r , TILE DAILY BEE. Friday Morning , August 13. " Republican Registration. "Under the rules established by the Republican central committee of Douglas county for the conduct of the primary election which takes place Thursday , Angust 2Cthj no person will be allowed to vota at these prima ries unless his name appears in the republican registration list. Every republican citizen who is entitled to vote at the next general election willbe registered by us upon making personal application. The undersigned will sit for registration from now until the 23rd day of August , and hereby invite nil republicans who desire to take part in the coming primary election to come forward and register theirnames. By order of the executive committee. E. D. MCLAUGHLIN , D. S. BKJ.TON , D. H. KEXMSOK , Registrars. * P. S.-Repist-ation , Friday , will take place at the Gatfield and Arthur clubrooms between the hours of 10 a. in , find 12:30 p. in. and2 and 5 p. m. , nnd In the cvetiing 7 to 9 o'clock at the same place. Patcwm sells coal. 5 > o 1'clack's advertisement. ; - Try Saxo'a Coffee Cream Soda. Porter is running the Omaha ferry. U. P. Bind excursion Saturday. ' Warranted tooth brushes , Kuhn's. SeWonberg & Co.'a Key West Ci gars at Saxe's. The game law expires on nest Sunday. Frcth oyslcn at Richards' Res taurant , 1017 Farnham street. 1H3 The cjrd rate of § 3 , on nails Is re-affirmed by the nail a'gocialion. Lots , Farme , Houses and Lands. Look over Betnis' new column of bar gains on first pi go. For. RKNT. Store building , 174 Farnham street , ! M. llth and 12th. Apply to Juo. A. CreJghlon. tf The brick for the B. & M. round house at Liifcoln comes from Crete and lha brick for the now depot from Ociaha. Ociaha.Dra. Dra. DIn moore and Gilford , HonKiiOpnthic Physic'.in * and Sur geons , Williams Block , cor. 15th aud Djdgo streets. ood-tf L. A. Saalfield , the shorcr of bo qus checks , has been buimd over to await the action of the grand jury , and is in the CDunty jail. Being locked out of the Board of Trade rooms by mistake Wednesday theS. P. C. A. adjourned to meet in two weokr. tTrain No.4 , from the west yester day , wai nn hour and a half late on ac count of snow slides ou the Central Pacific. Prof. Fred. A. Chapman is deliv ering a course of lectures on elocu tion a-id voice culture , at the Busi- ncjs College. He comes highly rec ommended. The Turners celebrated Father Jahn's 192d birthday at the Tivoli Garden last night. He was thefounder of the organization. A grand time was had , music , feasting , dancing tc. The business at Altted's French Cjffee House , 1420 Douglas street , has been changed to a. btrictly cc business. The bill of fare wiil bo in creased and every effort will be made to accommodate patrons. An elojjatiUilk stand of colors has baen presented tluj Garficld and Ar thur G'.ee Culb by Hon. J. R- . Man chester. Across tho'sUra and stripes the words "Garfield and Arthur" are printed on a broad gold-colored rib bon. It is a handsome gift. J - # Captain Porter is at work at tempting io recover his cable which was broken a few days since , but finds i very luird work on account of its continually catching the willows and fl "atins driftwood. Ho says it ia hard work to run the ferry and -make any thing out of it , but1 he is going to try it awful hard. George Thuflow , the night watch man at the Transfer emigrant house , wai robbed Wednesday of a new suit of clothes and other articles of value , to the amount of § 75 and upwards. Someone entered him room the night while he was ou duty. The officers are on the scent of the criminal. A young man dressed in a light suit of clothes and with a blonde com plexion , Wednesday obtained lodging with Joseph Dews , Sixteenth and Burt streets for which ho paid a quar ter from a poctct-book full of change taken from the clothing of a member ot the family. This left the profit and loss balance on tha wrong side. Yesterday afternoon two parlies of men were in Julius Ross' saloon drinking beer , when the one which was last to enter suddenly attacked the others as they Eat at a table. Not a word was spokuu , the first intima tion of trouble bei'Jg a tertiblo blow received in the head with a beer glass by one of the men who. was'aittiu ) down. A general melvsjo followed uu uus til Julius took a club and a vigoiou usul part in the row. Hojirovo them ul and restored qtnet in lets than CO time. The wounded man was able t w lk to the nearest drug store am Ulei hive his head attojidcd to. He blei considerably and may be soriousl hurt. fowJaya t g6 one of our wealth : Jest Germans in the presence of scv ! unit of our prominent citizana w * .hgcussiui ; with Mayor.Chaso the fn tn-d i > ro3pect of Omaha. Bet agreed that its prospects were ver : bright. The m yor said ho did lOt entertain a doubt but that the ity ; would contain 50,000 people in 1885 . His German friend replied , "Ver well , I will.give you a handeom liorae and buggy on January 1 , 1880 jf wa have then that population. ' We hope to be at Chess's ranch Ttt. New Year's d ylSS6 , and listen to tie . epeech and witness the entertsinnwn when he receives the present , as TII do not doubt he will. AUDACIOUS SOEILLEB , He Breaks Into a Bureau With an Ax in Broad Day Light , But is Caught With His Pocket Full of Coin. Joseph Schiller , a well-known ped dler of the Jewish persuasion , Kaa a ain arrested yesterday , thia time oa the charge ofygrand larceny. Ho went to the'houfl of Mr. Owen Conway - way , on California street , Wednesday afternoon , and Deceived from Mrs. Conway a small balance due on a picture sold her. Ha saw her gelj the key , unlock the rawer and take out a well-filled puree. n the course of the afternoon he re- 3rned twice and tried to get an op- lottunity to get at the wealth. Yt s- erday , just after Mr. Conway left or his work , Mrs. C. went up street o buy some meat leaving two bright ttle boys alone in the house. Schiller ame in end sent one of the boys to ; et a bucket of water , when he got .he nx and pried openhedrawerse5zed { .he purse , containing 538.75 in coin nd skedaddled. The boy returned .n . time to witness the act and gave the alarm when Schiller ivas very hotly pursued and , with the mone3'in his pocket. There was a very plain case made out cainct Schiller. It was the boldest and the most audacious robbery that taken place for some days. Only § 13.75 was recovered and he must have dropped Ihe rest or thrown it way on purposa to get it afterward. DONT YOU POEaET IT. Republicans Must Register , or They Will Not Be Allowed to Vote at the Prima ries on August 26th. There is a general impression among publicans that paities who have heretofore voted in Omaha are not : ompolled lo flpply fcr registration at ho coming primaries. This is a inis- c. Nobody will bo registered nn- es he applies in person to the repub- icM registrars , and nobody will be allowed to vote at the coming primary unless his name appears on the repub- ican reeistcr. This is done to prevent democrats , non-residents or repeaters from voting at the republican primaries. To ac- cormnodfuo republicans of the Fifth and Sixth waras , the registrars will sit atlloeder's drugstore on Sixteenth street , this ( Thurtday ) evening , from 7 lo I ) o'qjcck. It is desirable that the registration of these wards shall be complele. Every republican who a entitled to vote at the nest general election will bo allowed to have his mine registered. All that is required s personal application to the regis trars. Those Priests. " " "OMAHA , August 12th 1880. To the Editor of TIIK GEE. Regarding the statement made in last evening's BKH that the two catbo lie priesti who wire stopping at the St. Nicholas hotel at the time of its conflagration were so under the in fluence of liquor that itwai with dif ficulty they were gotten out of the building , we have to elate , firat that the priests were in nocaso intoxicated second , that they were shown by the ady of the hcuse the proper and safe exit from the burning building.Jhird they wore not "pulled out of bed and thrown down stairs. " HEXKY W. GCELKEU. Lite proprietor of the St. Nicholas- V. BUUKLEY. Why doBB yourselves with nauseat ing medicines , when a purely frnit cathartic will cure yon at once Ham burg Figs. jTry them. Murphy A ; Lavettlns. , Agency ; olden on established agency in this atate. Resignation of Rev. E H. E. Jameson. At the close of the prayer meeting at the First Baptist church Wednes day evening the members of the diurch and society present trcro much surprised when the pastor , "Rev. E. H. E. Jameson , roio nnd read to them liis rcpignation of the charge filled by im so lone and BO acceptably. Be nff rmed them that he had been ap- > ointed to an important position by ho Home Missionary society , being hat of superintendent of missions for .he district including Nebraska. A rule of the church requires hree months' notice in such cases and fnmeEon said he would tender Ids res- gnalion , to take effect three months icnce , but desired that the church jrould suspend the rule ? , H necessary , .nd give him psrmission to enter up- on bis new work at the beginning of September. No immediate action was taken upon tha resignation , which \vas laid upon the table , to bo taken np at the next regular monthly meeting , on Wednesday night , the 18th inst. Much jrogret was expressed on the ; part of the church and sdcicty that - ihoy should bo c.illed upon to part ; with their minister , and many hope that he cm yet bo induced tc withdraw the rcsigua tion and remai to > with his present charge , but in Jill probability Mr. Jameson had thor oughly re v lvcd the matter in his mint ; before taking the step , and has madi up his mindlo accept the position of furetl. Ho has served as pastor hen for over four jears. raa A ROW ! joke is told us confiden fu- tially on Sir. Henry Hobbie , whc ith lst week went out on the Elkhon ry with a party to hunt and fish for a few days. He and one of the boys wen in a boat fishing , when , seeing 't . couple of blackbirds sitting tempting ly within roach , he drew a bead sm them and blazed away. The boat laj , at a broadside position , and the re cell of the gun kicked the marksm&r . over backward , upsetting the boat fine ( immersing him and his _ compamor arm-pit deep in the water , from whicr 3 ! they emerged with ardor considerablj j dampened , as well as themselves. \ WIRE WORK , The Unexampled Growth of Business in the A. & P. Telegraph Office , They Will Remove to New Quarters September let. Omahi is constantly presenting new surprises in the remarkable successes which- attend the growth of enter prises of all Linda undertaken in her midst. These are a stronger proof of the life and vigor that characterize our city than almost anything else , and the instance we have now in hand is one of the most marked that has as yet come under our notice. All will recall the opening of the Atlantic and Pacific telegraph compa ny's office , in the drug store of D. W. Saxe , corner of Farnham and Thir teenth , on April 10th. At that time there were but two operators required to transact the business of the office , which has steadily increased from month to month , under the able man agement of Mr. E. L. Armstrong , un til it has assumed such considerable proportions that the company has been compelled to hire additional op erators. There are now two operators employed constantly from 8 o'clock in the morning until two o'clock at n'ght ' in handling the telegraph report of Tur.BEE alone , which amounts to an average of over ten thousand words a day. Tbo manager has found It necessary to remove to more -commodious and convenient quarters , and for that pur pose has secured the cast store room hi the elegant new block of Max Mey cr's on Farnham , between Tenth and Eleventh. This will befitted up at once , and it Is ozpected that they will be ready to be ; in business by Septem ber 1. This will be abigboom for the A. & P. and also for the city , and wo expect to see the A. it P. continue in the future the same course of prosper ity it has In the past enjoyed. FAST TRAIN TO CHICAGO DA Y LIGHT HON. To accommodate these wishing to attend tha conclave of Knights Tom plars at Chicago , the Chicngo and Northwestern railway will run a fast train Sunday , August 15th , leaving Omaha at 5 o'clock a. m. and arriving in Chicago at 9 o'clock the same even ing , making the through run by day light. Reduced rates to all who wisl to go. Special inducements to Knights and their families. For full particu lars call at the ticket office , corner Fourteenth and Farnham streets. augll-ot Wild Plums at Fleming's. In making their contracts forma teridl and supplies of all kinds , th City Water Works company of Oina < ha would do well to patronise home institutions in all ca es where it can do so with equal advantage to itself. We have iron manufacturers here tha take second rank to none , and deserve serve to reap the benefit of the pee plo's money rather than to see it gi to Chicago or St. Louis men. Sibarian Grab Apples at Fleming's The North Bend Excursion. On Saturday next the annual pic nic of the Union Pacific Band and their friends , will take place at North Bend. Judging from the interest manifested ou all oides , the crowd that vill go out this year will more than double that of last. A very In tcreating programme of " games and sports has been prepared which is her given : - Long raca , prize , a beautiful cutb chain ; Jthreo-legged race , prize , twc silver cups ; sack race , prize , a set o gold studs ; wheel barrow race , prjze : gent's pin ; vaulting witlrpole , pri an elegant gold chain ; standing high leap , prize , a pair of sleeve buttons boy's race , prize , a splendid Richie harmonica ; greas'sd ' pig , the will bo given for the prize. The games will be interspersed with dancing OD a largo and commodious dancing pa' vilion , erected for the purpose. Then will also be glass ball and targe shooting. No extra charge for enter ing any of the games or for dancing , Music for the dancing by the full 17 , P. band. A laqjo swing has bee : erected for the accommodation of la . dies and cliil'dreu. A large place has , also been cleared for those wishing to play croquet. Everything possible will be done for the pleasure and conven ience of these attending. Refresh ments will be furnished on the grounds. The train will leave the U. F. yards at 7:30 a' in. and the Tenth street depot at 8:30 : sharp. Returning leave North Bend at about 5 p. m. The street cars will bo in waiting at the end nf the Eighteenth and Twen tieth streets terrnini of the street rail way lines at 7 o'clock on Saturday morning to accommodate those who como in from the more remote portions of Iho city. Shadow of Death Valley. It is said that Will L. Visscher , well known in this city and through out the lower Missouri valley , is now on his way east with the California "Shadow of DealhTalley" company , * producing a playfounded on incidente tsw connected with the Mountain Meadon and other massacres. School Superintendent. The board of education held n sheri and very quiet meeting last evening there losing only seven member present. This principal busincsi transacted was the