ATTDOKFYfi-AT-LMT. ZEJ _ _ ( tats of Washington , D. C. , ) I atcnt = , Pensions andGovcrn- nicnt Claims. Kcfcrc , 1 y iKrmisiion , to Genl C , F. Slander- rou , Uou. A. J Popplcton , acd T. L. Kimliall , A. T. CROSSUY , AM > COtNSELOIl AT LAW ATTORNEY South 151h tit , bet. Farnham and iurney. . aulo 1m liuuu A. SIOROES. TV. XV. UARTLKTT STURGES & BARTLETT , t TTOUS SY-AT-LAW So. J.CreightonBlock , JOa.ha. . htb. _ _ ' CHARLES POWELL , -TCFTICE OF THE VHACE forcer J5th and fj jiarsham Sib. , Omaha Kcb. VVM. SIHERAL , 4 TTOHSEY AT LA\V-C iaptell's Block , J1 3tb i.trettbciw c n Farrkam Rnd Douslag. OMAHA. K D. L. THOMAS , A TCORNKY AT LAW Loans morey. buys Jri.anil wlla real cstite. Boom S , Crelghlon Elek. . A. C. TSDUP , ITORJ-'Sr AT LAW Office In Htcscom'B r > i.r. i . with Ocorje K. Prltchett , IKS St. OMAHA. KEB. DEXTER L. THOMAS , * TTOKSEY AT LAW Crnlckanank B Solid Jll. Ing. _ A. CHADWICK , 1 TTORXEY AT LAW Office 1501 rarnkaia JKir . Kir ct. _ _ _ A. StfAPJZLAHDE f TTORXEY AT LA1V Cor. ISthtnd Famhani jtV Etreit. _ mayZStt VfllUAH A. FGHDA. A TTOaKET AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. JtKooru No , C , ficnior Most , opposite Pout Ofiic . OMAHA. NEB. # % L PEABODY , T AVrYER Office In Crclstion Stock , nezt to J PcetOflco. OMAHA , NEBRASKA. JJOTAKY rCBLIC. COLLKOTIOSB MADE E. D. "CL-U'CHLIH. ' A TTORNEY AT LAW AND JUSTICE OF Ji. TuE PEACE Southeast comer Fifteenth I > OUIlBEt. C Xollcctnnc ! ! Tromptly Attended to.Ba C'ERicH & BAP.TLETT , Attorneys - Law , A. L. HQBSSGN. A TTOIUCEX A.T LAW. Koom Crehton ! ( ; lrVoh ATTORNEY AT LAW. KfcHDACH PL3CK. CCR. DOUC. & I5TH STS. OMAHA , rcss. W. d. Oonnell , Attoriroy-at-Law. Office : Front rooms , cp Blairs , la Ilanecom's i\rw hrlck building , N. W. comer Fifteenth tnd Tsrnbam St recto. CEAS It , REDTCK. & REDICK , ' Attorneys-at-Law. - - . SpocJ l aUentlin will bo Riven to all briinp' corpnntlona of every Jest riptlon ; will rncJro in al .tb < > Courts cf tbo State anj the l'utj.1 States. Office. Farnhara St. , oppoelte 0 > trt HOU Q. EDWARD VY. SIMESAL , a TTOUKBY AY LAW Rcoia 6 CrelgLton JL Illocl : . It-tli r.uil Pcac ! : ttroota. noCdh ' G. ? . KWiDEHSON , A TTOHSST AT LW IJ2 F&mliAai Street PAHKE QOSWJN , * TTO : CY AT LAW Hth and DoogiU jtl. 'jtrseto. w-h ! O W. Doaaf " . T. IliriiARiM. a. J. IIatr RICHARDS & HUNT , Attorneys-at-Law , Omrn 21B South Fourteenth Street. EAST SND1A \ m s ei 'SOLH MANUFAOTU SERB O3JA5I1. A new anliillicrto ! ivHv for Ml Jlf cases ot the 1 , a ao" Urinary Organ * Itwi > l jvwmvelj .urc Um'o 1 , i vd , urop- py , ltrichts Pisoasiual ilL\ . H' | j op oxjxill the Urine , C t frh of'lie ffi.r p ; h color * * ! nnJ f-canty irin , 1'iiiifu' i i , , v. ij ; , LAME HACK , \IcncraI WoolvGcss , riu , all ' . .mule Com- pliluta. lta\nij In craal mcUici' eit , ccicaiu la it effects ami cures w hen nntliin C'T < tn. Kor sale i-y all Iirui ur > oi liy mall free upon rcecipi of the i ric . S MO DAY KIDNEY PAD CO. , PRDP'1S , Toll do , O. your ai'dress for our little book , i was Sive.1. " Hi TUR WIND EMOIHE 8S SIANUFACTURED BY Mast , Fees & Co. , Springfield , 0. The Strongest anil Most Durable W ND ENGINE In the World. Hundreds In use la Iowa nnd Xebreki Sold by Dealers in nearly cvfry county. This cut represents oar Buckeye Force Pump vhlch Is particularly adapted to Wind SHU use , aa Itworks easily and throws a constant stream , and docs not freeze up in tbo cold- eat vreather. Sand for price list W. H. RAYKER , Western Ag't , Omiti , Xeb. THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUBLISHING COPROPRIETORS. . SIS Pamham , let. 3th and 10t\ Struts TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION , 1 Copvl year , in advance ( postpaid ) 3.00 CmintU " " 4.00 3 months " " 2.00 TiME TABIES- THE MAILS. C , &N. W. R K.,530a. m. , 2:40 : p. m. C. B. k Q 5 : W a. m. , 2:10 p. m. C. B. 1 & P. K. R , . 630 a , m. , 2:40 p..m. Ci'St Joe 5SO a. m. S. City 4 P. 5:30 a. m. U. P. R.R , ll:40a.m. O. & R. V. to Lincoln , 10 a. m. B. &M. KB. ,8:40a : o. O. tN. W. , 7:30 a m. orrscca C. & N. W. B. R. , 11 a. m. , 11 p. m. C.R&Q. , 11a.m. 9:30p. m. C. U I. & P. , 11 a. m. , 11 p. m. C. B. t St , Joe. , 11 a.m. , 11 p. m. U. P. R. R , , 4 p m. O. & R. V. from Lincoln , 12:10 : p. in. S City & P. , 11 a. m. B. & M. inteb..4 p. m. Local mills for Statci Iowa leave but once a day , vie : 430 a , m. Office once from 12 to 1 p. m. Bandijt TBOMAS F. HALL. Postmaster. Arrival And Departure of Trains UNION PACIFIC. LEA VH. ARRITS. Daily Express. . . . 12:15 p. m. 835p.m. do lllxed m. 4:25p.m. do Freight 530a.m. l:40p. tf. do do 8:15 a. m , 12:20 a.m. TIME CARD OF THE BURLINGTON. LEAVE OUAHJU iRRlVB OMAHi- Express..3:10 p in. Kxpresa 10:00 : a. m , Mail 6.-00 a. m. Mail 10:00 : p.m. Sundays Kxceptcd. SundajsExcepUd. CH1CAGO.IBOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. Mail 6:00 a. m. I Mall 10KOp. ) m. Express 3:10 : p. m. | Express 10:00 a. m. CHI3AOO NORTHWESTERN. Mall 6 : 0a.m. I Mail 7:20p.m. Express Z:40pim. | Kxpre s..lOOOam. : Sundasexcepted. KANSAS CITY.ET. JOE & COUNCIL BLUFFS. LXAVV ARRIVE. Mall 8:00 : a. m. I Express 7:40 a. m. Express 60 p.m. | Mafl 7:25 t.m. The on'y line runninc Pullman Sleeping Cars out of Omaha to Union Depot. OMAHA i : NORTHWESTERN AND ' .SIOUX C1TV & PACIFIC EA1LROADS. Express 8:00 : a. m. | Fxprea" 4:30 p a. Dally Except Sundaj g. B. & M. K B. In NEBRASKA. [ WEST ] [ EAST ] Omaha ( I > ) 9:00 Kearney J'ncIv ) :60am : MatUm'tharlO:25 : a m Bloomingtonflv)5lO ) : am Kearnj J'ncar)7fi5 ) p m Ited Cloud flv ) 05 a m Kail Cloud ( arr)7:5tpm ) Plattam'th ( ar ) 4:20 : p m BIoom'gtonar)9:25 ( ) p m Om.ha ( arr ) . . .4:55 : p m HEPUBLICAN VALLEY RAILWAY. m | Bl0om'Kton.Rll:30pm ) l:3i p m I Hastings ( ar ) 6 5 p m Orleans ( lv ) 7:30 a m | Indiantla ( r ) 10 p m Orleans ( ar ) 7.-OD p m | Indianola ( lv ) 2.33 p m SIOUX CITV & ST. PAUL R. R. MJ1 . 6:10 : am I Express . 10:00 a 11 Express . 8,40pm Wall . 720 p m WABASH , ST. LOUIS & PACIFIC. LSAVIS. ARRIVES. Mail . 8a.m. I Mail . . .ll:65a m Express. . . .3:40 p. m | Express . 4:25 : p.m. BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. R. R. Le e Omaha , dally. 