1 HE DAILY BEE. Thursday Morning , August 26. BREVITIES. Patereon sells coal. -See Polack'a advertisement. Try Saie's Coffee Cream Soda. Butterick's patterns at Crnlckshsnk. Porter Is running tbe Omaha ferry. Council adjourned for two weeks. One drunk paid $3 fine and costs yesterday morning. Sneak thieves stole some books from the Baptist church Sunday morn ing. Grand reception to Michael Da- vltt at the Academy of Music .Satur day evening. Kate MoNamara was sent to jail yesterday at her own request to ober up. The Trinity Cathedral Sunday School pictiic has been postponed on account of rain. John Jacobs sent a metallic caa- < et yesterday to Hugh Squair , St.Ed- 'ards , Nebraska. An exchange has made the start ling discovery that Salt Peter was a on of Lot's wife. OlJk touialco VI CBDJrl.U. . J - " * through the city yesterday , en route to Deadwood , the Eldorado of the class. Berlins Fall styles are now ready for inspection at the Boston Clothing House , 1212 Farnham St. a20eodlui Lewis' Dry Hop Yeast , alvayt freak , ia the best. Sold by J. B. French & Co. a24tn J. H. McShane still keeps the best ivery rigs , on Capitol avenue between 16lh and 16th atreets. aug20-lw A brick ware-house 66 by 132 feet in size will be erected by J. S. McOormick onHamey street between 13th and 14th. We see in Frederick's hat s'ore window the elegant Jockey caps he has made for the State Fair managers. They are bright and very showy. It The chairman of the county cen tral committee will probably call a meeting of the committee this moraine , to arrange for holding elec tions at places not rented. All persons owing the late firm of Stephens & Wilcox will call * i the old stand and settle at once. a24i3 J. R. HENDEIX , assignee. Llewellyn and May were ac quitted by the Ueadwood authorities of the murdftr of Lee Grimes alias "Curley , " in February last. The picnic for the Sunday schools connected with Trinity dihedral U postponed on account of the wet weather until next week. The deer recently presented to the city by a Wahoo gentleman arrived by express Tuesday evening and was conveyed to Hanscom park. Six two-story and basement brick houses are to be built at once at the intersection of Twenty-second and California streets , to be supplied with all modern conveniences and con trivances. The funeral of the late Harry J. Peters will take place at 10 a. m. to day from his jjjate residerce on Twelfth between Douglas and Far- nam. Mrs. Peters returned home yesterday. The Nonpareil has the folio wing to ay of an alleged Nebraska girl : A young girl aged about 15 , who is ao inmate of a house of ill fame near the Red Barn , waa arrested last night by the police on the charge of being dis orderly and disturbing the peace and quiet of the city. The young girl , who is rather prepossessing , was lodged in the city jail for the night. It is said that her home is in Fremont , Neb , where her parenls are highly respected and well-to-do people. The girl ran away from home , and coming to Counoll Bluffa entered upon a life of shame. Died. Petteraon August 26th , James Petterson , son nf James and Charlotte Petterson , at the age of twelve years. Funeral will take place from their res idence , 10th and Jackson streets , Thursday , August 26th , at 2 o'clock p. m. ROSENQRBEH Tuesday at 4 o'clock p. m. Funeral it his af ternoon at 4 o'clock. Friends of the family are invited to attend. Go to Morse's sale of the Stephens & Wilcox bankrupt stock to-morrow LADIES' HATS ! HATS 1 ! HATS ! 11 NEW STYLES 1 NEW STYLES ! 1 HIOKMAN'S HEADQUARTERS. 25-2t Headquarters ior Joe Schlitz't Milwaukee beer at MEIICHAJCTH * Ex- OHA.MH : , N. E. Cor. IGth and Dodge. Mayor Chase and the Veterans. The D.ttiiah soldiers of Omaha and Council Bluffs ; who have fought in Europe or America , will have an ex cursion to Plattimonth on Sunday next , in six cars. The excursionists will have a picnic and some speeches , Mayor Chase and Dr. Poulson being the principal speakers. They will re turn to the twin cities in the evening' ' So says the Nonpareil. KeffletrAtion Notice Fourth Ward. STATE OF NEBRASKA , ) Douglas County. J ' Notice ia hereby given to the elec tors of the Fourth ward , that I will sit in the store of E. Wyman , Fif teenth atreet , three doors south of the postcffice , on Monday , September 6th , to make the annual list of voters of said ward ; also to prepare a list of vo- tera for special cily election , to be held September 14th , 1880. