\ _ > VOL. X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , MONDAY. AUGUST 23 , 1880. NO. 54. Established 1871. MORNING EDITION , Price Five Gen s BARGAINS BIEIMIIS' AGENCY , 151 ! ' . ami Douglas Street. Otcr 3,000 residence lots for sale by this jen : y at priceer anjinc from ? 2b to titOO fach , and ncalcd 1n every part of thecito , and in ettvr direction from the I'ostoffice , north , e l , bouth nr west , and > arjlnc in distance from one block to ono nr t o miles from same. Call and iimine our lists S Tct l choice lot * in Griffin & le&acs' addl tlon , vest of comcnt , bctufen St. JIarj'g ayen tic t.nd Hartley street SOW ) to SSOO. 80 acres jutt cast of barracks on Saunders St , Uiib is choice laud and will be sold ery clieap- for cash in fi , 10 or 20 acre lots ; now is your time to secure a bargain , Choice lot at end of street car tracks on Saun- ucrs street for f&75. Choice lot , Farnlium and 21th streets , JXxl32 ) feet fur $1,5CO will diilde H. Cheap lots in Credit Fontlsr addition , south of U. P. depot $100 to SSOO. TERRACE ADDITION. Kortj lots < m Tark Avenue and Ocorina f trcet , on ruad to j.arli. and ni-ar head of St. lUry's avenue , at f rriu S125 to $300 each. Sc en ears time at ci > : Iit ] icr cent inter , st to those who will imt up i. . . < > J viilibioHUal buildiLge. F T further jpartiuulars ajijily to. G. P. BEMIS. Acont , Fifteenth and Douglas Streets. A nice lot on Haruey and T cntj-flr t streets , iorJo * . * / . "JVo t hoice lots on COth. ncsr St. Slary'a aven ue. FO&1GG fest each , for SbSOaud $900. Tuo choice lots near 3d and Clark streets , in b \ . Smith's aildtion $300 and ? 3M > . i-ifty lotuiuSh nn'hCrccondsnd third ad ditions forgl ; 0 to JCOO ea EIVERVIEW ADDITION. lal near 15th and 1'icrce , f 400. 2 lot * on llarnt-v near 24th St. . S600 each. 1 lot on 24th n ar Ilr.ward meet , $7oO O lot in Gnuid Yie addition , south of U. P bndffe and ilr ol. from 15 to 5 00 each- One acre. 117x370 feet , on ISth street , south of ropiiliUjns new residence , for $2,000 , or will diiiuoiutoUt ) blzsd lots a ; from $350 to $500 each. rsc numltcr of beautiful residence loU , loin - in tin * new addition on Capitol Hill , be ii 24th it.-iH.-t on the cast , 2flth on the west Do.Ucbtruetou the mirth ami Fftniham street im Urn ninth foinicih onncd by C. II Downs and more reecntl ) Known as the 1'crkins 15 acres. Onlj 22 lota ba\c tlms fur been j.latted 14 on > .irnliam and b "ii Douglas gtrttt. Tlirjo lots areSOtoSCfcelinwidtiandlDOindept ! , . 81,000 fur the choico. 6 ycim time , at 8 ; icr cent in terest to 4IioHi who will build rood substantial h OUWB thcrt-n. Call and ex mlia : plat and eel r o full iufornntlun at UUMlS'llKAt. ESTATE AGHXCY. , . „ „ „ , 1Blh ani1 Douzlas Streets. QiiTSOOIiouTO and lota are offered for sale 1 > J tins elliot They arc scattered all orcr the ity. Am location jou deslro. Prices > arjinc f r im 000 to $16,000 cath. 2 ( rood lotB and 2 cheap houses near Jackson mid 12lli btrcrts at a treat sacilflcc. Here i a yrcat bircain for pome one. The vropcriy murt oo Bold immediately. Co vcn Ju t a quarter of a c-Iock. Call and examine this without any dcU- OEO P. BEMIS. Accnt. . . , . 15th and DoUKlaa Sts A desirable lot near Cumlng and Saunderg SfTcets , jtOO. PARK PLAGE. Thu cheapest sere lots In the cttyof Omaha , are those offered f.-rsalc by this ascncy In Paik Puce and Ixmc' btcoiitl addition , on Cumuip \ Dnrt and Cnlif.mU street * ; you can make ifo inlstakn m ( i ; . Km ? up these barRains whil jou ha\e the chance. These lotn are more than equal In wre Hi 4 full-biiud lots half city or a block anrt it. win IKS but a very bhort time before one- lliui tisrt of one of thcuc acre lots will sell for aa much as w c offer a full acre to day. They are isxatcd a > rry short dis'nncc west of Cr ijhton Cullpge. Prices icnping from $160 to $300 per acrelot Call immcdiatelv , and don't lose your uiiuce. nnl pet plat and full particulars of CKO. P. BEMIS , Accnt. 15th and Douglas Streets. Mce lot on Sherman Avenue uorthof Nicholas Otrutt , $1,400. ° " Cas8'lctncca 13lh an < l Hth streets 2 nice lota in Hartmau's addition , S400 to ? 600. , .LaI < :0 " -"liter of acre lots in Gise'a addition In I > rtii Omaha , 81i5 to SSOOach. . ( Choice corner lot near 22ud and California Several teed lota in'lsoi * u addition , 150 to Choice lot in Thurnell's idilitlmi , ? 750. Sou-nil lame lots in 15.irt1itr addition , 1 ? rod and2j acres each. Priced J700 to S.I.OOO ,5T.cril clloiM Ios ! " ' Heed's first i-Jdltion. ? 2 < 5toSi50eacli. Acre lot on Micrmau ' n'-cnuc , (10th ( street ) eouth tif IVpiilcton'H new nwMem-c , for ? 1 100 2 laro lutrt nc-ir IStli a Cla'k uticels GCx affect C n.tr. 1.200 ; niM.lc , 11,000 ' 3 larjx' lots < > n She m n a\eiiuc , JlOlh street ) , near Clark Sti ctt. &YM reu-li McCANDLJSH PLACE. 22 nice and che p lots , 1 0-3 near to the bug liM spait of the city , Incited a , crj fe steps e-'Uth of the Convent and CL M .n-'t , m cnje and jtut routh f ami adjolnimr t > " gi nd of James II. niKilwnrth and \V J. Conn. IIhcse arc Uicapandcrj desirable , Injln , b InmU to bus iness part ofKy. . to t.c Ro r. . ; , ' t dciiot , r il work * , while lead woikb. U ' i'.d- ; ) t , stock 3 aid * , packing IIIIUMM. cU t M n.l ct pl t and lull lartirulan. . P ice S 7 . 1 . s . .XInd eaey terms lo tliODC v.no bnilu GrX ) . P. ft'Mls. A cnt , liHiaIdas ' Sts. - ci'c > ice residence lota tn SJtti > ' .o t , bcUecn I)0'ailis and Dod -e t-l reel s ; ? t 1 ' \i t . l.ec 0 each ' .fld loiij ; tame t. ) fiofc who irJl bnilj Scliohc corner lira near 2.1L _ .i F.unham streott , C5U24 feit , Sl.150 and * ! . 0 .and lerv } teim to jmiihastTB w ho w 1 1 iniirn\ ; . Al * > 4 lo'.s on 24th , bctuccii li-nhaui and uli ? 