schott , 159 ; Connolly , 142 ; Byrne ,
170. 4 ,
Bid ftOBT1K6 EVES ! ,
SpecU ! Dispatch to Tas Bss.
CHICAGO , September 8 , 1 a. ra.
There appears to bo a good deal of
interest in thd horso-man tournament.
The atlendance was fair list evening ,
considering the disagreeable weather ,
S ore at midnight ; men Byrne , 22S ;
Krohne , 215 ; Calstor , 207 ; Schach ,
204 ; Vent , 20l ; Cole , 145 ; Jackson ,
HG. Horses Betsey Baker , 251 ;
Bathman'a entry , 251 ; Speculator ,
250 ; Dunn's Entry,242 jlloae of Texas ,
225. The leading horaoa are 26 miles
ebead of the best man. It is still a
matter of doubt whether they will win
BB they are are all well fagged out and
off the track rpxcopt one , while the
men are jogsing away slowly and
closing up. Dobler retired from the
race at 2 orjftick , having completed
200 miles , his knee traoubling him.
His friends are greatly disappointed.
Price , the Enulishman , was to have
run against O'Leary's nn.te , but had a
sore throat and could not.
A Heartless
Special Dlgpitch to The B
Sr. Loura , Mo. , * September 7 , 4 p.
m , * Amy Grove , n beautiful yonpg
married womin , living at 110 Myrtle
street , cnmmittpd auicido here last
n'ght ' under singular circumstances. .
She wa ? married secratly last June to
Burning and the imrriigo has been
kept secret , Burning saying that be
fore making it public ho wanted to
get a situation. Last ni"ht he tried
to pet from his wife the portrait Of
anotlm woman ho had been
attentive to and she , inflamed
by jealousy , took poiaon in his pres
ence. He acted most heartlessly after
the , and the suicide was not made
public until mornintj. The Woman
was onciente , hence her shame that
the marriage should bo made public ,
Over Niagara Falls.
Special Dijatcli to The Dci
NlAa RA FALLS , N. Y. , September
7 4 p. m. List ni ht W. J. Knapp ,
of TJtica , committed suicide by jump
ing into the Niagara river. He de
liberately took off his cuter clothing
and then plunged into the rapids just
ab-jye the fnlh on the American side.
The only witness w < w a yr.ung lady.
The body ha not been recovered.
Passion Play.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YoCK , September 8. 1 a.
ra. The "Patsion" a play which re
lates to the story nf the last days ci
Christ on earth , will be produced al
Booth's theatre on the ai th of Dec
ember next , under the mansgament of
Henry 15. Abbey. Mr. Abbey ha
signad ft. contract for producing this
play , covering n period of throe yeara
and the entire territory of the United
States and Can\da. The manuscript
laUioVfrno rs waa'uied in SauFran-
Special Dltpitch toTlio Eeo.
WASHINOTOX , September 7. 10 p.
m. Judge Lawrence , first comptrol
ler , rendered a decision of interoat to
clerks of United States circuit and
district courts which he holds tint
such clerks arc alwaya chargeible , as
will with foea cixrnciJ , but not yet
paid , as with thojo collected. This
is an endorsement of a similar npinon
of the prevjnt comptroller's predecessor
ser , who refined an appltca'ion of a
clerk for a bila nee dim him in this
respect , allowed by a court , on the
ground that there was no rule of ac
tion for the accounting oflicers of the
treasury except as to the rnitlor in-
nvolved in ac ion and ID that only to
the oxiont which the judgment di
rectly determines aright.
The Smithsonian Institute has re-
cciv-td from Prof. W. Forester , of
Berlin , the announcement i-f the dis
covery by M. Pdlifa at Pala , on the
Gth of September , 1830 , of a plane
toid of the eleventh niii nituda , in
twcnty-threo hours eijlit minutes ,
right ascension , and four degrees
twelve minutes south declension ,
with a daily movement of eight min
utes south.
A Priz-3 Fight in N-.w York.
