Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Thursday Morning , August 12.
Bepublican Registration.
Under the rules established by the
republican central committee of
Douglas county for the conduct of the
primary election -which takes place
Thursday , August 2Gth , no person
will be allowed to vote at these prima
ries unless his name appears in the
republican registration list. Every
republican citizen ho is entitled to
vote at the nest general election will be
registered by us upon making personal
application. The un Jeraigned will Bit
for registration from now until the
23rd day of August , and hereby invite
all republicans who desire to take
part in the coming primary election to
come forward and register theirnamoa.
Bv order of the executive committee.
E. D. McLACCiiLix ,
DTT . " ivUXXISON " ,
P. S. Recistraf ion , Thursday , will
take place at the Garfield and Arthur
club rooms bet veci ) the hours of 0 a.
in.and { 12:30 : p. m. and2ando p. in. ,
and in the pveuing 7 to ' . > o'clock at
Boeder's ] Glh street -Irugatore in the
5ih ward.
> Palerson eclla coal.
J'-Try Faxo'a Goilec Cream Soda.
Porter h running the Omaha ferry.
" Warranted tooth brushes , Kuhn'e.
Excellent Cream Soda at Saxc'e.
Elegant perfumes at Kuhn'sdrug
Seirlenbcrg & Co. 'a Key WestCi-
parj al Saxe's.
Fresh oysters at Richards' Res-
taura'at , 1017 Far wham street. 1H3
Every republican must be
registered before he can vote at tlio
next primaries.
Remember that the city council is
aittingasa bjard of equalization this *
--J. 13. Coolidge , Pullman ticket
ascat , waa absent yesterday attending
court in Council Bluffs.
The duet in some places on 10th
Btreet is four and a half inches thick
by actual measurement.
Twelvelaml seek era went out yes
terday toGrand Island and six German
settlers for the same place.
There -were three cars of emi
grants west yesterday and threa more
go west on 2Co. 7 to-night.
An important meeting of the
Standard club will bo held at S o'clock
eharp this evening.
The do ? which caused the acci-
tleni io Mr. Chris , llartman was shot
by Marshal Wcsterdahl Tuesday.
Republicans of the Fifth and
Sixth wares should not fail to register
lit Rocder'fl drug store this ( Thurs
day ) night , between 7 and 9.
The boarding house , corner of
IQth and Harney was moved into the
ctrcet yesterday to make room for Jim
Stephcnson's new brick barn.
Among the improvements going
up on Tenth street is a substantial
brick block , east of Jackson street ,
built by Tom Kennedy.
-Those entitled to draw books from
the Catholic Library will bo afToidcd
anj opportunity on Wednesday and
Sunday afternoons , from C to 8 p. ro.
Five hundred Garfield and Ar-
ihar medals have been sold by M.
Toft , the agent in this city , and only
thirty Hancock and English medale.
lie says the democrats are either very
scarce or very short of funds.
Yesterday * smoke curled upward
from three spots in the city which the
fira fiend had desolated. The Eleva
tor ruinp , those of the Checkered barn
and of the St. Nicholas. The last
amoked the least of the the three.
The Omaha water works company
is not idle. It is their intention to
have the works in operation and the
businuis portion of the city protected
with water by the 1st of Januaty.
Ths plans and specifications for the
bjiler , engines , pumps , and other
in iclrincry have been draws , and bids
for the construction of the same are
now being received.
The train west yesterday was
double header with fourteen cars. 01
t us number four were the Pullman
tleepors "Albion , " "Ilovcro , " "Koch-
I ester" and "Monticello , " of the Rod
Island line. Those sleepers are beinc
sent , to Denver tobringin the Knight
Templar of Colorado , and w 11 Icavt
Denver Saturday , arriving in this citj
on a special train Sunday morning. '
They go through to Chicago fron
Denver w ithout change , via the Reel >
John Fliegol & Co.havo purchase ;
Iho tailoring establishment of the ite
Mr. Thiele , and have ordered a larg
stock < if gents' fine goods. Mr. Fliege
ii an experienced tailor , and a gentle
man of a great deal of taste. Ho vas
in the employ of Mr. Thielo for sov
cral years , and has a host of friends
Ho hopes to retain the patronage o
his I tte employer , as well as to acquin
a large number of new customers , ti
whom he will guaranten satis'action
The shop is located in Yicscher'
A special train with two Pullmai
filecpsra will bo sent down to Liucoh
over the Union Pacific on Saturday
uveiiin : ; , to return at G o'clock Bunds
morning with the Sir tvnights who g
tu Chicago with Nebraska's battallion
In this connection The State Journal
of to-day , Buys : "Quito a large num
br of our Knight Templars are tryin
to solve the conundrum : Way the
have to leave here Sunday morning s
' arrive in Chicago a
fouo'clock .and
midnight , when they could have left
Sa urdav afternoon at thrse o dock
u-rivimf in Chicigo at two o clod
Sunday afternoon. "
Beet Meals in the city at Tizard's
Full line of Dress and Trimmini
tiiks always in etockin latest shades
it L. B. WILLIAMS & Soys.
We are selling domestics , sheetings
lower than any house ir
rrints , etc. ,
tso city. L. B. WnmaisSos s.
Parlor ,
The War Breaks Out Afresh ,
With Gould as the .
This Time the Express Business
theEone of Contention.
