Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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    i uu& JJAJLL Y BEE.
I Friday Morning , August 20. |
Served to subscriber * by curler to ny par [ 0
. fifteen
the dty ererdaySm.dayBexccpledat
cents perfect
AnyconpUtaU hont IrregnUr.
proper deHvwy ol the i per. il ad ctscd
this cfficewiH receive prompt attention.
* * &
IB * OXAHA DMLT Um will be nulled to tub
Kribcrefctlbe foUoirinjj ntea , payable invar
l > ly in advance : $8.00 per Mtnum ; tl.OO U
months. TUK Oxuu. Wraa/r Bw 2.00 per
VCM.Tint OnAiuDA > LTB B has bv artbelarrest
UrruIaixonboMiSn Omah and abroad , and is
thcrefor jtbjbctt } and cheapest advertising
t3"Fo flat crating ilisccUtuw , Let tit II
'ary and Coaaatraal lUportt , ffa\lroad \ ana.
c-Tabla , to. third my
Paterson * sells coal.
Sco Polftck'a advertisement.
* -Try SJnTo'a Coffee Cream Sods.
Porter 5s running the Omaha ferry.
Seideuberg &Co.'t Key WestCi-
garjjat Saxe'e.
There was not a single arrest by
the p > lice Wednesday night
Abont thirty toachera are attend ,
inj the institute now in seision.
For Lands , Lots , Houees and
Farms , look over Berais' new column
on 1st page. Bargains.
There * will be peed music and
good moonlight Saturday night for
the cxcuraionits.
Lots , Fsrms , Houses and Landp.
Look over Bemis' new column of bar
gains on first
The Y.MrC. A. excursion on the
steamer Undine has been postponed
until Saturday evening.
It was some other physician and
not Dr. Search who attended Mrs.
Shinrock Wednesday.
One hundred tons of ore from the
Silrnon mine in the Black Hills are
to b3 shipped to the Omaha reduction
works. * * "
* D f- S5
PalrclDestnond and Miss Susie
tf * "
McCahill wereta&rricd Wednesday by
Hev. Fatlier Ehglish at St. Pnilomena
cathedral , jfc
Drs. Dimmoore and Giflbrd ,
Homeopathic Physicians and Sur
geons , Williams'BIock , cor. 15th acd
Dodge etrcetsf eod-tf
We received a card trom Sire.
Shinrock yesterday , concerning
the report o H her altempted suicide ,
too late for publication. It will ap
pear to-day , j
The train yesterday , which left
half an hour late , was quite a heavy
one. It had'four Pullman cars filled
and an extra-cp&ch for land settlers.
It was the heaviest Jxain for several
" * *
Considerable local -matter of im
portance , includingthe' Garfield and
Arthur meeting.- and the fire of hat
night , is crowded out by preseure of
telegraph ncw "
Five car loads of soldiers will ar
rive from the east over the Wabash
this evening and'-go west by special
train over the Union Pacific at 5
o'clock. They vHl bo distributed at
various points on the frontier.
Lite trains were in order yester
day. The Wnbash ia reported seven
hours behind time owing to a heavy
train and delayed connections. The
llock Island train came in twenty-live
minulcs late. The 0. , B , & Q. was
three and a half hours lata Wedncs-
dayand two and a half hours late
yesterday , while the stub train wag
nearly an hcur'lato.
-Night bcfcra last a railroad man ,
who canio in from Deadwcod , regis
tered atS'avon's ' hotel on Tenth street ,
after which ho went up town to take
in the elepLant. Ho returned in the
morning and gave a graphic account of
his miafortuncs and claimed to have
been robbad of § 75. Ho had had
enough of Omaha and went on east
yesterday. -Cr
A party of Scandinavian. ladies
anl gentlemen have chartered the
steamer Undine for an excursion up
tha Missouri and return , nert Sunday
afteruoon. -understand that all
who desire to go can do so , and a good
tin a is sure to be had. Everybody
can take along a lunch 'basket and
hive a picnic.
Mrs. HenryRodo-of Omaha ,
who jo husband ismployecl * i > y' the
U. P. railroad at Eranston , has re-
coally fallen heir to the' handsome
auii of seventeen thousand -dollars.
Sin received wordJromJier uncle , E.
F. C-iao , of Paris , the 12th inslaat ,
tint her aunt , Mrs. Louise Butler ,
ha 1 died there , leaving her the above
bum , in cash , which Jilrs. Rode re
ceived through the Firei National
bank of this city.
As Mr. Joseph Rowles , of this
citj , was driving home from his work
Wednesday about 8 o'clock , with a
m llo team , one of the single-trees of
his wagon became detached nnd .fell
down against ttie heels of one of the
mules. The animal at once started to
run , dragging iU companion with it.
Mr. Bowles was thrown out and
dragged about twenty feet , when he
was left lying in the road insensible.
The team ran about two blocks to the
( Larn , and then stoppou. The injured
Jinan was picked up and carried
[ 'into the house and having been restored -
[ stored to consciousness was found to
iO not so seriously hurt asvas feared ,
[ ilthough ho was considerably bruised
j p. The accident sccurrcd near the ,
lornerof Izard end 20th streets.
