Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 2

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Otrs COCVTRV * WESIW wo wi ' shrey ; b * plea' J
to hat r 1mm , on all tattlers cOM > Wt i with
croif , conn'ry polill'p , union toy tubject
biteiTr. of jenciil Interests to the people cj
< rarb'ste Any Jnlossnatl-n toEEecied Ub
Vt < election , W d rcJMIcj to Coeds , ncc'dcnV ,
! ! ! bs giad1 } rc-ctlvtd. An such coaiaun'cs-
tr , rsxi't le is biltl ta posilb'e.
ts wrtten on on
rtfl.ssusl ine oh fcad
conmurica'-Jcn cf
wry ouie accompw-y my -
B-vtt Ttf.aej0tv r. This 1 * not Intel < 3 J for
ynbllcttl-n , bctforouroira tktisitiUca ind
s jiroot cf food faith
A-ccotT > cmcCTSCl r.didaies 'or Office 'l.etb-
r.t mitt 1 y f If cr fr ends , end -nbttber no-
"tJoes cr corrmunicztlormyo the Jd'tor.'tte '
cntjlrioraliatiois rroansde tlop'y j .r o iJ ,
nd will l - cJ.Hr.edffra'td'crtl'uirint * .
jlVsro xort'isre eontriUitlrm fla litor. ryor
T ottliocSftt ct rinO ; we will net tndert&V
loj ) cttncrr retfiTO thef at Jo y c * *
* triv r. f ur ftsfl IP Krff'lcti'y J rgi to
mrre th n tc rly our limited pic .
AU con n > unIeitorB'i < iildbe ndi'rcB'f d t- >
E EO'KWA"1 ER. Edit * * .
" 27. fc ijfofuvc sfca ? ? jxz laict to mmci
atiaxj anJ prevent unjwt ditcriminatlon
nni. exicriton in all elMiya 0' tzprcs : , tde-
fjraph and rsibvaJ companies in thin ftatc
and enforce fufh laics ly adequate ptnaltia
o the extent , if nccctiary , for ihctt purpose ,
< / forjeilurr ( ( tlicir projKrty and frafi-
c'.iy. . * ' [ Sec. 7 , Art. VI , Nebraska Con-
tilution , cnswtwl June. ]
ABOUT the end of August , Alfonso ,
Kpiinrill begin to Bin "Baby
democracy object to Senator
Uauklins's fishing cscusions. Are
they afraid cif being hooked them-
cclvoa ?
THE voice is the voice of imjurcd
innocence , but the smell ia the Israeli
'jf Pinners cadet ( -lip trafficker , rip-
rapper and government cucV.erer.
THE RtpvUivm wishes it distinctly
understood that reform is none of
i heir feast. The trouble ii , they fear
it may be more of their funer&l.
THE report that Sara Bernhardt
bring lior children with her to
America is denied. They wll accom
pany her to Brest. "Thus iar and no
father. "
the new regulations govern
ing registration , the huckrtteri and
traffickers in votes 'will be ctu tailed in
their profits from elections. Hence
the squeal of Charley Banckes to his
newly imported editor.
Tueusutl French duel was fought
yeituriay between the editor of the
* ? OIJ and JVputy Yitcillar. Ifo
blood wa * ulied , princ'pale ' aad second *
fell in each other's armb tndlheq-iar-
icl was discuBsed over a banquet in
the evening.
T cc success of the French ropubli-
ciir.a throughout iho municipalities is
oven greater than at first rcpirted and
ensures a Bfn le mcro thoroughly in
harmony with the Do Freycinct cibi-
nct than Jho present one. Jn some of
the towns thu fallic ; ; off in the vote
* rng vpry 1 ? , ? " ' Op ttCCOUtit c Ilia j
c nf aevoro * measureu ugainsl the
Jesuit : , but tno IO'FSO were more than
made np ia the lnrcc cities vrhtrc reli
gion is not allowed to nioslo with
i > > 1 ticF.
OMAHA'S fictorzef , wlhoat ez ep-
ion , arc doin a projpsrous basiuent.
The Btnelting worVp , the lead vroik ,
iho nail worts , auil 'l other indus
tries < f our city ere nnnsually tciiv
and the demand for their product ) i
paid to bo n etettdily JncroBsins one.
There is still room for a number of
netr industries in our city , all of
vhicn would pay larfjo profits. Aa e.
raanufacttmng centre , at no very di -
tast day , Omaha ia bound to become
ft { .Offer In the trans-Missouri country.
tandidate and thruld receive a more
cordial tupportfronivo kinsmen than
has any o her president al candidate
I jr yiars. Uowas a lab rer himself ,
then a cirpjnter , and by his own tact
raised the meacK to fit himself for c l-
U ej and the high public pillions
which he IIJD hold since. Bis entire
course in congress hna been opeuly on
the side of American workingmen anc
in favor of such legislation as would
in their best interests.