The following from Tuesday's Chicago
cage Tribune is of considerable looil
interest :
The opening of thp Wabash to this
city is very likely to cause a disrup
tion tl thr. Iowa pooL Efforts have
been made lately tu got thu Wabash
to join tno pool , but to no effect. The
cause of the refusal of the Wabash to
do so Waa revealed yesterday. The
Wabash haa for some time past been
doing its express business through the
Pacific express company , an organi
zation principally owned and con
trolled by the owners of the Wabash
and Jay Gould. The Rock Island
docs its oppress business throuch the
United State ? , snd the Burlington
mid the Northwsstern through
the American. Notice was given yes
terday to the American that its
fn-i ht would not bo received by the
Union Pacific , which also uses the
Pacific Express , at Council Bluffs , fore
o ther California or Colorado point
Tina action , of course , Mill have the
effect of shutting out the Burlington
and Northwestern from Pacific bnsi-
n * > es , unless they should imko use of
Oould's Pacific Espreaf , and ill
force all express iiusinecs from this
city on iho Wabash and Rock lehnd.
That the Burlington nnd Northwes
tern managers , as well as the Ameri
can expn.s ? company , feel exasperated
at tt ib hull-handed proceeding of
Gould and the Wabash managers is
readily to be imagined , and there w
be a lively contest over the matter in
the courts. It is claimed that Gould
has no riirht to take such action , nnd
that the Union Pacific will be compelled
polled to receive freieht from any
express company or road.
Gould's action indicates that ho
still has n lar a interest in the Wa-
bahh and the Rock Island , nnd that
he means to discriminate as much as
ho can in favor of these two compan
ies. The ofliccrs of the road in the
Iowa pool held a meeting yesterday at
the Burlington cilice , but It did not
transpire what action was taken.
If Gould insists upon carrying oul
the orJorabove referred to , and re
fuses hereafter to take freight from
the American express , it will not onlj r
break up the Iowa pool , but la vcn y
likely to disrupt the Missouri Rive
pool also , as the Interests of the two
pools are clo > ely allied. Neither tht
Burlington ncr the Northwestern wil"
submit to Gould's bulldozing withou
resort to arms , and a most glijnnti c
war among western roads is very im
Special II palUi to Till lJr. !
CHICAGO , August 11 10 p. m.
There ia n fight between the American
nnd Pacific express compniiica. The
Pacific compai.y is owned and oper-
a'ed by thoGouldrallroads.the Union
Pacific , Missouri Pacific and Wabash
St. Louis and Pacific. The latter
road has ju&t begun running regu
lar trains into Chicago. Tlio Pa
cific express company has now opened
offices .it all points on Ihe above roads
mid thus forcing against the old com
panies the rules in regard tothe trans
fer of business that they have enforc
ed againat it , aild will not accept
transfer packages for its exclusive
pvinls which could have been delivered
to it at the starting point.
A Celebrated Explorer.
To-morrow afternoon Prof. Robert !
V.Schlagintweit will arrive in this cily
from California , and will'lecture in
Turner Hall Friday evening , upon heel
subject : "The most important peopl
of East India.1' Prof. Schlagintwen
is a famous traveler and explorer and
a professor in the University of Gica-
sen , Germany. He has in the face
great danger and risk of his life pone-
tr-ited the fastnesses of the Himalaya
Thibet' and Kaschgar mountain ? ,
company with his two brothers , one
of whom was killed by fanatical Tur
comans. He has written a book con- >
taioing an account of his explorations
and marvellous successes , which is insof
thrilling interest. He has just com
plctcd an extended tour through th
western part of the United States
and will write a book embodying his
adventures in the western wilds.
Lively Time.
. The incoming C. AN. AV. mai
train last evening was about threi
hours behind time , the delay bein
caused by an accident en the Tllinoi
division. From Boone to Counci
Bluffs some very lively time was made
a The distance is 150 mile ? , which wa
made in just four hours and forty-fiv
minute ? , including sixteen ttopi
- Allowing four minutes for each atoi
the actual running time can bo fij
urod down to about 48 miles per houi >
: Surprise Party.
Mr. and Jlra. C. A. Engstrom wei
agreeably surprised Tuesday night
- ssciiig their residence , 1723 Cumin
street , taken possession of by the
numerous friends , the occasion beir
their silver wedding nnniversar
* Among the many handsome presen
< received was a costly tea set appr
< prlately engraved , purchased at Ei
holtn A : Erickson's. Singing ar
- speech-making , with magnificent mi
sic from the U. P. bandwasthe , ordi
- of the evening until about midng
. when , owing to the great number :
of visitors , a Eumptucus repast that w
prepared had to be arranged on tabl
to in the fr jat yard , which waa lighted i t
by Chinese lanterns. With mar
well wjghoe for iho happy couple tl
party broke up shortly aftermidnigh
having spent an evening that will n
soon be forgotten.
B. & M. Bnefe.
; The B. & 31. folks arc talking aboi
go < sinking a well near the Antelop
. twenty feet in diameter.
, William Randall , the B. A M. e
gineer who bounced
his fireman t
the locomotive , has himself bee
bounced out of the employ of tl
; company. Ho was la'doffat ' Platt
Et mouth yesterday. Lincoln Jourca
Etat Brad Ringer spent most of nig ]
before last down at the B ; & SI. d
, pot waiting to get his brawny , am
upon the person of Mr. Randall , who
recently threw his fireman off the I
ccmotive , seriously injuring him.-
Lincoln Journal.
Fcr the pureat and best ice crean
with finest flivor , goto Beindrrff
Edhclm & Erickson receive aily
new styles in jewelry , silverware etc ;
- " * keep the hrjett stock of clod
rp in this citr
Capt 0. B. llustin lelt for Denver
yesterday ,
Geo. Mills has returned from Min
Judge J. W. Savage has returned
from the south.
C. A. Baldwin returned home
Tuesday from Colorado.
A. 1) ) . Clarke , of the U. P. , will return -
turn from Missouri this week.
Hon. Geo. H. Jewott and wife , of
Sidney , were in the city yesterday.