Havens' Snow Flakp.Flour.-oold by i
i. B. French & Co. , is the best.
_ _
_ _ i
* Freeh Oysters at the French : CoCiej
i ' .ouse , on Tenth stree ! . . !
I augl4 - -
l " - I id 7
A Card or Thauiea.'J | Q f
| [ the Editor ol Tas Etr.
[ { Through ihe columns of your paper
iah to reluru our sincere (2nd (
et ! thanks to the many friends
' assisted in the search'for our ion
I'D , who as found at last under
distressing circumstance * ; and
for the many gifts o flowers that
i cent. Wirtuii CCPELV ,
i'ruitof all kinds , at Tiaird's , " * "
The Sold Ean.itti of Forth.
Omaha and -Ikeir- ' *
Exploits. t :
They Raid Five Houses for
And Have a Picnic by Moon"
"I am not going to pay any ; scre
taxes to this city , " said a urjutnent
gentleman yesterday to a Bi.E reporter. '
"I lire in North Omaha , where we aie
not given fire protection , wef a i.ot
given the protection of the police , aud
cannot even get the city council to es
tablish the grade of our streets , so
that we can lay sidewalks in front of
our houtes. "
The immediats cause of these re
marks was the occurrences which took
place WednejdtyinNehon'sanaShinn'g
additions and which as gathered from
several of the parties chiefly interest
ed are quite worthy of a chapter to
About 11 o'clock as Mr. VsnBuren ,
who works at Hickman'g , was on his
way home he saw a couple of men
standing in front of the residence of
Mr. If. J. Burnham on Idaho street.
One of itbe men was rather tall ,
heavy set and muscular , with mous
tache and no whickers and wearing a
slouch hat pulled down over his eyes.
His companion was much shorter and
smaller every way. Later in the
evening some one saw a man ho took
to be colored come out of a yard in
the vicinity but supposed it was the
hired girl's fellow jnst getting home.
About 1:30 o'clock Mrs. Line , who
lives in a email brick bouse just back
of Mr. Burnham's , was sitting en the
back door step , being sick and unable
to sleep , when she saw three men go
to the south door of his residence nnd
try to pry it open. Two of them
stood on the porch and worked while
the third hid in some lattice work near
by to watch. Mre. Line hastened in
to the house and called her husband at
which the raecals took the elarm and
jumping over the fence ran down the
alley followed by the dcga barking at
them Mrs. Lane thought the men
were colored men , but Mr. Lane was
of the opinion that
They were seen quite plainly PS
they passed down the alley within a
few feet of the Lanes. An investiga
tion revealed the fact that they had
made a moat desperate attempt to get
into tbe house. The key to the front
door was turned with a pir.o stick , aud
the hall entered , where the doors
leading to the parlor ann dining room
were found locked , and ingreas barred
in t'cat direction. They then went to
the front windows end cut th" lattice
work , but found the Bush fastened
with p.slent litchea , and vrero again
defeated. They * htu luadu il-o -
third attemp' vitnesgc-d by Mrs.
Lane , They must have lud
an idea they would Ct-l s trrav.ire ri
else had something wf > rsu tlms ioH
bery in view. Mr. Pumbam vas
robbed once before , L'.wavtr , ruia ho
hai everything in shape ia ri. rsi luth
raids aa this.
The men next went to * > u rc oea
of Mr. J. S. Bennett , tha Puilraa'/
laundryman , where they BCCOCCJ a. in
getting a window open and tLr < l
this fished lut Mr. Bennotl'a clothes ,
taking from the pockois irs s : > ns sl ;
vcr watch and gold duiii , a present
to the lad. The clothes wcro then
thrown down by the window where
they were found this morning.
The next house visited was the new
residence of Mr. George Cornish , the
milkman , in Shinn's addition. Hero
they entered by means of a back
door found conveniently open
They passed through the hall by the
door of Mrs. Cornish's bed room to
the stairway , and up to the room oc
cupied by Mr. Cornish and his wife ,
where they secured his clothes , took
them down stairs and rifled them of a
watch and chain and $38 in cash.
From hero the gang went to the
residence of Dexter L. Thomas. They
climbed in at the window of his coal
nhod and summer kitchen , although
the door ttood unlocked. Once in
side they opened the oven and took
out a largo picco of boiled ham , which
was cooked last night in anticipation
They went down collar and got a loaf
of bread and two cans of plum preserves
serves , and going outside on the
grass plot they coolly sat
down and proceeded to fill up
What was not eaten was left on the
grasa ( oba found by the unfortunate
excursionists yesterday morning.
The house of Mrs. Cornish , on Ida
ho street , was also opened , and the
door found unlocked yesterday morn
ing , but nothing was missing.
Kewly fuinishcd , everything the
best , Astor House , New York.
Only 14 hours to St. Louiy , via the
Popular Wabaeh , St * Louis & Pacific
R. R. Leaving Omaha at 3:40 p. m.7
you take supper in fin elegant dining
car ( meals 75c ) retire to your sleeper
and awake for breakfast in St. Louis.
