Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    VOL. X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , SATUEDAY. AUGUST 21 , 1880. IST0. 53.
Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
Home Kulers to Wake Up
the House of Commons ,
Exciting Debate Promised on tlie
Irisli Constabulary Bill ,
Bitter Debate Expected for
Forster's Strictures
on Dillon.
Monster Demonstration in Fa
vor of Abolition of the -
- Hou've of Lords , * 7
Which Will be Held Despite ,
British Law to the
5ped > 1 tlteralch to The Hoc.
LONDON , August 20 4 p. m A
difpatch from Dublin states that a
farm house in X > rth Henry , from
"which the tenants had just been evict-
rd , wat , last ni-ht ; completly destroyed
by fire. Although a constabul-iry
station wrs near the spot , no effort
was ma Jo to pursue and arrest the
perpetrators. 1 ha people of the sur
rounding country siw the flames and
gathered in largo numbers to witness
the coiifl ic' tirn. but did n t try to
quench the flames flthou hthey nritrht
easily have done so. Many persons
present , vrl 5t Fct-vcd the landlord
risrlitapd hnv would he other cases
like Tt at ; sr Ireland if eviction was
persisti'il in.
A fh picoppor rear Mt. Bel-
loir was jes'erday stabbed by
inithk d nnasMiis f. r takmsi land
fr < > ist vhili a tenant h d b-en recent-
Jy ejected. The * t' > ry i t at the n > n
cn' r "l the she keepers h uA and
told him in d' ? iid o'C' > s the'r pur-
pn e nnd rras n f r it , and then cntn-
mi'tad trie da-d. No nrres's have
be--n raid ; . an > l t'ie local HU'hori'ips
d' > no * se m disposed to exert thorn-
S3U'es about it
Ep-rial D spitdi t TIIK BEt.
LONDOV , Auznst 20 4 p. m A
St. I'i crsruira di p < 'ch "ays : Unind
States C null General E'l - r's ' has
"hi-on t > n i brief tour of inspection of
S .S 'a'a yrt a' mmt-ial res-U'Crs. and
h . ti k Ht Stockholm M--n
> n a poe | > - " -
time Ru sia has heen unusuHl y
-urrned hy Am-ric n t < iuri ts , who
88" the new ni'rrh iutt'reat dly.
Tito Sc\tS'a ' h a arrived ,
! vinf : on b a'd sevir 1 AmTicanen-
gin-crs , pntrii't-id with t'ie dut fit of
juvosticatir g HiifHi n mineral and "ii
regi n , whore s-vernl ell < are work-
in U ku , POM" , e'c The Scy hi wll
remain a Odr& a for aome d ys for
commercial pur. > oa'-s.
Special Dlstiatcb u > Tlio I IPO.
LONDON , August 20 , 4 p. m
A c lliEiun occurred last night on the
\ M diand railway , npHr Set la , coun'y
of York , \\V > t R'rlinsr , resulting in
the wrrckint ; cf the Pul man express
fr' > m London. No casualties are re-
f po't-d f a pcrioua nature.
Iv Lnrd Il-sebcrry liai bofn appointed
new under crcrotary fnrltidia.
A dispatch from I > i If as t states that
rioting was ] iartinlly renewed last
night , nut the disorderly tli-ment was
quickly ru.inressfd y the police.
LONDON , August 21 la. m Mr.
Parnell has returned to London for
the purpose i f conducting in parlia
ment the obstruction to the v ite in
the supply bill tna'niig ' the usual ap
propriation for the maintenance nf
the Irish constabulary. The.-x-ita'or's
juisi ion is not one of oppotition to
the existence of tli3 c u-B ibulary
its"f ] , but opposition in the forcw as
capable of bem used under the dst
ins law as a standing menace t * > popu
lar expression in Ireland vn the ques
tion of Irish n-form. It ia under-
Btood that ho will r-ltfnipt to defcit
the appropriation outiraly and accept
all the risks unless the government
consents to a tnodiGcaii' ' 11 of the Ia s
undir which the constabul ry ii now
A dispatch from Bfr\ i.nuoances
that the German gor rm , t lias de-
ci led to unite with Fr " and the
otho'1 in daclini '
powers % proposi
tion cf Eagtand to intt'-fo 1 / armed
force in buhalf of Grocj i he lit
ter's quarrel withTarkof"1 tt B boun
dary ques ion. What ver iray be
the itninedlito reasuni uh'ci have
xnovsd Germany. priotic 'iy < o with
draw from the advanced fttitJ recen.-
1y nttrihuted to ihe Beilin signstory
powers in reference to this ma'tcr , it
is fionght heto to ba evident that the
suitui's policy of drlayj comhinrd
with the hesitation of every leading
government in Europe to become re
sponsible for wnr , is gradually work
ing out a diplomatic victory for the
porte. It is believed in semi official
circles that , with th.9 cession of Dul-
ciino , which the sultan has promuoi ,
Turkey will Iwo weitnered the worst
of tha storm for the present. It is
jiot thought probable that Gr > oce will
li-k a war without the distinct as-
eu-Hiici of help , which assurance she
is fur her from obtaining thin at any
iime since th- > close of the supple
mentary c nf r nce.
The bodv of Adelaide Keilson , the
nc ress , WHS buried in Broinpton ccm-
etary j-o terday afternoon. Br.imp
ton cemetery 13 roach d hy one of
the br inches of the ti'idi-rground rail
ways , nnd ts situated > n , the rear of
Arnold ohurch , ntmr ihe upper p"r-
tinn of TJ-otnptoa villmje. It is 61 ed
with hatnlsnme monument1 ! , and for
many year * t > st has been the favorite
cemetery of the tl-.ovtncal profession.
Rtv J. D. Mns-in ham olliciatel at
the grave and rd the burial StsrvFoa
of the Church of Englmd. The oif-
fin , whichas > f if p llisho white
oak , was covered with fl > ers b ought
by irienns ot the decexsed , and b < 0
this inscription : ' Lt lian Adela'de
-il-on. . D.cJ in P ris , August 15 ,
1830 " Amt'ii ; thechiej mourners were
Admiral Gynn , f the r-'yal n vy ;
Mrs. Mori ; n , Inrl "U"nry Lenor ,
Henry Lab uchire AI. P. and ed t ir
of ihe Truth , Lord Lagden , Mr.