GEXEIUL HiyrocK's letter de-
> uande , oa behalf cf the democracy ,
"R full vote , free ballot and fair
count. " The Xcw York 2Yi'6ime fcne
coliestcd a few tellmt ; etatittics of
what a free ballot and fair count
means under democratic rule in the
south. Iu Alabama in 3872 the re
publicans cast i0 * 271' ballots , raid the
democracy 7i > ,444. Sisyoara later the
tlemccrtt * polled 89,571 votes aad the
republicans tan no ticket , becuuso de
feat under Ihe circumstances wae in
evitable. In the Btute of Mississ
ippi in 1872 the republican * polled
73,324 votss , nnd the democracy
52,857. In 1877 , after four years of
midnight murdsre , bulldozers and
democtatic canvassers , the republican
vote had fallen away to 11C8 r.d the
democratic had risen to 07,727. In
South Carolina in 1876 , the republi-
caus cal 91,766 votes and the demo
crat * D0,8 % . Two years later 13
votes repreEcntod the strength of tre
Trpublican party in thai ttats , and
t. sue ballots and rifle clubs gave the
Nomocracy a cleat majority of 119S3
ever thtir oppcnentu. These are a
/ " examples of vliBt'a full vote ,
u free ballot and a fair count
t can In ttat section of our coumrv
f.-ctn irh ch the democratic party look
for 13S out o 185 electoral vctea
uece&sary to elect their notaines. In
the face of each a record ths dem-
r crcy tf cocrtewant nothirg but a
' r&&ballot and fair count. "
Ir is a HtLe over twoyears tiacalha
itleniio-of the reading public aad lia
Siiincial vrcrld was eflled to tha
lrf2ilnginoie ee of siunlepal debtin
t istJnited States. Tit facts prv
saited-wers 3ore thcz tartliag net
-a nuca zoa tie earirirsus amount
of siusisie lidebtcdaess T ? Ici they
tion indicated by our towns and cities
ii plumin. ; into d bt and virtually
in rfg'g'ng the p-nperty of the r
c tiz n < aa npciir ty for its rcdemp-
i..n. In 1870 tve whole local ( le t
< .f . the Uniied States as given by
the cmsvi ? , wa > § 515,810,060 , cf which
187,455,540 WK county indebtedness
und 5323,244 520 was city indebted-
uess. ! n 1S78,130 cities in the Uui-
ttdStites prrasnted atfitsmen's ' sh < vw-
iig their debt to be 8644,373.543 ,
which was more Ihsn ten par cent cf
their atssssrd valuation. A few com-
pai Ssr-ns-with the ett'oments of pre-
csdirg years showed that in twilre
years ninnicipil debt had increased
600 per cant m th United States ,
taxation hat ) frown 83 per cent and
properly valuation only 76 per
onr. The stiifstics of local
i-idebtrdnrss , now btinz prepared in
the offls of the superintendent of
the cai S' , show an increase ever the
l t rensu" , in coun'y. city and town
i'ldib'erlDe'-s , of § 335.000,000. Of
this , 'h greatest increase has ban in
citiss aad towns , the county debts
showing a small per oenta e of in-
crsiee. Bit iha meat sufg'S'ivo fact
c mrction with these figures i
ihatthed b s of the citie ? , towns and
! < < K ( s have increase i at a ratio far
; rrater than the increase in the value
of property or Iho number of the
> opiition. ) ! Burdens haue been laid
on communities which will for years
imjiida their progrosa and clog their
energies. The attempt to make the
iuturo biar the burdetis of tha pres
ent is iu most instances a foolish and
\\asteful policy. In the case of per
manent improvements , uhich nre im
peratively demanded by the present ,
and which will increase property val-
ustiou in the future , the case is , of
course , different , but in a majority of
= 6J reported the great increassi of
: ocal debt has arisen from the mere
ratification of local pride or schoinea
organized to fill the pockets of corpor
ate monopolies.
THE republic n still pirgists in its
'alts ita'cmonU concerning the pro-
jo ei purification of the primary elec
tions in Douglas county. It still psr-
sist * in it ? determination to misrepre
sent everything that the executive
committee will pass upon * nd toake
al decision ai to the claims of con-
test-n's. This , in the face of the
prcceedinga of the central committee ,
published in their own paper lst
tidiy , which plainly End explicitly
provide thut all conizstt shall bt
ddtnnintd by ths contention and no
ntestant aha1. ! be admitted to a seat
nntil tha 01 nvcution has passed
favorably upon his claims. Such per-
aistsnt lying a lha Republican resorts
to in this cftsa must deprive that paper
of the re'pect and confidence of every
decent man.
Tcs Coufid briiadi rs and bourbons
bens have lnrays opposed the super-
v a on of elections and regulation on
tin pl a that th y wanted frea elec
tions. H-tchcick and his brigade of
rapuat N and bu'nmjrE , are ppposid
to the. rutr-iijiia rcpubllOin Vct
for the Btmu reasons/ They want D.
ires and cp < n e'cctionwhere tney can
vo.o as often ns < hej pisses.
Ma. BiioncocK never opens hia
tncuth wiihoJt i U'tii > f ! his foot in it.
He has imprudently wnitan an open
Isfer to Rosewater , and if hs is ecari-
fiad or ezcoii-ited he will htve only
himself tn blimo. A rep'y to his
open letter will appear in our next is
sue , end wd confidently assart that it
will Bt'.euce ' that olJ fraud for come
THE detltnainn of M131ipfl ,
le&vea the Board of E iuciticn the op
portunity to undo thi muale which
they tlecting th t rnin totha
tupfrn.t-ndeiicy of our schools. . It
ii hlgh'y important that the board
should at one3 take ttspe to elect D
new atipjrintDiident one cf exp'ri-
esca and ubi'.ity , and Qua in who e 8
laotioa tie question of rclieious ten
ancies hsve nn part.
HITCHCOCK Bays no man , no matter
how honert he may be , can bo trusted
wi-h rfgistration. The confeds nnd
Tammany repeaters say no republicans ,
no matter how honest they may be ,
can be trusted with supervising nn
iruatrntcd Army Album.
About the beginning of the present
yoay some one of tho'nar department
conceived the idea of collecting for
preservation in the archives of the
nation photographs of our military
leaders who are BO rapidly passing
away. A circular was thtreforo issued
by the adjutant general a'kin ? for the
pictuns. It was desired that photo-
g-aphs be sent of all general officers
commissioned by the president of the
United States , including brigade com
manders not actually commissioned ,
during the eventful neriod which , be
ginning curly in 1861 , terminated in
in April , 1865 , by the surrender of
the forces of the late confederate
Etatcs. The cc llection thus sought to
be made , the circular went on to say ,
it was proposed to arrange eventually
for preservation in the archives
of the war department in an album ,
which would exhibit the leaders of the
6averal brig Je ? , divisions , army
corps and armies of the United Sta'es
in the treat conte t for the suprema
cy ( fihaunion. Some three hundred
officers havcro'ponded and their pho-
graphs * rb arranged in two largo al
Vum The albums are made for two
hundred photographs each , suited to
c binet size. 1 hsro are among others
alrfdv receive liken > s es of General
Phil Kearney , General G H. Thomas ,
General Mynde , General McClcllan ,
General GarfieW , President Hayes ,
t'ongresunan Kiefer , General Pope ,
General Ros cnnB , Gov. Dix , General
Humphrey ? , General Paul , wht'Be eves
were destroyed by a Slinnio ball ,
General Forsyhe , General Ingallsnd
many others i f cheater or lesier note
The value of sjch a collection care
fully i resTrsd for nso of future his
tcrUss cannot ba over-estimated , und
the country at la-ge will cartinly
share in the'nlerrst fcik'n 'n the m t-
t rby thecSsers of the department
It is hntd that 'he fronds crnla-
tires rf dsjpsf ti cfica's will take ih-
tronble to forward their plioieg'anha.
so that , -1 hough dead peihapj killed
on the ne'd/n / ! battle their claim to
9. phcain this gre t albas : ef ho rr
oi ibe Sicrsaeito rirsr
Ths politic-si cninptin waxes 1'ot.
