I I TflDAlLY BEE. I E. HOSEWATER : EDITOH TO CORRESPOKDENTS. ( COCSTKT FRICXPS we * I1 ! alwsja be hezr from , on nil matters connected with arf , country jw'ities , anJ on any eutyect jatever. el ccuwal Interest ! to the people of irS' tc AHV infumatlcn connected - Hh etlettlort , , ard relating to floods , accidents All snch communto- es bow. ver.murt te us brief u jiowsIKe ; .d . they muffin til o cs be * r tten on one I ie of the f hrrt only. NAME or WMTMI , in fu'l. must In each and comnmni Uon or CMC BCtompany ny n r turc soev. r Tbl. 5s not intended fo r uMl U.n. but forcer own ti ! ttion and proof of cootl faith. POLHIC1L for 01Ccehetl , . Iricnd . ) d whether u no- e 1 y fit or ? een or con-mnnic.tori ! ! to the Editor , are Cntll r.rmii.atim.8 src made Kiiply personal , ii-d will be dmiscdforasidrertbrnenta. ro > ord trc coctrilutloitf of a hunger ? ctdertiAe net aWwTVlll : U 1 character ; In anyCSEC - * optnenr rcsenc V.batcvtr. Cur staff is tcCc'icnfy Urct f > tnrre than i-UfTly ° cr limited epace MB cen'muiilcationsfhouldlrt ! addressed to E ROSCT'ATCR , Blltcr. The IrgitMtire thall pass laws to correct jfs and prcnr.t vnjvst discrimination d extortion " nil charges of crprcss , le'.C- iph and railroad companies in this ttarc enforce each lataly adequate penalties extent , if iwcctsaryjcr that purpxt , 'failure of tkeir property and / < [ Sec. 7 , Art. 32 , Kelirasfea , enacted June. ] does Deputy Treasurer John uah thing of VaVs nomination ? FOUK thousand republican > lot sited Valentine's nomination be luee of his odoriferous rtoord at the * 'est Point Land office , ' TUB great "golden bait" on Jay ' j ou-d'flU. P. line , is said by the Bet- ' icrs to be a gigantic fraud. It would a appropriate then to call it the 'Gould-cn belt. ' THE southern preeu say that their ifimata of a solid south is made vitbont any reference to radical nig : ers. Of course it is. In estimating esulta the chivalrous southerners al ways 14caunt thorn oilt. " AsoTHEB attempt to Vow up the AOzir i * reported from St. Peter&burp. TheC r Lai the reputation of re ceiving the \iforst blowings up at the of his subject * of any E' ro- . sovereign , ii boljoyed to h va taVcn np A dispatch In this morn- jng' Rip\itttca \ % is headed by the foi liivrinj ! remarkabia e > pras * ' ° n' ' "Th * * leam fcsp fVcra Orss' beliavcd id ? taw ( n.owa iu & * t5tm. " For grim- Frcraoni Calces the ca'co. J ago Tnz ; BEE published I ; special Biinouneinj ; General Graut'e to accept th6 presidency of the Ban Pidro laining oorapany. The rrUjng newfgathors of the 68 n a proJB hare just furnhhcd the to our Om&ha contemporaries , Pioimr Press cays that nftor nil , the underlying inuc } n this pl'osl- denliul canvass is the oldissuo of ttato It t1 r\v \ nationnl iiovereignty , the old qnes- U S tion whether this ii a n&tion or This is one of the prboiplca and Jackson fought for. The other was the divine right of slavery. THE entire 810,000,000 of stock , for the extension of the Delaware , LickawannaVestern road from Binghampton to Buffalo , vras sub- Ecribed on the day the bonks ivere opened in New York , and eurveya of the new line are already in progress. This project is the most severe attack the Vauderbilt pystein has yet experi enced. It will give the Wabash and Gould reads west of the Missouri a through line to Now York city , atid all the ad vantages * of the magnificent ter minal facilities of th e Delaware , Lack- awautia & Western at Hoboken. The names of the men who have taken up the slock are sufficient guarantee that the road is built more for a profitable investment than for a more stack speculation. Following the report of the New York , Lackawana A Western exten sion comoB a rumor of the opening of a contest bstwecn the Wabash and the Cnicago , Burlington and Qnincy , the latter road proposing to build a line from Peoria to Toledo and thus to invade the chosen territory of the Gould line. Rumors are current that Mr Oonld threatens , in case this : project is carried out , to enter upon a nharp nar of retaliation and that n line will be built by the Wabash to tor Omaha parallel to the Chicago , Bur lington and Quincy road. JAMES HeurATii hai been do ing the bist journalistic work of any of the Irish correspondents of the : New York papers. His letters treating , tte ing of the fearful condition cf the : tenantry , the shameless tyranny and extortion of landlordism aud the moins adopted by the land leagua to rescue the people from their troubles , have bsen the most instructive of any which have appeared on the subject. : t.rk According to Mr. Rcdpath the work of the land league has alreidy borne good fruit in Iceland. It amounts virtually to a trade's union of tenant firraera who pledge themselves to resist 1stnt eviction , to help the evictedtoprovent the rental of farms from which ten ants have boon turned away , and to refuse to cut the crops on lar.de made dey vacant by the ousting of tenantry. yis Mr. Kadpath says , at present there is no landlord resid.cq in * eland who would dare to evict a te- * , through fear of assaasinaM 1 evictions r.EA by sgents or ab ; < > i .os sue also stead ily decreastnr , ' > 'Jse in almost ever instance no ncrf icuant cm bs fount QCo to take up ( he holding. In one o- two cases where a new tenant did en terupon property thus disposed of he vas so effectually ed by his fellows and ostracised by the community that hesoongave up the attempt.The consequence is that a number o ! evicted tenants have bsea r.6 orcd to their farms aa "cire- takers" pf the buildinga sad crops and the remainder of the farms of dupoiled Ispsntfi sre lying nt Two