/ rr t. * xeP < v C _ _ * = > t VOL. X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , TUESDAY. AUGUST 10 , 1880. NO. 43. r Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents FOREIGN EVENTS. Ireland Excited Over the Latest Agrarian Out rage Of a Crown Solicitor Who Was About to Serve Writs of Ejectment , Nothing Definitely Known of Afghan Affairs by the British. But Ayoob Khan With 20.OOO Men is Bothered "With Dis sensions. A Prisoner in Italy Tries Tan ner's Game and Starves in Thirty Days. The British Parliament to Ad journ Soon. AllUKSTS OF TUK SUPPOSE ! ) QUlLTr PAH- TIES. SpscUl Dispatch to Tun EBB. DUNLIN , -lugust 5) ) 4 p. m. Eleven persons have been arrested on suspi cion of being the principals or assist ants in the shooting and killing of the Jjon of Crown Solicitor Boyd and the severe wounding of Mr. Boyd him- eclf and hia other son , at New Ross. - Three of the arrested men are cvictea" tenants. UOME-UULEKS1 CONVENTION. Spodxi Ubpatch to rho Bee. NEWCASTLE , August 9 , 4 p. in. The home-rulers' convention - assem bled here this morning. There is a very large attendance , delegates from all largo towns of England attending. Mr. Parnell was chosen to preside. The tone of the convention was decidedly - cidedly aggrojsive. ItElTBLICAX SUCCESSES. Special Dupulch to TIIK UK. PABIS , August 9 t p. m. At a number of precincts at the late elec tion for the council general no candi date received a clear majority of votes and a second ballot became necesFary. The second election took place'yustcrday. and the republicans carried over two-thirds of the contest ed places. THE APfiiHAN TKOUBLE. Special DismtUi to TUB Bum. LONDON , August 0 , 4 p. m. Lord llipon telegraphs that the British con- vry Tvhicli ia rutun < ing from -A-fflho. . . istan reached Tibi yesterday. An at tack made by the tribesmen compelled the British to abandon a nortion of their baggage. Sbirpur will bo evac uated to-morrow. GOOD FOB AMERICA. SpecUl dispatch to The Bee. LONDON , Angust 9 4 p. m. A St. Petersburg correspondent says that telegraphic reports received at the ministry of the interior from govern ors of forty , nine provinces show that the harvest throughout Russia is poor. AGKABIAN OUTRAGE. Special Diipatch to The Bee. DUBLIN , August 10 , 1 a. m. The murderous attack at Now ROBS , Sun day upon Mr. Boyd and his two sons , continues to bo the sole topic of dis cussion. Sir. Boyd was crown solici tor of Tipperary and itwas under stood ihat he h.id been preparing for ilia issue of a number of writs of ejectments Against tenants in thn neighborhood. His two sons wrre attacked at New Roas by a body of tlifguised men , eleven of whom are now in custody. Olio of his sons was killed and the other wa * so severely wounded that he expired soon after. Ho himself was severely wounded and his life is considered to bo in danger. The attack waa altogether an agrarian outrage. Three of the arrested poraons have been identified as tenants upon whom writs of evic tion have been served. It is raid , however , that the crown will find it extremely difficult to prove that the arrested parties were participants in the murderous attack , as all assailants were thoroughly disguised , and the cloven persons , who wore arrested , had time to throw oil their disguises to appear TIB if they were pursuing their ordinary occupation. The affair lias caused great cx-citement hete and throughout Tipperary. THE FAULIAJIENTAKY MKSION. Epoolal dispatch to Tnc Bvo LONDON , August 9,10 p. m. Mr. Gladstone will leave to-day for the country , and will probably not return again during the present session , which is HOT drawing rapidly to a close. Accordiim to all precedent the session should close on Thursday iiL-xt , the 12lh , when grouse-shooting begins ; but it is evident the session must bo protracted a weak or ten dayfiboyond that date. TUK I'KENCll AMniSSU > OK RESIGNS. A Berlin correspondent asser's that Count do St. Yalliers , French ambas sador io Germany , has positively ten dered his resignation , on account of ill health. TURKEY'S INTENTIONS. A dispatch from Constantinople ulutcs that , though Turkey is still send ing froopj toDulcignn , the porto ap. pjars to be honestly wilhug to cede that province to Montenegro ; that the object of sending troops thither is to preserve the peace and to check any uprising among the populice "hen the transfer of government ii , MARINES FOE IRELAND. Several detachments of marines cm- barked at Portsmouth to-day en route for Ireland. THE STATE TRADE. The official returns of the board ol of trade show that the imports and exports of the United Kingdom foi the month of July have been increas ed nearly seven million psunds ster ling over those of the eamo month last year. This fact is looked upon a ! one o [ the- most capering character showing that the revival of trade con tinnes. CAJCDAHAR'S CONDITION. LONDON , August 10 1 a. m.- Adviccu from Candahar up to Fri day night state that Ayoob Khan'i army wai within sight. The city wa fully prepared for defence , and * a fully supplied with prorender. The stock of cattle was short , but there wes provisions enough to enable Col. St John fo hold out for at least one month. Nothing was known of the reported fa1 ! of Charaan , the latest news from that placa being down to July 28. TORY MURHURS , In the house of commons last ev ening Lord Hartington announced that the Indian government had re solved to withdraw nil its troops from Cabul. This step has not been taken , his lordship caid , in consequence of the late disaster ; it had been resolved before that calamity took place , and it had the full endorsement of Gen. Stewart. Lord Hartington added that ho had no information reEpccting the reported capture of C fcaajan.The statements oT Lord Harfington were recsived with murmura of disap probation from the opposition benches. 