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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1880)
\ VOL. X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY. AUGUST 20 , 1880. NO. 52. Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents COLD SHOULDER , * , A Gigantic Corner in Poik Which Will Make Many Lame Ducks. Special dispatch toTnc Bl * . NEW YoEKjfAugust 20 1 a. m. Considerable excitement has recently prevailed in the pork market in New York and Chicago. Tharo has been an advance of § 2 within a week. Al though Keane's name has been mentioned - tioned in the < Jorner , itrappeara on in- vustfgtion ihit Armour , of Chicago , member of the firm of Armour & Co. , of this city , is the leading spirit in the matter. According to a state ment received from Chicago Wednee- day evening , the stock of parkin Chicago cage is 123,000 harrelsagain tl73,00i" > t > irr la list month and 53GCO barrciai for the sanio period-last year. The bulk of thm is controlled by Armour , who is making the thing interesting for operators on the wrong s'deof the market. Ho has been manipulating the market for months , and has been encouraged , it is uaid , by the large lines of short interest which were be- iug recklessly put oat for feeling mo-- lives by his operators to-day. Pork for August deli very , .which was quoted a short time ago at § 14 00 , is. held at § 17.00 , both here and in Chicago. The objective point Is aa'.d to be § 20.00 per barrel and , if accomplished , there will be a numb'or of lama duck * , as this month's stock is said to have been largely oversold. Some interesting developments arc predicted before the end of this month.The present speculation includes miats , and iaeaid to bo one of the most g'gantic ' BchcniQB manipulated by a "tingle op erator in this branch of trade. Too stock of meats in Chicago , us sworn to on thi > loth initanl , was 115,393,003 pounds ; of Fii.irt rib mid les , 229,000 pounds ; short clear middles , 720,000 pounds ; lon clear middles , 1,216,000 pounds ; sweet pickled Lams , G,3S2- 000 , and 18,000,030 pounds of other cut meals , of this enormous quantity Armour , it is said , owns the controll ing Binre. Tha result is that not only the shorts in pork , but the exporters of moats aw baiuR squeezed. Springfield Races. Special Disjunct ! to The bee. SrmxcriELD , Mass. , August 20,1 a. m. There was a l rgo crowd of people present at the Hatnpden Driv ing Park yesterday , many of whom were drawn there to see Maud S. trot aninBt ; } , er Rochester record of 2:11 | , and St. Julien in the freo-for-all race. The 2:30 : cks.puno of 51,000 , Panama won in theee straight heats ; " best time , 2:25L . , Free-for-all face , puree of $3,000 , was won by St. Julien in throe straight heats , with Darby second and Hopeful third in each of the heats ; lime , 2:19 ] , 2:191 : , 2:15. : Maud S. , in her trot against her Rochester time , came under-tho wire in 2:19. : Monmoutli i'ark Rucos. SpocI&I Uisjutch to Vlio Itce. MOSMOUTII PARK , N. J. , August 20,1 n. m. The August meeting of the Monmouth Park association was continued yesterday , six events being on the programme. The first was the Breeders' stakes , for two-year-old * ; S50 each , $10 forfeit to the racing fund , with § 750 addedyof which § 500 went to the owner and 5250 to the brooder of the winner , five furlongs. "Won by Compensation ; Topsy second. Time , l:03i. : Saratoga Races. Special Dispatch to Tils Cm. SARATOGA , August 19 , 10 p. m. The racing programme for to-day con sisted of four events , the Grit of which was the race for the Day Book line stakes , for two-year olds , three quar ters of a mile. It was won by Thora , with Hindoo 8ecnn * , ind 13 > nnia Liz zie third. Timn , 1:171Hiudoo : was the favorite in the poo's. The second race wa * for a pune of § 500 , a handicap for all.-ujcs , chtance , one mid a half mile * . It was won by Oriole , with Frauklin second , and Matnlo Fields thud Time , 2:14i. Vera Cruz was the favorite , selling at $350. $350.Tho The third race was for a purse of § 400. all ngL-c , uistiuce , ono imle and a furlong. It was wn by lioreruor r Hampton , with Susquchimna second , " and Laucewood third. T .me , 1:09. 4 Governor Hampton as t , e favorite and COO ; Sn qu < h < innt the eacond choicn , : it WOf l'Tk L. , the third , at 300 ; and LitTcevrcod , the fourth , at 125. f The fourth race , pun-e , " 500 , han dicap for all agec , two niJcs , over eight hurdles , was ou by Chimney Sweep , with Day Star sc.ond , and Franklin third. Time , 3-ua. Prostitute MurdoroaLes. Epcdal Dt < mtch to The life. DEXVER , August 20,1 a. m. The police yesterday morning arrested Carrie Smith , proprietrvBt of a house of ill-fame , whore a man named Abra ham Marburgo was killed Wendesday night , also Kit ie Campbell and one or two others , on suspicion of being implicated in the murder. Men in the house at the time , who at first kept qniot , finally gave full particu lars and there it little doubt that the right parties have been arrested. THE ROUBLE BOBBERY. AN TJMVRITTEJf LEAF IN CONNECTION W1T1I COUNT SCaOUVALOFF , THE IM PERIAL DETECTIVE. Chtojo Tcl raph. Those who have traced the career of that able diplomatist , Count Schouva- loff , the late Russian ambassador at tha court of St. Jamesj will remem ber that at one time ha- filled a high position in the imperial detective po lice. In that post ho had , at certain periods of the year , large sums grant ed him from the imperial treasurer with which to pay the secret and other po lice under his orders. , These draft * , when received , he was in the habit cf . taking to the famous banker , Baron Stieglitz , to be cashed , Upon one of these occasions he had received the regular draft , the amount being 240- 000 roubles , which aum , was to be dis bursed amoni ; his men in various amounts. As the amounts to be paid 4 i always varied much it was necessary to obtain the payment of the draft In iv notes , both large and small amounts. To collect the required amountt the banker requested the count to call In a short period , when the money-would be sorted and ready for3 his receipt. On this particular occasion it was agreed that Count Schcuvaloff should call at or shortly before 2 o'clock Jn the afternoon. These visits m chief of the detective police to the ich banker'a had long been regarded by the light fingered brethren of St. Petersburg with eyes of envy , ag it was well known to them that on these