Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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NO. 57.
Established 1871 , MORNING EDITION.
Five Cens
Chicago Greatly Excited Over
the Horrible Murder of a
Beautiful Girl
By a Notorious Convict Abor
tionist , Who is Threatened
With Lynching.
aueciil DUimtch to THI lilt.
CHICAGO , August 26 1 a. m. At
2 o'clock yesterday morning two po
licemen standing on the sidewalk in
front of the entrance of Nos. 205 and
207 Wait Madison street heard a
strange rustling noise up m the hall.
One of the officers dipped upstairs
and caw the notorious Dr. Charles C.
Earll , the abortionist , recently from
the Jjliet penitentiary , where be
asrred two"years for an abortion. Dr.
Eirll had a towel in his hand and was
wiping up something from the floor in
front of his door. As soon as he saw
the officer , be went into hi * room ,
hut the door and locked it Looking
around the officer discovered & woman
lying on the floor of the hall nuder a
gaslight. Going to her be found that
ahe was dead. The other officer waa
called and the two demanded admit
tance to the room. The doctor at
first refused , but on being told that
the door wonld be broken open , final
ly admitted them. A sun af Dr. Earll ,
aged 14 yean , was found in the room
with him , and both were arrested and
taken to the sUtion house , where
they are now. One officer remained
with the corpse until the arrival of
Lieutenant Ward , and then , at 3
o'clock , proceeded to the coroner's
houae and notified him , who at once
proceeded to the place and made a
survey of the office and the surround
ings. The dead woman was young
and evidently beautiful , about 20
yean of age , with a plump , ripe fig
ure. She was attired in a checked
browu silk ; her black hair was well
kept ; complexion very fair and in
clined to freckles ; and eyes black ,
large and lustrous. She had a bottle
of chloroform in her hand. The theory
of the coroner is that the young woman
died in the doctor' * hands , while the
latter was trying to deliver her of a
child ; that death took place early that
evening , and that the doctor then
dressed her and placed her in the Lall
with a view of diverting suspicion
from himself and to other * . Ia an in
terview in the station house , Dr. Eatll
nuid that the woman , whoso name he
did not know , had repeatedly asked
him to < vomuiit an abortion upon her.
lie claims to have refused , but finally
pretended to do so , and , while 10 en
gaged , the girl died. The cause of
death , he thought , was heart diiease.
lie did not give her the chloroform
and did not see that she had it , until
he took the body out in the hall not
knowing what to do. He protested
that his son was innocent of any
knowledge of the affair and the state
ment of the boy was to the same ef
A- woman called at Dr. Earll'i office
yesterday morning , and being shown
tbe rings immediately went into hys
terics. The body of the girl waa
as that of Ella A. Carl , of G28
West Like street , where she lived
with ber mother and an invalid broth
er. She left home Tuesday evening ,
ostensibly to visit friends on Madison
treet. Not returning during the
night , her mother became alarmed
und , in the morning , net out in search
nf her. Seeing a crowd in front of
Earll's otlicc , she inquired what was
the matter , aud being told that there
was a dead girl , she went in , and see
ing her daughter's bonnet , immedi
ately went into hysterics. A post
mortem examination showed that an
abortion had been committed.
Lynching is being talked of.
The victim , El'a A. C.irl , was an
attractive girl of 10 , and eatntd a live
lihood by sewing. She had clande
stine meetings with a > mo y ung man ,
whose identity appecrato lie unknown
by the mother or police Thia young
man gave her a uold watch , a neck-
1 ice and rings and succeeded in ruin
ing her. She visited Dr. Eirll and be
demanded § 25 for procuring uu abor
tion. Shu gave her gold watch as se
curity , and , further , surrendered her
life aa A penalty for submitting to the
criminal operation.
The physicians , who made the post
mortem examination , tpstited that
the heart and lungs were in good con
dition and that death resulted from an
attempted abortion. The coroner's
jury held Dr. E rll for the crime with
out bail to uwait the action of the
grand jury , but his son was dis
charged. The police are trying to
find the young man who was the
cause of the girl's sad death. The re-
maim will probably be Interred at the
expense of the Grand A my of the
Republic , as Miss Carl'n father was a
member of thai . .rder. The family
came from Ocon mowoc , Wis Dr.
Earll has an um in i tMe reputation as
nabortionist. In 874 he murdered
a beautiful youtij ; gal , namedRosetta
Jackson , from Mnaatown , Wia. , by
the same nefariouj process. He
served in the penitentiary for tha.
and was afterwatdi prosecuted for
procuring an abortion upon Mary
.Alorgan , but escaped puuUhmeut.
Tammany does It Alone.
h cCUl IHiH tct > to The bee.
NEW YORK , August 2C , 1 a. m.