1IOME RULERS I1T COUNCIL. There was a grand demonstration of home rulers at Liverpool Sunday to meet Paruell , who did not attend. Mr. Commins , homo rule member of parliament for Iloscommon , presided. He and other speakers attacked the the house of lords for rejecting the compensation bill. BLOWING UP A CONSULATE. The Greek consulate at Prizrend was blown up by Bulgarians. UNSUCCESSFUL TANNER. Special Diejiatclicj to Tils Bir. KAVLES , August 10 , 1 a. m. A prisoner , a Corsican , haa starved him self to death , after fasting thirty days. CARICATURIST EXPf LLED. Special Dispatch to The Bee. PARIS , August 10 , 1 a. m. Mr. Hickey , the editor of the American aubjects , in the legitimist comic paper , the Triboulet , published in this city , has bean expelled from France. KBFPINO ARMS. The French government lias in formed Greeca that she can not give the thirty thousand rifles previously promised. DISSENTING DEVILS. SpecUl Dispatch to The Bee. LDNDON , August 10 , 1 a. m A dispatch from Bombay says there are large gatherings of'tribesmenbetween Khojak and Candahar. The natives report tlmt Ayoob Khan haa 20COO men encamped at Argandak , but that dissensions are rife. SITTING DOWN ON OBSTRUCTION. Speeiil Dispatch to The Fee. LONDON , August 10,1 a. m. Mr. O'Donnell ha ? protested against the Irish members of the house of com mons avenging the rejection of the Irish compensation bill , by the house lords , by obstructing the commons , Mr. O'Donnell has resigned the pres idency of the home rale confederation. Human Targets. Special disjiatch to THE BEE. BOSTON , August 10 1 a. m. Jar- r ! ° r ? ? Wvatf SMtsbury , Mass. , shot ; md killed Same lirovcvouy night , putting four balls into her head. Ho then fired fired seven shots into his own breast , inflicting fatal injuries. Pacific Hailroad Scheme. Sjiccl.il Dispatch to The Bee. MONTREAL , August 10 1 a. m. A special cable dispatch from London states that the mission of the Cana dian ministry Is likely-to bo success ful. The favorable reports have had a very beneficial effect hero , the stock market showing a laige advance all around. The government scheme is to hand over the building of the Can adian Pacific railway to English capi talists , they taking land in return for their expenditures. This will bring over S10D,000OCD of English capital into the country and relieve the gov ernment of a burden and enable them to spend their money and energy on inland navigation. A CHICAGO OUTLET. A larger quantity of grain Is going to Liverpool from Chicago via Mon treal this year than over before. Asiatic Cholera in Massachusetts. Sihx-iM Dispatch to the liec , BOSTON , August 10,1 a. m. Mrs. Louise Doyle , of Spencer , who has enjoyed good health , was taken sick Saturday and died within an hour. Physicians in attendance declare it a : aso of genuine Asiatic cholera. Trial Trotting for 2:11. : 'pedal ' Dispatch to The Bco. ROCHESTER , N. Y. , August 10 , 1 a. m. Yanderbilt's phenomenal sorrel , "Maud S , wai driven for exercise on the Rochester track yesterday , one milo and repeat. It was not the intention of Bair , her driver , to let her go faster han'J'J5 , but she jogged along so easily , and appeared so perfectly at "lomo on the track thnt her first milo was made in 2:23. She seemed restive and anxious to do her best on the second end mile , but Bair held' her down to about the same gait till the last quar ter. He had not much of an idea she irould accomplish anything unusual ; n fact , ho did not believe , when ho reached the finish , that the mare had done any better than frequently when rotting for a purse. One of the sp3c- tr.tora held an ordinary watch over her and declared that the last quarter wai rotted in 29 seconds. Capt. Stone , who has charge of the mare , declared ler time to bo 32 ecconds , instead of 129 , as repotted. Miud S's driver and groom assert that aho cm : trot four itch quarters if the man holding the ribbons would let Ler out. W. H. Duble , of Philr.lelphia , thinks she she will trotciiTlunxJay in 2:11 , and saja GOD people are coming from Phil adelphia to Boa her do it. A U.'S. Railway Set Up Again. Special Dispatch to TUB BKI. LONDON , August 10 1 a. m. The Standard says that the difficulties of the Philadelphia and llaading rail road will be'overcome by an assess ment of $20 per share. It declares thn liability of shareholdersunlimitod. There is cousideiable property safe to meet all bond interest. Killol toy Mlstafee. Special DUpatch to The L'e NASHVILLE , Tenn. , August 10 1 p. m. Calvin Winsted , colored , shot and killed his brother , Ed. Winstcd , minister in Williamson county , Sun day , having mistaken him for a bur glar. POSTAL. Special Dispatch to The Bee. WASHINGTON , August 9 , 10 p. m , The President has appointed Wm Bridge postmasterat Long Island City Queens county , N. Y. The poatmas ter general issued an order to-dsy t < establish free delivery service at Mer iden , Conn. , from September Is next , A FELON'S FALLACY. McDonald's Masterly Missile of Malice Misses its Mark. His Statements Contradicted by Revenue Officials and Col. Joyce. McDonald's Lie. Special Dispatch to The Bee WASHINGTON , August 10 1 a. m. Ex-Commissioner of Internal Revenue Douglass , who still resides hen prac ticing lawuwas interviewed yesterday by a reporter , touching McDonald's alleged whisky ring disclosure } . Doug lass said ho had not read it , but the abstract published here yesterday morning was shown him , which ho read carefully. After reading it he said : "Well , all I have to say is this , touching all and singular , the allega tions concerning myself , they are a batch of lies , from A to Z. The truth is , I never liked McDonald , and he knew I did not like his face. He dressed a good deal like a gambler. I once spoke to Columbus Delano about McDonald , and told him frankly , while I had no reason to believe he was dishonest , I did not like his looks or flashy styla. 