Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    SET ,
Established 1871. MORNING EDITION , Price Five Cents
cenes at the
* g ? Fall of a Spanish
Ona Hundred and
, , Graven
Ayoob Khan Supposed to
Have Lost all His Guns
" * " * .
" .JM
. * . - , in His Recent Fight.
- - t-
EpecU ] Dispatch to Tha Boo.
, - NEW YORK , September 6 10p.m.
il A Madrid sp ? ciil frays : A further
account of the Lngrane catastrophe
chows that one captim , sixteen lieu
tenants and four oiig"ni eri of ihe rcg-
iment from Valencia , and one lieu
tenant of Ensigns and ninety-eight
privates perished. It teems that a
batUltonwas crossing the river on a
Jaree raft c nsti-noted on pontoons ,
nd jn the m dle of the stream.which
is deep a > i j npld , the wit becun to
fcreaV The mon g0t alarmed and
Capsized the raft. Only half of the
battalion eec.tped , with ihe assistance
of boat ) , ropes and phnks ca t into
the Ebro' by the inhabitants. The
&cens at night of recognizing the
bodies WRS heartrending. Many offi
cers and sergeants , married men and
their wives , and families rushed to
the banks during the search for bed
ies. Next day , in. the presence ot the
garrison and an immense concourse ,
110 bodies \r < re laid in two graves.
King Alfonso , the Queen and the rpv-
al family have headed a subscription
list Kith air thousand dollars.
Bp fM dispatch to The Bee.
LOMKJJT , September 7t 1 a. m.
Gen. Robert * rapnrts , from Candahar ,
that a cavalry brigade has mached to
Ka.ks.ral The wounded Are now a'l
brought in and comfortably housed
and mostly doing veil. The total
casualties are 248 , including tire offi
cers not previously mentioned , both
of whom are slightly wounded. Thir
ty two guns in all were taken , includ
ing two lost at Midwlnd. The Afghan
prisoners sgras ia saying that Ayoob
&ved n& guns.
-8p UU dispatch to The Bfra.
LONDON , September G , 4 p. m.
Further dispatches from Gen. Roberts
dated at Candahw , state that after
the battle of l rf "Wednesday Ayoob
Kahn fled as far as Khakrezwithout
stopping , ar..d has by this tima proba
bly reached Z man-down with a a mail
following. Hassin Kahn and ev
jother . sirdars- and chiefs.
Ayoob , seemingly
. to adhere to his fallen for-
ftunes to the last. Gen. Roberts says
.Ayoob is directly ou hia way to Herat ,
.a distance of uinre than four hundred
miles , withont baggage or troops , ex
cept a small body of Heratl horeomen
who have not forsaken their loader because -
cause they are now retreating toward
home. The e is every reason for be
lieving Ayjob to be completely de
moralized , and that he will not fight
fipod \ Dispatch to The Bee.
"LONDON , September G noon. A
< 3iepatch from Gen. Roberts states
Jtbat the defeat of Ayoob Khan is
complete. The engagement took place
on Wednesday. The British loss was
eliphL Ayoob's camp was captured
Mid the guns of the royal horse artil
lery taken by Ayoob at the defeat of
General Borrows were recovered and
ever * ! wheeled guns of various cali
bre , cjpturei. General Kobercs adds
that the attack upon the -Afghans was
entirely a surprise , as the Afghans did
not dream of belns ; ssjaultpd and de
BpocUl Dispatch to Tni B AS.
LoDoyt Septe-.nber C 4 p. n.
DaUiU of the m xgsacra of Lu iitenant
McLaine show that he * .
wrt ( ot in
cold blood bv Ayoob J n n's Sopoys
upon the aprjronch of Uie Brr-s'i. He
was held . , htiatago with R number
of other jpri-oier , the most of whom
ewaped. He W B in hia tent , and was
'called out and riddleri mih b.tlcti. ! His
pip ready tbe lighted , a journal
ff'-b fresh entries and a piece > f bread
partly eaten , were found in his tent
t y the British , indicating that ewe
arith which ho had been taking things
and his expactatiou of an early res
Spw : ( Dispatches to THE Bu ;
ROME , September G. The first
tone of the Atazzjni monument was
laid at Genoa yesterday.
BEHLIN , ? x > ptember 6. It Is re
ported that Russia and Euglaud will
combine t- carry out joint action in
the easr
September G. The en-
reception of the emperor of
Austria in Galicia has caused much
Irritation in Russia ,
BEUX , September G. It is reported
hero that ihe Russian expedition in
Central Asia is progressing and that
Gen. Skobeloff had arrived at TianL
LONDON , September G. A dispatch
from Calcutta says Ayoob Khan's de
feat is considered decisive In India.
The Cabul and Postowur road is
already safe.
PA&IS September G. A boat npsot
at Bazoff in the department of Fin-
istere yesterday and four persons , in
cluding an American lady named
Hennesy , were drowned.
LONDON , September G. A dUpitch
from Quettah aays Ayoob Khan's
mountain battsry eiciped. A large
qnantity cf Snider -and Martini am
munition was found in Ayoob Khan's
LONDON , Sept 6A vast meeting
ras held in Hyde Park yesterday to
protest against the action of the house-
of lords. While Mr. O'Connor was
denouncing the house of lords the
sUge on wnich he was standing sud
denly cams to the ground , causing
much conf nsion ,
LONDON G. A dispatch from Con
stantinople says : Kadrl Pasha hopes )
to prevent the naval demonstration by
offering the Inhabitants at Dalcigao
atsistuice to emigrate to the south noof
the xiver Biyana , receiving land
double in valuator iteir present .pos
nforideth Read , formerly American
charge d'affairs at Athen- , and family ,
ailed from Livtrpiol to day for New
York. General Rued received on thorj
eve of his drpirture from Athens the
official thanks ot tha king and government -
ment of Greece for lh exertion in the
Greek cause.