election , of a EU porintoudcnt of the city schools. Mr Gourde B. Lane , of St. Louis , -na asT. elected without any opposition. Mr T.Ut Lane is the assistant supcrinlcudeu of the city schools of St. Louis , and i said lo bo a , very practical man am scholar , hii recommendations being o the very highest character. His SB il- sry was fixed at § 2,400 per annum. Elegant accommodations , lowcs price , Astor House , N. Y. 14-dlm. TO THE KNIGliTS TEMTLARS I desire to hwo the names by ; a Friday noon , August 13th , of all whi - desire to go to Chicago via. C. , B. & Q. railroad on the California specia al.at train leaving Council Bluffs Augus 14th at 3.50 p. m. , that I may beer enabled to secura-sleeplng-berths all. Leave word at the ticket office Fourteenth and Farnham streets. W. J. DAVESPORT , augll-2t General Hamburg Flga 25o a box , MATOTE BECQBDr Arrival of the Steam Ferry boat Undine , Under Sealed Orders , Which The Bee Will Open for Its Readers. About4o'clcok Wednesdayafternoon the side-wheel , 'high pressure ferry boat "Undine" arrived at this port from Sioux City and tied up at the levee , below Porter's ferry landing. The "Undine" is not a new boat , but was built at Wellsville , Ohio , in 1868. She is of 76.48 tons burden , is provided with two high pressure engines , 14-inch cylinders , and has a 5 ft. 8 In. stroke. Her two heavy boilers and powerful engines give her a motive power not exceeded by that of any boat on the river , and have been known to drive her , down stream , 300 miles in one day , at a high stage of water. The distance from Sioux City to Omaha , 210 miles , was made in a little over one day. She left the former place Tuesday , having been employed in ferrying there for nine or ten years past. A new boat received this spring re liood her from duty , and after ply ing at Niobrara a while this spring and summer she wai sent to Omaha under command of Captain S. B. Cowles , who was ordered to report to Mr. Frank Murphy , of this city , for On the way down both rudders were broken , about 120 miles above Oma ha , but wera repaired before goint further , and the Undine is now in good shape to do business. She is capable of carrying fourteen teams a one time , and has a commodious cabin on the hurricane deck for passengers Tha boat is owned by D. T. Hedge ; and others , and is run , wcunderstand under an old charter from the terri tory of Nebraska. Of this old com pany Mr. Frank Murphy was a member ber and wo learn on good authority that it is the purpose of the owners to run this boat between Omaha and th oppositoside of the river , It being be lieved that the business will juslif ; such an enterprise. It is a snug , sub tantial and powerful boat and we be lieve that it will find all it can do a the port of Omaha. PERSONAL , PARAGRAPHS. A. J. Poppletoti ia in St. Paul. F. W. Gridley is at home again. Hun. J. II. Millard went eai Wednesday nicht. ; J. J. Cumminga loft for the wea yesterday. L. H. Korty and family west eat Wednesday. P. B. Great left for St. Jco Wodues day night. J. M. Thuraton has returned from the south. Lieut , Oscar Elting , U. S. A. , went west yesterday. P. L. Perino and family left yester day for South Park , Col. Miss Hattie McChfiono hai gone to Kansas City on a vi jit. Thomas A. McSbanr and family left for Minnesota Wednesday. Dr. Conkling has ono to Wiscon sin for a few weeks recreation. Hon. G. H. Wells , of Schuyler , went west on the 110011 trainjyesterday. J. O'Donahoo , of the Omaha police f orco , has "one eastjfor a brief visit. M. H. Judd , of the land depart ment , went east Wednesday over the Rock Island. Mr. J. Wilkinson , editor and pro prietor of the St. Thomaa ( Canada ) Times , and Mr. P. Bevier , proprietor of the Lisgar House , at St. Thomas , two representative gentlemen of the Queen's Dominion , are in the city to day , prospecting. They are under the. yrotocting care of Mayor Chase. Uied. TKACY In this city on August 10th { Philip Patrick , youngest son of An- I drew and Elizabeth Tracy , aged j four years and nine months ; and on August llth , Margaret , second old est daughter , aged fourteen years. "What a sad announcement 1 How full -of keen sorrow to relatives and frienc's. ' Phillie , tha curly haired bright eyed , brilliant little cherul who wns wont to meet his brother and. sistora on their njturn from schou and pracociouBly gather from them fragments of the aay'a lessons , which far beyond hia ken shr were , but the par ent like repetition of which gav promise of rare "intellect. He ireas winged his flight to heaven. Thii world yrai not good enough for him whose baptismal robes , immaculati and shining as when they wore Crs donned , wore better suited to the com pany of angels. And Maggie , O parents ! your cu of is full to sorrow overflowing , am fain would we olfer words of con lola tion , and help smooth the ruggci path , and. bear with you the burden o your cross. But it is not uocetsary Your cal 31 ri signation ard Christiai fortitude and unswerving faith ar sufficient to sustain you. May Goi give you strength in