'Oh'Delano said , 'I know he dresses rather loud , but that is the custom in the west' " I don't balieve , said Douglass , that Gen. Grant knows anything about the whisky ring. I do know that McDon ald waa an oflicer ih the army , and as such Grant met him. Grant's friendship for him grow out of this ac quaintance. I know that McDonald had Grant's confidence , but only from the fact that he waa an old army friend , and not from any connection Grant had , directly or indirectly , with the whisky ring. Had I for a moment entertained any suspicion McDonald was dishonest , I should have dismiss ed him at once , and I know Grant would have stood by me. Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue Rodgera , who is likewise de scribed in McDonald's book as having a guilty knowledge of the existence of the whisky ring , vigorously denies the allegation. "I do know thi , how ever , " ho said ; "that I had organized a corps of revenue agents to go to St. Louis to look after supposed frauds , and McDonald found it out in some way before the expedition started , and for this reason it was abandoned. I testified to this fact in St. Louis at McDonald's trial , and after I had done so McDonald said to me : 'I don't think you treated me fairly in your testimony to-day. ' To this I replied : 'I hive told the truth and discharged my duty as a public oflicer and as a witness. ' " Rodgers is6 _ itisBed that McDonald had-tjurceiTof "Information which kepbhlm advised of the inside movements of the revenue oflico , but SooV&3 n'unihed ' ! the "formation ho Col. Joyce , who Is mentioned in McDonald's book , was revenue agent in Missouri , and is now , ana has been for several years , a quiet citizen of Georgetown. He was as much sur prised as anybody at McDonald's statements. Col. Joyce remarked to day that under the circumstancs it would bo a great comfort to him to have the § 250,000 which McDonald says he got. He would then fvcl easy with regard to financial matters ; but as ha did not get that , or any other sum , he did not seem to attach any great amount of credit to McDonald's book. ELECTRIC BRIEFS. Special dtprmtcl to The Bee. NEW YOUK , August 9 The damage from the fire on the Birquo Niclaux loaded with naptha is estimated at 5119,000. WASHINGTON , August 9. The Natl board of health has received advices from Havana reporting 200 cases of yellow fever in that city. ATLANTA , Ga. , August 9. The deadlock in the atato convention con- ; inues. The convention was called to irder at 10 a. m. and the first ballot leingtho 2Gth reeulted as follows : Jolquoit 20S 23 30 , Lister G2 17-30 , Harderaan 531 , Gartuck 14i Lawson 3 Warner 8. CINCINNATI , 0. , August 9. Joseph Menninger , a ed nine years , was eeri- ausly , if not fatally , shot by John BonlticT'in Covinglon , Ky. , this morning. The shooting is supposed o have been accidental. PARIS , August 9 M. Hyacintho Didot , brother of Ambrose Firmen Didet , the Paris publisher and book- oiler , is dead. CLEARFIELD , Pa. , August 9. Ex- Gov. AVm. Biglcr died this morning , t 9 o'clock. YOUNGSTOWN , 0. , August 9. Clara Havre , a prostitute , committed suicide hero on Sunday morning , takinc two ounces of laudanum. CUICACO , Aiigmt 9. A Iiro broke out at 10 o'clock this morning In the ales building , in South Canal street. The loss ia estimated at § 20,000. CUICAOO , August 9. Right Rev. Bishop Fallows preached yesterday at St. John's Reformed Episcopal church "What ho learned on may re- igiously from Dr. Tanner's fast. " [ lev. Irving A. Searles , at the South Side Christian church , preached on Christ's forty days'fast. " MOREYSTOWN , Teun. , August 10. Dan Potter has been convicted for the murder of McMahon , near Newport , two years ago. He was sentenced to hang on the 17th of September. READIKO , Pa. , Aogurt 10. Senator Wm. A. Wallace opened the demo cratic camr/sign in this city yesterday. He addressed a large audience in the court house on the issues of the day. WASHINGTON , August 10. The sec retary of war says that he expects to dispose of the case of Cadet Whitta- ker within a week. LONDON , August 10. A disp'atch from Athens sajs that Turkish do- Eorlera are joining the Greeks at Pat- mos. mos.William William Henry H. Kingston , the novelist , h dead. Jean Eugene Hortense Busch , Spanish dramatic author , died it Madrid at the age cf 74. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , August 10. Fiv thousand dollars woith of tobacco wai burned at Havsolle , Ky. , Sundaj night in a warehouse. WASHINGTON , August 10.Tin board of army officers on the codifica tion of army rules has adjourned fo ; tea dap ; . In the meantime , Gen , Augur goes to his command in th * outb , and Gen. Hancock ia relieve * duty in that department. The secre tary of war has returned from hit inspection of the Atlantic posts , and report them in good order. Rachel Johnson , a servant , want to sleep in a third story window Sunday night , fell out and was killed. Border Thieves. Special dispatch to THE BKS. CHICAGO , August 9 10 p. m. Gen. Sher.dau has received the fol lowing telegrams : END OF TRACK , D. T. , Aug. 6. To Kn.iglta , AdjaUai-Otncral , St. Paul : A party of five men , eaid to be In dians , ran off a herd from a grader's camp , five miles west of my camp , last night. Notrlan was promptly sent in pursuit , only about fotir hours behindj The etcttk has : all "been re * covered , and Nowlan Is still in pur suit. There is considerable doubt in my mind whether the raiding party were reilly Indians. Last night four mules were stolen from the Green River camp by white men. The mules were recovered , and one of the thieves captured. [ Signed ] MERRILL , Major Fifth ctvvalry. Public liebt Explanation. Special dispatch to The Bee % WASHINGTON , August 10 1 a. m. The treasury department is in receipt