Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
l\To Naval Demonstration
.Against Turkey
German Ma ufactire-s Dome
Out Ahead of Ameri
cans in Tests.
Comment Against Weakening
Cabul by Withdraw
ing Troops.
Special IMsjMtcIi to the 1S..C.
LONDON , August G , 10 p. m. Vari
ous spbclal dispatche-i Indicate that
the porto will pr , b bU conform to
the di'mandti c f ttie poweri on the
Montenegrin ( j'fB'i n and thit the
threatened naval demonstration
hpciial dispatch to The B.c
LOMJHN- , A.J..U1 , G , 1 a. m. In the
lumsoof cQinm n * yesterday in teply
to Air. Q'Ooiiuor
Power , number ? o-
Mr. Footer , cliitf secretary
gltuj , u.j govcrntnput did
H t f-sar auv ri-jtirit ; in Irehnd , bnt
tr.tit in orccr to give confident > to
the wall disp > iod , a small detachment
if tropi would b. ) placed in v rious
localities. Mr Fo'Stereaii he hired
the aid of the m 1 Ury would not bo
required to assUt evictions or f r atiy
other parprjse. llmre was not the
' ? ti > t mo.ace . m the smdig of the
a and hah peJ thuoppi Bition , g-'y the Irish raeinbei > , wmld not
so construe u mere mt astire uf precau
tion which would work as much for
tbcboiu < 6iof I-oijxn.J for tha con
venience of the government.
b'pcdal Dispitcli to The oa
LONDON , August 0 , 1 a. m In the
h'ussa of commons ye 'srday Sir
C .arles Diikf , uud-r gpcretiiy ( f
e a-e for fore i affiir ? , msde an
Jinportan'fi'atBmeiit rcgirding uaaturn
ntlairs. He and * hat the collective
nuia ntid the ponoa reply thereto
would KO n ba laid before p rluraent ,
and that h r majesty's Kovornment
would taku thi h . '
.u o into its conn-
deuce at to (11 th.t had b on done
utid a'l ' tha' . rviuaiiis tu h done 1:1 the
pr nrses. The powers , Enc'and ,
Austr. a , Germany , Ita'y < mi
were a1 ill in coimnuuicttion
tach lh rup ntliu subject An
other c 1 uctivo n-ito from the six
v.-ili bd IT < scntcd tnis wi-ok re-
Jftmu > iijr < i. This net * will
pro ei < t to tao p irtu two i.ltornitive-
Kch nius unl will invite him So accept
011C Of ihelll.
- " *
- - - -
-r- -
rKjCUl UlSpa'Ctl tufllK I'KK.
LONDON , Auuust 7 , 1 a. m. A dis
patch from C Dul taya tha
Can Ji liar division , detailed from tha
liriuth Luces now at Shi * rp ri will
beiin t > march from Cabul to-day.
The march is to ocupy at I < .i8t five
week-1 , aiul much comment is mndo
against weakcn'ii ? the troops at Ca-
but with the pscsout stitu of felling
' among the iiaiivo population in
northern Afghan stall , and especially
in view of t IB fact that if Caodchw ia
to bj attacked at all it will ba botoro
aid can arrive from Cabul. The city
is reported quiet.
Special Dlspaub to the ties.
BERLIN , August 7 1 a. m. The
German comnnsiion on tiro-arms have
been innkini ; elab > r te xper meats
to test the comparative eftL ioi cy of
German and Auiencui niaiiufj-.ctiirc.
M uy muiples of leading manufac
turers hure beeu t-itmined , and the
result of the teitn , thus f r , BCfins to
bo in favor of Germ-vn nllds the re-
ps-ttingW truer nfl batni ; pronounced
a great fcuciitsj. Th's weapon is said
t'j be c p--blo of distributing a greater
number < .f shots with prtcinoii than
any similar gun , bendrs having a
greater range and in ro su table ma-
cninery. Toe cxpenrnentj of ihe
cuininisfioti are unWstood to have
reft-remo to uupplj'ins ; t.o ! entire
nnny with whatv r r fli may bo de
cided to bo best ivdptod to military
use.Tho orgarrzitinn which hat bern
forsoma tana uipr-gr. BJ fur the de
fense of the German ciMBta has been
completed st ihrt war department , and
wilt , it isb HtvoH , woikso \ ell as t >
relieve the feats of the covcrnmcut as
to the safety of the empire in case cf
an attack at sea.
Special dlspntch to The B .
CONSTANTINOI'LI ! , August 7 , 1 B. IK.
For'v thnusii.d troops under Os-
mar PaPha , h ivo bcoa concentrated nt
Spaelil UnoAlcIi tuTho DM-
LONDON , August 7 I a. m. In
the hu < e < if couimotm last evening
Arthur Arnold , taeinljBr f .r Selford ,
ably moved the withdrawal of
rcBtrictioi s imposed oil the
importation of cattlefrom
the United S'ates. Junes
H"Wrd , member from Bedfordshire ,
proposoi n ainennniont. Aftir a
short and dull debate , Mr. Mund'lla ,
rico pro idiiit of the council , said tha
government did not see their
way to raaiovin" reetrlctionn ,
but hid communicated with
the porernmrn * of tLe United Sti > t s
with a vew of securing ' . . < ro string-
Pt r-Juatif ! > r.3 to prevent the spread
of < Usfliso aT.oii cattla in Anierici.
Mr. Arne d dccUuod to withdraw nia
mntinn , and it wai rejected ' y a rote
of 194 egtinst CO.
Bp clil dispatches to Tim Etc.
TOLEDO , August 6 The body cf a
younp wonun w f < uad in Swan
Creel new St. Chir strei-t , this
m irn j , which proved to bo thnof
llattit Downey , a woman of the town.
II ) o iu developments show that she
4 NEW YOKK , August 6. Ejporl * re-
/ gariin the illness of H. J. Jewett ,
rec"u r of the Erie railroad , are
authc tative'y denied by cable dis-
- > atch - from '
to-dny his' private secre
tary in T ondon.
Lo- % , August 6 This morning's
. renoris Mr. '
4jK. | Gladstone's cou-
diliu. . satisfactory to hie physi-
cianas , ana the prospets are promiE-
ing for ac early recovery.
CINOXIUTI , Ancu t 7. The Cin
cinnati ios house and pitch ho'secca-
nested With iKe GarabrirtsE breVcrv
p ; > ; fc alaos : rctslly destroyed by ate
yestprd y afternoon. Loss , § 3,000 ;
no insurance.
_ : NEW Y IIK , August 7 The execu
tive committee of the roaular demo-
cra'.ic 3 ate committee htld two ses-
si ns yestrrdiy and made pnpara-
ti ns for campaicn work. Nothing
whatever WHSaid about a state con
vention that Timmany demands or in
ref rencn to railing the full state com-
nx'-ttoe together.
XEW YOKE , Aucust 6. Geo. Con-
qut-a , the principal performer in the
urw patomiii e comi any at Wallack'p ,
fell twenty fet lactniyht on the stae
and broke his leg.
BuooKMTf , Aucit't 7. Complete
census returns 8 * > nw the p pulfitiun cf
the ciy to ba fiGG 93fl , an increase r.f
84,440 over ttk-sensiis uf 1870. The
county towns show au increase of
WasHiycrojf , August ' ' As soon
as the trent-u-y dep " cm
pare advprtiseaien's. . 1 i ' n. atkbd
f .r the sale of 25,010 tves of Chero
kee Ian' s in Ni rth Caro'mi. .