this great calami ty. Wo kae w Maggie well in th school room , -where she exhibited superior intellect of which her pai ents might well feel proud. As a plaj mate so amiable , so desirous t . please others at the cost c inconvenience to self. So belove that the group was not complet is unless Maggie participated. We bad id her good-bye yesterday monrng , an of while wegraapedthewasted finger an - felt the feverish brow , and Iroked in ! to those larg 3 radiant eyes and shed tear at the thought of losing one t young and fair , wo saw her lips niov in prayer , a quiet resignation , ad faith wonderful in one so young , gav us to understand that we were In he : presence of a youn g saint. Two beau tiful flowers are celled from the faml Iv pasture transplanted from illis "vale of tears" to the Throne lisof Grace , where they become the watch : ful guardians and earnest advocates o those whom they have left behind. behind.R. R. Farmers having hay to contract , fo delivery at Willow Springs distillery will do well to call 09 Her & Co. , 131 ! Ifarnham street , Omoha , without de laji as they Trll ; soon , atop contract ing. jy26dwlnj BUGLE CALL , The Gathering of Boys In BlueWho Have Marched , Fought and Suffer ed Together. The Memories They Cling to and Love the Best. The preparations for the forthcom ing reunion of soldiers and sailors at Central City , September 13th and 18th both days inclusive , are going on act ively , and on a scale which promises to make it one of the biggest events of the kind that has ever occurred in the country. Thousands of veterans from every state in the union , the militia of oar own slate , the various brass and cornet bands of the state , and over fifty posts of the Grand Army will be in attendance , with thousands of citi zens. Speaking , eingincf music by brass and martial bands , artillery salutes , company and regimental drills , dress parades , inspections and reviews , camp fires , artillery duels bynightand sham battles by day , are but a part of the week's entertainment , the reg ular progrjfcgme of which will-be " pub lished in d jfcaffln j , W' A liit of S 2."J.B'prizes has been offered , including : ? 100 to the best amateur brass or cornet band from Nebraska , ihat shall attend the re union each .band to select three pieces , and the committee three , viz : "Star Spangled Banner , " "Mocking Bird , " and "Hail Columbia ; " the prize to bo awarded to the band play ing the six pieces the best. A stanc of colors , to co t not less than § 50 , to the best fltfitp militia company ( uni formed ) appearing upon the grounds , to bo determined by their drill am soldierly bearing instead of number but not less ilun a platoon of sixteor files will be considered a company A priza silk banner , to bo presented by the Indies of Central Cily to the G. A. R. post from Nebraska having the largest representation at the reunion ( Morriok county excluded ) . The latest goner.il orders issued by the department commander are as ful lows : H'DQ'KS DEP'T or NEIL , G. A. R. , Ass't Adj't Gen's OJHco , OMAHA. Neb , August 5 , 1880. General Orders No. 3. I. The semi-annual encampment o : the department will convene at the headquarters of Buford post , No. 23 in Central City , Nebraska , on Wednes day , September 15 , 1880 , at 2 o'clock p. m. II. Department headquarters wil bo established at the headquarter , tent of camp Buford , where the cetin cil of administration will assemble a 10 o'clock a. m. , September 15 , 1880 III. The commander of peat No 23 will detail an ollicer of the day , am oflicorand guard , and nine comrade for guard duty during the encamp mcnt. The ollicer of the day will report port to the A. A. G. , at 10 a.m. on the 15th for instructions. IV. The attention of pest commanders mandors is callol to sec. 1 , article 2. chapter V. . R & R ; alsosec. 2 , articl 4. , chapter V.R. & R. V. The report of the committee arrangementa'fortho soldiers and saii era * re-union to be held at Centra City for the week commencing Sep * 13 , 1880 , as far as completed b ap proved , and hereby announced. [ The report has already been published in THE BEE. ] ED. VI. The commander 6f Post No. 7 , will detail ton comrades to report to pase department commander , R. H. Wilbur , for escort duty to the com- mander-in-chief , Gen Louis Wagner , Sept. 14,1880. VII. A list of all posts in peed standing will bo forwarded to Com mander W. H. Webster , Sept. 1,1880 , that quartern will bo reserved ( or them in the G. A. R. camp. VIII. To avoid delay in obtaining supplies and badges , posts should make requisition for a sufficient sup ply in time , eo ihat they may bo pro cured from national headquarters. By command of JAMES W. SAVAGE , Department Commander. JOHN S. WOOD , Assistant Adj't Gen. Official : S. A. HUNTOON , A. A. A. G. Real Estate Transfers. James H. McArdleand wife to John Dawson. w. d. , s. lot 5 , block 28 city of Omaha $1,200. John H. Levy to Byron and Lewis S. Reed : q , c. d , part block 144 , city of Omaha § 213.62. . Byron Reed and wife and Joht H. Levy to Ann Alderion : q. c. d. , lot 50 by 93 8-10 feet , on Harney street S127.10. JohnH. Levy to Byron Reed : q. o. d. , pot tion ot market street , city ol , Omaha § 39.38. - The city of Omaha to John H Levy : w. d. , nil that portion of Mar ket street vacated , lying south ol . - Harney and between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets , city of Omaha S380. Joseph Barker et al. to John O'Oon nell . d. . 