Luxury on wheels. Ticket office , No.
1,502 , corner loth and Farnham.
Havcnn' Snow Flake Hoar , sold by
J. B. French & Co. , is the last.
Dan't fail to ty Havens' Snow
Fhke " Flour. Jtis the best. Sold by
ft. J. B. FRENCH & Co.
Oeaha Sine
" > 'AliScuthOaiataPark.
Sandsy , August 22.
For Particular ! ! see Peters.
Hamburg Fks 25s a bs. j
Best meals in'the city , s.i Tf sard's. ' ] ' :
Ths Work of Zegist'ation Going
on With Satisfactory
" "
- * o- - / * *
f- .Results ' ,
3 , ' ? "
The Country , , Over-run V/ith
U. P. Strikers ,
But Their Gr < * me Won't "Win.
. Nolxrthslanding til tie bnlliozinfr ,
bTaclg.iardism and abus9 of the U. P.
oran the work of rejdstrat-'o.i of re
publican voters of tins c'ty ana coun
ty is s e diy'progressing. ! In the
country prec.nitj , registration is al
most completed. On Wednesday we
published tbe rt glfitcroi lists of voters
of Saratoga and MiTAr-ilo pre
cincts. Ycsterdiy ? re pullishei the
certified lists f Slillurd , Florence ,
and West Oms a prectnstd. The ag
gregate nunifoer of voters registered in
those precincts is over 400. The lists
of the remaining precincts wi'i ' ba
published Friday and Saturday Ihe
total numbsr of voters registered in
the country precincts will aggregate
very nearly 900 , and it is safe to say
that in the entire eleven precincts reg
istration is so complete that not over
tan republican ] have been omitted.
Even ihetc will ba added to the list if
they make it known in time. Owing
to the rigid requirement of the com
mittee , which compels each republican
to be registered in pf reon in this city ,
the number has fallen short so tar.
We understand a Urge num
ber will register to-night. The
committee have decided to extend
the time for two days longer , during
the evening hours. On Friday and
Saturday registrars will bo in session
at the same places heretofore adver
tised. Mr. Kennis'on , who has charge
of the general bools of registration ,
will sit for correction of the lists dur
ing the two daysFriday and Saturday ,
at the Board of Trade rooms , where
he will also receive the names of par
ties" who may desire to register. His
hours will bo from 9 a. in. to 11 a.
m. and 3 p. m. to 5 p. m.
After next Monday no additions
can be made to the lists , under the
orders of the central com
mittee , and the so who arc
not registered at that time will have
to forego the pleasure of voting at the
primaries. Tha disreptutablo means
that liavo been usid in circulating the
remonstrance against the work of the
committee , render it unnecessary to
treat that document as anything more
than a monstrous fraud. Wednesday a
meeting was held at Waterloo by the
republicans cf- Valley precinct. A
debate jitool- place between
Messrs. E. M , Shucral , Charles J.
Green and E. Rosewater. After a
thorough ventilation of the local
03nfC3t by the speakers , the
residents cf that precinct were
overwhelmingly m favor of the re
form inau ur ted by the committee.
Many of them dee'ared ' they had been
misled into tipping thai protest by
falsa s'.atomci it , aud they desired to
have their i amrs off tint paper if pos
sible. The eiE ssirips of iho U. P.
have I'c n at - < v < * rk in every
precinct h'is b-agj'n t cse fanrars
an-1 buyti g up m s > m < j instance men
who hiu r.jjretd : o act ea r g-stivr- ,
but eierTphir * theirS'b tno has bieii
fuiiea ra the i > oo , > l" be a-j - . - * aru of
the ciur.hcity prachc d upon them.
WASTJ D A brigh : b-y , vth g-"cd
rofersicc3to , learn the jee ! r'j trade ,
at Hubarma'-n's. Ono wiio lias hi d
some ' ' in this Jin
uxpo'ie'ice j orcierred.
Haveuj' Snow F ak Flour , sold by
J. B. French & Co. , u t'it > lct.
Crab Applzs , luutj tiaiu-t-e.-ident , fine
Cling and Ficc..ene J ciJtcs , Pure
Spices , aJirfPiLc C'uLr-Vihegar , war
ranted to keepi it LI s.
The only tram giving ts passen
gers the benefit of the Htoii Rcclin
ing Chair Car Free , is the Wabash , St.
Louis & Pacific Railroad. T.cket of
fice , No. 1,502 , corner 15th and Farn-
ham. - . auglO-dlm
Havens' Snow Flake Flour , sold by
J. B. French & Co. , is the best.
Wo have just received a few pair of
the new bangle bracelets. Thoao who
have bean waiting for them please call
The Jowelera.
A largo invoice received to-day.
Hundreds of Omaha families will uao
none other. Sold by
J. B. FBEKCH & Co.
Until the Wabash , St. Louis and
Pacific E. H. started its fast train
August 1 , 1880 , it took 20 honrs to
St. Louis , 3G to Indianapolis , Louis-
villa and Cincinnati aud GO to New
York and Boston. "Presto , change1 !