KEW YORK , Auu : 7. A delega
tion fr. m 'ha Labur Leacue oriamza-
tton had an interview with Senator
Logan yeetorday , for the purp > se of
deteim-uiug thu mxuner of teloctinc
delecnie * from tha western states for
the fo > or cnnven 'on hi-U h ro on
September 1st. Tlia orgtnizition ia
ind prnd ut m politics , and ss it has
i-tron. ; branches in l-e piiuc'pslstatts
the res-uU f the con en'iou and their
choice nf the two candidates nny have
a strong influpiico on tli > rti"n day.
Iho oiginiz-ttiou l.a < 30,000 men
bound tcqethir by utrm-g fraternal
tie ? . The ntnuber of delc a'ps will
bever 800 and as a maj ri'y diotites
BO Iho entire or2 'ii3itijn will voio.
SpecUl Ulsutttch to Tll lirp.
WjisuiNGToy , At'gu t 0 , 10 p. m.
Commander Ya'O * , of the Alliance ,
telegraphs from St. John's , N. B , as
follows :
Paymaster Geo. E. B lushmin died
af sea of apopl xr , i n tie : 4 h ; tune i-
d * ur1 > Itnd th remain. Will be
atHaf-.x ! r n the 20la. The deceated
Wets A natu o of Viruisiia.
Tha fd'owit g tt-Irgrams nore ra-
ceived a the war office thia moining
by mail from Chicago :
SAX ASTOMO , Tex. , Aug. 4.
AdJttantCcneral , Cbie go :
Tno fo Liwins ; has bonn roc oived
from E ulo ; Sprinc ? , dited August ' 3J :
Tiie Alcsicmi troopc , f' > r omo rens n
unknown to nitl l > ave ftirtedon their
return to Ohihmf ua , pas-ing opposite i
Quetmnny last ovmii-g. VittiriB , !
witbr 125 ti ir Q warriors , is again
across the liver , pa < nng no th to
wardg Vipgo pa-s. 3Iy troops ere
now laovng laoidlr to g-t in his
front. Dave orQoi-c < l 1C o. ui > ny < f
the 12i < .hih cavulry fr mi Stockton in
stmo d-rcction. The Indians are evi
dently striking f < ir the Quadeloupeaor
Sicramentos. [ iaigned ]
GllIEltiOX ,
Colonel , commanding.
Tha following is also from Col
Trievsrn via Fort Laavouworth -
uust In : In aisvicr to a communi-
cafton sent Col. Valle , commanding
ilia Mexican tro p , have obta'iitd thu
followm. ' information : He c nfirnn
the report of a fl ht with a portion of
his force and the at Pine
mountains , in which four Indians wore
killed , lie lot ono IUHII , killed , thro-i
won .ded , aud ton homes. He is
making a com hied movement on the
India- who arc in Sierra Filia , the
band pf which ring s at ri ht angle
with the Sierra Del Barrach , border
ing the river , llis entire forces con-
suU'rt of about tix hundred. Wjil
k ° cp up communication with him aud
will forward any news received.
Telegraph lin-a have bt-en down
and era siill working badly. In
Wash naton herd the retrojiade move
ment of Col. Valle is thought to luve
been c uaed by
in Meiico , c in-equsnt upon the elec
tion of Gon3 lea as prcaldent. In-
fnrmat'on rec ived htro indicates
< n ce'tm qur-
Urs at the election of Diaz's right
hhiid ma'i and a revohi'ioa is threKl-
encd. It is nut believed , howva- ,
that ihu revolutinn.s s w It be able to
m k'i tnuch headway . : i jirmy i
iv. I to tha new pa. . : - . ' and
the best of the pecpa in the cua ry
nre in favor of p - acts It ' * a < iid fiat
of the i-ffirt tn create civil strife , and
t at they are in ln gu with the dar
impltj filibusters The latter w lljhotv-
ever , ho taken cara of by our g 'Vern
ment and the Mexicans can no doubt
take care of their eide.
A private 1 t'or received hero from
Jack-onvlle , Fla , s\y-\ in rdhition to
the fiirgery at N * w York of the sant
tary bonds of the former city , that
an imDrt33i < 'ii ' { revails in Jacknonvillo
that Broijsou , the party nm'cr ' arrta ,
is not tie ouiy poison inrolved in the
transaction , and that othais will be
ircp icoted ehoald there be a full do-
Vilopment. Br.mson w s * captaiu
ou the pick-t division of confederate
rmv , tn i loshs nsjH arm at thu
battle of PiodtnrniiVa. .
builr for the Sivalinah , Gaud Ifow
York trade , ia to ba c installed at
Chester , Pa. . "Wednesday of next
week. M ss Fannie Casey , an accom
plished and btau'tful jotinc ludy of
August. * , Ga , will chr-stun tha Etenm-
th p , and will be aco-'inp n' d on her
v sa to Chis'er by a party of friend ? ,
mciudit g 1 .dies an 1 gentleman from
Auausta and Svanuah. The n w
steiim r u intended to carry COOO
bales of cotton
The raviu'cript of the democratic
campaign text b"ot , preparea under
iheauEpcss of the democratic con-
gressbnal coraaut'ee is now com-
lifted , aud his been takn to New
York to be printed It ia filled with
n review of the C edit Mobilic ; , the
whisky nng , the S nto Domingo af-
far ; , and other mitttrs It < s cr-'i-
inatcd that it w 11 makes a voluma of
COO pac" ) and -will bs issued on the
loth in book form.
THE rABDor : tEssioy.
The se-'Piin of the cabinet to-day
was devoid of any interest whatever.
Secre'ary Evarts and Poatm .ster Gen
eral Key weie the only cabinet officers
present The treasury was repre
sented by Acting Secretary TJptca.
The session of the cabnet : was tie list
rhar will be held until Friday of next
Tie president leaves early
for Cou ! bus,0hio.
Who Makes a Strong Plea
for the Colored
Men ,
Because They Were Our Friends
in the Rebellion ,
The Greatest Political Dem
onstration Ever Held
in New York.
The Next President Starts for
Special iUsrtch to The Bee.
NEW YOEE , August 7 1 m.
The recpptmn and ser ndo ten
dered la tt nidi1 , * o Generals fiarfield
nnd Arthur at the headtjuart-ra of
the republican nstmnal comnrittd wao >
th * lirgect d m M a r t'on ever wit
nessed in tl ia city. The avenue in
the v cini'y of the headquarte-s was
dedsely crowd-ri , umcu g tioiuprs ! ir
beicg a B rcn d-lejatiuii of l'B y * in
Blue , " abitit2i-0 men.bers of various
Garfitl' and Arthur cluLs and Dever l
sit guir eoc-et es. Tha rroms of the
commil'ee were filled wi h prominent
o'il ' 1 cans. Gen. Gaifie aarrived at
8:35 : p. m. ai'd v--is uretted with
three rousinc oh c > s Ho vsas "s-
corted by Sent'or "H ir" y to th"
front parli r , wh-1' itn u 'C' ute
to about < -ne hut d > pr"irir ent , i'i
ro"s. Shortly aft r B dele-ration
.ol red repuhlicinii , numbering iwo
hundred ni > d earning t rchts ,
marched no the nv uue &n I were
I > udly ch-end. T'eywero f1 w-d
by a number of uniforms 1 c'ub < car
in-vj lor-hes and headed by b nds nf
isij. " G. nerals GarBcld and Ar-
'hur sron appeared on the belc my
and were loudly cheered. Gtn-rol
Sharoo ii > trodii- General Gatficld ,
liDa o'o < us follow :
C > mr ! " - ft el" } , i i Uus and ftl'.owo'.tiiai t
o. X w Yt rk :
I cannot look inon 'hSsereat a'spm-
b nee to-inkht , nnd the'e. LI veterans
o have bien marc ting p 5f us , tm3
ten to thnsp words of welione fruia
mr cimrade ju t pjken witln u' ro
meuibering Jew grcit n thine it is to in this Uui n and be a pirt of it.