John fl. Colby , president of the Tam-
tnaoy state committee , was in their
Headquarters yesterday aud signed the
cull for the
Tammany state conven
tion to be held at Albany. He taid
that he did not think that the nom
ination of aucb importance ai that of
judge of the court of appeals can
eafely be entrusted to any commit
tee. He thinks that the tegular dem
ocratic committee , which meets tomorrow -
morrow , , will adjourn and at a subse
quent meeting n'nally decide to call a
state convention after all. Tammany
intends to hold its convention no matter -
_ ter what course m y be pursued bj
"tho other wing of the party , and hit
wing would probably nominate Judge
Itapallo for judge of appeali. Thej
jlid not propose to be a fifth wheel U
I he dem jcratic coach.
End of a Minnesota Feud.
1 l > iap tch to TBB lilt
McGttEGOU , Ia. , August26 1 a. m ,
News comes from Austin , Minn. ,
that Judge Page was shot in his houti
Tuecday night by an unknown aasaa
* in , killing him instantly. He had ,
Jor vean , been the principal charac
ter In a great political broil and reltg
iou feud that haa agitated and divldec
all toutbern Minnesota.
Special Dlipatch to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , August 26,1 a m.
John A. Kasson , of Iowa ; U. S.
minister to Austria , arrived hero yes-
.erdayand had a crnferencp with the
resident and secretary of state. Mr.
i aajon will go to Iowa very shortly
to take part in-the campaign in that
state. After election Mr. Kasson will
return to Yienna and then tender his
resignation and , as noon after as he
can settle hia affairs , ho will return to
the United States.
Minister Maynard and Poatmaiter
General Key called and tendered their
resignations to the president yester
day. The president delivered to Mr.
Uaynard his commission as poatmas-
er general , and he ia now installed
at the postoftico'department. A large
lumber of person * called upon Judge
ey , expressing their regrets for his
ratinnent and well wishes for his fu-
nre. Later Judge Key was waited
upon by a committee of the officers
and employes of the poatoftice de-
> artment and escorted to a room
where they were all in waiting to bid
heir old chief good-bye. Resolutions
ireviomly adopted , referring with re-
; ret to hii retirement , were read , af-
er which a speech was made by As
sistant Poatmaater General Tyner , to
which Judge Key made a brief re
Gen. Drum and several officers
of the signal oth'co , leave to-day to
attend the funeral of the late Gen.
The acting secretary of the treaa-
ury has ordered the purchase of two
and a half million bonds on account
of the sinking fund.
So far this month , there has been
[ rawn out of the treasuiy about
54,000,000 on account of pensions.
The public debt statement to be is-
uod September 1st will show a re-
luction of between ten and twelve
Secretary Ramsay will leave the
city Friday morning for St. Paul. He
will join the president at Omaha and
accompany him on his western trip.
SWcIiJ | Jinpitch to The Bee.
LONDON , August 20 , 1 a. m. The
hruo representatives of the Anglo-
American and Direct cable companies ,
who have been in Paris endeavoring
0 negotiate some kind of working ar
rangements with the Payer Quartter
company , left for London yesterday.
Che latter company having definitely
rejected all their propositions , it is
now understood that the opposition
letween them will be continued at the
old rates.
A dispatch from Dublin to the
TitnM Bay * : Some additional alarm
may , perhaps , be produced it. regard
; o the state of Ireland , among people
at a distance , by the disclosures of
Feuianianiim made by the correspondent
pendent of The New York Herald in
[ reland. Very few , however , will be
alanmd , or believe , it to be import
ant. A secret society of Irish repub
licans does exist , but it is compara
tively harmless. Such an organiza
tion his attractions for extreme , fa
natical enthusiasts. It is evidently
recognized by the Parnellitea , but an
association of fanatics is an associa
tion of essentially discontented men
and they are beginning to grumble at
the emallness ot their share of tlory ;
of the anti-English agitition. Neith
er 'itself , or its organs the pres. ,
re thriving financially. The Par-
nelllte organization is mucb more im
Parnell has sent a telegram from
the houae of commons expressing re-
jret that only some thirty members ,
or leas than one-half of the Irish par
ty , were present in the house on Mon-
pay. Ample notice was given that
the Irish constabulary estimates would
be taken up at that sitting and an ur
gent whip was issued tn each member.
Aa several days must elapse before the
estsmates can be carried , Mr. Parnell
thinks that more members will be
present when they can do efficient ob
Special Dlipatch to The Bee.
GLASGOW , August 20 1 a. m.
Jas. Allen , founder and chief proprie
tor of the Allen line of steamers , died
yesterday at his residence in Skel-
marlie , Scotland. Mr. Allen had
auiassbda large fortune as a merchant
before he entered thu steamship busi
ness. For some years after the start
ing ot hia first trans-Atlantic line , a
aeries of mis'ortuuea attended it and
a number of his steamers were lo t in
rapid succession. He replaced his 1 ( at
hips with better ones and manned
them with botUr officers and crews
till his line became one of the beat
aud safest. He was highly esteemed
as a man of business and a citizen.
Sp cUl Dispatch < o the HER.
CORK , August 2G 1 a. m. At an
auction , yesterday , of an evicted ten
ant's farm at Newmarket , near this
citythe agents of the land league pre
vented those present from bidding for
the properly
Another Accidental Pistol.
dped&l Dispatch to The Bee
SAX FRANCISCO , August 20 , 1 a. m.