8 a. m , 9 a. m. , 10 a m. , 11 a , m , 1 p. m. , 2 p. m. , 3 p. m , 5 p. m , , 6 p. m. , Leave Council BluBs ; 8S5 a. m. , 9:25 a. m , , 10:25 a. m. , 11 5 a. in , 1S5 p m , 2:26 : p. m. , 3:25 p. m , 5:25 p. m. , C:25 p. m. , Four trijis on Sunday , lea vine Omaha at 9 and 11 a. m. , 2 and 5 p. m ; Council Blufla at 9:25 : , 11:25 a. m. , and 2:25 and 5:25 p. m. rjlBSE-VOER TRAINS. I ave Omaha : 6 a. m. , 7 a. m. , 830 a , m. , 1 . , 4:50 p. m. , 7:25 p. m. , eave Ctinncil Bluffs : 6:15 : a. m , , 9:40 : a. m. , 11:40 a , m.SrJjp m. , 7.-09 p. m. , 7 0 p. m. Daily except Sunday. OJIAAA & REPUBLICAN VALLEY R. R , LRAVB , ARRIVE. Mail . 10:45a m. , 4:35 : p. m. Daily except Sundays. COMMEUCiAL. Omalia Wholesale Markets , OMAHA , August 2G , 1880 , BUTTER AND ECUS. Ckolcetable . 1014c Packers lots . 7@10 Fresh eggs , per doz . 12 i . POULTRY. ohickeng , per doz . 225 Ducks. . . . . . . . . 69 aROOERIES. 6UOAR3. CutLaif . 10 Powdered . lOij Granulated . 10 | Stonilard"A" . 10 | OCfA. . . . . . . 1C Eitra C/ 98 / * * * * * SYRUPS. Extra choice and very bright. . 50 Bright Table Drips. , . . 45 New Orleans Mtuasses . . . . tO COFFEE. Hio , prime to choice . . . 171 Rio good to prime . . . 16 5 Kio Fair to good. . . . . 15 Mocha O.G.Java KICK. Choice Goodto prime DlliEDtKOITS. New Prunes. . . . . 81 OldPrunes . 6 ? Curranta.choice new . 74 BlackBerries . 12S Raspberries . . . . . . . . . . . S3 J Pitted cherriea . 20 Michigan grtd Apples . 8 N. Y. Sliced " . 9 Evaporated " . 6J State Peaches . 8 Salt Lake Peaches . 15 California Peaches . 15 CANNED GOODS. "S"OyBtsrs , 2 Ib cans , tf case. . 3 70 do do 1 Ib canpercasa. . 240 Lightweight Oystera t ! Ib tf case 290 Salmon , 1 Ib , tf dozen . 1 75 do 21b..V dozen . 265 Standard Tomatoes,2 Ib , tf case 2 30 " " 3 Ib , cue S 00 Standard Peaches , 3 Ib , tf case. 4 40 " 2 Ib , tf caso. 3 40 Raspberries , 2 Ib , tf case. . 3 00 Ulackborries 2 Ib , tf case . 2 80 Corn , 2 case . 3 80 Apples , Gal , tf doz . S 75 Narrow Fat Peas,2 Ib , tf case. . 4 00 S trins Leans. 2 Ib. per case . . . . 240 SUNDPJES. Nutmegs. . . . 10 Pepper . 17 Allspice . . . 17 Cloves . 45 Co si\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 J feOpe . . . . . . . . . . * * Candles , ICoz . IS Greenwich Lye.perlcase . 3 85 Beans.por bushel . 1 SO Cheese full cream . 11 UliASS. Window Glass , GO per cent , dis count off list. HARDWARE. 1BON. Common bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Horse-shoe bar . 4 Norway nail rod. . 9 STEKL. Cast plow. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Am. cast , tool . . . 18 Jes'p's , Eng. do . 25 A AILS. Tons , upwards. . 650 B'rd'd's shoe 'g . 550 " mule" . C 50 Omaha nails tens , upwards. . . 3 50 Nw'str'shn . 23@30 Putnam naila . 23@SO DRY GOODS. BROWN COTTONS. Atlantic "H" . 7J do "P" . 7 Penperell " 0" . 7 | do "R" . 7 | UU j _ IIT Xi ? . . . * * . . * . . . . . . . . Qf oi Indian Head . . 8 Lawrence XXX . 10 Nebraska , Standard ' "AA" . DENIMS. Amoskeag . 16 Beaver Creek , "AA" . 14i do "BB" . 135 Haymakers . 9 | x. AuH6r * . * * * * * * . , * 8 Otis "AXA" . 15 do'f'EB . „ Hue uo CC . . . * . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Warren "AXA" . 15 do "BB" . * 14 do "CC" . 13 BLEACHED COTTONS. Lonsdale . 9i do Cambric . 12J Cabot. . . . . . . . . . j Fruit of the Loom . 10 ewYork Mills . 101 Hills'Mualin . u Wamsutta . 12J Pepperell . 15i@271 XICKIKGS. Amoskeac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 FftllsO. B.O . 20 do xL& * * * 11 it An "A A An UU / CtfV * * * * Pearl River . „ „ „ : „ 164 Holyoka. . , , , , , , , , , , * , , , * * IS Albany 74 Albion 7 ? Harmony 5J Americas. . . . . . . . 7 Allen's 6 1-2 Allen'sPinks 8 Ancona fancy 7 1-2 Manchester 8 Merrimac. 71-2 Menimac shirtings 6 1-2 Richmond * . 6 1-2 RichmondsE 71-2 Sprague's 61-2 Simpson'a mourning 7 1-2 Simpson's black 71-2 STRIFES. - American 10@11 Amoskeag : . . 12 Awning stripes 15H LewiHon.A 17 1-5 Hamilton 11 1-2 Omega Ilal2 Pittsfield 1'J ' LUMBER. Framing , 18 ft and under. . . . 820 00 Each add. ft. over 18 , per M . . 50 Fencing No. 1,12 to 20 ft. . . . 22 00 " No. 2,12 to 20 ft. . . . 20 00 Sheeting , dressed , No. 1 20 00 " " No. 2 1900 Common boards , dressed 22 00 STOCK BOARDS. A stock 40 00 B " 3500 C " SO 00 Common stock 2500 FLOOEDfO. No , 1 flooring 40 00 No.2 " S5 00 No.3 " 2500 Yellow pine flooring , No. 1. . . . 45 00 SIDIXO. . No.lsiding 2500 No.2 " 22 t > 0 No.3 " 2000 P1CKEI8. No. 1 pickets , per M S2 50 No.2 " " 2500 FINISHING. No. 1 finish , 1 J , IJ , and 2 in. . . . G5 00 No.l ' lin 5000 No.2 " IJ , li , and 2 in. . 4500 No.2 " 1m 4000 No.3 " in 3500 SHIP LAP. Plainehiplap 2300 OG " No.l 3000 ' " No.2 2500 " No.3 CEIUNQ. 1 beaded , 6 in. , No. 1 2500 " " No.2 2300 5 " 4 and 6 in. , No. 1. . . 4000 " " " No.2. . . 3500 Corrugated ceiling , No. 1 50 00 SHIXULES. A star ( best ) shingles. . . . . . . 3 75 No , 2 " 300 No.3 " 250 Lath 400 Lime , bbl 135 " bulk , per bu 40 Cementbbl 260 Iowa plaster , bbl 250 Michigan plaster , bbl 2 75 Hair , per bu 25 Tarred felt , 100 Ibs 300 Straw board , " 400 O G battens , per 100 ft lin. . . 1 25 Well curbing 30 00 Rough i , and 2 in. , in baits , perlOOft-lin GO POSTS Cedar halves , 7 in 18 " Bin 16 " QuarterSin 16 Oak,4x4 30 " 4x6 40 O G casing , 54 and 6 in. , per lOOftliu 300 Oak plank and timber , per M. 4000 Clear poplar 50 00 Black Walnut 10000 HIDES. Green hides , per Ib 6 Green cured hides 74 Dryhides 15al Dry salted hides. " . 10al2 Sheep Pelts 25al 50 Tallow 44 LIQUORS , WINES , KTC , High wines , per gal I OS Alcohol , ISO par Cent , per gal. 2 10 Freni h spirits , proof 1 18 Marshall's bourbon whisky. . . . 1 23 Miller's bourbon whisky. . . . 125 Brandy , very fine , per gal. . . . 2 00i8 00 common to fine 1 50 Gin , 100 per cent 150 Holland. 90 per cent 125 Rums , mixd Jamaica , per gal. 1 50a3 00 " New England 200 Kennedy Bitters per gal 1 50 " " per case 7 50 " per 100 cases 7 00 Champagnes , pints in baskets. 25 00 Domestic champaigne 22 00 Port wine , per case 1 50 = 3 00 Shemes 1 5Qa3 00 Aleg , Edinburg a 75 " BassftCo-'a 225 Guinness Dublin stout 2 25 LEATH3R , Heat slaughter sole 32 5 'Oak 41 French kim 1 lOal 40 J'ren'ohcalf , leading brands. . . 1 50a2 10 Domestic kips 75al 10 Domestic calfs 1 lOal SO Hemlock upper , per foot 25a26 Oak upper , per foot J5a'-'G } Grain , upper per foot 25 Linings , per doz . . . ' . 