Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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Established 1871 , MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cen s
' ' '
\ftl * ji\r.j.\ Ti'VIi'VTQ ' r ft .
House of Commons Passes
Irish Constabulary
Only Two Englishmen Generous
anil Fair Enougli to Op
pose Its Passage.
Gladstone Receives a Deputa
tion of Liberals to Whom
It' Will Do What It
Kigut ,
_ _
TxTbaimesj or Politi
cal Expeditncy.
Success of the Panama Ship
Canal Assured-Contrac
tors of the Suez Ca
nal Preparing to
Begin Work.
Fatal "Waterspout Iu Switzer
AN non.
U ? , August SO. A dispatch
Loin SJumbay says Ayoob Khan hrs
-ifloncd Mondibiacar and all tie
c luntry southeast : > nd noithcaat of
I'aauahar , "besides Iho ICoho ijak line.
* ) ha luslot mutinccra are leaving the
vaUga. There arc fenw of a rising of
t jo I'dtium it-tilers ia Lurrachcl , acd
the government ia taking citraordina-
ly prcciu < iims to prcvuit it. Ileiu-
torcomeul ) l.-avebeon senl to Bombay
by liyr. jsjK'ci.-.l stouiior. ; The Bee-
1 ichors are alio raa'l ' as and trouble IB
'tu'ciryatodon UioSeinde frontier.
( .Jeueral UoWts having ordered the
ui.ici3R.-ion < if Ltl'.ilitsi , took
i he garrison nith him. The animals
u croon half r.itioi B of forage. TUG
driven are dt eitiag on ina > ae , and
t ifl aoldiofftn-c being dci.-ulul to rc-
j ' : i-e tliutn. Kearly a'i ' the soldiers'
A latcrdt-tpitchiiiya the P.Uhanb
at XTuuodKo have rnjnn disarmed.
S-iojil Dtajiatoli tjThc U
Coxa ; , August : ; 0. 'Sir. L-me , a
nitriB'berof ' tins Cork laid league , hav-
111.4 offered to g"v evidence before the
Itnd c-'iininetioii ' , hia been spelled
from the league. , , . _
SJj-ocUtPim .toht. . . Hie ! Vc.
ST pjmRMu o , August 30. The
started forlrnadha. Ho is
by Counts MclikolFaud
. Miluby.
1UIMI 1V11A1H.
i toTnr. UKK.
Dmux. August 30. A land meet-
iiiTivaBbel J at Sk-i\Mimion : yesterday.
tVOaonttr PotTera wu vuhuiuuntly dc-
nounccil for not huppnrting Sir. Dil
lon in the lit me of commons.
SWCtSl | Di" ) > itOll to TIMS IJCC.
MADIIIU , Aucust 150. Nuinorous
great storm ? have occurred through
out Spain ; ilon enormous d.una e.
Itailtmy irauic has been iutorruptcd
aud tolegraphsucatrojr' .
: ; O CH.
SiocW | ili-pildi to Tin. iSo" .
NAI-LILS , Antjiut t0. ! During the
oli'ctioim to-day several ilis.urbancKS
occur/eJ xvheii the police char oJ the
limb and several wore a--siid.
Cpoelnl l > i i" tcb tc the IVr
IJDXIO.V , Angui * " ' A dispatch
from Vienna says tinTurlii < h ngu-
liriirrt extuiisvtly fr.i * * luzuig inth
the Albinian ? .
lilr. Gladhtitiio 'i c ( \st I a most en
thusiastic reception . * lita' . n.
11 \i/rn. .
I lsratclitoThci : < c.
xv , Aut > ut ol. 1 i. m. Mr.
Gladstone Jus rrive i : Clyde ,
vu his tour nrnuiul Ji- t < V. In ra-
ply lau n3 lrcaa by t , i ' U'ons of
tlieGrccuock al ll-jr : 3vro liber-
al association , uhopai li . c"iuph-
inuutnry x'isit on boird C > 'rviittilly ;
Castle , " lilr. Glide ' n 1 that it
vaauriilitnt that they hid r-it been
UKinitiilfttl of the plelqeii n n at the
uonotal il-ct'on. As * ' < e- ' .ail besjun
p should they cnnttnnt , a.i.4 ID should
tlu > y end their career , nht. > hir that
career should prove t bo ' i'f "rpro-
1 nii ed. The liberal put.-c-ti'd : ' not
, violate i's principles to u e : any po
litical omorccncy ; they : r-st ! either
triumph iu fbcsu or fail defending
thorn. Mr Gl.xsstono added that bis
present tiip was not -hticsl. . but lor
ibe parpiseofrcgiiuing hcaUh , still
1'c wan ylnd to meet the representa
tive ? from one of the strongholds of
libcr.iliem , anJ could only express his
thanks , : nul his expectation that ,
when < > : no of the intricate problems
the government had inhorilc3 from the
list administration were dieposcd of ,
the government irould have an oppor-
tututy to cultivate some needs of its
own ulanlin" . The deputations then
Kft tbosbip , greatly pleased with the
intcrviow. 51' . i'ladstono's health
hab been c Hitidcrably banoGtted by
sea air ant ! free from anxiety. The
] iremier lias continued his journey to
r.vvixa rim OFF.
