YOL. X. OMAHA. NEBRASKA , MONDAY. AUGUST 9. 1880. NO. 42. Established 1871. MORNING . EDITION , : Price Five Cents JtELICS OF THE RIXG. Choice Extracts From Mc Donald's Forthcoming Biography , The Missing Lucre Links Supplied * k V t plied , Connecting the White \ \ House With the Stills , Grant's Conscience Eased With Countless Bills and Costly Presents. Ihe Whisky. Men Bled . .and.Dl Elacfenailed ftr High Official Luxuries , Babcock Frequently Extin guished With Drafts From the Springs of Iniquity. McDonald's Reminiscences. tccal | ! IMspitth tollic IJco ST. Louis , July S , 10 p. m. The 1'oat-Dihpatch of last evening pub , lished about ten columns of matter , " * extracts from the advance sheets of J. the forthcoming book cf Gen. John McDonald , f f whisky ring notoriety. The first assessment of ring money was made iu 1871. Levies were uado upon distilleries for alleged purposes ot : i campaign fund , in return for which t tey were alluwed to avoid pay ment of interim ! rorenua. These . monthly levies r.iised from 520,030 to lifty times thai amount. Besides this neat littl-i Bcliem" , McDonald claims the Washington regiment of the ring iru iu the habit of sending commis sions into this district for the solo purpose cf blackmail. Some of the moneys thus obtained ho positively believes K.NTEKED TUB WHITE HOUSE. The general continues : "Grant's collusion with the ring consisted in ) / h'a utilization ii of corrupt money i I secure his re-flection. After this Ij' j' ' purpose was accomplished , I was anx ious to sea the or anizition dissolved , because its ramifications were BO ex tensive : md included fciicli avast iiiiin- lur of nun of uncertain character , that I was : n constant dread of pub lic exposure. 1 talked with other managers , urging the danger of our position. I la'd the matter before Grant , who rcfcried me to Babcock , whoso judgment he relied upon. The aduunutralion at length concurred in the opinion that the ring could bo run successfully by creating a fund to advance GllAXr's TUIKU TEKM ASPIRATION. \ In his first interview with Grant , the president distinctly informed Mr. Ford that ho ( McDonald ) had in trusted certain matters to him ; that ho understood everything , and that whatever they wanted would be forthcoming upon request. Ill Octobef1874 , ou the occasion of ono of Grant's visits to St. Louia , McDonald supplied him with a spank- 0 team of hot sea. The president was so delighted that McDonald pro- eenici him tha anini.aU and a rig worth § .1,000. Grant did not care to exhibit al the fan becauee his stock was never awarded premiums. Ulc- Donald became a member of the com mittee on awards , induced Grant to enter his young Hainbletonianworked on other members , and had the blue ribbon awarded to the animal over many superior horses. In December 18,1874 , McDonald went to Washington , when ho handed to Gen. Babcock at the white house § 5000 , collected from distillers by Col. Joyce. ] 5abcock said he under stood the same when it came. Dur ing this visit ho mot Grant , who ex pressed THE GUEATEST GKATI1UDE for the present of the te < itn and rig. McDonald handed him a receipted bill iu iho president's name , aud asked for A small sum of money to make it a bona tide transaction. Being hatid- \ cd § 10 , § 7 were returned. ClilEll 1'llESENTS. The paper goes on to mention sev- ! cral other presents given G rant , among ( them box of a cigars containing a thousand dollar bill. The book dc- i-tails { at length an interview had with \ Grant on the subject of I ' niUSTOn's SECRET AGENTS , ac which the president said they S ould be recalled. He speaks of ecrer.il interviews had with Babcock , nndVertiere \ , pointedly the occasion wtien he gave the private secretary money. After Bristow had become possessed of the inner working of the Iring , Grant promised McDonald his projection. McDonald estimates that Babcock received $ 25,000 directly Trom the ring , besides much more rom the blackmailers. Georgia Bour3ons. Bpoaal dipjutcll Ui Ilia lite. ATLA.STA , OA. , August S , 10 p. m. Thn convention finished Ilia third day'a vrork without being able to effect i.i. cither ; v coiniiromiso or nomination. Colquitt'a 210 votes will not acccdo 'o the proposition of the followers lojf 'ha other four candidates , couatmg ' 40 votes to compromise on some man -ot in nomination. Both Ku - yet Bides -re hopeful pd defiant. At Iho cloeo f IhoUO h ballot the convention eod , ournod 111 MoiicUy. The general opinion is that there will be an ad journment referring the whole matter * o the people. If ha Colquitt will TO before the country for endorse ment. Bishop's Consecration. ; < xaal Dispatch to The Bee. COLCMDUS , Aujust 9 , 1 a. m. Rev. hn \YatteHoii was consecrated as Bishop of Columbus at the cathe dral. The eur ceremony lasted four " 3. The cansecrator was Bishop > ier of Cincinnati , Arch-Bishop urcell and many other prelates as sisting. The sermon was preached by Bishop Fitzgerald , of Little Rock , Ark. In the afternoon a parade oc curred , participated in by some thirty ocal and state societies. in i ns brought over 10,000 people to u.e city. Nose Among the China- men. octal Dispatch to The Be * \x FKAXCISCO , Anrust 9,1 a. m. * av. DeWitt Talmage , of New 't , made a tour of the Chlneee j quarter Saturday night , accompanied by a detective and a couple of reoort- ers. He expressed a. wish before he started out to bo shown Chinese life in its best and woist conditions. Sev- oral distingushed senators and gov ernment officials have "taken in" this s'ght , but they have always preserved circumspect silence on the subject. Talmage , however , promises to give the public the benefit of his observaTUT tions , so that the eastern public may look forward to some interesting de scriptions of Mongolian life. He has also expressed a tviah to sec the under crust of San Francisco after dark. One of the first visitors to Talmage since his arrival here waa Jvalloch. SOOTHING SYKUP. David Davis Flop ? From the Fence. Weighed Down by a Heavy Dose of Hancocktail. Spcd.il Dispatches to Tils Bits WASUIXOTON , August 9 1 a. m. The following letter was given to the press Sunday : BLOOMIXGTON , I'l. ' , August 4. My Dear Sir : The training and habits of my lifo naturally lead me to prefer civilians to soldiers for the great civil trust , but aa the parties arc or ganized voters mnat cheese between the candidates they present or must stand aloof , which no good cit zen ought to do in ; x presidential election. I have no hesitation in supporting Hancock for the best of reisons of my mind , because