Now we have it 14 to St. Louis , 24
to Indianapolis , Cincinnati and Louis
ville , and but 50 to New York and
other eastern cities.
Ticket oflice , No. 1502 , corner of
15th and Farnham. auglO dim.
Havens' Snow Flake Flour , sold by
J. B. French & Co. , is the btst.
Farmers having hay to contract , for
delivery at Willow Springs distillery ,
will do well to call on Her & Co. , 1313
Farnham street , Omaha , without de
lay , ai they will soon stop contract
ing. jy26-dwlm
Fresh peanuts , always at Tizard'u.
Havens' Snow Flake Flour , sold by
J. B. French & Co. , is the best.
Havens' "Ssoiv FLAKE" is unquest
ionably tbobest flour ever sold In this
matket , as is evidenced by the im-
mcno sales reported by J. B. French
& Co. , Iho cola naeats in fhis city.
Just Tereived to day , a largo varie-
ty.of wusic boxes/ from $3 to 825 , at
Edhoira & Erckson'eopposite the
pastoffico ifc
d A first-cliss photograph
printer "and"tcn2r 'al the 'See Hive
Photograph Siudiv , 213 Sistoeuth
ctreet , Oca2i Neb _ _ slSlf
Organizing for the Campaign
on all Sides.
Call for the Judicial District
An enthusiastic meeting of colored
republicans was held at Eureka hall
Wednesday , enlivened by inspiring
strains of music from Lewis' brass
Dr. Stephenaon presided , and E. 0.
Clenlans acted ai scribe.
The chairman stated that the prin
cipal object of the meeting was to
elect delegates to the colored state
convention which meets at Omaha ,
August 31.
Addtesses were made by W. A.
Parker , E. E. Overall and Hon. J. L.
Webater , president of the Garfield
and Arthur club , who invited the cc 1-
ored club to attend the republican
mass meeting at the Academy of Mu
sic this evening. He also entertained
the audience with a brief sketch of the
life of Gen. Garfield.
The chair having aopointed J. R.
Simpson , Benjamin Fulton , Mr. San-
dfw , J. 0. Adams nd W. H. Butler
aa a committee on resolutions , and to
report the names of eighteen men to
be elected as delegates to the state
convention , the committee reported
the following , and the report was
adopted :
First ward Peter WilliamsW. W.
Porter , W. H. C. Stophenson.
Second ward George Bolden , E.
R. Overall , R , W. Bell.
Third ward J. 0. Adams , John
Lewis , B. Sanders.
Fourth ward Benjamin Fulton ,
Fred. Wood , Julm M. Watt.
Fifth ward Albert Kercheval , F.
Bellamy , T. Hargreaves.
Sixth ward-E S Clonlans , W. H.
Butler , JohnR. Simpson.
Smith Coffee was elected a delegate
from Saratoga precincc.
The following resolution were read
and adopted :
WUEUEAS , There eoems to exist an
unfriendly relation bstwcen repub'i-
cans and the county central commit
tee of Douglas ; therefore , be it
Rcsolvd , That in mass meeting as
sembled we respectfully ask the re
publicans who are independent of fac
tions to come forward and take such
action as may adjust the difficulties.
liesohed. That wo recommend for
the above purpose that a committee of
one from each ward representing each
faction bo Appointed by the chairman
of the county central committee and
the president of the Garfield and Ar
thur club end the president of the
German Garfield and Aithur club , to
meet at the earliest opportunity and
take action in accordance to the above
The secretary was directed to send
copies of the above resolutions to the
chairman of the central committee
and the presidents of the Garfield and
Arthur clubs.
J. II. Simpson made an eloquent
speech and called upon all colored
men to join the republican campaign.
I. A. It. C.
The Irish American republican club
completed its permanent organization
Wednesday evening by electing tbe
following officers :
President P. R , Sullivan.
Vice President Chcs. J. Ryan.
Treasurer Lawrenca Dug an.
Recording Secretary Charles Han-
Financial Secretary Maurice Sul
Executive Commiltco For the
country at largo and chairmen of com
mittees. Gen. G. M. O'Brieu ; First
u-.ird , Ed. O'Sullivan ; Second ward ,
M. 0. Meaney ; Third ward , Wm. H.
P.i'cy ; Fourth ward , Tbos. Gallan ;
Fifth ward , Wm. Ryan ; Sixth ward ,
P. H. Healey.
The respective members of the
executive committee were constituted
chair men of committees to consist of
from three to four members in each
ward and in the county at large , and
instructed to report said members to
the club at its next meeting for con
A committee consisting of Joseph
Ryan , WillH. Riley and Maurice Sul
livan , was appointed on constitution
and rules.
Meeting adjourned to moot on
Monday , the 23d inst. , at 8 o'clock
p. m. , m the Board of Tradft room.
The republican electors of the third
judicial district of the state of Ne
braska are hereby called to send dele
gates from the several counties to
meet in district convention at Lincoln ,
Xeb. , on Wednesday , the first day of
September , Anne Domini , 1880 , at
seven (7) ( ) o'clock p. m. , to place in
nomination a candidate for district
attorney of the third judicial district ,
state of Nebraska , and to transact
such other business as may como be
fore the convention.
