Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    _ --V
Established 1871. MORNING E0ITION. Price Five Cents
lyoob Khan Very Badly
Whipped and Hotly
Pursued ,
Jin Irish M. P. While Drunk
Causes Hot Times In House
of Commons
ty Persisting in Damning Or
angemen , But is
mother Nihi'ist Plot Nipped
' ' i-JT Sa9rtt Mine Discovered
\ .3
ered In Moscow.
j3ambetta Believed to be Car
rying His Religious Per
secution Too Far.
Terrible Floods ia South Amer
ica Seventy Persona
SpcdM Diirotch to The Uce.
LOKDOX , September 3 4 p. m.
At sbop meatm s of weavers , held
throughout north and northeast
Lancashire last night , very strong
fceKng was nunifcatcd. Resolutions
were pjsaed to bring the operatives ot
Blckburu oud eoine other towns oa a
Btrikc to suoport a plan of emeigra-
tion and in fiver of stopping the
mills for a week in each month. A
raeotini : of dt'legatoj at Blackburn
will finally clsscidu the subject.
The British somdton tj take part
in the ni.'a ] d uiLiintration hat failed
frctu Palmyra for Kasiist. Tl o
French squadron from Brest Ins ar
rived at Toulon on its w.-vy ti llsgusa.
ep * W Dispatch lo Tlie Bee.
PAUIS , Seijtember 4 1 a. m. The
llepubiique FrAiicjiae , Gambetla'a
or' n , this iiicrnin ? attacks with
tnuca bittern sathc propoaed ccltoctive
n 3te of unautbor zud congregations ,
ileclarirg ihoir tibeil once to existing
ins itutiuns , their subaiiiBion to re
cent decrees , and asking ptrmission
to c ihtiuifS their works j f charity ,
education and prajer. The Ilepub-
luiue FraTJciisssAya the ministry ao-
c = ptn ? Bucb a document would bo
ovrthrown by \\\Q \ \ chambers. The
attitude of 51 GKsnbelta and his oran -
an isspikenof in many quarters ai
-.nn-cessarily hrr4h and as likoJjT , in
to react aerie usly upon the
ough ruvolutiou of
PANAMA , v-ut25 The health
of this city improving , though-
there aru Eiill many Emallpox
and fever patiants iu the hospital.
\ There ia no news of importance
from Central America.
The latest newa from Lima , Peru ,
is Anzust 8li. The Chilians have
blockaded the pjtts of Ohorilli-s ,
Chiero and Locainp. The Amazon *
cutured the port of Choriilos on Au
gust 4th , and tv.-o of the ship's boats
attempted to seize two launcnes lyin ; ;
near the shore , when they -nero tiroi
upon by thonrmrdpulceand two or
three men killed. The boa a then re
tired. It was expected that the Aina-
2 ma would shoel the plice in retalia
Dates from Valparaiso , Chili , are to
July 114th. Congress w.u still in bes-
siou. S'nir Francisco Virgard has
bcoil appointed imniEter of ar.
A sevtrA shock of em htjuhke oc-
curr cl at Yhlpiraiao f n the night of
.Inly 21st , Trallic ou Iho Santiago &
Valparaiso jaUroad had b eu inter- !
mptcd by landslidos.
The July ( lcda in the pviocc of
Caquiinbo caused serious 1sa 1 of lifo '
and much damai-e to ra l-o.ida and |
Oilier property. The fl'ji.cis xvtre the
most BCV.TO since 18" 'l. T c iush of
water during the mg'U ' o : J ly 19th
wai so Rrcat and sadden t ; I nearly
eevonty persons living o'l ho edge
of the ravinei ra'd inu-i \ \ > Uaach-
ores were swept aw. y li 'OM they '
had time to otcape. Atinu fif y dead
bodies h.ave botii found .one many'
miles ofl' As yet no deHm-o ncc mnta '
have boon obtained of ilia josa of life j
ou the Tonya oc ou the 11 ts of the j
Smnri river. The mines ot T.imyas
have suffered considerably , anil largo
quantities of copper orea were swept
S ] > ccUl Uurutch to the liec.
Gi.ihGow , September 4 1 a. m
The end of the
iron ctrlkcs have ar
rived , and the miners are gradually
returning to work. At the Crowshuy
andDaan Forrest minis the work has
already bean resumed. The under
standing bctrct'ou masters and men
was brought about by a statement of
the actual situation by the rutxitera
aud the exercise of common seruo by
the men. The miners meruly rep-
refcnted that the iron manufactories
of America , warmd T > y their experi-
J ? - 3f tjirt puiiU which followed the
inordina.o ii.fl.itiuu ot prices
mouths aiucj , which caused l rai
immediate importations
Britain , are kccpin ? prices below
figures t which the British nmter ?
could affjrd to export their ironjfo
Atncrici. This would coufino the
civics of British Iron wholly to ihe
homo market , end the question for
the miners of Great Britain was
whethea they would starve or go _ to
work at the old rafes. The majority
saw the reasonableness of this argu
ment and abandoned the strike.
gpeclii Dispatch to Tlia Bee.
BKP.XE , Septembar 4,1 a. m. The
American killed by the overturning of
u diligence at Schultz , was Edward
Bearing , a young student of New
York. He was seated on top of the
diligence when the accident happened
and was frightfully crushed. A check
for JE500 ou a London bank , payable
to the order of the American Lega
tion , was found on his person.
Special DbpalUics to The Bee.
LONDON , September 4,1 a. ra. An
official disuatch received at the war
offi's says that General Boberts has
at tacked and defeated Ayoob Khan
with great loss , capturing 27 guns.
At the time the newa left Candahar
Ayoob vs in full retreat.
