Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Tuesday Morning , Bept , V. S
Patcrcon tells coal.
Fine perfumes at Saxe'g.
Use Lewis' dry hop yesst.
For the tooth , Kulm'a Dentrifico ,
JJuttcrick's patterns at Cruickshank ,
Porter 5s rtmaing the Omaha ferry.
Imported and Key West cigar ? ,
nt Kuhu's.
Seidenbcrg & Co.'e Key West Ci
gars at Saxo'e.
Yesterday was a regular fall day ,
rcjoaJblicg Indian eummer , as it were.
A big garter make , three feet
long , wr-s billed in Metz1 hall , Friday
The public schools and institu
tions of learning Generally re-opened
yesterday for the fall term.
Mr. and Mr. . A. Pratt celebrated
the to.nth anraveryofof their wedding
on Friday evening at their residence
near Hsnscom Park.
Elevtn cars of clock for Ikr's
tl stillery arrived yesterday and twenty
caw of Iliff cattle for the east. Two
cars of hoga also came in.
Drs. Dinsmooro and Gifford
HomccDpatlnc Phyaic'ans and Sur-
Reons , Williams Block , cor. 15th and
t streets. eod-tf
One of the employes of THE BEE
lias lost a small gold cross , with pearl
Bolting and monogram "T-M" on the
back. The finder will confer a great
.favor by leaving it at this oflice.
The city wai remarkably quiet
Sunday , only ono arrest being made
between Saturday night and this
morning and that for plain drunk.
The usual penalty , § 3 and costs was
James Duffy , ono of the Chicago
moa arrested for the robbery of Hi-
ley & Delone'a liquor store , was taken
bsfore Judge Bartholomew Monday on
B writ of habeas corpus. Col. Smythe
waa hia attorney.
Tha eis hundred hospital tents
ordered to Central City by the war de
partment for the soldiers' reunion ,
have arrived , and went out lastovc-
aing on the 0:15 : train. Hurrab , boy * ,
HOW for an old-time camp fire.
Fifteen rs of cattle were re
ceived et the Omaha stock yards Sat *
urday , and most of the cattla were
immediately Bold at prices ranging
from 52.70 to ? 3.00. Therd were aho
COO ehecp at thcaa yards. Fifty-two
cars of etock cams in Sunday.
Tha Academy was well filled
Siturday evening to witness the per *
formauce of Harry Webber's company
in " .Nip and Tuck In Private Life. "
The company is good but the play Is
decidedly a snide affair and will soon
run the length of its tether.
On Saturday night last , Jamea
Duffy , an employe at Linseed Oil
works , while in the act of replacing a
belt on ono of the shafts , caught the
little and a portion of the left hand
under the bait , severing the hnger
from the hand.
A ? an instance showing the force
of the concussion from the bailer ex
plosion Sunday morning , Barney
Shannon , who was lying on a couple
of tables in the card room , attached
to his Tenth street siloon , was thrown
from the tables to the ceiling , a dis
tance of six fee * , striking with both
liis temples againstthe hardplastoring.
Ei. Culbcrt was training a se
Siturdiy afternoon , on th
and Harney streets , when the animal
suddenly reared and fell over back
ward. It WES paralyzed by the
fall and lay on its bick until 8 o'clock :
ia the evening when it was got up and
into the stable. At last reports it
was getting some better.
There is a probability that the
rc3ervoir for the Omaha water works
will be located on Ales. Baker's farm ,
lialf a mic ! west of the Lowe farm.
This location is half a mile nearer the
proposed site of the pumping house ,
a higher point and can bj purchased
for less money.
There will bo a meeting of the
members of the G. A. R , and all iex
soldiers , Bailers and marines , at the
court houseWednesday eveniug next ,
at S o'clock , at which time it Is desir
ed to ascertain who are going to the
Confal City reunion. The meeting
will bo addressed by Judge Savage
aud Gen. Manderson.
A marriage license was yesterday
issued to Liout. John iSowton , of the ! :
Sixteenth Infantry and Miss jSellie
M. Burden , of Springfield , Mo. The
latter came to this city to moot her
affianced and the twain were
made one , Dean Milhpiugh ofJTrlnity
cathedral officiating. TliBy left on the
noon train for the far west.
Siturday afternoon after the base ;
ball gams was finished and everybody
was trying to got on the street car ,
then standing at the northern termin
us , some boya climbed on tha iron rod
which reaches from one axle to the
other and is adjusted about six inches
from the track , in hope o ! getting a
-ride. Presently the crowd began to
chour the victorious nine , and the
horse J made a quick start , which par
tially throw a boy named Kelly off the
wiling. Kelly , wnosa pirents live nt
the north corner of Six'eenth and
Capitol avenue , had his foot caught
by the wheel and crushed to a jelly.
Those who want anything in the
line of jewelry , pi tj or precious
ttonea can at once so1 * l * Tn that
the place to go to i t .he ; > < wt goods
nt the lowest mirl price , and to get
value received i \ y time , is Edholm
& Erickson'B , opposite the postofiice.
This is not only the largest jewelry
emporium in the west , but is an es
tablishment run "by practical jewelers
and live business men. Never call
ulsewhero until you have seen
Hamburg Figs 25o a bos.
Bast Selected Stock of Roger Bros.
[ tad Kaiine Silver ware in the city at
the very lowest prices , at
. .
