f ATTORNEYS-AT-IAW. IE. ( Late ot WuhlnKton , D. C , ) A ITORNEY-AT-LAW , _ t\ . 1321 Farah.ni St. , Omaha. Patents Pensions : md Govern ment Claims. Refers , 1 j permission , to Gen'l C F Munder- sou , Hoii. A. J Poppleton , aiid T. L. Kimball , E.q. aul7-lm A. T. CROSSLEY. * TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW JNo. . 314 South 15th St , bet. Faraham and Hurnej. au20-lm HIRAM A.STDKQKB. W. W. EARTLITT STURCES & BARTLETT , y. TTORNKY-AT-LAW No 'l.CrelEhtonB10ck , J \ OmiUn , Neb. CHARLES POWELL TTUST1CE OF THE 1'EACE < orner ] 6th and tl 1'arnliRin Sl . , Omaha Neb. WM. SIMERAL , ITTORNEY AT LAW Campbell's Block , A' ISthhtreet.betwcrii Fan iun and bouifl * * . OMAHA. NEa A'A1 D. L THOMAS. A1 AT LAW Loan moiey. bu > _ i. > and nella real cst le. Room 8 , Orolihton : Bl-ck. A. C , TROUP , A TTORNKY. AT LAW Office In Uanscou'i Block , with Grorgo E. Prltchett , 160e St. _ OMAHA. NEB. DEXTER L. THOMAS , AT LAW Ornlckthank Build ATTORNEY A. M. CHADWICK , TTORKEY AT LAW Office 1604 Faraham JStr et. et.A. A. 8WARTZLANDE AT LAW-Cor. Uthand Faraham ATTORNEY mayatl WILLIAM A. FONDA. AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. ATTORNEY . 6 , Frenter Block , opposite Post QIHce. OMAHA. NEB. WM. L PEABODY , T AWYER Offic * In Crolchton Block , n rt U Ll Port Office , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. pfPattnlt Prwxirt KOTA.KY rPBUO. OOmCTIOK8 E. D. MCLAUGHLIN. AT LAW AND JUSTICE OF ATTORNEY Southeast corner Fifteenth DjugUaSt. tyCollectiona Promptly Attended to.Ta O'BRIEN & BARTLETT , Attorneys-at-Law , OFFICE-Unlon Bloi.k.Fl'tecnth ani * Farnham1 A. L ROB1SON. TTORKEY AT LAW Uooin Crolchton A _ Block. OMAUA N b. luu > - X > . IS. 3BXZXU 'JL'O JU . ATTORNEY AT LAW. KARBACH BLOCK. COR. OOUC 8 I5TH ST8. OMAHA , NER. W. d. Connell , A ttorney-at-La w. Office : Frout rooms , op italra. In Ilangcom' * am brick building. N. W. comer Fltteouth and Ptrnbam Street * . . RlDlCS. Cms R. KIDIIIK ItKOICK it ItKlUCK , Attorneys-at-Law. - - . riperUl nltentlon w U > e given to all mlu Kiiintt rur | > ontlonaof e\ery description ; will Hinrtlre in ai Hhe Courts of the Suva and th. Vniteil SI-.IBJ. Orflpe. FkruhMn SU. i irt Jin i-c EDWARD W. SIMERAL , - > BY AT LAW Rood 8 ATJOM- and Donglaa ttr U. C. F. HAMDERSON. t TTOIINEY AT LAW StX Fanihm HUeet j\ _ tm lia PARKE GODWIN , AT LAW lith and Donguui LTTORNKY with 0. W. Poane IV T IllCIIlKDS. Q. J. HUNT HiCHARDS & HUNT , Attorneys-at-Law. Ornca 216 South Fourteenth Street. EAST INDIA JITTERS ! ' ILER &GO. , SOLE MANUFACTURERS OMAII1. N l > . PAD A new and hitherto unknown remedy for all < lUea e ( of the Kldnfjs , Bladder , ana Urinarj Om.nt. It mil positively cure Diabetes , Uravnl , Drop- eBrleht'a Disease , inabiltt ) to retain or expell the Urine , Catarrh of iho Cladf cr , high colored auJ KCiUtj urine. Painful Urinating , LAME BACK , Ueneral Weakness , and all Female Com- It avol > ) internal medicines , ts certain tn It f fleets and cure * when nothing i' ? can. For vale oy all Dru IiiM or ffit by null free upon receipt of the I'riev , J2.00 DAY KIDNEY PAD C ) . , Pi , Toledo , O. your i' ' < l f T our little book , 1 llmra Ufa was S > ' MKS K nt for W * > iriik 5t ' IRON TURBINE WIND ENGINE MAKUFACTOKKD BY Mast , Fooa & Co. , Springfield , 0. The StrongfBt and Uort Dttr N WIND ENGINE In the World. Uondre-ti la re In lotn. and Nebrmiltm SoU Dy Dealers In ntariy evrry county. This cat represonti oar Buckeye Force Pump vwhich U particalariy adapted to Wind Mill " oia , u U works easily uid throwa a constant stream , and does not , freeze up lu the cold- ' * t weather. Sand for price list W. H. RAYNKR , Wwum ATt , Omabt , N b. DAIL7 BEE. OMAHA PUBLISHING CO , PROPRIETORS. 916 Fan-Jam , bet. 9th and 10th StreJU ' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. _ 1 Copy liear , In advancepostpaid ( ) S3.00 6cr.ntb8 _ " " 4.00 Sino.iths " " 2.00 TIME T'BLES THE MAILS. C. 4 N. W. B R. . 5:30 a. m . 2:40 : p. m. C. B. & O 6 : SO a. m. , 2:10 p. m. C. K 1 & P B. R. . bM a. m. , 2Wp. : m. Ck St Joe 6:30 a. m 3 CltjA P. 530a.m. U. P. R-K. , 11 : 0 . m. O. K. V. to Lincoln , 10 a. m. B. & M. R. R , 8:40 & m. O. ts. N. W. , 7:30 a m. orrauio C. 4N. W. R. R , 11 a. m. , II p m. C. a 4 Q , 11 a. m . 9 JO p. m. C.K 1.4P. . lla.m , lip m. C. B. &St. Joe..11 a.m. . U p. m. U. P. R. R . 4 p m. O. & R. V. from Lincoln. 12:10 : p. in. 3 City i P. , 11 a. m B. & . ln > eti.,4 p. m. Local mUlB for States Iowa leave bnt onoa A day , vis : < 30 a m " ' "J Office open from 12 to 1 p. m. Sundiyi. * THOMAS F. HALL. PoatmaiUr. Arrival And Departure - ot Traius UNION PACIFIC. HiVI. A1UUVE. . . . .I2:15.p. m. S:25p.m. : do Mixed e.inp m. 4:25 p tn do Freight 6.30 * . m. 1:40 p. IT. do do 8.15 a. in. 12:20 a. m. TIME CARD OF TUK BURLINGTON. LIAVE OKABA. ARKTTI OVU1IA. Express 3iOp m. Expires 10:00 a. m. Mail 6-00 a. m. Mall 10:00 p. m. Sundays Excepted. Sunda ) a Excepted. CHICAGO.tROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. all 6:00 a. m. I Mail 10-00 p. m. xpreea S:10 : p.m. I Express..10:00a. m. CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN. Mall 8 : 0a.m. I Mall 7:20 p. m. xpren 3:40pi m. | Express. . . . 