IJeirardiut ; the recent report that
the Grand Duke Nicholas will retire
from the c nuimtid of the Imperial
Ruards of tbo Petersburg ; district ,
but remain inspector eucrjl of caval
ry , aud that the czircivitch will take
c miiiitnd of St. Pcterabur and tbo
GrsndDuke Yhdimer command of
vhe gunrd , a St. Petersburg difpitcli
rnys Uiat there is suppoEeJ to be some
connection between those reported
military changes and a series of arti
cles of the Noavc'le Kevno of Paris
t > u Ihe lite U Jsso-Turkish war article ,
which , it is bolie\ed , ivero inspired by
the Grand Duke Nicholas.
A Geneva dtspitch snya : A water
spout at Zug , ycsterdav , caused a
gre t deetruction of property. Sev
eral IIVOB wore lost.
A Paris correspondent of ilia Econ-
* omiatsaya the Panama ctnal schcm *
j j will probably be again offered to tl.o
i public within the next few wool s , p B-
eibly under a syndicate , which will
guarantee sutlicieut bubscriptiorts to
insure success. The projectors of the
enterprise announce that the definite
formation of a company is imminent ,
ajdtlat Messrs. Cauvcaux & Her
bert , contractors , who made the Suez
. Ciiiiil , nro preparing the plat to begin
work at once.
Theliouse of lords list night passed
iho harea aad rabbit bill to a second
In the house of commons last even
ing Iho Irish constabulary estimates
was passed after a abort debate -by a
vote of 105 against 20. Mr. Brad-
! 32 .
o , homo
A Vienna dispatch says that the Al
banians thrcaton to invade Monlotic-
cro simultaneously with the naval
i'jiatchcs to The 15eo.
DOIII.IN , August 31 1 a. m. Win.
and John I'lielan have been commit
ted to take trial in the next assizes for
the murder at New Ross , on Au
gust Sth , of Charles Koyd , a well-to
do solicitor and IsnJ on tier iu the
county of Waterford and Kilkenny.
Correspondence of The Ueo.
WAIIOO , Net ) . , Ausust 28. The
republican convention of Saunders
County have to-day done eolne good
work. They most unmercifully gat
down upon iho U. P. ring of the
o-'unty , aud have nominated a good
ticket , containing a commissioner ,
senator and three representatives thai
will awcep the county this fall. ' They
also relccted delegates for the stale
convention of next Wednesday , giv
ing a wide berth to all railroad
slur ? .
The following is the ticket chosen !
W. It. Mead , county commissioner ;
G. 0. White , elite senator ; H. H.
Sht'dJ , Ji P. Scott , Beujiniin John
eon , membets of the legislature.
The following is the list of dele
gates to the state convention * B. 1J.
R Weber , ,1. Meyer ? , S. G. Bryan
T. B. Wilson , Elus Worley , Win.
Fletcher , A. W. A'andeman , John
Fleming , J. 0. Burner. E. W.
The committee on resolutions re
pot ted three resolutions which passed
Yiithouta dsji : ntii ) ; voico. The first
cudcrsea the Chicago platform , the
second relates to thb organization of
Garfield and Arthur clubs , aud the
third , which stamps this as n truly
progressive people , we give entire :
Thnt the bust interests gf the mass
cs ia the fundumeuttl basis upon
which rests the pt-rpeluity of our re
publican institutions ; therefore , our
senator and representativesinthostato
legislature are hereby asked to usj all
honorable means to secure the adop
tiou of a law of the eta to , regulating
and fixing reasonable rates of charges
of all railroad and telegraph companies
in this state ; and also to memorialize
the national congress to fix a reasona
ble maximum rate of charges upon in-
ter-stalo CJinmcrco , and to prohibit
the pooling of competing linci of rail
In selecting delegates to the state
convention a gag was put on the chron
ic coiivimtionera of the county seat
by restricting each precinct to one
At this stage of the proceedings the
paling cheek and dislocated lower jaw
made it possible to distinguish from
the rust those who had counted on
tlrs special privilege for the past six
weeks. Crestfallen and forlorn their
only hope is in proxies. JAY.
Correspondence of The Bee.
BUOWXVILLE , August 30. The Ne-
maha county convention resulted it :
the following nominations : For nena
tor , Win. Dailey : for representatives
T. L. Schick , M. B. Reyman , Church
llowefor ; commissioner , Geo. Shook
for delegates to state convention. .
Wm. Ddiley , T. J. Mijors , Church
Howe , L. Stull , T. L. Schick , Wm
Talcoit , John Goheon , Wash Fair ,
brothnr and Geo. Shook.
The delegation to the district con
vention consists of nearly the same
persons throughout as that totho _ state
convention. R. N.
Corresiiondcrcc of the KKE.
SEWABn , August 30. Howard coun
ty has just elected seven delegates to
the stale convention instructed for
Gov. E. C. Games for renomination.
The issue was made straight and the
question wa * , shall Seward county
support Cams or not.
Rio Grande Row.
Special Dbpatch to The 13co.
CHICAGO , August 31 1 a. m. A
dispatch from tbo commanding officer
at Fort Mclntoah , dated August llth ,
via Sail Antonio , August 27th , says
A number of prisoners broke jail at
Laredo to-day and endeavored to gain
the Mexican shore. The civil author
ities hero claim that they were fired
by persons from the Mexican side
while endeavoring to retake the pris
oners. A number of bullets etruckon
this side. A Mexican force was dis
played on the river bank after the fir
ing had ceased , but they made no
demonstration. Col. Jeuneuso , con
sul at New Laredo , has telegraphec
to Washington. There was considera
ble excitement during the escape. .