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand this 25th day of August , A. D. , 1880. JOHN WOOD , Registrar. The only train giving its gers the benefit of the Horton Reclin ing Chair Car Free , is the Wabash , SL Louis & Pacific Railroad. Ticket of fice , No. 1,602 , corner 16th and Farn ug9-dlm SAFE BLOWN UP. Raid of a Gang of Burglars on Yerga's Meat Market. A Bold Daylight Bobbery. Wednesday about 5 o'clock , when Mr. Sam. Bender , an employe of J. M. Yerga , the Farnham street batch er , went to open out the shop , as is his custom , he waa startled at finding the rear door opening into the alley landing open. He at once suspected something wrong , and entering the office in the rear of the meat shop his fears were confirmed by the plain evi dence of the visit of desperate men at a midnight hour. He found the safe total wreck , while books , ac- counU and clothing ( trowed the floor in all direction ! . An inspection revealed the fact that the burglars had entered the shop by the back door , having first pushed out a tin plate fitted in the ash where the glass i&d been broken. It was then the work of a moment to draw the bolt and an entrance was made. The safe stood about ilx feet from thedoorand the door leading to the front room be ing opened , the till with its contents or $7 In change was at their mercy. The nscmil wereprovided with powder the door with powder , through the key hole fuse was fixed and then the safe was covered over with overcoats and other clothing , taken from hooks on the wall , to deaden the sound of the explosion. The space beneath the safe wu packed and besides the clothes lot of coffea sack ing was taken off the meat and hung over the iron door. A match was then applied , and it seems that the fuse did not work , for they were compelled to resort to a candle to light the powder , and the key-hole and all around It is covered with the dripplngi. The attempt wai , however , suc cessful , and the noise of the explosion was terrible. It awoke the man who sleeps at night in Adler & Heller's establishment next door , who rose up and listening , heard the sound of in struments at work. It was raining very hard at the time , and he did not feel called upon to give the alarm , so the fellows proceeded without molesta tion. Having got the door open , they pulled out books , papers , and all the conteni of the safe. The caih was kept in a small tin box , and it U supposed that it amounted to about $50. This they took , together with several county warrants and the change from the till , the whole sum , perhaps , footing up $60. They then made their escape. The clothing used in packing the safe was all more or less damaged , and the safe door waa blown all to pieces so that damages and all will amount to con siderable. THE SECOND ATTEMPT. It appears that this was the second attempt to blow up this safe. Three weeks sgo last Snnday some men , probably the same engaged in this at tempt , got in by catting the wire gauze in the back door and raising latch. They filed the key-hole with powder , and tried to blow It up , ithout success. The powder burned the door , and another charge was put in which was found next morning by Mr. Bender , i hey opened the till likewise , and taking out the drawer , containing about $9 in small change , they laid it on the floor , when it is sup posed they were disturbed and fled. The marks of their presence were found next morning , but they had not taken away even the money in the till They had wrapped the cafe in clothes , ] tut as they did this time , and these were damaged some. It is sup poaed that the same parties made both raids , that of Tuesday being during the height of the storm. There was about $75 In the safe before. A BOLD BRACK. Two thieves entered the saloon ol Mmx Lent , on Ninth street , through an open windowfof the rear roomTuea day afternoon. Lenz was on the front step * reading a paper at the time. A neighbor w the aneaki enter the place and quietly notified the proprie tor. As ho entered the front door they escaped through the window whence they came. One of the men ii described s having short , red hair and light complexion , and wore a light chip hat. Both men appeared to be professional tramps. A THIRD BURGLARY. Tuesday morning another success ful burglary wu perpetrated on the premises of Mr. L. C. Enewcld , who has a dry goods store on Thirteenth and Jackson streets. Mr. Enewolc and clerk , Mr. Hnebner , sleep in the store room. About five o'clock Tues