Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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\ Established 1871. MORNINQ fblTION. Price Five Cents
Hioting Still Continues in
Belfast ,
Wliere the Orangemen Eurned
0'0omellin Effigy.
Reports of a Terrible Railway
Horror in France.
'aris Express Train for
Buns Down a Slow Train
in a Fog
Prince of Wales to Visit
America This Year.
British Liberals to Refuse
Money to Carry on the
Afghan War.
Epeclal Jlepatch to The Bee
LONDON , August 18 , 1 a. m.
TLoPrince and Princess of Wales pre
sented the c-jlora to the Welsh re in-
forcemcnta departing to join the army
in India. There was an immense
crowd and much enthusiasm among
both soldiers und citizens.
It 5s reported that the Prince , of
Wales will go to Australia in October ,
returning via California.
The militp-y clubs doubt the truth
f the statement that Ayoob Khan
jand Abcl.arman Khan are co-operating.
'They ulso ridicule Ayoob's defensive
CDgiiieorini ; works.
Gen. Roberta is reported to be 180
tailes from Candahar , proceeding
aouthwest by forced marches. Hie
progress so far is uninterrupted.
A third disp.Vcli says that when the
collision between the Baltic and Lang-
ford occurred , the Baltic was at an
chor the latter fatruck her in the stern
with fearful force. The Baltic pas
sengers have been transferred to the
Republic , ivhicli sails on Thursday.
Lord Harrington , in the house oi
commons yesterday , while making the
Indian financial statement , took occa
sion to allude to the present aspect pi
the controversy between the Berlin
signatory powers and Turkey , and
Enid that in the opinion of the gov
ernment the porte should bo granted
longer time in which to accomplish the
surrender of Dulcigno , in accordance
with Aboddin Pasha's request to the
piwers. If this were done , Lord
JI rtinRton thought the ports would
carry out the Corti compromise with
out modification.
9 , The Sportsman yesterday said thai
\ 21. * Christopher Barros , of Now Cas
tle , having received a letter from
Wallace ROSJ , the oarsman , of River
side , N. B. , authorizing him to do so ,
will match Ross to row the winner o !
the Blackmail-Laycoak match , orWm
Elliott , of Blvth , of the Tyno champ
ionship ; the race in three monthi
from the first deposit , for 1,000 i
In the house of commons ysstordaj
Marquis Hartington , secretary estate
state for India , in a speech accom
panying the state of India's finances
oaid that the probable future war ex
penditures in Afghanistan wouli
amount to 180,000. After all de
ductions had been made there re
mainodn , total of 7,000,000. Fo
this year 3,500,000 would bo rcquirec
to cover this , aud ho would take loan
for productive works in India and re
duce drawings by 100,000. If ncc
csaary , tnts loan might bo made in In
dia. The marquis added that hi
would not make any atatement regard
ing an imperial contribution to thi
expenses of the war in Afghamstai
until ho know what the total cos
would be. His lordahip'a s'atemen
ivasreceived with BOiuetluu- like con
nternation , and , it is beli"v- ' , strong
efforts will bo made by tU radica
members of the house t > n 'ico tin
government to withdra v , is > ipidly : i
possible , all its forces fr < -i Vgnenia
tan and relieve the air ? < l i upovoi
ished population of JIKI i in an1
further taxation to dcfra t'l 2 oxpen
ses of the war inwhicii ' t ivo n
interest , and which wa.s b i' lit abou
by tha ill-advised policy o l to par
of the Baacousfield adm i -.ration
These members of the bousp , ho coc
stitute a not inconaidurao'e ' faction
will urge that the whole expense c
the duaBtrims campaign shall be dt
frayed by the constituents of the ad
ministration which brought this ct
latnity upon the country.
A dispatch from Buenos Ayres saj
that Delvalletho senator from Bueui
Ayrcs , will probably be elected proa
dent of the Argentine Republic.
In the house of commons yesterda
Mr. Foster , secretary of state f <
Ireland , referring to Mr. Dillon
epeech at Kildare , condemned it i
wicked and cowardly. He said that i
the present state of feeling in Irolam
a state of fetling growing out of coc
mercial distress , which has prevaili
for several years throughout tl
world , any man who deliberately e
cites the passions of the Irish peep
towards the government , is guilty
attempting to provoke civil war wi
all its horrors. Mr. Forster addi
that , in common with all the membc
of the opposition , he believed In fr
discussion of public questions , b
trusted that no one who listened
him was weak enough to confoui
that right and duty with the rant
fanatics who were bent on a revel
ll tionary and partism purpose , aU
gether regardless of the conBequen
or law.
A dispatch from Bombay n
54,000 rupees have' been subicrib
at a meeting in that city to form a j
riotic fund. One firm subscrib
10,000 rupeea.
A dispatch from Berlin aaya Priu
Bismarck's health continues poor. 1
has lost ton pounds in weight anew
now -weighs only 238 German pouni
gir On&rle * PUke , uuder secreti
for foreign affairjia ill with rheumatic
The funeral of Adelaide Neilson will
take place on Friday. She will be
buried in Brompton cemetery , this
city. Her death is attributed to her
drinking a cup of iced milk. The
body of the dead actress , which was
taken to the morgue in Paris in a
largo hamper , has been claimed by an
old naval officer.
Cholera is reported epidemic at
Turn Seurin.
A dispatch from Belfast rays that
riding-n'as resumed yesterday. Sev
eral houses were wrecked and the po
lice charged on the crowd and thirty
arrests were made. Many persons
wergjnjured. The Orangemen bur
ied cTConnell in effigy.
Several land meeting were held in
Ireland yesterday. At a meet'iig of
the land league Mr. Dillon strongly
urged the farmers not to submit their
case to the land commission.
A dispatch from Calcutta states that
letter has been received from Major
Seneral Primrose , who is now in the
citadel of Candahar awaiting suciot
Tom the British army , in which he
says that he has provisions and watei
sufficient to last his troops for forty-
ive days.
Sixty thousand Russian troops are
reported concentrated on the Russian
"rontier near Bendorand Beni.
Special Diepitch to The Bee.