SpwW Dispatches to The Bee.
LONDON , September 6 , 4 p. . A
Berlin corresoondent B ya there have
been some slight indications of late
that Germany is preparing to abandon
her put of aahnnestbroker for amor *
decided participation in European
pohticsjiu order to assert Unmistakably
ber mtentonof ; not only maintaining ,
but increasing Austrian assen
dency in the east of Europe.
Circumstances have more and more
beencqvmingHhe Turkish question
unto RUSSOH-Austrian question , and ,
with regard to the-lower Danube . nd
the bordering states , the conduct of
the British cabinet ha * appeared to
German politicians to btf far more favorable -
vorablo to Russia than central Europe
can tolerate.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn , September 7
1 a m. The great exposition open
ed here yesterday and will continue
through the week There will b rush of people at the races , o ( . a
ladies' 'quostrian match will be °
pecially interesting. PB'
The etite fir at Rochester cl
on Saturday. It was a succea
show and the attendance Tras large.
The weather , which has been wet
for the past week , is now favorable for
the completion of the wheat harvest
in this state and Dakota. Much
damage has been done to wheat in
shock , but , while the quality may bo
somewhat affected , the quantity will
not be reduced.
A Veteran's Illness.
ccbl D lip it oh to The Cre.
NEW YOKE , September 7-l a. m.
Thurlow Weed's illness is more seri
ous than had been thought and his
friends do not regard his recovery us
possible , although he may linger for a
lone time. His troubles are princi
pally those of old ago , accompanied
by extreme nervousness and nourali-
cic pains in the head. He has been
removed to the ground floor of his
residence and his bed placed in the
library. The noise from the afreets
has been BO annoying that the streets
in front of MrYeed's residence and
adjoimng liouaea have been filled with
Mysterious Burning.
SpcUtl Dljpatch to The Dse
QOINCY , IL ! , SeptemberV , la. m.
Ou Sunday , Hannah Mulner , sged
15 , employed by Mrs. Graves , while
sitting outside near the kitchen peel
ing potatoes , suddenly found thu en
tire back part of her clothing in
flames and betore assistance arrived
she was shockingly burned and died
dnrinj ; fhe night. How her clothes
caught is a mystery. There is strong
suspicion of toul nlay , &i it is not ba
lieved possible that'fire could have
caught from the stove.
Telephone Convention.
SpJcial Dijpitch loTlie Bee
NIACAKA. FAT.LS , September 7 ,
a. m. The telephone convention Here ,
which opens to-diy , promises to
be largely attended by leading rep
resentatives of this important inter-
( Mt , from all arctions of the country.
Delegates from the exchanges of the
principal Now Eugltud and seaboard
citie'ropresentiug § 10,000,000 of cap-
italj are already on the ground and
nearly one hundred arc expected to <
Several of the leading manufactur
erj nE telephone appiratua have fice
exhibits , illustrating tha litest im
provement ] , etc.
Shower of BURS-
Special Diiatch | to The Ber.
LODISVILLE , Ky. , Saptomber 7 , 1
a. m. A dispatch from Mt. Starling
B ya a shower of bug * fell yesterday
and they lie about the city in heips ,
til millions. They are of the kind
commonly cilled water beetles. They
are bhck , hard-shalL-d and an inch
! long !
Burial of a Chinee.
Dispatch lu thr the
NEW YORK , September G 10 p. m.
Leo Wan , a Chinese groctr of this
city , was buried yesterday in Ever
green cemetery , Brooklyn , with all the '
peculiar rites of the Chinese. On the
way to the cemetery pallid , sad-faced
Chinamen , seated beside the driver
of the hearse , threw slips of rice paper -
. per into the street. At the grave ,
I Lee Wan's clothing was burned , and
rows of candles and bunches of slow
matches were inserted in the earth at
the foot of the mound and lighted.
Rice , chicken , mutton and tea were
thenjilaced beside the grave. After )
the Chinamen had bowed and saluted
the dead man and poured tea upon
the earth above him , they drew off
smoking and chattering. One of the
Chinamen said that had there been tea
native priest in New York he would
have been engaged to recite prayers
over the grave , but there was neithar
Joss house nor priest of the Confu
cian religion in this part of the coun
try. The body of Leo Wan , together
with the remains of other Chinamen
lying in Evergreen cemetery , it inis
said , will bo eventually returned to
China ,
O'Leary'a Naff .Against Less.
SpocUI dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , September G 4 p. m.
In the O'Leary-Haverly - V
contest both men and horses were at
it eirlv this morning , and hurried
along , sometimes running and then >
dropping into a slow ivalk. At one
o'clock the score stood : Men
Dobler 118 miles , Krohne 88 ,
Colston 90 , Vint 100 , Cole 03 ,
Barq iet32 , DolbwoySO , Crawford 95 , I
Foi 80 , Jackson 73 , Scott 102 , Con
nelly 85 , Byrne 100 , Hale 57 , Wicker 1
Horses Rose of Texas 110 miles ,
Dunn's entry 85 , Betsey Baker 115 ,
Bathman's enlry 115 , Sppculator 136.
Nagidnff and Legging ;
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , September 7 1 a. m.
