YOL.X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY. AUGUST 19 , 1880. NO. 51. Established 1871 , MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents FOREIGN EVENTS. "Jeems" Bedpath Inflames Irishmen at a Land Meeting. British Liberals Say the House of Lords Must Q-o , They Hanker for a Senate I e United States. Military Authorities Say the Best Thing for England is to Quit Afghanistan. German Officers Feast Over a French Victory. Gladstone , Despite Physicians1 Protests , to Eeturn to London. Exodus of French Religious Fanatics. BOWING CHALLENGE. Special DlBDitcn to The Bee. LONDON- , August 19 , 1 a. m. Win. Elliott states that he Trill make a match to row oitherGsorge Hosmer , American Blackman , Boyd , Ron or Laycock over the Tyno coarse , in February , for 100 or 200 a side. CUOLEUA IS KACIKG in a village near Turunsorverin , in Houtnanin , causing an average of 158 deaths daily. A B1FLE CROOK'S SENTENCE. The competitor who assaulted a witness of Sergeant Marshman's , the improper marker at the Butts during the recent meeting of the national rifld association at Wimbledon , and who profited by eueh marking , was sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment f at hard labor. He was a pensioned /sergeant of marines. EEVT1VE GLADSTONE. Premier Gladstone will , it is sUted , return to Lniidon on Saturday next. His health still causes his physicians much anxiety , and they- urge him to take a trip by EOI to the Madeiras. CABLE COMBINATION. Another cable combination haa been effected and an immediate advance in the tariff will probably follow. M. Panyor Quarter's cable company have arranged a working agreement with the Anglo-American and the Direct companies whereby M. Panyer Quar- ticr'a company is to receive sixteen per cent , of the total tariff receipts of the three lines. ENGLAND BECOMM ENDED TO KETEEAT. The Viceroy of India has tele graphed the war office that the last brigade of the evacuating British for ces has arrived nt GundamucK without a single shot being fired at the rear guard. Persons here , who are well \ informed a& to the topography of Af ghanistan and its military situation there , eay that England's only alter native now is to abandon it altogether just as BOOH as this can bo done with safety. TLOT AGAINST ENGLAND. The probability of a coalition be tween Abdur Rahman Khan and Ayoob Khan to expel the English , grows stronger with every fresh batch of news. CABUL GENERALLY QUIET. A dispatch from Gundamnck , under date of July 18 , reports the situation at Cabul as generally tatisfactory , A alight disturbance had occurred In the city , instigated by come of the lower classes of the population , who were unfriendly toward the English , but it was quickly suppressed. No gather ing of native tnboi is reported in the direction of Ghazine. It is not con sidered probable that General Rob ert * will encounter any linatilca or have any fighting to do north of Khe- lat. TKIANOOLAE SIEOU A dispatch from Quctlnh rays that Ayoob Khan mcuucea Citiduhar on three aides , and it is uX | 'ttted that his frees will storm the ci y immedi ately. GOVERNMENT MO1UMVUE. A Dublin dispatch to Ihu Times nays that in consequence of tliu itntement of Mr. Forstor , chief secretary for Ireland , that a thoimtitl marines would be eagerly directed tiuther for some time to come , and some sort of aonfirmatlon will be lent to tn0 rumors that the government expecte.l an in surrection among the poisaniry , the marines , in that case , will act as a substitute for the peace preservation law and save the government the hu miliation of appealing t. ) parliament for special powers. There have , however - over , been no indications of any In tended disturbances , and to most of the people hero the notion of a rising aeems highly absurd. ENGLISHMEN WANT A SENATE. A conference of liberal electors and delegates representing liberal associa tions , was hold last night at West minster palace hotel , at which resolu. tions were passed denouncing the hab itual obstruction of necessary reforms by the lords and squirearchy in parlia ment ; demanding the abolition of hereditary legislators and the substi tution of a so u a to on the American plan for the present house of lords. It was decided to organize meetings for an expression of public opinion during the coming recess. The meet ing was crowded and enthusiastic. Among those present were Sir John Bennett , Admiral Nanz and other IV representative radicals. ENGLAND'S OPPOSITION TO AUSTRIA The English government continues to oppose Austria's presidency of the Danube commission. Bismarck , how ever , energetically supports Austria. A RUITUEE. It is stated that the relations of Austria and Servia are strained and-a rapture is not improbable. TUKKEY SUITS HERSELF. A Constantinople dispatch says the sultan has ratified the offer to cede Dulcigno without the Bajooy district. EIOXINQ IN IRELAND. A dispatch from Belfast says Ihe" rioting was resumed yesterday and continued till night Th.e charged on both parties repeatedly and many persons were injured. AMERICAN INFLAMING IRISHMEN. A land meeting was held yesterday at Lanena , and the principal orator was Sir. Redpath , the correspondent of the New York Tribune. His speech is stated to have been inflam matory and greatly excited the audi ence. DETERMIKED COAL STRIKE. Bpedal Dispatch to The Bee. GLAhoow , August 10 , la. m. The pig iron market was violently excited yesterday. Thn market rose to 50s lOjd with a keen demand. The iron masters are dumping down more fur naces and an additional number of Workmen are thus thrown out of em ployment , , but the striking miners are determines and express themselves . as confident of bcidg-ahle-toJioldQutJ until a concession is made to them. They have a large amount in theit own treasury and they are supported by the trade -unirin. No coat fw thip- ping purposes can be obtained , CORRECT , COUNTESS. Special Dispatch to Tbo Bee. PARIS , August 19 1 a. m. The Countess DeTilly , who has been on trial for "throwing vitrol over her hus band's mistress , has been acquitted , GLORIA GREVT. President Grevy , who is now en route to the Jura mountains , was en thusiastically greeted at Dijon , where an enormous crowd was present to welcome him. TRENCH MECCA. Eight thousand pilgrims left this city yesterday for tne shrine of Our Lady of Lourdea. FAMINE IN SILESIA. Sped * ! Dispatch to The Bee. BERLIN , August 19 1 a. m. A famine appears certain in Silesia unless the government assists the in habitants. The rains have . ruined the crops In both east and west Prussia. KAISER'S SOLDIER GRATITUDE. The battle of Grayelotte was cele brated in all military circles yester day. The emperor reviewe'd the firnt foot guards at Potsdam , and in hia address to the troops he said that the gratitude ho felt for the valor , hero ism and resignation displayed by the German army would never vanish from "his heart. BIRTHDAY FEED. A grand banquet was given yester day fn celebration of the birthday of the emperorrtjf 'Austria. Emperor William drank to the health of his friend and ally. AMERICAN WIFE VS. GERMAN HONORS. Count Holzfeldt will , it is stated , shortly be appointed foreign secretary , his marriaga with the American lady , Miss Moulton , having been legally ditsolved. ELECTRIC BRIEFS , Special dispatches to Tlie Eee. NEW YORK , August 19 The arri val of immigrants at Castle Garden have been light during the present jnontll on ucoAUiiv 01 tx > ing hnrvcei timein the old country. The number this month will probably not exceed 22,000. NEW ORLEANS , August 19. Con gressman Upaom , of the Sixth Texas district , is renominated. NEW YORK , Autrust 19. Moller & Schumann's varnish factory on Broad way , in Brooklyn , was damaged S10- 000 by fire yesterday. It was fully insured. NEW OASTLK , Ont. , August 19,1 a. m. The woolen mills here were de' stroyed by fire yesterday. Loss , § 50- , 000 ; inturanco , 820,000. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , August 19 A considerable , wind storm blow In this city yesterday afternoon , unroofing some homes and doing considerable damage in small amounts. A part of the roof of Tinzer Bros , large tobacco manufactory was blown. BLOODLESS BOVINE BATTLE Alleged Bull-Fight BO Devoid of Sanguinary Success as to Delight Mr. Bergh , Special Dispatch to The Bee. New York , August 19 , 1 a. m. The Spanish bull-tight announced to take place yesterday in the Central Park arena , terminated like its prede- rosaor of a few weeks ago , in a ridicu lous failure. Before the spectacle began an officer seized the arena on a trespats warrant , and turned every living creature , except the Texas toera , out of the building and locked the doors. Finally , th-3 projector of the scheme p > id the month's rent due , whereupon the place was attached by a deputy sheriff , but ho kindly con sented to let the unsanguiuary con flict proceed , provided Bergh did not interfere. Bergh was there , and ap peared delighted with the playfulness and amiability of the horned animals. About 150 spectators were present , including dead-heads from the sher iff's and marshal's office : . The tor- rerios , clad in gorgeous attire , stalked into the arena. The band struck up a lively air , and Alexa Bovina was let loose. He charged on a torreriowho quickly scaled the fence ; the brutO followed , and Senor Pastho , manager , happening to be in the way , started for him , but the Senor scrambled to a place of safety. Seven steers were brought in succession upon the field , and occasionally , to relieve the mo notony , a rosette would "be placed by a torrerio upon the creature's fore head. None of the animals showed au excessive quality of viciousness , but the torrenos' remarkable ability in climbing the fence to avoid being tossed , was the principal feature of the affair , for as a bull-fight it was an absurdity. Mnrder From a Woman's Dishonor Special Dispatch to The Beei LOUISVILLE , Ky , , August 19 1 a. m. Henry Lane shot F. M. Ramsey at the Astor House in this city last night. Lane's mother is the proprie tress of the house and the trouble grow out of Ramsey's intimacy with her. The wounds will prove fata' . Hanlau's Rival. Eoeeitl Dispatch to THI Eu. ST. JOHNS , N. B. , August 19 1 a. m. Wallace Ross , the sculler , left yesterday for Portland , Me. , where he intend * remaining a few days and will then proceed to New York , and a fort- nightJater leave for England. He expecU to be present at the Hanlan- Triokett race , and may attempt t ° gt orj * raeo witp the winner. POLITICAL POINTS , Big Negro Exodus from Alabama on Account of Democratic Majority , Secretary Sherman to Begin Stumping With a Great Speech. DemocratioMob Sojourns With Other Clams at Rocky Point , E. I. _ S.tate Conventions in New Jersey , Connecticutand New York. , . - - * * . rf Chairman Jewell Says He "Won't Resign. Jersey Special dispatch to The Bee. TBENTON , N. J. , August 19 , la. m. The republi an stale convention wai called to order at noon yesterday , by Amos Clarke , and prayer was.of' fered by Bishop Scarborough. TBx- Judge W. Lv Hoffman , of Hudson county , was chosen temporary chair man. He made a half-hour speech , in which he wont to Iho days of slavery , recounted the incidents of the war record of the republican party , to which he said was due the successful prosecution of the war , the abolition of slavery , and the great prosperity which had ttuccoeded the wnt icport. The names of Line -In , Grant and Garfield excited loud applause. At.tho close of Judge B off man's speech the committees were named , and the committees took a recess. F. Ai Potts will be nominated for gov ernor by acclamation , and the