PARIS , August 13 1 a. m. The
town of Vicay has been thrown into a
state of consternation by the announce'
mont of a frightful railroad disaster
that occurred yesterday on the Yichj
branch railway , at Halterer station ,
between Vichy and Maulita. Itis atatet
that an express train from Paris rat
into a slow train. A great number o !
persons are reported killed and in
jured and most alarming rumors pro
vail. Without doubt the facts of lh <
accident are exaggerated. Anxietj
prevails among the bithi
at Vichy , in the absence of exact in
Formation regarding the fate of relations
tions and friends. The caufe of thi
collision Is attributed to the fog , whicl
was hanging over the country at tin
time. Through this is thought
the Paris express was dashing at head
long speed , and the presence of the
other train on the track was nol
known in time to prevent the catas
The governmental council openec
their sessions Monday. In about fif
teen of the councils the republicai
candidata replaced the reactionary
president in Gera. Paul do Cassag'
tiac was elected president at Evcreux ,
Special dispatch to The Beo.
CONSTANTINOPLE , August 18. 1 a
m. The sultan , in compliance will
the request of President Hayes , ha
finally decided to maintain the Turk
ish legation at Washington.
The Bulgarian militia reserve ha
been called for active service.
Mr. Goschen , the English ambas
sador has replied to thu sultan regard
ing the latter's objection to fulfillin
the Berlin treaty stipulation concern
Ing the Greek frontier. Mr. Goschei
oilers to give the sultan the guarante
of the signatory powers that full prc
tection will bo accorded the Mussul
man population of the province cedei
to Greece.
Special illapatch to The Bee.
ST. PETERSBURG , August 18 , 11
m. A conflagration in the Bigofk
quarter of " this city destroyed twon t
The Russian government has dc
clined to negotiate at Peking respecl
ng the questions at issue botwoe
China and Russia.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
VIENNA , August 18 1 a. m. I
consequence of insufficient wor
many of the hands employed in th
Spandan artillery foundry have bee
Mao. House Mystery.
Special dLnia'ch to TBS HUB.
NEW YORK , August 17 1 a. in.-
No later information has been ri
eived regarding the mysterious ca :
f Mrs. Sarah Thompson and h <
laughters , Annie and Miunio , of th
ity , who after a few weeks' sojoui
n the Adirondack mountains , are r
sorted to have suddenly become ii
ane while at home , and were sent to
lospital In Albany. The elde
aughter In this city scouts the idi
jf their being crazy , aud says th
uch an idea is utterly absurd ai
idiculous. She refuses to give ai
nets about their family history
amily affairs In any way.
Special Dispitch to The Bee
ALBANY , August 17 1 a. m. Mi
Thompson and her two daughters r
mained in the station houao Mo
day night and yesterday inornin
They continued to act wild whenev
anyone approached them. They we
watched for half an hour through
rauaom , and appeared to act ration :
aut when the door waa opened th
resumed their dancing and gestun
Mrs. Thompson when question
if she had been left a widow aevei
yean ago , said that at that time s
bad property since then she had 1 <
ucr property , but still had money 1
to live on. Aa to her daughters , e
was reticent. They were sent to NI
York on the afternoon train.
To add to the mystery surroundi
them , the following telegram was :
ceived here yesterday afternoon a
opened by Superintendent Rafferty ,
NEW YORK , August 17.
Minnie Thompson , at some hospital , Albany.
Have been to Troy and left. WI
yon have returned to New York te
graph us immediately to Deronshi
The women on being taken from 1
station to the carriage resisted son
but quieted down , and on board ;
car * , until the train started , were i
cile as could be.
Eureka , Nevada , Burned.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
SA > FBANCISCO , August 18 la.
Eureka , Nevada , has again bi
destroyed by fire-going over
same territorv destroyed last ye
Loss , 81,000,000 , Many families
destitute ,
The Colored Cadet's ' Case
Disposed of Till Con
gress Meets ,
Whittaker's Release and an In
definite Furlough Granted.
Uneasy Conscience Twinges
$500 Into the Treasury.
Statement of Silver Coinage
for the Year.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , August 17 10 p. m.
Commander Crowinshield , of the
training ship Portsmouth , under date
of Bar Harbor , Maine , August 12th
reports to the navy department the gal
lant and heroic conduct of John Hun
ter , boatswain's mate ; Henry Crois ,
captain of the after-guard ; Henry
Gerins , seaman , and boys C. Whyan ,
William Tieruey and Joseph Richards ,
in rescuing on the 5th instant , in
Southwest harbor , Mrs. Thomas E.
Baiker. her son and Miss Jennie Cot
ter , of Maiden , Mass. , whoso boafhad
upset in the harbor. But for the
prompt action of the men above men
tioned the boating parly would have
been drowned. *
assistant adjutant general , i\ho has
been in Oregon for some time on
gpecial duty for the department of the
interior , has been relieved from that
duty , nnd will be on duty as assistant
adjutant general to the general re
cruiting service.
Gen. Schofield had a long confer
ence with the president on the Whit-
taker case. Great pressure haa been
brought upon the president to dispose
of the case , but the president has not
yet been nble to BOO his way clear in
the matter. The conference with Gen.
Schofield waa for the purpose of ob
taining that officer's views at length.
Tne general explained the matter
thoroughly , giving tlio details of the
afhir and explaining points in the
printed testimony and proceedings.
It is believed that the case will be
taken up at the cabinet meeting to
day , and may possibly bo disposed of.
The treasury department has the
proceeds of a certificate of deposit
issued by the National Park bank of
Now York , which was received in an
envelope post-marked from an un
known person , with the statement
that the amount , § 500 , belonged to
the conscience fund. The money haa
been deposited in the treasury.
Many inquiries are undo cf the
treasury department from parties in
different parts of the country as to
whether any standard silver dollars
have been coined during the present
year. Parties making the inquiry
state that a largo number of them arc
in circulation aud they are beliovcd
to bo counterfeit. The majority oi
the inquiries como from Texas and
West Virginia. For the benefit of all
concerned , it is otlicially stated thai
since January 1st last 15,959,100
standard dollars have been coined nl
the different mints.