8reeUS050 to Slfc 0 tjuii and long tune. tune.JariSO JariSO vf the best Im-itiest I-ti , iu the city of Omaha for Kile , located on ccr bn < ii..e g btreet , SSOO to SC.OOO each. each.aIuable \-aIuable stoic pmjicrtlw In al- ccobuj'mcsj block : SM ( to § 16,000 LAKE'S ADDITION. iOcholcc rrnideu lots In aboie addition , 1m- luoJiately north of and adjoining I'opplcton's beautiful residence ami sroumiR , ami located on ISlh 10th and SOtli htrcite. $300 to $550 each and \er > a y tcrnig to those who will build. Call all d examine plat aud Ret full runtciihuY. GEO. P. BEMIS , Accnt. Reauiiful bmUmc wto on Micrniau airnuc , ( IGth ktroctict eoii I'opjileton and the Uudlev- ljims ] > n > K' ' > J"C3 J feet cast fronUi-c on the SAcnue , l > j SM ) feet in depth. Will divide it.mak. injrlSSfcctlo SS9. Call and rot full particulars. An acre n ISth street , lOifect cast front-ape b > 378 feet deep. This is Just t-oulh * f the Klira. Iwth ( ropjilcton place. Tills is ciltHMce , call and get vricc and tcrnr < of BKM IS , A cnt , IS cooil lot" , Jiut north ol and adjoininc E V. Smith's addition , an J located bc'.w ccn COth IK Haundrix streets at rWHjnah'c prices and ion time to t > u\i.r uho nui'row. ' LliillS , Agent. HO REACH'S ADDITION. 53 lots In Ilorloch's first and second ndd tioni ? on loth , ISth , 19th and 20th street" , l > et cei Nicholis , IVul.Sheoran and ClarK Et-ccts , Tcrj hand ; to t" . P. glio | . srocltiitfr works , etc. ran niK iu i > nccs from from $200 to $1:100 each requiting ouh tmmll } uyiucnt down and Ion ; time at 7 i > rr cent imprest to those who will im l > ro\c. GEO. P. BEMIS. 15th and Donrfas Streit , 3S nice lou ia Parker's addition , bctwtci Sauuders and 1'iercc. Kinc and Campbell's Sts. on BlonuoHrePt19Iot3 ; with south fronts aui 19 with north frontacc , only 6 blocks north o the turn-table ( rnd streetcar track ) on S under street. Vcryltw prices ; Sl 5 cash , or $200 01 1 O'IK time nd 8 fir cent interest to thoeo whi will huiid. S3 lSO uood farms for Kale in Douglas , Sarpj AVithinRton , Burt , Dodge , Siundere and Easteri tier of counties. 33iO.OOO acres l > cst selected lands in thi elate for a tic hj- this acncj. Call and get maps circulars and full partieubri A3"Bcn i no * m.p of Omaha , OOc and S1.EC 5TBcnJi titw Jiaraphltt ( and min of th State ) entitl d "the outlook of Nebraska" fo free distribuuoii. Geo. P. Bern is' , REAL ESTATE AGENCY [ 15th & Douglas St , , OMAHA , - - * - - DOMESTIC DOINGS , AGeneralBattle of Benzine Bloats at Morristown , Tenn , The Hardships and Privations of Russian Farmers Who Eonghsd it in Brazil Dalrymple's Border Fillibust- ers Wither and Dis appear. Murder , Suicides , Etc. Row at a Clrcua Special Dispatch to The Beel MORRISTOWX , Tonn. , Augnst 21 4 p. m. John Robinson's circus showed here yesterday. Largo crowds from the surrounding country were in town and drinking was general. About 0:30 : p. m. a general fracas occurred between drunken men and the law- officers. Many shots were exchanged. Txwn Marshal Morris and Ben. Rich ardson were killed outright. Sheriff Loop was seriously wounded and sev eral other persons received wounds. CnoJera In Erie. Special di patch to TIE : REE. CINCINNATI. August 21 noon. A special from Erie ( P J. ) says that several case ? of general Asiatic chol era , have occurred there , creating great excitement. The Des'itute Russians. Special disp&tcb to The Bee. New York , August 21 , 1 a. m. The destitute and anfortunate band 01 Russian farmers who emigrated from their homes to Brazil two yeara ago , and who after much sufTcrinc and hardship , reached this city last Satur day , have remained until last evaning at Castle Garden , where the emigra < tion commission gave them food and lodging until some permanent way of disposing of them was found. Yesterday it was learned that tbere h a small settlement of Russians near Kansas City , and if the destitute strangers were sent there employment mi ht be found for them. According ly it was determined by the emigration commissioners to purchase for them passaco tickets for the weat over the Erie railway at the expense of the commission and the whole par ty took their departure for their new homes last night. When the Russians left the cold land of their nativity for a southern sun , their party numbered 130. They hnve reduced by death and desertion to' ' 8. . Border Outlaws. Special Dispatch to TUB Uu. WASHINGTON , August 21 noon. Lieutenant Brinkerhoff reports from Fort Bliss , Texas , 18th instant , as fellows : Dr. Samingo reports to meat 10 a. m. that ho has reliable Informa tion that Victoria's band Is in the Sierra DeLaCandana , about sixty miles from El Paso. Two Mexicans were killed by the Indians in the Punta Deventanas mountains. Col. Vallo has gone to Chihuahua. Noth ing is known of the whereabouts of the Mexican troops. Information received from the de partment of Texas states that the Mexican revolutionists have quieted down , and that there are now no fears of any serious or unusual disturbance of the peace in the Mexican republic. The so-called fillibustera have all dis appeared from the bsrdera of the Rio Grande , and it ia believed that Dal rymple's so-called army of occupation has melted away , as nothing has been heard of it since the high- sounding general order announcing the aims and objects of the organization. The vigilance of the authorities have not , however , been relieved in the least , as it is the intention of the gov ernment to prevent an infraction of the neutrality laws at all hazards. The party that recently crossed faom Arizona into Mexico are ascertained to be Mexicans who not long since fled from Mexico on account of soma revolutionary movements with which they were connected. Their return to Mexico has no significance. National Bank Notes. Special Dispatch to The Bee. WASHINGTON , August 21 , 4 p. m. The following is an official statement of the receipts of national bank notes received for redemption for the week ending to-day as compared with the receipts for the corresponding period of last year : 1870. 