8 OOaO 50 Toppings , per doz 11 00 Morrocce ( bootleg ) per foot. . . 85.V- " oil dressed 35 " Simon per skin 3 00a3 2j " glove kid 30 Boot webbing , per foot 45 HARNESS LEATHER. No. 1 Pittsburg oak 41 No. 1 Pittsburg oak 42 No. 1 Cincinnati oak 41 No. 2 Cincinnati oak 30 No. 1 hemlock 3 ! ) No. 2Hemlock 37 COAL RETAIL. Anthracite 1050 Blossbutg 12 OJ Wyoming 850 Oskaloooa 5 SO lowanut 5 00 White Breast 5 50 Facts tnat We Know. If you are suffering with a severe cough , cold , asthma bronchitis , con sumption , loss of voice , tickling in the throat , or any affection ot the throat or lungs , wo know that DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY will give you immediate relief. We know of hun dreds of cases it has completely cured , and. that where all other medicines had failed. No other remedy can show one-half as many permanent cures. Now to give you satisfactory proof that DR. KINO'S NEW DISCOV ERY will euro you of Asthma , Bron chitis , Hay Fever , Consumption , Se vere Coughs and Colds , Hoarseness , or any Throat or Lunp Disease , if "you will call at J. K. Isii Drup Store you can get a trial bottle free of cost , era a regula- size bottle for SI. 00 janldy(2) ( BucKlen's Arnica Salve The BEST SALVE In the world f or Cuts , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Totter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salvo Is guaranteed to give perfect satiafac- tlod In every case or money re fanded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 8dly J. K. ISH , Omaha. CHICAGO SHOT TOWER 00. Manufacturers ol STANDARD SHOT BE SURE TO BUT IT. THE BEST IN MARKET. E. W , EL YTC1IFOKD & CO. Haaufacturers ot Lead Rpa , haetand Bar Lead , Block Tin , ? ip * ana Solder , Unseed Oil ind Oil Cike. ORDERS SOLICITED. 70 NORTH CLINTON ST. , CHICAGO. BONNER'S HORS."S- THE FASTEST COLLECTION OF ANIMALS WHAT THEY COST. N. T. Cor. IndianapolisJlenlO. Gentlemen of reSnement taste and wealth arp given to indulging tome i particular fancy , mania or hobby to Ihe fullest eslcnt. Some spend for tunes on fine pictures and br'c-a-brac ' , some collect antique books , both old and new. while others invest largely in diamonds and other precious gems. And these are buns' , cased and cher ished , and exhibited to friends find admirars ai treasures of' the h'gh- est order. But the world ia mude of many men of many minds. While works of art are loved by some , they give back no affection in return tothe _ cwner. Mr. Robert Bonner , the wide ly known connoisseur , hns an expen sive but humane fancy for horses. They are not only loveabla , but loving , nnd give affection in return for the tender care and admiration bestowed upon them. No gentleman in America possesses this extravacant tiste and gratifies it ao royally as Mr. Bonner. Nothwithstnndincj he al ready owns over twenty of the most valuable and best known horses in the country , ho is continually making additions to the collection whenever he comes upon ono that etrikej his fancy. No one is ever , under any circumstances , permitted to run upon .1 pubUc track , but is only driven for the pleasure ? .nd amusement of the owner , who derives no benefit other than enjovment. Dexter , the oldest of the animnls , was twenty-two years old last May , and , although ho etill retains his great beauty , has lost his good disposition , for he is awful cross nnd curls his haughty lip and shakes his aristocratic head most significantly nt strangers. He is driven , twice or three timea each \veek , nnd is as fast as when he was purchased for § 33,000. Rarus is as well known ns Dexter , and with Music , a beautiful chestnut , makes a team often used by Mi * . Bon ner , before a plain black top waon , with red runn'ng ' gear. Edwin For rest comes well nigh on to § 40,000 , and makes remarkable time. Lately he made a mile in 2:17ibeforo : ! A heavy wagon of S0 pounds weight , when driven by his owner. Major Morton is a snpsrb bright b.iv , handsome , rapid and valuable. May Bird is a shapely creature as black as a crow , but as graceful as the bird is awkward , and travels as well under paddle ft ? in inrnons. Mnslcv h another beauty ; bay , with black mane , tail and feet , and soft , gentle eyes , which are very at tractive. Graf ton is a 2:15 trotter , and. like .T < re Elliott , is as high priced aa Fast. Poc'xhontasjs known far and wide. Elio Vcnnet rnd tiicy Colyel' are wonderful travelem , with fine re cords , and are valued away np in the thousinds. Maude Macy ia R recent addition to the stables , and is a em in every sense. Emma E. , named for Mr. Bonner's only livinc dauehter is "too darling for anything. " She is a Heht chestnut , with a satin coat , the trimmest feet nnd legs , and prettiest oars , the mildo-it , most Intelligent eyes , and the carriage of a handsome woman. She is used in harness or withsiddle , and is ono of the particu lar pets. ' _ . Ci < ; 'W A Hooslor Desperado. St. Lou'e Republican , The other day the telegraph from Chicago told how a burglar had killed a good citizen. Yestcrdny It brought news irnm Indianapolis , tolling how a good citisen had killed a burglar. The latter is the notorious Bill Rodifer , the Jack Sheppard of Indiana. He was killed early yesterday morning in the residence of Dr. Walker , of Indi anapolis. The doctor's wife happened to see the man under her bed. She got up , and without saying a word to her husband went and awakened her two sons , then walked down stairs , got a revolver , and then came back and gave it to one of her boys. While the was doing this the burglar poked his head out of his hiding-place , and the doctor seeing it , hit him square in the face and then jumped out of bed and grappled with him. Rodifer pulled out his revolver and shot at the doctor , the ball crazing his side. After firing the shot Rodifer drew his bowie-knife , and with that in one hand and his revolver in the other , he ran out into the hall. The doctor's son , John , stood at the doorway a half .dozen feet away , and as Rodifor approached preached shot him twice , once in the left breast , near the nipple. This did not stop the burglar in his efforts to escape. Ho