SpecUl Dispatch to The lice ,
NEW YOKE , September 8. 1. a.
m. A desperate prizefight took piece
in this city list night between Mar
tin Fiddler Neary and Mike Mulany ,
of Providence , JR. I. The pugil sts
fought according to the new rules of
the London prize ring with naked
Gats and catch weights. The battle
ground was a stable up-town The
tight was only witnessed by a select
number of sporting men , us little erne
no publicly had been given to the af
fair. Neary staads five feet eight
inches and weights 150 pounds. Ho
is an English pugilist and has fought
numerous battles in England. His
fights in this country have been with
Peter Crocker of New 5Tork , and
Hike Gillespio of Philadelphia. Mul
any stands tivo fact savonjinchos and
weighs 150 pounds. He recently came
hero from Providence and hai never
fought in a regular prize ring , but
has fought numerous glove fights.
The pugilists reached the fighting
ground quietly. When all prelimin
aries for the mill were arranged a
well known sport was selected umpire
and the fight began. Mulany was in
the best coed tion aud showed a de
cided 1 ad in fighting from the start.
Ho gained the first blood in the Grab
round and the first knock down in
the thirteenth. Sixteen rounds were
fought , when Mulany brought Neary
to a standstill. Neary was terribly
punished and not able to win. His
seconds refused to let him fight any
longer. Thefi ht lasted Ovo hours
and seven minutes.
Spedil Dbpttch to The Bee.
CINCINNATI , September 7. 10 p.
m. The first reunion of the pioneer
telegraphers of the United States took
place in this city to-day. About 75
persons were present , among whom
were presidents and , vice presidents ,
managers and other high officials in
the profession , and others nho have
branched otf into other walks of life
and are now holding high positions.
The reunion was esentially social.
After spsndint ! several hours in hand
shaking , carriages were procured and
the entiw party , accompanied by citi-
zsns , took a drive tbr iU''h the Mit-
urbg , v | ; ied the ij logical yiffain ,
fcwjp lo b t tiw Work Hoow , wit ?
n sied Maud's trot at Chester Park
and on returning to the city stopped
at jd ill top resort. Last evening a
grand banquet was given them at
theBurnet House. A register has
been made out giving time and place
of entering service , lirst position , and
present position.
Sp-cJal d'-lpatcfcai to the Eee.
tv4siiiNGTON , September 7. Signal
Sorgeaut Aldrich , whooo connection
with the death of Juliet Hoopercaused
such a sensation , was court martialed
yesterday fur ilesethon.
NEW HAVEN , Ct. , September 7.
The 99th anniversary of the massaaro
of Fort Qriswold was celebrated under
the shadow of Groton monument , op
posite New London , yesterday.
INDIANAPOLIS , September 7. Hon.
T. A. flendricks and J. W. A. Shaw
( colored ) , of New York , addressed
a Urge democratic moatiiu last night.
SATUTOCJA , September 7 4 p. m.
Marthal 0. Roberta of New York ,
who has bepj pendinir the season
with his atthe U. S. hotel ,
Was stricken down with paralyss
about 3 o'clock this morning.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , September 7A
special from Frankfort ravs : _ The
democratic state central committee
met yesterday and issued circulars td
all the county committees , asking
them to help raise money to carry the
Indiana election.
CHICAGO , September 7. The cred-
itorn of Asa Dow , the board of trade
operator who failed recently owing to
the rise in prrk , have decided to take
the 40 per cut offered.
BOSTON , Septembt-r 8. The Mil
waukee turnera. since their arrival in
the city , accompanied by a delegation
from New York , have been well enter
tained. Yesterday they wrra taken
to Forest Garden where they were
faeetedall day.
COLUMBUS , 0 , September 7.
News from Corning , Ind. . reports a
state of siege existing there with the
colored miners disposed to tight at
the slghtest : aggression.
MADISON , Ind. , September 7.
John A. Logan spoke last night to a
vast assemblage. A regiment of uni
formed republican voters escorted
him through tha town , he riding in a
carriage drawn by four white horees.
CHICAGO , September 7. Philip
Harper , a German , aged 22 years , un
married , was instantly killed at Peter
Schiller's wagon factory last evening
by being cauaht between the elevator
joists of the first fljor.