Several prisoners were shot and aev
oral drowned in trying to awim the
river. There is considerable feeling
among citizem over the firing on the
American side.
Honolulu's Chinese Problem.
Special l uiatch | to The K *
SAX FKASCISCO , August 31.1 a. m
A now ministry was formed in Hon
olulu August 14th. Among the new
appointments was Celao CrearMoreno
for minister of foreign affairs. Five
days later Moreno was requested to
give up his portfolio. Among the
measures passed by the netr legisla
turc was the Chinese subsidy bill "iv-
ing ? 24,000 to the Chinese line"o
steamers and allowing unlimited im
poitition cf Chinese , which causec
much disturbanca and ill feeling.
The Chinese merchant steame
"Hershung" arrived hero ycsterdai
The Crew Stick Manfully at
Their Posts and a Great
Horror is Averted.
Norrow Escapa of 135 Persons
Eight Drowned.
pccbl Dtepitch to TIi B Bea.
DKTKOIT , August 31 , 1 a. m. Re-
lotts of the loss of the steamer "Msr-
no City" created great excitement in
this city lust ovi-nili . Tito firnl
vicss received wcro to private individ
uals , aud placed the loat at sixty.
Later details showed that to bo a
a'rgo ovofOitircato. . tJp to3rp'clock
ftr TTiD niHijThirEIjjnt persons * have
3' < en named as misiing. The body of
an Irishman tras fuuud , name un
known. Also that of a uian named
Watson , at Detroit. The names of
123 persona saved are given. ] STri.r'y
all reside in this section. The "J\f \ "
iho City" was built at a cost of5 , -
)00 .it Marine City , and was hunched
in 18GO.
There were about 135 persons on
board the "Marino Uity , " of whom
only the following are lost : E. Kich-
ards Shally , James Grillin , Frank
Ennnott aud Guy McElroy , of Toledo ;
Dr. Pomcroy , of OlUwa ; Marion T.
Watson , of Detroit , late of Thcdforr1 ,
Out. It is also bcl'Bvcd that tv.o
others jiro Josl. The hope that some
had been saved at Sturguon Point waa
a viiiu one. S. H. Davis , a wholesale
fish dealer of Detroit ) wcS on board
and unable to swim , iloatcd out to sea
for two hours and waa picked up by A
passing ateamer. Ho is in a critical
condition. It is Hdily crfiditablo to
nll'that so few were lost , and , although
the saved gt-t ashore in many instan
ces with only ecint clothing , having
thrown oft' coals , etc. , in Retting over
board , the kindncu of the jjeciplo ol
Alcon.T. has p.-ercnletl inuch sulTaring.
The firu cremated in , the steamer's
hold soon alter leaving Alccma. Ev-
ey man staid byhia post until driven
overboard by ( he Raines , 'the bijj
rafting tug "Vulcan , " ami au5a'l '
fishing tun did nllatlt work in reacu-
loff poodle , and other boats materially
assisted. The clirk of the boat
thoughtfully saved his passenger li t ,
thus aiding in the matter of telegraphing -
ing news of Who were saved and uho
were lost.
The hull of theeteamor has lloated
ashore , burned to the water's edge.
Her books and papers are reported
lost , so that just how many perished
and the cauau of the disaster will be
difficult to ascertain.
New York Merchants Eeport
Immense Demand and
FpecUl Di'palc'a to The Bio
Nfcw YORK , August 31 1 a. m.
Invta igatitm of the present condition
and prospects of the fall trade by re
porters hhonr that the heavy trade that
sot in last fall has Continued up to the
present time , with litilo interruption.
There is a general feelinjr among mer
chants that thu reason will bo greatly
augmented , southern trade not being
so heavy as now for years. Southern
merchants are in the city in largo
numbers and are mere hopeful than
for several years. Crops in the west
are also largo and will command good
prices. A heavy trade is also expect
ed from that quarter. The manufac
turing industries throughout the c un-
try IIBVO advanced materially during
the year , inc.uding cotton factories iu
the southern states. The merchants
of this city , in all branches of trade
express the greatest couGdence in the
Dicpatch to Tun Ban.
BKOOI-LYX , August 30. Geonjo
Harivood , a young lawyer , and a friend
named Peter J. Larkin , became in
volved in a tight with throe rowdies at
two o'clock this morning , and while
on their way home Harwood was
stabbed in the heart by ono of the
rowdies and died instintly. Larkin
was also stabbed but his wounds are
not dangerous. The murderers have
been arrested.
PAKIS , August 30. Abbo Laino ,
Pere Hyacmthe'a assistant , was mar
ried to-day , Pcro llyaciutho ofliciat-
CINCINNATI , August 31. NC-.TS
from Blanchestor , Ohio , eays : Satur
day a man in the country administered
poison to bis wife and child in coffee ,
from which both died. Ho then took
a revolver and attempted to kill him
self , but only producing a slight
wound. At night a mob gathered at
his residence , took him out and hanged
him to a tree.