1880. New York § 336,000 S237noO Boston 500,000 73,000 Philadelphia 103.000 r.9,000 . Other places 371,000 348,000 Special dispatch to the Bee. NEENAH , Wis. , August 21 4 p. ro. Albert Huxl-y , of this place , was shot his Bon-in-lawLew- yesterday by - - , - is Etmnons , in the town of Clayton , three miles west from hero. Emmons afterward shot himself. Both parties died within an hour after the tragedy. Family and business difficulties were the causo. Huley was 78 years old. Sittdal dispatch to The Bee. NEW YORK , Augnst 21 ; 4 p. m. The turnituro and cabinet makers who struck about thirteen weeks ago for an increase of pay of fifty cents and less than ton hours a day hare all re turned to work without accomplishing either of their objects. In every way n the strike was a complete failure. ry Special Dispatch to The Bee. NEW YORK , August 21 4 p. m. The bank statement ia unfavorable. The following are the changes : Loans Increased , $41,745,000 ; specie decreas * ed , 81,013,400 ; legal tenders decreaa ed , 81,057,800 ; deposits decreased. . 870,500 ; circulation Increased , $46 , ' 500 ; reserve decreased , 82.652,075. A Resolution Concerning Reeiatra. . tion. j At the meeting held this morning by the executive committee , of the re publican central committee , the fol loiring resolution was was adopted : 0. Resolved , That the registrars an 30or hereby instructed to place the name or of all members enrolled in the vari our republican clubs of this county 01 the registration books , excepting enl ; such persona aa may be ineligible be cause not residents of this state b ; j the next general election. Headquarters tor Joe Schlitz' ' Milwaukee beer at MsncHAifis1 Es 1 CHAXOE , N. E. Cor. 16th and Dodg < FOREIGN EVENTS , MEETING OF THE SOVEREIGNS. 9pMUl Dispatch to The Bee LONDON , August 21 4 p. m. The czar of Kus 5a and king of Greece will have a formal and final interview on Sunday , after which the king will re turn to A.ihens. THE LAND AGITATION. The Irish land reformers are making arrangements for nn extensive aeries of meetings on Sunday , and the gov ernment is making careful prepara tions lor possible collisions. It is notable - ' table that in the evident anticipation of danger the chronic disturbers in parliament will take no part iu these meetings , leaving the responsibility on the peasantry. INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE. The Belgian government is making extensive preparations for the inter national commercial congress which will assemble in Brussels September llth. THE EASTERN SPECTRE. Special Dispatch to Tim Bus. LONDON , August 21 4 p. m. A dispatch from Constantinople says that orders have been civenforthe imme dlate repiir of the forts at the en trance to the Black Sea and Bnsphor- UB. Private telegrams from Scutari report that much esc'toment exists among the Albanians since the sudden and unexpected departure of the Turkish governor , and much anxiety is expressed in re gard to the altitude which his successor , Risea Pasha , will adopt. Whatever that attitude may bo there is a determination to resist any cess- Inn of territory. Preparations have already begun in the district of Dul clgno. DEATH OF MRS. KEAN. Mrs. Charles Kean , the widow of the famous actor , who died January 22nd , 1880 , died to-day at her rest denco in this city. HEAVY ROBBERY. Special dispatch to The Ceo PARIS , August 21 t p. in. The residence of General Schramm , at Courneaue , near Saint Denis , Franco , has been robbed of valuables worth 14,000. LATEST FOREIGN NEWS. THE EASTERN QUESTION. Special Dispatch tn the lice. LONDON , August 23 1 a. m. A St. Petersburg correspondent says : Information hero in high official cir cles states that the powers will make a naral demonstration in eastern Eu rope notwithstanding that the sultan sent a war minister with troops to ef fect the transfer of Dulci.no. It is also considered that , notwithstanding the alarms raised in various directions , the agreement of the powers will con tinue and settlement of the Greek fron tier question be effected without serious disturbance. ON TO CANDAHAK , The viceroy telegraphs that Generals Stewart and Roberta are advancing rapidly to reinforce Candahar. Gen eral Stewart ia at Jellalabad and Gen eral Roberts has passed Ghusons in good order. Special Dispatch to The ! } ee. BISMAUCK SCARED. BERLIN , August 23 1 a. m. Owing to the difficulty of concealing - ing his identity and thus avoiding the plague of being run down by no apu- per reporters and lion hunters , Prince Bismarck has reluctantly abandoned his idea of visiting ono of the English seaside resorts this autumn , and will go to Austria next Saturday. WARLIKE CORK. A dispatch from Cork states that another case of arms , addressed to some fictitious person , now lies at th wharf unclaimed. The box had ar rived at Cork on a steamer from England. Every steamer that arrives ia thoroughly searched. The military authorities have recalled all men now on leaves of absence , and refuse to grant any furloughs. ABANDONED CAPTAIN. Captain Pilgrim , of the ship lJed- dah , " who recently abandoned his ves sel in the Red sea , has had his certifi cate suspended for three years. Chicago Live Stock. CHICAGO , August 21. Hogs Receipts , 15,000 head ; mar ket active and firm all around , and fully at previous rates ; common to good mixed grades , 4 50@5 75 ; good to choice , $5 20 < § 5 40selected ; heavy , $5 45@5 55 ; light common to fair , S4 90@5 30 ; total receipts this week , 113,000. Cattle Receipts , 1,100 head ; ship ments , 3,100 bead ; market quiet ; na tive * atrong at $4 005 07i for com mon to prime ; grass Texans , $2 40(0 ( 285. butchers' grades , steady and fairly active at 8220@2 50@3 30. Sheep Receipts , 300 head ; ship ments , 640 head ; market dull anc weak at $2 95 for common to choice mntton ; § 3 00@4 00 for about Oco ( ber. Undoubtedly the best shirt In thi United States is manufactured at thi Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiorit ] of Material and workmanship , com bincd with their great improvements that is Reinforced fronts , Reinforcee backs and Reinforced sleeves , make their shirt the most durable and bes fitting garment of the kind , eve manufactured. Read the followin : low prices : Present. Foriiui Our Fine Whits Shirt ? 