< nta u <
GEN , JOHN 0 , GOWlNlffldc
He Addresses the Young
Men's Republican Club at
the Academy.
A Bousing Meeting.
The Academy of Music was filled
last night by the finest audience that
has assembled at any time within the
present campaign , to listen to politic
al addresses. A largo proportion , if
not a majority , of thcos present were
ladies. The Union Pacific bind was
present and af tor they had played sev-f
eral beautiful airs the meeting was
called to order by Mr. D. A. Griffin ,
president of the young men's repub
lican club , under whose auspices the
meeting was held , who nominated Mr.
0. J. Green as chairman for the oc
Mr. Green made a few introductory
remarks in which he said that Ne
braska wanpro-eminentlyayoungmen's.
state and that he could not feel other
wise than proud of the honor of pre
siding over a meeting called by the
young men of Omaha. "The services
would be opened by the Garfield and
Arthur glee club with the song , "The
Fla ? Without a etiin. "
This sung elided such a hearty en
core that the glee club could not re-1
fuse a roaponee and sang 'When Garfield -
field Blowshis Trumpet in the Morn
in ; , " which was applauded to the
Gun. John C. Cowin was then in
troduced as the speaker of the eve
Gen. Cowin said he took great pride
in sposking before the young men's
republican club of Omaha. He was
not there to abuse any one , but to
speak upon some of tbose vital issues
which should bo considered by the
electors of this sta'e before they
should cast their votes for president
in November' He
recalled the or1
ganizstion of a similar club in 1863
by means of which a republican mayor
was elected , and the vote of the
county given to U. S. Grant for pres
ident. Ho had marched four years
with youngrnen _ , carrying knapsacka ,
some of which had something in and
some had nothing. He would aay
that it was to the ambition , energy
and patriotism of the young was due
the preservation of the Union in a
most trying struggle for existence.
It is the duty of ev ry man to edu
cate himself to know how to know-
now to vote and the speak or had no
sympathy with the man whoput them
selves above polilictics and say they
will take no part in it. In so doing
they place themselves above the government
ernmont itself ,
We are told that we hava no busi
ness to mention the issues of the war
which have been settled and aoquieso
ed in , but I deny t'net the democrat ; ,
who are marching up to Wathingfon
have acquiesced in the results of the
war and nay that they are marcbJn ?
to Washington to accomplish what
they failed to accomplish during th ?
war. If ever there was a tlm& trying
to the government it is when the
solid south marches up to accomplish
its objects under the sanction of the
. constitution.
The only issua before the people lo-
day is the old hsuaof state sovereign
ty. I deny that the democratic party
has accepted the result of the war ,
the enfranchisement of the negro , or >
the constitutional amendments. I
defy nny one to shoir by any platform
ever adopted by them that they have.
In 1872 when a resolution was intro
duced into congress declaring the
constitutional amendments inviolable ,
everyone of the democrats voted
against it. The democrats never have
accepted the amendments , nor con
ceded the right of franchise to thenp-
pro. These issues nro not settled.
Hampton says so and he has 13E votes
against your 47- Butler says so * Lamar -
mar says so. The dumocratic party
in convention assembled have never
in state or nation declared the sov
ereignty of the nation over that of the
state. The general cited miny facts
and quoted prominent democratic-
loadora in supp rt of his statements
on this point.
"The democrats want a change.
What do they want a clnnge for ?
They didn't ask for any change in
185G , when four millions of slaves
existed under the government
of the Union. They want a change
cow when those four million
slaves have been made free men and
endowed with all the rights of Amer
ican citizens. When
8 per cent gov
ernment bonds would not sell at all in
foreign countries , they wanted 110
change , but vow that 4 per cent bonds
sell at Iper cent premium they want
a chanpo. When in 18GO the demo
crats talked treason openly in the halls
of congress , they wanted no change ,
but now that our ilaj waves trium
phantly in every land and over evrrv
sea , they vant a change. In 1864
they first wanted a change , wlnn the
Ohicpgoc invention rung out the decla
ration , 'This war is a failure. '
Again in 1868
they demanded a
change with respect to the reconstruc
tion acts and constitutional amend 1-
ments , which they decluedin conven 1i
tion were usurpations , unconstitution iJ
al and void. This is adhered to by | I
the democratic party to-day as a part '
of the constitutional doctrines and
trsdilipna of the party. There isn't
a man in this house thnt dares go sou th
of Mason and Dixon's line and teach
the doctrines that were advocated at
the democratic meeting ratifying the
nomination of Hancock and English
in this city. "
Some attention was then paid by
the speaker to the agumenU recently
put forward by Major J. W. Davis at
the democratic mass meeting a few
days ago , showing that that worthy
was not infallible in his apoarently indisputable -
disputable facts and figures.
In regard to the standing of the
national candidate the speaker said
of Gen. Hancock . during the war > |
he was a good soldier and a pitriot.
ButlnlSGS and 'CO Gen. Hancck f
was in command of the department of .
the gulf. At that time ( April , 18CG ) I ,
a convention of loyal men was held in I
Jxow Orleans , at which time over 200
of those loyal men were murdered.
In the following spring , by ao ret
ef congress , certain portions of the
reconstructed states were divided up
into military departments , over which
were placed commanders , none rank
ing below brigadier general. Sheri
dan was placed over the department
of the gulf and he removed the offi
cera engaged in the butcheries and
appointed others Grant was impor
tuned to reinstate these officers for
just ono day , but he refusedalthough
be was called pig-headed by President
Johnson and the committee. Sheri
dan > ras recalled and Gen. Hancock
sent for to come to Washington. Gen.