Latris Q. C. , and a great crowd of
actors and actresses and ot tiers.
Among the actors-present were Henry
Irrinz , end W. J. Florence and wife
and several other Americans. The
weather was very fine ,
In the house of commons lust night
tha hares and rabb'ts ' bH passed
through the committee of the whole.
In the house of lords LordSpencer ,
replying to Lords Cranmore and
Brown , slid the government did not
intend to prosecute anyone connected
with thn Irish land league nor would
tha government renew the coercive
is anticipattd outside the house of
crmmons on MoncUy in favor of Mr.
O'Connor's bill providing for the abolition
lition of the house of lords , and as
there is a law prohibiting any popu
lar demonstration within one mile of
the houses ofyarliament when the in
tention is to influence legislation by
intimidation , the gathering will prob
ably take place in Trafalgar square ,
which is the nearest available point.
The procramme provides for the
usual speeches by radical orators ,
more for tha purpose of influencing
public sentiment among the common
people than with any hope of securing
the passage of the bill.
A Ghsgow dispatch says that the
strike among the iron workers is daily
becoming more serious , and over eight
blast furnaces have already extin
guished their fires.
A Berlin dispatch atiteE that the
Prince of Bulgaria has arrived at Var
na tr hold an interview with. Prince
Bismarck on affairs affecting the joint
Interests of Germany and Bulgaria.
A Pekin dispatch says that the Chi
nese government has rtleased Chung
H w , who was 'sentenced to bs be
headed for making too ureat and ill
advited concessions to Russia in ne >
KOtiatinir > he Kuldja treaty. The re
lease of Ciung H-iVr is regarded here
as a somewhar rinuular act of grac * on
tb < * part of thegovernrai-ntin view of
tbe strained relat ons b-tween China
and Ru'sia a d the evident doternn-
n -ti m of the la ter power to force
China into war , and there sterns to he
a choice -twepn attributing the act tea
a fe-r of Russia , which advocated
Chutic How's cans , or to the ii flu-
ence f 'he more humnn policy which
Prince K 'n is tryn ? to engr-ifc for
the gove-nmi-nt of his c 'untry.
4. G asg > w d sp tch says thit the
i'O str ke s huv chosoi a poor tim
to quit woik and 'he ir.'H market will
be overstocked , for how lon no one
cm say , as the pr nsipal demand is for
cousump ion.
The Viiflroy of India talpgrnphs
t' ' t Gt-n Hul es' bneade , compris
ing art of the Cindahtr ninfurce-
mentr'lved at Fort Batte Thura-
d y all * ell.
A very animated debate is espccted
to 'ako i lieu m the house of commons
ro-dty hen the vo'o on the Irish
cnuBtbulary b 11 is moved. Mr.
Footer's angu-ge in the house of
ccinmous on Tnesdty , stigmatizing
the speech of John Dillon at Ktldare
a wickid and cowardly , has tff-ndod
the home-rulers , and hns induced
them to f ng-t minor differences of
opinion in < rder < o B'ipport their col
ic "gue. Parnell and Forstor will re
turn to London to-day , from Dublin ,
on the same ten in.
The Times this morning says Mr.
Forster wH at. an ear y day state in
the house of commons ihe policy to
bo pursued by ihe government in re
gard to Ireland.
A dispatch from Dubl-n says The
Nation urges the farmers of Ireland
to give their evidence before the land
A mob prevented the serving of an
eviction process yesterday at Cap-
panale , near Laugher a.
Special Dispatch to The Bea.
PARIS , August 21 1 a. m. Sir
hundnd thousand francs' ( $115,800) )
worth of jewelry have been stolen
from the house of Gen. Scramm , at
Courneave , near St. Denis.
Special dispatchto _ The Bee.
ST. PETERSBURG , August 21 1 a. m.
The czar will , it is announced , re
ceive the Chinese and Japanese am-
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
YiENh'A , August 21 1 a. m. An
iusurrection lias broken out in the
The Roumanian iroops annihilated
two companies of Bulgariin insur
gents. Two hundred soldiers were
Special Dispatch to Tha Use.
ROME , August 21 1 a. m. The
pope yesterday precalized twenty-
three bishops , principally for Italy
and America. Tbe papal allocution
dwelt exclusively upon Belgian af-
Cardinal Nina is ill wi'h a fever.
Gambler's Bow.
Specli.1 dispatch to I he He * .
CHICAGO , August 20 , 1 a. . A
lively fhooting affray occurred list
niu.'it among some gamb'ers in Obnpin
Gor 's no orious saloon in the ro ref
of McVicker's theatre Ono man WSB
shot in the neck , another in the arm
nnd one in the leg.
Drunken Vaulting : .
6p c < il DIspMch to Th be.
LODISVIUE , Ky. , August 21 1 ;
m. Ca > h Palmer , a r nil road laborer ,
tnet horrible death at 'he M. & I.
depot i- this city Ust night. He WAS
dni'ik and went to the dt-pit closet
where a gentleman p w him fall
throi'gb to the vault below. A rope
va pr' 'Ured and he WM ciught and
drawn pat way up but let eo , over-
jcmeby ha gwseE , and falling back
vas srau1 ha ed. He formerly lived m
- " " , L.wa.
Crazed By
Special Pis , * * en to Tbe Bee.
NEW YORK , August 21,1 a. ra.
. Thorn-son , in company with
Jaiy friend , whose house ube is stay
iniz-at for the pjeseut , called on her
daughter Alinnie at Bellerue hospita
yeite-day , and remained an hour.