[ Cheers. ] This is Ifew York , and
justyoi.der , down by the Bat-ry ,
more than a hundred years ago , was a
youn ? student of Columb' * Col'r ' e
y out the ideas of the Am i1'-
cm revolutiona , union against tre son
and disloyalu , and bye aud-bjv ,
omz iuio th > > > rmy and on the s all"
f CJonetal Washington fightini ; the
batt.ej of the repu 1 c , and bbft re he
was uvfii'y-ono , letter that
c nt < < inpd Bverv nerm ot the coustitu-
ion cf the United States.
icholir , statesman , and soldier , ereat
chieftain of thoucht , was Alixanler
, and SQW Y > k made thu
Rlonous by his th'nlirg ,
and g vo a great contribution
to the ideas that nude t'te Union.
And hnre on this isltntl , the sc-ne ot
hi < triumphtthe Eoldiers of the Union
war , representing its idois of the
greatncaa of Union and glory , have
uddci a story tn the nn numont of
Washington , UamiUnu andtlie heroes
of the rev. lution. We should remem
ber to-day ihat we , by our meeting ,
stand as farad guards about the
truths f'rnil rh wo fought-and while
a man of ua is left to shako hands to-
cether we will stand by ihe grea truth
for wh ch wo fought. [ Loud ap lm-e ]
Comrades , some of theee truths haya
settled o deep'y in our hearts tint wo
can never f"ruet them. Iis'i to
mention tne gran i spirit of tha spirit
of the war. We gathered the boyo
from all the farm" , the shops ,
ilw homes , and places of business ,
and they wont out to the war , into il
and out of it. Like Henry Agt' < court ,
there is another tmng we thill over
remember , namely , our feliies that
fought with UG. When we began the ctrung'e , wo looked behind the
a-my of white rebela and taw 4,000-
000of lii-ck peo-lo condemned to toil
for our enemies , anH w- < found that
the henrts of th s 4,000,000 wtro God-
inspired with liberty ; they were
all < ur frii-nds. Wd BUW white men
hetriy ih ir fellows and fight to dts- [
Toy the Union , but never during that I
I'liisi and t rriblo war did yi u ever at o
a traitor under a , 11 ck ekia. Our
pnanners escaped from darkness 1
aid stirvation in prison , bu' ttiey
were n-ver afrai U ) go nit > a hbolc
man's o bin acd.isU for bread. In all
that per.od of ciis'resa , no Union s 1-
dier was over betr-.yua by any bltck
man nnd wo wi'l stand by thrse lldck
men ti 1 the rq lal sun of liberty , fixed
in the firmament of our c nstitu.ion ,
ahill ahine with cqiul rya upon ev
ery man bck an 1 white. In this
there is oi-lv in iiv dual justice. Like
the pn-t Tcnnyon :
"We rise nn ttcpping stones cf our dead
teh C" ,
To higher tilings "
T'i ' repuoltc rsc : on ctcppipg
stones of it * dei'l IJT I ina gre t
. - ' . . " 1 bftfr -
struggle to a urea - - <
life. We must iti i er or pis ,
a * soldiers , ns pitno P , a-iduv-roir
country a. * the rommou heritage & . , d
bl spinu' of us nil. l.j cnciUBi"iiGen. .
Garfi Id thanked the asemblage tor
the great ovnt on he ha 1 ro oivtd and
sat cown nmid great app1 use.
Gdn. Lojan w * tha ni'Xt who ad
dressed the assemblage. He dwi-lfc
chiefly on the ftct t-'a the coun ry
had bfcomgeat and prosperous u- >
dar the ret uolicxu administratii n a d
chanao was not thortf ra desi ab'e.
Ha p-ais- G-n. H < ncock aa a eUta-
man and eiUier , but rearettad that
of tht d-'mo-
he was a ropresantttivo - -
cratio par'y. It showrd , however ,
, that the pa'rty was improving , whtn
thfy had choEen euch a bravo Uai"n
soldier as thtir standard bearer. Thia
remark was received with langater
and great applaute.
C.EK. AKiuri :
was induced to come forwaro ificr ro-
peattd CAl's. He roturnsd thanks in a
few woida and said ho wished to awn
pl-tce to eminent speakers who had
come from a distance.
Sj.eaches were 'hen made by Jrdgo
Pionpont , Gen Bon. Hdrnson , Gen.
Aneon G. McC .ok . and othere. Af
ter which several campaign aonga were
rendered by the different oinsicg so
cieties present , and the reception
terminated about midnight.
QarSeM Eosevrari Bound
Ec Ul dbrsich ioTEi Brr.
NrwYoRE , August 7 1 am. .
General Garfiald will start ; on iin
homei-ard trip tnia jasrcirig orer tie
Erie road. A special train Trill 1" "
atT o'clock sharp. . The party will
consist of Lieut. Gov. Hoskins , Thos.
0. Platt , Richard Crowley , Frank
Hiscock , E. G. Latham and Gen. B.
F. Tracy , representing New York. It
is expected that the following named
will also be of the part > : Congress
man Conger , of Michigan ; Emory
S'orrs , of Chicago ; Gen. Ben Harri
son and Hon. Wm. McKmlpv.of Ohio
and 0. G. Williams , of Wisconsin.
The trun will make but few stngs
The New York party will get off at
H'irnel sville in the evening. From
Hornellsvtlle the train will proceed
over the western branch to Salaman-
lea , and thpnce ov r the N. Y. , P. &
0. read to Lake Chatiuqua , where the
par..y wi 1 r. stover tm-St > b < th. Gou.
G.irfield will bo present on Sunday at
th. ' reuoiDn uf the Christian commis-
sinn at Chatauqua lake , and will make
rem-rko , with Gen , Ciiut n 13. Fiak ,
Schuyler Colfax and George H.
RepubMcan National Committee.
Special Di i tch to Tbe Bee.
NEW YOKE , August 7 1 a. m.
The executive committee of the na
tional committee , preaidod over by
OhHirniin J well , mot jutt before
noon at the Fifth Avtnuo hotel , hear
ing delegations fr m several southern
at > tes as to the best means for cnrry-
ing c n the c < mpaicn in the South and
North Carolina , Virginia , Wtst Vir
ginia and Florid i. There were four
states that wat t d to be heard from.
About noontho committee adjourned.
