- . I HK DAILY BEK Thurseday Morning , Sept. 2 , THE OMAHA DAILY BEE Served to subscribers bj carrier to any par ! Jo the city , every day.Suudayeexceptedat fifteen eeuts per week Any complaints about Irregular proper delivery of the paper , if ad es * 1 this office will receive prompt attention. IBB OHAHA DAILY UK will be mailed to subscribers rates , paj le Invar scribers at the following . innum ; W.OO BX ably in advance : SS.OO per months. Tn > t OHMU WEEKLY BBS J2.00 per vsar. TusOMA.uUAiLYBsshasbj medium. Interesting Jti ceUan'jI < ateUAt "osteKce Timt-Tall't. M thi BREVITIES , Patereon sells coal. Fine perfumes at Saxe's. For the teeth , Kuhn'e Dentrifice. -Butterick's patterns at Cruickshank. Porter is running the Omaha ferry. Imported and Key West cigars , at Kuhn's. The overland train Tuesday was half au hour late. There were four Pullman coaches filled. yesterdayall Thirteen cars of stock came in yesterday from the west. The case against 0. H. Williams is set for trial at 7 o'clock p. m. to day. President Hayes and party will .arrive in Omaha at an early hour Fri day morning. Nearly all the politicians in town have gone to Lincoln to attend the state convention. It Has rained oftener during I he v past four days than during the pre vious two years. Reserved seats are now on sale at Max Meyer & Bros. ' music store for "Nip and Tuck in Private Life" Trinity Cathedral Sunday school picnic has been postponed indefinitely. WILLIS IL YATES. In the police court yesterday three drunks were fined $3 and coats each. One paid and two stayed in jail. Thu reported suicide on Leaven- worth proved to be not a suicide but an over dose of medicine taken by the woman. "Nip and Tuck in Private Life , " Saturday matinee and evening. Se cure your seats at Max Meyer & Bros. ' music store. Mr. Hall , the well-known miller , left this afternoon for Cincinnati , Baltimore and Washington. He went by way of St. Louis and the Wabash. The Garfield and Arthur glee club went down to the state conven tion yesterday in La body. They will astonish the na tives of that rural village , or we miss our guess. Fred Wilson , the man who made the bold raid on Rodman's store last Saturday , is said to have been walking the streets of Council Bluffs for the past two days. Officer Ford went over yesterday morning to biing him bick to answer for his crime. The new steam whistle of the smelting works , blown for the first time at noon last Sunday , is as yet stranee to thn ? ? pusr ! s = r , anil is taken by many to be one of the steamers of the Omaha and St. Louis packet line. Harry Lucas had his case con tinued until Oct. 1st to procure the "Buffalo Beef" man , who recently passed down tne river , as a witnesa. The latter slept at his house thrao weeks , he says , with $1500 or § 2000 about him and was never robbed. Co. E , N. S M. , * ho are to do police duty in this city , state fair week , at the fair grounds , will arrive in Omaha , Saturday , September 23d. There are fifty members and three of ficers , Capt. Keller and Lieutenants Lahew and Young. They will appear in full uniform. City Attorney Manderson is ab sent at the Soldiers' Reunion , Canton , Ohio , and City Marshal Westerdahl is attending a national meeting of city marshals in New York. In the mean time Mayor Chase is performing treble duty. The police judge Is ! > ! < absent and one or two other city offi clals in the notion of going. Mr. Harry "Webber , the popular comedian , appears at the Academy of Music Saturday afternoon and evening with an entirely new comedy , which ia a continuation of the popular char acters of "Nip and Tuck. " This com edy is "Nip and Tuck in Private Life" and Mr. Webber's rendition of "Nich olas Nip , ex-detective , " is one of his greatest delineations. Reserved seats for Saturday matinee and evening were placed on sale this morning at 9 o'clock at Max Meyer & Bros' , mu sic store. NEW MUSIC. A. Hospe , Jr. Pearl of the Tropic' , waltz ; Bryant , waltzes ; Knights Templar , march ; Just for My Dead Loyes S ke , song ; Eyes That Stole My Uesrt Away , sonp ; Still My Heart is Only Thine , song ; Down Amoup thoFio\.urs , song. For Sale nt Hospe Art and Music House , See New Molding. a30 3t Wanted A first-class photogruph printer and toner at the Bee Hive Photograph Studi < _ , 213 Siiteeiith street , O-naha , Neb. hlS'f NOTICE. Notice is hereby given t at I will not pay any debts contracted ty my wife , I. La Chapelle. 