Grant was in command of all these 3' '
military districts , and on Hancock's
arrival Grant called upon him and
stated the situation to him and aeked
him not to remove Sheridan appointees
roif he didnot to reappointtne old of
ficers , as the result involved the in
tegrity of the reconstruction act.
What" was Gen. Hancock's answer ?
"Well , General , I am opposed to nig
ger equality and nigger rule ganeral-
ly. " The first thin he did in Louisi
ana was to promulgate his famoqs orj j
der Ko. 40 , and the next was to re
move the officer * appointed , , by Shori.
dan and reappolnt the old rebel offi
cers. This order waa revoked br
Gen. Grant , as was order efter order
isued by Gen. Hincock , until the
letter expressed his humiliation by resigning
signing his position.
Gen. Cowin is for collecting the vote
' of ths country by the bayonet if nep-
cssary , if the rebel shot-gun stands in
the way of a free balotand ! he BO ex
pressed himself.
The Union PaciSc band then played
The Star Spangled Banner , " alter
which the chairman , Mr. J. C. Green ,
announced a meeting on Wednesday
pvenin ? , under the auspices of the
Garfield and Arthur club , to be ad
dressed by Judge J. M. Thur3tonono
of ? the nominees for elector for the
state of Nebraska.
The gl e club pang another rousing
sonp , and after more music by the
band the meeting adjourned.
Doramiesionera Proceedings.
SATURDAY , September 4.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
' ment.
Present Commissioners Knight ,
orliss and Drexel.
. The following accounts were allowed
from the
Peter Mangold , on account grad
ing 3 fO 00
David Heed , work on road 28 50
Win. Reeves , repsl-ing bridge . . . . 3 50
11. H. IMcVaru , work on road 10 20
Gso. MoKeuzie , Jr. , cr.-vding 22 50
Wm. YauD.ilircn , building bridge. 230 09
Conrad > ohl , work on road 19 50
Robert Rishel , grading 1C ! 00
J. J. Pout ? , county superinten
dent 9150
J. R , Cockling , county physician
to August 31 1000)
W. H. Ijanss , clerk of board of in
sanity 172 CO
Xelrseka Gaulight company , gas
in August 21 31.
ChicagoXumber company , lumber 6 JO
M. Rogers & Son , sprinkler 35
Henry Lehman , work at court
houes 24 35
E. T. Duke , spikes , etc 10 30
Henry Kolln , gooda for poor C 40
Geo. Schmidt , " " 305
Oscar Brown , account Farnham
Btreetgrade GO 00
D. A. 1'iercy , goods for poor house 2 75
B. F.Madsen , " * ' " 050
I. 1C. Pierce. Buiierinteadeat poor
farm 5780
Mrs. I. 2f. Tierce , instron poor
house . . " . . . . 10 O
Six persons , work at poor house. . . 101 93
Joha Vfvidensall. witness feea . . . . -J 00
Six persons , coroner's j urors CO )
John Bryant , work on road 7 5'3
Six person ? , coroner's jurors 0 0 J
Fourteen p.'rwns , coroner's wit
nesses 14 00
John G. Jacobs , coroner's fees . 24 50
" " coffins f jr poor 11 0)
Charles Eiovre " "
, 18 CO
J. 1L Ilobinson , work on road . 6 00
Kulm & Co. , medicine for poor. -1 09
John A. Creutiton. rent to Sentem *
berl ; . . . . . 7500
George H. Guy , sheriff , jailor alid
guard , August ' $ } 03 00
A licanie was granted John Schev *
erick to sell liquors at the Half Way
house , Douglas precinct , for six
months from July 23th , 1880.
The following was adopted :
2iuohed , That the county treasurer
bo and hereby IB directed to dtawfrom
the general fur > dOC18 and anply the
same to tha payment of the delin
quent personal tax of J. and J. Bry
ant for the years 1859 , ' 01 ,
' 03 , ' 64 , 75 , 70 and 77 for work
on roaaa.
At 4 o'clock p. m. , J. Morton , attorney -
torney for J. Fiood , appeared befpro
the board and asked that the petition
of taid Flood for liceaao to sell liq
uors at Elkhorn Station , which WAS
rejected August 17 , 1880 , be taken up
for reconsideration , and after argu
ment by said Morton , the board took
the matter under advisement until the
next mpcttng.
Adjourned" 7th inst.
County Clerk.
Real Estate Transfers.
Francis E. Bailey and wife to Al
fred Francis Ramsey , w. d. , n. 48 ft.
of lot G , block 11 , E. V. Smith's addition -
dition * . city of Omaha § 700.
Fred. Hcdde and wife to John H.
Levy. w. d. , s. A s. sec. 30 , t. 15 ,
n. r. 11 eCL'l.lL' .
Richard and Sarah Reeves ; o Mary
Eitnn : q. c d. parcel in nw , ne | ,
| sec. . 15 , t. 15 , r. 13 , e. $375. '
J. B. Whitticr to Anna Carrigan :
q. c. d. part n w , BO , sec. 3 , t. 14 , r.
13 , e. gS2.
There will be a called nieetiug of
the members of the Bee Keepers' as
sociation and others interested in bee
keeping , at one o'clock p. m. , at the
Board of Trade rooms , in Omaha , on
on the IsJih of September , 1880. By
order of tha president.