of frequent letters cilling attention to the apparent discrepancy in the statement of the amount of the pub lic debt on June 30th. AB shown by the monthly debt statement and by the analysis of the public debt since l&oO , recently issued by the depart ment , the principal for the debt is sta ted in both correctly as $2,120,415- 370.05 , but in the monthly statement the debt , loss cash in the treasury , in cludes accrued interest amounting to $23,845,547.59. The analysis pur * ports to be a statement showing only tiio principal dobt. Garfleld GoingHome. CLEVELAND , 0. , August 9 10 p. m. Gen. Garfield and party arrived at Cleveland at 4:45 : p. m. yesterday , having left Chatauqua in the morning by a special train on the New York , Pennsylvania and Ohio railroad. At Jamestown , If. Y. , Carey , Pa. , and Warren , Ohio , the general made speeches , and at every station along the line crowds of people stood around the train to catch a sight of Garfield. At Solon , the train stopped long enough for GarSeld to shake hands with a little gathering of farm ers. His sister Mary also , who is married and lives at Solon , came to the train to meet him. Brother and sister conversed for a few moments , and thn train again moved on with the general on the rear platform wav ing hia broad-brimmed hat. Coming through the manufacturing district of Cleveland the general stood on the rear platform and greeted the hun dreds of workiugmen , who were as sembled at points along tin- track , cheering and waving hats. After } waiting hero a few hours ho returned bilityho will leave'tonignflljoYv } fi : lumbua to attend the soldiers' reunion. A Mother's Murder. Speelil Dispatch to The Bee ATLANTA , Ga. , August 10 , 1 a. m. A little boy in Butts county pass ing through through the woods found the body of a little child severel months old with the head entirely severed from the body and the ekull crushed. The murderer is supposed to ba the motherof the child , a young girl highly connected. She has ab sconded with a young man who has been very intimate with hor. Quacks. Special dispatch to TUB Bxi. DETROIT , Mich. , August 9 10 p. m. Doctors Payne and Buchanan , the Philadulphians , about whom so much ha bean said in the matter of bogus Philadelphia diplomas , are now in this city , whither their fame had preceded them , and are endeavoring to form a state eclectic society and es tablish ono of their peculiar colleges. Even the quncks kick about them and their scheme. Tennessee Democrats. Special dispatch to The Bee NASHVILLE , Tenn. , August 10 1 a. m. The convention of the demo- ratic party of Tennessee will meet in ho hall of the house of representa- ivos at noon to-day to nominate a andidato for governor. It will be ailed to order by John W. Chudreas , r. , chairmatn of the state executive lomrnlttee , and will be in session two lays and probably three. Big- Fire in a Coal Mine. Special Dispatch to Tee Bee. SUENANDOAU , Pa. , August 10 , 1 a. m. Since the death of three men 'rom whits damp recently in the gang way of the Kelley Run colliery , Messrs. Thomas & Co. , of Phihdol- > hia , have endeavored to force the nside of the workings of all foul air. Che coal eiri , however , in the old breista kept generating white damp , and Su. day spontaneous combustion , ook p-CJ ! , so.ting fire to the mam moth vo'i. . Ecora the fire can be ex- tingui hed , if it ever will be , months will elapse aad thous , nds of dollars be expondeJ. The vc'n is from sixty to seventy feet ( hck , and if followed , nd should sprezd , arm of COE ! un derneath the twn of Shenandoah will be stt on fire. Minors hvo gone elsowhorj to look for work. The uulca and wcgoni have ell been loistod. Tnis case of sountaneo s combustion will interest cjllieiy-owa- era and scient'fic men in tl ! parts of .ho world. This is the only colliery : hat contains white damp in this s.c- ; ion of the coil-fields. It is owing to the tilling up of two old breasts with coal dirt , mixed with clay , and this reruse generated this peculiar death- dealing agency. Ge rgla Bulldog Bourbons. EpccUl Dispatches to Till Bo. ATLANTA , August 10,1 a. m. The quiet and trcnquiliziag effect of the Sabbath felled to hcrtnoniza the de mocracy of Georgia yesterday. The Colquitt crowd stcod as a "reck of ages , " and the opposition .3 defiant as Gibralter. The convention met at 10 o'clock. A Colquitt delegate from Thomas county spoketssome to-night , advocating a compromise , and advised the dropping of Colquitt and to take any other good man not now before the convention. No one being named , he voted for Colquitt on the next bal lot. Mr. Patterson , of Ribb , apokf in the same attain , offering to with draw and forward any gcod democrat but all to no avail. Colquitt and anti Colquitt are getting dispatches nrglni them to aland by their factions , ani offering to eend relief when they iir < out. The end ia not yet. THE GORGED GLUTTON Enormous Quantities of Solids and Liquids Devoured by Banner. His Stomach Already Expanding - ing to "Bay-Window" Proportions. Lucrative Lecture Engage ments Tendered. Filling Up. Special Dispatch to The BtC. r * * NEW YORK'August 0. 