THE DAILY BEE. Monday Morning , August 9. Republican Begistration , "Under the rules established by tre epublicin central committee of Douglas county for the conduct of the primary election which takes place Thursdty , August 2Gth , no parson will bo allowed to veto at thece prima ries unlcgR his name appears in the Srcpnblican ngistration list. Every xepublicpn citizen who is enli'led to vote at the next general election willbe j-egistered by us upon making personal application. The undersigned will sit For registration from now until the 23rd day of August , and hereby invite all republicans who desire to take Jiart in the coming primary election to come furwari and register their names. JJy order of the executive committee. E. D. M LAUGHLIK , D. S. JJK.NTON- , D. H. KEXXISOX , Registrars. P. S. Registration , Saturday , wiU \akeplaceatthe Gatfield and Arthur r.lub rooms between the hours of 9 and 11 a. m. and 2 and 5 p. in. , and in the 'vouing 7 to 9 o'clock at Keselt-r's , on Thirteenth street. Monday at 9:20 : a. in. to 12.30 p. m. , and from 2 p m. to 5 p. m. at Parr'd Tenth street drug Ltorc. BREVITIES. Pateraon hella coal. I , , -Try Saxe's Coffee Cream Soda. Potter ia running the Omaha ferry. T Warranted tooth brushes , KuhnV. Excellent Cream Soda at Saxe'e. Elegant perfumes at Jvuhn'a drug btoro. Yesterday was a moderately quiet hibbath. Seiflenberj ; & Co.'a Key West Ci- yara at S.isc's. Eight Dacca went out to settle at Grand Island ycsterdsy. The Union Pacific nine Council Bluff * 19 to 0 Saturday. Emigrant traval westward is light Jiow only one car out fost night. The U. P. Band excursion to Ss'orth Bend Saturday ; Will be the eront of ihc week. John Flrgal & Co. have pur chased the tailoring establishment ol Ihelato Mr.J. U. Thiule. Two men wore arrested asdescit ters Saturday , by Ofiicer O'Donohoe. who yesterday took them to Fori Omaha to be identified. This tin tiflicers L i'cd to do , and they wen discharged. A couplo'was out riding on Slier 5 iti a\-enuc yestcrdayvhen the horsi look fright and ran away , bringing uj nainst a barbed wire fcnco in UK Vicinity. The atumnl wns terribh 3-tcerated in the eido. This is ihc third similar accident at that spot "ivithin a hhorttime. The committee of arrangement ! lor the firemen's tournament nro en dtiavoring to secure Jcffcraon squan for the plico of asiembling. A etani lvill be erected in the centre for tin speakers , nnd a grand countcrmard velll be made around the aquaro b ] the procession. Horace B. Phillies , manager o Ihe Hop Bitters base ball club , hs been missing nitico Saturday , the 2itl ult. , he having left Rochester , N. Y. at that time with money to pay th club , and the company odors a rowan tof § 100 for news of him or where hi Jnay ba found. Ho ia about 28 year ; old , 5 feet C inches tn height , sligh built , thin face , dark blue eyes. Now that Tanner has complete ! l.ia fast , he is expected to take thi jucture platform. - The Sixteenth street folks wan t lat thoroughfare sprinkled , and an villing to pay for it. Lots , Farms , Homes and Lands Look over Bemis' now column of bar g ins on find pi ge. Foil llnuT. Store building , 17- I.irnham &treet , Bot. llth and 12th .Apply to Jno. A. Crclghton. tf For Lands , Lola , Houses am Farms , look overBemia' new columi on 1st page. Bargains. Rev. J. W. Ingram will creacl on "How to Pray Acceptably , " a Saratoga school homo , to-morrow , a X p. m. m.The The river continues to fall , bu very slowly. Probably an inch over two days will cover tha subsidence a present. Dta. Dinsmooro and Gifford ; Hrimrejpathtc Physicians nud Sur flBOiis , Williams Block , cor. 15th an < DoJge streets. ood-tf A valuable horse belonging ti Mjor Chamber * , was killed Thursday by falling over an embankment nea tbo new government corral. Yuiquost of Omaha , has arrangei to have one car of ice shipped fron Sioux City dally for a while ; and late in the season two cars per day. The Durant engine nnd hos company elected the followin" officer n Thursday evening : Foreman , J McDonald first awistnnt , J. Sheehar fcecond assistant , J. Fagan ; presided J. Cillahan ; treasurer , J. Clairjsecn tary , H. Evans. A dispatch from Rawlins receive S ti urdy predicts that Big Nose Gcorg will be lynched at Carbon. He passe through the ci y yesterday , and it wi bi remembered that the sheriff inti mated that the prisoner's fate was n < llkoly to bo decided by any court. A detective named Gates , froi Tennessee , arrived in this city Fride evening from California , having i cus'oay a notorious cracksman , wit hfelf a duzan or more aliases. . He w : wwite'd moioarticularl in Tonne ; Me to answer to the cWgo of gran larceny. The prisoner was heavil ironed , and a nnmbtr of persons bi lie ved him to be the notorious Bende The price reduced on all shirts , i the Omaha Shirt Factory , 1207 Fan ham street near 12th. Call for pri ( lilt Headquarters lor Joe Schlitz Milwaukee beer at MEKCUTS' E : K. E. Cor. 16th and Dodg THEIEON CROSS. A Decoration Conferred by the Supreme Court Upon a Victorious Cor poration. The B. 5s M. United With the St. Paul & Omaha Yesterday. Yesterday afternoon between 3 and 4 o'clock the creasing of the Omaha and Southwestern over the Union Pa cific , in the river bottom , was made without any