day morning the former was awak ened by a rattling of the front door latch and a thud on the walk , as though some person had jumpec upon the walk. He at once arose , and upon investigation found that his vest bad been carried from his bed to the door and rifled of a gold watch and chain , and locket , worth fully $250. In ft few minutes a policeman came along and asked Mr. Enewold if he had been burglarized , saying that he had seen a man jumped down from the transom and run off toward the Ninth street lumber yard , Into which the cop had followed him. He had given up the chwe , however , and had returned for reinforcements. Mr. Enewold was somewhat incensed at tha bold cop for not capturing the thief when he had the chance. He offer * a reward of 825 for the return of the plunder. Plenty potatoes at Fleming's. Until the Wabaah , St. Louis and Pacific R. R. started its fast train August 1 , 1880 , it took 26 honrs to St. Louis , 36 to Indianapolis , Louis ville and Cincinnati and 66 to New York and Boston. "Presto , change ! ' Now we have it 14 to St. Louie , 24 to Indianapolis , Cincinnati and Louis ville , and but 50 to New York and other eastern cities. Ticket office , No. 1602 , corner o 15th ftnd Farnham. aug9 dim. CLEMENTS' GRIME- A Bold Baggage Smasher and his Burglarious Game. Diamonds , Gold and Precious Fabrics Taken Prom Trunks. George Clements , a baggage agent letween Kansas City and Council Bluffs , of the K. C. , St. Jo & C. B. R , R. , was arrested on Monday night on the charge of robbing the trunks of passengers over that line. It seems complaint has been made to railwjy officials at Council Bluffs for months past of the lots from trunks on the EL 0. road of valuable articles , most ly jewelry. For some reason Clem ents was suspected as the guilty party , and detectives were put on the road .0 carefully watch his movements. He lad been running about a year , waa married and made his home at this end of the line. On Monday after noon the chief of police was was handed a search warrant , signed by A. J. Traynor , general baggage agent of the Union Pacific , instruct ing him to search Clements' house for a number of valuable articles , con sisting of jewelry and fine dresses , which had been stolen from trunks forwarded uver theK. O. road. The search was made and the articles named in the warrant were found in Clement * ' house. The wife of the baggage agent was home but he was in Kansas City , where he was arrested. Among the articles found at the house waa a very fine diamond breast pin , a gold watch , several fine dresses , and a fine gold necklace. A costly diamond mend ring , said to be the property of Miss Clara E. Sells , of Indianapolis , Ind. , who passed over the road in July last , was found on Clements when ar rested. The accused will have a pre liminary hearing and trial in Kansas City.Mrs. Mrs. Clements denies all knowledge of the daring robberies and says her husband told her that he bought the articles at a pawn shop in Kansas City because they were sold very cheap. She seemed to feel greatly shocked when informed that her husband was char.-ed with stealing them. When the officers arrived at her house , she was shopping on Broadway , in com pany with a Burlington lady who had lately come to visit her. Mr. Jack son found them and took them to the house in a buggy , and proceeded to make a search. He discovered a few of the articles on the young house wife's person , and the others in dif ferent portions of the house. Thepoor woman wept aloud and very hard , and seemed broken up. A Spicy Dialogue. During the investigation of a "back-yard quanel , " Monday after noon , before Pat 0. Hawes , the fol lowing diaglogue took place between Judge Baldwin , one of the attor neys , and a young lady , one of the defendants. Judge B. "Do you pretend to swear that you were standing nine feet from this plaintiff when you struck her ? " Young Lady "Yes , sir , and I didn't hither below the belt either. " Judge B. "Can you make a "count" on an antagonist's proboscis at a distance of nine feet without bursting your corset strings ? " Young Lady. ' Now see here , you emaciated bean pole , I want you to distinctly understand that you can't talk that way to me. I won't have it. Let me get my hands on your atten uated frame and I'll lick you so bad in about a minute that you won't know your middle name. " Atth's juncture the court took a hand and hostilities ceased. L. A. Saalfield , who was recently arrested