Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    \ YOL. X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , TUESDAY. AUGUST 17 , 1880. NO. 49.
Established 1871. MORNING EDITION , Price Five Cents
Eiotijig Assumes Great
Proportions in Mand ,
More Outbreaks Yesterday
the Military Called Out
in Belfast.
A Seizure of Arms Addressed
. / to a Nationalist in Coak.
A Flood in Ireland Engulfs a
Church During Celebra
tion of Mass.
Fifteen Lives Lost and Much
Damage Douo.
Tanner Challenged by En
glishmen For $5,000 to
Repeat His Fast ,
Death of Ntilson , the Actress
COUK , August 17 1 a. m. Aftei
arrival of the steamer "Apollo."whict
piles between Milford and thii
port , tha customs officer dlscoverec
amonfj her cargo a suspicious looking
case addressed "P. J. Murphy.Cork.1
-lr.Bpecting the contemn to sue if ii
Contained anything of an unlawfu
character , the officers opened the case
and found inside it one gun and eighl
revolver * . Mr. Murphy Is a nation
aust , but does not deal In such arti
cles aud defied all knowledge of th
case , ita contentB and ite sender. H (
thinks lha purpose of tha latter waite
to ot him into trouble and compro
rjiae him with the government. Tb <
police are not , however , altogethei
satisfied with Murphy'a explanatii.
and are'keeping strict watch on hi
movements , as well as patrolling thi
docks and harbor with'a view to seiz
ing any boats or vessels which canno
give a satisfactory account of them
selves ,
BpeclaJ Dispatch to TIio Bee.
DUBLIN , August 17 1 a. m. 1
dispatch from Donegal states that ow
5ng to the recent heavy rains a torriG
flood on Sunday swept down the Glei
of Glendone , a village in Donegfl
county , whicli devastated the parisl
church at Connemara aud imperillec
the entire congregation , which was a
raasa at ihe time. The flood cami
with fearful suddenness , fairly sweep
ing around tha edifice , and severa
persons in the congregation wereswep' '
away while attempting to escape
Some of these were subsequently res
cued , while others were drowned. Thi
priest , alter doinjj all that lay in hii
power to direct the flight of the pee
pie , succeeded in gaining a safe post
lion on nignor ground. Tim wJs. ;
across the stream at that point wai
entirely demolished. Great excite
nient was created in the neighborhooi
and parties of MO are now engaged ii
searching for bodies of the drowned
The flood in Glendare resulted ii
immense damage to property and sei
ions loss of life. Tnus far , fiftoei
persons are reported drowned.
The riots in Portadown were re
burned yesterday. There was als
serious Lady day rioting at Dow :
Patrick , where two policemen wer
shot , and at Lurgan , Haunas , Stool
I and Belfast. The military at Belfaa
were called ou ; . The riot Is reportoi
as assuming serious proportion !
There was also ilorious trouble at Dan
garnon and the riot act was read. Th
police fired on the mob , killing on
person and wounding many.
BpecUI Jispilch to The Bco
LONDON , August 17 , 1 a. m.
Lord Dufierin informs E..rl Granvill
from St. Petersburg that the Hussiai
covernt6nt is using its best cndravo
for the preservation of peace in AI
b&nla and Monti-negro ; also , tha
Itussia will in nowiae interfere witi
any attempt to secure the euforcemen
of the Berlin treaty , so long as th
policy agreed upon shall teid tosecur
the gcnerai peace of Euroro.
Roumania will on Thurtday nes
despatch an envoy , Col. "Vblrnsco , t
"Washington to return the thanks o
her government to President Haye
for the crompt reco-juiuon by th
United States of Roumanian Inde
A Glasgow dispatch says that th
furnaces of the Glengauock iron work
in Ayroshire have been dumped dowii
owing to a scarcity of coal , resultn !
from the strikes. It is the intentio :
of _ the owners to hold the furnaces ii
this condition for fourteen days.ln th
hopes of a fresh supply by that time
A dispatch from Athens states tha
the Greek government has telegraphe
to the king of the Hellenes , who i
now at Copenhagen , to return imme
diately on account of the pressinj
affairs of the state. It is underitooi
that the king will loava at once fo :
A dispatch from Viceroy Ripen , o
India , to the war office eays : New
has been received at Calcutta fror
Candahar , under date of the lltli
and at that time all was going on well
Ayoob Khan was then in front of th
city engaged in throwing up earth
works , but had made no other demon
etration. It was estimated that h
had about 37 pieces of artiller
and 10,000 men , including cavalry , In
fantryand his Ghilizl allies. Thi
force is much smaller than the on
with which he attacked Gen. Borrow
and it is assumed that a coneiderabl
portion of his army deserted him
The relief column from Cabul is no )
reported to be encitnped for a day o
two at Jugdullan for rest and forage
No serious apprehensions are enter
tained of an assault , as the city defen
aes have been greatly strengthened
and it is believed can hold out unti
the arrival of reinforcements. It i
doubted that Ayoob is operating un
der the advice and with the assistanc
of European officers.
Tseng , the new ambassador froi
China to Russia , proposes that th
Kuldja question be submitted to the
United States and Prussia as arbitra
tors. Russia hesitates and it is doubt
ful if ehc will accept therproposal.
A will be made in
report to-day par
liament showing the number of troops
now on duty in Ireland. The contin
ued discussion of this subject Is caus
ing much agitation among the people
of Ireland.
A dispatch from Cairo.Egypt , dated
Monday , says the river Nile still con
tinues to riae rapidlv and much un
easiness Is felt regarding an overflow
of its bank.
A dispatch from the steamer "Scot
land" aaya that a genuine Colorado
beetle flew into a house Sunday and
was caught. Much local speculation
i grew out of the incident , but the con
clusion was that the beetle was ship
ped on board with grain shipped from
the "United States. Its advent has al
ready produced considerable con
sternation among agriculturalists ,
who are acquainted with its im-
memo powers of destruction andtoi
the rapidity with which it multiplies.
It is supposed that many more must
have como in the same ship. The
startling importation will be anxious
ly watched.
A dispatcn from Athens says the
sailors of the Greek navy have been or
dered to join theii ships , and every
available war ship ii being prepared
for active service and the marines arc
energetically drilling in anticipation
of war.
