Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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' i. - *
* * ; * * *
Established 1871 , MORNING EDITION. - . . . - ' . ' . . " I.pfice'Five-Gents
and f > oii ; las.rcci , ( ,
Over 3,030 rceMcnct lota forka'o by thta pcn
x at vti' r an ine tn.m S24 to ! lfflO , tich" and
-.Vjil in every | nrt of ilicciU ) , and in evcrr
itce .r > n Irojirthe riBU/flict , noi th. elf south
T acJ.varjui ? Jti dtst.Tiico'Jrnpi one
* ! < to ona ortu-o imto frouysjiuitt 4MI and
u uiic our I'.B'.s
--rvcral chnloc lot ? in Griffin & leases' addl
ticn. est < it conx'cnt , lten St. JIarjr.'s atei
ui and llamcy ttreet ? tOO to < SOO.
v ' -ere * juA cast of tai racks on SacnJcrs St. ,
t ? j is clioiee tand aiul will Irt- geM vco > ! ieap- ' nah iu 5 , 10 cr2U aero lots ; juur-lime-
Cii'.i. c l t at end of street car tracks on Saun-
< J. r * etrctt for S375. . _ ' ,
Choice lot , Fariilihhiaiij 24th .Strcoto"'rMlli2
Jc ' f..r SlWOiII li\lilc It.
t'tieaj lots In Credit Kontiar atlultion. Bouth cl
C. P. Otpot-JlW to gaOO. . . . , . ' (
1'ark &vnmc jd Gca'ria Hreet , '
< T. < rd to lr > : , r.i l ; rj licad of St. if.ry's
a unc.atfr itisl r I0 estr.ojc . Seven yeare
tmi < at cislit | T ri t ltu r.rto tlio c who will
tni' up trmxl M l t : u-j bniiaii.K . F r further
{ / . . liuuJara aj > i > ' to.
- - llP.WiiHSr'Artnt. . !
Fiftreiitli and Pouclas Streo's. '
A. nie lot on Uarncy snd Twenty -first street * .
? nr ? < : - : , .
T-o.lifticcoBnn ! 'Cth. rear St. llarj-iav
sic , rx'xlCBfcci meli , ! r S550 slid JyfrQ. v j 1
\ < i-h'-iec lott m ar 23d and Clark streets , In
L V. SniitliV aililit' SSOOand fi 0.
KifU lut-i Iu iili.iiuV fir wcand and thlrtl'od- :
Lot near Ifilb and Pixrce , $450.
? lots < ni. llsrnrr near J4th Et. , ? 600 each. , ' 1
lot a-tiiliunjJUuaiiUtro6t- . t. t
i IOIH In C.miiii Va'w addition , south ol U. P
l-nd.-c ind depnt , from f 15 U > 1 } HX ) each" /
Onrrc. . 117x570 feet , on iSth'ntrcctl Boutli
of i iHilricnTB ii i rc dwice , for S2 > t9ror will-
< ' " iiito dty > itoiJft3Tsl
1-ir r tiumU-'r 51 ? Itcantllul r MoneoJote la
cat-J ui this now o..dUiwi mi UtliiWl fill ! , be
. - - .
r . ' _ strc-Von tlie norlli ami Farahatti strwl
) 'lie ou'.li. lonrrtly oAnc-J tiy fc n 1)4 1
> uinre recciitl known '
„ > stlscT'CJ-ktn915acrc3.
O i > 22 lots IwvctlnIir hccn plaited 11 on
i r l'am and 8 on UmiglM MKct. Thrto lot
arc : .0 to 58 tret ! : i vMts n.,1 Jl.tXW
fortliccli'ilro. f > ycirs tune , at S't r rent In.
trrcattilirso wlm will Ijulld cwxl Etlbstantli1
li rni-rs tlierv n. Call anrt ciaailat rial and EC
* = U mfoniYitinn at °
. ' ' " " 3' ' ' ' Douclas Strc'tg.
/ >
Oi-crSnOliouwr.r-'l Vt ac offered for sal
1" office T-ry ' all orcr tli
ncr. SJacksoa
. iiceHero ia a
rr l . * irain for tonio < nio. Tlie Property must
w K .id'ircmidjitdy ; < Jj vc-r- just a quarter of a
U'txK. Call aud cliintiie tills vhliout auy dcl r
CEO V. BKHIS , Ascnt.-
, 10th nod Uoucla * Srs
.A desirable lot near Cinning arid Bannuers
Stftcts , ? 1COO.
The dicaiiot.F-crc liits intlio city of Om hsJ
rc thoao offered lor silo by tliln njjency In PaiKi
A J'liec ami > swxnid.adJi . Hnipx ) ) ! Cumins ,
Eurt and.'California , t < trett < ; jroiicah maRfuo
have the cbaucu. TI > e e lot * aruiuorctbarLoqualr
In size to 4 full-iized eity lots'tr a I l ( block
t V an d it will ho but a very gliort'frororttoroonei1 \
tf. tiftfi pirtoronooribvaoacfo luinill nil lor as
VnraclfaguTrctlcr af'i'I atrclo-ilaV. Tlie'i"are" ?
located a very tliott JiB'Biieo west of CrH lityp
C .HrRo. . 1'rirM ranpiiic from $160 to ? S < )0 ) pr
/crp t.JCalllnitns'llatel.v , amir - -
Jancc , aud jet nJat an j luU iurt
. .
xC , e Li * ? Ehcnn : > Avenue north cJ-Hicholat
llr 1o 3 in Tlartmnn's aildltlon , 'SfbO to $2bo ? "
. . -tjir nuMl r rf < fy.M'u ' il liinn In
North Omalia , $ ls& to S300 each .
Choice ijttttr lot near 22ud ancl California'
Btrects , $1.500. ' - ' " ' * i s.
! v > v fralio6alol9Tn NclsoiiV a3flltion , 'Ko to
JSiO cwli.
Choice lot in Tliornc'l's addition , $750.
Several larKO lota in lfarti tfs addition , 1J
roils and 2 acres cacli. Fncea ' 700 to S-,008.
S < ivcraitlioicaJogJn ! Eoad'e'-firet &Jdition , <
Actc lot on Sherman nyenuc , fICliJ strccO ,
EOUth of 1'oiiiilctoifs new rvl'oico , ? or 81,100.