Sena'or ' Hicks , < f Florida , being
interviewed i rt th southern situatioi
tt ted thatth p licyof tlte campaign
wfl1 ! to figKt wharovot liuht wa ? nt-ces-
sary. Tiie-pary was m ited and solid ;
there wis to bu no filtering , no seces
sion. Th-y w-to detPtm'n d to win
and thfy w uld win. Aa tor F orirla
republicans , they never werin bet
ter C'lilitii'ii for ft c ror'aign ' AU
p t aii'moaities ' had b en nuivd. thf
split in the party nundod tnd 1
wre e s < " - for fe e > riflict. In his
< pin-i n Fl Ti'dj , Vii"n t. VVost V r
( iin a Hud Ntirth Oatol r.tonght to b > -
s'lg'ain-din their rt-Bpoctivo appeslc
by the until u 1 cnmmitfpo.
Mixing : Mud
SprciaUVoritch lo IUB HiB.
COLOIBOH. 0. , August C , la. in.
The dt-nioor , tie fate n cii i > o i om-
mitte held a rn o iug hate j-est r t >
ti arr-iiiga do mla of the campaun
A con. mime , of which l\Ir \ Flmuan
is chaiiman , from the Ohio democrat
ic editors , aitod on the c m < iitee
on-i rpcorem-'t'ded l'io adi ption of
tha s1 p l mnt plan frr oi-tr
docununts Nnnn of the
of the the naeotins , wh'c'i was eh
are giv n t the public but it is learned
tha' 150,000 i-ocies have brnn oidered
irin edof h < Co'lcr ' sl'innl Canvaf3n issued by dis tfctod n pnbl -
cxn in t Mi F uirt-'emh Ohio district
against Gen. Ga-fie'd ' it 187J.
Kopubllcan Harbocuo.
Dt | iBtcr ca to THR Btis
BLOOMING ION . Til. . AugiM 7 1 a. .
m Arrangements have been cum- )
pi tfd fur .1 gn a * , r-publiran barbecue
mass mectinc at Bells FI w r , near
whuh throe railroeds m ° f-t , on Friday
of next week , to which ci'iz in rf
Ford , MuL-j'ii , Champaign , Livini- ;
st'Ui , DoWitt. Scntt and T..zowell and
other adjc nt cmntios are invited
It w'll be the first grand dennnstra-
tioa of the campaign in thia vicinity.
Srii-itor Ogleaby , Gov. Cullom and
others willfpoak.
Lockwood Withdraws. .
Special IXupalcnta The Bve
CLEVELAND , 0. , August G , 4 p. m ,
The withdrawal of C. 3J Lockwood ,
the bi'lters republican candidate from
this district waB brought about last
ni ht hy a bircain for hi * nominat on
for county officer. G r5eld is now
suopoaed to have put his friend Lock-
wood on the track to drive off TJWII-
aand , wliom ha dislikes , but filling ,
inrlucod Lockwood to withdraw.
About half the bolten threaten to
knife Towneend at the polls. Lock-
wood is cursed on all sides.
A Remarkable Contest.
Special Dupatcn to The Ueo.
DETROIT , Mic-h , August C i p. m.
0 L Spxulding , of St. J hns , v.aa
nominated for congress in the Sixth
dis rict of Micnipan latt night by the
r publicans. Tha nomination of
Spju'ding ' , who was a dark hoisebroke
a two day's dead lock on the 265 ballot
Dvid H. Jerome , who was
nominated for governor of
Michigan by the republican- ,
yestetday , is a native of the state ,
and a prominent lumberman and rail
way man of S g naw City , a man of
cltar record , great ability , command-
in proacnco and marked influence
The contest brtweon the six candi
dates was very cl"se , but was conduct-
o'l in a gentljinan'y ' manner , and was
the most remarkable over held in the
ATLANTA , Ga , August 7. Yester
day in tt.e democratic state conven
tion baMotmg VT.-H resumed for gover
nor , but the tiftsunth ballot
showed no chnncjo from the
tenth ttkon b fo.e adj < urnment.
Thursday evening an attempt was
marie to introduce i ther names to the
convention , hut fa led At the close
t'f ' the fifteenth b l ot the convention
took a recess. Upon reassembling
nfter bnllotma four timoa an adjourn
ment WHS tak'u till to-r'ay. There
KMS no materiel chinao in tha result f
ihe ha'lots ' , an both 'hp ( lolquitt and
anti-Colquict men cecm as determined
as over.
Tuo Utea Treaty.
Speiiil D'sratcQ ' to lha L.IO.
Los PINOH , C. 1 , August 4 , via ,
Li" Ci v Coi-nty , Ausjutt o
Ouo hjn'r d
and twenty Utic mir
-ir- and thirty-ex Wni'e River
MI VO tinned the treaty. The
C'l.ninitBion left jeuerdny morning
f r the vjuii hern UJP Ag-inry , under
in-1s-o-t of coini ary C , Twenty-'hird
mft.try , C pt P 1 command.
Oniet Ou ay gea by the mountain
tra-1 to join thecjmmis-ioners at fiat
point and asiat ia attaining tha con
sent of the White River Utea.
Col. Meachein will remain here o
< ako the census of the Uncompahgrs
Gan. JIcKenzie returned last night
from a ten d ya' SCMU to the Giatd
rivtr. Capt. Jones and S. R , 'IWor
of th pos office department at Wash-
ingLon arrived Thursday for the pur-
prso of removing to that ciiy the re-
mams of the late Secretary St ekman ,
of the Ute commisEion. They lei fc
yesterday by epscial conveyance and
will profcadiy reach WaahinBton in
sight liaja. {
CHICAGO Auguet 7 Gen. Sheridan
iseier cf fti stiff attoaded tha
soliteH reunion at Galesburg jester
{ Tiy - ? he "dancs wag fully SO ,
COOeche -rere de by Gov
= cr , > Hcr2. Lrnis ' , I-u--Vil -
Tanner Enters Up the
Fortieth Day Of the Fast ,
The Gritty Doctor Miserably
Weak and Windy ;
Recuperative A gents Ready to
Domesticate Hia Stcsnach ,
Special Dispatch to Iho Bos. ) > - < $ ,
NEW YOKK , August u' I p. m. Dr.
Tanner is reported in a precarious con
dition thia morning. He has been
sick and miserable lately , but is still
resolute. Dr. Gunn says that en
\Vedmsday 1-st ho visited Tanner
with the intention of advising a dis
continuance of his feat , but after
talking with him and watching with
him for a short time , he changed his
mind. Gunn believes that forty deya
of fasting under the excitement and
worriment which Tanner has under
gone , la tquirnlcnt to a fast of sixty
days under wholly favorable circum
stances. Dr. Gunn , whose opin
ion will prevail In the
emergency , siys he will have
Dr. Tanner breik hia fust to-moir"W
noon with diluted milk , two-thirdi
water and one third milk. If th s
should bo thrown on" the patient's
stomach , no will next administer ing
luvin , which is a prepara ion made
from the u'zz ' rds of dom-stic fowls.
If , on the oi her hand , the dilut d
milk should Toma'n on the stomach ,
he will allow Tiunur to eat eomo ripe
wat-rmelon , which , nn the conclusion
of his preu ua fast in Minneapolis ,
Tanner found to bo a most effective
recuper t ng apunt. Dr. Hammond
s iya ho vhinka Dr. T liner's fast hon-
st ; t * R } a'th n gh thHro have been al
iened fst < of longer duration Tanner's
is bet er a < itho tic.ited , aud that ho
has oiown thr a il ly of the human
HCU to go ai y consule u 1) length of
t ma n til-nit water. Hammond's
proposition to Tanner for the latter to
j < thirty rlRva wi'hout food , water
" cl'iducl , IM ihe ia 1 , is otill oper.-but
Hninmond hnjiQ' , tor the fastor'ssake ,
twat it will nit be ac-i-pted. Hammond
mend cars the -ientific nsu Is of the
fast are not what they should have
Theic ia no apparent clunge in Dr.
