; EJ3AJLYBEE. ROSEWATER- EDITOR TO COBRESPONDBNTS- OITKVFKI.M C win ! } be ietr from , on dl natters i-onnccled witu } * , country j-oHtice. auloa y wbjtxt L TT. of general intcrvslB to tbei-eoi-lo ccuncctcd * itli IsnatB. Any inforuiatieii ccdcr.t ! , -tlectioLC , rdrcath.EtoBoodg , . ' rccciveO. A sncli comwunja. | ! be t d'y brkl ' V * * * 8ho crraubt te u b thex must in = 11 ! V * Trr.tlen tm cn boltieihretonl . ( . f\.V . , ann UuVtncach vr KlTEK.ln commur-icaUon < , . cwc accompary any - n , Irt rature cr. TBU 1rrot1nterdcd Jo n Ultlcjl K I made H t If or rricnds. * nd shelter as no leg or lorriuunicaUoESlo the taflarf . Ltll rcrairatioEh sre tcaJc timplj personal lUToTdmre c itrilu'aoi 9 cfn Htoraryo. I-tU l < iar vWrand-ne ; Hl not nndertak av-mnccr reserve tliCM e iu BIIJ tos -bMevcr Cur ttaff Is reffiuciifj large-t Icte limited ce. _ than t'l y our fi Ell corr r.iuiiic tioii should be addresEtflto K. EOSWATER , EOiUi ' all ctrycsior Kfprf'f , < c/i tmnpamca in this st i \l \ infc-cc : svcJi fair * ty a-lcquate ptnaltu I'Ac extent , if nctcitar > ' , f"riliat jiurpoi \forfcitnrt \ of thtirjnvpcrt and Jn\ I { . " [ Ssc. 7 , Art. 12j yebraita Coi lution , enacted June. ] iATiCNAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. von ' JAMES A. GAKFIELT ) , of Ohio. von vicE-rr.KSiuKrr , A. AUTHUK , of New York. JCOKK , at present , is more tht auyant. CHAIRMAN JEWELL denies , ciuphal Lvythat l.o proposes-lo resign fro lie national committee. Ho isn't th lind of jowell. Tnr. decision of the Chinese go ver : laont lo psrrnit itatiocs to engage : J oreign trade will , it is thought , dri' limcrican end Eugliih commlssic IIOUBCB flora the liowery Ivingdom. TIIK Ghost of the Republican thin I lhat "Rosewater ii , clways and ever f where a conspirator. " And it cos fhe Ghoit's employers a con'ideral I Amount of hard dollars to fight Bos ater's conspiracies ajainst the o i prcssors of the people. THE fight between the Yirginia i adjuster * aud funders still contini .md it is now behoved by republics that they will not readjust their di cullies till after the election. In.tl case a republican victory in Yirgit will be the result. TJIE Herald quotes the Defian JJemocrat's assertion that the "Weste Reserve no longer holds the balance power in Ohio , and the great cities z growing nioro strongly democra each year. Inasmuch as the Westc Reserve is the most intelligent sccti of the state , reads wore uewspape pays more per capita , towards edu \tioa \ , aud B < jnds and receives more m in proportidu than any other ssctit ihe exultation of the Democrat tl other and less lit portions of the et : will hold the balance of power , characteristically democratic. VN attempt is being made to sup ede Registrar "Wilkins , of the Fii ward , by a U. P. striker. This wet bo an outrage , not only on the pso ] f the Fifth ward , but also en t whole community. Mr. Wilkins m honest , straightforward man , wht Integrity no man dares impeach , a who has filled the position accsptnl nnd without complaint from a quarter. Wo hope Governor Nat will not lend himiclf lo this achcn If he desirca to appoint reglstn who will do th cir duty without fear favor ho should consult the wishes the people , not tnose of corporati tappers. IT IB an excellent sign of the tin that there has been an increase p.bout 517,000,000 in the deposits the New York savings banks in 1 last cir months. This Ts for the wh fitato the increase in the city be : estimated at § 9,000,000. The me ing of so great au increase is. that bi ness has bccome iealthy and erapl moat more profitable tbau it wasa y ao. The bulk of the § 17,000,000 . ' been saved by working people. Th are , of course , thousands of men v caunoc find work for -what they Bui'od , and thousands more who c tint earn more than a bare euppi BuE , on the whole , what Is called laboring c'ass has become better ofl all parts of the country , and ther nt reason a' preiunt to apprehend improvement will not continue [ Herald. And to what is due'tho remarks improvement in business and inert od proSt in employment ? To aouud financial policy of the repul can party and its lirainess against ' cDtnrnerciil ignorance _ pf the. dem racy. Saddled with . .RTJcnorru < debt contracted to shoot- loyalty i disloyal and dishonest democracy ; * n cuntry prostrated from the cc morcial strain of four years' ot v j ilation , the republican < pai with a sagacity , a financial wisd ( a commercial instinct unparalleled the history of governments , brought the counSy ta peace , pie and prosperity. The J3eraH , in extract quoted , gives its readers < of the strongest argume'atB wh can be adduced for the ratention Iho republican party in p Twe Ii un argument which thousands ti. . of - ' b Jnesa men , employers and "labor throughout the country are now c t d ering. "I would give $10,000 . f.'arfield's election" said- Ciaau facturor a few days-stnoe , cause I don't want any more tr oafefcort time in my "There can be no doubt , " 'says 1 London Telegraph , "that the intsre ( .f trade and commerce .will be b cubserred by the saccess of.therepi lican pirty in the coraingrpreBideht cimndcaia the United States. " * * j 9 That business hai bacoamimc , * - j iealtby , and employment more pro ! 