22 feet lot , , : w. , n. 2 , blocl 101 , city of Omaha ; also , right-of-wai over w. 10 feet of s. 44 feet of said lo" ! 2 § 1,000. ; John H. Kellom and wife to Alfrec R. Dufrena ; w. d. , parcel in lot 3 Capitol addition , city of Omaha 81,175. - J. H. Kellom and wife lo the Cit ( of Omaha : w. d. several loti and par as eels of land in the City of Omaha fo street and alley purposes. $1,000. Henry D. and Daniel W. Shull am wives to Ottp Beil : w. d. lot 8 , bloc test 2 , ShuH'q addition to the City o Omaha.G40. . st - ? G40. Wui. M. Dtvyer and wife to Wm R. Mathis : w. d. lot 7 , block 8 , Par ker's addition to the City of Omaha up ] nd § 225. la- John P. Hoaley and wife to Join lacd P. Healy and wife to John F. Quinn cdof w. d. lots 1 and 2 , block 2021 , city c ofy Omaha § 2,500. yan Jacob R. Hendrir and wife to Jo ire tur R. Conkling : w. d. lot 2 , bloc od 5011 , city of Omaha , and lots 5 and C block 14 , Isaac and Selden'a addition nibs city of Omaha § 1,800. a IRISH AMERICAN REPUBLICANS- tyto toof A Meeting Called at the Bean ed of Trade Boom. to de nd OMAHA , August 13. nd Tc-the Irish-American Republicans of Eouil ; Count } : n- late GENTLEMEN At the national Irisl American republican convention , hel to at Indianapolis , Indiano , on the 14t ve of July last , a national organizatiot known as "The Irish-American Rs ve publican League , " was formed , c - which organizition an executive con mittee , consisting of one member froi - each state and territory , was elected of The undersigoed was telected a ofh member of said executive committe : hof for the state cf Nebraska , and as sue ! member it becomes chm my duty to organ Izo clubs or branches of the nations organization within my jurisdiction _ _ Therefore , for the purpose of form : ing such organization In this locality , all Irish-American republicans in Douglas county are invited to meet st the board of trade rooms in this cit on the 14th inst. ' ' at 8 o'clock p. m. GEO. 31. O'BBiEjf , , Member national executive committee 7 SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Advertise menu To Let For Bale , Lost , Found , VTwitt , Bo rdln r 4c. , will be In serted In those columns once for TEN CENTS per Un ; each rabsoqnontlnscrtlon.FIVE CENTS per line. The first Insertion never less thin TWENTY-FIYE CEMT3. TO LOAM-MONEY. < jaKp f\f\\fO LOAN At 8 per cent Inter bOl > , UUU cs * . Inranisof 2000 anil up wards for 1 tn 6 vears' time on first class improv ed citv and farm property. Apply at BEMIS1 Real Estate and Loan Agency , 15th and Doutlaa Sta 278-eodtf ZT TO TXJAK Call at Law Offlcs M D. L. 7H011AS. RonmS.Crelghton Block ONKT TO IiOAH 1109 Farnham street. M Dr. Edwardfl Ixwn Aeency. nov-22-ti HEIP WANTED TTTANTED ( Joed ni'chtne hand vantC'I , at Vy Omiha Shirt Factory No other mod np- ply. 103-tf TTTANTKD A nomnncnok aril dtninsr room VV eirl at MrKcnz'e Dinln ? Room * , corner 10th and Dodge St * . P. N. GUSTIN , Pro. 283-13 - 2 clrla at French Coffee House. WANTED- S3-m-w.f A wowun for washing and Iron. WANTED at Emmet liouso. 231-12 NTED Ceo * , Apply at 1D15 Webster street. 266 tf TIT"ANTED Good cook , t Richard's R'B'nur VY ant 1017 Farnham St. 2G9-t' ' GIRL wanted to dr > rcncral housework. A Er quire John A. SIcShane , cor. 17th and Caw SU. 357-tf od cirl for e ncral hmnework. Anplv to WILLIS M. YATES , 1513 Dodse St. . near 16th. 3H-11 ANTF.P , A Girl to do hou'e work , 1109 Rtrret. nnSfnin 14a ttAXTEO-MISCEUAHEQU * . MAN WANTED At the RrmVlrn meat A rnirket. 13th St , between Jac' SOT anil Jones , for delivery wajnnj 230 tf OV WAr-TFP A sirart , artiye DOT for office - B fico \ < otk. The Hnulstron CO. 2S 13 WANTED Srroml hind cnclr.o . n < l holler , len io fourteen horse power ; must he in cco.lorlcr _ Address A. H. , BcoOfllce. 239-1" W PUno Inninp and repairlnz t HOSPB'S , 1510 Podec St 300-lm "TTTANTKn Foreman at brick-jard. T. XIIJR VV RAY. 165-t FOR PFHT-KnUSES AHD LAND. BEMIS OFFKRS A SFLKNDID LIST 0 TUrinlns In Homes. Lots , Farms am Lull-Is. In his now col nnm on 1st pssre. T 0 RENT NIccTv furni-lic , ! room , Jf. F. cor 17li ! and Capitol A\c. 231-1 TTIOR RENT JliTp idrix-o. S. W ror. IS'liam P Izani. orllir , chtciii , summer kitchen , etc o. c. iior.niK. 2S7-1 FOU KENT A nnclj fumWicd front room Enipttrcat 151G Dodge et. 2S3tf T7IOR RnVTT ; ( . MctfM nnrtliHpot corner 11th I1 and Californiv 5t3. Inquire Uui inor north. 333 1 : T7IOR RKNT A hriiBowitli five rooms , sm f rclhr ami cii'cni ' R. W. cor. of 13th i'i CIilc.170 Sis C.AXrORD. 