1 S6 150 Our Kxtra Fine " 175 200 Our Imported Cheviot shirts 2 60 2 75 Our " Pcnang " 2T5 275 Our " " Cheviot 17a 200 ( These are made on tvhlte bcdiec Present. Forme : Our Imported Penang and Cheviot viet wlih col ! r3 attached , also on White Bodies 1 GO 2 00 Also a fine workine Bhirt for 1 25. None but Wamsutta Muslin am best Linens used. The above prices include Laundry ing , a diccount allowed when otherwis ordered. An-additional 25 cents is charge when made to order. Omaha Shirt Factory , 1207 Farnhai street , near 12th street. Greenback Labor Meeting. The Fifth ward primary of it. . Greenback labor party will ba held i 58 the CMS street school house this evei 58X ing at 7:30 , sharp. By order of il Oommtee. * WASHINGTON" . A Check For the Back Pay of of Pensioners Purloined From a Mail Pouch , Arrest of a Notorious Signal Sergeant For Bigamy. The Exodus of Emigrants to the United States Offl- - cial Enures. ASTOLEN CUKCK. Special Dispatch to The Bee. WASHINGTON , August 22,10 p. m. A check for 81,440 on the United States fmb-treasury , mailed in this city to Win. Gardner , postmaster at Petervilie , Frederick comity , Mary land , to pay arrears of pensions due him , was stolen from the mail and never reachpd him. The matter is being investigated by the postoffico department. Sir. Gardner was at the department yesterday giving ali the information ho had on the subject. He stated that ho had learned from New York that his endorsement on the check had been forged and the money paid there. It is not known at what point the theft was committed. IMMIGRATION. The chief of the bureau of statistics furnishes the following information in regard to immigration : There arrived in the custom dis tricts of Baltimore , Boston , Detroit , Huron , Key West , Minnesota , New Orleans , New York , Passamaquoddy , Philadelphia and San Francisco dur ing the month ended July 31st , 1880 , 50,123 passenger * , of whnm 49,922 were immigrants , and 3,922 citizens of the United States returned from abroad. Of this total number of im migrants there were from Engl.md 5,388 , Scotland 1,251 , Wales 51 , Ire land 6,067 , Germanv 11,295 , Austria 2,000 , Sweden 3,779 , Norway 1,743 , Denmark 908 , France 598 , Switzer land 577 , Spain 241 , Holland 148 , Belgium 75 , Italy 748 , Russia 557 , Poland 188 , Hungary 454 , China 805. Dominion of Canada 12,716 , Cuba 42 all others 442. Dunns ; the year ended June 30 , 1S80 , 457 243 immigrants ar rived in the United States , an hi' crease of 278,417 over the number nr rived during the preceding fiical year. The year of the greatest immigrations was the fiscal year 1878 , when 459 , 803 immigrants arrivedexceeding the immik ration of the last vear only 2 , 500. A MASHER JAILED. Oicar F. Aldrich , the sergeant in the signal service , who has attracted considerable attention by his matrimonial menial escapades , has been arrested in this city and Is now confined at Fort Whipple. A court martial will be convened and ho will bo tried for desertion. He was reported by Ins commanding oflicer as being abtcnt from his place without leave and was arrested as soon as Ilia arrival hero be came known. INTEREST ON CLAIMS. A decision was rendered by thfc first comptroller yesterday with refer ence to the interest upon judgment recovered from government oflicera to recover the amounts duo from over charge or erroneous construction of the laws by such officers. It has been a custom of the government to allow interest in these cases from th date cf the occurrence of such acts on which the suits are baaed. Comptrol ler Lawrence decides , however , that no interest sh-dl bo allowed at all , basing his decision upon the ground that sucli a law would give the claim ants a chance of delaying the filing of suits for the purpose of securing the interest. LIFE SAVING STATIONS. S. I. Kimbull , chief of the life tiw- iiig service , has just returned from a tour of inspection on the lake coasts. During his absence he selected sites i and caused the necessary surveys to be > made for building several new sta tions. He reports that , despite many anxious fears to the contrary , the lake stations are as efficient as those of the sea coast. The men in charge are all competent , now that Mr. Kimball has made two or three removals and fresh appointments. It is maintained that the efficiency of the service is con duced by ruling out all political and sectarian qualifications. The report made by the chief of the department is interestingas showing what progress has been made in this humanitarian service. BUZZARD DOLLARS. In order to faoilitatethe transporta tion of standard silver dollars and re move the causes of the delay in filling orders to and from various points of the country , the treasury department will issue to-day a revision of the mint regulations to that effect. The pro- pused changes wi 1 enable the superin tendents of mints , as soon as the ; have notice from an assistant treasurer that a certificate of deposit for stan dard dollars has boon received , to at onccshiptho dollars. Under the present 0 arrangement , the United States _ treasurer must first receive thecertifi' cate and then instruct superintendent ! to forward the dollars. In caao of ar order from New Orleans , it reqnirci a delay of eight days , while one fron the west is delayed tenor fifteen days , Orders are coming in so rapidly now and aggregate such largo .amounts thai d it is h'ghly ' important that buaiues is ; should be dispatched with as mucl rapidity aa pofsible , as the old regula' tion were adopted for only ordering t demand for coin. Owing to the scar city of small change , the transporta tion of these dollars has grown im mensely , and during the past week or ders for silver dollars amounting t < $322,000 were received at the treasujj department and during the nex month the demand will bo greater The director ol the mint , in his repor [ for the fiscal year , ending June 30 * 1879 , estimates that the amount o id cold and silver coin in the country 01 that date was § 289,490,689 gold am $112.050,935 in silver , a total of 8398 , 541,674. , NO DRAIN OF OUR GOLD. jam When the influx of gold from Eu m rope was at its height , m Septembe and October last , many of the leidin > financiers and political economists c the country predicted that before th he 1st day of January , 1880 , the balanc heat of trade would be against the Unite States and that before the end c 1830 wa would lose all , or a greati be part of the gold imported. Happi ] for the country these predictioi have not been verified , and , on the contrary , the balance of trade haa remained in our favor , and gold is cominc to the country in large sums from Europe. The probabilities are that we shall add fully as much to our stock of gold coin by importation , during the first fiscal year , as during the year ended Jane 30 , 1880 , which amounted to 877,153,331. Formerly , we were dependent upon many arti cles we now manufacture and export largely , which , together with the im mense quantities of cotton , bread- stuffa , petroleum , tobacco and provis ions of all kinds we export , has en abled ua to reach the "turning of the lino" and Europe will no longer drai i ua of our gold. Deadly Quacks. Special dispatch to The lice. CIIICAOO , August 22 10 p. m. Some weeks ago a young woman placed herself under the care of Dr. Thomas N. Cream , of 434 West Mad ison street , who gave her into the charge of a colored nurse , Mrs. Hattie - tie Mackay , living in a rickety old house at 105U Madison street. T.io frequent visiU of the doctor aroused the suspicions of the occupanta ol other portions of the house. He came three times a day and Monday brought a bundle of instruments wrapped in paper. Abnut 4 o'clock Friday morning the colored woman Macky was seen to leave the place with her three children. Toward night a eickening stench came from the rooms she had occupied. The po lice were notified , and on breaking in the doora n horrible spectacle mo their gaze. On the bed lay the bodj of the young woman rapidly decora posing. From letters found in the room , it appeared that tha woman's name was N. A. M. Faulkner , of Ot tawa , Canada , The coroner held an inquest , and the evidences of abor tion wore unmistakable. The President's Alternative. Special Dispatch to Tin BPE. CHICAGO , Aupmt 23 la. m. The Times'Salt Lake special eays that when President Grant , the first presi dent to visit Salt Like , came there , there was some clashing between the Mormon and Gentile committees of re ception. The federal governor , Brigham - ham Young and prominent Gentiles and Mormons met him at Ogden and Mormon Sunday schools lined the atreeta from the depot to the hotel. While Gen. Grant accepted vho cour tesies of both parties , dividing his time between them , the Gentiles and Mormons were barely .civil to each other , It is probable that the same tiling will be repeated 011 the occasion of President Hayea" visit. Governor Murray and other federal officials and Gentile lawyers and business men , ir respective of political faith , have formed a reception committee , leaving out all Mormons. It in said that the city council , all Mormons , will now make arrangements for the reception of tha presidential party. President Hayes will have to choose aa to whom he will ba received by , and thereby offend the rejected party and causa unpleasantness in the ceremonies dur ing Iiis visit. Swimming Match. SpecUI Dispatch toTuiJttii. NEW YOUK , August 23 1 a. m. The swimming match between Ernst Von Schoening and George Werhan for § 500 a aide came off yesterday , the course being from the Battery to Coney Island point and back , a dis tance of about twenty miles. The start was made shortly before noon , Von Schoening immediately taki g the lead ard maintaining it through out and reaching Coney Island point in four hours , Werhan fifty-three minutes behind. Werhan had given up on the return , but Schoening com pleted the distance. War of Races. Special Dispatch to the Bee LOUISVILLE , August 23,1 a. m. A special to The Commercial from Mil- lersburg , Kentucky , gives an account of a riot which Involved half the vil- hge and lasted several hours. It grew out of a quarrel between a colored man and the barkeeper of the Johnson house Saturday night , and after it wound up it was a battle between the colored and white races. Some- fifty shots were fired , but only ono man was killed. Some fears are enter tained that the fight will be taken up again , but at last accounts all was quiet. DRUNK , DISCOURAGED , DEAD. A German carpenter , a single man 27 years old , sat down on a curbstone in the central park of this city , yeator day and shot himself witli a pistol. He was partially drunk and partially discouraged and is now dead. Bogus Buchanan. Special dispatch to Tu llm. DETROIT , August 22 , 10 p. m. Dr Buchanan , the bo ua diploma man , ii undoubtedly skulking in this city , bu has not been arrested as haa beei published in eastern papers. Ho am Paine were here a few days ago 01 business connected with their pro posed medical college. It can be stated od positively that Buchanan fointowi and can be taken as soon as the pa pers arrire. The police can lay thei hands on him at any moment. Navy Yard Fire. Special dispatch to The Bee. BOSTON , August 23 1 a. m. Th total loss by the fire in the U. S navy yard at Charlestown Saturda night was 840,000. The work of re building will commence at once , a that , in six weeks , everything will hi in running order again. The fire orig mated from overheated maohinery. : Necli-Tie Sociable. ' Special Dispatch to ThB.Bce SANTA FE , N. M. , August 23 1 B ra. The execution of Charles Wil Hams and Lewis A. Gaines , both con victed of murder in the nrat degree took place Friday afternoon at Silve City , N. M. Both were rather indii ifif ferentas to their fate. On the seal fold Williams said that his preaen , name was an alias and that no on ( would ever know his true name. The f both died without a struggle , thei necks being broken by the fall. Thei bodies were buried near the scaffold A Manly English Visitor. Special Dispatch to The Bee. NEW YORK , August 23 1 a. m.