TJJE 1 > A11.Y BE.E. E. ROSEWATER. EDITOR TO CORRESPONDENTB- D B COUSTHT FBIK.\DS we will almj-abe plea'Cd httr frum , on til reaUctg connected with VT9 ; * , country po'UIcs , auion any subject haltvcr. of gcusrsl Interests to the people o ! i.UTE'ale Any InfoicicUcn connected with t | cccctlor. ! , u d reitlLp lo floods. ccdcut , m be CiHi v rccched. All icrh con-.mnnlcu- tlor howM-cr , mast U us brief AS poeslb > ; nd tbrj niUBt In sli a cs be * r Uen on onr side of tefhrt only. THBKAMB OF BUTTER , Jn ta'l.mutt In etch snd ny commar.lcalion of virv se accompary wUt returo-oev.r This is not intended for rTibliotl.n.butforocrowu fitis itlon and s proof if KOOdWth. POLITICAL. McorscmncTS of < ndid ies for Office hetb- erfnude 1 y f If or iKcnd' , and whether as no- _ tlces or con-municaliors to the Fdltor , are tiniil nomlrutlor.s srcrcadc steply pcrwr rnd will 1-c clmrgcd for nsrdvcrtiwn-cntB. it ) oTdcK're coLtrilnttoTis cf a M'xuf jKiraalciernctrr ; ! " " ' wcwill r.ct rmlcrt l > t lop-cfcncor rcscne tlics-nie in y taw l-a < c\cr. cur tun is fvffcicnty largo to nirre tuin suoply onr limited Fpice. All con.niunicatlonBi'houldbc adilrcasetl to E. ROSKWATER , EdiKr. "Tlic legislature fhall J M fnica to corrcc , nbiucs nml prercnt unjust discrimination nnd extortion in ell charges of crprcst , tele frajtJi and railroad companies in this ttate < tnd enforce stick laics ly adequate penalties to tlecxlml , if necessary , for that purfose , , , f forfiiturc of their properly and fran- chiscs. " [ Sec. 7 , Art 12 , Nebraska Con- ttitution , enacted Juno. ] KATtGHAt REPUBLIGAK TICKET. \ TOE parfciDEirr : JAJIKS A. GARriiT.D : , "of Ohio. roR vicK-rr.rtinFK"t ! CHKE1T.R A. AT5THUK , of New York. PflESiDENTtAL ELECTORS. GEOKGE COLLINS , if Fawnea County. .TAMES LAIRD , cf Adauis County. ' 'JOHN M. THTJRSTON , of Dimghfi C .unty. REPUBLIGAH STaTE TiCKcT. For Member o ! EUWAKD K , VALENTINE. * lfor jccmlxr of Congress ( Contingeut ) , : < THOMAS .7. MAJOKS. 1'or Governor , ALBINTS NANCE. Fur Lieutenant-Governor , 2-D\VAllD a CAUNS. ' 1'or Secretary of State , For Auditor , WAI.LTCH5 , . " a. > - Vat Attorney-General , ( VJ. DILLVOETR , for mmUslorcr cf i'abilc A , Q. KENDAli. 1'nr | | j .drliter.dcit ; of Public Instractlon , W > W. JONES , DlSTniDTTlGKET. J-'ur Atfarncj'-Thlrd JuilJcM District. JT. J. THE southern demrcfata we ring to the union of Ben Butler with the Mapcnch'isctl * dcmorrate ni RCPRC rf Beauiy and the Betpt , We never Ben culled u beuty before. COMJIIBSIOSEII LsDnc pasted Sunday night from a visit to Colorado where ho has been investigating the subject of irrigitinff des rt hnds by means of artesian -vveils A ti'.e has been selected near Greeley and search for \va'cr will bo continuad to a depth of two thousand feet. The subject of Irrigation by artesian welli is 01:0 : of great interest to Colorado , Arizona , "Wyoming and Nevada. Lirge tracts of lauds , othrrtrise unavailable , will ba brought into a state fit for cultiva' ' tionif waler is furnished. Experiments prove that cvcntha alkali plains when irrigated prove invaluable for farming Rnd grazing purpotca. Should Com- iniseipiier LeDuc's expRrim'ntsueceed many mi'lions ' of acres of land will ba uddca to our nations ! agricultural pos ecsjiona , and the wealth of the sta'cR ' in which such wells are located will bo correspondingly increased. The HcpuUi'Xin will never opeak in favor o ! any interest of the Union Pa cGc road that may conllict with the interests of the pirty and people. [ Republican. This is , to aiy the least , dtcidedlj ciol. When has the Republican evti dared to advocate any measure detri mental to the interests of the Uuior IVicific monopoly ? Everybody know : that the editor of that paper is a paid emp'oyo of that corporation , and his editorial head wouldn't remain on B'IOD ! lers tvrcnly-four hours if he darcJ tj oppose any politician , fueled ing such a rcnpgide as Church Howe , wh trains with the monopoly wing of the party. On the other hatd : , when did the Republican ever chain p'oti iho inreresw. of the 'peoi'le as afrainit the Union Pacific ? How was it with the U. P. bridge toll which the people for years sought to reduce ; how was it with the $5000 rip-rap grab , nnd how w < w it with any other Echeme nf highway robbery invhLh Jny G mid is interested ? Do wo ever bear a word of protast against them from that papoi ? TJIS Si. Louis 7iYjwMiciui exhibits nn abilicy in j > BrvcrttDg and dittorlirg fscts , only equaled by its Omaha namesake. It has lately been corn- mealing on Secretary Sherman's Ciu- c nnati speech on the financial admin istration of the government , and Claiming the credit for the dernoiratic pirty. Jujt wh\t the democracy } i d ti da with the disbursing and ac counting for of the public moneys the aqtMicnn- fails testate state , or how , with a republican irjesurer and lepull c n ' fisuta a.ny credit for careful an 1 ccciuicil por- jorramco of duty o i utt. c to a dem ocratic cjngrer * . i edit-r nglccts to Jinks clear. T i . ' at is thit the only part of the fiamcss with which tl e de nocracy had to deal , vis : the ap propriations , exhibit marked evidence of a spendthrift disposition , having 3nraased many millions in amount ovar the preceding session , Theao npprr-priations were dhbuwed by the ropablican offiiials with a less of only onthird of a cent en the dollar , a rccard vii ch is without pawUel in rhefiaa aalrecorde.of the treasury. "V/aaterer craait th'e 'diOicftrtcy. can iaie-frocj this fact sad ahacppTJir f . ecn it a dtlieir - . . RAILWAY TA2C E MPT ON. Atiheropublican county convention h = ld in this city on the 