CHICAGO , . September 7The de
funct city savings bank will pay an
other dividend of 5 per cont.
ST. Louis , September 7Tho plat
form man on aU the r JUroids at E wf-
St. Louia nuciLmiiis u > .uj > I L
drod struck to-day for an advance from
51.10 to gl.25 per day. The corn-
pair refuse to accede to the demands
anl have rephced the strikers by new
ma i-
PmsBOKO , Pa , September 7.r-By
the explrsionrfa burr at Marsha ! ! ,
Kennedy &Co.'s flour mill thi ? morn
ing S. B. Manning , the chief miller
was killed and Joseph Fletcher sort-
uualy injured.
SAKATOCI i , September 8. The
American Social Science association
began its mooting here Ipst
nvchfng. The pres'iUnr D C. Gil-
inau , of the John Hopkins University
delsvrring the addrjca.
NEW YOKE , Saptembor 8 The
family of Joseph Walsh , who are pup-
poscd to have boon poisoned by eat
ing canned ham , are recovering
Postofflce Cnangea
in Nebraska during the week ending
September 4,1880 , furnished by Wm.
Van Vkck , of the Postoflico Depart
ment :
Established Chester , Thayer coun
ty , George N. Phillips , postmaster ;
tup , Ctntcr county , Ira Wavea ,
Name .Changed Medicine Creek ,
Furnas county , to Cambridge.
Postmistress Appointed Miss Alice
N. Koseotcr , Loup1 City , Sherman
Vermont Goes Republican.
Special DUpttch to Ttic Ccc.
tember 8 1 a. m. Returns from 110
cities and towns give the republicans
20,572 and the democrats 11,677.
Four yeas ago the same towns gave
the republicans 25.393 and the derao-
: rats 11,670.
Vermont Election.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
MONTPKLIKU , Vt. , September 8 2
a. m. At this hour the returns in
dicate that the republican * have
elected Farnham governor by about
250 majority over the vote of 1876.
The senate is entirely republican and
in the houap four-fifths areof the same
political strip3 , which insures the re
election of Senator Edmunds. All
three of the republican congressmen
are elected. Tyler , in the second
district has a clear majority over both
his competitors ; Grant , in the third ,
has a fair majority end Juyco , in the
first , had a walk over. The green-
barkvote forg vernor will not amount
to over 1202.
There is general rejoicing here and
all over thn etato by the republicans
over the clean sweep made by thorn.
New Hampshire Republicans.
Special Dispatch to The B o.
CONCOKD , N. H. , September 8 1
a. m. The republican alato conven
tion was held yesterday. Judge
Daniel Barnard was choaen president ,
and on taking the chair , made r.
speech of conRidi'mblo It-rgth , nfser
which ox Senator Chas H. Bell of
Exeter | was nominated for governor
and the following railroad commis
sioners were selected : Jaa. E. Finch ,
Ohas. A. Smith and E. J. Tenmsv. Mr.
Bell accepted the nomination in a
brief speech , which was received with
applause. Nathaniel White and Ezra
H. Winchester were nominated by ac
clamation for presidential elcctora-at-
large. Col. Bob Ingcrsoll was to have
been present to address the convention
but was detained by a railroad smashup -
up at Stamford , Conn. , and could not
reach Concord in season. The con
vention adjourned at 11:15 p. m.
The platform of the Chicago con
vention and the nominees of the party
were endorsed , they demand a con
gress aud a chief executive who will
protect citizens in the&eo enjoyment
si political , cm }
advocate a vigorous enforcement of all
existing laws , and , if necessary , the
enac-ment of new ones for the proteo-
ion of voters , the laboring men , etc. ;
: hey contrratglatrd the country on tbo
success of the presunt administration ,
and tnink that Garlidd should bo the
next president
Georgia Republicans.
PpeeUl Dispatch to Tbo Ktr
ATLANTA. Ga. , September 8 1 o.
m. The republican state convention
met yesterday. The convention w s
composed of leading republicans in
the state. There were three distinct
parties in the convention one in fa
vor of nominating.state officers , ono
tn favor of supporting Colquiit , the
present governor , and another favor
able to Norwood.