323-t "T71OR RENT 2 fiirnliliril rormq n\rr Mer ( . ' cKwtt Ejcliingo , N. K. Cor. Ifith nn Prelcf ttrop'q. 2S9-lf FOll HKM1 Str < * rrom In britk Wocljcorne inthan.l IVnthsSts. . with or with uteri Iir. A'sn , 3 rooms In eccuml story. Apnlv t American Hnme. S90H NICKLY fnriiiIic.l rwmK with t > oru.l Hrick lioiuc Ilct 17th anil 13th streets on Cm * T URNIRJIED ROOMS FORRENT-AtDavrn I1 roil House. lylflt "J7TOR HUNT House with sir rnomi , well , eli I1 torn ami i-nll i" . On Capl'ol Ava . hit 1511 and Ifllb , noiith side J. S. JIcCORMlCIC IRl.t FOt SALE. 'J710R SALE S x-fnotshowca c.12 ( not counte J ; and store fhelvhu , at 457 loth Si , Omiha , 2)3-1 J T710U SAtK For 30 < Hrn tha hnnio anil lo I1 N K. cor. llth nnJ Harney. Enquire ot L n Snrneer , up stairs on the premises , or S. IT Howell , llth and Dcu-'Ias. 21M pBSTAURANT FIR SALE BuiUinr xu I Vj two sto-y. bui t less than a yeir , nell pay incr , no competition , no hotel in town , s'x bed rooms. Will be sold 'th stock and furniture chrap for cish Address E. ANGELL , Grafton Neb. 201 EOi ; LAttDS , LOTS , HOUSES AND FARM look over BEJIIS' new column on 1st patfi Bargains STOCK FAR5I FOR SALE 1000 acres , direl. inc mul out-bouses , in Dourlas County o the Elkhorn rltcr ; Irit stcck ranee I Eastern Nebrstka. T me cay Also 140 hea of cattle. If 0 hoe and piss 7 nor cf , and 'ot o , farming Implement ? . Innui'C law office ot T. W. T. RIcbinlR , Omiha , Neb. ' - FOR SALE Farr.ily carriage and splendid riding pony IQthaiH Capitol a\e. 2t ( FH SAI.K Cottonwood lumber ol all eizca.at RKDMOND'S. Sixteenth-eL 616-tf "P OR SAI.E A Grist Mill. Appiy at i. 472-tf I. . B MISCELLANEOUS. T OTS , FARMS. HOUSEa AND LANDS Loo. ± J over ItEJIlS' new column of bargains on let mAKEN UP Ausr. Oth , ' 0 , 1 bj mare , brand- J. cd J. C , on left hip , luld face , 1 white hind foot. Can be found at "lied Barn , " IBth St. 282-13 , . . , " ty ; POWDER iror id Absolutely Pure , ck ] Hade from Grape Creim Tartur. So othe of preparation makes such lijrht , flaky hot breads or luxurious putry. Can be eiten by dipa.tki without fear of the ills rcaultinp from heavy In . dlgtstiblofond. Sold only in CTIIH , by all Grocers. \r- HOT A i. BAKUO : POWDBH Co. , New Tork. . Oil AHA WATER 1VOKKS. lin : of Ifolicc iu Conimdon. Sca'cd proposal ! wi'l ' be received by the Cit "o- Water Works Company of Onnba , Kcb.al lh fir "ock olficc , room No. J , Crtigbton Block , in snul city ck ! until 12 o'clock , noon , of WcilnniUy. the Irt ay of fcqUcuibcr , ISaO , for.furnlaliiiii ; alt material and i rfoiniitii : woik as fullont. One compound or condensing } Hmping-cncini lthC3pac't > t > putrp 3OOO.iOU. . e. gallon asraiii't XW fccth < M < l from the Mustmri nier tbcs urie of supply , mtnther tci\oi aandalsi ! to ork anliiit a uiaxiiLUin Ore prcsciito < - < jm to 350 head. Ala j one noii-comi-ound ron cnnucrsm en rd glne of 2,000COO tallonstapaci y under hkccoa ditlopgasabo e. Also four boilers nith all their nppurtcii ncca Al < < > engine founda'ioiri and bviler ce llnia. Als > one engine and boilsr hoora eomp'eto. Also tl o fiitiiisalnff approximately 4.VCO ten of cast iron water pipoand 75 tons ot spcial cait ing. ing.Aljo hs ; Aljo the laving ot 23 mil s of pipe tosethe withrpccialca tinf inclujini ; hauling , furnish Inc lewJ , fuinislunj and f ct'inj ; vjlyo boxes nd corera nd ihe ecttnu of hjdrants Also the furnishing the neteeaary valves. 1th Also the furnishing < f 2iO fin , bjdrants. 1thm Ale the fumnhin ; ut all nuterula not fount , on Ihe ground , and t-onstructlrcSreienoirawitl laof anag.r Kr te cai-acity of O.OOO.CUO t-allons to of CCthcr with rcc hmj and settling chambers in fluent ani cSlu nt irrargtmenta and eterythinj m- nccts ary to lu.K uin.plete the same Also in fiunirhing all miteciib ] and libor ne CC far to fully complete the , influent or 18.er well and ila connectloni with the river and wjtl as the pompins machlner j. ee fapo-.iflcationa Mill befurniihed on applicatior ch at the office of the company from and attsr anbe < lath inst. - Plans and deU'led drawings will be reidy foi the examination of bidden at the compiny'i office as a ovB from ind alter the 25th inst. . Payments will be made monthly on work dent - and mitenili f nrnishtd , with reservations and exceptions M set forth in specifications ' Mdi will be received for the above work In" de tail fortbe whole oriay part thereof. Tbe eetspiny hereBv reserve the lisrbtto tefed : any or all bids. SAMOELK. JOHSSOV. aag2d6t Preaideat. th Etiwoq ft Co . Portlind , ililne , ONE MILLION ACRES CHEAP LAND EASTERN NEBRASKA , $2 TO $5 PER ACRE. 20,000 Acres DOUGLAS COUNTY , 6 to 12 Miles from Omaha , $6 to $10 per Acre , on Long Time and Low Interest. Large tracts suitable fcr Colonies in all the best Counties in the State. 80,000 acres scattered through Iowa. A large number of Improved Farms in Nebraska , many 01 them near Omaha , $12 to $40 per acre. An Immense List of OMAHA CITY PROPERTY , Consisting of Elegant Resi dences from $3,000 to $20- 000. Many vacant lots in the additions to Omaha. Hundreds of lots scattered through the City. Houses and Lots , Business Houses and Lots , and all kinds of Ci y Real Estate. Wo also have i ONEY TO LOAN on Improved Farms in Doug las County , on 5 years time , at 1O perceut. interest to all who can ehow good titles. Maps for Douglas and Sarpy Counties lor sa' , Boggs & Hill , REAL ESTATE BROKERS , 1408 Farn. St. , Omaha , TjlOK REST Two new cottages. 