follow- lowing will.be the presidential elect ors : Electors at largo , Barker Gum- moro , of Mercer county , and . A. Walton , of Bergen ; district lectors : First district , W. E. Potter , c/ Cum berland ; Second district , E. B. Grubb , of Burlington ; Third district , Simon Van Winkle ; Fourth district , DaWitt C. Blair ; Fifth district , Geo. Richards , of Morris county ; Sixth district , C. M. Hoburth. of Esses ; Seventh district , Geo. C. Toffey , of Hudson. After recesj ex-Sscretary George M. Robesou was chosen permanent chairman , with a vice president from eich county. Nouiinatiams for gov ernor were then called , and every county named F A. Potts , of Hun- tordou county , and there being no opposition he was nominated by ac clamation. A series of resolutions were re * , ported , which endorse the Chicago platform , declare fora hi < ; h protective tariff , and biennial sessions of the legislature. Speeches were made by ex-Senator Frelinghuypou , Gen , Kil- patrick and others , aud the conven tion adjourned. New Yortt Green oacKers. Bpechl Dispatch fo TIIK BEE. SYRACUSE , August 19 , 1 a. m. The greenback state convention reassembled - assembled yesterday morning. A motion that the various districts pro ceed to elect state cominitteeruen tabled , after discussion , in order that the report of the committee on a plan of organization could be mado. The report wa road , and after considera ble discussion a motion was made that it , be laid on the tablo. Carried by a vote of 48 to 45. When the announce ment of the vote was made , a wild dis pute arose , and there was a demand for a roll call. The motion to table the report resulted in a lie vote of 44 to 44 , and was decided by the chair man's vote in the negative. An ap peal was made from the decision of the chair , but the chair was sustained. Various substitutes were offered , and and after some excitement the con vention proceeded to nominate a can didate for judge of the supreme court. An informal billet was ordered , dur ing which a lively discussion ensued , and John Kehoe was called to the chair. The vote was announced , as follows : Total vote cast , 71 ; William Thornton , of Sullivan , 47 ; Thomas Armstrong , of Jefferson , 17 ; scatter ing , 7. Four regular ballots were taken , when Thoi. C. Armstrong , of Jefferson , was declared chosen. A platform was offered aud after a long debate was laid aside , and a substi tute , offered by Furbusb , of Brook- lyn'was ad opted "that the Chicago platform be affirmed , and this body pledges itself to support the nominees of that convention. " Convention ad journed. Democratic Clam-Bake- Special Disp tch to The Bee. PROVIDENCE , R L , August 19 , 1 a. m. About 10,000 people attended the democratic ratification meeting at Rocky Point yesterday. It was pre sided over by Hon. Wm. Beach Law rence. Speeches on the usual politi cal topics were made by Ex-Congress man Tarbor , of Massachusetts ; Speaker Randall , of Pennsylvania ; Gov. Robt. McLean , of Maryland ; Senator Jones , of Louisiana , and others. Letters of regret were read from Gen. Hancock , Senator Elton , of Connecticut ; John Kelly , Senator Bayard , John Lee Carroll , of Mary land ; Joseph E. Johnstonof Virginia ; Senator Pendleton , of Ohio ; W. S. Groasbeck , Gov. AlcClellan , Gov. Hondricks and others. Sherman' Great Speech. Special Dispatch to The Bee. WASHINGTON , August 1ft , 1 a. m. Secretary Sherman loaves hero on Monday next for Cincinnati , at which place ho will deliver his great cam paign speech. This speech has been carefully prepared , and is said to be a strong presentation of the republican cause. Nutmeg Graters. Special dispatch to Th Bee. NEW HAVEN , Conn. , August 19 * 1 a. m. The democratic state con vention held here yesterday was well attended and everything passed off In a very harmonious manner. The slate had been arranged beforehand , and all the candidates wrra put in nomination byacclamation. . For governor , J. E. English , of New Ha- vec ; lieutenant governor , Chas. M. Pond , Hartford ; secretary of slate , Steven S. Blake , Bridgeport ; comp troller , Chai. R. Fagan , Middletown- state treasurer , Merrick A. Marcy , Union ; presidential electors-at-large , Chas. R. Jngersoll , of New Haven , and George L. Waldo , of Hartford ; glitrict electors , Treat district , R. W , H. Tarvi , Hartford ; second , Henry G. Hubbard , Middleton ; third , C. F. Cleveland , Hampton ; fifth. Darius V. Couch , Norwalk. The newly elected Bt&te central committee organized by the choice of John Byxbee for chair man and voted tomeet again in Hart ford on August 25th. „ Another Lie Nailed. Special Dispatch to Die Bee. NEW "YORK , August 19 , 1 a. m. For some days past a rumor has bean current that Chairman Jewell , of the republican national committee , in tended to resign from thai ; important position Yesterday Mr. Jewell de nied having any ouch intenli > n , and said that the story emanated with the newspapers. HESITATING DEMOCRATS. The democratic state committo ? have not yet dpcidod whether or net to call a convention for the nomina tion of a candidate for the court of ap- pcala. Virginia Eead.uators- ) Special dispatch to the Bee. WASHINGTON , August 10 1 a. m. A private letter- received here yester day from a prominent'Virginian read- juster , states that the cause of the re- adjustera is in a most flourishing con dition , and that there is no doubt but what they will carry the state by a handsome majority. The defections from the readjustora' ranks , it is claimed , is more than balanced by the accessions from the ranks of the fundera- A Negro Colony. SpcIal dkpalchjto The Hoc. CUICAOO , August i8 10 p. m. Wnv H. Ash , a prominent republican of Montgomery , Ala. , and Hon. J. T. Raner , fornierly member oE congress from Alabama , are hero eu route to southern Kansas to prospect