years ago when E , K. Valen tine was nominated to repreicnt 20- braska in congrts' , this paper g vo him its unwavering anc vigorous sup port. Altrou ° h wo had ample proof that Valentine had secured his nomi- nition by corrupt manipulation of Union Pacific railway officials we gavehimouroupporlbecaueowedeemed Valentine's election an absolute necessity tc insure iho supremacy of the republican party at the helm of the na5onsl government. Two years ago the election of a president by the bouse of representative ; was regarded as among thn political probabilities. In that event each state in the Union casting ono vote , Nebraska's congress man would equal the whole delegation frora New Ynrk. The nomination two years ago being made within five weeks of the election it would have been disastrous to the party to swap horses while crossing the stream. This was either reason why wo did not deem it expedient iu 1S78 to ret sent the insult to the intelligence of the republican party ia this atato i by the nomination of a man of questionable repula and verf mediocre ability. Mr. Valentine rcceivod.tbo . undivided an4 act ive support of tha renublisan state press , and the political leaders of the party vied with each other in the canvass in their effort to give him the undivided piity strength. The vote of 1878 furnishes the most emphatic proof that Valentine does not enjoy the confidence of the republican party. In 1870 , Frank Welch received nearly 81,000 votes and his majority over the democratic candidate , Hoi- man , ws I2C94. , In 1878 , with an increase of over 15 per cent in the vote polled , Valentino only received 28,311 vote ? , and his majority over his democratic competitor , Davis , was only fl,589. This fact alone ought to have retired him from the fiel-1 in 1S80 , when ihe party in every other state of ihe Union hag brought out its ablest and most popular men for con- Our reasons for demandingthe with drawal of Mr. Valentino from thocon- race are , however , more weighty. Since Mr. Valentino's nomination in 1378 , damaging facts affecting his integrity a a publ-c man have oome to light through proceedings in our courts. The ap pointment of one § onnenshcin to a pott tradnrjhip at Mr. Valentine' ' ? instance , indpr circumstances that go far to cpnfirrn the current re- pojta connecting him with & most revolting ecandali Je- priyp Mr. Valentino cf the eonfi denoa and rcsppct of al't ' claiseRj nnd tnsko it tbo imperative duty of reput ah'.o republicans to iceut upon lu ; withdraws ! , 1'ho case of John 3li } h vs. Valen tine , decided ia tha third judicial dis tsiot court at Its last term in March , Mr , Valentino o' deliberate attempt to He Mr. Bush out of his omcsiead by fraudulent entries in ho Jand office books at West Point during Valentine's term ac registrar , onljrdid Mr. Valentine deltbcr defraud Mr. Rush of his hcme- toad , but ho borrowed money on & mortgage covering this land under alae prefen cs by assuring the parly hat in ado the loan that the title was undisputsd. This is only eco of a number of cases that h&ve come to ; impeaching Mr. Valentine's hen < eaty as a public man. The convention that nominated Mr. Valentino for congrcta in 1878 also Mr. Liedtke for auditor. Mr. Liedtko discharged the duties o .1 . his oflice with signal ability , but he committed a grave blunder in mis contruing the law as to his fcea and perquisites , aud the late convention rfry properly declined to place th iarty on the defensive by recominat ing him. If Liedtke's offense canno bo condoned , how can any honor " able man condone the rascalities o ) f which Valentino stands convicted H It is a disagreeable and thanklcs ' task for a republican journal refuse endorsement to any nominee o its t > arty , bat wo bulieve , with Presi de-jtUaycs , that he vho serves ht cjuntry best serves his party best , The raistiko made by the late conven tion can yet bo rectified. Prudence and honor dictate that the nomination ) of Valentino shall fce )11e cancelled. Ne braska , with only one man to repre ' sent her 452,000 people , is entitled 0to the services of a man of moral charac ter , unswerving integrity and conceded ability. If the railway monopolies must foist a unn of their own choice upon us they should be compelled at least to civo us a man of brains , whoso rec ! ord does no convict him of offenses for which other men have been sent to the penitentiary. THK democratic leaders have aban doned Maine in despair. Their cause in the Pine Tree state is hopeless. 30A sweeping republican victory over the fttsionists is now assured beyond a reasonable doubt. The most stunning blow recently delivered between the eyes of the Maine democracy is the [ resignation of E. H. Govr , chairman of the Maine greenback state central committee , and his declaration that he would hereafter act with republicans. Mr. Govo WEB secretary of state under Governor Garcelon , and , recently , greenback candidate for congress in tha First district. To this step , Mr. Gore has been impelled , he says , with regret , under Iho conviction that the success of the democratic party , will be a menace to the Union illh , through the "solid ' south'while a fusion of greenbackera with the democrats will only aid in such such success. Such ia fusion , adds Mr. Gove , "ia not a com munity of ideasjbegotten of freediecus- ionitis ; thf harmony of fear , the unity of terroritm , cemented in blood. Now we are united by fusion with this criminal and 'solid ' dangerous south. The young , pura blood of the green back ptrty is to be transfused into bean frame of this dying deperado. I can see nothing advancement