'i Jalsc ' "IH nojr lstl1 at > 1' ' CRk * streets. CCt
330 feet Corner , SI , J iiii.Mc. ; 31ODD. ' ! '
3bnrolot < ionSliriiiU'n avctme ' (10th ( Btrectj ,
ticarClirkSticct. ? 33 < rcAll : - '
22 nice and ckoap JoMc ej-jfye : T *
vart uftlic city , loo.iwl B LIT tovstens
> utl li of the Convcnttaj.l St Hat J W .
niuthifiuia , i \ inilof Jinies
. . . -
ir lViiijilandr tn Wis-
wori , . , -ttoek
S"1" " * , t-acUni ; houses , etc t.-jtl < niHl7 < l t > 1 t'
? ind ult jrariiculare. r icu i J1 i S ti uid easy *
tu mild
UEO P. M 5 , Agent ,
t iraitiasSte.
, ,
nd lndrCBtrcctBJl ! U v. # 1.210 ClOh
nnd Ion ; time to U'ofe ho will liuil 1
- vhcirc corner Iu s tinar "a , h IMIU 'Fainliarn
ftrcJM , C5xl24 feet , $1.150 aar ! il.-i.J , mid very
u s.y purchase Aili.vvlJ 'ritimyo. , ,
.Altki 4 Jo'-s mi 24UV.nc6 Ir.ifaatn and
i rcctt , $ U5C to. Sl.Htf lich. andilotig
; tZT2iOofthclH > st Im-'ii-csiMi'iii Tot
Omaha f or.saJc , locnicd on t v.ry b J . jj f street . ,
& > ajLto & , erin cncb. ' - : ,
2TAls , . vxrnluablo , store i 'crtlcs in 1-
mo t. 01 cry Uutincsj Ubtl } 5.0 V ) to $15.000"
eucn. *
rf mt rr- Mum a'jmc sttrrrtwnr m.-
vorj ; caey lenn ia thunc wh
examine Jiht and tcl./ull jrartleulart ' '
. IV nEMIS , Afiont.
c > cimo. IiySbD frvt hi depth. WfU < li\jJc , il.n
Jli , 132 fret b > SS'J. Call nJ pet full lyiiticula.
An ere wi ISlh UreU ICifyct cast frontage
liy 3TS feet deep. This is junpint'a t.tlic Eliza-
V-th tl'opiilvtuii place. " 1 Ills Is pilt Msc , call and
tct I ncc and lernis of HKU1S , A ent.
is ioo < t lot > c just-niortU of and aHjuininc-B. "Vi
finiltiCaat'ditiou , and ) npUxl l Sw < xB COth and
Vairadtr * "trcct , at nRwnab'cprlir9nd"'lon -
Unit to bucr lie Improve. BKMiy. Aucnt.
* HORBA'da'S' 'A
Horh-ith's first and second add tiont
on loth , 1H1 ; > . 19ih wid dih Ktrccti , between
_ yiclioU > , JnilSliP7ii3ii and ClsrH strrct ? . rery
"Tia ! > 35r"lo CTV. iiiioi * , saifitms rk , ct < x ,
, r anjrinc in jinoe fnnn from SSW to $1:100 each ,
* requiriiic mAf until j ymcnt down and.-Jong
prore. CEO-t' . BE.M1S ,
ICth Uud Douglas Sltet ,
58 nlco lot * In rarketV dditlon. bctWrcn
King aria-C4mpbcll'a' Sts. .
. ORtrctl5Jots vith eouth fropta''and
ICwlthnonh frontase , only C blocks north ol
the lurn-taWc ( r.d Btrcct-car track ) on Sinndcra
street. Ver.-Uw prices ; S1T5 cash , cr KOO on
lo"c time * ad per cent intcrrst xo flloso who
w..l hniid. , \
ZST.50 soo3 firms for sale In Douglas , Sarpy ,
withingtou. Hurt , Dodge , .Sannacrs ami Eastern
t ! r t couuUes. " - . *
O.OflO acres""best feleclta'-landg in the
l for xle W thisirrncy. Call andfct maps ,
b * ucw m.ri of Omihs fOa nd-Sl.SO.
r U ntw psmphUt ( and m'rr bf the
K ate ) cntilI-,1 "the outlook cf Xtbraska" for
I. " " Geo. P.
i " ! 3 * ' .
5. * * "
Obstruct the House of
And Make TMngg Lively in r.the
Debate , on the.Jrii ] Con
stabulary' Bill ,
ilC I GG } JT li J * ? J > C
They Talk Back to Fbrster
' T SatftC y.qldtheHofise for
an All Day Session. I
Bernhardt Makes a Bid for
a Patriotic Speech ,
ii i i , '
Shocking Him.
Germany to Build a Railway to
' ' 08 a. Famine. ? s 1 1 \
> '
: pecW Dlspivtch l
PirKl&KViirtf August 2G , 1 a.
in. A ISucharcst correspondent re-
OCtv'tbKt jtx llifiaiwl : < ei'gtneerjhaa
ten commissic ned to go to Ismail
/o atBidtiin & . cdnmllntiun.ou .the most
_ ractical course for constructing rail-
coa.4/rou.Jiiu } al lpJXeni. _ .The strat-
i icil adrantace of such a raflrbid to
? - i - - " -T , i ' r *
luasia is obvious.
* pV9ijy.StrlcUen Prussia.
August 27 , 4 a. m. A
"Berlin correspondent sajs Prince Bis-
nat.fromKiaaingar , Trhenrhe ivill re *
40 to Fricderichsrhue to carry out
measures for h 'relief f the distress
iisAVcst PCHIWI. jTlto , government
pr intnefiat jly Irogiu tor crnistruct a
- .CllOuKltA. KAVAG S *
Spacial Dispatch to Turn .Bit
LONDO.V , August 27t' 1 a. .m. A
dispatch from St.i , flrer8burg'atatc3
ai , and the principal Eorlified town ol
ho ilnssiah overnrncntof.the same
uauie , situated on the "Volga , IB crowd-
! d-viih choleta p'atients. The disease
s'ragingifearfully .among both' the
'arrison and'tha people.
Special DispatchtotTbBee.
LONDON , Augqs 27la.
Gladstone , accompanied by a.n'Uniber
of his relatives , left town yesterday
-GraveBend , where ho will embark
orQhp ste mor jvhl h ia _ totarr 'lilm '
nil. , a tour--Ufc various poinl on'th'e
tofTTftast'clQfr 311n" - Scot-
. . . The v yagowili conaume. about
.ajortnight ,
keeijly'thee.fibcts-bf tbe strike'amonj ,
the minera ; in Saptlabd and say -tha
masters are bet spee5ily seFtled , loca
indusiriis will bo crippled.