Samuel Chalfant , on trial for the
murder of Josiah Bacon at Baldwin's
hotel in April , ' 79 , seta up for a de
fence that the pistol went off acci <
dentally. Bacon was agent for the
Vulcanite company , and threatened
Chalfant for infringement of patenl
without compensation. The case will
ba concluded to-day.
A team from the military divisior
of the Pacific will leave for Creed-
moor to-day to shoot in the interna
tional military match.
Dick Adams' Career.
SpecUl DitpUch to Tbe Bee.
DEADWOOD , D. T. , August 20 1 a
m. Richard 0. Adsrnt , the defaulting
postmaster , whose trial had just endac
and who was to have been aentencec
yesterday , escaped from the cua ted ]
of the marshal Tuesduy night
Adams's caretr has been disgraceful
and bis leaving of the Hills is but j
repetition of his exit from rariou
1 ther places. A large reward will b
offered for hia capture.
Sitting Bull's Indian ? .
Special dispatch to The Bee.
OTTAWA , Canada , Auguat 26 1 a.
m. Major Walah , of the northwest
mounted police , arrived here yester
day. He left Wood Mountain June
13th , and at that time Si'ting Bull
was peaceable and quiet. He was sur
prised t General Miles' report of Au-
{ ust 20.h , as Sitting Bull -.promised
lim that he would placu no obstacle
in the way of any of hia tribe who de
sired to return to the United States.
3e thought it very likely that the In
dians had banded together to hunt
juffalo and , in which case , no one it
allowed to withdraw without the
council deciding to abandon thu hunt.
Buffalo frequent the aoulh side of the
tf issnuri and it ia probable that some
of the Indians desire to cross that
stream to hunt them , which Sitting
3ull has refused to allow. He ia de
scribed by Major Walah as the moat
> lucky , intelligent and energetic 3 v-
> ge living , and that ho will never
consent to sunender unconditionally
0 the United States authorities. He
s 48 years old and has had five wives
hree of u horn aru now alive. He haa
a small family , consisting of three
laughters and one son.
The eighth annual convention of
he North American St. George's Un-
on met here yesterday. Considerable
liscuasion arose relative to the adrnia-
iion of the order of the S ns of St.
ioorgo to the Union , a majority of
hemeinbera opposing it on the ground
hat the Sons of St. George was a se
cret society , the Union being an open
organization. The matter waa finally
referred to the executive committee
A session was held in the evening ,
ho topics of discussion being how to
mpri.\othe efficiency of the society' *
work. Adjourned till thia forenoon.
Sour Masn Bunged.
Dispatch to The Bee.
PANA , 111. , August 20 1 a. m.
leneral John McDonald , of whiaky
ing notoriety , was arrested and
irought here upon a state warrant.
1 is rumored that the arrest was made
at the instance of Col. Fred Grunt ,
and that the charge is criminal libel ,
> aaed upon the recent publication of
xtr. cta from McDonald a whisky ring
Social Dispatch to The Bee |
CHICAGO , August26 , la. m. A re-
> orter of the national associated press
'esterday called on Col. Fred Grant
o ascertain the truth in regard to the
report that Gen. McDonald's arrest
ivas at his instance. Col. Grant was
not in , being absent from the city at
Iana to meet hia parents , who were
expected to arrive home from their
tlocky Mountain tour. Other officers
at headquarters knew nothing about
the arrest of Gen. McDoaald , but felt
confident that the Grants did not
lave anything to do with it.
Special Dispatches to TUB BIL
PANA , III , August 26 1 a. m.
Che cause of the arreat of Gen. John
A. McDonald was the charge of John
Jpchurch , of this place , that McDon
ald drew a revolver on him and as
saulted him. In the city court Mc
Donald pleaded guilty to disturbing
he peace , and he waa fined $25 and
Big Atlantic Gale.
Special Dispatch to Iha Bee.
NEW YO K , August 26 1 a. m.
The storm yesterday , which was ac
companied by terrific wicd , did much
damage in the upper part of the city ,
and one man was t truck by light
ning and killed. The gale along the
coast was terrific , aud it is feared that
many vessels have foundered. The
storm sprung suddenly and gave ves
sels but little chance to seek a harbor.
A yacht owned in thia city was cap
sized in Rockaway inlet , during the
gale , and six men on board were
drowned , one being saved.
Qarfleld Witb Hia Old Regiment.
Special DUpatch to The Bee
CLEVELAND , 0. August 20 1 a. m.
Gen. Gatfield , accompanied by Gen
erals Sheldon , Pardee , Meyer , Leggett -
gett aud McMillan , Judge Welraer ,
Postmaster Sherwin , U. S. Marshal
Goodspeed , Congressmen Townsend ,
ex Senator Dorsey , secretary of the
national republican committee , and
others , went to Ashland yesterday
in a special car to attend the reunion
of hia old r gimpnt , the Forty-
second Ohio. Arriving there at 7
o'clock he waa met by ail immense
crowd of veterans. The town was
profusely decorated in honor of the
event. At the business meeting Garfield -
field was elected president. Galien
was selected as the next place of meet
ing. The party returned to Cleveland
last evening and Garfield went home
to Mentot.