W. G. PIUMAN , Scc'y.
J. II. Fliegel & Go. , successors to
Juluta Thiclo , have received a largo
and complete stock of line fall and
winter suitings , which they are ready
to make up in the latest and best
styles at the lowest possible prices.
Ba sure and ask for the Eagle Mills
flour , bent in the market.
The most beautiful and newest designs -
signs of Jewelry always on hand at
The Jewelers.
.Pure Cider Vinegar sercn years' old.
A splendid article for pickling. At
E4tG J. B. FUEXCH itCo.'s.
50 Days Closir.i ) Gut SO Days.
L. C. Enewold , at his old stand
Thirteenth and Jackson streets , wil
close out ab ut § 7000 worth of Dry
Goods , Notions , Ladies' and Gents' '
Furnishing Goods , Hats and Cap ? , at I
and below wholesale prices , for cash.
Having liiely bought the stock from
A. Peller less than its value , ho can
and will discount the lowest prices
goods sold for in Omaha. Call and
examine the goods and prices offered ,
and remember the place , Thirteenth
and Jackson streets , opposite F.
Lange's grocery. s-m-w
> ? isb , : > < . A case of constipation by
using Jlninur FR.
New Stock
of Ladles' , Gents' , Boys , Misses' and
Children boots , shoes and slippers
received daily. Repairing done free
of charge. Please look for price list
in another column.
sept3-3t Leading Shoe Store.
Newly furnished , everything the
b ett , Astor House , New York.
Lot , Furniture and Household Goods.
Enquire southeast corner of Eigh
teenth and Jackson streets. sept3-3t
At Trinity Cathedral , Omaha , Neb. ,
on Monday , September Ch by the
Ilev. Frank E. MilUpaugh , John
Newton , U. S. A. , to Miss Nellie M.
Burden , of Springfield , Missouri.
Springfield , Mo. , papers pl-iase copy
Headquarters lor Joe Schlitz's
Milwaukee " beer at MSKCUAXIS' Ex-
E. Cor. lUth and Dodge ,
"Tie Way of the Transgressor
is Hard.
A BEE reporter paid a visit to the
county jail yesterday for the puipoae
of ascertaining , "What's been done
and who's been doing it , " in the way
of crime. Through the courtesy of
Jon Miller , the jailor , he was a'lowed
to go through this institution , which
is a model of neatners and security.
A prep through the bars disclosed an
array of talent whose next trip , in all
probability , will ba to Lincoln , with
traveling expenses paid by the state.
Hard countenances and mild counte
nances confronted our reporter ;
faces that bear indelibly the mark of
Cain , and faces that it would puzzle
Dr. Fowler himself to say whether'
they poseeseed the lines and traces of
g'lilt , deep dyed and black , or the
evidences of innocence , purity or even
holiness. The following is a Pat of
men now confined in this jail awaiting
the action of the next grand jury nncl
the ] district court.
Joe Schiller , grand larceny ; James
Duffy , burglary ; James Fenton , bur-
g'ary ; John Bryant , horse-stealing ;
M. MoEcript , burglary ; Fred. Wilson ,
horse-stealing and shooting with in
tent to kill ; The > . Donovan , highway
robbery ; F. Mitchell , of Millard , mur
. The following are the names of those
j who were bound over and released on
bail :
John Liddy , burglary ; Duck Mc-
Gulre , burglary ; Hugh Shields , -
ting ; John O'Brien , burghry , Joseph
Heller , cutting.
Two prisonprs from Sarpy county
nre cmiiined in this jail , one for horse
stealing and the other tor burglary.
! They await the convening of the S rpy
: court. Three prisoners from Deadwood -
wood , D. T. , left on Siturday for the
DelroitMichigan , penitentiary , where
they go to "do" one year each. Ono
of these men is "Black Hank , " a
member of the notorious Middleto.i
gang. They were ia charge of a special
officer and sojourned here a week.
The Party Who "Like Alezari-
der Sighed for More to
Nearly eight hundred people betook
themselves to the grounds in Lake's
addition Saturday afternoon ic wit-
the second game of a series of
' "beat t TO in three" between the B. &
M. and U. P. nine * .
It will bo remembered that tha pre
vious game between these nines , was a
very exciting one of eleven innings
the U. P. being the victors by a eoore
of 7 to 5.
On Saturday , even a mora closely
contested and better game was ex
pected. The friends of the U. P.
nine were especially sanguine , and
bsts of 510 to 5 , and § 5 to 2.50 were
freely offered on the U. P. and quite
aa i freely taken by the backers df the
B. & jf. The ? game waa very well arid
evenly played during the first five
inniugs. At the end of the fourth
inning the score stcod two apiwce.
At the end of the fifth ,
the U. P.'s wew in the
lead by a score of six to four. In
the sixth inning , however , the B. &
M.'s rolled up nine tallies , which com
pletely demoralized their opponents
for a time , error after error being
made by the U. P.'e , the B. & M.'s
in the meantime piling up the score.
In the eighth inning the U. P. H
put in a new man to pitch. He fooled
the boys for a while , but they soon
got on to his style and batted him
heavily. Both sides did some heavy
batting in the eighth and ninth in
The game finally resulted in the de
feat of the U. P. nine by a score of
17 to 14. The following is the score
by innings :
B. & M 00201941 17
U. P. 20011031 6-1-1
While speaking of base ball games ,
we would suggest , that were it not for >
the vulgarity of a certain class of out t-
siders who attend these ty tQ.
games , many
more ladies would be in attendance.