The several counties are entitled to
representation in said district con
vention , as follows :
Douglas county (17) ( ) seventeen del
Washington county (9) ( ) nine dele
Burt county (5) ( ) five delegates.
Sarpy county (4) ( ) four delegates.
By order of the republican district
central committee.
CUAS. J. GBEEN , Chm'n.
G. P. HALL , Scc'y.
OMAHA , Neb. , Aug. 17,1880.
Havens' Snow Flake Flour , sold by
J. B. French & Co. , IB-the best.
To-day we received an invoica of
Bockford Watches. Call and see them.
Opposite the poatoffico.
Havens' Snow Flake Flour , sold by
J. B. French & Co. , is the best.
Mrs. Powell and sister went out to
Cheyenne yesterday.
Dr. Harvey Link , of Millard , was in
the city yesterday.
Herbert Leavitt and Dee Smith are
both on duty again.
Major A. S. Burt ia to bo sent east
on recruiting service.
Frank Washburne left for Cheyenne
on the noon train yesterday.
J."H. Martin , of the U. P. land de
partment was in the city Wednesday.
D. T. Mount is able to be out at
tending to business once more.
R. C. Steelland wife returned yes
terday from a four weeks' visit to
the east.
Mr. A. Cruickshank has returned
from Like Minnetonka much improv
ed in health.
H. W. Yatea , Esq. , accompanied by
his daughter and son returned from
Minnewnka yesterday.
_ _ iTrB. Patterson , and Miss OHver , of
Council BluS\ are in the city , guests
of Mrs. J. R. Manchester.
Gen. Price , late of the Confedera te
States of America , went westyeiterday
to Utah , accompanied by his family.
Thomas L. Kimball left yester
day for Fort Bridger , to join his fam
ily , who are there on a pleasure trip.
Miss Ada Hoxie , of Mason City ,
Iowa , is visiting the family of Supt.
Stevens , of the U. P. car department.
Mrs. CynthU A. Wilson , who has
been visiting her brother , Mr.'E. Ei-
tabrook , returned Wednesday to her
home , Saginaw , Michigan.
Sheriff Manning , of Deadwood ,
passed through the city'yesterdsy re
turning from Detroit. Hia mother
was with him.
W. T. Seaman and family returned
from an extended vint to New Jersey
Thnnday. They were accom
panied by two cousins of Mr. Sea
J Hoii. J. F. McCartney , city clerk of
Omaha , Jreturned yesterday3 from a
flying trip to Chicago , where he took
in the cool lake breeze and Conclave
at the sime time.
J. H. Blickensderfer , chief engi
neer U. P. Ry. , and wile left for tbo
west Wednesday ia special office car
of the U. P. Mr. B. goes to take a
look over the road and will visit Den
ver , Golden , Georgetown and other
places. His wife goes for a pleasure
trip and is accompanied by Mies Al
ma V. Nyman , sister of Mrs C. A.
Tney Will Not Let Him Go.
At the regular monthly business
meeting of the First Baptist church ,
on Wednesday evening , the letter cf
Rev. Dr. Jameson , tendering his res
ignation as pastor , was taken up and
discussed. The pastor , after some ex-
p'anatory remarks , with becoming
modesty retired from the room and
Dr. 0. S. Wood occupied the chair.
Mr. S. P. Vining spoke of the great
and good work Dr. Jameson had ac
complished during his paatorato in
Omaha , and the progress of the church
during this period. He thought it
highly important that the one who
had been instrumental in directing the
church work thus
far thould con
tinue it. It was a critical
time in the church's
history and o.
change of pastor * might prove disas
trous. The Homo Mission Society , ho
thought , could better afford to relin
quish their claims on Mr. Jameson
that could the people of Omaha.
There was no work more important
for him to do than right here in Oma
ha , and he hoped the church would
decline to receive his resignation.
Mr. Roswcll Smith spoke warmly iu
praise of the pistor , but thought as
Mr. Jameson had accepted an impor
tant position from the Home Mission
Society , it would bo difficult for him
to decline that appointment.
Soycral others spoke , all giving the
opinion that the pastor should not
give no his work in Omaha , no matter
what other cll ho might have. The
motion not to accept the pastor's
resignation was put and , though a
large number was present and voted ,
the chair declared it was carried
On motion a committee was ap
pointed to wait on Rev. E. H. E.
Jameson nnd inform him of the ection
of the church and urge him , if con
sistent with hia convictions of duty ,
to remain as pastor. The committee
consisting of E. P. Vining , D. L.
Shane , S. P. Briggs , Thomas Bonner
and Dr. 0. S. Wood , went to Mr.