'Msnnio "is calm and
mrst of the time and breaks out In violent -
olent fits only at intervals. A medictl
student attached to the office of the
doctor , who had the family under
treatment , called at Bellevue hospital
at noon and made the necessary ar
| rangements , to remove Miss Minnie ,
company with her sister , to a private
uylnm in Morristown , N. J. He re
ported the mother KB perfectly sane
and said that there was ground for
hopa that both daughters would re
cover fully. Ho said : "There is , so
fir as I know , nothing whatever
against them except that they are
unfortunate through too mnch wt rk
J and too much lov * for each other. "
Mrs. Thompson and her da-'ghters '
were taken by Mrs. Corey , a widowed
daughter , and some friends to the asy
lum last night. Mrs Thompson is
not to bo incarcerated SB a patient ,
only ai a companicnto her d aught era
The insanity of Minnie , the youngest
daughter , is of a milder typo than that
of Annie , but the condition of the lat-
tsr is critical. In the private asylum
at Morristownremovi d from all other
cases , the two young ladies may , in the' '
course of time , be completely restored.
Good Thing Made by the Bail-
roads en the Knights
The Templars.
Special Dispatch to The Bee
CHICAGO , August 20 10 p. m.
Many of the ICn-glrs IVraplar remain -
main in the city alter the cooling
bowers of last ni ht , and in the less
crowded condition of the streets ,
camps , and hotels , they are able to en-
oy themselves immensely. They
appear reluctant now to leave. The
hicago commanderiea spell * yester
day afternoon and evening in mak ng
'raternal ca lj and civing serenadt g to
h"ir visitors. Mosr of the depart ng
ommanderipg fir < t ca.l up < n and pay
, 'eir re pe ts to the j-r nd n ! 8t r
il-ct , B njimm Dem , of Boston.
The camp is not to ba entirely aban-
loed btfore to-morrow , if indeed it
ia then.
Last Orusado.
Special Dispatch to T e Bi e.
CHICAGO , August 21. 1 a m An
evening piper pub iah s an ei nu-ito
"romthe"diffrent tailri > adaand steein-
bt > al lines of the numer of ooop o
mjht to C'ic ' g b-"weun Sundwy
mo ning and Tue < n < y no > n It * ' , t'o ( '
tuttl bei. . g 121,891 , not inclnd n
uburbtn or re uLf p.i-smyer busi-
iess. Tha largest n'mbr hr. u-ht
by a s ngln read was 25,891 , hv the
Northwrttarn , which trnpl % ed over
400 ex'ra cirs. Tne W.sD * i-u > n
horse ra Iway company , o i W. d tes-
dy , did the la'ge-t busineis it h s
aver kn > wii in car yinn the pe > ii > le to
ni from tnKuighis' dr 11 it Joik--y
3Iuh park and b-ick frmn ihevoniig
intertaicmeuta an i fire-w > rKs. Down
.i . w 11 , both dav and evenig , every
v H bl7 horse and c r w s in use ,
and yet they could have emnlujed
Veral hundred more w th piofit.
They were runnii g uetrly 3,000
hints , and the were put teach
ach severe testa , with frequent loads
nd the hot weather , that mmyof
hem have since dio. . On the H-idt
on street line on the b'g day , cars
averaged $35 etch , not including
ticket fares , which would nearly
double the amount.
B aprozimately given by the trien
nial commission at $ G5,005.
The conclave mat yesterday in the
chapter house and installed the new
officers ; heard report of retiring grand
master ; amended by-laws , and ap
pointed the third Tuesday in August ,
1833 , for the next meeting of the con
clave at San Francisco.
Several commanderies remain in
hicapo over Sunday , but the majnri-
ty , including those from the Pacific
coast , left for home last evening.
Beausant commandery , ot .Balti
more , one of the first to arrive , was
also one of the last to leave. They
orraally struck camp at 10 o'clook
yesterday , their flag being lowered at
the firing of crnnon , amid , music and
cheering from other commandories.
Before going they perfected ar
rangements to have a large elm tree
planted on the spot wherJ their tents
stood in Lake Park. Local knights
are to see that it is properly planted
and certain Chicago Indies were del
egated to water the tree , foster it and
see that it flourishes.
continued its session yesterday , the
principal matter of interest being the
reading of a letter from General J.
Phulps , of Brattleboro , Vt , anti-Ma
sonic caudidate for president , in which
he denounced Freemasonry as dan
gerous to Americnnliborty. Ho comp -
p red Masonry at the north with Ku-
Springfield Races.
8pda ) Dispatch to tor lite.
SrniNdFiELD , Mass. , August 21,1
a. m. At the Hamden Park rces
yesterday thu free-fur-all race attract
ed considerable attention. The first
d wts the 2:23 clisspurse of $1,500.
won by Wed ewood taking second ,
-urth and fifth heats ; bt-sttime2:23j.
Prne-for-all paceis' race , purseor
81,000 , was the event of the dhy.
Rowdy Boy won the raceb ? the first ,
coiid aud fifth host * ; time 2:17i : ;
Luy second. Only one heat ot tbe
2:25 class was trotted , when the rice
was postponed till todayIn thi *
heat Maltta Woodward came in first.
Saratoga Bacea.
Special DlspVon vo in * E i.
SARATOGA. August 20 , 10 p. m.
The rncitu : p-og-ammr f r to-day cnn-
istel of fourtve1thefint .f * h ch
WSB for a purse of § 300 f-.r two y
oldg , five furlongs , ai d was won by
Lady B > s b r > y. Sprit gfield tecond ,
nd Bout jack i hud Tiu e l:30i
ha src-ind r c ° , DU se S5UO , for nil
age , < nf mile and nve furlungc , nas
won b\ 1 us Lawrence , 6 < ibril second
end , Warfield thi-rt. Timn , 2:50. :
Bepubllcaa Anniversary.
Special dUpaica to Tui Bia.
BELLOWS FALLS , Vt. , August 21 , 1
a m Tne V.rmont repu'jlicini cei-
brated the fortieth anmvereory of
the meeting 011840 at Oties'er , yps-
tarday. Ghiv Proctor preiidtd Six
thousand persons were present , and
peeohej were mide by ei Govi.