Wo c o not refer
particularly to the
games between these two club ? , but
we speak . It is
generally. very disa
greeable to take a lady out and have
some ungentlemanly fellow , or set of
fellows near by , make nso of profane ,
and even obscene language in their
futile attempts to be "funny. "
There ia some talk of getting up a
base ball tournament , to take place at
theStato Fair. It would prove a great
attraction ,
and American Mineral Water , Hun-
pidl , Janes , Hathorn , Friedrichshall
Bitter Water , Vichy , Congress and
Empire. For sale by Ish & McMahon ,
1321 Farnham street. a30 1m
Republican Meetings.
There will be a grand republican
rally at the Academy of Music this
evening under the auspices of the
Young Men's Republican club. Hon.
James Laird , of Hastings , and Hon.
J. C. Cowin will address the assem
bly. The Union Pacific band and the
Garfiald and Arthur Glee club will
furnish the music. The ladies are
cordially invited.
On Wednesday evening Hon. J. M.
Thurston will speak at the same place ,
under the auspices of the Garfield and
Arthur club.
Best watch work is done at
The Jewelers , Opposite the Postoffice-
G. A. R.
Regular meeting of Geo. A. Ouster
Post , No. 7 , department of Nebraska ,
G. A. R. , will be held on Monday ,
September 6 , at 8 p. m. , sharp. All
officers are requested to meet at post
headquarters at 7 p. m. promptly.
J. BUDD. Commanding.
lurphy & Lovettins. .agency ; old
established agency in this state ,
vIQ 1 "
A Contest Between Captain
Porter and Jay Gould.
Our reporter yesterday got on to
the rumor of a little fight between
the ferry boat run by Oapt. Porter
and thoMetamora , the U. P. tranafer
ferry car. A call upon both parties
was made without finding either at
home , but late this afternoon
our reporter met Superirtenont
flavens of the U. P. bridge division
and in reply to inquiries ha said that
while ho had no desire to rush into
print he would say that the steps taken
ken by the U. P. had been occasioned
' by unfair treatmeut from the feny
men. Ha stated that some lime ago
the company had eoaio cir
culars and hand-bills printed -
ed and put up which were
' torn down. Thty also had aign boards
put up nt Council Bluffs hich he stiys
were torn down and placed in a poei *
tion tj direct travel to tae boat in'
stead o ? the transfer. He fays that
when ho eaw the disposition of tile
boatmen he sent men over to change
the sign boards so as to direct travel
to the tranfer again , but they were
again torn down. The U. P. then
Bout a runner over to the Bluffs to
capture all the travel he could , where
upon the ferrymen sent runner * clear
down tr the U. P. stopping p'ace , and
I cftught.ajl the teams tbey could at any
pricg that win offeredi
Capt. Porter hai thus far conducted
the naval forces unaided , but it is unS
derstocd that the steamer Undine will
begin carrying travel again to-day ,
and will probably reinforce him.
"They have come into our territory
to carry off our trade , " said Mr. Ha
vens , "and we propose now to carry
the war into Africa. The longest pole
knocks the persimmon- . "
It is probable that within a few
days it will be cheipsrto rids to and
fro between Omaha and Council
thin to stay at home.
First Ward Benistratlon.
Notice is hereby given that I will
tit at my oflice on 12th street , be
tween Farnham and Harney , on
Monday , September Gth , and Satur
day , Sept. 111880 , for the purpose of '
making corrections and registering
qualified voters of the First ward for
the special election to ba held Sep
tember 14th , 1880. Witness my hand
this 2d day of September ,
SeptS 4t Registrar First Ward.
Second Ward Registration Notice.
State of Nebraska , Douglas Co.
Notice is hereby given to the elect
ors of the Second ward thit I will sit
at No. 3 Engine Housa on Tuesday rt
Wednesday , Thursday and Friday rt'i
7th , 8th , 9th and 10th days of Sep )
tember , from 9 o'clock to 11 o'clock a.
m. and from 1 o'clock to 5 o'clock p.
m. ; for the purpose of making the
several lints of legal toters of said
ward , This will be a new Hat for the
ormiiug year. Voters will be expect
ed to bo present on siid days.
In witness whereof I hereunto set my
hand this 1st day of September ,
1880. A. R. OftCllAhtt ,
aopllf Registrar.
Registration Notice Fourth Ward.
Douglas County. ss.
Notice ia hereby given to the elec
tors of the Fourth ward , that I will
sit in the store cf E. Wyman , Fif
teenth street , three doors south of the
postcfiice , on Monday , September 6th ,
to make the annual list of voters of
said ward ; also to prepare a liat of vo- )
tera for special city election , to beheld
held September 14th , 1880.
In witness whereof I hereunto set
my hand this 25th day of August , A.
D. , 1880. JOHN WOOD , Registrar.
The hw makes it obligatory on the
part of Registrars to sit iho first iceek
in September of each year , for the
Registration of voters.
I do therefore give notice that I
will sit at the store of S. P. Biiggs ,
southwest corner of 13ch and Chicago
streets , on Fiiday and Saturday ,
September 3rd and 4th , for correcting
the voting list of this ward , for the
city election to bo hold September
next and aho for the state and
national election to bo held Novem
Registrar Fifth Ward.