further obstruction on the part of the latter. The hour chosen was that least likely to inter fere with the running of trains which constantly pass to and fro between the shops and the yards. fJnder the di rection of Superintendent Holdregea force of 120 men and three grave ] trains were put at the w mple- ting the track and grade of the 0 , & S. W. to the U. P. , where the rails were quickly cut , the frogs put down and the end accomplished , for which a railroad war had nearly been precipitated , and the courts were ap pealed to , to prevent violence. But few were present at the time except the workingmen , and very few knew what was going on until the work was done. The engines were running over the new crossing at 4 o'clock and at night the signal lantern and a small bunfiro lighted up a scene as peaceful "Us the opening had been exciting. PERSONAL , PARAGRAPHS. Judge Lake came up from Lincoln Saturday evening. W. J. Broatch has returned from Clifton Springs , N. Y. Major GnEtsvus Stevenson started to Baltimore Saturday evening. M. T. Dennis , the New England agent cf the U. P. , residing at Boston , is in the city. Mr. E. L. Stone and family left Saturday afternoon for a three weeks' visit in Illinois. Miss Jennie M. McKoon has gone to Denver avid the mountains on a two weeks' visit. Mrs. Bertram Hansen , wife of the well known U. P. agonl , is reported very ill indeed. \V. .1. Cuddy , of The Grand Island Times , was in ( ho city yesterday , and [ left last night for Kearney. Mr. L. Harrington , the well-known C. A : N. W. contractor CRHIO in from the cast Friday , and returned last night. P Prof. Ed. A. Chapman , a prominent elocutioni't of New York , is in the city , and will remain here a fen e weeks. Rjbert Liw , superintendent of the mountain division of tha Union Pa cific , came in from Cheyeuno Satur day afternoon. c , Geo. Meyers , formerly in the fj. P , teirgraph office , this city , wa's in towi yesterday aud returned to Kansai Cily in the evening. George Greesman , of Sandusky , 0. who has been in the city on busincs connected with the nail works , lef jor homa ytsterday. Col. M. de L. Wagner , of The Re publican , left last evening forlnli ana , via the Wabash fast line. Hi will bo absent about two weeks. Gei ) . Myeis quartermaster U. S A. , stationed at Chicago , passe < through the city Saturday afternooi cn route from California to Chicago George Dickinson , Esq. , U. P train dispatcher and bridge director made a flying trip to BrunsuicM ) o : the Wabash last night , returning thi morning. F. S. Williams , brother of F. B " \VillIams. has arrived in the city fron San Francisco to take a position n oparator in the American Union tele graph office. Rev. Dr. Souncschein and Di Deutch , of SL Louis , two of the moa prominent Jewish divines in that re giou , are in thu city for the purpose wo understand , of organizing a lodg of the I. 0. I. Mas Meyer goes to Quincy am Chicago , this week , leaving to-day , I purchase the marble columns forth front of his new corner building 01 , Eleventhand Farnham , tha clock fo the tower ; etc. Matt. Patrick went out to Rocl Creek Saturday. Dr. Summers left on the noon trail Saturday for Ogden. J. M. Bennett , of the U. P. , wen Saturday to Rawlins. Byron Reed's family have returns from Lake Miimotonka. Mr. E. L. Eaton , the photographei left Saturday for Now York on business trip. Sir John Reed and a party of En : lishmcn went west to Rawlins Saturda to take a grand hunt. Charles H. Merrill , Governc Nance's private sncretary , came u from'Lincoln Friday night. Henry Daland , an engineer of tt Union Pacific , Jeft Friday for Sa LBKO on a pleasure trip of tuo week : Messrs. J. Reiner and C. G. Hoe for IIRVO Becurcd the privilege of prin ing the daily programme of the stal i fair. ot J. W. Booth , of the U. P. telegrap > office , has been appointed local ticki in n cnt ot Council Bluffs , of the Wabas road. road.Dr. n Dr. W. H. Ktmberliii and famili th of Kansas City , arrived from Colorao ai Friday evening and are visiting with 1 W. Blackburn. id Hon. L. M. Bsnnctt went west ti day for the purpose of arranging fc a new line of eleepers on the Utah Northern narrow-guaga line. Hon. Geo. H. Paul , editor fi atn many years of the Milwaukee New nce the leading democratic paper in "Wi ce consin , and ex-member of the sta senate , is in the city , registered at ti 8 WithnolL * 8X X- See Polack'a advertisement , A GQKGEOUS AFFAIR. Elaborate Preparations for the Knight Templar Conclave , The Nebraska Battallion to go Via the Rock Island. Probably the Last Conclave of Kind , One week from yesterday the Ne braska Battsllion of Knights Templar will leave this city for Chicago to at tend the trisnuial grand conclave , which begins August 1C. The battal- lion will be about two hundred strong , and will include about fifty ladies. Same delay has occurred in making the arrangements in regard to the route , but it is understood now that that question has been settled , and all other preliminaries have been previ ously arranged. The Northwestern railway offered to run them through by a special train of day coaches , infitteen , hours , leaving Council Bluff ] about G a. m. on Sunday , and arriving in Chicago at 0 p. in. , or thc-y would leave at 10 a. m. Sunday