Signs of tbe Timee.
Special illipatch to Till BIL
CINCINNATI , 0. , August 20,1 a. m.
The deaf mutes of America are hold
ing a convention at Bellevue house ,
the object being the social olevatioL of
their class. Addresses were made by
Edward Booth , temporary chairman ,
and others. The following officers
were selected : President , Robert
Gregoor , Ohio ; five vice presidents ;
secretary , S. A. dodgson , of New
York , andGaorpe M. Doughtrty , of
Mo. ; treasurer , R. B. Lawrence. All
proceedings were conducted in the
sign language.
Spedal dispatches to The Bee.
CHICAGO , Auguat 26. The weatern
branch-of the republican national com
mittee held a secret session yesterday ,
Senator Logan in the chair. Nothing
leaked out concerning the meeting ,
except that an auxiliary committee
was appointed.
Denial of Civil Rlghte.
Sped * ! Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YORK , August 25 , 4 p. m.
B. F. Leicer has determined to make a
test case to ascertain whether any per-
s 'n can lawfully be denied accommo
dation at a public houne on account ol
his religion. Leiber alleges he was re
fused admission to St. Mark's hotel
on Staten Island for the reason that he
is a Hebrew. He has sued the pro
prietor of the hotel , Frederick Lack-
enmier for $5000 damages. The pro
prietor of St. Mark's hotel refused to
lot apartments to Mn. Dr. A. Jacob
and Dr. Felix Adler early in the sea
sen , when hotels are almost entirely
August Heat.
SpecUl DUpatch to Tn Bn.
NEW YORK , August 25 4 p. m.
The weather haa been very warm for
the paat few days and the thermome
ter indicates increased heat to-day
Five sunstrokes are reported withii
the paat24heurs.
A British Sortie , Resulting in a
Frightful Loss in Killed
and Wounded.
Bulgarian Insurgents Badly
Beaten by Roumanian
Gladstone Goes on a Tour of
Inpection Through Ire
LONDON , August 25 1 a. m. A
iipatcli from Bombay states hat in
elligence has been received there of a
ortie made by the British at Canda-
tar against a village on the east side
f the city , which has secured Gen.
it. John from further molestation on
hat side. The casualties are report-
d to have been frightfully large , con-
tstmg of eight British ofllccrs being
tilled and five wounded and 180 men
tilled. A lieutenant of the royal
lorse artillery was taken prisoner and
a now in the hands of Ayoob Khan ,
> ut is said to be well treated
t last accounts. The Afghans were
hrowing shells occasion ally and keep-
ng up the fire against the ramparts of
he city by means of sharp shooters ,
jut owing to the height of the walls ,
and few of thegarrisonbeiug exposed ,
t is said to do but little harm. The
nveatment of the place is entrusted
entirely to Candahar troops of Ayoob'a
army , together with the Gilzaria.
? he Csbuloese ar being en
camped around Ayoob's headquar-
ers , which are about three miles off
on the Herat road. There ia little
Imposition here to exult over thia
Such a victory as thia can scarcly bo
called a very brilliant success , and
especially when the object gained is
10 more than a temporary accession of
lornbardment on one side of the city ,
and that the side furthorcst away
rom the citadel , it ia a question
whether oven so much as that has
rained , inasmuch as the dispatch fiiih
o say whether the enemy actually
abandoned their ground.
pedal dlapatch to The Bee
LONDON , August 25 4 p. m. Mr.
iladatono will , on Thursday , leave
or a cruise of two weeks along the
coast of Ireland and Scothnd in the
tope of recuperating his health.
t/eclal Dispatch to the Uoo.
LONDON , August 24 1 a. tn. Mr.
Jladstonu embarks to-day on a mail
steamer for the purpose of making a
erics of short trips around the north
of Ireland and the Scottish coasts.
FhQ ostensible purpose of this journey
s to recruit his health , but it is also
lelteved that Mr. Gladstone will
Uilize hia journey by landing at
everal ports en the Irish coast , end
nforming himself more perfectly con
cerning the condition of the people and
he state of affairs by personal obser
vations and conversations.
ipoctkl Dispatch to The Bee.
BARLIN , August 25 1 a. m. The
public prosecutor has refused the
jetition of Count von Arnim for a ro-
learaingof the chargoof treason against
lim. and of which has now appealed
; o the state court.
