Oi C , ) Att orney-at-Law , mhirn St- Omoa p. t pension , 35efers , l v ptrmlBfion. ' Sggl J " " " l * ' D-ppioton , tnlT-lm V. < ? ? .E.Y-AT-LAW No.lCrotEhtonBlodL * kb.k. Neb. CHARLES POWELL , CET1CE OF THE PEACE Comer nth ind Parcham Stt > . . Omaha Neb. WM. SIMERAL , A TTORXEY AT LAW CampbeU1 ! OMAHA. NEB. D. L. THOMAS , A TTORNKY AT LAW- I A. 0. TROUP ' - * nan.com- , DsXFER ' A TTOBKET AT Bul.d . " A. LAW-Offlco 160i f"\ A. SWARTZLAKDE . ISthand Famhata maySSU - WILLIAM A. FONDA. , A TTOTt : ET AKPCOUNSELOB AT LAW. - Jt\ . Boom No. 6 , Frenrof "Elockrwpposlte Post Office. OMAUA. NEa WM. L PEABQDY. Tf ATTTEB Offlca In Cretehtoo Block , aert t Xl PortOfflco , OUAHA , KEBBASKA ? > * _ - yX-Pa.ie.nii Procured.- * * gQIASY rCSLIOr OOLLEOTIOKB HJLDK E. D. MCLAUGHLIN. \ TTORNEY AT LAW AKD JUSTICE OF JTnE PEACE-Southeast comer FUteeuth Douglas St. fg"ColloctinnB Promptly Attended to.1 O'BRIEH & BARTLtTTi Attorneye-at-Law - - , OFFIOE-Unlon 131 . > ' - ROBISOH. * T LAW. Boom Crclghton ATTORNEY AT LAW. ABBAM BLOCK , COR. DOUGI5TH STS. OMAHA. NEB. W. d. Connell , Attorney-a.t-Law. . . Office : Front roon > % ep glairs , In Buucom'i brick bulldlnf , N. W. corner Fltteontuuid Famham Streeti JOBR I. RKOICK. CHAB K. RBMOE. REBIGS & REDICK , Attofneys-at-Law. - - . Special attention will l > e tfvcn lo all suits calnet oorporitlona of every description ; will practice In al Jtho Courts of the 8t ta and the united States. Office. F&rnh&m St , oppoclte Court House. _ EDWARD W. SIMERAL , ArroaNKY AT LAW Boom 6 CWIglitnn Block. lEth and Douglaa rtreatg. noOdh G. F. MAKDERSOH , rORNSY AT LAW S Famhun Btreet A Omaha Nebruka. PARKE GODWIN , A TTORNEY AT LAW 14th ad DonrlM Jri. Etrseta. with Q. W. Do&ne W. T. a. J. h r RICHARDS & HUNT , A Attorneys - Law , Omen 215 Routh Fourteenth Street. I EAST INDIA f \ ILER SOLE MANUFAOTUBERS Neb. A new and Iiithcrto unknown remedy for ill JlsfMes of the Kiilnpys , BhdJ r , ana Urinary Organs. It wt'l ' poBitivcly cure Uiabcics , Oravd , Orop- * y , Brighfg DiscJB" , inability t. ) retain or expell tbe Urine , Catarrh of 'he HUdt'cr , huh colored and scanty urine , Painful Or iii'nc ' , LAMB BACK , Ucucral Weakness , and all l emalo Com plaints. It avoids internal mcJlcliie-i , Is v'Ttaln In it effects and cures \\hen nr.Uiln"'c < jn. For sale cy all Druggist' or t-r--i ty mall free upon receipt of the in ice , ? ' - 0 DAY KIDNEY PAD CD. , PRQP' Si Toledo , O. XS'Scnd your address foi HI Itlle book , \DOM- a Life was Saved. " JAMES K , 1SII. Ac ii' ' * ' hnutau TESTIHOKY. The Cashier of the First Katiunal Bank , Tro Ohio , says : TROT , O. , Di'cemrer 30th , 1E79 DR. BOSANKO UEPI O.E Co. , Piqua , O.- GlhTLKMits : I wts troubled vifti Rheum tlsm last spring in the acute f > in S3 btdly that 1 was unable louse my hand. Turounh there ommendatlon of my fr enfis , 1 xras induced to try jour Khcumttc Cure , \ihi < h immrduitelr be in to soothe , comfort and allay 'be jiain , ai d in a short tim-i I vaRiclievcdof this distreramg d'seasc I take gr at pleasure in rtcomme ding this xhluablc rcuedy otfo-e EimlUrly "ftectod. Tours rc iKXtfulIy , JNO. L MEREDITH. Th = 6i remeJ J fpcak. lor thtmse.vos. To try them is to be cured. H ou can ot eel thfm o vour Drucpist , by rsmittmg u < $ J.Op we il eend you four retries of tlic Bheutn tic Cure , or elx of the File Kcmedy , by txprts prepaid. Give plain dh-octions for Ehirj'ins- The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co/ PHJUA , OHIO. a.F.JOOODMAN , lAcent , Omaha. B.A.FOWLIR. " JAMMU. Econ- FOWLER & . SCOTT , ARCHITECTS. Designs for buildings of any description on exhibition at our office. We have had over 20 years experience In diaignlag and BuncrintaDd- ing public building end rejldenccs. Plans and etumatc * tcmUhed on abort notice. ROOK R. UNMON BLOCK. nv206m F < ATTEKTtOH , BUILDERS AND CON TRACTORS. The owner o ! the celebrated Kaolin Banks , near LOUISVTLI "E , NEB. , has now ready at the depot at Louisville , on the B. & M. railroad , , , i * t a mf H * to "fill anjr order at reasoniblo prices. Par ties desiring a white front or oraamentil brick will do well to give us a call or eend for sample. JT. T. A. HOOTER , Prop. . ei Neb THE DAILY" BEE. OMsAHA PUBL1SHIHO CO. , PROPRIETORS. SIB FamJunn , bu. SOi and IDA Strutt TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION , 1 Copylycar , in adranco ( poitpald ) 3.00 emontrs 4.00 Sroontm " " 2.00 TIME TOBIES- THE MAILS. C , tjf , W.E.B.,6301. m. , StOp. m. O. B. & Q 5 : so a. m. , 2 : 0 p. m. C. R. 1 i P. R. R. . 6:80 a , m. , 2:10 p. m. Ci'St Joe 6:80 a. m. S. Clty4P.E30a.nl. U. P. B.B..11:40 .B. O. t R. V. to Lincoln , 10 ft. ta , B. A M. R. E , 8:10 a tn. O. fcN. W. , 730 * m. orrsiso C. &K.TT. R.R. . 11 . rx , It p. o. C. B. i ; Q. , 11 a. in , 9:30 p. in. aK I. &P. , ll .m. . 11p.m. C. B. t St , Joe. , 11 a.nu , 11 p. m. H. P. E. R. , 4 p m. O. & R. V. from Lincoln , 12:10 p. m. B City t P. , u a.m. B. &M. In Neb. , 4 p. m. Local mills for States lova leare but once a day , vis : 4:30 : a. m. Offlco open from 12 to 1 p. m. Sondtys. THOMAS F. BALL. Postmaster. Arrival And Departure of Trains ONION PACIFIC. UATX. AMUVB. Daily Express..12:15 p. m , S35p.m. do Mixed e.inp m. 4:25p.m. do Freight 6SOa.m. : 1:40 p. jr. do do 8:15a.m. : 1230 a.m. TIME CARD OF THE BURLINGTOH. UUVX OS11UA. Afe&m OMAHA. Express 3iO : p. m. Kiprcss 10:00 : s. a , Mill 6:00 : a. m , Mall..10:00 ptn , Sunday ! Excepted. Sundays Exctptcd. CHICAGO.JROC K ISLAND li PACIFIC. Mall 6:00 a. m. 1 Mall 10:00 : p.m. Express 3:40 p.m. I Express..10:00 : a. m. CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN. Mall B : Oa.m. I Mall 7:20 : p.m. ExpreM 8:40 : PI iu. | Expn > S8..10OOam. EundajBexcepted. KANSAS CITY , BT. JOE 4 : COUNCIL BLUFFS , LXATB ARMVB. Mall 8:00 a. m. I Express 7:40 : a , m. Express 6:00 : p.m. | Hafl. 7:25 } m. The only line runntnj : Pullman Sleeping Cars out of Omaha to Union Depot. OMAHA & NORTHWESTERN AND 1SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC E AILBOADS. Express 80 a. m. | Fxprcs * 4:30 p m. Dally Except Sundij'B. B. & M. B. B. In NEBRASKA. [ WSSI ] plASt ] Omaha ( ly ) 9:00 : KearneyJncnv3 } : 0am Plattsm'thar 10:25 : a m B16bmlngtonlT)5:10 ( ) am Kearm , Pncar)7S5 ) p m Ked Cloud ( lv ) 6:55 am Red Cloud ( m)7:5Spm ) PlatUm'th ( ar ) 4:20 p m Bloom'gtonarX-25 ( ) p m Oni .ha ( arr ) . . . 