Fruits and Flowers.
p--cUl Dispatch to The Bee.
ST. Looig , September 7 10 p. ro.
Tiio Mississippi Valley Horticul
tural society opened an exhibition in
tha hall of the chambers of commerce
this evening , which is one of the fin
est pomolopical displays ever seen in
this country. The boird of trade
haa givtn up their inSgnificent hall to
them , and the work of cUcoran'n > l
is completed. One of the principal
features , an obelisk just half the
height of Cleopatra's Needle , and
modeled after that celebrated mono
lith , which is covered wi'h apples
brought fromEgypt to Illinois. About
ton thousand apples will be used. The
spacious haU was covered with tables ,
upon which the fruit is displayed.
There are 5,000 plates of apples , six
teen hundred plates of pears , and
one thousand plates of miscellaneous
fruits. To-morrow the cut flowers
will bo arranged and the exhibition
made complete. All of tbo prominent
horticulturists and pomolnaists of the
Misaissipi valley will exhibit speci
mens of plants aud fruits.
Snow In Chicago.
Bpccfol Disaatch to Tha Bee.
CHICAGO , September 8 1 a. m.
A little sno v fell in Chicago yester
day , the first of the season. Shipping
men say there was quite a flurry on
the lake list night , and winter cloth
ing and furs were necessary for com
fort. An early winter is predicted.
Base B ll.
Special Dispatch to Tec Bee.
The following games of basa ball
were pbyed September 7 :
CtEVBLAND Cincinatis 6 , Clcve-
lands 0
BUFFALO Buffalos 4 , Chicngos 7.
THOY. N. Y. Boston ? 3 , Tr ys 6.
Game called at the eighth inning.
No Cutting1 of Rates.
Special Dispatch to The B .
NEW YO2K , Saptembor 8 1 a. m.
f * 'idoriiwi > iy rulrrad / ' ? ght agents
that rates have neen uut. The agent
of the Chicago and Northwestern rail
way says that rates of freight are ba-
ing well maintained. He did not be-
Hove that any companies were cutting.
The pool is constantly extending its
sys'emetrengthniiigits influence and
covering morn point * rf the chief lines
of transportation. Another railroad
manager aaid that the stories afloat
wera "tno thin , " and he wondered
than anybody famili-tr with the tricks
of stock brokers attached to them tha
least importance Comnvssioner Fink
proftrcil to say nothing.
Telephone Convention.
Special Dbpatch toThe Bee
NIAOAUA FAT.LS , September 8,1
a. m. Tno national telephone associa
tion at the morning geaium appointed
committees on orgonization and
credentials. In the afternoon they
roprotcd and a diacussiun of the ro-
forta occupied the entire session. At
the evening susaicns a committee on
the topics lobe discu-sed in tbo con
vention , made a loi-g repjrt , which ,
together with routine business occu
pied the whole evening. Thojionven-
tion adjourned till tbh morning. It
wil [ probably last four or five days.
New York Money and Stock.
WALL ST. , Nsw YORK , icpt. 7 130 p. m. 2J per coot ; exchange et aily at ? 1'SJJ
Stenly. iosa us4i'a no ?
us5'a io2j noi
Currency ( Fa 126
Active ; dehncd J to 2 percent ; recovering J
to J icrccnt.
WU ir.6 | St P.and O.pM. . . ? 4J
N YC 132J Laukawanna & W. . 0 J
Erie 4i'J lliuUon Canal CSJ
Erie prclil 63 } N J C 77i
K I liU M i E Hi
Lake Shore 10 < rJ Iteulin , ; 27
Northwestern 101 * I.M B7J
Northwrstcrn pM.lMJ L.VN. 11T
Paiific Mail 4H K. & C 17
Ohio 35 } MsCentral 115
Ohiojpfd 70J U.I'- 94 }
St Paul 2 > C C &IO Ifc *
3l.raullpfd Hit MC 07
H&StJnc 41 1J&K.O lli
St Joe pfd K K&T 304 39J NPpM 5J.
Wabnsh pfd to CCC A 1 7
St.P. andOmahi. . 4J { *
Nbw York Produce Marked.