nt Denver and brought back to this city on a charge of entering forged drafts on Dick Kitchen , of the Wlthuell House , and Frank Ramgo , will leave to-day for Chicago. It will be remembered that ho was impris oned here , until released on bail , to await the action of the grand juiy. It now appears that thedrafts were all straight , but that his brother refused payment because he was getting them too frequently. Both Mr. Kitchen nd Ramge have bsou paid and the case will probably be dropped where it is , as no evidence will be brought to bear to have the grand jury lind a bill against the young man. Both himself and his brother feel consider ably mortified at the unfortunate re sult of the misunderstanding. Real Estate Transfers. Joseph Redman to George and Araminta Hume , w. d. , a. 88 ft. lot 1 , bloek 201A , city of Omaha 51,650. Augustus Kountzo and wife to Wenzil Matchka , w. d. , s. J lot 9 , block9 , Kountze's third addition to the city of Omaha § 150. Augustus Kountze and wife to Severin Prushaw. , d. , n. $ lot 9block , 9 , Kountze'a third addition to thecity of Omaha S150. Jas. A. Walker and wife to Jamea F. Walker , q. c. d. , s. 4 n. w. sec tion 3 , t. 14 , r. 11 e 81. David L. and Noah Walker to James N. Walker , q. c. d. , a. J n. w. sec tion s , 1.14 , r. 11 e SI James IS. Walker to Geo. H. Boggs and Lew W. Hill , w. d. , s. n. w. | section 3 , t. 14 , r. 11 e § 200. Augustas Kouutze and wife to Wm. H. Robertson , w. d. , w * lot 21 , Kountz's second addition , Omaha § 475. 475.Geo. Geo. H. Guy , sheriff , to Omaha National bank , . d , lots 1 and 2 , sec. 26 , t. 16 , r. 13 , lots 8 and 16 , Forbes sub-division ofse , sec. 34 , t. 10 , r. 13 , also part sw , uw | , eec. 36 , t. 16 , r. 13 § 1460. Jas. B. C&llahan and wife to Dewey & Stone , q. c. d. , lot & , block 192 , city of Omaha $200. Dewey & Stone and wives to the Union Pacific Ry. Co. , q. c. d. , lot 8 , block 182 , city of Omaha § 200 Annie M. G. McCormick and hus band and Geo. T. Mills to Geo. W. Kins , w. d. , pwt ne , nwj , sec. 15 , t. 15 , r. 13 § 1000. Remember this fact , "Ye Politi- ticians , " that when you go to Wash ington , D. C. , to see the President about your appointment to that gov ernment position , that you save 7 hours by taking the Wabash , St. Lou is & Pacific R. R. Say you leave here Monday at 3:40 p. m , you will arrive in Washington , D. C. , Wednesday at 1:25 p. m. Ticket office , No. 1,502 , corner of 15th and Farnham. augl9-dlm Go to Morse's sale of the Stephens Jfc Wilcox bankrupt Block to-morrow. THE IMPENDING CONFLICT. The Republican Primaries To-Day in Douglas Hi County. Ways That are Dark and Tricks That are "Vain. The republican primaries take place this afternoon in this city be tween the hours of 3 and 7 p. m. , and in the country precincts between the hears of 6 and 9 p. m. Aa ia well known , under the order of the county central committee , the voting ia to take place by registration , which was completed last night. The registration lists of this city show nearly 1400 names registered in the city and nearly 900 in the country. As usual the U. P. faction are resort ing to the moat disreputable means to frustrate an honest election and con tinue the old system of voting rousta bouts , tramps , imported democrats and so on. Since the county central committee meeting of Monday the U. P. cappers have been bull dozing the judges , clerks and supervisors of election appointed by the committee and endeavoring to get possession of the places designated for holding the elections. In some of the country precincts they have gob bled np the keys to the school houses and doubtless will refuse admission to the election boards , who come to supervise the primaries. In this city the same sort of trick ery is being resorted to. For instance Mr. M. Curaminga , who is not a mem ber of the committee , has rented the store formerly occupied by Roaanfeld for Thursday afternoon , and taken a written guarantee that he shall have complete control of the room. The evident object is to prevent any elec tion from being held at the place designated by the committee. We look for similar trickery in other quarters. It is the boast of some of the strikers and bummers who are in the pay of the U. P. , that they intend to take control of the primaries by force and violence , and will vote everybody , whether they are registered or not ; that they will ap point judges of election , who will dis regard the registry. The republicans who