23th day cf August , John JL Thurston , the oily- fsngued political attorn07 of the Union Pacific , with a gtand flourish of t'umpefa apsurcd the convention that he had no hand in tha sot passed Ly tbe last iegishture whereby the depot grounds , depot buildings , machine shops , mschinery and other properly oe railroads are exempt from local t x tion. Mr. Thurstcn's statement w s very promptly endorsed by the 'Trojan horse" from the Republican valley , ex-Attornov General Roberts , who happened , as it were , to bo "ecci- ly" present on the occasion. Panyrapntablepcraoncanbcinduced to vouch for Robertswho , was virtually suspended by Governor Gatbrr during the last year of his termfor connivar ce with public thieves , we may give eorce creicnso to Thiuston's statement We should not , however , refer to thia dramatic uArldcnt in the late county con veil'ion , were it not for tin bare faced misstatements that appeared iu Sunday's issue of the Omaha R mbli- can concerning thia railway tax exemption - emption Jaw. That paper has tha sublime impu dence to tell us that the law does not xempt the Union PaciBc from taxa ion even in the tightest part'c-l.r , > ut merely disiribctDS what should bo ocai-ts fition along tre wlio'c line c : the road. Now while it is true hat the law decs not in so many wards exempt r.ny railway pr potty 'mui taxation iha practical eircct o uinping ths depot grounds , depot auildiugs ware houses , machine shops machinery and other properly witl tlie road bed , at so much per mile IBS been * he exemption of millions ol dollars worth of railway propetty from taxation. No candid man will for i noraunt assc-rt that the tracks , road way and rollin ; stock of tbe Union PactEc are worth less in 1880 than hey Mere in 1879. And yet the as sessment for 1880 is over four huu drcd dollars less par mils thm t wag in 1879 notwithstanding the fact that in 1830 ftl be depot grounds , depot btiildin s , aiashine shops , machinery , furniture , etc. . has been included with the track ind road bed. In other words , sil- h-ajjh tha Union Pacific is now ex- mpied entirely frm city and coun'y ' taxes oa it } drpat ground' , buildings , mschine shop * , and machinery , which in this county alone were assessed at S2D5.000 in 1S79 , the general tax'paid liy that road all along its line is many DapandB of dollUB les than it WISE the previous yeir. Bat the Union sfiiSo Htlornoyi and organ grinders now as Ure ua that they will not op p -SB iho repeal of Um iniquitous us- emption la . That is very gecero"g but if t o people of Nebratka chot ino slope ly cappers to the legislature in November those plcdgsa will b6 dls regarded , nod tha monopoly will con tinue to evade its just propcrlien of loial taxation. The tnx parert c-f Nebrasla demand nnd will insist on a more substantial guarantee than the premises of cr-rpiration attorneys and brass collar editors. They will insist irnt candidates for the leginUturo ahull by their fait rerord and their Itnovrn integrity afford them RB ranee that the revenue laws shall be tneda rquitablu to all classes of tsx payers , and taxation shall be uniform upon jill classes of property. Tne Omaha Ihrald , the only pion of the abolition of capital punish metit in our state lias constantly quot ed tte virtuous example of Michigm in doing away xiith the hangman's knot and the rc-iffold. How well the aVoltlion of capital punishment in Michigan works may ba seen from the followins statement : There his been no hanging for mur der in that sia'o in thirty four years. Ytt the murders and attempts to mur der in Iha ttato foot up as follows for the current year alcne : January to July , 05 ; in August , 18SO , 10 ; total , Levi Bishop , writing on this sub ject to The Detroit Free Press "Wo hear men express gladness that .Michigan It ihe pionerr in this moat ungrateful work. 'And oh ! ' ssy they , 'how public executions brufaliza the 1'utlie fei-litic ! ' What has 'brutal ized t.ho public feeling' in thia stale for Iho last thirty-four years , so lhat inw we have a greater number of iliese cr mos in proper-lion to cur pop ulation than any other stats or nation mi the iili-bc ? " Adversity is a very efficient school master. Dr. J. F. Cusbiug has learned something alunt the Missouri river water from hs : efforts to foist. ilia Holly i-jsicm upon the people of Onnha. In an" interview in ths Sioux City Journal , the doctor said : "The Miasouri w ter could not bo fil-.eivd to as to be pumped direct into the mains , but mutt be pumped into extensive saUlini ; reservoirs , and tnon , after it was clear , forced through ths mains. " Thii woulJ have been news to our citizans six months ago when they were informed by the redoubtable doctor that reservoirs were frog ponds and relics ofa barbjrouagoand would ba superflons in Omaha while a system of filters wcra only required to make pure the wafers cf the Missouri and furnUh a constant 2nd pure supply water through the Holly pumps. of mule fame , thijiks Gen. Garfield is "taking too much cf a hand in Iho canvass to accord with tha dignity of a presidential nominee. " Never mind , Mr. Bsrnura , Garfield's ability at mule driving , learned on tha banki cf the canal , is sufficient to enable him to block successfully the financial antics of your Connecticut animals. BEX BUILER has jnined the democ . Ben is racy. chronically unsuccess ful as a candidate , and will be &n old man ot the sea to the bourbon Sinbad of Massachusetts. The Outcome In Douglas County. Hallna Couaty Standard. At a meetir-g of the central com mittee cf Douglas county on the - morning of their county convention , seven jiurchased proxies \yfire on hand ? enough lo control the commit- tea for the Union Papinc , of course , .befoie.ever going into convention. 