for a lo cation for a negro colony from Mont gomery and Madison counties , Ah * This is the first exodus movement ft'om that state , and is caused by the late heavy democratic vote. A Crazy Myattry. Special Dispatch to The Bee. NEW YORK , August Ifl , 1 a. m. Mrs. Sarah Thompson and her two daughters , who were taken suddenly in and here Tuesday crazy Albany , came i day night , proceeded at once to the St. Denis hotel and were there as signed to a room on the third floor , but when an attendant went to the ladies' parlor to conduct them there the three began to screech and moan with terror , aud a terrible tumult en sued. Ultimately they were induced to go upstairs , and when once in the room resumed their strange actions. A watch was kept on them during the night , and yesterday morning early one of the daughters was removed to Bellevue hospital. At 1 o'clock in the afternoon another ambulance was summoned to convey the other daugh ter to the same place , ns she had be come so violent to manage. The mother was quiet and cared for by a married daughter , who arrived during the night They claim that they wertrfohowod during their trip in the Adirondacks by a man who attempted to poison thuni , nnd exhibit the most abject terror when reference is made to him. Sluing Down on Pool Soiling. SpccUl Dispatch to The Bee. NEW YOKE , August 19,1 a. m. . In the case of the pool sellers recently arraigned for violating the laws agiit t gambling , Justice Smith yes terday decided to hold the prisoners for trhl on the charge of felony to await the action of the grand jury. Brighton Beacn Running. Special dispatch to Tnn BIL NEW YORK , August 19 1 a. m. The weather yesterday was cool and pleasant , and the races at Brighton Beach were well attended. There wire four events on the programme , the first of which was the special mile race , won by Charley Ro s , with Brigiton eecond ; time , 1:17 - . The second race , one milo and a quarter , for three-year-"ldH , was won by Ingo- imr , with British Lyon second ; time , 2:13. : Third race , mile and a furl on 2 , all ages , was won by Virginian , Glen- mcre second ; time , 1:55. : Fourth race , stoaplo chase for green horses , over a short course , was won by Moderator - orator , L. L second , Case Keeper third , time , 3:04. : Saratoga Ra Special Dispatch to Turn EK * SARATOGA , August 18 , 10 p. m. Tha first race , purse of 250 , for all ages , was won by Goldbug , with Flor ence B second , Emma Caspar third : time 1:46. : The second race , purse of $150 , a handicap , for all ages , milo and 600 yards , was won by Gabriel , with Gov. Hampton second and Junt- ata third. Caught by a Crowbar. I ? | tUi to The B < x > DENVERCO ! . , August 19 1 a. m. At Pueblo , Tuesday , Henry Orr , a railroad employe engaged in driving piles , fell against the point of a crow bar which passed entirely through bis body , killing htm instantly. A Standing Joke. Special dispatch to TOE HIE. NKXV YORK , August 18 , 10 p. m. Dr. Roger Tracy , ono ft the sanitary inspectors , hag submitted to the board of health a voluminious report of his efforts to ascertain , in obedi ence to the direction of Ihe boardthe influence of-long continued standing on the health of girls and young wo men employed in stores. He did not find his work satisfactory. The girls and ealesnomen and their parents whom he talked with treated his in quiries with scorn or ridicule. The ' "employers , when spoken to personally , attributed the palo faces and weary manners to dissipation and bad food. No one paid any attention to the in spector's circular. Springfield Kaces. Special Dispatch to The Bee. SPRINGFIELD , Mas . , August 19,1 a. m. There was a large attendance at the Hampden Park races yesterday. The.first race was the 2:36 : class , purse $2,000. Wilbur F. won the third , fourth and fifth heats and the race ; beat time , 2:26. : The feature of the day was the 2:19 : class race ; Hannis won theljthird , fcurth and fifth heats and the race ; best time , 2:19. : The next event on the programme was for p cers tttat had never beaten 2:22 , purse , S500. There were only two starters , Ben Hamilton and Char ' ger , and was wou by Ben Hamilton 'm three straight heats. Best time , " " " " " 2:27. : Murphy & Lovettlns. Agency"old ; est ectablithedagenov in thai state , plS4 > - - 1 . /J-ii- ROASTING RAYS , Old Sol Sends Down His Warmest Commenda tions to the Odrir clave , . Wilting the Plumed AWarriors and Visitors Indis criminately. - V The Terrific Heat and Immense - i mense Crowds Spojl the Festivities , , ; j The Prize Drill a Very Perspir ing Affair. Becreation and Relaxation. gpeclil dispatch to The Bee. CHICAGO , August 18 4 p. m. This is one of the hottest days of summer ia Chicago. It is very un fortunate , owing to the crowded con dition of the city. Jockey Club park , whore the Templars' prize drill is be ing held , is five miles from the bus iness centre. All the forenoon the crowds of people flocking to the park have been simply marvelous. The Western Division Railway com pany brought cut all the summer and winter cars from all their various lines and placed them on the Madison str/eot line , which reaches the pifk di rect. From an1 early hoar there has been nn almost continuous string of cara reaching the whole five miles , and every ono crowded to its utmost. The string of returning cars at first were empty , but towards noon they began to fill with tired , perspir ing people , returning to the city. Besides the people who went in the street-cars , an equal number wont out by other ve hicles , forming nn unbroken proces sion on Washington boulevard. Many went also by the Northwestern and 0. , B. & Q. railways , which run with in half a mile of the park. The heat at the park was very intense , and lit tle enjoyment could bo had in ffitncsaing the drill. The same