3. * > ! e is ono of the great rosult& < f i pablicin _ role walch theL emocra fii n = d It more than difficult c DOUGLAS CODNI1 ? ANli TH3 B ATE CONVENT ON. 1 he effort of tbo Omaha Republican opinion among the to forestall public republicans of the state upon the local i uts that divide the rcpub icans in Douglas county , will hardly succeed. Impartial republicans will not form their verdict before they know the true inwardness of the contest. Er. parte btatements of brass collared edi tors will not be taken by them for gos pel truth. The prevailing sentiment all over the state is that the primary reform inagurated In Douglas coantj is a move in the right direction. The disgraceful history of Douglas coutitj pflta'aYTcs is so well 'known in overj sottton of the state "that even the inrs brazen partisans of the monopoly dan not defend and uphold the old sys tem. Ihe only question upon whicl there can bo any discussion now or ii the future , is the method adopted fo purging the primaries and the manne ia which the reform is carried out. ] the gieatbody of the republicans c { his couuty are placed upon the rcgi : try list and their voice finds un trammelled expression through th primary ballot box , no decent repul lican anywhere can stand up and d < fend the premeditated bolt of the U P. faction. If no fraud is practice in the registration of voters , and rene one has , as yet , dhcovewd any fraud pirtiality or discrimination , i whc registration closes the vote polled strictly in accord with the regtsti lsts : , and the canvass of the vote honest and will stand the test of tl closest scrutiny , then all the howltaj allthe protesting and the bulldczir of the U. P. gaug under the leade ship of Hitchcock and Thur ton will fall flat , stale and ui profitable. It is not for anybod ; for any piper , to pronounce the entii scheme in its Inception and ezeci tion a fraud. That cry of "sic thief" on the part of corporatic henchmen and political prostitut will deceive nobody. Men are judg < by their acts , not by their profession It would be a sad commentary upc the degeneracy of the republican pa ty to siy that it is powerless to purj itself of corruption. It would be confession that its mission is indei ended , if it was incapable of inau uratin ? and carrying out refon within itself. As long as the Jay Gould ring pc slste in foisting upon Nebraska i publicans disreputable politisal sli aters,8nd elevates them to places whi they disgrace by their want of inte ri'.y and brains , there is not only roc for reform but there is a crying ne for reform. It doesn't matter w starts that reform , so long as the e sought is the public good and t niuacs employed are honorable , has been well E aid by President Ha ; in his inaugural , that he serves ' , party best who serves his country be The country needs emancipati from the tyrannical domination soulless monopolies , and ho who dc ECJ any measure that will protect i country againsttho aggression of th corporate dictators randcrs great s vice to his country , and. thereforOj hisparty. ] This much will bo concod by every honest republican and 18 would bo a very disastrous day for 1 tepublican party of Nebraska if representatives in state convent : should by their votes proclaim io world that our party in Ihis state exi j only for the accommodation of corp ate monopolies , that its nominations simply tcgre"istor the decrees of t railway kiaga , that it ia incapable self-purification and unwilling check existing curruplion at its foi tain head. To ruaki such a confess by their votes would be tantamoi to an invitation to the party to ( : o band since it would have outgrown .B usefulness and have no longer a thing in common with the interest * the masses. A DUBLIN correspondent of New Yoik Herald has intervlewci 33 Fenian chief and gained the follow 333f 3f information respecting the etrengtl af the Fenian forces in Ireland : In Oh 10 lo 10,000 men are enrolled ; Huns : 12,000 ; Leinstcr , 9000 ; Connauj a- 5000 , making a total of 36,000 enrol men in the country. In Engla ar 8500 men are prepared to take as arms , while Scotland cm furnish 3 ro men. Of this number , it is clait 10 that 12,000 are armed with Sni n. rifles , i. 10 THE watch on the ilhiuo will inis bo equalled to the watch on the 0 ! 10 which republicans propose to kee order to prevent democratic colon tion from Kentucky during the elections. - ,3- ,31C 1C TIIE silence which the dcmoci i16 nrokcepiug in regard to S. J. T. we 16 lead one to infer thai the the bi starter had failed in its work , ir to . , Brief But Hot too Much of jt. Detroit Free Press : a" A few days ago a Dedroit wii " sent to Stouben county , N" . "Y.1" , the body of her husband , which . ' bean buried there about. . thirl years. A good hearted neigh a made all the needful arrangomei as and received tno body on its arri here. Upon being conveyed to an ie dortaker's it was found that petrif tion had taken place. The widows notified , and she visited the undei Jeer's. She seemed much affect of but had partly recovered her comas jj , sure when the undertaker . _ nsv that no doubt a large number of p lire cons would like to come'in and. v reD the phenomenon. She D- indulged in such demonstrations grief that he felt it his duty to api the suggestion , but before Id could eay a word aho wiped away tears and replied : "Tea , I suppose it would bejpro to let them come in , and aaTkuffc ing greatly distressed just nqwfjgi leave it wholly to yon to seethe a . " " - - " * r + of admission. ? Hlho reason that petrificition did occur was because the undertaker clined to go into tie ehow basinesj i f-j /A Coaaaeiiatole ECortr- fej iSco'jiCipital , - _ - - . Republicans at a diitinceinrsso > s obi ciorrjtoj ihp rpaistrstioa plan " - t&a .central' comaitfee of Douj * Bounty.Tbedosiga Kaems to 6e prSrenf illeeil voting , an4 surely i IS TIPTON'S ' TIRADE , " T A Galvanized Bourbon Blows His Horn on the Blue. Correspondence ot TBS BBS. CEETI ; , Neb. , August 18. A Han cock meeting opened the democratic campaign here last evening , in Band'f opera house. The speakers announced were ex-Senator Tipton and J. Sterl ing Morton. The latter , however , did not appear. Nodi'aa' ' Bohemiai band , one of the institutions of Crete paraded the streets of the gem city o the Big Blue ss < a reminder of tin meeting , and in due time the largi hall