The Marquis of Hartington yester
day receivdd a deputatioa of mer
chants , mili'ary ' men and others in
favo ; of alte : og the policy of the gov
ernment rcganling Afghanistan. They
urged upon hin the importance of
mnexing Oandahat on military , com
mercial and political grounds. To
abandon the country now would , in
their opinion , be simply throwing away
all that had been gained by a vast ex
penditure of bloood and money , and
leave a legacy , which would have to
be fought for again , at a no distint
day , under still more disadvantageous
conditions. Lord Hartington.m re
ply , said that the question was a diffi
cult one. It would not be decided
precipitately , bat he insisted that no
military ra on , short of self-prEser
Vatioti , could justify the annexatioa
of Gtndahar to England. The mar
quis also doubled the advisability of
iti annexation from a commercial ,
point of view.
The Manchester Guardian say a U.
S. Minister Lowell haasenta circular
to a number of English authors king -
ing theirviews-as-to-the acceptability
of the copyright lray , protecting
book manufacturers iu the country ,
gr.mting copyright to subjects or citi
zens thereof , within thrco months of
publication in the country of the au
thor ; or the owner of stereotype
plates may export them from ona
country to asioih"r without forfeiting
the rg'it of protection of booka print
ed therefrom.
Spedil Dl pitch to Tha lies
CONSTANTINOPLE , September 4 1
a. m. The British mi'itary attache
to the legation hsre h-w just returned
from a visit to the Greek frontier , and
BITS tha reports of military prepara
tions on both sides are much exagger
ated , and that the Turkish troops are
far superior to the Greeka both m
physique and equipment.
The parte has finally offered to cede
Dulc'gao , but with a modification of
the line.
Four thou'.and Albanians have en
tercd Dulcigno , and Plaa Pasha is
preparing to protect them.
There was a great ecouein the house
of commons last evening. The house
was on the appropriation bilh. During
the debate , Pbilip Callan , member for
Louth countj * , repeatedly denounced
Prolcalante , Orangemnn , democratic
associations , etc. The chairman , Mr. , repeatedly des red Callnn to
confine himself to the subject before
the house , but Callan continued his
remarks and Playfair called iim to or *
der at thrco different limes. Thfcro-
UDon , according to the regulations
paasecd at the last session , a motion
that Cull m be suspended during the
remainder of the soesioli vraa carried.
The homo rulers wore very much ex-
clUd , but di'd not protest against Cal-
lans * mpensipn , a Jus conduct \ras
grossly offensive. Oallan , when leaving
with thfl bowed
ing Eergeant-at-arms ,
gracefully to the house and kissed the
hand of the speaker. It is believed
that Mr. Callan waa drunk.
A dispatch from Quettah aayg Gen.
Roberta ia pursuing Ayoob Khanwho ,
has retreated up the Org-mdal valley
towards Cabul.
] > dtl D'Fjmtth to The Bcc.
VIENNA , September 4 1 B. m. A
riot took placa at Comitzi , in Bosnia ,
which was quelled by the Austrian
Fpecil Dispatch to 7he Bcc.
PARIL. Septembar4 , la. m. There
are rumors of dissensions in the
French cabinet.
Spedkl Dispatch to The Bee.
ST. PETEiisnuno , September 4 1 n.
m. The police of Moscow entered a
house on , the Faubourg Ragoski , near
the railway , and arrested three men
who wore engaged in digging a mice.
Murdered "While Returning From a
Political Meeting1 ,
Special Djpatch to The Bcc.
BEADING , Pa. , September 4 , 1 a.
in News has reached here that
another murder mystery exists in
Che.-ter county , near the place of the
famous Undersook tragedies. The
dead body of Eufield Hardoo wes
found floating iu the dam mar Msn-
tonville. After three days' investi
gation the jury were unable to fiud
out who inllic ed the wounds that
caused death. It is believed that
Hardoo was murdered after leaving a
political meeting , where ho had dis
cussed politics freely , and that tha
dead fcsdy was thrown in the waer.
This is the second man found mur
dered in the same stream within two
year.s. .
Steam Navigation.
Special PlepatUi to Tin liu.
NORFOLK , Va. , September 4,1 a.
m. The board of steam navigation
elected officers for the ensuing year as
follows : President , E. W. Gould , of
St. Louis ; vice presidents , B , H.
Woodfalk , of Kentucky , J. B. Coylo ,
of Maine , and S. D. Edwards , of
Pennsylvania ; corresponding secre
tary , B. S.0sborn , New York ; record
ing secretary , \V. T. James , Pennsyl
vania ; treasurer , F. W. Nickeraon ,
Boston. Meetings will hereof ter be
held in Washington on the first
Wednesday in October. A commit-
nntteowas appointed to make e.\-
iduslfvo iuVeBtiijatious-into. merits
of life saving apparatus and danger
Feeding Ueef Eaters.
Spccitl Dispatch to The Bed
NEW YORK , September 4,1 a. m.
Exporters of beef are making prepara
tions for sending l rgo quantities to
England next week. Cattle dealers
here have received advices from Eng
land to the effect that the stringent
laws regulating the importation of
cattle into that country will bo modi-
Cod at the close of the present month ,
BO that there will be no further diffi
culty in this great exportation busi
Favoring Howgato.
Spedil dlipatcli to Tns BIE.
CINCINNATI , 0. , September 4,1 a.
m. The chamber of comin ° rce passed
resolutions yesterday recommending
the appointment of Captain H. W.
Howgate ? s chief of the Eisnal service
in place of the late Gen. Myer , and
aho recommending thst the signal iser-
vice bo continued under the control
of the war department.