visits large sums of money changed hands. The arrangement which had been made between THE COUNT AND THE BANKEE bad been overheard by an attentive accomplice and they determined to now make aboldetrokeforthomoney. Shortly before thn appointed time of the transfer of the money the bank door * opaned and in walked a gentle ; , man , to all appearance Count Schouv- aluff wearing the official uniform , in walk , manner and voice the exact counterpart of the chief of the police. The required notes had been ciroful- ly counted 'and arranged , and directly on anpliqstib i of the upi-osed"Count Schouvaklt they -were handed over with ibe utmost confidence and the receipt tendered by the pseudo count. " THe bank clerk who attended him" to the door , and handed to hii official custody the precious package , saw a carriage in every point tbo counter part of the well known officiil eqtfp- age. The servant , the horses , even the fittings were well known to htm as th'oio of tbo chief of police , and not cne iota of suspicion entered the head of the bank authorities , as , with a graceful bow , the supposed august pereonape took his departure. Some twenty minutes after the de parture of the supposed official the bank doort again swung open , but this time to admit the real Count Schouv- aloff , who at once advanced to the cashier to demand the mouoy for' the treasury draft. On the appl'cation beinc made , both piuker and clerks were dumb- founded. "The money , your Excellency J Why you received it but half an hour pgo , and hero is your rccept ! " SCUOUVALOFF 3AW AT ONCE. that he had been robbed , and cleverly robbed , ton , and his acute intellect told him that not a moment was to be lust. AsDuming a thoughtful attitude for afow , seconds ho replied , in a qui et and composed manner , "Ah ! yes ! how thoughtful of me , I quite forgot it , " and with some short apologies ho left the bank. Among the Russian police , both public and private , it is a standing order to note every movement of the chief of the department in or der that should ho be required , he can at any moment be found. Leaving the bank , Count Schouva- loff accosted the first of his men , and inquired , "Did you see me pass this way half an hour ao ? " The mm , who had , like the banker and clerks , been deceived by the pseudo Count , replied atronce , "Yes , you left the bank and drove to the right. A second end man gave further bid , and so a third , and fourth , until at last the Count learned that ho ( in duplicate ) liad boon seen to enter a hotel in a etdo street , and send away his car riage , Entering the hotel , the Count accosted the landlord with some ordi nary questions of the day , and , while thus engaged , one of the waiters en tered , and started a lust to see the count talking to his master. "Why do you start ? " asked Count Schouva- lofi" The waiter replied , "I have only just left your Excellency at dinuer in No. X , and hero I find you talking to Monsieur. " Schouvaloff had now the required information , and he at once entered the apartment indicated by the wait er , and was brought face to face with his duplicate , who with his friend were just refreshing themselves prior to a journey to lauds far distant. On the side-table was a black ba2 con taining the nicely-sorted notes and the wardrobes of these would-be officials. The count saluted his double with a hearty welcome , allowed him to finish the meal which he had so ably earned , and then both ho and his friend were provided at government expensa with tourist tickets to Siberia. Their friends have ceased to expect their re turn. A Fakir's Training. K. Y. Times. The physiological training of the Hindu fakir for his profession is some thing worth study. He begins by ab stention from food during the day and taking a very reduced quantity at niuht. Certain articles are prohibi ted ; among them are salt , fish and meat , oil and wino , mustard , onions , garlic and turnips. He must refrain from spices , from all acids and acid preparations , and from all pungent ar ticles except ginger. ELis carbona ceous food is limited to rice and wheat , his nitrogoneoua to milk and melted butter ( gbrta ) , and a to the carbon hydraton , honey and sugar are alone admissible. There are two or three articles familiar to Europeans only by their Bengal iiamoi which he is permitted to use , but they arc com posed ot the preceding ingredients in various proportions. Water is posi tively prohibited ; but some sects al low the devotee to drink sparingly of alcoholic beverages. Ho must next loam to live underground , and for this purpose ho digs a subterranean cavern ( the gublia ) , in which he passes most of his time. The temperature must bo warm and perfectly even and the cavern is entered only by a hole , which cm bo closed with a stone. It is a living sepulture. Indeed the essentials of the mndo of life are the complete occlusion of free oxy gen , impenetrable darkness , and an unbroken silence. Ho lies upon pallet of cotton or wool something warm and soft at the bottom of this subterranean cell , and repeats from day to day the mystic word "Om , ' the Hindu name of the great abstrac tion of universal life a being mere twjcendentil than that of Hegel. Thedovoteo takes occasional walks , but is very slow in his movements , seas as to leasen the rapidity of the respira tion. He repeats his "Um" sometimes 10,000 times a day , and has other tyllable * , among whieh are "Bam , " "Ham " "Lam " " " " " , , "Ram , "Soham , "Yam , " of which be performs endless aeries of repetitions , arranging them in every order of which they are sus ceptible , and rigidly following a pre scribed order for a given number ol repetitions. Ho , trains himself to sit squatted for hours together In a cer tain peculiar attitude ( thesiddhasana which consists in doubling the left le ; under the body , o as to rest upon thi heel of the left foot , while tha righ leg is extended forward. In .this po sition.