W. Shiedlcy , the Kansas City stockman -
man , left for Sidney at noon yesterday.
Major H. L. Jonness , of Detroit , is
in the city , the guest of C. E. Yost.
Leran Clarke andF. M. SackeU , of
Albion , Boone county , are in the city.
J. C. Cowin and Col. E. F. Smytho
are said to bo doing good work for
Garfield and Arthur in Colorado.
Willie llahn hns gone to Deadwood ,
being called there by the dangerous
illuoss of hiafiither , W. J. Halm.
Miss Emma lloaglind and her sis
ter , daughters of Mr. George Hoag-
land , left Toe d y for Minnesota. Admiral. ! . M. IJ. Chtz , Lieut.
W. L. Field , and Commander C. S
Cotton , of the navy , passed through
Omaha TiiMiUy en route to China ,
Mr. .1. Wilkinson , editor and pro
prietor of the St. Thomas ( Canada )
Times , and Mr. P. Bcvier , proprietor
of the Lisgar House , at St. Thomas ,
two rei rescntativo gentlemen of the
Queen's Dominion , are in the city to
day , prospecting. They are under the
protecting care of Mayor Chase.
I desire to hwo the names by
Friday noon , August loth , of all who
desire to go to Chicigo via. C. , B. &
Q. railroad on the California special
train leaving' Council Bluffs August
1-lth at o.OO p. m , that I may bo
enabled to secure sleeping berths for
all. Leave word at the ticket office ,
Fourteenth and Farnham streets.
augll-2t General Agent.
Williams & Son's. Corsets.
Williams & Sou's. Corsets.
Williams it Son's. Corsets ,
Williams A Son's. Coraets.
Williams t Son's. CorsttJ.
Williams & Son's. Corsets.
Williams & Son's. Corset ? .
Largest assortment in CORSETS.
the city , including all CORSETS.
styles in both cheap and CORSETS ,
, very fine goods , 'at lower CORSETS ,
r prices than they were CORSETS ,
ever bought before. CORSETS.
We can give you corsets from 2Ds
up to 83. . " > 0.
Children's Corset Waists , Skirt
Supporters , etc.
Agents for Warners Bro'a Corsets.
"Leading Retailers , "
Cor. loth and Dodge. ;
rt Mr. Will H. Webber , who has been
connected with the wholesale music
house of Whitney Bro's , Burlington
Iowa , has associated himself ith
* Shreve , Jarvis & Co. , of this city , in
the capacity of traveling salesman
and will hereafter make Omaha his
. residence.
The Earnest Worker will give
- social at the Christian church io mor-
, row evening. Plenty of refreshments.
in ts.Y
To accommodate these wishing
attend the conclave of Knights Tem
of plars at Chicago , the Chicago anc
m- Northwestern railway will run a fas'
mhe < train Sunday , August 15th , leavinj
, Omaha ate o'clock a. m. and arrivin
: in Chicago at 9 o'clock the same even
ing , making the through run by day
light. Reduced rates to all who wisl
to go. Special inducements to Knight
and their families. For full particu
lars call at the ticket office , corne
ing ] Fourteenth and Faruham streets.
iois . . , _ ,
. . aucll-ut
. Boots and Shoes.
ivas L. B. WILLIAMS fc Sox's.
five California Peaw , Plums , Peaches ,
ps. Eastern Grapes , Pears , PlumsWater ,
, melous , Apples ; European Oranges ;
fig- Lemons , Nuts , etc. , atTiV.ird's.
ur. Real Estate Transfers ,
John A. Horbach and wife to An
Daughton- . d. lot 1. Horbach'a It
addition , Omaha § 1)00. )
tby Augustus KountzB ot al. to Jamt
ling Vickery , w. d. s. 88 ft. of o. 22 f
hi-ir lot 7 , block 108city of Omaha § 3H ? .
iing Augustus Kountne and wife to Auo
trust Doll : w. d. lot 12 , block
iry. Kountze's 3d addition , city of Ornal
ants S2CO.
pro. Willis M. Tales and wife to Wn
Ed- Kowitzki : w. d. lot 4 , Reagan's add
, tiou , city of Omaha $100.
and :
rder Grand Annual
of < At the Bee Hive
was ; Photograph Studio ,
bits 213 Sixteenth Stroe
up Promciado Concert by the U.
lany Band. Grand Illumination and tl
the largest -vid finest display of Pilot
graphs. , er exhibited in Omaha. Tl
not public are most cordially invited
attend ,
Thursday Evening , August 12 , S80
If the weather prcvo unfavorab
' the opening will be postponed unl
enthe ; next pleasant evening. 10 3c
- A splendid lot of Table Cloths at
. Table Napkins just arrived , havir
been purchased during the recent d
rtns e" pressicn in Now York , will be sold Iby
_ us at prices that give our customers a
lo- the advantage of our bargains.
Also a lot cf Initial Linen , Cambr
Handkerchiefs at $1.50 a box , wort
, S3.00 , and a rare assortment of Fane
& Handkerchiefs , better value than w
hayo evfr offered before. Anothe
Great Bargain in Laces
, consisting c
Silk , Lingueioc , Breton , Tortion and
. . Irish , at 5c and 10s a yard. Com
early and get the first selection i r
thcKfi ponde , " JO ? t
Sergeant Ford of the Night
Watch Eeduced to
the Banks ,
A Fight Over the Carcasses
of Dead Animals.
The Sewerage Question Dis
cussed and Contract
At aregularmeetingofthe city coun
cil , held Tuesday evening , there were
present Messrs. Blackmore , Dailay ,
Dodge , Honiberger , Kaufmann , La-
bagh , Roddis , Stephenson , Thieman
and Mr. President.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and approved.
From the mayor :
Gentlemen of the council.