28 3t K. LA CUAPJSLU : . Newly fuiuished , everything the York. Astor , best , HouseJNTew FLOUR DEPOT. Best Minnesota Flour. Geo. P. Plant's , St. Louis , Flour. Golden Eagle Mills Flour. Havens' Snow-flake Flour. Jack Frost , P. , St. Louis , Flour. Wheat Flour. Jubilee Spring 0 K Spring Wheat Flour. Premium Winter Wheat Flour. these different brands 1 am selling of flour at the lowest CASH figures. WILLIS M. YATES. DEFAULTING DICK , His Career at the Black Hills That of a Deep-Dyed Villain. His Escape Said to Have Been Connived at by the Authorities. How He Saved Himself Prom Earlier Punishment. Dick Adams , late postmaster at Deadwood , who was conviced of em bezzling government mouey and who on the morning on which he was to have been sentenced was found to have made hia escape , is satd to have been confident up to the last moment that he would be released ekher by acquittal or the disagreement of the jury. The ease with which criminals had been enabled to escape a just and proper verdict at the hands of a petit jury , had led him to believe that criminal trials were a mockery and a farce and the more reprehensible and aggravating the crime , especially in cases of official embezzlement and peculation the more certain the es cape of the guilty party at the hands of a petit jury. MISPLACED CONFIDENCE. The Dead wood Enterprise said after his conviction and previous to his es cape : "His case was a clear and posi tive one and his defense trivial and false. It was as clear a case of post- office defalcation as was ever perpe trated , and there was no excuse or semblance of an excuse for bis taking the money. And even now the poor idiot thinks he can escape the punish ment of the law and avoid imprison ment. But in this he is deceiving himself , and we are confident he will be sent to Detroit. If through any mistaken clemency he should be par doned , then it is the duty of the gov ernment to open the prison doors and let every government thief go free. " HIS ESCAPE CONNIVED AT. The same paper says of his subse quent escape : "That his escape was connived at by the United States mar shal and his deputies is very generally believed in Deadwood , and in this be lief we concur. He has been in the custody of the marshal , and instead of being locked up as other criminals are he was allowed to run around on the public streets and practically given his liberty. Of course the marshal's deputies wtuld not connive at bis es cape purely from friendly or charit able motives , and the inference , there fore , is a reasonable one that his es cape was paid for with a money con sideration. " AN INCUBUS AND A BLOOD SUCKER. Of his career in the Black Hills , The Enterprise declares that it has been an extraordinary one and those acquainted with his history for the past ten years havebeou surprised that he was not consignee the peniten tiary long ago. To avoid the penalty of the law f < r his crimes and misdeeds he resorted to extraordinary measures to protect and shield himself meas ures whereby he secured the influence of weilth and powerful individuals to aid and protect him with-tbsir BOaey und ( heir influence. He subsidized the social circle and the church and used both as a lever to sustain and strength en liis waning and uncertain fortunes. To do a thing of this kind requires a certain kind of ability a low cunning with a kind of unprincipled courage to put in execution his plans , but the man that is possessed of such a nature is devoid of all moral convictions or sense of honur , and under other cir cumstances would not hesitate to cut a human throat or burn down city , if iS would redound to his gain pod he thought he could do it without liabi lity of detection. In Adams' convic tion the law has achieved a triumph that it is justly entitled to , and society is relieved of the presence of a thief who had become an incubus up on it and a bloodsucker upon his friends. " The man that sells the most flour gives the best satisfaction , because his flour is always the freshest. WILLIS M. YATES. PERSONAL , PARAGRAPHS ? E. Rose water left for Lincoln Tues day evening. Hon. Thomas P. Hall has returned from the cast. E. M. Morseman returned from Kansas City Tuesday. Robert S. Oberfelder , of Sidney , went west at noon yesterday. Hon. 0. A. Abbott , of Grand Island , was in. town yesterday. C. C. Peck , of Belle Creek , was in the city yesterday en route to Lin coln. John D. Howe , esq , has returned from a five weeks' trip through the east. Leo Hart , of the U. P. nine , left yesterday for his old home in the east. east.J. J. W. Summerhayes and family , U. S. A , were west-bound passengers yesterday. Gal. C. Valentine , olticial steno grapher of the Yanktun district , is in the city. Dr. J. K. Ish was down at his store yesterday for the first time since his serious accident. Col. Snyder , of the Iliff cat tie es tate , was among the west-bound pas sengers yesterday. Dr. Dinsmcor returned Tuesday from Soda Springs , Idaho , whither he had accompanied Mr. S. H. H. Clark. C. J. Lawton , the telegraph operat or , has left the Western Union office to take a position with the American Union. A. A. Bradford , the popular passen ger conductor of the Lincoln branch , U. P. has railway , returned from