liia election will put an end to sectional strife and sectional parties and will revive a patriotic sentiment nil over the land , where political leaders and factiono , for sinister ends , have sought to pre vent. Tiiere can be no permanent pn-sper.ty without pacification. Great as were the achievements of Gen. Uauccck in the war , his conduct in peace , when in command of Louis iana and Texas iu 1S07 , was still greater , and com-uends him to the confidence of the country. That was a * , a time when passion ruled in the public councils and military power was cxertid to silence civil authority. The temptation wa ? strong tc sail with the rushing current , for an in flamed partisan opinion was too ready to condone excesses and to applaud oppression. Gen. Hancock's order No. 40 , In assuming charge of the fifth military district , announced that the right of trial by jury , the habeas corpus , the liberty of the press , the freolom of speech , the natural rights of persons , and the right of property , must bo respected. The principles are the ba sis of free government , and the pro d-timing of them by Gen. Hancock stands out in striking contrast with the action of his superior who , soon after , rebuked and drove him from the command foi ; tittcrii g acntiraentn worthy of a soldier. The soldier , clothed with extraordinary power , voluntarily uncovered before the civil authority , sheathed his sword and tes tified his fidelity to the constitution and sot an example of obedience to law which will pass into history as his strongest claim to distinction. The man who , in the midst of the excite ment of that stormy period , was cool enough to see his duty clearly and was strong enough to execute it firm ly , may well be trusted in any crisis. His letter to Gen. Sherman , recently , brought to light , lifts Gon. Hancock far above the past appreciation of his civil ability. It marks him as one of the wisest of his time , with a states man's grasp of mind and the integrity of a patriot , whom no sense of expe diency could swerve from his honest convictions. A long and unchecked position of power by any party , leads to extravagance , corruption and IOOBO practices. After twenty yoara of domination by tlierepublic.inachronic public service like barnacles on the bottom of a stranded ship. There is no hope of reform by the leaders who have created a aytcm of nighidtninis- ( ration and who are interested in per petuating its evils. Nothing abort of the sternest reform gives any promise of effective reform , and the first stop towards it is a change of rulers. The government must bo got out of the ruta in which it has too long been run. Now blood must bo infused in the management of public affairs before relief can bo expected. The people demand a change and , being in cam- cat , are likely to be gratified. Yours sincerely , DAVID DAVIS. To Hon. James E. Harvey , Washing ton City. Base Ball. SpeclM .lisiwkb to The IJcc. BOSTON , Auguat 8,10 p. in. Boa- tons 3 , Chicago G. WORCESTER Bnffalos 1 , Worces- tors 4. PROVIDENCE Providence 9 , Cleve land . TIIOY Ciucinnatis 3 , Troy 5. ALBANY Albany G , Nationals 17. Nationals did not play the last half inning. Grant the Prospector. Special Dispatch to The lice. SAN ANTONIO , TEX. , August 9 , 1 v. m. A private letter from Chihuahua , Mexico , states that preparations are being made lo receive General Grant , who ia daily expected from Santa Fe. The object o * his visit is not stated J" , but st ia thought to bo with a view to ascertaining the values of these Mex ican mines , with the idea of taking an 1 interest in ono af the companies. Shepherd Leaves His Flock Spcdal disintcli to Tug Bur. CHICAGO ; Aneuat 9 1 a. m. The Rev. Dr. Mitchell , pastor of the Chicago cage First Presbyterian church , announced - nounced to his people yesterday that he had decided to accept a call to the Firat Presbyterian church of Cleve land. pis The salary offered there is § 5,000 , and he h to have an assistant. His salary hero is SG.OOO , and ho was offered an assistant if he would re main , but other considerations uvi- den Jy influenced him. Dr. Mitchell has been pastor of his present flock twelve yearj. Munitions of "War , The annual quota of military atores due from the general government to this state for the year commencing Juno 1 , I860 , consisting of Spring field rifles , belts , bayonets , acabbards , ball and blank cartridges , arrived on the Gth instant , and were taken from the depot to the armory at the state house. The value of the invoice is about $1600. [ Lincoln Journal. FOREIGN EVENTS. The Eastern War Cloud Grows Blacker and . Blacker , Military Preparations the Order of the Day in the Balkan Peninsula. Turkey Loses Natural Allies in the Secession of the Armenians. The Britfeh Loae Another Town in Afghanistan. Crown Solicitor of Tipperary and Two Sons Murder ously Assaulted. Collision Between Irish Catho lics and Protestans. TUICKKT. Sjxxlal dispatch to Tiic Ceo LO.MIO.V , August 8,10 p. in. The Sportsman aays Tricket , the Austra lian sculler , will shortly go to Assott for shooting and fishing , when ho will commence training fur the match with i llanlan. llo is to row 25J pounds over the proper weights Swaddle and "VVin&hip will shortly build for him a now boat with all the latest improvements. KVACUATION OF CABUL. Tlio Times expresses the view that the evacuation of Cabul will strength en the hands of the now ameer with out loss of British military prestige , anil as the British forces will occupy the frontier they can return to Cabul it necessary. IEVELATIOXS : FOU THE BEEI > EATEIIS. The Times , in a leading article , Biya : The official correspondence rel ative to diseases of ammala in the United States , published yesterday , which was of great use in tha debate in the house tf commons laet night , throws a flood of light on the Accounts"I fattening stock in the west , and sev eral of the documents will give a shock of surprise to these who only know the En-dish o stall-fed cattle. Accounts of the etock yard and feeding process at St. Louis are anything but invit ing. Unhealthy cattle are crowded in nnventjlated stalls and fed on beer slops , as well-fed c\ttlo irom the west are not a feature of American indua- try. UIISIDISIXO A FIEND. A Cabul dispatch saj-s the Ameer will roccivcvhia first annual oul-4iC from thu British before they loavo. The Ameer's party ia strengthening. MINISTERIAL MEKAOUKIC. PAHIS , August 9,1 a. m. Presi dent Grevy , Minister Say and Gam- betta yesterday started for Cherbourg to witness the "rand naval review. DUIILIX , August 9 , 1 n. m. A riot took place at Armagh yesterday , caused by aomo Catholics attacking Protestant excursionists. IKISII LAWLESSNESS. Mr. Boyd , crown solicitor of Tip- Deraiy , and hia two eons , wera mur derously attacked at New Ross yes terday by a party of disguised 1110.1. One eon was killed , and the other , to gether with Boyd , were severely ahot. THE EASTERN WAH CLOUI > . Special dispatch to The Uec LONDON , August 9 , 1 a. m. A Ber lin correspondent says : Mil-tary pre parations are the order of the day in the Balkan peniiuuli. The Turks are repairing the fortifications at Sa- lonica. Troops ' continually arrive from Galliopolia , some being sent north while others remain to protect the important harbora , The Monte negrins have called on every able-bod ied man. The Anlivari forts are being - ing constructed under tha superin tendence of the Russian Col. Count Solohub , a resident for aome time at the exposed fort. The Greek govern ment has invited volunteers from Thessaly and Epiius , buf as yet few have come. The signal for war being expected from the powersorders have been given to the border brigands to stop operations until further notice ; accordingly the frontier has never en joyed a atate of more ABSOLUTE OKUEll AND QUIET than upon the eve of war. Neither are the Bulgarians behindhand in their warlike movements. The lead- ers of the secret commission of Bui- garia and East Roumelia have met at Tirnova to concert the details of the joint action to begin as soon as the order is given at St. Petersburg. All the leaders , as well as the members of these commissions , being civil and military officers , it is by courtesy that they are called secret , and their ac tion is represented HJJ. distinct from that of their respective governments , co-operating with the cer..ral rail-Bul garian commission at Sophia. There arc secondary fraternities in the Ro- dopoc Hilli , and other localities in Macedonia , pledged with money and arms by Russian natrons through the agency of their E t Roumelian com- patriots. The Turkish TROUBLES AF.E SOT LIMITED TO El'KOl'E It is well known that apart trom the religious hostility common to the East , the Armenians , who speik the Turkish language as a second mother tongue , but very recently , did not be long to the Ottoman empire , whose trade and finance they largely con - duct. Things , however , have changed lately. The porte , for politi ; cai ascendancy on the Bosphorus , and for the ousting of their commercial competitors , the Greeks , having aroused the Constantinople Armen ians , numbers of them are now Russians to the core , no endeavors of the porte to briug them back to their ancient allegiance being of avail. The other day the porte , to curry fa vor with these novel recusants , ap pointed Artun Dadian Bey , one of Pie ! richest Stamboul Armenian.0 , under secretary of etate in the board eraf trade. No sooner did this appoint ment transpire than the Armenians , who two yea s ago would have con gratulated themselves upon the eleva tion of their to-nationalist , assembled in front of hjs house and denounced him aa a traitor to their cause. To obviate .worsej consequences , Artun , the following diygolemnly assured the \rraenian patriots that , though be might ; bp rendering commercial ser vices , ho had no hand in refuting the arguments of the powers. Among the many strange features of the pres ent criiis , it la ona of the strangest that the porte is endeavoring to keap Russia from Constantinople. ANOTHER BRITISU LCS3. A dispatch from Bombay says it is again rumored that Chaman has been captured. The tribes are occupying the hills above Ohaman fort and sev eral skirmishes have occurred. TBOOP3 IN AFGHA > 'IHTAH. A dispatch from Quotta sayi that a portion of the reinforcements for Can dahar hnvo arrived at that place. Gen Huberts has been detained at Cabul until Menday , STYLISE. , A dispatch from Belgrade saya Scr via is mobilizing her militia. READY rou FIOIITINO. EpccIM Dispatch to The Bee. ATHENS , August 9 1 n. m. The Greek reserves are joining their col era very rapidly. LONDON , August 8. The knight of Kerry is dead. WASHINGTON. THE WASUINOTOX MONUMENT. Special Dispatch to Tha Itcc. WASHINGTON , August 8 , 10 p. m. The first stouo toward completin the Washington monument was hid yesterday in the presence of Presi de dent Hayes and a number of officials an members of the monument com anmi mission. A small tower-shaped iron elevator was used in raising the atone. Itad is believed that twenty feet will be added to the monument bforo win toi . The engineer in charge thinks the end can bo completed within four years. AYIXn ENUMEUATOUs' . The disbursivo dUcer of the inte rior department yesterday issued checks to most of the enumerators of census of the District of Columbia. A-Ccounta of enumerators throughout the country will be settled as fast as they are received and approved. TUB CODE DENOUNCED. WASHINGTON' , August 9 , 1 a. m. "Hamburg" Butler , who is at his homo in South Carolina , on being asked what action he intended to take concerning : an abusive letter of Col. Cash , the duellist , which had been addressed to him , and had been sent , also , to the press and published , re plied : "Col. Cash's letter to me shows him to bo a lunatic or a blackguard , and , of course , I cannot notice him in either capacity. I have done him no harm , and if I had injured him , it is usual among gentlemen , as a first step , to ask for an explanation. Instead of this , he Ina chosen to write rae a let- ter : by mail which does him more harm than it does me. He ia welcome to all the notoriety ho may acquira , in j 1 this vulgar , coarse exhibition of a bard and malicious heart. I have not noticed , and do not intend to notlca anything ho may say. " The animus of the attack msdo by Cash ou Butler arises from Butler's having written a very strong letter denouncing the ac tion of Cash in brutally forcing a duel upon the venerable Judge Shan- ' ' at the first firo. The people generally ap plaud Butler in his letter , as they do the Charleston News and Courier for the courage displayed in making war upon the barbarous practice of duel ling as carried on in some sections of South Carolina. FATHER TO SON. Still a great deal more trouble is expected to qrow out of the Cash- Shannon difficulty , that ia , provided Cash is not convicted and sent to prison. Even then it is expected that liia son will iako the father'i place and challenge at least some of the promi nent citizens who have denounced his father. * OEOKCIIA COTTON RUSTINd. Advices