It is with regret that I am com
pelled to return to you the ordinance
making appropriations for the month
of July with one item vetoed , in ac
cordance with the provisions of the
charter. See sec. 50. The item ob
jected to read as follows :
"Patrick Fork , services as sergeant
of N. W. , $15. "
The abbreviation "N. W. " evident
ly stands for night watch. There is
no such office or position as Sergeant
of the Night Watch , and has not been
since October , 1872 , nor has there
been any such position as Night
NVatchman , aa distinguished from po
licemen on the regular force assigned
to night duty , since August , 1875. In
regard to this matter , so far as Police-
nun Ford is concerned , the city rec
ords show that on the 4th day of May
last , the marshal sent a communica
tion to the council as follows :
O.MAHA , May 4 , 1880.
Tu tlic Honorable City Couuci :
GENTS I have this day appointed
Patrick Ford as sergeant of the police
force , and to take charge of thorn
while on night duty , and respectfully
ask your approval "of the same.
Respectfully ,
Cily Marshal.
On motion the council approved the
same. There is not and has not been
here , any such otlice as "Sergeant of
the Police Force , " and if there was ,
the Mayor must nominate and the
council confirm.
On the 1st day of Juno the council
passed a rasolution as follows :
Resolved : That the salary of the
police otlicor Ford bo raised from 500
to $75 rjer month , to take effect on
mid after July 1st 1880.
Shortly previous to the first meet
ing in the present nuntli , the Marshal
presented to the clerk a voucher , ns
follows :
The City of Omaha :
To Patrick Ford , Dr. ,
1SSO , July For services aa ser
geant of night watch ,
as per resolution by the
city council § 15
. I certify that Ihe above bill ia cor
rect. C. J. WESTEUDAUL ,
City Marshal.
Up to the time of the passage of the
appropriation ordinance afl referred to
I had not found it necessary to take
. any official notice of the fact that a
so-called sergeant of the night watcher
or "sergeant of the police force" had
been appointed. lean , however , no
. longer overlook it , as I am
compelled to either allow or
refuse to allow pay for the place.
The charter provides that : "Each
, policeman shall receive a eum not ex
ceeding sixty dollars per month to be
tiied by'Ordinance. " See sec. 94.
This precludes the raising of pay of a
policeman by the council either by
resolution or ordinance , even though
he be assigned to unusual duty. He
can , in fact , bo assigned to no duty as
policeman nor included in those speci
a fied in the charter and ordinances. If
- duties are to bo required of the nature
. of police duty which a member of the
regular force may not be required to
- perform , the mayor and council should
provide for the performance of such
duties by ordinance.
tc It may not bo out of place for mo
here to suggest that it has seldom , if
nd ever , been found to work well to per
' manently assign one of a force , all of
whom are of the same grade , to the
command of his comrades. If done
; at all , it should be but temporary ,
- and then by lot or turns. The captain
or commander of a police force , either
by day or night , is too important -
ant a position to bo merely as
signed to a member from the ranks ,
without due official appointment under
aer laws duly enacted.
CiiAMMojf S. CHASE ,
The veto was unanimously sustained.
From the mayor , transmitting
deed of city of Omaha to John &gI.
, Levy. Referred to committee
public property and improvements.
, From the mayor , transmitting letter
from F. M. Stratton tendering a three
year old deer to the city as a present
inn the same to be put in Hanacom park.
Gift accepted and vote k.BO
, of thanks so
the donor passed.
mes From the mayor , appointing Joseph
ft. Vanous as policeman on the regular
r.o. ( force vice Frank Jelen , resigned. iarP
Au- pointment confirmed Phe
o . From the mayor , notifying the
aha council of the hen
execution of the con
tract with the Omaha Gas Co. Filed
. From the mayor , transmitting a
Idi- letter from the city attorney showing
that of the fifteen additions made to
the city of Omaha during his adminis
tration but two , viz. , "Elizabeth
Place" and Capitol addition , had been
approved by the mayor and council at
required by law and were in rcalitj
not legal additions to the city. The
unfortunate condition of the streets ir
oet. the outskirts is the reault of this non
P. 1 compliance with the law. Referrec
to committee on public property nd
the improvements.
oto- From the mayor , approving the or
The dinance providing for special ion
to and apppropriation ordinance for Juh
except one item. Filed.
From Otto Frczoni , offering to sell
, the city four elk , two does and wo
bucks aged four and fiix years re
able spectively. After sorao discussion tin
letter was placed on file.
Frcm property owners on 1411
street regarding construction of nen
sidewalks and other improvements
Prayer of petitioners granted.
From real eetite owners in Nelson'i
and addition requesting that grade be established
tablished in said addition , on heed
streets and alleys thereof. Referrec
- to committee on public properly and
From residents of north Omaha
requesting extension of fire alarm telegraph
egraph to"North Omaha and the ca-
tion of a box at the intersection caof
rth Saundera and Hamilton atreets. Re .
ferred to committee on fira.
wo From E. E. French , W. T. SeamaDj
0. H. Ballou. Dexter L. Thomas , et IDal
asking that Siunders street be here
of after designated as Sheridan avenuCj
as a slight token of the appreciation
of services in the removal of the
of Military Headquarters to thia city ,
. I/iid on the tablo.
J From T , W , T , Richards io rd
tcai pool of stagnant water on Farnhara
and 22nd. Referred to committea
on atrcota and grades.
01tE From Welshans Bros. , calling at-
tention to the dangerous condition of
the crossing on Farnham and 8th
streets , and asking that it be repaired.
Referred to committee on atreeta and
grades with power to act.