was graced by a handsome audi ence well eet off by a sprinkling of th first ladies of Crate. Perhaps one third of those present were repnbli cans. cans.Tho The senater spoke nearly two hour with well compressed sentences , ye held hii hearers well in hand till th Ust. It sDCika for hi * oratories powers , when it is added that theheu of the evening was excessive. Th speaker began by protest again ! mJBJudgment by any republican the might be present , because ho ( th speaker ) had turned democrat , an claimed that the Chicago conventio in setting down onGrant had endorse his views ; the relevancy of which wi not BO apparent. He then gave clear and interesting history of il confederation of the states into a nc nation but confederation of states i they wera bsf orenxcept in case of wa He protested that the idea of Ame ican nationality was fraught with U greatest danger to liberty and to tl rights of individual states , forgettii that the safeguard remained intact i the fact that the nation was made i of states , each one of which had i say and vote in every measure th ceuld be taken , The speaker had large power of ta caam , acd a telling way cf puttii things for his side. This lad him much unfairness and the usual oxa geration of political speakers. Sen tor Tipton could well afford not maraud weaken an otherwise forcib speech by fanciful descriptions Hayes , Shermen and that miseral renegade , Logan , who was now not be trusted because he was once a dei ccrat. How , then , about being on a republican ? He haa barely nothing to say Hancock not a word of the num , 1 views , his statesmanship. He call 1 him , assuming that his election war settled fact , tha "glorious union ga oral , " adding that sort of war cry th sounds so big and means so little , "a he'll take his seat" ; "it will be eig to novei ) , instead cf seven to eigl this time. " This brought down t house , although the speaker well km he had uttered nothing EO weak a silly.Oh Oh , for the good time coming when on buth sides of the house a cai will depend upon its merits ratl than its cunning manipulation. T speaker thought he could not fore to throw mud and dirt through 5 Garfiold'a Credit Mobilier co mectl and the DeGolyer contract with finite divisibility. Of course it v all the etock he had to workupagai ; this man , who haa stood in the fo front of all the great movements the last stirring twenty-two yea and lie must make the most of it. would not have been so bad had the audience known what a In : portion did , that there was j enough semblance of truth in the m ter to make it so much more mea a wretched lie. We could well im ine.tho speaker , a'fter getting throi this bit of unsavory hash , and rine his mouth , saying to himself : ' much for buncombe , but I am asliati ie 10 have to falsify no for any caus Why not give the rfial decision of ts examining committee on Mr.bi versus Garfield , and Justice Swa ; on tha DeGolyer contrac' ? A BLACK HILLS NTJGGE1 ] ree Deadwood has foot pads. e A Chinese striker at the prima if Is a curiosity of Deadwood. to A woman , stark naked , walkec tight ropa in Sturgis recently. m It is very dry among the can tit 'hero ' not being water enough to the mines. The report is currant that anot IBF rich carbonate find has been made F- toward T3ald mountain. Fof of There is a minor in Lead tha two hundred stamp mill is to be b this fall nt that place. Nearly all of the new settles in neighborhood of Ilockerville are e er from this state or Iowa. It is complained that rocks fi of the DsSmet mine in Central are 1 er ing about too promiscuously for c fort. fort.A I A large force of men are gradinj the Deadwood and Terra mills foi edd addition of twenty stampi to eacl d , them. up The first fall wheat raited in 00 Hills is said to bo of excellent qual ed nnd rich in quantity to the acre. A hail storm visited the Hills a day ago , but did not extend down i tbo valleys and the crops were therefore injured. be More building material is now hand and being worked up in Dt wood , than nt any previous time. ' . n sons and carpenters are in demant zaall The valley nnd plains about all Hills are fairly covered vith a i cies of black bird , "darkening sky when they fir in bis gangs , " the Black Hills Journal. icy The Homestake foundry now h ild first-class foundry in successful tion at Load City , where they makri all the castings needed for t mines without beint ; obliged to i east. east.Work Work on a placer claim oppi Chinalownon White wood gulch al Deadwood , Js still going on , pro1 or that the gold deposits in that vici ad have not yet been exhausted. en The Hockerville _ Flume coraj recently pafd26,000 in arrearage its employes , whereupon there w ! aln big exodus of questionable males n- females to Rockorville from D wood. But they speedily took a I 88 , track-.as the-boys concluded to 1 88.a their money/ d.6 .ad , - Iwenty men and. masons' an .6- . work on the foundation for the G idr and Old Abe pump works at. , I rW City , aud hive contracted to-do rly Trork'for $10:000' : and furnish ev ly thing. Another 120-Etatnp millj ofO' be put up on'the Giant and Old. O'e mine. ; , - , . e The lumbermen of about to form a protective , soci The only question now on which tl er i. Tar ; ShJptiiscus8ion Ts as to' iho n LIT Mnelittg , , manner-4ri which meml caj - shallpledge' themselves to stand. the ecale bf-Trices to be ndop Many ara in favor of all entering i e- -penal bonds for the faithful nerfo ance of .obligations. - * - - - The reported big strike in he ( termineonElkcree.k _ _ , turns out t ( " genuine nnd. Many olore-oight-feet-wide prospecting' of to 'tha ' ton , b& been struck } n as Carter dine , and&butlw6'mile to thes up tire creek ? a considerably b teat of ore has been discoveredwhch \ jtiia'though'tj-mill § 6'per ton. ' crevice