to green back principles in this alliance , eo fraught rational with peril. I believe that the interest and ihe bast good veof the.0"juntry ara be t served by th ? ( le- fe&t of the dtmocrarie psr " e FOETBY OP THI3 TIMES. Struct Bottom. A fishing Master Freddie went , ma'a ivi-hes and con ent , As usual , in such case ? , hs Fell in. When he came home to tea Ma l i 1 her slipper where it would Do Master Fred s world of good. A playmate asked of Fred next day , "Did you strike bottom in the bayf ' "Strike bottom ? No ! " said naughty Fred , "But ma did 'fore I got teA to bed. " A Wise Provision of Nature. Tis said that thirity inches span * " * " The Averasre wonrmV i And just so long the arm of man , f.t > , when 'ti * snugly placed Atonnd the lamselhom one treasures , There ia conformity of measures. How admirable are thy works , 0 Nature , kind and f'ear ! 3"or , Fpite of all thy kinks and quirk ? , And vai ions doings queer , Thnu mouldest waists of proper bios , With amis to fit thou Joot supply us , "Don's DaroP "Don't vou dare to kiss me once , " She cried with b azing eyes. At John , who felt himself collapsed To half his iisu ' 1 size. "I won't , " he said , "p'easa nardon me , And I will l > e so nice" She tmiled. anil s jid : "Dear John , T didn't Bay j < iu bhouldn't kiss me twice. " [ Andrews' Queen. HONEY POB THE LADIES. New bonnets a.re amal' ' , n.ew hajs sro largo. Jet end chenille- are vped in new millinery. Borders will lie usea on winter A parasol of peicock's feathers 5 ? the latest noveliy. Heliotrope and gold beads are new for garniture of di esses. Women resernbla flowers. They chut up when they slocp , A cot'i with taEsels ia considered moras'ylish than a belt with dresses , A girl in a free swimming bth at New York turned nine somersaults without lifting her face out of water. The picturesque broad- ' rimmed hats now worn with loose foathsr tips on tbo front are copies oi these worn a century ago. Dressy > oung ladies htvedeterminod to wear enaulettes on their shoulders ; but they can not do ip very well with lo\r necfcod drrsjcs. An old farmer writes that he has come to the conviction that the top. dressing of liirus costs less on hia lands th n it does on his wifo. An old lady , wi h several unmarried daughters , feeds them on fish diet bo- c .usd of the phosphorus , an3 phos phorusis thecsienttsl thing for maVtnjj matcheg. Olive JjGjjan says that tha first duty of a girl on finding herself nalylook jngand ungainly U to cultivate such a swpet temper that seraa one will bo certain to rii'srry her. OUvo forgets tlat we b y egg on In glove * , the brotd inserted band ? of Uoa tlil continue to be worn in kid afe well .11 in tilk rilovcs. A very elegant txroivobittoti6d ) alove ha s rifjhlissning extendjng fronj the juiri. db , crOQ ) tq tha 6nscrJ ( up to the very edge of the length A Western girl at a Long branch hop wore a green ovcrsUirt , pink ovar- droa ami yellow roses in her hair. At t the fcljhl of he ? so many paople fainted that tlio floor m&nagsra in duced her to seek the seclusion her apsttmsnu grant. A widu fringa.a quarter of n yard in depth , is of groit weight. There is a heavy paBsomenteria bead piping top hr-ldmg tbc frinpe of fine bugles , cut jot beads and chenille ehurig wilh beads of graduated sizes completed with long jet dmplo'3. A bag or reticule i ? now a regular sccsesory of the toilet. The bas : ; are cf silk nr eatin , a i educed copy of the bags our grandmothers carried their knitting woik in. They are hand painted or embroidered. Amor.g the prettiest of the recent novelties are the eilk or satin coats ii heliotr-'p1 * , gold , psacock blue or red , over ruffled skirts of white tulle or mull. ( old brocade , in small feather patterni' , is also most eflVctivo. Amen the liberties taken by fash ion is the introduction of hooks and eyes for the outside of dresses in place of buttons. The hooks are about a- inch in lanyth , of various styles ant designs. Some r.rc brilliantly en amellcd on inut.il , others are steel cu in glittering facets , pray iridescen steel , steel and jet. Very haudsomi styles are inlaid with mother-of-peail "Is your programme full , BeotlecriiRher ? " asked a young mm o a wc tvrn damsel who had just striig pled out of a , refreshment room wit ] disappomtincdt in her eye and an "or 1--c-1 " - - ' her hand. 'Tro me full ? ' ' oaid the daughter the set ing sun.Vs.il , I gups not I hain't had nothin' but a pieca of cake and an ice cream , an * they don't go tar toward tilling my programme , lean tell you. " Among the most important and prominent acessories or rather trmi- mitiga of a toilet cro pisaementerica and embroideries. An unheard CSof profusion will exist during the coming E3K < miii ornanientationaud costuines will be saun covered with the utmost elaboration of whita jet , mother , stf fQt psarlj gold and silver , opalescent beads , pink pearh and flossy silks , like the sparkling of a casket of jew- cls- Among some favorite colors for au tumn are worn rich Burgundy , claret and mulberry , grenat a dark green sapphire , and the irrepressible navy and purple mdiuo blue and plum. Handkerchief costumes ara to be con tinued in thicker material , such as momic plaids of extraordinary siza , camel's hair , crepa cloth , Arroure and raw silk. The ugly , unbecoming new color , hinted at only , is an Irish green , not of emerald , nor tf bronze colors , but a sickly , staring bright green , named impyan , cooked sorrel , moss , frog. Some new and exquis itely beautiful satin brocades lately imported pro embroidered in" wander ing \ines and set bouquets of natural colors of