FromJ. 0. Donohoe , asking for
leave of absence for two weeks. It
waa moved that leave bo cranted and
amended thrt he received no pay for
the time ho is absent. Quito a lively
discussion followed as to the practice
of paying councilman and other officers
ficors for time vfhon absent , some
pointed personal remarks being made
by several gentlemen. The
petitioner was finally granted
leave of absence without pay , by a
vote of five to four , when Mr. Dodge
raised the point of order the pe
tition could not be amended , and appealed -
pealed from tbo decision of the chair.
The chair was sustained.
The petition of T. C. Livingston for
permission to put a fire proof Man
sard room on his house was granted.
Bid on cross-walks was received
from Theodore Bedessen. Referred
to committee on sidewalks and
Proposal from Welshans Bros. , to
furnish oa's ' , corn and bran for fire
department. Referred to committee
on fire.
Three proposals were received to degrading
grading on Davenport street ni fol
lows : Luke McDermott at 10 cents
per cubic yard , Pat Gormin at 13J
cents , and Patrick Welsh at 14 cents.
Referred to the committee on streets
and grades with power to act. Pro
vided that if the contract be lot to
Pat Welsh it be at a price not ex
ceeding 14 cents per cubic yard.
Three bids for grading Jones street ,
between 13th and 15th were received
and laid on the table , as the work was
already provided for.
The city engineer's report as topro-
bable cost of pradina 15th street , be
tween Hou.ird and M-ircy , § 4,630.8 ! ) ,
was placed on file.
The city engineer's report on side
walks not constructed was referred to
committee on sidewalks and bridged.
From J. D. Jonua , on cross-walks
required in 4th ward. Referred to
By Messrs. Kaufmann and Steph-
eii'on : To instruct the mayor to con
tract with the Nebraska Gas Light
company for lighting the city three
years at § 25 per annum per lamp.
By Mr. Stephenson : Instructing
tha city clerk to advertise lot 5 , block
II , fcr sale for ono week , the proceeds
to be put into the special cash fund.
After several amendments further
consideration of the matter was in
definitely postponed.
By Mr. Kaufmann : Providing that
hereafter the city officers shall not
draw pay for timu that they are absent
from the city. Rsfcrred to the com-
mittcu on finance.
By Mr. Kanffman. that hereafter
each ordinance introduced shall have
the name of the councilman intro
ducing tlio same attached to it , which
tiama ehall bo read by the clerk on
reading the ordinance. Adopted.
By Mr. Thieman : authorizing the
repair of two bridges on south Omaha
creek. Adopted.
By Mr. Dodge : authorizinc Mr. M.
Poiiovnn to tr > 'm shade trees within
limits of sidewalk on Capitol avenue ,
near Thirteenth. Adopted.
By Mr. Dailey : ordering repair of
sidewalks on east side Fifteenth street.
By Mr. Labagh : ordering sidewalk
on lot 21. Capitol addition , south aide
Dodge stropfc. Adoplbd.
By Mr. Blackmore ! Ordering side
walks on various streets. Adopted.
Onfirianco : Recommending the per
manent grading of Fairview sUitedl hi
accordance with with the estimate of
engineer , when the city gets the title
to Fairview street. Placed on file.
On claims : Recommending that the
ctaim ofV. . B. Hibbard , for damages ,
be not allowed. Adopted.
On streets and grades : That fore
man of street work will attend to gra
ding on Capitol avenue. Ftled.
On streol sand grades : Recommend-
in" the building of a culvert on Cass
and 23d streets. Adopted.
On streets and grades , recommend
ing that propositions for grading
on Jones street , between 13th and
15th bo rejected , and the Second ward
delegation be instructed to fill up
holes in 13th and Leavemvorth streets
at cost not to exceed § 75. Adopted.
On Police : Returning report of the
police judge for month of June. Filed ,
On police , recommending approval
of contract and bond of Ohas. Splitt
to act as city scavenger.
Mr. Stephenson thought this was a
job again.
Mr. Kauffmsn thought Mr. Splitt's ;
perfume factory in the north end of
town waa an offset to that already
located in the south end.
The president stntcd that he waa in
favor of letting the job to some re
sponsible party nnd ho did not think
tbc bidder waa one. He favored a con
tract with the Omaha Fertilizing Co.
. and had already been told that they
would undertake the contract. The
report was recommitted for one week.
On public property and improve
ments. Recommending that the deed
of J. H. Kollorn bo accepted and Eda
corded. Adopted.
, On same , recommending that the
. contract lor grading at Ilanacom Park
bo let to James Duffy ai the lowest !
bidder , and that the mayor be in
structed rb execute a contract with
said Duffy. Adopted.
- A verbal report from same commit
tee recommended that certain city
property on Cass street be sold to
James Bolan for § 300 and the mayor
, bo instructed to execute tbc deed.
Tlio city clerk waa instructed to advertise
aS vertise tlio lot for ono week , and tc
include lot 5 , block H , in the sanu
- notice.
Mr. Bolan's bid was , on motion
placed on file.
A motion to adjourn for two weeki
was lost.
The committee on Ore reported ir
favor of giving the hay contract to inA.
- Bodessen. Adopted and mayor in
structed to draw contract , with bone
of S100.
On sidewalks and bridges : Recommending
- mending a bridge over ravine mon
Twenty-second and Harney leadim
to Hanscom park. Adopted.
Same committee reported in favoi
of allowing Benzon & Johnson to
build Mdowalks on approaches to thei
- lots at their own expense. Adopted
. The committee on water works .nd
sewerage reported that they were satisfied
isfied that the majority of people in
ihe vicinity desired the constructor
. of thesewer from Thirteenth to Nintl
street ; that L. B. Stanley & Co
were the lowest bidders , and recom
- mended that the contract be awarded
to them and the mayor instructed to
execute the paper * .