LONDON , August 25,1 a. m. The
attorney-general , Sir Henry J&mes ,
las consented that the appeal of the
claimant in the Tichborne case should
como before the judicial committee of
; he house of lords. It is understood
; hat this is done in order that the people
ple who have favored the claimant
ihould see that the law officers of the
crown were not disposed tn block the
way to his securing any of hia so-called
rights , nor to persecute him in any
LONDON , August 25 1 a m In
; hn house of commons last ni ht Par-
nell drew attention to the rejection
by the houae of lords of thu compensa
tion bill ai adding to the overwhelm
ing proofs in favor of home. After a
debate , lasting six hours , the Irish
members interposed objections to pro
ceeding with the constabulary esti
mates , and it was then so late that
Mr. Forster ultimately consented to
postpone their consideration.
LONDON , August 25. It is reported
that the Roumanian troops on the
Dabrudja have again badly thraahed
he Bulgarian insurgents.
ROME , August 24 1 a. m. Car-
ilnal Nina is reported much worse ;
liia disease has developed into typhoid
Special dispatch to the Bee.
LONDON , August 25. The farmers
of Limerick , against the advice of the
Irish Land League , have decided to
appear and give their evidence before
the Land Commission.
The men who were arrested charged
with complicity with robbing passen
gers on board the vessel Juno , in Cork
harbor , have been discharged for
want of evidence to hold them.
Photographers' Convention.
SpecUl Dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , August 25,1 a. m. The
American protographera' association
began its convention yesterday with
an address of welcome by Mr. Cope-
lin of Chicago , and speeches from
President Ruder of Cleveland , and
others. The association has a mem
bership of 237. They attended a
stereopticon exhibition last night , and
to-day take a lake excursion , and
Thursday will conclude the session.
Railroaders On Their Ear.
Special DUpitches to The Bee.
CHICAGO , August 26 1 a. m.
Three great northwestern railway * ,
the Chicago & Northwestern , the Chicago -
cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul , and the
Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis &
Omaha , have decided to orevent ocear
steamship agents from 'selling theii
t'ckets ' to and from Chicago and Mil
waukee. Hereafter they will managt
this part of their business themaelvei
and recognize no tickets bought o ;
Base Ball.
Sped * ] Dupatch to the Use.
The following games of basa bal
were played August 25 :
CINCINNATI , August 2C 1 a , m.-
Cincinnatia 4 , Treys 3
The Very Latest Tele
grams , up to 4 p , m.
Discovery of a Gigantic Mastodon
by Chicago Scientists ,
Destructive Conflagration in
Special dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , August 25 4 p. m. The
interesting surgical experiment of
transplanting a piccu of the skin of a
lamb to the thigh of a little girl
named Agnes Shwhtu , 7uwan BO.
veruly burned in a prairie fire , was
made yesterday at the county
hospital. The burn refused
to heal , and the little girl has
lain at the point of death for
seventeen months. Almost every ex
pedient known to surgical science Las
been resorted to , to save her life. A
piece of akin from her little brother
was at first grafted on the sore , but it
did not grow. In this instance a
healthy lamb four months old is
taken and sufficient cuticle raised from
Its side to coTer the wound
on the girl , which ia twelve inches
long and four inches wide. The akin
was carefully sewed on and left at
tached at one edee ; to the Iamb. Both
lamb and child are securely fastened
in the frame or box so that they cannot
move. They are carefully fed and
watched. In ten days it is expected ,
if the operation ia a success , the lamb's
skin will have grown fast to the little
Cboned to Deata.
Special dispatch to Tna Uia.
KOKOMO , Ind , August 25 4 p. m.
A little four year old daughter of
Mr. Newberry Graves , was given a
sugar coated pill to take. The child
had the pill in the mouth and was
talking , when suddenly it slipped
through the glottis into the windpipe ,
and the child never breathed again.
Her death was instantaneous.
Destructive IFire.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
PHILADELPHIA , August 25,4 p. ra.
Shortly after four o'clock this morn
ing , the flour mill of Wm. B. Thomas
& Co. , at Thirteenth and Willow
streets , took fire. An alarm was im
mediately given and the tire depart
ment was quickly on the ground , but
owing to an insufficient supply of
water in the vicinity the fire spread
with such rapidity that it was found
impossible to stay the progress of the
flames. Soon the walla on Willow
street were seen to shake for a mo
ment and with a loud crash fell
outward , sending sparks In all
directions , but fortunately in
juring no one. The dwellings on
the opposite aide of the street caught
fire and owing to the grct heat the
firemen had to retreat Justin time to
save their lives , as the walls on Thir
teenth street fell in. A few moments
afterwards Gumport & Bros , sugar
manufactory , on the corner of Thir
teenth and Buttonwood , caught
fire and was burnt completely out.
The tenants of the dwelling houses
on Thirteenth street were compelled
to fly- for their lives by going out-tiuo
the doors on Willow street. Start &
Peterson's stove manufactory , n
very largo building , also took
fire , and for a time it was
believed that the entire stock from
Thirteenth to Broad and from Willow
to Buttonwood wovld fall a prey to
the flames. In addition , the dwelling
houses on Thirteenth street opposite
Mill Row and on Hamilton
street above 13th also caught fire and
were damaged to more or leas dxtent.
The lius will be very he ivy , not only
from the destruction of the milt , but
from the injury to the surrounding
tfpucul dispatch to TllR 1R ! .