10:00a.m. Sundajsexcepted. KANSAS CITY. ST. JOE 4 COUNCIL BLUFF4 LBAVl ARRIVE. [ all 8K a. m. I Express 7:10 a. m. xpreaa 6:00p.m. | Mafl 7:25 j.m. The on'v line running Pullman Sleeping Cars nt ol Omaha to Union Depot. MAHA & NORTUWEi TERN AND SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC FA1LBOADS. Express 80 a. m. I Fxprew 30p m , Daily Except Suud y8. B. & M. R. B. In NEBRASKA. [ WEST ] . , ! * " ] maha ( l > ) 9W ) Kearney J'nc m ) fl.50 a m lattsm'th arlO:25 : a m Bloomingtonlv)3:10 ( am earay J'ncar)7:65 ) p m HedCloudMiGJ5 ) am ted Cloud ( arr)7:56pm ) PlatUm'th ( ar ) 4:20 p m loom'gtonar)9.25 ( ) p m Om haarr.4S5pm REPUBLICAN VALLEY RAILWAY. luiingsG * ) 8-05 * m | BloomVtonarlJOpm ( ) loomlngton l:3o p m I Hastings ( ar ) 6:55 p m rleang ( U ) 7:30 a m | Indianila ( rlrOpm ) rluuia ( ar ) 70 p m | Indlanola ( Iv ) S SO p m SIOUX CITY & ST. PAUL R R. , „ , 6.10 a m I Express 10-00 am rpreas 8.40pm Mail 7:20 p m WABASH. oT. LOUIS & PACIFIC. lIAVltS. ARRIVES. Hail 8a.m. I Mall 11.55 a m xpress..3:10 p. ia ( Express 425 p. m. BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. R. R. Lea > e Omahj. dallj. 8 a m . 9 a. m. , 10 a m. , 1 a. m , 1 p. m , , 2 p. m. , 3 p. tn , B p. m , , 6 p. Leave Council Bluffs ; 8:25 a. m . 9:25 a. m , , 0:25 a. in. , 11 5 a. m . 1S5 p m , 2:25 p. m. , :25 p. m , S2S p m. , 6:25 p. m. , 'our tnpg on Suuda } , learlnp Omaha at 9 and 11 . m. , 2 and 6 p. m ; Council Slufla at 9.-25 , 1:25 a m. , and 2 5 and 6:25 p m. PA8IXKOXK TRAUtS cave rmaha- . m. . 7 a. m. , 8:30 a. m. , 1 p m. , 4M > p. m. , 7:25 p. m. , ju\e Council Blufls : 6.15 . „ 8:10 : a. m. , 1.40 a , m.0:25p m. 7.-00 p. m , 7:50 p. m. > all ) except Suudk > . OMAAA & REPUBLICAN VALLEY R. R , L AV , A'RRIVR. Mall 10lSam , 4:35p.m. " " " Uallj except Omaha Wholesale Markets , OMAHA , Anguat 23,1880. UUTTEU AND EGUS holceuble . P cVeralota . 7@10 j'resh egg * , per doz . II nev. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - POULTRY. uIckenH , pet doz . 2 2fl Onoka . 8@9 OROUERIE3. SUGARS. Cutlioat . J ° owdered . J"g Granulated . 9 itendard "A"- . . JOl OffA . W ; itra " ° " . - . -niton : Extra choice aud very.l'right. ' . . 50 Bright Table Drips . 45 New Orleans Molla Market advancing , t , io , prime to clioice . . . . 'tT . . . . . 174 Rio good to prime . S . " > * Rio fair to good ! . . . . . . . 1 Mocha . * 274 Choice . " o ) d to prims . -yt. . . NewPrunea Jurranta.choice new . ' . JlackBerriea ; Raspberries ° S Pitted cherriea - Michigan grid Apples i ? 9 ST. Y. Sliced Evaporated \ * ' G5 State Peaches ° Salt Lake Peaches 15 California Peaches 15 * CANNED GOODS " "Oysters , 2 ft cans , J ? case. . 8 70 "do do Ilbcanpefca8e. . 240 LtghtWeight Oysters 2 Ib V case 2 90 Salmon , 1 ll > . dozen 1 75 do 2fthtdoien ; . . . 2 65 Standard Tomat6es,2 Ib , case 2 30 " " 3 Ib , 5 ? c s.e 3 00 Standard Peaches , 3 ft , tf case. 4 40 " " 2 Ib , t * case. 3 40 Raspberries , 2 Iti , case. 300 Blackberries , 2 Ib , p case 2 80 Corn , 2 ft.tf case S 80 Apples , Gal , tf doz S 70 Narrow Fat Peas.2 Ib , case. . 4 00 S trine ; Beans. 2 Ib. per case. . . . .J 40 SUNDRIES. Nutmegs. 10 Pepper J7 Allspice 17 ossia 2'J Hope "a Candles , 1C oz 13 JreeuwichLyeper'case 3 85 Beans.perbnahel 1 J > 0 Cheese fullcream ll UL.ASS. Window Glass , 60 per C8ut/di § . lonutofflUt HARDWARE. IKON. Jcimuiou bar 3 Borse-shoe bar 4 Norway nail rod 9 Castplow 9 Am. cast , tool 18 do 2.T KAILS. Tens , upwards. 550 B'rd'd's shoe'g 5 50 " mule" 6 50 Oinalianails tens , upwards. . . 3 50 Nw'atr'shn Putnnm nalla . 2380 DRY GOODS. BROWN COTTONS. Atlantic "H" . 7 ? A tiT > J > 7 UO X- * * * ' Peuperell | | O | | . 7 | do J-i * tf do "E" . j8i Indian Head . ? . . 8 Lawrence XXX . . . 10 Neb * , .Standard VAA" . Atnoekeag . . . 1C Beaver Creek , "AA" . 141 do "BB" . 13i Haymakers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Si -Palmer u. . . . 8 OUs-AXA" . 15 do "BB" . 14 -do "CC".K . 13 Warren "AXA" . 15 do "BB" . 14 - do "CO" , . 13 BLEACHED COTTONd Lonsdale . . . 9j do Cambric . . - ' 12 } Cftbot . < g frnit of the Loom . MO > ewYork MflUi . . . Hills'Mualin . U Wamgutta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pepperell . TICKINGS. Arnuekeag . | t18 do "AA" . . U | do A A A * Ifa Pearl Elver . I6j Holyokt . , . < . EepublicanJRegist-alioa' SIXTH WARD. I Schmidt C A Souer A R Smith Wfitson B Seley Jonu Stuart Allen Sff ingbarz Louis D Swan 0 P Soreuson P Stacey W Sanford L H SohwabeH Schwabo Aue Sbelton Nat Shropshire N Squires 6 6 Sargent D B SeyboHG L Smith H B Simpion J R St Geyer D Stephens Zetiaa Simpson U L Shiolo John Smith-HK SprigbergLD Suandly A W Slaley T Shinrock Fred Scott WH Sprigg Z T Shiverick Ghaa Smith F S Smith Gee Smith W A Smith J L SchwalleubergFH Spilenberg'E