4p7ni. Dr. Tanner is reported in good con dition having gained nine pounds in weight since Saturday noon and having eaten twelve pounds of solids and three watermelons. Ho has an offer of § 2,700 to deliver ten lectures on the Pacific slope. To-day ho walked out for exercise and to attend to some businesd. Illimitable Bill of Faro. Special dispatch to TUK Bin. NK > V YOKE , August 10,1 a. m. Dr. Tanner is recuperating wonderfully , and his eyes are bright , and his skin a healthy hue. Ho ate oix oysters at 2 p. m. , and live minutes later drank two glasses of milk and ono of wine. At 3:40 : moro wine was consumed , and again at 3:50 : ho drank a ghs3 of milk. At 5 p. m. he ate half a pound of beef steak and drank eight ounces of milk. Ho continued to eat and drink throughout the evening. Anotner Mysterious Murder. Special dispatch to Tlio Fee. OYSTER BAY , L. I. , August 10,1 a. m. Sunday morning a man employed on the farm ofThomaaF. Underbill , at Locust Valley , discovered tha body of .1 decapitated man In the Muttcn- scock , near Peacocks point , on Long Island Sound. The body was of a respectable dressed man , about forty- fire years old , afid considerably do- composed. He was found at a dis tance of ten feet from the public high way. Hia beard was iron gray and matted with blood and from appear ance ! it sesmcd that the head had been separated from , the body with an axe. The man hastened to Oyster Bay for the purpose of notifying the coroner. News of the discovery caused the greatest of excitement hero [ t is evident that the body laid in the woods for many days , as it was much decomposed and omitted an offensive odor. It n generally believed that the man was murdered. About three weeks ago a boat containing three men was rowed to a point near whore the bo < i7 was found. There was no larg er vessel in the vicinity at the time and probably for this reason the boat was particularly noticed. The three we it ou shore and were absent about rty&WJ&.but onlx.tnQj which they came. T is connected with the dfsco jry , al though the men are not known and so far as ascertained there is no clue that can lead to their identification. No weapon was found near the body , and strict inquiry among persons living in the vicinity has failed to elicit information mation that throws any light on the tragedy. The remains were brough here for interment and an inquest , will bo hold to-day and a moat search ing investigation will bo started. Now York and Brooklyn detectives have already been sot to work on the case and the recor-ls of the police depart ments of each city are being thor oughly searched for men who have been reported missing. The.o aio thos ? who aflirm that they recognize the features of the dead man as those of a person who some wcoks ago can vassed the country socking music pupils. He represented himself at the time as a proficient and highly ed ucated artist , and was earnest in his efforts , though they were rewarded with no success. Interview With Bayard , ipeclal Diipatch to The Ccc. PROVIDENCE , August 10 , 1 a. m. On Sunday a representative of the Morning S'ar ' called on Senaior Bayard at Oakland Beach , a summer esort a few miles from hero , and iu- erviewed him with the following ro- ult : Referring to the present state of sfFtirs at the South the senator aid that the use of the expression 'sectional animosity" was out of place it the present time. That what the people want is , not quarreling and trifcjbut that northern capital should come among them and purchase fieir "ands. That while in individual in stances much of the old bitterness might bu found , the cases wore iso- " .atsd and did noi express the general ontimont of the popi lation. The i'iting that hra occasionally taken ) lac8 during the last few years be tween mllita'.y organizations of the country , thoserator egardedcs tend- "ng to form lies cf friendship , strong enough to res ; t all efforts to sever hem that could forcibly La put forth by any poliiical te icmers of whatever stamp. The desola ! id condition oi ho South at the clo" 3 of the war , with the failure of crcps fcrsovcral seasons , md the consequent financial downfall of many who emigrated to that see ion , the senator thought combined tc create , in some measure , the politica' ' situation which was prevalent there 'or a long time. Msny o those who invested money in that section did ? \\lihout realizing that experience Is neco'sary to the Ruocessful produLiion of crops , par ticularly so in re * ard to the culture ol iQtton , and with ruin staring them in the face , engagei in politics for the sake of something bottur to do , thus becoming carpet baggers. Although , said the senator , there were undoubt edly some who went into that country for the express puipoae of filling their satchels with p&htical gain. In re- ard to the coming campaign , Senator Jayard referred de'ic.lely to the fact of hs : prominent identification with one of the great parties in the strug gle , and said it was too early to pre dict with any degree of certainty , as to the result. However , said he , there is a growing fesling of confidence among the members of the party with which I cm connectoJ such as has never before been felt. In epaaklng of Gen. Hancock's nomination , th senator rafoired to Hancock's leltei to Gen. Sherman in complimentary terms , and said it is evidence of grea breadth of comprehension. Refjninj to Tilden'a popular vote ii 1876 , he though that'frou present appearances it was posiibl Gen. Hancock would develop even greater strength. In speaking of the electoral collegetho senator expressed an opinion that , as at present , he said , It is rather a cumbersome piece of machinery , because elections are practically for popular votes , ho did not think it likely that the circum stances attending the last election would be repeated , since , in view of their experiences , elestors would not dare disobey the choice indicated by the votes of the people. The general unity and confidence of the democratic party throughout the country were particularly referred to as being f\vor- ( able to succe3. MARKETS 151 TELEGRAPH. New York Money ana Stock. , Nxwr YORK , August 9 , 1:30 p.m. MONEY Loucr at 2 ] < rcent ; e\chaiifeatcxdy ; GOVERNMENTS. Firm. USG's of ' 81 . 1045 New 4's . 109 ? CurrrDcyG'a . 125 STOCKS. Actt\c ; ilc incil J to 1 I > CT cent wiih tlio exception of KeulingMhidi fell'off 2 ? ixjrceut. Deny. & UioGramlg 71 } Northwestern 90 ? Ceo. P 951 Northwtstcrn pfd. 123 ASP Tel 40 N.I' . 35 Lacksanna kVf. . 