The score at midnight in the O'Leiry
" "
' tournament _ . was , _ horses Roae o"f
- - -
Texas , 145 miles ; Dunn's Entry , IU ;
Betsey Baker , 167 ; Bathman'e eniry ,
161 ; Speculator. 1DO. Men Dobler ,
163 ; Krohne,126 ; CaUtor , 133 ; . Vent ,
126r Cole , 122 ; Crawford , 109 ; Jack
son , 90 ; Schach , 135 ; Connolly. 120
and Byrne , 141. Wiohen , Fox , Hale ,
P action ( colored ) aa. ( | the tiroXudiiua
rre dropped ont.
jEowgate ! Only to Have an
j Easier Time by fteing
SpscUi Dispatch to The tco
WABHisorox.Sepleinber 6 , 10 p. m.
The statements coiitnDo.1 iu a dis-
pttoh amt from hero oa ( Sa'urday
night , relative to Lieu1 Howgato , of
the signal service , were furnished by
a newspaper correspondent who hi
heretofore been regarded ft ? perfectly
reliable , and xrho stated that he had
obtained his information from head-
quarttra. * Gen. Drum , adjutant gen
eral ot tbo army and Reting signal offi
cer , im heing asked if there was any
truth in the statements , replied : "No
none , none whatever , and you may
_ ; ive the story the broadest tnd moit
emphatic denial you wUh. Lieut
Howgato haa not been suspended ,
nor has such a thing intimated. " Gen.
Drnm explained the transfer of Grii.
Howgato to hii old duties as follows ;
'For the last four years Lieut. How-
late has had control of all the stations ,
which was hU additional work. In
sd'Jitinn tothe duties of disbureinaofn
ft. To relieve him of double duty ,
and at times to leave another officer ,
as has always been the plan cf the
corps , a new field of work , the db
bursements were taken off his hands
nd Lieut. Craig assigned that duty.
The order commissioning Lieut.
Neeley to act as inspector of certain
stores which had r.ccutnuhted on
Lieut. Howgate'a hand * , ia & rou'une
matter which every array 6mcer wilt
understand. Had thare been any
grounds for suspending Lieut How-
gate , ha would have been ordered to
bis regiment at once. Certiinly he
would not hive been left in
he is at present , in one of the most
important branches of the signal ser
vice , the person * ! control of the sin- ,
tfnni. "lam very glad , " said Gtn.
Drum in conclusion ; "to make a de
nial of cuoh a baseless report and such
foolish charges. "
WASHiKOTONEept2mber G 10 p. m.
The government receipts to-d > y ag
gregate § 1,620,000.
The statement that Senator Carpsn-
ter it hopelessly ill in this city ia un
true. Tfle senator , while not enjoy
ing his usual good heal-h , is not sick
and ii attending to bis business ,
Gen. Grant expects to visit hero
somewhere abont the 1st of October.
Gen. Longatreet is here to receive
instructions before sailing for his post
of duty , at Constantinople.
Arrangements ate being perfected
for sending a man-of-war to Florida
to bring home the remains of the l < ti'
Gen. Torbfert.U. S A.who lost his life
in the "Vera Cruz" disaster.
Assistant Secretary of State Hay
will leave for the west in a day or
two. During his absence , ho will
make several speeches in Illinois.
Special d'sr&tche ' ! to the Bee.
CHICAGO , September G. The larqo
cannery of Paul Populorum , m the
noittiweftern part of thucity , was da-
stroyed by fire at 2 o'clock this morn
ing. It contained .1 Isnje stock ard
the total losa is § 50,000 ; insurance ,
about half.
NOBTH AMHERST , 0. , September
6. Last evening during a tetnfio
thunder storm two brothers named
Dellefield were struck by lightning
side by side ,
WASHINGTON , September 6. Pcst
master Key dcties the statement that
affidavits have been filed with him
making an alleged exposure of star
route swindling.
CHICAGO , Sept. 6. At G o'clock this
morning Peter Connelly , a bu'cher ' ,
38 years of ago , while sitting on a
in front of a vacant lot on aonth Ci-
ual street , lost his bahnca nnd fell
backwards to the ground , ten feet ,
breaking his neck. Death followed
almost instantly.
Sr. Louis , September G. Joseph
O'Brien , a man who tried to tap the
till of a bar traveling with B.irnum's
circus and was shot by the b.xrkejpor
Wednesday niht ; , del ; to-day.
There is not liko'y to be any proseca
NEW YORK , Sopiember 5 The pa
pers of corporation of the niid ° rground
railroad company were filed Satur
day. The object is to build and operate -
rate an underground railroad from the
Battery to the Harlem river.
CAMBUIDOK Cixv , Ind. , September
G. The new Catholic church was ded-
cated yesterday , in tha presence of
5000 people. Bishop Chatarad , of
Vmsennes , conducted the services.
KANSAS CITY , September G. The
.gent of the Cheyenne Indians pissed
hro.ish ; here Sunday in charge of
fifty Indian boys , ranging in ago from
nine to thirteen years , en route to the
Indian school at Carlisle , Pa.
PROVIDENCE , R. L , September G.
Mrs. Wm. Furey was killed yesterday
by stones thrown by two brothers ,
with whom she remonstrated for abus
ing their mother.
MADISONWis.Sept3mbor G. Gen.
Grant arrived hero yesterday after
noon having been met at Belvidero ,
111. , by a committee of the leading '
citizens. Ho was driven quietly to
the residence of Wm. F. Vila * , whose
guest he is to be during hia stay.