NEW YORK , August 31. Sanford
Robinson Giflbrd , one of the best
known American landscape painters ,
died in this city to-day at hisbrother'a
YORK , August 31 , 1 a. m.
Rev. Dr. William Adams , ono of the
most distinguished Presbyterian cler
gymen of this country , is lying at the
point of death at his home , near Or
ange , N. J. _
Dangers of the Sea.
Special Dispatch to Tns UJR.
gNKW | YOUK , August 31 , 1 a. m.
The bark Superior , now iu from Bil-
bja , reports that on August 28tb ,
during a deuse fog , she was run into
by the steamer lllivion from Boston
for Liverpool. She sustained no seri
ous damage.
The steamer Arden , from Maracai-
bo , encountered a hurricane August
17th. She was boarded by a terrible
sea , which smashed in the aide of the
cabin , flooding it with water and doing
other damage.
Sherman's Great Speech.
Speciil Dispatches to Tut Eix.
CINCINNATI , August 31 , 1 a. m.
Secretary Sherman spoke last evening
at Pike's Opera House to an audience
that filled every available inch of the
room and hundreds were turned a way ,
unable to gain even n sight of the
speaker. Gen. A. T. Gcshorn vras
elected president of the meeting , with
a list of eighty-nine vice presidents.
Upon tea stage were seated a hundred
or more distinguished republicans ,
including many government , slate
and city officials. "When the speaker
appeared upon the stage ho was greet
ed by enthusiastic and prolonged
cheering , and when ho W
to the nuU'enco by the president , the
cheering was renewed with increased
vigor , and scores of bouqueti were
thrown about his feet. Throughout
the entire speech , which was delivered
with but little reference to manu
script , each mention of some noted
person or some republican measure ,
which had been carried through suc
cessfully , the spoakea was interrupted
by loud applause. During the progress
of the speech a largo number of Gar'
field and Arthur clubs , dressed in un
iform and carrying flapa and torches ,
piradcd the streets. Several binds
of music participated and thou'.inds
of puojlo came out to witness the dis-
Special Distich to The Bco.
WASHINGTON , August 30,10 p. m.
The treasury has advanced to the EU-
peaintrndant of the New York assay
oftico S20COO,000 of gold coin to be
placed to his credit in the sub treasury
at New York to pay foreign gold coin
and bullion now on the way , and here
after to arrive from Europe , deposited
for assay end coinage. It is estima
ted thit about § 10,000,000 a week
will bo received between now and No-
Vembir Hext.
The treasury ia informed of the ar
rest al San Francisco of Alexander
and Mary Sweeney and Michael Cul
lorn for manufacturing and passing
counterfeit standard dullarsi
riOOl ) NEtts FROil MAINE.
Spcqal Dispatch to The Eos
WASHINGTON , August 31 1 a. m.
In a private letter received hero
yectcrdpy froin the comtiiissiotier of
intenul revenue , Raum , who is can
vasjinji Maine for the republican
party , he says that Maine will go re
publican , aud that , iu his opinion ,
Hivia'majority for goVeauor will far
exceed the most '
sanguine expec'a-
tions. Edward McPberson , secrc-
trf-y oE the republican campaign com
mittee , R\ya that ho is porfenily con
fident of the BUCCCGS bl hia party in
Maihe and in the October
elections , and of iho election of Garfield -
field and Arthur in November.
An Intuit. Avenged.
Special UNiatch < o tlio fES.
ST. PAUL , August 31,1 a. m. Robert
ort Dartou and Wm. Devlin were out
walking last night with Mary Monda
gaum aud Libby Steele , twn girla be
longing to the Clarendon hotel. They
were joined by Geo. Lirkiu , John
Carr , uud young Daly. Larlcin made
ft remark reflecting np'on thb character
of the girls. The insult was rcaentoc
by Barton , but being repeated , Ear
ton drew .1 knife and plunged it into
Lurkin's heart , causing death in afew
Infant Cremation.
Special Digiatuh to The Bee.
BALTIMORE , August 31. 3 r. m. A
Nes ipi-cial from Aberdeen , IIartfon
county , Maryland , states that during
a fire in a frame building there oi
Saturday night , a four-year-old Ehilc
of .1 German woman was roasted to
death. The housa was occupied
Bohemians and Germans employed in
Baker's packing establishment , one
many of them had a very narrow ea
Yellow Fever Scare.
Special DUpatch to The Bee.
LJUISVILT.E , August 31,1 a. m.
A special to The Commercial fron
Vicksburg and fiickman says that the
low boat ' 'Raven" is causing consternation
nation aa it cnmus up the river , then
buingastory that there is yellow fever
on board. It passed Vickaburg yea
tcrday. The quarantine ollicer there
went ou bout ( land positively declaroi
the sickness to bo only malarial fever
Hickman has forbidden the landin
of the boat. There can bo no harn
donocxctptby the fools and alarm
ists , who will succeed in making
friends at a distance feolauxious abou
the people along the river.
Congressional Nominations.
Special Dispatch to Tlwj Bo
California Third district , Stephen
J. Maybell , greenback.
New York Twenty-ninth district ,
David Richardson , republican.
Pemioylvania Sisth district , B. P ,
Ouster , democrat ; Eighteenth dis
trict , E. M. Spoor , democrat.
Georgia Seventh district , J. 0.
Clements , democrat.