from Georgia state that blaok rust has appeared in the cotton Selds. It is feared that the plant will bo effected seriously by its ravages , but only in certain sections. With this exception , the crop is doing re markably well. In several prominent counties in the state , it Is thought that the crop will not be an average one , notwithstanding an increased average in some sections of the stato. The corn crop is turning out badly , and the planters say they will bo sat- isfiad if they make a half crop. I'ROSFEKOUS SOUTH CAROLINA. _ From South Carolina it ia reported . that the crops generally throughout the atate are exceptionally line , and an abundant harvest of corn is ex pected , also a fine cotton crop. It ia thought that if there is no backset the plant cotton yield will be the largest made for years. It ia estimated that many acres will yield twelve to eigh teen hundred pounds of seed cotton. tcT The oats crop is also reported to be firat-clasa. firatclasa.GOOD GOOD SOUTHERN CROPS. It is taid that the report of the de partment of agriculture , to bo issued cm the 15th inst. , will show that the average condition of the cotton crop throughout the south is equal to the highest calculations , baaed on the re port of lact month. Lynched After Many Misses. Special Ubpaich to Tun Bus. ATHENS , Ala. , Auguat 0 , 1 a. m. Saturday night about 10 o'clock a party , suppoaed to bo Tonnesaeaus , came to the jail here and quietly took Billz , who murdered his wife in May , 1879and , who was condemned to death twice by juries here , obtaining a new triitl in each casa , and hung him to a tree in the court-houso yard. Ho showed fight at first , but seeming to realize his impending fate , hia cour age gave wny to a feeling of terror. Biilr-was taken out in the day time some time ago by a mob , a rope placed around hU neck , and every thing ready for his hrnglng , except nerve on the part of the ring-leaders , thus enabling the sheriff to rescue him. At another time a mob collected from ssveral counties and tried to capture Bailz , laying siege to the court-house , where the prisoner waa held by the sheriff , butwere foiled. Turner Celebration. Special Dispatch U The Bee. LOUISVILLE , August 9,1 a. m. The Indiana district of tha German Turn- gemeide filled tha city with its annual celebration yesterday. Thia ia one aiof th'o hrgeat Turner societies in the country , and embraces Louisville in its district. Not leas than 20,000 c Ipeoplo participated in the celebration , The society has a grand four days hoii iday. I i A THIN SUBJECT. The Fasting "Doctor Fin ishes His Forty Days of Stomach Ache. * iL An Immense Throng of Distin guished Persons Surround the Attenur jd Tanner , And as the Crs/y | [ < > trikes 12 t-Jjr Jore of From Which the Hungry Man Sucks Sustenance Vora- ciously. Attending Physicians Forcibly Attempt to Prevent a Gorge ! Graphic Details of the Fast and Feast. Mind Triumphs Over Matter. Special Dispatch to TUB lsn. ! Yor.K , August 7 I p. m. Tanner has for the past twenty-four hours appeared br'ghtcr , livelier and stronger and more energetic than for dnya ; previous. lie waa very weak , however , and his exertion was the result of stimulation prcduced by the increased number of spectators. What Tanner's movements will bo ter ho recovers his strength nobody appears to know. It is conjectured that ho will practice medicine in Now York and lecture. Tanner began the , hut twelve hours of hia forty daya fast at 12 o'clock last night. Ho was then resting quietly , but shortly after midnight ho aaked for water and drank one ounce. Immediately after drinking hn be gan lo vomit violently and thought it was very foolish for his stomach to act go when he intended to use it so well very aeon. At 2 a. in. Dr. Wark came in ns a special watch , much to the delimit of Tanner. At 2:25 : the walking of some one on the floor of hall put the faster into a violent temper. Ho would not be appeased until the noisy party was put out. At 4 o'clock ho fell asleep and ap peared very little like a starving . man.Oi the GOOD COLOU AND LOOCLIr'WELL. Ho awoke at 0:10 : and soaked his foot in hot mustard water. While taking the bath Tanner's brother-in-law , M. M. Gardner , of Litchfield , O. , came in. The meeting was most affecting. Both gentlemen were much overcome by emotion. At 7 o'clock Tanner complained of nausea , and shortly after he vomited. At 9 o'clock ho waa ly ing in bed in his clothes , excepting his coat. Ho was apparently bearing up well as ho asked to have some Cal ifornia grapes to-day , declaring that ho was not afraid of them for the first day. Ho held another interview with hia brother-in-law and tears were ob served rolling down his cheeks while Hiking with Gardner who married his younger sister. The attending physicians wished to prevent any pro longation of the interview , but Tan ner said ho know hia own business and talked on. 1VATEUMELONS VfERB ARUIVIXG at . . the hotel from various sources , and telegrams ! were being constantly re ceived from different parts of the country one from Minnesota , invit- ina the faster to a barbecue. At 10 o'clock Tanner , In attempting to get on his feet , found ho was unable to stand , and smilingly called for assistance to carry him to a largo arm chair at the window , where ho sita good-humoredly meeting all corn- era. The hall waa thronged with people ple of the highest class. An immense watermelon arrived , a present from the horticultural association of Geor gia , in session at Atlanta , Ga. Tanner looks well , and says he would not be afraid , . to , fast a few days longer. The physicians look upon his high spirits as unnatural. TUB CLOSING IIOUU. At 11 a. m. Dr. Tanner came down from the gallery and took a seat in the center of the hall , where on long tables were spread all the presents ho has re- ccivedaince ho began hia fast. These consisted of innumerable varieties of food , tonics , slippers , and the like. Among the presents was a box of shin gle nails. Ho appeared in better co i- dition than at any period since the six teenth day. The doctor held tightly to a Hjilendid peach , which ho said he said ho would bite when'tho clock strikes 12. The hall waa crowded , and ; vj the final hour approached the excitement grew intense The doctor bad a spell of retching shortly after 11 o'clock , and was obliged to retSfc to an ante-room , where ho suffered greatly. At lllf : a. m. a drop of blood was taken fron : the doctor for microscopic cxniiny tion by Prof. Vanderweyer in the presence of a largo number of phyai clans. Dr. Tanner watched