dirt is very rich. A discovery ias also been made in the the aamo vicinity of a two-foot fissure vein , Buppoeed-to be carbonates. Some of the "boys" atEochford put up a job on tenderfeet employed on the Alt * ditch on Little Caatlo Creek. Secrnting themselves they gave sev eral Sioux war whoops , accompanying this with volleys from tiro-arms. The tenderfeet were thoroughly ecwed and many left in dUgust , not being persuaded out of their idea that they barely escaped a maisacre or scalping. There is a prospect that Boon Eome excellent mines will be opened up in Ouster. Heretofore , the work of mining has been simple surface work , " " the men not or mere "gophering , havmc money enough to purchase powder , but there is a prospect of cap ital coming in to develop th mines. The fire department boys in Deadwood - "boom.1 wood are enjoying a little Hitherto a Ux of one mill has been levied for fira purpose ? , which went tc tha fire wardens. The county cnni' missioners have revoked this ru3 , and hereafter the money will go tc the fire department for new buildincf , hose , etc. It will only amount to $40 ( for the rest of the year , but in othei years is expected to sum up to a con siderable amount. TJie Homestike company has or dered twenty additional stamps to bi added to the Terra ( vnct Poadwocd TO fchnlp mills ; the eniire machinery ti bo shipped from Chicago by the 20tl of September. A rock breaker ha been ordered for each mill inadditioi to those nbw in place , the n'ceesar ; extension of the mills will be complet ed by the time the machinery arrives for monthn the Gopher and Ter'r mining companies at Terraville hav , esea Kept armed guards to protcc their interefit the one to keep th other from encroaching on their vei of ore Terraqille. Thia armed neu tralily has cost at least § 80 per da for men doing nothing but smokin and Ioft6ng. This luxury eeoms like ly to be abolished in a few days , cnmpromiso being among the proba bilities. A water right haS bean located o Bear creek , which empties Into th Cheyenne river about 20 miles abov the old Fort Laramie and Dead woo crossing , for the purpose of workin the gravel beds in the BOutliwPster part of the Hills. These who are ii terested in the enterprise beliova thf in a year or ttVo many men will bo en nloyed there , its the foira protipei fairly , especially in the country it f eluding Red and Hill canyons. Thoi are high gravel beds , the rock in whic is principally rock , and bearing tl appearAu < 59 of having been washed considerable distance ; this is mixe with dirt of a reddish color. Mar of these bars are said to prospect fai ly in gold , and all that in needed develop them h water for eluic'ng. As Others See Us. The following is an extract from letter written from Lincoln to T ! New York Evening Post under da of July 2(5th ( : "This region , unlike the flat praii lands of some other western states , diversified in its charactir. The hi | rolling prairies preient a varied Ian scape in whichever direction the e may turn. The streams which dra the country form natural diviaioi the land rising from tlio streams the highest ridge , cilled the "divide Adjoining every rising pirt of t rolling land lies a little gully , term a "diuw , " which iathe natural drai Standing on one of these divid and looking over the BI rounding country , one may f an extended view. On all sic ttiere ia still much unbroken pr.ii land covered with native praasi which a few years a o sustained hci of buffclo and were trampled up o by the ponies of iho Indians. Da 3dn patches indicate where the sod h n been turned over , as the first work lie preparing the soil for a more valual er crop. One cannot fail to notice t DO rich soil in the uptured furrow. H ( , md there are dark green fields corn , the staple product of Nebrasl 5. Yonder is a herd of cattle and furtl on a llock of sheep broweing upon t nutricious blue joint grass whi ca srowB abundantly. A herdsman a i shepherd arc guarding the citilo a the sheep. The laws of Nebras require that the owners of 1 : stock shall be responsible for a damage which their animals nny un to the growing crepe , which eve where are unprotected by .fe : While eastern farmers must at ? cr expense make fences and keep th repaired in order to protect th crops , h nce tbe cattle are watcl ill a by herdsmen during the day a penned 111 corrals nt night. 1 owner of a single cow ties to her ho ho a rope about fifty feet long , called lariat , and makes tbo other end i to a stake. By this means a circu > m range for pasiuro three hundred f in circumference is made availat m- It is a trespass to crosa any piece und around which a furrow hiss bi at ploughed , this being considered a le an barrier. anof The rectangular laying out < reid is yet scarcely noticeable , , ho th.3 old shortcut roada are etill v generally used. Great numbers sunflowers grow rank along the si of the roads. Later in the seas aw when in blossom , they will give a j ito apperanco to the country. It ia s > eton that the Mormons first planted sunflower here to mark the road lo on ing to Salt Lake City , and that tl have become plentiful through ra- scattering of their saeds. If tl should prove to bo of great val he as some agricultural journals h 18- predicted , Nebraska may find in th the plants a source of wealth. Hoi and cattle readily eat the leai chickena are fond cf the seed ? , i ,1 , a the stalks , when dried , are said pc- make good fuel. If they should o pcan meet the ueed in this respect , fe icfr may , perhaps , bo profitably cultival : nd Native woodland is found only on borders of the streams , but our v lite is not destitute of foliage. The doi ) rows of trees often seen on two si Ve ing of the farm houses were planted ity protect them from winter winds. ' grove near by is of