NEW YORK , September 7.
Flour Without important change ;
very moderate export and home trade
deimnd : round h"op Ohio , $4 00
50 ; choice do , § 4 C05 75 ;
superfine western , § 3 2333 90 ;
common to goodexirado , $37534 15 ;
choice du , do , 54 20@G 25 ; choice
white wheat , S4 lfi@4 GO.
Wheat About Ic better ; and trade
very moderate ; No. 2 red , Septem
ber , § 1 05l 05 } ; October , § 1 07 ;
do , November , $1 07i@l 08 , } ; do ,
cash , § 1 05 bid , 95c asked.
Corn fj@jc better ; rather
quiet ; mixed western , spot , 50@51J- ;
do , future , 5l u3\c.
O.its Shade stronger ; western ,
lieof Firm and in moderate de
mand and nominal ; new plain mesa ,
§ 9 50 ; now extra , do , ? 10 00.
Pork Firm ; new mess § 10 00.
Lird Higher and strong ; steam
rendered , 88 42L
Butter Firm" and good request ,
and quiet , but firm ; Ohio , 15i@ < ! 8c.
St. IKDUIS Live Stock.
Sr. Louis , September 7.
Hogs Fairly active ; Yorkers and
Baltimore * , Si 90S5 10 ; railed pack-
in ? , ? 4 9035 20 ; butchers to fancy ,
$5 20@5 40. Receipt * , 2,300 head ;
shipments , 1,100 head.
Chicago Ijrve Stock.
CHICAGO , September 7.
Hogs Fairly active and steady
with salea at 85 10 5 20 for light
packing and shipping ; 84 50@5 25for
heavy packing ; 85 105 70 for good
to extra choice heavy shipping Lta.
Receipts , 14,602.
t'loTo ' day'a market was active
a Vade firmer than yesterday ft ;
Oor. Douglas and 13th Sts.
Gives Great Bargains in Ladies' and Gents'ft
< ft
All Kinds Of
We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money.
hipping and Nebraska and Texan
steers ; siles of good native cows and
butchers' fteers wore made at 82 95
@ 4 CO ; X braakaand Texn steers at
S325@345 , and for good to extra
shipping steers at $4 3K5 ( 00. The
fresh receipt * were 3,831.
Cole Jsro Produce Market.
CHICAGO. September 7-
The grain markets were firmer and
higher under a good demand from
the shorts on account of high receipt !
and the wet weth ° r . No. 2 spring
wheat a Aranced Ij5@2jja and closed
ctOO OOlc cash91JcSeptember91c ; ;
October ; 92gc November , and 90jo
seller the year.
Corn Was $ @Jc higher ; No. 2
closing at 40c cash or September ;
® 41o October ; 41Jo November , r
42jc M y.
Oata $ c better ; No. 2 sold at 28J
@ 29c for S"pember , October or
November , closing with sellers at
Kyo Improved | @lc ; No. 2 sold
at79ccash80o. ;
Barley Was moro firmly held ;
sales if era at l@2c advance * . No. 2
sellings ! 7Go caih ; 76@77o October.
Whitfcy-81 13.
Mean Pork Hog products stronger.
Mesa pork $15 00@15 25 ; hi ha" an 1
closed at $17 75 cash or September ; t
817 50 October ; § 13 57 November ;
313 00 seller the year ; § 13 32 for
Lard 5@10o hgher , cloning * t
$8 05 cash or September ; 38 Of < 38 074
Octubsr ; S812J October ; § 8 128 IB
November , § 8 76 seller th * year , and
§ 7 95 J.itmuy.
at. ixiuis froauce-
ST. Louis , September 7.
Flour Stedy and unchanged.
Wha t Higher ; No. 2 red , 89 $ ®
89 $ < 3S9jje cash ; 90(389 ( ji < § 90c Septetn-
b -r ; 91 A(592a ( October ; 92 * @ 92 Jc No
vember ; 89jj@90a thoyear ; No. 3. do ,
according to location ;
No 4 nit , 8C < S82 c.
Cnrn Higher at 3838Jo cosh ;
38J@38c Sr'embe ; 38 @ 38Jc Octo
ber , 38f o ; November , 33i38c ; December -
cembor ; 37Jc the yesr.