the work with oagerinterest. | 12 O'CLOCK , TiininiE is OVEK AND " AM CLAD , said Dr. Tanner as the clock struck twelve. He was then escorted to th main hall and in one of the two lobbies the familiar old arm-chair was placed , into which the doctor waa lifted. At the moment the clock struck twelve the spectators burst into / wild yell which was caught up by the crowd , in ihe street while the whistles of tb/k / surrounding factories gave extra blast in honor of the occasi The Doctor first drank a glass of m then he ordered the Georgia w.v , melon to be cut and when this lwia done began to eat eagerly of it/ the attending physicians me nwhil/a en deavoring to atop him. He , hoyf0ver , ordered thcm to step aside fj nd let him have his own way. HE EAT VOHACIOCSLY of the melon , while the croivr ent expressed its delight In vigor /a / dap - ping and cheering. Oecaw tt\y ] \ there doctor in some indulged Jitty re- marks. Dr. Gana prolejh vehe mently against Tanner's & ft , when the latter as ted : "Just let me alone ; I'm running this ihing now. " Dr. Tanner , after nearly demolish ing the melon , was led from the hall with a chunk of it in his hards. JIo walked down stairs without assistance , followed by hir watchers , and wai hurried into a carriage , being greeted with hearty cheering by an immense crowd in the street. Many pressed forward and shook hands with the doc tor , and it was some time before the carriage could proceed. The doctor , with two physicians , Gunn and Roil- ly , waa then driven to Dr. Gunn's residence , where he will be in the work of build up his waated forces. Upon reaching Dr. Gunn'a residence Dr. Tanner immediately laid down on a lounge in the parlor , and-endeavor- od to obtcin little sleep. All visit ors were excluded , and the doctor was left in undisturbed repoao. At ono o'clock ho was resting quietly , the nourishment ho had taken giving him no uneasiueaa. _ , Recuperation. Special di'pitch to The Dee. A I'llYSICIAN's 01'INION. NEW YOUK , August S 10 p. m. In answer to inquiries , Dr. Work , who is still i attending Tanner , says milk an watermelon had no more harm than : if thn doctor had partaken of an ordinary meal while in a normal condition. Ho did not think ha would belie affected by nausea , as generally be lieved , owing to the terrible strain on his : stomach , and was satisfied ho would bo able to partake of nourishing inj food right along , the same aa if ho had not fasted. "It certainly was , " he said , ' 'a remarkable case , and the at ! physicians would watch the process of recuperation with the ut most interest. To-day , " said Dr. Work , "the doctor has got more fat ' on his body than I , and his strength is beyond comprehension. " Two or three physicians will re main on duty at Guiin'a residence until it is apparent Dr. Tanner lus recovered sullioiently to warrant him in attending to business. Dr. Work thought Tanner would bo ALL MIGHT IX A WEEK. Uo partook of watermelon occasion ally during the aftirnoon. Hia pulao was 78. A dispatch received from a physi cian in IJul'iefonte , O. , which reads : " "When the fast ends , nse : i friction brush witli dry mustard ; diet upon fresh milk with ice the size of a pea every ten minutes : mustard drafts to ankles. " Tanner remarked , in refer ence to this and other advice ho had received , that THESE TOOLS OF DOCTORS thought ho didn't know anything ; that ha had been through this thing before , and knew his stomach , and understood exactly what he was do ing. He declared he would not be dictated to by any one. Dr. Ttittle , professor of anatomy in the United States medical college in this city , says in reference to tag-fast : ONE or THE FIKST WATCHERS. At the first examination Dr. Tanner vas stripped down to his undcrcloth- , and I said I was not satisfied with hat ; I wanted to see his skin. Hia hirt , drawers and socks were removed and he held up his arms to show that 10 had nothing about him to support ifo no food cnncealed. Then I toru ip the carpet in the dresaing-room.that > eing the only carpet in the hall. I lave since been on the watch twice a week ; on the first of the night several imcsup to midnight , and Bometimes rom midnight till morning. His bow- chh have been entirely inactive , and , ho fast til the system bus been princl- ) ally through the kidneys. The ox- mlations from the akin and lungs ac count for the waato that has taken ilaco over and above the amount of luids taken into the system in the shape of watir and ico. I believe the 'ast to bo A FERKECELY HOXEST ONE. [ don't believe a more honorable set of physicians and gentlemen conld be "ound anywhere than hart- been con ducting the watch. Tl'.jre have beou h-ea schools represented a great part of the time eclectic , alopathic and lomtopathic. I believe the profes sion wi 1 bo benefited greatly in treat- "ng chronic diseases. " A full report of observations taken will be published. FROM FASTIKO TO GLUTTONY. NE\V YORK , August 9 1 a. m. Dr. Tanner slept quietly and ate nearly all day long Sunday. At 1:30 : i. m. ho chewed half a pound of beef steak , retaining the juice. Soon after 10 ate some milk toast and drank 'wo ounces of red Hungarian wine , ard subsequently made way with half a pint of milk. He then fell asleep and ilid not awake till about 7 o'clocl and two and a half hours Inter ho r.'o half a pound of beufsteak and a quantity of potatoes which had been stowed in milk. At noon he was weighed and turned thn scales at 12G pt auda. Five- minutes after he partook of half a pound of beefsteak , with the remark that he waa now takirg regular ra tions. At intervals varying trpm five minutes to an hour cr more , the Doc tor partook of watermelon , milk , pota toes stewed in milk , Buss ale , beef tea and wine. About 0 o'clock he was weighed again , ami his weight was found to bo 1 ' 10' ' pounds , while his pulse registered. 89. Half an hour after ho took -'warni bath and ex pressed himself aa comfortable. Dr. Jarvis , of Aho Baltimore hospital 1 , called and cfbtained some of Dr. Tan ner's blootf ! for analysis. He was vis ited during the analyaii by Prof. Bu chanan rind Dr. Van Swojko and wife. At GyiO the Doctor drank a glasa 0.of B.\33 a/ ! , and at 7 he drank an ounce of milk athd four ounces of beef tea. oft ! 