A Berlin dispatch says that Count
Harry Von Arnim has , it is stated ,
addressed a communication to the
government requesting a hear
ing of the old charge against him ,
charging him with treason , and prof
fers a readiness to submit to Prussian
Mr. Lowell , the United States min
ister , lisa received from Secretary Ev-
arts a dispatch , in which the lattei
reviews the offer of the United States
to mediate between Chili and Peru in
connection with England , in the hope
of preventing further bloodshed be'
tween those two countries. It is con *
fidtmtly expected that such negotiations
tions will bo entered upon. JBotl
belligerents would be willing to make
peace , and it is further believed thai
England will consider favorably the
proposition of the United States.
A dispatch from Dublin states thai
during the serving of an eviction pro.
cess yesterday the crowd made an as
sault on Capt. White and a lanJlorc
named Lesgood and prevented the
carrying out of the eviction.
Messrs. M. and W. Collinson , ol
this city , publish an offer to wagei
1,000 that Dr. Tanner can not fas :
forty days and forty nights. It ii
stipulated tliat the Collinsous are t <
maintain the watch over the doctoi
during the whole period.
by the government stating that ;
m mbor of proclamations addressed te
tl.o Mussulman subjects in Britial
Itdli have been intercepted. The ;
have been sent from Constantinople
and were intended to incite the pee
pie to rebellion.
A telegram from Khel at Tghilgo
dated August 12 , reports " 1 wcl
there , with plenty ot supplies will
which to assist Gen. Roberts. Th
messengers sent by Gen. Phayre t <
Candahar have returned to the cam ]
without being able to enter that city
Ayoob Khan's siege operations ar
still proceeding , and guns are beitij
placed in position upon two point
facing the city.
A dispatch from Brussells state
that the grand pacific fete in that cit ;
in celebration of the independence o
Belgium has be-on an immense sue
CC3S ,
SpochJ DlBpitch to The Bee.
PARIS , August 17 1 a. m. Th
details of the sudden death Sunda ;
morning of Miss Adelaide Neilson
the actress , are as follows : She hai
left her home with a party of friend
In the best of spirits and apparent ! ;
in good health to take a dejeuner a 1
fourcheltc ( a meat breakfast ) in th
saloon Buchalet restaurant , which i
situated in the Bois do Boulogne. Oi
arriving there the little group soatei
themselves at one of the tables am
began then ? meal. During its prog
reas Miss Neilson was full of mejrri
incut and the life of the conversation
She freouently alluded to her succes
in her profession and spoke hopefull ;
Of what she expected to accomplis !
during the coming aeason and in th
more distant future. The scene ii
the vicinity of the reitaurant wa
very beautiful and attractive , am
mention was made by members of th
party to the beauty of the light as i
fell upon the lake near the building
Suddenly Miss Neilson turned pale
cave a low cry , placed her hand upoi
her heart and fell back in her chaii
Greatly alarmed her friends sprang t
her assistance and attempted by th
use of restoratives to bring her t
consciousness. Medical aid was in
stantly summoned. It was at firs
supposed that she had been seize
with a fainting fit and it would sooi
pass away.
The facts , as now made public , ar
that Miss Seilaon felt quite ill o ;
Saturday , and her physician , wh
gave what advice he deemed nccec
eary , encouraged her to hope that b ;
keeping quiet she would soon feel lik
heraelf again. Somewhat restored
she ventured upon a drive in the Boi
do Boulogne. Inthe afternoon athal
past one , while still in the carriage
ahe was taken suddenly ill , turnei
pale and fainted. Her maid , great !
alarmed , stopped the carriage at th
restaurant Du Chalet , near which the
happened to be at the time , and Mis
Neilson , in an unconscious conditior
was carried within. A doctor wa
immediately sent for and tried ever
means to restore her , but in vain , an
she died at half past 3 o'clock on Sur
day morning.
Special dlp tchHo The Bee.
PABIS , August 17,1 a. m. The lei
ter published in Li Verite , impute
to M. Gambetta , in which he speal
pugilistically of Alsace-Lorraine , tli
authenticity of which has been quei
tioned , is now found to be a reprii
of the one -written in October , 1S73
The letter alludes to the result of the
elections for the councils-general , and
says that the democrats of Franco are
desirous of having both the fact and
Iform of a republic , and that only ;
and that the methods , which would
secure them to her , would progress
Franco to the front rank of mtions
and result in the regaining of her IOE > ;
provinces. While these were the sen
timents of Gamt > lta yc-xrs ago , end
probably are a 111 , La Verite , in ar-
suming the fact , acts or'y on generc1
knowledge and without express au
Baron Handen H5ckeythe expelled
editor of Le Tribout , is at Brussels
where ho has many friends.
M. De Lesseps has announced that
the opposition of Arcaricans to the
Panama canal has been withdrawn ,
and the neutralization order guarantee
of the United States is accepted.
Wheat , Corn and Tobacco.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , August 1C 10 p. m.
The report of the Bureau o ! Agri
culture , for the first half of August ,
iasued to-day , contains the following
items :
Spring Wheat The returns of Au
gust 1st show a condition of spring
whe t of 88 per cent , against 86 last
year. The weather during July was
favorable , more so than during 1879.
Timely rains are reported in all sec-
tionarrather too much in the states
bordering on the Mississippi river and
Texas. The stmd is good and some
ten days earlier than last year.
Worms , rot and rust are mentioned in
every atate , but no material damage
The general average of the corn
crop shows some decline since a month
and is , for August 1st , . ' f against 100
on July 1st , as compr' Sif with the
condition reported ther ) two years.
In Minnesota the report very high ,
but in Iowa and Wisconsin it is not
much bettsr than last year. The
damage is attributed to rust and
chinch bugs. In Nebraska and Kan
sas the early months were very dry
and the rains which came were too
late to restore the loss. California
and Oregon report the highest condi
tion for several years.
Tobacco The general average oi
the whole country is SO.
Strike On Bar'ls.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , August 1C 1 a. m. A
strike among the coopers of Chicago
was inaugurated yesterday for an ad
vance of live cents on the piece.
Base Ball.
The following games of base ball
were played August IGth.
CLEVELAND , August 17 , 1 a. ra.
First game Worcesters 3 , Clevelaud ;
1. Second game Worcesters 8 ,
Clevelauds 2.
BROOKLYNRochcaters none , Na
tionals 0.
fu.rat.oKn.Hallway. .
Special dispatch to The Bee.
SARATOGA , August 17 , la. m.