8"tj If. P. jrfil 5'i D&H S1J Ohiupted 74J Erie 43 WYU 130 } St.Joe 3 J Jf J Central 7oJ St Joci.fd 74 ? llcndint ; 211 lake Shorn IPS } W , St J.&Ppfd. . . 71 1C 71J C.C.C.tl 17 I.M 50 Mich.Central a : Quicksilver Ill Illinois 112 at r. amiOmilu.S5J IltliUon SO St P.andO. pfJ. . . 82 U.I' 9 St. Paul jjDl Ohio 33 St. Paul ffil Ill Pacific M.iil 4H R.J _ 114t WStL&r Ill Kr rp . ME I . X t > * * > * > * > * oO Chicago Produce. CHICAGO , August 0. The markets for cereals and hog producle were less active , but with out material changes in value. Wbcat No. 2 spring closed at 88c for cash or August ; 8Cg@SGjc for September ; 8Cic for October ; 85 | sel ler for the year. Corn No. 2 closed at 35f@35j for cash , August , September or October. Oats No. 2 closed at 23c cash ; 23c for August ; U2o for September. Rye No. 2 sold nt CGc. Barley Nothing doing. Whisky Steady at § 1 09. Pork mess closed at § 14 5015 00 for cash : $ M SOforSeptember ; 815 40 © 15 57 * for October ; 1115@1117 for November. Lard Closed at $7 35 for cash or August ; 87 35@7 37 for September. 7.37.Uor October. Chicago Live Stock. CHICAGO , August 9. logs Active at 510c per lOOlb il her ; Bales wore at § ! 90@5 05 for ight packing and shipping ; § 4 GO © i 00 for heavy packing ; 54 70@5 20 for giod to choice , smooth assorted shipping lota. Cattle With only light receipts of native cattle , the market for this des cription ruled steady and firm at Sat urday's figures ; the receipts- Texan steers being largo the market was dull and wealc , and prices if anything x shade lower ; the quality nf part of would campnte tavcraolj ftrartrjfw-j. . ' nl ! nb tint arrived last -week ; sales rars'nj ; § 4 10@4 50 for fair to good shipping , and Si CO for an cztra drove of shipping Leoves for exporta tion. Receipts , 2,77G. New York Produce Market. NEW YORK , August 9. Wheat Spring , strong ; winter , | @ ic belter and fairly active ; sales No. I white , September , § 1 08 | ; No. 2 ingraded red , 1 ODi@l 09.J ; Si 091 or September ; § 1 09- for October. Corn ] c better and fair business ; mixed western spot , 45348ie ; do , fu ture , -ISiOoOic. ' Oats Wes'tern , 384Gc. Beef Unchanged ; trade light ; new plain mees , § 9 50 ; new extra do , § 10 00. Pork Strong ; new mess , 1437i. Lsrd Higher and firm ; rendered , S7 G7i. Butter Quiet and choice firm ; Ohio at 24@25c. Cheese Very firm at 8llc for poor to choice. Eggs Steady at 12@13c for fair to choice. at. LtOUla Produce. ST. Louis , August 9. Flour Firm and unchanged. Wheat Higher ; No. 2 red , 92g ® 92gc for cash ; 92@92gc for Auguot ; 90@89j00c | for September ; 8990 @ 89jo for October ; 89g@89.Jc for tha year ; No. 3 do , 8GJ@88c ; No. 4 do , 82@83c. Corn Lower ; 34@33jc for cash ; 33gc for August ; 34 ® 34c for Sep tember ; 33ic October. Data Lo'wor ; 22c for cash ; 22 ® 22c for August ; 22f c for September. Kjo Slow at GOc bid. Butter Quiet and unchanged , Esgs Quiet and unchanged. WhirLjr Steady at SI 08. Pork Quiet at $15 25. Dry salt meats Strong ; S4 90 , $7 50@7 75 for summer meats. Bacon Firm and higher ; $5 75 , § 8 45G8 75. Lard Nominal at § 7 25. Receipts * lour 10,000 brls , wheat 153,000 bu , corn 77,000 ba , oats 22- , 000 bu , rye 2030 bu. Shipments-Flour 15,000 brls.wheat 211CQObu , , corn 40OCO bu , oats 12- 030 bu , barley 10CO bu. St. LiOUlS Llvo Stock. ST. Loi'is , August 9. Hogs Active and hiijiipr ; Yorkers and Baltiraores , § 4 80 1 DO ; pack ing , S4G52495 ; butchers' lo fancy , § 5 00@515. Receipts , 40,000 head ; chipmenlfl , 1100 head. and Sutler Conferring. Spcdftl dispatch to The Iko. NEW YORK , August 10 1 a. m. Senator Conklinc ; arrived hero yester day morning and quartered himself in ; he rooms vacated by Gen. Garfield on Saturday , at the Fifth Avenue ho tel. Gen. Ben Butler visited him and remained in conversation with him [ or nearly two hours. Conkling eenl a message to the hotel office during its continuance to say to all inquiries concerning corning him that he was not in. Al the termination of the interview Conkling visited the republican atati committe rooms. Soldiers Reunion. Special dispatch to The Bee. COLUMBCS , 0. , August 10 1 a. m , Everything is reunion. The clt ] is one jam of paople ; the decoration are profuse and many quite elaborate The cipitol Is lighted by electric light The president and Gen. Saerman ar rive this morning at 6 o'clock. EJ cursiona will bring 30,000 people hei to-day , as railroad men estimate. THE LATEST NEWS , The Very Latest Tele grams , up to 4 p , m. The Chief of the Oklahoma Haid ers Tamed Over to the U , S , Marshal , Frightful Railroad Wreck , Without Loss of Life , Near Martinsville , O. Arrest'of the Officers of the "Garland'Tor Kunning Down the "Mamie , " Oklahoma Raiders. Special Dispatch to Tim Bre. WASHINGTON , August 9 i p. m , The war ollico haa received the follow ing : CHICAGO , August 7,18SO. To Adjutant-General , Washington , D. C. : Commanding Oflicer Caldwell tele graphs through the department of the Missouri that Payne and five associ ates leave to-day under proper g d for Ft. Smith , Arkansas , there to be turned over to the United States mar shal for the western district of Arkan sas. Those captured with Payne , who did not belong to the first parly captured - tured , have been released. [ Signed ] P. H. SiiEKiiuy , Lieutenant-General. Railroad Wreck. Special Dispatch to The Bco. Ciyci.vNATi , 0. , August 9 4 p. m. Near Martinsville , Ohio , yesterday , a freight train on tha M. & C. railroad w\d : ditched. Four loaded coal cars were mashed into kindling-wood and the tender into n shapeless mass , and one box car was badly wrecked. Tha track was torn up and the road bed plowed out for several rods. No one hurt. Arrested for Manslaughter. Special Dispatch to The Bee. DETROIT , August 9 4 p. m. Pilot Buell and Capt. Geo. D. Horn , of the steamer "Garland , " which ran down the "Mamie" on the Detroit river , drowning seventeen persons , have , at the conclusion of the inquest , been arrested for manslaughter. They were promptly bailed. Safe Robbery. Special Dispatch to The Bee. loujfGSTOWF , O. , August 9 3 p. m. The safe of Lapp Bros , and Millers , dry goods merchants and wool buyers , of Petersburg , Mahoning county , was blown open on Saturday. Five hun dred dollars in cash , and checks call- yjc ; for five hundred ciors were taken. . - - nfft , Spec' * ! Di r t to Tha titv , : < 'r. Dt.