'They endorsed tbe outrege ; cf tbo ion save iio rbht ol contest in the convention } EUch i the way our ) iriy is being handled in Nebraska. The first party that arises in Nebraska ind takes hold of those monopolies will swe < p he board. We had hoped the people in the republictn party would ape it and take hold , but they are not in control ; they are so indis creet ag to letEcme ono el = e occupy the positions where it could be brought about in the party , but th .t is just uihere G u'd puts in his work. Tne U. S. Grant Platform. Letter of Gen. Crtr.t to cstn loga , written Augu:2,1PEO. . It will r.ot do ti Kte beaten now Wo should never ba beaten until every man who count ? , or represents thojc s who count in the enumeration to give representation in the electoral c lege ! , can csst his vote just as he pleases , and can have it counted ju t cs he casts it. Very respectfullv , U. 3. JllAJfT. AM riteaCjmpliment , Ilarolns : HeraM Hon. H. S. Kabyvas nominated for representative by the rdpublfcins of Webster county last , Saturday. Mr. Ki'ey ' is ono of the m-ut able men in Eou'liern Nebraskn , well in formed politic illy , and will ba ono of the leaders in the coming session. Suh men wJl do honor t : > the posi- t'on aud give us laws thas will not be a burder , but rathfr a ben'jfit. Republican Primariia. DiVrJCt.vKcjm lian. Tha practice of allowing dcnncrats to t-xorcise republican fratic'iisj ' in re publican p imarirs , or the plaa of "vo- tii gdemf crats" tn accomplish the end 1 cf one fnrtiou of the party over an other is not only a dangerous and dshcneit : custom , but is an open violation lation of party principles. Wo have two parlie * , et direct variEiico on qU'Etiof.B of public issue. If the Uetnomtj have a right to assiu in placing republican ondidaes in nom ination , n-pablicins ivro undtr ob'iga- tions to c-'iuult the wishes of tluir demccraMc fri-iuls in eeleoting their candidates. If a dcmccrat could have his way , of course ho would ee- lect the weakest , bucansa he , would ba most easily dofea'ol. It nnkes no ditleience whothtr the republic - public iQ3 are in the icajrty or not , the practice ii a dangerous ts will aa a tiishoiic't on ? , and oil who bo'.ievo iu ths party ih&y support , denounce tt as a wrs n . Thts strength ana oon- tinuance of sirertRth in a party depend - pond * lately upjn the putity and " f-iirness of ita prirnari ° j , a\id \ "purity aud fairness arc u'.ltr itnpossibilitiM where two or more parties aVe mixed up in a body which is to cheese tbe standard bearer of but one. Tne pri mary is the sttrtii ) point. If it is not pnn > , it js f.-liy to hope for a fair expression. IngeraolllaMelno. tmho ClIcaj ) Tha > grast rf publlcin rlly of tbo inrft2n ! which was held Frid ay li Men"nocoou , and attended over C-lsht tUouBnd people. It K.IS the ler ffct demonstration ever wit- norsed in Maine , atd when it is w inombsred that it was hald gt R plsae -W tM the people attondjne had to fMnj home to ftttsnd the mooting , U not having bsen ho'd either in a large chy nr town , or within several miles of onp , it will ba seen thst noth ing bat earnest sjid determined fo&l- irg could hive called out euch a v.t t isJorabJy. Col. R. G Ingersoll and Gen. Sherman , of Ipuisiana , * erc the orators , Col Inuera ll rover bpokft betlur than hedid Friday. For t < vo Juiitra end ton mlnutca lie hold _ t hat YJS * audience , who applaud cd his stelwart a'iiumente , h's teinfic arrainnrjiBiit of the democratic party , nnd his maciuficoat tributu to arid p-rtnxyal of the prrud jecord of tha republican party. He paid n grand tribute to Gan. Garfipld , and said : "I um ofttii asked. 'Hiw can you vote for Grn Gar8dd , he is a Chris tian ? ' I t ll you , frietidn , why I can vote for him becausa I am not a bgor , and Gu. . G afield is not ona. ah ' GarSela's name was received with rounds c-f cheers , as was the name of Senat r Blahis. At the cl-se of Eob | ert Iiigersoll's great effort ho was ap- plaudtd again and a sin. It was lik ; * ono of his great efforts , masterly ard incomparable. He never nude a no bler or a grander effort in his life , and ho has done the republicans ot Miine a great service STATE JOTTINGS. Aurora will aot-n luvoan elevator completed. Hastings sighs for a pork paekin establishment ! Columbus talks of buying a chem ical fire engitio. Ponci Landing will have a stean ferry to the Dakota Eide. = Jun'ata has received iho accou tremtnts for ita militarr campar.y. The Catholics of Albion will aoon begin work on a chemical buihlmcr. liridg s are cinaidcr.ilily dam agad ii Is'cmiha county by hi h wattr. Thousuulsof tons of hey will bo baled in iladiaon county and thippot west. Much of the hay staoked in Col fax county has been spoiled by the rain. A ChicAgoman intends starling a wholesale cry goods storj in Lincoh s .ortly. There nrc no\v on the Nebraska s'do of the river JOO.OCO ties for the NorfuJk lino. Therj is to ba an : i cticii aalo ot town lots atFiillerfon , Xanco county , on the l th inst. A meeting of fannara interoeted in etabhshingachecfo factory in Ge noa , is called for Sept 11. A convention was ca'led ' at Pal 1- myra lo take action for uniform pro tection from horse thieves. ' Hastings will esbblhh a w'nd mil ! fiic'ory on an improved mil' ' , pitetsded recsntlyby onoof her citizens. At the raikoad junction between Jackson aud Dakota City in Dakota county , a new town will be started. Work has Veen ccmmenced on the Nebraska City distillery