Swartzlander J Simpson A J Selim John F Tzschuck Bruno Tzschuck Gee B Tzschuck Bruno Jr TaftRK Thomas Dexter L Traill.D B TobzerAB Taylor C W Trout Benj M Thaycr J M Thunton J M Vawnesae R G Vankison A S Weaterdshl Chaa J Williams Sotul Wniiard O'S.VrigBt E R .WrigfitJTL . , AVebbMN > Voodman D H J Vitta S H - - Wntaou Jamea M Webster J L Watkins Chaa Walker J W I Yost 0 E THIRD WARD. Austin 0 H Anderson Joa Atkinson Alex Adams Jas O Ainscow Ed Harrison Oliver Henley Ghas Helmend Inner JO Henderson 0 W Hitchcock W R Hertzop ; Gee Hughea W B Hertztnan Philip Hertzke Fred Hen&inier ; Christ Johnson Saevadore Johnson D H Johnson Rufus Kent W H Kent Frank D Kluber Mathew Kennedy D T Kaaper F J Koterch Anton Kelley Harvey Kerchival M Linde Qeo Ltveaey Henry Larimer J F Lehman S Lewis John Livsey R E Lipps Gustave Lamed Jamea Morrison J W Montgomery P C McKay W H Meyer Henry Motz Meyer Magran Thos G Miller H C Morrow J 0 Mott Frank Montague Gee Meitzheimer Gust Mansfield Ed Miller David M Meyer Julius Monell Johu J jr McVey Jaa Maim Christ Nojr W R Needham Frank Points J J Peterson A J Prince Sol Percival John Penuice Alex Peyton W B Peterson Gee Puls August Porter Chas Platz Chaa H Richards W H Riley Will H Rogers Mtaes Roberts Henry Roger * Dan Rogers A B Rood Jeremiah Shillner Isidore Sey boldt Gee H Sage R G Sturgis Jacob B Sharp H T Spiale Henry Soreuson Alfred Sanders Price Sylvester John Sexaner Wm SternckerEd Solomon N I D SexanerR Schuvicht Louia Shropshire J S Troaair. Rudolph Twiggle Harry Thomas WmM Thompson Jamea Thomas James Timmons M F Tucker John S Tizard Richard Tro.'aln Herman Walker Phinew Williams W L Weinhardt J T Weidensall John Wertz Gee W Wright L R Wjruer Gee A West Fred Wright Joe Williams Chaa Woodnor.h 0 D Woodworth Fred Wilson Frank M Wilesboorde Jacob Ward Win Zur Bachen Abraham FODRTH WARD. Aniiin W E Areson Chaa C Auderdon Gustavo Arnold John Balcombo it A D Benton D S Boggs Gee H Brovrn S R Bunce J W BierbowerE L Briggs Clinton Beach Chas E Broatch W J Brooks DC Bdimett W J Basnritz Henry Balch Brash L Bartlett W R Baswitz Chug Cole Seth T Campwilt S Church Frank 0 Campbell John Clark S H H Clair M W Courrier F F Callem Thos Campbell Chas Clark AD Charles W P Drake Luther Davis O F Dufrene A R Denise J C Dinsmoore CM Donaldson OF 0 Edholm T E Erickson E Evans J B Elting C S , EustisE S Forayth Jas Fleming Win Fulton Benj Foster Thos Green G L Graff Gee S Goldsmith M GrayF W Gotthelmrr P Hertzman J F L DHorbach John A Huntington 0 S Hitchcock P W Hugua Peter Hagedorn Wm Huberman A B Huntington D W 0 HillLW Hospe A ( Jr ) Havens O B Higginson A G Harsha W J Hawea Pat 0 Hyde M D Hale L F Isaacs C H Irwin Jas Irwln H Ingram J W Iler JD Jones Samuel B Jacobs J G Jowett Gee E King J W Kendall Gao W Kennard F B Kennedy Howard Kent W H Kennard T E Kennard L J Kennard M W KuhnN A Kalish S Kallert B Lacey A R Llewellyn W H H Lowell Percival Lake Gee E Lake Gee B Llewellyn C E Lacey J H Large Jaa Lyon E L Locke S E McLughliu E D McCormick J S 3Ioore D S Manchester J R McCaffrey Hugh McCaffrey Joseph Millspaush F R Monell G C Morsa W V Millard J H McCormick John Moores Frank E Meredith J R Mount W J McKoon M G Mansfield C R Mitchell D S Neville Jamea Nuld John R Nelson Saml Ni.-holas A P Nash J W Nash W F Nelson Adolph O'Grady Sam'l Overall E R Perdue P L Peabody W L Pateraon Gee Puudt Henry Petty J W Reed Byron Robison A L Rogers H B Rose water Ed Rosewater Andrew Reese J M Reinhardt Julius Raapke Lewis Scott J H Sylvester John Schroeder John Saxe D W Sharpe P H Stephonaon P SbarpeWA Savage G W Sweegy J F Schneider F A Schneider Herbert Sorell A Troop A C Turney C R TwtEF Williams Chas Wood O T Walters Frank Wood John S Wood ward James I Westerdahl B Watts J M Whipple 0 S Wolf J N Wolf L W Webb J E Whitney David Young J J FIFTH WARD. Allen R C Avondet John Anderson Jena Anderson Tyfer Brown E S Bonner Jamea BjntCharlei Bonaries F W Billings Jacob Bonner Charles E Brown J J Benson George Brown C. J. Boden Charles Bohner Harry Beekman Hani Bruner J B Bonuer Thos Bongston Olof Bellmay F F Brown 0 H Benson W V BurrooghsJ H Benien Peter Barnum J R Bonnivier J A Brnner Ohu E Burduh R "drbisley C W Coaley L Chollmtn Henry Cummminga Thos Cramer H W Cummings J Ohrispin 0 H Ckmmenzend A Dore Joseph Doane Gee S Doolittle W V Dallow E Doolittle N B Edeerton J S Erck John filling O S Farniworth Thoa Farnswjrth S H Frfsoni Otto Fisher Chan Fields 0 0 Fleming Mitchell Fearou E France Jas S France James France John i r France Wm | Gardiner Chaa Gaamtner Anton [ Hoff Martin Heimrodt Gee I Hoffsed John Harvey P J 1 Hadfield D P Hall Thos F Heins W F Hawver S largreaves Thoa Uarnsby E M sbsrg J N ohnsou John Jones Reuben PLeader KilliiiRSWorth O P Kaiser Chaa Kisker A F Kane A B Cutchervill O jimberg Fred Leader A .leader Ed Leader Louia jarson John Lawles C M , yon Christ Lawton 0 W Mohr B M Malenberg A McGuire Pat Mason Robt Mitchell HJ Martin Robt McDonald J W Mohler Peter C rloore F M