7:30 : h/o ate another half pound of steak and jto.tatoes. At 8 o'clock he drank anqfinco and a half of wine , ani akat 8Jft : ) a glass of ale. He undressed and iyGnt to bed and slept till midnight , J hen ho again called for steak and /watermelon. The Tuonel Grave. Epeal Dispatch to The L'e JERSEY CITY , N. J. , August 8 10 p m. Work at the shaft of the Hudson river tunnel where the bodies of twenty workmen lie buried , is almost most entirely suspended , and it is probable the bodies will not be recov ered for a month to come. The new pump put in the working shaft yester day proves a complete failure , and the water fiowa so rapidly in the cjf- fer-dam that digging had to be sus pended. Officers of the tunnel will , it ia expected , now alter their plans and begin building a caisson. This will , however , be attended with considerable risk , bn. it appears to i be the only way of reaching the lies and will take about a month. MUSIC FOE THE HEIR. Omaha Orators and Vocalists Turned Loose in Platts- mouth. Grand Eally for GarJleld and . , , Arthur. Special Dispatch to Die B < > e. PLATISMJITH , Nub. , August 7. GarSeli and Arthur shead. Accord ing to arrangement iu.d preparations the great republican rally of the cam paign ciurrcd hero laat night. The Garfield and Arthur club , in full torch light procession , with a brass band in the lead and one In the roar , marched our streets m grc.it display. At the arrival of the Omiha cvenini ? train thi and escort the Eon. , J. L. Webster , the . speaker of the occasion. The Garfield - field and Arthur glee clubcomposod of fourteen c f Omaha's host made singew , accompanied ( Mr. Webster as another magnet of the occasion and at half past eight they muched into tliu Opera house , which they found crowded wih the first ladies and gentlemen of onr city. "President filuMurpliy called the meeting to ovJer. Two thrilling cam paign songs were rendered with exquisite effect , calling , forth great applause. Hon. J. L. Webster then was introduced and in hi- eloquent and forcible style spoke for nearly nt > hour pro and con ( ! ar- lield and Hancock. Next S. M. Chapman in a moat appropriate speech introduced 1'rcf. C. 1 > . Wilber , a clasmato of Grtiel' ' , who reviewed the eirly hls'ury i-f tlw republican candidate , picturini ; most vividly the marked tracea and ch tracter of the early ; Iifn of the republican standard- bearer. Music was aipiin rendered by Omaha singer ? , and so continued the good time , which \vna cnjnvud and lis tened to by : vl till 11 o'clock. Thi.i is thn tirst of the campaign rallies hero. Several mnrv are booked , and with thi : tine l 'i'intiing , each fol lowing one promises everything the republic ma c. n doaire. Omaha mny well be proud if her republican cam paign ability. Garfleia'ts Trip. Spccul Di patcli in Tlio lice. NEW YORK , August 7 , I p. m. General G.irfield and party left hero thia morning for Ghatnaqna , N. Y. , and there took the 7"u : train on the Eric railroad. The departure waa a quiet one , and they took carriagesand were drjvcn frcra the jJ av-u UoUil to Jersey Oity , where the party board ed the train. There was no demonstra tion. The train will slop -it various places on the route. Gen. Garfield will remain at Chatauqua until Mon , day. PATTERSO : ? , N. J. , August 7 J p. in. The special train with Gen. Garfield - field and pirty m board waa greeted here witli : v aaluti1 , and over 5,01)0 ) people had assembled at the depot to qrcat the president hi candidate. The introductory speech was made by Williim V.alte'r I'helps. General d'arfield waa enthusiastically recuved. lie made a bruf speech thanking the workingmeu of Patcrautifortheir greet- : A Naphtn.T. Flame. Special dispatch to Tlio Uoo. NEW YORK , August 0 , 1 n. in. A fire broke out yesterday afternoon on board the bark Nictaux , loaded with 2000 barn-la of naphtha , lying at the foot of North Twelfth street , Williamabnrgh. Loss , § : :0,000. : The brig Cyclone , barkllvaro and barcc B of Peatt'a oil works were als'j dam aged. The Manhattan I/each railroad depot took fire and waa damaged slightly , ciuaed by an explosion of naphtha on board the Nictaux. Another Steamboat Accident. Special Disiatili to Tiic Ike. Nb\v YORK , August U , 1 a. m. Thestcambost Eraatua Corningwhich runa between thia city and Glen Isl and , New Rocheile Harbor , Long Isl and Sound , ran on ii rock lift eon niin- utt-t after IciviiiK the idluid for New * urk on her 15-40 trip , arid filled with water. She WPS run aground in shal low wr.tor , and sink over her lower deck. Thy utoitnboat St. Nicholas , of the lower linu took nit' her passen gers , about SOQ. Theru was great ex citement , luitiij luds of life. A Chicago Blaze. Special DI < > p.V.cii to Tlio live. CHICAGO , August ! ) 1:30 a. m. A fire broke out at 12 : . ' ! ( ) thia morning in the four-story brick building. 55 and 57 Canal street , occupied in the lirat story by the Garden City distillery company , in the second story by M. G. Nichols iV : Co. aa a furniture tac- tory , and in the upper story by sev eral small factories. It wan still burning at thia dr.tc , and the losa cm- not be ascertained. Theatrical Tragedy. Spctial Di piteli lo the Uic. CINCINNATI , August 9,1 a. m. Thoa ShclKiker , ex-chief of police , and at projcnt proprietor oftlu Vine street opera homo , wai riding in a stroot-c r in company with the noted variety aetreas Virginia Jacksonwhen Misa Cnuinley , rual of MISJ Jackson , stepped mi board with hr brother and I'ul'ctMiuiu Iiiiinuy ! , hi-r f.ither , and assaulted Mies Jackion and Shel- baker , inflicting several shghf wnunda lax upon them , and cri.itnuj a great ex citement in the sn * et. Lxterinthu day , while Otiiccr Chumley waa at the Central police station , Snelb ktr sud denly appeared and shot Chumley three times , producing wLai may be fatal wounda. The entire p.vty con nected with the affair weru arrested. d.of Shelbaker was formerly proprietor of the Bijou opera house , New Orleans. Teachers' Institute. The Douglas County Teachers' In stitute will meet August 18th , in the High School building , and continue two weeks. In view of the benefits to be de rived , it is expected that every teacher desiring a po-sttion in the county schools during the coining year will , if possible , be present. Chuses will be found in all branches usually taught in the public zchools. Methods of teaching will receive special attention. It ia that ' 1 expected a teachers' ! SO < ciittion for the county will be organized izec before the close of the session. To meet expentoa incident to the work , a fee not exceeding one dollar will bo charged. J. J. POINTS , Co. Sup't. ELECTRIC BRIEFS. Special Jbpatches to The Bee. LEHAXOX , Pa.t August 8. Louis Pnrham , a farmer living five nnloa south of thia city , committed suicide Friday by hanging. Family troubles. CKAWFOKDSVILIE , Ind. , August 8. - Matt