-with the right arm advanced he holds the big toe of the right fee in his rlghThand , and with the lef arm flexed under the body , crasps th big toe of the left joeL This brings tKe lower"par .6f "the face To rest upoi , the breast-bone. In this awkwan * and difficult-attitude the fakir sita for lours together ; that is , when he Is not standing upon his head or train- US himself to take a deep inspiration and expel it _ slowly tiking 12 seconds ends to breatbo in and 24 to breathe out the cubic feet of atmosphere that he lungs can contain. Besides these exercises his tongue has to be cut 24 imc ! , so as to never all the ligatures one by one , and enable him to flex it > ackward and close 'the throat with ts tip. This extraordinary dia- ipline is steadily prosecuted for ears , and at length the fakir tries his irst experiment whh feigning death , llowing himself to bo shut up in his ubterranean cell and sealed therein with every precaution , generally for n , vuok or two at first , thuu for a month r two months , lying .or squatting in a state cf trance , with the tip of the oncue closmg tbc throat , without jrrceptiblo action joS- the hcrt.aDd with thu circulation of the blood ap- > areutly suspended. He would never eoover himself from this condition of uepended animation ; but he cau be ecovered by proper manipulation , which commences in pouring hot water over the shriveled body , stiff nd rigid as a corpse , for some min utes. As the bathing in hot water ontinuH- , the arms and legs gradually elax from thejr rigor. A "hot cake is lext placed upon the crown of the lead , and tv > e plugs ( rnado of cotton oaked in wax ) arc removed from the nostrils and ears. The next steps it > eing understood that assistants are ill this time engaged in rubbing the imbs are to pty open the rigid j.iws and restore the tongue to its normal losition ; then to rub the eyelids with melted butter until they can be un- iloaed , revealing the glazed and mo- ionlcss eyeball. Finally , the hot cake on the tep cf the head is renewed. ? ho heat acting upon the nervous mitres of respiration and circulation , he breast heavps with a convulsive hroe , and the heart starts with a vio- cnt pulsation. So many cases have > een attested of this remarkable con- itionof simulated death that its facts re practically bsynnd dispute. Now omething of this kind would make a eal impresion ; it has powerful dra matic features , and ils physiob gy fur nishes ample verge for novel and or- ; inal observations. CA0GHT BY THE CAMERA. HOW A SUSPECTING AND SC11ACQY WIFE WATCHED FOB HER HUSBAND IK A SUN I'lCTUKE AND CAUGHT HIM FLIRTING. She was a little womanfierce-faced , cragcy as the tagged edge of a circu- ar saw , and the white lawn dress and white chip hat sha had on looked as if liey had got on the wrong woman in shufllj between herself and eomo- > ody who weighed 200 pounds more : an she weighed. She had been up o the door of the Camera Obacura milding oar'y in the day , but the tructure was not yet finished , and George McManu * told her to come round in the afternoon , when the oof of the building would ba iu place. 5ho came back at 4 o'clock , appar- utly more determined than ex or to dt in and BOO thu show. The build ig was now ready , and as she pulled ut a yellow pocket book she aekcd : "How much does it take to cet iiil" "Ten cents , " answered Mr. Mc- lanus "And how much to stay in J" "You cm stay in as long a * you ke , " said themsnaser , "and it won't ot you a cent more. " "Well , I want to stay In till closin1 p time , and I want you to keep that ecticai of stovo-pipo pointed at one > lace. You don't need no lecturer to * how mo the beauties and high art of lie thing. I know my business- , and vhila I'm after something it s got to o some sliik running to get away. " "You can point the camera wherever ou please , " was the reply. The woman put down ten cents and went in. Jimmio Hannerty was iu- ido and began turning the camera round. The woman looked In , bat pparently took no interest in the pic- uri3 ! until a spot on Washington treet was reached. "Now go slow , " she said , "you're ; ettinc near home. " Jimmy turned the camera very lowly. "Hold on , " she yelled , "now you've truck it. You can le.t the sun shine n this particular spot and go over to ho saloon corner and sit under the wniug for awhile. I'll run things ; ndil there's anything to pay I've got he stack of money to do it with. " The yount : man said ho could wait until the visitors got tired , and then ho told her story : "You sec that woman in that win- iow , " pointing to a lady sitting at an open window in a Washington avenue louse. "Well , she's red-headed , quint-eyed , lop-shouldered and has jm a strawberry mark on her nose , and do you think she's nearly aa hand- iprae as ma 1 " * F- V' The young mifftaiirot think it iafo to award the apple to the Helen n the sun picture on the table before .hem. "Neither do I , " continued the small and scraggy woman , "But I've jot a husband that doesn't know ) eauty even when ho rubs his nose sganiBt it , and hasn't an eye in his leid that I'd give a two-cent piece for if I was buying eyes for an artist. He wsses by here from work evrry day Between 5 and G o'clock , and I hoar hat he flirts with that red-headed leart-breaker across the street. I'm going to wait here and see for myself , and if I catch him there won't bo doc ; era enough in town to put his pieces jogether after I get him home. " The woman kept her eyes fastened on the spot for some minutes , but other persons coming obl'ged the young man in charge to shift the jatnera. Large crowds kept coming in and going out until nfter 5 o'clock , but the scraggy little womanremained. When she was alone with the lecturer she asked that the manager be called in and bought out the show for the rest of the afternoon. From 6:05 : o'clock until nearly G the camera reflected ' flected the picture'of the Washington avenue house with the woman at the window. The anxious little wife , the lecturer and Mr. Me Man us kept their eyes fastened on the picture. "I'll bet that's him , " said a well dressed and gentlemanly ap- pearingman "walked along the pave ment. "Yes , you bet that's him , " said the woman , becoming intensely interested in the picture. "Look Ihere , he lifts his hat , " eaid the manager. "And bows and smiles , " added the lecturer. "And that carroty-haired attraction in the window smiled as if she'd eaten something that soured on her stomach ach " continuedthe . * - - " , , woman."Open the door. Let me confront him in his guilt , and then stuff cotton in your ears if you're anywhere around when we get home. " TliP little woman broke for the door and went down the stairs like a barrel of flour with its fastest lej-a on. George and Jimmy followed the man up the street with the camera. The sun-picture reflected him quietly promenading the avenue for about a half a block ; then ho turned around , and when he suddenly turned bick his head again , his pace quickened. There was a c r ahead and he run for it. Following him was a small scrag- py woman iu white. She waved her hand at the fleeing man , nni ehe ehouted , but when he entered the street car and the vehicle passed from si ht , ahe turned back , and the hst seen of her ehe was talking to a taH _ poficeman cm the corner , and was * pointing after the car as if she wanted the officer to arrest the driver or fire a shot or two after the fugitive hus band. MARKETS 15Y TELEGRAPH. New York Money and Stejcfc. WALL ST. , NEW YORK , August 19,130 p.m. SIONEV At 2. per cent ; exchange gtuady at ? 