'vDulilm dispatch etatoa that prep-
hritJonaio moet dieforHaAces apprehended
hended- , -&r/o / . Continued t in Jrelaud.
Arranjemcntsar0 ; in , conrsaof porfoc-
tioii to jyevpnt the aucceaa of any up-
risiug among tfao "people. Ironclad
' ' * contrucleUtin _ then
. n „ of XJlarfe , for tHi rotec-
lion of the coiutabulary while on duty.
These huts arejjomewhat like the pilot
bouae.'of a gnn bToat shoathcd , all over
with b4iloiTiro5jand pieroed.-withJoop <
- IreYes f thrbt 'hrTrhfch < mrfskels' msy-De
rArSeTltHdlspft ; ch-Bas3-tbatron ;
count of the : comparatively short crop
-ano posieBecjonrces of
fcodTiroduced wfnif Iftmintry , Ger-
njanyscaotcmplates reatricting the ex
portation of poUioca. , _
1 ' u e 1- ' > *
- > ; - _ . - - - ; < | -i-ss ; , > . v
The Times prints a letter from the
attended the late Ade
laide Keilaon tlio actress , , on the character -
' < "
actor of her "illnesy. He iiiy hjit
MJBB Keilaoh Buffered" from dyspepsia ,
euInB'med'wlili neUrAl lit of tnB"Sttnh-
ach. The ( disease was fantastic in
coining j id going , , jdep uding. appar
ently , pn'moralj/atjso'
orrors.of diej. ; Anj' un
* ' '
ormdiial 'deprea'slbr ? was
ilia attacks. Thapuatlmortbm czam-
. JnatonvdisclqBcd | 5fJOf ejttraordjnarily
rare fact-tliaHn 'IHo writhmcs inci
dent to the dfsoaae.ehe bad on that fa
tal jlayin faptured-fa'veih'and
died from' internal hemorrhage.
"r in ffi TmiutTsa :
\iit thtotban'iiuetc giTen yi Copenha
gen in nonor of Sarah Bernhardt ,
whoii tbo . ' "German ambassador .gal
lantly prpiJostid tha jtosst u La Belle
France , " ; Mlle ernr rdt'i iclaLimed :
. aay Franco in its entiretyl"
referring ' { 6 tlie losB of Aleaco aud
"Lbrjralne ? * 'Tbo . nTUasBador"was
' -A Paris dispatch gays that Sarah
'Bernbardt'a speech was enthusiasti
cally .applauded in that city.
IT is { fionghV thgtV e director of
Jthe Theatre Ftaricaise will .at g . "th6
proposition to , pay the 'damages' "in
.wliirh fihp w
ongagejnent with that iheatre. in four
jinnual instaUments"oI. 257000 francs
" "
_ .
ning , TIr'Church' \ ill demanded that
Mr Forater explain the government's
Irish jpj > licy. He said that Mr. Fors-
ter.i Epcecbce , apparently indicated
that it was the government's intention
.to. J-ntroduco , another compensation
. . ' coercion
"bill. He said , that the "eplth'ets * * 'wick
ed" .and , coxardljVi.wUh which Mr.
Forsterhad Biigmatized Mr. JDillon's
speech atjKildare applied as much to
Sir. Fprstert speeches ; ar lo-Mr Dil-
-Ion's. Mr. Forster declincdrio
iAny furthe'rJfexplanatwn.TjuVrerJied
" "
that the governme.nt"w6ul3 "uphold
-the eiisting law. Sir. GiflfordSir
.the house went into committee en the
.supply .bill Thomas O'Connor lee
estimates. . Mr. Forster defended the
constabulary for their- forbearance
and laid the estimates were not exces
"SAND" or iniHti TIL. * ' , s.
LONDON , , August -27 , 6 a..m. At.
this Hour , 6 o'clock'a'"m. , tlio house
of commons is still discussing the Irish
constabulary estimaloJ , on which no
progress Kas been made. There has
been repeated divisions of the house
and many'lively scenes. The sitting
is last throuzhont ' ' . '
likely to the'd'ay.C
. . , . . . .
j. > Jr. * s a - - > 2.
A Guerilla Mangles His Keep
ers and Causes Consterna-
tion in Chicago.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , AUgUHt,2/ ' -V * A
1.1o , i 0 . i/vuorred this morning in
a State street menagerie between two
men"and a hutjp , ferocious monkey ,
naojediJim .wliich iacJiaitl to bepict
gorilla."J Jim'has Bean'so irHtafile"
serous to approach him. While tho.
keeper , Mr ; J. T ; Kinp , was in the
cage attending him , the monkey broke
his chain and .attacked . King , who
called tot assistance. Hairy Martin ,
the Might watchman responded. The
agile'amhlal sprang upon Martin , fas- .
tencd its teeth and claws in his flesh ,
frightfully lacerating , hia arm , free
arid legs in more than a score of pla *
ces , and almost tore his ckthing in
ahfeds. J3o"tn men'finalTy aucceeded
itrfarating-tho beast - offwhen ;
escaped from IKa'cage and'rail into
lliCBtreot ) creating consternation in
the crowded thdrouglitare. 1'ursiTe.d
by a crowd of men ami boys he'ran-to
Wabasli Avenue , where hs > waa sh t
deasit was impossible Jto re'cap- *
ture him alive. Martm'a wouiTai
were sewed , up and ho was taken * to
his homo.
The Victim of the Latest Abortion'-
Special Dispatch to The B e. ' " " '
ClilcAoOj August 2.l a ; DI. The
latest abortion is still the theme of
muchtgofliio ' tnrougKoul ih"'o"city. ja6
dea.d'girl'Henrietla'Carl will bs"b'ur-
Jed to-day frbih Undertaker Adams'
rcOlUs- the mcther being in poqr cir-
cutnsUnceB ? nd almost crazed with
grief. Friends have subscribed money
to.Hure.hera decent burial at Gr ce-
ISAd. There 5s now'a atroug bdief/bh-
the partTbt rnfttiy , that Nettie , as aho
wa cilTcd , "was"ruatrled 'to a yonng
man at Albert Lea , Minnesota , where
she waa from , nd has visited of late
years. This mania GranvilleKellar ,
a"tf\U7eyor'md \ ia aupposed to bo the
father of her unborn child. She nev
er-told any ono that they were mar
ried , but , to all appearances , he exer
cised R husband's authority over hbr ,
and from sbo receivedher gold
watch , jewelry and fine dresses , be-
fiidea frequent'remittances of money.