is Jones , fifteen years old , re- aiding occ and a half raitea south of this city , committed suicide list night , taking what is suppoied to bj mt-rphiue. .No CJIUSQ given. MOJ.THEAL , August 8. Surveys of the proposed tunnel under the St. Lawrence are being actively pushed. ScoTTSitrno , Isi > . , August 8. Thrs. C. Green , living four miles east of here , went out and hanged himself yesterday on account of grief at the death of his wifo. QUEBEC , August 8. The French frigate Dtimont Durvillo arrived hero yesterday , and anchored otf the cita del , after which she siluted the Brit ish Hag. The citadel returned the salute. Lot'ibViLLE , Ky. , August 8. Willie Black , n httlo eiuht-year-old son of the foreman at the steamboat canat lock here , jumped into the water for an apple ho dropped , and has not been Losnox , August 9. The Messrs. Konoch. of Birmington , have secured the Roumanian contract for twenty- one million leaded cartridges at llio francs per thousand. LociaviLLK , Ky. , August 9. At a fire yesterday the house of Henry Uoefler waa burned , and n firemen , named William EL wkesfelf from thereof roof and broke bia back. He lingers in great pain , but must die. I'AKIS , August 8. The Marquis do Saint Yullior , the French ambas sador , haa definitely resigned his mis sion to Berlin , pleading ill health. Shipping News. Sjtcial dispatch to THE UCE. The following were the movements of ocean steamers on yesterday : f YORK , Auguat 8. Arrived Mo3el , from 15ruineii ; Nederlandfrom , Antwerp h'silei ! Egypt and City of Chester , for Liverpool ; Alaatia , for London ; California , for Glasgow ; Maine , for LIremen ; Switzerland , tor Antwerp. LivKnrooL Arrived Baltic , from New York. rrsm TJKLEGKAPU. Cnlcago Produce. CHICAGO , August 7. Wheat No. 2 88Jccash ; 88@S9fc ? for Auguat ; SCJcfof September ; 80Jc for October ; No. 3 , 81c. Corn No. 2 and high mixed , 33jjc cadi ; 3u o ( or Auuu tj 3i > qo ( or bcj > - tember and October ; rejected , 34ic. Oats No. 2 , 23c cash ; 23c for Auguat ; 23cfor September ; 23jj@23 c for October. Rye GGc. Pork Cash nominal ; § 15 30 for August and September. Lard 7.30 for cash ; 7.32A for Sep tember. " Bulkmeata Shoulders , § 1 75 ; short riba , § 7 i > 3 ; short clear , S7 70. llutter 142oc. W-hiaky Steady at gl 09. Now York Money ana Stoct- C \vhST\TKMEvr-Lntns increaacil G,9Sfi,500 : fpeciu increaic. SWW.MO ; Icca' tend r decrease. c"I.M5.100 ; ilc"Hils | increased Jj,717,700 ; circuls- tmii. ilcirt.iac < I7,2CO ; reserves , djcreuc , $ J- WJILL ST. . N w YORK , August 7 , UO p.m. JIONEYEayat 2 } [ > rccnt ; cxcbanga dull nml ucak a ) ? I.7l ! < tl 75. OOVEKSMENTS. Firm. USB'aofSl 1043 Nett-4's 109 } ITSS's 102J Currency O'a 125 USJJ'l lll STOCKS. Mcilcratcly acttio and IIrm prices in same cues slow. WUT 107t Northwestern. . . . 100 Ccn. P 95 * N'orthweatern [ IM.12U A&PTei 15 N.I' . 35 Lackanamia i W . SO N. F. nf.1 . 55 If&H 81 | Ohlopled 74 Krio 43) NYC 13r.i St.Joe SCj NJ Central 76j M .Iterfd 731 Kcoilin ? 2IJ LikuShora 1C9 W , St L ft PpfJ. . . 71 1C „ 113 { C.C.Cil 1JJ I.JI S7j Mich.Central , . 10 Chicago Live Stock. CHICAGO , August ? . Hess ; Receipts , 65,000 head ; mar ket strong and active ; prices 6@10c higher ; grassers , ? 4 35@-l 50 ; mixed packing , § ! BO@-t70 ; choice heavy , § 4 7 < 3a 10 ; light , § 4 C0@4 90. Cattle Receipts , 1,000 head ; mar ket nominal and dull ; few natives of fered ; graasers , S3 50@4 00 ; fair to good shipping , 54 2004 70 ; butchers' , § 1 i50S3 23 ; atockera quiet at S2 30 ® 2 85 ; western cattle slow and weak at $2 uO@3 CO ; graaa Texana plentiful and canners holding for lower rates ; prices ranged from § 2 20(33 ( 00 ; many lota not sold. Sheep Receipts , 200 head ; market unchanged. New York Produce Market. NEW YORK , August 7 , Whaat No. 2 spring , S1 CG@1 00 ; ungraded red , ( J3c@l 07j | ; No. 3 do , § 1 OG@114 ; No. 2 do , § 1 08 ® ! 01) . Corn Ungraded , 45@4GJc ; No. 2 , 47j@lS c ; round yellow , 2g ( 3 ; No. 2 August , -18@48c ; September , 40 c , October , 50jc. Oats Mixed western , 38 < 341c ; white western , 40@45c. Pork New meag , S14 35(314 ( 37J. Milwaukee Produce Markoc. MIUVACKEE , August 7. Wheat No. 1 , 70@70Jc ; Xo. 2 do , 8 < jc ; Aunst , 89Jc ; September , 87c ; October , Sfi c ; No. 3 do , 77ic. Corn Quiet , No. 2 , 35c. Oats Dull at 24c. Uyo Dull at Coc. -Barley No. 2 apringj cash , 72c. bt. l.oula Produce. ST. Louis , Auguat 7. Wheat No. 2 red , 92@92Jc for a for August ; 898t c for September ; 89c for October88 ; I @ SOJc for theyear ; No. 3 do , 8G $ < 387jc ; No. 4 do , 8384jc. { Corn 34Jc for cash and bid for August. Oats 21j622c for cash : 21gc for August ; 22 c for September. Ilye Quiet at GUc bid. Whisky Quiet at $1 08. Pork Steady at $15 23 for caah and September ; § 15 30 for August ; $4 :90 : (57 ( 50(37 ( 77aiked for summer meat. St. Louis LI vo Stock. ST. Loais , August 7. Hogs Market stronger ; Yorkers [ and Baitimores , 54 60@4 70 ; pack ing , S4503485 ; butchers' to fancy , 54 85 < 35 50. Receipts , 1,400 head. : Cattle Supply meagre , little done and prices unchanged. Receipts , 250 head ; shipments , 1,600 head , BARGAINS REAL ESTATE IBIEIMIIS' AGENCY , lalli and Douglas Street. Over 3.000 resilience lot * for lalo by th ! ( tfrn cy at prlccjr ansinc frcm J2i t $ i.fOO each , anil located In e ery part ot ttioclto. and In * Trrr direction ( rum tliu riwtotllce , north. c'H , Routh or west , anil Taryintt ut illitance from ono block to ono or t o mitea trom game. Call nJ examine our l ! ts tfetcral lioice lotp In Griffin Imc ' MI tlon. west of convent , between M. Mary'0 KYtQ ue and Harnoy street JfOO to JJW. & 0 ncrei just ennt of barrarkd on SMintlen St. . this U choice mm ) m ! will be m > M ry cheap- for cull in 5,10 r r 'JU acre Me ; now ia your tltne- topecuroa bargain. Choke lot at end of street car Iricls on S.iun- der street for J&75. Choice lot. Farnhsrn and 21h ! streets , Ctal82 tcet tor Sl.iCO-will divide It. Cheap Iota in Credit Funchr addition , south of U. P. depot $100 to foOO. TERRACE ADDITION. Forty Iota on Park Avenue and OeorsU ftreet , on road ti > park , and near head of St. Mtry'i * avenue , at frcm $125 to $30O each. Seven year * time at eight per cent interest to ttuwc who wilt put up cowl FiilwUntiil tiuilUii.Kf. K.r further particular ; ! apply to. O. F. nEMIS , Axtnl , Fifteenth and Douglas Street * . A nlco lot on Ilarneyand Twentv-flrst street * , for Jfi'S. Two choice lots on tOth. nei r St. Mary's aven ue. MKIfS feet each , for $320 and 3900. To > choice loN near 23 < 1 anil Cbrk streets. In E. V. Smith's addition $300 and 1350. Fifty lot' In Shlnn'n fir tcwnd and third d. dltlons for jit 0 to JfiOu ea , Lot near 15th and Mrrce. 