improvements and a full force will bo put on this week. The floral lull at the Fremont fair grounds is one of the bestatrancei aud most commodious of any in the sta'o. ' It is said that notwithstindin-r the drought the wheit crop of Hamil- ron will average more per acre than 1 ist yesr. The hay industry contnuea : io de- velop. Nebraska will furnish Colora do with a great proportion of what sh will consume. Another drove of sheep from New Mexico is on the way to Fremont and will reach there in about three weeks The flock numbers 7200. There is talk of organizing a G. A. R. post at 3Soi\h Bead , there bein ? no less than ICO er-soldiera within a radius of six miles of town. Dakota county has threa saw mill' , three flouring mills , thirty schools , twelve church organizations , . -.vith a population of 3500. mostly Americans. Ssveral raen , wi h planty of cap- its' , who stand ruidy to form a sto'k coaamny to build a hutel at Gntid JsJanei , acd furthermore thst work 3-1)1 ) soon bo.beguo , . - thrir new ohureh cd8ce ! raisad and nearly rooffd. The Methndists ra a littlabshind on tluir wll ba enclosed by the last of the month. Two young women rooently drove t'Ti-ughthe Republican valley with no escort and think thet it speaks well for a frontier country that they were never so much as offered an affront. Clay of excellent quality for brick ! s f und near Ord , Valley county , and a real brick industry is likely ta bo developed. Prairia has H used In the kilns , instead of wiod , and tha bricks manufactured ure of good quality. The exodua negroes who were brought to Humb lilt ha * spring , re 11 turned ti their old homea in the south Jait ! week. They found good friends J1 here iu Nebraska , but longed tor tbe ' Sunny ' South. Two men , named Nick aud Martin Hollerick , brothers-in- tw , living in Adams conn-y , unpaged n a quarrel last week , and tbo hitter vjvj killedi being struck on the head with a spade. " " * * > The road between Blue Springs ind Beatiico is being pushed forward ery rapidly. The rails have boon aid from Beatrice to the Bl < i , nnd ha balance of the grading will s-on > o Girshed. Siromgburg Is moving to have a ire department since i's narrow cs- sdder apparatus has bfecn ace tjfcd , ind a meeting will soon ba called to organize a coropiny and equip it. Recently the legs of a man were ottnd on the river at St. Paul , and ast week the thighs and lower por- /on of the body were washed ashore at Liup Ferry. It is thought thst a murder ha ? been committed nntl the : cdy cut Up to covdr up the crime1. A Gi-lumbua man , who has just added 1500 nhecp to his largo fiuck , ays that there are capitalists in Chi ca : o ready to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in sheep in N - on shares , provided they can ind careful and thoroughly cotnpe- tent men to take thcln. A meeting xrns recently held in North Bend to take action retp. cting the proposed cresmary , which is to bo a branch of the Fremont concern. There \vs consider.tHc interest rnanl- and a rnmmittee , to ra-so the ? 3COO ctpital needed , win appointed. [ t looks now as though the Nirtli Ueiders woull be feaay for the on- orprisa as soon a * work is begun r.i\ \ .ho Freznont creamery , which will bo by January 1. Th > re i * great kicking ngain&t Ihe impost' ! m , at the republican Eto'e ' cjuveniion at Lincoln , of making delis egajea purd nae lee water. Twro boyi cleared § 19 by tbji small business and The Democrat eays they detorve no credit lor their enterprise. It COM tinues further ! "An much nt Lincoln has received from the h nds of tbo of Nebrwka and than to charge a representative brdp , like the republican R'ate convertHonj a nislH ehflh for a glass of Ice water , 13 simply an outrage. Whoever IB renponeibln for this pieoi o ! meannow should be shown up to tha community. " SGWA EOftiHD DOWN , is to have s erasjnsry. There i * a Geld of 200acrcu of brcom c6rn iu O'Briei ) county , Woodbine ha improved to the amount of $20,000 this year. The Iowa corn crop IB eitimated at 200,000,000 bushel * The a'ata tuprame court meets at t Couucil Bluffs on the 30th inst. The Marihalltown canning factory is pu'ting up 12,000 cans of goods a A project ii on foot to orgsn'ze a creamery nsiccititian at Milford , Diok- couhty , The Crawford county normal insti' tute will meet at Dsnieon , September 13. The Iowa City oat meal mill has re ceived an crdrr from Lohudnfur 5030 barrels of this "Scotch beef " Bccno has contracted with E Beach , of Mirshalltown , frr wa'er- works. The contract price h § 15,000. The Hew linieed oil factorv at Dn- buque will be ( iO by 110 feet in di- mcnsions , and will require 400,000 brick. The Sumliy schools of aud vicinity will hold a convcn'ioii at Farragut on Wednesday , SopUmber loth. Between five and six hundred del lars have been sub. cribed toward building tl iiapiist church at Wood bine. bine.Tho The Iowa Distilling company has fihd articles Of incorporation. PI use of business , C'omauche , Cliuttui county ; capital stock , $25,000. Ovcr-SCOOOhas been eubrcribad in Council Bluffs to equip a driving park association. Several thousand dollaw are yet wanted , Tha Norwegian plow works in Du- buqua now employ seventy-five hands , and are turning out seventy plows every day. The treaty fifth annual session of the Upptr Iowa conference of the Methodist church will c.