4.8.'J @ 1.811 1.811GOVERNMENTS. . Firm. tTSe'p'Sl IMS New I'a 109J UriS'a 102J Currrncy O's 125 USIJ's. Hli STOOKS Mo-'cratcly active and advanced J to 1 per cent fines op-nlmir. WUT 1C6J St Jcerfd SOJ NYC 133 W hKgh 40i Erie . . . 41 } Wahash pfd 71 } Eric , preM Ti1 } St. P. andOmahi. . 41 Lake Shore 1C8J St P.andO. pfd. . 8' } B.I. us } u.r ni Northwestern (0 ( > GC&IC 17 } Northwestern pfd. 120 Mich. Central 051 Parinc Mall 4l | Lackiwanna&W. . SSJ Ohio 341 Iluds.inCanil tlf Olii > pf-d 73 NJ-entral 763 St. Paul b9 MAE 100 St.Paulpfd 110 } Heading 24J St Joe 37 I.JI 65J lllfnoiaC. . . 11" } N. &C 73 } L&N 121 K.&T 371 CblcaKo Produce. CHIUAOO , August 19. Wheat No. 2 spring declined ic for present , but advanced i@fc for f u ture delivery , and closed at 87 @ 82c for cash ; or August ; 88c for Septem ber ; 8Sjc for October. Corn Advanced l@lic ; No. 2 closed at 59jc ca h or August ; 39ic for September ; 40g@40c § for October. Oats A@c higher ; To. 2 closed at 24c for cash or August ; 24 @ 25c for September ; 25Jc for October. Rye Uaasioady at C9c for No. 2 in store. Whisky SI 09. Chicago Live Stoct. CHICAGO , August 19. Hogs Active and prices lOc per 100 Ibi higher ; sales at S3 00@5 20 for liqht packing and shipping ; § 4 70 @ 5 20 for heavy packing ; § 4 85@5 35 for good to extra smooth heavy ship ping lots. Cattlu There was an active market for cattle , chiefly for the upper quali ties ; prices ruled firm at 10@15o high er ; the highest figures paid was S5 00 for an extra prime lot of atuers , num bering thirty head , averaging 1,680 pounds ; aeverul other sales were made at § 4 70 ; prices ranged from § 3 25 for stockera to § 4 254 50 for fairto good shipping steers , and 4 G04 70 for choice smooth shipping steers ; there was nothing done by local buyers up to 11 o'clock , although there was a large number of Texans and other common grades in the pens. Re- ceeipts ; 4,890 ; sales , 425. New Yorlt Produce Markei. NEW YORK , August 19. Flour Dull and declining ; receipts 17,025 brls ; round hoop Ohio , § 4 20 @ 5 00 ; choice do , ? 5106 00 ; su perfine western , § 3 404 00 ; com mon to good extra do , 4 00@4 35 ; choice do do , S4 40@G 25 ; choice white wheat , do , § 4 25@4 Go. Wheat Trifle firmer and moderate trade ; No. 1 white , September , 1 07J : No. 3 red. August , § 1 07 | ; do September , SI 07g@l 08 ; do Octo ber , 81 08i@l 08f. Corn J@ o lower nnd active ; mixed western spot , 49@50c ; do fu ture , 50J@52gc. Oats Dull and weak ; western , 30 ® 4Gc. 4Gc.Beef Beef Unchanged and in light de mand ; new plain mees , 59 50 ; new extra do , $10 00. Pork Very strong ; now mess , SIC 00. Lard Higher and very firm ; steam rendered , ? 8 22L Butter Unchanged and demand moderate ; Ohio , 14@25c. at. Jjoula Produce. ST. Louis , August 19. Flour Unchanged. Wheat Dull and lower ; No. 2 red , 94 (394cca ( h94jc ; for Auijust ; 90 | @ 9iije for September ; 90g@90c | for October ; 91@90c for November ; 8 < 389g@89gc for the year ; No. 3 d 8G85gc | ; No. 4 do , 83@82jc. Corn Opened highi-r , but declined ; 35j@35iccash ; 36g < g3Gc for Septem ber ; 37 37 0 for October ; 37g@37gc for November ; 35Jc fnr the year. Oats Better ; 24f25Jc cash ; 24c for September ; 25i@2oo for October ; 25Jc for November ; 24o for the year. Rye Better at 71o. Lead Steady at § 5 75. Butter Unchanged. Esgs Lower at 10@12c. Whisky Steady at SI 08. Pork Firm ; jobbing at § 15 75. Dry Salt Meats Higher ; § 5 12 * . SS37 . S875. Bacon Higher ; § 5 87 , 89 20 , § 9 25 , S9 50. Lard Higher at $8 00. Receipts Flour 8,000 bbls , wheat 112,000 bu , corn 21,000 bu , oats 3,000 bu. Shipments Flour 14,000 bbla , wheat 10,000 bu , corn 11,000 bu , oats 7,000 bu , rye 1,000 bu. St. tiouls Live Stock. ST. Louis , August 19. Hogs Active ; Yorkers and Bal- timores , 84 90 < § 5 00 ; mixed packing , $4 905 15 ; butchers to fancy , § 5 15 ( § 5 30. Receipts , 8,100 head ; ship , ments , 400. Hia Square Meal. Canon ( Nev. ) Jounwl. One day recently , as one of our prominentbusiness men was about to enter his favorite resort for dinner , he was accosted by an individual -iritl a decidedly careworn expression , who begged that ho would assist him to get something to eat. As the man looked like a worthy object of charity the gentleman told him to go in and directed the waiter to give him twenty-five c nts worth of fooc and charge it to his check. After fin ishing his own dinner the gentleman was proceeding to settle for his check when , noticing a humorous look 01 the waiter's face , ho asked him wfia the hungry man had ordered. Th reply wae , "Five glasses of lager. " THE KNIGHTS WANE. The Legion of the Cross " "Flee from the Wrath of Sol. General Exodus of Templars and Visitors from Chicago. The Display . of Fireworks Magnificent , But Decided ly Tiresome. San BAD MAjfAQESIEST. Special Oiepitch to Tlie B < c. Cuicioo , August 19 , 4 p. m. The Knights Templar and other visitors are rapidly leaving the city to-day by every train. Railroads find it impos- sib'e to accommodate the crowds. Still there are many remainingandthe city continues full of strangers. It is cool nnd pleasant to-day. Such weather yesterday would have been a great boon for the thousands attending the prize drill. The encampment is still intact , but will no doubt be nearly de serted before night. The display of fireworks lait night was a very fine one thouch at too late an hour. Hundreds of thousands of people were kept standing on the lake front and ave nues until after 3 a. m. , nnd then many were obliged to walk to their homes in many instances three or four miles. The Grand Encimpmont has been in session behind closed doors all the forenoon and h now electing officers. Much opposition was made to holding another triennial conclave on such a magnificent scale. But it was finally decided to hold one in San Fr.incisco in 1883 , Templars from Cal ifornia guaranteeing that it should not cost any Sir Knight over 820 for the round trip. V. G. Eenj. Dean , of Boston , was chosen grand master. Grand Encampment Officers. Special Dispatch to The Itco CHICAGO , August 20 1 a. in. The officers elected by the crand conclave yesterday afternoon wcro Sir Knights Benjamin Dean , of Bostonmost emi nent grand master ; Robert R. With ers , of Alexandria , Va. , deputy grand master ; Charles Rancc , of New York , grand senior warden ; W. LaRue Thomas , of Ky. , junior warden ; John W. Simons was re-elected grand treas urer and Theo. Parvin , grand recorder. The encampment broke up last even ing after the award of prizes for best drilling. Many Templars and friends remain in the city. Fired by Jova Special Dispatch to The Bcc. BEDFORD , PdAuiniat 20 1 a. m.