Omaha , Douglas1 County , Nebraska ,
Aug. 28th , 1880. o30-10t
Notice ia hereby given that 1 will
sit at the oflice of the Street Railway
company on Monday , September Cth ,
1880 , to register the qualified voters
of said ward , and to prepare a list of
voters for the spcci-il city elcc'ion ' , to
be held September 14 , 1880.
W. C. B. ALLEN ,
Registrar Sixth ward.
OMAHA , Aug. 31,1880. a31tG
It was not only a "foaat of reason -
son and a flow of soul , " but alee a
feast of oysters and a flow of cham
pagne and good spirits. Pursuant to ;
invitation the police force entire as
sembled at Wirth's restaurant on Sat
urday evening , as the guests of Pat tB.
0. Hawes , to mangle a few oysters.
The respective ends of the long table'
were graced by His Honor the Mayor
and His Honor the Police Judge ,
while the sides were adorned by blue
coats , glittering stars and brass buttons iet
tons , mingled with the merry counte-
nances of Councilman Homborger ,
City Clerk McCartney , his assistant ,
Emery , Judge Stenberg , Steve Mealio
( assistant chief of the fire depart
ment ) , Frank Walters , Captain Work
man , of Indiana , and the graceful
form of Woodbridge , The Herald
man. Speeches were made , toasts
were proposed and responded to , and
the beat of feeling prevailed. For an
Impromptu affair , the supper was a
Weekly Line of Steamships
Irving Sew York Every Thursday at 2 p. m.
England , France and Germany.
For Passage app'y to
0 , B. RICHARD & CO. ,
General Pe-jengei AjenU ,
61 Broadway , New
NOTKJE AdrortlsamenU To let Tor Sale'
Lett , Found , Want ) , Uo rdnr ! ; ic. , trill ba ln <
torted la thew ooluranj enc lor T5W GEIfTS
' pr Ua ; each wbwssentlaacrtloa.riVS CENTS
'r r tin * . The flist Iwsrtlon never Iwa than
OUST TO T.OAX-CU1 t Iw Offlcs
D. L. THOMAS. Ileum 3. Crelcbtoa Block
fONKY TO I.OAK 11W Farnhtun street.
[ Dr. EilimrJji Loan Agency. nor.S2.tI
W ANTKO Dltilcg teem girl nt the Emiett
Hcuso. 421-0
WASTED-2 dining loom ii ; ! s tt tin Ft.
Charts Hotel 4 lf
"TWO or three goo I carpe-itfrs wai.ud. 1109
J _ FnrnnamSt. D8. KDWAKDS 4H-T
'ANTED Office bo - , House
WANTED Pyaeool gill , a o' co to coot ,
or other hou e\vork p'ivate familv re-
fcred. AdJiCJS Al3)"Ucliy ! , tee Office. 4006
Good pirl fir pnjerallio-setrork.
'ANTED Good clrl coo * preferred , at F.
Lanije , cor. 13th and Jackron S' 35S-tf
'AVTED-First and tccv.'nl cook nt tli S
W ' 3o t.
C'nariei Hotel. j7P3o
Tfil Chumtflr maM and cook WARO
WA 6aruli.ioll.r3. Apply 2503 Bart t.327tf
W 'ASTFJD A competent srlrl. Econ re at
S K.cor lS j ndCpjtpl * va 3t7-tt
, A Girl to dn hpu-S work , 110B
Farnharn Street , nn Stairs _ 1 < * .i
Boarder * , at No. 10C4 cone10th
WANTRO Sta. 417-m-w-f
"IT7 ANTED Situation ig wa'cJ man orortr
VV In s fflO Store , Appty to S. B. Llvermo > .
Hudson fiVer ffblUgj 418 0
-l8pciicralclek. h-ttl
O clcrk OTCJpmid nt , co * ecto' , time-ce''r ! > o-ar ,
* OUtd drive Ilve'y wucoi , ni o I- ' < -tln to an
o-it fthf \ city , wl'l ' tcfnt any ro itic > T thtt wil'
give me a living , mil not a/Miil ol wcrk. AtM'ei *
A. D. II. B e office 418 7
. TXTAATED Fyayonnemin , slluiUonodny
I VV kinjAUdrew H R K. , Ece Offce.
AJfTED Foreman at brlok-ynr I. 'I' . W R-
TjlOR RBNT Tatoi u-'furnhbo'l ' rooms with
J' c'csets nd hvl. at 1518 Cast St. Temn
mod rate J. U. EIV'NEK. 415 7
"T710R REST A Iirjre ami sm n front r-om for
I1 r nt , vith boanl and us * of a bath room , In
private finr.Iy. Ei qti re 21(0 California St.
FOR HFNT T 'o g'orri In new brlik block ,
corner Famlii-1 and 10h : strcoti ; po e glen
Oct. 1. A. J POPPLKTON. 39J-S
TIURNMIED Roomi with or without board ,
JD at Furopean Rcstau-art. E6Mf
I T0R HEST vlnely fumlghr.1 tonmfi at 1310
I JD Davenport street , tet. 13th and llth St.
' rpORRE.ST Strrorrom In brick Mock comer
P 10th rd Doujlii * St . , with or with utcel <
Inr. Apply to American Bouse. 90-tt
A flncly.furnishcd front room.