The tEtory that they were , married is
spolleM by a furth'errepor' th'at'thls
man , IveUar , Is the husband of anoth
er woman. No attempt Jias yet been
murdered Miss Faulkner , is aho in
Special Dlpratca.toT.ho Be " ! , > _ .
Sr , LOUISA Mo. , August 27 1 a. m.
The supreme lodga of Kuights of
Pythias of the world at a session held
here Is stc veiling elected the follow
ing officers : Supreme chancellor ,
Judge S. W. Lindsay , of Maryland ;
supreme vice chancellor , Ji P. Lintorj
of Pennsylvania ; supreme prelate ,
Rev. W. Briba Thompson , of Tenn
essee ; suprcmo.master of exchequer ,
J. B. Stumpe , of Indiana ; supreme
keeper of the records and seals , James
Dowall , ofOhio ; supreme rm.ater of
arms , J. Rufus Smith , of West Vir
ginia ; ' supreme , inner guard , S-B.
Shaw , of Wisconsin , and supreme
outer guard , J. W. Thompson , Dis
trict of Columbia. The only question
of general importance discussed was
the conferring of degrees upon women.
The matter was not definitely settled ,
.although many , appeared to favor , the
idea. . - - ' „
Plundering Siouz.
'Brxsclal'dlxpatch to TntREK.
gCuiCAOo , August 27 , la. m
Colonel .Miles , in command at Fort
Keogbi , telegraph the following to the
military headquarters : " - . - - * -
, JFoKT KEOQII , Auguat ? 4.
Three Cheyenne Sioux' came in' and
report" that night days ago they , with
Sergeant Eevlin of the seventh caval
ry and eight soldiers , followed a war
party of Sioux and struck them near
the forks of the Box Elder , where
they killqd two , wounded one and re-
capiured govern head of , stock. Five
dfljs'aga ai dfitachmont of Sioux .and
Cheyennes etruck a war party north
of the mouth of of 'Ofnlon creek end
recaptured eleven head of stock. Many
of these parties come and go through
the Yanktcmias' camp.
Following Victoria.
Bpfedal Dljpalch to The Bee. * -
.gA , vtexpNio , Tex. , August 27 1
a ; m. Col. Grierson telegraphs ? rom
Eagle .Springs. 'that ha is following
Victoria , who croeaed the river into
Mexico near Quitman. Along- the
course of Victoria's march were found
the carcasses of animals' , cattle horaea
and mules , which had been elain and
the. fieeh , lorn from their bones. The
Indians are very hard pressed fur
food. "The Mexican troops have gone
tOrtbo state. of Chihuahua. , it' is sup
posed , for the purpose of keeping down
the rebellion.
English Capltausts.
Special Difjatch to The liec.
- CINCINNATI , .August 26 , . 4 p , m.
H. G. .Hammeraly , Frank Hope and
A. Mande , members of Tom Hughes
party from England , spent yesterday
and last night In this city. They are
on ( Tieir way to visit the Cumberland
plateau on the line of the Southerr
j.ratLwav ip.TennesBee , where a colon ;
has been formed under the auspices ol
the board' of aitf-iotand ownership.
They * purchased1 * tools and tenta ane
left , on thaSouthern" railroad thii
" " " * " - u--i'- * -
Eemarfcably Quiet Convention.
SpecUl dispatch to The Bee.
CINCINNATI , O. , Auguat 27 , 1 a. m ,
TJio- convention of.Affierican deal
mutes field its second session yester
day. .Over two-Jmndred mutes wer <
ptelsent , 'representing every section o
the TJnipn , Diacussions wereon , the
management of ih'o organizition * anc
matters forlhe'good of-thu class. Ai
oa the previous ay , everything wai
conducted by signs and the assembly
was a remarkably quief one ,
The President Starts on
His Western Tour
He Will Make Occasional speech"
es , But N"o Political Aline-
ions ,
Howgate , the Arctic Explorer ,
Likely to be the Next - -
; . \ _ : "Old Prob. " . |
U. SrSupreme Court to Decide
the 'Eligibility of Polyga-
i "WASiiix'aTON'i August 27 , i a. 'ni.
" The statement telegraphed from the
northwest , that the Indians are throat
.ening ( o seize thp military stores at
Poplar Greet agency cannot be trupj
as there afa no military stores at that
agency , the stores , in question , be-
luug to the Indian department and
were sent to Poplar Creek for the uao
.of tholiidiaus , in direct opposition to
the earnest protest of the war office.
The Poplar Creek ngency was aho es
tablished agjtihat' tlifi 'advice' of the i
army ollicem in command of the north
west , and their advice was endorsed by
-the of thfe army. This agency
is bpyoud the military outposts , and ,
of" cuufsoYat'tho'mercy of ahy rovirig
bands of hostile Indiana who may
chance to raid it. , The war oflice will ,
of'courso , render all possible assist
ance iii pr6tecting the tigency.
It can be stated ; on the highest au
thoritv.that th"e president does no
intend to make any political apeechei
during hia western trip. _ Ho will de
liver one spiechat , Gantnnj Ohio , Scp
teinbor lit , aild may probably "lHaki
two or three oh the Pacific cb'ast , bu
iu none of theeo will there be tin
sligh'test allusiga to politica. Th
president and party left here last night
goirijj direct to Fremont , Ohio. Gen
Bhormati and his party , . .including
aide , Gen. A. D. McL'ook , will leav
here on Monday nest , and join thi
presidential party' at Canton. Gen Poe , o Gen. Shdrman'ajstaff
will accompany the party aa far a
Chicago. Col. John M. Bacon , o
Gan. Sherman's staff , will remain hef
in charge of the nrmy headquarters.
< * At least ono newspaper has claimed
the honor of forcing Gen. Sherman to
make public his correppondcnco with
Gem Hancock. In this connection it
Can-be stated , that the letter4 wore in
thelianda of the publishers before the
effort to force their publication was
began. i
h _ PROB.
Tha application of Oapt , H-"W.
Hpwjjate to bo promoted to the posi
tion of chief signal officer of th SHbyf
made vacant ; yjr Iho death of Gen.