cottonwood tr < They are planted in preference my other kinds because they , grow n to , a quickly. Wny Some Children are Sickl ; ick New York Eveninj Post. A loijg communication from an town physician was received to at by Dr. J. T. Nagle , deputy registra mt the bureau ot vital statistics , in r > ad tion to the true causes of the sicki .he of children. The writer declares i in numberless instances where lot ryi - ty and atmosphere are blamed * .be childish ailment , the true [ cause the treatment the children receive * home and at school. "The hun ire manner , " says the latter , "in wl ty. taost children are compelled sre jump from their warm beds , si DSt low their meals and run off thro rrs thesnotr , rain or ice in order to b iimefor scho'ol , the confined posit ! In which they are continually c ito pelled to sit or stand while there , a- mental strain , the sudden change ; temperature * to which they are s jected , and the heartless manne : be which they are too frequently refu > rs permission to leave tne schoolrc whea.it is necessary that they she leave it , all tax the heart , the li and luagi" b Uie e little ones to utmost , and if the child be of w , dv . .constitution ia-bouud to BUCCUI 11,1 anS than its uSckness is attributed he other causes. " THE GENTLE ZEPHYB , AMountaia Flower Sheds Her Fragrance in Cherokee. Jorrespondcnce o ( TKS Bis. CHEROKEE , Iowa , August 16. In a valley on the west side of the Little Sioux river is the town of Oherokoo , with a population of about 2000. There are two principal busiueES streets in the town , with tixchurches , five saloons and a number of very fine private residences which are a great credit to the place. Along the out skirts of town wa seethe "rain bins filled with the products of a bountiful harvest , for tha farmers ssy the crops are good this yeir. Al Algona they exhibit a corn-stalk 14 feet 2 inches in height ; another stalk 13 feet high is six Inches in di ameter at the butt , and hai blades three feet long and five inches wide. A farmer at Sheldon has sold 85 , O.QO worth of fl ix from his crop this year. In 1879 , Iowa produced 40,000,000 bushels of wheat and 37,316,000 bush el * ? of oaU. The value of all propsrly in Chero kee county as returnd by the assess ment of 1380 is 82,003,580 , of this § 316,134 ia pcfjonal prope fV" " > fii year < azo the valuation was but a. trifle SGOO. The other evening while oul ridtnq wo stopped at the artesian or magnetic well , which is near town , Its waters are said to perform greal cures. The water from the well is being shipped by the barrel to distan ! points for medicinal purpose ; * Al the well there is a comfortable house with bath rooms for the accomraoda tion of gueata who wish tobithe in ih waters : Yesterday afternoon youi correspohdUilt had the' pleasure o witnessing a match game ci badb bal at this place between the Le Man club and Storm Like club , to be thi game of thS season. Tbe Lo Man club is said to be one of the finesi ii the state , notwithstanding the Stern Lake boys came off victorious , winnin * the purse of § 50.00. Quite a largi number of Cherokee sitiaens viewoi the game ; also antlmborfromlieMar and Storm Lake. I must ii'it forget to mention tha Cherokee is on the Illinois Centra road , and trains connect daily , excep Saturdays , at Sioux City for Cheroke and points further east. Unfortu nately I loft Omaha on Saturday an had to spend the afternoon at Sioii Oity , and then take the mixed trav in the evening or wait until the nes day. Coming from Omaha hero on has the pleasure of changing cars thre times first at the Bluffs , where take the Chicago & Northwestern I Missouri Valley Junction , where w board the Sioux City & Pacific trail and at Sioux City we take the Illino Central for Oherokeo. A traveling menagerie has bee born at Sioux City , and list wet started on a tour. The show consia of a baby cow , a perfectly-formc four year old , weighing lees thit li pounds , a three-legged calf , a hairle p'g ' , and elk faun , and a Paleitii goose. The past two or lluea days we ha' been having delightful showers , witli sample of Iowa "breezes. " And wb I have experifiired are nothing coi nared with a "Washoa Zephyr of tl Sierra Nevada mountain11,1' which have not quite furgotten even thouj I nm tea far away to feel any effects them. However , I am er.joyingtnyseirwi hero , visiting with relatives ai perusin" the columns of THE BKE ev laden with the "honey" and "vhi gar" of Onnha life , r.nd rlsewhore. EFFJE K LOOMIS. Solid Sense of a Subject General Treated With Foolishness. N. Y. Graphic. Every woman of any intelliRen instictively do ects the faintefit a preaches on dang-rous ground on t put of man. It is always in her peer er to discourage and rebuke the fii sypmtoms of ill's ' sggrossiveness. 11 iustinctiveiUES of its approach is o of the chief qmlitiea b lun ing womon. No man save an insena.n biU 3 makes ur.djo approaches wit out consent , tacit or more openly c p-ossed. Too "wrong" then censes ba commit ed by one piity alone , is committed by both. No m walks into this species danger without some invi ti n. No man is thus indiscreet wil 10 out a great deal of invitation on t pirt of the woman. No man asao a ales with improper intimacy with t St Wife of another , under her own ro ir unless a smooth and easy road is ma eto. for him. For this , when carried o.of extreme results , a large proportion ofm modern sentiment justifies the slayi ofal of the man in fault. The woman g < al free. The woman may have been t chief tempter. The woman is span perhnps to lure others to their den or The woman kuoffs this when she lur ry The woman then , ia indirectly ace ryof of sory to the murder. This is the c1 OS stitutional , unwritten law of civili : OSff tion. It seems , in its results , a cc ff worae than