Gen. W. T. Burt. of Boston , identified
fied with the construction-of the Hoe
sac tunnel line , is at the head of i
company organized to build a railroad
from Saratoga Springs to Saratoga
Lake. The road is to be first class it
every particularand will bo construct
ed at once and is to be completed thii
Turner Festival.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
COLTJMDUS , O. , August 17 , 1 a. m
The parade of visiting Turners anc
local societies yesterday was very tine
Gymnastic exorcises occupied the afternoon
tornoon at the city park. The prizei
trere awarded last night and a gram
ball followed.
Too Much Benzine.
Special Dispatch to The Bco.
New YORK , August 17,1 a. m.
An explosion of benzine occurred yts
terday In the dyeinjj establishment * :
Arthur Floucst , 1G1S Broadtvay , ro
Bultini * in the serious burning oi
Floneat's wife and his seventeen-year
old daujhter.
Knott Not Doad.
Specln . .gpatch to The Uee.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , August 17 , 1 a ,
m. The city papers a.3 trying to ferret
ret out a hoax about the shooting ol
lion. Proctor Knott.
Murderers' Confession.
, . dUpatch to TDK BBS.
BOSTONAugust 17 , la. m. A hear
ing in the case of Frank and Amos
Adams , charged with the murder ol
George H. Patridge , at Bellingdam ,
took "place there yesterday , and tlioj
were held without bail for trial. Fran !
confessed to inflicting the fatal wonndi
in Partridge's side , but claimed thai
he acted in Belt-defense. Amos alsc
confessed to stabbing Partridge sev.
eral times in self-defense. Both mer
are much affected.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
BOSTON , August 17 1 a. m.
Three thousand people witnessed the
athletic contest between the Irish'
American team and the Scotch-Cana
dian team for the championship. The
game began at 2 o'clock and lasted til !
after 7. The competition was verj
sharp , first one team leading and thet
the other , and the Irish-Americani
won by only one point. Ross excelled
iu throwing , Johnston on high jump
ing , Lynch on standing jump anc
Daler on running.
Pool Selling to bo Stopped.
Special dispatch to TUB BKE.
XEW YOKE , August 17 , 1 a. in.
The examination in the caaes of Kali ;
& Bliss , Lowell & Co. aud other pee
selling firms , who were recently raid
ed npon for violation of the gamblini
laws , took place yesterday afternoon
The Tombs court room was crowdot
with sporting men. After the exam
ination of witnesses was concluded
Justice Smith announced that a de
ciaion would be rendered next Satnr
day. The decision is looked forwarc
to wita great interest by the sportini
f ralfntty , for , should it be adverse t
the p-isoner , pool selling is virtually
at its end in this city.
Mysterious Suicide.
Special Plspitch to The B
BOS-JON , August 17,1 a. m. Jno
C. Taylor and wife , of Springfield
were oit rowing yesterday afternoo ;
, H. W. Southworth am
another ladyon the Conne ticnt tlvcr.
Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Southworth held
the oars while the others were in the
stem. Suddenly Mrs. Taylor jumped
overboard and the husband sprang af
ter her and both were drowned. Th 3
theories as to the cause of Mrs. Tc -
lor'fl act are Insanity or the donb 1
relations of her husband with o -
or parties. Taylor was thlrty-aix years
old and treasurer of the Massachusetts
Life insurance company. Both were
very popular and moved in the beat
Eociety of Springfield.
New York Money and Stock.
WAIA ST. , NBW Yoiw , August 1C , 1:30 : p.m.
MONEY At 21 i > cr cent ; cxchanjo steady
at S1.82J @ 4.S1J.
CS6V81 . 10J3 New 4'g . 109J
USS'a . 1225 Currnncy 6'a . 125
USll't . 1111
MoJerately active and advanced J to 1 psr
cent. Mnco opening.
WUT . . 1065 1C . 78
NYC . 133 Monla&E . ItVI
Krio . _ 42S U. P. . B4j
Erie , pic'd . 71 } Mich. Central . CSJ
Lake Shore . IDS N. P. . n
R. I . _ 113 N. P. pfd . 51J
Northwestern . 100 I.M. .
Xorlhwf stern pfd.120 Reading 23J
Pacific Mail . 41 Canada So. . . . CO
Ohio . 31 C , C , C&I 72J
Ei. Paul . S9J B&O 120 }
St.Paulpfd Ill' K. &T 3li
St. Joe 37i II &T Cl
ii Joopfd ECJ San Francisco 4fij
WXb 9h 11 C.P * 7
Wahashp'd 72J L&N 125
S . P. andOmahi. . 45 N. & C esj
St P.andO. M. . . 841 Pittsburc 121
Lackawanna&W. . S6J Illinois C 108J
Chlcazo Produce.
CHICAGO , August 1C.
"Wheat l@ljc lower , No. 2 spring
closing at 88jc for cash or August ;
87ic for September ; 87i@87f c for Oc
Corn Steady ; No. 2 closed at S7c
.for cash ; 373@37 for August ; 38c for
September ; 3S c for October.
Oats Ic lower ; No. 2 closed at24c
for cash ; 23 c for August ; 24@24jc
for September ; 24jjc fur October.
Rye Quiet at G9@69tc for cash ;
G8.\cfor September.
Barley Ouiet ; No. 2 sold at 75ic
for September ; 7Gc for Oclobor.
Whisky Steady and unchanged.
Hog products were lower.
Pork Mess pork closed at SIC 45(2 (
10.60 for August or September ; S1G Oc
@ 1G 10 for October.
Lard Closed at § 7 65 for cash 01
August ; § 7 G5@7 G7A for September
$7 77J@7 75 for October ; § 7 30(37 ( 3c
seller for the year.
Chicago Live Stock.
CHICAGO , August 1C.
Hogs Dull and 10@15c lower on ali
grades ; sales , 4 Go@5 10 for Hglil
packing and shipping ; S4 405 00 foi
heavy packing ; § 4 75@5 15 for good
to extra smooth shipping lota. Re
ceipts , 20,175 head.
Cattle The receipts of cattle were
fair and the market ruled active and
steady at Saturday's figures for fell
to good shipping grades ; Texan steers
were in good demand and prices were
without quotable alterations and prl
ces ranged 82 50 for cows ; § 2 40@31 (
for Texan Bteers ; 84 20 for Coloradc
steers ; $4 35@4 55 fur good shipping
steers ; at 10 o'clock the market was
steady aud the prospect is good tha' '
the bulk will be sold early in the day
The fresh receipts were 3,674 head.
New lork Produce Market.
NEW YORK , August 16.