Pl c r digging * on the Cimairju
yield 25 cants to the pan.
There me flittering reports of mines
from the weitera portion of Summit
Ths railrcad between Golcrido
Sprines and ITamtou "as opened on
the 26 h ult.
The wnrk of building a foundation
for the Union Pacific roundhouse at
Denver has begun.
It is atfttsd that it will take eighteen -
een months fcr the S.iuih I ark road
to pe f > ct its big tunnel on the Qun-
ni-on line.
Tha Poudre is now n joying a fcswon
of hmh water , and fcsveial lie drives
that were bsached by the drouth are
agtin < n motfon.
M T3 'han one-third rf all ihe pit-
nti to miner- . ! land mued by the
United States iiovernmant have been
procured through the land office at
Cent id City.
The Smelting works at Argo just
outside "f Denser. > c said tn have
disp' si d i f nrarly to mil'i-m ' tons f f
e < l'and ' silmr oris with n tae past
twelve months.
An att' rney named War or endeav
ored to di p i-e < s 11 i man VVustentt of
of hh | r ' 1'irt ? in a 'd nb ut Grand
lake , MxLlj J'ark , but the old mm
r H ed 8' > iie old settlers and held off
theintrud rs.
Another rich strike of gray copper
is rrpiitod iu a mine near Democrat
mountain , noithwest of Bonta two
miles , Ihe r port spates that at a
depth of sixty f e < t , a tine vein of gray
copper ore watt encountered.
Work on the Highland canal , be
tween the Thompson and Poudre ,
will bo commenced in October. This
undertaking will go ahead , and give
employment to hundreds of workingmen -
mon this fall and winter.
A company is being forme ! in Cen
tral to work an abandoned property
in one of the outlaying districts. A
quantity of ore nuiied years ago was
sent to Ihe smel'ers recently which
yielded § 45 over ti eitmcnt.
Several hundred men have been em
ployed for the p st few weeks work
ing o < the new toll road from Alpine
to Pitkin. The toad is now all graded
on the eist aide of the range , and the
force is now employed on this aide
working towards Pitkin , only eleven j
miloa frcm the rais.
Two guileless Chinamen , fresh from
the Pacific * li p' , gleefully atar.'ed on
the coaih fi r Ainu the o'her day , but
were obiigtd by the citizens to remain
on top of the vehicle during their stay
there , so as not to miss the return
trip on the cnaoh , which they took ,
sadder but wiser Chinamen.
Licut-Gov. Tabor has entered ar
ticles of ine rporat'on for the Lead-
villa tnltphone company to build and
maintain & syst-sm of telephones in
Laad\ille , and wi h n a radius of fif
teen mild ) from the central office in
that city , together with the trunk
lines connector ' Lendville with Den
ver aud other cities.
A "Denver City Chariot and Omni
bus Go. " has been incorporated with
S50.000 capital. Tao object of this
company , a-j undentood , i * to put the
chariot siyld of ointiihim on the
various streets in the cry of Denver ,
runni' ' g u > to the suburbs , and t. carry
pacsa gers to any point on their Jinsa
at a five.eutfdre They expect to bo
able to commence bnsi&css on or about
the first of S.p'einber.
The most icroarkable event of the
soiB'in occurred a f-iv t'aya sgo in the
Arkansas river , when fish by the huu-
ore's , fish by the thiuiai.ds , liaed
tint scores of iho r.Ver , nud came ap
parently asking to 1 } ' , CiU ht. Th'iua '
ands wera cau iit by htnd ontho bank
0 * 'ho str am. Thefi-h were not doa3 ,
d fi this their ' .
r roa'on s'r.ingscon-
duci could not b : > acoo'Jiitfd ' for by the
itu.c3 of p iajn in the river.
From eight miles south of Butte
creek IT csgat roilo * beyond Bear , in
the S-tgreaulie countiy , iu a f t 'p 25
rail B in width , and in Ijnyth 40 , be
ginning at f ( rks of Bear ai d running
west , ihu c tmtrj 73 eutircly b. e , the
grats having compleie'y ' perished for
want cf r ° m This BUIDC tract eight
woelis HCO n'oS the inntt promising cf
ly on iLo lange. T'so rains having
skipped it , the tender ; K3 perished.
The IHOA ! org < n'z-ition known ss
the L sdville , Ten Ahe ! anrl Br ckm
tidge rain : ad company , which hug
butn eni ; g d in conatruotit g a rail
road froui it dv lie to T < m lililo
ing di tric-v , dhch treed ull its grading
laborers and discontinued all norli ,
pursuant ti a control entered in o
with the Denver & Rio Grande ia 1-
way cnmpsiiv , nhich it activ ly eu
giRtd in pathing ita line i iio that dist -
t ict. Tne D. nver & Rio Grandp
compiry has assumed f'C contract f
tha iccul eompavy ana al > o entered
tnta a contract with its gr dirg c n-
ti-Art rs 10 conttruct a part .f its
E-gla River ex easion , wcrk upon
which is soon to commenco.
Reports from the JNortb park mines
are good.
Thn machinery for the stamp mill
near Douglas is noirly all in.
Chcyenno eztiocts to hr.vo a new
opjra house ready by winter.
The corner Btono of a new Masonic
building was recently laid ia Rawliue.
The Eantiats of Cheyenne propoec
to bnild a ne\7 church building shortly -
There ara now building in Chey
enne 75 building' , both large and
suia ! } .
Cheyenne will have a running and
trotting meeting ( ho latter part of
this month.
Very favorable reports in regard to
recent discoveriesat flahn'a peak have
been received.
Coal is getting a little scarce ill the
vicinity of Evaiutou on account of the
striking Chinamen at Almy.
Again it is said that work on the
Wyoming , Montana and Pacific rail
road will shoitly be c < nimeuced ,
A live stamp mill has been bought
and will bo placed in position at Ourn-
miL3 City as soon an possible.
The business men of Rawlins are
being urged to subscribe to the build-
iug of a wagon read to Worm Spring' .