Motz Saml rleldrum Thos Mausa Christ Jauss Fred McConnell Robt MoConnell F R McConnell R J tfye Fred Newton J L Newman Jesale Neilson D H Overber er P Olaeu Christ Oberg E L > ackard F L Parmelee E A Ponlez Chaa lyon Nels Reed John lich Julius Rhodes Zick Rhodes Thos Ryan Wm RueffEF Hud man Goo .lohwer Henry Rhodes Basil Rhodes Jamea Richter H G tyan Ed Seifken Adolph Stow Wm Sullivan Jerry Shaw E H Sampson E D Sauor Fred Stout B F Segelke A iievera John Simpson A E Schhnerick 0 L Slatter J O Siegler M H Saleerbeck Chas Sherwood E H Sison S N Schneiderwind A Valentine Jonea Valentine D A /alentine J M Valentine Jaa E Vicroy 0 G [ "oozer A R Tibbala G W iVyinan E Wilde OJ \Vilkitia Chaa Wakefield S Vashington H 0 Whitehouse W J Vorm A Winslado J E Waller FOB _ McAKDLE PRECINCT. ( Additional. ) Bogs R G Caamunen Carl Kibley N N Oft ) Hans Sivers Olus Thurston Wm G Tonp Wm She Knew Something : Was ? he Mat ter With Him. A leading officer in ouu of the courts waa charged with never g ling to bed ober. Of course ho indignantly de nied theaoft impeachment , and he gave the particulars of a certain night n proof. We quote his own words : 'Soon after I gut in bed my wife said : Why , husband , what's the matter with you ? You act so strangely. ' There is nothing the matter with me/ said I ; 'nothing at all. ' 'I'm uro there ia , ' siid aho ; 'you don't act tatural at all Shan't I get up and jet something for you ? ' And she got ip , lighted the candle and came to he bedside to look at me , shading the ight with ouu hand. 'I knew there was something about you , ' aaid she. "Why , you are sober ! ' " Ask jour urUjfjlKt'iurProf. Qulluicttc'a French \idney Pad , and take no other , a > this ia the on- f pad guaranteed to cure or money refunded. THE ROAD TO HEALTH. Cleanse the tomach , boweU and blood from all acrid , orrupt and offensive accumulations , and ou remove the caute of most diseases , and hus preserve good health and also Have age doctor's hills. The most effectual and eliable remedy for tlm purpose is Sim mons' Liver ICegulator , purely icijetalle. The trial of one bottle or package will prove to the patient the virtue of this nedicine. CouvriRFElTKRaareeveron the alert to Hud resh fields to w r , but they ne > er imitate a worthless article , 1'rof. Gullmc.te's French iidney Pad wai brought ut about ten j ears ago , nd since then a host of chaps without skill or conscience hatetoug't to imitate It by m > n > worthier affairs ; but a dlscr minatinc ublic will hold "fatt fo that which is good , " aid the Gullmette Pad more than holdi 1U own. It cures 11 kiiney dU asei and succeeds where medicln * if ( n f atli. Ask your druggist it thU U not so. We Beat France n the articles of teeth presorvativea. Chose Frenchmen are wonderful work men. Their fancy goods astonish , > ut they have never produced the peer of SOZODONT as a toilet arti- slo. It stands alone , unapproachable. There ia no tooth preparation so well known as SOZODONT. "It holds on hke Grim Death , " has been altered to read , "It holds like SPALDINO'H OLUE Facts that We Know. If you sro suffering with a severe cough , cold , asthma bronchitis , con sumption , loss of voice , tickling in : he throat , or any affection ot the throat or lung * , we know that DR. KINO'S NEW DISCOVERY will give you immediate relief. We know of hun dreds of cases it has completely cured , and that where all other medicines had failed. No other remedy can show one-half as many permanent cures. Now to give you satisfactory proof that DR. KINO'S NEW DISCOV ERY will cure you of Asthma , Bron chitis , Hay Fever , Consumption , Se vere Coughs and Colds , Hoarseness , or any Throat or Lung Disease , if you will call at J. K. ISH Druo- Store you can get a trial bottle free of coat , era a regala- size bottle for $1.00 janlGly(2) ( Bucmen'B arnica Salve The BEST SALVE In the world for Outs , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sorea , Tetter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve Is guaranteed to give perfect satiafac- tlod in every case or money re tended. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by dlv -T. K ISO. Omah * CHICAGO SHOT TOWER 00. Manufacturers of STANDARD SHOT ' BB SURE TO BUY IT. THE BEST IN MARKET. E. W , BLATCHFOKD & CO Manufacturer ! ot Lead PiM , < < he tand Bar Lc.d Block Tin , Plpa ana Soldtr , LlP § d Oil and OU Cake. ORDERS SOLICITED. 