- At 5 o'clock last evening lightning truck tank 210 of the Unitoit Pipe ino , capacity 30,000 barrels , and tank number G , of the Tide Water pipe , apjcity 25,000 barrels , both located it Dallas City. They immediately xplodcd , bi'ing full of oil , and will 10 ; i total loss. Blind Leaders , poclat Dispatch to The Bee. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , August 20 1 a. m. The association ot the instruct ors of the blind closed its session lore yesterday. The meeting next year will be held on the third Tuesday in August at Jonesvillo , Wis. Kalloch's Trial. SAN FRANCISCO , August 20 1 a. m. Young Ike Kalloch will bo tried Saturday for the murder of Charles Do Young , proprietor of the Chronicle. RESISTING U. S. MARSHAL. The Mussel Slough settlers arrested r resisting U. S Marshal Poole , been sent to prison in default of 53,000 bail. A motion to challenge che grand jurors wlio f-und the in dictment waa overruled by the judge of the circuit court. Those arj the persona who killed a part of the U. S. narwhal's posse. White Deviie. Special Dispatch to II , * lice. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , August 20 1 a. m. Last Wednesday night a negro lamed Hedge was fired upon while in iis house by a band of white men. Elis mother , eighty yeirs of pge , was shot and killed. Hu thioka ho can trace the murderers.but they have nut t been found. HANDLED FATALLY. A special to thn Commercial from Paducah says at Granfiekl. Tenn. , a little village on the Chicago , St. Louis and New Orleans road , botween'Milan and Fulton , last Monday , Dick Jones , a merchant , had a fuss with a drunk en man in his store and struck him with an ax-hati le on the head.killing tlim almost instantly. Jones skipped out and has not been heard of. FEARFUL , FATAL FALLING. T' ' ree young girls fallby the break ing of a thtrd-atory porch last night , and one , named Bertha Slalter , aged 10 , was fatally injured. The life of ono was saved by a young man , who rushed out to pick up thu first girl and the second fell into his lap and escaped injury. Let Down Solid. 3i > ccUI Dispatch to The lice. NEW YORK , August 20 , 1 a. m. What might have proved a serious casualty with loss of life , occurred yesterday , when the iron pavement in front of the building of the New York surgical instrument society , gave way and elever persons , who ware standing there at the time , were suddenly pre cipitated into the vault. Fortunately , beyond a few sprains and bruise * , there were no injuries inflicted. Thii iron pavement coveres a space 12x15 feet , over a vault or cellar 13 feet Jeep. Base Ball. Tha following games of base ball were played August 19th. BROOKLYN , August 20,1 a. m. Rochestcra 6 , Nationals 4. CLEVELAND No game on account of rain. rain.BUFFALO BUFFALO N.O game on account of rain. CINCINNATI Cincinnati 2 , Provi dence 5. f TSna of Lockout. Special Dispatch to The Beo. NEW YOKE , August 20,1 .a. m. Judge Donahoe yesterday granteian" order authorizing the receiver-of the Rccbaway Beach ' improvement com- pipy to issue' $175,000 of receiver * ' certificates to complete the building of the mammoth hot _ > l. The receiver waa directed to hold the property as security for the loan. ELECTRIC BRIEFS. Special dlspatcl'CS to The Hee. CUICAOO , August 20 The demo crats of the Seventeenth lilmnh dis trict reuominated Willhm R. Morri son for congress by acclimation yes- terdoy. FORSYTU , G , . , Augu3tl9. At Col- den , M i > roe county , a three-year-old son of Mr. Uill-innn , waa murdered by a negro boy ten years eld. Mrs. II. corrected the boy , and in revenue ho decoyed the child to n dry well three feet du p , struck him in the temple with n rock , and after be had faltcn"n ! 'TTHrwc'l jumped in and beat him till ho was dead. Ho confessed tha deed and was broight here last night and plncul in j til. NEW YORK , Angus' 19 , 4 p. m. The receiver tf HIP UncUaway Beach improvtMiHiit cimpaoy bcjan to pay thu workmen liifat night. NEW YORK , August J9 4 p. m. Last evening , Robert Dontldfon , a voung Sco'chnnn , saMv le'pcd from lIL-li lirule ntn the Harlem river , a distinct of 110 feet. WASHINGTON , August V , 4 p. m. A dispirch from Oeii. Rubles trans mitting n tulc 'am fivm Col. Milrs , j Oiunnundin < .r at Fort Kongh , ha * just been received. It reports that Hi ins , whoa or'erod ' out under dite of July 13'h. to pursue the In dians who li ; d killed the matl carrier on the Bismirc'-c route , ha ? returned. Hebrinc-s in 27 lo gra and 137 hcs- tlo ; Si' tix Tmlmns WASHINGTON. BIDS F K FLACOISO. Special DipatchC3 to The 15cc . WASIII.VCTOX , August 19 , 10 p. m. Bids for flait ihg for the United States custom house at.St Louis were opjntd ot the treasury yesterday , as follows : Davia Tilsun , RocklndMe , 837,830 ; P. W. Schaenhiy , St. Louis , & 20,455 ; Mount Walilo fJran'ti company , Frankfort , Mo. , § 10,400 ; Sitter & T.ilcott , Strna c-imputy , Chicago , ? 10,230 ; Ji-hu Hopkins , Vinnl Haven , Mu. , § oG,189 ; V.Msun Uros. , St. Louis , § 4J,000 ; Foroat City Stouo compaiiy , Cleveland , 0 , § 29,000 ; Collins Granite company , Philadel phia , S50,72S ; R lkmp & Duuiewel , Louisville , Ky. , § 22,730. No award yet. PRESIDENT'S WESTEIIS TOUII. The presiduut will leave litre on Thursday of next week for his home inFrnmont , 0. , to attend the meet ing of the members of hia old rcgi- niunt , Ucn. Shermnn , accomnanied by his aide , G.