a trip to Utah. Mrs. Jesse Lowe and her two sons left for Philadelphia yesterday via the Wabash. Mrs. Lowe will remain east all winter and the boys will go to school. HEART-RENDING. A Little Four-Tear Old Girl Falls From the Train , And is Found Sitting Up in the Centre of the Track , With Both Arms Cut Off. An accident so sad as to be perfectly heart-rending occurred Tuesday on the west bound emigrant train , which loft this city at G:10 o'clock p. m. Among the passengers was a family from Ohio , consisting of a woman and ( her three children , the youngest a lit tle g.rl four and a half years of age. The woman's name was Rogers , but whether her husband was with the family or not is not certainly known. It is probable that she was on her way west to join him some place where he had preceded her to prepare a home. As the train , which is a mixed one of freight and ppssenger can , pulled out of Elkhorn on the down grade , the little girl left her mother and walked to the rear end ot the car , it is believed to get a drink. It was of course long after dark and the woman may have been too sleepy to notice the child. At any rate she did not see her when the little thing walked out in cm the platform between the cars and in some manner fell between the platforms upon the track and beneath the relent less wheels. She was not missed until the train had run nearly a mile and then the train was backed up slowly all expecting to find ot.ly the mangled remains of the child. At length however , she was discovered sitting upright on the track , be tween the rails , all alone in the darkness of the night , and only the bleeding stumps of her arms left hang ing to her shoulders. How both her arms could have been cut off above the elbow and the child hare es caped death is a mystery , but the work of car wheels is always full of strange freaks. The poor victim was taken up and fast time made to Fremont , eighteen miles distant , where Dr. Abbott had been telegraphed for and met the train. Tne woman and her children , including the unfortunate baby , were left at that point and re ceived every attention. Both the child's arms , that is what little was left of them , had to be amputated , and at noonyesterdayatelegramreceivedatU. P. headquarters stated that she was doing very well and would probably recover. Two cirs passed over her when she fell and her escape from death was miraculous , and may to her at some distant day seem as cruel as does her maiming aooni now to others. WATER WOBKS. Beginning to Look Like an Established Fact. The time fixed for opening the bids for the furnishing of material and supplies for the construction of the Omaha Water Works , was neon to day and'at that hour a large crowd as sembled at the company's offijeg in CreiKtUon block. Mr. S. A. Locke , president , was there with other members of the company , and between fifty and one hundred bidders or other interested parties. Sixty bids were put in representing - resenting capitalists in every part of the United Statesand in almost every instance the bidders were present in person. A few bids were sent in by telegraph. All the bids received were opened and read in the presence of the assem bled company , after which it was an nounced that they would be taken into consideration and the decision made public to-day. This looks like business , and in a few days we shall see the work boom ing along. Hamburg Fi s 25c a box. September , with its golden autumn days , is at hand. Already nature be. gins to paint the emerald leaves in yellow and scarlet hues. The long , hot daya are shortening up , while the sultry nights grow cool , fanned by the wingi of the north wind. These signs portend the succession of the season the advance of the frost king from his frozen realms. And now cornea the jovial oyster , "freah , " from the briny depths of old ocean , to farther remind us that again the season is at hand , when manfaint and sore from battling with the ele * men's ' , or with the winds of adversi ty , may turn to Aim and find wre so lace. lace.BOOTH'S BOOTH'S "OVAL BRAND" OYSTER can always bo relied upon in such an emergency. All retailers sell them , for customers insist on having that brand and Jio other. Country dealers can obtain the u through D. B. BEEMEH , OMAHA , who is GENERAL WKSTERN AGENT. Flour diiect from the mill is sweet er and more nutritious than that kept in a store room several weeks. WILLIS M. YATES. Danish Veterans. The committee of the Danish Vet eran society , in charge of the excur sion to Plattsraouth on Sunday last , desire to express , in a fitting manner , their sincere thanks for the many fa vors extended to them by Stelnhaus- ur's orchestra and other friends of the enterprise , and particularly to the B & M. railroad company for the liberal manner in which they did their share. The delightfully