Flour In buyers' favor and dull
receipts35,971 brls ; round hoop Ohio
§ 4 35@5 25 ; choice do , § 5 30@G 25
superfine western , ? 3 50415 ; com
mon to good extra do , S4 00@4 40
choice do do , 84 50G 50 ; choici
white wheat , do , § 4 50Q4 GO.
Wheat Shade lower and moder
alely active ; sales of 10,000 bu. No
1 white , Au ust , at 1 09 | ; 8,00 (
bu do , September at § 1 07J ; 8,000 bi
October at SI 07J ; 32,000 bu No. ' .
red , August , at § 1 OSg ; 40,000 bu do
September , at SI 081 OSg ; 72,001
bu do , October , at SI 09 .
Corn About | c lower and fairl ;
active ; mixed western spot , 47@50
do future , 50 , | ( < j53c.
Oats About ] c lower and .
tivo and a shaelo stronger ; wests..1
Beef In moderate demand am
steady ; plain mess , § 9 50 ; new oxtn
do , $10 00.
Pork Dull ; now mesa , § 15 50.
Lard Steady and easier ; atoam rendered
dorod , § 7 97 | .
Butter Firm for fine grades ,
bt. lioula Produce.
ST. Louis , August 17.
Flour Easier but not lower.
Wheat Opened higher , but de
clined ; No. 2 red , 93jj(394c cash ; 93 ;
@ 9393Jc August ; 91.J@lg ! ) < < i90i ; < i
91c September ; 90 901(390 ( 0 Goto
ber ; 91g(390i90c ( November ; S9 | < ;
S9jc | for th'e year ; No. 3 do , 86 ; :
8Gc ; No. 4 do , 8284Jc. |
Corn Lower ; 3434gc | for caab
34 3 August ; 3G35gc for September
tomber ; SGc for October ; 3G @ 3G
for November ; 35i@343c for the year
Oats Lower ; 24c for cash ; 24ji
for October.
Rye Firm at G7ic bid cash ; 73 <
Lead Unchanged.
Butter Unchanged.
Eggs Unchanged.
Whisky Steady at Si 08.
Pork Dull ; jobbing at § 15 75.
Dry Salt Meats Easier ; Bumme :
clear ribs , 8c.
Bacon Lower at § 5 87 , $8 80
§ 905@9 CO.
Lard Nominal at S7 65.
St. liouis Live Stools.
ST. Louis , August 17.
Hoga Steady ; Yorkers and Bal
timores , § 4 905 00 ; Backing , § 4 9i
( go 10 ; butchers to fanoy , So 10@5 25
Receipts , 6,800 head ; shipments , 400
Undoubtedly the best shirt In thi
United States is manufactured at thi
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
of Material and workmanship , com
bined with their great Improvements
that is Reinforced fronts , Reinforce !
backs and Reinforced sleeves , make
their shirt the most durable and bes
fitting garment of the kind , eve
manufactured. Read the followin ;
low prices :
Present. Formti
Our Fine White Shirt $135 150
Our Extra Fins " 175 2 00
Our Imported Cheviot shirts 2 50 2 75
Our " Feeing " 256 276
Our " " Cheviot 17o 2 00
( These are made on whit * bcdie
Pretent. Formei
Our Imported Penan ? nd Cheviot
viet with collars attached , also
on White Bodies 160 2 00
Also a fine workir.2 shirt for 1 25.
None but Wamsutta Muslin an
best Linens used.
The above prices include Laundrj
ing , a discount allowed when otherwis
An additional 25 cents is charge
when made to order.
Omaha Shirt Factory , 1207 Farnhai
street , near 12th street ,
The Garden City Gorgeously Ar
rayed in Gay Trappings.
Enormous Throngs of Tem
plars and Sight-Seers in
the City.
The Leading Thoroughfares
Profusely Adorned in Honor
of the Bvenir. "
Chicago Eveloped inthe Mantle
of Knighthood ,
Special dispatch to Tnx BIB.
CHICAGO , Au < ruat 1C , < L p. m. Thi
principal thoroughfares
and almost impasr le UJS
with arriving knights and aight-seera
all in ft hurry-ekurry to find quarter !
assigned or available lodgings. The
city people are busy receiving guesti
or pulling up decorations. All th
principal buildings and streets in th
business centre are profusely adorned ,
Wabaah and Michigan avenues and
State and Madison streets contain moat
of the decorations. On all thf
vacant lots and parks along the line
of march , largo amphitheaters of aeatf
have been erected. Temporary plat
forms in front of buildings are numer
ous. There are literally acres of tern
porary seats from which to witneai
to-morrow's grand procession.
The Iowa party which arrived lasl
night numbered 113 knights and C (
kdies. All the commanden'es am'
large parties bring bands of music.
This mornii g several train-loads o
knights and friends arrived from Nev
York and the New England states ,
Nearly all the trains are sev
eral hours late , owing to the
far greater crowds of excursionist !
than was anticipated. Camp De Mo
lay was dedicated byGrand Command
er Morse , ot Illinois , and his acsia
tants. Most of the knights in the
city vesterday listened to service bj
Dr. Clinton Locke , grand prelate o
the United States , at GraceEpiscopa
churchwhitherthey inarched in a bodj
from the G rand Pacific. This eveninj
at the three principal halls of UN
city , Central music Hall , McCormicl
hull and Farwell hall. The forma
receptions will be given with atldrease
of welcome to the city by the mayor
and to the state by the governor o :
their representatives , also an addros
by the grand commander of the stat
and a response by the grand commivn
der of the United States.
Soccial Dispatch to THE UKK.
CHICAGO , August 1C 1 a. m
The following is the full list of com
manderiea that arrived yesterday U ]
to 110011 : Axalon , of Pittsneld , 111.
Beaulanoir , of Decatur , 111. ; Blaney
of Morris , 111. ; Gyrene , of Centralia
III. ; Calvary-.VociUlook Coeu
do Leon , BrookGeid , Mo. ; Gyrene
Camden.N. J. ; Coleman , Troy , 0.
Detroit No. 1 ; DeMolay , Tiffin , 0.
Damascus , St. Paul ; DeMolay , Co
lumbia , Tenn. ; Exoalibar , Boom
Iowa ; Grand Commanderios of Coloi
ado , Maryland and Mississippi ; Ga
lena commandory , Galena , 111. ; Hoc
derson , Henderson , Ky. ; Ivanhoe
BordeutownN. J. ; IvanhoeKankit
kee , 111. ; Jackson , Jackson , Tenn.