Odta Higher ; 30o cash ; 28g28jc
Sentember ; 283 1 the year.
Eye Firm ; SOcbiJ.
Butter Unchanged.
Eggs Unchanged.
Barley Unchanged.
Whisky Steady at $1 13.
Pork § 15 75.
Dry Salt Meat Firmer at § 5 50 ®
8 60@8 90.
B. c < m Firmer at ? G 25 < g9 50 ®
10 0010 12i.
L rd Firmer.at7 90 bid.
Receipts Flour 8,000 brls , wheat
5,000 bu , corn 10 , 000 bu , oats 7,000
bu , rye 4,000 , barley 2,000.
Shipments-Flour 10,000 brht.wheat
21,000 bu , corn 7,000 bu , oats
2,000 bn.
COTTOXWOOD , Chase Co. . Kara- .
"Anakeglg" Is the nsmo of a Pile Remedy In
Hxtucctli n thin action of the Stjtc upon the
rccoiMnendition of them : who have tried It , bv
W.V. . JODCH. Wil iim Barton ray he tried
every remedy recoinmcuJetl.but "Anakesis > tw38
the only one that ejected a permanent cure.
Samples o ( "Miatcsis" are sent free to all tnf.
fere.B on app'Idt on to "An aketits" Depot , Box
KHO , Now York. Also sold by Amiga's OTBFJ
where I'rifco S'.OO per IMJX.
Academy for
Young Ladies.
ISthandCassSte.Omaha , Neb.
Tha course of otuilitnat thh Insti'.ntlon , be
tides the usual branches vl anKncliih education ,
embraces French. German , Muai Drawlnir ,
Painting , Plain and Fan y Needle Work , W x
Flowera , eti
The wsrion coramaoccs the first Mo day In
September and the fl Bt Monday la February.
linva ( rum fire to t n ycaraof ago wilt be ail *
For further jiartlculara app'y to
Directress of St. Catherine's
> u3012t
The owner of the celebrated Kaolin
Banks , near LOUISVILI U , NEB. , ha *
now ready at the depot at Louisville , on
the E. & SL railroad ,
to fill any _ order at roaaonable prices. Par
ties desirinR a white front or ornamental
brick will do well to give as a call or send
for sample.
J. T. A HOOTER , Prop , ,
Lotfrvflle. y
Weekly Line of Steamships
Leaving Kew York E ery Tharjday at 2 p. m.
England , France and Germany.
For Passag * app'y to
General PagseoRet AfcenU ,
Jane2My 61 Broadway , New Tork.
r-CD O
* * r
- Q _ CD
FALL 1880.
Men's Calf Hoots . . . $ >
Ladles' Kid Button Shoes . 1
K .y C4lf o ) l . . . 1
Mites' 0. a t Butte > . . . . . . 1
Child's Gnat Button .
Mcns Calf Shoes . 1
Ladles' Side i Lace Kids . 1
I'oy'e Alexis . . 1
llisfcs-Sldo Lace Kid . 1
Men's Ba'les ' . 1
Children's PolUh .
Ladr Kid 81lppra .
Children s Lace shoes . . . .
Man's Sw d Boots . 3
Ladies' Kid Ties . 1
Men's IJrsana. . . . . . . . . . 1
Udien' SerRp Shoes . t
Bo > 'a Button Shoes . 1
Youth's Button Shoes . 1
New Coeds re
ceived daily. We
gel ! for ca h only.
Money refunded if
thegoodi don't wear
as represented. Wo
keep in jtock all
gizexandwidths and
guarantee a K'XH ! tit
in every respect.
Boots and Shoes Made to Order
Tha Onlr Complete Stocfc In tue City
Kcpnlrlng dune Frco of Charge.
Leading Shoe Store.
Janet , Brt. Strand I0tSt * . , 01U HA.
Tint qualltr dUtllled Win Bd Cider VIney.r
of any strength below cantorn prices , anil wur.
nntad Just u good 'it vbolesiila > ml reuit.
nd fo EKSS7 KHEB3 ,