Mr. Boyd made extended remark
opposing the adoption of the report
He stated that a sewer built on the
plans before the council would oet
- § 100,000 a mile and that the plan
would require three or four miles insof
mains , or an expense of three or fou
hundred thousand dollars. Wo no\
pay a tax of five per cent and it vas ;
worth while to consider if we couh
- afford to pay it all out for curbing
guttering and sewerage. He though ;
that there was a bettor plan that
that of direct t sation , nnd that the
nest legislature would grant the ity
i tbe right to issue bocdi BO that &
I who came a'ts ' pg snd eiijoycfl
benefits could help pay for it. He
hoped the sewer would not be built as
if it was , it would meet the general
condemnation of those- who were
responsible for it.
Mr. Dodge replied at length. He
did not think the fight against the
sewer was an honest one , and ridi
culed the idea that any such extent of
sewers should ever be required , or any
such cost ever incurred.
A motion to postpone further con
sideration of the question for two
weeks was lost.
A motion to adjourn for two weeks
was lost.
The question coming up oil the
adoption of the report , the ayes and
nays were called for and resulted in
eight votes for and two against the
report. Adopted.
Mr. Boyd moved that thia contract
before delivery to the partio1 , bo sub
mitted to the council for approval.
On motion the council adjourned at
lli''O for two weeks.
Catholic Library.
The regular quarterly meeting of
the Union Catholic Library association
will be hold on next Tuesday , 17th
The officers are requested to be
prepared to submit their report , for
tlio quarter ending.
Every member la respectfully urged
to bo present as business , vital to the
interest of the association , will come
up for consideration. By order of
the president. C. J. SMYTH ,
We have placed a lot of desirable
on centre table , which we will close
out at
lGjo | per yard.
Those goods nro worth from 2. ) to
O cents , and are JICHJ styles.
IS'I'sKr.v. ' ' A case of conettpntlon by
nslng Hamburg Fits.
An IH'nnfo woman has named her
baby "Pinafore. " Prob.ibly because
she never What ? Well , compara
tively seldom , was without Dr. Tnom-
as' Eclectric Oil , which is the only
remedy that haa such wonderful cures
for whooping coughdiphtheria , colda ,
bums , wounds , sores , hurts , etc.
NOTICE AilvertlscucnlB To Iet For Sale ,
Lost , Found , Wante , noirdln ? &c. , will be In-
gortol In thews columns once f"r TEN CENTS
per line ; each subsecuentlnpertiou.FIVK CUXTS
per lino. Tha Hist Insertion nmor less than
,1 , OHSY TO LOAN-CMl at LAW Ottca
MM IX L. VHOUAB.Jtooni 8. Crcltfitnn Block
ONKY TO I.OAi 1109 Farnham Btreet.
M Dr. Edwarrfn Loin Agency. nov-22-t }
A woman cook anil dining room
rill at McKenzte Dminir Kootni , corner
ICtU and CodgcSt . S. W. GU-sTIX , Pro 2s5-13
"ITTANTED 2glrs ! at French Coffee House ,
W li tli St. C3 m-w-t
Situation at on'-door ork ; best
WASTED pi en. Adilrcsi C. I' Uitc ,
Huilom ltiv r house , Omaha. 277-10
A eirl ten or tuche rears oU , to
take care o ! an infant. Enquire at 1415
Furuhamat. 230-10
1T7 ANTED A wotcun for washing and Iron-
W I'i < . K-nnire at Kmmet house. 231-12
iiTED Ccot. Arply at 1916 Wcb Ur
W street. 20Q tf
WANTfiD need cook , at Jllchard'a R'H'aui *
ant lOlVnitfchittnSt. 263-t
GIRL wanted to do ccncral IioudwCrt.
A Ecimiro John A. McShane , cor. 17th and
Ci Sl 357-tf
Good girl for ei't ial housework.
Apply to WILLIS M. YATES , Iul3 Podze
St. , near 10th. 3ti ( f
TTl/ANTEP , A Girl to do hon-c work , 1109
V T Farnham Street , nn Stain 14tf
WANTED Two ladies to travl with a
ThcateiicalCn. forthe teatim of ISSOsnd
'el. Address J. LAIIANN , 305 Capitol Anne. .
B OT WAlkTED A smart , actno 007 for of
fice wait , Tht Hradatrcot CO. 2313
WANTED Secbnd liami cncine and boilpr ,
ten to foii'tccn liorse-poncr ; must be in
good orJcr. Address A. It. , L'ee OllUe. 39 11
WANTED Piano tuning ami rerairinz at
HOSPK'S , 1510 Dcdee St. SOC-lm
WANTED Foreman at bnck-jarJ. T. MUR-
UAY. 163-tf
I 0 REST J.'lcih fumljhcd room , N. E. cor.
L 17th and Capitol A\c. 231-li
T710R RENT-My residence , S. Vf. cot. ISthand
H Iiarn , cellar , ciste > n , tumnicr kitchen , etc.
O. C HOCniE. "S7-14
T70R RENT A fuieh furnished front room
JU Enquire at 1R10 Dodga et. 233tf
"pOR RENT Residence northwest corner 11th
Jj and California Sts. Inquire tno doom
north. 353.15
FOR RENT A house H 1th me rooms , ceod
, ci-IIar and cistern S. W. cor. of 13th and
ChicacoSts. C. AXFORD. 325-tf
"TTIOR RENT Cottase of 3 corns , food cci'ar
. JU well , cistern uml outhouse ? , cor. of 23rd
r. Clark , M.V. . KENNEDY , S. 13th St. 31 J-tf
FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms o\er Mer
chants Exchange , N. E. Cor , Iflth and
Podcc streets. 233-tf
FOR UE.NT Strre room In Jirlck block corner
10th at d Douzhs Sts.vlth or ith > ut cel
lar. Also , 3 noma in second store. Applv to
American Hense. 200" t f
VTICEI.Y furnished rooms uith board. Hrick
Jl house Ect 17th and 18th streets 1S3.