-nvcne a. * , Osage on the 25th inst. The Southwestern Iowa Baptist ns- "ociition held a Stuicliy school con- venticu at Damburg on Thursday , "ad. A very excellent programme has been prepared for ihe occasion. An Immense amount of hay is ba- ing put up this season in Ida county , much more than ever before , but it will all be needed. Stcck in that county is increasing in numbers with wonderful rapidity. Ir'nn county is out of debt , with in the treaeury. Cedarlis with a population of nearly 11,000 , bn a bonded indebtedness of only 833,000 ; floa'iog debt , 595000 ; total , $42,000 in round numbsra. Fish Commissioner Shaw is gather ing dam st.itisticu throughout the state , as a basis for the ordering of such fish ways as may be necessary to facilitate the passage of fish up such streams as are dammed. When the models are ready owners of dams will b9 required to complete the fishways in GO days , or it will be done at mu nicipal expense and charged up to the property. Six prisoners escaped from the Clinton county jiil at DaWitt on the evening of the Slst ult. They over powered the turnkay , Thos. Hudson , who had gone in to lock them up for the nhihr , dragged him into a cell , bucked and gagged him , took his re volver and pocketbook with § 1.08 in change from his persontied a blanket over his head and left htm helpless and insensible. The names of the tssaped prisoners are John Foster , alias "Black Jack , " Lewis Hopkins. August Heldt , J. J. Turner , Louis Hauo and Archie Jackson. There were seventeen prisoners in the jail at t e time. About 1200 Keokuk peocle attend ed the old settlers' meeting at Fort Madison , on the 26th. The affair was a great success. Amen ? thosa present was G. W. Singley , of Moul- tea , 110 years old , and said to be the oldest white man in America. His birth occurred in the year 1770 , in the tuns cf George III. He was five ye.irs eli when the battle of Bunker Eill T4S/ought ; six wen the Declaration cf i..i Independence . . . _ . signed , -and ii. i 0o.nfclUe ? i. ; en < ? n tcrcit wnsVslencourtVanausd l , the oldeet white settler in Lee county , ho having located at Keokuk in 1827. Gould'aJSnipira. Heccrd. There is nothing vaiy attractive to the country at large in the prospect that at no distant day sll the great transcontinental lines within the ter ritory of the United States now either wholly or psrtinlly in operation will bo under a single management. Events csrtaiuly teem tending thit way with remarkable rapidity and certainty. The prominent pirticipation of Jay Gould in the annual meeting of the Texas and Pacific railroad cdmpanjr in this city is significant , and the fact that thia great railroad mignata is hereafter to have a probably control- ins voice in iia affdira is calculated to excite alarm. In connection with some of the other gentlemen present at the mcetirg. he nlrdady owns rind controls the Union Pacific and Pacific , bssidta oilier important foatla jvhich pro to bo elements in the pro- poted , cjusjliil tion. This joint oVvnerahtp pud nnntv enient i < eqlUV.i- lent to a gubitrntivl monopoly of car- rjing busiucss btttveru the eastern and westeiu sections of the Union. Firat and hst upw.rJs of 130 000- 000 acres of the public domain have been granted to Variclls Pacific fail- road corporations by congress , and chzrtera of the most liberal chsr-xctir have bean jiivon them. Withoui government nid not bhd of them would hnve been set en fojt. The mam arqunmt _ used in EMpuort of the claim cf the pro jectors of those great fiilroads iVuS thiVt they would immensely contribute to the goaem' ' welf ire , Hiid it was upon this pltit of tifie"aTttcip3ttd vagi ad- vantngei tJjfe ret-ple thnt lliey cb- tained th vm fra'nchifes nnd grants that was bestowed upon thum. It was foreseen or oxpsclcd that all com- petitiivo rates cf ttantportation would be dt-stroyed by uch a combination of intorwtg ES in now threatened , it is not i probable that these corporations would h'-vo been thus encoura- g-d if the resu'tj ' c-f the sort how beiilz rtHlized had been cintempUted ( as 1 ktly to ocur , TliO roads i were intcndtd byconvre's 'o ' be prrat nitionil highways , tVnitfn ? Iho A'lantic and Pacific Eti'ui ' in a closer union , and , thus strengthening the g'lvcmnient in if.i ttrritonal in'ogrity , sMbseryiilg abote sll ? 1 ? chstp and speedy Inlereommunic.i- tifn. If ? H' underttanding is to ba uiarrowtcd by aHowing the wlirjo tr. ntC"nt nentil sjatem of the coun try to te gobbled ub bjr ono raarl , or by one combination of men , making them mid their succcsscra musters of the iltuitign for nil lime to come , it will corjEtitu'e one of the most colossal outrages of histoiy. " Neb"aka Repuollcan Platform. 1. The republican" " ! of Nebraska uifttt heartily endorse tlie profosloa ot princi ples formulated by the national republican convention nt Chicago , and pladgo their nominated. 2. We afUrm ths dnctrlnca of national jn the formulated > ipoa which the perpetuity of the nation rests , and thv the P' inciplo of h mo rule us tfr.iitiolntdtl by Ilia dcmo rfttia narty { * V-ufr ths oaaUons exnrMiilon of the oolfcpi ! ! , ilootfine of btate r.'alitt , la revolutionary in Ha churcctrr and dtnlrucUve cf th ttinty rf this natlnni 5 , We regard tha recent wtauro of the poll ? and the Wholesale robbery f th * traiichise i cf the repttbllcrtn citizen * of Al- Rnnma , enn > rlslrg In the magnitnde. mid sfFrontery of thq crime of all former erfrrts of the party tinder the Tweed plan lh > ie * York , and trie M'Rif > sipii plan In the Boijtli , at ft fair jpeciraen of democratic mclliod nnd n forecast of democratic do ininion in national aftMra thnt alioultl in cite every hone t man ml taxpayer in th country to most evneat endeavor to da- feat the partv of brlgahclage nd fraud at the polls in November. 