70 NORTH CLINTON ST. . CHICAGO Mpiteodtf Ait tha reooT- ttnnggufferero , vic tims ot favor and * tae , the mercurUI diseased patient , ho'hoy recovered health , tLoorful Spirits and oed Appetite ; they will tell you hy tak ing Smko.iV Livaii EMULATOR. The Cheapest , 1-nrcst mid Best ramllyjfo.il. the ia the World. For DYSPEPSIA. CONSTIPATION. Jauodicr Billions Attacks , 31CK HEADACHE , Colic. De presslon of Spirits , SOUR STOMACH Heir Burn , Etc. , Ktc. This unrivalled Southern Rcruedv la * rrante.i not to ( .ontalu aslnffle particle of MuRCURT. or anv Injurious mineral eubstancc , but Ij Purely Vegetable. containing these Southern Roots nJ Herbs , which an all-wlse Providence has placed ID lountrleg where Liver Disease moat prevail It will cuie nil Diseases caused by Derangement of the Liver and Bowels. TBB SYMPTOMS ol Liver Complaint arf a bitter or bad taste In the mouth ; Pain in the Back.Sldesor Jolnta.often mistaken forUheuma- tlam ; Sour Stomach : Lo a of Appetite ; Bowfis n'ternateiy ' coatheaud lax ; Headache ; Loss of Memory , with a painful sensation of hating fall ed to do something which oniht to hare been done Debility , Low Spirits , a thick jellow ap pearance of the skin and Eyca , a dry Couirh of. ten mbtaken f-r Consumption. Sometimes man ) of those symptoms attend the disease , at othera very fewbut ; the Liver , the largest organ In the body , 1 eenerally the seat of the ilia Mae. and if not reiruHted in tlmc.ifreat suHcrini , ' , wretchedness and death will ensue. I can recommend as an etflcacloua remedy for disease of ths Liver , Heartburn and Dyspepsia , Simmons' Llvr Regulator. Lewis O Wunder , 1625 Master Street , Assistant Post Master , I'ulladelpn'a. "XVe have tebtod Its virtues , personally , and know that for Djspepsia , Bllllousneas , and Throbbintf Headache , it is the best medicine the world ever saw. We have tried forty other remedies before Simmons' Liver Rettnlator , but none of them cave us more than temporary re ef : but the Regulator not only redeved , bu cnred tn. " Editor TcligMpn and Mesaeier , i , Oa. WARDrACTtTRID ONLY Bt J. H. ZEILIN & CO. , Prl i > ' . vo ix.ld by all DrnlBta. Je > pt4eodawly A CHEMICAL MARVEL. Though a thou and loitrues awar > e tzer'iiToiiic _ fountain fmm. Wo cm drink the Baino tnnla . In our f ir-off Western houira. Thaiika to Clicinistry'a * pe 1 In an ii slant presto' pasa ! Fresh as from the hUn : ; uell Seltzer buhblca In the Una' TARKA\T"S PUKR APKKIKM OUes the r.re elixir birth , Heilthful as the H lid sent Flashing , fr..m tha breast of Karth. Time and di-tince , uliat are tlicv ? When Art thin can repro'uie Sprinica a thouiaii I leigue- aj , K.ir the siLkmiu'tt Instant nee' SOLD B > AM. DHUOfISTSJ ! HOME TESTIMONY. Hear what Ex Mayor Oiney , an ipflnentla and prominent citizui of PHHI * . s \ - < : I'NOA , O . l ) cemtr . 1S79 The DR. lioiANKO HUD CISK Co , Piqiii , O OEVTLIMK.N I fiel under nun > obll.atlona to you for the relief affonle I me I v the uaeo' your Invahiablu uieillunOr IL.aanko'rt Illieumatic Cure. I havbeen fur many \ca a a iufferer from Chronic Itheiunatuin , suffering ' timer most excruciating [ Kjiiis , anil deprivinjf mu ol manj nights' Meen After conanltliu a numlier of physicians and nlitilnin ; no relief , 1 com menced uaiiifr your rheumatic Cure and aftei using four bottles , mid taking tha Blood Purifier in couucotion with it , I jm absoliitel ) aired , free from any pnui , able to attend to my bu'iness.and resting perfe tly comfortable at nlitht. Respectfully jourj , S. n OARVEY FRBE Dr. BoianWi Treatiie o-i Rhrumo tiim aiul filet tent on application Address The Dr , Bosanko Medicine Oo. PIQbA , OHIO. C. . P. OOODM4N , m24.Jtwt > Aiffnt Omaha Defensive Medication It a precaution wh'ch should ncter be ne 'ect- ed when danger is present , and Uierifore a course of the BlttTS at this season is particular ly desirable , especially for the fee Ic and sickly. As a remedy for bihousneds , dj siKjpaia , ner > ou > ness , and bowel complaints , there ia nothing comparable to this wholesome re-turathe For sale hv all Drurelata ana Dealers generally < T 'Tila weak. 112 a day ai nome easily made.Ccsl U > ' 6ontfltfreo. Addrom Trae&Co. Portland , U ATTENTION , BUILDERS AND CON TRACTORS. The owner of the celebrnteJ Kaolin IJanks , near LOUISVIL1 E , NEB. , has now ready at the depot nt Louisville , on the B. & M. railroad , to till anjr order at reasonable prices. 1' r- tiea deairing a wliito front or ornamental brick will Jo well to give u a call or Bend for sample. J. T. A. I5OOVEK , I'rop. , Txitinvllla. Nab SANTA OLAOS FOUND. Greatest IJidcovery or tde AKe Wonuerfuldld < .otericsln the world lave been made Among o th or things where Santa C'laus stajcd , Children oft < uk If he makeu vowljor not , If really he 1KC3 In a mountain of snow. List year an Scurslon gnlleil clear to the Pola And suddenly dropped into what seemed lilc tholt Where wonder of wonders they found a now land , VTbile fair-like beings npnrireil on each hand. There vrcro mountains like oura , with more beautiful irrcen , And far brighter skies than ever were seen , Birds with the hues of a rainbow were found , While flowers of exquiiite fragrance were wow Ing around. Not long were they lift to wonder in doubi A beinz soon came the/ hail heard much alKJUt Twas Santa Claus' self and thifthcy all say , Hclaoked like the picture f tsee every d y He drove up a team that looked very queer , Twas a team ttfrasshoppers instead of reindeer Ho rode In a shell Instead of a sleigh , But he took