Virginia Sixth district , John E
Tucker , democrat.
Wisconsin Fourth district , C. T ,
Sumncr , republican.
New Jersey Fourth district , Johi
F. Bird , democrat.
Michigan Eighth district , Wm.
Smith , greenback ; Fifth district , L.
II. Candel , democrat ; J. C. Blanchard
greenback ; Seventh district , C. T.
Ujack , democrat-Ninth ; district , E
S. Pratt , democrat ; Sixth dietrict , E
B. WInans , democrat.
Arkansas First district , Poindex
ter , democrat.
Missouri Eleventh district , J. C
Heberling , greenback ; Fourth dis
trict , J. H. Davies , democrat.
Foreign Sinew.
Special Dispatch to Tun B .
NEW- YORK , August 30 1 a. m.
Nine hundred and twenty-five immi
grants arrived yesterday morning
They were composed of English
Irish and some Danes and Scandina
vians. Thee arrivals at Castle Gar
den for the past two days were 2,206
A Canadian Claude Melno'.to.
Special dispatch to The Bcc.
TonosTo , Ont. , August 31 1 a. m
The upper circles of society are
Bomewhat exercised over the actions
of a city cabman , who succeeded in
becoming acquainted with the daugh
ter of a wealthy merchant and
, repre
senting himself as a bank clerk with
82,000 per year , succeeded in g-iining
entry to the family circle. Friday
last the object of his affections , and
hsr father , saw him seated on the top
of his hack attired in a full suit ot
livery , his plug hat being adorned
with a plume of monstrous siza. The
parents are very indignant , but the
daughter , after the surprisa , expressed
her belief that her Melnotte waa real
ly a bank clerk. She refuses to be
comforted , and it is feared by her
parents that she will elope.
Base Ball.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
The following games of basa ball
were played August 30 :
WASHLNGTOX , August 31 1 a. m.
Nationals 9 , Rochesters 6 ; eight in-
That Which Crosses the Missouri
at Plattsmouth Proveslm-
mense in Strength and
Proportions. *
The Trial Test Witnested by
Hundreds of Peopeon !
Both Sides of the
Big Muddy.
The Result Satisfabto55p > 'All.
_ , -
SpecUl'D'spatcli to The Bee.
PLATTSMOOTH , Neb. , August 30.
The formal test of the new railway
iridgo joining the B. & JL and C. ,
B. & Q. , took place this morning. AH
'lattemouth ' ia in holiday attire ard
jy 10 o'clock the hills adjacent to ( he
now and bcnutiful structure was lini ct
with people. On the iowa bank the
' .irmcis turned out with teams and
'amilfes and over 2000 "persons wai o
present. At 9 o'clock a special train
containing oflicials of the C. , B. & Q.
from Chicago , arrived at Pacific
Junction , and shortly after
wards crossed over the bridge
to the Nebraska side. It was followed
by the B. & M. Bf-e ial , which crossed
the bridge early this morning and met
the officers of the Burlington road.
As the trains finished the croasirg
eight heavy engines of the C. B. & Q <
road approached the eastern span of
the bridge and crossing slowly to the
east span in sections of four waited
fdr thd word Jo cotiplft. At the given
signal the eight engines joined them
selves on the fottr hundred foot
eastern span , making the test weight
4lo ions distributed ovci2d feet of
the span , the result was a magnificent
p.oof of the solidity of the structure.
The engineers then measured the
deflection and a photograph waa taken
of thebridpe at tlio moment the test
was taken. The engines then moved
to the second span where the
trial proved equally satisfactory
and the "all steel" bridge across
the Missouri river at
Plattsmouth waa declared open. The
teat was more satisfactory than was
anticipated , the deflection from a level
when the immense weight of 440 tons
was placed upon the span wss only
three inches , and when the engines
were removed tlio bridge resumed itu
origiual position. The bridge , built
of iron and stool , fry : U)00K ) j .g.
It consists of 1440 toot of an'irtm via
duct joined to thrco deck spans 200
feet in length and west 'of trmt to
wards Uio Nebraska shore and over
the river proper two spans of 400 feet
each , all steel truss. The cut through
the bank on the Nebraika side is in
some places CO feet deep. The piers
of the bridga rise SO feet above low
water markJ and sink thirty feet be
low the level of the river. The bridge
waa constructed by thu Keystone
Bridge Co. , of Philadelphia , George
S. Morrison , chief engineer ;
n. W. Parkhurat , Orat as
sistant , and C. B. Schneider in
charge of the superstructure.
Among these present were the fol
lowing officials of the C. B. & Q. : W.
C. Perkins , superintendent of Iho
Iowa division ; D. W. Hitchcock , G.
P. A. ; James R. Wood , G. T. A. ; W.
J. Davenport , from Omaha ; Percival
Lowell , assistant general manager ;
Geo. Holdrgo , general superintend
ent ; and T. E. Calvert , chief engineer.
Correspondence of the Bw.
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Auguit SO.