4 > We Imvo in lJprod "what Lee and Jackww wuultt do if they wfcrtf nlivei" and have de ermir.ed to em loy our bete onef- ales In preventing the sehu re of thenntinn < al govermncnt by their livim ; c'rarades tkroUcth the frn ( U of th ? eolltl south. , 6. Wo concrMttlate the penjils cf the tMe upon the rapid increase of rjopula- tion and wealth , jitul ur.on the good meas ure of pio-perity tlwthaa -warded their labor upon th rapid upbuiMing of our material iuteiesta bince the mceess of re sumption and the levlval of trade. 6. We pledge our suppoit to such legia- lation in con ic-ss and such measures by state legislatures ns may bo necessary to effect a correction of abuses and prevent extortionate discrimination in charges by railroad corpohiti'Tj" ' . 7. We ino t cordially intite tlic aid and co-operation in the latest defense of ili national integrity and purse of all republicans nud war democrata who have differed wltli us on temporary issues , or have clunjf to the party natii6. Jletolccd , That we heartily join in the rocjmmendatiou made by General Garfield in his letter of acceptance in urging upon cnngre-s the fpecdy improvement of the Missouri liver for hnrge navigation. TiJE CototuiJu liuslNESs poLLfeati , at Denver , Col. , whose advertisement appear = peariu thw issue of ourp- > per , i § designea never tails to qualify the attentive student to enter at ouce upon the active duties of hfa. This institution ig patr nixed by young men and ladic from every section of the country ! and in rtll tbe prlnLJli.iI cities nml towns of the Union rnsly ud founc graduates of its course of instruc tion , successfully eng.iRed in hjlsincss. .Thb i e\peii3e are sufficiently low to be within the reach of all clae e ? . and no belter in vestment of time or money can bo made than in aojuirinj the pr.vtial knowledge of l/asiness affairs thsre imparted. iciw-es I'ci-ullir to female ? Hrc < xtly cud tit the ahiiicoi iliuiocs medicines tytlifi ns nnJ oml'ifi-I rea.nly , Prof , Outimctto'b French Kicln.ij Tail If iou .TO troubled with . scuo , liilliom fcter , JiUnoice , djspcptlu , or IMIV Ois-aso of < hc liver. Hood nr Homach , anj w'sli to eetitutll trvtliennv roiicJv , 1'rcf. Guil- mctte's KrcmhLlrcr P.d AsV jour ifga for it end ukani other , and If he has not cot it send SI 50 in a letter to tlio French I' d Co. , Tul d.i , 0. , an'i ic 'civo one by rttUrn inail. IE. in1. OOOK : . , OJd Fellows' Block , Prompt attention gtren to or ( era by telegraph. ST. CATHERINE'S Academy for Young Ladies. ISthandCass Sta , Omaha , Neb. Thscjutseof stujlosat this Institution , be tid sthu embraces , et ? . fsjioa comracccca the first Mo day In Sf pt ember and tiio fi st Stonday in Februny. Boys fnm five to t n years of age wilt ho art- mitt d. For fmther jiartlculirs app'y to Directress of St. Catherine's Academy. au3312t VlliEGAB WORKS S Jtmts , Bet. 9th and 10th Sti , OX All A. First quality distilled Wine and Cider Vlueyir ol any strength below eastern prices , and war ranted joat as good "nt wholesale nd retail. Send for price Ifet. EENST KKEBS , HAMBURG AMERICAN PACKET CO.'S Weekly Line of Steamships Leaving Xsw York Ercry Thursday at 2 p. m. For Franw and Germzmy. B ; JRJGHABD & CO. , > . " . , * j - * Keir -y , STRENGTH and ENERGY , WITHOUT THE CfeE OF DRUGS , ABE RE QUESTED TO SENP FOB THE ELECTRIC REVIEW , AN ILLUSTRATED JOUR NAL , WHICH 13 1'1'BLijlfED FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION. TT TREATSuponHEALTHHYGIiSSandFhjsl- J cdl Culture , and Is a complete c jcjclofnvlia cf uifoimatloa for Invalids nnd Ihoee who nicer from Kertoli : , ElbsmtliK n < l Piiiclt l Diteafti' . Kvtrj ubiect Inat be r upon hexllli nn < l huciaa li.t | > piurs' , rccvlre * ttentUn In iln pa ; ; " : and the m ny qtip . tlon asked brnuffcrlnmnralids. irtoh.irrdMp.nred of a cure , r"s acanereil , and valuable luformMion h Tolunteetrtl to all * ! ioaro In ned of ruwlical atl- vioe. The Btibject of Elnc'nc Btlts nrr.a Medicine , nd Ihe hundred aud out questious of a ! Impi-i- Unce to sutfenng humauity , are dulj lousidered and explained. explained.YOUNG MEN At.t ethers The s'toer ' fruin N rroui and rhrfica ) Detllltt , J.IM of Maul/ Vigor , rreir.atute i.Vm ; Ion an'Jtbo ffiSnt gloolnj cpnMqunCM of * Hj nduwcllon , sic. , sre 3p cU bsefited by < : w- Vl or a ayijit fiil'f * Dforiuillon woitii PULVERiVJACHER GALVANIC GO. , ' 'OR. EK5HTH and VINE STS , . CINCINKATI.O tLoYeurs'befo ) ' * DR. 0. MoLAWE'i are not recommended : is a reined v " fuf nil tlic ills that flesh is heir fo , " but in affections of the Liver , : wd in all Uilloua Complaints , tfytpcrju. ! ' < ! sick ijest ! ' ache * or diseases of Unit charaCtsr , they Btund without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic rnn be used pre paratory to , of after taking quinine. At u simple jrUrgafive they arc ttncqualed. * BEWARE OP IMITATIONS , The genuine ure never sugar-coated. IvHch box has a red-wajc seal on the lid , with f hfe iiurrctsion , JIcLAXE'S LIVE- PILL. Each wrapper bcsra the signa tures of C , MiLvsE and FLEMI.SG 3K02. ESS" Insist upon liaviiif the cenuine DnTC. McLANE'S LlVEft TILLS , pre- pafcd 6 ? FLEMING 111 JOS. , riUsbui li , ? R > , the market being full f imitations o' the name 3fpLnHv , spdleU diifcrc'iitly , but same pronunciation. _ _ BOWEL COMPLAINTS , A spud ? Mid Eitwtu.