wild flowers and exotics : Some charming sashes are made of asoavmona veiling and bordered with of India shatds in the rich est colors. EDUCATIONAL NOTES , The attendance at Union college promises to be much larger this year than last. The graduating class of ' " 81" will " ' " outnumber 'SO" by one- third. Out of 263 candidates at the recent examination in San Francisco , 63 were allowed certificates to teach in tha public schools. There is a much lower percentage than in the past two years. : The corner-stone of the new Marquette - quette College , the latest tducitional institute of the Catholicj in - - Milwau i- * * fc-HJ4. V * LH iiliW * U kee , was laid on August 15. As its name implies U is , meant a3 a monument ment or tribute to the memory Cf Pere llarquattewhose nansc is so inti mately connected with the history tiof the Oer 50,000 students were tctively conaectedwho the twenty German uniirersitissat tha UsiTrintersamestor . Of tneee gCOS were at firliD ? s27 at s Breslauj 105S ! at Halle ; 9C5 at Gotj j tingenj 994 at Tubineen ; 8Sl at Bonn ; 848 at Vv'utsburg ; 752 at Straesburg , and 502 at Heidelberg , The Vermont teachers have or- Hnized an association called "The Vermont College of Teachers , " to which ! only educators of proved ability and experience will be admitted , Its chief objects are to raise the standard of qualification araorg teachers , and to improve the course of study and methods of instruction in a'l grades from the primary to the completion of the hiijh tchool wracademio course. According to Prof. George P. Fish er , ( etching at the present day is and mustbe n profession. But he would alee have it regarded as a high calling different its nature from ordinary | employment. He thinks slso that us thu groifc object of education should be to elicit the individual power of in dependent thought , teachiug shoald ba mainly Socia'ic by question nnd answer. The young snjoy what they do for themselves , provided thn task ect is not beyond their powers. Noth ing will more interest inquisitive pupils especially in the higher branches of knowledge , than the colloquail meth od eki'.lf ' ully applied. Thn Hon. M. A. Jewell , president of thojfatioual Teachers' association , is in favor of technical education iu common school * . "The true theory of a common school programme , " he i "is that every step shall ba the bestpossiblp preparation for stepping out , rather than , for stepping up. Thh would involve some changes in the purriculum. It would brin : ? in writ ing and drawing at the very beginning and continue thr > m to the end , with reading and pllirg And all through the course there should run alocgBide of the elementary lessons in the var ious departments of natural history , systematic instruction in uionls and politic si economy " MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC. Mr. John SIcGullough is homo Eytinge has cancelled her on gigermnt with Harry Sargent. Miss Minnie Cummings is Deposing to dtltver in New York a lecture on "Slander. " The Florences have achieved great success in London with the "Mi-jhtv Dollar. " R'stori is forming a dramatic troupe in Rome with which to btgiu the tour cf Europe this month. There ia a probability that Miss El lis Wilton , of the Union Square corj oany , will support S lvim during hU American tour , Mme. Marie Jlosa-MRpleaon wil { aaij from London on the 20th insr. , to join tha Stnkqsch-HeBs Ijjgl sh Opera - ra company in Now Yorft. Mme. Camilla Urso h s returned io NewtYork from her Australian tour. She is reported to be engazed for n visit to Cuba and Mexico. Mr , 15- ASothern Is realjy broken down in health , and there | s little hope that ha vill ever be able to resuintj his duties upon tha stage. A Musical festival is to bo given in Baltirnoro iu October to comra.emo raia the ono hundred and fiftieth anni versary cf tils founding of'that pity , Berr * lliobmond , ths head of ths joroblisation which pre < emed "Our Candidate" last season , died suddenly the other { lay in Cincinar.U , where bs w s to have begun sn engagement last Monday , It in prodiclod thai Mr. Stcele MaokByo is preparing to have trouble , it buina alleged that ho lisa engaged t.reo actresses for theMadison Square theatre , among them Miss Je'ueys- Lewia and Miss Effie Elhler. "Two Nights in Rome" hr.s met with such success &s to justify th8 management in announcing it for an other week. Mian Maud Granger and JIT company will shortly product ) thw play in Boston snd Phihdelphia i , Mr. Edwin Booth is to ict at the ntvr Princess theatre , London. The del < y ia hia appearance was caused by his refusal to play lago to the Othello of Charles Wainer , which would in a measure subordinate him to a popular English star. Hiverly'a liberal billing of his Ma * t < don minstrels has aston'shed ' Lon don , It having been stated that ha had "o\er-billed , " and that , the cott mist hive been greater than the re turns , ihe explanation was made in a London papsr that Mr. Havorly ship ped seven and R h lf tons from Cin cinnati and upward of 6flean tons from Chicago. Altogether , upward of tweuty-fivo ions of show bills and posters for the "Mastodons" were shipped f rum this country to England. IMPIETLKS. At the close of a sermon the minis ter became impressive. Raising hi ; voice he sitd. "Judgment ! judgment ! ' and a small boy in the vestibule shouteJ : "Out on first ! " A little girl in church , after IL ; o contribution plate had buea p-\saed , con placcntly and audibly said : 'I ptfd for four , mamma ; wasn't that all right ? " It must have been tremendously embarrassing to that young sporis- man , who is