Larainie county has within its bor
ders mi ro than 240,000 head of cat'le ,
80,000 head of sheep and about 5000
held of horses.
Large quanties of h y are now sold
in Cheyenue , of ft better Quality than
usual , and commanding from 016 to
520 per ton.
Pine Bluffs is growing in inlp'or-
tanca as a shij ping point , and it is ex
pected that o.nita a 1 ttla town will ba
hu It up. Ths first shipment of oit-
tla from ths ttrri'ory this seaaor was
sisde from that point Auu ; ; t 3.
Exeiisnunr prevails o-rer ths dis
covery of a bier ladee of silver c rbon-
ntes in the Black Bn'tei in the I yan
Kara court ry , assaying frnrn 40 to
300 ounces to the ton. There ere
s raral hundred nen 5s already , and
ra r-i will - j shortly.
"Wot ! : is beii g pushed at Sect
Spfinga and everjthinz piiced in pro-
pi r shape for the mining of immense
quantities of ooal this fall. It is 6X-
peciad the out-pus will roach at Ifatt
inndred ions ' er day. iha
src vhis e2 2.Ja eaployz 2
? li e3.
Z'snbs of jood losztiozs iiTe
been made at a new camp , which has
been kopr secr-t for some time , on the
wes ; s da of North park over the
ruieo f on Independence raiuntai-i.
On'y ' two mines have ben developed
to uny ertent. Both have been wcrk
d n ght and day. The best ona as-
iys from 1 o 664 ounces of silver
the vein beine about tsirty feet wida.
Another carries silver and coppar in
Urge quantities and nuayn way up.
A reed will bo staked out md tullt
from the neck of tha North park to
the mines. The altitude of the camp
iz quite hiah , the miners being enabled
ta keep their fresh meat buried in the
snow near by. Game is plenty de * r ,
tlk and antelope bbinj found within a
short dia anc of the camp. A district
will be organ'aad , a recorder elected
and the camp put in ship shape order.
A fine bed of marble has been dis-
cevered near Park Ci'y. The'e are
apparently various s'ra'a ' of diff rent
colors a beautiful v < Jeg ted blaak ,
also reddish brcwn , g > etly retemb-
1 ng the Scotch marble , end a pure
white Thsledge is apparently about
75 feet wide.
According to the recent surveys of
the Great S-lc lakoits greyest length
IE 93 milles , while its greatest wid'h
is 43 miles. Th < present pp-nnrat-on
is b utoua in h per day , and the in-
flus if water th o ig.u u. - my rivers
entering is a littla more. As soon
as the snow in the hills gives out the
lake will begin to lower.
The most important mining matter
in the territory is too discovery of
very extensive antimony mines in Iron
county. The discovery was made about
a year since. The findtrs , however ,
did not know what it was and offered
a man of Pioche , Nevada , a half in
terest if ho would ascertain its value.
The latter found that it was antimory
mining from 33 to 64 per cent cf the
metal per ton. Prospecting wa com
menced as soon as the snow was off
the ground and the discovery was
madtjuf nolesjthan ledges carrying
Helena's opera home will be opened
September 26th. Itwi 1 cost gSO.LOO.
The hay crop in the Prickly Pear
valley is estimated to be from ono-
third to one half short this season.
Some excellent cropping * of cinna
bar ara reported to have been fou d
in a gulch north of Tin Oup Joe can
The Missouri river is falling very
rapidly , and late freight will hardly
reach" higher than Cow Island by
boats ,
The Piegan Indians are moving to
ward the buffalo country , which ta
now east of Benton and near the
Musielshell country.
Placer ground at the head of Ten
Mile , near Helena , ig reported recent
ly opened that prospects as high as
SI to the pan.
Snow rell and laid for aomo hours ,
down to the foot hills , on the 20th.
Ton days before the thermometer
stood 100 * in the shade.
The returning Yogo miners nil
a ree that the main gulch will not pay
to mitio by Email companies , but will
liave to bo vroikod by a bod-rock
Tha Episcopal churoh committee of
Benton intend building this fall. Four
thou'nnd dollars have been sub-
ecrib-ii , and the intention is to erect
the fiiust chnrch in Montana.
The miners of Sprinzvil'e have
leased e water of the French Br
ditnh , which runs from Benver creek
it Frnch Bar , at an annual rental of
2000. A ditch to conduct the wat rte
to the mines is to bo constructed by
the lessees
M < > n am grnin and vegetable crops"
promi o 10qua' ' 'f they do not ciczed
thtt of 187S ) , the largest ever pro
duced. H y alone wi 1 be leas than
tha prrdu t cf a year ago. Tha aea-
< rn is l te , but the hRrvcB'era ' , ii is
b liovid , will all gut in their work
ahead of frost.
A variety of fruit trees , of three
fd four years trowih , are in beirirg
in and about Helena. These inchidt
at pie , dwarf pear , plum and crab.
Bmh fruits are abundant , such a >
cur.-r.nti and gooseberries , whik bltck
cap and red mpberries are in moder
ate supply , retailing at 7o cents a
Grasshoppers ore doing some dam
age to the en pi in North Idaho.
It is predicted tint before January
1st the machine shopi now located ut
Lo an will bo moved to B akkfroot.
At Guttonwood the setters have
built astcckade and fortified them-
jlrea ogainat the Indians m that
Lieutennnti Farrcv. . Benham and
Robert * oa have left Vnouver with
45 * outs to nmke nc-tmpnign in east
ern Oregon and westarn Idaho.
A great deal of snow is still
in tbo canyons around Summit F
a ma of which will remain until snow
flies again.
The \Veslern "Union
will bnild a.
telegraph line through the Salmon
river country and Bonanza will ajon
ba united with the outside world.
Arrangements ara being made to se
cure a supply of water at different
points mi the desert between Blnik- :
foot and Lc > * t river. Hitherto tnains
h-ivo been obliged to go 15 miloa out
of their way to take water , but now
the route will bo the best from the
railroad ,
A bridge is talked of across the
Snake river ner Blackfoot , and s ein
likely to built PS tmlf the stock w.31 ba
subscribed in New York. It will bo
wir-J suspension bridge about 400 feet
long , and is to cost § 20,000.