JL rott House. _ en9tf
Tou KENT Hoiifc with six room , well , ci *
JL totn nnd cell\r. On Capitol Ave , bet J5tl
anil 16th , touth side J. -McCORlIICK
MILK Twenty to twenty-tour qimrta or oni
doiUr by John T. V anlron.
STOCK FAHM FOU SALK-lOCOacrcs , ilwell-
iiitf - > U(1 out-liouscs , In n.iu.'lai County tllon
tlic Klkhorn ri\fr ; reel atuck rnnta ; ii
K stern Ncbri a. Time pany A'8 ' > 110 lien'
of cnttlfl. If 0 hnjii and pijs , 7 her > c ? , inrl tof
farmlnrimploraonis. Inqin-c law oifitc ct tofT
. W. T. Kitliirds , Omihs , Xcb. 273-codO
- FOR SALK Family carriage and splendli
riding pony. lOthanJ C'apitol aie. 2S2tf
Fit HALE Cottnnwwd lumber of nil alzoga
- RFDSrON-D'S , bixtccntli-st. Blfrt
"P OU SALK A GristMi'.l. Appiyat
J472tf I. . U WILLIAMS * SON.
; In the Circuit Court nf the United States , for
the District of Nebraska.
. forP
Charles W. Seymour et al. vs. Wm. P
Youug , debtor , and John I. Irwin , Jam
- Y. Irwin , W. T. Donovan , Milton aneF.
Lamaater , and Nathan F. Moffitt , sure
In puwuance and by virtue of an exe
cution issued out of the circuit court ixeof ;
the United States for the district oflvc
mbraska , bearing date July 20th , 18SO , ind
to me directed and delivered
wv.uu i u wwhbiA utu vt A * , I have lev !
_ _ . WACUf . A . UMC . . ev-
J Jii * t i >
ied upon and taken all the right , title ind <
interest of the aforesaid defendants , indor
either of them , in and to the followini
lands and tenements , to-wit : In Dougla ;
. county , Nebraska , the swi sec. 11 , tp. 14.
range 10 ; sw J tsc. 2 , tp. 15 , range 11 , all
of which I shall expose to Bale , and sell
to the highest and best bidder , at rmbli
sale , as the law directs , on the loth day ref
September , 188J , at the hour of 10 o'clocl
in the forenoon of said day , at the nortl
door of the United States postoffice md
court housebuilding , in the city of Omaha
Douglas connty , Nebraska.
Said sale is to satisfy a judgment of
said court obtained at its November term
1875 , in favor of the said Charles W
Seymour and William W. Wardell , plain
h'fifs , and against the stfd "William linP.
Yonps et al. , defendants.
U. S , Marshal , Dipt , of Nebrsi&B ,
Are Not Half as Interest
ing to the General Eead-
er as the Following Price
List :
101b30f Aauzar for n 00
10lba extra C surer for. . . . 1 00
U Ibj Canary C. Surar for 1 00
9 Iba Granulated Sazar for 1 00
8J IDS Cut Loaf Sucarfor 1 00
6 Ibs good Rio Coffee for 1 Oo
6 Iba best Rio Coffee for 1 CO
4 Iba choice Java CoHea for 1 00
5 Jibs best lloeha Coffee for 1 00
Younsr Hjson Tea per lb , 30 to 40
Oolong Tea per Ib , 30 to 40
Japan Tea per lb , 30 to B'1 '
Finest Gunpowder Tea perlb 75
BestO K Flour per sack 8 25
Snow Flake winter wheat flour 3 65
Ha\ensbe3t | flour 1 60
20 bans White Russian Soap for 1 00
! iO bars Climax Soap for 1 00
SI bars Laundry Soap for 1 00
IS bars Linen 5 > oap for 1 00
Pure Maple fcyrup per gallon 1 15
Golden rap per i-alloii - 60
New Orleans S > nip per gallon " 0
N'ew Orleuna Molaiaca per gallon 45
Sujrar House Molassea per gallon 40
I Ibs St. Louis soda Crackers for 1 00
17IbaSt. Louu Oyster Crackers for 1 00
lllba Boston flutter Crackers for 1 00
II IbsGincer Snaps for 1 00
13 Ibs New Currants for 1 00
8 Ibs New Blackberries for 1 00
4 Ibs Pitted Cherries for 1 00
10 Ibs Dried Poaches ( hahca ) for 1 00
10 Iba Choice Dried Apples for 1 00
10 Ibs best new Prunes for 1 00
lOlbs. best Valencia Raisins 1 00
7 Iba. new ] a\cr Raisins 1 00
Peaches. 2 lb cans 15
Peaches.3 lb cans ( findard ) S21
Pie Pea lies. B Ibcans 25
Peaches ( Cal)3 ) lb cans ZO
Blackberries , 2Iocan 15
Apples , ( York State ) > , ol can 35
Bluebornca 3 Ib can „ 15
Chcrnei 21b can _ 12i
Damson Plums2Ib cans. . . . 15
Raspberries i lb can 15
Straw berries , 2 llican _ . 20
StnnirBeans,21b cans 12 }
Baked Beans , S lb can 20
Lima Bcins , 2 lb cans 12j
Su arcorn , 21b can 12i
Yarmouth corn , per can 17 }
Tomatoes , Slbcan 16
Succotash , 2 lb can 1-i I
Pumpkins , 3 lb can 20
21 Ibs beans 1 00 J
0 Ibvlricd Lima beans 1 OU |
35 Iba hotriny 1 00
11 Ibs Carolin.i'ncc 1 0
25lbs itmc-J - 1 00
Fat fimllt mackerel , } terkit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
Fat family whit flintier kit 80
Codn h , uliole , per lb 8
Codfish , boneless , Jicr lb 10
Halliliut , peIb 12J
HoIUnil licrntiir ( new ) itr ke ? 1 25
Tel > HCi-oBIa > , kwc'lI'e Durham ) r rlb 60
Tel > ioi.uS.1lvcrP ( < jIplul ) > crlb 60
Tobacco ( ( > ' ' S' > Ie ) per lb 36
Tobuix'oMcerstluum ( ) | t-rlb 4
Hams. , perlb 11
fc.'Kt , 11 iloz for 1 00
Butter , fresh mil , perlb -0
t'omplotc price liata fiirn-nhed on appllcatl
C'oimtrj orders will receive prompt and care
attention. IVisiliicIt ri ) oodseold on i rciht.