engaged to the parson's daughter , on arriving late in church with his fair finucee , to hear the rev erend gentleman read out : " vly daughter is greviously tormented with a devil. " A colored preacher of Baltimore saya ho has attended thirty-one camp- . meetings , and has this year arrived .pat the conclusion that all the grace which a convert can secure in a whole week will vanish in two hours after the mo squitoes begin to bits. Last week a Bible agent sat down at a farmer's table out west , played euchre with the old man and won a yoke of four-year-old steers from him , and then made him buy eight dozen Bibles and sixteen pounds of tracts to The colored people of Little Rock . are divided as to the needs of the soil. ' Ono congregation has been praying for rain , while the other asked for : continued sunshine. The minister of the wet district sent the following note to the people of the dry : "You folks outrhter be ashamed ot yourself. This crosscut prayiu' is enough to get ; the Lord so bothered that he don't know what to do' " A man while walking across the meadow lei stepped into a bumble bee's nest and the honest insect ] in sect immediately swarmed up his trowsers leg and began to improve the ; shining hour. The good man in great perturbation roared out something about the "Damn bee,1' when , seeing , a neighbor regarding him earnestly j he added "he who first cries hold enough. ' " PEPPERMINT DROPS. "None of your law" is what the bather said to the shark. Erery gentleman should have a mel on patch upon his country seat. ' 'Wtiatis meant by the Jower behind - hind the thronel" asHed the teacher. ' 'The ace , " replied thesmart , bad boy > , "which ia greater than the king. " Atmospherical knowledge is not' thoroughly distributed in cur schools , A boy bein asked , "What ia nj " ' - replied , "an urabrolla , " weather has acted in a manner rtther diacourasins to ponons who ara camp in out for pleasure. [ Chicago Jour nal , The amusement season in Arkansas will opn just as soon as the boys get their hands on a felhnv who argues that the world owes him a mule aud a halter. " 'Tis sweet to dye for tbosowe love , " exclaimed a young man when his best cirl asked him why he didn't wear a bldck instead of a light mus tache. A boyish novice in smoking turned deadly pale and tbraw away his cigar. Said he : ' 'Thar'a sumthin * in that air cigar that's mads me sick " "I know what it is , " sid hiscnrnparnon.pulling away . "What ! " "Tobicker. " "If you are a quiet , honest citizen of Galvestcn , how did those skelston keys aud brass knuckles happen to be in your coit pocket ? " "I reokon , Jurtgo , me nnd the policemen mmt have changed coats in the We weie very much excited , " These are the days when the honest farmer smilea in the evening when he views his trees fairly bsnding beneath the weight of luscious anples , and gels as mid as blazes the fallowing morn ing when ho notices that the only things remaining in hio orchard are the tracks of the bad boya' feet [ PhihdelpliU Chronicle. At Chautauqui , N. Y. , a few days ago , Rev. Joseph Coot lectured on the "Three Bsspised Ri s. " "That's right , " si > s The Norristown Herald ' 'it is about time the horse race , the boat race and the footrace were pitch ed into. A man always despises theaa races when ho loses money on "em. " According to Richard Grant White , "hug" in a word that embraces a great desl. [ New Orleans Picayune. "A great doil , " must be a lumbering sort of o fel-'onr. ' Jonoa ssyj ho would bo rejoiat to do a little embracing , but that's not the kind of timber the boys ara rafter. Jones gives that as the one p'ank'in his platform of principles. It is a good onp ; let's all get n board , A Men Avacsed by an Eagle. ! 1 IlisXcMS. On Tuesday last as Mii.L O.Kim- coy was walking through the brush near the logging camp on the La Creole - ole he heard a peculiar noise above him and looked up just in time to dis cover that a huge eaile WAS making a descent up n him. Mr. Kimfey dcdg-d out of the way , and when the biul struck the erounddespatched him with an axe which ho was carrying. The eagle measures six and ono half feet from tip io tip. It is suoposod th t the eagle mistook Mr. Kimsey for some brd { or animal , aa it is un likely that it would -knowingly attack a man , „ Republican Piatforaa , ! TJia republicans of Nebraska mo t hoarlily endorse the profession of principles formulated by the national republican convention at Chicago , snd pledge thejr unswerving support to the cr.ndidiUcn there nominated. 2. We sfll-ni the dootriiKi of na > tional rovarei nty in the formulated principles upon which the perpetuity o the r.Uion rests , nnd that tha prin ciple of homo two R3 ojjunejated by the ( lomof.yatio party is but iho cftit * tiow espreszifln of the CalbQVin docr trims of ststo rights , ia revolutionary iu its clnrnoter tnd destructive oLtha unity o ? the nation , a ti , We regard the roccnt aekuro cf tlio polls nnd the \yholesale robbery of the franchises of the raublican citi- Kens of Alabama , surpsslnz In the mognitudo ami pffrontsry of the orimo of all former efforts nf &B pajty un der their Tweed plan Iri' w York , and the Mississippi plan in the south , a a fair specimen of democratic meth od and a forecast of democratic do minion in national nffiira that should incite every honest man and tax-payer in the countty to the most earnest en deavor to defeat the party of brigand age nnd traud at the polls hi Novem ber. 4. We have considered "what Leo and Jackson would do if they were alive , " { cheers ] and have determined to unpluy our best energies in pro- venting the seizure of the national government by their living coraradss through the frauds of a eolid south. 