-n. Alex. McCook , will leave on the JJlst lust , and the presi dent at C.mton , O. The whole parly will then proi-ued to San Francisco , from whence they will proceed to kgqi ! and make a. visit. Iveturning to Francisco , they will vieit Tucson and othi-r points in Arizona , by way of the Sou' ' hern Pacific rail road. From Tucson , they will go di- ruct to Suit.i BV , to Colorado and back home. The entire trip will occupy about two month * , the party returning about thetirst of November. ANortm : OI.EHLAND noun : NEARLY FIMSUBD. Gon. McDowi'U tclo.raplia that by the UTO the president ; md party reach Arizon-x there will ba a gap be tween the railroads of only about 100 SHERMAN SPEAKS. The republicans < f the district held n ratification meotitiK last night. A largo procession of leading local re publican clubs and atuto organizations marched through the principal streets to the place of meeting $ tY. M. Clapp , editor of The republican , presided at the meeting , and after a brief address introduced Secretary Sherman , who spoke f > r a ( Barter of an hour con trasting the two political patties. The republican parly , ho said was a na tional party wlnlo the democratic par ty was one of Hcccrsiioii , and in con clusion he proposed three cheers for the presidential candidates. The oth er speakers \uro A. A. Furmoii of the pofltollico department , .lirnmu Carluy of Philadelphia 1'rnf. Gruncr , Gen. Hitrdcll anct Francis Millur of 3lary- land. A heavy rain storm broke up the meeting shortly after 10 o'clock. LATEST FOREIGN NEWS. IMl'L I'IAY. Special DUicitcli to Tim Esr , LONDON' , August 10 4 p. m. The sudden ( "lunth of the famous actrrss , Adelaide Netlaon , is still the subject of much gossip at the club ? , nnd every item of intelligence connected with the cise is eagerly duvourcd. The explanation planation givt > n of the causes and at- tontlnnt circumstances of her death arc very from satisfactory. Reports recoivo'l hero to-day show tlut sinister siupic.i ns prev.iil nlao in Paris , and it n broadly hinted th t somewhere iu the there has been villainy praot'c-d. There arc stories that two arresti have already been made , and Irnt othera will follow. PLUCKY GUEKKH. SpecHl dispatch tolho IVr. LOXDO.V , August 10-4 p. m The Greek cabin-.t openly declarps its op position to the c incowon of territory to Turkey , and demands that the pro * visions of Ilia Berlin treaty beprorapt ly fulfilled. SOCIALISTIC TROUBLES. Special dispatch to Tltt Dit. BERLIN , AucuatlO , 4 p. m. Com- muniatic pamphlets have been discov ered in circulation in the German army and the authorities nro investi gating the source of the supply. SILESIA'S FLOODS. SficcUl dispatch to The Eee. BEBLIN , August 19 4 p. m. Dis couraging reprls of the harvest in Silesia , Pocn and east and west Prussia are being conun ually received. Riin ha * been incessant fr > r three weeks and mnny lives have been lost. Railway and river embankments havt been swept away , vilbges flooded anc vast grain growing land converted into lakes and swamps. Great famine Is feared in thia district. TURKEY'S ALTEBKATTVE. Spedal dispatch to The IJcc. iToxDos , Aujuat 21 1 a. m. TLo Engl sh government baa consented to draft a fresh collective "note on the Greek question. Mr. Dillon , it is announced , in 'tenda t6 defend in parliament hij re cent . STILL RIOTIXG ! > BELFAST. A dbpitch from Bslfaat the rioting wag partly renewed last night , butthe disorderly element waa quickly suppreased by the police. CIO LAND MEETINGS. Important land meetings are an nounced to take place iu Ireland on Sunday , A MAK OF 8TEELE. It is rumored that Sir Thomas Stee'o ' will succeed to the command of the British forcca in Ireland on the tirat of October. THEATEE DESTROYED. The Lyceum theatra in Sunderland was destroyed by Jiru on yesterday. RAILWAY WKrCK. A collision occurred last night on the Midland railway near Settle , County of York , resulting in the wrecking of a Pulnian oxpreni for Linden. No eerious cawaltiea are reported. IMOiESTIC DOIIVCS , Toxaa Justice. Sp.'clnt Di p.itcli to " . he Bra IJi'.KSHAM , Texas , Angnat ] 9 t p m. Habon Caruthora , charged with atc.tling cattlu , was tried aoven miles from huro l sb Monday , and the ex amining court adjourned until Tues- cUy morning , placing the prisoner un- , er a gu rd. Durinsj the night forty udividuah , disguised , took the prison- r and hur.g him. Grain Movements. pocUl dUfiatcli toTns Ens. NEW YORK , August 19 , 4 p. m. 'he continued large movements of rainaud provisions on the canals and he remunerative freight paid ! a pro- inunced by membera of the Produce Exchange , a revival of activity be- ocd anything known for many years. Official returns show that the move ment on canils ainco they opened un- il August 14th , is fully thirty per ent greater than for the same time ast year. year.Poorla Poorla Counterfeiters , peclal Diipatch to The Bee. PEORIA , 111. , August 19 4 p. m. 'bo authorities here have collared nether one of the gang of ounterfcitera named Holden , making our in all. The work of breaking up this cane is , of course , due to the ilbrts W. W. Hall of the aecret aer- ice. Dakota Cyclone , pccial Dispatches to TUB ESJ. FAROO , D. T. , August 19 , 4 p. m. A terrible cyclone is reported to have wept over the southern part of Cass ounty , tote yesterday , making a track wo miles wide and sweeping away mildings , crops and farming macin- ry and killing and injuring several lersons wnose names have not yet ) een learned. Murphy A Lovettlna. Agency ; old at established agency in this state. aplS-lj Go to your druggist for Mra. Free man's NowNatlonalDyes. For bright- less and durability of color are un- qttalled. Color from 2 to 5 pounds , 'rice , 15 cents. Undoubtedly the best shirt in the Jnitccl States is manufactured at the Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority f Material and workmanship , com- lined with their great improvements , hat is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced tacks and Reinforced sleeves , makes heir shirt the most durable and best it ting garment of the kind , ever manufactured. Read the following ow pricea : Prtitnt. Former * Our Fine VhlM Shirt SI 35 180 Our Fxtra Fine " 175 200 ) ur Impoilcd Cheviot fhirtS 250 275 Our " I'cnang " 2'5 275 Our " " Chotiot 17a 20O ( Tliese are made on white bodies ) Present Former. Ourlmp-rtcd Fenanyand Cheviot viet wiih col'ard ' attached , also on White Bodies 160 200 LSO ! a fine working shirt for 1 25. None but AVamsutta Mualin and jest Linotis used. Tht nbovo prices include Laundry- ng , at. scount allowed when other wiao ordered. An additional 25 centa is charged hen made to order. Omaha Shirt Factory , 1207 Farnham street , near 12th street. PASSENGER ACCOMMODATION LIKE - HKTWEKJf OMAHA AND FORTOMAHA Coiunrrfs WitU Street Cars forncr of SAUVDHR-J aail HAMILTON SfKEETS ( Kn.I of Red I.'ne as full wg ; LEvVK OVAHA : C20 , 'SlUandll 19a m .3OS.S.