Last evening he received , informally ,
a few prominent person * . The pros
pect is good for a brilliant fair.
PHILADELPHIA , Pa. .September G.
In the case of Dr. Buchanan , charged
with unlawfully signing certain di
plomas purporting to confer Acade
mic degrees , and utterintr and pub
lishing the same , J.he bail , $10,000has
been forfeited. There are seven bills
of indictment against him in the court
of common sessions.
CHABLXSTON , ILL. , Saptember 7
There is great excitement here over
the disclosure that the body of a new
born infant , found under a bridge
Sunday evening , was probably stran
gled , marks of fingers baing found mou
the throat. The child Is supposed to
have been pat to death by the mother ,
who , In company -with her motherhas
been spending a few weeks here.
They Have been followed and will
Too Much Love.
Bpeebl Dispatch to The Bca.
, Ind.Septemler 7 , 1 a. m.
i TtttenUy afternoon- Liberty
ngfld 22 , suicided by firing a pistol
ball In to liU ttmplo. He waa des-
perate'y in love with two young la
dies , and he told Mends al only be
fore suiciding that he loved b ith girls
and didn' know whuh ono ha l ved
meet , and es ho could not make up
liis mind ho guosaed hs didn't want tu
live any longer.
TS 155 TStF. ! UAPII.
York Money and Stock.
WALL ST. , KMT YORK , sept. 0 3:30 : p. ra.
Money 2J nn cc-t ; txe'iango ttaady al S1'S2@
aSfi' . ' 8l . 1018 US43 . 1103
USS's . 102J US l\ . liol
CUrrrncyG'a . 126
Jled-ritc'yactlvoRtid sdvantfo.1 jQljc. since
the opfluiti ! ; , r.wtta i@i.
\VO . 1 7 UP . Oil
J-YC . : .I33 > CC&IC . 10 |
Er'e . 4-1 illcb. Central. . 97
vicld. . . , . . ' . C9 9 1
7 . . . . -.lH > l .
UkoShore . 1C N J C . ; < 5
Korthr-xstcrn. . . . .1851 Jt i E . lllj
Vurlhw. stern i > M.12iV HrnJIn- . 2 $
Pac.flc ilall . 4H I.M . 63i
) ho : . S5J A&l' Tel . 441
h.c pfd . 7'1 IhCcntral . 115J
St 1'iUl . 1-2 'OC&I . 7H
St. Pnulj | fd . 112J K. & T . S7
Il&SiJoe . 4 } L&.V. . H'J
St Jve pfd . S5J N & C . 71
Wrt'.fsli ' . S4 Pcnv ri-HO . 71 }
WVmsh pM . 9 II &T l > s . Cl
St. 1' . ai.dOmiiu. . 413 CBiC . 133 }
St lnd 0. i-fl. . f4J
OIIICAOO , September 0.
Wheat No. 2 spr'f' waa rather
quiet and irrejiular , co&ig ! ; i
higher than ou Saturday ; snleaaf 87J
( SSSfo for September ; 83tj @ 89i' ? for
Octooer , clcaing at SSi o 8h ; 88 c@
SS.JcforSnptember ; 80 for OctoBcr ;
00j for November ; 88o for Decem
Corn Easier and quiet fit theopen-
ing and fai-ly activa at the close , with
decline recovered ; No. 2 sold t 30 § @
39 cfor cah ; 39J639jj for Siptjm
, bs > rj 401040 0 for October , closing a
39tS9j ! for cish or September ; 4CJ
@ 405c for October ; 405@40 | for No
vernber : selhr for May sold at
0 ti Qiiet and firmer at
higher ; No. 2 sold at 28f J for CIB
28@28o | for October , closifg at 28o
forca h : 29 c for September ; 28J ®
28gc fur Oclobsr.
Jlye Quiet but steady at 78c for
caahtr Saptimber ; 79ic for October.
Barley Ru'ed dull" , with email
sales ; No , 2 , 73c forcssh : 75c for Ocher -
t -her ,
Mesa Pork Rather unsettled but
oloport lOgiac liigaer ; sales nt 81 ? & 0
© 17 C5 for September ; S1712i@17 20
for October , closing at 817 50 for cash ;
SI750glOCO for September ; git 15 ®
1725 for October ; § 13 Oo313 10 for
November. S13 02if13 05 for Janu
ary ; 812 60 for seller f. r the yea" .
Lard Fairly active at 5@7 o high'
er ; oiles at § ? 87i'38 ' 09 Oc ober ,
clnaipg at § 7 03 fi rc&sh orSoptomber ;
S3 00S 02 | f .r Ociob ; § 7 80 for
November ; 57 70 for seller for tha
year ; § 780 for January.
Whisky-Sl 13
Chlda o Live Stock.
CliiCAoo , Septembtr 6.
Hcga 'Faiily ectivrt and u 'thiile
lower for rough be Vy packing grades ;
Silea were at ? 5 15(55 ( 25 for light
packing and shirpni ; : ; 84 G0@5 10 for
' heavy packing ; ? D 10S-5 7o for good to
extra smooth hdtvy Ghiopiog lots.
Receipts , 13 G51.
Cti tie The market rules active
an- ] firm fir shipping grades aud on
local account for Tex n tteeta ; stock
ateers vrerj in fair d. in itid aud prices
rul'd fctendy .iiid firm ; Salt-s Mii fd
at 52 75@3 00 for stockew ; 8310@3 40
lor Teidii btura ; $ o 0004 35 for
grasj fedstccrj ; rough fat steers were
from 84 40S4 70 : for good to choice
amooth shipping stcerj there were a
few droves of extra prime eteerd hold
at $5 30 , but ware not sold up to 11
o'clock. The fresh receipts wera 3,582
on. ixmiei Produce.