-il Care. PEREY DAVIS' PAIN-EILLEK Hit tiooJ thi- ( eat o ( roRir TZ.RS' trial. Direcliont with each cattle , OLD UY ALL DRUOQlSTa. UJ A M T C n lo-ail AeenU everywhere 16 f 1 If AN I hll Tei , to - , Bavin ? Powder. Flavorliiit Extnc'i ; , etc , by eamp'e , to f inilliH , Profit gocU. Ontptjfes. pvOtilp'jTea Co. , Box 5KO , St. loutj. Mo. nlways Cnves nntl acvev < Hth ( | > " points , Tliov/orlsVb event Pain- for Man aad nntl PITCHER'S CASTOR1A is not Narcotic. Children { jro\v Iht upon , Mothers like , ar.d Physicians i-ecommciHl GASTOKIA. It regulates the Bowels , CJiree Wind Colic , allays Fevcvishuess , iinrt de stroys AVornis. WEI DE MEYEll'g CA TARRH Cure , a Constitutional Antidote for this terrible mala dy , Tjy ATisorptini. The mot Importftut BJsoovp y since Vao- cinatioii. Other remedies may relieve Catarrt. ihii Cnron nt Any stage Ijcforo Cocsnujptioii sots fill THE ONLY PLAGE WHERE YOU cnn unil a good isaortmoi't ol BOOTS AND SHOES At A LOVER F1QVRK than at any other shoe fcunn in ths cltT. P. LANG'S , 238 FARNHAM 8T. LADIES' & SHOES fdAOE TO ORDER i prttect 61 LCarrUrJ. Trices T-vresson OMAHA AND FORT OMAHA Couuccf s With Street ars Corner of SAUNDEI13 and HAMILTON BTRESTS ( fcild of Ilc-1 LJn a3 follows : LCvVE OMAHA ! 6:30 : , 8:17andlllCa : m ,3:03S'37ind7:23p.m. : : LKAVE FORT uJUIU : 7:15 a ni. . 0:15 . ra , and 12:45 : p. d 4:00 : , e15 ; tad St5 : f. m "Tlio 8:17 a. in run , leivin on" h > ni'd ilji 4:00 : p. m run , leaving Fort Omaha , nro ngaally lorded to full cajiacity nith reRiiNr passengers , The EI7a. : m. run will be maiofV ! m the rest- office , corner of CoUx9 and 15th tnrchta. Ti' ' kets fe i I c procured from ttfeet cardriv- ere , or from dil cra of hot1 ; * . FARE , 25 CENTS , INCLUDING SIRE CAR MEAT MARKET r. P. Block , 16th St. Tr'ihBiiJSa't flcati 0 all hinds constant oil lulid , prices refcon-iblb. Vegetables In Beat on. Food Jellvoicd to t nj- part of the dty. WJif JIUST , 1'.t | 171 N'rth ICtll , ATTENTION , BUILDERS AND COH TRACTORS. The owner of the celebrated Kaolin Banks , near LOUIS VILT E , NKB. , ha * now ready at the depot at LouiaviJle , on the B. & M. raUroad , to fill any order at reasonable prices. Par ties desiring a white front or ornamental brick will do well to give us a call or send for sample. J. T. A. HOOVER , Prop. , ! < rriln ! VB HARTKOPFF'S MUSEUM. Brandt's Turner Hall , 'CoroerT ctb iii Hoard Strsetj. Thb celeSntetl Musnim wl 1 ba open erory day f ma 10 o'clock a. m. cntil 10 o'cloci p m , tbe sur co-lainj s larjje cells tlc ; of 20C3 rifllil and H taril cariujiBcs cf Ethnology , AMtoziJesaJ f Tis * MKteisn ffttlt ! B BAHKIXC THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED. HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. GALDWELLHASVlLTONfeO ! Incor' pc-ated Bank. Accounts kept In Currency or gold * } & * to iljht check without no'Ice. Certificates of ilrpc : t lsvu LpsT Ha In three , tlx ard twelve months , bearing Interwt , or on demand without internt. Adviiceg made to < utoraers on approved te- rarities at market rates of Interest. Euj and gel ] gold , blliiot eichange GoTern- mcnt , State , County ami City Bond0. Drxw Sizht Drafts en Kn land , Ireland , Scot , land , and all parta of ui'j > 9. S ll E iropean Pof size Tickets. nOLLECTIOHS POGR1PTLY MADE. augliltf U , S DEPOSITOKY. hRST WATIOHAL BANK Qf'OMAJIA. Cor. 13th ana Farofcam Streeta , OLDEST BANK1HC ESTABLISHMENT IN OMAnA. ( SUCCFESOHS TO KOU5TZE BHOS. , ) ESTiBUSUED IS 1810 , 0/xinlsed M Xntlpnal Pa k , AUjfUgt SO , 1S63. Capital and Profits Overg300,000 , Si ci illy tuthorlzej bj tb * "ccretary or Tre-uory to recelie SubKriplion t& ths ' 5.4 PER CENT. FUNDED LOAN1. OFFICERS AND DIHECTOM .N KOUSTZB. President. Afecsrca KOCSTZH , Vice PraUtct. H. W. YAK s. n , hler. A. J. Porn.sTos. Attorney. JOBS A. Ci lorrros. I' , n. DATUs 't Caihler. Tcl bacV rwnim deposit without rfjarJ to amounts. Js'uea time certlScates boating Interest. I'lVS Drafts on San F ancisco sad principal cities of the United Etntes , abj London , Dublin , Edinburgh and the principal titits of the conti nent ol Europe. Sells piratijB tfckstJ for Emigrants In the In- man us. majliff REAL ESTATE GROKEB Geo. P. Bemis' SAL ESTATE ACEHGY , ISlh cfc Sit. , Omaha , e ? . This agency does STBICTI.T brokengt bcil- ocsa. Docs notscoculata. and therefore inrbu * falr.a on Ita books aio Injured to itj pfctroca , to ntsid of bcinr Etabhl.J cp hr tha aarsnt HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS JVb 1J08 fbmliam Strut OMAHA - NEBRASKA. Offij * North Side cr-p. OrsaJ C nt l HoW. Nebraska Land Agency , DAVIS a SHYOER , lf )5 ) FarnJiam SI. Omaha , Xtlr. < 00,040 ACHEH caref ullr elected ! icJ in Eastern Mibri'lia for K\a. \ fir cat Csrpiiiu Ir. ir.irr'-vcd farms , O.Y. DSvi W2BSTETI CSyDSB , La' I and Corn'f U. P. R. 4p.UbTU assa. LXVT13 &S29. Ityron Rccd & Co , , EEAL ESTATE AGENCY J2V NEBRASKA , Krep A ccmnictc shatmct of title to all Real Estate in Gmahs act ] Do clei CountT. ciayltl HOTELS. THB ORIGINAL. Cor. Randolph St. & 6th Ave. , CHICAGO ILL. , -f- PRICES KEDUCED TO $2,00 AND $2.59 PER DAY Locittd in tie ! busines * cent-c , convenient to pl.ic-s of Rtnuscnjcnt. ElbL'sin ly furnfshod , ( ? oHainirfr all modern improvements , pnwcnzer slovnlor , As J. II. CUilMI.VoS , Iroprletor. cclCtf ! US1 3 Cor. MARKET ST. & BROADWAY On Hue ol Strcu * Jlnlls-iy , Omnlbm 'o nd from til trains. IIATE3 farlor fl.wir . $3.00 per day ; ccond llo-ir 3" CO pcriUy ; third iloor , 3J.CO. The best furnished a.Tl mo't com . 'Mlinun honse In tlie city. G KO. T. FHELTS , Prop. IOPOLITAN , NEB. IRA WILSO& PROPRIETOR. The Metropolitan it centralloca'cS ! , iiJ first c'vs In cve-y re'pctliavinjr recently been thlrDi7 ! rsnornied. 