The following ia the detail for th <
recruiting service , commencing Octo
her 1st , 1SSC :
Col. Thos. H. Neil , Eighth Caval
ry , will relieve Col. Currier Grover
First Cavalry , as superintendent oi
the mounted recruiting service , sta
tion at Jefferson Barracks , Mo. ; Ma
jor John Green , First Cavalry , wil
report in person tothosuporintenden1
of the mounted recruiting service ai
executive officer of Jefferson Barracks
Mo ; Col. Wm. H. Wood , Eleventl
Infantry , will relieve Col. Thos. L
Crittenden , Seventeenth Infantry , a
superintendent of the general recruit
ing service , station at Now York City
Lieutenant Colonel Pinknoy Lugen
beel , First Infantry , will report t
the superintendent ot the general re
crnitiug service to command the dope
at David's Island , New York Harbor
Lieutenant-Colonel Lewis C. Hunt
Twentieth Infantry , will report toth
superintendent of the Koneral recruil
ing service to command the deDot n
Columbus Barracks , Ohio. These de
tails are made for the period from Oc
tober 1st , 1880 , to October 1st , 1882
Spcdal Dispatches to The Beo.
WASHINGTON , August 18,1 a. m.-
Prcf. Greener , of the counsel of Cade
Whittaker , made an argument yestei
day bcforo Secretary Ramsey , adyc
eating that a court-martial be grantee
aud that , pending a decision on th :
point , Whiltakcr , who has been i
confinement since the opening of tli
court of inquiry at West Point , I
granted a furlough The secretai
took the question of granting a cour
martial under advisement , but at on (
ordered that Whittaker ba granted a
indefinite furlough. From what tl
secretary said to Prof. Greener , tl
latter infers that a court-martial wi
be ordered. The granting of nn ii
definite furlough to Whittaker , ho ;
ever , disposes of the entire questic
indefinitely , &nd fiual action may m
be had in the case until the meetii
of congress in December.
In view of the new departure to 1
taken by the imperial government
China , as announced in a recent circ
lar , the secretary of Btate'will short
issue a supplementary letter giving i
structions to the United States coi
missioners at Peking. The inform
tion upon which the instructions ate
to be based are now being collected 1
the department.
New York Greenbackers.
Special Dispatch to TBK Bcs.
C. SYRACUSE , AugUBt 18 , 1 a. m.
The greenback state convention w
10 called to order shortly after noon y
terday , and immediately adjourn
he without transacting any business. T
heo convention reassembled , and Clint
Farbuab , Cf Brooklyn , was made tei
porary chairman. The committea i
credentials WBS appointed , and a i
cess taken imtil after after supper.
n. the evenin-r the committee on crede
n.en tials reposed. After consideral
he ditcussion a permanent organizatl
ir. was effected , James Bright , of Eln . ra , being ch Jen permanent chairma
and the umy number of vice pre
dents and secretaries were selected.
James Wright addressed the conven
tion in a brief speech. The conven
tion , after listening to several other
speeches , adjourned to 8 o'clock to
day , in order to give the committee on
resolutions time to report.
Movement of Ocean Steamers.
Special dispatch to tlio Bee.
NEW YORK , August 18 , 1 a. m.
Arrived Bolivia , from Glasgow ;
Weisser , from Bremen. Sailed Ne
vada , for Liverpool.
LIVERPOOL Arrived Olympic ,
from New York.
Atn-ay in Unurch.
Sooclal Dlspitcli to Tun LEU.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , August 18 1 a.
m. A special to the Commercial from
Bedford , Ind. , says that trouble in
the Catholic church there led to an af
fray Monday night , in which Emil
Gaussen was stabbed ton times by a
man named Gerlzel. The priest re
fused to baptize Gaussen's child ,
and the father cursed the priest. His
friends took up the quarrel and this is
the result. This is the same priest
who made everybody in the place an
gry bst Sunday by preaching a strong
sermon against saloons.
Belief for Workmen.
Special dispatch to Tr.E HEH.
NEW YORK , August 18 , 1 a. m.
There is a prospect of the workmen
at the Kockaway Beach hotel receiv
ing the wages which have been due
them for several weeks past. Drexel
& Co. have agreed to take one-half
the company's certificates , issued the
men , at par , and Morton , Bliss & Co.
will take the remainder , about § 100-
000 worth of the securities which bear
interest at G per cent , held by the
workmen , and these will be casbod
upon presentation at the offices r5
the abovn named firms. The work
men are jubilant over the turn nttdira
have taken , as the families of most of
them were suffering for the necessaries
of life.
His Last Act.
Special Dispatch to The Beo.
CINCINNATI , August 18 , 1 a. m.
Harry Opanhoimer , a young variety
actor committed suicide last evening
by taking laudanum. He had been
on a spree.
Over a Drink.
Sped tl Dispatch to The I tee.
PHILADELPHIA , August 18 1 a. m.
Frederick Centner went into the
saloon of Martin Hassutt last night
nnd ordered something to drink.
There was some trouble about paying ,
and Gentner struck Haasett. The
latter leaned across the bar and struck
Centner a powerful blow , which
knocked him to the floor. Gontncr
went to his home , and died ehortly
Another Comet.
Special Dispatch to The Bco
KOCUESTER , August 18 1 a. m.
Prof. Lomis Swift haa discovered
another comet , located in Urea Major ,
right ascension , about 11 hours 28
minutes declination , GS degrees north ,
moving toward the sun.
The now Warner observatory foi
Prof. Swift ia under way , and will be
ono of the moat complete structures
in the country.
Springfield Races.
Special Dispatch to Tlio Bee.
SPRINGFIELD , Mass. , August 18 , ]
a. m. The weather was cool and
pleasant , and the opening day of thi
races at Hatndcn park , under the aus
pices of the Grand Central trottinj
circuit , drew large crowds of visitors
The first race was the 2:27 : cla's
purse 81,000. Daisy Dale took t.n
first kcat in 2:20 : , and Dan Smith thi
throe following , and the race. Bas
time , 2:21 : ] .
The second race , 2:25 : class , pursi
§ 1,000 , was won by Steve Maxwell ii
three straight heats ; Unala SCCOIK
and Grey Chief third.
The third race , 221 ; class , Honor
Chief won. Best time , 2:22. :
The Season at the Academy.