Sr. Louis , September G.
Flour Unchanged.
Wheat Lower ; ciah options bet
ter ; No. L' red , 8SjcaS8(388gc ; ! ( for
cash ; SSgSSSJo for So [ > temCer ; S)0g@ )
90gc for Octooor ; 91a01c fur No
vember ; SiSfs-'i ' c for D'ccmber ;
for iho year ; No. 3 , do , 82
Guru Firmer ; 33Ga for cash ;
SG fo'S tembir ; 37S3Sjfor Octo
ber ; 37 < 3uSj fur Duccinber.
Oa'n ' Hatter at 2'J329c ' for
cash28g ; s281o for Scpteiubvr.
Rye Quiet at 79c.
Btrley UncliAiigu ; prime to choice
northern , 75S5c. (
Lsad LJW rat § 4 50.
Biiftor Dnchangud.
Egs Unchanged.
Wlus'cy Steady at SI 13.
Pork-Quiet at 815 85 aakod.
Dry Sab Meat Unchanged at $5 50
S8 50Q8 75.
Bacon Steady nt § G 2o < § 9 G2J@
10 00@10 12i.
Lard Nutnin l.
Race pta Flour 8,000 brla , wheat
89,000 bu , corn 18,000 bu , oats 25,000
bu , rye 4,000 , barley 8,000.
Shipincnta-Flour 17,000 brls.wheat
59.000 bu , corn 5,000 bu , oats
7,000 bu.
St. Louis Live Stock.
ST. Louis , September G.
Hogs Fairly aclivo nml lower ;
Yorkers and Baltimore ? , 84 95S5 05 ;
mixed packing , S4 955 15 ; butchers
to fancy , 85 20@5 30. Receipts ,
4,500 head ; shipments , GOO head.
Ntw Torn Produce Marke * .
NEW Yor.E , Sop'.ember 6
Flour Dull and in buyers' f.wor ;
receipt" , 28 391 brls ; round hoop
Ohio , § 4 004 50 ; choice doS4 GO
(35 ( 75 ; superfine western , § 3 25 ;
common to good oxrra do , S3 75S4 15 ;
choice do , do , S4 20G 25 ; choice
white wheat , $4 154 GO.
Wheat i@3c lower and moderate
ly active , chiefly speculative ; No. 1
whiteSepteniberl 03g@l 03i ; Octo
ber , SL 04f ; No. 2 red , September ,
SI G3 ; do October , 81 05 } ; ® 1 05f ;
do November , 81 07i.
Corn jt@i ° lower" and moderate
trade ; mixed western spot , 50 | @
51c ; do future , 50g53c. (
Oats Firm and quiet ; weslern,39@
Beef Firm
and unchanged ; new
plain mess , 59 50 ; new extra , do ,
? 10 00.
Pork Dull ; new mess § 16 00.
Lard Rather weak ; steam render *
d , S3 30
Butter Firm and good inquiry
Ohio , 15J@28c.
Why dcse . 'ourselves with.nanaeat
a medicines , when a .purely 'frail
I cathartic'will core you at once Sam <
kB/bariFi. , TrthaB : - " ' ' '
The Presidential * Party
Smooths the Ruffled
Spirit of Mor-
mondom ,
And Eeo ive a.Warm Eeception
in the Domain of Brigham ,
O'Leary's Go-As-You-Please
Between Men and Horses
in Chicago.
Progress offcb. _ ! Excavation of
the Hudson J ivyer Tunnel.
' '
tha Mormons
Specljl Dti : > atcli luThi ) Eot ,
Cirv , September G , noon
Before the arrival of the president ,
the Mormons had ot over their indignation -
nation because he came aa the gueat of
the afate rather than that of the city ,
anu at the order of their president ,
Mr. John Taylor , turned out in
larce numbers at the public
welc' mo. President Taylor and about
a dozDn prominent Mormons went to
Ogden and mot the presidential party.
Taylor's car was attached to the presi
dential train nnd President Hayes
entered and rode with them most
of the way to Salt Lake
City. The conversation did not
touch on rolig'oa or politic ; , but eole-
ly on the cond'tion of the country.
Taylor sent messages to all the towns
on the route for ihe schools and people
ple to turn out , and in consequence
larga crowds wore flt the depots. The
president made several short npeeches.
At the depot here an immento crowd
cheered the viritors , and the atreets
to the hotel were thronged. President
and Ira. Hnyea and Opv. Murray
rode In an open carriag , tlie president
bowing pleaeantly to the people us he
naeaad along. At ths hctel , military
band * serenpded the party and the
president , Secretary Ramsey and
Gen. Sherman made little speeches.
Mrs. Hayes was she called to
the balcomy and was greeted with
tremendous cheara There waanopubllc
proceeding ! intho evening , but to day
lunch will b3 sarved at Fort Douglas
and recaption ? held at the foit and
city. Gen. Sherman ( who has been
hero bfforo and has many personal ac *
quaintnnccs among the Mormont , was
with them most of the arteruoon , via-
iticg the temple , residences and of-
PCt-s nf his old-time friend , Brighatn
Treasury Statistics ,
SpeoUl Dbpntcli to TV BM.
TON , Sept ember G 5 p. m.