ran down stairs and out of the door , but fell dead before reach ing the threshold. ' "Did I know Roditer ? " said ex-De tective Psga to a Republican reporter last night. "Yes , I knew him well. " "I want you to tell me , then , of his wonderful escapes from penitentiary , M well as a little about his early ca reer. " "Well , then , " said Mr. Pae , "let me toll yon first that he was born in Indianapolis , where his mother and sister live now , and both are respecta ble people. When a bit of a boy , Bill , that's what wo called him up there , was caught stealing and sent to the reform school. Ho escaped from there and was sent to the Southern Indiana penitentiary , at Jefferson- ville , for a graver offense. I was a guard there then , and took particular notice of Bill because ho was such a quiet and easy-going fellow. Ho always - ways kept away from the rest , and wanted no man to cell with him. " 'I always thought he was scheming to get away. Ono morning while the gang were going out to breakfast Bill sat down and hid behind the door of the trip-hammer shop. When all the prisoners and guards had got Into the dining room ho crossed the court to the door he had come out of. Run ning from that point to the roofof the main building , which was four stories in hieght , was a cast-iron water-pipe. Bill shin ned np that pipe ilke a monkey , got on the roof , through a skylight to the guard room , and hid there all day. He was miiscd early , but not a soul suspected hia mode of escape. That night he took off his striped suit and taking possession of the uniform of a sleeping guard , walked boldly down stairs and out into the world. Ho was away for a long time before they heard of him again. A jeweler ak Terra Haute was in the habit of tak ing the jewelry out of his store and transfcring it in a satchel to a neigh bor's for safe-keeping. One night while doing this ho was attacked by two men who not only failed to attain their object , but were captured by the police. One of these two was Bill Rodifer , who , with his comrade , was tried for. highway robbery , found guilty and cent back to the prison from whence he had escaped for a term of tea years. "The next time he got away was under a coal cart. The guards were on the walls watching the carts. If Bill had got inside of one of them they would have seen him. He knew this , and he got right in under the bed of ore of them and onto the coupling. He got two hundred yards away from the building , when a trusty saw him and raised an alarm , which resulted In his capture before getting three hundred yards away. "In the wagon shop they finished spokes , and these were packed in box es six reel long by two square. Bill got eoma of his camrades to nail him up in one of these boxes , and they did this. It was the custom to stand theao boxes on end , and in standing the box which conlainad Bill they placed the wrong end up apd Bill on hia head , Of course he tqUealed nnd was let out and punished. "Onu day while working with a lot of men in the yard , Bill , Mike Collo- man of the Reno pang , and others got aateel shaft used for pulleys , and us ing it as a battering-ram , jammed a hole through an eighteen-inch wall and made their escape , but not until they had knocked one guard down and ran another off. They were all can- tured before getting tar away. Ho made other attempts and was engaged in many interesting happenings too tedius to mention. " Ridifor was pardoned out of the penitentiary five weeks ago by Gov. Williams for good behavior. At that time he had served six years of hia ten yenra" sentence. He was 35 years old and had blue eyes and white eyelashes , making him look more like a saint than a thief. Mr. Page says he was an awful stout fellow , and but for luck would yester day morning have made matters more thanlively for Dr. Walker and family. How Railroads Eat Dp Forests. Cincinnati Commercial. But few people comparatively have any idea of the amount of timber Used in the construction of a single rail road. We hear that onr forests are rapidly disappearing , and wo know that material for building and fuel causes the sacrifice ot many leafy monarchs of the forest ; yet only the initiated know that it yearly takes 200,000 acres of forests to supply cross-ties la ? the railroads o'f the United States. We Interviewed a gontlelnan who has been in the busi ness for i3 yeara , and concluding that hi * obsanwtions and experience would be of interest ) wo give the substance of his talk. It takes ,000,000 ties to supply the demand tin our rail roads , for which , on an aVerae , the crurtractors get 35 cents apiece , inak- incr in the aggregate S5,250,000. In bSldinga now road the contractors figure on 2,700 ties to the mile , while it takes 300 tics to the mile te keep a constructed road in repair. Contract ors , of Course , buy pieces of timber land as near to the proposed line of road as possible , paying for the timber an average of about § 20 per acre , or giving the proprietor of the land 10 cents for every tie gotont. The average - ago of a good piece of timber land is 200 ties to the aero and 12 ties to the tree , tfhe size of a cross-tie diff-ra on different roads , but the usual size de manded is eight feet six inches long and eight inches face. White or bnrr oak is considered the best timber for the purpose , although cherry , maple , ash , and even locust , have been liaed. The last named Were first used oil the Littie Miami railroad , and after a time thrown aside a ? unfit for the pur pose. Railroad men much prefer ties hewn out with au axe to those sawed in a mill , and many contend that the first named will considerably outlast the sawed ties. This theory is proba bly a mlsttikcu fallacy , as sawed ties have boon placed alongside of hewn ties , and remained sound twice as long. This business gives employ ment to an army of choppersj who are paid 10 cents apiece for each tie. A continued practice makes the choppers expert in the use oft the axe , and a single man has been known to get out 35 ties in a day ; yet the average is only 10. while an expert will probably get out 20. Dnring the war , when ties sold from 60 to 65 cents , chop pers were paid 12 cents uplece. Although