- 11er Thomas Hughes , of England , authc er of "Tom Brown at Rugby" and otht erg etories , arrived hero Saturday nigl ; of by steamer. He visits this country i be the interests of English members ce the board of aid and land ownorshi edof which owns a largo tract of land of Tennessee. Hughes is chairman .er the board. Accompanying him a ily I several prominent Englishmen ai na 1 women , WONDERFUL SHOTS. The Performances of Dr. Huth and "Wife in New York. Special Dispatch to The Bee. NEW YORK , August 22 , 10 p. m. A most wonderful exhibition of shoot ing was witnessed Saturday at Brook- Irwing Park. The exhibition given by Dr. John Ruth and his wife , of Oakland , California , was remarkable , inasmuch as nothing like it has rarely , if ever , been seen in this vicinity. The doctor uses the ordinary sporting Winchester rifle of 44 calibre , and his wife practises with an old-fashioned Remington six-pound pistol. The ex hibition opened with Mrs. Ruth at the scoro. She is said to bo a native of Scotland , of very pleasing , lady like appearance , medium height , of stout build , and has clear , dark , pier cing eyes. She handled the revolver as a mere plaything and broke several sjlas3 balls suspended at ten pices She made a noticeable shot by break ing glass balls eighteen feet distant , shooting over her left shoulder and taking aim by a reflector. With her left hand she performed another remarkable markablo feat by shivering into pie ces a round piece of gla s abou1- the siza of a silver quarter held between the thumb and forpfinger of her hus band , who stood eighteen feet away She waa most enthusiastically ap plauded. Dr. Ruth's moat remarkable shots were in breaking glass balls from the ground in air and then loading and reloading and breaking the ball in its downward progress. The doctor made several other fancy shots which elicit ed much applause. Ho broke , with out the least trouble , glass balls thrown in the air and balls which were thrown horizontally in either di rection. He rarely missed. The moat marvelous feat which Dr. Ruth performed was when a ball was thrown high up in the air horeversedhis rifle , turned completely around , and broke the ball before it reached the ground. The doctor claims to have beaten Car ver in a trial of skill in the Golden State District ijrounds in Oakland. He weara the champion badge won on that occasion. ELECTRIC BRIEFS , Special dispatches to The Iee. ! CEDAR RAPIDS , August 22 Hon. Martin I. Townsend , of New York , will speak at the republican wigwam Tuesday evening next , on the politi cal issues. The wigwam juit comple ted will seat about 2,000. Republi cans say they will work for (55,000 ( majority this fall. CLEVELAND , 0. , August 22 Joseph Zeiller , of Maumee City , Mich. , was found dead near Grafton , Loraiu county , 0. , late Saturdiy night with two bullet holes above the right ear and ugly stabs in the left side. CHICAGO , August 22 Census returns from all counties in this state foot Uf a total population of 3,083,326 , an in crease of 1,371,374 in twenty years and 543,435 in ten years Illinois still maintains the position as the fourth state in the union. ROCHESTER , Auguat 22. EJdit Hempbel , a boy five yeara old. died yesterday from the effets of poiaon from pair of forceps. About twelve days ago he was taken to a German barber to have a tooth pulled. The poison from the insttumeiit entered the cavity , and being absorbed with the blood , produced an agonizinj. death. ROCHESTER , August 22. Monroe and Cyrene commanderioa , of thif city , returned yesterday from Chicagc and were received by a very largi delegation of Knights. The peoph are very indignant over the way in which the Monroe commandery was treated in the prize drill contest. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , August 22 Ii has leaked out hero to day that a com - bination has been formed to adjusl the freight rates on the green line be tween the L. & N. , Chicago , St. Louis and Now Orleans , and Cincin nati , Southern and 0. & M. railroads. This it an amicable conclusion of the troubles that have grown out of the cutting of rates since the Cincinnati Southern opened. SAKATOOA , N. Y. , August 22. J fine Hancock banner , lorgely paic for by contributions from prominen visitors , was raised hero last nijjht ii the presence of 2000 people. Then was a torch-light procession accompa nied by a bind of muaic for the oc- caiion. Speeches were made. Cnicico , August 22 The propellei . Ocean , from St. Catherines , Canada owing to the criminal carelessness ol its captain , ran into thoMadison stree drawbridge Saturday afternoon , whei it wi3 : crowded with pedestrians. 1 terrible accident was narrowly averted CHICAGO , August 22 The polic have done a good business the pas week arresting noted crooks whi came hero to work the Templare Among them is one John Cook , wh some ten yeara ago shot a Chicago pc liceraan who caught him committing burglary. Base Ball. ir The following games of base ba were played Augnst 21st. BROOKLYN , August 21,10 p. m.- Nationals 1 , Rocheatera . ' > ' . They di Hot play the last half. CLEVELAND Treys 0 , Clovelanda ] BUFFALO Buffaloa , 0 ; Worcp , ; tera 8. They did not play the las ehalf. . half.CHICAGO CHICAGO Chicagos 11 , Bostons teg German Festival. Special Dispatches to The B c. CIIIOAOO , August 23 1 a. m.- The midsummer national Platl deutache Verein , which haa lasted a a. the week with some sort of doinga , i il- Ogden's grove , closed yesterday an the portly German strangers , as we , aa the knightly visitorswill soon dwc er "n Chicago only in memory. if- if- Milwaukee Produce Market. ifnt nt AIlLWAUKEE , August 21. (10 Wheat No. 1 hard , nominal ; No. ay Milwaukee , 93Jc ; No. 2 do , 91c ; Ai sir gust , 91f < J ; September , 89gc ; Octobe sir 90 c No. 3 do , 82c. d. Corn Strong at 401c. Oats Higher at 2G4c. Rye In good demand at 79c. Barley In good demand at 75c. or St. Lioula Live Stock. ler ST. Louis , August 21 , lerht Cattle Usual Saturday dullne iaof prevailed ; supply very scarce wi of only small local trade. Receipt 400. inof 400.Hogs Active and higher ; Yorke of and Baltimores , 84 90 < § 5 10 ; mix are packing , $5 00@5 20butchera ; to fa me cy , 85 20@5 45. Receipts , 3,0 bead. MARKETS Bl TELEGRAPH. New York Money and Stock. WAU. ST. . Nsw YORK , August 21,1.30 p.m. MONEY At 21 per cent ; exchange steady at ? 