Smyth , BtJ { aadfdtober } of Vermont ,
Hon. Malan Chase of Ohio , Senator
Blair 1 of New Hampshire , Gen. J. G.
, McCullough and others.
New York Money and Stock.
WALL ST. . Nrw YORK , Aupist 25,1:30 : p.m.
MONEY At 2J per lent ; exchanse stead ;
tt 4.S2 @ 4.S1J.
OSB-f'Sl 1049 New 's 109 ]
OrfS'g 102j Currency 6'a 125
II S \ Ill
MoJoritely active and advanced i to J per
cent since opsnlmi.
\VUT 105J CCilC 17i
NYC 1331 MIch.Central 06\ \
Erie 42 Lacio , nna&W. . 881
Eriepro'd 71 BudsonCAtlit 84
Like Shore > 10S , fentral. . . . . . . 77 !
u. i M &E 11C ;
Northwestern . 10'i Reading . 24
Northwestern pfd.lEOj I.M . 66
Pacific Mail . 411 K. &T . . . ST
Ohio . 34 } IlllnoisO . Ill
OhUipf.d . 7i
St. Paul . 89
St.PaUlpfd . 110 N. SO. . . : . 72
S : Joe S6J Amo.-icauEip . . . 67
fct Jcoifd SO USEx 47j
Wah sh * 40i C , C , O&I 72
WabashpM 71J N.P. SOj
St.P. ardOmahi. . 4i N. P. pfd 54
St P.andO. pfJ. . . 8'iJ Denver & Wo 0. . .
U. P Oil
OntcAOo A'luu't 20
Wheat Was fairly att'v , but un
BettlfH , with sales of No. 2 aprtng ar.
87@S7cfor cash or Angus ; 87i@88gc
for September ; SSf SDJo or Ootuba
closing firm at outside pi ices.
Cortl Moderately active and
lower ; sales of No. 2 a 35J3D
ca'h ; 3839jfor August ;
for September ; 391@40jcfuruCt b-r ,
closed at SOjccahot August ; 39c
for September ; -lOjc for October.
Oats Eisier tit the opening , but
JffiJc hither at'tr-e close ; No. 2 sold at
24/25c ; for cash ; 24 @ 2Bc for August ;
24g ] i < 325jc for September ; 2526c
' for Oct > bi > r , closing t outside prices ;
Rye Firmer at 70s for cash ; 70 ®
70Jc for September.
Barley Stiong ; No. 2 , 76o for
Whisky SI OD.
MP - > P. rk Irrpgular and selling
at § IO 60@17 00 f-r Augustj ? i6 8&
I1 ? 07 t..r September ; $168001700
for Ootnb r , d sii g at $16 B0@16 75
forc-sh ; Sl700fT Auau t or Snpi
tembrir ; § 16 85516 90 f" ' Oatbsr. .
Ltrd S 'd ' > 8'Og83-J ' f r Sep
te.i.b-r . ; $810S8 : ii f r Oc'ober ,
cli s m ! ? 8 Ift'oS 2J * fr cash or Au-
g s : S82U@8 22 | fr September ;
5 = 8 22J@8 30 for O tobor.
Cblcaff- > Live StocJc.
CHIOAOO , Auxust 20
Ho s Wertj i i g d demaiid on
p-ckii g HI d shipping hceou ' 's ' "t - >
cdvanco < f l"c ; s es at S5005 2" >
fur ij h' p ck-Dtf anlsh-ppug ; 5400
@ 5 25 fur havy picking ; $5 00g6 ( 40
f r uood to ex ra choice heavy Bhi
ping -
( jit 1 Th re wa * an active market
fir citl < and p ices rulrd firm
and steady at jes'erday's quota
tiorsfur cln kr to ix r < > 1 > ts , but fur
mi dinm and co.nmun grat-s fed ato-rs
p i e < wtrW'ak with a downward [
tendency ; Texan stpers were in large I
tupuiy nd weax fnr common grades ;
Sitlet ranged atS'J 25@3 00 for c mmi n
to fair TiXancofB and steers ; S'i GO
f rbu'ch. rs'a steers ; 84 25@4 45 tor
fair to L-ood shipping sters and from
? 4 60@4 9i ) for choice to ex ra smooth
g beeVfS ; the fresa receipts
were 4,156 head
tit. L.OUIS Proauce-
ST. LOCIH , August 20
Flour About lOc off.
Wheat Opfn ° d higherdeclinpd and
clnsed better ; No. 2 red , 95 § < § 95@95c
forcaih ; 95J@95Jc for Angus : ; 91 ®
9i'jj@91c fur Sep'emhnr ; 91 © 90J@91
for Ooti.b-r . ; 00i@9091c fur No
vember ; 83J(58n89fec ( for the ye r ;
No. 3 do , 84@ti5lc | ; No. 4 do , 82 ®
82jc. *
Corn Unsnttled ; 35J@35c for
cash ; SOfsSGSSejc for September ;
37i for October ; 371 < 337c
for November.
Oats Higher at 2Gc for cash ; 25 | ®
26o for October ; 26 0 for November.
Rye Higher at 753 bid.
Lead Steady at ? 4 75.
Butter Unchanged.
Eugs Lower at 10@12c.
g Whisky Higher at $1 09.
Pork Firm at $1G 00 asked for
cash , Aueust or September.
Dry Silt Meats Strong and better ;
85 3 . 88 50 , S8 75.
Bacon Higher at § 6 00 , § 9 25 ,
§ 9 37i , 9 50.
Lard Nominally higher.
Receipts Flour 5,000 bbls , wheat
93,000 bu , corn 17,000 bu , oats 14- ,
000 bu , barley 1.000 bu.
Shipments Flour 10,000 'bbla ,
wheat 201,000 bu , corn 9,000 bu , oats
8,000 bn , rye 1,000 bu.
St. Liouis Live Stock.
ST. Louis , August 20.
Hogs Active end bighe ; Y-ikera
and Biltimores. S4 H5@5 05 inued
packing , § 4 955 20 ; bu ch.s t -n-
cy , $5 20@5 35. Receiiti , 5,700
head ; shipments , 5,700.