5 rooms ach , U every convenience , Chicago bet. 22 & 23 streets. UOGOa k UlLL. WANTED We want to contract with a reli able man to clear and Riub 20 acres of bnnh land. EOUGi & HILL. WANTED 15,000 yards of dirt nOQf.8 & HiLL. BRICK HOUSE Convenient to business , with fu'I ' lot , 7 rooms , $2,1CO.BOGGS BOGGS k HILL. FOR KENT-Ncw residence. § 33. BOGGS k HILL. TJ10R EXCHANGE For ciy property , small JC tracts of land , covered with younp limtcr atf20pcracre. COGOi A HILL. O OTEL PROPERTY We are authorized to M offer the Atlantic Hotel at the srrcitly re duced trice of $10,000. all furnished and in run ning order , time to suit. BOGUS & HILL. "TT10RSALE Bran new house. 5 room ? , with t ? every com cnience , with half lot. 33x132 ft. , No. 1 location , time to mit , will sell at a bar gain for 5 day * only. BOGGS k HILL , TjlOK SALE Brick powder house and 7 acres JJ near Stock Yards , | 2,500.BOGGS BOGGS & HILL. riOR SALE Corner half of lot 3. W. Cor. U _ C and Jackson at a sacnfiie. sacnfiie.BOGdS BOGdS 4 HILL. riOR SALK-FuU comer lot , K. 2. Cor. 16 and ' Jonea Sis. EOGGS & 11IIL. RANTED School district bonds at a fair discount. COO OS k BILL. MOSF.Y TO LOAN Any one wishing to use 10 per cant , money in sums to suit from 5500 to ? 0,009 , can procure it through u . BOGUS & HILL. FOR SALE 8 bn < dne-s Jeta. next west of Masonic Temple. 51,050 each. EOOGS & IIILL. SALE-2 lots uert of Odd Fellows Block. FOll EOGGS & 1KLL. T710R A CHEAP LOTOo to Boggs and mil's ad- JP ditioll. - still have some s-nall MOUTGAGES-We Kile , ramnuj ; from J100 to $900. Persons hat inc small sum ] of money can invest with safety , and nithunt aoy czpcnto whitetcr , and get 10 per cent. Interest. BOGGS & HILL. A DOME ? inotoSW is allyounrol P y down if joii l > uy a hoxc for yourself , through us. Time to au't ' va balin-c. COG03 & HILL. RENT Improved farm ncr barrackx. FOll EOOG.S & HILL T70RSALE Home iml fall kit "c stcr L street , one of the btst locations "a lh city , Jlj&OO ; easy terms. BOGUS k HILL. NEW HOUSES We are now prepared to ; build bouses orth from $100 to S5W on our new addition , 'Atb and : > tn and Farnhani , Dough * and Dodzc. " and 6 11 on small monthly ' pajnvnli BOCISS&HILU T > ESIDE.VCK LOTS KOIl SALE 230 lots in JLKontzj .V Iluth'a addition , neat bue'ncae ' , i-ooil surroundings. Iota co\crc > l uiili } oun < trees , ami arc tbc choicest , rheare-t andneireat su to liulncsa of.iny lot ) in the market. By all means look at Id's In Kountzc k Ruth's additl n before purcbashin ? elsewhere Will cell on monthly payments : P/icc 4100to 3-150 BOOOS k HILL. / " /1UEVPL01S and 5 , block 0. Sbino'aad- \j ilition. Want be t offer at once for one or " both. EOGQS k HILL. S Lots 17 nd IS , Tbomell's ad dition. EOQOS& HILL. 0USE AND HALF LOT Near ThirH-anth H and Capitol avenue , 91,600. BOOGS & HILL. BEST LOTS In Shinn's addition , ! WO. BOGGS and J1ILL. OUSEAPD ItALF LOT On Dodge stretl. j _ . tictwcsnTuc'fth and Thirteenth. A well Jmrrnc. ! ind desirable place , cott J3.200. W ill . sell fcr 32.10J , half caan. talince one and two jeara. BOGOS&IULU A SACRIFICE The buMne 3 lot KxIK fe 5 J\ . next eaacf J-Inlngert ware rooms 15 * Farnham itreeti must te sold ( hit month lor wtatlfiDbiintbcuh. EXCHAlTOE owner of 320 acres near AN Bblr wYl exc ' 'M1 ? * 'or &nl ellM tniiness 't rtmh * and piy from $3,000- : - - o ootuges BARGAIST-T T atb street , sou'b of 91,500 forboth. I v CHOICE LOT3-Oa P 'k WW ATWUJ/ JO QJr3 oiblocVJromdepot , WOtotttO. MonthypiyBeaU , BOQG3 * HIU- . Immense Stock for : SPRING AND SMER Fine Custom-Miide Men's Suits , Boys' Suits Children's Suits , For Men , Boys , and Children. Under-Wcar , Hats and Caps , Trunks and Vnliscs , at Prices to Suit All. 3E * O Farnham Street , N ear Fourteenth I JIT UP AM ) CUT ! NO OLS ) STOCK ! Having Taken the Above for Our Motto , Wo are Determined to Offer Our Entire Summer Stock of CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOOD S Regardless oi' Cost. In Order to Make Room for Our Fall and Winter Goods , We Will Xot Re Undersold. jBOSTOIET OLOTBCIINGrECOTJSE , FARXIIAU STREET. CHARLES SOHLAM. SOL. PEINCE. oncHARD&BEAN. | DEWEY & STONE , J.B.FRENCH&GQ 3X.2E : GEOCEES , OMAHA. OMAHA Oil AH A- 5 O , CHEAP ! CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST ! MAX MEYER & BRO. Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then entire stock of Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Clocks , Silver-Ware , Pianos & Organ .A 1ST 33 GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their New Store , Cor. llth & Farnham We Mean liiisincss. Come mid ! > < f onviiirnK FEVER i AGUE ERADICATES ALX. MALARTAT , DISEASES froiu the SYSTE&T. J. O. RICHARDSON , Prop. , ST. LOUIS. LANGE & FOIT1GK , Dealers m House Fiirnishin ? Uoods , Shelf Hardware , and Etc. | 1221 Farnham Street , 1st Door East First National Bank ,