4 :55 p tn REPUBLICAN VALLEY RAILWAY. Hasting * GV ) 8:05 : a m | Bloom'gtonotlSOpm ( Bljomlnpton 1:36 p m I Hastinga ( r ) 6:55 p m Orleans ( lv ) 730 a m IndlanclarlrOpm ) Orleans ( ) 7rt p m | Indianola ( lv ) 2:33 : pm SIOUX CITY & ST. PAUL R. B , MJ1 6:10am I Express 100 am Elprcw 8,40pm Mall 7:20 p m WABASI1 , ST. LOUId&PACmC. LSAVES. AKKITEtl. Wall 8a.m. I Mall IWSa m Express 3:40 p. m [ Expieu . .4i25 p. m. BBIDGE DlVlfJION U. P. R. R. Leave Oroahi , dilly. 8 a. m , 9 a. m. , 10 a m. , 11 a. a. , 1 p. m. , 2 p. m. , 3 p. m , 6 p. m , , 6 p. is. . Leave Council Blujs ; 8:25 a. m. . 8c25 a. m , , 10:25 a , m. , 1125 a. m , 1S5 p tn , 2:25 p. D. , 3:25 p. m , 6:25"p.'m. , 6:25 p. m. . Four trips on Sunday , leaving Omaha at 9 and 11 a. m. . 2and 5 p. ia ; Council Bluffs at 9:25 , 11:25 a. m. , and 2:25 and 525 p. in. rAEBCiaER IKUXS. I ave Omaha : 6 a. tn. , 7 a. m. , 8:80 a. m. , 1 p. m. , 4 0 p. m. , 7:25 p. m. . Leave Council Bluffs : 6:15 a. m , , 9:40 a. m- , 11:40 a , m , 525 p. m. , 7.00 p. m. , 7:50 p. m. Daily except Sunday. OMAAA & REPUBLICAN VALLEY B.B , UAVK , AUUV2. Mall 10:45a.m. : , 4 5 p.m. Dally except Sundays. COMMERCIAL. Omaha Wholesale Markets , OMAHA , August 18 , 1880. BUTTER AND KGUS. Cholcetable . 1014c Pftckerslots . 7@10 Fresh eggs , per doz. . . . . . . 12J Honey . 20 POULTRY. ohlckens , per doz . 2 2fi Ducks . 8@9 GROCERIES. SUGARS. OntLoaf . 10 Powdered . 10ft Granulated . . . . . . . . l"s Standard "A" . 10J Off A. . . . . l" SYRUPS. Extra choice and very bright. . . BO Bright Table Drips . 45 New Orleans Mollasaea . 50 Market advancing. COFFEE. Rio , prime to choice . 17 * Rio rood to prime . 16 * Rio fair to good . 15 Mocha . . . . . . . 274 BICE Choice . , 8 Goodtoprima . 7Ja < " New Prunes . 8 OldTrunes . 6 Currants.choice new . 74 BlackBerries . 124 Raspberries . 33j Pitted cherries . 20 Michigan grtd Apples . 8 N. Y. Sliced 'V . 9 Evaporated " . ° i State Peaches . 8 Salt Lake Peachesr . lj > "California Peaches . - 15 CANNED GOODS. "S"OyBtern , 2 Ib cans , case. . 3 70 do do lib canper case. . 240 LightWeight Oysters 2 Ib tf case 2 90 Salmon , 1 Ib , tf dozen . 175 do 21btfdozen . 265 Standard Tomatoes,2 Ib , 0 case 2 80 " 3 tb , 9 case 3 00 Standard Peaches , 3 Ib , $ case. 4 40 " " 2 Ib , tf case. 3 40 Raspberries , 2 Ib , tf case. . S 00 Blackberries , 2 Ib , t ? case . 2 80 Corn , 2 Ib.tf case . S 80' Apples , Gal , 0 doz . 375 Narrow Fat Peas,2 Ib , tf case. . 4 00 S trine Beans. 2 Ib , per case. . . . 240 SUNDRIES. Nutmegs. . 10 Pepper . . . . . . . . 17 Allspice . - . . : - . * . 17 Cloves . 45 Cotfsia . 25 Jlope . 94 Candles. 1C oz . ! > Greenwich Lye.perjcase . S 85 Beansper bushel . . 1 60 Cheese full cream . 11 UJLiASS. Window Glass , 60 per cent , dis count off list. HARDWARE. IRON. Common bar . 3 Horse-shoe bar . 4 Norway nail rod . . 9 STEEL. Castplow . . 9 Am. cast , tool . . . . 18 Jes'p's , Eng. do . 2o IiAILS. Tens , upwards. . 550 ' ' ' ' 560 B'rd'd'a ahoe 'g . " mule" . 650 Omaha nails tens , upwards. . . 3 50 Nw'str'ahn . 23@30 Putnam nails . 2S@SO DRY GOODS. BROWK COTTONS. Atlantic "H" . 7 ? do < p . . " . . . . . . . . . 7 "d" ! ! ! ! ! ! Pepperell . . . . . . 7f do "R" . 7 $ do "E" . &l IndianHead . 8 LawvenaaXXX . 10 Nebraska , Standard ' 'AA" . DENlMii. Amoskeag . 16 Beaver Creek , "AA" . 14 do "BB" . 13 Haymakers . 9 i iuin6r * * * * , * S OtisMAXA" . . . . . . 15 do BB'n' . . „ 14 dojj * * * * * * . . * 13 Warrea "AXA" . 15 do "BB ? . 14 . . BLEACHED COTTONa Lonsaale. . . . . . . . 9J do Cambric . 12 Cabot Fruit of the Loom . 10 New York Mills . . . . . . . 12J Hnis'Muslin . . > . . . . 11 Wamsutta . v . , \ . 124 Pepperell . lSi@27i TICKINGS. Amockeai ; . . 18 FallaO.B.0 . , 20 do "AA" . Xl < i doAAA" Pearl Hirer. . . . . . . . . . . > * > 1 Holyoks . , , . , . f M Albany. . , Albion Harmony. . . American 7 Allen's 6 1-2 Allen's Pinkm 8 Ancona fancy 71-2 Manchester g Merrimac 71-2 Merrimac shirtings 6 1-2 Richmonds 61-2 Richmonds.E 71-2 Sprague'g 61-2 Simpson's mourning 7 1-2 Simpson's black 71-2 STBIPES. American 10@11 Amoskeag. 12 Awning stripes 1HJ Lewi tonA 171-2 Hamilton 111-2 Omega Ual2 Pittsfield : lo LUMBER , Framing , 18 ft and under. . . . § 20 00 Each add. ft over 18 , per M . . 50 Fencing , No. 1,12 to 20 ft. . . . 22 00 No. 2,12 to 20 ft. . . . 2000 Sheeting , dressed , No. 1 20 00 " " No. 2 1900 Common boards , dressed 22 00 STOCK BOARDS. Astock 40 CO B " 3500 C " SO 00 Common stock 25 00 FLOORING. No. Iflooring 4000 No.2 " 8500 No. 3 " 2500 Yellow pine flooring , No. 1. . . . 45 00 BIDINO , No.lsiding 2500 No.2 " 2250 No.3J " 2000 PICKETS. No. 1 pickets , per M 32 50 No.2 " " 2500 mnsHcro. No. 1 finish , 1ljand2in. . . " 65 00 No.l " lin 5000 No.2 " 1J , IJ , and2in. . 4500 No.2 " lin 4000 No.3 " in 3500 SHIP LAP. Plainshiplap 2300 OG " No.l 3000 " " No.2 2500 11 No.3 CEILIKQ. i beaded , 6 in. , No. 1 2500 " " No.2 2300 5 " 4and Gin. , No. 1. . . 4000 " " " No.2. . . 3500 Corrugated ceiling , No. 1 50 00 SHIKULES. A star ( best ) sh'iigles 8 75 No , 2 " 300 No.3 " 250 Lath 400 Lime , bbl . - 135 " bulk , per bu 40 Cement , bbl . . . . . ' 2 60 Iowa plaster , bbl 2 50 Michigan plaster , bbl 2 75 Hair , par bu 25 Tarred felt , 100 Ibs 300 Straw board , " 400 O G battens , per 100 ft lin. . . 1 25 Wellcurbing 8000 Rough i , and 2 in. , in batta , per 100 ft lin 50 POSTS Cedar halves , 7 in 18 6 in. . . . . . . . . . . . 