Furious Earthquakes and Hur
ricane Destroy Valuable
Property and Crops.
Speckl Dispatch to Tat tin.
NEW YOKK , September 4 , 1 a. m.
particulars ot' the hurricane and
arihquake at Jamaica , August 13th ,
lave just beec received. At the time
the earthquake and hurricane os-
urred , so turious was the wind that
treet cars were obliged to stop run-
ing. Vessels were sunk and driven
shore , wharves destroyed , roofs
down off and trees uprooted. Sever-
t vessels wera blown ashore on the
'alisades and only one wharf escaped
emoliiion. Barrels of flour , rice ,
ah and other provisions were strewn
long the beach. Heavy tiles , which
aye the Vic'oria market wharm ,
were all blown off , leaving the market
mere skeleton. Tfo penitent'ary '
cssuli were all foundered. The datu-
3e on land is estimated at $500,000.
! jcoanut tjeee were snapped like pipe
terns , houses , that were considered
trong and durable , wtre crushed like
wilkw baskets Thereof uf the cui-
pm house waa swept awty. Thelitfta-
ic asylum and general penitentiary
ustimed much damage , as did also
11 churches and chapels. The b'r *
acks were totally demolished. Tele-
raph and telephone connections were
netroyed. The banana . crop met
vith total destruction. People were
endered homeless and wtrj obliged
o seek refuge with friends whoso
tomes fortunately ecciped the liny of
he storm. Thera were three shocks
f earthquake during the hutricane ,
nd the bells of St. George's church
ud the West Branch school swayed
.0 . and fro , giving doleful sounds amid
30 storm.
A Sot of An Actori
pedal D'f patch to lira Bee.
NiAS * Yohte , September 4,1 a. ra.
as. K Emmett , "Fritz , " the well
jnown actor , who haS be5n on a pro-
raoted spree for the last week , was
irrested yesterday afternoon and
odpedin _ the Tombj prison.Vheu \
taken into custody he had juat pur-
hased a splendid revolver , which he
aid he intended as a present for his
tun. Emmett seemd completely broL
ten Up from the effects of his do-
much. He had escaped lixm the
uatody of friends who had him in
hargo Bines his arreafc at Waverly ,
J J. He wa9 put to sleep in the hos-
) ital cell of iho prison and it is expect-
d that iu a few days ho will bo well
nough to enter upon his engagement.
FJght With H Burglar.
peclal Dlsjulcli to llie flee ,
CHICAQO , Sept. 4 1 a. m. A
mrglar enteied the residence ofVm
Juttsrfio'd ' cli the Noreh Side last
'hursJay night. Butt rfield's son ,
ustin , hearing the intruder , tired at
lim wiih a revolver. This burglar
ave a howl of nain , but , in return ,
ent a bill whi'22 < ttg by Justin's head
nd lodging in the wall. The t * o
ben clinched and had a fierce encoun-
er until the burglar fiaal'y struck
JuUerfield a stunning blow on the
lead , felling him to the floor. The
iiief then ercipod withuut any plun-
Lovinf ? Americans.
] > ecal ! Uisalch to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , September 4 1 a. m.
While the balance uf trade has been
n our favor during the p < st month ,
n examination of the nature of the
rticles imported into this country , as
.ppoars by the last quarterly report
f the bureau of statistics , shows that
hey are of that class known as luxur-
e , which drain the country of money
vithout giving any return. Silks ,
ewelry , fancy goods , perfumery , cos-
nctics , etc. , are being brought to this
ountry , and an Increase in their im-
lortition is thought to show a return
o the luxurious habits , which , accord-
ng to many cloze observers of the
imo , wi3 the chief cause of the recent
widespread depresion.
Disastrous Blaze.
pccial DUpatcli to TllB 1 ! K
ALBANY , N. Y. , September 4 , la.
ra. An extensive and disastrous fire
occurred yestctday afternoon in the
village of Hart's Falls , Il3iisaollcr
jounty , a few miles north of Troy.
e following buildings were burned :
Siaghtnoke Homo , Barker's block ,
which included the bank and opera
louse , and ten other buildings ; loss
atimated at § 50,000.
A Political Ro-w in Michigan ,
p-cial Diipitch toTho Eco
OETUOIT , September 4 , 1 a. m.
The republican congressional commit-
ee in the Eighth congressional dis-
rict of Michigan ? rc now in cccret
cssion at East Saginaw , conaideriug
ho matter of forcing the nominee ot
.he ticket. The nominee is Hon.
tloawell L Herr , \vho represented the
diatrict last term In congress. The
ireseut atato'of affairs ia brought about
the fact that several prominent re
niblican leaders proposed to bolt and
; o over to the democrats if they could
nut beat him otherwise. Their rea
sons for this probably are that they
were atung when Herr was in business
a few years ago. Herr ia now in
Mainestumping , and from there wrote
a letter of withdrawal at the request
of the members of the committee.
There is little doubt but that the
matter will break the present solid
Michigan delegation in case bis decli
mtion is not accepted. The ti ht will
till him off , anyway.
A Chapter of Accidents.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
KOKOMO , Ind. , September 4,1 a.
m. The Excelsior factory , flour and
eaw mill of G. W. W. Bishop , at. Wai-
ton , was destroyed by fire yesterday.
Loss , $10,000 ; insurance small
An unknown man fell into the river
at this point this morning and was
At 10 o'clock Thos. Ball , a fireman
on the Lake Shore & Michigan South
ern railroad , was fatal'y injured by
the breaking ot a coupling between
the locomotive and tender , letting
him fall between the rails. Eight
cars passed over him , crushing the
left leg and breaking his back.