clean coaches they furnished and the system with which everything waa done , is evidence of a desire on their part to conduct the ex cursion in a manner most pleasing to the many people who took advantage of the occasion to view the new iron bridge and other sights at Platta- month. P. H. Johnson , Henry Hage , K. Jensen , C. Lenhardt , Lara Rasmuisen , Ohaa. Hanson , P. Boyson , Committee. CORPORATE CLANS. Preliminary Soundings of Repub lican Delegates Gathered at Lincoln. Present State OfflcersNominat- ee , With Only One Ex ception. Leidtke Compelled to Disgorge Leldtke Laid Oat SpetUI Dlf ! > Uh : to Tbs liw LINCOLN , Neb. , September 1 , 4 p. m. The supreme court this morning rendered a decision against Auditor Leidtke , who will now be compelled to pay § 7,600 into the treasury. THE CONVENTION. The present outlook indicates a com bination between the political attor neys of the U. P. and B. & M. , with Valentine and a number of state officers. Fulton , of Richardson , will be substituted for Liedtke ; Glen Kendall , of Howard , for land commissioner , in place of Davis. Oth er state officers , including Carnea , are to be renominated. Carnes would have been beaten by Collins , of Paw nee , but the latter has withdrrwn , and will be made an elector. A ma jority of the convention appear oppo sed to tne monopoly programme , bnt being unorganized and without active candidates the chances favor the slate. E. R. Nebraska Republicans. Special Dispatch to Tbo Bee LINCOLN , Neb. , September 1 12 m. The republican state convention begins at 3 o'clock and a large number of delegates and politicians are al ready on the ground. The convention will pass smoothly as it la generally understood that the present state officials , except F. W. Leidtke , audi tor , will be renominated together with Congressman Valentine , whose constituents believn in a second term. Judge Thnrston , of Omaha , delivered a lengthy address at a large republican rally last night. NOMINATIONS. Herald Special. LINCOLN , September 1. The con vention was called to order by Dawes , chairman of the state central commit * tee , with a full attendance of delegates. Charles H. Holmes , of Jefferson , was made temporary chairman , Arthur Gibson , of Dodge , temporary secre tary , and A. E. Cady , of Colfax , as sistant temporary secretary. Per manent organization was afterwards made. A motion to appoint a com mittee of fifteen on platform was car ried. Convention adjourned at G o'clock till 8 to.night. After supper the convention pro ceeded to make nominations. Weaver , of Richardson , nominated as presi dential electors George W. Collins , of Pawnee ; SohnSL Thurston , of Doug las , and James Liird , of Adams , who were nominated by acclamation , with C. F. Eialey , of Dodge ; W. L. Wil son , of Otoe , and Gov. Garber , as al ternates. Brown , of Lancaster , nominated E. K. Valentine as congressman , and he was nominated by acclamation. Lam- bertaon , of Lancaster , nominated Thos. Majors , of Nemaba , as con tingent congressman , nominated by acclamation. McAllister , of Platte , moved to proceed to nominate * a United States senator in accordance with the state constitution. On the motion to nominate a seua- * QT-the . .vote tras taken by counties. On motion to table the whole business it was agreed to by a vote of 204 to 77. Drtwos , of Saline , nominated Gov. Albinus Nance as Governor. Nomi nation made unanimous. Laird , of Adams , nominatad Gov. Carnes for re-election. Made unani mous. Barnes , of Dixon , nominated S. J. Alexander as secretary of state. Made unanimous. McBride , of Lancaster , nominated Geo. M. Bartlett as state treasurer , which was made unanimous. Vandervoort , of Douglas , nominat ed C. J. Ditworlh , of Phelps , as at torney-general. For auditor , F. W. Leidtke , of York , John Wallich , of Hale , John A. Murphy , of Cass , Herman Westo- men , of Knox , Frederick Forcht , of Adams , were placed in nomination. Weaver , of Richardson , nominated S. A. Eulton , of Richardson. Vote taken by ballot. Leidtke and Fulton were withdrawn and Wallace received the nomination. For land commissioner , A. G. Ken dall , of Howard , L. B. Palmer , of Adams , Sol Mails , of FranklinFrank Davis , ot Clay , Geo. P. Hall , of Burt , Niles Anderson , of Filmore , John H. Hilms , of Hamilton , and 0. J. Ernst , of Lancaster , were named. THE THIRD JUDICIAL CONVENTION met at 7 o'clock to nominate a prose cuting attorney. Jesse D vis , of Washington county , is chairman and A. M. Chadwick secretary. N. C. Burnham , of Douglas , Watson Parish of Burt and A. M. Robins of Sarpy were proposed. Bnrnham got 17 votes , Parish 14 , Robins 4. In sixty-three consecutive ballots the tie was not broken. Adjourned until 11 o'clock this evening. Second Ward Registration Notice. State of Nebraska , Douglas Co. Notice is hereby given t.of the elect ors of the Second ward tha * I will sit at No. 3 Engine House on Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday and Friday , 7th , 8th , 9th and 10th days of Sep tember , from 9 o'clock to 11 o'clock a. m. and from 1 o'clock to 5 o'clock p. m. , for the purpose of making tno several lists of legal voters of said ward. This will be a new list for the ensuing year. Voters will be expect ed to be present on said days. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand this 1st day of September , 1880. A. R , OECHABD , eepltf Registrar. REGISTRATION NOTICE SIXTH WARD. Notice is hereby giren that 1 will sit at the office of the Street Railway company on Monday , September 6th , 1880 , to register the qualified voters of laid ward , and to prepare a list of voters for the epecial city election , to bo held September 14 , 1880. W. C. B. ALLEN , Registrar Sixth ward. OMAHA , Aug. 31,1880. a31t6 Headquarters tor Joe Schlitz'e Milwaukee beer at MCP.CHANT ? ' EX CHANGE , N. E. Cor. 16th and Dodge , A , F. & A. M. There will be a regular communica- eion of St. John's lodge , No. 26 , A. F. and A. M. , this ( Thurs day ) evening. A fnll attendance o the members is urged , as business of importance will come before the lodge. JAMES B..BRUNKB , Master. THE TREACHEROUS TIDE. A Young Man Dragged Down in a Whirl Pool , Or Sucked Into a Bed of Quick sand. Coroner Jacobs waa Lite Tuesday afternoon notified by telephone that his services were needed in the vicin ity of Boyd's packing house , where a young man named Frank Dopita , a Bohemian , had drowned. Ho at once repaired to the spot , but a vigorous search of several hours for the body failed to discover it. It appears that Dopita who is but twenty years of age , started out with several compan Ions to gather grapes along the banks of the river below the packinghouse , but while on their way there it was concluded to take a swim , and thiy accordingly went in bithiin ; in the treacherous stream. Young Fmtik Dopita either got beyond hia depth , and was drawn downwards in one of the many eddies or whirlpools , or else he was attacked with cramps. He ftaappeared from the view of his companions in the water and was drowned. Yesterday the search was contin ued , Mr. James Murphy , the fisher man , and his step son , Ira .Joues , be ing particularly active in the work. It ia believed that the exact location of the body is known and that it will be recovered to-day or to morrow. This morning Mr. Murphy who was grappling with irons , had hold of the body once , but lost the grip. It is lying in about four feet depth of water. Mr. Murphy has al so had all his "trot lines" taken up , put heavy weighto on them and strung them across the stream below the spot to catch the body should it drift any. Mrs. Do pita , the mother of the drowned boy , has offered § 25 for the recovery of his remains. Frank was a bright , intelligent and steady young man , and up to Monday last was engaged in a grocery store , corner of Thirteenth and Leavenworth streets. His death was uut'inely. A BOY EATER. A Cow Undertakes to Kill a Little Son of Barney Shannon. A Brave "Woman Saves His Life. A little son of Sir. Barney Shan non , hia youngest , was seriously hurt yesterday and came near being killed by a cow. The boy vlio is called "Cooney" and is but four years old , wai playing in front of hia father's place and was stooping over with his back to the cow , when she deliberately went up to him and lowering her horns caught him and tossed him high up in air. Dia cries brought several to the spot : uid aa the animal was about to send him up a second time , having actually goue for him , the little fellow was rescued * by Mrs. Burns , n neighbor. The child was found to be quite severely injured , but it is hoped that the wounds will noi prove seiii'ua. Hia left cheek , and in fact , thvh. . > ! o si lo of hia face , was torn and : ni'sjtl diid swollen so that ho was actrooly recog n'zablo. We hope , however , tha- "Cooney" will live to be able to take the cow by the horn ? and return her own with usury. The beat flour at the lowest cash figures a specialty. WILLIS ai. YATKS. Tne Firemtn. The firemen met last uicuing to perfect preparations for their parade , taking place this mouth The committee nn invitations re ported that they had invited the mayor and council of Council Bluff' , all of the city officers and the press. Chief Galligan was empowered to 'tdd to the list. The finance committee reported that 600 ball tickets had been left in the hands of members of the depart ment for sale. The music committee reported that they had engaged the Union Pacific and Stetnhauser bands. Creighton Hall is secured for the ball. PURE CIDER VINEGAR , warranted to keep plcMes , pioml and tried. Wm. Fleming < Co. FEESH FROM THE SPRINGS. Foreign and American Mineral Water , Hun- padi , Janos , Hathorn , Friedrichshall Bitter Water , Vichy , Conuresa and Empire. For sale by Ish & McMuhon , 1321 Farnham street. a30 1m Styliah suita made * t low prices , Fllegel & Co. , 1220 Douijlaa street , successors to J. H. Thiele. a30-3t AYEE'S CHERRY PECTOKAL For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs , suoh as Coughs , Colds , Whooping Cough , Bron chitis , Asthma and Consumption , The few compos ! tions , which have won the confidence of mankind and become household words , Mnon- not onlv one but nuny nations , must have extraor dinary virtues. 