Manager Griffin returned from Nei
York yesterday where ho haa mad
arrangements with some of the bea
companies to appear at the Academ ;
during the coming winter.
The season will open on the 3d o
September , with Harry Webber' '
'Nip and Tuck inPrivato Life" twi
nights and a matinee , and will bo fnl
owed by the tark theatre company i
"Our Boarding Home" and "Our Son
.n-law" two nights.
State fair week the programme wi
be "Hop Scotch , " a new comedy , b
Gulick & Blaisdell's guaranteed con
pany , and John Dillon in his no1
plays , "Gins and his Babies , " an
"Ecleclrlc Lights. "
Tracy Titus comes next with hi
Two Nights in Rome" company , an
Maud Granger aa the star.
Milton Nobles is booked for on
Leavitt's Grand Englisli 0pera con
pany , forty persons , will come nox
and will bo followed by Leavitt
Vaudeville Specialty company , Par
Theater company in "Golden Game ,
Helen Potter's combination , liartlc
Campbell's "Galley Slave" and "M
Partner , " Mary Anderson , Fanny D ;
vunport , Maggie Mitchell , Rolan
Rood and Alice Hastings in Gulick
Blaisdoll's company No. 4 , "OurGol
1ms , " "Widow Bedott , " and all (
Haverley's other companies , Ant
Pixley , Mackoy Sylvester' * combin
tion in "My Flirtation , " Jai
Coombs , John T. Raymond , Whee
er'a mastodon theatrical ccmbinatio :
Joe Murphy's combination , Frar
Mayo in "Davy Crockett , " Gus Wi
liams' combination , M. B. Leaviti
Madame Rentz's minstrels , Strakosi
opera company , John McCullougl
Lawrence Barrett , Big Four minstrel
Robson and Crane in "Flats at
Sharps , " George T. Holland in " 0
Gentlemen Friends , " N. J. Clapharr
comic combination , and Kitty Riv
s King's combination ,
A Fire Extinguisher.
An apparatus for extinguish ! !
firea was received by the B. & I
Bailroad company yesterday from t
shops at Plattsmouth. The apparat
is attached to switch engine No.
and will be kept in the yards for t
protection of B. & M. property.
is so arranged that water can
thrown at a moment's notice to a :
cart of the grounds and buildings.
[ State Journal.
The Great City of the
Lakes AttiredJn-Holi-
day Ganrients ,
A Sea of Human Faces Turned
Toward the Mighty Tein-
plar Throng-
Fifty Thousant-puT ilHantly
Uniformed Knights in
the City.
Five Miles of Plumes' and
Special dispatch to The Beo.
CHICAGO , August 17,10 a. m. The
grand procession began to form at
8:30 : , and at 10 a. m. is just beginning
to move. The streets are densely
packed for miles in all directions. It
is utterly impossible to make a passage -
ago through them. The number of
knights in the city is estimated lit
60,000. Many commandcries have
come that were not expected , and
nil came stronger in numb ° ra
than anticipated. Large numbers of
people were unable at the last moment
to resist the temptation of a cheap ex
cursion and attend the greatest conclave
clavo in the history of Templarism.
The local coramanderici last
night found it impossible to
formally receive all corners according
to programme , but did the best they
could. Crowded special trains were
arriving all night , and processions
with bands marching through the
The weather to-day is all that could
bo desired cool and cloudy. The ait
was freshened and streets sprinkled
by a fine shower at an early hour lliia
morning. It is impossible to de
in adequate terms. The decor
ations are much finer and
the crowds much larger than nt
the Grant reception last winter. The
buildings all along the line of mnrcli
and on all the principal streets are
festooned and covered with ever
greens , flags , Masonic emblems , mot
toes and beautiful designs of every de
scription. On Wabash and Michigan
Avenues nro sixteen arches or rathei
canopies stretched from the four cor
ners at the various utreet crossings
The memorial arch and the gram
master's arch are the most beautiful
All the celebrated bands in the coun
try , oxccnt the Nnw Yorif , Seventl
regiment band , are in line , anc
with their varied and beautiful uni
forms add variety smd erect to the
precession. Competent judges , oh
templars , who have witnessed aevorn
previous triennial conclaves , say thi
parade to-day for magnitude and mag
nificcnce has never been equalled ii
this country.
12-.SO p. m. It is estimated tha
* line the streets , witnessing the pa
. rade. The procession moved in thre
grand divisions and twenty sub
divisions. The head of the proccs
sinti started at 10 a. in. and did no
reach the end of the five milo route a
the Grand Pacific hotel until after
p. m. The tail end of the processtoi
had then only passed out of Clarl
street , where it was formed. Th
procession was therefore just as Ion
as the line of march. The weathc
has become warm since noon , and th
procession moved slowly. Each com
mandery has several attendants cat
rving pails and kegs of ice watei
Frequent stoppages are made t
qualf cooling beverages. The last di
vision of the line will not probabl
reach the end of the route. It is prol
able that the afternoon programme c
rachting and lake steamer nxcursion
rill bo slighted by the tirud knight :
Phoy will be obliged to rest and n
cuperate for the grand ball to-nighl
ipoclai ditipitchjto Tbo lice.
CHICAGO , August 18 1 a. m. Tli
treat Templarparc'do ended somewh :
ibruptly. Mauy of the commaudei
es began to rendezvous as early as
o'clock. The work of forming such
ponderous procession was more ardi
ma than anticipated , requirini ; mo :
) f iho forenoon. This was exhaus
ing to the men with their heavy un
forms and equipments , and when tl :
weather turned suddenly quits wan
at noon , they began to wilt and drc
out of line. This continued for son
time and finally whole cnmmandcrii
began to drop out nnd the parade wi
virtually off. Several cases of exhau
tion or sunstroke are reported amor
those in line , but none , as yet , ha\
resulted seriously.