16 " QuarterSin 16 Oak , 4x4 80 " 4x6 40 0 G casing , 5 } and 6 in. , per 100ft liu 300 Oak plank and timber , per M. 40 00 Clearpoplar 5000 Black Walnut 10000 HIDES. Green hides , perlb Green cured hides Dryhides 15al't ' Dry salted'hides 10al2 SheepPelts 25al 60 Tallow 4J LIQUORS , WINES , ETC. High wines , pergal 108 Alcohol , 180 per cent per gal. 2 10 Fren h spirits , proof 1 18 Marshall a bourbon whisky. . . . 1 23 Miller's bourbon whisky 1 25 Brandy , very fine , per gal. . . . 2 00a8 00 " common to fine. . . . . . 150 Gin , 100 per cent 150 " Holland , 90 per cent 125 Rums , mixd Jamaica , per gal. 1 50a3 00 " New England 200 Kennedy Bitters per gal 1 50 " " per case. . . . . 760 " " per 100 cases 7 00 Champagnes , pints in baskets. 25 00 Domestic champaigne 22 00 Port wine , per case. 1 60&3 00 Sherries 1 50a3 00 Ales , Edlnburg a 75 " Bass&Ca's 225 Guinnesa Dublin stout 225 LEATHER , Best slaughter sole 32 Bestoak 41 French kins 1 lOal 40 French calf , leading brands. . . 1 60 2 10 Domestic kips 75al 10 Domestic calfs , 1 lOal SO Hemlock upper , per foot 25a26 Oak upper , per foot 25a"i6 Grain , upper per foot 25 Linings , per doz 8 OOaO 60 Toppings , per doz 11 00 Morrocce ( bootleg ) per foot. . . 85a'-8 " oildressed 35 " Simon per skin 3 00a3 25 " glove kid 30 Boot webbing , per foot 45 HARNEbS LEATHER. No. ITittsburg oak 44 No. 1 Pittsburg' . . . ; 42 No. 1 Cincinnati oak 41 No. 2 Cincinnati oak 39 No.J. hemlock' . ' . 39 No. 2Hemlock. * . 37 COAL RETAIL. Anthracite 1050 Blossbuig 12 OJ Wyoming/ 850 Oskaloosa 5 50 Iowa nut 5 00 White Breast 550 An Honest Medicine * ree of Charge Of all medicines advertised to euro any affection of the Throat , Chest or Lungs , we know of none we can rec ommend as highly as DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY for Consumption. Cougha , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , 'Hay Fever - ver , Hoarseness , Tickling in the Throat , loss of voice , etc. This med icine does positively cure , and that whore everything else has failed. No medicine can show one-half so many positive and permanent cures as liavo already been effected .by this truly wonderful remedy. For Asthma and Bronchitis it is a perfect specific , cur ing the Tory ivorat cases in the short est time po'saiblo. We say by al means give it a trial. Trial bottles free. Regular also 81.00. For sale by 8lly ( ) J.-K. ISH , Omaha. EucEion'8 Arnica Salve The BEST SALVE in the world f or Cuts , Braises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salvo IB guaranteed to give perfect satiafac- tied fn every casp or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 8dly J. K. ISH , Omaha. CHICAGO SHOT TOWER CO. Mmnlacturere ol STANDARD SHOT BE SURE TO BUY IT. THE BEST IN MARKET. E. W , BLATCHFOBD & CO. lUnuhcturcrs of Loid PipaSheetasd Bu- Lead , Block Tin , Pip ? ua Solder , Linseed Oil 70 NORTH CL1HT-JN ST. , GHICAJJp. Bepublican Registration. SARATOGA PRECINCT. Aumack Chas Allis J D Allis M Bechtel Henry Bock Henry Blake J Buriiemeyer Jas Butler A H Bendelmau Eli Breckenfeld H Clark John Couch P Conrad Jas Church Gee W Cloniger Chas ( er ) Cloniger Chas ( jr ) Croft Major Coffee Smith ChristofferEon AndCarstens Bernard DeyD Dorsey Henry Evans Gocrge Evans Evans Elten Jacob Erskin Gee Forbes G Field Lorance Flannagan John Feckencher Her'n Gibbiney Mat Grove Chas R Garner Bartley Hoch John Hazard John Hazard David Hazard JohnR Houser John J Johnson Neils 2 Johnson David S Johnson N TCobach Henry Keyea B L Kynor Jas H Liwton W H Lessentee Ford Littlefield C C Moss John McCormick Thos Mitchell Charles McCrary Wm McFadden John Mermen Nicholas McKinney Ed McPherson J Meyl Chas Nelton Carl Nelson Lira 0e ! on Magnus Ott Peter O'Connell Timothy Peterson James Page John Pigman G W Procknow Fred'k Redman D P Redgeway W 0 Roundfeld Andrew Sshwarzenberg A Stoll Frank Smith August Sawyer J T Salzman A Sr Salztnan A Jr Salzman Fredk Schwartz Jacob Schwartz Peter Spane Andrew Sturman Mesa Splet John Stringer John Schroeder Adolph Taylor J Tousley Willis Touslcy Chaa Thompson Jas Thompson Chas Thompson Phillip Vaudoren Ed .card Wagoner Wm Zimmerman Henry The above is a list of the republican voters of Saratoga precinct as far as can bo ascertained. Any corrections or additions will bo made by me if handed in by Saturday , August 20th , WM. H. LA OX , Registrar. MoARDLE PRECINCT. Allen S G Allen J J Allen Elijah Avcry H R Avery C S Breinkman Peter Brenner Alfred Bucknole Richard Beard John Bluick John BleickFJ Buch Egbert Bouder John Beherness Fred BotelGeo Beek Fred Balling Herman Buck Henry Crazale H W Conrach Jacob Cramer Wm Deoraon P N Doran N Deamad W H Dougherty Pat Dillon Sidney Etcke Henry Sr E eke Henry Jr Ernest Henry Ericksen J Glandt Peter Sr Glandt Peter Jr Glandt Marus Glissman Christ Glisman Hans Glissman Henry Gresg Calvin Giuhl Asmus Sr Giehi Asmus Jr Gert John Hansen Peter Hughes James Bansen Powell Hanpon Robert Harder Charles Harder Robert Han nan M House Mike Hernon Brack Hahnman Max Haerath Michael Hein Christ Johnson Peter Jaong Jan Jensen J Kuowell Charles Kalterman Charles Kuehl Hewey Kuntgcn Julius Keel Peter Kruse Wm Kracht Peter Lebbert John Lebberr Hans Lobbert Henry Lawon Wm Larson P C - Lowcn Fred Martin J F Mitchell Jas Mermann C Mermann G H Mock John Mertz August McNee John Ntff Jonathan Nielsen Jens Neiman Henry Nfchoben Henry Nowhaug Fred Newhaus Henry Newhaus Herman Ott Eggert ( er ) Ott Eggert ( jr ) Puls Samuel Penny John Pates Fred Pappenberger S Pagiti Julius Rudenell August Rohlfs Jas Rohlfs Fred Rohlfs Henry Rohlfs Christ Reese Claus Kolfs Henry Rand Peter Ryan Pierce Roe Philip Ruhwer Hans Rohwer Carsten Rasmus Hans Stenert Gustus Sienors Claus Sorensen A Steffbn D Snell S M Shafcr August Stuben John Thompson B Thompson Hans Thompson Andrts Thoelke Henry T.mfelt Gee Thompson Paul Villoork Fred Vasksra Frank Wollenson Thos Westgate R E Walsh James Westgate S H Willit M Widoff Otto Young Philip I , Wm. H. Deamad , registrar for the McArdle precinct , of Douglas county , Neb. , hereby certify that the above is a true and correct registra tion of all republicans residing in said precinct , and who are entitled to vote at the coming election , to the beat of my knowledge and belief. Any corrections in this list can bo made by personal application to me , on or before Saturday ; August 20. WM. H. DEAMAD. NEORO ORATORY. AN IMPASSIONED SERMON AT A COLORED CAMP MBETISO. New York Herald. "When Christ was born in Bethle hem , " said the Rev. Henry Dumpson , at the colored camp-meeting near Mt. Yornon , Westchester county , a few days ago , "there was a great fuss made. It didn't please Herod. Thar was nothing 'bout Christ that Hercd liked. He didn't like his fadder nor his mudder. * He didn't baliebe Christ was de son of God and dat ho had do power to save. But Christ built up a house of God better'n any ob do houses on Cohey Island , or Long Branch , or Rockaway. But no sinner can enter dat house , 'cause Josus's a standin' at de do' to keep dem out 'ospt dey repent. If dey repent Christ ba able-to sabe de Jew , ds Gentile , de barbarian , and all do rest ob de sinners what cast his name to ono side. But , my frieii's , we'sallgotto be sabed ; we's all goin' to enter de do ; we's goin' to have a publio wendue and be sold out clean of ebbery thing dat don't please God ; we's goin' m dat do1 clean wash ed wid de bio ad ob Jesus , clar down tn de roots ob our har. Ho tries his ultermoss to sabo ; He goes clar down to do bottom ob our hearts and he turns up de black dobbil hidden dar , and do man he feel smaller'n your thumb , _ but when Jesus gets in dat man he is able to thrtah a mountain and level everything down smooth like shirt bosoms. Christ's fnfinito efficacy ob ability to sabo are within Himself without no aid from any outsider. He can make everything as white SB snow. De dying 'thief and 'de ' dying buccaneer beliebo in Christ , and was sabed eben under the cover of dark ness. Dey saw Paradis ondo cross , and war restored to do bosom ob de Limb. Our religion ain't popular enough , it needs de eavine grace. Ol Lord , gib us do grace. Yes , lei de grica come frdsa all de nations.of de oartb. Let it come fro'ui Africa fro ra men of low degres and let dem whisper do words In de ear of do sin- nera. " Glory to God. Afore de Sav ior war crucified. He said , r'Lord , let de cup go by , ' and whan He went to look for His disciples He found dem all asleep all takin1 a rest. Agony ob de eoul ? Now , my friends , what did dis all cost hebben ? Why it came ne r breakin" UD do Jewish nation. Dan'l war flung into the lion s den by order of the king because he prayed for dat cup not to come around. But next morning when d king come around , and he came around rarly , he 6aw dat Dar'l was not fastened in de lion's jaws , and he turned pale and said , Oh , Dan'l are you're saft ? ' And Dan'l said , 'Yes , sab , I h. ' Dat was de power ob Christ. He's more powerful dan any man. He's more powerful dan de king. Yes , my friends. He more powerful dan de president. A few years ago I was at Lon j Branch as- aistin' a brother to build a church. I saw Gen. Grant ridin' past in his car riage. I said to de brother , 'Dar am a rich man. He am a good republi can , and perhaps ho help you build de church. A day or two after dat I called at de president's cottage , and dare I found dat pompons Tom Mur phy at de do" . I sid , 'I w-ant to see do president , ' and he went in and cama back a sayiu' , 'Dare are some gentlemen in dare , and he can't see you. ' Ic is not so , ray friens , when you call on Jesus. When you call on Him He's not too busy to meet you. When de president go dare ho find Jesus not talk like he iilk to me. Christ is not too good to see any body , whether he live in a palace erin in de woods among do trees. He's heah in dese woods. He's hoah to catch sinnern by de har ana shako 'em into dn gospel path. I don't care what men tay 'bout Tne , or what women think ; I'a happy in de wilder ness , wtdout a trouble , while Jesus am wid me. Jesus will pay for what is done. It makes no difference what you earn , you get your pay. The sermon was listened to with marked attention tty a good audience of whites and blacks. Many white people went in their carriages from Now Rochelle , Mamaroneck , and Portchester , nnd a goodly number of c-lored and white people were there from Harlem. At the conclusion of the sermon the colored people 3ant ; a number of stirriifr Jiymns.receiving hearty applause from the visitors. The following were the most striking songs , the singiog of which made the wocda ring with negro melody. Don't stay away , Don't stay away , Don't stay away , brother ; Don't stay away , My Lord says there' * room enough. Don t ttay away , Don't stay away , Don't stay away , brother , There's room enough for you. When the singers atruck up this bymn there was considerable move ment in benches , and it was apparent that some of tha n ° groes who were camp-meeting veterans wanted to get down in the straw in front of the al ter ; but , as about this time worldly laughing and talking were heard in the "watermelon tent , " the spirit seemed to be suppressed , and there was not a straw ecene such as many expected and hoped to see. This is another tf the soul-stirring hymns that were sung : DLord , let me bathe in the river , 0 Lord , let mo bathe in the river. In the river , in the river , D Lord let me bathe in thi river , For I want to seamy Jesus in the morning. In the river , in the river , 0 Lord , let rne bathe in the river , In the river , in the river. 3 Lord , let me bathe in the river , O Lord , let me bathe in the river , In the river , in the river , D Lord , let me bathe in the river , For I want to see my sister in the river , And love her , too. As that's the way the Christians do , in the river. 