crunea that spoiled the parade yesterday and the grand ball last n'ght are operating to mar the pleas ure of participating in or witnessing the grand prize drill to-day , namely : The unusual heat and unwieldly crowds. It is estimated that 50,000 people were in the park at noon. They are rapidly returning to the city , and this afternoon will bo largely devoted - voted to lake excursions , which is the most enjoyable recreation for a Thejprizo drill announced for 9.30 did not begin until after 12. At 1 p. m. only the Monroe commanderyof Rochester , N. Y. , and the Reed com- mandery of Dayton , Ohio , had drill ed. The other competitors are Ivanhoo , of St. Lonia , mounted , De Molay , of Grand Rapids , mounted , Damascus , of St. Paul , Rofes of In dianapolis , Oriental , of Cleveland , Do Molay , of Louisville , and Bayard , of StillwatiT. Ono knight on the ground was prostrated by the heat. The drill will not be completed until a late hour and may have to be post poned. ALMOST PERFECT EVOLUTIONS. Special Dispatch to the lice. CHICAGO , August 10 , 1 a. m. At the Knights Templar prize-drill yesterday , Detroit commandery , which won the prize at Cleveland in 1877 , appeared and gave an exhibi tion drill , but refused to enter the competition. Their movements were almost perfect. The judges of the drill were Gen. Whipple , cf Sheridan's staff ; Capt. Davis , of the First regiment of mili tia nnd Lieut. Dudley , of the Second United States artillery. The first competing commandory to appear was Monroe of Rochester. Its movements were excellent , and it was enthusiastically cheered. Emi nent Commander George F. Loder , immediately after the drill , SUCCUMBED TO TnEHEAT , and considerable effort was necessary to revive him. Ex Deputy Superin tendent of Police Diedaon , of Chicago , was also Bun-struck. After the Monroe drill came the Reed commandery of Dayton ; Roper Indianapolii ; Damascus of St. Paul ; DeMolai of Louisville ; DeMolai of Grand Rapids , mounted. ARRANGEMENTS WERE NOT SUFFICIENT at thu park for the 40,000 or 50,000 who went there , and the greater num ber left before the drill was com pleted , which was not until 5 p. m. The drill committee held a meeting last night , and received Ihe rnport of the judges. At 11 o'clock they gave to the press the following AWARD or PRIZES : First prizj , awarded to Roper com mandery of Indiinapolig , who scored 313 put of a possible 350. The judges considered 35 movements , perfection In each being marked 10 ; second prize to DeMolai of Louisville.which scored 267 ; third priza to Koed of Dayton , score 250 ; fourth prize to Damascus of St. Paul , Bcoro 208 2-10. The St. Louis commandery failing to appear , the DeMolai of Grand Riplds was the only one competing on horseback. It was complimented as drilling excel lently , and awarded a special prize cf guerdons and a golden bugle. The following official note was inserted in the report of the committee : Monroe commandery of Rochester , strong in numbers , presenting a generally fine appearance , performing many move ments with precision , but failed en tirely to comply with the rules and regulations established by the com mittee to regulate the drill , hence the judges found it impossible to make any score for them. The prizes will be awarded at 11 a. m. to-day at the camp. flRAND ENCAMPJtESX held two sessions yesterday , bnt did nothing of public interest. To day the triennial officers will be chosen. Last night a grand pyrotechnic dia- playwas to have bean given on the lake front at the encampment , but up to 11:30 : o'clock nothing could be seen of it , a crowd almost equal to that of " - - ' - - - - - { 3 ting for hours in anxious expectancy. The encimp- mont closes to-day. PRIZES. One grand prizn , consisting of an elegant sword and belt for an Eminent Commanderto bo the property of the commandery winning it ; extra priza to accompany it. First prize , a gold cross valued at $1,000. One grand prize , consisting of a libation sot , twenty-five piecss , quadruple plate of fine silver , with coat-of-arms of the Apollo and St. Bernard , Chicago commanderies , goblets gold lined- Oneraudprizconsisting ( of a full set of commandery jewels , fourteen pieces , eolid silver , finely engraved , with the commander's ' jewel of gold , and with diamond setting. One grand prize ; consisting of a banquet set , embracing six dozen pieces of granite gla-s and silverware , sufficient to dreza a table for eoventy-two per . sons. One grand prize consisting of a set of robes for Rod Cross council. One special priza for mounted com- rnanderies , consisting of two elegant silk guerdons , and a finely engraved gold bugle. Special prize for grand commanderios , consisting of a fine gold grand commander's jewel with diamond , ruby and emerald setting , to be the properly of the grand com mandery winning it. WASHINGTON. DISTRICT BONDS. Special DUpatclics to The Bee. WASHINGTON , August 18,10p.m. The United States treasurer to day is sued $242,000 3-G5 registered bonds in exchange for board of audit certificates of the District of Columbia , being the first lasiio of 3 65 bonds , under the new l < tw passed at the last session of congress. The secretary of thu treasury to-day authorized the assistant trea surer at Now York to purchase § 2- , 500,000 bonds on account of the sink ing fund. The receipts to-day from internal revenue and customs aggregate § 1.