The evening papers estimate tl
number in line at nearly twenty '
thirty thousand , including nearly or
hundred bands. The number of strai
[ jers in the city , aside from tl
knights , is estimated at 200,000 , at
the crowds who thronged the stree
to see the parade , at 500,000. Aboi
half this number went homo dm
pointed. Thousands who had pos
tions on the avenues opposite the e
campment were well paid , as thi
saw the whole procession , includii
Most Eminent Grand M.ster Hui
but in his carriage , drawn by s
black and seven white horses , tl
black horses having white harne
and the white ones black harnee
Following him were his personal sti
In carriages , the whole escorted 1
the Oriental Commandery , of Glen
land. But the vast crowds dev
town did not see anything bnt f ra
mentary portions of the parade
terming and about half of the first t
visions which passed over the euti
route. Many of * these paople h
paid high prices for advantageousaee
but there waa little co see , save a va
jostling crowd. One cause of t
a early breaking up of the procession
said to have been the fact that ma :
commanderies fell into line withe
their breakfasts.
Upon reaching the grand reviewi
stand at the interaection of Twel :
street and Wabash Avenue , MoatE
inent Grand Master of the Grand I
campment of the United States , Y
cent Lnmbard Hurlbut , of Chica ;
led the procession and entered 1
stand , which was occupied by otl
grand officers of the Grand Encan
raent , as follows : V. E. G. G. , Ben
, mia Dean , en Boston ; Y , E. G. ]
Theodore S. Pnrvin , of Iowa City ; Y.
E. P. , Rev. Clinton Locke , of Chica
go. This stand was also set apart fur
grand officers of the grand * comman
deries of the different states , a large
number of whom were present.
Grand Master Hurlbut stood at the
front and received the salutes of the
various commanderics as ihey passed.
There was a dense mass of spectators
Bitting and standing in the vicinity.
During the afternoon , after the dis
banding of the parade , the knights
gave themselves up to refreshment ,
relaxation , rest and recuperating.
Some went on lake excursions , some
roil3 about the cVVy , Homo attended
the Chicago-Boston biso ball game ,
some went to Forepaugh's circus , but
the most remained qnKtly in their
quarters in camp witnessing the yacht
The grand musical reception and
ball at the Exposition building list
night waa in keeping with the general
magnificence of the conclave. The
building was decorated outside with
flags nnd the interior rendered ex
quisite with all manner of decorations ,
lUgs , banners , festoons and Templar
emblems in great profusion. At the
north end of tho" monster building
stood n representation of an ancient
castle of the knights , aa largo and
natural as the reality. Thi > attend
ance at the ball in the early part of
the evening was so great that no dan
cing could bo done , but towards mid
night the floor W.IH pnrtiallv cleared
and about five
hundrpd couples un-
gnged'in n qusdrille. The programme then rried out until a LiU >
hour. Fullonu hundred thoiis md
people passed in and out of the build
ing during the evening and as many
more crowded the avenuu outside jr. d
viewed the cncl'anting acenu through
open doors and windows.
Particulars of a Peculiar Politi
cal Hoax.
Pohf cal Murder.
Special Dispatch to The Cue.
CINCINNATI , August 171 p. m.
Specials received hero this morning
from Louisville , Kentucky , and Shop-
herdvillo , Kentucky , report the shoot
ing of Hon. J. II. Proctor Knott , the
democratic clector-at-largo of Ken
tucky , by John W. Lewis , a republi
can. The reports are conflicting
and indefinite , but are generally
believed. The report says the affait
took place at Mount Washington , an
interior town , away Jrom the tele
graph lines , where largo political meet
ings of both parties wera held yeatcr-
day. Knott is reported alive , bul
mortally wounded. R. C. Holt , clerk
of Bullitt county , confirms the report ,
but a stage driver , who came in from
that section , heard nothing of it.
A Hoax.
Special Dispatch to Tim Ban.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , August 17 4 p ,
m. The rumor that John W. Lawis ,
of Springfield , Kentucky , has shoi
and mortally wounded the Hon. Proc
tor Knott , at Mount Washington ,
Kentucky , seems to bo without anj
foundation. From a telegram re
ceived from Shopherdvillo and Leba
non , the homo of Proctor Knelt , il
would suom that it ia all a hoax , got
ten up by some candidate for ilie asy
lum of Uiu weak-minded.
Excitement nt the Capital.
Special Diipatcti to Tun IStK.
WASHINGTON , August 17 4 p. m.
The reported killing of Hon. Proctoi
Knelt caused great excitement hen
in Washington , where ho haa hosts oi
friends. ' Eirly this morning a tele
gram was sent to Lebanon , Ky. , tin
home of Mr. Knott , to ascertain thi
truth of the report , and the fulloffini
reply has jast been received :
LEBANON , Ky. , August 17.
Lucieii Younjj , Washington , D. C. :
No , sir ; Mr. Knott is here.
[ Signed ] 0. D. HILLS ,
Special dlsp.itel CM to The lice.
Nnw YORK , August 13 Oil
Frickenhaiis , who recently went t
Pittsburg to investigate the chcimi
stances attending the dtoivnin e
his brother Ernes * , has returned t
this city satisfied that hia brother \vi
accidentally drowned , but in precisel
what manner he could not lean :
Ernest win twonty-fivo years of age
connected with the Pittsburg laconic
time works.
LONDON , August 17. Uoagland <
Silkatone , collier ? , having refused t
sign fresh contracts for labor , hav
been 1 eked out by mine owners , an
it ia believed long and serious tronbli
are in prospact. Musars. J. Ralss .
Co. , bankers and merchants , Live :
pool , have suspended paymont-
"Marqmsof Granby , " a well know
posting hnnss at Epsom , was total !
destroyed by tire to-day.
COLUMISUS , 0. , August 18 J. I
Hart , an ex-convict , keeper of a lo
saloon , married a loose woman la
week , and yesterday took chlorofon
from jealousy. An antidote was su
NKW YORK , August 18. The exe
utive committee of the democrat :
state committee held two meotiuj
yesterday , but not a word of refe
ence was made to the matter of
x state convention to offset Kelly
o state convention. Only routine bus
ia ness occupied the meeting.
NEW HAVES , Conn. , August 18.-
There was a large and enthusiast
| democratic mass meeting in this cii
last night , preceded by a large stre
parade and torch-light processio :
There were three stands for speaker
and among others was Senator Eato
A caucus of delegates was held at tl
conclusion of the speaking , and
was voted to present the name of Ja
E. English for the nomination of go
ernor by the convention to bo he
isy A Losing Game.
Special Disratch to The Ecei
WASHINGTON , August 17,10 p. m.