Myer , has b'eeii most favorably re-
ceivoo. by the president , secretary of
war and army officers generally. It-
is conceded on all aldea that to Capt.
Howgate , equally with Gen. Myer , is
duo the credit of bringing the service
to its present remarkably efficient
state. The delay m makiug the ap
pointment is due to the fact tnat the
p're&ident is desirous of-giviiig the
matter due consideration , and , at the
same time , permitting Capt. Howgate
to .perfect' the record .of his claim to
the position.
Gen. Weaver , the greenback candi
date for president , left here yesterday
for Boston and Maine. He ) will speak
in Boston and will deliver ten speech
es in Maine.
The last act of the president before
leaving last night was to sign the
commiision of Gen. Longatreet as min
ister to Turkey. The general will sail
for Constantinople at once.
Attorney-general Devens will leave
hero on Monday and join the presi
dential party at Canton , Ohio , and ac
company them on their western trip as
far as Fort Wayne , Indiana , whereon
September 3rdho , will deliver his first
campaign speech in Indiana. Ho will
apeak sgiin on the 4th at Indianapo
lis ; Gth at South Bend , and on the 8th
at Minneapolis Minnesota.
On the return of Judge Davens to
Washington , he will commence the
preparation of the tirat government
cases to bo taken up at the beginning
of the sesslbn of the'supreme court in
October. The most important of these
cases is ono to determine what quea-
tions nny b < i asked jurors , and the
mode in which jurors may be impan-
nelled , where there ia a suspicion that
the jurors are themselvespolygamists.
This , case must bo disposed of before
the cases pending in the Utah courts
against polygamy can be disposed of.
Bourbon "Hoodoo " In Washington.
Special Dispatch to The Bee
WASHINGTON , August 27,1 o. m.
The democrats held a big demonstra
tion last night in spite of the threat
ening weather. A largo procession
was ono of the features , marching
through the streets to the City Hall ,
wherespeeches were made by promi
nent local democrats. The procession
was ; two hours in passing a given
point. The speeches were of the usu
al character , > and the great charm of
the whole affair , as claimed by the
democrats , ia that no officeholder par
ticipated. Delegations were present
from adjoining towns , and it is esti
mated that. 10,000 people wera pres
ent. The customary verdict of "tho
grandest demonstrations seen for
years" is what the democrats are say
ing in glorification. Everything im-
agmablo was done in the effort to ere-
ate enthusiasm and & great deal of fire
works was wasted.
Base Ball.
Spodil Dispatch to the liee.
The following games of base bal
were played August 26 :
CINCINNATI , August 27 1 a. m.
Treys 5 , . Cincinnatis 2 ; playing foui
innings only , as the game was callec
on account of rain.
CLEVELAND Clevelands , 3 ; Provi
dence , 4.
BROOKLYN Unions,5Rochesters ; , 3
'BIWALO BaSaloa , 3 ; Bostons , 3
game was called on account of dark
Special Dispatch Co Tri E .
LONDON' August 27 : The king and
queen of Greece have arrived at St.
NEW YORK , August 27.-r-.Over two
thousand emigrants have arrived with-
ie twenty-four hours. The record of
immigration for thia year ia expected
to be greater than that of nny other
year 11 the history of the country.
COLUMBUS , Q. , August 27. . Mollie
Woods , a depraved white . .woman ,
wife of Walter Lyons , colored , died
from laudanum this morning , taken ,
with suicidal intent.
PAKUS , August 27. Premier Cajr-
pli , General Cia'.dtni , late ambassador
to Franco , and Count Maffon , accro-
tary > general of the ministry'of foreign
affairs , to-day held a consultation at
Home ,
Bnniirf-AnSa t27. Gen. MelJkoff
yesterday held a reception at St. Pe
tersburg , attended by officials of the
new ministry of the interior , to whom
-delivered an address , soliciting
their co-operation and assistance.
NE Y YORK , Auguat 27. A . fire
yesterday in a large building , NOB.
145 and 14 ? Mulberry irtreet , occupied
by small manufacturers and low grade
tenants- damaged property to the ex
tent of 350,000. Oho woman was
badly injured and two fireman wore
nearly uffocated while attempting to
save'a horse.
NEW YORE , August 27. By the
capsizing of the yacht "Dollie" iii Ja-
maica Bay during Wednesday's storm ,
one man was drowned and his live
companions were found in a partly in
sonstblo condition , but were revived
uhder treatment.
LOUJSVIT.LE , Ky. , August 27. A
special to The Commercial says that
iu a fight in 'Springfield yfatorday
don. T. Pv. Phelps shot Jas. Mcllver
through the brain , -killing him in
stantly. The tight grew out of an old
feud : Last Mbnday Phelps was at !
tacked by Bob and Jim Mcllver and
ho shot Bob'in the arm.
COLUMBUS , 0. , August 27. A
meeting wns' held here list night ll
faVor of local aid ( o thfc 'Columbus &
Alaysville railroad. Prominent capi
talist's were present from 'points along
the route.
COLUMBUS , 0. , Auglist'27. A joint
sale of/short-horn / cstf leered in Pick-
away bounty , was held here yester-
Jay , The prices were low , and nine
ty-seven head were sold at prices
ranging from fwO to § 3t)0. ) There was
a large attendance of stock breeders' .
St. LOula1 Flames.
Special blspitch to Tills "BSB.
Six Louis , Augiist 27 1 a. m. By , last night ; which commeilced
in J. G. Cameron" & 'Co.'a planing
mill , S140QQiLKQJCihj9f HLQEcrty 'was
doitrov.ed. _ The principal loss falls
upo'n Kriapp , Stout & Co. , lumber
merchants , who lost about 50,000,000
feet of lumber. Cameron & Cn.'s
mill was valued at § 15,000 , which is
fully covered by 'insurance. Rugeif f
& Kecd lose about $50,000. . O.Vo
prop'orly of Knapgj StoUt Jfc Co. was
insured for ? 200,000 , which fully cov-
era'trie loss. It was at first supposed
that the fire was of incendiary origin ,
) ut it fs'now pretty well settled that
his was not the case. ;
' _ .
l f - irj.i
Withdrawing the "Western Railway
Agents In the East : J -f '
ipcdal Dispatch to The Bee. t
NEW YottK , August 2 ? 1 a ; iUi
Phe Augilst meeting of the joint ex
ecutive committee of the trunk -lines
wad in progress at Commissioner
Fink's office jreaterday. The object
of the meeting was to'eeltle open ques-
lous in regard to the proper division
of traffic from Chicago and other wea-
ern cities , and for the transaction of
current business. It is supposed that
, ho subject of withdrawing agents
weat of the.Mississippi river by eastern
roads , and , also , the withdrawal of
agents of western roads in the east ,
will be taken up for discussion. '
T he matter of a division of freight li
raSic was finally settled by a aat'isfa'c- liI
ory arrangement , but as yet nothing I
definite has been done abont with
drawing agents of western roads.