N6W York Produce Market.
NEW YORK , August 20
Flour Dull and in buyers' favor ;
receipts , 18.087 brls ; round hoop
Ohi" , § 4 20@5 00 ; choice do , So 10
© 6 00 ; superfine western , 83 404 00 ;
common to good extra do , $3 90 ®
4 35 ; choice do do , 84 40@G 25 ;
choice white wheat do , 84 25@4 65.
Wheat A shade easier and trade
very modi-nte ; No. 1 white , cash ,
SI 07g : do September , $1 07 ; No 2
red. SI 07f ; do September , 31 07 | @
1 07 § ; do October , 81 08J@1 08 § .
Corn J@c better and "modera'ely
active ; inixe'l ' western spot , 49@50Jc ;
do future , 60@n3o.
ytnng but quiet ; western ,
B ef Dull
nnd unchanged ; new
pl iu mess , $9 50 ; new extra do ,
§ 10 00.
Po'k Dull and heavy ; now mess ,
$16 00
Lird A chado easier ; ( team ren-
der-d , 88 30.
Butter Firm and In fair inquiry ;
Ohio. 14(525 ( ;
Tied By Ap onStrings.
SpecUl Dl iutch tu The Oee.
MCNCIE , Ind , A-'gu-t 21,1 a ra.
The bo iy nf Miss S rah Fre-man was
discovered Wednetd y moming hint ;
m to th--limb of a tree in tha or
chard , nar her reridence , by h-ir
af ron strings , Ab > ut a m < nh ago
h-r Inver , J. A. Snyder , omranted
suic de , a > id hit death so we'gh d up
on her mind hat she became distract- i
East. Bill.
The f llowiugBarnes of base bal
Were plajed August 20th.
BRooKLT. < Augiut.2l , 1 a.m. . -
" -aU 1 , Unions none. "
TALO Baffalcs , lAWorcpsters ;
lereludi 2 > Troy , 5 ,
The Very Latest Tele
grams , up to 4 p , m.
Eight Hundred Hostile
Sioux Surrender at
Pt , Keogh.
One Thousand More Browsing
on the Banks of the
Missouri ,
Special dispatch to the Bee.
WASHDTOTOS , Aujgat 20 4 p. m.
The fol'owing dispatch has been re
ceived by Gen. Buggies and trans
mitted to the war department :
FORT KEOOH , August 18th.
Eight hundred nnd thirty hostile
Sioux have surrendered at this post.
I am informed that 1000 more are
this side of the Missouri on their way
to surrender. Others may possibly
come. My opinion is that these
should all be held under military sur
veillance at the post for the present.
The remainder arc north of
the Missouri , sending oat
war parties , receiving stolen
stock and annoying agency Indians ,
taking pr&'elsion of the agency and
destroying their gardens. Acent
Proctor and Indian inspector Pollock
have psked or trnops. I recjuest alii
thority to plac' the available fnrce of
this district in the vicinityof Round
Buttcs near the Missouri. Their
presence would have a wholesome nf
feet. For this purpose 1 request 'hit
he two infantry companies at Glt-n-
doe , with transportation , be relieved.
[ Sigaed ] MILES ,
Colonel Commnndincr.
A copy of the ab-ive wai font to ilir-
serretary of war to bu p est-nted > t he
cibint-t meeting to day. It is report- .
* * d ihe cabinet will decide n em - '
s"tfed policy of dealine the ?
I'K'i-ins that is , for receiving end
ai posing of them. G n. Siirman
sava hu has n > di-ubt that th-v will
nil b > e"eivpd and dtstnbu ed
the different nee cies , PS hps
y beet d-ine with those whit PU- .
6'iderid fiom-1 vfeekseii c < * . The par
ty re. o' pd as OM g n r h i-f the Ui -
* iiUrisni'lin.r U' p itlifl IS knoan t"
be Sit 'ing Bull a imm > d a'e followers ,
i hSi' tint' Bull ut i ht-ir head. Gen
eral MiUs will at once
pu-h a column in pursuit
f his bitid and try to capture them.
Failing in ih's he will force hem back
in'o Can a a Sit'ii g Bull knowinc
that if he surrenders or is captured
tha * he will b- < treated as an outlaw ,
is j figh'ine hf id to prevent the deser
tion ( of his fi'loir.ersbut . , . hunger ia an
ll-powerful argument' with the In
dians , ai'd is the principal cause
> f their dcFcrtion trom him
nd surrrender to the Unit
id States forces. Of so large a
mmhtT of Sitting Bull's once forniid *
ible followera , it is estimated that hn
but about 40 warriors left and
hey will soon be forced to mrrender
' starve. Sittinz Bull is believed to
be the only impediment to their sur
The Buzzard Dollar ,
ipeclal Dispatch to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , August 20 , 4 p. m.
There was received at the Unittd
States treasurers office up to noon to
day orders for standard silver dollars
apgreg'ting ninety ' thousand , being
the largest orders received for any one
ilay since the boom stsrted. Too re
ceipts from internal revenue and cus
toms sources to-day wore $1,180,509.
Wants to Die.
pedal Dispatch to The Bee.
DETROIT , Aupust 20 ; 4 p. rn. J.
Tanney , aged 52 , an old pension
er of the British army living in Da-
troit , attempted to commit suicide by
cutting his throat with a table knif.
Tne doctor sewed up the wound and
he will recover , but he eays ho will
't again.
Washtourn for Congress.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , August 21 1 a. m.
The friends of Hon. E. B. Washburn
sk him to stand for election to con
gress in the Third district of this city.
Stumping Sherman.
: peeUl Dispitch to the Bee.
WASHINGTON , August 21 , 1 a. m.