5 We congratulate the people of ihu state upon its rapid increase of population and wealth , and upon the good measure of pro-perity that has rewarded their labor , upou the rapid upbuilding of our material interests since the success of resumption and the revival of trade. G Wo pljjge our support to such legislation in congress and such meas ures by state legislatures as may be necessary to oSect a correction of abuses and prevent extortionate dis crimination in charges by railroad corporations. 7. Wo moat cordially invite the aid and co operation in the latest defense of the national integrity and national purae of all republicans and war dem ocrat i who have difldrod with us on temporary issues , or have clung to a party name. llesohed , That we heartily join in thu rerommondatiou made by Ghneral Garfield in his letter of acceptance in urging upon congress the speedy im provement of the Missouri river for barge navigation. If jou are troubled with fever nnd ague , dumb ainic , liilliom feior , jtundicc , < Jjfpcpia , or uny disrate of ilie liver , t lowl or ttomnch , and wish to Ret iticll try the new remedy , 1'rof. Gull- metis's French Liror Pjd. Ask your druggist ( or it and uko nn other , and if lie hag not pot it rend $1 50 in a letter to the French Fid Co. , ToUdo , O. , and reteivo one by return mail. The liver is more frequently the seat of disease than 13 generally supposed , for up on its regular action depends , in a great measure , the powers of the stomach , bow els , brain and thj whole nervous system. Ue nlnte that important organ by taking Simmons' Liver Regulator , and you pre vent most of the diseases that flesh is heir to. d&w . : E\ COOK : , DERTAKER , Oid Fellows' Block. Prompt attention given to orders by telegraph. ST , CATHERINE'S Academy for Young Ladies. ISthandCass Sta.Omaha , Neb. Ths course of studies at this Institution , be- eidea the u > ual branches of anEnglish education , embraces Freacb , Germin , Musii Drawinir , Pjmtra ? , Main and Fan-y Needle Work , Wax Tniir-r s , at * . TheBi-saion commtnces the Drst JIo day la Stptember and the fi' rt Monday in February. rcittJd. Boys frtm five to tsn years of gs will be ad- For further parthnhrs apply to Directress of St. Catherine's auSOlSt VINEGAR WORKS ! Jar.fi , Bet. 3th and I0th Stt , 03UHA. First quality distilled Wine and CJtJer Vineyir oi any nronjth below eastern prices , and vsi. " " ] ust.M . sood'atwholesal * tnd retail. SViJ 2IFriCali"ERNST KKBBSY MEAT MARKET I : . P. Bloc& 16th St. Frssjs uU Silt ileata o all kfajda ca 3 r's-cfc1 ' * ' o& STRENGTH and EHEEGY , WITHOUT THE USE OF DRUGS , ARE RE QUESTED TO SEKD FOrf THE ELECTRIC REVIEW , AN ILLUSTRATED JOUR NAL. WHICH IS PUBLISHED FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION. TT TREATS upon HEALTH. UVOIji.VE , d Phyii- J c t Culture , anil ' ' compMe ejcjclonwdia cf information for in > ld ! > and the e who luaer from Xervou' , Exbuustmg and ratniul Di * aiJ. hvery .ubject th t b s tuon bcnlth and human happmtn. receives attention Iu its past" . : an' ' H'e n ny I1" " * tlonii asked by anfferiiig iinalu ! * , wLo Iwve despaired of cure , are amw reJ , aud laluahle . informs ! ion is TDlnnttered to all who nru in nfd uf medical sd- tlce. Th * ubjct of Elac'nc Bf Its IT M - lediciiif , nd the hundred and one question of'M mi" " tance to Buffering buminlly , are Uul } ouii acd explained. explained.YOUNC Acd ethers who ( .utfer from Xarroui and Physical Debiilty. | I.C * . cf ilan'.y Vi-or , Preirature i-iliaii- . lion < and the many gloomy consoQnci.ces of ! iMdNcrstion ' , etc. , aru especially leneuied by cor > its contents * . oLKfrrniC RLVIEWeipcsesth * unmuiKJted fraud * practlct-I by quacks and medical m K-Mor- ) who prcfcn to " practioe inedicinu , " and poiiiU i-'ii ' the only afe , simple , and ettectlw rc d lo llieal'.u , Vliror , and llodily linergy. . r-'eiid Tour ad Jreti on pottal card for a copy , aod i worth iboiuudi will te sent you. Ad lrc i Iho PULVERMAGHER GALVANIC CO , , ' OR. EIRHTK and VINE STS. . CINCINNATI. 0 45 Year s before th ePnblic. .O.MoLAWE'S arc not recommended as p rcmedv " for all the ills that flesh is heir to. " but in affections of the Liver , ami in nil JMHons Complaints , Dyspepsia , anil Sick Head ache , or diseases of t5mt character , they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVES ! . No botier cntlwtic can be used pre paratory to , or after taking quininCr AB a imple purgative they are uneiualed. ( BEWARE OF IMITATIONS , The genuine are never sugar-coated. Kach box lias n red-wax ceal on the lid , with the impreisonMcLAJ ! E'S LIVEtt PILL. Eaclt wrapper bears the signa tures of V. McLAXE and FLSMI.VO BROS. s T Insist upon bavin ? the genuine Ditc. MoLAXE'S LIVEli PILLS , pre pared ' by FLEMING IJUOS. , rillsburgli , Pa , , the market bciiiR full of imitations of the name JTcLniiK , spoiled differeiitly , but same pronunciation. BOWEL COMPLAINTS. A Epetdy nd Effectual Cure. PERRY DAVIS1 PAIN-KILLER Da Blood thn test of roarr rims' trial. Directions with each tattle. OLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS. Ill ft MT C n Lool Aeenta everywhere to eel WAN I tU lea , Loflce. BaUcK ' . FUVoriiiff Extracts , etc , by samp'e , to f italll J3 , Proflt good. OutOt free. People1 * Tea Co. , Box , S { . 