with a train of Pullmans aud reach the Like City on Monday at 10 o'clock. The Rock Island offered to do whatever any other road would do and as the Ivanhoe Commandcry of Council Bluffs determined Thursday night to go by the latter route and the Grand Coinmandery of Iowa will take their train at Des Moines , it was thought best to decide npoii that route. Ivauhoo wanted to take a Pullman train and run as above but as the Nebraska Knights determined upon , day special , it is likely that they will change their minds and Nebraska and Iowa will go into Chica go on the same train. The Lincoln Knights favored the C. , B. & Q. and the B. & M. , via Plattsmouth , and to obviate any difficulty in this regard the Union Pacific offered to bring them up via the 0. tt R. V. on the same terms. The sub-committee which had charge of transportation was composed of Hn. . E. K. Long , of this city , and S. G. Owen , of Lin coln. coln.As As stated above the Nebraska Knights do iot go in under the name of any comtnalidery , but simply as a battallion , under the direction of the officers of llio grand commandery. The roster tent iu. to Chicago on July 31 , included 179 names , while over a dozen hive since been added , and tht Falls City comraandery , which will undoubtedly send its quota , yet remains - mains to be heard from. The tickets are good f < . > r thiity days , but it is probable that the main bjdy will leave r Chicago on the return trip Fridaj morning , as the conclive terminate ! its session Thursday evening. Tin headquarters of the battallion in Chi' cage will bo the Gardiner house. VTES1EKN KNIGHTS. The Knights Tempi r , of California , to the number of five hundred , wil leave San Francisco by a special trait on the afternoon of August 10 , am will arrive in Omaha en route to tin triennial coiiclivo at Chicago , on tin afternoon of Saturday , August 14. D W. Hi'chcoclr , G.V. . P. A. , of th , Burlington road , went west a fov days ago to return with them , and wil t ke them on to Chicago. Ol the evening before leaving Sal Francisco , a grand standard whicl was made in the cast will bo con secrated in public hall. This standan will be a ir.sjjnificent affair , six fee hhli ; hy five wide , embroidered am worked up in the richest stj Ie. Th ceremony of consecration as epeciall ; i. provided is very imposing. All thi Knights of the state have been re quested to be present at the ceromon ; and many will undoubtedly attend. The price for each passenger t Chicago and return ia fixed at § 11G with sleepers and meals extra. Th price for sleepers both ways will b § 32 , nnd if two occupy one berth hal price will bo charged. Tickets will b good for the return trip at any tim , within ninety dayeso opportunity wil ba given for a couple cf months' stn ; or travel in the eastern states. Th railread companies cist of Chicagi will grant tickets at excursion rates t Knights that may wish to visit th eastern cities before their return t this coast. This is the first hall far from San Francisco to Chicago. Th C. , B. & Q. , wo understand , will rui a special train from the transfer. PEErAEATIONS TOU THE PAGEANT. The department 01 preparation tha will no doubt yield the greatest pleis ure to the greatest number during th Knights Templar conclave aud carni val is that of ducoratiou. The arrange mcnts for transporting guests , lods ing them , entertaining them , and cai iug for them generally , are in a man ner of hospitjlitv that confessed ! will be unsurpassed , but the popula heart , according to all precedent , wil ba stirred by nothing so profound ! as by the beautiful in form and coloi in devices that charm the eye in them eelves and thrill the toul , perhaps , b loftiness or sacredness of association and in spectacular effects presented t the leist observant sisht-seer tha are impossible elsewhere. Th process of ingenious plannin baa been going on for over a year an the work progresses rapidly , citizen and locil commanderies vieing wit each other as to which shall achiov the mo't attisticand beautiful result ! A score of grand triumphal archf will ba erected iu close succession , on at the intersection of every cros street , from Adams south to near 22c Block afterblock.tho airy aud yet eul sfontial structures will embody boaut ie It and grace all alike in general oui line and construction , but all wet s. derfully varied in detail , no two bein s.f f- alike in prevailing color. Each wi ft spring from a small thicket of foliagi tte plants and evergreens , not less tha te 2000 evergreens having been receivec The ground dimensions of each wi be the same , the entire squares : h the points of intersection being coi ot ered In height , all the arches bi ih one the grand arch of review in tl : center of the line will be forty-fii feet , and the last will be fifty. A y , four faces of each arch will ba "trea io ed. " the north and south one ? , facir ior. the procession , of course , more elal crately , while the roof in every cai will be a lace work of garland ? , lil vines trailing over the lattice cf summer house. The arches incluc & the "memorial arch , " "arch of we come , " etc. , with each ataterepresen ed in the course of the march. N or brafika , California , Kansas , Colorac and Wyoming have their arch , large