The contract for the bridge across
the Salmon at Eist Fork has been lot
for between $3500 and $4000 , and tha
work has commenced. It .s to bo
from 150 to ISO foot in length , and a
diamond pier 16 by 32 feet in the cen
ter filled with stono.
There are only 130 men employed
on the Cascade locks at present.
Throughout the Willamette valley
early sown wheat ia turning yellow ,
and the grain will ba heavy and
A hailstorm on Bear creek , southern
Oregon , recently destroyed many gar-
dans , and a windstorm in the same lo
cality bloir buildingsdownandinjured
Captain Hustler , of Astoria , has
16,000 cases of ta'mon in his ware
house awaiting sh pment to Europe by
the bark Freeman , now discharging
railroad iron in Portland.
A large warehouse will shortly ba
constructed at St. Joe , in connection
with the depot buildings of the W.
O. R. Bs , excivntion for the founda
tion beinj already in progress.
The recent flood has inju-od the
channel of the loivi > r Columbia , near
As'oria , by the shifting of sand bir , '
and a. gr&it deal of dredging at ths
Ho's Back will be necessary.
Tha i.op e ip in Lane county proia-
ifei immensely" The yards have been
srell attended , and under the stinju-
lus affurdtd 'sy a prospers of twenty
cents par pound the bameEtisg will
be conducted TitH care.
The caasusamns from evcy die-
irs ia rhs stita iave ossa r eaVc5j
c.d eiov i pulitio'a cf i75.0W. ! c
The IT'S custi s eist cf tit
mountains i ehov a gin of 171 per j
cent. The WilWe tv Uey enun-
' ! s hw n g tin of 67 n r cent. Port
land's 1 population ia 20,540.
Ths Irjrgicg industry n reviving on
3VI drivtr.
Tn homy crop is undoubtedly
short in many aectirns.
In the r&'t half year Ctaverdala
has shipped 692,218 pounds of wool.
_ Trent spawn is being shipped to
Kew Zoaltud from the MoCloud fiib-
Some of the finest in So
noma gcowB on tha top of the moun
It it said that $25 per Inn has been
pffen-d and refimd for Mission grape *
in Sonoma.
Nevod * coun'y has 217 mining and
irrig.tiin ditches , aggregating 824
mi es in len th.
DiV'ng th yiar ending June 30th ,
the St < k' n p"'pir mil s produced
over 3 6)0 030 poutidi of papar.
A Ke n county f-rrafr he's amher
S'igxr ' cuna which is already twelve
feat huh. It planted in May.
An orange tree planted at River
side in 1871 will mature next sj rmg.
It is estimated that it will yield 2000
orang- .
A-Jirqe flock of PPstern quail have
be'n hatched out at Chi jo , and are to-
ported to ba thriving on a ranch in
that Vicinity.
Capt. Bad ? , after inspecting the
rivers and tulo lauds , th-nka the da-
bris question one of greater magni
tude than he had expected to find.
There will ba seventeen feet of wa
ter at extreme Ijw tide at the end of
the n-iw wharf at Santa Monica , which
will allow all grades of Echooners to
lie alongside.
About 400 tons of saap root fibre
have been gUhered in the vicinity of
Tunnel Hill , Phcer county , by Chi-
nrse within the past four years , and
shipped to San Francisco.
It U eaid nud denied that the Big
Tree Grove , at Felton , has been put-
chatod Hy thoS. P. 0. R. R. Compa
ny for $40,000 , tha intention being
to erect a fine hotel thore.
The census enumerator of Nevada
county came across two ladies who
were twins. One of them placed her
age at 28 years tnd the other at 23
yearo. Cause one was mairitd and
one was singly ,
The har\est reason ii in full blast
in Stanislaus countv , and the yield
of < ? rain will bo the largest ever known ,
inhere are about thirty steam thresh
ers at work in the county , turning out
on an average about 1,000 sacks each
> er day.
The fish m Euglo lake , Plumna
: ounty , MII dying by thousands ,
[ 'here is no apparent cause , flH Ihe wa-
er in the lko is h'gher this season
ban formerly. It ia curious that
none but the chub din , s the lake
conl-ins trout and a number of other
arietiee having been stocked with cat-
tiB.i from tVp"
National PepubUc.n.
It wi 1 win bfcauae :
Tha demouatio showed its ineom-
potency to dtal wiih the crime of EC-
Tnu stalerightsnotionof tlomocracy
wh n put in prso ica would legitimate
ly le tt t > dit-U ) | ion ? "d war.
Ihe dem > era io lender * in congrcta
Vd CiiC'iuri ' gomant to the rtbela Vy
inosii'g all tije laadin ? measures by
w ici 1 > no the rebellion could be
Ttevvapplauded the tcner ls who
f'Rfd-jff * * ' u < ' * t nixTr'erly inaotirtty ,
j-fwichculctl and btltclod thi sa whv
mov < : < i with \5gor and punished with
'J hey denounced the ibeiio of green
Ttioy oj-p--afiil tie financial rpora.
tions of iir. through the na
tional bank ? .
Th > y declared that the rabellion
O'Uld not be put down.
The pronounced the war a failure.
Troy t- Ked that emancipation was
aa ntr ge.
They uppcssd the conalitutional
Thvy d cbred ths attempt to re
store acouud bt > chimeri-
Tney predlctdl "nothing but ruin"
4s iho i--- U . i tso fiiiBUcial policy cf
hj rspubhcan * .
They eocouraga-1 the u'tra demand
of t a icbila in anjbaus of scttlaincnt.
ThByescused-ha kuH'ixand trinkcd
at tha ou r. i3U' > n ctLnd andirhilo
vc-t rs in the sbth. .
They oigatiaed iie tiaaue ballot
They ronnive a1 , Ihs sturondous
fr niiB iu -ni-iana and New Yurlj.
Tiey withheld the piy if le nl c ffi
cers of thu g.vrnn sit because they
pcifornicd tt e du i a to wh.-ch th y
Wdro aiEigoed , and ihrmtentd to stop
fie wheels of gove nmont altogf ther
u ileas a single branch of congress
could control all 1lehtinu. .
They favor ihe pasn ge of bills
pushing through southern claimB on
insufficient testimony , and in a way
that if Continued will add millions to
iho expenses of the war and keep up
tbo buulin of the war debt for a quar
ter of a coiiTury to come.