1 ouis , Slo. Cnrcs nud never disappoints - points , Tao world's iluliovov for Man hnl PlTCIIEtt'S CASTOIUA Is not Narcotic. Children grow lUt upon , Mothers like , and Physicians recommend CASTOKIA. It regulates the Bowels , cures Wind Colic , allays Fevcrislmess , and dc stroys Worms. WEI DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Curo"a Constitutional Antidote for this terrible mala dy , Ly Absorption. Tlio most Important Discovery since Vac cination. Other remedies may relieve Catarrh , tM cures at any stage before Consumption acts in. THE ONLY PLAGE ft'HERE TOO can find a gocd Mjortaignt of BOOTS AND SHOES At LQWKR FIGURE than at any other shoe house Iu the cltr. P. LANG'S , 236 FARHHAM ST. LADIES' & GENTS , SHOES IADE TO ORDER d a perfect fit tuar-.ntfcd. Irlcca Trvrcsaon BUS1N SSGIIANC S. Reunion Camp Ground Privileges. cTnmlttee of arrangements for the SoU \ liters' Reunion , to be held under the allspi ces of tha 0. A. K . a' Central City , Sfcrnck county , Ncbrssk , from the 13tli to the Igth , In clusive , cf September , 1SSO , will receive sealed bids ut > to Saturday noon , AU.JUS' 21 , 18SO , for the folio-nine privllcees : 1st. For the rent , durine the week of the Be- union , of two Dinlns Halls , 20xl < K > feet each ; kitchens attached , 12xlCO feet. 5he kitchens each to be furni hed with four furnished stovr s , two pumpj , and fui'able tables. Dining Ilslls to lieturniBhcil with tablc < and ients. Ao'other public eatlng-hou'es will bo allowed on the ground. The prices to bo charged not to ex ceed thirty five cents pc' meal , one dollar per day , or flva dollars for the week. ierra1 Vd. Exclusive ri ht of fatnbhing Sutlers' Stores for camp the Sutler to be f urnuhed with two Hospital Tents. Sd. Ono Promcnsilo Hall , 32x100 feet , with mualc stand and seats. Bids may be in the alternative , cither so much. for tke prh liege , orwhat per C9 t. of the proGla. If on the per cent , basl ? , Ihe comlnittee to hftvo the supervision of the rcce'pts and disbursements > of the busiura s Jointly with the pa'ti' to whom > the trivilegeii awarded. All b d < muot be accompanied with a bond of 01.0 tfiniwind ilolUrs. signed by two sureties , that ample supplies for the wants of the camp stall be furnished , to the extent of the capacity of tbo bulldlnes provided. Open prop s la will also be received for other privileges on the grou d. TlTe camp will be provided with tents and bur- racks for the accommodation rf 20,000 p r.plo , All bids and letters of inquiry sbonld be ad dressed to VT U. WEBSTER , Chairman Reunion Committee , Central City. Merrick Co. . Neb. PASSENGER GGOMMppATlOH LINE NEA OM AH A ANDWFORT OMAH A Counects With Street Cars Corner of SADNDERS and HAMILTON STREETS. ( End ot Eed Line M follows : LEWE OMAHA : 630. * S:17andl:19a : ] ra , 3:03.5:37 : and733p-m. LEAVE FORT OMAHA : 7:15 a m. . 9:15 a , m , and 12:45 p. m. 1:00 : , 6:15 : and 8:15 p. m "The 8:17 : a. m run , leavinomab& > * nd the 1:00 p. m ran , Tearing Fort Omaha , are usually lopded to full capacity with regular passengers , The 6:17 : 1. m. rui will be made from the post- office , corner of Dodje and 15th gnrehta. Tickets can fce procured from street car driv en ! , or from drivers of backs. FARE , 25 CENT3 , INCLUDING STBE CAB AHEHTIOH , BUILDERS AHD COM TRACTORS. The owner o ! tha celebrated Kaolin Banks , near LOUIS VTU ! ! , NEB. , hoc now ready &t the depot at Louisville , on the B. & iL railroad , to fill any order at reasonable price ? . Par ties -desiring a white front o ; onumen bricjt will do vail to ES Vc ? 9 ( all o ; BAHKIKO KOUSIS' THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED. mmz HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. OAlDWELLjHA&HLTQNfGO Business transacted same M that o an Incor * pc rated Bank. Accounts kept In Currency or gold subject to light check without notice Certificates of ilepcs t is-mrd pararla In three , six and twelve months , bearing Interest , or on demand without interest. Advances maje to ruatotnera nn approved Be- curitir ) at market rates of Interest. Buy and Bell eold. Mils of exchange Govern ment , State , Cuun'y anil City Bonds. Draw Sight Drafts nn Kn land , Ireland , Scot land , and all parts of Europe. Sell E iropcan r < ue ; re Tickets. nOLtEGTlONS PROMPTLY MADE. augldtf U , S DEPOSITORY , FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA. . Cor. istli ana Fflrnbam streets , OLDEST BAHKIHC ESTABLISHMENT IN OMAHA. ( SUCCESSORS TO KOUKTE BROS. , ) JSTARMSHED IN ISJli , Organized M a Kfttlonal Bank , Aujiut 3,1833. Capital and Profits Ovor$300OOG , Speclillynuthorliedbr the Secretary or Treasury to receive Subscription to the U. 8.4 PER GENT. FUNDED LOAN. OFFICERS AND Dtt'.EQTOJU UlRUA-j Kousws. PresMcnt. At'opsies KOBKMB , Vlca President. II. W. Yiris. rwhUr. A. POPIBIOS , Attorscy. Jonx A. Cn IOIITOS. I' . H. DAVU , Aea't Caibler. Tnli bank receives deposit thoat rgard to amounts. Ig-nes time certificates bearing Interest. liriws drafts on Sao F.anciaco and principal cities of the United ttatra , alsj London , Dublin Eillt-burjh and the principal cities of tha contl nent cl Europe. Selia paasigo tioket * lor Emigrants In the In. man ne. may lot ! REAL ESTATE BROKER Geo. P. Bern is' IEAL ESTATE AGEHGY. 