A Disastrous Break.
Specbl Dispitch to The EM.
GKAND RAPIDS , Mich. , September
3 1 p. m. The recent heavy rains
caused a large washout at the inter
section of Clinton and Mason strco's ,
laying bire the largo wooden main
used ior filling the city reservoir. The
mein burst , and four million gallons
of water swept down the hill in a tot-
rent , doing great damage to property.
Five whole squares were deluged and
nineteen buildings damaged , five be-
itg total wreck * and the occupants
narrowly escaping. The total damage
is estimated at $50,000.
ScttJal Dfepatch to Tni Bu.
HICKORY , N. 0. , September 3.
Mr. Hirr.s Kidder waa walkin. along
with a lady and Henry Williams
bruahed up against him and struck
him. Kidder remonstrated , at which
William * whipped out a razir and
made a pass at Kidder , who threw up
his erai. He was cut just below the
elbow , the two inside muscles being
nearly severed. Ho died in a few
HickoEY , N. 0. , Sep'ember 3. In
Aaho county a party ot farmers got on
a tear , in which one wai fatallj
wounded and another killed. John
McGuire wai shut through the heart
and Miles McGuire through the right
LONDON , September 4 The Meads
paper mill at Pomljn , Cornwall , was
burned yeaterdny ; damage , § 150,000.
ROCKPOUT , Ind. , September 4.
Charles Emission , a young married
man , killtd his infant diuj hter aged
night months , at midnight , by striking
its head against the smoke house. He
has been considered insane.
JCotrMrtus , 0. ) Sopteihber 4 The
democrats held a big meeting last
night , presided over by Senator Thur-
man. A torch-light procession took
place , and atraiiuoui efforts were made
to manufacture enthusiasm.
CoU.Mfcus , 0. , September 4.
There was a large attendance at the
last day of the s'ale fair. The exhi
bition waa an iinmknae aucne-a in the
number Of unities and attendance.
DETROIT , September 4 Two more
bodies have been recovered from the
nresk of tha burned steamboat "Ma
rina City , " John 6ruddeU , of Detroit ,
and an unknown person , making
twelve in all. Divers see indications
tian many more bodies are in the hull ,
probably these of poor steerage passen
NK\V YoRKSeptembjr 4 A native
of tirucago waa tumid to be ill with
geniimo malarial fever , upon the arri
val of the last steamer from Aspia-
Nfitv y0HK , September 4 The
cinson at the tunnel abaft ; at Jersey.
City hns beeu lowered to th i depth of
tha coffer-dam and must there remain ,
till the completion of thB a.'x lockfj
probably till .Monday , bsforo the work
of recovery of the unfortunate work
men can 1)0 prosecuted.
CHICAGO , September 4. After
apcakiug to-night at Champaign , Gen.
L"g.ui proceeds to Indiana , where he
will dulivur five speeches. He will re
in un in Indiana until about the mid
dle of September.
A Dangc roua Toy.
Spoil DJsiatch to The Bee.
NEW YORK , September 4 p. m.
Div.s RriJ , asjf d 1C years , who pos
sesses sn a-.r nfl * , has sbotthree of
his neighbors , one of whom , Misa
Margaret Leonard , is reported dying
to-day. Her mother was wcundod.
GJO. Cook , who livei next door to
Reid , was also shot , but not seriously
hurt. _ _
Another Brute at Peace With God.
Special Dispatch to Tun Bit
WILMIXGTOX , Del. , September 4 ,
1. a. in. Stephen Richardson ,
colored , who killed his mother-in-
law and at'empted to k 11 his
wife and fathor-in-law , in this city ,
July 19h : , was executed here yester
day. He mot his fate calmly , saying
that ho bad made his peace with his
Maker. On Tuesday last , having pro
fessed religion , the condemned man
was baptized by a colored Mothcdis-
minister , and on Thursday the sacra
ment was administered to him. Be
fore his death one white and nine col
ored ministers were with him
singing and praying.
Gotham Glare.
Special Dispatch to The Hoc.
NEW YORK , September 4 1 a. IP.
Last evening a fira broke out in the
extensive block of buildings runn'ng
from No. 1 to 9 Hague s'reet , and ex
tending back to Oak street. The
buildings , which were five stories
high.were occupied by Schultz , South-
wick fc Co. , leather merchants ; Tay-
" & Co. , printing presses ; Colton &
Jo , wire manufacturers , and a num
ber of other small firms. The fire
nen after two hours' hard work extin
guished ti.o flames. Loss , 550,000.
The Wabash Cuts Bates
pechl Dispitcli to TOE DBS.
NEW YORK , September 4,1 a. m.
The Wabish railroad company has
canceled their pro-rating contract with
bo Hannibal & St. Joe , and has giv-
! ti notice that they will take all
rcight they can get , regardless of the
At a meeting of the officer * of the
runk lines'of the railroads held yes-
.erday it was resolved that elevators
bo made the central points of deliver-
ng grain. It ia reported that all
trunk lines , except the Pennsylvania.
are engaged in cutting freight rates ,
east and west.
New York Money and Stock.
WALL ST. , NBW YORK , Sept. 3 1:30 : p. m.
Money 2J par cent ; exchange steady at SVS2Q
OS6'81 1011 US It's . - . . .1105
U 8 5'3 102 | U S 4't 110J
0 irrcjicj- ( Ta..125
Mcderitely acthe and advanced jQ2Jc. sinct
t'.c opening.