- , Texas , Au tist 9 4. p. P. T-ib i . jwing dispatch has been received by the assistant adjutant at San Antonio : On the 30th nit. the mail driver and ono man going west were both killed about eight miles west of Eagle Springs. Tneir two mules were also killed and the mail bag cut to piece * . The bodies of the men were brought into Eagle Springs , and the funeral took place to-day. ( Signed ) FORD , Command'g. Saratoga Races. Special Dispatch to The Bcc. SARATOGA , August 9,10 p. m. The programme for the race to-day com prised four events. Firat race , a milo and furlong , purse § 350 for three- year-olds , was won by Elias Law rence , Turfman second and Claren don third ; time , 201 ; } . The second race was for a purse of § 500 , a handi cap for all agea , of which S1CO went ' to second , entrance free , one'mile nd five furlongsw.-w won by Gabriel , ith Smartiu second , Jilbict third ; me , 2:54. : The third ovenb was for a purse of 350 for all ages , entrance free , and amateur rider , mile and sixty ards , was won by Xingcroft , with 10 Stranger second and Frank Shoit iird ; time , 1:52. : Fourth race , purao of $300 for maidens , two-year-old , three-quar- ere ot a milowas won by Springfield , [ abel second , Catalpn third ; time , Race Between a Bear and a Plff. rejon Astirlan. Bears must bo very plentiful in the icinity of Ilwaco. One was shot on londay last back of the Aberdeen : anneiy ; and Captain Gray informs a that when ho and Mr. Loomis the ther day emerged from the portage m the weather beach , a ftno boar of ibout 300 pounds wti chasing a good- ilzed hog. Tboy halted their team to itncjs the race , that soon became so xciting tbst Loomis offered to bet tha icar would win. As the bsar waa joomh'favorit ? , Captain Gray had no ihoicc but to back the pig , which ho did. Their presence did not disturb he contestants in the least. Piggy eery cleverly doubled on bruin , bul bear gained on hm , and the porker made for the rocks which put out al , ha foot of thepastaga , and hero com menced a regular dodge game , which gave the pig a ch ace to recover hij wind. Ho could dodge and turn \ nicker than tbo bear , which began to how signs of fatigue , taking ulvan : age of which the pig mc.do a breal nto the thick brush , saving bu life and winning the wager for the captain As the travelers had no aims bruic retired in safety , tl-onch Loomi wanted voiy much to kill him foi n-king him lose his bet. A Donkey's Deep Grief. Homer Mining Index. Newspapers have often told stonei about the affection that dogs , horse ; and other animals have for each otherj but wo have never heard of a jackaai being accused of any such tender sen timents. It is now our dmy to record the faithful love one donkey had for i companion who htJ shared his lot foi BO long. Laat week W. D. Wassoi went out to Tioga district on a pros pecting expedition , taking two jacs along to pack his blankets , toola am provision ; . In coming down th mountain one of the long-eared freigh transporters fell over a precipice an broke his neck. The other frightene the birds and the conlea in their bui rowa with the sound of hia lament ; EDHOLM & ERICKSON , Wholesale and Eetail MANUFACTURING JEWELERS AKD PRACTICAL WATCH-MAKERS. WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Goods sent to any part of the United States on solicitation. Largest assortment of SILVERWARE , CLOCKS & SPECTACLES , And everything found generally in a flrst- class Jewelry Store. BEST SELECTED STOCK IN THE CITY ! Jewelry manufactured on short notice. Orders from the Country solicited. IVlicnln Omalia call nzid see us , No trouble to shoAv Goods. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , The Jewelers , Opposite thcPostoflice , 15th & Dodge. 2ooo Druggists Hare signed Ihe fulloiciwj remarkable paper , the signatures o/ic/iicA c n lie sein at our office ; Messrs. iSEABUHY tfc JOlUfSOX , Jl 2'latttit. , jVeic York. GENTLEMEN : "Fur the past few years we have sold variousbranda of Porous Plasten. Physicians and the Public prefer 1 BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER' to all olhen. Wo consider them ono of tha very few reliable household remedies worthy of confidence. Then ure sit rwr to all other I'orous Plasters or Medicinis for External ute. tloiis. Mr. Wasson trloi to coax the riof-alricken mountain barge away , but the donkey only lifted up his voice and wept , and would not bo com forted. Then he essayed to drive with sticks and stones the noisy beast from the scene of hia lament. But drive he would not. The donkey remembered - mombered heir he and hii beloved companion had foraged together from handy clothes-lines ; had in friendship masticated fenco-posta and section * of barb-wire , and had contentedly nib bled such tender morsels as old gunny sacks and cast-off overalls , or had as suaged keen hunger with old boots and oyater cans , and could not be in- dued to leave the spot. Then the cruel maator beat him terribly , still hia grief nerved him to obstinacy. The master felled two or three large trees on his back , but to no purpose. Final ly the master in despair took the pack off and loft him with his dead. The last seen of him ho was eating the cropping of a quartz ledge and weep ing for hia friend. Now Pa tents. TVjjtiTTvrtnv. Anon7. iroSJowltoe vcntora of Iowa and NerMnMa , v j > aat TTCsk : lo. . . . . E. IT. Doescher , Homestead , auto matic fire-lighter. D. Drummond , Dubuque , uhoe- lasp. A. J. Millard , Sioux City , box- astener. W. Warren , Sao City , rain-water ut-off. NEBRASKA. J. Craic ? , Sohuyler , tread-mill. J. H. Reed , Cowles , penmanship chart. J. B. Wait , Buffalo ccunty et al. , ceding mechanism operator. A Chicago Blaze. CHICAGO , August 9 1:30 : a. m. A fire broke out at 12:30 : this morning in the four-story brick building , 55 and > 7 Canal street , occupied in the first story by the Garden City dhtillery company , in the second story by M. G. Nichols it Co. as a furniture lac- ; ory , and in the upper story by sev eral small factories. It was still ruining at this date , and the loss cm- not bo ascertained. Undoubtedly the best shirt In the United States is manufactured at the Omaha Shiit Factory. The superiority of Material and workmanship , com bined with their great Improvements , that is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced backs and Reinforced sleeves , makes their shirt the most durable and best fitting garment of the kind , ever manufactured. Read the following low prices : frtttnt. Fanner. Our Fine White Shirt ] ? 135 150 OurKxtraFin " 175 200 Our Impelled Cheviot ehlrta 2 50 2 75 Our " Penanic " 255 275 Our " ' Cheviot 17tt 200 ( Thcic arc made on white bodies ) freient. Former. Our Imported Penanifind Clic- > Kil wiihcollarJ attached , also on White Bodies ISO 200 Als ) a fine workin ? shirt for 125. None but Wamautta Muslin and best Linens used. The above prices Include Laundry- ing , a discount allowed when otherwise ordered. An additional 25 ccnta is charged when made to order. Omaha Shirt Factory , 1207 Farnham street , near 12th street. PASSENGER ACCOMMODATION LINE UETWKK.N OMAHAAND FORTOMAHA Connects With Street Cars Corner cf SAUNDERS anil HAMILTON STREETS. ( End of Red Line ) as follows : LEAVE OMAIIA : 6SO , * 3:17 : ndll 13a m .3:03.5:37and723p.ni , LEAVE FORT OMAHA : 7:15 : a m. . 9:15 a. in. , and 12:15 p. m. * 4CO : , 6:15 and 8:15 : p. ro. "Tho 3:17 . m run , leatln ; omaha , and th ( 4:00 p. m tun , leaving Fort Omaha , are uanallj loaded lo fu'I ' capacity with rcfnaUr jmetngtm , The 6:17 : a. m. ran will be made from the post office , corner of llixlxa and 15th inrehta. Tlckela caii be procured from ttreet car driv er ? , or from dilters of hacks. FAKE , 25 CENTS , INCLUDING STR E CAP 28-tf THE ONLY PUCE WHERE YOI can flnd good lagortmeDt ol BOOTS AND SHOE ! At m LOWER PIGTJRE than a any other ihoe house In tha city. P. LANG'S , 236 FARNHAM ST. . LADIES' & GENTS i 1 SHOES MADE TO ORDEH d < p Tfert flt gcir nttrd. Tilers. vrrreaBt We deell-lT TjlOR A FUiis tsjumtr.tiVK front , Dooi JC counter. Mantle , Stora fittfasr , Tesen work ? o to 1510 Dodco Itrett , A. F. fcAf ERT CO. , Boilderj. peei-wi-Ur LIST OF LETTEKS remaining in the Omaha postoffics for the week ending August 7 : CIEXTLEMEjr. AUshner 0 Allen J V AclairB Amos Mr Anderson C W "Unmforil RIi Iiroi.tr A , T IkaTlCW Carney J T Conroy T Cumniing G C Clark D L Clark MH Contbie J Caltermole RevE G Cook C II Crockett A G" Carlson C Cline A W Clement WL 3 Cooper FG Pemnsey T Diirsey HH Dickinson WE DeFIeixh F Evera AV Ewinjf W L Ecley C C Fourman C I'ltzijeralil J FrohmH Fletcher G Giilirim J Grove J A HenneyE C Hartgrow J Honslii < efc Vetus Hardy J H.irimlim G A Hamfm J J Huffman , T N Johnston li Johnson I > Jeffera IV T Jackion C Keller W I Kennedy J Lowry C G Lwphere M Looqti'K Lira'Iav W P Mo'WM Markie W Myere W 11 MtCa/xer T W Mitchell H Mnrruun S I JIaulhanU O MerrittNA Neville J-2 Oliver S Perkins C Panlson C Phillips II RolHjrtsW Rose E Itobertson H A ICobcrtBon J SteHinJ Stnxlmon P StaarkF Stiles S D Shownter J Smith J Schwarz F Smith C C Schimller J Teinpleton F F Valentine A Watt J F llueson W J Wright C C Wakelin J WtMHlwm J T Wirm E Woml C Washburn AB Walker SG Ta-ryLW-2 FIRMH. Messn A Ohe & Co J Jansen & DDolmon Anderson Sirs T 35ailey Miss J LuckhoOIrsE UarberMra L lieattyMisaFE Clayton Mis II CorleyMr * Jt Conlon Mrs M. ConantMra M A Delan.lMrsWH DnmlyMlM A Drevesin lixi Ii AJ Fitzgerald Annie Garvey MtM H GrimMraD Jligginp Miss M A Haney Ulrj Jt Huse Mrs HuEman Mrs C Jnngberg Miss T Johnson Mrj E Johuaon Miss ME 2 Kelly Mr F l iwery Miss M 2 Larfien Matilda Murphy Miiw A Mitchell Miss A E McMahon Miwt C J McCormick Jllsa G Mtinyon Mn M JlcCInre Mias A Sloore Mrs M W Altrtiu Miin A Meith Mn K K Nelson Miw A L Peters Mfcw MA Proctor Mrs Picket Mrs J Kyrm MrsJL ntobcrUon Ella A Stilwl MissM Snyiler Mrs ShiMen Mrs Smith Mn 3 Sinitli Miss I Williams Miiw N Willilon Misa E Wallace Mrs NK TH03. F. HALL , Postmaster. Storm signals arc now maintained bv the government aluo the ocean and lake coaat to give warning to our commerce of the approaching storms. At the first s:2ii3 of dangur from a cold or cough use Dr. Thomas' Eclec- 'ric Oil ; it may save yon serious trou ble. Its action is prompt and atia- foctory. Why dose . -ourselves with nauseat ing medicines , when a purely frnit cathartic will euro yon at once Ham burg i'iga. Try them. Elegant accommodations , lowest price , Astor House , N. Y. 14dim. . D. D. KEE.1IEK , COMMISSION MERCHANT Wholesale Dealer In Foreign and Domett Fruit , Batter , $ nr > . Poultry , 0 m , IHmf , Ba con. Lard , Fran Flxh. and Ajent ( el BOOTH a OY8TICRH- BOTMm LEGAL NOTICE. West t Fritcher , plaintiffs , against E.T.Wehnt. defendant. Before Charles Bnndeti , Jmtlco cf tha Feicr , of Omaha , Doazlai Co. . Neb. On the 12th d y of Jnly. 1880 , iJ Jnrtice i - gue < l an order of atuchm-nt In th IX > TB action fortnosum$3a75. WKST& FKITCHEK. Omaha. July 17'.h. 1880. _ Jyl9arni3 B. A. FOWUR. JAMU K. SCOTT. FOWLER & SCOTT , ARCHITECTS. DesljfM lor bnlldln of any discretion on exhibition at anr office. W * bare tad orer TO A. F. RAFERT & CO. , Contractors and Builders , Fl-a Wood-Tor ! : Specii'ty. ' Agents for the Encaustic Tiling IO DODOS 87OJJAIU