CHICAGO , August 25 4 p. m. Chi
cago's dcieniisti are taking ieitinter
est in the mammoth b.'iiea . found in
excavating for the auwer in Wicker
park. Dr. Andrews , nf thu Academy
of Sciences , haa obtained permission
trom Mayor Harriaon t > maku further
excavations to search for the reiniiiuder
of the skeleton. The Academy had
two mastodon skeletons dtstroyed in
the great tire , and has never since
been able to abtain one. Dr. Ander
son thinks there is little doubt that
these bones belonged to : i mastodon of
enormous size. The tusk was about
seven feet in length. Further search
is to be made to-day by Dr. Anderson
and members of the historical ecclety.
If the entire skeleton is not found , it
ia hoped to get at least enouph to
have a correct idea of the proportions
of the animal and restore the remain
der by art in mounting
Wanted A first-class photograph
printer and toner at the Bee Hive
Photograph Studiu , 213 Sixteenth
street , Omaha , Neb. a8tf *
Eighth Annual Parade.
The committee of arrangements fui
the eighth annual parade of the Oma
ha Fire Depcrtmeut , met Tuesday
evening pursuant to adjournment.
The committee on finance reported
that they had in their hands , and
ready for distribution , five hundred
ball tickets.
The committee on invitations re
ported the fi llowing list of Invita
tions : The mayor , city council anc
all city officers , the city treasurer ,
Durant engine and hose company No ,
1 , and the chief and department from
Council Bluffs.
The committee on printing reporte I
five hundred tickets and programme !
The committee on oration reportet
that Mr. J. L. Webster had been in
vited to act as orator of the day , anc
that General Charles F. Mandersor
had also been invited to deliver an ad
The question of a tournament wa
disclosed at some length , and wai
voted down by a vote of eight to three
The meeting adjourned to mee
Thursday evening , August 31st , at !
p. m.
Why dose /ourselves with nanaeat
Ine medicines , when a purely frui
cathartic will core yon at once Ham
borg Finn. Try them.
Snow Flake Corn at Fleming's.
New Yorfc Money ana Stock.
WALL ST. , Niw YORK , August 25
MONET At 2l p r cent ; exchange lowe :
tft.Si@J 84.
OSB'fi'81 . 1041 U34j'g . lit
DdO'4 . 102J US4'i . 1091
Currrncy ( . . . . . . . . ;
Moderately active and advanced JglJ p i
cent , reacting J to J per cent.
W U . 108J St. P. andOmatu. . 41
: YC . 132 UP . Q-
Erie . 40 CO&IC . IS
Lake Shore . 10SJ llich. Central . 961
RI . 114J M & E . U2i
Northwestern . 100 Heading . 23 ?
Northwestern pfd.1201 I. M . 57
Pacific Hall . 4l | K. & T . 37
Ohio . 35 Quicksilver pfd. . . . 54
St. Paul . b9 11 & 0 . 133 }
St. Paul pfd . Ill Pittshurir . 121J
St.Joe . 3Si I.&X . 13oi
9t Joe pfd . 82 } N.&tC . 74J
Wab ah . 40 C.P . 76 }
Wabaah pfd . 7-J 41ton . lisj
CHICAGO , August 25
Wheat Irregular aud lower ; No 2
fell 3@o and closed at 87@87Jc for
cash ; 87 for August ; 87gc for Sep
tember ; 88jc for October ; 87c for sel
er for the year.
Corn Deo'ined J@1J ; No. 2 clo > -
ed at 38o for cash or August ;
38gc for September ; 39jc for October.
Oats Jo lower ; No 2 closing at
2GJc for cash or August ; 25jjc for
September ; 2Ggc for October ; 27ic
or November.
Rye Opened firm.but closed tame ;
No 2 sold at 7Gi@77c for cash.
Barley Quiet" but 2c higher at 80 ®
50Jc for September.
Whisky SI 10.
Mess Pork Closed at 81G 00@1G 25
for cash ; $1G95@17 00 fnr August or
September ; 816 251G 30 for October.
Lard Closed at 87 75@7 80 for
cash or August ; 87 80@7 82i for
September ; 87 007 92i for October.
Receipts , 21,610.
- m
Chicago Live Stock.
CHICAGO , August 25.
Cattle Owing to unfavorable ad
vices from New York the market for
cattle ruled dull and only a limited
number of choice to extra grades were
taken by buyers for exportation to fill
orders at 34 GC@4 75 per cwt ; there
was nothing done in any other grades
of stock up to 11 o'clock , as buyers
held off ; Texan steets were in large
supply , no sales being reported up to
that hour. Receipts , 3,105.
New Yorlc Produce Market.
NEW YORK , August 2G
Flour Heavy , and very moderate
export and jobbing trade demand ;
receipts , 22,801 brls ; round hoop
Ohio , § 4 155 00 ; choice do ,
55 15@G 00 ; superfine western , S3 40 ®
1 00common ; to good extra dodo,83 75
@ 4 55 ; choice do , do , 84 GO@G 25 ;
choice white wheat , $4 255 65.