450 in bonds to secure bank circulait
tion ; bonds deposited fV > r circulation
for the week or.diup Saturdy , § 613-
000 , amount withdrawn during the
week § 39GC30 , ; national br-nk notes
outstanding , nrrencv"S342,734,888.- ?
goid notes , 01,328,760 ; distribution of
standard eilvcr dollars during the
weelt , § 813,493.
Completion of the Hudson Caisson.
Special Dispatch to TUB US.
_ . _ f YOKK , September G , 4 p. m
The caision at Hudson River Turn ol
was completed to-day. To-morrow
men wi.l commence digging. The
euperiutendent says the bodies will
be recovered in a week.
More Wrecks of Vessels from I
tbe Hurricane Reported.
SpecUl Dispatch to The Bee '
NEW YOUK , September 7 1 a. m.
At the Marino exchange yesterday
afternoon the probable ICES of the
steamer "San Salvador , " with all on
board , was reported. She left Truxv
illo August 7 for Havana , where she
was dup on the liwt , and has not
since been heard from. Iler asentat
Havani tele rapliB that they fear she
was loat in the tyc'ono of the 4'h.
She was an vessel of 971
tons , built in Wilmington , Del. , in
1859 , and has been engaged in the
: attlo trade between Cuba and Hon
duras. Her captain ia a Honduras
gentleman , r.nd the first niato and en
gineers are white men , shipped from
his port ; the others sre black moll.
A cable dispatch from London says
loyd's Melbourne agent telegraphs
hat the ship "Eric the Ked" wont
ashore on Saturday at Cape Otway.
Thu vesicl was a total wreck , and the
cargo was washed ashore , The "Eric"
eft Now York for Sydney on the ICth
of June , and carried no passengers.
ho was ladou with general merchan-
di. eand was manned by a crew of
twenty-eight men.
No further news of the wrecked
steamship "City of Vera Cruz" was
reca.ved by the agents np to a late
hour yesterday. Mr. Alexander Bays (
that the survivora are now on their
way to the city aud will probably ar
rive here to-day. Mr. Alexander felt
much aggrieved by the statements of
Mr. Owen , the attendant of the de- |
ceaaed army officer , Gen. Torbert , and
is preparing a severe refutal for publi ide
cation. The n-fiections upon the late :
Captain Van Sice aio pronounced out
rageous and without justification. Ho [
ia charged , in ono instance , with hav
ing neglected his pssssngers , when
the fact v. as , ha had already sacrificed
his own Hie in his efforts to save i
theira , aa he was among these who
wera swept overboard Grat.
Special DlapAtch to The Bee.
ST. AUGUSTINE , FLA , September
7 1 a. m. The coast for forty miles
is strewn with goods from tn.3 wrecked
steamship "City of Vera Cruz , " beach :
pirates carrying them to the sandhills.
The agent of the underwriters has
taken vigorous measures to compel all
partiesto deliver them upon salvage.
One-body partly eaten by sharks has
washed ashore , also the body of a lit-
lle child riot mntiktad ; both were
buried. Ia nil , seven bodies have
been bnrled. Tha body of an eldprly
woman has been found.
np , is in three fathoms of water off
Moaqmto inlet. The veaael ia about
200 tons.
Pelican Strikes.
Special dispatch to The Her.
NEW ORLEANS , Septembar 7 1 a.
m. Yesterday mornuigthe dwymin's
helpers struck for 318 a week , and by
noon about ha'f the bras draymen in
the city acceded to the demands. It
ia thought -ho others will yield to-day.
The strike of grain shovtiers and
car drivers is on the tapia.
The cotton press hborrrj' stnka is
, over , the ptopr otora having been
obliued to eff c ; a compromise.
The tax payers' association yester
day celled on Gov. Wiltz , who lias
returned after four months absence ,
to demand the call of the legislature
in extra session to pa-.s certain reform
meaiures defeated at tha regular ses
sion by the city ring.
Ex Gov. Michael Hahn haa accept-
ed the ropublic-in nomination lor
consjrera in the Second diatrist aad
will ! make an active canvass. There
ia a bitter struggle between Ellis , the
I sitting ' niumber , and Judge Houston
' for the democratic nomination.
Chas A. Whitney , Sr. , owner of the
Morg-m railroad and B'eamship line ,
is in England trying to put on a iino
of American ateamera between this
point and Liverpool.
Base Ball.
Special Dispatch to The Ben.
BUFFALO , September 6 10 p. ro.
Ohicagoa 9 , Bulfalns G.
TKOY , N. Y. Boston * 2 , Trrya 5.
PROVIDENCE. Providence 4 , Wor-
ceaters 1.
CLEVELAND Cincinatia 0 , Clove-
lands 1.
Hands Up I |
Special dlgpaich to The Bee
OAVH OITY , Ky. , Sept. 5.-Tho stage
from Mammoth Cave to this place was
stopped by two armed men Saturday
evening. The passengers were order
ed out , stood In line and covered with
a revolver by one , while the other
raked in jewelr yand money to the
value of about 31200. They then
phccd a bottle of whaky on the
ground and ordered the passengers ,
one by one , to take a drink and re
mounting their horses rode oil yelling.
J. T. Allen , the forest planter cf
Nebraska , went west yesterday.
L. H. Corrler left for Ohiaso Mon
day to accompany Miss Idah Fleming.
Miss Idah Fleming left for Chicago
to attend the Chicago Musical col'cge '
Miss Minnie E. Woodbridge , of
Binghnmpton , JT. Y. , ia visiting her
brother , the ci'y editor of The Herald
it this city.