Louisville No. 1 ; Monroe , Rocheatei
N. Y.Melita ; , Tuscola , III. ; Pales
tine , Springfield ; Portsmouth , Ports
mouth , Va. ; Palestine , Savannnl
Ga. ; Paschal , Chillicotho , Mo. ; Rf
becca , Sharon , Pa. ; Reading , Read
Ing , Pa. ; Rater , Indianapolis ; Scotia
Circleville , 0. ; St. Johns , Youngs
town , 0. ; St. Johns , Philadelphia
Stevenson , Staunton , Va. ; Tancred
Belleville , 111. ; Talbot , Oil City , Pa.
New Albany , New Albany , Ind.
Truno , Norfolk , Va.
There arrived during the afternoo
the following commanderies : Bavnr
No. 11 , Stillwater , Mich. : BetlielNc
'M , Elgin , 111. ; grand commanderies o
Minnesota and New Hampshire
Home No. 5 , Rochester , Minn. ; Ml
Olive No. t6 ! , Anamosa , la. ; Richmond
mend No. 8 , Richmond , Ind. ; Si
Omer.No. 19 , Elmira , N. Y. ; Trinlt
No. 1C , Monticello , la. ; Urbana , Nc
1C , Urbina , 111. ; Newark , N. ,
mamlery No. 31 ; Sandusky conimaml
ery ; Manstield , O. , commandory ; Jo
liet , 111. , commandory ; Excalibar Nc
5 , Hannibal , Mo. ; Carlisle No.
Pennsylvania ; Blanscth No. 11
Quincy , III. ; and Shawnee , No. 24
Lima , O. ,
Last evening the triennial conclav
was formally inaugurated by thre
grand receptions to the visiting knight
at Central music hall , Farwell Ha !
and McCormick hall. Each of thes
large halls was beautifully decorate
with flowers , plants , festoons and Ma
sonic emblems. They have a capacit
of nearly 3,000 each , but with th
throng passing in and out there wa
more than 20.000 people who visile
the three halls during the evening
Ladies predominated in the throng
and what with their aay appearance
the gorgeous plumage of the knight
and the magnificent decorations of th
halls , the effect was moat charming
Add to the beautiful scenes the raj
turous music of three of the best 01
chestras of the country , Balatka'a , c
sixty pieces , at Central Music hall
band of fifty pieces at McCoi
mick , and Bach's , of forty , at Fa )
well , and the effect in each iustanc
was far more enchanting than fen b
described. The oratorical part of th
consisted ofan address of welcome t
the city , by Mayor Harrison ; to th
atate , by Gov. Cullom ; a fraternit
welcome , by Grand Master Gurnej
of Illinois ; on behalf of Apollo , Oh
cage and St. Bernard commanderiei
by Most Worthy and Sir DeWil
Clinton Cregier. Acknowledgemei
was made on bahalf of the Most Em
nent Grand Master and the Gran
Encampment by Vice Eminent S
Beni. Dean , Grand Generalissim
G.E.The same programme was carrie
out at McCormick hall , the welcomi
being by Lieut. Gov. Shuman , Joh
A. Hawley , and P. G. M. and Era
nent Sir J. A. Crawford ; acknow
edgementby Walter L. Bragg , Depul
Grand Master.
The streets of the city probab
never appeared more beautiful than
last night , as viewed by the thousands
of persons who thronged them. The
many unique and beautiful transpar
encies served to light up and show ofl
the decorations to good advantage.
Nearly all the tents in the encamp-
nient are now occupied , but a major
ity of the visiting knights are quar
tered at hotels in the city. Every
person is hoping for a continuance of
fine weather , but the signal bureau
has its storm lights out.
Cheap fares have brought thousands
of people to Chicago who otherwise
would not have come. The railroads
will doubtless realize from their con
clave excursions fares more than the
§ 5,000,000originally estimated. . There
are thousands here who would not
have come if it had not been for low
The enterprising pickpocket haa
c6me with the Sir Knights and the in
nocent sight seers. The police report
° veral hundred cases of petty thiov-
ifig and pocket 'picking. There wa :
so much of it carried on in camp De
Molai Sunday night , then in charge
of special police , that last night the
First and Second regiments were
called out to do sentry duty. A
strong guard surrounds the camp and
patroia the avenues and among the
tenta. The camp is lighted with a
dozen or more electric lights , a decid
ed improvement upon the old-fash
ioned camp fire.
Most of tha commanderioi arrived
at midnight , but many are on route by
special trains that have ben delnrecl.
It is expected , however. M at all
will reach here in season to ei gajjo in
the parade this morning.
Fourteen Wisconsin commanderies
have just arrived by sp clal < . am ovet
the St Paul railroad , i ncy were ac
companied by numerous ladiea.
is announced to move at 8:30 : , but
will probably bo delayed by the im
mense jam sure to bo on the streets
at au early hour.
Special dispatches to The Bee.
NEW YORK , August 10. Dr. Tan
ner leaves to-day for a visit to his
father , in Luchfield , 0. , after whicli
he will return hero to arrange for t
lecturing tour. He eats only three
meals a day now , and not very large
ones at that.
WASHINGTON , August 1C. Prof
Simon Newcomb , the eminent attron
otnar , has completed his iuatrumen
or measuring the velocity of light.
DETROIT , August 1C 4 p. in. Mr
Louis Haas , who was found lyinf
as it was supposeel drunk in the
streets of this city and wn taken te
the police station , died in his cell fron
UNION , S. C. , August 15. At i
barbaqueatGoldeysvilleiti the north
ern portion of thh county , Siturdty ,
a ritlictilty "ccur'ed between a mai
by the namn i f Bullock and hh s n
the f th c s'abbing his sou six Imes
probably fatally.
CHICAGO , August 1C. Dispatche
received at the military headquarter
here dated'Fort Ellas , Texas , Augus
10 , and signed by Brinkerhoff , sa ;
that the.o.perator at Quitman report
that the Mexicans encountered Vic
tom's band on the afternoon of th
10th. After a short encounter the In
dians retreated towards the Tanks.
HALIFAX , N. S. , August 1C. Th
United States ship Constitution , fron
Newport , R. I. , via Barhaner , arrive !
this afternoon , and exchanged salutes
with H. M. S. Northampton , the fhg
ship and the citadel.