Secretary Sherman leaves here on
Sunday night for his homo at Mans
field , 0. , where he will remain till the
' .atter part of next week , when ho will
gn to Cincinnati and deliver hii great
speech , en Monday night , the 3Cth
"nat. Sturman will continue in the
Ohio canvass till about the 4th of
September , when he will return to
Special Dispatches to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , August 21ri"3r-Kr
A recant paragraph in a New York
paper referring to the disastrous bank
ailuro of the First National bank of
Newark , N. _ J. , intimates that a
young and inexperienced man was
delegated to examine the bank. This
is a mistake Mr. John R. Lang-
worthy , deputy comptroller of cur
rency , wa d tailed to examine he
Newark bank , and if tlere is anyihing
amiss in the -por' Mr. Langworhv is
the rrsponsiole party. Mr. Krsapp is
a-ray , absent iff Colorado , nnd any
* ctii > n taken by the stockholders ?
contemplated in a rrs l.itiou pasifd I
at recent meeting would cnme before
LaugAorthy for c n = ider < ition.
The condition of iiff irs with refer
ence t > the nonhwtst Inu ans , as
m--iiti > n d pieviotsly , was repor ed
to the cabinet hy 'ho ' secretary uf war
y s-trd y. I' was staud that the I
policy already exis'hm as t > holdirg I
hostile * as prism ers of war and c nfis-
caiing their stuck covered this cise.
The cab net devi.t'd some time ted |
d scnssing tha f-dvisabih'y of issuing
a truLmaiion rtm viug di < c imina-
ting chaiges io refneuce to Chinese
commerce Secieiary Sh-rman fa-
-ored such a course , but at the sug-
gestion.of tbe attorney general , who
u also acting secret * yof state , action
wasp"ttponed to allow him time to
consider .the matter. The rest of tl-e
session was devoted to routine matter.
The foreign mails dmtkm issued aa
order yesterday that the rate of post
age to countries within tha interna
tional union to be one cent for two
ounces. It was , heretofore , two cents
for four ounces.
It was formally agreed after the ad
journment j < of the cabinet to prepare a
proclamation extending those com
mercial privileges now enjoyed by
other nations to the Chinese vessels
now on the way to San Franc'sro ' laden
den with Hawaiian products. Prepar
ations for drafting this proclamation
began at the department of state yes
terday afternoon and will be submitted
to the cabinet for consideration next
Tuesday. It will bo quite an elabor
ate document.
Thera is iij truth in the published
s'atement ' that the treasury content
pLites issuing certificates in exchange
for gold Sucha proi oeition has been
made by outride parties , hut it cannot
bu done , as it would be a violation of
the law.
Assistant Secretary of State Hay is
quite ill and unable to attend to his
duties as actig secretary of state.
Attorney General Devens has be < n
commissioned to net in that capri ity
in addition to his own duties. Ho
will dontinuo in this capicitv till Mr.
Hay recovers or Secretary Evarts re
.Report That Buchanan , the
Bogus Diploma Peddler ,
Isn't Dead.
Special Tllsnatoh to Tn lUz.
PHILADELPHIA August 21 1 a. m.
A dispatch wu roe ived by the po
lice ycatt-rdav fr > m Pitts ti'g which
effectually diiposeS of the smries of
the supposed suicide rf Dean Buchan
an of hOL'lis di [ Ionia fume If seum
that instpfd of be'ng drowned , the
doctor , if it a iid el he jum d
fr m the ferry into the Delaw-ue river
and managed torenc i th" &h re alive.
I Ins was the s h me , and it wn.ild
have succeeded , h d he not Ml n i t
the track < > t a in n wll" fd t-no n
him in Ph'lade'phi-i ' for the lt fifteen
ye-iis. A though tru-D n is n Pitis
r , locil Huthorit & o' that ci t
are iginrant nf his h dim ; lHCe , hich
is w.ll wtttched by P il d Inhia oe
tec iveo , who can p'o ur- the m >
whenever 1 e i < wnnteri. The He t-cn've
wro mad the d snove'v il-ims $500
n teid or ih § 150 oQe ed H ie-
wuri ! fnr B let aii.ui's arrest B ichan-
an's c p or B. nc nd'r > p tch tn Chlrf
of Police Givea , ns in : ' 'Is thert-
any toward furD1" . Buchanan ; if so ,
w much ! " An aiiswer wae sant in-
f rmu > E him that Mrs. Buchanan hao1
uVrcd 150 f. r the recovery of be'
husband's body , sht believing he had
nr iwnt-d himself Ch f Given wnl
lese no time in taking steps in having
the bogus Dean brought to
this ci'y. When discovered in
Pit'sburg ' , Buch nan had dis
guised himself tuQicioiitlv to miflsfd
Hny but the mo-t skillful export
When app'oached he sturdily denied
his identity and could not be brorght
10 admit anything till he saw hi ) ruse
waa no longer succesfuland _ would
have to be nbandor.ed. He refu-ed .
to speak with r-g-ml to the plot , but it
' 3 that ho had an accomplice
Public indgration in Philadelphia is
awakened to an unusual extent over
the affair.
Special Dispatch to Tin USE.
PirrsBUKa , Auguit 21 , 1 a. m.
Buchuuan hna not been arrested ,
neither is it known at this hour where
ho ia. The dispatches sent early last
night had nothing in them of fact.
Special dlspaici es to The Itee.
NEW YORK , August 21. Dr. Tan
ner has had all his teeth drawn. Dr.
Gunn says he will stay until his den
tist provides a new set. then ho will
visit his father in Litchtield , Ohio ,
and return to the city and begin his
lectures. His weight is up to 155
pounds. When he began fast it was
157 * .
LONDON , August 21. A St. Peters
burg dispatch states that Gen. Louis
Melikoff , the now minister of tha in
terior , audM Tcherrie , under secre
tary , have been officially gazetted.
LONDON , August 21. A Berlin dis
patch states that Prince Rudolph of
Austria will accompany the regular
autumn maneuvres of the German
army , which will take pl&ce at the
headquarters nf the war battalions
and army corps throughout the em
NEW YOKE , August 21. General
James B. Kiddo , of the Uni ed
Sutes army , died in this city yester
day at the age of 43 years General
Kiddo was born in Pennsylvania , and
at the outbreak or the war enlisted
in April , 1801 , as a private in thu
Second Pennsylvania regiment.