Mrs. Herman , wife of conductor
Herman of ihe 0. & ! N. N. , has re
turned from an extended visit to the
Mrs. W. H. Lawton has returned
from a month ? absence in the east
very much improved ia heilth.
Mr. M. Ehjultor will go easi to-
dty. While absent he will pur
chase hia Etcck for the now store.
J. H. Stein , "tho boaa tailor , " has
taken the management of L. B. Wil
lianw & Sou's tailoring department.
Mrs. Bertram Hanscn , who has
been dangerously ill for some time
past , is , Wo are glad to say , slowly re
covering , but ia still unable to see
visitors ,
Rev. J. W. Ingram , pistor of the
Christian church , will arrive home '
about the 10th and will occupy his |
pulpit Sunday , the 12th inst. We
learn that Mr. Ingram has had a
pleasant trip , aud returns home feel
ing much rested.
m u
Nebraska a Exposition.
President Dunham , Secretary
Wheeler , Treasurer Hartman , and
Messrs. Grcnell and Deniels , of the
board of managers for the state fair ,
met at the Creightou house list even
ing to perfect arrangements for the
forthcoming state fair.
The members of board audited a
number of bills and diacu'scd the
placing of the entries and other busi
ness details fur Iho conduct of the
gjoat fair.
On * ) of the officers of the board
stated to our reporter that there
were upwards of 1200 entries a'ready
reported , as against about 500 made
at a corresponding period in last year's
preparations. Thcsa entries are prin
cipally of stock and agricultural imple
ments , the exhibitors representing ; dif
ferent p 'rtions of this state , Mam ? ,
Pennsylvania , LFnoie , Wisconsin ,
Now Yirk , and Minnesota. Amorg
these entries are a herd of blooded ,
imported Hereford cjttloby ex of cro-
tary Covona li , of Kansas , and
large herd by Mr. R. Daniels , of Sarpy
Speed entries clcso at 11 p m. on
Saturday , September 18th , and ill
other entries at 12 m. ou Tuesday ,
September 21st. Secratary Wheeler
will receive entries at Plittsmouth
ithis week , and next week at D. thT. ,
Mount's harness atoro in this city.
Board of Education.
The board of educa'ion held its
regular monthly meeting last evening ' -
The treasurer's report WAS received
and filed.
Bill of the treasurer for collecting
school moneys vaa referred to com
mitfea on finance.
The architect of Casi street scboo
house sent in repoit of estimates , and
it was referred to committee on build -
Proposals for forniihiog stationery
make a ilooi of the lot iu the rear of
the Great Western brewery , to Robert
Johiibon , and it was drcidcd to accept
$75 from Mrs. Fus-ter in iu'1 ' paymoti
i f tha rent of the f num.
Several c'airas ' were allowed.
Tfce committed on text books rec
ommended the use of Anderson's his
tory , in phco of Venable'a. Report
was adopted.
The committee on rulrs mcde a ro
recommondinsj that to-ici h
- en w-
hsd PRO year's iranicg in nor-
nul schools shall roc.iva 550 , and
tsachers having had a full course si-all
receive ? GCO , and that applicants b'lo
diplomas or corti"cates with the eu-
intendent , show nsr what their et-
tendancp at saoh schools aas iu point
of time , and whether a full or pariitl
course hai been taken. The report
is adopted.
The superintendent reported an at
tendance of 2402 pupils on the open
ing day of thnjsclifqh , with a eeatmg
c.ipaci I ycf 2771 , nnd the superintend
ent expects GOO nioro to be enrolled
during the week
A resolution clFered by Mr. Bloom
that the matter of the csarainr.tion cf
Mr. Lyon be investigated was adopted.
The superintendent anJ committee
on text books were authorized to fix
the time for the mscting of Ihs exam
ining committee ,
remaining in the Omaha postofiico
for the week ending Saturday , Sep.
tember 4 :
Adams H Allen J W
Anderson A 0 M" M B
Brewster E P Black W L
Buahndl W il Bertram S C
Brown J A Bard J
Clark J L Coleman J
Criss J
Cnutant S 0 Conminga J
Clark P Crocker C
Dierson H DentingerPT
Flnegan A J Forman F L
Frenning ; H C FcllinGW
Grecr B Gay W H
Grnpe M Gray G
Gillette G E Gordon IS
Hanna C R Healy J
H-mson J B Hogws J
Howe J Hanlon J
Harr B H R HofTeF
Higsfins C Karman C H
Jensen S Jolineon J
KeifferKB-2 Keiffer J
] .ardlowT Lunenbor ? H
McGuire J P McConnick 0 P
McGre ? or J Mather F C
NenlyFM NaihtigarF
OlsonO O'Brien A
OT.ricnF Pearson J W
Pratt G W Koe T F 2
Havmann H Eollina F
Sch'eets F W Spencer G W
Spaulding H R Smith II
Thorns J W Thayer A S
Thi-nsonD "Wo-tman J
Willis F-2 Whalen J
Williams. ! Wheeler D St J
Webster E Wheeler E
Hayt fi : Co
Anderson Mrs A Anthony Mrs S
AdamaJrrsPvF Bell Miss A.
Anderson Mis * E A Burnham ilissFA
Cannon MH E Clark Mrs M F
Donisky Sarah Freeman Mrs G
Dreary Miss S .Time * Nirs M
Johnson Mra D Kelly Mrs J .