The consul of the United States
Manchester , in a recent dispatcher
the department of state , remarks th
the manufacturing trade of his d
trict at present exhibits no sign of ii
provemeut. The manufacturers a
fighting a losing battle in the ma
in their etforts to eecure their o\
even. The crop prospects also a
er not very flattering owing to the cc
erP' tinued bad weather. He thinks
a- large demand for American cerei
will bo made again this fall ,
Dr. Buchanan , the Bogus Sheep
skin Peddler , Commits
The Ohio Militia Called to
Suppress Striking
Winers ,
Capture of Ouo of" the Most
) Expert Formers in t'tjo
Land ,
January and May.
S | > cclil to Tun iu .
LONDON j August 17 , 4 p. m.
Tlio marriage of Baroness Burdett
Coutts and young Birtlett haa been
postponed a fortnight. Bartlett to
day perfected hia naturalization as a
British ci'.ix..Mi. '
Special Dispatch t > Tfio Itcc.
PiiiL.\i > ii.rniY : , August 17 , 4 p. m.
Dr. J"hn Buchanan , the Dean of
the Electric Medical college , from
which bcii3 ; diplomas have been is
sued , purporting to be authorized by
the institution tfllder names almost
without number , and whose
criminally reprehensible practices
have been closely followed up by the
Phil.idelphii press generally , commit
ted suicide at 1 o'clock this morning
by leiping from theC.imden and Phil-
; i < lflhi.i [ fe'ry boat. The beat was
stopped aa scon as possible and backed
to the spot , but as there was a strong
ebb tide running nothing could be
seen of the body.
A Bogus Diplomti Peddler's Suicide.
bpviul I > ifrutih | to'Ihs I'cc.
CAMDKN , N. J. , August 18 , la. m.
John Iiiiuhaiidii , who run an eclec
tic medical college in Philadelphia
and issued bogus diploma ? , haa evaded
punishment by Uw by suicide. He
was indicted mi Monday by the grand
jury of the Quaker City , for hia differ
ent criiuta.
He waa much depressed on learning
of this action , and in company will
his frit-ill , Dr. Uohtein , left Phila
delphia in the last ferry boat whicl
left that city at 1 o'clock yesterday
morning. Aa the boat approachec
the city on this side of the Delaware
Buchanan sprang from hi :
scat in the cabin aud , to hia friend
said : "Well , farewell , I am going tc
leave for good. " Before ho could b (
stopped , he plunged into the river am
sank bsfore aid could reach him. Tlu
deceased w a under heary bonds foi
appearance baforo the United Statei
court fur trial for issuing fruudnlon
diplomas. Ho haa been engaged ii
unlawful business for a score of yean
and it ia aaid realized an enormoui
fortuuoout of the traffic in certificates
It was only Monday that the coroner'i
jury in Philadelphia cenaured an ig
noraut fellow named Wright , whowa :
practicing on the strength of a bogu.
A Serioua Strike.
Special J iatch to Tha Hoc.
CINCINNATI , August 17 4 p. m.
A Columbus spacial eays that thi
tmublo between the minera and thi
operators of S iiuly cruuk valley ha. .
become ao various that the governp
has been c.illtil on by telegraph for ai <
to protect life and property , and ii
response throe companies of the Four
tceuth regiment , Ohio nationa
guard" , and the governor's niiard , o
this city have been ordered nnde
arms. The remainder of the regimen
stationed hero is being hold in roadi
ncs.s to await further developments
Both companies are now at their at
moriea and march at a moment's no
tice. The trouble grew out of effort
of the operatorof the newmineatoatai
the co-operativo plan aud guarante
the miners a part of the profita. Thi
was resisted by other miners who in
siatecl aU should work on the mm
plan anil receive the same pay. Xe'
mun were thun brought , eonio of thei
iiegrm ; ? , and i-lli rts to keep them oi
caused the trouble.
Daniel P. Kcla , president of tli
Ohio Central Mining company arrive
this morning. In answer to hid teli
gram to Corning the response waa th :
SiiperintuiulcMit W. C. Stmert waa :
mine K o. . " , uno mile and a half awa
and theru uas no disturbance yet. Ac
vicou are hourly expected Tl
cause of mining troubles at Cornir
is that tlio Ohio Central companycoi
traded iii'Jividtully with miners i
pay thorn 50 prr cent , of tbo sellir
price of c al , inatciid of a pormanei
scliudnle. Minera from thoneighbo
hood districts threaten violence ai
destruction of property , not becau
of objection to price , but because tl
system ia not adopted by their unio
The atriue Over.
Sjfcclal Disiritdi toTim En.
CoLininrs , August 17 i p m.-
The threatened trouble at Cornii
is over. At lO-oO thia morning , Prei
dcntEelb received the following.
COUMNG , August 17th.
To Pan P Kclls :
Whilst nimora and threats a
abundant , the danger scema over. T
colored miner. ] Were .alarmed ai
abandoned the mines. The mine
thia morning packed everything a :
were nailing f r thu train. After
prolonged conference they ha
gf'iio to w > rk and j > remise to stay u
til Gabrii-1 blows Everything isqai
and progressing as usual. Gov. Ft
ter accompanies Mr. EjJs to thu mi
iiiir districts this afternoon to aaau
the miners r.f state protection.
Collision in the Mersey.
Special dupulch to Tl.o II e.
LONDON , Atuust 17 4 p. m. T
steamer Longfordbound from Dub
to Liverpool collided with the Wh
Star steamer Baltic in tha Mersey I
day. The Longjord was towed ashoi
when ahe sunk. All the passengi
and crew were saved. The Bal
was badly damaged. She will not
in a condition to resume her voya
to Now York for several day ? .
A Noted Forger Captured.
Special Dispatch to The Keo.
NEW YORK , August 17 4 p. m ,
Chas. O. Brockway , the forger , w
was arrested in Providence , Ii.
yesterday , with two accomplices ,
said to be the moat expert forger
large in this country. Ha has co
mltted a long list of forgeries , vrh ;
are believed to have netted him §
OOOsinco he was7 released from prii
in Auburn about three years aj
Is | Though arce&tsd several times sin
he has not boon convicted. Detect
Pinkerton , under whose direction tha
case has been worked up , says that
ha IB a confident a clear
and strong case against him
haa at last been made out.