desire to abide by the regula tions of the committee , propose if possible to exercise their privileges as electors peaceably and without mo lestation , and if any violent demon stration is made they will invoke the protection of the authorities or defend themselves. It is to be hoped that the republi cans of Omaha who desira to see their sentiments represented in the next convention will resent thii attempt to force upon them a delegation io the next convention and legislature that has no interest in common with them but simply goes to represent a grasp ing monopoly. Plenty potatoes at Fleming's. Go to Morse's sale of the1 Stephens & Wilcox bankrupt stock to-morrow. PERSON.fl.Li PARAGRAPH ? . D. O. Clarke went west yesterday. Victor Rylander was among the west bound passengers yesterday. J. J. Neligh , the detective , has re turned from Kentucky. J. R , Duulap , of The Chicago Times , Ifetfor Denveryesterd y. \V. P. Coolay , travelling auditor ot the U. P. , went west at noon yes terday. Mrs. H. H. Cook , of Tampa , Fla. , Is in the city , the guest of Mrs. H. P. Jensen. Joe Gibbs , of the Wabash railway , waa in the city yesterday , and went west at noon. Miss Ann io Cherrie , of Chicago , ar rived Tuesday , and is the guest of Mrs. S. H. H. Clark. .Alias Mary Campbell , daughter of John D. Campbell , returned from Colorado Tuesday afternoon. Officer J. 0. Donohoe , uf the police force , returned from a two weeks' visit tj Chicago and vicinity yesterday. Geo.V. . Vis , private secretary of General Mutineer Clark , of the Union Pacific , loft for Chicago Tuesday afternoon. Lieutenant Geo. M. Webster , of the Fourth Infantry , U. S. A. , has been dntailed for service at Allegheny College , Meadville , Pa. Nonpareil : ' 'Senator Saundera , of our neighboring state of Nebraska , whiled away a few hours in this metropolis yesterday afternoon. " O. H. Ballou , M. K. Taft , J. N. H. Patrick and son Robert , Supc , J. T. Clark and Ed. Evans , were among Tuesday night's arrivals on the over land train. Rev. T B. Lemon , presiding elder of the Kearney district , who has been under the doctor's care for the past four weeks , has sufficiently recovered to be out again. Geo. V. Kent , formerly reporter for The State Journal , has quit the demoralizing work of daily journalism , and is now working in a Chicago tract publishing home. Mr. S. S. Stevens , general western agent of the Rock Island road , came in from Denver overthe Union Pacific Tuesday. He was accompanied by his daughter Carrie , and Mrs. Dr. Jeifrya , of Brooklyn , N. Y. , a sister of Mrs. Stevens. Mrs. Jeffrys' two daughters accompanied her. Hamburg Figs 25c a box. Newly fuinished , everything the best , Astor House , New York. Farmers having hay to contiact , for delivery at Willow Springs distillery , will do well to call on Her & Co. , 1313 Farnham street , Omaha , without de lay , as they will soon stop contract ing. jy2G-dwlm Murphy & Lov6ttlus. , Agency ; old eat established agency iu this state. . : * - . A case of constipation by using Hamburg Figs. Mr. Onahau Disclaims. To the Editor of TDK BM. TUB BEE is scarcely accurate in at tributing to me certain observations having teference to colonization in the south. Most assuredly I did not say , alluding to the southern people : "They are lazy , unenterprising and intolerant. " It has never been my fortune to live or even to have trav eled in the south , hence I could not have made such a remark as growing out of the result of my observation ; nor would my information on the subject justify me in making strictures so rude and ungracious on the south ern people. That the west offers greater and in every way superior advantages and opportunities to the emigrant and col onist goes without saying ; and that in the south there is a lack of energy and of enterprise as to this question of colonization may be true , but I cer tainly did not stigmatize the south as either " " " " "lazy" or "intolerant. Do me the favor to publish these few lines in your paper and oblige Yours respectfully , W. J. ONAHAN. Chicag- . , August 23 , 1880. Stylish Suits made at low price. a24t3 FUEOKL&CO. Help Needed At Home. Complaints having come to the ears of Gov. Nance that the people of Fur- nas , Willow , Hitchcock and other bor der counties were suffering for the common necossariea of life , his excel lency has appointed Chancellor Fair- ffeld , of Lincoln , and Hon. H. S. Kaley , of Webster county , a commit tee of investigation , to make a tour through the counties named and learn the actual condition of the people of these counties , and report at their earliest convenience. Chancellor Fairfield left Monday for Rud Cloud , where he will meet Mr. Kaley , and to gether they will visit the western and southwestern portions of the state , after making a thorough examination they will report the facts in the case to the governor. Should the facts prove as bad as the governor has rea son to believe , ho will recommend in his message to the legislature a bill for the relit-f of the aattlera un our western border. N. S. P C. A. The adjourned annual meeting of the Nebraska Scciuty for the Preven tion of Cruelty to Animals will be held at ihe Omaha Board of Trade rooms oil Thursday evening , the 26th inst. , at 8 o'clock p. m. GEO. L. MILLER , President. WATSON B. SMITH , Rec. Secrelary. Prepared spice cornud beef , very nice for lunch at a24eod4t BATH & WHITE'S. For choice meats call at Bath & White's market , opposite the post- office. a24eod4t SPECIAL NOTICES. .NOTICE Advertisements To Let For Rale , Lost , Found , Wants , Rotnllnjf Ho. , will bo In serted la these column * once tor TEN CENTS per line ; b EnlxK ni-ntlnoertlon.PlVE CENTS per Una. The ! lm Insertion never less th&n TWENTY-FIVE CEMTS. TO IOAH-MONEY. TO LOAN Cull at Law Office MOHST U. L. 7IIOHAS. U-iiiinS.Crelghton Block MONEY TO LOAN 1109 FurnhMn etrtwt" Dr. Edwardfl Loan Agency , uov-52-t ! HELP WAMTED A coini * cnt girl for housework , WANTED Mis. C. W. Hamilton , 20th St. , Siuth St. Maty's Avenue. 352-tf ANTE O A small ) ! iil to take care of chil W dren. Call at 1413 DjujIwSt. 35326 WANTED-A clrl for general work ; D. L. Thomas , Atty. , Creightoii lilock. ai3-25 FEU A Dlninif room girl at the Dorau WAN , opposite Bee office. 345-tf WANTED A li'.ly clsire3tmilojment | in an office , or ss house-keeper ; best of city te ference. Address E. , Lock Box 334 3S5-25 \TTANTED ChamUr mai.l and cook. Wa ea VV 5 and 4 . 'oil < ra. Apply 2)03 Bint H.327tf 327-tf WANTED A competent girl. Enqu'ro at 3 E. cor. 191U and Capitol Ate. 307-U WANTED A small girl , at first house south of Jackson on IS'h street , east side of street. ' 05-tf AQIRL wanted to do ccneral housework. Enquire John A. McShane , cor. 17th and Cans Sts. 367-tf f ANTE ! ' , A Girl to do house work , 1109 Famham Street , u Stalra 14S-tf WAHTED-MISCELLAHEnUS. WANTKD To trade a nocd , sidesoring bug gy for pbaetcn. Addiess D. W. H. , U20 Eirhteeatb street. 354-25 Any parents who want their WAN1FD children to be Instructed in organ mujic , can now Bind them to Rev. C. Charaquist , 414 13th St. bet. Casa and Chicago , who nil ! give good satisfaction and charge only 50 ceLta for one hour and a half , or 82 50 a week. 349-25 Two gent cmen to take a tarnish ed front room , with or without board , southeast cor. Fifteenth and Howard Si. 340-25 An experienced lady solicitor. WANTED borl2l4 , Council KluHs , Iowa. 341-25 Situation as private backman nr WANTED care of horses. AdJrtes o. R. Bee Office. 315-24 Situation by a respectabl young WANTED at any kind of work. .Addres X. Y. , Bee Office. 340-27 Partner in a flrst-clwi butcher WANTED with some capital. Addresa Bee Office. 333-21 I ED Piano tuning and reralrins at WAN ' , 1616 Dodge St. 300.1m - at hrictc-y.tr. ! . T. MUK- WANTED-Foreman 1C5-U FOR REHT-HSUSES AMD UHD. RENT finely furnished rooms at 1310 FOR street , bet. 13lh and 14th St.350tf 350-tf TJ10R RENT House , 9 rooms , ct.r . 17th atd Ij Cass. Enquire on premises ! N. W. NA3ON. _ _ 347-tf ORRE.NT Stcrercom In brick block corner 17 10th and Dou Jas Sts. , with or withut cel lar. Apply to American House. 290-tf RENT A finely-furnished front room. FOR Enqui re at 1B10 Dodge et. 2S3tf RENT 2 furnished rooms o\er Her. FOR Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and Dodge streets. riURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT AtDaven- E roit House. _ lyieu FOR RENT House with six rooms , well , cis tern and cellir. On Capitol A > e , bet 15th and 16th , south side. J. S. McCOKMICK ISl.tf FOR SALE. MILK Twenty to twenty-tour quarts or one dollar by John T. Faulson. eb/gat-mon-wedt ! 71 U SALE Cottonwocd lumber of all sizesat ' . 516-t REDMOND'S , Slxteenth-st. - T 0 R PALE-A O rlst Mill. Appiy at J. 472-tf L. B WILLIAMS * SON. MISCELLANEOUS- CITRAYED OR STOLEN From the > J of K. Hening , on South Twentieth street , in the city of Omaha , one s all bay pony , seven yeira old , two hind feet white , large scar on back , caus < d by the saddle , and also collar's nu.tk' ; had on cotton halter w ith common rope. Any Information may to left at the sheriffs offico. 