that of the Turks. Th id sack or bowstring deprived the won : 10d of further power for mischief. d- day ay Tnc ROAD TO HEALTH. Clcan c tie stomach , bowels aud blood from all aci conupt and ofTcns've ' accumulations , i o.vo you remove the caiwc of most diseases , ; vo thus health and also pr serve good s se lage doctor's bills. The most effectual j reliable remedy for this purpose is S id mons' Liver Uegulator , jn'rtltf itgeia to The trial of one bottle or package prove to the patient the virtue of 1 medicine. Gy id. id.he /re you low-spirited , "Jown-ln thc-mou aud woik in the back ? Does a king , liftm 3W standing cause pain in the smal of the back > lees fojou have kidney disease , aad Prof.amlme Jr nch Kidney Pad is the only remedy w [ es * IU < .C.IC ? ? you ra'idlr ' and P'nuancntly and to out fiUin ; your stomach with nauatating a . ho cne. S3. GIVE IT A TRIAL f'1 y ° u ' fce astonished "AnaVesb , " D ire Si sbM a External Pile Remedy. Sivc3'ina relief mid is an inf 1 ib'.e cure for the mosi Umato rases of p lea H ha * m de the i wend < r ul cures of this temhle d Border CCOgriUful penr lothn hare UBadlt can te totnesame Samples with full drrtctions free to all mffercraon acplication to "Antki . Pcpot , Box 3016 , Kcw York. UcU by all 1 ip.ay class Hril frtete- . ay of THE CIRCASSIAN WOMEN are considered to be the most bea lat 553 ful. Ennuied bachelor butterfly , . you eve. seen a Circassian ! Fly Ji. once to that wonderful clime , nd For willlearn that the secret of much ras their beauty lies in the liberal UE < at Sozodom , which was introduced th ea years ago to make their teeth beai ch jul. teal al- "It is handy to have about hoase. " Toodles said. So is Spat ing's Gluo. nam "Have derived soae benefit from'the mba of Simmons' liver Eegulatod , acd wir ] of give it a farther trial. bin "Ho.v. ALTS. H. STEPHENS , in rr t. "Georgia , . .fTC ? ever en or tried such a s TQ Id H. HAINES St , Louis. Ma er TWO DOLLARS WIL& SECT ? b , . THE WEEKLY BSE to For One Year , STRENGTH and ENERGY , WITHOUT TEE USE OF DRUGS , ARE RE QUESTED TO SEND FOitTHE ELECTHIC REVIEW , AN ILLrsTR VTED JOUR NAL , WHICH IS PCBLlJHED FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION. TT TREATS upon HEALTHmGIiSE , ndPh ! ! < - J cil CultureT nd i acomj < ) te Mcrcopw1 ! > of lnfon too ! t'-l larallli * n.l tb e who caflTer from NerTOUKibiunlng ? aod PainiuJ Distasn. i.rry § al'j tth b irs upon h.iltl ) and htimsnliappme' ; , recttvei Mtenti.n m il 1 s * : an(1 lhe E1SDT . , . flue6 : "ooi - . wLa liMC.Ie.r ir l asW by acS-etlng loratijU. , answertcl. and Taluabl * uiiorraalmn of a cute are ij Tolunttered to all who are in * * J of uirj.cal ! . I- cf Etrc'tic Btlu itnat JJediuue , . Tb ubj ct c * . nd tbe hundred and cut qu .tioL of'al Imjw.- tssce to u2trli.3 Uamannjr , are dulj sniidsred and YOUNG MEN led others who nrTer from SOI-TOOI and rhiiical Deb.lit . Li cf lUo'.y Vigof. Pr otnre Ktbain- tte inJthe EMT gloomy eon quenees cf r tly lidiscetisn , stc. , > l cally b o at by coa- frauda br quicks and mwticil " chc mfrticinu , " and wnutt oui who prefer to pr tba only r if . irapl , aud effective ro J to lleaHri , Seud your addr n on po tBl card f ° r a copy , ai'J Iufotra tion worth thou audi rl ! ti sent you. the publisher * , PULVE3MAGHER GALVANIC CO. , COR. Ell'.HTK and VINE STS. . ClHCiKNATL 0 tf 5 Years before THEjDEMlJlliE . C. MoLANE'S are not recommended as a remedy " fo all the ills that flesh is heir to , " but ii aflcctioiia of the Liver , and in ml Biliou Complaints , Dyspopa'n ' , and Sick Head nche , or diseases of that character , the ; stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used pn paratory to , or after taking qttinine. A a simple pflTganVs i'e- ] arc unequaled. 6EWARS OF iMlTATiun . The nuine are ne cr sngrtr-Couleu. Each box has a red-tax seal on the i If with the inipression.McLAnE 3 LiyBl 1'iLL. Euch wrapper bears the sign/ / tttrcs of , 0. JIcLASE and FLEMING Buoi x-S ihstei nr-Dn hnvltifj the genuin DnTC.McL S E'S LlVlJU J'lLLS , pn pared by FLEMING BROS.ri s1mrgli , Pa. tl e rtuirkct being full of imitations o the tiarrie 3tctt < ittfct s-j llcd diflerentb butsame _ pronunciatioti. BOWEL COMPLAINTS A Sftedy and Effectual Cure. ERRY DAYIS1 PA'IN-KILLE : Has stood the ( cat of JOETT TK RS' trial. ijirtctiota tilth edch tiottte. OLD BY ALL DliUOOI S T local Aceuta everywhere to 11 R MTCn WAN I tU lea , toffee , BakinR Flaronne Extrac's , etc , liy sample , to famili Pro3t goSi Outfit Irc . People's Tea Co. , E- - 5020 , St. 1 onla. JIi ) . PASSENGER ACHOMMODAMuN LU OMAHAAND FORTOMAH Connects With Street Cars Corner of BAUSDEUS and 1IA1HLTC STREETS. ( End of Ilcd Line as folljws : LEiVE OMAHA ; 630 * 8:17andll : 19a m ,3:03.6-37 : and7.-23p. LEAVE FORT OMAHA : 7:15 a m. . 0:15 a. m , and 12:45 p m. 4:00 : , G:15and8:15p. : : m * TheSil7a. m run , leatin oniaha , and I 1:00 : p. tn run , leaving Kort Omaha , are uann losded to full capacity with reftul r pasfenge The 6:17 a. m. run will be made from the pt office , cornf r of Dodo and Ifith snrchtj. Tickcta can I e ptocured from ttrcet car di ere , or from iHicre of hacks FAKE , 25 CENTS , IHOLUDINO STRE 0 231 HI. I . KI.4DON. General Insurance Agen REPRESEM8J PHCEXIX ASSURANCE CO. , of Lon don , Cosh Assets . $5.107 , WES1CHKSTEK. N. Y. , Capital . 1,000 , THEMERCHAZfTS. of Newark. N. J. , 1,000 , OIRAR" FIRK.PhilidelphaCapital. ! . 1,000. NORTHWESTEuM NATlUNAL.Cap- 1U1 . . . BOO , FIREMEN'S FUND , C&lifofnla . SOI , DliniSil AMK1UC.V ASSI'Il NCECo 1,2TO , NEW A .IK FJRK INS. CO. , Assets. . . . < ft AMER1CAF CENTRAL , Assets . 300 , Southeast Cor. ot Fifteenth & Douelaa St. mrhS-.il v nvMM. V- cr. a. MERCHANT TAiLQ Capitol Ave , , Opp. Masonic Hall OMAHA. . KB MEAT MARKE T. P. Block. 