The second bridge over the Missouri ,
connecting Iowa and Nebraska , is
completed and the test of its ability
to bear the enormous loads of Ne
braska's produce , hurried eastward
over the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy -
cy road , has proved a magnificent suc
cess. All Nebraska has reason for
rejoicing in this new connecting link
between her boundaries and the east ,
and a largo number of Nebiaskans
yesterday crowded the streets of
Plattsmouth and lined the high bluCTs
of the Missouri to witness the trial
test of the beautiful structure which
joins Plattsmouth with the Iowa
At an early hour In the morning
the farmers from the neigh
boring country came pouring into the
busy little town. The streets wore an
air of general holiday activity. Across
the Misoufi ; which at this point
narrow to a respectably do p and rapid
current , teams filled with families
clustered along the river side , and
hundreds of interested spectators
thrcnged the banks. Shortly after
8 o'clock the B. & M. special from
Omaha , bearing oflicials of the road ,
arrived in Plattsmouth and , sweeping
through the deep cut in the bank
which marks the approach to the
bridge , passed on the structure and
crosied to the Iowa side , where a
special , consisting of the C. , B. Q.
coach 50 , Pullman coach "Rochester"
and the magnificent dining car "San
Francisco , " filled with oflicials of the
Burlington road , was awaiting their
By this time all Plattsmouth seem
ed to have deserted the town , and
with ono accord started for the bridgo.
The cut was filled with people ; the
biukswere lined with spectators eager
to witness the trial , and even the top
of the superstructure itself wai bhck
with employes of the road. At a lit *
tie after 10 , the two trains bearing
the railroad oflicials crossed the bridge
tr the Nebraska side and halted near
the bank. Immediately in their rear
came eight engines and benders ot the
C. , B. & Q. railroad , each weighing
sixty-two tons , and in two sections of
four each , slowly crawled along the
iron trestle work.
The excitement of both oflicials
and spectators was now at its height.
The enormous weight ot almost a mil *
lion pounds was about to bo di3lribu-
ted over40a feet of iron lattize work ,
.Mid the test v\3 : olio well fitted to
awnken Iho anxiety of those present.
rhero was a moment of susponsj and
the signal wna given. At the word
the eight engines coupled and then
moved slowly on to the eastern span ,
which they covered from ono end to
the other , of fifteen minutes
waa made amid the shrieks of the
stenm whistles from the two transfer
boats on the river below. The bridge
engineers busied themselves during
the interval in measuring the effect
of the weight upon the strtiC tire , To
their great saliafaclion , a Bor de
flection of only thron inches could bo
noted , and when the envies , a few
momenta later , moved on the west
span the vacated truss resumed its
original position. The test on the
Nebraska sidb epan proving equally"
satisfactory , the bridge was declared
approved , and a perfect pandemonium
of steam whistles split the air with
their no ! ' y enthuslaglil.
was commenced in the spring of 1870 ,
when the work was begun upon
the caissons for ; the three stone picra
which now support the superstruc
ture. Work was delayed by hi h wat
er so that it was not until February
of the present year that the laving of
the girdew of the bridge proper was
begun. The first pier on the west
bank is sunk 30 feet below low water
mark and rises 30 feet above ; the second
end pier is 38 fees and third DO feet
below the level of low wa'cr. Thu
iiiperatritcturo i * 3,000 feet lonu. The
narrowness of the river ch.umel is ta
ken advantage of at this point and is
crossed by two opans frotn the Ne
braska s'de , which are ' 100 feet each
in length. The girdera and beams
rise to n height of nearly fifty feet
above the piers and form a singularly
H htyet strong httico work of steel
resting on the thrdo main stonn piers
of the foundation. Joining thi West
ward main span are three deck spins
200 foot each in length , built on stone
piers sunk on the IOWA shore ana vis
ing thirty feet above the ground. Be
yond Ibcsoan iron viaduct , 1,400 feet
iu Lu lh , Ltrctfsboj towards I'.icific
Junction and joills the litain track of
the Chicago , J3tirlingtoii < Sr Quincy
roau. T'c ! ' completed work H ono of
which the roads and the engineer in
charge may well be proud. Its ap
pearance ia prepossessing , it is well
adapted to the location and of its dur
ability after thu tedt of to-day there
nodotil 1'1'enew from the
c.mbo ) : . ' -new
bridge is alivrly one. Up the river
the clear wafer of the Phtto is seen
mingling into the murky currents of
the Big Muddy , the llnu of demarca
tion being pi inly visible. The wood
ed bluffs of Phttamouth hide the riv
er ns it curves Ibw.irds tlio northwest ,
while the buildings of the thriving lit
tle town are well set off by the back
ground of green and brown of the
neighboring hills. The flats ot the
Iowa side lira covered with a heavy
growth of underbrush and towards
the cast the roofaof Pacific Junction
show up clearly and distinctly through
the verdure. " What will Ko the result
of throwing open a ne # channel of intercourse -
tercourso with the cast by means of
the bridge ? Will the C. B. & Q.
trains came into Omaha ? These are
questions asked a hundred times to
day. Ultimately there ia no doubt
that the competition will tell to the
benefit of tlio producer. For the
present there is little prospect of the
Burlington trains running into Oma
ha. Such action would mean the dis
ruption of the In > va pool , which just
now is too profitable to all coi ccrncd
for them to doaire ita dissolution.
Should the Wabaah , however , refuse
to enter into the pool , and a fight cn-
sud for freight nnd passengers , then ,
without doubt , the C. 15. & Q. would
run its trains into our city and force
the other roadsto do the samp. That
this may happen at some future day
thcro is every reason to believe.