1'er- haps no one ever u- cureil so wide a repu tation or maintained it to Ion ? as ATER'H CniRRV I'SCTORAL. It has been known to the public about forty years , by a long continued series of marvelous cures , that have won for it a confidence in Its virtues , never eiuallcd Itv ny other medicine. It still makes the moat cfl' ectual cures for Cought , Coldi , Consumption , that can be made by medical skill. Indeed , the COTRM PICTORAL has reilly robbed these dan gerous fliscases of the/r terrors to a great extent nd Riving a feeling of immunity from their fat al effects , that is well founded If the remedy be taktn in season. Every family should have it In their closet for the ready and p rompt relief of its members. Sickness , suffering and even life is saved by this timely protection. The prudent should not neglect it , and the wise will not. Keep it by yon for the protection it affords by itfl timely use in sudden attacks. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AVER & CO , . LOWELL , MASS Practical ana Analytical Cbemists SOLD BYALt DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE SPEOtAL K NOTICE A'lisrtl < .i'ir.rnU To Tx > t Kor SaV ! n i .in- . . ! -t , ti 'joiniiii : Ac , III ho In- Miter ' . . T.--- , i'T TBN CENTS ? ! ? : ! -u--euiin.'iTlionVI VK CENTS p" r till' . Th.'isi ti. * rtlnn never lca than TtvKNTY-VF ! 'BMT& . Ml at Law Ofleo M na.flrc : ? ' ' on ' , C9 f'.irnhani street. -'ency. nov-22-t ! ' . : - = -ACTED ASTrlP - \ s i 1 to Jn R0ner.il at N.V. . tori > r22d anu Webster streets SSt-t \T \ 1 > -'In first-chsstailor ? , ore co't- ' . inik . .nl ! iu pirre-tmkcr. for nhi n tlic best iiriec ill e pii.l , at Frank CHrk's oM Stand , at. J .iib | , o. J. M. HAUI-OV. 3SC-2 W r ANTED Fiwt and second cook at the St. W Ch.iro ! < Hotel. 379 aS.Hf P Girl t > ilo hou-e work in sma ! WAST family. Kefcrcncs require J , 22:23 : Talifor.ih street. 373-lt WASTKD A cord shop innn or maker. * , ddrc--3 Maple Meat Market , C'larinda , Iowa i 0-4 NiE * A iood , eirl for general hou-e- wor * . Apply to K. Trossin. I'll Ponir'as slit et 372--1 \5r ANTE ! ' Chimber maid ni.d cook W.in V * 5 anil 4 ell , A' ; ' > ply 2 8 Hint ! t.327tf 327-tf YTTANTED A competent cirl. Eiicni re at VV S K. cor 19th Mid Capitol Ave 307-tf \\r A'-TKi , A Oirl to d'- lieu e work , 1109 \j ' ami am Street , t > Stairs m-tf "W7ANTE lle.i t > put up hay Inqiiiro it VV Godfrey & Dis' , 117 E. 14th St. 392-1 aril pleasant nonn fnr2ecnt8in BOARD Uo family , Enquire at il'9 Ca ! . , bet. 2ls- aid 22il. 3SS-2 To t-ade an imprmtd farm hi WANTED In-xi , for city prnicrtv. | Will piy pirt cash. C. A. MOKIULL , 1102 Farnham St. ANTED rorcnun at brick-y.irl. T. JU R- ' , \Y. K5-tf ! - ; . ! ; S.'ri ) SCl'SEt ! S UK.T f.t < nt rouse , six rooms , modern FOll imiTMvm nts , conveii'ent to street cars , on SO'.h awl Cuinin { f-tn et . Enquire on pre- mi ce. 3sO-1 UK ! ' I'.oonn with or without board , FUKNl I uro , r.i ttcstaurant. 2GI-tf KhSf "iuelj fnriiislicil towns at 1310 EOlt \ ' . : * 'r it t ct 13th and 14th St.351tf 351-tf ? rl'lll8rIT ' Pt rf OO.H In brick Iilpelccottier % If.tli i il 1) u-las Sts. , with or with nt cel lar , 'pp'y ' to American Mouse. 2W-tf ( | i' - v linely-funmhod front room. Fi INqilireat jU5 : D'ogKO ct. 283lf KiXT ; 2 furnUlicd roomn mer Mer er ai < tj I'xcliange , N" . E. Cor. 10th and PoJio Erects. -JSO-tt riURtfiM'ED uoovs FOU RENT AID.vcn- i r i House. iylOtf "OOK unT House with § ix rcom < ; , ucil , els- { tern it ild illOn Capitol A\v . lict 15th aiul ifth. tm'h ide .1 S AlcfO ivtrK 1-a.tf GI-EATSAflUFI ' ' ! A small piiminir oilice , e iit'i'ttu ' for all comnierciul , job or small i.a- pcruojk , al nun , at It&d than half co f. Kor specImLiH of work aiid particulars , apply toV. . W. lUrilelt , C'ciihtontlock 351-1 TT'Oll .v\f.K- T'.elc-t ' piyinsbutchcf business J * and I o- 1 ii.ition i > i t. ccitydoin'.fabijjtrad8. For i ar ! iuil tr.11:1 : ] lie > r address the Kceolllce. 371-oSolf BOTCH EK. .lK , ' t lie t < lwentour qnarw or one .i.i- ; > r ! . ' VnT T i-jkon. < ? ' ta'-mon-wedt . . 1.11 l . .ttouv. . > ( l lumber f aUalzv9at KI.DMOSD'S. Six'centb.gt. lictwc n t' e Lorner of DoJue and Fit LOST and Hurt and Tivcntic h , per > ais l i street car , pair go'd frames spevticles The finder \ul : please 'e io them t B. F. Troxcll & Co. , at 313 South Hth ntree\ ! 