them on toircl and drove then away. Ho showed them all u\cr his wonderful rcilrn , And factories making goods for women nd men Furriers were working on hata great and email , To Bunce's the- , said they were smiling them all toll Kingle , the Glove Makertold them at once All our Gloves we are acndins : to Uunce , Santa showed them sugpendent and many thing ! more. Saying I alae took these to Mend Bunco's store. Santa CUita then whispered a accrct he'd tell , An In Omaha every one knew Ranee well , He therefore should send his ( reads to bis care , Knowing his frierds will get their full share. Now remember } e dwellers In Omaha town , All who want unwnti to Tunce'a go round , For shirts , collars , or glove * great and small , Send your Bister or aunt one and all. Bunce , Champion Uitter of the West , OJC fn Ctfinperdiy at home. Samples wort tPD II ) Cp/iUj5 / ! free. Addroea Stloson & Co. Pnrtlaml. Ualna. I5.A. FOWLIK. FOWLER & SCOTT , ARCHITECTS. DeaUiui fur building o ( any das rlption o ; ezlhlbltion at our office. We have had over t years experience in duugnlag and superintend ID < public building and rejldencea. I'lans u tstlmatea tarnished on shc/t notlc UDOM 1 trvtOV IU.OCK m20-6r SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WEEKLY BEE , The Beat in theJWeBt. I Chicagoortliuiesterii 2,380 MILES OF ROAD.t ' It la the SHORT , SURE and Safe Roato Between' COUNCIL BLUFFS AND CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE and all polnU EAST and NORTH IT OFFERS THE TRAVELING PDBUC GREATER FACILITIES AND MORE ADVANTAGES THAN ANY OTHER ROAD IN THK WEST. It la thr ONLY ROAD b tween COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO UpfD which la run PULLMAN HOTEL OAKS ! In addition , to thamaud to please alt clinics of travelers. It elvw FIRST-CLASS MRALS t Iti EATING STATIONS at 50 cent * each. ITS TRACK IS STEEL RAILS I ITS COACHES ARE THE FINEST ! ITS EQUIPMENT FIRST CLASS If you wish the Best Traveling Accommoda tions you will buy your ticket by thil Koute tS-AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER All Ticket Aeenta can sell vou Through Ticket * via this road and Check canal Bag gage free of Charge OMAHA TICKET OFFICES 12J4 Famhara St , Cor. llth , and at Union Pacific Dtpot DENVER OFFICE In Colorrdo Central and Union r. ta TlrU.t own . SAN FRANCISCO OFVICE 2 Naw Montgom. ry Street. For Information , folders , mapa , etc. , not ob tainable at Home Ticket Grace , addreaa any agent of the Company , or KARVIN HUCHITf , W. H STENNITT , Gent VUnaittr , Genl Paa . A nt. CBICAGO , ILL. JAMES T. CLARK , Genl Aic't Omaha * Conadl Blufla. SHORT LINE ± S8O. K. C.ST. JOt&C.B.R.R. . . , . & . . . . , Is the only Plrect tine to 8T. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OMAHA and the WEST No i hanice of can 'xitni < on Omaha and St. Lou3 ! and hut une between OuLtha a'ld New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TUAINS Eastern & West * " n Cities Vlth lens charxm ) and In a Ivsnco of otliur tluea riiis entire Una b equlpi-ed with fullman'a I-oIacuS cepinc Cam. Palace Day Coicli- en.SHller'a tiiMy PUtfumi irnl Coupler mid the ceIel > riU > d tSTSKK THAT YOUU TICKKT ltHAlS-B City. St. Joseph i U IL. Tlckt's 1'ir sale at all con | > t > n gtatlona ( n the J K KMINAHD. A C. DAWEd , Oen'I Sui t. . flen'I IV . & n ket Ait't St Joaoyh.Mo ft Jostph , Mo. W C SKACIII'.lr T. Ticket Alton. . ill Fifteenth Street , hetwren Kamham and Tonia.Union ! Klock , Omiha. JOS.TEIION , A n BARNAUP. Ps Agent , Oin ilia. Cleu'rl A tent , Ouuha SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AND St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old nelttb'e Simis Vity Iloute I 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE ! From COUNCIL BLUFFS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULTJTH , or BISMARCK , And all polntuln No-them Idwa , Minnesota and Dakota. Thl * Una U equipped with the Im proved \VmjtInjhou3O Automatic Air Brakes and Miller Platform Coupler and Buffer And for SPEEDSAFETY AND COMFORT U unsurpassed. Eletrant Drawing Room nd Sleeping Cara.ownud and controlkd by the com pany , run Through With nt Ohango between Union 1'aciflc Transfer Depot , Council Blnffg , and St. Paal. Trains leave the Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Council Bluffs , at 5:15 p m. . reaching Sioux City at 10:20 p. m. , and St. Paul at HAS a. m , making . S-TEN HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY UTHEK ROUTE. Returning , leave St. Paul at 3:30 p m . ar- rhlig at Sioux City at 4 : S i m. . and Union Pacific Tran < rcr Depot , Council Bluffs , at 9:50 : r. m. Be suru th it j our tickets read via "d. C. & P. K. R. " F. C. HILLS. Superintendent. Missouri Valley. Iowa P. E. KOBINSON. Ass't ( Jen 1 Pasa A < ent. J. II. 0-BRYAN , Southwestern Freight and Pag enjrer Agent. my20 tf Council Blnffg THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars ! CHICAGO QURLINGTON & Q UINCY With Smooth ar.d Perfect Trark , Elegant P - senier C'tacheg. and PULLMAN SLEEPINGDINING CARS It is acknowledged by the Press , and ill wko travel uv.r It , 10 bo the Beat Appointed and Best Managed Foad In the Country. PASSBNGBRS QOING- EAST Should bear In mind that thU 1) the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points East. North nnd Northwest. Passengers by this Route hare choice of FOUR DUTEEENT ROUTES , And the Advantage of Six Dally Lines of Palace Sleeping Can from Chicago to New York City Without Change. All Kxpreos Trains on this line are equipped with the Westing house Patent Air Brakes and Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Couplers , the most Perfect I'ro- tectlon Against Acci- denttt In the world. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING AND D NIHG CABJ Are run on t eBurilngton Route. Information concerning Routes , Rates , llm * Connection * , etc. , will be cheerfully gtvt-n by app ! ) int ; i > t the office of the Purllngton HouU , 51 < Kourtentn Street , Omaha , Nebraska. C. E PERKiNS. 0 W. HITCHCOCK. flen'I Manager , Gen. West'n Pass Aic't. J. 0. PIIILLIPPI , St. Joe. . Uo. General Atcent , Omaha. U P. DUEL , fepS-dl 'licrket Agent Omaha AVER'S CATHARTIC PILLS , For all the purposes of a , CORING t'ostictntit. Jaundice Dysjiopitia , Indlyet- tion , Dytenterv , Foul , Stomach and Breath , Heatlachf , Erytiptlai , Pile * , Rheumatism Kruption * and SI in DUeaiet , Billiautneu Liter Complaint &ToptyTetterTmnori 'and ' Salt Rheum , Warm , GoufJfeuTol- yia , ai a Dinner Pitt ami Purifying the Blood , are the most congenial purgative yet perfected , their effects abundantly Show how much tliej excel all other Fills. Tney are safe and pleasant to take , but powerful i-t cure. The purge out the foul humors from the blood ; th ulaU the sluggish or disordered organs Into Won ; and they impart health and tone to the whole being. They ucre not only the every day com plaints of every body , but formidable and danger- oiu diseases. Most skilful physicians , most em- intnt clergymen , and our best citizens , send cer tificates of cures performed , and of the great benefits derived from these Pills. They are th < safest and beft physic fur children , because mill as well as effectual. Cein ; sugar coated , they are ensy tu take ; and being purely vegetable They ar entirely harmlets. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO. , LOWEEL , If ASS. Practical and Analytical Chemist ! Sold by all Druggists and Dealers ii Medicine. ( TJCC a week In your own urvn. lermi ltd VDUU LUtntfrea f Mr tall. Ballatt H Co. Pcnland. M TWO DOLLARS WILL SECUR1 THE WEEKLY BEE For One Year. TIKE G-IRIEI.A.T APPETIZER SURE CURE For COUGHS , COIxDS , BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA , CONSDMf TION , and all Diseases of th. THROAT and LUNGS. the.kllown rM liv addintf t. , TOLU ROCK and RYE a ( lit c zer nd Tonic , for n.rAl and fatmh u. Th Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. CAMTIRN . . .IX > N" THE DECEIVED by unprl ci | . . Ml d krt * ho trv to p.lmoHporr . only it-.ir7'iSn , rffjmm ° ? RSck ? "d Kye lnP ! f > ' our TOLU KOCK and BYE. which Nth. made , the GENUINE liivimr a COVERSMF.XT STAMP on < ru.h bottle v t , v.r tiuo vJutiiLuisaiouei ui auLumai itt > vtuue : TREASURY DEPARTMENT , OFFICk. OF INTEKNAL RtVENUK I , l > . C , J nmr28. . I Uerara. LAWREKCE & MARTIN. 1111 Mail son St. , Chicago , ll's. ' . GixrLsxsf : Thia compound , m the opinion of this otHce , oould hate a gnttitient < | Uanti\ , the BALSAM OF TOLU to > .ite it all the i han'act-s ascn'iwl ti > lhn aricle in ixjctorat compliut < whilethe whisky and the lyrup constitute an emulsion rendcnnc it an aitreeable rcrcet \ to thi patient. CompoundeU at.cfirdinir tn thu funimls. it majinipcrly becl-uxxt a * i Mt Dll I\AL PREPARATION under the provfioni of U S R > t e < l SUU'tt * . and when > * tampv < I rcix e told by DrucUtg. Apothecaries and Other Pf rsons nitnout rtnderin them luble to pjy pv'lal tax aj liquor dealers Yours Rcspectf ullj. ( Mine.l ) GREEN. B. RAUM , CommltJsJlonor LAWRENCE & . MARTIN. Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by PRnGQISTS. GEOGEES and DEALERS everywhere WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GFOCRAPHY O < CHIS COUNTRY. Mrn SEE BY EXAMINING THIS. MAP , THAT THE CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R , IS THE GREAT COXNECTIXH LIXK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE Wfr.S * lu main lin runs fn n ( . 'hlcoit Council Uluffi , pu."lnic thrnuKh Juliet. < ) ttc < rn. 1..1 Millie. Ueneseo. Mollne , Ki-ck Ulitnd , IaTenp- , Wjit Liberty , lowiCity.Mttrent.o. Ilrooklyn. Crlnncil. 1)08 Molncs ( the capital of low.u. Stuart. Atlun- tlc. and Avncn ; with branches from Ilur nu Junction to IVorla : Wilton Junction toMusca- tlr.e. Woshlmrton. talrUeld. KIrton. llclknnp , Centravllle. 