J. B. FRENCH & GO. ,
Tim Original Kcliablc roccrs ,
No. 1119 Farnham Street ,
. , . ,
Pianos and Organs Pirst Class
on Easy Monthly Payments ,
Sheet Music and Musi
cal Instruments.
Oil Paintings , Kopra % inirs an < l Framca at great
ly ridccd prices.
8x10 Frames , 1 inch , Walnut He
- - "
l 20
& "i " i ; ; ; = °
" 50
12xiJ ( U
12113 - I.4" "
10x20 1' li " ? 5
Rustic 8x10 frame . > Jo
Chromes fri" > fd , smiH , 25C\
ClirooioS framed , lar " , 1 S5 ,
Engrivingj fiom JOe npnardu ,
Photograph frimea ffuns 15s uj-wards ,
WindoA Cor .icB373c a window ana upwards
Lambrefiu' 00 per window and upward ? ,
Cornice f .iw2 50per window andupwaidJ ,
Vtltet frames 25c e-ich to5 00
Violin SlniiM ' . < .
Vio.i'H 1 75. 2 50 , 3 hd
Guitars 5 00 , 0 00 , 7 00 aim B : tan'i '
Banjos 1 00. 3 00. 5 00 , and urinaru ? , ,
Accordeons from 1 00 up , cheapest in city
Sent ! for samples and catalozue of mouldings
and sbcst rmuic. A 110SPE , JR. ,
1576 Doigc ! St. , Omaha , Neb.
. Absolutely Pure.
Mnde fmm Orape trom Tartar > V > othu
preparation nukes Mich liilil , ( laky hot brenU
- nr luxurious pittrj Can lie eitcii li } ' il > pe tun
nitluint fear of the tils resulting from hcav } m-
< ! i rttihlc food.
; bold enl } in cans , liy nil GroccO.
KoVAr. I'.nxiMi PUVOKH Co. . Xcw Tork-
a * , i : .
O > 33/3 : JS 3SC .SL .
Wholesale Dcn'cr In KoriLm ami Dorocst
Fruit , liutter , finite. Poultry , ( lunin. JIm8. . Ba
- con , Lartl , Fmn Flali. si.d Atrunt ftr BOOTH'H
' A. F. RAFERT & CO. ,
Contractors aud Builders.
Id Fine Woodwork a Spccii ty.
Agcntsfor Hie EncjtiihU
1310 nonOK < T. OMAIM
Metaltc Cases , Coffin ? , Ca kctj , Shrouds , etc.
Farnham Street , Bet. Ifiihaudll'li.Omiha.Neb.
Teleirriohic Ordar-i Promptly Attended To.
( Former ! j of Gtoh & Jacobs )
of No. 1417 Farnham St. , Old Stand of Jacob G\l \
- E. F- coos : , ,
. Ccrr r Uth and CaE9
SrecUl t en * ion to orlera by telegraph.
< 31. IJ. HIS OX ,
General Insurance Agent ,
, don , Cash Assets 15.107,1:7
WESTCHESIEII.N.Y. , capital. . . . i.ooocoj
THE MERCHANTS , of NeTrark. N. J. , 1,000,001
, QIRARO FIREPhilideIphiaCapital. . 1,000,000
- flal 900,000
J.Ti.K nar ras. CO. , ASM ! ZwSW
AgEKiCAF OETP.AL , j Mits ?
I have secured the agency of the voll-known COLUMBIA Steel Spokea ami
Rubber Tires Bicycle from the Pope Manufacturing Co. ; Alao the Otto Hand
Made. Samples can bo seen at my store , at Manufacturers Prices , reight
added. Send for price list
No. 1204 Farnham Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Having Taken the Above for Our Motto , We nro
Determined to Offer
Our Entire Summer Stock of
Regardless ol * Cost.
In Order to Make Room for Our Fall and Winter Goods.
We Will Xot Be Undersold.
Gives universrl Satisfaction and that it is stead
ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor.
The White Machine justly claims to be the
best made , the easiest running , the simplest in
construction and the most perfect Machine in
the market.
The White Co. employ as agents men of in
tegrity , and purchasers are alwars satisfied ,
because they find everything just as repres
Everybody should use this Machine. The
sales so far this year are more than double
the corresponding time last year.
All orders addressed to the Omaha Office ,
\vill be promptly filled.
Cor. Davenport and 15th Sis. , Omaliu.
Cigars ironi $15.00 per 1000 upwards.
Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25 cents per doxcn upwards.
Send for Price List ,
MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Xeb.
Fishing Tackle , Rase Rails and a full line of
nsroTioisrs .A.ICTD : G-OOZDS
J. O. RICHARDSON , Prop. ,
House Furnisbin f s , Shelf Hardware , \
Nails" u Etc.
Btreet , let