'S3 1 _ On Saturday evcniiifr , a set of pi113 LOST Tne finder ill li * libcially /cwarJed by leivini ; them at Fouler & Scjtta architects , Un on D ! ck. _ 3S7-1 SIGN OP THE GOLDEN PIANO & FRAME , Pianos and Organs Fhv-t Class on Ensy Monthly Payments , Sheet Music and Musical calInstruments. . FINE S OCK OF - Oil iainTii ! s , EnKra\hi p an * Frames at creat- ly reduced prices. SxlO Frames , 1 inch , Walnut . Ice IPxlJ " I ' " . 20 10\11 ' 1 " " . 20 12vlO " 1J " " . 60 1-JxlS ' 1 } " " . 65 1GV20 iX " " . 75 Rustic SxlO f rime . 15 Chromes fwr cil , einill , 2oc , Chromes framed , lar , 1 5 , Engriung * from 50c ujiwarili , I'hotoirraph frames from 15c upwards , Windo.v Corices 75e a window and j Lambrequir a h 00 per window and upw..rtla , Cornice t'olesSSOpcr windoA and upnardd , Velvet framcB 25c each to5 00 Violin Strings 15c , Vioii is I 75 , 2 60 , 3 and upwards , Guitars 5 00 , C CO , 7 00 and upwards. Banjos 1 00 , 3 00 , 5 00 , and upwards , Acconleons from 1 00 up , cheapest in city Send for samnlta anil catalcaue of mouldings and sheet tnujic. A. IIOSI'IJ , JK. , 1570 nn.'u-n St. . Omaha , Nib. IIAKTKOPFPS MUSEUM. Brandt's Turner Hall , _ Corr.er Tenth and Howard Streets. This celel.r.ted Musjnra wi 1 he open every day f rnm 10 o'clock a m. nntil 10 o clock p m , the Rime contains a ) are collection of 200U artifl ial anil nUunl turiositc * of Geology , Ktlmoliiiry , Anatomic anil llithnlocy The ado-wion fee hat liven reu'uccii to SO cents. PROPOSALS FOR FLOUR. OFFICK , rcnciixsKO AND DEPOT , COMMITS IRV OK SCEWSTENCE. f ONUIU , NKB. , August 4 , 18SO. ) Sea'ed ' proptmt' , in duplicate , subject to the usual conditions , will be recened at this office , unt 112 o'clncK noon on tfcptember Sth , 1S80 , at * hkh time and piace they will be opened in the pre cnce f bidders tor furnis 'inir and deliverv at the Sul's'ttence W.rcti use in this ci'.j of tcntj thousand (20,030) ( ) pound. Flour innew , strong , Pintle cottt.ii puck . To bi made from No. 1 spring whent , half hard , hilt soft , or Odessa. To to swaiteJ be fore Riicdiu. ; and mixed in milling. To he high ground. San pie if Hour to be sent In with pro- = Js , and a'l t > be de'K , red on or before BiptemDer 2Sth. Tde Omerr.meut raencs the right to rr jeet any r all p-opoujls. lllank propo a 3 c-n be 'ibtair.ed t this office. Pi0p.3 l3 n.uit bf en laaed in soiled envelupca rrarked "Piojf a-Ie f ir Flour , " andaddre'seil to the undersigned. ' THOMAS W1L-ON . 390-3 C. S. , U S. A. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Saturday , September 4th , PRMIxrttO MM PI'V IWtllllfU * n ' 3 New and U1J Ittllllll Laughable three- act Comedv Dranu , "iSip an Tuck in Private Life. " Matinea Saturday Afternoon ga4t 4 LI.EN RUTHERFORD ( late Third Audlto jtl. U. S. Treasury ) , Attorney and Counsel at LavrM20 Grant Place , Washington , D. Havin ; been Third Auditor of the United Stat Treasury for six years , I am thorouihly fami w ith the course of business before the Oover ment Departments. Special attention given the settlement of accounts of all Govemmen Officers , Postmaster * , Marshals , Mail Contracto and others. Vi'ill practice bifore the Snprcm Court of the U. S .Court of ClaimsPatent OSk General Land Office , &c. , kc. Refers to lion SamT F. Phillips , Solicitor General U. S. ; lion Jag. Gilfillan. Treasurer of the U. S. ; Hon.jJ. M , McOrew , iixth Auditor U.B Treasury sepUwly THE COLOSSAL SALE S. P. MORSE & 00. OX * i STEPHENS & WILGOX STOCK OF DRY GOODS Is Now Fully Inaugurated. NO SUCH SALE HAS EVER BEEN KNOWN IN THE WEST. By order of the District Judge the Assignee has sold to us this"Gigantic stock contain ing the choicest and most staple products of the world's Factories. Our duty is a simple one to sell the goods. The fame of this sale has extended far and wide , but it will be gratifying to the public. to know the following facts : FIRST : The stock cost in New York over $43,000. SECOND : We bought it for cash and obtained a discount of over $20,000. THIRD : We have marked everything , regardless of original cost , in plain figures. FOURTH : The stock is very choice in selection , Mi * . Stephens being well known as an excellent buyer. FIFTH : The stockis absolutely free from old goods and bad styles Messrs , Stephens & Wilcox having made it a semi-annual custom to send to Iowa any accumulation of undesirable goods to be sold for what they would bring. SIXTH : The goods haye been marked at prices that will sell them , it being our desire to close everything quickly. While we know this sale will ATTRACTTHE BloE , ever on the alert to save a dollar , we wish it to be distinctly understood that this is a sale for the people , and the V " FAEMEE , MERCHANT AND MECHANIC are alike welcome at our counters. We