NEW YORK , August 17 4 p. m.-
Twenty-fivo days have passed sine
the aczident in the Hudson river tun
liel , Jersey City , by which twenty la
borers were buried alive , and tin
managers now aay that at the ver ;
least thirty days more will hav
passed before the bodies of the mei
can be recovered. The widows , it ap
pear ? , are paid the money.each wee !
that their husbands would have earned
It is stated that the company wil
continue to do so until the tunnel ii
SAN FRANCISCO , August 10. Mrs
Kallahcr and three children wer
burned to death last night by a fire it
Oakland. The fire was the result of ;
drunken carousal.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , August 17. Mar
tin Dugan , ono of tha guards at th
workhouse , shot and killed Ray Cald
well , a negro , last night. Caldwol
was trying to escape and attacked Du
g.iH with a piece of iron.
CHICAGO , Augurt 10. Hugh Delp
ster , a sailor from Michigan , wher
he leaves a wife and four children
fell from the Lake street bridge las
night and was drowned.
TORONTO , August 1C. Robei
Wilkes , a wholesale jeweler of Uii
city and two children were drownei
while bathing at Sturgeon Point yes
LONDON , August 1C. Thos. Me
Grath , an engineer on board th
American man-of-war , Treulon , ha
been arrested and committed for tri.i
by the magistrate at Grares End
charged with murder.
COLUMCOS , O. , August 1C. Wn
Heathetington , aged 10 , of Coossv
111. i who , in revenge for being ejecte
from a train near Newark , placed ai
obstruction on the trick , was boun
over to the grand jury.
COLUMBOS , C. , August 1C. A con
ference of all state benevolent insti
tutions is cillcd to meet In this cit
August 25 , by the board of stal
charities , to adopt a uniform aystei
of bookkeeping.
PROVIDENCE , R. I. , August 17.-
Tnroe notorious New York forger ;
Charles Brockway , Joes Cook and Jii
Chase , were arrested there yesterda
while attempting to cash a raise
check for $1200 on the old nation !
bank of this place.
LONDON , August 17. The marriaj
of Stuatt Wortley to the daughter <
Anthony Trollop , took place plac
Sunday in this city.
WASHINGTON , August 1C. The d <
mand for standard silver dollars coi
tinues to increase from all parts of tl
country. Orders were sent to th
Philadelphia mint yesterday amoun
ing to upwards of § 58,000.
NEW YORK , August 17 Yealerda
afternoon while one of the New Hi
ven road company's transfer boats
loaded with freiaht cars , was passir
down the East river , she was run inl
by the tug boat Gen. Sedgewick. Tl
transfer boat received but little injui
but the tug was completely disable
and had to ba towed to her docl
Two deck hands were into the wate ;
but were rescued.
Plattdeutacher Festival ,
peclal Dispatch to the Bee. *
CHICAGO , August 17,1 a. m. The
uilghts Templar doings of yesterday
were overshadowed by the Plalt-
euttscherverein parade. Their pro-
ession was several miles in length ,
msaing through the principal streets
t noon en route to Oden's grove ,
where their national festival is being
icld. The procession was very novel
nd picturesque , after the manner of
he Mardi-Gras parades in southern
itiea. On one wagon was a mam
moth pyramid of flowers and gaily-
ttlred girls , making a beautiful spec-
aclc. Other tableaux were a ship ,
n antique windmill , illustrations ot
tenter's comic opera , a steam organ ,
ioat wagon , Kiel students , repro-
ent.-itiuna of Aaierican coins , pic-
, ures of Bismarck , Kaiser Wilhclm ,
jincoln , Garfleld , Hancock and oth-
rs. Several bands were in line , and
very largo large crowd witnessed the
lassago of the procession.
Pioneer Dead.
pedal Dispatch to The Bee.
SAX FKANCIMJO , August 1C la. m.
A diapulch from Santo , Patijn , Vcn-
lira county , says Rev. Jt W. Gutger-
on , who has held many offices of
rust in the atate , and was one of the
rioneurs of this county , was bitten by
rattlesnake Sunday , trom the effects
f which he died that night.
Republican Rally at Waterloo.
A Republican mass meeting will bo
icld at Waterloo , Douglas county ,
Vednesday eveninc , to discuss the campaign issues. Every
armer should be there to hear Mr.
Jdward Rosewater on the conflict of
lie people with the monopolies.
GREER Of consumption , July 24 ,
ohn T. Greer , aged 35 years.
The deceased was born in Atlanta ,
3a. , and was a son-in-law of W. A.
lobison , of Crescent township , Potta-
wattamie county , Iowa , but hid been
mployed as engineer at the Smelting
works in this city. He leaves a younj
wife to m mm his early demise.
Atlanta , Ga. , papers please copy.
STOPPENUURST Theodora , daugh
, or of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Stop
unhurst , died August 15 , aged tw <
rears and ton months. Funeral tool
> lace yesterday from the residence
on Seventeenth and Mason streets.
GIUSON Infant child of Mr. am
Airs. Will Gibson , died at 4 a. m
Ausnut 15'h , agoil five months. Fun
eril took place at 4 p. m. Sunday
Dean Millspaogh "fliciating.
! . A caafi'-f tju timMon bj
When the Baltimore and Ohio rail
rotd woke up and declared its Inten
tion of giving all rival lines the duai
; here was the usual succr and patron
'zingly the information vwaa vouch
safed that it was simply a paroxyaom
il effort which would speedily be fol
lowed by a collapse. Months havi
passed and the Baltimore and Ohio I
more progressive ami aggressive thai
over. Meantime other lines put 01
and then drew off fast trains , finally
; oing into their hole ? and pulling
hem in after them. The result is thi
public , ever true to the foremost ii
; ho race of Improvement , has come ti
the support of the old line and its bus
ineas has improved wonderfully. Twi
sections ot .egular trains have beer
run where once a single car woulc
lave carried all the passengers. Din
ing balls , where formerly a passenge :
'clt almost Ioat in his lonelines , an
now scones of an activity testifying ti
full and complete satisfaction eve
the good things so temptingly spread
The bright , clean look overythin ]
uow has on the road is decidedly pleas
snt and the trip over the "picturesqu
line of America" as the Baltimore am
Ohio is justly termed is ono of inter
est and enjoyment throughout. Th
laying of 'BO much steel rail has great !
enhanced the smooth ridin ? of trains
it being of extra weight and of th
lateat improvement in form and ac
companiments. Not long since a :
engine on the Trans-Ohio dtvisioi
made the remarkable run of 03 mile
98 minutes , this simply th
making up of time without any spee
ial preparation. There are no fine
locomotives on top of earth than thot
of the Baltimore and Ohio , and th
men who run them are engineei
worthy of the name. The transfer e
the New York trains of the lines , t
the immense steamer , across the ba
at Baltimore is a perfect success , pa
sengers being loud in their praise of
over the old manner of the strei
transfer and long underground ric
through the tunnel.