351-26 FOR A FINc uuiisr.flic. ; front. Doom , counter. Mantle , Store flttlnir , veneered work ire to 1310 Dodra street , A. F. RAFERT A CO. , Braider * . ap26ertat-tfr ONE MILLION ACRES CHEAP LAND EASTERN NEBRASKA , $2 TO $5 PER ACRE. 20,000 Acres DOUGLAS COUNTY , 6 to 12 Miles from Omaha , $6 to $10 per Acre , on Long Time and Low Interest. Large tracts suitable fcr Colonies in all the best Counties in the State. 80,000 acres scattered through Iowa. A large number of Improved Farms in Nebraska , many 01 them near Omaha , $12 to $40 per acre , An Immense'List of OMAHA CITY PROPERTY , Consisting of Elegant Resi dences from $3,000 to $20- 000. Many vacant lota in the additions to Omaha. Hundreds of lots scattered through the City. Houses and Lots , Business Houses and Lots , and all kinds of Ci y Real Estate. We also have MONEY TO LOAN on Improved Farms in Doug * las County , on 5 years time , at 10 per cent , interest to all who can show good titles. Maps for Douglas and Sarpy Counties Tor sa'e , Boggs & Hill , REAL ESTATE BROKERS , 1408 Farn. St. , Omaha , ufeb. FOR RENT Two new cottages , 5 rooms ach. ever3" comenicnce , Chicago bet. 22 & 23 BOOas & HILL. \TrANTED-We want to contract with a rell- TV able man to clear and grub 20 acres of brush laud. EOQOi It HILL. ttTANTED 15,000 yards of dirt liOQf.H & HILL. -pRICK HOUSE Convenient to business , with JD fu'I ' lot , 7 rooms , $2,150. $2,150.BOOQS BOOQS & HILL FORRENT-Ncw residence , 35. BOOOS & HILL. pOR iXCHANOE-For city property , small J. tracts of land , covered with jounir tlrater at $20 per acre. COOGA HILL. OThL PROPERTY We are authorized to offer the Atlantic Hotel at the greatly re djcediriceqf S10.0W ) . all furnished and in run ninjf order , time to suit. BOOOS & HILL. "T710R SALK Brtn new boose , 5 room , with 1 } every com i nience. with half Int. 33xlS2 ft. . No 11 cation , time to mit , will sell at a bar gain for 5 dayinnly. BOOOS & HILL , li OU SALK llrick p .wder bouse and 7 acres IJ near Stock Yards , ( ' ,500 ,500liOOQS&IULL. . rner Im'f ' of lot 3 W. Cor 16 and Jackson at a sa nfl e. e.BOUU.j.fc KILL. FOR SALE-FuIl comer lot , y. A. Cor 10 and Jones Sta. LOGOS & HILL. WANTED-School district bonds at a fail discount. I300CJ3 & BILL. MO.M.YTOLOAN Any one wishing t use 10 per cent , money In silica to suit from SSOli to a > ,000 , can procure it through m. BOGUS it. HILL. FOR SALE-8 business lots , next west of Masonic Temple , $1,650 each. BOQGS & HILL. FOR SALE S lots west of Odd Fellowa Block. BOGGS It HILL. T710K A CHEAP LOT ( Jo to Bofrgsandlliira ad- JD dition. We still have some small MORTGAGES mortgages for sale , ranging from $100 to 3900. Persons having email sums of money can Invest with safety , and without any expense wlutever , and got 10 par cent. Interest. HOGGS & HILL. HOME $100 to 200 ft all you need pay A down if you buy a home for yourself through us. Time to eult on baUne. BOUOa & HILL. FOR RENT Improved farm near barracks. BOGGS&HILL TJOR SALE ( louse and full lot e. stor JT1 street , one of the best locatiofla n the city , 81,600 ; eaay terms. BOO03 & HILL. NEW HOUSES We are now prepared to bui'd houses worth from SJOO to $800 on our new addition , 28th and 29th and Farnham , Douglas and Dodi e , and sell on small monthly paym nts BOGUS & HILL. TiESIDENCE LOTS FOR SALE 200 lots In JLV Kontze & Ruth's addition , nea > ' business , good surroundings , lots covered with youni ; ireeg , and are the choicest , cheapest and nearest to business of any lot * In the market. By all means look at lots m Kountze & Ruth's additl > n before purchashln- < elsewhere Will sell on monthly pat menu ; Price $100 to $860. BOOOS & HILL. CHEAP LOIS-3 and 5 , block 6 , Shinn's ad dition. Want be t otter at once for one o r both. BOGGS & HILL. LOTS Lots 17 and 18Thornell's ad CHEAP . BOOOS It HILL. [ OUEE AND HALF LOT Near Thirteenth L and Capitol avenue , 91,600. BOGG3 & HILL. n BEST LOTS-In Shinn's addition , 1900 , BOGGS and HILL. HOUSE AND HALF LOT On DodBe street , between Twelfth and Thinetnth. A well Improved and desirable place , cost $3,200. Will sell for $2,100 , half cash , balance one and two years. BOOOS & HILL. SACRIFICE The business lot K.xl3'J feet A next eas * of Mnlnger'a ware rooms 15 4 Famham street ! must te sold thi * month tor wLat it will bring ia cash. BOOOS & HILL EXCHANGE Owner of 320 acres near AN Blair will exchange for first cl 3 businc * ) or residence property in Omahi and pay from ? 