intend making our store"A SiOEE FOR THE TEOPLE. " . . . . . . s. P : HORSE- . LATEST TELEGRAMS Are Not Half as Interest ing to the General Bead- er as the Following Price List : 10 Ibs ot A sugar fir $100 10J Ibs extra Csui ; r for I 00 11 iba Canar > O. Suifar for I 00 9lPsGrsnutitedSu.jacfor 1 Q.J 8 } Ibs Cut Iioa * Sucarf r 1 fo 6 ibs , uod KIo Uo2co for 1 Ofl 5 Ibs best Rio Coffee for ICO 4 Iba choice Ja > a Coffee for 1 00 3llbslicr.t JloehaCoaco for 1 00 Youne ; HjeonTcapcrlb , 30 to IL- OoloiijrTea pcrlb , 3J to 40 Japin Tea per Ib , 30 to fi Finest HiinpowderTcaporlb 76 BcstO K Flour per Kick 3 2i Snow Flake winter wheat flour 3 65 Havenejiiestflour - 4 50 20 litre Wltito Rug-dan Soap for 1 00 .U iiir.4 Climax Soap for l uo ; J bars Laundry Suap for 7 00 ! 18 bars Linen Soap tor I r-J Pure Maple SjrapX'KiU" " I 15 GuIJen bynip per gallon g > New Orleans Syrup pit gaiton 7' New Orleans Molasc8 per gallon 45 Sugar House Molacs t-r srai'on < ( t IbaSt. Louis Sod Cnyi.r3 ! for 1 00 ITlbsSt. Louis OyaU. > 'a. kersfoi 1 00 11 Ibs Boston Butter Crackers for. . 1 00 lllluGinccr Sna/ia for 1 00 13 Ibs New Currant * for l OC 3 Ibs Uew Blackhcrrics for l nt 4 Ibs Fitted Cherries for l 00 10 Ibs Dried Peaches ( halves ) for 1 00 10 Ib3 Choice Dried Apples for 1 Ot 1011)9 beat new Prunes for l CC J Olbs. best Valencia Raisins l fX 7 Ibs. new layer Raisins I 00 Peaches 21b cans j5 Peaches. 3 Ib cans ( standard ) 22) ) Pie Peaches. 6 Ib cans 2 ! I'cachc3Cal)3 ( ) Ib cai.3 ' . . 3C Blackberries , 2 lo can 15 Apples , ( York State.ol ) can 35 Blueberries 3 Ibcan 15 Cherries 2 Ib can 12j Damson Plums 2 Ib cans 1 Raspberries i Ib can 15 Strawberries,2 Ibcan _ . 20 String Bijan8,2 Ib cans ; Baked Beans , S Ib can 20 Lima Beans , 2 Ib cans 12j Suearcorn , 21b can 12j Yarmouth corn , per cin I7j Tomatoes , 3Ibcan H Succotash , 2 Ibcan 12j Pumpkins , Sib can 2C 24 Ibs beans 100 9 Itadrled Lima beans 1 00 35 Ibs hominy 1 00 11 Ibs CaroIimiVicc 1 0 25 lha oat meal 1 00 Fdt family mackerel , r > erkit 80 Fat family nhiteQahf > er kit 90 Codfish , whole , perlb 8 Codfuh , boneless , per Ib 10 H.illibut , per Ib 12 } Holland herrinft ( new ) per keff 1 25 Tobucco ( Blackwell'g Durham ) | -jrlb 60 Tobuxo ( , llverialplurperlb ( ) GO Toliacco ( Old Style ) per Ib SS Tobacco ( Meerschaum ) pcrlb 4 llama , sutpir-cured , pcrlb 11 tsjgg , 11 dozfor 1 00 Butter , fresh roll , perlb 20 Complete price lints furnished on appUuttl Country ordera will receive prompt and car * attention. Positively no icoods sold on credit. J. B. FRENCH . . & CO , , The Original Reliable Grocer.s. No. 1119 Farnham Street , OMAHA. NEB. ST , CATHERINE'S Academy for Young Ladies. ISthand Cass Sta.Omaha , Neb. The course of BtU'lies at this Institution , be sides the usual branches cf an English education , embraces French , German , Musi * . Drauin. % Paintin ? , Plain and Fan y Needle Work , Wax Fl iwers , etc. Thestsdion comm i.ces the lint Mo day in S-ptember and the fi st Monday in February. Boys fnm five to ten years of air wll bead- mitt'd. For further particulars app'y to Directress of St. Catherine's Academy. ll3012t 31. K. General Insurance Agent , REPRESENTS : P1I ( XIX ASdUKAVCB CO. , of Lou- don , Cosh Assets . . * 5.107,127 > ES1CHE3TEK , X. T , Capital 1,000,00) TIIE MKKCIIAM-S , ot erk.N. . J. , 1,000,001 GIKARIl FIUEPhiI dUiiiiiCapital. ! . 1,000,000 1'ORTHWESTEhN NiTlONAL.Cap- Hal PfX,000 FIREMEX'3 FUND , California. . ww.COO IJKITISn AMERICA ASSUKANCECo l./CO.OCO NEW A tK FIRE ISS. CO. , Assets. . . . S&O.OCO AUERICAF CENTRAL , Assets 300,000 Southeast Cor. ot Fifteenth k DougUs St. . OMAHA , NJCB. COLUMBIA AND OTTO BICYCLES i I have secured the agency of the Trail-known COLUMBIA Steel Spokes and Eubber Tires Bicycle from the Pope Manufacturing Co. ; Also the Otto Hand Made. Samples can be seen at my store , at Manufacturers Prices , reight added. Send for price list. list.1ST. . I. 3D. SOLO3VEOIT , - No. 1204 Farnham Street , Omaha , Nebra k _ CIST UP AM ) GIT ! NO OLD STOCK ! Having Taken tb - Above for Our Motto , Wa are D < confined to Offer Our Entire Sftcn k of. * CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS Regardless of Cost. In Order to Make Boom for Our Fall and Winter O Ma. We Will Not Be Undersold. 33OSTO3ST OLOTIHIZISrCSZECOTTSIE FARNHAM STREET. OHAELES SOHLANK. SOL. PEBTOE. LANGE & FOITIGK. Dealers m House Furnishing Uoods , Shell' liiirdivare , , Nulls and Etc. i''amham Street , 1st Door East First National Bank ; ISH & MoMAHON , Successors to Jas. K. Ish , DRUGGISTS AND PERFUMERS. Dealers in Fine Imported Extracts. Toilet Waters , Colognes , Soaps , Toilet Powders. &c. A full line of Surzical Instrument * . Pocket Cades , Truss-a and Supporters. Absolutely Pur * Drugs and ChemlcaU used In Dispensing. Prescription * filled at any hour of the night. Jus. K. Ish. Lawrence McMahon.