16th St. FrcahanJS'Jt Meats 0 all alnda consta' ' On hiud , prices re.i < jnible. VegtUbltt In s en. Fcou deliveied to t ny pan of tbo city. wa ADST , e 4 r > l V - h Kith B A. F. RAFERT & CO. , Contractors and Buildti Fine Woodwork a Spccla ty. Agents for tlic KncausticTili lain nnnoB sr . OMAHA THE OHLT PUCE WHERE can find a good issortmert of BOOTS AND SHO ! At a LOWER FIGURE thai any other shoe houao In the clt P. LANG'S 236 FARNHAM ST. LADIES' & GEN SHOES MADE TO OHDE d perfect fit cnsrmtcnl. Friers vrvn FEVER ANI > AGUE , orIf e'g ch nt Is".t .t- VQ at Defensive Medication 5U It a preoutiou wh ch should never ba DK 5UOf ed when dancer U present , and there ! coar o of tha Bitters at this c : ou is partlc of ly deiirable , e'pee-'ally for the fes Ie and si robe As a remedy for biliousneu , dyspepsia , nen ness , and bowel comfliutt , there is not comparable to this uholcsoma re torative For sale hv all Druggist * ana Dealers icenei bed UNO. G. JACOBS , d- ( Formerly of GIsh t Jacob ] ) tea No. 1117 F rcham St. , Old Stand ot Jacob I ORDERS IS ? TSLEQIUPII SOLICIT n97.li a- ant Odd FeUcws'Block. SpecUl atleiiia to or Jen by ttkjrap ! Cir + n fllrtnP0'to-7 l homo. Saaplcs v ! 03 IU lOLVlS 2ree. Addrw Stlna-ja & I Portkad , Mic5 , BAHKIHC HOUSES- THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED. BANKING HOUSE IN NBBBASKA. CALDWELLHAMILTONiCO Business'ramacteilsaajo as that o tn Iccor- Derated Bant. Accounts kept In Currency or gold subject to sight cbccx without no'.ico CcrtlBcatee of J pos't Issu'il parallB ia three , eli aid twe'vc months , beorinj ; interest , or on demand nltbout interest. .AtiyncC3-mada to uatomen on approved Be- cur i'1st at nruHet rates of Interest. . . billtof ncha-gd Govern ment , Stats , C > un y and Clt Bondg. I > r w Eifttit Dnft * rn Fc land , Ircliad , Boot- land , and all parts ot Europal SellE ropein Po-si.'e TIciets. [ JOLIECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. tugldtf TJ. S DEPOSITOEY ; FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA. Cor. 18th ana Farnbam Streets , OLDEST BANK1HC ESTABLISHMEH1 IN OMAHA. ( SUCCKESORS TO KODNTZE BROa , ) ESTAEMSnED tS 1858. Organized B3 a > .ationil Bank , August 20 , . 1383 Capital and Profits Over 300,00 ( Specially-uihnri2 d by the Secretary or Trearer ; to rectiTS Subscription to ihe U.S. 4 PER CENT. FUNDED LOAH OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS . B. President. Auousica KorjfTZK , Tlca President. U.W.YArr8. a hier. A. J. PoriET05. Attorney. JOBS A. CR IOIITOS. V. H.DAVIS , Asa'tCashloi This bsni rocelTeS deposit without regard 1 "isItTaf'tlmo 7tlflcates bnrlns Intersst Urs t drafts on SaU F nelsM and prindp Mfa ol the United fctafcS , y Lond'n'h ; ? l1 . piincipalcitier ol th W"1' E'Jii.burzh and Sh nent of Europe. T Sells paigige tickets lor Enjigiinto tA > ni' man ne. msylitl ESTATE BROKER - _ - _ - . _ - - - . .i.j i Geo. P. Bernis5 REAL ESTATE AGENCY 16th d ; Douglas 8ia.t Omaha , Neb. This astracy does STRIOILT broktrag * bn ness. Docs notspesn'ate , and therefore ny bi rains on Its booSsaie Insared to its pitrona , I ntcad of Ixtinr trolM l up hy th e ajsnt BOGG3 & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKER No 1405 farnh'im Street OMAHA - NEBRASKA Office North Eldo opp. Grand Central Hot ! Nebraska Land Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , 1505 Farnham St. Omaha , Nebr. 400.000ACRES carefully seloctcdlaad inEtsti Nebra&a for sale. Great Bargains in improved farms , and Om : WEBSTER SNYDEB Late land Com'rU. P. R.B 4p-teb7t BTROS RSED. Byron Heed & Co , , OLDEST E&TA2Ll n > REAL ESTATE AGENO IN NEBRASKA. Keep ft complete r.rtr ct. of title to al ! J Katat9 in Omaha and DousU * Conntv. ma : HOTELS. THE ORIGINAL. Cor. Randolph 6 < & 5th Ave. , CHICAGO ILL. J. IB FIUCES REDUCED TO $2.00 AND $2.50 PER D/ / Locked in the Imslness cent e , conven ! to plac B of amusement Eloiinn ly turn's ! containing alt modern improvements , passer elera or , &s. J. II. CUMMISoB , 1 roprlet ocietf S at 1 HOUSE Cor. MARKET ST. & BROADW Council lilufls , Iowa * On line ol Sties * Rallw.y , Omnibm 'o > nd f all trains. ItATES Parl.ir iloor J3.CO per ( fecond floir S2 0 periUy ; third floor , S The best furnished an < l mott com "odintw In In the city. 0 EO. T. PHELI'S , Pro H/IETROPOUTA / ! OMAHA , NEB tBA WILSON - PROPBIETC fho Metroj < ol'lan h centrally located , flret casa in ce y rwpsct , having recently 1 entirey rcnova'ed llie public wil flnd i comfortable tnj homelike liouae. nurSt ! Schuyler , Neb. Flist-daas House , Good \falg. Good I Airy Uoota , and IdhJ and aicommnda treatment. Tw I good Ecitip'o rooms. Sp attention paid to commercial travelers. S. MILLEE , Prop. , ilS-tf Neb Schuyler , FRONTIER HOTEl Laramie , Wyoming. The miner's resort , Rood accommoilit ! arge sample room , charcei reasonable. 6p attention giren V > traveling men. " " K. C. 1IILLI\RD. Prnprlot INTER-OCEAN HOT ! Cheyenne , Wyoming. Flrst-cl-sj , Fine large S mpld Booms , ! Ct- block from depot. Trains stop from 20 rcit 'es to2honra for dinner. Free Bus to and I lar- Depot. Kate * S2.CO $2.50 and tlOO , accoi : ly.u . to room ; s ngle meat 75 cents. u i _ A. D. BALCOM , Propriet Inz AITDREW BORDER. Cnief Clerk. n lly HAMBURG AMERICAN PACKET CI Weekly Line of Steamshi LcaTlns ewTork Every Thursday at 2j For England , France and Germaj For Passage spp'y to C. B. RICHARD & G General P-L&scosez AgeaM ; jun-21-lr Qi Broaflwav. New Y < VINESAR WOBKJ Jor.ts.Mtt. 3tk and 10tSti. , I Fint quality dUlilcd Wine ind Cider Vine o ! ia ) strength IhJov fietara pnccc , tad rth * Eociiror price ! ir. EBKBT KREB3 , i SS 5ffl HENRY HOBNBERGER - . V. BLATZ'S MILWAUKEE BEEBf In Kegs and Bottles , . at Reasonable Families Supplied Special Figures to the Trade. Prices. Office. 