-17and7 : I > .m. I.EAVK FORT I'MAHA : 7:15 : a m. 0:15 a. m , and 12:45 : p m. 1:00 : 0-15 and 8:15 p. m "The 3:17 : a. in run , Icavln flmaha , and the 1.00 | > in run , Icavnij'Kort Omaha , are usnally ad d to full capacity with pi"engers. Tlio Ct7 a. m. nn will be mule frcm the f ost- rlTtce , ctinipr of Hodj and 15th snrehtg. Ticlcnc > n e p'ocurcd from ttreet cardrly. er , nr frcm d hers of rmc'-f ? KAIIE , 25CENT3 , INCM.UDINO STRE CAR 2S-tf DI. K. RISDON , ul Insurance Aent , REPRESENTS : ASSORANCE CO. , of Lon- don. Cash Assets 16,107,127 "KS1 CHESTER. N. Y. , Capital 1,000,00 THE JIKKCHANTS. of Newark. N. J. , 1,000,001 UIKAR > > FIUKPhiladcIphiaCapttal. . 1.000001 NOIITHWESTEHN NATIUNALCap- ital 900.00C FIUKME.V3 FUND , California EOO.OCO 111(11 JS'f AMKRICA ASSUIUNCECo 1,200 OCO NEW A iK FIKE INS. CO. , Afsots. . . . 8oOOCO AJIEKICAF CEOTKAL , Awets 300,000 Southeast Cor. ol Fifteenth t Donjlas St. . OMAHA. J. C _ MERCHANT TAILOR Capitol Ave , , Opp. Slaaonic Hall , OMAHA , NEB. MEAT MARKET V. P. Block. IGth St. Fresh an ISalt Meats o all kinds constant oa hand , prics > ) reasonable. Vegetables In ecal on. food delivered tomrpartof the dty. . WM UST. TI Nvth 1 h Bt A. F. RAFERT & CO. , Contractors and Builders , Fine Woodwork a Specii'ty. Agents for the Encaustic Tiling 1310 DODQK ST. , L B. WILLIAMS & SON'S , Though Somewhat Damagedby FIRE AND WATER Are Again READY FOR BUSINESS "With an Immense Lot of BOOTS AND SHOES , Which Wore PRETTY WELL SOAKED , Arid so we will be obliged to close them out at prices way be low value. All kinds of Slices are includ ed in this lot. Ladies' and Children's Fine Shoes , Slipp'rs Sandals. N. n's and Boys' Boots and Shoes , - igh and Low. Cheap and Fine Goods'I hey have all been m-re .or less WLT. COME AM ) SEE THEM. We have also a lot of very fine LINEN GOODS , Including Table Spreads , Napkins , Stand Covers , Toilet Sets , Etc. , Which were just opened ) efore the Fire , and which , re slightly Damaged by Water. These will be ready for Sale WEDNESDAY , JULY 28. We have some EXTRA BAB- GAINS inallDBPARTMENTS. FIXE INDIA BROCIIE SHAWLS. Now is a chance to secure a oed Shawl , very low. These Shawls ore NOT BADLY SOILED , but still they will not bring FULL PRICE , so wo will close them out AT A DIS COUNT. We will bo onourfeetin a few days , when you can expect to find Bargains in all depart ments as usual. L. B , WILLIAMS tfc SONS , "Leading Retailers , " 1422 & 1424 Dodee StCor. 15th , Omaha Neb. - - - - . 1 > . II. UEE.1XKK , COMMISSION MERCHANT o TOC. .a * , zc .A. . IVhotcsale Dutler In Foreign and Domeat Fruit , Batter , Eifics , Poultry , Game. llama , I'a con , Lard , Frown Flgh. and Agent fei BOOTH'S FEBRIFUGE A REMARKABLE LETTER FROM A CELEBRATED PHYSICIAN. Bryan , Texas , Junn 11,1870 , J.C. Illrharilnon , St. tools Dear Sir : My liojr , 2 yearn old , liml fever r erj other any , or every third day. for about Z mnntti * . I nieil a * much a 1'J eraiiu of 'Juinlno during Hio < ! ur , hut willi m effect ; trl'il Cinchouln ( nlkKloid > Milpli Clnchonldin , balacine , etc. , rtc. . but the IioyKutwuraunll tliotlme. 1 reluctantly t-iit diiwu to my < lrui ? iture for jour KelrifiiK'nnd I write Jaitlosny tjiathe never hail a symptom of feveraft r mm rncnclnc Jt > t > riruge , to dnte , l > einjc now overn month mjn. I fcl thnt Ioniclit to sny this iiiunli lii balialr of your medicine Am n reffiilnr M. l . , but rntlrrd front practice it yrnrs nso nnd devoting in' time to dru bitHlnenn. Very respectfully , J. W. UOTTELL. IT 18 TKE BEST. Stockton , 3Io. , Aur. 33th , 1870. .T. O. lUclmrdson , .St. IxinU Dear Sin Clifford'sFebrifUKO Is the belt thin * for Chill * and Fever that wo have errr handled. Th-re never hiw bern a. cn that wa NOT rnred by It thnt irn * taken according to directions In thlx part ol the country- Your * truly , i , DrnggUU. FROM A PROMINENT DRUB FIRM. ChlUlcothe , Mo. , JnJj 30/.1879. J. O. KIchardson , St. Xrfmlt My Deal Sir : Here U something reliable ; U yon can make any use of It plea * * do so.Vo have gold hundred * of bottlei with Ilk * reiulti. Your friend * , iloyce St Oitrandar. Thl la to certify that I bad the FOTBT nnd Aruo this summer and th TUB of one-third of a bottle of Clifford's F brt- fuzo promptly cared It. It la the speedi est euro I have known of. of.GEO. . SAILOR. HE STILL LIVES ! Mr-Hear Blr--For over trvo years Jhave had Fever and Ague , and after trying every thine I took one-hall bottle of Clifford' ! Jebrifnee , and It cured me permanently. Ibellero my eoso vrould hava been fatal had I not found this as I did. Tours truly , n.w.pooi. Manager "U.S. FEBRIFUGE GE3ERAX. AGEKTS : RICHARDSON & CO. , - St.LouI . FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WEEKLY BEE , Tte Best in. the Weet. BARGAINS 3CKT REAL AGENCY , 15th and Douglas Street. OverS.OCO resilience tr > M ferrate by this * gen : y at rrliesrsnuirir f" in Sit to JJ.fCO cb , and Iw-alcd n o'ery part -f bo cite , ml In every liircUion from ilie PoKotnc- . north ert. south i > r west , aril \arjir.e in distance ln > m ona 1)1 * rk to unaor two nnlellrom name. Callacd eianiineuur I Us -rreial click * Mr in CriRIrt dimes' adJl tion. went of o.iivrnt. rttwrtr St. Mary'I artn lie anil Hartley trrctM i In iSOO Si acre * just out of lu > racks nn Kaonden 81. , : hi i choice aril and nil ) be uiM irrj ebeap > 'or cash in 5 , 10 t.riU . acra IU-R ; now U your time- to ft euro a Uirraln Chi'k e lot nt end of street car tracks on Saan- der t rect for IMS. Choice lot. Fjrnliktn and ° lh ! streets , &Oxl3S lect f..r31SCO willliv'd tt. Cheap lots In Credit addition , loath of U. P. da pot $100 to & 00. TERRACE ADDITION. Forty lot * on Park Avenue and Gronda treet , on road to park , and near head o ( St. M rj' avenue , at frcm $125 to 300 each. Seven yearn time at e,2ht ! , per ctrnt Interest to thooa who will put up iron.1 mil'Btantlal buildiitRr. F r further xutlouUrg apply to. O. P nEMIS , Agent. Fifteenth and Douglu Street * . A nice lot on Harrier and Twenty-tint atreoU , forJCJS. Two choice lot * on f Oth. near St. Mary's aren- ue , E0x 5 feet each , for * S 0 and 1900. Two choice lot * near 23d and CUrk street * , in E V. Smith' * addition ? 