WU 1 6 CC&IC 218
NYC 131J Mich. Central 05J
Eric 40J Lacks wanna &W. . 92
Erie prcfd 69 $ Hudson Canil 85S
RI 115 N JC 76J
OShore..108 M & E HOi
Northwestern 102J Heading 245
NorthwesUm pfd.123 } I.M 8i
Pacific Uail..x. . 42 N.P. SCJ
Ohio 38 NPpfd 54 *
Ohio pfd 7fJ AiP Tal
St Paul SO lllsCentral iigj
Si. I'aul pfd 110 } CCC&I 7lJ
H&StJoe 4JJ K.iT 364
St Joe pfd M L&N 132
Wab sh S3 } N. & C 701
Wahash pfd 43 } Dcnv.rfi RO. . . . . 7'1
StP.andOm n . . 43 } A&S 1091
St P.tndtO.pfJ. . . 2 } CB & Q 133
CHICAGO , September 3.
The wheat market opened weak
er this morning in this city and | c
lower in New York , probably owing
to the known abundance of the crop
and the demoralization of the conti
nental European exchanges. The
corner ou pork and lard continues ap
parently as close as ever.
Whtat At the regular board open
ing whe-.r , September , closed yester
day at 87io bid and opened at 87jc ,
* W *
October ; closoi at S8i@88iTjbid.opon-
cd at 83 c and sold at 88j@8i@88Jc.
Corn Opened at bOfopOctober
closed at 58s bid. opened a 40o and
sold at 40i < g40c ; November cold at
Oits Opened at 28o andjaold at
28J < s28Jo ; October operieclfnt 2Sa
and sold up to 28o. vRr
Pork September opoiSdjat § 17 30
later at § 17 35@17 50 bidjjOctobor
.opened at § 10 95. _ „
L-jrJ Opened for September at
§ 7 92i " ; October , ? s Oty but ) sold at
88 05"w
Kya 76c bid for casb78o bid for
Oclober. Jgj
Barley 75c bd : for September ; 77c
bid'forOctobnr. W
Whisky-450 brla sold a | l 12.
CnJc&go Live
CHICAGO , Ssjpt i > bcr3.
Hojts Estimated recV ! > 2O ° ray
11,600 head ; ofScml o Ry ,
12,81 ? ; shipments , 6.4C7 head ; qual
ity good and market active ; choido
light and heavy mixed packing lots
slow : extra l' > ta about 60 higher , oth
er prades urfihangedj salei ranged. at
$501(15 ( 30 for liaht ; § 4 90@5 30 for
mixed packing ; § 5 405 80 for ehip-
pibg lotf.
Cattls Recsipts , 3,000 head ; yesterday -
torday , 4,606 head ?
Produce Marko' .
YOKE , Septembet9.
Flour In buyers' favor ; light ex
ports and home trade demand ;
receipt ? , lrlH , ) bbls ; round hoop
Ohio , § 4 004 50 ; choice do ,
§ 4 605 75 ; superfine we8tern3 , 25 ®
3 95 ; common to good extra do , 53 70
@ 4 15 ; choice do , do , § 4 206 25 ;
choice white wheat , do , S4 004 GO.
Mieat | ® | c lower ; No. 2 redj
Se 03Q1 03 | ; do October ,
§ 1 05@1 Ooi ; do , Novuraber , § 1 OC | ;
No. 1 white , October , § 1 04& .
Corn J@c lower with A specula
tive business ; mixed western spot ,
50i@50.fc ; do future , 50 | ( < j5oc.
Oats Orichauged ; wealern , .30 ©
Beef Steady and trade light ; new
plain mess. § 9 50 ; new extra do ,
? 10 00.
Pork About steady ; new plain
mess , § 1C 00.
L-rd Opened firm , but nfcerwards
easier ; sloim rendered , § 8 35.
ST. Louis , Septembers.
Flour Easier.
Wheat Lower ; No. 2 red , 89 ®
89 Jc , for qa h.883 ; < s88ifor September
ber)9sSOg ; { ) < 589fc for October ; 9D | ®
00c for November ; 88f < 38S3 for the
year ; No. 3 do , 81@S2Jc ; JSu. 4 do ,
80ig8io. ( .
Corn LBwer ; 3 ® 35o forlcash ;
30 < § 3523 lor S/itember ; 37 c for
December ; 35 | for the yoir.
Oa'B Lttwur nt 3Uo for cash ;
22Su for September ; 23s for Oeco
her ; 23ic for November ; 231(227 ( 0
for the year ;
"Bye Higher a ! ; 77 < s78c.
Lead Dull at 84 75.
Butter Better ; dairy , SOS24c.rp
E < ; gs Higher at 14 ( 15cl "r /
Whisky Steady at 51 13-
Pork Quiet ; jobbing , S15 75.
Dry Soft Meuts Higher ; car lots ,
85 60@8 COOS 00.
B con Higher nt SO 2o0 50 ®
D C2Ji@10700@10 12i.
Lard Firm at § f 87i bid.
Beco'pts Flour 8,000 brl' , wheat
85,000 bu , corn 9,000 bu , oats 28,000
bu , rye 20,00 , barley 4,000.
Shipments-Flour 10,000 brls.wheat
26.000 bu , corn 7,000 bu , oafs
2,000 bu.
St. ijouis Live Stock.
ST. Louis , September 2.
Hogs Firm ; Yorkers , 85 00510 ;
BaUimorea.S5 10S520 ; mixed pack
ing , S5 005 ( 25 ; butchers to fancy ,
§ 5 30@5 40. Kecoipts , 4,800 head ;
shipments , 1,000 head.
Still after Victoria.