St George's Union.
Special Dispatch to TttR CiS.
OTTAWA , Ont. , August 27 ; 1 a , m.
The North American convontion-of
ho St. George'a Tlnlon yesterday so-
cctcd Washington , D : C. , as the next
place of meeting. The following offi
cers wore elected : President , Geo. F.
president , Wm. P. Neal ; second vice-
president , J. B. Cor , London , Ont.
: reasuror , D. Jiachellor , Utic4N..Y.
: or responding secretaries , W. Tomlin
Bridgeport , Coun. , and C. T. Benja
min , Washington ; and chaplain ,
R.OV. J. L. Burrows , L. L. D. After
the usual vote of thanks and a fen
lumorous speeches , the convention
Democratic Capital Among Colored
Special Dispatch to The Bee
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , August 27 la
m. The convention of colored edi
tors , from all parts of the country
which 'h"a been in session hero for tw <
days , closed yesterday. . Resolution
were passed , which held that colorec
men are the best teachers for theii
own people , through the press and it
every other way. Two democratic
colored editors were among the number
bor , one , the editor of The Suffragts
in New York , Mr. Shaw. The colores
people hero are incensed at them fo
their political coarse , and accuse then
of "being bought by .the democrat !
Ona of the letters read to the con
vehtibn was 'from the editor of Th
LeMara Sentinel , in which he read
the colored men a'Jecture ; in their al
leged affectation in preferring th
word'"colored" to "negro , " or.evei
"nigger. " He wonld have them'glor
in being known asr"niggeis. " Som
of the men in the convention felt in
suited and some of them took it i
good part.
Newspaper Fire.
Speda Dispateh to The Bee.
- VITMBCBO , Parf-Angust 2Tf l-n-iz
A fire broke out Wednesday nigb
in the building occupied by the Te
egraph newspaper , catching from th
boiler room. A rear building in whic
the weekly edition of the paper ;
.printed , was destroyed , a large oylir
der press and the whole edition bein
a total loss. The fire spread to th
fourth story which was occupied as
book bindery and was crowded -nit
workmen , three of whom were rescue
by means of ladders , escape otherwk
being cut oft-
" * "
Unprecedented RailwayBctainesB"
Epcclil Dispatch to The < B ' 0 . . - . . .
Nuw. YORK , August,27,1 , a > . nur. .
All railroads .centering in jlffivr York
are doing an. Immense business. Never"
before has thocarryTng'capacity'Oftno *
roada been' tested to so-great an extent.
The increased * not confined. , ta any. ,
road.or one sat gj , rpad3.butja [ gen
eral , and all companies , the freight as
well as the pws < nger. Tlie receipts are'
swollen to' motints"far ih' exceaa-'of
prcvious'yeara ; 'Roads thathava not
improved and enlarged their terminal
facilities within. recent ' y.ftrs , find
their present arrang'-'ments altogether
unable to perform th'6 wbrtt'deWand-
pd.To ghti-somo idea of the amount
of travel , the PeaniyivJlnia. railway-Ja
running , at the present time , aixteen
trains between New York and Phifa-
delphln ; the fasVoat fimo is iwoTioUra
To meet the demnnftcfthp- steadily
increasing volume vf . .businessthe
company has. rpqenttyJb.uilt pno.hun _ -
dretl and sixty-four new passenger
ciirs , sixty-five new freifcKt'ocolnb \ -
tives artd tw6' thousand freight * cart.
Terminal facilities Iiave-buuii greatly
improved , and a manimoth .elevator ,
at Jersey City , which will be iii run
ning order early next month , ia did
to be the largest of its Itfntl 'in the
east , having a capacity of ' If)00j000 )
"Woman's Fatal Ha'HUcination.
Bpoclal Dispatch to Tils BBS.
BROOKLYN , August 27,1 a. m.-
The identity of n young woman , who
comniittect suicide by throwing her
self from tlie steimship' "Arizona1
while on her last trip to England , has
been fixed as Addio Clarke. She loft
home on the Gd inst. , ostensibly trt do
some shopping and , Uh she'did'hbt re
turn , search was made for her without
avail. Miss Clarke Had all the comforts -
forts of a liappy homo and waa sUrrounded -
rounded by all the luxuries of a weal
thy household "here. Herpatents'loved
her with great de'volionand'he'r slight
est wish was gratified. There "Was
nothing , so far as they could discov
er , to repal her from her home , excapt
the hallucination that she was under
obligations forBUppprt and' was able
to go oUt into the world on. her "own
' * ' " " '
"pctlnl Di t < nU-h to 'I be B ; n
OHICAOO , August SV , 1 a. m. Mar
tini. TowneendJ Esq,1 is in Chfcago ,
returbing eat > t from his farm in Towa1.
Ho has the highest opinion of 'Iowa ,
agriculturally , ' and ha1 a rcpubiicin
stronghold. He Illinldrt that most -of
the greofibackers thefo will this fall
return to th'eir fornidr affiliations with
the republicans' . He sava ho knows
all about V/hittalidr's case. He thinks
it was a physical impossibility f or 'flier
cadet to have so mUfilatdd 'himself ,
and says that the boy was shamefully
Created afc the military academy and
b the court of
' A Patent Murder.
Special" DiSpitcli to The Bco.
j SAX FRANCISCO , August 27 1' 3.
: Samuel Chalfatt'waa yesterday con-
Dieted murder iij. the acconcl-flegroQ
foFkiliiiig Jbsiah Bacon ih a cjuarroi
gaowing ont of infringemonf'of a
patent of the Vulcanite company.
The "Laucashiro Witch" was 'seven
days cruisingaround the _ Socorro Is
land , but .could not discover any trace
of the shipwrecked.crew of the "Ma-
thilde. " They found , two dogs anil
two hogs that the the "Ma-
thilde" had left on the island when ha
ran short of water.