8130. 2 lots on Uarnrvnear 24th St. . 1600 e ch. 1 lot on 21th near Howard itrcct , | 7oO. tO lots In Grand View addition , nouth of U. P bridge and depot , from $15 to $ CO eaeV Ono acre. 117x370 feet , on 18th street , south Jjv' { Poppleton's ' new realdonctf , for $2,000 , or will diviilo into city sized lots a ; from | 350 to 2500 each , EIVERVIEW ADDITION. Lanre number of beautiful roMenco low , lo cated In thi * new addition on Capitol nil' , be ta ecu 24th street on Iho east , 28th on the woat. Dodue street on the north ami Fambam afreet on the south , formerly owned by C. II Downs and raoru recently known atfthePerklnalfiacrea , Only 22 lute ba o thus far been platted 11 ore Farnham and S on lK > uiad ! street. Theaa lota are 50 to 56 feet in width and 150 In depth. $1,000 for the choice. & jcin time , at 8 per cent in- tereatto thuno wlu > will build good substantial h onsen thereon. Call and examlno plat and got full information at ISEillS'KEAL ESTATE AOENCT , Ifitli and Douglu Stret . Over 2GO houses and loUnro offered for Mia by this otllca They are scattered all over the city. Any location you dosiro. Prices varying from $300 to $15.000 cich. 2 uoo Ukt * ik.L a H i l n i n n * r JftCkSOtt and 12th atreeta at * great sacrifice. Hr * I * great bargain for some one. Tha property must bo gold immediately. Co vers just a quarter of block. Call and examine thia without any deity. OEO P. BKMIS , A ent. 16th and Douglaa 3ts. A desirable lot near Cumin ? and Saundera Streets , JI.IOO. JI.IOO.PARK PARK PIjACE. The cheapest aero lots In th city of Omaha , are tboae oUernd for sale by this agency In Park Ilace and Lowo' 0coi I addition , on Cumlnjr , Curt anil California street ] ; you can rrtako tin mistake in pu.hlnir up theae bargalna whlln yon have the chanco. These Iota are moro than equal In tiizo . to 4. full-sizcd city lots or a half block and It will be but a very short tlmo beforn one. IHtn part of ODD of these aero tot * will sell for aa nun.li as we offer a full scrota-day. They are located a very short dls'anco wont of Cr. Ighton Ci'lloKC. 1'ricen ranging from $150 to 1300 p r aero - lot. Call immediately , and don't lose your haucc , and eut plat and full particular * of OKO. P. BEJI1S. Agent. 15th and Douglaa Streets. Nlco lot on Sherman Avenue north of Nicholas Street. 81,100. , Half lot on Caaa.bctween 13th and 11th streets 11.000. 2 nlca lota In Hartman'a addition , J100 to ttOO. Large number of aero Iota In Glue's addition In North , Omaha , 31i5 to $300 each. Choice corner lot near 22nd and California Streets , 31.500. Several good lota In Kclaon's addition , 150 to 1350 each. Choice lot in Thorncll's addition , | 750. Several largo Iota In ILirtlett'a addition. I ] roilr ) and' ? } ncreaeach. Prices 3700 to 82,000 each. each.Several Several choice Iota in Rood's flrst addition , 8275 to i50 each. Acre lot on Sherman ayenue. (10th ( street ) , couth of Poppleton'a new residence , for 11,100. 2 largo Iota near 18th and Clark street * . 00 c 330 feet. Corner , tl.200 ; innide , lOuO. 31aro lots on Sboimin ayctiuo , (10th ( street ) , near Clark Street. iMO farli McCANDLISH PLAGE. 22 nice and cheap lota , very near to the bus Incsapart of the city. located a very few step * Bouth of the Convent and St. Mary' * aven jand Just snutli of and adjoining the ground of James \Voolworth and WJ. . Council thew are cheap and very desirable , being so handy to bus iness parr of city , to new goyernmeot depot , nail works , white lead works , U. P. depot , stock yaid ? , packing houses , etc Call and get pUt and full particulars. Price 3275 to 3350 and ewy terms to those who build. CEO. P. BEMIS. Agent. 15th and Donglaa SU. 3choice resilience Iota tn 21th street , between Dou < Iaa and Dodge strctjts ; J1.100 to J1.2SO exert and long time to thofa who will build. 2 choice corner low nor 2tth and Farnham strcjta , 65x121 feet , 31,160 and $1,200 , and very ewy term * to purchasers who will improve. Also t lota on 21th , betucen Farnham anil Dnuglag s-reetsoO to ? I,600 each and long timo. timo.ftT2SO ftT2SO nf 'he best bu incf lota In the clly of Omaha for rale , located on every business street , 3500 to 36,000 each. tSTAl&t very valuable store properties In al most every bmincsi block IS.MiO to JlR.nnrt LAKE'S ADDITION. 10choico residence lota In above addition , Im- mejiately north of and adjoining Poppleton'a beautiful residence and grtmmln , and located on ISUi 19th and ZOt h streeta , 3300 to 3550 each and very rasy terzna to those whowill build. Call and examine flat and get full particular * . OKO. P. BEMIS , Agent. Beautiful building site on Sherman avenne , ( ir.tli strcetbetween Poppleton and the Dudley- I jams property ; 2C3 feet cast frontage on the avenue , by SS'J feet in depth. Will divide Itm k- ing32fe tby3 'J. Call and get full particular * . An aero n lotli street , 10feet e i t frontage by 373 feet deep. Thu ia jngt south of the Kllza- bcth ( Poppteton place. Thia Id gilt-edge , call and get price and terms of BEMIS , Agent. 13 good lota , jii.it north of and adjoining E , V. Hmith'a addition , arid located between 20th and SaunilcM gtrcetn , at reasonable firices snd long time to buver who Improv * . BEM18. Agent. HORBACH'S ADDITION. 13 lots In Ilorhach's flrnt and second add tion * on Itsth , 18th , 19th and 20th streeW , between Nicholas , p nl , Sherman and Clartt streeU , very bandy to U. P. Shops , smelting works , etc. , ranging in price * from from 3JOO to $1:100 : ealh , requiring only mmll payment down and long time at 7 per cent intercut to those who will Im prove. OKO. P. BEMIS. 15th and Douglas Strett. 33 nice low In Parker' * addition , between Saumlen ami Pierce. Klnif and Campbell's Sts. . on Bloncogtrert13lot8 with south front * and 19 with north frontage , only 0 blocka north of the turn-table ( end street-car track ) on S tinder * street. Very ! * * prices ; 175ca h.or J200 on 1 one time nd 8 per cent Interest to those who WtJrl50 ) good farm * for sale In DouglM , Barpy , Washington. Curt , Dodge. Saundera and Eastern tier of counties. ffry.0 000 acres best selected land * In th state for mo by thia agency. Call and g t mapt , circular * and full particular * . r-flTBemis'newnnpof Omahj , 60c and 31.50. jtarBemiV new pamphlet ( and map of the State ) entitled "tho outlook of Nebraska" fur free distribution. Geo. P. Bern is' , REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 15th & Douglas St , , OMAHA , . . . ? . N.H