Wheat Shade stronger , but rather
quiet ; No. 2 red , August , § 1 OSjj ; do
September , § 1 OSJ01 08 § ; do October -
ber , Si 081 08 § ; do November ,
81 09L
Corn Shade easier and moderately
active ; mixed western spot , 51@51.Jc ;
do future , 51i@53Jc.
Oats Steady and quiet ; western ,
jjeef Steady ; new plain mess9 , 50 ;
now extra do , $10 20.
Pork Q'liet and weaker ; now mess ,
16 00.
Lard Heavy and lower ; steam
endered , 88 22i.
Butter Firm and unchanged ; Ohio ,
St. l..outs Produce.
ST. LOUIS , Augu-t 26.
Flour Slow and unchanged.
Wheat L > * er ; No. 2 i ed,97i@S' > 7 |
@Si7Sc for cash ; 98ic for AWJIIH ; 91 j
< 9lc for September ; 9192 (591jc (
or October ; 93gQ92 j for N vem
ser ; 9191c for the > ; No. 3 ,
3@85Jc , according to Ijea'ion ; No.
do , 81@81Jc.
Corn Lower ; 35J < 355jjc ! fur cash ;
GJtc for SuDi"--dr ; 37jj@37Ac for
October ; 38Ju c for Movenib"r ; 38J
37 c for December ; 85ic for the
Oats Firm for caOi oi > < i"i > slid
ewer at 2G27o for cash ; 26255c for
SopU-nibc-i ; only 25c bid : .t cLtss tor
) ct > ber ; 27Jcfur November.
Kyi ; Sl..w . at 80 ; nskeil
Lu.wi Unclun ud at 84 75.
Butter Quiat ; dairy , .O 'J.'te.
Eggs lie.
Whisky Steady f.t § 1 09.
Pork Quiet ; jobbing at $15 7"i
Dry Suit Meats Lower ; shoul
ders , § 5 40 ; clear ribs , 8 50 , ahnrc
ribs , § 8 75
Bacnn Lower at SG 2539
9 75.
Lard Nominal.
Receipls Fl-ui 7,000 b ila ,
118,000 bu , corn 2C,000 bu ,
i,000bu , rye 1,000.
Shipments Flour 12,000 bbls ,
wheat 33,000 bu , corn 16,000 bu ,
jats 1,000 bu.
St. Lioula Live Stock.
Sr. Louis , August 26.
Hoga Fairly aLivu and lowur ;
Yorkers and Baltimore , 85 0535 15 ;
mixed packing , 85 005 25 ; butchers
to fancy , 85 30@5 40. Receipt * ,
4,500 head ; shipments , 1,200 head.
Undoubtedly thu beit shirt In the
United States ia manufactured at the
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
of Material and workmanship , com
bined with their great improvements ,
that ia Reinforced fronts , Reinforced
backs and Reinforced sleeve * , makes
their shirt the moat durable and best
fitting garment of the kind , evei
manufactured. Read the following
low prices :
I'resent. Former.
Our Fine \V hit j Shirt SI 25 1 50
Our Extra Fine " 175 200
Our Inipoited Cheviot fliirts 250 275
Our " IVriang " 25 275
Our " ' Cheviot. 17o 200
( Tbcee are uw\a \ on whi'e hodlm
rrrttnt Former
Our Imp rted Penanjf and Clit-
viet with col aw attached , al& >
un White Bodies 1 SO 200
Also a fine working dliirt for I 25.
None but Wanuutla Muslin ant ]
beat Linens used.
The above prices include Liundry'
ing , a discount allowed when otherwiai
An additional 25 cents is charge *
when made to ordur.
Omahn Shirt Factory , 12(17 ( Farnhan
street , new 12th
Republican Registration.
( additional. )
Canis Gee F
( addttindiil. )
Jensen C A Peterson Andrei
Chriatidii John Christian
Adair Daniel Peterson Nuls
Hanson Carl
Indian Prisoners at Fort Omaha.
Turning Bear and his five followers
from Rosebud agency , who perpetrated
the murder of a herder on theNiobrara
recently , arrived in Yankton Saturday
afternoon on the steamer Black Hills
in charge of fifteen soldiers under
command of Lieut Beardsley of the
Twenty-fifth infantry. The prisoners
are fine looking young bucks , and are
gorgeously arrayed after the Indian
fashion. Their faces are painted a
bright red color , and their heads
adorned with feathers aud other
insignia of the warriorand if it wasn't
for the heavy irons which adorn their
legs , they might be taken for a party
of high muck-a-muck chiefs on a
diplomatic mission to Washington.
Yesterday a party of six men of the
Eleventh infantry from Fort Omaha
were in this city on their w y to
Yankton for these Sioux. fSiuux
Lieut. Beardsloy arrived in this city
last evening with the party referred to
and was immediately conveyed to Fort
Omaha by ambulances in Waiting at
the depot. The prisoners will there
ba kept in confinement pending the
action of the United States court at
its next session in thia city.