Jameson's recidonco , at the clcsa
of the meeting and laid the
matter before him. The pas
tor was much affected at this strong
expression towards him on the part of
the church. He
replied to the com
mittee that ho had probably misap
prehended the real sentiment of the
church towards him , and had perhaps
attached too much
importance to a
few difficulties in his way. It had
seemed best to him to leave this
church work to some other minister to
direct , and take the wider field in this
great state , but this action of his people
ple had unsettled him as to duty. He
asked a few days to reflect and to con
fer with the homo mission board.
Havens' Snow Flake Flour , sold by
J. B. French & Co. , is the best.
Remember this fact , "Yo Politi-
ticians , " that when you go to Wash
ington , D. C. , to BOO the President
about your appointment to that gov
ernment position , that you save 7
hours by taking the Wabaab , St. Lou
is & Pacific H. R. Say you leave here
Monday at 3:40 p. m. , you will arrive
in Washington , D. C. , Wednesday at
1:25 : p. m. Ticket office , No. 1,502 ,
corner of 15th and Farnham.
Havens' Snow Flake Flour , sold by
J. B. French & Co. , is the but.
WABASH , ST. L. & P. R R. (
ST. Louis , Aug. 18 , ' 80. )
Trank E. Moores , Ticket Agent , Omaha , Neb. :
DBAB SIK : You may sell round
trip tickets to St. Louis and return , to
citizens wishing to attend the grand
conclave of the Knights of Pythias at
$17.95from Omaha.
Commence selling Augubt 22 , and
make tickets good until 'August 28 ,
1880. GEO. H. DANIELS ,
G. T. Agent.
H. T. TOWNSEND , G. P. Agent ,
aug 19dtd
Hesperian Encampment.
An important business meeting will
be held by Hesperian Encampment ,
No. 2 , 1. 0. 0. F. , at Odd Fellows'
hall , Thursday evening , August 18th
at 7:30 p. m. aharp. Every member
requested to be present
E. G. RTLET , scribe.
Headquarters lor Joe Schlitz'a
Milwaukee beer at MERCHANTS' EX
CHANGE , N. E. Cor. 16th and Dodge.
3L'i sr.-a. case Of constipation by
using JTambun ; Flss ,
Why dose . ourselves with nanseat-
inc medicines , when a purely frait
cathartic will cure yon at once STsnv
burg Figs. Try them. ' j
NOTICE AdrcrtlaemcnU Let For Bale ,
Lost , Found , W&nta , Boarding te. , will be In
serted In these columns once for TEN CENTS
jxr lint ; each subsequent ln < crtlonFlYE CENTS
per Un . The first Insertion norer lew than
fi flOrt10 AS At 8 per cent inter
t'U.UUU cst , in sums of $2000 and up
wards for 1 to 6 years' time on flrst class Impror-
edcltvand farm property. Apoly at BEMIS'
Real Estate and Loan Agency , 15th and Douzlis
. 278-codtf
MOH3T TO LOAH-C&U at taw Oflca
D. L. 71I01IA8. RoomS.Crelghton Block
M 'ONKT TO LOAN 1109 F&rahim street.
Dr. Edwards Levi Agency , cor-J2-tl
W 'ANTED Girl for a liio ? dishes and btln
In the kitchen , at Emmet UOUEC. 331-21
WANTED ImacJiately , a nurse s'rl at M r-
ritfs Restaurant. FarnhamSt. 330-20
TTTANTED A good cook and a waiter , man or
VV woman , it M'Kenzie Dining Koom cor
ner 16th and Dodge Sta. S25-70
\\T ANTED Chimbcr maid and conk \Vigcs
TT 6and4dollirs Apply 2 ) CS Burt { t.
WANTED Oirl for central housework , at
1131 ICtbS' . . north of bridge , so-13
WANTED A competent clrl. Enim're at
S E. cor IQtli nd Capitol Axe ? 07-tf
WANTED A small jtirl , ntftotfcoTisi'oithcf
Jickson on 13 h street , ens t aide of u'.rcet.
? OB-tf
WANTED Good d hand wanted , at
Omihi Shirt Factory Noothernted ap
ply. _ 593-tf
WANTED Good cook , t Richard's R-
ant IQlTFatnhamSt 269-tr
A GIRL wanted to dn I'oncml houpcworlr.
Enquire John A. McSbane , cor. 17th and
CassSts. 357-tf
irANTKT , A Girl to do hou e work , 1109
" ' ; Jitreet. nn Stair * 14 .lf
WANTFD Partner In a flrat-dnts butchtr
buclnejj nllh eomc capital. Add'eM
Bee Office. 333-21
WASTED Young man for nurse. Apply
1117 r-rnham 332-19
WANTED Oool lntelli."nt German boy.
CJllat thb cfflcc bet.6and 3o'clock p.m.
WANTuD Immed'atelr ' , r bacV ! mith with
n set of teen , at Waterloo , Nab. JAMES
UclJiUaLIN. 311-21
WANTED A partner In , a well established
Hotel and restaurant business ; bears in
ipgcilon , at thlg office. , 318-21
W ANTED Pl no Inning nnd repalrlnir at
nOSPE'S. ISlODodeeSt. SOC-lm
TTTANTED Foreman at . . '
brick-yard. T. Jtt'R-
W KAY. 165-tf
Bargains in Houses' Loti , Farms and
Lan-ia. In hb now column on Irt page.