Specjai Dispatch to The Eca
SANTA FE , N. M. , September 3 4
p. m. The latest advices from "Mox-
co state that Victoria's band of hcs-
ilcs are supposed to bo in the Sierra
xuzman , with small binds prowling
near the American border ; that it is
mpossiblo that the Mexican govern
ment will treat with Victoria ; that
'olonel ' Valle and all the available
Mexican troops have gene south
o * put down a prommci.imento in the
state of Duran o and intercept a body
of revolutionists at Parrall on their
way from Sonora to Durango. Col.
Juat Tcrrasasses has taknn iho field
igainst Victoria with 250 mounted
ranchmen , and has called upon the
different border towns for volunteers
o aid in the campaign.
Barnum and Bill English.
Special dsiatch ! ] to TUB BEE.
CINCINNATI , O. , September 3 4
p. m. Hon.Vm. . H. Barnum , of
Connecticut , chairman of the nation
al democratic committee , reached this
city from Indianapolis at half past 11
o'clock last night. Ho spent several
hours cloaeted with leading local man
agers. Relating to the reputed ill-
feeling between hinuelf and
Hon. William H. English , he
said : "There is not one word
of truth in the dispatch. Mr. English
and myself are in perfect accord. "
Mr. Birnum preferred not to be inter
viewed , but said the prospects for
democratic success were exceedingly
bright. He departed nt four o'clock
this morning for New York.
Base BalL
Special Dispatch to Tarn Bu.
The following games of base bal
were played September 3 :
WASHINGTON Nationals 2 , Roches
ters 2. Game called on account o
Undoubtedly the beat shirt In th
United States is manufactured at th
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
of Material and workmanship , com
bined with their great improvements ,
that is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced
backs and Reinforced sleeves , makes
their shirt the moat durable and beat
fitting garment of the kind , ever
manufactured. Read the following
low prices :
Prtient , Former.
Onr Fine Whit Shirt 8135 1 0
Onr Extra Fine " 175 2 00
Our Imported Cheviot shirts 2 50 2 75
Onr " PcB ii " 25 275
Onr " ' Cheviot 17a 200
( These are nude on white bodies )
Present. Former.
OnrlmpTted Pecans and Che-
riot wilh col'sn attached , also
on Whlto Bodies - 1EO 2 00
Abe a fine working Bhlrt ( or 1 25.
None but Wamsntta Muslin and
best Linens used.
The abova prices include Laundry-
ing , a discount allowed when otherwise
An additional 25 cents is charge
when made to order.
Omaha Shirt Factory , 1207 Farnham
> street , near 12th street.
A Terrific Hurr'cane Sweeps the
Atlantic , Off Key West ,
The Steamer "City of Vera
Cruz" Lost , With All on
Other Vessels Be ievedto Have
Beeu Wrecked in the
'articulars of the Disaster.
Steamer Lost.
poUal Dljpotch to the lice.
NEtr YOKK. Ssptember 3,4 p. in.
A St. Augustine , Flrt , ssya there is
very little doubt that tlio steamer
'City of Vera Cruz , " of the Mexicin
lue , which sailed from Now York on
he 25th of August , for Havana and
Vera Cruz wont down in the recent
lUiricauo which hrtt already strewn
our conit ttith wrecks. No
lopca remain that any of
ler passengers bare survived
inoe the terrible discovery made iicre
on Wednescby , when porriona of the
mail carried by the ill-fated veSiel
wore washed ashore some miles south
if nore. Ono njrtil bag contained let-
era for Cuba and Mexico , which hld
> ecn posted in Paris , France , Augujt
3th , and another was found with'eii -
'elopEs bearing the postmark , "Now
York , August 25th. " This at once
ndicated _ that the lost rtftiol was
i mail steamer bound for
louihern ports , and the surmise was
, hat it must haVa been this "City of
Vera Cruz , " as the left New York on
he d iy last named. On examination
of tlifl mail matter these ttnniciona
were believed to be confirmed by the
iscovpjy of several bills of lading of
ho'City of Vera Crus. " On Salur-
ay a yeaael supposed to bo her passed
; he brig "Caroline Eddy , " tht-n about
ixty miles frdm thri coast of St. Aug-
UBtine. This brig wa ? soon after
Uuck by a hurricane and wrecked ,
riftii'g on the beach near the place
rhei'u the lost letters were discovered.
At the time the steamer wa sighted
he wag headed south , the wind then
ilowing Vcry ? hard end the gale rising.
? he "City of Vera Cruz" must have
jecn struck by the hurricane , and
irob'xbiy foundered Saturday night or
Sunday morning.
Every hour brings the news ot some
tarlling discovery in regird to the
upposed wreck. Sad tidings come
low that the body of a lady and little
iiild have been found on the shore ,
'hey were buried by a party
f wreckers on the sahd near the place
vhrre they were found. This niakea
heady five bodies found , the three
tbers being cofpaea of unknown men
twojrqm jlieir dress thought tj bo
> asengcrs and "the other evidently -
liter. The shore f r over fotty mtlte
cuth of thin place is stiewn with the i-
c rgo of the steimbr. A triitli hu'a"
icea found mrked Hernandez. This
corresponds with the uamo of a
ady on the pasSellgor list of
ho "City of Vera Cruz , " as appeared
n New York papers list Thursday.
.ho mails , or at least all that could be
ouud of them , were brought Lore
Wednesday , and will be forwarded to
loinis whence they can bo transmitted
, o their destinations. People along
; he coast are very much excited by
, ! ie discoveries made and several par
ies are out looking for the remains of
he lost iul engaged in recovering
iropeity washed ashore.
Following is the list of passengers
who sailed in the steamer "City of
Vera Cruz : " Rafael Arrne , Mrs. JR.
Arrr.eWalterBetchie , Adolfo Bosqui ,
Miss E. Burns , Mies A. Clark , Geo.