Why doae „ ouraolvea with nausea
In mediclnea , when n purely frn
cathartic will cure you at once Han
burg Fie * . Try them.
Stoleu fruits may be the aweetea
but when a boy finds himself in an a ]
pie tree with a dog at the foot , he di ;
covers that the apples are scur. Yo
can't patch op his wounded feo'in '
with taffy as that , but you can pate
up his wounds with Dr. Thomas' E
lectric Oil.
Machine Works
J. F. Hammond , Prop.&Managi
The moit thoronzh appointed End corcplt
Machine Shops and Foundry ID the state ,
Castings ol every description manufactured.
Knslnes , Pnmpg and every claea o machine
nude to order.
Special attention ( riven to
Well AnsrursPnlleys , Hanger
ShaftinaI5ridge Irons , Geer
Catting , etc.
PUnalornew MachlDeryUeachanIcal Drang ]
ID ? , Models , etc. , neatly executed.
9C3 Barney St. , Bet. 14S and 16
Wholesale and Retail
Goods sent to any part of the United States on
solicitation. Largest assortment of
And everything found generally in a flrst-
clasa Jewelry Store.
manufactured o'l short notice. Orders from
solicittjii. YFlien.ti i > in : hn call nnd eo us , Ko
ifC to show GutWls.
The Jewelers , Opposite HiePostollice , ISth & Dodge.
TO prelect the public against ImiUtora we specially caution all purchasers ot
Benson's Capcine Porous Plaster
To see tliat the work CAPCINE on the labjl Is iptlled correctly.
Do not allow some other Plaster to be palmed off under a similiar sounddi ; name , with the assnr-
ance the ; it it aa good Bcir ib rnmd that the only object such dealers inn have , lathe I.-Ht that
they can make a few pennies extra profit by selling the sptrious.
Bryan , Tenn , June 11,1879 ,
J.C. Richardson , St. Louis-Dear Slrt-
Bly bur. 3 year * oltl , hail fever rrrrj
other clnyt or CT TJT thiril ilny , for Hlmut
3pn > ntli . I until ai much its IV Krnlns
of ( Juluino during Hie dny.lnitirltli mi
affect : tried Cinclionli'Hlkalolibhiiluli.
Cilli'honiilui , Snfuciut * , etc. , rtc. , hut the
boyKIII cirseall tliutluip. I reluctantly
sent down to my druc ( tore for your
FcbrlfiiKr.and I irritcj juitluiny tlmt hr
never Iia < l oyiiiiit < tni of fever nrtnr rum-
menolni ; l > brifugp. to date , heiuicnow
oreramontlimfo. I fel tlmt lontht to
lay this much In behnlf of your inrulclnr.
Am n retcnlnr HI. I ) . , but retired from
practice 3 yrnrt ace and detotlog my
lime to druK biuinttm.
Very relyectiullr.
Stockton , Mo. , Anc33th , 1870.
,7. O. Rlchnrdsnn , Ht. IouDear ! Sir :
Clifford' * Kebrif UK e 1 th * b it thing foi
Chill * and Fever that wo IiRTe ever
handled. Th re never haa been n can
thfitiraa NOT oared by It that wns taken
according to direction * In thi * part ot
the country. Yonr truly ,
Chllllcathe , Ma. , July 30.U870.
J. O. Richardson. St. touli My Dear
31r : Here I * Bometlilng reliable ; it you
can make any rue of It pleaiodoo.Ve
luivo sold hundred * of bottle ! irlth like
results. Iourfrlend ,
Iluyce Si Oatrander.
Thin I * to certify that I hnd the Fever
and Aioio tills summer nnd Uin line oi
one-third of n bottln nf Clifford's Febrl.
fuge promptly cured It. It U the f p edl <
est our X nave known of.
. 1878.
Mr Dear Sir : For over two yearslhav
had Fever and AKue. tuid trfter trylns
every thine I took one-half bottle 1
Clifford's Febrlfuce , nnd It cured im
pnrmanontly. I b ll ve my cn e would
fiKvnbepnfntnlhndl not found this
I did. Tours truly ,
if. AV. root ,
Manager "U.S.
RICHARDSON & CO. , - St.LouI .
jYofJce to Contractors.
Seated proposals will be received by the Clt
Water Works Company of Omaha , .Vet * . , at the !
otllce , room No. 1 , Crtuhtfm Block , in said city
until 12 o'clock , noon , ofV Ine Uy.thel-t Ca1
of fceptember , 1S80 , for f nrnisliinir all material.
and ptrformin work u follow * :
One compound or condensing jHrnpins
with capacity t > ptlttp S.OOO.bO ) IT. S.
a aimt 3W leet heail from the MU'fltiri nver
the giurcc o [ upply , into the r eivmrninilxl- i
to work acalret a iiLixio-iim flro pressure eqiu
to 350 head.
Ala ) ono nou-compoumi noi cnndenain ? en
cine of 2,000,000 gallons capacity under like con
ditions as above.
Abe four boilers with all thnir appurtenances
Also engine foundation * and boiler ee tinn.
Also one engine and bnilr honw comp'eto.
Also tte ftirnisMnif approximately 100 ton
of cant iron water pipe and 75 tonjol special cut
AI3O the laying ot 23 rail.'S of pipe tojethc
with ei tlnin inclti'linz haulinir. furnish
IDS Iedi fuiniahmi ; and tcttin ; valre boxes am
coi en and he tettln * of hydrants
AIwthefuruiihinKthe nece sary ralves.
Also the furnishing cf 250 On. luiIrinU.
Alio the furniihlns of all material * not foun
on the ground , and uunatructiPKSrfetcrvoirswiti
an a ? r te caiocity ot 9XJUOUQ yallona to
tether with ree ivin < and geitliu ; * crumben In
fluent and diluent arrangement * and e.erjthin
nec < ary to lull * complete th * > name
Also In fuinUbln all materials and Iibor n <
ccssar to fully complete the influent or rire
well and its connections with the river and wit
the pumpinz macliinert.