Tannnr'a cudition. Bo sud t a
phy ic'an thia morning who chaQvd
mm abjut tlio fit < f his clothes ,
"D.m'c you bothered , I'll sonn be
filling up on watermullons " Tanners
> uftwnngs are more intense each
hour , nnd ihere ere con'inuiu *
eruoii * ns from his stomach. 'If .Mi-
tno ripe fruits in nurket ,
jeichea , peariand grapeaand g.-spea.
Ic fays when he ge's h s Btomaih in
j ind orrev acain he thinks he will be
iblf I. ) e.u a Hj'Mre ' meal ev ry hour ,
and i 1 ba plad to e cape t' ' > o surveil-
pnco of doctor * and the public. A
chemical analysis of the fluid vomited
) y the faster shows conclusively ha
lie f.isl his been honestly conducted.
Io refuses to day to allow any tpec-
ators upon the gallery , but. at the end
> ( each h m1 descends to the
icain hall and walks once
iround the enc'o'uro so that all may
ce him. He r. quires no assistance in
ill thtsa w.ilkiand , his gait giv. s
mall indica'i 11 of weakness. The
ortiath and l st ay of hia becan
at noon. Dr. Tanner inaiata that
10 shall begin upon water-
nelon , but hia phys'ciana say
his would bo a'most suicidal and
ecomroond milk , beef , iroc and wine.
3e pirticularly requested laet night
hat w-itohers should now wtcu care-
ully his breathing , but gave no reason
or it. Ho slopat intervals , but
romited several times ,
ipoctul Dispatch to Tlio [ Ice.
IN'EW YORK , August 7 , 1 a , m.
Fanner WHS in better condition yes-
arday than ho lud b < ; en for two days ;
ht ii , he was mnra comfortable and
reo from pdin and slamich difHcul-
.ies. . Ho ia crowing weaker every
hour , and would not bo able to live
without food many days longer. The
chief came * of bi increased eaao yes-
erdayvvre said , by his
> e mnstard ba'hs which ho had taken
Chursd-.y and vesterday , which im
proved the cnndi'ion of his skin and
s irau'at'-d Ira whola bedsDnnng
the a'ly hours of lha morning thera
, TVro ff > ars of & suddun col aps ? , as the
'asting doctor had been extremely
reatleea during the greater part of the
night , and did not get four hours
sleep. Up to 4 a. m. ho was appar
ently In pain , but in the morning
Tanner succeeded in making every
visitor buhevo that the noteworthy
a'rugiile wi'h naMire would he brought
to a succesaful i nd. At 1:30 : ho vom
ited and retired for ten minute : , and
thia K&VO him moro dutress than he
liaa endured at any tima dufn ; the
fast. He was wakeful until 2io : a. m ,
when a rubber bl-nknt WBS thrown
over him , and until 3:30 : ho only dozed
at interval * , and ihan vomited again.
At 4 a m. ho drank fi ur ounces of
water , and vcnvlid it up. Ho then
tilked cheerfully for aw'ilo with the
watchers. At 4:30 : ho wa ajleeo , and
slept till 5:40 : At G o'clock ho read
the raorni g j"u-nal < , and then dozed
at inttrv-la u .ti725 ! ; , when ha took
a mustara bath a-id drpssud himself.
A. 8 o'clock he drink t rea ounces of
wat > jr , w ich he retained on his atom-
" , utirt thn B t in an easy chair with
blanket * ov r h's hg , wh-ra he
rested nearly a 1 the morning , sleeo-
ing once in a wlnla.
bhor ly of er 3 p. m. Dr. Tanner
dr nk two ounces of wal r , and then
i y don n hia cot He complained
ot fetl ng very tired , and soon after
vomited. At 3:30 : the Dpym-graphje
ta t wag apfiltwd , wnich showed his
condition to be very favorable , pulse
82 , recpira'.ion 13 , temperature 99 ,
weisjht 122 pounds Ha was pro-
ten ed with a boquatwhich seemed to
chejr Lira up. Ho walked down
stairs , and fter conversing with some
"f his viailora fat in an ante-room till
5:30 : , when he ordered a coach and
was driven to Central Park. Al 7:40 :
he returmd , apparently very tired.
Hetvakt-d up-staita , hcwever , with'
out sssittance and lay down on a cit
npaa window in the ante-room. At
S 30 he walked up to hia cot in the
balcony , and shortly after retired for
tha night.
A Lastins Stri > .
? scUl Djpiti 53 Iba Eee.
, August 1 1 . ' f.Hs
iers' : irii ccntjauw. Tie
manufacturers say at the present
prices , good workmen can earn from
§ 12 to S20 per week , and they are not
disposed to grant an advance from
S3 25 to 3 75 per case dstnanded.
About one hundred men are still nt
work on unfinished casfs , but will
hive to quit when they are finished.fjgj
Munitions of War Secretly
Sent from-America to
Regiments of Rod-Coata Nec
essary to Keep the Reb
els Down.
SpocUl Dispatch to itio Uee. ;
LojfDoy , August C 4 p. in.
Despite the activity of the English
ngfnts in the United Stales , whoso
business is to prevent the exportation
of munitions of war to Great
Britain , the government ia con
vinced from recant dispatches that
such importations are made , and that
recently there have been BOIUO heivy
shipments to Ireland. The ehip-
ments are made by the Irish-Ameri
cans secret societies organized by
revolutionists in" the states and have
become so formidable aa to waken the
government to action. It has
been n solved to increase the British
military f < rco in Ireland and every
elTort will bo ir > ado to detect and prevent
vent further importations. Three
regiments will probably bo ordered
thera soon , a d instructions will soon
be given for t em to keep a sharp
lookout for the landing or distribution
of orma or Avar materials.
Now Yorli Money ana Stools
WALL ST. . SFW YORK , A uit 6 , 1.3' > p m.
JKn EEa . .j3t(23 ( per cent ; exchange iiulst
L''iauf'aiW New i's . I09J
U61'i . 1028 Currency B'a . 125
USil't . 111 }
The s'osli nnrltet l < tirmnirlif'iicrxry higher.
1'ncts Btioue I an Rdijii c t J to 4 ? p r cnit. ,
m con pTttlMti yrstBHimV p if . TfH iti.i-
craH'iDc bin Nor liwe tern prei r.fd.
( uilo m $ are ibe blent bide :
WUT . 107J North\ve lem . B'j
Ccn. I1 . U I Northw-Btern pfa.2lf
A4.PT 1 . 15 > ' .P . a-J
Lacka atnia.t\V . 8l5 Jf. P. liM . 57
Iji.II . fclj Ohopt il . 74
Erin . 435 VYU . 1S61
Si Joe . SO } NJ cntral . 'Gi
Pt Jtcrfil . 73 | hiarfln . 2 J
LakcSLoru . 1'J W , 't L * PpM. . . 73
1C . 13l C. C , t kl . 7J
I.M . B7j JHcb.Ccutral . . Ufl ?
Wheat The marktti for grain and .
hog prootiits were quint , but pricts I
" ? hati 3n"ysceroUy ; JTo. spiing ad
vanced ; | @ § 3 and aold at38 @ 88c frr
August ; Sfg8GgcforSoptembc- (
ins at SSiSSSgcc'a for new , 88j ©
j c for Aug' st ; 86cfor Septsmbtr ;
8G : for October.