W. Cole , Mias Sadie Fay ,
3eorgo Forbes , E. Fuent- , Thomas
J. A. Garcia , Mr. J. A. Garcia , Sirs.
J. A. Garcia , H. Ghushof , John
jlcndliill. John Gombay , Felipa Her
nandez , Mrs. S. Fernandez , E. Little-
field , llcdriguez Martinez , A. K. Ow
en , J. Roveusburg , Mias T. Rubio , 0.
P. Silva , T. H. Mauer , Alex. W l-
engo , M. Welsh , Mra. M. Wehh ,
Welsh , a child.
The "City of Vera Uruz , " was a
wooden rcatcl , 1874 tons rf gist or ,
juiltin 1874 ; vessel 290 feet long , 37
reet beam , 20 feet deep end a draught
of 19 feet of water. She had three
decks and was brig rigged. She had
accommodation for ICOpisaengeraand
was finely furnished. She waa loaded
very lightly on her hat departure from
here , hiving a cargo of potatoes , pro
visions and general merchandise ,
amounting in all to about § 50,000.
She was commanded by Capt.Van Sico
who had _ been coasting for twenty
yeara and is said to be without equal as
an export seaman. Firot oflicer Capt.
Horn has aho bean commander for
years. A crew of fifty picked men
were on the vessel.
Ono of the first callers at the office
of Alexander's steamship line this
morning was Crtptaln Von Sice , whoaj
father commanded the "Ci-y of Vera
Cruz , " reported lost from St. Augus-
tina. lie could got no news in addi
tion to that published this morning ,
and tears started to the youvg man's
eyej. D iz-m of men and wome' ) c-illed
and turned awiy mournfully only to
call again to nuke fruitless inquiries.
Other callc'3 were anxious to know
whuther the "Niagara" was ? are. No
news Las been received from her. Sha
left thi < port the day before the "Vera
Cruz" did and it is thought she intut
hvve cnc untured tba sou h-rn
tornado. The ciblo h s been
out of working order to
Havana BO that direct newj has
beun roseivcd from there , and com
munication with th-it city is not re
ceived. The Vt-ra Cruz had nine bagi
of French liltera and newspiper ? ,
two b ga of letters from this city and
also eleven barzs of newspapers from
New York. Them til that was saved
is expected to arrive hero at noon to
Debris of the V/rec'- .
Sp-c' l rUpatch to The B * >
NEW YOEK , S-ptember4,1 ? . m.
A spec'al to The Graphic from St. Au
gustine , Florida , September 3d , sr.y * :
Thus far six b jdios have been washed
ashore , together wi h a large amount
of miscellaneous merchandise. One
of tha bodif s was that of a middle
aged lady , but there wai m.thwg
about her thai would lead to identifi
cation. Another body , thct of a child
four years old , name not known , but
probably Welch , ai they ware the on
ly family that had a ch Id with them.
The others were aail"r , with Hie ex-
cept'on c f onti , who v/ts dre aed lik < ) a
well-to do busiaoas nun. Ho looked
like a Spaniard. It is feared that tha
terrific gale thnt has raged here for
the past week made it impcsib'o frr
auv of those on board the ill fated to save thcmsslvcs even wi re
they able to do so. The shore for
mil-s is strewn with pieces of timber ,
boxts , barrels and othtr debm.
Wrecking parties have been organized
and everything of value is being stored
in a storehouse on Main street. The
nnil H in the hands of the pos'mis-
ter , who is tuiiig evo-y eli'ort to re-
atotc ir , after which he wi'I fornard
it to Poatmaster James , cf New York.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YOKK , September 4,1 a. m.
First Olliccr James Heuckley , of the
steamer ' 'New Orleans , " which passed
safely through the gale in which the
ill f-itid llVefa Cruz" was lo t , being
interviewed , said : "It was a tremendous
deus cyc'one.Yo lelt Now Orleans
Aimust L'fith and wcfd out three days
when the cyclone struck us. It was
about 6 p. ra. on Saturday. The
storm was from the north and
passed to the east. The steamer was
struck on the port side and waa heaved
on her beams end. At 11 p. m. tha
winds was very strong and the waves
carried everything from the deck. A
man , who was securing the tiller
rop3s , waa carried overboatd by a
vt&yti al'uost ' as high aa u home , and
iiuthing wasseOiiof him. At 10 a.
in. the next chy the storm abated.
Then we learned that our entire deck
rail had been carried away , three of
our beats steve in and the fourth lest.
All during the terrible cyclone four
men renuiiiicd at tha rtidder , which
was of no use , however , atid wo were
driver < vt the mercy , of the sea and
high waves. It impossible for a
human Wing to stand on the deck un
less ho win Lished to tha nVging , and
then hia chances were very alight.
Thujorm first struck us between
C ipu Jupiter and Canvernal , off the
c < nat ( f Florida. Several seamen on
boar-'i the "New Orlcuia" incidentally
remarked that the "Vera Cruz" must
have been about sixty miles to the
northwest of their steamer.
No word was reoeived up to 10
o'cL ck List evening by the Messrs.
Alexander in rcgml to the miming
ntsamship ' 'Veia CruK. Many rela
tives of pissengcts called at the
Alexander niani > n last night ,
and wore disappointed when no ves
sel Vifv forthcoming. Captain Den-
ken , who had command of the "Vera
Cruz" two yeara , considerably light
ened tha fears of rel-itives of parsons
on board , who wera waiting for
nswa. bj siyi'ig confidently ,
thit the vecael could ride safely
thrcu h nnysca : that ho had no doubt
whatever tlr.t she would curae out all
right. Ho know the vessel , he said ,
and did not believe that any storm
between hero and Havana could sink
her. Hope thus held out was in
creased by the news that the steamer
" , " of SVard'a line , which
sail.'d the day after the "Vera Cruz , "
has not been he.ud from , and no anx
iety naa oitcn.unGj ( jn regard to her
safety. *
Iho Turnera.