A Card.
The attention of the public ia called
to the fact that we have an employ *
mont committee with the work of onr
Young Men's Christian afsociatioti ,
and that we interest ourselves in find
ing employment for worthy young
men. Should you dea-ro help at any
time you may find it to your interest
to call on George T. Howser , the gen
eral secretary of the association , at
the rooms , Thirteenth and Douglas
streets. Youra very respectfully ,
Postofflce Changes
in Nebraska during the week ending
August 21 , 1880 , furnished by Wm.
Van Vlcck , of the Poatofiice Depart
ment :
Established Coldwater , Furnpa
county , Clinton B Sawyer , postmas-
tnr ; Hubbell , Thayer county , Henry
Z. Fowler , postmaster.
Postmaster Appointed SilverGagu
county , A. B. McNicklo.
The republican campaign club meets
this evening at Eureka hall. All del
egates to the state convention are re
quested to be present aud receive
; heir credentials. A cordial invita-
; ion to all.
BEXJ. FULTON , Secretary.
Safe , Certain , Sure and Speedy.
the only artlcIeknownthatWill
eradiGafe\\\\ \ \ * disease
/ jpVT70777yfromthe system.
General Aeents ,
. , . ,
Pianos and Organs First Class
on Easy Monthly Payments ,
Sheet Music and Musi
cal Instruments.
O Tjr L ID I IT GS -
Oil Paintings , Encravlnsrs an ' Frames at itroat
Iy r-duceJ prices.
8x10 Frames , 1 Inch , Walnut . He
" ' 20
10x12 1
10xl " 1 20
12x10 " 1J JOea
I2xtS ea
16x20 ' 1 * " 75
Ki.slic 8x10 frime . 15
ChromoB fr " d , email , 25c.
tliroit.o3 framed , large,1 < 5 ,
Er.gMVtnci 'rom 50c upwards.
Photograph fr-imaa ( rom 15c upward ! ,
Wlndo * Cur Jcea 70c a window and upward *
Lambrequlra 8 00 per window and upwards ,
Cornice Pnea2DOpecwindo * and upwards ,
Velvet ( rameg 25c e-ich to5 00
Violin Strinzs lie ,
Vtoii is I 75,2 50 , 3 and upwards.
Guitars G CO , 6 CO , 7 00 and upwards.
Banjos 1 CO. 3 00,5 00 , and upwardg ,
Accordeons from 1 CO up , cheapest In city
Send fo tampta and catalogue of moulding
and shell mmlc. A. H03PK , JR. ,
1578 Dotize St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale and Retail
Goods Bent _ to any part of the United States on
solicitation. Largest assortment of
And everything found generally in a flrat-
claaa Jewelry Store.
Jewelry manufactured on short notice. Orders from
he Country solicited. Wlieuin Omaha call and sve us. JVo
rouble to show Goods.
hie Jewflers , Opposite the Postollice , 15th & Podye.
" "
1 is
Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead
ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor.
The White Machine justly claims to be the
best made , the easiest running , the simplest in
construction and the most perfect Machine in
the market.
The White Co. employ as agents men of in
tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied.
because they find everything just as repres
Everybody should use this Machine. The
Bales so far thia year are more than double
the corresponding time last year.
All orders addre.-sed to the Omaha Office ,
will be promptly filled.
for. S > uveiiport and 15th Sts. , Oinahu.
Good Until the 1st of October.
Having secured the most elegant
and commodious building in the
city of Omaha ,
Cor. 10th and Farnham ,
And wishing to lay in an entirely
new and immense stock of goods
for wholesale and retail trade ,
MOVING our entire mammoth
Stock of
&G. , &G. ,
We mean just what we say , and invite everybody to
call at our present place of business ,
No. 1214 Farnham , between I2th and 13th Sts. ,
And satisfy themselves. The Goods must be sold for Cash.
They will be marked in plain figures. The prices will be
absolutely at Cost. No deviations will be made.
This unparalelled offer is open only until October 1st , when
we shall occupy the finest quarters in the city.
Je n P nW-C3c , 75c , 12 00. S'ck perduz. ZOcand upvurdi .
Cottontde Pan to Sic. 91 00. Un'er ! hlrt and l-rawein 25c ami u | > * rJ
All-Wool P ttt3 00 , 5 00. Fancy Drem Shirts 5c. Me. Hue. II 25.
Heavy California lanU 75,17 00. While " " -60c 31 O > .
Chilnren Suita 32 00 ami upward ? Blue Fhnnel5c. . It 00 to it 5U
Youths' " H 75 anil upwards. AllWool75c to J2 00.
Hens' " -83 50 , r * > 00. Working " 30cand upward * . .
Overalls 5c. We. 55c..7ta Men's Saiparulern 2oc , ! 3c , 35e , and upwards.
' HMTJ t alUornla $1 00.31 15.
Cciitaius the Litest Home and Ttle
graphic News of tbe Day.
CT. O.
Capitol Ave , , Opp. Masonic Hall ,