of green , at Twentieth street. is- iste THE LAST. . te It is the prevailing opinion of en be nent Knights Templar that this w : be the last occasion of this kind th will occur in many years , as it will . > j far eclipse anything of the kind th ; can be arranged in other cities that none will have-the desire to emulate tne success of the Chicago Knights. Again , the fact that the occasion is the meeting of a legislative bodywith important wbrk oh its hands , is lost sight of in the gorgeous pageantry thrown around it , and the work seri ously interfered with. San Francisco will endeavor to se cure the next conclave , and it is the general opinion that she will get it , and as it will of course be impossible to get eo great a number of knights and visitors there , the absenca of such extensive "doinga" as have character ized the conclave at Cleveland and this at Chicago , will be comparatively unnoticed. TUB PRIZES. Among the prizes to bo awarded is a beautiful sword to be given the best drilled commanding. The blade of the sword is of the finest steel , and etched in relief with numerous devices of the knightly order , and the In scription : "First Prize , Chicago , 1880. " The hilt ia a masterpiece of the goldsmith's work , designed in a succession of Templar emblems , to be set with diamondsrabies and emeralds. At the guard of the blade blade the hilt represents Constantino's tent and dream. The arms terminate in triangles richly embossed with cross -xnd crown , and surmounted by a Knight in full armor in the second movement of drawing his sword , and forma the body of the hilt. The sheath is solid nickle , embossed and relieved with gold ornamentations and appropriate emblems. The value of the sword is § 600 , and will become the unconditional property of the commandery winning it. The Grand Standard , a special prize , to accom pany the sword , can be held only af ter three successful frials. The 5c and lOc Biting Room , 1417 Douglas street , is the plica to get your meals. The much-looked-for open letter to P. W. Hitchcock is crowded out to day for want of space , but will appear Uonday. A VALUABLE ACQUISITION. Dr. W. B. Gilford Joins Dr. C. M. Dinsinoore in Part nership. Although almost every field of pro' fefsional labor may appear to be filled , yet we have received another acquisi tion in the person of Dr. W. B. Giff < ord , late of Attica , N. Y. , who has re cently associated himself with Dr. C. 31. Dinsmore. We have been permit ted to read several very coin' mendatory letters from promincnl gentlemen of Buffalo , addressed tt Dr. DinEinore , in which his associate is spoken of in the highest terms Among many others Is one from Dr , A. R. Wright , president of the No ? York State Hoir.ceopathic society which , coming from so high an au thority , canno' fail to bu well re ceived , in which this gentleman ha. given his unqualified reconimondatioi of Dr. G fford as a physician and man The following , from The Buffali Courier , of July 15th , however , ma ; be appended : "Dr. W. B. Gifford , a prominen Homoeopathic physician of Attica , N Y. , and formerly of this city , was ii town Tuesday on his way to Omaha Nebraska , in which city ho is to taki up his permanent residence. Dr Giflbrd lived hero for several years and was a valued assistant of Dr A. R. Wright , under whose tuitioi ho graduated with high honors. Fo a time ho practiced in this city , bu finding an escel'ent opening in Atti ca , he removed there four years ago and since that time has been remark ably successful in his profesionrank ing as one of the leacing physicians ii that ecction. It was with sincere re gret that the people c Attica bade him good-by and these unite with his numerou friends in this citv in wishing forhir the full measure of success to which h is entitled and which ha ia sure to ai tain. Dr. Giffcrd is a good phyfciciar and the people of Omaha will find hit worthy of their confidence and esteon o both professionally and aocia'.ly. H goes to become a partner in busine ! with Dr. C. M. Din more , who , we ui deratand , is one of the best physician of that city. " ° o Dr. Gifford has come here to staj and has been induced to settle in th : city by the flattering outlook of prai tice as built up by Dr. Dhisraorewh has found many people anxious to si cure homoeopathic treatmentwhich I has not been able to fully attend t on account of pressing duties connec od with his Turkish Batha. The h tcr gentleman will continue his pe : sonal supervision of the Sanitariun the general practice being under tt especial supervision of his new assi ciate. Go to the 5c and lOc Eating Rooi for pure Ice Cream. EXCURSION. Everybody should remember the T P. Band Excursion and Basket Pi nic Saturday , August 14th , to Nor ! Bend. Tickets for the round tri only § 1 00. The programme includ < dancing , all kinds of games , the wii ner of each game will receive a ham some prize valued at SI to Slo ; all glass ball and target shooting. A fv programme of the days doings will I published next week. No better place to get boots a : 23 shoes that will stand the wear in ai 3g kind of weather and work , than 1. Fullriedo's , on Douglas near 13th SI 1.a a- Men's Alexis SI 25 , other grades ay at - suit in price and quality. Masonic. Capitol Lodge will meet for Mast 0 | Masons' work on Wednesday evenii in next. S. K. JACKSON , 3. aug7-2t Master. 