3 Lord , let me bathe in the river. Call far Republican Coant - ? onvon. tlon. A republican county _ convention for Douglas county , consisting of seven dele- jatea from eacli city ward , and three del- rates from each country precinct , will be lelit at the court house , in the city of 3malia , on Saturday , August 28,18iO , at 2 o'clock , p. m. , for the purpose of nom- nating candidates for the following of- es : Two senators ; eight members of the iou e of representatives ; one county com missioner ; also seventeen delegates to rep resent Douglas county in couvet > tion to nominate a float senator for the Sixth sen atorial district ; also seventeen delegates to represent Douglan county in convention to nominate a district attorney for the Third judicial district ; also seventeen del egates to represent Douglai county in the state convention to be held at Lincoln , September 1 , 1S80. Primary elections for the purpose of choosing delegates to the county conven tion to'be held in the various wards of the city of Orrwha , on Thursday , August 23 , 1880 , between the hours of 3 p. m. and 7 > . m. , and in the country precincts on tha same day between the hours of C p. m. and 9 p. m. , the place of lidding primaries in the various wards and precincts are as fol- ws : First Ward Parr's drug store , corner of Tenth nnd Howard streets. Second Ward Engine house No. 3Six- eenth street. Tnird Ward Piosenfeld's commission house , Douglas street. Fourth Ward-At the sheriff's office in court house. Fifth Ward Cass street school house. Sixth Ward Engine house No. 1. Chicago Precinct Burney's school house. Douglas CasMdy's school house. Elkhorn Elkhorn school house. Florence Florence st heel house. Jefferson School district No. ' 14. McArdle McArdle school house. Millard Millard school house. Platte Valley-B. C. White's store , Vol. ey Station. Saratoga Sarotoga school house. Union Irvington school house. West O aha School house No. 46. Tha primary elections to be held under and in accordance to the following rules adopted by the Douglas country central committee , at a meeting held in the city of Omaha , on Saturday , July 31,1880- First. No person shall be permitted to vota unless hm name shall appear on the registered list of republican voters for the ward or precinct in which he resided. Second. Every republican citizen of the county who shall be eligible to vote at the next general election shall Vo entitled to registration under such regulations as the executive committee may herealter pre- i ribe. Third. The lists of registeredfrepubli - an voters of each ward and precinct shall be published in one or more pape-s for gen eral information and correction within one week before the day set for the pri mary election , and a certified copy of the corrected registration lists of each ward and precinct shall l > e posted at the place designated for holding primary elections three days before the primary election ia held. held.Fourth. Fourth. No additions shall be made to any registration list after it has been post ed ; but if ny pewon whose name appears on the registry list , ia disqualified by non- residence or any other cause , and notice to that effect is served upon the chairman of th county committee after registration has closed , the name of such party shall be placed on the black list and his vote shall be rejected by tn - judges. Fifth. The executive committee shall appoint one supervisor , two judges , and one clerk of election for each ward ; and one supervisor , one judge and one clerk for each precinct , and establish ench regula tions for the canvass of returns and pre vention of repeating and other frauds , that may bt deemed necessary. Sixth. The cettified return" ! from each ward and precinct , together with the bal lots , poll-lisis , tally-sheets and tha regis tration lists , properly sealed , shall be de livered to the secretary of-the county com- imittea. within thirty-six hours after the primary election has bsen held , and these returns shall be by him opened in the pres ence of the executive committee on the 28th. day of August , at Id a. m. The ex ecutive committee shall examine these re turns , aarl in public session award creden tials to each delegate , or. upon his order , to his proxy. proxy.J. . S. McCoEjncKChairman. SIMEON BLOOM. Secretary. An old lady wiitesSii' wiitesSii'y y thensa of two cf * \ \ Ask the recov ered drape ptlabll- llona sufferers , vic tims ot ( ever n > l zne. the mercurial diseased patient. ho * they recovered health , cheerful spirits and good ippetlte ; they will tell you by"ulc Ing Sill MOMS' : BSODHtOR. > CONSTIPATION , Jaundlca , SICK HEADACHE. Colic. De Ete.WUl SOUR STOUACI1' Helr n.Eta . ? . ? * * ? nthcm Remedy Is warranted MTlSlnftin l" P"1101" of MlWBRT.or my mjurloas mineral substance , hut Is Purely Vecctable. Containing those Southern Roots and Herbs , which an all-wbe Providence has placed Ia lOtmtrlcs where Liver Disease most prevail. It will cute all Diseases caused by Derangement of tha Liver and Kowelg. ? ? sr IPTOSIS of Liver Complaint are a bitter or bad taste In the mouth ; Fain In the BacS.Mdcs or Jointa.ofte : ! mistaken forRhsuma- tlsm ; Sour Stomach ; Lo-s of Appetite ; Bowels .Vte-nately costive and lax ; Headache ; Loss of Memory , with a painful sensation of bavins fall ed to do something which ought to have been done Debility. Low Spirits , a thick yeilow ap pearance of the skin and Eyes , a dry'Coush of ten mistaken fur Consumption. Sometimes many of the e symptoms attend the disease , at others very fewbut ; the Liver , the " tonpw In the body , I * pcr.erally the scat of the dgi ! e , and if not regulated In time.ifreat suffering , wretchedness and licath will ensne. I can recommend as im cfflcaclous remedy for d sease of tha Liver , Heartburn and Dysperata , Ti" , " " 3' Liv"r Kczulator. LewN O. Wander. mn . , * " ' . " StrcotA3S'atant ' Poet Master ! Philadelpn'a. "We have tested Its virtues , personally , and * " ° w that for Dyspepsia. Bllllousneaa. and Throbbing Headache , it la the best medicine the world ever saw. We have tried forty othei remedies before Simmons' Liver Rec-lator , but none of them cave us more than temporary re ef : but the Kesulator not only relieved , bu. cured uu" Editor TeUeriph and Hemencer. b ' Macon , Ga. HiND7ACTCRKt > OStT BT J. H. ZEILIN li CO. , PHILADELPHIA. PA. Price . ? 