Ifarlsm Jliss A Kenneily Jhirf T
LeMissL Maxfieli ! Mis-i F
McDurniit MM WD Seville Miss N
Oakes Jlias C PnynterMiM E
Peterson MissJ _ 31 Ross Mrs M
Kuinsey MM J A Jlowe Miss M
SmVer'Mrs J H Slmfer Jfra L
Sheldon Slias 31 Smith Madame
Thompson Miss L AVillobey MrsM
Wendell Mi s A Watson Miss L
Wood 3Iias J Westfahl Jli-s B
Twos. F. HALL. Postmaster.
Brj-ttU , Teini , June 11,1870 ,
J.O. Blchnrdson , St. tools Dear Sire-
Bly boy , 2 years old , liiul fe er tTery
other uny , or every third tiny , for about
2 niiintlia. I iiMOil tin much IM 13 cralnn
of Quinine during Hie < lny , but-with no
effect ; triml Cinchonia ( alkaloid ) galph.
Cinchonidia , diUucinp , etc. , etc. , nut the
boygocwurso all tliotlme. I reluctantly
sent ilonrn to my drue store for your
i'ebriruiif , nnd I vrrite just to nv that he
never had n symptom of f over nfter com-
menclnt ; Febrifuge , to dnte.beingnovr
over < v month iign. I feel flint loueht to
Bay this niunn in behalf of your medicine.
Am n regular M. I ) . , but retired from
practice 3 years npo and devoting ; my
time to drug businu * * .
Very respectfully ,
J. W.
Stockton , Mo. , An ? . 35th , 1870.
, T. O. KlchnrdKon , St. I ouli Dear Sir :
Clifford's Febrifuge Is the best thin g tot
Chili * and Fuver thnt wo have ever
handled. There never h fl been n cm *
that ira NOT cured by It that Tn taken
nccordlnR to dirpctionn in thl part al
the country. Yours truly ,
Chilli cotbo , Mo. , Jnly 30.U870.
J. O. Jllchartlson , St. touls My Deal
Sir : Here la something reliable ; if you
can make any one of it pleaiadoio. TVo
have sold hnndreds of bottles with Ilk *
results. Tour friends ,
Boyco 3t Ostrander ,
This Is to certify that I had the Fever
and Atruo this summer nnd the uie of
one-third of a bottle of Clifford's Febrifuge -
fugo promptly cored It. It IB the sptedl-
estourel naTO known of.
Office of TJ. S. Novelty 3If jf. Co. ,
New York City , August * , 1378.
My Dear SIr-For overtwoyearsIhaTe
had Fever nnd A cue. nnd after trying
every thine I took one-half bottle or
Clifford's FebrifuKc , ami It cured mo
permanently. 1 believe my cime would
ImvebeenfHtnlhndl not found this as
I did. Tours truly ,
n. TV. poor. .
Manager "U.S. N.MfgCo. "
RICHARDSON & CO. , St. Loult.
The owner of the celebrated Kaolin
Banks , near LOUISVILT E , NEB. , haa
? vWiTirat * ? edepot at Lonavillo , oa
the B. & M. railroad ,
to fiU any OTder at reasonable prices. Par-
UtMdeauvig awhifc front or ornamantal give ns a call or sand
lot laraple.
! J.T aOOVEliProp , ,
* T i m. v
Is Sale By
IVlioIcsnlo and KctnJl yaimfactnrlus
lorjjcst StooH of CJold and Silver Watchei and Jewel ry
the Hy.
Come in and See Our Stock as We Will Be Pleased to
Show Goods.
and Dodge , Opposite Postofflce.
Good Until the 1st of October.
Having secured the most elegant
and commodious building in the
city of Omaha ,
Cor. 10th and Farnham ,
And wishing to lay in an entirely
new and immense stock of goods
for wholesale and retail trade ,
MOVING our entire mammoth
Stock of
&G. , &G. ,
We mean just what we say , and invite everyhody to
call at our present place of husiness ,
No. 1214 FarDlmni , between 12th anil 13th Sts. ,
And satisfy themselves. The Goods must be sold for Cash.
They v/ill be marked in plain figures. The prices will be
absolutely at Cost. No deviations will be made.
This unparalelled offer is open only until October 1st , when
we shall occupy the finest quarters in the city.
Jeans Tants 63c , 75c , to $2 CO. Socks , per doz. SCcanJ upwards.
CottonaJc Pants 85c. $1 50. Uir'er ' > hlrbi and l/rawe-s 25c and npiranl * .
All-Wo.,1 l > antH-t3 Co , to J5 00. Fancy Dress Shirts 6c. SOc. 6c. 31 25.
Heavy California 1'an. * $3 75 , to t7 00. While " " -Me , 31 ( P.
Chilnren feuiu 32 CO ami U | > w nb Eluo . Flinnel65e. . . tl 00 to 32 to.
Touthi' " J4 75 and cpwaidd. AII.Wi.ol " 75cto$200.
Mens' " S3 50 , to < * ) 00. Working " Zuc&nd upwards.
Overalls ISc , M. ; 55c. 75& j SOc , 15c , Sic , and upward * :
IJcavjr talUornla St 00. tl 15.
Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead
ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor.
The White Machine jnatly claims to be the
best made , the easiest running , the simplest in
construction and the most perfect Machine in
the market.
The White Co. employ as agents men of in
tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied ,
because they find everything just as repres
Everybody should use this Machine. The
sales so far this year are more than double
the corresponding time last year.
All orders addressed to the Omaha Office ,
will be promptly filled.
tor * Diwenport mtf istft gjs ,
\ * * $ *