J ] Enquire at IBM Dodge tt. 8Stf
"I7IOB RENT 2 farnlabcd rooms orer Her-
P cVaKu Exchange , N. E. Cor. 18th and
Dode * streets. 289-tf
rort noum. tvifltf
ILK Twenty to tvrenty-louf quarts or one
tlo'iUr by John T. Faulwn.
"TTIOR a KLE The he t pijinar butcher btulnetj
r and 'ert location In'nabijitrsde ' :
For particulars cnqitre or addKHtha Ree office.
S71-s3olf BOTCHER.
H 8ALK- Cottonwood Inmbor nt all
F 'a. aixfcenth-iit. S16.t
T OST Toe last of Jclycf lit of August , 75
11 filrprado Merinosheco and cne2-jear-old
steer or heifer , nncerttin which , from herd being
driven from Omaha to BI if. For furth-r In
formation inquire of clerk at Canfie'd ' Houje.
FJlldcM 11 be llbirilly rewardiil for rtlurn of
earn ; . 420-11
TTIOR A Fl > c ntaiutinOB front , Dwora.
i ; counter. Mantle , Store flttinjr , veneered
* -ork go to 1310 Dodge street , A. F. RAFERT 4
f.O. . Ruitilora \nM vml1r
. , . ,
Pianos and Organs First Class
on Easy Monthly Payments ,
Sheet Music and Musi
cal Instruments.
FIN * . S yCK OF
011 Paintings , EnpraUnirs an Crimea at greut
ly ndnced prices.
810 Frames , 1 fnch , Walnut . Ifo
10x12 1 . 20
10x11 ' 1 . 20
12x16 ' 1J ' . tO
12x8 ! 1 * ' . C5
16x20 ' 1J ' . 76
Kuatic 8x10 frame . . . IS
f hromos fran ed , etn-xll , 2Jc ,
Chroir.oa flamed , large , 1 ; 6.
Engravings from 60c upvrnrdj ,
PlitKepranh frames from 15c upwards ,
Wlndo v CorJces 75c a window and jpwards
LambreqUtr.a x 00 ptr window and Upwards ,
Comlco fUC3250p r\vinilo and upwards ,
Velvet frame * lie etch to5 00
Violln Slriius He ,
Vlo.l 13 1 76 , 2 0 , 3 and upftirda ,
Guitars 5 CO , 6 CO , 7 00 and upwa'ds.
Banjos 1 00. 3 00 , 5 00 , and upward * ,
Acconle i9 from 1 CO up. clidipe t in city
Send for samples and citalogua of mouldings
and sheet music. A. IluSPE. JR. ,
1676 Dnc'trn St. . Omaha. NVb.
I - . . . |
Men'sCaif Boots..i .4..82 50 to8 CO
Ladies'Khl Button Shoes 1 50 " 5 00
Ifc.y s Calf i eels 175 " 3(0
Mines'Gcat Bu'to ' i 1 X5 " 250
Ch'ld's Goat Bu'.ton 75 125
Hen s Calf Shoes 150 300
Ladles' Side La.-o Kids J 50 4 CO
Toy' * AISxl * 125 2 OJ
11U5CJ StdotlCOKid , 1 25 2 CO
Men'if Ba'lcg ' 1 50 2 60
Children's Polish 75 ISO
Lad f s Kid Slipprra 76 175
Child-en s taco thocS 25 75
Mon'a Hawed Boots 3 SO 7 CO
Ladiis'Kid Ties 150 203
Men's Bropins 10 l&C
Misses'Blipperj 50 1 00
LiiCeV Serge fihocS EO 201
Boj' Button Snocs 1 60 2 50
Youth's button Saocs 1 25 1 75
New Goods re
ceived daily. Wo
sell for caeh only.
Money refunded if
the goods don't wear
as represented. We
keep in stock all
sizes and widths and
guarantee a good n't
in every respect.
Boots and Shoes Made to Order
The Onlv Complete Stock in the City
Kepalrtng done Free of Charge.
II , DOHLE & CO. ,
Leading Shoe Store.
E. IE1. OOOUS : . ,
OH Fellows' Block.
Prompt ittention given to orjera by telegraph.
Jones , Eet. 3th and lO'.h SU. , OUA.HA.
Rut quality distilled Wino and Cider Vlnefir or
Of any strength Wow cistern prices , lodvar-
Just u food "at wholenle nd"retail. .
Bifid f or prlwliit - , " EJK8T 5KEB3 ,
Is Now Fully Inaugurated.
By order of theDist-ict Judge the Assignee has sold to us this" Gigantic stock
ing the choicest and most staple products of the world's Factories. Our duty
is a simple one to sell tha goods.
The fame of this sale has extended far and wide , but it will be gratifying to the public
to know the following facts ;
FIRST : The stock cost in New Tork over $43,000.
SECOND : We bought it for cash and obtained a discount of over
THIRD : "Wehave marked everything , regardless of original cost , in
plain figures ,
FOURTH : The stock is very choice in selection , Mr , Stephens being :
well known as an excellent buyer ,
FIFTH The stock is old and bad
: absolutely freerfrom goods styles-
Messrs , Stephens & Wilcox having made it a seim-annual
custom to send to Iowa any accumulation of undesirable
goods to be sold for what they would bring.