11at at T1VOLI. v" Grand Concert Sunday evening 1 ut F. M. Steinhauser's Orchestra , co ie FO eisting of 1G of the beat musicians. .11 Fruit of all Kinds , at Bargains. FLEMING'S. I,3e e A Surprise Party. L-e A very pleasa'it surprise was Frid & ie evening given Mr. and Mrs. Jol slit - Chollman , at their residence on 18 it- street , south of St. Mary's aventi It was the tenth anniversary of th < Jo wedding day , aud a number of tb < friends determined to make it a mei orable dayi A party ot over 6f 11- friends w&s notified to assemble at t ill iat house in the evening , and a nnml > so of persons , including John Erck , , seat partner of Mr. Chollman'fl , G. i Llndquest , A. Peterson , Sam. Burg- Strom , Benzon fc Johnson , C. J. and Ben. Westerdahl , Mrs. A. G. Dahl- strom , Mrs. Frank Sasstrom , and others , united in the purchase of an elegapt and costly tea set of silver purchased at A. B. Hu- berman's , and appropriately engraved. At the appointed time the party de scended on their unsuspecting victims and fairly took them by storm. After the surprise was over and the presen tation made , delicious refreshments were served , and the rest of the even ing , until after midnight , passed in pleasant social enjoyments , music , dancing , otc. It was a .moat delight ful surprise. A. F. & A. M. There will bo a special communica tion of Capital Lodge No. 3 , Monday evening , August 9 , for work in thoM. M. degree. Visiting brethren are cordially invited. S. R. JACKSON , W. M. The Peck and Powers lines now constitute quite a ileet. Besides the Benton , Butte and Helena , of the lat ter line , and the C. K. Peck , Meade , Fontanolle , Peninah and Terry , of the Peck line , there is the Far West , owned by the officers of the two lines , the Niobrara , owned by Capt. Haley , the Batchelor , owned by Capt. Grant Marsh , and the Eclipse , owned by Pittsburg parties. All operating with the government contract lines. Such a fleet of serviceable boats have never befote been controlled by one man agement on the Missouri. The regular rehearsal of the Union Pacific band waa agreeably bro ken up Friday evening by the entrance of a surprise parly numbering twenty couples. After favoring the welcome visitors with a few of their best selections the room was cleared for dancing , which waa interlarded with singing by the Mozart Quintette club , who sang very nicely. Refresh ments were served about 11 o'clock , embracing some of the latest delica cies of the season. When our report er left everybody seemed to be enjoy ing himself to his heart's content. The affair waa a genuine surprise , and the managers of it deserve great credit for the skillful manner in which it was carried out. Among the many arriva's at the Metropolitan hotel are the following : M. Hallor , Detroit , Mich. ; Jacol Schroder , Chiccgo ; H. H. Risk and wife , John Lewis , Burlington , Ia. ; C. R. Baker , Chicago ; J. W. Taylor Council Bluffs ; Jas. .A. Bright , Rock ford , 111 ; W. J. Young , Tekamah Neb. ; Geo. A. King Nebraska City J. S. Mclntyec , Miss Mary Mclntyre , Hastings , Neb. ; F. H. Warner , Jamestown , N. Y. ; N. B. Putnam B. AM. R. 11. ; A. T. Howett , St , Louia ; E. Larklns and wife , Visa lia , 111. ; J. H. 0. Marks , Now York- John B. Campbell aud wife , F. H Schundt , Chicago ; Alexander S Bleyes , Central City , Neb. K. H. Clark , Chicago ; J. 0. E. Metz Jr. , New York ; C. W. Reed , Cleveland land , 0. ; Win. Thrypshn , BufiMo , N Y.M. ; S. Sraartz , dot ; W. H. Kcefe Lincoln. TABLE LINEN NEXT VTEKK , AT CRUICKSIIANK's. l" A splendid lot of Table Cloths ant Table Napkins just arrived , haviuj been purchased during the crcent de n pressioii in New York , -will be sold b ; us at prices that give our customer all the advantage of our bargains. Also a splendid lot of Initial Line Cambric Handkerchiefs at § 1 50 bov with 300 , nd a rare assortraen of Fancy Handkerchiefs , better valu than wo have over offered befort ' > Another great Bargain in Laces , coi 0 sisting of Silk , Languedoc , Breton i. Tortion and Irish , at Sc and lOc is yard. Como early and got the fin selection of these goods. 2t 7 , Farmers having hay to contract , fc > delivery at Willow Springs distiller will do well to call on Her & Co. , 131 1'arnhain street , Omaha , without di lay , as they will soon stop contrac ing. jy26dwlm Mr. E. F. Cook Saturday received lot of fine caskets and trimmings an will engage in the undertaking bus ness. Mr. Cook has had years of e : perience in this Ijue which , tcgetlu with his acquaintance in Omaha , wi insure him the patronage and conl denco of the public. He has oecure rooms temporarily at the northwe corner of Cass and Fourteenth street but will move to a mora central plai as soon as ho can get a suitable stor ' i _ . _ ' ' Ettranlce hand turned French K Lh Butt on Shoes , for Ladies , at Ful riede'a Low in crico. Don't fail to go to the Tivoli Co d- cert Sunday evening. - dso so Best Spring Wheat Flour S2 75 p ift 100. Beat Winter Wheat Flour § 3 i per 100. Each and every sack gua anteed to give satisfaction. nd WILLIS M. YATES. nyat Considerable of a sensation vr at created at midnight Saturday nig ; ta. by a