Corn Jc higher ; No " selling at
ii(335 ( o fir c h ; 35j < 335 c for
L usti r September , clus ni at 35 ©
35c ca-h , August or September ;
3jc for October.
( Ms Trifllo stronger ; No. 2 gold
at 23ic for new ; U-Ao for fid in
store , * 2323gc ] for August ; 23S23la
For September , closifg at 23 } c for
iVugust ; 23cfor September.
Kye Steady at Cts ! f..r No. 2 cash
and GJ ? @ GGj for August.
Uarluy Nominal.
Whiskv Steady at 81 Oi ) .
Mea-j Pork Advdic-d 10c per bbl.
and sold at QL' > 7015 80f-r Septem
ber , cioains nt S15 70 ® 15 75 for Au-
BUstS15 ; 72i@15 75 for September ;
515 3515 37A for October.
Lard UliEod at 87 25@7 27J for
cash or August ; § 7 27 © 7 30 for Ssp-
Chicago Live Stoct.
CUICAGO , Aucnat ( i.
Hogs More active and prices
firmer and 5@10c higher under the in-
fluuiifa of lii > ht receipts ; sales at
§ 1 G5S-180 for light packing and
shipping ; § 4 'lOfgo 10 for fair to estrs
heavy packing ; § 4 G05 00 for good
t- > choice em old shipping lota. Re
ceipts , 10,180 head.
Guttle The unsatif factory advices
fiom New York qiuting a heavy de
cline and liberal receipt here to-day ,
alsi P. largo numbsr left over from
yesterday , caused a dull and weak
feeliug with prospect of a heavy decline -
cline on medium. Shipping stock
wrra hold 115 off and only twoaaloi o |
good to choice graded at $4 40@4 Go
being aold up to 11 o'clock , and the
pens wore w'ellfill-d with stock. City
butchers did nothing in the way of
purchasing , and the markets were entirely -
tirely nominal. 11 ceipts1,580 head.
at. lioum Froauce.
Sr. Louis , August G.
Flnur Unchanged.
Wheat Dull ; No. 2 red , 9191g
forcwh ; 9191i@91gc ! frr Align t ;
88J89iG89c for Ssptcmbflr ; 80 ©
88 < 389ic for October ; 88.3(3885 . ( ©
88 0 for thn year ; No. 3 do , 8G@87o ;
ISo. 4 do. 8284c.
Corn Dull ut 34c for cash ; 32o
for the year.
OatG Stcadyat 21JS22c for caah :
21ofor August ; 22Jc for September ;
22c for October.
ilje Quiet at Clio bid.
Butter Uncharged
Ecus Higher at lOjQllic.
Whisky .Steady n' S03. \ .
Pork Quiet at glo 25-
Dry Sad Meats Unchanapd.
Bcon Firm at § 5 655 7535 20(3 (
8 25@8 C2J.
L rd Nominal at 37 20.
R-ceipts flour , 5,000 bbls ; whe t ,
09,000 bu ; corn , 31,000 bu. ; oab ,
10,000 bu. ; rye , nouo. Sh p-ncntB , 8,000 bbla ; wheat , 215 000 bu ;
corn , 8.COO bu. ; oats , llOOObu.Rye ; ,
1,000 bu.
St. LiOUlS L.1VO StOCfc.
ST. Louis , August , 6.
Qa'ot ' ; Yorkers and BaVi
mores , $4 60S4 70 ; packing , 84 60@
480 ; butcher * , § i 80 < 3o CO. ship
ments , 1,700 head.
Produce Market.
AllLWAUEEE , August 6.
Wheat Advanced jc and closet
cteady ; hard , 8115 ; No. 1 Milwaukee
SI 00 ; No. 2 do , 95Jc ; cash , 89 c
September , SS " c ; Octobsr , 86jc ; No
3 do. 79c. . "
Corn Firmer bat quiet ; No. 2
Sojc.daisQuiet at 24c. Quiet K ic.
EarlBr DulI ; Kc. 2 ryris , Tls.
Another Human Butoter Goue
to Condole With Cox.
The Penitent Pietro Balbo
Expires on the Gallows.
A Villainous Mongolian Gambler
"Robs and Eips His Victim.
An Insane Mother Poisons Her
self and Nine Chi dren ,
with Fatal Results.
Tno Wife ilurdererHnngoU-
Special Dlnpatch to Iho Btc
NEW- YORK , August ti i p. m.
Pietro B.lbo was hanged , for the
murder of his wife , at the Tombs , at
8lii o'clock this morning , lie died
fearlessly and bravely. lie made no
statement on the pal'oas. After
Ba'bo t artook of liaht supper last
night , ho commenced to write out his
autogiMph for deputies of members of
the press , chatting pitas uitly all ihe
time. At 11 o'clock ho did not want
to sleep bccatiso ho would only dose
so and wako n ith a start. Ho retiicd > it
1 :30 : and commenced to crythrowirg
himself upon hs cit. At 1 a. m. ho
arose and prayed nlonc. At 3:15 : reci
ted prajors wi'h the priest , nfter
which ha wnlked up and down thec < r-
rider , receiving spiritual conciliation
from two ministers. The rest of the
morning WBS spent raojtly in prsyer.
Balbo appeared firm ai , < l dignified.
Miny Ita'i ' < ns attended hia funeral
frcm Park Place.
From an rafly hour this morning
crowds of u-cp'o at embled in ihe
vie nity of thn Ti m s pns n in antici-
pition of the ext-ctri- of Piefro
B lbo , tH- wife m'lidfivr. A la g
forca of polio' ' , necfss ty t niiinta-n
order , wa prtsen' , and a great num-
r of It.iliiin men , vnmeu nnd chil
dren wire in the crowd. B.t'hci It-it
his c 11 f < r the fidlowe at C o'clock- .
IIo wai very P lo nnd his ! ijs im vul
in prayer bs lu t ok hia vn 'tii n.
under the rope. His > .n * had bn
pinioned in 1 11 coil. TLe u < aa < vis
placed around hts neck , and iho black
cio upon hts hyad. Hit Inn ° s da p > d
an ebonycrucffix en thiaffold. . Tne
priests and the condemnc d mnn pray
ed in unison for pardon , and u nn ris
ing Balbo bejan praying : n Ittli- ;
asking for ivcnf-s for hnns If mid tno
wife he had mu tiered. The black-
cnjrJms thwui - -t"rrrl-TltTrTi" \ 'i ( , . .
ace oy the hangman , who
d the liO3o ; and left the ec3U * ' > id , dis-
ppearing heh nd a board screen ii the
orner ot the p'ison yard * An i'li'm t
ati-r the aunal w < is civen and Bal-
io'a body shnfc up rapid iy n8ct'.i'ii.i. ' ,
is feet liant'in live feet from tht
rnund. There were several c < > imi'-
i-ve motions of thp l jja and his olios'-
iCAVtid a few tiiwa after xvhich ull
wai quiet. Life was txtinct in 10
minutes. Doith rcsuHcd fromstianij-
lation the neck not beinsj broken.
.tter IianL-ing 21 minutra the body
was 1-iwtrod into the coQin. Balbo
Vds 22 years and 7 monthi jUl. His
dy was "iveu in clurgt ? of hu coun-
Suicide ana Murder.
pecUI Dlapiilch to Tliu Kec.