St. Jullon's Price.
Special Dispatch to The Bco.
SAN FKANOISCO , August 30.
Robert Morrow , owner of St. Julian ,
denies the report telegraphed from
the east tint the horse has been sold
to W. H. Vanderbilt , but expresses a
willingness to sell him for 87,000. / .
This was before receiving the news of
his Friday's performance at Hartford.
New York Money and Stock.
WALL ST. , Nmv YORK , August so
Money 2J per cent ; exchange steady atSI-5l@
US6 > ' 8l 1015 U84'a Ill ]
U d Sa 1U21 U S Vt 110
Currency G'g 127 ]
Adianccd IQl per cent siucc opening.
VfV 103J St.P.andOmalii. . 42 }
NYC 12.11 St P-anil O. pfd. . . b2
Kric 374 UP- 01'
Eric prcfil GSJ GC.tIC le
RI lit Mich. Central 93
Lake Shore 103 } Lackawanna&.W. . S ! >
Northwestern 031 Iludsnn Canil. . . . . 81
Northwestern iifd.117 NJC 75
Pacific Uall 31-1 M & E 11U
Ohio 33V Heading Zl
St. Paul S75 I.M E5J
Sv. Paul pfd 10J K. & T CJ
H&StJo 411 N. & C Gl
St Joe pfd S3 } 15. & O 13IJ
Waliash 30J His Central Ill
Wabash ptd 70 P.ttshurj 121 :
Canada So tO
New York Produce Market.
NEW YORK , August 30.
Flour In buyers' favor and dulll ;
receipts ,20,429 bbls ; round hoop Ohio ,
S40US-1 CO ; choice do , 84 705 75 ; su
perfine we2tern330i54 00 ; common to
good extra do , ? a7uS423 ; choicu d'do ,
$4 30@0 25 ; choice white wheat , do ,
§ 4 255 03.
Wheat Opened a shade ctron er ,
but afterwards the advance was lost ;
sales of 8,000 bu No. 1 white , Au
gust , SI 07j ; 24,000 bu do Septem
ber , 107 ; 8OJO bu , October , S107i ;
24,000 buNo.2rct'Sopteinb3rl ' C8 |
© 1083 ; 8.000 bu November , $1 0
Corn Shade stronger and moderate
trade ; mixed western spot , 50i < golc ;
do future. 51 < 5u3\c.
Quiet and" firm ; western , 33
Beef Quiet and unchanged ; now
plain moss , 9 50 ; extra do , § 10 00.
I'ork Dull andhewy ; new mess ,
Lard Shade easier ; steam ren
dered , § 8 15.
Butter Fair dnmand an-1 quiet and
firm , Ohio , 15Q2G.
Chicago Live Stock.
CUICACO , August 30.
Hogg Were quiet and 5i lower for
comcnnn grades ; sales at $4903495
for liqht picking and shipping ;
S4 505 00 for common to god pack
ing ; 85 1035 33J for good to choice
shipping grades. R caip'.p , 18,800
Cattle The receipts were fair for
Monday ; the New York market was
reported steady at Friday's figures ,
but I owing to the rain buyers only pur
chased to a limited extant ; still the
prospect ] is good thnt a fair number
will change hands before the close ,
there being u full attendance of ea't-
rrn 1'iiyers ; ealcs ranged from $4 37i
ftj)4 ) 87J f. r a lot of butchers steers
and oiio of oxtr.i prime steers ; there
were only two s.-.lcs of Texan steers at
§ 2 7CjrtJ ( S 2up to 11 o'clock. The
frtah receipts were 4,070 head.
Otilcafto Produce.
CHICAGO , August 30
Wheat l-r''c h-'gher , No 2 spring
cl'isi'ii * > > t t > fc for cash ; SGjGS" for
Aitgiul ; bic for S'jptombjr ; sSi ©
SSfc for Octobor.
Corn ? , @gc batter , No. 2 closing at
S83@38sc for casb38lc ; for August ;
! 3So for September ; y9Jc@39Jc for
October ; seller for May suld at 44c.
Oats \ < 5le higher , No. 2elrstrgat
2l ( o for cash or Acguat ; 2Ggc for Sep-
lembor ; 2 ( Jj for October.
Rye No. i. , in store , steady.
Barley 3i32ic lower ; No. 2 in
aton > sc'hng ' at C2l@7uc. "
Whisky § 112.
choco : to fancy , 54 705 25 ,
Wheat Opened better but declin
ed ; No. 2 red , < J7.1 < 397j < 397&c for
cash ; OSsOS c for August ; 889gc ! )
for September ; 90i < 39091c } for
.October ; 9191i@Ul.Jc for No
vember ; S9gG8Sfc for the year ; No.
3 do , S3@S3ic ; No. 4 do , 81@82io.
Corn Lower ; 3-liS34jc for cash ;
34l31 c for September ; 3GJ@3Gj { ®
oOg < SoJc ( for October : SGjjc lor No
vember ; SGjc for December ; 34A ©
34 } c for the year.
fate Easier at 2GJ2flc for cash ;
2GJc for August.
liyo Lower at74c.
Lead Q'liot at ? 4 75.
Uutter Quiet ; dairy-0323c.
Elg3 lie.
\Vhisky-Steady at SI 00.
P..rk Quiet at S15 75.