Died Too Soon.
Special dispatch:3 to The Bco.
NEW YORK , August 27 1 a. m.
The body of Wm. lloberts , a coal pas
ser , who was drowned in the North
river , Sunday , has just been recov
ered. A few hours after he was
drowned hls'relatives received a tele
gram from England , announcing that
Roberts had fallen heir to 20,000.
Iowa dailioilc 'conference.
Special Dispatch toThe Bco
DUBUQUE , Augnat 27 , 1 a.'m. At
the conference of the church digna-
tiries of Iowa , now in Ecsaisn at St.
Joseph's college in tliis city , there
are present about one hundred aud
forty persons , including nearly all the
Catholic clergy in the state. Arch
bishop Hess presides , assisted by
Bishop Hennessey , of this diooeao.
Pnotographera'Convention. .
Special Dinpilch toTho Bco
CIHCAOO , Augnst' ' 27 The Ameri
can photographers' association ycater-
day elected John Corbut , of Philadel
; phia , president ; 6. A. Douglas ; of St.
; Louis , secretary ; Alex. Helmer , oi
, Chicago , treasurer. It-was decided te
hold the nexb meeting in New York
August , 1681 ,
New Jewish Synagogue.
Special dispatch to The Bee. ' -
ST. Loois , August 27 1 a.m. .
The corner 'stone of' - anew Jewisl
synagogue , to cost $75,000 , was laid
yesterday afternoon with impressivi
Masonic ceremonies *
Undoubtedly 'the best shirt In tin
United States is manufactured at tin
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
: of Material and workmanship , com
bined With their great improvements
that is Reinforced frontsIlelnforce , _
backs ana" "Reinforced sleeves , make
their shirt the most durable and bea
fitting garment of the kind , eve
manufactured. Read the followiii
low prices :
Pratnt. Farmci
Our Fine Whiti Shirt jl 35 160
Our Kxtra Fine " 175 200
Our Imported Cheviot tliirta 2 60 -2 75
Our " .Rcoan ? " 2 5 ,275
Our " Cheviot 17o 2 DO
( These are made on white bcdlei
, , Pre ent. Formei
Our Imp-tied Penangand Cbe-
vlot'wiih'col'ffrs ' attached , also , "
on White Bodies 160 , 2W.
Also a fine working Bhirt ( or 1 25.
None but Wamsutta " fuslin an
best Linens-used.
n The above prices include' Laundrj
ing , a discount allowed when otherwis
nin An additional 25 cents ia charge
in when made to order ,
Omaha Shirt Factory , 1207 .Farnhai
street , near 12th , troQt.
Real Estate Transfers.
n. Oraon 1) . Munsqh and wife 'to J
htA Magnus An'deraon ; w. d. e * lot G , 'I [
A10 aacs & 1 Griffin's'aBdi to city of Omah ;
10 -150.
h Orson D. Munson wife to Charli
isn Anderson , w. d. w i lot 6 , Isaaca'i
n- Griffin's add. to city of Omaha $15 K <
n1S Fred B. Lowetrustee / to Hem
lie Batdorf ; w. d. lot 3 , block * 2 , Par
sa Place , Omaha 5275.
th David and Amanda Hapater ar
ed Eliza .Redman to S. * C. & . N. R. B
JO d. n J of a i of lot 1. block 33
" * '
Alarming News-From/the Be
sieged English Garrison.
' * A # * * . ' .
- > /
.All Afghanistan" Arising , and
. One Hundred Thousand
Foes Closing in Around
/ . the Doomed City ,
I Roberts' Advance
( Checked by the Enemy.
peclal illipatcb to The 0e .
LONDON , .August 26. 4 p. ra The
cwa froui Afghanistan ia .creating a
'reah..ajid-profound sensation. Pri-
r'ata. telcgrams > received hero from
Quottali and Bombay , .brim ; intellt-
once -which more .than justifies the
ivorst'- interpretations put upon the
cl and' contradictory dispatches
eceived through official sources. It
, ow appears that Ayoob Khan'a forces
have-been tremendously strengthened
, nd"the'valleys around the besieged
: ity of Caudahar are
it is estimated that Ayoob Khan as-
embled not lots than 100,000 fol-
ow&r4 most of whom are well armed.
The appearance of this heat U as
hough the whole country had risen
at a signal and gathered to make the
ovortfirow of Candihar , and the
annihilation , of the English garrison ,
and its native allies sure. Friendly
runners and spies hare
brought . news to Quettah that
Aycob'a cavalry has desolated the line
of Gen. Roberts' advance by burning
the graas ; which afforded the only pro-
venderj or his animal * , while another
body is continually
by making attacks from -wayside po
sitions whe'rp the advantage is wholly
with the Afghans aud they can
inflict serious losses while not
sufferirfg themselves -Tho- continual
harassmeuts are said to baf e we'akpne'i
the relieving column to a consider
able degree and greatly demoralized
and discouraged the troops. As pre
dicted in theao dispatches yesterday i1
ia doubtful whether General Roberts
reaches OandahUr at all in conditioc
to aid Us defense. With tlie best Oi
fortune he has , at least , three
or four weeks additional march before
him , and it can scarcely be success
fully undo in ( he fac of the difficul
tics and opposition which noTT an
. thickening around him.
A later dispatch from Simla state
- "
that. -
ma 'taken place between Genera
Roberts' column aud a largo Af
, 'han detail at Gundizar , a pain
aetween Khela t , Ighilzii and Canda
lar , Ayoob Khans action in inter
ruptiog Geri. Hoborts approach is sai
: o have been most energetic and dia
- clayed mucn skill and perfect know
1 ledge of the topography of the coun
- try. In government circles it ii
sought to belittle thi
novs , but it has leaked out tha
the war office has receive
depressing intelligence , details o
which are held back awaiting confirma
tion. At the Candahar bombardmen
: he Afghan artilory is said to be mon
effectively served than ai the begin
ning of the siege , and Russian officer
are declared to have been detected in
ccgnito directing the operations.
Now York Money and Stock.
Witt , ST. , Nsw YOBK , August 28
MONEY At 21 per cent ; exchange stead
D S 6' ? ' 31 104 } O 3 4's Ill
dS'g 102 | US4'l 1
Curri-ncy6'8 15
Dull and < ! cclincillQ2 [ > sr . , reacting i to
[ 'per cent.