3OGO . / > U.t/OO in CABB to boot.BOOOS BOOOS & HILL. TARGAINSf Two cottages with small lot * . > Tenth street , south of depot two Blocks. J1.500 for both. BOO OS i HILL. 1 C- CHOICE LOTS On Park Wild Aienn * . 10 only 3 to 4 blocks from depot , 1600 to HOO , Mouthy payments , BOOOB * HILL. S. P. MORSE & 00. Announce that they have Purchased the Entire and Magnificent STOCK OF DRY GOODS Belonging to the late firm of STEPHENS & WILGOX , . . Th origin * ! coit ot uld Stock in N w Fork p r mt'.guee * ' iiuentory exceeJt * W.OCu > And To-Morrow they will have it in Condition to Offer to the Public. THESALE WILL BE UNPRECEDENTED IN THE HISTORY OF THE OMAHA DRY GOODS TRADE. LATEST TELEGRAMS Are Not Half as Interest ing to the General Read er as the Following Price List : lOlbaol AsmiM Ior VI 00 10J Iba extraCsutfurfor. . . . . 00 11 Ibs Canary 0. Sugar for 00 9 Iba Granulated Su ar for. . . . O ) 8J Iba Cut Loaf Suicarf 00 a Ibs good Hlo Coffee for. do 5 Ibrt beat Rio Coffee for. 00 4 Ibs choice Java Coffea for 1 00 31 Ibi belt Mocha Coffee for 1 00 Young Uyaon Tea par Ib , 30 to 40 Oolong Tea per Ib. SO to 40 Japan Tea per Ib , SO to 6 finest Gunpowder Tea par Ib 75 Beat OK Flour per sack S 25 Snow Flake winter wheat flour S 65 Havensfbcstflour _ _ < 60 20 bvs Whits Russian Soip for 100 10 bars Climax Soap for , 1 00 21 bars Laundry Soap for 1 00 13 bars Linen Soap for 1 00 Pure Maple Syrup par gallon 1 16 Golden Syrup per gallon ( Jj New Orleans Syrup per ( fallen 70 New Orleans Molasses per gallon 45 Sugar House Molasses per gallon 40 I Iba St. Loula Soda C'rakera for 00 17 Ibs St. Louis Oyster Crackers for 00 II Iba Boston Butter Cracken for. . 00 11 tbs Ginger Snajis for. 00XI ( 13 Ibs New Cumnta for 00 8 Ibs New Blackberries for 00 4 Ibi Pitted Cherries for 00oe 10 Iba Dried Peaches ( halves ) for. . . oeoo 10 Iba Choice Dried Apples for oo 10 Iba beat now Prunes for oo 10 Ibs. best Valencia RaMn \ 00 7 Ibs. now layer Raising I 00 Peaches , 21B cans . „ . i5 Peaches. 3 Ib cans ( standard ) S2 { Pie Peaches , 8 Ib cans 15 PeacheaCal)3 ( ) Ibcans SO Blackberries , 2 Ib can 15 Apples , ( York State ) KO ! can 86 Blueberries Sib tan. , 16 Cherries 21b can 12 Damson Plums 2 Ib cans 1 Raspberries J Ib on IS Strawberries , 2 Ibcan _ . 20 Strinsr Bcans,2 Ib cana 12J Baked Beanc , 3 Ib can 20 Lima Beans , 2 Ib cans 12 } Suearcorn , 2 Ib can 121 Yarmouth corn , per can 17 J Tomatoes , 3 Ib can 16 Succotash , 2 Ibcan I2i Pumpkins , 3Ibcan Xo 24 Ibs beans 1 00 0 Ibsdried Lima beans 1 00 SO Ibs hominy 1 00 11 Ib3 CarollnaTrtce 1 0 25 Iba oat meal . , 1 00 Fat family mackerel , per kit 90 FUfamlly whitefith.f > er kit. BO Codfish , whole , per 16 3 Codfish , bonslesa , per Ib 10 Halllbut. per Ib 11 Holland herring ( new ) per kcic. . . 1 25 Tobacco ( BIackwel > ' Durham ) pr Ib 60 TobwcofSUrerPoI plumper Ib 69 Tobacco ( Old Style ) perlb 35 Tobacco ( Meerschaum ) per Ib 4 Huns , sugar-cured , perlb. . . 11 Esxs , 11 doi for 1 00 Butter , fresh roll , per Ib 20 Complete price Iteta furnished on appllcAtl Country orders will receive prompt and car * attention. Positively ao goods sold on credit. J. B. FRENCH & CO. , The Original Reliable Grocers , No. 1119 Farnham Street , OMAEA. NEB. POWDER COLUMBIA AND OHO BICYCLES 1 I have secured the agency of the veil-known COLUMI3IA Steel Spokes and Rubber Tires Bicycle from the Pupa Manufacturing Co. ; Also the Otto Hand Made. Samples can be seen at my store , at Manufacturers Prices , reight added. Send for price list. roao w1 No. 1204 Farnham Street , Omaha , Nebraska. GIT UP AND GIT ! NO OL ! ? STOCK I Having Taken /Above for Our Motto , & a are D ( t j.TSJlned to Offer Our Entire Jammer $ k of CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS Regardless ol * Cost. In Order to Make Room for Our Pall and Winter We Will Not He Undersold. IBOSTOUST OHLOTZBHEHSTG- FARNIIAM STREET , OHAELES SOHLANK. SOL. PEINCE. LANCE & FOITICK , Uealera m ' - - " House Furnishing Uoods , Shelf Hardwire , Nails and Etc. Aiiiii Karnbam Street , 1st Door Eas Firwt National Bank. = n THE TRADE. Having just opened an entirely new line of MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS , We would ask the Merchants of Nebraska to inspect our Stock , feeling confident we can meet the wants of all in good Goods and Low Prices SHREVE , JARYIS & CO. , for. 14th and Dodge St * ,