HALIFAX , N. S , Ausuat 21. The
Marquia or Lome made his iirut visit
to Cape Breton to-day. Bh pr gross
through the island met with a con
stant ovation. The inhabitants were
very enthusiastic. Hundeome arches
were thrown up ami addresses pro
aented by the various cities and towns.
He will romaiu on the island a few
NEW YORK , Augruit 21 The pre
liminary examination in thn case of
Elijah Atlig'-r , the insurance broker
and boss forger , was ho.d yesterday.
Justice Smun , in VKW of th * lirg > -
amount of forged stock a d altered
bnndf , which All'iier ia charged -itn
negotiating , fix d brl at thu un < su-
ally heavy amuuiit < > f 50,000 Ex-
amina'ion was set d > wn tm t
atid At'iger ' Wis remanded t < j the po
lice luaiiquartera.
CINCINNATI , August 21 J. K Era -
, a wealthy farmer near New f hll
ad IphU , Ohio , died y s-erd y fr m
effect of a severe b to on his h i d
11 fl c e i by t > n lueane ton aimed Si
NEW YORK , August 21 The steam-
ship Ulvde , from A'pinwall , arrived
last night with tl'Ven sick perton-t
ab.ard. They haveb ea taken to the
quran'ine hospital. Two men died
during tha voy e. It is not yet stat-
ed what disease prevailed.
ST. Louis , August 21 The stfam-
erG4arles P. Chate\u , which left here
Tuesday night for New Orleans , sunk
at the foot of Liberty Island Thurs
day. She is expected to be afloat
GBEEN POIST , L. I. , August 21.
The schooner Felton Beat , loaded
with petroleum , was destroyed by fire
in thu harbor yesterday. LOBS , S40-
000 ; cargo folly insured.
It Effectually Shuts of the Wind
of a Human Batcher.
The Greenville ( Ohio ) Mon
ster Shuffles Off.
A Long Career of Crime.
Special Pbpatch to Tn B .
GREENVILLE , 0. , August 20 , 4 p.
m. All ths preparations are complete
and the town ia full of people to wit
ness the hanging of Monroe Robin
son , one of the most hardened crimi
nals of the nc. He was born in Ten
nessee in 1835 , but waa raised in Ce
dar county , Maryland. He killed a
there and- ' fled
man - to Kan
sas. ' He them committed
another murder and then fled. Dur
ing the war he was connected with a
bind of ntlerillis and related that in
one ay he himself killed seven col
ored men and several others. At a
subsequent period , while in Mifsouri.
he married Mis' Coulter , a sister of
Neilly Coulter , his list victim After
the war he came to this state living
successively at Brooktille , Mont-
comery county , and fit Biptown
Darkn 1 rounty where his evil name followed
lowed I 1r him. List October he waa ar
rested at the inatigatlon nf Coulter
'f ' for his brutal treatment of his wife.
For this provocation he swore ven
geance , ard on the 23-1 of thit month
deliberately 'h t him to death in full
view of his ( Robirjsnn'snwn children.
Thme balls struck Co'ilter , who Gred
onca in return but without effect. Rob
inson immediately at empted escape ,
but wa ? cap'ured by th locnl nfficers ,
nut , howevprj before he had fired two
s'lotsat tr-e-n. Ho was tried Green-
vi'li' , in February , and convicted i f
murder in the fir t desresnbse ;
qti nMv the judge pa sf > d Bflnt-ncp up
n h'm. c nd mning him to d-sth on
' * lGfi of lasJulv. . A re tito nf
hrty rfav * WB nbtaiiipd of G"vrnor
Foster and the da'e f expru i n fixed
'ur 'o-dny. A fi-w e ka uo h - t-
t"mpted suicide > y spve"ng H bl'-od
vp el in hi t.eck and > -rm i'h ft sn a"
broken kn fe blade , giv n him. it i
upposfd by ac'mdpnrnfd ' cattle thief ,
hut re tr B discovered hy the guard in
imo to < nv his neck for the n oae ,
ind hs wou-ids werp s-wcd up hy
'htsicmns , preifly pg 'fist h'S ' wi'l. '
Fie avery wakeful durnor last n'ght ,
but ft 11 froundly wsU'ep < t 2 a m. , and
was eleep nc soundly at 7 a. m He
ispxncc'ed to make a full confession
> h'S crimfs only on the gallows.
Military are hero from Covington , 0.
Monroe Robinson was taken to the
3c < iff. > 'd ' . t 12:10 : andt 12:15 : the
drop fe 1. lie made a short inflam
matory speech , but no confession.
Af er the fall no movement of the
body \vas made and ho died very qui
Storming Telephone Line :
Special DfriMtctt to Tbe Be * .
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , August 21 1 a.
m. The stnrm here yesterday after
noon caused great damage to the telephone -
phone company , and electricity ran
riot in its path and meHed seventy-
five microphones on the Main street
line. It also tore down six of the poles
on the levee nnd split them into kind
PROVIDENCE , August 21. Chaa. . 0.
Brockway , the New York forger , ar.
roattd hera last Monday together
with two of hia gang for the forgery of
two bank chocks and attemping to
pass them , was yesterday bound over.
His case , with his "pals , " will go to
the grand jury and true indictments
will probably ba returned on each
Iowa Hogs.
IOWA CITY , Iowa , August 20. The
Iowa City pork packing company waa
organizad in this city to-day with a
capital of § 100,003 , and with the pri
vilege of increasing it to 500,000.
Work will be at op.ce commenced on
the buildings , and the company ex
pects to commence packing by tha 1st
of December.
. olorado Democrats.
LEADVILLE , August 21 , 1 a. m.
The democratic convention made the
fo'lowing nominations : Governor ,
John S. Hough of Hillsdale county ;
lieutenant-governor , W. C. Stover
of Lirnner ; forcongw , R. S. Morri
son of Clear Creek. J. S. Wheeler
and Nat Nathan wye chosen presiden
tial elefctdrs , and C. O. Uufug
was nominated for secretary of state ;
treasurer , Dr. A. Y. Hull ; auditor ,
Robrrt G. Bray ; attorney general ,
John C. Stallcup ; superintendent of
public instruction , J. J. Crook ; re
gent of tha state university , Max
A Reported Duel.