Toe demotr.itic party is the prty
of secession , war , plunder , disunion ,
rebellion , state riuhla , disorder , ) , cornmo'i'in ' , debt and disaster.
Iia prdoicticiiB fall , booause they
are founded on ianorance.
It holds a toliU south as its boast ,
an i governs solid south in a way
tint enterprise shuns it and beggars
mourn their inability to flso there-
The solid soutb , full of natural re
sources in mines , forests , rivers , soil
and products of various climes , is so
governed by the master spir-ts cf de
mocracy that immigrant ! give it a wide
berth , ajd laboring men seek homes
in the north and west , where natural
sdvantasca ere inferior , BO manifest is
t'.ib ' disability under democratic party
Tha people do not mean that such
govern-i ent shall bo extended over
the wholu country , and hencv.
The republicans are next time sure
to win.
Goc-d Testimony.
Congrassnun Wm. H. Felton , of
Georgia , a democrat of the straight-
eat soil , hsaroil { admiration for
Gjne'al Garfield , whom he has
known in'imately. Mr. Felton re-
cmtly said :
I know General GarSeid peisonilly ,
harj baan on the same committee
with him , and be is a gentl-man of
peed morals , eioial , clever , and hss a
grand mMlct ; ints.lecta ) ! y he has
no nuperiur in the house. He is a
good man , fcj.3 a mind of ineihausti-
ble resjurcss , and I hivs not a word
to say to dpfc'act 'r ' < m hia integrity.
ci K'.it't , " and tt .t Is
Pr f. Onilice t'J J r ish Zidnty Pids
J.ST h .d sn > h m ea nan. ' ssl . Isr iJ p tltr-e-
o ! peopls , .
with s. d'8 as d livr , Jsdigattaon , hsart-
bare , watarbrash , s5nr st < ioach , or ges.-
arally irtolaraala biliou-aesE , z * ii is
tsrned , a e atercury. Thus : s dez < > rlcs-
tinily. psrc p , bnr the onaaireplica &r-
23 = 6 = 1a. . Oh. a ric } ? win roiciiao M-re ;
asd spleoi acaji blca cuejr. Oi'dd I Wi
p iu ' ; e ftrtulSvzo Is. Kdiiei ,
iari s . ] : , i-a tiar siss-
iizsu : icy of i isjurira
TOP. FREE nisTh.3lf1-ION
J M Cultaie , icd 1. c L -t e.jjelcf ii a'
! afc m ti&n fcr ! nTWiJi snrt lt.- Sa sr ! r tiacs.
ymzt. EihiuiriTiz ind ? itn > ! . : D.wuu. 'LivtJ
oit t.ei--5 uycn hoal' n utf huoji-i o j rmri.
> a < 3 t r CSBT u- -
cf & ur , tre ar.w r i. nd valn a ! u.fnrsii'iina
U to M wr-f * r Hi ntd tf icj ; ! o l -
view. Th abjM cf Eif-'nc B ! u wivMoi'ictnf ,
fcnd tC9 hucdrvl and cot quf ption * of " si in-
taaw ta stifftiinj hamiaity , art dJl } * ; 2ili a
ltd olben who -lilTir from v to.n ud ? hifiil
DsWlitj , ! , is cf M " ! j Tikor. 1'r.u' Ljh.n
tlin .DJ-.he ttftuy jloojir < * of fii iy
Indi r.iicn , tc. , te * sprsl.illy s uiStKl ty ow-
"rbiiLLErTIilC REVIEW Mjewsib UD3iitii i * < l
frajOa tr : ti d > - omul" nd ,0.1tori
who profo- * to.ttdie < i ruwlic.r.u , " > ' ) l < | i o
ths ocly tsfrf , tlmnU , ni-d eCcvtiv * rc J 5 H i. J.
Vltfrr , an l Bo 1.ty llnrrz * . .
fen.l . jour HddifM en r'1 elrri : 'r * cc ? ' ' " 5
Informaticn wrtih thocinud * vul : v i ul jou.
tf J JL'ea/'d before tli el'nbllc.
nre not recommended as a remedy "for
all the ilia that flebh is lieir to. " but iu
affections of the Liver , and in all Bilious
Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head
ache , or diseases of that character , they
bland without a rival.
No better cathartic cr.n be used pre.
pnratory to , or ufter taking quinine. As
u simple purgative they are nncqualed.
The genuine aru never s.ugar-coated.
Each box hits a re'l-w s seal on the lid.
with the inipre ion McLANK'S LIVER
PJLL. Eui-h wrapper bears the igIla
tuicb of C. M.LOL ( and TLKMI-VG UHOS.
Z3 Insist tii on havinsr the genuine
Vared by
PLE3I1XG BROS.PHlj-liirt'Ii , Pa. ,
the market bring full of imitations of
the namejref. ne , tpplled differently ,
but tniue pronunciation.
A KpctJy al l Effectual Cars.
Hss stood tb t t of ronrr vr-Ra1 trial.
Dtfectiont ic < ih ta < h txitlit.
Ill A UT CD Loral A.' wry beta to sell
WAN 1 til lea , loff. . Bakinjf 1'owdcr.
n \onn hitrac'p , il < , by Miap'c , to [ 4mtli. < ,
Profit govd outfit free. IVuj.lo' : ) Tea Co. , Box
5020. Sv. o i ° . Ho.
always Cu\fos and never disap
point ! ) . The -worl ls great Pabi-
Kclievor for Man Bt-ost.
Cheap , qnich R7id
Is uot Narcotic. Children
row fat iipou , Tuotlicrs like ,
uud PLvaiciana r
JBoircis , cures V.'iI Colic ,
nllays Fovevkliiic. . , a.Ufl ii.v
etroys "Worms.
TARR.H Cnrc. a Constitutional
Antidote for this terrible mala
dy , Ly ABsorptic n. The siost
Iiaportaat DiscotreTy sicoo Vac
cination. Othur remodloa may
relieve Catarrh , thlv cures ct
any stage tofora Coasumption
seta in.
Cures the moat ilniigeroufl cases of
Inflammation of tli Throat. Mump1 ! , Cancer
bores , Whooping CXagh. iind all acute and
chronic diseases ol the Throat ,
Scarlet Fever ,
MEASLES , _ RASH , POX in every
form & . all eruptions of the skin.
It is an unfniiuf ? rera < "iy and nrotectlon In
times when th se diseases prevail.