SIXTH : The goods have been marked at prices Jhat will sell $ & & >
being our desire to close everything quOTy , vvmle we
know this sale will ATTRACT THE BfcHe7er , on the alert
to save a dollar , we wish it to be distinctly unaergtouHi taat
this is a sale for the people , and the
are alike welcome at our couuters , We intend making
Are Not Half as Interest
ing to the General Read
er as the Following Price
List :
9lbgot A uc r for . .tl 00
9li Ibs extraCcuwrfor 1 00
1(4 IDS Canary C. sugar for 1 00
IIB Ibs Granulated Sngar for 1 00
B Ibe Cut Loaf Sutrarfur 1 GO
6 Iba ijood Rio Coftoe for 1 Co
6 Ibs best Bio Coffee fur 1 CO
4 Iba choice Java Coffee for. . . , , , u 1 00
31 Ibabfsst Mocha Coffee for 100
touni ? Uy cafts per Ib , 30 to. . 46
JoIonjrTea per Ib , SO to 40
Japan Tea per Ib , 30 to G
Finest Ounpowdcr Tea per Ib 76
Best OK Flour pcreack 275
inow Flake winter wheat flour , S Bn
HavcnabMlfionr „ - CO
* 2bara : Climax Soap for. . . . . 1 Ov
21 bara Laundry Soap for. . . . . . . . . 1 00
2i : bars Linen Soap ( or 1 00
Pure Maple Syrup in ? ! . cans 1 10
Golden Syrup pergallon - BO
New Orleans Syrup per gallon . . 70
Now Orleans Molasees per gallon , , . tt i
Suar House Molasses per gallon. . . . . . . . . . 40
SII Iba St. Louis -oda Crackers for 1 00
IS Ibs St. Louis Oyster Cractera for 1 00
12Ibs ! Boston Butter Crackers for _ 1 00
12 ! IbsGintrer Snaps for ' CO
13 ; Iba New Currants for CO
P Ibs New Blackberries for , 00
4 Ira Pitted Cherries for 09
12 : Iba Dries Peaches ( halves ) for CO
14 lbn Choice Dried Apples for 09
12 ' Ibs beat new Prunce fsr CO
lOlbf. best Valencia RaMca 1 00
8Ibs now layer Aalaina 1 CO
Peaches 210 cans IS
Peaches. 3 Ib cans ( standard ) . . . . . . , 10
PioPeaihes. 8 Ib cans 25
PoaChesCal)3 ) Ibcais 80
Blackberries. 2 Ib can Hi
apples , ( York Statenl ) can SO
Bluebfrrlen 3 Ib an l ° i
Cherries 2Ib can . . - -U
Damson Plums 2 Ib cam M 1
Raspberries 1 Ib can
Strawberries,2 Ibcan _ .
Strinsr tksns,2 Ib cans 12i
Diked Beans , 3 Ib can 20
Lima Bsins , 2Jb cans 12 $
Husariorn , i ! J can. . , , ISj
Yarmotlth corn , per can 17 *
Tomatoes , SlbcSa 1
Succotash , 2 Ib can . , , 1
Pumpkins. Slbcan 16
58 ) Ibs beans. . . . . . 1
iia 5)ii 'h-dried ' Lima beans 1
iii Ibs hominy , 1 CO
11 : Iba Carolina rico 1 (0
25IHsoatmeal _ 1 00
Fat f.imllv mackerel , per kit 85
Fat family white fishier kit. 90
Codfish , whole , peril ) 7
Codflub , bonelera.porlb 10
tlallilmt ] , pe. lb..V. 12j
Holland herrlnpnew ( ) per keg 1 25
Tobuccolackwcli' ( ! Durham ) fjrlb BO
TobiccoliverPiaIpluj.p ( ) rlb 69
Tobacco ( Old Style ) per Ib SB
Tobacco ( Meerschaum ) ptrlb 40
Hams , sngar-curctl , per Ib 12 }
Butter , fresh roll , per Ib „ . . . . , 20
Complete price lists furnished on application.
Country orders will receive prvmpt and cartful
attention. Positively no goods sold on credit.
J. B. FRENCH & CO. ,
The Original Reliable Grocers ,
No. 1119 Farnhnm Street ,
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Grape Cream Tartar. So otbo
preparation makes such llht , fltky hot breads ,
luxurious putry. Can be eaten by dype&tics
without fear of tha ills resoltln ? Iron : heavy lc.
Bold only in an ; , br ill Orocen.
' ' KQUi BuaL ? OT8U 93.1 If Iff TQlk
I have secured the sigency of the veil-known COLUMBIA Steel Spokes and
Robber ] Tires Bicycle from the Pope Manufacturing Co. ; Also the Otto Hand !
Made. ; Samples can be seen at my store , at Manufacturers Prices , r eight
added. Send for [ .rice list.
nsr _ i-
No. 1204 Farnham Street , Omnha , Nebruk * .
Having Taken the Above for Our Motto , "W eare
De termined to Offer
Our Entire Summer Stock of
Regardless of
In Order to Make Boom for Our Fall anu "Winter Goods.
We Will Xot Be Undersold
Oval Brand
The sales of tbh "brand" of Oysters hare now oitatrlppea all other * . Yon * BtmSf2fijSS . ( " . m
WEIGHT AND ME.\SUBE in cans of thii brand thi n any other. VB. VKKU1LR. , .
sepldlm General TVwtem Agent Omaha.
House Furnishing Woods , Shelf Hardware ,
Nails and Etc.
Farnham Street , 1st Door East First National Bank.