FOR RRNT Newd-relling. 8 roomi. hard and
soft wMcr. Imiurc3o7 ! Sou h lEtnSt. cir.
Farnhim. 301 tf
F IORRFNT A fincl-furnished front room.
Enqul re at 1510 Dodge tt. S3tf
TJ1OR REST Kcldcnce northwest corner 19th
JJ and California Sta. Inquire tno doors
north. 353 tf
OR RENT 2 furnisl-cd rooms over Her-
crants Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16lh and
po Ice ftreets. 0153 [ j
TJiOR RENT Stcre rrom In brick blnckcorner
P 10th rd DfUjlasSt ? . , with or with utccl-
lar. A'so ' , 3 rooms in second , story. Apply to
American Hensc. 230 tf
JJ foil House. fylQtf
"TjlOR RENT House with six room" , well , eh-
I ; tern and ccIUr. On Capitol Are , bet Hth
and Kith , fouth tide. J. S. McrO"MICK l
THIORSALE iOOO ft. fiminj , floorirj ; chcip :
C W. Montzomery , 1002N. 16th eteeet. 320 20
OR "ALE OR RENT Hotel nd restaurant ,
larze two-strry building , with or without
furniture. Terms reasonable. If sol 1 or rented
can take pofion in Sept. 6 Address T > .
Lircli or jl BOBCII k Eru3 , Bhir Neb. 324 21
over BKMIS' nc\\ column of barpralna on lit
CLAY FOR SALE AnjhoHy hatinjr lots to
fill in north Omalia will do well by calling
on Luke McDermott , No. Tf 9 IClh St. I a-n
filling lut' I'or less tl'Vi linlf cost ; call this week
before all the clay ia sol-l. S19 2
"TJ OR SALE A pianu. next door to corceroj
_ C Dodcand ISth St. , cast side. _ 3H-lg
TTIOR SALE A first-dies norsj for either a d
P die or driring at Ed. Ca'vtr's St.iUe. lllh
St. , o.L IIoiarJ nnd 11 a ri c r- 303-21
F ; OR SALE FanjJIy carriage and splendid
ruling poiiy loth an 1 Capitol aie. SSCtf
F K SALE Ccttcn-vo'd lumber of all
- . Slttcuith-gt. 616-tf
OR PALE A Grist Mill.
J _ 472-tf L. B fr SOX.
STRYEDLast Sunday , red cow and a fat
roan heifer , 2jyeirs old , from her J on mer
bottoms. Finder wi I be liberally rewarded by
returning to Albert Snu'er'd grocery store , Har-
ncybetween JOth and lith. , 331-19
LOST On Sunday morning , " a white cow ,
smillhcad , ttraight horns , small red spa's
on n"rk. Any parson returning said cow mil bo
liberally rewarded at 812 , bsttteou
SthandOth. L. NACIlllGALrj. 3S6-21
look over BEJI15' new column on 1st pa o
Absolutely Pure ,
Made from Grape Crc-jni Tartsr No otho
preparation makes such light , flaky hot bread * ,
or luxurious pastry. Can ha tatcn by dypa tics
wltljout fear o ( tbo ill } resulting from heavy in-
digt-stlble food.
Sold only in cans , by all Grocers ,
o. or. WII/DB :
assortment lTOys on
20,000 Acres
6 to 12 Miles from Omaha ,
$6 to $10 per Acre , on
Long Time and
Low Interest ,
Large tracts suitable fcr
Colonies in all the best
Counties in the State.
80,000 acres scattered
through Iowa.
A large number of Improved
Farms in Nebraska , many 01
tiiem near Omaha , $12 to $40
per acre.
' An Immense List of
Consisting of Elegant Eesi-
dencea from $3,000 to $20-
000. Many vacant lota in
the additions to Omaha.
Hundreds of lota scattered
through the City. Houses and
Lots , Business Houses and
Lots , and all kinds of Ci y
Heal Estate.
We also have
on Improved Farms in Doug
las County , on 5 years time , at
10 percent , interest to all who
eho-w good titles.
Illaps for Douglas and Sarpy
Counties for sa'c ,
Boggs & Hill ,
1408 Farn , St. , Omaha , deb.
T70R KENT Two iiew cnttasrcs , 5 rooms each ,
J ; cveij coiitiniciicn , lMajr. ! > b t. 22 & 2J
street ; . KOOaa k HILL.
WANTED Wo wautl > conlriu vuiharcli-
aljla man to ctr an'lg.tiu IX ) acres cf
brtnli J.VMt. liOGGs & HIIiIi.
WAKTED JE.COO janls of dirt
uoar.s A HILL.
BrtlCK HOUSE Convenient to busiiiee ? , with
fu 1 lot , 7 rooms , $2,1 0.
FOR J'.EliT New rcsiJcnce , 335.
FOR EXCHANGE For city property , small
tr Lt of land , coicred with younp lirater
nt $20 per aero. COGOd & HILL.
ft OTEL PROPER1Y Wo are authorized to
rl offer the Atlr ntic Hotel nt the preitly re
el Jced | rico of $10,010 , all f umished and in run
ning order , Urns to suit. BOGUS & HILL.