It cures all ca-et arbltia from TEETTIINR
In children , forlnitanco Vf > ra Fever et < x ao-
compinicd by Cr.impi. Spasms , VomlUns ,
C'vinstlpaticin nnd Irr trftlon.
Aouto and chronic cUsea5e3. lor Instance
LUIVJ. H art. Liter .ini Kid ley Complaints :
Bilious Fc\cr and Biliousness , diseases of
ths gall and bladder , and all urinal diseases ,
piles etc ,
Weak stomach , loss of appetite , dlspspsla ,
constipation , windcoUc , etc. . ec. :
IE pirs Blood and ell diseases arlslns ther-
Fenals Complaints , weak and irremlar
menstro tlon. lack of bloofl. pslns in tns'back
bafors and alter tfce period , en orosls , whUni ,
etc. A sura COM !
will conrtncs ths reoit sker.tlcal In a few
honri after girlru : It a trt 3 ct Ih mifaliine
wmtlre proDeitSss : U ftkenmm&41rito-aj ! ; *
yoc cave taka cold. craJ erdrtakln7lrap1Jr&
OTiter or Iced tt nlll be a sare rrcTE '
Gi/e ii a irzl and yc-j v/ili be
v'rced ' that you ha jctth
Fell direction : sivss. oc eoi : bscl
Price per Bottle Sl ' ,
Jcr sile ty an
in I cr.
Aonnts kipt In CaT'Sney or gold subj ct ted
d hi i.beai Me 'cst no ic
O rt flcatrn of ilrpci t I * Ud rari'ls In thro ,
fl .dr- Tom cths. brtrtn ; lnterit , or oa
ctm nd wltluui luUr&it
Artv ucrf mads to stnmtr r > n approved f
curl iat mi > i - . ra ! s of Imerc * ' .
luya d11 r > M hills of > lcbi ? 3 Govim-
U'e 11 S t O nx'y ia i Uty Bomli.
rr - B S t Pnft rn ' n land , I tlicd , 6 ot-
lai d , hi < 1 .11 r rt8 cf Eu-ope
3-U E ro
t-pi M
Cor. 13th ana Farnaara Streets ,
d Hi > ation l tank , Aujruat 20,1SC3.
Capital and Profits Qver$300,000
Hf ecially uhnnail by the S .rcur > or Treasury
to rtctlvj Subscription to ihe
r. Itoi'.viis. Tresl'dit ,
oi'nTca KO VTZB , Vice PrcsiJ nt.
II. V , ' . YArrh. a-hler.
A. J. ? orLEiov Attorney.
JOUN A. IK loitiuv
IT. U. DAVI" ,
Tim bank receives deposit without mtrJ to
Is-uts ttms ifrtirtaiteibcurlni : Intertrot.
Hia silralts on Sjn K anclsco iinJ p-incipal
cities < f the l'niu-1 rta'cj. sl < j Iioad m. Dubfui ,
Kdlt bur h and Iha principal ciUis of iho cunti-
urnt ol Gnro { < e.
Sol Mimiige tlcke'8 for Einijrintsln the In-
man line. niayl'tf
Geo. P. Bern is'
15th ih Douyloi Sis. , Oirjih-a , Neb.
Thla ftsency ilocs STRICTLY broktrairo busi
ness. Dow notsscculate , andtherofora any bar-
filiia on Its booKtun Insured to Ita patrons , la
uteail of hoinr eoW > l-1 ! up by th e aeent
S tfc HILL.
JV'O IjOS fitrnhani fitrtct
Offiiv ? Xori'i 5Ule crp. Grand 0 QtnJ Hotel.
Nebraska Land Agency.
1603 FatnJutm St. Omaha , V
4WMWO ACR ES carefully -elected Ucd In Fa t nj
Nibra-Vn for sale.
nrcat Bi'-punsia Improved forms. andOmiha
cityutnper v
La'a 1 aad Com'rC. P. R. It- < r > teb7U
Byron Reed & Co. ,
K < * p i ooru'iTit * stnet nf tnl < to all R ? l
hstite i Omih'i end Po'inU'0 nntv. irajltf
Cor. Eandop ! > fi & 5th Are. ,
jWCVQ-'J fWrf. . . rr t * . _ S ! . * TCrS i > M.A. ,
S2.00 AND $2,50 PER DAY
LI o t < d In ti" Hi-lne.rj tent f , 'ivea-cnt
to pl o B of tinustment LUvtn ly f'.iri
c ntHini"r ) all U * uem Improcmfnt ? , pa
cevaor , fti. J U. CVMMISoS , truprittor.
Council iJ luffs. Iowa <
- - Ralhr } , Uuinibu o ml from
alltmn ? . KATE -Pni-lor tt i-.r , W.OO | > cr day ;
tccocd HOT i2ul prrdiy ; th nl fl or. 3J.CO.
The b ! tIurnUbtUn mo-tcum rdlntin hooso
la the uity. Oho. T. FHELl'S. Prop.
The SktrnjKil tan 'n cenirallr loratcil , nd
first o fi mcio y rfpoct.hivInKrpocnt'ybeen '
entire J rei'un wl Tlic | ia"lic will rtnil It a
comfirlab.o ind ci raslikc hoasc. marStf.
Sciiuylcr , Neb.
Hoc o , Oood Menls. Good Deds
Airy KoomH , and kind acd accommndatm
treatd'nt. Tw i focd tsrup'c rooms. Spoaa
Attention F-aJJ lo tommcri t travdera.
S. MILLEE , Prop. ,
ala-u Schuyler , Neb.
Laramie , Wyoming.
The miner's reeorf , guod cconmo < litlonj ,
anenmp ! room , cbirzei reawnablr. cpciu
attention given Vi tr TeIn ! ? men.
H O im.l.MRD fr-p lor.
Cheyenne , Wyoming : .
FrstclsFine lava SmrJs Koozs , cn
t lock from depot Tr ! z ttp from JO rcnntH !
fo 2 hourii for dinner. Fre ? Bm Wi and from
Dapot. Kate * 32 00 S2 SO aad J3.CO , accordlcg
to room ; 9 ntfo rnezl T5cwits.
A. U. 8ALCOM. Proprietor.
Line of SteainsMps
TUe Ksrv Ycrlc Errry Tit5ji 7 it 2 p. = 1.