- 257,893. ARMY ORDERS. Orders are about to be issued from the war office miking the following assignment of officers iu the adjutant- general's department : Gen. Chauncy McHenry , now on duty with General Hancock , and General D. Ilugglea , now on duty with General Terry , to duty in the adjutant-general's office , Washington ; Col. S. Benjamin , now in the adjutant-general's office , trans ferred to headquarters Department of Arizona ; Major Martin , now in Ari zona , to the Department of Dakota ; Major Nickeraun , now on duty in Washington , to headquarters District of New Mexico ; General Frye will remain at General Hancock's head quarters. INTKRNATIONAL SANITARY CONGRESS. Secretary Evarta has addressed a circular letter to the ministers repre senting the United States at the capi tals of the several maritime powers of the world , inviting these powers to send delegates to an international- . Anitirr Asutiforonoa propa o lJ > y i oint resolution of cOBgroea anil J ft proved by the president the 14th of May last. The secretary's letter con cludes as follows : "It is thought by the president that such delegates as may be appointed by the powers to attend the proposed conference should be authorized to conclude , if deemed expedient upon consultation , an inter national convention iu relation to any proper subject for international sani tary regulations to be proposed for the consideration of the governments interested. In order that the pro posed conference , if agreed to by the several foreign powers interested in the subject , may be held at as early a period as practicable , the president deems it expedient to suggest the 1st of January , 1881 , as a suitable day for the assembling of the conference in this city ( Washington ) In the event , however , that any government should have occasion toprefor a differ ent date for the meeting , this govern ment will be ready to reconsider the question with a view to the alteration of the date. " COST OF GOVERNMENT. The treasury department has pre pared a statement showing the receipts and expenditures of this government from 1855 to 1880. UNCLE SAM'S INCOME AND EXPENSES. The not revenue for 1830 fools up ? 333,52GG10.9S and the not ordinary expenses 8267,642,957.78. BREAKIhG NEUTRALITY LAW8. The following was furnished for the press at the war department yesterday afternoon : PlttSIDIO OF SAN PRANCISCO. ) August 18 , 1880. } To Gen. Sherman , Washington : The following is just received from the commanding officerDepartment of Arizona , August 10. It waa reported that a small party crossed the Sonora line from Tucson on the 9th inst , some twenty-two in number. They left Tucson on the 5th , but the mili tary were not Informed till the 7th. Captain Whitcsido pursued them , and on the 14th I addressed a , letter to the United States marshal , suggesting that the business of discovering and arresting such email parties be com mitted to the marshal's officers , and at the same time to give assistance whenever - over ossis'tauco might bo requited. This morning , Marshal Dake and hia deputy , Evans , of Tucson , came to see me , and the following order to Col. Barr is the result : "Marquese was last heard from at M.iz.iltejn aud is expected back in Arizona. Papers and proofs are reported as almost ready in the nur i-il's hands , in his case , and they will bo ready to arrest him when he come * . The United States marshal having agreed lo take upon himself the detecting and arrest ing of small parties accused of violat ing the neutrality law ? , he desires some aid , which you will furnish in small numbers from time to time , from the moat convenient posts. This order is given under the original in structions of the department comman der to prevent any violation of the neutrality laws and to arrest Marqueae if fonnd to have violated the laws. In the case of large parties , from whom assistance might be expected , you will proceed against them with the requisite force and take a United States marshal along , with the proper papers to hold and proiecute them under the civil laws. Please cooperate ate fully with the civil authorities. IRVING McDoKALD , Maj , r-General. Base BslL The following games of base ball were played August 18th. BROOKLYN , Augujt 19,1 a. m. .Eochesters G , Nationals 3. " ' " Provl- - * > DOMESTIC DOINGS. The Town of Eureka , Nevada , Desolated by Fire a Second Time , A Gang of "Respectable" Queer Pushers Bagged at Peoria. A Shrewd Cincinnati Heathen Swindles two Fellow Mongolians. A Terrible Conflagration ; .Sprdal dispatch to The Bre. SAN FRANCISCO , August 18,4 p. m. The terrible scenes of last year have again been enacted el Eureka , Ne vada. A terrible conflagration has visited the town and laid it in ashes. The fire started at an early hour this morning in a small frame building. A violent wind which was blowing at the time fanned the fhmes which quickly spread to the neighboring dwellings and stores. All efforts to stay the course of the conflagration were unavailing. The whirlwind of fire swept up the streets and gulches , laying the whole city under the fiery ban. The confusion and tumult was very great. There was little time for the inhabitants to remove their goods , and quantities of merchandise waa ta ken info the street ! ) only to be des troyed by the rapid advance of the flames. Several lives ara believed to have been lost. The loss of properly will reach § 1,000,000. The fire went over the aarao territory destroyed by the conflagration of last year. Many families are destitute. Counterfeiters' Gan ? Broken Up. Special Dispatch to The Bee. PEORIA , III. , August 18 4 p. m. A few days ago a dispatch announced the arrest of a man named Clarke , of St. Louis , for counterfeiting. It seems thit ho belonged to a well-or ganized gang that have lived and flour ished in and around this city for years. Yesterday the authorities collared two of the Ran nanwd Mir- tin and Collender. The former is a well-to-do farmer , and resides about five miles from the city. Ho has been looked upon as a hard-working , but the evidence straight-forward man , dence against him ia conclusive. The latter individual. Dr. Collentler , was formerly a member of the city council of this city , and waa at o-ie tlrao well- off , but through