300 and 1340. Fifty lots In Shlmi'n firecond and third ad' dltinng forJUO to $ # X > ea Lot near 15th and fierce , 1150. 21ot on Harnevnfnr ! 4th St. WOO each. I ot on Zith n ar Howanl ttreet , | 7oO. vO lots In Grand View addition , sontb. of U. P bridge and depot , from 315 to t 00 each * One acre , 117x370 feet , on ISth street , south of Foppleton'a new renidenco , for $2.000. or will divide into city eliod lota a : from 1360 to 1600 each. each.RIVERVIEW RIVERVIEW ADDITION. Large number of beautiful residence loU , 1 j cated In this new addition on Capitol Hill , bw tween 24th street on the east , 28th on the wert. Dodje ( I reel on the north and Farnham itreit on the south , formerly owned by C. H Down ! and more recently known the Perkln * IS acre * . Only 22 Iota have thus far been platted 14 on Farnham and S on DoaglaA street. The * * lota are 50 to 56 feet in w1dtbandl50lndepUi. 41,000 for the choice. 6j ein time , at 8 per cent In * terest to thfwo who will build eood inbctantUI hou c therein. Call and exunlna plat amt jtt full information at BEMIS'KEAt , ESTATE AGKNCT. 15th and Donzlas Street * . Over 200 houses : and lota are offend for sale by this otfic * They are scattered all orer the ) city. Any location you detlr * . Prices Tarrlnr from $300 to J 15,000 each. 2 good lota and 2 cheap honitg near JaekJon and 12th streets at a great sacrifice. Here la moat hirzaln to ; coma one. The property muS tios'ild Iramtdlately. Co Ten Just a quarter of block. Call and examine this without any dela- OEO P. BEMIS , Ajrent. 15th and Douglac Sic. A dralrable lot near Cumini ; and Saundart Streets , Sl(00. Sl(00.PARK PARK PLACE. The cheapest aero Iota in the city of Omah , are theme oITernd fur Kile by this agency In Paik PUce ami Lowe's second addition , on Cumin ; , Burt and California street * ; you can maka no mistake In pi > kinir up these bargains whll yon hare the chance. These Iot are more than equal In Mzo to 4 lull-sized city loU or a half block- anil it will he but a very short time before one- rlfth part of one of these acre lota will Mil for aa much an we offer a full acre to-day. They ore located a very shoit dist neo west of Cr.igbtan College- . Prices nntfnz from f 150 to KOO per acre lot. Call Immediately , and don't lose jtrai chance , and get plat and full particulars ot CEO. P BESI1S , Aitent , 15th and Douglas Street * . Nice lot on Sherman Avenue north of Nicholas street. 81.400. Hilt lutuii Coss.tctwccn 13th and llth street * 21,000. 2 nice Int j In Hartman's addition , (400 to f 600. Larpe iriintwr of acre loin In Rise's addition In North Omaha , 81s5 to S300 each. Choice orn r lot mar TJnd and California Btn-cta.Sl.EOO. fcveial iroud Iota ill > clson's Addition. 1JO to ISWeach. ) Choice lot In ThnrncllV nddllion , J7SO. Several large luta in Itirtlctt's addition. 12 rod andSJ acres oath. Priced 8700 to S,000 each. SMcrai clmico lots in Reed's first addition. 8275 to 3350 each. Acre lot on Sherman avenue , (16th ( street ) , south of rnppltfUn'i ) nw rexidence , for 91,100. 2 lane lots 18th and Clark streets. OCX 330 feet Corner , Jl.200 ; inside , 81.0UO. 3 Urte ; loti on Sho'm n a > eime.I6tb etrrnt ) . n rClarfcStiit.KK)0 ) u.h McCANDLISH PLACE. 12 nice and chcii > lotj. Tery neartotho baa inwrtpart of the city , loeiteti.t very few stop * south of the Convent and rft Mary's aveiue.and Just south < f and adjominy the ground nf Jamea M. IVmilworth n-d WJ. . Council these are/ cheap and very desirable , bclnif nn Inndy to bus- HUMS pan of sity. to new irov rnmit tlerot , nail wortu , white lend works , U P. depot , stock y-inU , l.ickintr hinisoH , rtc CII ind cet plat and nl nr iru ars. IMcc 5 75 t. S3iO and easy terina ti > Ihocc who hinlil OKI ) P. BEUIS.Azent , I5thand 1'oujfnaSts. 3 choice resilience lots i a 21th street , between oughs and Umlrc .MrcelH , JI.100 to l.a.O eich and tfii4 time to t ofc who wilt build. 2 cln i e corner lo a near ami Fainhara ic.WiriUI fe.t.3 .150 and Jl.VOO. nd Tery oisy tprnis to ! nucna er < who ul I Improve. An ! > 4 li . , u uii , tiriueeii Firnham and iiiuLio rect350 to tl.WO cath and lone J3T2M the bft business lot" in the city ot Oiih f"r m p. Inuiud on every business street , XW > n Sti.000 each. J3TAli > rcry valiuMo More pmprrlle * In al- e ery tjiiincsMock < 5,000 to 119.000 CU'U CU'ULAKE'S ADDITION. 40cboico res-denca lota In abora addition , 1m- roeJiately north of and juljoliilnjf PopnleUm' * ) beautiful residence and Kroumt * . and located on 13th 19th and ? 0th alreeta. 2300 to 9560 each and Tory r sy term to thooo who will build. CU and cumins plat and get full particulars. OKO. P. UK31IS , Agent. Beau i.'iil Lnlldinsc > ite en Sherman arrnne. (16th streetj.betwren Tuppleton and tha Dndtoy- IJarasproieity ; 263 feet ca t frontase on th. avenue , by 3bO ffet in depth. Will dlflde lt.m k. In ? ; 32 feet by 339. Call and tret full partlcular - An acre n 18th utrcet. 101 fret east frontara | -y 378 feet deep. ThU U Just south l tbe Kllxa- beth ( i'oppteton place. This la ftllt-odie , call and Ket price and terms of BEMIS , Ajtnt , 18 itooil lot * , Just north of and adjolnln ? E. V. Smith a addition , and located between 20th and aannden 8treet , at rearanable piice * nd Ion time to buyer who Improra. BEMIS. Agent. HORBACH'S ADDITION. ? 3 lots in Horbaeh'i tint and fecond add tlonf on loth. 13th , 19th and 20th atreeU , between Mcholia , PaulSherman and Clark itieeU. Tery handr to U. P. Shops , smeltinjr wnrk * . etc. , ranginir In prices from from $ MO to | 1:10O each , requiring imall payment down and lon timiatT ptr Cent Intern : to tboia who will la- prove. QKO. P. BEMIS. 15th and Donglai Sttv.t. 33 nice lot * In Parker1 * addition , between Saunden and Pierce. Kin ? and Campbell' * St * . . on BIoa > .oitrertl9Iot > with couth front * and 19 with north frontaze , only block * north of the turn-table ( end itreet-car track ) on Saunden street. Very lew prices ; J17S cash , or 1200 on 1 one time and 8 per cent interest to the e who willlmiid. fa liO uood farms f r a ! In DoaglM , Sarpy. WihInjV > n. Bart , Dod e , Saunden ami Eastern tlerol counties. , , , , . . ZanS'.O.OW cr best ( elected land * In tha slat * for ! 9 by thla azency. Call and get map * , circulars and full partlcnltri /2rBetnI * iiewmipof Omahi , ( SOc and $1.60. XJTBeaiiV" new pamphlet ( and map of the * State ) entitlrd "tho outlook of Nebnika. " fur fret * dljtrfbu'.ioit. Geo. P. Bemis1 , REAL ESTATE AGEHCY , 15th & Douglas St , OMAHA , - -