Brockway fs believed to bo a native
of this city. Ho Is described as fine-
looking , about forty. A year ago he
married a very pretty young woman ,
the daughter of n hotel-keeper in
Michigan. The child that was born
died while its father waa in prison.
Army Sharpshooters :
Special < tuTiis list
NEW YOUR , August 17 , 4 p. m.
Thirteen soldiers from Leavenwurth ,
Ivninns , hve just arrived at Govern
or's Island. They ate the picked
aliarjnhootHrs of the four divisions of
the army of the west , nnd will compute
at Croedmour with picked teams of
the national guard , remaining five or
six weeks and living near the range.
Their practice at Leavenworth lias
been pursued at a range in the army
headquarters , which they claim to be
one of the best in the country. Its
tirgats are 200 , HOO and GOO yards
from tbo tiring point.
A Desperadoes End.
Special Pi | > ttch to The Bee
INDIANAI-OLIS , August 17 , 4 p. m.
The notorious William Hodifer , a ter
ror to the citizens of this state , and
who but a month ago received u par
don out of the penitentiary , was shot
through the head tit an early hour
this morni'i" by Dr. Walker while he attempting toburg'nnzo ' Walker's
A Vacant Upper Story.
Special Dw.wlch to The lie * .
NEW YOKK , August 18,1 a. in.
A bare-footed man , respectably
dressed , was found wandering in
Uroiidwny yesterday. Ho was than
to the police station by oilicers , whij
slid that he was insane. There ho
said that his name was John D. Mori-
arty , and that ho was a physician from
Stony Point , Ind. , living at present
at 411 West Seventeenth street. He
insisted that he was a "son of mother
earth , " and that the sun was hia
father. Ho was sent to the hospital.
Carelessness With Naphtha.
Special Duputch to rhe Bee.
NEW YORK , August 18 , 1 a. m.
A workman In the Empire oil work ? ,
Long Island Ciiy , while soldering
cases of naphtha , yesterday morning ,
allowed the eolderint ; iron to droj
into the oil. It Ignited , and all the
workmen had to tleo. The fire de
stroyed the packing shop and neii
brick building , in which there wen
30,000 empty tin cases. A cana
boat loaded with oil was burned , bit
the vessels in the vicinity were towe <
to phces of safety. LOBS , § 30,000.
Yellow Fever in New York.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YORK , August 18,1 a. ra.
There is considerable excitement hen
over the death in Bsllevno hospital o.
a Galveston merchant , named Hippo
lito Eoitburg , of what ia believed t <
be yellow fever. He was admitted t <
the hospital Saturday , suffering fron
what appeared to bo a severe case o :
jaundice. An autopsy was made aftei
death , and the doctors wore puzzlei
over the caso. Dr. Janoway said thi
man certainly had many symptoms o
true yellow fever , and atill death mai
have been caused by other diseases
After a careful investigation ot all thi
circumstances of the case , the boart
of coroners have decided that the deceased
ceased caino to his death from yellov
fever , and the board of health wil
treat it as such. Ampla preparation !
have been ruada at quarantine for thi
treatment of yellow fever patient
arriving herd on vessels. But few pa
tlents ara at the hospital , and none o
the cases are malignant.
Chicago Live Stocs Uancet *
CHICAGO , July 17.
No board to-day.
Cattle Three sales made ; fair t
good steers , 3 00@4 50. Receipts
Hogs Market ateady at about yes
terday's prices. Receipts , 20,000.
New York Produce Market.
NEW YOKK , August 18.
Flour Dull and declining ; receipt :
18,525 brls ; round hoop Ohio , § 5 2
@ 5 25 ; choice do , § 5 300 25 ; supe :
fine western , S3 504 15 ; common I
good do , S4S4 40 ; choice do diSt
S-t .r > 0 < aO 50 ; choice white wheat di
§ 4 25@4 G5.
Wheat j@Ac lower , but with a fa
apcculativo business ; No. 1 whit
September.Sl 07.11 07i ; do Octobe
SI 07i ; No. 2 red , August , $1 07
do September , SI OS@1 08 ] ; do 0
tober , SI 08gl 08 j.
Corn A aliado easier , with a fair
active trade ; western , apot , 48@40 ]
du fnturo , 49 @f > 5c.
Oats Steady and quiet ; wester
37 < 347c.
Beef Quiet nnd unchanged ; m
plain mess , S9 50 ; now extra do , SI
Pork Finn and quiet ; now mci
$15 50.
Lard Steady ; steam rendered , §
Butter Unchanged and quu
OUio , 14@25c.
Milwaukee Produce Market.
MILWAUKEE , August 17.
Wheat Ma-kut quiet ; opened a
closed stoatly ; hard , nominil ; No.
Milwaukee , OOc ; No. 2 do , 89c ; A
, 89c ; September , 87 c ; Octobi
87Jc ; No. 3 do , 78c.
Corn Firmer at 37c.
Oats Quiet at 24 jc.
llye Steady at G7c.
| Barley Stronger ; No. 2 sprin
cash , 74c.
U rovidions Drooping.
Mess Pork SIC 70 for cash ai
September ; $16 40 for October.
Lard Prime steam , 87 75 for cai
KiLed for Abusing Hid Mother.
Special Uupatch to the Bee.
CHICAGO , August 18 , 1 a. m.
Michael Fleming , living on Ewl
street , went home drunk last eveni
and abased his mother shameful
Freeman F. Gross , a neighbor , int
fered In the mother's behalf , wl
ra Michael turned upon him witt
ice hatchet , and Groas , drawing a rev
> e ver , shot Michael twice in the abc
50 men. Death resulted In seven m
Saratoga Bacos.
Special DLjpitch to Tui Ess.
10 SARATOGA , Augusi 18 , la. m
The first race yesterday was one m
is purse S400. Scotllla won , with C
isat derella second and Miser third. Tii
n- 1:40.
nh 1:40.The eecond race , People's L
stakes , handicap , for all ages , 1
an miles , was won by Elias Lawren
o. with Jericho recond , and Comi
third. Time , 3:37j. :
vo The third race waa for a pure *
§ 500 , for all oge , one milo and A quar
ter , and was won by Oden , with Big
Medicine satond and Dan Sparlh.'S
third. Time , 2 2J.