Spo. ideations will be furnished on applicatio
at the otllce cf the company front and after tt
ISth mst.
Plant and detailed drawings will be rcidy fc
the examination of bidders at the company
office as above from and after the 25th
Payments will bo tilde monthly on work dot
and material ! furnished , with reservations ar
exceptions as set forth in specifications
hidj will be received for the abe c work , in d
tail forthc whole or any part thereof.
The company hereby reserve the rlzhttn relc
any oe all bid * . SAMUEL R. JOIIS8OV ,
auzl2 16t President.
OJ CC a week In yonr own t < ra. 'terms And 1
IDUU outfit free. Address U. Haltett ts. C :
Fcnland. M
O. J. W .LOLIDE. ,
1317 CAS3 ST. , OMAHA. NEB.
5TA good assortment alwayg on ho tTtJ
Are Not Half as Interest
ing to the General Read
er as the Following Price
List :
tolbsot Aa : ar for ft od
lOJltw cttraCauicarfor. . Off
U lha Canary C. Suirar for CO
0 ll Granulated Suitar for 03
H Ite Cut , Loaf Siis-irfur oo
8 Ibi coed Kin CnHeo for . . On
5 Iba liejt Rio Cuttea for. . . . 00
1 Ib * Choicu Jtva Cuffed fur 00
J Ihslicitt Moclm Offce for . 1 00
inline Hyson Tea pur Ib , 30 to 40
oIonjrTcaper Ib , 30 to 40
Jipan Tea per Ib,30 to SI
Miicst OunpowderTea perlb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
BvstO K Flour p rMck. . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . g 55
now Flake winter wheat flour 8 85
Havenibest flour . _ . . . . . . . . 480
* 0 barn White Uuaxian Soap for. . . 1 00
0 liars Climax Soap for 1 00
' 1 fwrs Laundry Soap for 1 00
IS bant Linen t-oap for . 1 00
Pure Maple Syrup per gallon 1 IS
fioMen dyrup pergallftn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . flo
sew Orleans Syrup jwr gallon. . 70
Vew Orleans Molasee * per irallon. . . . . . . . . . 45
Sumr Hoiue Molasxe ? p r icallon. . . . . . . . . . 40
i 1I < St. Louia doda Cratkcra for 1 00
17 IkSt. LuubOjatcr Cracker * for 1 00
1111)9 Uoetou Butter Crackers for _ . . . . . . 1 00
'Ill-afllnccrSnipsfor 100
13 Ibn New Currants for 1 00
31baNc\v Bhckberricfl for 1 CO
> lb I'ltteil Clicrric * for 1 Ott
10 Iba Dried 1'caclie * ( lialvcs ) for 1 00
10 llw Choice Dried Apples for 1 00
10 Ibfi best new Prune * for 100
lOlbs. best Valentin Ilaiama 1 00
7 Iba. new layer lUisins I 00
Peachcs,2lt > cans. 15
Peaches. 3 Ib cans ( standard ) . . . . . . 22
Pie Teaches. 6 I b cans . . . . . . . . . . . 2S
Peacb ) ( Cal)3 ) Ibrana 80
Blackberries , 2 Ib can 15
Appleo , ( York State ) ol can 55
Jliwberries 3 Ibtan 1&
Jhcrrlea 21b can 12 $
Hrnson Plum * 2Ib cans 15
tat > i > berncn .Mb can 15
Strawberries,2 Ibcau _ . 20
dinner leang,2 Ib cans 12 }
Saked Iteang , 3 ll > can 20
, inui Beans , 2 Ib cans 12 $
Sii arcorn , 'Jib can 124
' .irmoiub corn , per ean 17 }
"omaU > , 31bcan 15
luccotaAh , 2 Ibcan. . . . 124
umpklnt ) , Slbcaii 20
241b bcanu 1 00
9 Ibmlried Lima beans 1 OO
35 Iba hominy 1 00
1 Ibs Carolin.ilru.0 1 0
251bs oat meal „ _ 1 00
, family mackerel , per kit 90
Katfamily whiteflslv ( > r kit. BO
> nLih ( , whole , per Ib. . . . . S
Jodtisb , boneleaM , per Ib 10
[ Lillihut , per Ib 12 $
ilolland hcrrini ; ( new ) per kez. . . . 1 25
robavco ( DIackweli'd Durham ) fa lb. . . . . _ 60
TolmcoSIl or. < alpluaperib ) . M
Tobacco ( Old Siylc ) per Ib 85 ) perlb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . *
llama , gnsar-cured , pcrlb.- . - - H
hres. lldozfor 1 00
Butter , freah roll , per Ib 20
Complete price lists furnished onapplItAtl
Country orders will recciva prompt and cars
tUntlon. Positively no goods sold on credit.
J. B. FRENCH & CO. ,
The Original Keliable Grocers ,
No. 1119 Farnham Street ,
. , . ,
Pianos and Organs First Class
on Easy Monthly Payments ,
Sheet Music and Mnsi-
cal Instruments.
O TT Xi 3D I IN * < 3S -
Oil Pilntink'9 , KncraviniT ) an- * Frames at great
ly r-d'iced prices.
8x10 Frames , 1 Inch , Walnut. . - l c
10x12 " 1 ' " . 20
10x11 " 1 " " . 20
12x18 " . 6S
16x20 " . 75
Rustic 8x10 fnme . - * 5
Chrnmoa Jri" < d , Imill , 25c ,
Clironi > 3 framed , Iane , 1 36 ,
Enriving3 ( from 50c upward * ,
I'hotosraph framca from 15c upwards ,
Wmdo.v Cor .ices 75c a window and upwanui
Umbrcfjuirji * 00 ptr window and upw rd .
Comico feres 2 SO pa- window and upward * ,
Velvet frames 25c etch to5 00
Violin Strinzt 15c. , . .
Violi a I 75 , 2 DO , 3 and upward * .
Guitars 5 00 , 6 00 , 7 00 and upwards.
Danlos 1 00. S 00.5 00 , ami upward * .
Accorflcons from 1 00 up , cheapest m dty
Send for samples and cataloeno of monldlnRI
. . J"- .
and sheet muaic. A. HObPb. -
1578 Do.Jzo St. . Omaha. Neb.
ilctallc.Caaes , CotHns , Caskets , Shroudj , etc.
Fzrnham Street , Get. lOtb anil llth , Om ha , Neb.
Telegraphic Ordon FrompUjr Attended TCJ.