crooked whisky lost it all. Since his arrest he haa com- iplaielv-brokendo3 rt Ho iita in his cell nnd moans , ancTlhc robabilitv is that ho will make a clean breast of it. The government has also captured the plates and die from which the $10 greenbacks were printed. This was turned up in St. Louis , through the working of the secret police. Other and more prominent arrests arc to be made to clay. Victoria's Whereabouts. Special Dispatch to Tns UEE. SANTA FE , N. M. , August 18 , 4 p. m. The latest information from Mexico ice is that Victoria and his Indians archill the Sierra Candelaro moun tains about sixty miles from El Paso southwest , in the state of Chihuahua. The whereabouts of the Mexican troops are not known. Three dys ago two Mexicans were killed by the Indiana near the village of Santa Ma ria in the state oi Chihuahua. unloading the Obelisk. Special dispatch to TUB BEE. NEW YORK , August 18 , 4 p. m. Workmen commenced to unload the obelisk to-day. It is estimated that twenty days will bo consumed in dis charging the etono , which will be slid out at au anglo with its present posi tion in the hold of the steamer. Tbo Heuthen Chinee is Peculiar. Special Dispatch to The Bee. CINCINNATI , August 18 , 4 p. m. Char. Leo , a Chinaman is in jail for nn ingenious swindle on two fellow Mongolians. Ho procured a rough chunk of brass weighing twenty-six pound , discolored the edges with gold and represented it as a huge lump of bullion which had been stolen and could not bo disposed of in this country without great ri'k. The two purchased it for § 2000 , ex pecting to clear three or four thous and dollars by shipping it to China. Before purchasing they had a piece knocked cff for assay and Char Lee was careful that they got a doctored knob which stood the test. THE TRICK OF SPIES , Secret Agents of the British Government Working Vigorously , TheyPlanaGunpowderPlotand Capture it in Time. The Belfast Orange Bigots Pre cipitate a Riot. SpecUl Dispatch to THE RIB. CORK , August 18 4 p. m. A dia bolical and daeply laid plot to blow up the military barracks in this city and to kill hundreds of people as well as to destroy an immense amount of valuable property , has been discovered just in time to prevent its execution. The great Southern & Western rail way leading into the city , pastes directly under the Roy al Barracks , in which there is at present an unusually large garrison of troops , the reinforcements from England being among them. The military commander late last night received private information of a plot to blow up the turncl and thus de stroy the barracks with the garrison. Placing himself in instant communi cation with the rail road officials the run ning of trains through.the tunnel was suspended and a search was made. This resulted in finding two barrels of gunpowder in a recess of the tunnel just beneath the barracks. The bar * EDHOLM & ERIGKSON , Wholesale and Betail MANUFACTURING JEWELERS AM PEAOTIOAL WATCH-MAEEKS. WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Goods sent to any part of the United States on solicitation. Largest assortment of SILVERWARE , CLOCKS & SPECTACLES , And everything fonnd generally in a first- class Jewelry Store. * * BEST SELECTED STOCK IN THE CITY ! Jewelry manufactured on short notice. Orders from the Country solicited. Whcniu Omaha rail and sec " > . A'o trouble to show Goods. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , The Jewelers , Opposite the PostoHice , lath & Dodge. To protect the public agiliist imitators we apetiall } caution all purchaser * of Benson's Capcine Porous Plaster To Me that the work CAPCINE on Ihe htnl ID sp Uc < I correctly. Do not allow * om othe- Plaster to bepalmeJ off under aflrrilUrxouiiJfni ; nam # , with the usnr * Mice the ; itlt aa good Bear Hi mtn < l that the only obj-ct such dealers c a hue , is the fact th t tlity can mike a few penults extra proflt by Helling the pu tutu. SBABUBY & JOHNSON. rels communicated with each other by means of a fuse , which was all pre pared to be lighted. The fuse was cut off and the barrels were removed to the barracks. A largo number of troops were then immediately placed under arms and the entire neighborhood was scoured , but nothing further was found. Tha guards are now doubled and armed parties of soldiers and constables are patroled outside the birracks.Thero is not the nlightest clue to the conspira tors. The information received by the commandant was from anonymous letter. THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY. Special Dispatch to Tnr. En. LONDON , August 18 , 4 p. m. The Fenians and Nationalists are loud in declaring that it is a put up job on them , caused by the secret agents of the government , for the purpose of exciting popular inclination and of checking the tide of syirrpithy jn V. IA for ir u ' .r - ' ' - ' M , ii "ne'a'ecret aijontfo ! ment placed the barrels of gunpow der in the tunnel and then wrote the anonymous letter to the commandant. RIOTING AT BELFAST. Special DUpatch to Tha Bee. LONDON , August 18 4 p. m. A Dublin dispatch says there is contin ued excitement at Durgannon and a renewal of the rioting at Belfast. BOYNE BIJOES. A hearing in the case of parties ar rested for participation in tha bloody riots at Belfast on Sunday last showed that the Orangemen were at fault and were responsible for the difficulty. Thirty Catholics were wounded , of whom two have since died. There is much excite ment in the community , and both sides are exceedingly bitter. Furi'-ar collisions are apprehended. The funeral of Dean Ivirwin took p'.tce to-day.ind waa an immense , imposing demonstration. Largo bodies of Catholic * from Wesford were in at tendance. BATTLED AND RIDICULOUS. Special Jlspa h to The B LONDON , August 19 , 1 a. m. The authorities are in a etate of per fect and pitiful consternation in con