Special illepatch to Tlio Etc.
Nmv YoKK.Snptumbor 4,1 a.m The
Oorwan athlete societies of Now York
and vicinity ali < J neighboring cities
last night extended a recaption In
Turner hall to this western athletes.
Two thousand men from various
Turner socioiif-s formed in procession
at Turner hall.
The Soventy-Swl regiment band
headed the procession and marched
to Irving place and 108 street , where
it passed in review before the Mil
waukee Turnera and the reception
committee. The line then opened
ranks and the reception committee and
guests passed down and took position
at the head of the column
which then marched through
the p-iccipsl streets to the Turn-hall.
As the line approached , fire-worka
were let off and bunting and Chinese
lanterns combined to make a scene at
once a-iiroated r.iul brilliant. Hun
dreds of people on the siduwalks ,
a'ong the streets cheered the
victorious turners as they cntereu
the hall. Aa the head of the pro-
ccsiion filed in bunting and inscrip
tions of welcome met them. The
guestd were conducted to an ante
room , while the largo hall above was
filling with the throug. More
asteful triramincj is seldom scon than
was displaced in the reception rooms ;
troamera of red , white and blue were
suspendud from the celling to the ex
tremities of tha room ; the American
flag occupied the central place
on its walls ; across the front
of the gallery r. heavy , gold-trimmed
cloth waa handsomely draped ; the
ga was sot with a handsome wood
scene , while directly in front was a
standard of gas-jets forming , on in
spection , "Hail to the Victors. " Ama
teur sketches were placed on the walls
the the most prominent of which was
a chasm across which was a turning
bir with an athlete in the air , while
the ends were supported by Uncle
Sam and Columbia on one aide and
Jimnarck and King William on the
other. Through the full length
of the hall were ranged five tables
( ilHl uithchaira , which were rapidly
filled Aa the crowds came in , prom
inent and towering among them was
the socialist pgitator , Justice Schwab.
Along the table was placed just at the
foot of th'J ctaf.e , and here guests were
seated. In the centre of this table
ataod a beiutiful drinking horn ,
mounted on a pedestal of silver ,
while the piece wa ? mounted in gold
snd silver. This was a trophy of es-
tosin , prc ent'd by the Turner socie
ties of Frankfort , where the gucaU
won destination. Unlimited floods of
uino then flowed about the several
boards and the cremonies were opened
by a warmly received speech cf wel
come by Turner Heinmann. This
wa- followed by a festal chorous , aftir
which n copy of engrcsscd resolutions
of rcspecf , from the Philidelphia
turners , was presented to each guest
and turner. Philip Batz then de
livered a tpeech of commendation of
the prowess of the Milwaukee team in
their contest abroad.
The end came with the small hours ,
and personal congratulations were ex
tended to the guests by sucb as chose
to avail themselves of the opportuni
ty to do eo.
r.i- \
Is Sale Ky
Wholesale ami ' ! IctiH jlanufucturinjr
* " WB P MP * * * K tf * TRLT3 * " TT5J * 3
J1S"Ti WIT JEa JLa ] I&3 .K& S ,
Largest Stock of CJold ami Silver Watches and Jewelry
< he City.
Come in and See Our Stock as We Will Be Pleased to
Show Goods.
15th and Dodgf , Opposite Postollico.
Good Until the 1st of October.
Having secured the most
rd co rrn n o drcrcrabuilding rrt
city of Omaha ,
Cor. 10th and Farnham ,
And wishing to lay in an entirely
new and immense stock of goods
for wholesale and retail trade ,
MOVING our entire mammoth
Stock of
&G. , &G. ,
We mean just what we say , and invite everybody to
call at our present place of business , .
No. 1214 Farnhani , between 12th and 13th Sts. ,
And satisfy themselves. The Goods must be sold for Cash ,
"hey will be marked in plain figures. The prices will be
bsolutely at Cost. No deviations will be made.
This unparalelled offer is open only until October 1st , when
ve shall occupy the finest quarters in the city.
eana Panl.l-C5 < - , 7Sc , to 92 CO. Sick < , per dor. 30c an 1 upwirda.
tottonade Pants 85c. 81 W > . Un Icr-hirl" m ! Uraweis 25c ami upwards.
Ul-Wool Pantd-13 00 , to 55 00. Fancy OMSJ Shirts 5c,50c. We , St 25.
ileavy California 1'an.j-W 75 , to 37 CO. While " " We , St 0" .
Chllilren Suit * 32 00 ami upwards Blue Fhnnsl " ? 5e , 81 00 to2 60.
Youths' " H 75 anil rpwanls. All-Wocl " 75cto32W.
Mens' " S3 So. to S < * J 00. Working " SOcand upwards.
Overalls 45c , 0" . 5c. 75c. Meti'a Sjipcndcrs 20c , iSc,35 : , and upwards :
Heavy tull.'urola 31 00,11 15.
Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead
ily and rapidly increasing in pnblic laver ,
The White Machine justly claims to be the
best made , the easiest running , the simplest ia
construction and the moat perfect Machine ia
the market.
The White Co. employ as agents men of in
tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied ,
because they find everything just as repres
Everybody should use this Machine. The
sales so far thia year are moro than double
the corresponding time last year.
All orders addressed to the Omaha OfHce ,
will be promptly filled.
Cor. Davcuport and 15th Sts , Omaha *