EOR SALE Vrw new hoaso , 6 room' , with
every conunience. with half lot. SJxlS2
ft. , No 1 location , tlino to suit , mil sell at j bar
rtm f ; r6 clayj only.
EOK SALTlBrick p-wdcr houscaad 7 acres
near block Yards , fZ,500.1300GS
1300GS & HILL.
| 70R SALE Corner half of lot S. W. Cor. 15
Jj ami Jictaonataracfiflie.
EOR SALE Full comer lot , N. 2. Cor. 1C anJ
Jones StJ.
WANTED School dlitrlct bonds at a fair
MOXtY TO LOAN Any one wlahinc to use
10 per cefct. money In sums to euit from
? SOO to 1 0,000 , can procure it through U' ,
EOR SALE 8 bUsmo-a leU , neikt iVcst Of
Mwsonlo Temple , J1.650 each.
POR SALE 2 lota west of Odd Tcllowg Block.
-TlOR A CHEAP LOT Oo li Boggs and Hill's ad.
JtJ ditlon.
MOllTOAGES-We still have some small
mortgapia for rale , ranging from tlOO to
$009. 1'ergjng h vinc fraall ums of
money cin
Invcdt with ' ,
sifotj' and without any
whttcrcr , and get 10 far cent , interest.
A HOME 3100 to SiOO is ally-in need pay
down If yon buy a hove for yourself
through us. Time to su't on balance.
"OOH RENT Improved farm re r barracks.
TJOR SALE ffousa and fun lot e stcr
JT street , one of ihe bent locations 'a ( be cltr ,
l,6W ; easy tcrmS.
NEW HOUSES 'We are now prepared to
build houses north from $400 tt > $300 on
our ncwiuHi-.foii , 28th and -20th and Farnbam ,
DoUulai ahd Dddgo. ant ! sell oft eoull ftlonthly
fainlinls. BOGOS&UILL.
JLl ; Kuntzo k Koth'4 addition , neaibcs'neis ,
good surroundinas. Iota covered with
youn *
trees , and are the choicest , cheapest andneirdt
tobUftincraofjny I t > in the market. By all
incatts look at lo's In Kou-nie & Ruth's addiliin
befo'e pnrcbashlnf eUewhero
Will sell on
monthly pa , mcnte ; Pi ice $100 to 8 * > fia
/ - IIEAPLOTK and 6 , block C , Shinn's ad-
* \J ditlon. W'tat be t offer at once for ono or
bOtn. BOQG3 & HILL.
CHEAfLOTS-Lots 17 and IS.Thomell'.ad-
d'Uon- BOQOSATnr.r.
HOUSE AND HALF LOT Ne r Thirteenth
and Capitol avenue ,
2BCSTLOTS-In Shinn'i addition , $900.
between Twe'fth and Thirte iith. A well
Ici"rv6d and dcsinWs plies , cm 83,200. Will
sell fir i-,103 , half cash , bilanco one and two
\ SACRIFICE The ruiBlness lot 22x132 fc t
JTX ' > ext ei ; : of Jintoger's wire rooms 15 *
Fzrnham streets must be gold thii month tor
wtat It w J'l trine in'casb.
A S EXCHANGE Owner of 320 acrw near
Bhir will elchsrgo for flrst elasa business
orraiJcnceprooiity iiOaiah' * and pay from
fStVJO to jl.tOO m Cisil to toot.
BAfcOAISS Two isttajcs with ssia'.l loir.
Tenth street , south of depcttwo LlocV .
81,500 for both. BOO OS & HH.L.
ITontby piymente.
Immense Stock for
Fine Custoiu-3Iade K
Men's Suits ,
Boys' Suits
Children's Suits.-
For Men ,
Boys , and
UDder-Wear , Hats and Caps ,
Trunks and Valises , at
Prices to Suit All.
Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth -
* * \
Having Taken the Above for Our Motto , "Wo are
Determined to Offer
Our Entire Summer Stock of
Regardless of Cost.
In Order to \ Make Room for Our Fall and Winter Goods.
We Will Not Be Undersold.
Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days tj sell their
entire stock of
Diamonds , Watches , . . , .
* _ i
Jewelry , Clocks ,
Silver-Ware ,
Pianos & Organ
At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per
cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House ,
preparatory to moving into their
New Store , Cor. Ilth & Farnham
We Mean Business. Conic and be Convinced ,
Dealers m
House Furnishing ; Goods , Shelf Hardware ,
Nails ! and V4/ .
Farnham Street , 1st Door East First National Bank.
Wholesale and Retail in
OFFICE CITY MARKET-1415 Douglas St. Packing House.
Opposite Omalia Stock Yards , TJ. P. B. B.
1421 and 1423 Farnham , and 221 to 229 15th Sta.
- u < rz2 >
Tbe Attention of Caskand Prompt Time Bayers Solicited.
- - and the Omaha Iron and Wail Oo.