Dry Salt Maala Lower at § 5 400
8 30fi8 50@8 G5.
Uacon Quiet at < 25@9 37 ©
0 75S9 SO.
Lard Nominally at § 7 G2\ .
L't. ijouia Live Stock.
ST. Lotll-M , Au ust 30.
JJoga Fairly active ; Yorkers ,
84 SOfa I 90 ; mixed packing , § 4 70 ®
ii 00 ; butchersto fancy , § 5 105 ( 20.
UcceiptJ , 0,400 head ; shipments ,
2,800 head.
Mnh'ied end DesorteU.
Spevial to the 1'eC.
CINCINNATI , August 31 1 a. m.
Ohas. A. Van Duaen , of New Jersey ,
regibtered at the St. James hotel Sat
urday with his wife , under the name
of Slason and wife. Shortly afterwards -
wards he paid his bill up to Sunday
and left with all hia own and wife's
money. 'Iho w.fe , after having
fruitless search made , said they were
married two weeks ago unknown to
Van Duzen'a family. She represents
"lim : v wealthy and a member of the
firm of VanDusen & Co. , and that
shn waa a fiowini ; girl in a factory in
the same building. Sha saya Vac
DiiHtm'a family live in Passaic , N. J.
She was left entirely destitute at the
hotel , and leaves for New York this
morning on a paw procured by the
city authorities.
OLoary's Bgr Sport.
Spcciil DNpalcli to The Itjc.
CHICAGO , August 31 1 a. m.
O'Lcary'a great race , in which both
men aud horses are to compete , be-
nitis at noon next Sunday. The en
tries are not yet ready to bo an
nounced. The contest will last 15G
houis and is for 54000 in prizes
A largo onclosura haa been
formed on the lake front juat by the
ball park , with a htgh board fence ,
and will be covered with canvas.
This great pavilion will bo opened to
the public on Saturday evening when
O'Leary is to ride a horse , with 1GC
pounds added , against three men
fur thirty miles , each man to
run ten miles. These runners , it is
undarstood , are James McLeary , the
famous champion of Scotland , White
Eagle , the equally famous Indian run
ner of the Caughnwagh tribe , and
Charles Price , the ten-mile champion
of England.
A Woman's Rovengo.
Special Dispatch to The Iee. !
WATDUTOWN , N. Y. , August 30 , ]
a. in. Lorenzo Gale , living at Fuller
ville , near Antwerp , has been arrcstet
for a murder committed years ago
His siatcr-in-law had him arrested for
assault and battery , and during the
examination , she confessed that
her brother-in-law , with othe
men , committed the deed with an axe
People arj now searching the place in
dicated for the remains.
Tno Tunnel's Dead.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
NE\V YOUK , August 31 1 a. m.
After two weeks of hard work th
caisson , by moans of which it is hopec
the bodies ot the victims in the recen
Hudson river tunnel disaster will b
recovered , was completed last night.
It will bo lowered to-day and the wor !
of excavation begun. It is not known
TI hat time will bo required to read
the bodies , but the contractor think
it will bo fully three weeks.
Absolutely Pure ,
llade from Grape Creim TarUr. So othe
preparation makes such lizht , flaky hot bread ;
or hilarious pwtry. Can be eiten by dyp ptlc
witLoct fear of the ilia resulting from heavy fa
sold only in cans , by all GrocerJ.
KOTAL BASIS * Powuw 90. , New York
Is For Sale Ky _
Wholesale and Ilctnil li
Largest Stock of Gold anil Silver IVatchcJ and Jewelry
the City.
Come in and See Our Stock as We Will Be Pleased to
Show Goods.
loUi and Dodge , Opposite Poslollice.
Good Until the 1st of October.
Having secured the most elegant
and commodious' building in the
city of Omaha ,
Cor. 10th and Farnham ,
And wishing to lay in an entirely
new and immense stock of goods
for wholesale and retail trade ,
MOVING our entire mammoth
Stock of
&G. , &G. ,
We mean just what we say , and invite everybody to
call at our present place of business ,
No. 1214 Farnliani , behveni 12th and 13th Sts. ,
And satisfy themselves. The Goods must be sold for Cash.
They will be marked in plain figures. The prices will be
absolutely at Cost. No deviations will be made.
This unparalelled offer is open only until October 1st , when )
we shall occupy the finest quarters in the city.
Jeans Pants G5c , 75r , to ? 2 00- Socks , psr < loz. COc an 1 apanls. .
Cottonacle Uanta Sac. ? l 50. Un'Ienhlrtx anil fJrawc-s 2ic anil upwarus.
AH-Wool ruiU- 00 , to S5 00. Fancy Dress Shirt * ISe.SOc. 6ec. 31 23.
Heavy California ranv > * 5 75 , to $7 00. Whim " " 500,31 in
CbiMrcn Suit * Si 00 ami upwards BIuo Flannel " SHc. ? l WI to 82 50.
Youths' " M 75and upwards. All-Wool " 75cto$200.
Mens * " S3 CO. to 8 % 00. Working " 30 n < l npnnU. _
Overalls 15c , 10. ; 55c , 75c. Men's Suspenders -2Jc , ! Sc,35 ; , an-1 upwards !
Heavy talUoraU 3t 00 , ? I 15.
J. O. RICHARDSON , Prop. ,