4.S.'j @ 4.S4J. 4.S4J.GOVERNVIENTa. GOVERNVIENTa. Steady. UStfa SI 1W3 Newi'g 1091 UdS'a 102J Currency 6'8 125 USIJ'i. Ill 1 STOCK3 Mojcratcly act Ire and advanced I to H per cent. , reacting J to } per cent. W U-T 107 U. P 85 NYC 133 OC&IC 1 ? Erie _ 42 Jllch. ntral. . . . 08 ; LaUeShoro 10 ? | lluil-imCan-l fcft R. I _ 113 $ NJ Central 77 Northwestern 101 } M A E lid KorthWfStcrn pM.lSOi Kcailini ? 24 Pacific Mail 41 | I.M Ml Ohio 33 OBAQ 'SI3 Ohiopf.-il 77 N. P. pfd 54j St. Paul 89J K&T 3' St.I-aulpM 110 L&X 126J St.Joe 37 N.iC 23 ! U JoetfJ 81 Denver & P.io O. . . 71j Waliash 40 Oulcksllverptd.- Wahash pfd 71j Illinois C 112i St. P. and Omaha. 4JJ C. C. C&I 7lj St P.amlO. pM. . . S1 * } NY&NH 165 N6W Torfe Produce Marked NEW Yens , August 21. Flour Dull and without quotable char e ; receipts , 20,937 brls ; round hoop Ohio , § 1 2035 00 ; choice do , ? 5 10GG 00 ; supcrtiiiewestern | , 83 40 ® 4 00 ; common to good extra do , 53 90 @ 4 33 ; choice do do , ? 4 40G 25 ; choice white wheat do , 4 2504 Co. Wheat @ | c better and fairly ac tive speculative trade ; No. 1 white , September , gl 07 $ ; do October , 1 08 ; No. 2 red. September , § 1 03i@ 108do ; October , § 1 09J@1C9J. Corn Ic better and fairly active ; mixed western spot , 50j@51c. ] Oats Decidedly firmer ; western , 39@40c. Heef Steady and trade quiet ; new plain niees , $9 50 ; new extra do , S10 00. Pork Firmer but quiet ; new mess , SIC 00. iiard Higher and firm ; steam ren dered , 88 42A. Butter Quiet and firm and in fair dunnnd ; Ohio. 14@25e. at. Lioula Produce. ST. Louis , August 21. Wheat No. 2 red , 99 < 597c for cash ; 9GJ < 39"lc for August ; 914 © 92c for September ; No. 3 do , SO © 87c ; No. 4 do , 83s. Corn 3Gc for cash ; 3GJc for Au gust ; 3GJ(537c ( for September. Oats Uojc for cash ; 2Gc bid for August ; 25jebid ; for September. Rye Firm ; 75o bid. Uutter Steady -023c. . E3 - Quiet at llic13c. Whisky Steady at ? 1 09. Pork Quiet at 815 7C. Dry Silt Meats Shoulders , $5 37 clear ribs , 8 57L CHICAGO , August 21. . Wheat No. 2 , ! )0c ) for cash 88 for August ; S9J@8'.l5c for September 90c for October ; No , 2 red winterj Corn No. 2 and high mixed , for cash40eforAugU8t41jcfor ; ; { tember ; 41ijc for October. Oats No. 2,2Gjc for cash ; 3 2Gc for August ; 2G < i < § 27c for Septem bore - e Rye No. 2 , 74c. Hurley 7Gc for September ; 77c foi October. Mess Pork $10 50@1G 75 for cash 817 10@1712 for August and Sep. tember ; glG 851G 90 for October $13 50 for November. Lard SS 20 for cash or August ? 8 22i@8 25 for September ; 58 30(3 ( October. . Bulk Meats Boxed Shoulders SufiO ; short ribs , 8850 ; short clear S8 75. 75.Whisky Whisky § 1 09. o MEAT MARKET V. T. lilock. 16th St. Fresh nu I Salt MeaU o all klnda constant on hand , prices reasonable. Vegetables In seal on. Food delivered to i ny part o ( the city. WM .AUST. . A. F. RAFERT & . CO. , Contractors and Builders Fine Woodwork a Specialty. Agents for the Encaustic Tilinc 1310 DODOK ST. . OMAHA 013AHA WATER WORKS. d Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposal will he received hy the Citj Witer Works Company of Omaha , Nc ! . , at tholi ofliie , room Xo. 4 , G'reighton lilockinsaiil city until 12 o'clock , uoonof Wednesday , the 1-ti'ai - of feentemlier , 1SSJ , for fnrnishin ; ; all material anil pcrfiumin ; ; work as follow ? : One compound or condensing j-Hmping-cnsim T with cancitv to puirp S.OOO.tO1 ! U. S. galloni a .init : 300 feet head from the MH oiiri river the s urvo of supply , into the r scrvoi-a.andalsi if to work apiiiut a maximum fire pressure cqiu to 350 head. AI > one non-compound non c nilcnin en Cine of 2,000,000 gallons capacity under lite con ditions as aljovc. Also four hollers with all their appurtenances Al- < > engine foundation and holler fe tings. Also one engine and lioihr honso complete. Also the furiiishlnt approximately 4.200 ton of cast iron water pipe and 75 tons ot special caat LO in9. AIjo the lajincot 23 mips of pipe togethc with Cl cinlca.tin including hauling , furnlsli 10 in ; Im ] , furniahini ; and ccttinj ; valrc boxes an Q. covers and the getting of hjilranta AUo the furnishing the necessary valves. a Also the ftirnishinrf of 250 flrt. hydrants. AJto the furnuhin of all materiaU not foun on the groundand constructing 3 reservoirs wit an atrjregtte capacity of 9,000,000 gallons t < KCther with rcccivinsand settling chambers ii til fluent and diluent arrangements and evcrjthln ncce-Kiry to fully complete the same. Al'nin fuinuhln all matcriala and labor m ccswr ? to fully complete the influent or riv < id well and ill connections with the ri cr and wit the pumpini ; machinery. Spci.ilicationa Mill he f urni'hed on applicatin 1. at the olllcc f the coni | > apy from and after ti 1.g. . 15th inst. I'lans and detailed drawings will be rcvly ft 3t the examination of bidders at the company otlicc xs a1 ovc from > nd after the 2jth inst. 2. I'a > meut4 will henadu monthly on work doi and material furnished with j , reservations ar exceptions aa bet fnrth mdrociflcatiuns. I'.ijj will he retched for the aho\e work in d tail for the whole orany part thereof. The rompiii } herein rcsencthciiichtto rcjc an } or all bids. SAMUEL U. JOIIXSOV. i- Gt President. - ill THE ONLY PLACE WHERE YC can find a gocd asiortment ot BOOTS AND SHOE At a LOVKR PIGURiS than any other shoe house in tha city , P. LANG'S , 236 FARNHAM ST. LADIES' & GENT SHOES MADE TO ORDEI d a perfect fit snarintecd. Prices Trvrexi HAMBURG AMERICAN PACKET CO. 533 ith Weekly Line of Steamshii Lea Yin ; New York Every Thursday at 2 p. its , For England , France and German era ted For Passage apply to an- G. B. RICHARD & GC 000 General Puaengei Agent * , Jaae2Hy 61 Brosaway , New 2o : A. B. HUBERMAN . . 