the contractor nets 35 cents aplcca from the railroads for each tie , still there is a loss of from 5 to ? per cent , on dock age and stealage. An inspector is sent by the company to inspect the ties. This is generally a clerk from some of the ofticea , who frequently knows but little aa regards the strength or durability of timber , and as a con sequence , some of the best ties are docked and only bring 20 cents apiece. The otcalage ia where the section men put in new ties which have not been inspected and received , and fail to re port the use of the same to the road- master. Most all cipss-tie men aho contract for bridge timbers and trea dling , as well an telegraph poles. For the latter chestnut and cedar are mostly used. They bring about § 1 75 apiece , and are cut mostly in the Tamaraca swamps of Michigan and the forests of Southern Kentucky and Tennessee. Largo sums of money have boon made by lucky contractors above described , and each only adds to increased demands. Ohio has over 4,000,000 acres woodland , yet the ever-increasing demand for railroad purposes alone , if supplied entirely from our forests , would leave us with out a single stick to mark the existence of onr once dense forests. The liver is more frequently the seat of disease than is generally supposed , for up on its regular action depends , in a great measure , tlio powers of the stomach , bow els , brain and the whole nervous system. Regulate that important organ by taking Simmons' Liver Kegulator , and you pre vent moat of the diseases that flesh is heir to. d&w CouxTrRrtilERsaroexeron the alert to find fresh ficMs ( o wort , but thev never imitate a \\orihlc9s article , 1'rof. Gullmectc's Frenih Kidney Padwwbroughl'iutaboutten jcars ao , ruij since then a host of chaps without skill or conscience have tou tt to imitate it by mmy worthies ] afhira ; but n ilu.r ruinating rublic will heM "fa t fo that which ia coed , " and the Guilmctte Tad more than holdi its own. It cures all kijncy diseases and sjtcceJa where medicine of cen f lili Ask j our dnuciat ilthii is not so. ECONOMY AND PLEASURE , arc united in SOZODONT. A few drops on the brush make a delightful lather for the mouth.whichis fragrant and healthful. SOZODONT tightens the teeth in their sockets , restores them to the original color , and is alto gether the most agreeable wash ever offered to the public. It is economical and pleasant. "A stitch in time saves nine , ' is a good motto for SPALDINO'S GLUE. It preserves the furniture from des truction , and can bo applied by any householder. e-o-d&waug 26 RESOLUTION ORDERING SIDE WALKS. Be It r embed by the City Council of the City cf Omaha : Tha * a sidewalk be within fifteen d ys from this am , constructed > nd laid to the prrmnent cndeln pa'd cily. in front of nd adjoining tie- followine described premises viz : West 78 feet of east 210 feet of nortS 146 3-20 feet rf lot 2 , Capitol adJltlon , touth tide of Dodge treet 6 feet wide. West 60 feet of east 270 of north 140 3-20 of lot 2 , C-pItol addition , outh side of Dodi'9 street 6 fee' wide. West 72 } feet of north 118 4-20 feet of lot 2 , Capitol addition , south sids of Dodge etrcet- 6 fo t wide. East 00 feet of west 137 } feet of north HG 3-20 feet cf lot 2 , Capitol sddition.touth side of Dodge street 6 feet wide. Lot 2 , aonth side of Chlcajo street In block 57 6 feet wide. To be repaired T.ot8 , west side of 19th street in block 46-6 feet wide. Such sidewalk to be constructed of 2-lnch plank , an'l to be In width as above specified , and the respective owner or ownM of the shots de scribed premises arc-hereby required to conattUJt the same. Omiha , Aucnst 25th , 1C60. J.F. MCCARTNEY , County Clerk. FOUR HUNDRED CATTLE For raleat rry Ranche , one mile fiom FULLKRTON , NANCE COUNTY , NEBRASKA , 60 yearline steers , 40 yfailin ? heifers , 275 2 nd 4-year old tteen , 25 cows and calves , also 5 thor oughbred short horn Durham cattle , 2 bulls and 3 heifer * . 2 Norm n stallions. ant-w4w OUAHA , Keb. , July IS , 1880. VfOTICE Is hereoy tiven , that at a rneetin ? of JL the Stockholders cf the Niobrara Stock Orowinz Assodition , held in this city , July 1st , 18SO , the capital stock was incrtavd from twen- ty-two thousand FIX hundred a'd twenty-five dollars lars to twenty-fix thomacd two njndred and twenty-five dollars. K. A. MILLS , Iy2t 4t Secretary , "I raffertd terribly with nerrcTis debility racked bydennredkidney , nd vaipeiamtn ly cured by Prof. Gailoettc'a French Kidn Padi , when oiherieaedicj gate ma f relit writes \ jouay I ytoa mercbint. Aik the ered dv peptlcsbll. . cos sufferers , vie- tlms of fever nd srue , tha mercurial diseased patient , no * they recorerod health , cfaeorfnl gmclts and C0od pSetite ; thay will BSODLATOR. > CONSTIPATION- , Jaundice , SICK HEADACHK. Colic. De Bum , Ktt EtEWt8f S ° UB STOMACUH8ar ? nn'JTaUd Southern Remedy fa warranted " " ° ° ta" , " > asliffle rnrtkle of MSRCURT , or 7 Nations mineral snlwtance. but U Purely Vegetable. those Southern Roots and Herbs. which an all-wise Providence has placed ID countries whore Liver Disease moat prevail. It will cute all Disease * awed by Derangement of the Liver nd Bowels. . , THK SYMPTOMS ot Liver Complaint re a bitter or bad taste In the mouth ; Pain In the Back.Sidesor Joints.oftoa mistaken forllheuma. turn ; Sour Stomach ; Ixwsof Appetite ; Bowels alternately costive and lax ; Headache ; Loss of Memory , with a palnfnl sensation of hating fall ea to do something which oujbt to have been done Debility , Low Spirits , a thick jcJIow ap pearance of the skin and Eyes , a dry Coash of ten mistaken fur Consumption. Sometimes many of these symptoms attend the disease , at others very fewbut ; the Liver , the lanrest organ In the body , li pcnerally the seat of the dlsiaso , and If not regulated in tirae.creat suffering , wretchedness and death will ensue. I can recommend as an efficacious remedy for disease of the Liver , Heartburn and Dyspepsia , Simmons' Livr Regulator. Lewis d. Wnnder , 1626 Mar Street , Assistant Post Master , Clilladelpuia. "We have tested Its virtues , personally , and Snow that for Dyspepsia. Billlou-me . and Throbbing Headache , it la the bcsl medicine the wend ever saw. We