16th & Douglat Sli. , Omaha , Neb. This geacy doM 8TRIC7L7 nesa. Does notipcculats , and tnercfoio any baj. gains on IU books sic Insured to Its pi'ac u , | n of helnr ijOhMttl up br th e agent HOGGS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS Jfy 1S F&rr&arA Strut OMAHA - NEBRASKA -Nolh Side oppGranO Ce inot l. Nebraska Land Agency , DAVIS a SNYDEB , 1S03 400,060 ACRE8 carefully * Jeclt.S laaJ IS EnsUitJ JJ bn Sft fur ealt ) . . . . Gft&t ittrgAlaaln impf.ved farun , sndOioh o5 ! DAvfe WKCSTEB 6SVDKR , Iji'.e land Wm'rTJ. V. { I. } l 4p.l8b7U Byron ilecd fc Co , , BE AL ESTATE AGENCY IN NEBRASKA. Keep a ooinpWe attract of tltla to all F.csl Eitata In Oraaha and Doaslaa County , mayltf HOTELS. THE ORIGINAL. Oor , Randolph St. & 6th Ave. , CHICAGO ILL. PUICES REDUCED TO $2.00 AND $2.50 PER DAY Locxtcd in the r.usiiicss . cent'e , convenient to places of amusement. Elecan ly furnished , dontalnliic all mudern improvements , passenger elector. &c. J. II. CUMMIXuS , Irroprietor. ocietf OGDEN HOUSE , Cor. MARKET ST. & BROADWAY Council muffs. Iowa ; On line ot Street Kailwiy , Omnibtti * o nd from all trams. KATES Parlor floor , S3.00 per day ; pecond floor , 52 60 perdiy ; third floor , SJ.OO. The test furnished an.I most com nodious honse In the city. dtO. T. PHELI'S , Prop. METROPOLITAN OilAHA , NEB. IRA WILSON PROPRIETOR. The Metropolitan U centrally located , and Drat c'ata in every ra-pect , having recently heen entirely renora < cd. 'I lie public wi.l flml it a. comfortable and homelike house , miratf. HOUSE , Schuylcr , Neb. sa House , Good Meals. Good Beds Airy Rooms , and kind and accommodating treatment. Tw i good sample roorna. Spccu attention paid to commercial travelers. S , MILLES , Prop , , alS-tf Schuyler , Neb. FRONTIER HOTEL , Laramie , Wyoming. The miner's resort , good accommodations , arge earn pie room , chargea reasonable. Special attention given to traveling men. JMf H C. HILLUf.D. Proprietor. INTER-OCEAN HOTEL , Cheyenne , Wyoming. Fir t-cbss , Fine large Simple ROOTBI , one Mock from depot. Trains etcp from 20 mlnntts to 2 hours for dinner. Free Bos to and from Depot. Kates Si 00. SI 50 and $3.00 , according to room ; a ngle meal 75 cents. A. D. BALCOM , Proprietor. ANDREW BORDEK. Cnlef CI rk. mlO-t CHARLES RIEWE , UNDERTAKER ! UetaUc Cases , Coffins , Casket ) , Sbrouds , etc. Farnham Street , Bet. 10th and 11'h , Omaha , Neb. ers Promptly Attended To. SHOW GASES O. OT. 1317 CASS iT.t OMAHA , NEB. CTA gord tttortment alway on hand-TEi UNO. G. JACOBS , ( Formerly cf 0 ! ii i Jacobt ) Ha. i OM Ry ; } of Jwcb G * : * Carpet ! ngs I Carpet ! ngs 1 Old Reliable Carpet House , 1405 DOUGLAS STEEET , BET. 14TK AKB 15TEL Carpets , Oil-Oloths , Matting , Window-Shades , Curtains , STOGK IS THE Un0T IS THE WEST , I Make a Specialty of WINDOW-SHADES AND LACE CUhTAIHS And have a Full Line of Mats , Rugs , Stair Rods , Carpet- Lining Stair Pads , Crumb Clothes , Cornices , Cornice Poles , Lambrequins , Cords and Tassels ; IE foot Everything kept m a ? irt 01ass Oarpet Honao , Orders from ijljrojuj solicited. gsitJsfaetloM Cimrauteed Call * or Address John B. Detwiler , Old Reliable Carpet Fousg , OMAHA. Having just opened an entirely now line of EN'S FORMING GOOD , would ask the Merchants of Nebraska to inspect ov.v Stoo eeliuje Confident we can meat tha wants of { ill in good Qooa Low rrfcrTs SIIHEVE , JAHYIS ii CO , , Cor. Hill and Doilso Sis. . rmr. * X > 3 S IB1. G. J AL 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha. Successors to Jas. K. Isb , DRUGGISTS PERFUN3 Dealers in Fine Imported Extracts. Toilet Waters , Colognes , Soaps , Toilet Powders , &c. A foil line of Surgical InstinmouU , Pocket CMCT , Trass-s and gnprorter ? . Absolutely . Pure Dru and Chemical i mcd In Dispensing , l-rescrlptioni nlled t any hour of the nignt. Jas. . Isli. Lawrence aic3Iabon. Y HOBNEEBOi TS MILWAUKEE SEER I In Kegs and Bottles. Special Figures to the Trade. Families Supplied at Seasonable Prices. Office. 239 Douglas Street. Omaha. SHEELY BROS. PACKING CO. , PORK AND BEEF PACKERS Wholesale and Retail in FKESH MBATS& PKOVISloyS , CAME , POULTRY. FISH , ETC. CITY AND COUNTY ORDERS SOLICITED. OFFICE CITY MARKET 1415 Douglas St. Packing House , Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , U. P. R. B. DOUBLE AND SINGLE ACTING POWER AND HAND PU Steam Pomps , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , BELTIMC HOSE , B8A8S AHD IROh FITTINGS , PIPE , STEAM PACKING , \T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HALLADAY WIKD-M1LLS , GH8RGH AND SCHOOL BELLS A. L. STRAWft. 205 Ffinr Tn Rtrppt Omfiha. Nab PAXTON & GALLAGHER , WHOLESALE GROCERS ! * 1421 and 1423 Farnham , and 221 to 229 15th Bts. KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK -AJV3 > MAKE THE LOWEST PRICES. The Attention of Cash and Prompt Time Buyers Solicited. AGENTS TOE TEE HAZAED POWDEE COMPT V J and the Omaha Iron and Nail Go. Machine Works , J , F. Hammond , Prop. & Manager The moit thorouzh appointed and cotrplet * Machine Shops and Foundry In tha state. Castings of every description manufactured. Engines , Pomps and every ciua o machlnerj made to order. Special attention trtren to Well AujnirsPnlleys , Hangers , Shaf tiiiz , Bridge Irons , Geer Cnttlnpr , etc. Flam for new Machlncry.Sfeachanical Drasgbt- Inj , Uodeli , etc. , neatly executed. 268 Haraev St. . Bet. 14S and 16tD B. A. FOWLS * . JAMIS E. ECOTT , FOWLER & SCOTT , ARCHITEOTS. Dtalrna for buiWc ? * cf ssy d - . arlhibftlon t wr office. We Hive hid orarfl LCS Ia doilptlss * R f'r : , ' lUUm'iifd sjiUecctJ. 'rlasa WP SiJlftwfe ® CT. C. MERCHANT TAILOR Capitol ATO , , Opp. Masonic Hall , OMAHA , - ' - - - " NEB \ HI. B. KISDON , \ General Insurance Agent , x j BEPKEHENT3 : J PHCEMIASSCRANCE CO. , of London - don Ca hA set * 15,107,127 WBICHKIBK. > . TCipltil. . . . . . . 1.000CO > THEMEBCHAMS.cf Ne Tirk.N.J. , 1,000M ( OIRABD rlREPblla < JelnhIiCaPltal. . 1,000,000 NOHTHWE3TEHS NATIOXAL.Cap- tul 900.COO FIREMEN'3 FUND , CaUomla 800,000 11K1TISH AJIEKICA ASSUB4NCECO 1,200,000 ; NEW A sK F1P-E INS. CO , Assets. . . . SoO.O&O AMEBICAF CEKTRAL , Asaeta 300,000 Southeast Cor. of Fifteenth & Douglas St. , meaS-dlT OMAHA. NKB. A , F. RAFERT & CO. , Contractors and Builcte Ffeo 'Woo < ! ort4 ! _ ' " 'IT" U