3 . X. X JEW Cor. Douglas and ISth Sts. Gives Great Bargains in Ladies' and Gents' AMERICAN COLD AND SILVER WATCHES. All Kinds Of JEWELRV , SILVER WARE AM ) DIASIOXDS. We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money. PROCLAMATION AND ELEC TION NOTICE , rxicrrivit DurtRTUBNTt , Cirv OE-OMUIA , > JlATOR'S UFF1CS. August 23 , 1S5O I B/Tirtuo of the autlmnir in mu vcstid , I , Champion S. Chasi , Major of the City oOraab.i. do hereby proUa.m to the iinl | fiwl voter * of sail City and of the reflective * ard- thereof , that , on the 3.1 diof AniliHt imt an ordinance uas du'y pissed hy the Council of thf ( . ' ty > f Omahaand on the l-lidaj f August lii t the 8nid oriiinanco ds approved liy the Major , of which ordinance tliufolkming U a copy. toit ORDINANCE NO. 43 . An ordinance to provide fora Special Klpct'nn by the electors of the City "f Omaha , tn tloicr mine whc'her mty-ijix thi-trainl oao hundnd dollars of NmiU < f tha City cf Omaha ohall be Umedfortlie piri > se of payment of the out ' gtsmtlnz floating debt hiinU i f th.it amoum , I * tE.iieil . November lit I biarinclO per cent inlrnxt . A. D. , 1S72 , and to replace suld bonds it a I wer rate of Interest. BoitonUInedbr tha Citj Counc-1 of the City of Cmaha. SECTION I. There bavins been isui il on the 1st dy of November. A. D , 137. ! , seventy twu thousand live hun.lred dollar * of rtoatinjj dettt bondjcf the City of Omaha , hearing 10 p r tent annual interest , which b mis arc due on the 1st day of November , A. D. , ISSi , hut were redeem able at the option nf th City cf Cnuha at any time after the tH diy cf November , A. D 1 77 , and there no\v hein outstanding nnririltuneil ; aixtj-six thousand one hundred iloilart of Haul hotidnand it buui desired that the bond * fll ill be issued at a lower rate of interest to nie the money nscefsiry to redeem s-iid lioniN ; tl.ere fore , the Mayor of the city of Ucuha la hereby authorized aud instructed tu cull aSi > cc > al 1 c- tion , after givin 20 DAYSpublicn lice of Mich Special Electit n to lie belli In the Citv of Omaha c on th3l4thdayof September , A. ! > . , 1S-PO , for1 the purpose of submitiing to tue tl e ore of and ; Cityofmarta the following pro | > sitioii. "Shall b-mds of the City ol Omah t be i sued hyuaidfity in the sum of sixt > - 8ithi'immt one hundred uollirx ( ttG.lQt ) , uuo in twt ity ( CO ) j cars , with interest at the r itc of 7 per con turn per annum , interest payable tmi annually , farthepurjiosoof reil emlnit and p31 * ? Hlxtr lix thoURind one hundred ilollars outBtandin of floating debt bond- * , dated November 1st , 1S72 , iwsuea hy tne City of Omalii. Imarinj inlcrest at tha rate of 10 per centum per annum ; the ob jcctbcinitoreducethorateof Intereitu.on tbc condedindebtednesa fiom ten per centum ptr annum f5"ocvin per lentum p-1 annum , a id bond ] not t be diverted from said > bjec. and to be disputed of at not losttian par'V Suit prtposition shall bo submitted to Mid . electors entire and in the fnri'i ; < > io form iml the vote thcrojii sball ba on y by "Y " or "Xo " SECTION II. Thlt ordinance shall take effect and bo in force from and nf'cr Its ) pafiuo. JAMES K I om , 1'riT dent City Council. Passed August 3.1,1SSO Atteit : J. F. McCAKT.XET. , tity Clerk. Approved August 1th , 1S5O. CiiAJinos S.Cm E , Mayor. Now , therefore , in purxuanceof tbo provitions of sa'd ordinance , no'ice n hcrefy given , th t anclcctKn willbo held in the City of Omah.i. bouglai ctunty. State of Nebraska , on Tuesday , the Fourteenth Day of 1880- September , - at which the proposition in taM ordinance rccit ed In rczard ti > tue iue of bonds will bo Bill- , mitted tn the clectoo of said City. The p N4 nt s-ild election will be openeil at 8 o'clock a in and held open until 7 o'clock p. m. . and no long er.nr.dat the followiuif places in the several wardJ , toit : First Ward , Tamer Hall. SecoLd Waid , Flra Enfine Ifou c , N # . 3. IRth , Stre t. Third Ward , Carpenter' Joiner Shop , Tenth street , tno doorjsmtii of Eiigino llooac bit No. 2. Fourth Ward , S eri9'8 efllce. Court House , Farnham street. Fifth Ward , Ed. feeders' aoutheait corner 12th anil Oicw streets Sixth Ward , fire Enin Homo No. I , COth street. In testimony whereof , I hive hereunto set my hand snd caused theSof said Citjr to te n- flicd the day and year first alM.vo written. ( SEM. . ) CiiAMrios S. CIUSE , Maror d-lt ; dltFOR FOR SALE VEMGUE rTHE GREAT MALARIALANTIDOTE OFTHEAGE. on Safe , Certain , Sure and Speedy onS NEYERFAILSTOCURE. S The onlyartlcleknownlhatWill at fsarcffccefe\his disease permonentfyfram'fatsysfem. J.C.RICHARDSON , SOLE. PROPRIETOR General Agents 3 RICHARDSON &CO. , WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. EVERYWHERE. P3 m. ri 1VIL , MECHANICAL AN1 > MINING EJ \i GINEERINO at tbrKen3 IaerPolyt chn Inttitute. Troy , N. Y The oldest enzlneerir ichool in America. Next term begins Septen ber 16th. The KeeUt ; r for 1330 contains a Ii of the graduates for the paat W jeara , with th DOgitloca-alJO , 4OUTM of itadr , requirement Spenae. tc. Add * * DAVID IL GREEN , Director. CO n e Q1 _ § ' _ r * O C\S o Q CQ E- * 'h2 o acv _ Lace -aco Is. H HI. K. KI.SUOX , General Insunincc Agent , REPRESENTS : PIKKNIX ASSUKANCE CO. , ol Lon don , Cash Asset * . J5.107.127 WK31CiKSTEIt.N.Y. Capital. . . . 1.00 ,10 TIIKJIKKCIIANTS.of Newark. N. J. , 1,000.001 UlltAltf > HKrPhilailclpl > iaCapital . 1.000,000 NORTUWKbTKKN NATIONAI/.Cap- Ital 900,000 FIKEMEN'S FUND , California MX .OW IIKITISII AMERICA ASSU'IlANCECo l OO.OTO vA tK KIRK INS. CO. . Assctn. . . . Itft.WI AMEKICAF CENTKAtAmetu SUO.OOO Southeast Cor. of Fifteenth & Douglas St. . mchR-dlr OMAHA. NKB. HARTKOPFF'S MUSEUM. Brandt's Turner Hall , JCorncr Tenth and Howard Street ? . This celet-nted Maseorni - 1 1 * rn every day from 10 o > locka. m. until 10 lo k P m the nme contains a Urze ccl.'ection ftf 2 0' > artifl'ial and nattinl ruriMitie * of OeoPy. . btnnnlosr , Anitomic and Kitholojrjr The aiTmlMton fee has l * n rHuce toSC test * . THE CELEBRATED Oval Steel Tooth Harrow Manufactured by Ut GROQt < t OKBVIJG.V , Fen ila a < r. Wis. K. D COOPER , Writ * for piicoi. > ; ent , Omaha , Keb. Mwt ! lie N THE DAILY BEE ? in- lit Contains the Latest Home and Tela elrU , graphic News of the Day. IE , SUBSCRIRP