The fourth race , purse $300 , lt
ages , horses entered to bo sold under 4
the usual allowance , three-quarters of
a milo , was won by Dan Spaldlop ,
who was the favorite ; Oden second
and Big Medicine third.
Small Rellttioua War.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
DETROIT , Mich. , August 18,1 a. m ,
M. J. Cahill , editor of the Chicago
Pilot , a Roman Catholic , is endeavor
ing to got his four children from the
pooaeijaioii of their mother , who hut ,
them at the Hotnu of the Friendless
here. A divorce uuit Is pending between -
tween the parents. The mothnr is a
Protestant and the Home ia helping to
defend her rights.
Independence Ia Politics.
Special Dispatch to The Ike.
CoLUMni's. 0. , Aucuit 18 , 1 a. m.
Tlio republicans of Perry , Picka-
way , FairfU'M and Franklin enmities
met at Lnncaxtur yesterday to nomi
nate anuppcncnt toGi'o. Conrero for
congrKMS. II. Clay DounkoJ , ; i law
yer , formerly editor of the Lancaster
Gazette , seems t < > buvn undisputed
nominatii'ii. ' A letter signed by re
publicans had bieii orculnted among
the delegate1 * , tug e.stini ; Ilichard J.
Fanninsr , th democratic candidate for
tuoreine cuiirt cl-'rt , for renomina-
ritin , becaiii-e of hw alleged opposition
to Cnuvtrso and political iiidepend-
Bitso Bill.
The fullowiiig game. ' of hnao ball
were phiyed Aui > unt 17ih.
CLEVKL.\NI > , August IS , la.m.
Traja ' > , ClateLunIa 5.
Ci.Nfi.svAn Cincinujitis 2 , Provi - *
dence 1.
UIFFALO Worceaters , 1 ; Buffalo * ,
between the Rochetters and Nationals
was declared uft' It will be played in
Brooklyn to-morrow.
Instructors of the Blind.
Special IJijjutcli to Tlio Boo.
LOCISVILI.E , August 18 1 a. m.
The American association for the in
struction of the blind met hero yes
terday for its sixth annual session.
The attendance is from all parts of
the United Statei and Canada and
numbers some fitly gentlemen engaged -
gaged in this philanthropic work. Ad
dresses were made by Dr. T. S.
Bell , Judue Bullock , and Hen. A. 3.
Wilha. Dr. Chapin , of Pennsylvania ,
also spoko. Mr. S. Mead , of Ohio ,
and Dr. Calather , of Ohio , are also
hero , in connection with this meet
ing. The latter is onoof the trustee *
of the American printing homo for
the blind. The printini "houso Is lo
cated hero , in charuo of Mr. B. B.
Hunook , and is turning cut many
books ic raised letters every year , a7ao
maps with embossed surfaces and
raised objects. The aesjlon will last
three days.
Bryan , Teini , June 11.1879 ,
J.C. Rlchardaon , St. touln-DenrSIri
BIr boT. jean old. hail fe er ry
other Jny , err every third tluy , fornlJout
3 month * . I < i * il > much n * 13 rrnln *
of Quinine IurlnK H > e tlar. hut with ni >
effect : triHil Clnchonla ( nlkalaI ISulph.
Clnchunlilia , Siiluclne , etc. , etc. , bnt the
bur got iTurne all the time. I reluctantly
irnt ilown t my jlruie toro for your
jrebriruRr.nntl I write Juit to § ny that ho
n er hml imymptom of f rernnerc jm-
menclntt Febrifuge , to dnte.helnr now
over i month atco. I feel flint loujtht to
of < U cine.
lay till * much In behalf yonrm
Am a regulnr M. D. . but retired from
practice il y nr ng aud dofotlnjc my
urns to druz builno * * .
Very reipecUully ,
Stockton , Mo. , ATJZ. S5tb , 1879.
,7. O. Rlchnnlion. St. I.onlDear Slri
Clifford' * KehrlfuKe 1 * the belt thin * tof
Vhlll and F ver that we have erer
handled. There never haa been ca *
that wan NOT cured by It that wa takes
nccordlnK to direction * la Uil part ol
the country * Yourn truly.
Chllllcothe , Mo. , July 30UST9. '
J. O. Klrharil > n , St. Lonli-My Dear
Slr-Uor U nomethlnR reliable ; it you
can miikw any ui or It pleiue doyo. TV *
havB fluid huml red * of buttle * with UK *
reiulti. YourfrleDdn ,
lloyce it Oitrander.
Thin I * to pertlTy that I hud the Fe er
nnd Airtut thlB mimm r nnd th tue oC
Sn-tlilrdorii buttln ot Clifford' . -
filler promptly r.ircd It. It lo the * p edl
cstenrol havekuownor.
havekuownor.OKO.SAII.OIl. .
hud tVr.r nnd ACuc. nnd utter trylnr
vrrr thing I took oneliaU bottle ot
Clifford' * FrbrlfiiCnnd It ctired njn
- , I l.-llov- nij cn.o would
Jii vn been fatal linil I not found thi * a *
I did.ours truly.H.
H. W. POOt ,
Manager "U.S.
7T - Sealed bid ? will he received by the under
Tm signed until 3 o'clock p. m. on the 2 th day of
m August , U3.\ for the purchase of tha fwllowiiiff
a described property , to-wit :
> 1- Lot 1 , block J 63.
1o Lot 5 , block II . , . . , .
o- Ail of which property Is siltuUd In the city
on - of Omaha , county of Doughs. st t of Aebra -
ka. Bids foi said Iota , or either of them , shall
specify the casli f108 to be ' 'alj tar sime > "ie
to be deposited In the city treasurer's ;
elRce before deed te delivered. Tha city of
Omaha reserves the rlrfht to reject any and all
Envelopes containing raid bid * shall be
marked "Bids for city lot' * ( or lots ) , and be
le , h.mded to the nndenlgned not later than the
. .
u- ttoeabove.pedtcd.
IB , City Cleric.
Omaha. Auz. 11.13M.
oi The Best in the Wesfc.