NE\V YOKK , August 01 p. in.
ra. An Amoricus , GA. , special
ays : Wednesday evfiiiij Sirs.
Vtiodaon D. Gunnull , the wife of r.
vt-ll-tn-do farniar , ailuiini-tsred tnor-
hia to herself and nine c'liUren.
'he mother and three cbildrua died.
Irs. Gumipll left a note saying aho
vas not actuated by any domestic
A Murderous Uongoliun.
pccbl Diepatcb to Tins BBS.
NEW YOKK , August 0t t j > . m.
Juitnbo Appo , son of a notorious Chi-
: ese murderer , drank , ft-imbltd and
arrelled with a young man named
Jharles Collins , Kst night. Ar > [ -
was an expert at care's ' and won rll < f
Jollms' monoy. The latter eaid he
ras cheated , and the Chinaman
lunged a knife into hia abdomen ,
ipping his victim open in a honibli :
manner. Colliua ia now on hh de th
ied. Appo is a nctpd desperado , and
IBS served a nnrabsr of terma in
risnn. Hia father cut rpen the heart
f Jjmo3 IVojley in 1870. Fifteen
ears ajo l.c assassinated h's wife.
Io is at pro-flit under lifo sentence
u Sing S ii' ' .
A Drunken Wanlno
ipeclit Dismtch to The Ecc.
NE\V YORK , August 0 , 10 p. m.
TohnC H < rsch , tw nty-two years of
ge , shot himself thia mornint ; in a
bagnio on West Thirty-second street ,
ho ball penetrating hia brain. Hcrach
was living at liataccounti , but unaou-
cioua , and is probably dcvl ere this.
Papers found upon his parson indicate
that he is an employe ot the Erie Kail-
way company , and reside either in
Patterson or Pasaaic , N 3. Hersch ,
with a companion , was on a drunken
t > o l t night , and whtn in a saloon
on Thitty-nrct s'reot , go ; into u r > w
with the brk-eptr and fired a pistol
shot at him , then r.m out and und at
tempted to force an entrance into
several hU'es in thn vicinity. In one
home he succeeded ia pry ng open the
window-bl nds and fired several ah tj
at an inmate who prevented hia * en
trance. At another kouso , after the
door had been summed in hia face by
one of the women , he leaned over tje
railing to the pirlor window and tore
open the shutters and went in , pas-
ng to the rear room ou the puri > r
floor , -where he placed a revolver lo
hLhtad and fired.
Murderer Caught.
CHICAGO ; August 7 1 a. m. The
police yesterday arretted one Divd
E O'Neil , a young rough , who ia pos
itively idontined by Mrs. John alc-
Mahon as the bu'glar who murdered
hrr husband Tuts'lay nurcinz. Ho
trembled t-rribly wlun taken before
her , bnt afterwards denied the crime.
Officers say they have iho test of
proof against him.
Trazecly Over Politics.
Sfedil D ! prtch to ThBe .
ATLANTA , Ga. , Att ust 7 1 a. ra.
Night before last 51. E. Thornton
was attacked by Frank Gordon , son
of ex Senator John B. Gordon , and
received a severe gash on tin head ,
Thornton is & journalist , and fa charg
ed by Gordon with the authorship ot
aa irticle b s& < ! ou a report to th - > e -
tfcai Cyras W , Field ? 2id Gen
Wholesale and Eetail
Goods sent to any part of the United States on
solicitation , Largest assortment of
And everything found generally in a flrat-
claas Jewelry Store.
Jfttclry manufactured on short notice. Orders from
flu * Country solicited. ITIicnln Omaha call and see us. No
( rouble to * hoiv CI <
Tii < > ,5civf ! < re. Opposite thcPostolIice. 15Hi & Dodjje.
! > nin"i tfi < fiiliwHt't fttiHirl.itbfo , the signaturr * of itfurit atn b <
, , f , .rt v ; J/tlJ.r < . jKA bl HY Xiioy , 'l I'lM St , Xcv Yvrk.
Fur tht pnst few years wo hao sold variousbmida of Poryua Pln ter .
Physicians and the Public prefer
In all others
We c"H8 der * h m "no of the very few reliable hnurhoM icniedftfi wcrr'hy tit
c"uliiljiio . They are superior ttt all vihcr J'oruiw Plasters or Alcdicinufor
J''fteihi'J 5C.
dnu $20,000 to helo curry the Geor-
p'a eel < ! ! n for his brTther , Juice
Fiexl at 'In Hmcinna i c
and tint > niteiul of a tvi citing
fln. . < 'ordn rrs 'l ' 'h * Gerui
et ton : C-U-IM to supoorc B y rd.
I w B tfat the attorney a of
Mr Fi VT r cnieavLnng to secure
the 5 ' 0 , < flQ.
Kl led for r n Old Quarrel
LitrtB BOCK A'k , August < " , , 1
a in A * 0 dt" n. Gtriflmtl c un
ty , 3 f i w < Kv siuc Jnhn F. Kince-'s ,
an nr of Strtg t .t Co , of Indian
ap < lij , wis kill , d by Cavin ! Siiuth ,
a's" of 1 ( ' * - s , hv blowj on his
kull w it h wj-3 ctu-hcd in. Uoth
were eni-ajf d in getiirg oat valuable
tm'Hr ' ami ii ! d a qiurrel of two or
ill'C 1 ye rt ft .Il < liu , nriuiii&tinc in
a\--\ \ " ' ' 8 rr * . in > tth : rcd ; to ea-
c pe but wS3.xjte3ted and jailed.
beatancscl to Sing Slnff.
Sp * ! 3l UixjiMtci to Tt.e n.'u.
KBW Y PK. A'-gtMt 0 10 p. m.
J. TJ'yd ttj jh * ' , well Lnumi in so
ciftyt'ithts cicy and Brork'yn , and
il.o C' n'rntnr for the E at river
wlosj : forgeries caused the
a of the Gr cers' bank of
this city , was to-diy sentenced to the
stale prison for four ye ra at hard
Lynn Blezo.
"pocfal l > ii tub la TU l > e.
LVSK , JJLtss , Auuat ( " > , 1 a. m.
A ) ir ) yc-sor ? : vy murning destroy d
P. J i'l-sar/3 shoo inanufactcry ,
Thotnai B" ' a * , bu.x factry , and Ed-
wnrd lit tFuer's wholesale Ihpjur ea-
tablishmnntjSeveral other buildings
were diinagud. Lots about S40OCO.
Who Wo. o They ?
Upcclit .lifl-ntcb tu The Uec.
WAhinxuroN , August 7 , 1 a. m.
A diif i was fought yestarday n eon
in a vucan * tie'd near the b'oldiera *
Elonio. Tha afiair was conducted
with mncb eecrpsy. One shot was ex-
chaiiccil , and one < f the dtielistB was
wounded in fieri ht arm , after which
th ; Ttrnciiab chouk hands and the
piry : drove off in carriages. The
pirttts are unknown.
Now Yorle Produce Marko * .
XLW YOKK , August 0.