1'rtnceton. Trenton. Uiillatln. CamH- rnn. Leavenworth. Atchlaon. and Ka.Tna Citr ; Washington tv Sitfnurney , Ustcaloosii. and Knox- vllle : Keolur to Faralmnon. Uonaparte , Bcn- tonaoort. Independent. Kldon. Uttumirn. EUdr- TlllpOakbliM > ia 1'elln , Monroe , and Des Moinea ; Nnwton to Monroe : Orfo.MolncsitoIncIliinnlannil Wlnieraot : Atlantic tn Lewis ana Audubon ; and A-oca to llarlan. ThM Is poaitlrelr the onlr Kallroad , which owns , and operates a through line from Chtauto Into the * tate of Kansns. ThruuKh Expre-w PrisstTKer Train * , with Inll- iian ' 'nlucei ur attached , are run each way dally between CHICAGO and I'EOUIA. KA.NSAH crrv , CODhCIL ULVm. 1 , = 5AVI.VWORTII and ATCHl- MN. ThronghcarsarealoornnbetweenMi'"au- lee nnd Knnnaa City , via the "Milwaukee ant ] Knck Island Hlw * Line. " The "Great V.ock Island" la mnicnitlcentlr quipped. Its road bed Is simply perfect , and its track Is laid with itecl rail * What will please jou moat will be the pleasure of enjoying your meils , while passing over the beautiful prairlei of Illinois and Iowa. In one of our magnificent Dlnlnir Cars that accompany all ThrouKlt Kxpresn Tnins. Vou net an entlra meal , as Rood as Is nerved In liny Brat-class hotel , rorsevomy-Hvo cent ? t ppreclatlmr the fait that a majnrltr of the people prefer separate apartii.i-nta fordifferent purposes ( and tha tmmensu iusiinut r bu ine"1 * of this line warranting it ) we un > pl < used to an nounce that this Company runs I'ullmiin I'llticc Can for sleeping purposes , and I'llace I IMningCart foreatlmrpurp" < nly ' ( Treat fentare of aur i'alucu Care N n y a A LOON * heroTou can eujoy your "il at nil hours or the day. MaunlHcent Iritn lirldtfeu apnn the M s and Missouri rivers at all polntn cnmtHl . line , and transfers are ) avoided nt funnel. ' . Kanaa * < Ity , Leavenworth. anil Atctilsm nectlnn * belnKmado In Union IM'nnt * . TUK [ MtlNClfAh It. It. CONNKCTIOi THIS OUEAT T11UOUUU J.I.SB AH" . I-OLI.OWS At I'niCAUo. with all dlveruln"llnot > u . East and South. At KMILIWOOD , with thoL.3. A.M.S > > < ' it. vr.&v It-ltan. " W U K. Jt. AtU SALLF. wi. i III. Cent. K. K. AtrxoiltA. wllh l P. Al.PDAE a W . 111. Mlt ] . , BDdT.P.A W. Hd < At ItDtK IXLAVII with "Mllnankee a n. bland JUort Line. " and Kock Iura A Pec iif At DAVEVPOHT , with the Davenpurt i - i % a.M.St.P K.K. At WESTLIUEKTTVwlththeli , t It. . * % AtliHONELt.rlth Central lowu K. It. AIDES MoiMd.with I > M.AK I > It. n At OCNCII. KMJFTS.wlth Lnlon I'nciHl At OMAHA , with B. &Mo. It. lt.lt. In Neo. AtCoLtmiiUifJracTIuV.wi'thll.l ' K AIS cWi At OTTl'MWj. witn Ventr l Iowa II 8t. UPacandf. U.&IJ It. ltd * At KroKUK.wlthToi. l'ei .AWar. : V Lours A I'ac. . and bt. U. Keo 4 N.-W. H At IAMEKOV , with H.SUJ It. It. At ATCUIROV. with Atch . Tnpnkn * bn > v Atch A Neb. and Cen. Ur. U. P It. Itds. At I.EAVB.vwoUTH , with Kan. Pad. > ni x * . Cent 1C-ltd * . At KAtsAl ClTT.with all lines for tn. * i and feotithwcst. PITljlWAK I'A..ACE CAKS iff run thriiuirh to ITOlEIItFM WU COIT.NCKI. HI.TJKFS. KA.NSAH CITY. A TCHlfoX. and l7EAVK.OILTli r ' * Ticket * vlu thU l Ine. known 111 the 'Mlr ut-vJtocU I.IunU Route. " uie. are o ! < . . . II Ticket Arenti In the UnlC.J Htatr. i.nd Citnailn. For Information not obtainable ut your home ticket offlce. addmi. A. ICZAIBjVIjTj. 12. SIT , JOIII * Uen'l HuperlntendenL. Ueul Tkt. ajd 1'ass'ui A < v. Chtovn FURNITURE BEDDING FEATHERS , , , And evorjncning portammg to the Funs i cure upholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSORTfVSENT OF HEW GOODS AT THE 1208 uncl 1-210 Furnliaiii Improved Buckeye Combined Riding Corn Cultivator F O IR 1 88O. MANUFACTURED BY P. P. MAST & CO. , SPRINGFIELD , They also make Buckeye Improved Iron tfeam Walking Cultivator , with or without Sj rings. The New Force Feed IJnckeyc Drill , one or two llor.se Enquire tor them at the best dealers. R H. PUGH. Gen. Agent , Umahu , Neb CURES RHEUMATISM. CURES COUGHS and COLDS CURES EHEUMATISM , CUP.Erf COUGHS and COLDS CURES SORETHROAT.CURFS DYITTTERiA. CURtS LAM BACK anrl STIFF JOISTS CURES LAMF BACK , and STIFF JOIST * . CURES B1 IN" , CUTS and FEKCISE8. CURES B RSS , CUTS nnd RItUISKS. SOLD IS OMAHA BY ALI. DRUGGISTS. t3"0o to Tour .Prueglrt for Mi Freman > Now National Djw. For Imghtnena ndtlt \ * - blllty of color tb y are auoqiulle.1 Color 2 to , crlco IS c uti. NERVOUS DEBILITY > Vital Weaknefwind " , , „ . Humphreys I n from v < rw ric R n In ! ! > 20y nrsCI- . _ „ : ! ! _ KTn OQ u the in..it sue OptJL1111llU' 6Q' c asful remedy known. Price H | * r vial or * " vlalx and lar a vial of nowtlerfur j.r , u fitM > 4taife free on receipt of price. UOHMIItKV'3 1 IIOMEO. MED CO , ' 09 Fulton St. . New V rk liluit. rata u * of Recel | < t DK. A. s. PF.M EJY. CONSULTING PHYSICIAN hA3 PEKifANESTLy LOCATED HIS MED ICAL OFFICE. OMAHA .VKIIKA'iK * 193Tenth Street. - , Offariii7 his tervlcm In all detriment * ' medicine and surgery , both In ifencia ! an * p clal practicH , acuta and chmuicd n n ( ' > ba consulted night anil day. and will vl lt parti ot the city and comity on receipt of l tt