have tried forty other remedies before Simmons' Liver KcciUtor , but none of them rove us more than temporary re ef : but the Hcculator not only relieved , bus cured ut. " Editor Tebgrsph and Ucsjcuger , Macon , Ga. OXtT BT J. H. ZEILIN it CO. . PHILADELPHIA. PA. Price , Jl.CO Sold by all DrngRlsts. _ jentleoiliwly A CHEMICAL MARVEL. Thousli a thnu and Isajnics away e'tzer's Tcnic fount in fem , We cvd rink the eame to-day , In ourfir-off Western homes. Tlnnka to Chcmlstry-a pe 1 _ In an irn'ant presto1 jass ! rresli as frnhi the livine well Stltzer bubbles in the iJ iss1 TAKRA.VT'S ruEEApKRiK.NT Givisthe r re elixir lirth , Healtli'iil ' ng tbc II ild sent Hashincr. fr .111 . the breast of Tarth. Time and di.finco what are they ? When Art thin can reproduce" Eprinw a thousan I Icisues away , Fur the sick mau'a inetaut me1 SOLD 1ST AT.L DRUGGISTS' HOME TESTIMONY. Hear what Ex-Mayor Qarvcy , nn IrJneutla and prominent citlrcn of Piqua , savs : PIQUA , O , December 20,1ST9 The DR. FOSANKOMRD CIXK Co , Piqua , O. : OEXTLEMRS 1 feel under many obligations to you for the relief afforded me b > the use of voar ln\auable ! medicine , Dr. Bosanko'g Rheumatic Cure. I bav "bccn for many jca'g a sufferer from Chronic Rheumatism , suffering at timer most excruciating puins , and ilepriiinj ; me of many nights' sleep. After conjulting n numbci of pln idaiig and oljtair.inj no relief , ! com mcnced usin ; ; your Pheumatic Cure anil aftei uain ? four bottles , and takin ? the Illotxl Purifier in connection with it , I am absolutely cured , free from any pain , able to attend to my buIncsDand rcstlnjr perfo tly comfortable at nubt. Respectfulyours. ! . S. I ) . OAHVEY FRKK Dr. fioiantct' Treatise on Rheuma ti m and files tent on application. Addrcsa Tlic Dr. Bosanko Medicine Coi PIQIjA , OHIO. C. F. GOODMAN , m24-d&wtf Acent. Omaha FEVER ANI5 Defensive Medication 13 a precaution which Rhould never be neprloct- ed when dancer is present , anil therefore a course of the BitUra at thia season is particular ly desirable , especially for the feeMe and sickly. As a remedy for blliousnejs , dyspepsia , ncrvoii i ness , nnd bowel complaint * , there is nothing comparable to this wholesome re toratirc For Balehv all lruiilsta ana Dealers generally ATTENTION , BUILDERS AND COM TRACTORS. The owner of the celebrated Kaolin Banka , near LOUISVILI E , NEB. , has now ready at the depot at Louisville , on the B. & M. railroad , to fill any order at reasonable prices. Par ties desiring a white front or ornamental brick will do well to gio MB a call orsanJ for sample. J. T. A. HOOVEK , Prop , , Tocinvillo. ICori SANTA GLADS FOUND. Greatest Discovery of tne Age. Wonuerful discoveries In the world have been made Among othsr things where Santa Claua stayed , Children oft ask If ho makes uoo > l3 or not , If really he lieea in a mountain of snow. Last year an excursion sailed clear to the Pole And suddenly droppedinto what Bccmcdlikci.holo Where wonder of wonders they found a ncwland , tVblle fairy-like beings appeared on each hand. There were mountains like ours , with more beautiful preen , And far brighter skies than ever were seen , Birds with the hues of a rainbow were found , While flowers of exquitita fragrance were grow lag aronnd. Not long were they left to wonder In donbi A being soon came they had heard much about , Twas Santa Clans' self and this they all s. y , 3o looked like the picture ? tsee every day. Ho drove up a team that looked vervqueer , 'Twos a team f grasshoppers instead of reindeer , He rode In a shell instead of a sleigh , But ho took them on toird aud drove them away. no showed them all over his wonderful realm , And factories making goods for women and men Furriers were working on liats great and Email , To Bunco's they said they were sending them all. Kris Kingle , the Glove Maker , told them at once , All our Gloves we are sending to Bunco , Santa showed them suspenders and many tblcga mere. Saying I also took thcso to friend Bunco's store. Santa CUus then ivhispertd a secret he'd tell , As In Omaha every ono knew Dunce well , He therefore should send his goods to hla care , Knowing his friends will get their full share. Now remember je dwellers in Omaha town , All who want present ! to Bunco's go round , For shirts , colkre , or gloves great and email , Send your sister or aunt one and all. Bunco , Champion Hatter of the West , Douglas rret. Omaha DR. A. S. PEKDERY , CONSULTING PHYSICIAN UAS PERMANENTLY LOCATED III3 MED ICAL OFFICE , 193 Tenth Street , - OMAHA , NEBRASKA Offering his services In all departments o medicine and gurfrcry , both in zencial aii special practice , acute and chronic diseases. Ca be consulted night and day , and will visit a parts of the city and county on receipt of letta TWO DOLLARS WILL SECURE THE WEEKLY BEE For One Year , r EAST VIA THE Gbicago & Northwestern 2,330 MILES OF ROAD ! It la the SHORT , SURE and Safe Route Eatwein COUNCIL BLUFFS CmCAGO.MLLWArjKEE and all points EAST and NORTH. IT OFFERS THE TRAVELING PUBLIC GREATER FACIUTIF.S AND MORE ADVANTAGES THAN ANY OTHER ROAD IN THE WEST. It Is the ONLY ROAD between COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Upon which Is run PULLMAN HOTEL CA.ES ! In addition to these and to please all claws of tr veer . It elves FIRST-CLASS MEALS at its EATING STATIONS at 60 cents each. ITS TRACK IS STEEL RAILS I ITS COACHES ARE THE FINEST ! ITS EQUIPMENT FIRST CLASS If you wish the Best Traveling Accommoda tions you uill buy your ticket by this Uoute CT-AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. AH Ticket Aeents can sll vou Thrnuzh Tickets via this road and Chfck csinl Bay- gage yrco of Charge OMAHA TICKET OFFICES 12S * Farnham St , Cor. llth , and at Union Pacitic Depot. DENSER OFFICE In Colondo Central and Union P ci1c Ticket Office. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE 2 JJsw Montgom- eryStrcet. For Information , fnldtrs , maps , etc. , not ob tainable at Homo Ticket Office , address any agent of the Company , or SARVIK HUCHITT , WH. . STEHHITT , Oon'l Manager , O n1 Pass. Agent , CHICAGO , ILL. JAMES T. CLARK , Gcnl As't Omaha a Council Bluffs. ORT LINE 1SSO. K. C.ST.JOE&C.8.R.B. , la the only Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OMAHA and the WEST. No change of cars between Omaha and 8t. Louis and but one lictrrecn Omaha and h'ew York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Eastern & Western Cities With less ( .harceg anil In advance ol other lines. ThL * entire line la equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Care , Palace Day Cosch- eu.MlHcr's Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated Wirtinffhouse Air-Brake. JWSEE THAT YOUR TICKET KEADSTtt tarVli Kansas City , St. Joseph anJTSl fyCouncil Bluffs k.R.vla SfEJl tSTJo * andJSt.Loul3."Ei Tickets for sale at all coupon stations In the Weiri. J. F. IUP.I.-ARD , A. C. DAWE3. Oeu'l Supt. , OcnT Pass. & Ticket Ag1 ! St. Joseph , Mo bt. Joseph , Mo , W. C. SEACHRIST , Ticket Aten. ( , SH Fifteenth Street , bctwi-cn Farnham and Donulaa , Union Block , Omaha. JOS. TEHON , A. IX BARNARD , Papg. A 'cnt , Omaha. Oen'rl Azent. Ociaha. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AND St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Sioux City Route 1 100 JULES SHORTEST ROUTE 1 From COUNCILBLUPFSto ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULTJTH , or BISMARCK , And all points In Northern Iowa. Minnesota and Dakota. ThU linn la equipped with the Im proved WesjinijhoUOT Automatic Air Brakes and Miller Platform Coupler anil Buffer. Aad for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT H unsurpassed. Elegant Drawing Room acd Sleeping Cara.owncd and controlled by the com pany , run Throujh Withiut Change between Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , and St. Paul. Trains leave the Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Counill Bluffs , at 5:15 p m. , rcachinir ? ioux City at 10:20 p. m , , and St. Paul at 11:05 : a. m , making HOURS IN ADVANCE op ANY OTUEP. ROUTE. Returning , leave St. Paul at 3:30 : p m. , ar * rul- - at Sioux City at 4:15 a. m. . and Union Pacific Tran-fcr Depot , Council Bluffs , at 0:50 : a. m. Be sure that your tickets read via "S. C. & P. R. R. " K. C. HILLS , Superintendent , Missouri Valley , Iowa. P. E. KOBINSOS , Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agent. J. H. O'BRYAN , Southwestern Freight and Pasjengcr Agent. my20 tf Council Bluffi THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Carsl TIHIIE CHICAGO JURLINGTON & QWNCY With fcmooth and Perfect Track , Elegant Pas senger Ccachcs , and PULLMANSLEEPINC&DINING CARS It U acknowledge J liy the Frets , and all wlo travel uv r It , 10 tie the Best Appointed and lC3l ! Managed Koad In the Country. PASSENGERS GOING BAST Should bear in mind that thia ia the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points East , North and Northwest. Fasscnjters hy this Itoutc hayo choice of FODB DIFFEEENT KOUTES , And the AiU.intapc of Six Daily Lines of I'ahco Skupm ? Can from Chicago to New York City Without Change , All Express Trains on thia line are equippdl with the Westinaihouse Patent Air Krahes and Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Couplers , the moat Perfect Pro tection Against Acci dents in thcnorld. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING AND DINING CARS Are run on , the Burlington Route. Information concerning Routes , Rates , llmi Connection ? , etc. , will he cheerfully given by applying nt the olfico of the fcurlinctori Uout , Cli tourtcentn Street , Omaha , Nebraika. C.E I'EKKiKS. D W. HITCHCOCK. Ocn'l Manager. Gen. West'u PaKg. Ai-'t. J. 0. PIHLLIPPI , St. Joo. , llo. General Agent , Omaha. II. P. UUEL , fcp5-dl licket Ascent , Omih * . AVER'S HAIR VIGOR , FOB RESTORING CRAY HAIR To Its Natural Vitality and Color. Advancing years gicknc.48 , care , dis appointment , and hereditary predis position all turn the hair jrray , and either of them in cline It to shed pre maturely. AiKR'3 HAIR Vi OCR , by lonj and extensive use , has proven that it stop * the tallies of hair immediately ; often renews the growth and always surely restores its color , when faded or cray. It stimulates the nutritive organs to healthy actively , and preserves l > oth the hair and its beauty Thus braihy , weak or sickly hair be comes KlMsy , pliable and strengthened ; lost hairrrzrows with lively expression , falling hair is checked and stablished ; thin hair thickens ; and faded or frray hair resume their original col or. Its operation is sure and harmless. It cures dam'nuT , heals all humors , and keeps th scalp cool , clean and soft under which conditions diseases of the scalp areimpossinle. As a dressing for ladies' hair , the VIGOR is praised for its sntcfui and aifreeable perfume , and valued for the soft Iiutrcand richness of tone it imparts. PREPARED B7 Dr. J , C. AVER & . CO. , Lowell , Mass , Practical and Analytical Cbemlata. LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. AJO ) DEALER IK MEDICINE C1 CC s week In your am tawu. 'lercj istl lOOO outfit free. AdiiraB H. HiUett & Co , Fcrtlind , M. APPETIZER- For COUGHS , COLDS , BRONCHITIS , ASTHMA , CONSDHf- TION , and all Diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. The most acceptable preparation in the known \vi-rM By vl.lin. ; t. . TOI.C KOCK ami RYE -v 'i"\ Lemon Juiro , you ime an exellent Appetizer > iwl Tonic , f r. wr. l an.1 lawilj n > T > > . Immense ami ir ereatnu salts ind tha numtrom tes.inHiiiui. rec \ a < lai y an the toil evhlenitj of its \irtuc3 and popularity. Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. fiAMTIfHI DON"T BE DECEIVED by unprinciple.1 dealers whotrv tojwlmoff rppnv-t < i ' , ! . if.V-fJ'iv . .Pi"110 ? Kcck and " ) ol"Paicof : onrTOM- HOCK and IIYB. wbkh Hth onlyMhUlCAThDarticle made , tha OEATINE navkca OOVERNMKAT bTAMl' OH e h bvttlff. Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revsnue : TREASURY DEPARTMENT , OFFICF OF INTEHNAL RB.VBNUB. > WASIILNOIOS , I ) . January 20 , leStf. i" ifewra. LAWRENCE 4 MARTIN , 1111 llad-'son St. , Chlcaco. ll's. . GICSTHMK.I : This compound , in the opinion of this office , wetiM have a jufficlent quftniilv. ' the LALSAM Ol TOLU to give It all the advances ascri .eil to thl < rlk ! In | > ctonl wropbint * . while the nhbky and tho-iyrup constitute an emulsion renilcrioe it an afree bl rcm i'y t < > tli K5L5tV.JS.II'oanil < ! dlcct'Ilinir to th" ' "rniatn. It nay pnu'erly tofl MwI M- 34hlIlAf. . PlthPAttATlON undtr the rnnUiuns of U. 3 U.Tised Sfcuptw. ami when tamv > l , n v . , soldbyDrujciats , Apothecaries and Other Persons viitnout rcndeiin < th ui liable to pay ftwial tax as liquor dealers Yours Kopectfnlly , ( Pljned ) GREEN. B. RAUM.CommtsslOne- LAWRENCE & MARTIN. Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DRUGGISTS , GEOOEES and DEALERS everywhere WHO IS UNACQUAmTEyDEWm , THE OQRAPHV COUNTRY. WIU ' WIUF ? /F % CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PAGiFJC R. IS THE ( SUEAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE \V ; > It * main line run * from CblotKO JO foancll ' Itinlngdin for eatlmr purputily < r.r . pa.i in < throuuh .lollet. Ottarra. I.a fa I I , irrcat rnitarouf > or laluf < .ir itM ( leneseo. Moliii" , Koc * island. Davenport.V" < t nAI.OON fl'iicre T > u can uiijuy yuur " I Liberty , Diwat'ity.Miircn o. Urnoklyn. < irinnei. atalt h nr of . .ie > itay Den .Muinet cthe of Inyrtftu.irt. . Atlan MiicMltlcent lr > i Itruteca span the tic , and Avncu ; with bran * if9 from Hiir-9iu ami Mi'sourt nvi'.sat nil points crtiwi - J ) c Junction to I'iorla ; U'lllnn Junction u > .Vti ca- line , and tranirert.ireavoiileil iit < "iim ' -r\j ! , tir.0. U'n lilnftin. Fairtluld. Kldon. llelknnp. Kin-.i3 City , lAwrenwmtli , anil Atcuutoa < xie i Ccntrcvllle. 1'rlnccion. 'lYenton. ( i.tllatln , 'Jnnie- nt > rtlon hoincinnitu In Lnhin Hcixiti. rnn. l-cavenworth. Atcblson , nml Kan n city : TUB ritl.Mll'AI. It. It. fUNNK * l'H * < ft C . Wa'hlnRton t > surourncy , O5ialooi. and Kn T- 'THIS ( HtUAV T11KOUUU MSK AXte > - ville ; KcnknK to Karnlnuton. Bonaparte , lien- K)1I.O\V < tonsoort. Independent. Kldon. Ottumwx Kilily- At ( nirAci ) . with alt dlvcrKlc" tinea tt 5t J TlUp.Uvkbloosii. IVIln , Mi"iiroe , anil lies .MulnL'M : Kant nntl &fmtn. Nvwtnn In.llnnrou ; Dei Muliii'i to Imll.inul.iaml At B.soiEWH r , with the L.S.t.M.i Wlmerset : Atlantiu to I.ewh and Aii'lnb-jn ; ami St.V.l 1C IW . Awocn to Harlan. This It positively the onlr AtWA IIl.NUTI'V llEICiIITH. With 1 * . < k Hallronil. which own * , and operate * 11 through. U K K. Una ( mm Ctiicuuu into the Stale of Kan'.13. At I.A SALLK. wl. i III. rent.It. It. Through ETprfs l'asenKerTrain , with I'ull- At 1'niici.with ! I * . A . ! . ; ! ! > . &B. fc toan "alare Can nttachert.nre run cich way daily % V ; lir Mid. . undT. I1. > V W. ItiK between Ciur.tno ami I'EOUIA. KAMIAS Crrr. At llotll 1" < I\NI ) wltli "Mllwiiikeo 4. f CocNcit. liLrrrs. I.SATEXWOUTU ana .Vrcni- Islnnil jurt l.lne. " ntul Kiirk l l'il , t fe < x SON. Thrnuch car * urual'o run bctworn MiO'au- At liArcxroitr , with thu Davenport leo ami Knn a * Oty , via the "Alllnaukco nd C.M. &St I' it. H. UnckUlaml shoLine. . " At WEST I.IIIEUTr. with the II. . C. It. A "Xtt i The Jilan < t" l macnlfleontly At liniN'VrLKrlth J'entrnl IHITH K. ! t. equipped. 1I < road tied n ( imply perfect.and iu At ! > hjm.N ; .rf wltl I > M..VK 1 > U. rt , track is Inlet with steel rails. AH'ofNCIL 1:1 i-frs > . with Lnlmi I'M im n.r What will plen o you ru'ist will br > the plenonr- ? AK'M.UIA , nun It. X Mo. It. It. It. in Noo. of enjorlnn your nienl * . whllr pH * lni ; ovurtliu * ' beautiful prairies or Illinois and lonr.i. Inononf At DTTf.MWA. nltn ' i-ntrnl Imvult-fr 5 ? ourmnL-nlMocnc DinlncC'ars that ncrunipnny nil St. U A Tna. uiid f It. A VIt. . ItiH Tnrouizli Kxprejs Tr.iins. Vou uvl n cntlru At KEiitvt h , nltli Tui. . . ; vVlO. * mral. as cooii a * i * * ervetl In any nrtt.clii33 hotel , l iuii A lic. nml SU 1. . K.- . , , t NV. . H < * . lorsercnty-nve cunti. At CAJIKltov , witlill. L J It. li. j ppreclatln * the fact that n majority of the At ATCIIIHOV. witti Atch. . T pi kn Abapt ? * < fXi people prefer separate apartment * lorillnvrcnt Atch. A Null , nml I . llr r ! It. Uih ) . purpose * ( and the immonsu onucr tiuincsa At I.E. * vr.swoKTii , with Kun. I'aa , of this linn warranting lt > . woiiri * plea-ed ti > nn- ClMlt. It. KlN. nounco that thia rumpnny run * /'ulliiinii J'atiiee At KANSAS Crrr. with all lines for tk < f 3t Cart for sleeping purpu u . ana 1'tlace ami Southwest. I.MAX I'A'.ACE CAISH nrr- run Ihrouirh to 1TCHCI.T. HKH COIlXVft. Itl.VFFS. KA.XMAS Cl't'V. ATCIJ to.\ . siii.l I.KA VK.N WOIS'VH TlcUvt * vlil thin Line , known no the "Ornit JC ck Jnlnntl JCtnilr , " ar * oW 5. nil Ticket Aeentii in the United .Htulc I.nil Cinuiilu. Fur liirnrniatlon not obtuiuuble ut yuur home ticket office , u.tilrrn. j . . ivX 2H $ > vXjXj i * . .TC-JiiiNr , Ueu'l Superintendent. Uen'l Tit. aud I'ass'nr.It - FURNITURE , BEOOSN SELAJDIES- And evoryiliing pertaining to the Furniture and "Upholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF HEW GOODS AT TH IILO W : EjST .1 p 11 mon th ut 1208 and 1210 Farnliam Street Improved Buckeye Combined Riding Corn Cultivator IE1 O 18SO. MANUFACTURED BY P. P. MAST& CO. , SPRINGFIELD , They also make Buckeye Improved Iron tfeam "Walking Cultivator , with or without Springs. The New Force Feed Buckeye Drill , one or two Horse SI } If * Enquire for them at the heat dealers. F. H. PTKrH. Gen. Agent , Omaha , Neb CURES RHEUMATISM. CCKES COUGHS and COLDS. CURES RHEUMATISM , CURES COUGHS and COLDS. CURES SORETUP.OAT.CCRES DY1THERIA. CURES LAM BACK and STIFF JOINTS. CURES LAMfe BACK , and STIFF JOI.NT3. CURES 1X3 , CUTS and BRUISES. CURES B HNS , CUTS nnd BKU13ES. SOLD IS OMAHA BV ALI DRUGOIST8. tSTOo to Tour Draught for Ml Freeman's New KaMcnal Dyes. For brightness and dura bility of color they ro BnequiUftl Color 2 to price li ctnti , Any one who lores goml.l 'icc nadirs n h 7 e--K - - FREE , containing 32 Ime f > ge , n il l to th'-n , sending th ir name anJ full address tu STREET & SMITH. SEW YOUK WEEKLY , 31 Ko * > St. , S w Y rfe ffIC fn ff"nPerday ) at homn. Sampkg w r * 103 10 lpZU jctree. Addrena Slinoon & < > . , Main" . 1VJL , . . CUJEKIUNO at tha Rens la TP < > l t < . < - Institute. Troy , N. Y The oldest emri'iee ' ecbo < > I in America. Next term begins byi-'vii hcrlCth. Tlia Kextttcr for 13B& eontoinx . , * of the gndtntoa for the cast 51 jean , with I t c irnf als" . Bourse of tnd . r * | oir > : n , : etc. A.Wn.DAVII M ftKM . 1'orOicd , J4 9