telephone dispatch received to police headquarters from the nig ; watchmen of the government corn Ia answer to the call , four policem or proceeded to a camp of five hoi traders near the corral , and there : rested four of the men foj outraging woman who was taking care of t camp , and committed them to t city jail , together with the worn by who was held aa a witness. Yesti in- d.iy afternoon the prisoners we taken before Judge Hawes , who qui tioned them all closely concerning t matter. It appeared from t woman's own story that there was n the elighteat foundation for the char ay of rape , but that it had been a simf tin caae of prostitution , and the men i ith fusing to pay for the Illicit commei ie. the vroman resorted to law for h ie.eir eir money. One of the men says that eirm came home from town and found h m- entertaining a tramp , which BO e raged him that he drove them out he camp with a neck yoke. Three of t . er prisoners are brothers. The pari a .who claim to be from Plattsmout have quite number of horse ? , THE WINDING WAT , Railroad Reports from all Quarters. Activity in the Omaha Yards. Business in the U. P. yards Is loom ing up and the lookout promises a big run of local business for this fall , in dicating that the trade of Omaha is increasing in as great a proportion as her building and other improvements. A force of men was Saturday hard at workputtinginanewtrackattheOmaha Foundry Works , the track to be com pleted that eveninz. Theoecar loads of machinery will be at once load ed for California. This will be the first shipment from the new works which it will be remember ed were formerly located on Casa street until destroyed by fire less than a year ago. Dewey & Stone are rushing through the pre- pirattora for the speedy ftroction of their new warehouse on the Tenth street crossing of the U. P. shop track , and the foundations will soon bo ready for the superstructure. Out on the line business is more ac tive. Two bran now coaches were brought up from the shops Saturday and put on the Lincoln run. Thenoou train went out with live Pullman sleepers , two of which were to meet the California Knights Templar at Ogden - don on the 12ih. One now emigrant sleeper wag sent out for the same purpose a portion of the delegation taking thosa sleepers of epcoial low rates. Two more emigrant sleepers will bo completed this week , ot the set of ten to be put 11 thu run between Omaha and Ogdeu. THK NOKT1I BEND EXCURSION' . One week from Saturday the annual grand excursion of the Union Pacific band to North Bend will take place , and it is expected that from twelve to twenty car loads will go out , as the excursion of last year proved eo great a success. H011TING THE PULLMAN CO. For toveral weeks past The Council Bluffs Nonpareil has been waging war LII Superintendent Bennett , of the Pullman company : and his men , with but liitlo perceptible effect. Fri day afternoon a warrant was issued by Justice tBaird , of Council Bluffs , upon information of W. M. Fitte , and J , A. Coolidge , the agent at the Union Pacific transfer depot , was ar rested. Thochaigo la violating the state law regulating the run ning of ticket offices and sale of tickets , it being claimed that the Pullman company does nol open its oflico soon enough. Mr. Ben. nett is threatened with arrest if h ( comes over to the Iowa side. Th < Council Bluffs people , that ia one 01 two of them , are very hot about im aginary slights , and mud balh an ffying thick as rain drops in aa Apri shower. NEW NORTHWESTERN LINES IJf IOWA , The movements of the Northwest' orn's Toledo branch are such as nidi * cato a change of front recently. A few weeks ago there was a for ward movement all along the line , The grading jobs wore let on the exten siou west to Lake City in Calhoun cnun ty , and on the branch north to Web ster City. It was given out that tin work north of Webster City t : > Al gona would bo pushed at once , tba other branches were to be built frou this Algona line. Then the men whi were working up aid north of Algon ; were ca'led in , and as far as can hi learned no grading has been let beyom Webster City. About the time th Algona line was having its booma con it tract was let conditionally for gradin from Lake City forty miles southwce to Harlan. This Hnrlan line is head ed directly toward Council Bluffs , an the plan seems to have been to pus on to that point. But within th past few days there has been a checl ing up all nlong the line. The eng neers sent to cross section the work o the Lake City and Harlan line wei recalled , and just now it looks aa r there would bu no grading wes $ ( Y , Lake City this season. L3 From the best information attain : L3e ble it seems that there were ncgoti : e- et tions in progress between the Nortl - western and the Milwaukee whereb the latter would come into poascssio of the Blair-track between Cedar Raj a ids and Council Bluffs. The Nortl id western would meantime have con pleted iis Toledo branch to Counc Bluffs , and so could spare tl x- xer Blair line This was the eas er cat solution of the riddle. But n ill cently the Milwaukee has been Inol fi- ing over a new route of its own I fist Council Bluff" . It this line lookc over can be built with bonds th : st will draw less interest than the