England , France and Gsrraany.
TZT ? U 3S * spp 1 1r
0.B , RICHARD & GO , ,
General p-isjeD oi Aj ata ,
J3a 21-lv 01 Bro d ay. Now ? or <
* * 1t 2.1 j
" . ' . / - M.-V Si5isra prii tiiiv. j
I : i - . .t W yiiC. K-i-inlafciift % ct reoL.
We have all tha Latest Styles of Sprbg Suitings , an Elegant
Stock ( of K9.dy-Mada OlotLinc in Latest Styles. Gent's Famish
ing Goods Stook Complet&
In fact the Stock is complete In ail Departments.
tn sco our Custom Department In cbarse of
Sir. ilioijias Tnlloi : .
Hill & I SOS Faroliam Street.
A Positive and Permanent Cure
* Guaranteed ,
I" tl [ cist * at Gravu' , IH he'cs. Dropsy. B-Uht' Disease of tb
Kidne s. Incontinen eand Ketenton uf Url e , lnnn ! tion c
Ib" KicJnays. < atirrh o/tr e I ladder. Hi h Colo-od I'rn" . Pain
tn Ue Uai/k 9 < I ( ? rLio s. Norror wNjjn > 8j , ntl iu fact all
tiiictUnoftha Bidder au < l JJ. l' ry Orituif , warth'f contract
d by p irat d aws ur uthoaw ? e Th 8 R' cut irmoJy has ' e n
i-s'ij wlrn su o ntv nriy ta > < i r 1n "nnc- , with thammt
Konile fiilcuratlva eiect It furi > > ii a iorption ! > < > ra i ou
intc-lik1 jnordn < > s be n loqiirwl. fte > iavo hundtJsof t sll
JnuiilA'Ftctcii'ca 7 this tail * Ion : all "i-chid In e\l-
LADIES. : f j-ou lire s iftir-n lr m "rmaU Weaknrw. te-ioor-
rht i , o- diwfp cullxr to f mi es " ia fict an > di3rji < r. a < U
> o r dm K si t-iT Pruf. Callm tt ' Fiaich Kidney PsJ , and
rai < iwotW. Hb h inoltolKna jJL"0 and juu m
rcwih * U.a I'lil by return EUJ ! A'l.lru'i V. . Bunch.
Toledo , Ohio.
WJil potl > tlv e te f f\tr > , /sue , D-.tnb ouo , Airae Cr. . mlllous FeT r Jaunt ! ) e nj.-pfpsiii ,
me > I djc : fe3 o > the Ui r , toro--h Mul 8 ! < xxt ' he pnd cures tiv Ivorpt'on and U rr > inan i.t
Ask jour liruizis i r a s j I u l tjko i.oothcr If heJinnot kxepit.cscJ jl.iO t tne fKKKCH
HAD I.U. , ( .L. S. CnuiU , 1 ! , i h.o. aiiJ recciv * It t > j retuiu mail KUHN & CO ,
Omiba , 0f.
' 5
In Kegs and Bottles ,
Special Figures to the Trade. Families Supplied at Reasonable
Prioefl. Office. 230 Donelnp Strnwt. Omaha.
C11ili r
Staam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery ,
A T. . QTTlAWft 'n * P.-imrnn Rt-nnt Omnnn.
. O.
123 ! Farnham St. Omaha.
- > ar gai na B
Ear I I r
Wholesale and Retail in
OFFICE CiriTMARKET-1415 Douglas St. Pocking Houw.
Oppos tn Omaha Stock Tn-ds , U. P. B. B.
1421 and 1423 Faraham , and 221 to 229 15th Sts.
The Attention of t'ash and Prorapt Time Bayers Solicited.
and ; bo Omaha Ir n and Nail Co.
s&gSZv 5 ? CJZ5SS&
Machine Works ,
J. F. Hammond , Prop. & Manager
The moat thoroneh appointed and cotrplcte
Msoliino Shops and Foundry In tha state.
Casting ct c ery description traaufactared.
En lr.iv , Pumpg and every claea o rcaohtnorj
made to oriTer.
SpecLil attention tclven to
Weil Anur.slKHcT5 ; , Ilanscnrs ,
Shaftinir , ir(2 e irons , er
Cutting , etc.
Plans forucw iliohir.eryicochancal Dmc ht-
f njr , Modcla , etc. , neatly ejccctai.
Arnng < 5r Rn ia cintl Iftfh
l Iiisiiraucc A cnt ,
ilou , Cieh .ViuctR . c5.10T.l
* EaiC fSTKK. ' \ Y .Cipinl . 1 OOO.tO1
THE JIKKCin.VTS of .Vcwrlc. .V. J. , 1,00"W <
UIRAKFIKEl'l.l a < : lmia.Ciriitr.1. . l.CbO.OUO
It l . aoocro
FIRSMEX" ! FUND , CsIifornU . W0"O
NEnA { K FIRE I.N8. CO. , An t5. . . . KQO.OOO
AMERIOAF CE.\TR\t , Aaseta . 300,000
Southeast Cor. { Fito ntb &
( Koimcrljr cf Gljh & Jicot3)
Ko. U17 Farnhira Ut. . Old Sl nd of Jicoh Glj
Jo. .
Capitol Ave , , Opp. Masonic Hall ,
OMAHA. - - - - - NF.B.
Connects WItu Street Tars
Corner ct b ir\D < HS a.d HAltlLTOK
SIKEfi ; fEad ef R d L rs ) u Juli ura :
LEVt ; o AHA-
6iO , * J-17ind ] 13. ra. 3-03,5 7iadi"2p. = .
TJ.5 la 5 IS . as , a.c/1 IZ.iS T E
* 1.CO . 'it-KlSIip. :
4. 3p = j ruo. Its -'ngFTl Oni hiiW
IMS dtofsu rapt'lrrXta rt-filirf 'i'Vj
Tea * 17 * n. raiviIlI r.- . Xr. = : Wfc {
saaccrnir rf I od { am IJth nurse : *
Iiiieu ci2 p ccorsd fr ta strsit ; ir if.-
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If. P. UJocJi 16th Si.
2reis asi Sa. { a < vt * o ill Tfisiis eec ui5t '
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Dr. Carl Miillers
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Cures the most dangerous ws uf
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It is an Unfailing Remedy and protection
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vines- thai you havs got the bes + '
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