WU' tt..T03 | CC&IC li
NYC' . ISO Mich. Central 0
' Erie 3.-i Lackawannafc W. . 9
Eritf jncfd 65J Ilhilson Caml 8'
Lake Shore 107 N JC , . „ 7
III Ill M & E 11
forth wcaten 99 Reading 2
NtfrthivfBtcrn pfd.119 I.M 6
Pacific. . Mail 40 N.P.
- Ohio 31J N 1pfil. . . . . . . . . . . fl
St. Paul & 7J N. tiC T
. St. Paul | ifil 100 K. & T 31
SLJoo SQ Denver &Kio G. . . 71
S-t Joe rfd Sl { CC , C& 1 7
St. 1' . and Omaha. . 43J C.P 7
, St r.iml O. pl.l. . . b2 IhCenulal 11
\Vabssh 391 A & P To 4
Walasli pfd C'J Can.ida So f.
UP mi
Ctilcazo Profluce.
OiiiCAOO , Angnat 26.
"Wheat No 2 spring , | c highei
closing at 87c for cash or Angus
8S @S8c for September ; 89gc fc
October ; OOgc for November.
Corn Ko. 2 , g@c | batter , cloiin
nt P8jc for cash or August ; 39go f (
September ; 40jc | for October.
Oats No 2 advanced A@jc } , clo
ing at 27o' for cash or Aueuat ; 2G |
2Gc for September ; 2627c for U
< tober.
Rye Steady at 7Cic ; No 2 in ator
Ic lower for September , with ealea
: 7Go.Birley Quiet and lower : No 2 sol
at 80s down , to 70c for Soptembsr.
Whiaky Steady at gl 10.
Meaa Pork Closed at ? 17 00 f
cash , Auguat or September ; § 10CO
16 05 for Oifober.
" "Lard Closed at 37 827 85 f
cash ; Auguat or September ; § 7 92J
7 05 for October.
id Yorlc Produce Market.
idy NEW YORK , August 26.
y Flour Dull and in buyers' favc
se receipts , -13D2Gbrla ; _ round ho <
Ohio , 34. 10 < & 5 00 ; choica do , So 1C
G 00 ; suporfina western , 83 30@4 0 )
common to good extra do , do , J3 7c 5
m 4. 25 ; choice do , do , 54 30@6 2
choice white wheat , 84,25(35 ( Go.
\\heat Dull and without impoi
ant change ; No. 1 white Octobc
§ 1 08 ; No , 2 red , August. SI 08 ]
L OSg ; do September , § 1 08 .
s- Corn A shade lower and quit
L3. mixed western gpot , 50@51c ; do f
ture , 5153c.
les Oata Heavy and lower ; wester
) . Beef Unchanged and quiet ; n ; <
ry plain rnees$9 50.
rk . Fork Strong and qniet ; new mei
S16 00.
nd . -Lard Firmer ; steam render e
iis ; 8820.
is , Butter Unchanged and in fair t
raand,0hio ; ,
Cor. Douglas and i3th.Sts : . : i -
Gives. Great Bargainsfin Ladies' andGent _ ' ' , . . . . . ; ; ' ;
All Kinds Of '
" " * '
We Guarantee The Best ; Gopds-For..The.'LesJ Mojj
St. J oula Prortuce.
. .
ST. LOULS , August 20.
Flour Best grades fairly ti'rin ; farri- '
iyS4454GO ! choicj"t4 ; 754 'OOr
fancy , SO 005 30.
Wheat Opened .bolter and .de
clined 2cNo , 2 red. 08 98 for cash ;
' '
98k for Au ust9l2S9l ; < g91cfor'S'ep-
teiiibcr ; 92gfi91jc [ for 'October ; ' 93(3 (
02gc for November ; 91 < 390o- for
tuo year ; No. 3 , S4jj@84ic ; No. 4 tlo ,
. , . . . . .
Corn Slowj 3oj ( < s35Jc for" cash ; 3
(33Cc ( for September ; 37i@37gc for
October ; 37e for November- ; - for-
December. . . . . .
Gate SJow at.3Gic.for cash27c ; for
" ' " ' :
Hy S"teadyat77j78c. (
Lead Unchanged- $4'7 . -
Butter Quietf dairyrlO@23c. . .
Eegs lie. „ . . . ,
Whiaky Steady at SI 09.
' *
Pork ( Jaie't at 815 tt ' ' ' "
Dry Salt Meats Nominal.
Bacon Firm and slow , at 6 25 ©
9 37J@9 75.
Lard Firm at $8 00' asked ; ' $7 50
] bid. .
Ileceipts Flour-7,000 T > bls , . whea
180,000 bu , . corn.M8OQO. , gats
12,000 bn , rye 2,000.
Shipments Flour 14 000 ' bbls
wheat 100,000' bn , 'corrt 3U,000bu ,
oata nonj.
Olilcaco Live Stock : .
CHICAGO , Augnst 20.
Hogs Dnll and 510c lower for
light and heavy shipping grades ; aloj
were at $5 00@5 20 for liuht packing
So 00@5 40 for good to choice shipping
; lots. KcCclgU , 1 ,207.
Cattle Tn'o receipts trero modorixt
and prices ruled Hrm for _ abippiD
grades ; the market- was active willi a
proapect that the bulk of the offaring
will be takenabeforo the close ; thi
stippljrof Texanlteers was liglii up'to
11 o'clock , there bfcing only a few ar
( rivals up to that time ; .prices raoged
at S2 35. foi mixed , packing ; § 4 30 ®
4 85 for good to choice smooth ship
piog steers , and almost noininiil foi
all other grades of stock :
: 3,835.
StL.oul3 Live Stoclc.
: ST.XOUIH , An ust-2G/
Hogs Fairly active and higher
Yorkers , $5 10 < § 5 15
mixed packing , § 5 00@5 25 ; butcher
to fancy , go 30@ i 40. Receipts
5,500 bead ; shipments , 200 head.
Remember thia. fact , "Ye. P.oliti
tlciana , " that when you go. to .Wash
ington , D. C. , to see the Preaiden
. about your appointment to that gov
eminent position , that you save
hours by taking the Wabaah , St. Lou
ia & Pacific R. Say you leave her
Monday a.:40 : p. m. , you w.ill arrjv
in Washington , D , C. , Wednesday a
1:25 : p. m. Ticket , office , No. .1,502 ,
corner of 15th .and Farnham.
; .augl9dlm
' .
OJd Fellows' BKck.
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