rent of the Blair line would amount t < ce then of course the new line will 1 built. In case the Blair line Is in taken by the Milwaukee the Nortl western has no use for the line fro id Like City to Council Bluffs , ar 11- would build to this city. [ Sioux Gil Journal. RAILROAD RACKET. Two cars of stock in Saturday. Fifteen German land buyeis we : west to Kearney Saturday. . icr Teng tons of California honey can 55 in from the west Friday. ir- The Chicago , Milwaukee and & Paul railroad prohibits card playii on oil religious excursion trains. The only train for Chicago this r ternoon over the Iowa pool roads w as be the Chicago , Uurlingtou ai ht Quincy. htat The Sioux Falls Times of the says : Wo are prepared to believe ht moat about the anything ChicagoM al.en waukeo and St. Paul , but are i en clined to think that the rumor m afloat that the Northern Pacific premature. Work has beencommenced in easm by tha B. & M. railroad company South Beatrice , and the grading ia bo pushed forward as fast as men ai teams can do it. The line will built on the survey spoken of h week , but it has not been definite settled as to whether the road will n eg > . ty Blue Springs or whether _ a dep will be built there. [ Beatric Ezpre ho Onawa Gazette , 5 : "Friday , A. tot Fessenion ftait'd a raft of pili down the Minium river destined f * the Sioux C.ty and Pac'fic railro ? Ie coir pat y ti be used in thetransi re- business at Blair. " rce By the recent change in the ru ler ning of trains , fair connections anew now made between this city and Louis via Council Bluffs. The riv ler route is the natural and-shorteet lir but the numerous ' transfers need of have heretofore kept it in the bac : ground. There will enough north ai south travel in a few years to pay EJj run a through passenger train frc th , this city to § tt Louis. [ Sioux Ci Journal , FRESH OYSTERS. 1 do2. raw. . . .40 cts. \ doz. . . .25 cts. 1 doz. stewed.50 cts. i doz 30 eta. 1 doz. fried. . .60cts. A doa. . . .35 cts. Open from 7 o'clock p. mT till 1 a. m. Joiix A. WIRTU'S Restaurant. Murphy & Lovett.ins. Agency ; old est established agency in this state. ap8-l ! > Why dose . -ourselves with nanseat- Ing medicines , when a purely fruit cathartic will cure yon at once Ham burg Figa. Try them. J. H. Murray has returned from the Gunnison country , Colorado , nnd will remain here five or six weokg. Elegant accommodations , lowest price , Astnr House , N. Y. 14-dlm. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Advcrllscmonts To Let For Sale , Lost , Found , Wants , Boinllnir Ac. , nlll be In serted In these columns once for TEN CENTS per line ; each Buhaecuentlnaertlon.FIVE CENTS per lino. The that iwertlon never less than TWENTT-FIVE CEMTS. TO LOAM-HOMEY. OKP AHA10 LOAN At 8 per cent Inter ? > DUvHlU eat , in auma of I2WO and up wards for t to 5 rcarj' time on first claMlmpror- ed citv and farm proparty. Anly | at J1ESIIS' Real Estate and Loin Agency , 15 In and Uouel Sts 278-eodtf ST TO LOAN-CHI t L W D. L. THOUA3. Uoom8CrcIzhton liloc.k ONF.Y TO I.OAW 1109 Farnham street. Dr. Edward * Loan Agency. nov-22-t ! HELP WANTED r.D A good girl , at the EC and 10" Eating Koum , No 1417 DouthsSt 267-7 WANTED-CcoV. Apply at J915 Webster street. 2(30 ( tf A competent fill for sreneral WANTED , 2S2Caaa bet. 15th and IGtn. 2637 AJJTED A fiM to do general housottork , w at 1513 Cassstreet. 265-10 Oooil cook , at Richard's K-s'nur WANTED ant 1017 Famham St. 190 tf WANTED Conipetcn * second nirl forfinily of two : Gerrain picferred , eouthrau come r 17th and Doilge. J62-tf A GIRL nrntcd to do reicra' housework. Kt < | uiro John A. McShane , cor. 17th and Ca s Pt . 357-tf WANTEO-2 Klrls at French Coffee House , irthSt. 33-m-w.f Good girl foreincral housework. WANTKD Apply to WILLIS M. YATES , 1518 Dodze Stnenrl6th. 31 MI l/ASTEr. A Girl to do hou-o work , 1103 f Farnham Street. m > Stain IH-tf WAtfTED-MISCEtLAKEGUS. )0y WAhTED A quick and active DOV , the ) Bradatrejt CO. " 72 7 T ESSON3 WANTED On German and French. JJ Address I. II , this office. 271-7 WANTED From 15 to 17 > ears eld to learn tlic dru < Mnine3. Apply cor. ISUi and Douglas Sts. TCI 7 WANTED Ttraiil and room , convenient to 1' . O. 1'iivate family desired. Address E. E. , Ece. 270-10 WANTED Situation by a co-il and Mind penman in wine at'.irn v't ) , railroad or other office . Best of reference givin. Addro > * J. H. , Ieo ! oIHce. S5S-7 WANfEl > Situation liy man and liia w fo. ran I'o c neral hotunvork , a'siirood ' cook. Inquire 119 ISth St. , betncen Chicairo WANTEP To hear nf a bm'nes openinjin some erowinc town in Eastern Nebraska or Western Iowa , either to par'hve tte ( rood will and stock or to jut In additional capital , fiercral merchandWnir or ijrain preferred Re ference phen and required. Addreta Lock P.ox No. 637 , Omaha , Neb. 3'D-7 j A1LOR WJNTFDtailor can have ntcady work by applyins to Ris nrahek Bria. , merchant UiloM , ri-ttgmouth. Neb. 253-0 WANTED Situifion ascl rk or book-keep er ; good rcfcrrnco. AdJrcs * C. J. B. Ties Office. 343-t A sound here nbout 15 hands WANTED huh , must drive single or double. Aii ply N. E cor. 1 Oth and California St 32S-f W ANTED TMano tunlnp and rerairine at HOSPE'S , 151S Dodee St 30C-m ! -\T7-ANTED Foreman at brick-yard. T. JIl'R- 165-tf FOR BEHT-H011ges AND LAHD. 01 LANDS , LOTS. HOUSFSAND FARMS look 01 cr BEMIS' new column on 1st paje Bargains TT10R RENT Residence northwest corner 10th J1 and California Sts. Inquire two door3 north. 