1.CO' Rld by til Dr est 12adayat home uvilymaite. Costly 011 tdtf rep. Ad.lirm Trnefc Co. Portland. Me tortured victim , Why cross the ocean tide To drink the Scltzsr water , , -Px Nat'ire'a fount eupi'ie ! > l ! When at3on'bedside , ecienco Presents the s-lf-snme draught , Ebullient as the .S ltzer From Nature's fan tiln quaffed. In TARiuyr's coot , APERIENT , l' u d'ink eat h h-aliiu thi"jr That Go i , theat I'hy-i Un , Hrs cast into the Spring' SOLD Bv ALL DRUOfllSTS IRON TURBiHi WIND ENGINE MANOFACTORED BY Mast , Fees & Co. , Springfield , 0 , The Strongest and Host Durable In the World. Hundred ! In use In Iowa and Nebraska Sold by Dealers in ntarly evfry county. This oat represent oar Buckeye Force Pump chlch la particularly adapted to Wind Mill uao , aa It works easily and throws a conotant stream , and does not freeze up in the cold est weather. Send for price Hat W. H. RAYNER , Western Ap't , Omaha , Neb. always Cures and never disap" points. The -world's great Pain- Rollover for Man and Bcasto Cheap , quick and roiiallo. PITCHEK'S CASTORLk is not Xarcotic. Gliiltlrcii gro\v fat upon , Mothers like , and Physicians recommend CASTOKIA. It regulates tlie Bowels , cures Wind Colic , allays Fcverislmess , and de stroys Worms. "WEI DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Cure , a Constitutional Antidote for this terrible mala dy , by Absorption. The most Important Dl&oovp y since Vac cination. Other remedies may relieve Catarrh , thi euros at any stage before Consumption sots in. SANTA OLADS FOUND. Greatest Discovery of tbe Age. ffonuerful dlscot erica in tht world have been made Amen ; other things where Santa C'bua stayed , Children oft ask if lie make * cooda or not , If really he lives in a mountain of anew. Lnst year an excursion sailed clear to the Pole And suddenly dropped into what secmedlike thole Where wonder of wonders they found a now land , iVhilc fairy-like being's appeared on each hand. There were mountains like cure , with more beautiful snea , And far brich'.er skies than ever were eeen. Birds with the hues of a rainbow were found , While flowera ot exquhite fragrance were grow Ing aronnd. Not long uere they left to wonder in doubt A belli ; ; soon came the/ had heard much about , Twaa Santa Glaus' self and this they-all say , 3e looked like the picture r esee every day. lie drove up a team that looked very queer , Twaa a team f Brasshoppera instead o reindeer , He nxld In a shell instead of a lclh , But he took them on to-ird and drove them away. Ha showed them all over his wonderful realm , And factories inakin ? goods for women ind men. Furrlere were -norkincr on hata RfCit and Email , To Bnnee's thev aaid they were sending them all. Kris Klnzle , the Glove MakerloIJ them at once , AH our Gloves we are sending to Itunce , Santa showed them auspendcra and many tblnja more. Saying I alse took tb se to trlend Dunce's store. Santa Claus than whispered a eccrct he'd tell , A8 in Omaha every one knew Bunce well , Ho therefore eaouid send hh cno < ls to his care , Knowing his fjlor.ds will get their full ahare. Now remjrcbcrre dwellers In Oaaha town , All who want present * to "unce'a go round. For shirts , colHr ? , or gloves great and small , Bend your euter or aunt ono and all. Bunce. Champion Hat'er of da West. raftt. Ommh * SDBSORIBB FOE THE WEEKLY BEE , The Best in theWest. ; ' EAST -VIA THE- Chicago & Northwesteni 2,380 MILES OF ROAD ! It U the SHORT , SURE and Safe RouVi Betwenn COUNCIL BLUFFS OHIOAGOMILWAirKEE and all points EAST and NORTH. IT OFFERS THE TRAVELING PUBLIC GREATER FACILITIES AND MORE ADVANTAGES THAN ANY OTHER ROAD IN THE WEST. It ta the OTLT ROAD between COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Upon which Is ran PULLMAN HOTEL CARS ! In addition to these and to pleaM all clasx * of travelers. It arlve * FIRST-CLASS HEALS at iu EATING STATIONS atM centa each. ITS TRACK IS STEEL RAILS I ITS COACHES ARE THE FINEST ! ITS EQUIPMENT FIRST CLASS If von wish the Bout Traveling Accommoda tions > ou will buy your ticket by this Boute J3TAND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All Ticket Agents can n H TOU Throuzh Tickets via this rend and Chfck cirwl Bag gage free of Charjo OUAHA. TICKET OFFICES ISH Famham St , Cor. Uth. ami at Union Pacific Depot. DENSER OFFICE In Colondo Central and Union Picilc Ticket Office. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE-S flaw Montgom ery Strtot. For Information , folder ? , mips , tie. , not ob tainable at Homo Ticket Omce , address any agent ot the Company , or K4RVIH HUCK1TT , W- 3TENNITT , Gen'l Man&zar , Gonl Paaa. Agent , CHICAGO , ILL. JAMES T. CLARX , Genl Art Omaha & Council Bluffs. TUNE 1SSO. K. C.ST. JOE&C.B.R.R. . . , . . . . . , Is the only Direct LIna to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OUAHA and tha WEST. No change o ! carg between Omaha and Et. Loula and but one between Omaha and Kevr York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Eastern & Western Cities With Icsa charges and In advance ol other lines. This entire line Is equipped with Pullman'a I'alaco S'copinif Cnn , Palace Day Coach- w.Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and tha celebrated Westlnghousc Alr-Brako. TIIAT TOUU TICKET /3-VU Kansas City , St Joseph /2TJo and St.Loulg.-ga Tickets for sale at all coupon stations In the Wesi. J. F. BARNARD , A. C. DAWE3 , Gen'l Supt. , Gonl Pass. & Hrket A t St. Joe phMo St. Joseph. Mo. W. C. SEACnm.ST. Ticket Aeen. . 