sequence of the alleged discovery of a plot to blow up the railway tunnel and barracks. The military and con stabulary are much alarmed , although government officials pretend to make light of the discovery , but there is no doubt but what they are in a state of greit alarm and apprehension. Some of the precautions which are taken are ridiculously absurd. Even news paper reporters in the discharge of their duties are marched between a file of soldiers nnd are watched as closely as if they were Fenian prison ers in digraco. MAKINO CAPITAL OUT OF IT. Right Hrm. William E. Forsler , chief secretary for Ireland , on re ceiving news of the pint to blow np Cork barrack ? , immediately started for Ireland to confer with the author ities in Cork and institute a thcrough investigation of the atfair in order to defend the constabulary estimates from the attacks of the homo rulers in parliament. COERCION ACIS RENEWED. The conservative * under the leader ship of Lord Churchill have decided to induce the government to renew the coercion acti in Ireland. OLE HULL DEAD. Adhpitch jiiit received from Cer- fttu , Norway , announces the death of OIo Bill ) , the famous violinist. THE INFLUX OF GOLD. Special Dwpatch to Till Bit. LONDON , August 18 4 p. m. A Hamburg dispatch says that a steamer leaving that port for the United Stites to-day will take oat 6,000,000 gold marks , or about 815,000,600 , being the balance due on exchaugo in return for grain and provisions recently im ported from the United States. BAZAINE'S DEATH AGAIN REPORTED. Special Dispatch to Th tea LONDON , August 18 4 p. m The news of the death of Marshall Baziine which waa received here two days ago , and afterwards contradicted , is again reported and generally believed. Some of the most intense of the French radicals protest against the burial of his remains upon the French soil. MARKETS B * TKLECRAPU. Cblcago Produce. CHICAGO , August 18. Wheat Active but unsettled ; No. SJ spring aold at 8S@88c ; } for cash ; 87 0 for August ; 8UjO88Jo for Hep- tember ; 87S@87 c for October , closing atSSccashor August ; 87o for Sep tember ; 87o for October ; 87jc seller the year. Corn Ruled active and j@3c higher ; sales of No. 2 at S7J@38Jo for August ; 37i@39o for September ; 38i@30 c for October ; closing at 38o bid cash ; 38@38Jo for August ; 38gc for September ; 38c for October. Oats J@c higher ; No. 2 selling at 23 e24jc for August ; 235@24jc for September ; closing at 24c for cash , August and September ; 25c for Octo ber ; 24c seller thn year. Rye Unchanged , at 69Jc for No. 2 in store , and GSic for September. Barley Quint and unchanged ; No. 2 October sold nt 76c. Whiaky SI 09. Hug products active and higher. Mees Pork Advanced 20@50o per brl , and pold at § 16 7017 00 for Au gust ; § 16 8o@17 10 for September ; closing at $16 50@18 75 for caih ; " ? U- ( ' 1690 for Septemberl 60@l6 65 for October. ' Lard 25c per 100 ibs dearer ; 57 70 @ 7 95 fur September ; 87 7508 02 $ for October ; closing at § 7 90 for casher or August ; 87 9007 97 * for Septem ber ; 8792i < 38 00 for October. New York Money and Stock. Wxu. ST. , NHW YORK , AugtMt 18,1.30 p.m. MONEY At 2 } per cent ; exchange- steady GOVERNMENTS. Firm. CIS6 > 'SI WJ Ncvr V 1001 US5 > I02J Currr-ncy ff IIS US4J' Ill STOCKS Moderately active and advanced J lo 2 ] rr cent , reaclii Kto j to } percent. WUT 10GJ St JOB pfd 81 NYC 1J3 Wahish 41 Krie Wabanh pM 11 Erie.profd 70 $ St. P. and Omaha. . 41 Lake Shoru 10S& St. P.andO. pfd. . . 83 K. I _ 113 U. V Bl Northwestern tfJj CC&IC IB Northwutem pfd.1201 lllcb. Central . 0.1 FatiHc Mall 3 Ohio 33J Hudson Can l . S'-i Ohio pled 74 N J Central . 7r. St. Paul 88J M & E St.Vaul pfd. . . . . . HSfc Reading 2M St. Joe 37 i I.SI 661 Chicago Live Stoclc. Cincioo , August 18. Hogs Active and prices 5@10c per 100 Ibi higher ; sales at $4 90@5 10 for light packing and shipping ; 84 60 @ 5 15 for heavy packing ; 84 700525 for good to extra smooth assorted heavy shipping lots. Receipts , 4590 head. head.Cattle Receipt * liberal ; a few droves were taken up to 11 o'clock at 84 154 25 for fair to good grades of shipping stock ; stock buyers were purchasing to a limited extent at § 'J 70 < 33 55 for stock steers and feed ers ; local buyera did very little in the way of purchaiing ; only one lot of cows chanted hands , at $2 25. Re ceipts , 46'JO ' head. bt. loula Produce. Sr. LODIS , August 18. Flour Eisiorbut not lower. \Vhea No. 2 red , 94j(394jc } ( caih ; No. 4.94g01jcfor August ; 90j@90Jo for September ; 90i90jc for October ; 89g@S9.ic for the year ; No. 3 do , 8G@8Gc ; NO. 4 do , 83Jc. Corn Diglmr ; 25Jc bid for caah ; 25 for Scptombor. Rye Higher at 70Jc. L ad Unchanged. Butter Unchanged. E.'gs Unch lilted. Whisky SI 08. Pork Strong and slow at 816 00 a'k'-d f r cishAugust and September. Dry Slt Mnats Stronger ; car lots , § 5 20 < 38 20C'8 30g8 ( Go. B. c < m Better at 83 87 * < g9 00@9 15 Q9 20. Lard Higher at 87 85. Receipts Flour 6,000 bbls , wheat 10,000 bu.corn 56,000 bu.oats , 14,000 fau , rje 3,000 bu , barley 2,000 bu. Shipments Flour 9,000 bbls , wheat 18,000 bu , corn 3,000 bu , o t 2,000 bu. St. Louis Live Stoclc. ST. Louis , August IS. Hogs Steady ; Yorkers and Bal- timores , 84 85 ® 4 95 ; mixed packing , § 4 9035 15 ; butchers to fancy , $5 15 @ 5 30. Receipts , 5,600 head ; ship ments , 3,000. . MllwauKeo Produce Market. MILWAUKEE , August 18. "Wheat Firra ; opened declined jjc and cloied firm ; hard , nominal ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 91c ; No. 2 do , 89c ? ; Au gust , 89'c ; September , 87Jc ; October , 87fc ; No. 3 do , 78c. Corn In fair demand at 38Jc. Oats Quiet at 34c. Rye Dull at 68c. Barley Steady ; No. 2 spring , 75ic , "TOOK A FINE KUiucauK front , Voon. _ C counter , Mantle , Store flttlnir , veneered * ork CO to 1310 D < xl0 Street , A. F. KAFEKT CO.BuUd 3. / * J