353-tI TjlURMSHED OfPccs f"r rentsouthcatcomci 11 of 15th and Dotulas. with privilege of n conRiiltAtion room and law library Enquire ol Iii'ticc McLaughlin , orJaj.F. Moiton.atReilicts t Rcdicks' . 317-7 T710R RKNT A IIOUFB with five- rooms , cooc } cellar and cistern S. W. cor. of 13th ant Chicago Sta. C. AXFORD. 325-t "PIOR RENT Room In Jacobs' Block. J ? 313-t 10 T ? ° R RENT Cottasc of 3 oems , Rood cc"ar f , Jj well , cistern and outhouse ? , cor. of 23n | _ IT. Clark , M W. KENNEDY , S. ISth St. 312-t RENT 2 furnished rooms over Her FOR * Exchange , N. E. Cor. ICth am Dodfrc streeti. 239-tf "UOR RENT Store rnom In brick block come f 10th and Douila Sts. , with or with' ut eel lar. A ! t > , 3 nonw in second story. Apply ti American Ilcnsc. 290-tf NI house Bet 17th .ind ISth streets on ( 232 It y T7IUKNISHED ROOMS FOR KENT At Da\en n JL roitllntra. fylDt P'i T710R RENT House with si < c rooms , well , cla i- _ D tern and cell ir. On Cspitol Ave , bet J5tl - and 16th. fouth side J. S. McCORMICK ISl.t ii-1 I FOR SAUT 10 li- FOR SALE Houcc , lot ami iniprovci lie - Third mid Walnut Sts. Cheap for ca h o- 33Mu-tlm-ta kto OFFERS A SPLF.NUID LIST Ol to BEMIS in Houses , Lots , Farms an id a , in lib now column on l t page. _ idat at TiREECH andMnzzle LradintrUunaatjiwcri atal .13 fice 10th . ' 352-1 . , ( iCC St. - al ale KAUOAIN 1 dozen nf cr-lcndid 01 o AKAKB , iniatin s in genuine gilt frame' , at .It beet Itobina , COG ijon'li IQtli street . ! 51-t oth 10RSAI.6 h- CAPITOf. HILL ADDlTIOJi hid The fines' residence ' prof erty In the city. id SOlotson Farnh'am , Hari'ey andTwtntj-filt street ; , oterlooMnir tlic city and eurroundin countnI'rltea modi r to ciid term reasontbli 321-13 KAVIS .t SNYIIER. IlUILDKRS.PLASTEaERS AND MASON ! TO Cuine bank Band , irravel for sardens an moulding fund will It ) delivered at short notlci nt I/cave orders at II. Sicrka. 1414 F.irnliam. an Charles Drandcs , Oil ! } Farnhan St3. HAH BOCK. Stirceainr to Charlea Danitl. S5Z- ae T OTS , FARMS. HOUSES AND LANDS. Led Jj over BEMIS" new colutnn.of hirjaing on Ii pace. MILK Twenty to twcntr-rcar quarts or or dollar by John T. F auleon. if- cu/at'-mOn-nodt ifill ill R SA LE Cottonwc < d lumber nf all sizes , : cd RKDMO.VD'S.Sixteenth-sU 518- P OR SALE A OrwtMill. Anpiyat 3d JL 472-tf L. r. M1SCELUHEOUS- n- A FlIXc. nr itir.n r. front , l > oor EOR counter , Slantle , Store Cttinir , venecrt work eo to 1310 Dodge street , A. F. RAFERT 1 B CO. . Bnlldera. ftoZfcvsaMfr fle TROPOSALS FCR BUILDING Sealed pn JL posals will be received until Auzmt 7tl 1830 , at 4 p. tn. , for the laying ot a lull millie brick , more or Icsi , a'cordin ? to plang an in sp cl Beat ions , now on file at A. T. Larje'a offlc < to No. 2 , Crei 'hton Block. The right to rrfxt an Ud or all bids preserved. JAMES STEPHEXSOt 311 be ist NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION 0 ily PARTNERSHIP. uu , August 5tb , 1550. lot The partnership heretofore existingbetwe < S ? . 83 ! . Grcsiman and Jake Si'berstein ' , of iheci T. of Oniaht srd HVe of Nebraska , under tl firm nine of Or > s-nan &Silberstein , ii tilt di ng disiol'.td b * r'consent. . ror Mr.Ibersie nwill continue the buiine at trId § Und No. 1 ! 19 Farnham strcc' , Om ad ha , Kabruks , wJU .4 aLw hereby authorized ice i fer co lecfll. , jidin. : claims due aaid firm ( ret u & Silberstein , and to piyall riebtaar liabilities of the said firm of Grcjsrain & Silbt stein. mire - All patrons nt the firm sre hereby solicited : ire give their future pitronige to our auccesjo 3t. Mr. Jacke Eilbsrrtelrj , who will do hU ntmo to pleas i and Batiifjr tuitomers. erie * . SOL CREWMAN ie , JAKESILBERSTEIN1. edk . E. IE1. knd nd 3m to UNDERTAKER ity Corner lith and Cies. Special attention ta orders by telegraph. J U nn M _ immense Stock for * SPRING AND SUMMER Fine Custom-Mude Men's Suits , Boys' Suits Children's Suits. $ a hi For Men , Boys , and Children. Uudcr-Wcar , Hats and Caps , Trunks and Valises , at Pf ices to Suit AH. Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth CUT IT AND GIT ! NO OLD STOCK ! Having Taken the Above for Our Motto , "We are Determined to Offer Our Entire Summer Stock of GLOTHiNOANDFURNlSi Regardless ol' Cost. In Order to Make Room for Our Fall and Winter Goods. We Will Xot lie Undersold. ZBOSTOICT CLOTSH3STG- FAKN1LUI STREET. OHAELES SOHLANK. SOL. PIOTCE. ORCHARD & BEAN. DEWEY & STONE , J.8.FRENGH&GD GEOCEKS , OMAHA. . OMAHA ORIAH A. 5OdOOO CHE CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST 1 MAX MEYER & BRO. Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then entire stock of Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Clocks , Silver-Ware , Pianos & Organ -AJKTID GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their New Store , Cor. llth & Farnham We Menu Business * Come uiiil be ( 'onrincctl. © LBFF&RD'S FEVERIAGU ERADICATES All , Z&ALARIAX * DISEASES from the SYSTEM. J. O. RICHARDSON , Prop. , ST.XOCI3. FOITICK , TORIES House Furnishing Woods , Shelf Hardware , Nails and Etc. .1221 Farnham Street , 1st Door Eaat First National Bank ,