239 Donelaa Street. DOUB1J5 AJSD SINGLJS AOTING AND HAND POiWPS Steam Pumps , Engine Trimninga , IJining ilaoliinery , BELTIHC.HOSErBRASS . ANTlROH-FITTlKCS , PIPE , STEAM . PACKIMC , WHOlAsAIlS MD RETAIL. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLST " i. T. . RTTlAWft 3f > 5 FarririnTn S O. WHOLESAL ER ! 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha. RPETI Carpetingsl Carpetingsl J. B. DETWILER Old Reliable Carpet House , 1405 DOUGLAS STKEET , BET. 14TH MD 15TB ; . I3ST ± 868. ) Carpets , Oil-Cloths , Matting , Window-Shades , Lace Curtains , Etc , MY STOCK IS THE LARGEST 1H THE WEST. I Make a Specialty of WINDOW-SHADES AND LACE GURTAiHS And have a Pull Line of Mats , Rugs , Stair Rods , Carpet- Lining Stair Pads , Crumb Clothes , Cornices , Cornice Poles , Lambrequins , Cords and Tassels ; In fact Everything kept in a First-Class Carpet House. Orders from abroad solicited. Satisfaction Guarimtee < 2 Call , or Address John B. Detwiler , \ Old Reliable Carpet Fouse , OMAHA. PATRONIZE INDUSTRY The Oni ) ' Lithographing Establishment in Hehraskal a JEROME RAGHEK. Proprietor. OMAHA BEE p " LITHOGRAPHING "Iw COMPANY. n Q * : , Checks , Letter Bill and Bute Headings , Cards , Bonds , Certificates of Stock , Diplomas , Labels , eto , , done in the best manner , and at Lowest Possible Prices. OMAHA and BUSINESS CHANCES , t a. EeuniOQ Camp Ground Privilege * . -mmlttee of arranjjemenU for the SelL - L diera1 Reunion , to be held under tbe auspi ce * of the 0. A. R . at Central Cltr , Msrnck county , Kebnakt , from the lHh to the 13ih , In clusive , of September , 1330 , will receive aled ed * bids nn to Saturday noon , Atl , ' 21 , 1880 , for tbe following pririletes ! 1st. For the rent , durlntr th week of the Be- Union , of two Dlnlnj ; Halls. 20x100 feet each : kllcbens attached , 12ilCO feet. The kitchen * each to be raw ! -Bed ith f onr furn iihed gtovr g. two pump * , ard tni'ablo tables. Dining Halls to bo furnished with tableland teat" , toolbar public eatins-hou-es will bn allowfl on th ground. 7he prices to bo charged not to ex ceed thirty flv cents pe * meal , one dollar per day , or five doilan for ths Tesk. zd. Inclusive rizht of fojnliliintr Sutlers' Stores for camp the Sutler to bo furnished with two Hospital Tenta. OU0 , 3d. Ono Promcnide Hall , 31rlOO feet , with : dal raoalc stand and teaia. Bids may be In the alternative , either to much ir. for tie priillese , orwhat p r c t. nf the pioflta. If on the pjr cent , basis , tbe corsmiitee to have th supervision nf tha rtce'pts and disbursements of the buiinets Jointly with the poity to wbom tht privilege i < awarded. All b d < must be accompaDied with a bond Of one oi.e tfcoujind dcllarn. signed by two sureties , utea that ample supplies for the wants of the ump torn shall be furnished , to tbe extent of the capacity ding of tbe bnildincs provided. Open proposes will also bo received for other privilcsea on tt-effrou d * 10-t TtiecamDwill be provided with tents and barracks - racks f r the iccomincdatton of 20,000 peopli. ' All bids and letters of inquiry should be ad- I.'S dreaedto W H. WEBsTEK , Chairman Reunion Committee , ps _ Central tlty. ilerrlcfc Co. . Keb. . m. Machine Works , _ . a. , J. F. Hammond , Prop.d ; Manager The most thorough appointed and cocrplet * irk Machin e Bbopa and ? ooridrr ia the state. Cutingi of rvery description mnuiictured , Enjfnes , Pumps and avery ring o nucilaerj made to order. Spftdal attention tares to AuKursPnlIeyS , Ilangers , ff , Bridge Irons , freer Cutting , etc. PUnsfor ew . etc. , ceatlr executed. St. , 59I OMAHA WATER WORKS : Notice ( o Contractors. proporali will he received by tha City \Tt r W < rrki Company cf Omaha , Ne . , at theie office , room ! Vo. 4 , Creighton Block. In said city. until 12 o'clock , noun , of Wednesday thel-t c'ay of September , 1830 , for furnishing all materials ] and porfoiminir work aa folloro : One compound or condensiug j.Hmping-nmo with capacity IT punp S.OOO.l/O * U. M. gallona sjiinit 3 JO feet head from the .Missouri river , tbe a urco of supply. Into the r servoi sandalic. to work apalut a maxio.um flre presnuro equal to350hea.l. Abe one non-compound noi condensini ; en- pine ff 2,000,00" ) allons capacity under like con ditions aa above. Aba four boilers with all their appnrtenince * . AUo engine founda'ionn and boiler fe tines. Also one engine and bnihr housa comp'eto. Also tie fumlsninz apjr"ximat Iy tno ton of east iron water plpo and 75 tonsot ipedal east- in- inAl othelaylnot 23 mil S f' Vip * f864/1 / with rpceialca tin In'lU'iinir E.ttIi ? . furnlsb- ing letd , fuinishimt ad eUlnz vaf ro boxes and coven and he scttim of hydrants Also the furnishing the necessary valves. Also the furnishing cf 250 flrt hvdranta. AIM the furnuhius of all materials not found on lha ground , and construetlrZ'J reservoirs with an ag rez-te capacity of 9OWWW zillon * to gether with rec-hin < anJ stttUuy chambers in- Cue > t and efllunt rraoztro nU and eierjthloif tecoimry to fully complets tbe name. AliolnfiiiniihlnyaUirateriaNand labor no- cesur to fully complete the lofluent or river well and it * connections with the river and with ; the pumplnst machineri. tine iacAlinswiUbefurnI hedon application at tha office of the company from and after the 18th inst. Plain and d ta'Ied drawings will bs revly for tbe esaminatlon ef bidders at the company * oflco as a ore fron tnd alter the 25th inat. PaymenU wil be nade monthly on work ioc andmatenalifarr > Ub < d , with rewrvatiocs and ficent.'onj let fonh intp cirlcation * fd ! will bereceh'ed for the above work in Je tail for the whole or my part thereof. The company herenv r TTeth , ilzhtto rekat anyoraabldi SA5IUE6B. J01IXSOV. aualZdat President. a week In 7001 own town. orttStfrce. Addrcsa U. Hillett & Co. Prnland. K _ _ CHARLES R1EWE , UNDERTAKER ! U UUc Cues. Cc&nt , CoaioU , Sbroudx. ttu. fimhaa Elrt , Eat. 10th uidUJa i