Flour Iu baker's' f.ivor ; very mod *
crate eipi't * nd hunio trade demand ;
rvcHii tst23 271 bu ; rnund hoop Ohio ,
SJMO T.'i ; choice d. S3 80(37 ( 00 ; super
fine wt-jcem , Sa75'p i 50 ; common to
food extra d. > , Si'i."iOU ; choice do do ,
&S G7 ( ! ( 00 ; choice whitj wheat do ,
\Vhtvit Red | @ic better ; moder-
stoly active ; whuo cfull ard wmk ; No
2 rt-d , AiiiUBVl ( OH j ( l OQ ; d Sep
tember , SlOHi : do UctohcS10'4 ;
Ko. 1 wht'e , heptrmber , SI 08 ] .
C rn Kavy and about o lovrnr ;
mtse 1 western , spot , iu@-lt > c ; A' > fu
ture , 4 > J < 3oOc.
On Dull and weak ; western , 3'J
In inJera e djmind at mi-
cfc inacd prtcs. .
I'ork Firmer ; new mess , § 14 37J.
A shade firmer ; etcam reu
Butter Unchangc'l.
' ChetsB Very strong , at SQioJc for
poor to chiiico.
Beat Sijtalo Transfoni.
Otto IV-eland wi o t. > Jr > 6pph Van-
vous. w d. iyts 15 a'-d 1G , bLck14 1 ,
tit ? of GfdiitHie.v 6700.
bm > tfi Saufid-rs and wtfp to Fred
Kriifr , w. A I 1 1 , block 176 , city of
Fr.-'J'-ri-'i ' : 15. L wo to Andrew
GVi-le , w. d. 1 ts 25 and 2& . block 2 ,
P rk I Ive , citj ft Jm h S450
J. J Drown aiid wife to O. D. P.
asoci&i in , q. c d. C acres in swj sec.
3 , tp. lo , r. Ue SI.
Spanish Outraetes.
ti.TltS U Z. .
> " , August 7 1 a. tn.
Tha reason tluv the Spani.-h oatriges
yafa no ? ci C'lased t yesterday's
canine' inset n W H bjcr.usa the en-
t r.s m > t tr has b n turned over to
the secretary of state , who wil pro
ceed to condac' an investigation ac-
ccrdiitjt' * lii or.-'i ideaa. When the
coctroversj renrh a thai point where
cz'-inel action b n w'ei the secret iry
will proceed to apply to the cabinet
for a final deci-ion cf the matter ,
probably at tie 11 it nvoting.
Thts Brliaiourl Klver.
It seems probable thit tha river
keep a batter sti e oE water aa the
country abovu settler up. As ft IS
now racsfc of tha prairia in the coan-
try drained by the upper 3 srur : :
. is burned off in th fill. Then shft
first hird frost freezes the ground > I-
id. When wirm ; wrUhor comes in
the spring ihe snow on thia burned
Mid h ird-frozen prairie raelta raoi * -
Iy , and rura tfl'us it melt * .
There ia a ru-h of water in the smH
stream * , and then in the Minwuri
for a few d 3r , and then the BmH
stro > ms and the river go don n. Atf
I tbo c untiy gf I lea up thera will bn
less burning of the prairiea in th& full ,
and it will not be long , with the pres
ent i in m gration boom , teforo r.ei-rly
aJl the prorie twss will ba lett till
sprinjj. When ihe snovr melts among
the grass only a email psrt of it runs
dirtc'ly off into the streams. Most o ?
it eoaks into the ground and pat'Cfl
slowly iulu tha etreann through tha
springs. /
The Sioox City -l.iii > n > > ' : r , < \
this subject instances - small river
draining a prairia country in south
eastern Dakota. A mill built on this
river was troubled for lack of water
for a year or two after it was bnilr ,
while the country further up stream
w.i3 m. btly imsoitied. When settle
ment came in , and prairia fires mostly
hopt out , there was water enough for
the mil ! during a summer with lesa
rainfall than during summers previous
when tha wated had been low. The
miller attributed it into the stream ,
getting mnro from the springs.
In a timbered country it ia different.
There the most constant stage of water
ia iound before the land is cleared.
When mnut of the timber is taken ofi'
many small streams go dry in summer
that had water tha year round pre
viously. Another point that will help
out the summer stag * of the Missouri
i * the increased rainfall after the
country is opened up by farmers. If
a generally admitted that cultivating
land and growing timber will in
crease the average rainfall. The
rapidity with which the Upper Mis
souri valley is settling up must begin
; o show in the summer stage of water
n tha liver within the next few years.
Tha time may not be far distant
when numerous of the larger branches
of the 3Iiasriuri will bo navigable for
steamers. Ktvera in the states east
which drain a much smaller area of
country are navigable.
Undoubtedly the beat ahlrt In the
United States is manufactured at the
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
of Material and workmanship , corn-
Dined with their great improvements ,
: hat is Reinforced front * , Reinforced
backs and Reinforced sleeves , makes
their shirk the most durable and beak
iitting garment of the kind , over
manufactured. Head the following
low prices :
Our Fine WhitShirt' Jt 25 1 60
Our xtn Une " 1 75 2 00
Our Imputed Cheviot tliirts 220 Z75
Our 1'et.ang " 25 276
Our " " Clisvfot 17 200
( ThM me mxl * on whit * bodlw )
rrttent. F'-rm'r.
Our Imp rtcif 1'tmanc ami Che- *
vlot wiih oil a n attichcJ , alno
on White Vr leg 1 M ) a 00
Also a flim uurkioif Blurt for 1 26.
Keno but Wamsutta Muslin and
best Linens used.
The above prices include Laundry-
ing , a diccoitnt allowed when otherwise
An additional 25 canta ia charges !
when made to order.
Omaha Shirt Factory , 1207 Farnhatn
street , near 12th street.
Music hath charrrn to sooth the SIT-
agoDr Thomas' Ecl ctric Oil hath
cJMrms to sooth a ccu h , cold , sere
throat , diptthoria , rheumatism. lamn
back , etc. Do yon know anything
jhout it , If not It about time you did.
Hamburg Flz3 2oo a bor.
Stata ot Xehratki , Douclia County , a :
At i County Court held t tha CounSTCour *
room. In and for e ! d county , July 2CJ. A.
D. , 1650. Pres-snt , Willljm O. E rthocra ! r -
Countv Judge , tn the matter o !
On r idlnjr and filing tha petition if Mir ?
E. Tratniti. [ jrajli'ir Hut vJmaIrtr ! tHin cf It *
entire f * l F docca * ! my do grmtctf to B > rca
Ordered that Angmt 25th. A D. , 1353. * * .
9o'cIocV , .ra.beaB lncd f'jrhwrinzw'd petition
uhdn allr riODh intorefcd to 33'd nutter my p
p - r at a County Con t to ho held. In and for 9 11
county , ami clitw cause why tbo prayer of oeti-
tiooer sb u d not be croat-d. ind that rotlco of
the p ndency of uuJ petition and the heirlnc
thereof bd Ivcn to all fxraons lntmtetx in 0alu
mitter. ' by publMil tf copy if this ordtr In th-- .
OMAIM V.'rantY B : . n- ! p * r prmt d in iid
cpuntT. for thre su'-e * lvew < ; * ! a rnor to IMS
' '
t' ] W . 0. BARTHOLOMEW.
JyfcSwit CountyJmla- .
Wtit 4 rrltsh , pilntlfl3 : , i = 5i E.T.Wntst.
defend int.
Bfor ChiilM Br acfe , J-jJtto of ti POM ? . 'jt
Omihj. Dougl Co. , Keb.
- - - -
Oitha icthdy .