211 Fifteenth Street , between Farnbam and Doncrlas , Union Block , Omaha. JOS. TEHON. A. B. BARNARD , Faea. Agent , Omaha. Qen'rl Acent. Omaha. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AND St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Sioux City Eoute I 100 JkHLES SHORTEST ROUTE I FromCOimOILBLUFFSto ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And all points In No'thern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. ThU Hn la equipped with the Im proved Westinzbouw Automatic Air Brake * and Miller Platform Coupler and Buffer. And for SPEcD , SAFETY AND COMFORT la unsurpassed. Elegant Drawing Boom and Sleeping Carsnwna I and controlled by tha com pany , run Through With ut Change between Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , and St. Paul. Trains leave the Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Council Bluffs , at 65 p ta. , reaching Sioux City at 10:20 p. m. , and St. Paul < trtiME m . W * VT/ HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTHER ROUTE. Returning , leave Et. Paul at 3:30 p. tn. , ar- vliz at Sioux City at 1:45 a. m. . and Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluff ? , at 9:60 : a. m. Be euro that your tickets read via "S. C. &P. R.R. " F.C.HILL3. Superintendent , Missouri Valley. Iowa. P. E. I.0111NSON , Asa't Gen'l Pais. Agent. J. H. O'BRYAN , Southwestern Freight and Faawnirer Agpnt. my20-tf Council Blnffi THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars I CHICAGO gURLINGTOH & QUINCY With Smooth and Perfect Track , Elegant F3- ssnger Ccachcs , and PULLMAN SLEEPIHC & DINING CARS It is acknowledged by tha Pttst , and all wto travel uv r it , to be the Best Appointed and B st Man-meJ Koad in tha Country. PASSENGERS OING- EAST Should bear in mind that this 1 ] tha BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Folnta Eagt , Korth ai > d Northwut. Passengers by this Route hava choice ot FOUR DIFFERENT ROUTES , And the Advantage of Six Daily Lines ot Fallen Sleeping Cam from Chicago to New York City Without Change. All Express Trains on this lincaro equipped with the e3tin-house Patent Air Brakes and Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Couplers , the moat Perfect Fro- tection Agains : Acci dents in the world. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING AND D'NINC CARS Are run on th eSuninjton Koute. Information conccnrn ? Routes , Kates , llm Connccton : < , etc. , will be cheerfully given by app yimr nt the offlco of the Jurli.gton Kouto , 5U touru-entn Street , Omaha , KebnEka. C.EPERKNS. I > . W. HirCIICOCK. Gen'l Manager. Gen. West'n Pass. Af/t. ( J. 0.1'HILLIPPI , St. Joe. , Uo. General Agent , Omaha. II. P. DUEL , fcpdl licket Agent. Omaha. ATER'S CHERRY PECTOKAL For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs , such as Coughs , Colds , Whooping Cough , Bron chitis , Asthma and Consumption. The few compost tions , which have won the confidence of mankind and become household words , amen < not onlr cna hue many nations , must have eitraor- cll.iry virtues. Per haps no ona ever * a- cured so wide a repu tation , or maintained It to long : an Ana'j CnSRRT IKCTOftlL. It bag been known to the public about f > rty yean , by a long continued series of marvelous cures , that have won for it a confidence in ita virtues , never equalled by any other medicine It 8til. makes the most f 3- cctual cures for Caught , Cotdi , Consumption , that dn be mailo by medical skill. Indeed , the CHERRT ItcroRAiihas ro > liy robbed these dan gerous aiseioes of the/r terrors to great extent and giving a feeling of immunity from their fat- M effects , that Is well founded if tbe remedr be taktn in season. Kvery family should hava it In their c.os t for the ready and p rompt relief ol Us numbers. Sickness , suffering and even Ufa h sa'cd by thin timely protection. The prud nt should not neglect it , and the wise will not. Keep it by you lor the protection It affords bj 1(3 ( timely tuo in sudden attacks. PREPARED BT DR. J. C. AYtR SL CO. . LOWELL , MASS- Practical and Analytical Chemist : SOLD BY ALL DRKQOISTS ASD DEALERS IN MEUIC1NB r1VIL , MECHANICAL. AND UIKIKO EN \j GIHEKCI.S'O at the RcnsrelaerPoIytechnli Institute. Troy , N T Tha oldest enjrincerinj Echonl ia America , Kext term begins Septem. brr 16th. Tha Register loc 1330 contains a. lix of the gnduatoa for the r t 51 yiw , with thet positl-Bs ; lso , otrrsa oi jtudr , rtqnlrementi etc. Addrea DAYID.M. GREENE ' A1STID APPETiZ EGURE For COUGHS , COLDS , BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA , CONSUMP TION , and all Diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. : , - ' r'd HyudJinetoTOLU ROCK and RYEallttld . - - . . - - ' nexeUentAppottzor nil . j Tonlc.firfcen.nl ami fan-ilya-e. The immense and inerevin ; eaUg and tLc numerous tisUincnUu nc.nel dai'y ari tha best evidence * Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. fiAMTinN . DO"rBE DECEIVED by unprincipled d ttre who try to mlm off npon vmr r\.V.T.i.V ? ! , mme ? Rock a'"l 'Sjolnp'aceof onrTOI.f KOCK and RYE. which is the onlyJltOlCAlhD article nude , tne GENUINE having a OOVERXJIKST STAilP on each bottlo. Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFIC ? OK INTERNAL REVENUE. 1 V-Anuiyaioi , I ) . C. , J nuary J6,1SSO. ) Uewrs. LAWRENCE & MARTIN , 1111 Ml ! on St. , Chicago. II . . GtxTLyur.y ; This compound , in the opintin of thli o'Hc , ouM hire it sufficient qcanlltvif K'e rt.U S VM OF TOI.U to slve It Ml thlvania.'Ma cri .e-l tr thU nr-K-lo in pectoral compblntf. while the whisky and the ijrup constitute n rnvilrion rcndcrinit U an 3trc < Mc rcme > ly tn th * patient. Compounded ncccroinir to the ' "rnm'K , it m < y properly tecae ! l a - .MEDICINAL PKEPAUAT1ON under the protl-iors of U. S. I : t ted Statute * , and when Fostimpt < l , nr'iy l sold by Dructrljts. Apothecanesand Othtr Ptrs u itnout r.mlcrlns thcci liable to ray tfpecial tax as liquor.dealers Yours Respectfully. ( Sismed ) GREEN. B. UATJM.CommlaglonQr LAWRENCE & MARTIN. Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DRUGGISTS. GROOEES and DEALERS everywhere" WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CPOGRAPHY Of THIS COUNTRY. SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP , THAT THE 53S 2 CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS THE GltEAT COXSECran LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE Us main line runs from Cnlcaco ja C'o-incil IHnlno CUM for catlne purpnea only. Blurfi. pa. tnz throuah Jollet Ottnrra. La Palle , KTOBI featcro of cur Palace Cars l a SMO Genescc. 31olln , Itnc < Island. Davenport , W t SAI.OON where yon can enjoy your " Liberty , loirnCity.Maren o , ItrooSlyn. < irtnnei. : at all hours of lae day. DCS Molnes ( the capital or Iowa ) , dtuart. Atlan Mnsntncent In.n Brtdces span tbo M tic , and Avoca : with branches from Bureau and lllssourl rivers at nil point * cro e < i 77 Una Janaion tol'eorla ; Wilton Junction toMusca- line , and transfers are avoided at Counct , Btatt * , Ur.fi. Waahlnirton. Kalrfleld. Eldon. Uelknap. Kansas City , l.eavonworth , anil AtchuwC Can * Ccr.troTllle. I'nnceton. Trenton , ( iallatln. 'Jnmo- ncctlnn bcmcmado In Union l pnts. rnn. Loavcnworth. Atchlaon. and Kao aa City ; TIIK PltlNCIiMLi It. It. CUNXF.UTlONa Ol ? Washington to SlRrvurney , Oskaloosa. and Knox- THIS ( JltUAT T11UOUU11 1,1-NK AHB ij Tlllc ; Kcoiua to Karmlnzton. Ilonaparte , Uen- tonscort. Independent. Eldon. Ottumnx Kddy- At rnicAcio , with all dtversic" lines rta Tllip.Oskhlooja. fella.Alnnroe. and LIPS Motnes ; East and 8uth. . Newton to Monroe ; Ues llolnea to Indlanolaanu At KNOLEWOOD. with tbo L. 3. A M.S. . Wlnteraet : Atlantluto Lewis and Audubon ; and St. W. Jtr It. Itds. A oca to lliirlan. This Is positively the only At WASIIUOTPK nuanra , with I' . Itallroad. which owns , and operates a through L. n. u. line from Chicago Into the SUitn of Kansas. At I.A SALLE.wl. itll.Ce.nt.il. H. Through Epre n L'njnunsor I'rains , with Iull- Atl'KOKiA.wlth I' . I' . A J. ; P. D.&B. ; fc man 'alaco Cars attached , ore run each way dally W : III. Mid. ; and T. P. * W. Ilrtju between Ciiic.vr.o and I'EOIUA. KAXSAS Crr.Y. At llotic ISLAND with "Mllwankea 4 BOC. : I'OCNCIL IJLtTFFS. UAVEXWOIITU and ATCHl- Islam ! 3.iort Une. nnd Rock IM'd .V Pe % . SOJT. Tbrouaticars are also run between Mi' nu- At DAVENFOUT. wlUj the Davenport ro9 nnd Kansas Cttr. via tbo " .Milwaukee and C.M. &S1.1 * . K. H. Hock Island Shcr * Llne > . " _ At WEST LtueiiTT. with the B. . C. It. St equitH ? < l. "fts"roa7fbcdls'simply perfect , and > its t Ti iEs"ioL < 7wltnTJ3L1-.fe > K.'lJf ill ti. tract Is laid with etecl rails. AtCoCNClt. liLCrra.wlih Union Pacific What will please you most will ba the pleasure At CM AHA. with 15. * Mu. R. R. R. In * o. ; ' of enjoying your meal . while passing oTertho beauufal prairies of Illinois and Iowa. In ono of At Orri'Mivjk. with Central lowalt.U. W , our maznlHccnt Dinlne Cars thnt accompany nil Et. L. i Pac. . and C. B. * < } . K. ltd * . Throucli Express Tmlns. You got an cntlra At KEOKCK.wlth Toi. . Peo. * Wnr. ; > V tX'fr , meal , as good as Is nerved In any first-class hotel , Lours & l"ac. . anrt St. 1 * . Keo. A N.-W. K Hus. . lorsaTenty-tlTo cents. At CAMEKOX. with H. su J 1C It. ' ) ppreclatln ? the fact that A majority of the At ATClUsO.v. wltn Atch..Topeka Aban 9 f t people prefer separate apartment * lor different Atch. & Neb. and On. Hr. U. I' . K. Kdt. purposes ( and tbe Immense pj cnecr business At I.EAVi.swoKTLl , with Kan. Pee , ? of this line warranting lt , we are pleased tnnn- Cent. H. Kd9. nounce that this Company runs fullman I'alacc At KANSAS CITY , with all lines for the Sleeping Car $ for sleeping purposes , and I'tlact and Southwest. PITI < I < MAr I'A'.JLCE CAIt.S n > run Ihrouzh teAt PEOKIJl tJES MOl itLUFFSI. 1CA.NAH Cl'l'V , J TC'IHHO.V. nnd 1.EA VENWOKT1I. . Tickets vlu this Line , known tbe "Orrat Jtack I laad Houte , " r tola OJt all Ticket Acenti In the United Mtntci imcJ Cunailu. For Information not obuilnubla at your hume ticket office , nildren. A. KIMBAUT , E. ST. .TOHIC. Gen'l Superintendent. Uen'l Tku a-id 1'ats'gr Airi. , FORNiTOR ATHERS , And evoryrning pertaining to the Furniture and Upholstery Trade , A GOftfPLETE A830RTMEHT OF NEW GOODS AT THE LOWEST J t. ggTT3C V ap St mon th ut 1208 ami IJilO Farnliam Street Improved Buckeye Combined Riding Corn Cultivator 1880. MANUFACTUREDP. ? iVlAST & CO. , SPRINGFIELD , They also make Buckeye Improved Iron Ueam Walking Cultivator , with or without Sjrin s. The New Force Teed Buckeye Drill , one or two Horse Style * Enquire for them at the best dealers. F. H. PUGE , Gen. Agent , Omaha , ffeh ttiWEiGmiW CUBES RHEUJIAT181I. CURES COUGHS and COLDS CUBES EHEUHATISM , CURES COUOU3 and COLDS CUBES BORE THROAT.CURES DYFTHERIA. CURFS LAM BACK and STIFF CURES tAMt BACK , and STIFf JOINTS CUBES Bl IS' , 'CUTS and PBCI3ES. CUBES-E B5Sr CUTS nnd BRUISES. SOU ) IN OMAHA ITV' ALtDRUCOISTS. fiTOo to Tour DnuUt fnr Mlae Frceman'3 ITaw National Tye . For brghtce ! i ind don- .bUlty of color they are J to f ft * . , pricalS cm-fa. NERVOUS DEBILITY Humphreys' SS Eceninue20yearaCtrppfin | "NTn -Is the most suc-O , DUlUU J.1U , . Price Jt or. c-wful reme-ly knowu. per rialj , U , and Iavial of of . d"tn'\ \ tSZ trea < ipt price. on re I . Kew > ork. UOMEO. MEI > CO FBlMa St. . lihot. Cata uo of Recelpta ap2diw3p DK. A. S. FXXDERY , CONSULTING PHYSICIAN J IiAH PEKitANKSTLT LOCATED HIS MED. ICAL OFFICS. 133 Tenth Street , - OirAHArNEBnASKA. Offcrinif his services In all depafmentg o mtdidno and surgery , both In g n i J a-i special pntice. acnto sad chronic JneaKj Ok tTcousulted night and day. and will rtdtv parti ct tte city and coca ? oa receipt of l i ,