'Jlic public wil find It a comfortable and hui.lelik lr"tni. marStf. gcimylcr , Neb , ij House , Good Meals , G-xxl Beds Airy P.oomi , end Ihd and accommodating treatment. Twigood eaniplo rooftis. Specia attention paid to commercial travelers. S. MILLEE , Prop. , 15-tf Schuyler , Neb , FRONTIER HOTEL , Laramie , Wyoming. The miner's resort , good aceommodatlons , are sample room , charsej reasonable. Special attention giien to traveling rceo. 11-tf U. C. niLLI\RJ ) . Proprietor. INTER-OCEAN HOTEL , Cheyenne , Wyoming. Firet-cbss , Fine large Sample Boomg , ona Mock from depot. Trains atop from 20 mnntca ! to 2 boars for dinner. Free Bus to and from Depot. Kates 3ZCO. 82.50 and (3.00 , according to room ; a ngle meal 75 cents. A. I ) . BALCOir , Proprietor. ANDtlEW EORDEN . Cnief Clark. mlO-t CHARLES RIEWE , TAKER ! Ztetallc Cawa , Cefflos , Cukata , Shroud * , etc. Faraham Street , Eet. 10th and lit o , Onuha , Neb. Tele aphlc Orders Promptly Attended To. GASES 3tAjrcr.tCTt.TizD ET O. J. 1317 CASS tT. , OJIAHA. NER jSTA good aaortment ilwaya oa hand-TSt UNO. G. JACOBS , ( Former ! ? of Oiah & J c ! MAX MEYER & CO. WHOLESALE Cigars from § 15,00 per 1000 Tobacco , 25 cents per poiiiul upwards. Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards. Bend for Price List. MAX MEYER 46 CO , , Omaha , &Tcb. r 5 GUMS , AMMUNITION , SPORTING OGDS , Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and a full line or m-f . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 'i A OOMPLETB STOCK FOB , I STYLISH AND GOOD , NOBBY AED CHEAP. We have all tha Latest Styles of Spring Suitings , an Elegant- Stock of Ee.cl7-Wade ClotLine in Latest Styles. Gent's Famish ing Goods Stock Complete HATS , GAPS , TRUNKS AND VALISES , la fact the Stock is compete in all Departments. Uon't Fail to gcc onr Custom i/opartmeiit id charst of Sir. Thomas Tnllou. M. HELLMAN & CO. , 1301 & iS9S yavnham Street. TO THE LADIES GS8TLEMEM : FRENCH KIDNEY PAD I A Positive end Permanent Qur In all CUH of anft > . Dlt8' . Draw. B-i hfi DIjMM of tV KUneyi , Incontlasnt a < J K tenU n U Urtfie , Innirn Uon o tba Kiilntyi. Catarrh ol 1M ElulJci.IiUh Colortd Urine. Pain in tha lUuic. iMe or Llona , arvous W aknw. aad In batw. dljordsrs of tbo BUddtrand Ur Jn.inr Oigana , whathercontriot . d by privatB aisencj or othoaw ! * * TWi T" * r ia Jy has bwc. oaeil wlta luocus for r.wity tea yeaN ' "rinw , with tha raoit wocUei < ulcuralr tSttU. li tvtitt * siMfp Kan : no toinitoui , tat mal medlclnel balng faqnlr d. We avt buoJreJj u ( tesU- manKa ! of cure ? by tbi Pad wbga ill else h > I rii'tu- , LA DIES. ! { you ara lufferln * frem ftm t Waakno * ! . teucof' rhao , \littttt pesulUr to f nutj. ! or ta fcV any dUs . aaV ymr < lrui it for I'rcf. QuUir lt'i Frwinh y.'ln / " . < " ] < * , take no If belu notiolt. aenJ ji.CO > nd J ° u w t I'ad by ttWin mail. AJdrtit V. B. FREiYGI ! PAD CO , , Toledo , Ohio , PROF. eUllMTTE'S FRENCH LIVER PA § Will pojtlvelycro : Kcrer anU Ag y Dumb Afw , AIIUU Calts , bUUout ITeTar. Jaundice , Dj p p la , , ano aJl Ui 6 s of the Uver , s-ionwch and Btooil ' ' ti jU'l ' carw by a.bwrition. aaa 1 ptiai ne.t. Ask i Our dr ; "ist lor this pAd ml tike nootber Jf he iJiwsnot kc plt,9 ndn40 ti t'e FilK > CIi. PAD CO. , ( U.'S , BrunchOoTtilo ) , Ch.'o. gnJ rKcS * IVt.j i { uri mail. . KCU.V & CO. , Succsssors to Jaa. K. Isb , PERFUMERS. Dealers in Fine Imported Extracts , ToiH "Waters , Colognes , Soaps , Toilet Powders. &c. A full line of Sur-ilcul In.stiumaMs , Foiket CM < M , Tres ? " * ami Saprorten . Absolutely Pure DrusanJ ; Chemunli used m Uispeiwn . I'resctl tisiu B1I U at any hour t > f the nlghti Ja ? . Jf. Isli. Lawrence Itlcllabon. R ! ma A In Ksgs and Bottles. Special Fignreo to the Trade. Families Supplied at Reasonable Prlnsn. OSce. 239 Don lftfl Street. Omahn. SHEELY BROS. PACKING CO. , F PACKERS l I JiVl LiilW Wholesale a.n Retail irr FRESH 3ISATS& PKO VISIOXS , G E , POULTRY , FISH , ETC. CITY AKS COUNTY ORDERS SOLfl'ITED. OFFICE CITY MARKET 1415 Douglarf St. Pt'.ckiDg House , Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , U. P. B. E. JJOuBIilE AND 91NQLB ACTIKa i fl S mm PIMPS Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , Mining MaoMnery , BELTIHC HOSE , BRASS AHD IRON FITTiHCS , PIPE , STEAM PACKIHD , AT WHOLESALE AHP RETAIL. HALUDAY % 'IHD-MILLS , CHURCH AHD SCHOOL BELLS A. ? . . y/HlANfl. 9.\5 \ Fnmham tyrart. flmnlift. Hah PAXTON & GALLAGHER , OLESALE GROCERS ! 1421 and 1423 Farnham , and 321 to 22915th Sta.- KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK MAKE THE LOWEST PRICES. The Atteetion of Cash and Prompt Time Buyers Solicited. AGENTS TOR THE HAZAED POWDER COMPT and the Omaha Iron aad Nail Go. Machine Works , -g = r f * J. F. Hammond , Prop. ® Manager Tha most thorough apoolnted and corrplett Machine Shop * and Foundry In the state. Castings ot every description znanntactared. Engines , Pumps and every claae o machinery made to order. gp d I ittentlon iflven to Well AusnrsPnlleys , Eansjcrs , Shoftinir. Bridge Irons , Geer tutting etc. Inf. Models , etc. , neatlexecuted. . 25fl Harnev St. . Bef14 } oca I6tb B. A. FOTLZR. JASSS E. Ecan. FOWLER & SCOTT , Doelas for tafldla s of &ay AttfAMas. ou czlhitiUoa at su oSizs. V.'e biTahiJcrrcr 0 ci o Ia4a3al3g ! am pabUc c ! PI a GC. . MERCHANT TAJLOR Capitol Ave , , Opp. Maaonic Hall , OMAHA. NEB. 31. R. J1ISDOX , General Insurance Igent , EEPBESENTS : PUO2J1X ASSCHAKCB CO. , of Lou- tlon. Cash AsjeU 15,107.127 ivESICUeSTEK. N. Y. , Capital 1,000,00) THEJIKKCaANrS.otl V r rk.N.J. , l,000,00r GlffARO nr.EPhiIadelpbaCapltat. ! . 1,000,009 NOHTIIWESTERH NATIOXAL.Cap- Ital SXW.COO niiiMEN-a FUSD , CiliTornla 800,000 Burma AMERICA ASSUKiNCECo i.soo.oco NEW A tKFIREISS. CO. , Aswta. . . . BoO.OCO A1IERICAF CEKTBAL , Ateels 300,000 Southeast Cor , of Fifteenth & Douglas St. . racn llr OMAHA , NBB. A. F. RAFERT & . CO. , pontraotors and Builders. ' i