NORFOLK , YJ. , August 20. There
is intciHo excitement in the city and
community over an expected duel be
tween Captain James Baron Hope ,
editor of The Norfolk Landmark , a
distinguished writer and journalist ,
and Col.YilIiam Lamb , mavor
of Norfolk and ar elector on the
rendjtBter Hancock and English elec
toral ticket and a politician of notf.
Warrants have bean issued for the
arrest of both parties , but thus far
they have successfully eluded detec
tion. Col Lamb lcf > the city this af
ternoon by a private c mwyance and
Captain Hop > otnnot bu f > und. If
the niL'etiny his i ot already t-iken
( lace , it is thought the duel
will be fought early in rha mrnini :
Tne immef'utecnuae of thi cliff rn e
grew our nf a card pub iahed l j L mb
on Satu'd j , ch ractenzi > iz a p < ra
nr-iuh cf n emt r > l ritt n by the
editor i f The L-ndmark as a deiinwr-
ate falsifica ion for ar'isau purposes.
Dr. J. K. Ish is improving rapidly.
Andy Riley has gone to Pennsylva
Wm. Wallace hai returned from the
Mrs. John Cane has gone on a visit
to Hastings.
Mrs. Annia Wallace left for Char-
iton yesterday.
Judge Wakely Bleft for the east
Thursday on a two weeks trip.
Capt. M. Leihy has returned from
I an bland tour of Nebraska.
' Dr. Ay era , assistant profeuor of
Wholesale and Eetail
Goods sent to any part of the United States on
solicitation. Largest assortment of
And everything found generally in a first-
claas Jewelry Store.
Jewelry manufactured on short notice. Orders from
the Country solicited. IT lien in Oiiinua call and sec us. I > o
trouble to show Goods.
The Jewelers , Apposite tliePostolliiT , lolli & Doiljre.
Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead
ily and rapidly increas n in public l.ivor.
The White Machine justly claims to he the
best made , the eas est running , he smplestin
constiuciion and the most perfect Machine ia
the market.
The White Co. employ as a entsmen of in
tegrity , ard purchase s are wlwayssatisfied ,
because they find eveiything just as repres
Everybody should use this Machine. The
snlessofar this year are more than double
the corresponding time last year.
All orders addre > sed to the Omaha OfHco ,
will be promptly filled.
for. Davenport and I5tu Sts. , Omaha.
anatomy in the Michigan University ,
ia in the city.
. R. French , government audi-
or of railroads , went west yesterday
n his regular round of duty.
Laonard Hobl has gone to take the
position of chief train dispatcher of
he Lararaio division of the U. P.
Capt. Wm. Miller , a citizea of
Omaha years ago , is in the city visitIng -
Ing his nieces , the Muses McCheaues.
Mrs. Belle Bradley , daughter of
James T. Allan , came in from the
west Thursday , on a visit to her
W. A. Gwyer , Jr. , formerly a cor
respondent of TUB BEE under the
n de plume of "Sttnyan , " ia in the
M. C. Keith , of North Platta ; Ex-
Attorney-General Geo. W. Roberts ;
L T. Calkins , of the Fairmount Bul
letin ; Mr. Price , of Fairmount ; Sam.
Chapman , of Plattsmouth , and Prof.
! . D. Wilber , are among the promi
nent Nebraskans who have been in
the city during the past twenty-four
hour ? .
Mr. Wm. H. Bowman , of Knights-
town , Ind. , who has been spending a
couple of weeks in Omaha , returned
home Thursday afternoon.
Kiss r. A case of constipation by
usin ? F'ambnrp Figs
Safe , Certain , Sure and Speedy ]
the only article known that Will
esarcffoafelhls disease
permanent/yfromthe system.
General Agents ,
ILK Twentjr to twenty-four quirts or one
Extnronlinary Inducements ;
Good Until the 1st of October ,
Having secured the most ele
gant and commodious building in
'he city of Omaha ,
1'opplcfon's Xciv ISIock ,
Cor. 10th and Farnham ,
And wishing to lay in an en-
irely new and immense stock
of goods for wholesale and
etail trade.
TORY TO MOVING our entire
mammoth Stock of
lothing ,
Gents' Furmshing Goods ,
Hats and Caps ,
Trunks and Yalises ,
&c. , &c ,
"We mean just what we say ,
and invite everybody to call at
our present place of business ,
JTo. 1214 Farnham , bet. lath
and Kith Ms. ,
And satisfy themselves. The
Goods muet be sold for Cash.
They will be mark- in plain
fUures. The prices will be ab
solutely a" cost. No deviations
will be made.
Thi-unpara'e'led offer i open
rnly until October la' , when
we eh 11 occupy the fluent quar-
te.s in th city.
We offer : \
J < an Panti 8 * , 7&TO. . >
( M'oiixle Pant 85c } ! 50.
. 1-W0 i V , l , 5 00
t vj Califo ni P n.- < 75 , * " CO. r
C U reiiuits 32 0 .nil upw.rdi
ou hs' 4 75 'iu pwor Jj.
lien- ' " -S3JO. ° 00 .
xveralls I5c , JO . 5 c 7'c.
He v a I or ia-31 W. Jl 15.
S cki p rdoz. SOcan oprdi
In erhirt a d lawe SScaiMlnpwarda.
fancy Uress Shirts l..c 5"c , ft c , 1 25.
Whi.e " " 0" .
Blue Fl.nnel " --Sc. * i 00 to $3 .0.
- . . .
Men's Sa * p nders 2tc. .Sc. 35 ; , ami upwarih. '
Hata , Caps , Gloves , Trunks ,
Valises , California Blankets ,
&c. , &c.
Dealer In Foreign and Dome9t
Fruit. Batter , Eif > , Poultry , Game , HH.-ZI , Ba
con. Lard , Freaa fijb , * ad Agtal ttt EOOTU'3